THE OMAHA DILATORY COUNTY CLERKS Representatives of Lancaster and Qago Failed to Eopoit INCLINED TO FAVOR THE PLAN One of the Officer * Ilefugcn to Rxptnln llio \VorMnir * of tlio Mnrtgnca In * dobtmlticii Ilecurd Ln\r In llli Ulitrlct. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 29. ( Special to the flEB.l Thn first year's report of tbo Vrorklngn of tbo mortgaged indobtod- taets record law will bo ready as eon as the reports from Gage nd Lancaster counties shall have boon re ceived. No reports have boon received from Oago during the entlro year , tbo county cleric of that county declining to make the reports on the ground that ho simply didn't have to. Ho vrai vlsltod by the onlot clerk .of the statistical bureau yesterday and after Hbe importance and urgency of tbo matter had been explained to him ho cheerfully Krocd to tnuko up and forward his "report with in a few days. The work has not boon dona In Lancaster county on account of lack of clerical help. Another Crossing Complaint. , The Hoard of Supervisors of Clay county have filed a complaint atralnst the Colorado < k Nebraska branch of tbo C. & M. railroad to the Stale Board of Trans portation. Tbo complaint specifies that that on May 12 , 1801 , the county board declared clarod that tbo defendant's crossing on the ' octlon line between sections 19 and 30 m Logan townsblp was insuniclont and unsafe. The railroad rompany was requested to con- " "struct a grade crossing at the point specified , not les * than ihroo rods wide , with a fence or guard rails on both bides suniolont to pro- Vontsloclc from running oft the grado. Up to data tbo company has not scon lit tn com ply with the request , and the matter has been laid befuro the State Board of Trans portation. Secretary 1)11 worth has notified the company > md July 13 has been sot for an swer day. I'nrdoncil by the Governor. vVhcn Governor Boyd started for Omaha this afternoon ho had securely buttoned In his innido pocket a pardon duly slgnod and eonlud ( or Edward Huddard , the station Dgont at Portal , in Sarpy county , who was a sliort I line slnco convicted of adultery with ono Mrs. Paterson and sentenced to eleven months' imprisonment In tbo state peniten tiary and to pay a flno of 8200 and costs. Governor Bnyd not only pardoned Huddard , tout remitted the flno and costs. Huddard Is now In tbo Douglas county Jail and was to have been brought to tbo state penitentiary tomorrow. ArteslnnVclli In Nebraska. A tabulated statement has been prepared t tbo oftlco of the bureau of Industrial sta tistics showing the results of the efforts to promote Irrigation la Nebraska by moans of Artesian wells. There nro ninety-one artesian wells in the state having an average depth of 347 feet , The average cost of each well was J17H and the average discharge per minute is thirteen gallons. These wolU nro confined to five counties. Holt county having forty two , Cedar thirty-six , Knox eight , Dlxon four and Mcl'borson ono. The results of the experiments in this stnto can scarcely bo called successful , as far as scouring water for Irrigation Is concerned. No Honing wells bavo been found Ibrouehout central and \vostorn NoDraskn. At Beatrice a well has been drilled to a depth of nearly l.ttOO feel Without success. Another deep wall al Hastings has been abandoned at a depth ol over 1,100 feet. Ooiilp at the State House. The case of Nolllo B.V colts ot al. agalnni tbo Palmer Deposit bank was tiled in the supreme promo court today. It comes from Morrlck M county. B. A. Smith against First National bank of Crete is tbo title of another case filed in the surprcmo court today. Suprorno court will meet tomorrow morn- M Ing at < J o'clob'U for the purpose of handing down opinions. No now business will betaken taken up. General O. J. Dllwortb ! < , department com- ) tnander of the Nebraska Grand Army of the A Republic , was n stuto liouso visitor today. Tbo Stuto Hoard of Transportation today Bent out tlio blanks for the annual reports of the railroad companios- doing business In Nebraska. The UsU ot Indemnity school bonds re- 1 cenlly selected by Land Commissioner _ t Humphrey and Slate Draughtsman Schlegcl JIBte In the Valentino , Chadron , Broken Bow and T Alllnnco districts were made out and forwarded - warded to the general land ofllco at Wasb- Ington. Tbo list comprises about 32,000 t acres. State Treasurer O'Connor of Now Hamp shire wus a caller at the state houio this forenoon. Tbo ens eof the state ex rel Crows against the county commissioners of Hitchcock county was tiled In tbo supreme court this afternoon. Judge Johnson of Topeka , Kan. , was a state bouse caller today. . Governor Boyd this afternoon appointed W. West of 'Polk county an alternate mbor of the Nebraska Columbian cominls- ) lion , vlca John P. Hondorson. Hchool lloiirit Mnniruatu. President Wickcrsham and ' Secretary Bowers of the Lincoln Board of Education Issued nn address lo Iho people of Iho city tbli afternoon , calling attention to the fact that on next Saturday will tnkn 'place the oloutlon on the -proposition to vote J100.0UO for Iho purpose of creating a High school bulldidg. They explain that the proposition is miido necessary by tha largo increase in the number of pupils of all grades In that section of tbo city ndjitcont to mill surround- iiig the present Central school , and that by tbo time llio now building can bo finished there will bo more pupils in that part of the city limn can bo accommodated in both tlio now building and the present one. The board Is renting from six to eight rooms out- Ida thc.Cenlral building , botldos using three rooms In the basement of that school. Mrs. U. W. Ciiinp mill Duiiglilor Hurt , Mrs. P. W , Camp anil daughter Miriam v.-cru thrown from n buggy ibis morning. Iