II5" (5 ( THE OMAHA TjftlLV Bftfc : TIIUtlSDAY , JUNE 30 , 1802 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Thcro Was Not Much In tlio Way of Hews Yesterday. WEAKNESS DEVELOPED LATE IN THE DAY Crop 1'ronpcctCoiitlnuo Hlirl'ly Favorable nnil llic iuropr-iin : Outlook I * Still I'lattcrltiK New Wicat from Kuniiiii on tlio lluiinl. OniCAOO. 111. , Juno 20. There was not much In tlio way of news today , but n fooling of firmness pervaded most of tlio | > tts during the early part of thu scsilon , but there was some woakncst Inter In tlio day , when uart of tlio gain was lost. Nour tlio close , liowovcr , everything took n turn-tip and tlio close was Konorully strong. The ro.tson for tlio strength In wheatwiis not very clo.ir us cable * wore lon.o lower anil domestics quiet. Crop pros- peels continue ) highly f.ivorublo and Kuro- poan proipectH uro ntlll Mattering. Tlio firc cur lo.id of now wheat arrived from ( outliorn Kansas tudny nnd wiis of nno qual ity. TholmrvcstliiR Lett la steadily extend ing utul the yields ; ire reported fairly up to expectations and the quality IssuporbOne report from Kurmi Oily said that the crop of Kansas would cxceoJ SU.UO..OOO bu. . or 25.000,000 bu. In oxcosi of last year , but this was not credited. There wiis very llltlo wheat for sale and tliu demand wns not urgent , though fully omul to the offerings. Tlio receipts were fair into quantity but unusually poor us to quality , ax of tlio 13) ) cars inspected Into Mori ) only one car graded contract. llradf-tri'Ot'H reported udcereaso during the Insl i-ok In tlio aval.iililo supply east of thu Hoi-kief of 1,22-MiOJ bu , , whlio tnc 1'aclllc coast l.t reused l.'o.OjO bu. July opened at 781J.O ngalnst 7U ! c nt the close yesterday , advanced fctottdlly to 7llJc ! , weakened to 7 ! > e , prow dull and llrnicd up at tlio close and closed at TOi.e. ! Corn was strong und higher ourly. but sub- Kcquently loit most of thu Improvement. July marled unchanged at 5U ? o and ad vanced to M4e. ! but the higher prices tempted hollers and checked buying , and there was a reaction to Ale. The market remained quiet and weak till Just before the closo. when Itfult the directs of the general strength and rallied to and closed at .Mite. In the early dualities oats wont up sharply on the strengili In corn and dl couM.glngcron reports , but like oilier tains failed to hold tlio advance. The mar ket grew excited on true buying near Iho close and closed strong from Jfe to lo higher. Provisions sympathised with tlio early strength In grain and made good advances , but at Iho topsomo longs attempted to roal- Ire prulllii and the market went olT sharply , later there was a rally and the close showed imnll gains. Kstlrmitcs for tomorrow ! Wlicnt , 153 cars ; corn , 450 curs ; oats. 210 ears ; hogs. 110,0,0 head. Tnc lending futnrosirun.'ed us follows : IIKIII. IOW. CLOSE. WHEAT No. 2 June 70 I 79 July AiiKiint Cults No. 2 June .Inlr MM 61M Kept 111 4 M OATS NO. 2 June 111B" July Kept B" iti.m route July n no II 4U n UK 11 CO I.A mi- July (187H ( r. ' )2 ) ( IM CM ) kept 7 oan I 111 700 718 EllOIIT HIIIK- July 78Hi 7 40 725 7 35 . ticpt. . 7 8' h , 7 40 735 7 .17M Cash quotations were as fnlluws : 1'i.nnnHull nnd unchnnncd ; wluior nat- ( nt.JJ.'lffM 'J ! winter slrallH. i3.TUi34.lU : sprlnc DutcnlR , ifl.loCt4.Mj spring straits , * 4aj4fJ.IO ! hai-ors' . laoocciTA. WIIHAT No. a spring , TiJJSe ; No. a spring , Tie : ND. ' . ' red. file. Uoii.v-Stondy ; No. 2 , 51Ue ; No. 3 , yellow , ( IHie. OATS No. 2 , 3l ? c ; No. a white , 35 > ie ; No. S while , 'Mr. UYK No. > aT < Jc. IlAiti.KY No. tf , COe : No. 3 , 48c ; No ; 4 , 39e. l''t.AxSKii : ) No. 1. ll.ucii. TiMOiiir SitKD I'rlino. * 1.TI.T. : ) roiiK-Mi'Bs. perbbl. . 81I.O./ ll.t7H : : lard , per 100 His. , iM.ST'.WO.l'O ' ; fliort rlbo sMon ( lee u ) , f7.iiffl7.37)J : ! ) : dry s.iltcd shoulders ( boxed ) , f0.aj UU50 : short clear sides ( boxed ) . S7.7.r > . WIIIBKY niitlllotb' llulshoa woods , per ii. B Unclianscd : cut loaf. , ' , ' ® ; : granulated , 44c ! : Ftsinilnnl "A.4ic. Hecclpts and slilpineiilH today were as fol lows : On Iho 1'roducooxclmngo toilay the butter innrkct wasslroim ; croamcry , 15G20c ; dairies , iy17c. Now York . NEW VOIIK , Juno 20. I'l.ouit Kecolpts. 19.212 pkss. ; uxporti ) . lif > -'l.'l lib's. UOOO sacks ; hlcndlcr. moro acllve ; sale . 2."i,8JO bbls. COIIN MIAI : < Klriu. peed demand. WHEAT hcccluiH , 14uoubu. : ; exports. SSiSfu bu. ; bales , llli.uoo bu. of futures : 1H.OOJ bu. of BIIOI. Spot Rloady , quiet : No. 2 red. S'J ' o In more and elevator : 01 iett ! io ntloiit ; . , . on the dccrenseil supplies pliown by the llr.id- ilrcolstaluincnl und stronxcr innrNets. There was u decline of J ® ' , ie on lalo private entiles. DOBlor and realizing , closliiR steady and un- cliiinxcd from .yesterday. Trad In ; , ' was of a locil : swltchlnt ; order. No. 2 red Juno , 80 IMC ® closing atllllJc , Hvr. Klrin , ( inlet : western , 83SDo , M ALT Dull , CoiiN UccelplH , 117,803 bu.i exports. 7f03 bu. : K.-ilcs , lu.l0) ) bu. futures , 12 > , ooo bu. spot. Kpot fair y aetlvo and stronger : No. 2. Oi < iiOJJo ! In elevator. OJiW/So ( ullou ; ungraded , tilJ4c , Opt ons weru generally lower early on In- creiiEulu llr.ulslreet's and lower cables , ad- vnnced Mltooii ) . llBht receipts mid closed - ( Stic , elimliic at . OATS Kecclpth.dl.noobu.i exports , 12.\0001iu. : Bales , IJO.OJo bu. of fuluies , n.uoo bu. of snou Knot mtirket iiioderatoly uellvo and Irruunlnr. Oitlons | dull hut stronger : Julv. a } iitMic. ( ' ploHiiii : ntasses Aimim , : i7)iOi7Sc. ) : eloilnjs' J. . c : tiupti-iiibor. h7iaa7ic ! , eiosint ; at S7c : No. it upotwlilto. 4lftllUo ( ; mUed wovturn. M4 ! ® nlilluektiirn. . 4ixai7ci No. 2 white , Olil- i . lUv sli'iuly but nulot , lloi'S-Qulet ; btulo. common to choice. 103 SOq : 1'iielllo const , UK2:25c. : HUOAII Itnw , fair y aellvo : musrovHdo Urnii centrlfiiKti H lower ; fair rullnln . 2 ia-IOo ; aun- tntiiKalH , ( Hi ic-st , ' at ! iic ! ; KiiU-H , 7soo baus cent rifuifiil8.IHl test , at ajiusM-'O bass molubso * mean icllncd fairly uctlvuand linn , Mot.AR KK > ! ( > roifu. ! Dull ; Now Orleans , Rteady but dull ; common to fancy , 25JW3e , KICK Aillvo. ru-iltoi.KUM-Sloudy ; United , no sales. , OoTTONHiiKi ) Oil. Dull aud otisy ; urudo , 20o ; TAu'ow-lQulet nnd steady ; city ( $2.00 for liosiN Dull but Hluudy. Tuni'KNTlNK.-Diill at a' < K Uo. -'ins 1'ulr ' nnd fancy In moderate supply d llrm ; 1'uniiNvlvunlu , ivOisUoi wubturn , prime. UQlQc. Moderutu Ucnmnd , flrmj old incis , CUT MKATs-Btront ; plokled hollies , SesUc : inlddlov , ( Inner : short clear. 8.07t. ! liAltu Opened atronK , closed easy ; wosturn "lean , ciuiud nt 7.M : July. K.I7 ; AUKUSI , 171'77' * ' cl ° 3li > " ut . HUTTicii Moderalu demand , strong ; westnrn dairy. Uttltie ; weklern cienmcry , Hii.-'e ; wesit-rn fuutoi-y. IWlsjjot Klein , 21H2.V. CiiKEKK-Moiferato ' dumand , stoudyj part I'id llios yuleli Aiiiorlean , tN.i Coi'Mtu-Ilulli lake , fll.TtiOll.ba LKAli-KIrm ; doniesllc. fl.1Viil.VO. TIN alf udyi tltiills , ( 'i.isS21.va. I.lteriunl | Mnrkuti. Livuiii'OOL , Juno ' 0.-WniAT-8toadyi do- iiiand poori Holders nffur inodvrutelri red wtwiern Nnrliir. f 7dfK m uur coutali No. S red winter. C 0idao ! l < d. CoiiN-Steady ; duniuiid poor ; mixed west ern. 4 Uid ! pur cental. IUcn.v-3.SHCd per ev t. for lone nnd short oci.r ! mlddloH. ulout A5 lb . { Us lid for Ion" clour middle * about 4S Ibs. LAUD I'rlino we. tern , isis Fd per cwt Cnttuu NEW OULEANR. Lar Juno 20.-Quloti mid- dilniiin ! low inlddlliic , oii'iru ; iiood orut < iiury.03.lCc. Net rvcelpu , : rf ! bules ; Krosit > .8 buli-ki vxouru to Uteiit Ilrllaln. i'.Mj bac ! < ; loiittwltf. CIO buliM ; kiileis tA ) balca ; utook. 1-O.tNi luif , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oinnha 1'ruiluru .Murlu-t. notir ltreliu ; | liberal : general inurkot. 12u. llirrrcu-.l'acklii ; touK. If U < HK | , lliitio : riiiuli lou of ultra eholcu mock to letull trade , r.viiij. 1'oui.Titv Good old hem. ajfoi rootter * . low. fcej nurliitf chicken * . t..5 ttl.OA tta , LTC.-NO. i vrocu btdoi , 3o | No. 1 crccn nailed hide * . 3 ! < ci No. 2 ercon suited hide * . 2'Jci Nil. 1 Rrccn siltrn : hlitc-i. " \ to 4J Ibs. , M'icj No. 2 Rrccn salted lildoi. 25 lo 40 Ibs. , 2 c : No. 1 vc.nl calf , 8 to 11 Ib * , . , Co ; No. - ' veal calf. 8 to I. " , Ibi. , 4e ; No. 1 dry nint hide ? , 7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , Kcl No. I dry salted hides 0-ano. Sheep I'olts-Urccn united , o.ich , 3 > ca 11.25 ; Rrccn salted shearing * ( short woolcd early skln ) each , IS2.'ic : drshearlings ( liort woolod early skins ) No. 1 , cnch , .MMOoi dry flliciirllne ( short woolcd early skins ) No. 2 , cnch.tc ; dry flint Kansas nnd Ncbrasku butch * er wool i)0lt8 ) , per Ib. , acluttl wolxhl , lW214Hc ; dry ( lint Kansas and r 'ebra < tun inurrnln wool pelts , per pound , n'ctitiil welclit , E12c ; dry flint Colorado lintclirr wool polls , nur nouml , ncltml wotxht , I00l3tc ! dry Dint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , SfalOc ; dry pieces and luckt , actual wctuhl , 7 9c. Tallow and ( lroa o Tallow , No. 1 , ilVB 4c : tallow. No , 2. 'lit'lUoi urcimo , whlto A , Il'-io ! croaio , whltu H , li'ic : Rrcn ° n. yellow , ao : cronso , dark. 2Jfc ; old butter , 24o ! ; beeswax. prlmo , 1G325CJ rongli tallow. lifS'-'c. St. t.ouls .Miirlcct" ! . ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 20. FLoun Dull nnd unchanged. WHEAT Went off Uo early , but soon turned and advanced He , later declined , but closed ! i'io above yesterday ) tush. 7fio ! July closed ut 'i ! i < 3ii1Xct August , 70'ic : Soplomber , ( its Advanced prolty steadily and closed ' . WiC lilghor ; cash and July , 4lSo ; Septem ber , 4. " > Uc. OATS Higher : cnnli. : il ! < c : July.Uto ; August , SO'ie : Heiitcmber. : iOia.OUc. ! itri : Lonror nt7fic. IliiA.v-gnlot : ooaoic. oust track. HAV Dull nnd unchiiiigcd ; timothy , 510.50 ® 10.ro : pralrlo. * 3.r > oio. . LKAII Steady nt Hal. IIUTTKH Uncliiinsodj croamcry , lf70c : dairy. I2ril0c. Knn.s Unchnngcdt llCtll'/io for guaranteed. Coit.vsiKAiLower at IHW&-.M. WIIIHKV Steady at JI.IO. LAIIU Higher ut J < 5.7o0.75 , according to the brnml. I'OIIK Hlphor. ( Inn. UKCUIITS Kiotir. 4.000 Ibs. ; wheat , : ir .003bu. ; corn , 4i.'yOO : bu. ; oats , 3I.OOJ bu. : rye , 1,030 bu. ; barley , none. HIIIPAMI.NTS Kiour , n,0031bs. ; wheat , l.OOObu. corn , 1.UIO bu. ; rye nnd barley , none. KmisiiH City Markets. KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno 29. WHEAT Weak nii'l lower ; No. 2 hard , OI4ttCOJe ! ! ; No2 rod. ( ITOKic. Oott.v Steady ; No. 2 mixed , DOe ; No. 2 white , . - . OATS Very weak ; Ko. 2 mixed , 23ic ! ; No. 2 white , aoc. lv.K ! Sicudy ; No , 2 , nominal at CSc. l'rAXsitii : Die. HliAN Steady ; sacked , Me. HAY Weak and 81 lower : timothy , S8.00 © O.CO ; prairie. M.5C@7.00. IlUTTEit ririn ; croamcry , H@l8c ; dairy , ' Kuas Quiet and steady at 10ic. ! KKcnii-is Wheut , 42,00) bu. ; corn , 22.0JO bu.i oats , none. Siiii'MK.\TS Wheat , 37.000 bu. : corn , 21,000 bu. ; oals , 2,000 bu. New York Dry 01111111 Market. NEW YOIIK , Juuo2i ) . Iluslncss In dry coeds was more restricted lo the specialties lately on the market , prints , ginghams aud woolens. Spring weights uro having a goo.l movement for tliooiirly stage of the sonsou but the market will nut bo fully open In this direction before the mldd. oof July. Agents of prims Hindu the following opening prices : 1'uclllo fancies , scarlets and robes. 0c ! ; cochin fancy. 0 > , { c ; Morrlninc , fancies rods , purples and pinks , G > { c , Mcrrlmno shirtings , urlnti , 4'ic. ' CollVioMurKct. . NEW YOHK. Juno 29. Options opened stcndy , unchaiiucd to 0 uoliits a'.lvuiu-c. Sales. 0,000 bugs. Including : July. $11.05 ; August. 811.00 ; PcDIombor , $11.115 : October , $1I.1W ; December , 8ll.lKll.05. Spot Rio , llrmcr , more acilvo ; No. Ulllu-aiilcoo Markets. MILWAUKEE , WIs , Juno 20. WHEAT Finn ; i-entember. 77 ; c : No. 2 spring , 77e. ( JniiN Klrui ) No. a. 47ft ISc. OATS l-'lrm : No. 2 white , a5U S30c ; No. 3 white , 3litt35ie. ! Trailers' Tall ; . CIUCAOO. III , . June 20. Counselrr.un & Div : toCockicll llros. : The whi-nl market wiis a tame ull'ulr , und ullhough considerable rattier bullish gossip was allout It fulled to cnthuBO ouontloM In face of the uncertain notion on the Mulch bill tomorrow. There was , however. enough conscrvutlvo buying to give the mur- ket a slightly Ilrmur tone , based on the observation that reported prospects of shortened crops ( n India and Hussla liavo caused a sharp nplurn In llrltlsli nnd continental markets , which leads some to predict a repetition of the bull furor of lust. August. Tanners will get good prices Ihls your If politics will allow. Corn ruled firm and made a slight gain on heavy buying bv the country. Thu lalo bull clique huvo apparently sold out urd turned their at tention to buying outs. which caused a share upturn In thut cereal. 1'rovlslon * were Irregular , but closed s.lghtly higher , with local bulls in control. CHICAGO. 111. , Jiino2 ! ) . K. O. Logan & Co. . to Duncan , llolllugor & Co. : Wo have had a quiet day In wheat. July opened ut7SC , sold up to 7Uio ! und closed ut TUJ.ic. Thcro Is no Hpoclal feature to It. Cable advices from l-.ngliind and the continent are only steady. Koports of our own crops i.ro good. Until our own crops are secured nnd more known of the foreign cropn wo sco nothing to buy ll on. The market Is weak and looks lower unless a better export demnnd comes. Corn Is strong and we beltevo It will sell hUhcr. It Is safe to buy on all breaks. Julyopuuod ut.Mc. closed at M.ic. ! Considerable c.xellonicnt In oats. .Inly opened at : i. ' ? uiind closed at Ktfi&Jlc. The iiecounts from the country are poor of the growing crop. 1'rovlslons In sympathy with corn weio strong. I'ork for September , 811.55 ; lurd. J7.05 : ribs. $7.:15. : 1'orlc for Septem ber ut ill.51 Is too low with ribs ut $7.i5. : CHICAGO. III. . Juno" ! ) . Konnelt , Hopkins & Co. to S. A. MeWhortcr : Wheat today traveled over about the sumo ground us yes terday. Cables were u llttlo llrm or and the movements from primary murkots wnro lib eral. Exports were also fairly good. but now en gagements light. The now crop news con tinue1) favorable. The showers have gener ally missed harvest llo'.ds iinU a peed deal of grain bus already boon secured In Southern Indlaiiu. Illinois , .Missouri and Kansas , ImvvcBtlnu' being done south of this. The now wheat Is beginning to move. The most of the principal winter wheat markets have ulruudy received sonia of It. If thu weather continues good It Is thought that the movement will bo general. The nuul- lly Is very lino. The trade Is generally so Imlllhli on corn nnd outH thai , airortngs con- ilnuliu light , prices uro not only well main- tallied but udvunco whenever the news Is anyway bullish. Nothing but u good government report will satisfy opera tors that more than two-thirds of a crop of corn Is possible. Provisions started oil' strong , but eased oil' lulcr.lt Is claimed , on reulUIng sales by thu bull nooplo. London l''lnaiulil JCevlow. } l > : i J.imsi ; GnnliiiJaipult. . ] 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special lo Tin : lir..l ! : 'Jhcro haa been a miirked absence of now business In the Stock c.xchunzu lortay , ouerators belnif disinclined lo do uiiylhlng us the 'excitement of the elec tions druws near. The progress of Ihu sutllu- mcnt , however , bus prevented moi-bers being completely Idle. Consols Imuroved U and % percent. Indian rupee paper Ii from ! i 10 ? i per com lower. I'oruU'ii uovurnmont securities close : - lltlu Irregular. 1'oi'tugucso bus been freely oirerod and mark a de cline of 'i percent. Spanish nro also a trlllo eiibler while Krench ruiilex , Greek bonds and Kusslun fours are better. Some railways have liven riithor dull all day , notwithstanding Hit ) favorablii weekly irallle rolnrns. The llrlghtoii working statement , for May is not eousldoiod satisfactory , llrlghtoii deferred has given away y port-out , and fcovoral otliura louvo elf } s to H per cent lower. American railways close somewhat less Hat than they have been. Dealings throughout the day huvo been entirely confined to Inside oiiur- ulors , tl > u publle doing noililng. At present , buyouil ! J per cent In Chlcugo & Milwaukee , the full In prices docs not exceed ! i to " per cent. I.iiku Shorn la uxccptloimlly high er on iho declaration of Increased dividend. Canadian lines close dull , but Urund Trunk uro about their worht , prefer- encesHhowliiK adecllnoof U to ? , ; per cent , Canadian i'aelllo are ' tier cent easier. As UHUiil , at thu end of a half year , money tins been more wanted. Londora huvo been ublo toobliiln 1J ! to 2 per cent for short lounu. The dUcount market bus ulna boon rather tinner. two three months' bills belutf quoted nt 1 pur cent. _ STOCKS AND IION'D.S. rroportloiiH of tlio Hpocnlntlon Coiitliiuei Hti-iiiltly to Dwindle. NEW YOIIK. Juno Sil-Tho proportloni of the mock gpoculatlon continue * steadily to dwindle nnd oven UioiiL-h from tlinu-lo time a f ew Btookn develop a curtain amount of nnlma- llon with'compurallvoly wide llnotuiulomt , thu wholly profotslonul nnturo of the trading roba thu movement of slxnllleunco. In the best opinion thu holiday uhuructor nt the murkot U likely to continue till after the elTcct of Iho July dl bnrseinenU koKlim to .bo fe.t and for tbo re of this week nothing of nny kind Ute to bo expected of the market. The Illchmond & West I'clnt iiffiilr furnUlmd a subject fur conversation and conjecture , but wnllu tbo report Uiuod by Druxol , Moritun & Co , wui uncourugliii ; , HB Indloatlm ; tbo fuuvtblllly of u reorgunUutlon , intone wan bold umitujh to In- illoiilu ihw llnua upon whlub It would bo car ried out or thu If ncth of time U won Ik tuko to uvcomplUli u. Tfie utaicmuliUof the Van * deibllt and Heading linen were nttner uncoil r- iiglug , but tlio olTout u far u Wall nuuet U loncKrned In hardly upnureut lu any dlroo- Tbo lastdoet lon In favor of a whUky trust olllclnlly aavancud iboprlcoof muck ti pur cunt at tho. optMihig but thu Improvement could not bo hold , and u In the rent of the lUt the tiMii mollutl uwny while furlher fruelloiu wuro lout , Tbo murkut u u whole wan duller uud uiurt ) uuiuturuvtluK thuu that of uuy day Instweok. lnt besides DMtlllcrs only Chlcnso Ons suffered n Inu of moro tlnui tbo ( .tiiAllost fractions The coverings of thorls helped the market In the lalo dealings and the close was nulttt nnd firm generally at something under last night's prices , though extended to ? per cent , nnd tbo only advance of note was Unit of I'i per cent In i.aku Shore. The transaction * reached only IIA.U'0 listed and .M41 unlisted. Government bonds have been dull und steady. Btutobon s dull and sleady. The 1'ost says : The general market , thoiich dull up to the last , closed unmistakably slroiigcr. a very rncouraglug fart when It Is considered thut most of the day's news was unfavorable. The following are the closing ouotttlun * , forthcloudlng stocks on the Now York Stock cxclmngo todav : York Alonny 'Mnrltct. NEW YOUK , , TunoD. ! ! MOXKV ON OAf.r , Kasy ntli | ! ® > per uent ; lust loiu , U per cent ; closed offered nt'J percent. I'IIIMI : MBKCANTII.K 1'Ai'uit 335 per cent. STi'iit.lNn KxciiANdB Qulot , but steady , at $1.87 for sixty-day bills , and HSSIi for do- ninnd , The closing uttotatlons on bonds : i'iimncliil Notes. OMAHA , Juno iO. CiearliiBs , (1,081,011. KANRAS Oliv , Mo. , Juno 20. Clearings , Ji.4tlO.J27. ! I'Attis , Juno 29. Three per cent rentes , 09f for the account. NJSW YOUK. Juno SO. Clearings , $90,051,033 ! balances , SJ.KW.TW. MKMIMIIS , Tonn. . Juuo 20. Clearings , t'170- 392 ; baluiiecs. iai3,411. Now York exchange Boiling at 1.50. CINCINNATI. O. . Juno 20. Monov. 3Q5 per cent. Now York oxchatizo , 15a-J per cent. OiearliiKH , $2tXGOU. ; ! Ni ; 'Oiti.EANS , lia. . , Juno2a Cloarlntrs. $733- MO ; Now York oxuhuiii. : ' , commercial , 5je : bank , $1.50 per $ l,00a HOSTO.V. Muss , Juno29. Clearln-i 1'ouso bal ances , * lOIi.-.id. ! Cull loans iiSt : per cent. Tlmo loans oS per cent. ST. Louia. Mo. . .lunoSa Cleiirlnss , S3i73,502i : balances , tTill.om Money , quint , 430 per cent. Exchange on New York , Tie premium. HOSTON , Mass. , Jiinusa. Clearings , $1 , OOS.- 10.1 ; balances. Jl.O'll.KlS. Money , 2 per cent. Kxohanxe oil New York , lOc ulscouut to pur. New YOUK. Juno29. [ Special Telcpram to Tin : IlKU.1 E.xclianzo WHS cjuotcil as follows : lloston , lue discount ; HI. Louis , T5u premium. CuiCAdO , 111 , , Juno 29. Money unchanged at 4SJ per cent. UloarliiRSj.u"0,60l. | New York oxchaico iSOo premium , Blcrllng oxchaiiKO null at JI.S7 for slxty-duy bills and il.Wl for slght.drufts. ii VK STOCK .11 A i tic ITH. Cattle In Good Deiiianil nnd Higher Hogs .Still Skying. OMAHA , Juno 20. Compared with the first half of lust week , rceelpm for the lust three days show an Increase nf about 30J eattlo and it decrease of about 50) hogs and 3OJU sheep. The supply of eattlo was rutliurmoro liberal than lust. Wednesday , tbo offerings , us usual for thu past week. Including u very rospcctublo proportion of desirable eorufeJ steers , llusl- ncss was aetlvo from the start , ull buyers belli , * III the. market for Ihu cattle. Tnu shipping and export demand was very food , aud tlicso buyers took considera bly over u third of the offerings , l.o al bnyert ) were not at all HOW. : and with active comuetlllon prices ruled Hlroug to lUe higher on anything at all desirable. Kalr to uood 1,20) to 1,5'JJ-lb. steers sold from (3,8. ) to 81.3) ) ; fair to good light and medium weight steers weighing l.UOJto 1.201) ) Ibii. sold at from $3.70 to JI.U , Uroen ana half fat htulT .sold no better than usual of lute at from * . ' 103 down toi3.ua U was u good , Healthy trade , however , all through , the bulk of thu steers soil Inut from ? , I.UJ upvyurds , iio.iny uTtirythlus useful being out of llrst bunds by noon. liuteber stock turn cunnor * were not onot ably changed , Boiling us usual of lute from $1.75 to } 3.2j fur poor to choice cows und heif ers. There was perhaps a little moro activity nnd a stronger foiling on the more desirable grades , but It took prlmo stuir to bring over sui : : > . HullH. oxen and stags wuro llrm at from (1.85 to JJ.-'J. Oulves were diul and movud slowly on the basis of M.uu to 14.73 for fair lo good vo.ilR. Hlooknrs and feeders were In liberal supply again and jirlcos dropped another notuh or two. The oulsido demand wus very light and as local traders were pretty well loadod'tip It took atronff Inducements to tempt buyers. A big Hiring ot very good Colorado eattlo brought * l,2.i. but they were prolty nourly what might bo called choice. Homo line USU- II ) . native ! ! also brought (3.20. but the bulk of the trading wan at nnilur J.I.OO. The feellutr Is weak and doulord are quoting a 15U > : ! 5u decline hlncu last Wednesday. Uoprosentutlvu miles : IHIKSSKll IlECf. No. Av. I'r. No. Av , I'r. No. Ar. I'r. 1. , H.VI * l 10 ; i7K'H.1 J3 HJ 111 , 1120 $4 00 . . 717 3 25 .UOJ I 8 ] 120. 400 12 ! ) , OIS .1151 I 81 4(1 ( , U4t 4 00 2. . 1)10 ) S3 .1131) ) I 83 24. 1143 4l > 0 1..10.V ) M. 20. 1317 405 2..1IK5 np.,11'21 ' 1131) 405 4..10U ) ' ' 385 2l ! 1K18 4 10 61. . KW a co 10.'l2.0 3 IX ) ( Ul.tti..i''bii 4 15 4.,11187 a DO : tti..i''bii 4 15 370 20..1227 70. . 420 10. . IWI 3 70 18..10U7 3 IX ) 70. . 1310. 430 17..10H5 U75 11..1181 aw siiii'1'iwn AMU cxroiiT , 20.,1112 3 55 10. 1151 370 42. . UW 3 PS I. . U.VI 10. . 1110 370 ii.r.'SH : 403 20. . 11) ) 4 M R..1231 , il 80 18..14n : 4 IK 2a..iua5 3 65 2Q..I1U5 305 2..1075 3 m 45.I155 3 U5 l.v UN ) U 70 cov 1 , , CM 1 75 ' a. . UGO I Ml I.'J2IO" 2. . 1115 1 BO U. . N13 1. . 71) 2 01 a , , iwi 2 , , 810 2 10 1..I440 3 & 0 3. . HIO 2 15 3. 1173 2 U 2. . Wl JUJ 5..IOSU 2 15 & , , UX3 2 at 3..1073 a 10 3. . 877 220 & . .I072 270 U..1000 U25 IIKIKKIIU. 12. , 650 2 U 3. . C'JO 2 75 SO. . CW S05 , . & 5I JU CALVB3. 20 , . 4CO 2 7. 1IDI.1.S. 1..12W 185 1..HM 2 SO 1..1770 300 L.irJJ 2 II ) 1..I2.0 110 * 1..1HII aoj 1..I&70 2 U 1..IKO U 00 1..1COJ au 1..1230 2 75 MTOCKUIIS AND ? ! „ 677 2 W 8. . 657 3 00 24. . 018 300 7. , fOS S W 1 . K4' ' ) 3 OJ 21 , . UoO 0. (01 2 W 6. . 653 U CO COI.OrUIO CATTt-B. No. . Av. I'r. S feeders . . .ill. . J0 ° 4 HM Hens Kccolpt * clintilnuo to fall far short of expectations. ThVwipplyi however , was fair nnd the quality df'.ltio ' offerings fully up to the recent itverageV'Tho marUct opened 60 to JOe higher pn all Rwdes. imtirovctl as the morning advanced i and closed up firm nt the ndvnncn , with the pens empty some time be fore noon Hhlppor5 < JitarU-d the ball rolling by paying i\l.1 to ? .V20 for fair to good butcher nnd heavy hogs wtbovcjrul | of the best loads Belling nt e-V-'S nwa itpwnrdo. the ex treme limit rcnBl'dd being toai for a load of prime' ' 'WI-lb. hojs. 1'aekors were also strictly In It , or at lo-isttboy tried to bound undoubtedly would li'ivo been had tlio Mipplv held out..lunger. Thny paid froni & \00 for Inferior Ilzlit stitir to J.V20 for good hoary loads and took about two-lift ha of the orrerlmrs. Shippers took another two-fifth * , or about 11,403 hogs , leaving a fifth ot the re ceipts for Iho fresh meat men nnd speculators. The big bulk of thu trading wns nt from KUO to I.V.'u. atTalnst , * V03 to J.UO Tiioidny. The general nvoruso of prices paid.was f\l ( ( , ninlnst $5.07 Tuesday nnd tl.SBJ-l last Wednesday , itopresontuttvo sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Bh. Pr. fi. . . . .142 f , 00 75 221 2001515 2(1 ( . . . .18 ! ) im A 03 141 210 2SO fi5 ! 141Nl 10 . . . 211 80 6 00 Nl . 2X1 321 515 0 . . . .183 603 225 2SO fi5 ' . .215 43 r , w ) 212 150 fi 15 ? . 170 6 (10 ( 70 . 20 ! 200 fi Ifi " ' n oo 70 . .258 240 515 fi" . .243 6 00 Cfl 2I6 ft 15 7. . . .2 < ! 4 80 50 } f,9 2JI4 83 015 10. . . 500 70. . . .231 243 filfi 43. . . 120 fi 05 GS 211 SO filS 5 . . , 210 6 05 T ; | 225 120 sin ' ' , .17il 240 fi 05 55 VSS 20J filS ni' . . .18 ! ) 320 fi 0714 7i ; 205 U-0 615 so. . . .100 liO fiOTH 71 . 240 200 51.1 * ' * * III 1C3 6 10 70 2tO : 2.10 filfi 117. ! ! \vi \ 120 fi 1 ! ) 02. . . 205 SO 6 15 r.7. . . .2:10 : 24) ) fi 10 71 255 28) fi 15 83. . . .101 1(11 ( 5 10 70 . sal 200 515 .208 28) n 10 r.0 . 2IM 120 fi 15 .1113 120 5 10 1,9 . 210 120 fi I74 ! 73. . .V03 200 fi 10 85 . 210 ICO fi 1714 08 . 20J 241 fi 13 CS . 210 1U > fi 1714 W ) . . .203 120 fi 10 08 . 217 61714 71) ) . . .230 28J fi 10 BS. . . . .2.17 120 6 174 ! 70. .204 210 D 10 03 . , . 200 1C ! ) C.2) ) 78. . .200 fi-10 70. . . . .22. ) 120 fi20 07. . . ' . ' 31 280 fi 10 77. . ' ' ' 320 r.2J 75. . . .103 100 fi 10 CO. , . . . 212 80 fi'JO i. . .V85 fi 10 65. . . . .2K1 ( 83 6 23 53. . .Kl'1 3M fi 10 ' . . .251 200 520 78 . ,213 120 fi 10 o'li ! ! . . .233 ICO fi20 74. . .1113 8.0 fi 10 r > 8. . . . 258 10'J fi20 70. . 100 S 10 70 , . . . .205 40 520 85. . 210 fi 1214 74. . ! ? K'J B2J 75. . . .200 ICO fi 1-H CO. . - ICO fi 20 70. . . . .2C8 40 5 1214 Ifi. . ! ! ! ii87 620 01. . . . .22.1 12J 5 1214 47. . . . .2CO 120 fi20 . . .23:1 : 103 fi 1214 05 . . 214 120 620 2 fi 1214 03. . . . .24 80 520 ! ! 2iii 120 5 1214 70. . .220 ICO fi20 . . .214 240 fi 12i ! CO. . ! ! ! 220 240 fi20 . . .208 120 r. 1214 71 228 8) 520 . . .UN ) 2SO 6 I21i 131 . ' . . .233 443 B2) 74. . . . .231 210 5 15 43. . . . .231 80 B 20 04. . . . .i28 5 15 70. . . . .2.2 SO 520 00 . . . 231 120 fi IS 65. . . . .205 200 520 00. . . . .240 ICO fi 15 07. . . . 237 200 620- 01. . . . .208 240 5 15 CO. . . . .203 200 fi 20 70. . . . .220 2JO 6 15 00. . . . .205 fi20 04. . . . .211 80 6 15 ca. . . . 225 40 520 03 . . 233 1GO 5 15 113. . . . .233 80 520 74. . . . .210 120 A 15 82 . . . 244 40 fi 25 75. . . . .232 ICO 6 IS 68. . , .311 40 625 CO. . . . .22J 120 fi 15 03. . . . .211 fi 25 CO. . . . .272 300 6 15 02 . . . .277 103 525 03. . . . .234 fO 6 15 65. . . . .277 525 75. . . .238 ICO fi 15 03. . . . .203 120 62714 83. ,222 , 120 fi 15 67. . . . .200 80 5 2714 BJ 2.V ) ICO 6 15 61. . 80 fi30 72 231 120 5 15 67 . . .304 635 rios AND iinuoii. 14 113 - 420 3 143 400 1 430 4 30 1 , 200 400 1 280 4 40 SHEEP Four double-decks were received , one of them billed direct to Swift , the other three wore fair grass westerns und sold readily at satisfactory prices : Demand rood , market firm. Kulr to good natives from $4.50 to $3.00 ; fair to 3000 westerns , from f 1.00 to $ l.5u ; com mon and stock sheep , from Ki.59tofl.OJ ; good to choice 40 to 00-ID lu'mbs , from 54.U3 to iG.fi.i. Receipts'mid DUposltion ofHtoek. Oniulnl receipts nn'd disposition of stock as shown bv the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the tiyoiity-four hours ending ut fi o'clock p. m. , June 2ft , 18irJ : KBCKHT3. DISPOSITION. WI2STI2KK 1'ACKINO INTKUKSlei. Movement of Hogs \Viin Somewhat Itcduccil Durlnqr tlio 1'nst I"o\v Days. CINCINNATI , O. . Juno 29. [ Special Tolocram to Tun UEK.I T > morrow's I'rlco Current will say : The movement of hogn Is somewhat reduced although continuing fairly liberal. Packing In the west for this week wns 275.03U against : & 5.000 the preceding week. 18J.ODO liiMt year and 2S. > .M)0 ) two years ago. The SCMFOII'U total Is 4,2i'5,000 against y.M 1,000 lust year. Prominent places compare as follows : I IKi. . I Ib'.M. ChlcnKO 1,2'Jfl.OOO Knnsns City. . 681.000 Sli,000 Utunlm S'.U.Oil ) 3SI.IKM St. Louis ICJ.ODJ 170.000 Indianapolis. . 20.I.OJJ 15I.UOU .MItwnuki'o. . . , 143.0JC r.'i.ooi ) Clnclnuatl J8i.CttJ 517,000 CVdnr llaplds , 11I.OJI. 110.0UO hlourClty W.OOO b'.l.lKKJ SI. Joseph 103.0JII 42,000 uttumwu II 1.00 J 80.000 Cleveland . . . 177.000 1M.OOO ClilciiRo l.lvo Htoclr CiHCAno , 111. , Juno 21) ) . [ Siieclal Telegram to Tin : HUB. ) The eattlo trade was active and liricos for good to extra dry fed steers con tinued loshosv an advancing tendency. The range of prices for calltu coming under that head was from Oo to IDo higher than yester day und l.'io lo 20o higher than nt the clo.so lust week , Shippers , exporters - porters und the dressed beef men were ull free buyers and there was not enough good stock hero to nil their orders Kor poor and common eattlo the market wns not much more Ihuu sloady. The bulkoflhe receipts answered to the latter description nnd holders were unable lo "spring" prices. The rangu of values wns from 31.23 toUO ; for cows and heifers. fc-.Oi lo &I.7J for stackers and feeders , 81.40 lo J.VOO for common lo extra dressed beef and shipping steers and from Jl.M ) to SI.OJ for Texas cattle. Nourly all the good Block wan out of salesmen * ' hands by noon and the olosu wan strong. Some Toxuns were left over. That atato contributed fully ono-hulf the day's receipts , pThoro was no abatement of the flrmtiQss that Fius dlfltlugulshcd thu hog market for some days past , lluycrs were as hungry as before , and although the supply rouohod very liberal proportions It was wiped up In < i lck order at un advance on Tuesday's prices of from flu to 100. At the close quotations stood at from } .U5 to f\5i for common to prlmo lluht. f6.20 to $ V > 1 for medium wolzhts and from W.LT > to W.M for heavy. A fuwtfanoy light and heavy woluntB were taken at CJ.IU , and there wan u llttlo trudlnir nl'oniU at from W.50 loH.OO. The inurkot closod'rfti'udv at the advance. Very llttlo t-hangn took place In the wheat market AH on tlio previous days of the week , good to cholco sheeiMiiet with a good demand and were taken utjturmur prices , Quotations ran from W.W to Kl/(0for ( | sommoii to line , tu.00 to M- ! for olmlue. Luiubs were a.iublo ut from $1 M to I0.7.V. , n Itcculptu ; ( Juttlo.iaOCO ; hogs , 27,000 ; sheep , 0,000. 0,000.Tho The Kvenlnc Jdurnal suyii OATTI.B lie- onlplu , 18.000 ; shlpWbnU , 4NXj ) market aetlvo : nullvo Hlocis and Tiixanu oiislor ; eholcu lo oxtru imllvi'H. JI.W441.IU ; othe . (1,00 1,40 ; TOXMIIH , J..IMcXMJ ijllookors , SJ.OXU.70 ; eows , t.aaLU : ! * foodora. StTiaa.UJ. lloOB-lCecolpls , 20.000 ; shlpinents. 7,000 ; iiinrKct uctlve , licliliiher ; rouun and common , t-LlOttXIiS ; mixed jjiid packers , f\405.Mi ; prlmo heavy nnd bulohoiMolghts , (5.DOii.Gr ; Hunt , K > T4 d-Wl. jti > HiiBEr Ho'oipt , 0.0'JI ; ghlpmcnts , 8.000 ; pee < l mntiiin Rheoneady | ; otlieri. Including lambs , 2io lowuriimlxua natives. 81.5 wi-tliiiru. ia.7 - 75 much other tro * 1KWil ( atmcnt.anfl ( x-Ing reduced touul lti-fiisfh-f to u low condition of health , aa It wait thought iho could not lit . INHERITED SCROFULA. i Cored my Illllo boy of hereditary Kcrnfnla , which appeared all over 1 hti face. 1'or a vt-arl had git en up all hojKi of hU rceoyerytyiieii finally 1 was Induced to UMJ VTV3fSH A fcw bottles cured him , nnd r-OT-jt-oB no lymptoini or thu disease retualuT iu7T. I. . M ATiir.K * . Mathervlllo , Miss , Oui bo k ea DiwjJ tut Eklo Dlwitc * milU.1 fin. o.AUuuCt. liand , Incliidlnz 31 cam for sale. Market vcrv notlra and lee higher ) tiallvo steers. t4.S.Y3 , < .M Dcr 100 Its , ; biillK and cows , W.SoUlU'O ; dre. ed beef firm at 0'iR7 ( ! < o per Ib. Slilpmcnln today. r\H43 ntiartcrs of beef ; tomorrow , 29 bcovo * . nntl M fdioop. CUI.VKS Uccclpu. nn03hoad ; market nctli-o and n oluido llrmcr ; voals , JI.rotIO.l2H per 109 Ibs.lbiiilcrnilllt enlvc * . $ J,0. < 7i ,7.\ SllKKi'-Hocclpts , fm ; licadt fihcop slondy ; Ir.mbs Uo higher ; sheep. : M.KO\8J per 100 Ibs. ) lambs JVOO'5.7.75 ; drci < cd mutton Btoady nt 0 ! tft Mo per Ibj drcsicd lambs Htm nt Utwl3c. ! lions Hecoluts.4.MW head. Including S curs for sale ; llrmcr , ( S.vuiU.70 per 100 Ibs. Katun * Oily 1.1 ve Stock .Market. KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Juno 29. CATTU : lic- coluts , 2,01101 shlpmcntii , : i,200 | good natlvo BIceM active and lOa higher at M.i : (14.40 ; cows slcndy at Jl..Vj iii.'i ! Toxuns lOo hHhor at J'.7f ( < i.ino : stockurs and feeders lOc higher nt - lions Ilccolpts. n.OOOs shipments , .1.YXi ) mnr- Wct active and . " > © ! c higher ; all grades. t4,5A . SliKRf Kocolpts. 700 ; shipments , 1.2flOi mar ket ( lull nnd wo.ik ; muttons , fO.MKiil.W : lambs , \IO5.B\ _ _ _ St. I.oiilR l.tvo Slock Mnrlcot. ST. Louts. Mo. , Juno 29. OATTI.B HoeclptB , 2.4TS ; shipments , 3,100 ; natives , slow ; Texan * , llrmifalrto cholco natlvo steers , K1.1M14.3J ; Tnxans. all griulos0 iJ.'l tiTi. Ilons-Hocelpis.iBio ! ; shlpmcnlB. 1,021 ; mar ket 5n to lOe higher ; heavy , Jl.205t\ ; mixed , $3.40ffi.\70 ! light , fair to best , W.10M HIIKBP Hecolpls , 4'iS i shlpmcnl8i,0t4 : ; mar ket steady ; fair to good natives , JI.OU4P.OO. Lincoln l.ivo Stock. I.lNCor.v , Nob. . Juno 29. [ Special to Tun Ilr.K. ] Uecelptsof hogs at Kest l.lncoln were todny agalti Ughl. M urket 5a Higher , prices rungliig from > .I2 ! { to fJ.17'j. TOLKDO. lown , April 0. 1S91. Dr. , T. B. Moore , Dear Sir : Aiy wlfo has used about six bottles of your Tree of Llfo , and 111 in Us tliatsUo hasrccolvotigroator ben efit from It than any moujclno slm bus over taken. Yours truly , L. H. BtfFKttf. Oeti'l ' Acent and Troas. West Collojro. Slnuo receiving the nbovo testlmonlnl , 1 um Inrccclpt of a letter nnd chock from the Kov , UH HufUtnof Toledo , lown , April -Jo , to send llov. J.V. . Kan war thy , Crostllno , Kua sai. six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Llfo. For aalo by ull druggists. ANOTHER SUKPBI3E. Scliomo on Foot to Dust the Superintend ent of tlio I'ootl'iirm. . Cruel fate has maruecl John J. Mnhonoy for its own , but whether or not the mark xvill bccomo vislhlo to the nauoJ. eye is a matter that rests wholly with the Board of. County Commissioners. At this llmo John J. Mahonov Is the suocr- intondont nt the county poor farm , nnd there is a man who covets tho'posltion. The man who is doing the coveting is n democrat , L. M. Anderson , an ox-chairman of the board. Mr. Anderson shied his ca stor into tbo riac several days are , but this fact did not bccomo nubile ' property until yester day , wbou his 'friends openly announced that ho was in the r.ico and that ho would distance all competitors before the quarter stretch was reached. That he has a pull nona of the commis sioners deny.and at this time his star appears to bo slightly in tbo ascendancy , but none of his backers will venture an opinion on the result of the ballot. Ills certain , however , that the democratic members of the board bava soured on Mr. Anderson , und if ho Is elected to thotiosition it must bo by rcpuoilcan votes. The Hunt has been booked , but not for today , and , in fact , not until after the reorganization of the board. Da Witt's Sarsaparllla is rcliaMo. l.iconsof. County Judge Ellor issued marriage licenses to the following yesterday : Nanio and address. A o. I Albert W. Crawfurd. 1'oorla , 111 . X , I Lillian Staddolmuii. Umiiha . 2U J J. A. Isaacson , Lee mis , Neb . 34 I Tllllo I/yon , Omaha . 23 I W. I' . ICuhlor. Omaha . 25 I llcrthn May IClncadu. Oinalm . 18 I John T. llongen , Omaha . 45 M/lllIoL. Uumlll. Omaha . 20 Do SVitt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood Ilmlilliif ; 1'urmllH. The following permits were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Catherine U. Nash , ilvo-slory brick warehouse , 1010 llarnoy . 815,000 Lars Johnson , ono-slory brick cottage , 21102 Dccutur street . l.SOD Panic , 20JO Uceatur street . 1,500 Nine minor permits . 2,700 Total . $49.700 Racked up by a cash offer tbo statements that are made uy the proprietors of Doctor Sago's Catarrh Ifcmcdy. They say that their medieino will cure , perfectly nnd perman ently , the worst case of Chronic Catarrh in the Head that not only Catarrh itself , hut nil the troubles that come from it , nnd every thing caturrhal in its nature , are cured by the mild , soothing , cleansing and healing properties of their remedy. They can't n.iy nny more. Probably every medieino for Catarrh claims us much. But it's one tiling to promise a cure it's a very different tiling to perform it The proprie tors of Dr. Sago's Remedy want to provo that they menu what they say. So they male this offer : If they can't cure your Catarrh , no matter how bad your case or of how lone standing , they'll pay you $500 in cash. You're aurp of the money or a euro. Isn't such n medicine worth trying ? Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est eattlo , h'og and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. GEO. BURKE & FRAZIE R L1VI3 STOCK COMMISSION. THE LEA DEIIS. < in AM All A I Write to this houss .for cor- .W. UiUAlM | reot Market Haport . Wood Brothers , South Omaha Telephone 11)7. - Chicago J. U DAIJISMAN. . , , . , . W. 18. WOOD , f MannzoM , Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully furnished upon application. Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , F.istHU Louis , Kaunas O I ty. Boutu ' Umuhu , blou.x City , Kort , Worth. A.Crlll , W. K.Don nr. 1I.K Tujhnnilw , Clilauiro. Hot ! Haluimnn. Catllodolo.uaa Grill , Denny & Company , I.lro Slock Commission , lloom 27 llichan/j UU'ir , Buutli A. D. Boyer &Compan y , SSiind.VJ Kxehango Ilulldliu'.Honth Omaha. Correipondonco BOllcltod nnd urompllr onswnrjl. bpucUl alluntloalourilur * fomtockuroifuodcr * . llitablliUcd , IbiU . . . IncorporataJ , tilt CuplUI fullf pilU , I30.UOJ. birney Company , " - .prompt and reliable uitrkot jg Company , jilsslon. inx , t-outU Omaha 17J7 , M. H. Hogarty & Oo. , U crm 31 ICxcunjo llulldlng. South Ouiuhu , - Not ) SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union Stock Yard National I3ANK. The unl/ bank at tba yard * . Capital and ur- plui , IWWJO. Colleclleiu vrowlaic out of lua live took builaem tbuuld la mat Ulruct to llili bank btilpperf. can depailt lor crodll of tuglr lioiuu baaK nuuiervrlocaivO. OMAHA ra and AROHITEOT3 1T3IE3IE ? ) . H. OUNN. ContrnctOM nnrt inbcontractoM for nil klmlt of liullillna. tilnttotlnir. pMntliwolo will ri-cclTU ropjof Ulonn' * . nrchttcrlt nnil tmilr-rs Olrcclor.i free , by scmllne tliclr nnmp , tnnlnpsi nail lee lion to Ilioiiutillilior. J.ll. ( lleim , 113 y , m S BAGS AND TWINE3 BEMIS OMAHA BAOjiO BISHOP A CO. ' filial , mnntlln. oltoa Importers andrarfsflour , cotton , rope , horap Jute socks , twlno. , burlipt ton inlnc , tnrrrd cord * ngo. etc. 8 f. Htli-tt. BIOYCLE3. 9 BOXES. BOOTS AND SUOES. MORSE-DOE SHOEOO , HOJUoir.trdatrajt. Fnttory earner llthnnd Uoupla * strMH. We are making oloa * prices to o.Mli bjyan , anl arc Ulna a dun i of Rood * whloti U Tory ! - abl * ntib luorchnati. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING ALLEY FROM 8TII STREET TO 10TII STREET BETWEEN PINE AND HICKORY STREETS. To tbo owners of all lots , pnrt of lots and lOal estate along the alloy from 8th street to thu street between I'lna and Hickory streets : You are hereby notified that thu iindur- sluncd. three dlMnlorcHte.il freeholders of the city of Omuliii , nave been duly appointed ny the mayor , with tlio upprnvnl of the city council of said city , to USSCSR thednmngu lethe the owners respectively of the property uf- fcclcd by grading the alloy from bin to 10th streets between I'lno and Hickory streets , do- clnrcd necessary by ordinance 11,107 , passed June 14,181) ) . ' . approved Juno 15 , 180 : . You uro further notified , that having ac cepted said appointment , und duly duullflcd as required by law , wo will , on the 8th day of July , A. 1) . lb ! > . ' , nt > thu hour of la o'clock In the forenoon , at the ofllo-o of T. C. Ilriinnor , Hooin \V.-iro 1 block , within the corporate lim its of suld oily , meet for Iho purpose of con sidering Iho making and assessment of dam ages to the owners rosoecllvolv ot Bald prop erty , affected by said grading , taking Into consideration special bonollts , If any. You are nallllocl to bo present nt the time and place aforusutu. and make any objections to or statements concerning Huld assessment of damages us you may consider proper. T.'C. lliai.SNr.il , T. It. McOUM.ocil , W. If. OATK8 , Committee of Appraisers. OMAHA , Juno 25,18 ! ) . ' . .I25iiiot NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING "D" ( FORM ERLY DOMINION ) STREET FROM OTH STREET TO 1STII STREET. To tbo owners of all lots , parts of lots , and teal estate ulpng "D" ( formerly Dominion ] street from Dth street to I3tn street. You are hereby notified thut the under signed , throe disinterested freeholders of Iho city of Omuhi. : huvo boon duly appointed by the ma/or , with the approval of theclty coun cil nf Haiti city , to UMOSS thu diimugc to the owners respectively of Iho property utl'colod by grading "D" [ formerly Dominion ] street from Oth street to 13th street , declared neces- niiry by ordlnniico No. : iOI5 , passed April 3Jtli , 1802 , approved May 3rd. IBirt. Yon uro further iiollllcd , that having ao- coplcd said appointment , and duly ouallllod asrciiiilred by law , wo will , on thoBlh day of July. A. D , Ittfl , ut the hour of 2 o'clock In the ufuirpoon , at Iho olllco of W. H. dittos , No , 02.1 , N. Y. l.lfu building , within the eorporulo limits of said city , meet for Die purpose of con sidering and making assessment of damage to tbo owners respectively of said property , uircctod by uldKrndlnp , taking Into consid eration special benefits. If any. You uru notlllcd to bo present ut the time nnd pluco uforcBuld , nnd make any objections to or statements concerning mid assusiment of damages as you taay consider proper. \v. ' I/'UATKH / ! JOHN W. HOI11IINH. Oinalm. Juno 21.10- ' . J.4diut PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Healed proposals will bu received by the un- dorsntned until 1:30o'clock : p. in. . July 8th.I * ! ) . ' , for curbing with i-wl Colorado Nundstono. whlto Colorado sandHtono and Heron H-ind * Btonu according lo HpcclllcatlonH purls of cer tain stroetH In tliu city of Omaha , comprised In street Improvcinont dlstrlcltuiuiiiboiod und described an follows , towll : . No. 40-1 Tnlrd street from south line of 1'lerco itroet lo William * street , und No. 401 1'lerco atrnvt. from east line of 4th street to west line of 3rd btrcoU ' No. 440 Chicago Htreot. from west line of Twunly-llf Hi street to Twenty-sixth ulrool , NIL 4U Oain street , from west lliiu of Twen ty-fourth street lo u point 1IM feet wi > t of Twentyllfth nlrcot. No. ( FiO-Cags ulioot. from cast line of Twen ty-fourth ntreol to tlio west line of Twenty- fourth Htreot In the city of Omaha , Kaon bid tovpcclfy u prlco per lineal foot for the curbing complete ou thu stream In suld Improvemi.-ntdUtrlels , Work lobedonoIn accordance with plans and spotjlflcuilaus on lite In Ihu olllco of tlm Hoard of I'nl lie works. 1'roponuls to be made on printed blankifur- nlst.vd by tbo bourd and those accompuiiled with u certified cheek In the sum of icoo , pay able to the ulty of Oinuliu , u un evidence of of uood faitli. The board reserves the right to reject any or ull bid. and r ' ' ' ' . Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Work- , UUO , im JSJ-33-8 ! > * 30 W. E. RIDDELL ' . . RIDDELL . . & CO. , ( Kalnbllshod 1835. ) Wbolsnlo butter & duet Butler , choota. oust , Hurt nnd nclls fur vek'ctnbles , fruitspoul . ' try und tf ama. . . eaiu. 4138. lltli-iU STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAlit WORKS , ' Store repnlrs und waUl nttnohmonti for nny , kind of stov * load * . 1207Douglai. _ _ . SASH. TOYS. H.A. DISBROW&OO. , H. HARDY & 00. Tori , dolls , albums , Uanufaolurers of lath fnnoy goods , housofnr | door * , blind ! ana Klihlng KOOds , ojitl- ) mouldings. Uranoh of- ikon's carriage * . > * Ui > , no * , lith and Uard SU. rarnnra Stroeu THAT IS A Fine Ranch of yours. Yotthav e worked hard for it , haven't you ? It wasn't worth a dollar ai ) . acre when yon settled on it , and now you would'nt take fifty. How long do yon ex pect to live on that place ? Would you be surprised if some railroad land agent or claim jumper should come along some dayand tell you to move oil ? Unless you have a patent on record you are not safe perhaps not then. Why don't you ask The Dee Bureau of Claims to look into your title and get you a patent that will stick ? THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 22O , Bee Buildmg , Omah" NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING HOWARD STREET. To tlio owners of all lots , parts of loU and real oitulo alouK Howard Htreot from Twen tieth Htrcot to u point''H ) foul west of Twen tieth Ntroet and necessary iipproauhea. You tire beroby notified thut the under- slitncd. llirun disinterested frcoboldors of tba cltv of Omaha , have been duly apnolntod by Die mayor , with tbo approval of tbo city council of said oily , to a-uois tbo damuno to tbo owner * , respectively , of tbo prou- rrty affuotod tiy grading Howard struct from Twentieth street to u point St ) feet went of Twentieth xtroot , declared nocc-snary by ordi nance No. : UCM , paused Juno II , 169 ; , approved " ' 'ou are fii'rlnor notified Unit having ao- copled said appolntinoiit and duly miallnod n y requlrud by lu'T , wo will , on tbo llili day of July. A. I ) . Ib'J. . attlKibourof Uo'eloek n tba forenoon , at the olllco of Bhrlvor ft O'Donn- boo , HOI i'arnum street , wllliln tbo corporate llrallsof suldolty , mt-ut for the purpose of conn ( Uirlnz und maldnt : the as-ieitment or ( lamaKo to tbo owners ronpoctlvoly of saia proporly. affected by said cradlnif , taklnz lnioeoii lderatIoiiHpeolal benellts , If any. Vim are iiollllod lo bo piusont at tbo tlmo nnd iilncu aforosald and inuUo any objeellons IniirHlatoinouU concurnln t Bald a nen < iiieiit of damages ui you iniyr ? 0"5l.'II.r | , lVi"j { ° ' r > ( Jlio.J. I'AIJI * , _ .IAM..H TOOKI > A.E } , Oommlltoe of AppraUors. Oninba Juno 20. IkVi. JUlidlOii 1'ronosiili for unit I'alntlni ; Ou Healed bldf will be received nt tbo office of / tbn ( Jity Comptroller , for tbo ropalrliiK nnd X. . pulntliiK of as lainp" , up to 4 p , m , , July Btb. j" Isx. . A curllllod obwck of lU to accoiupuay / ouch bid , Tbo rlgbt Is resorrod to reject , nny or bids. TUUO. OL8EN. Coiuptrollo . JiEdat. .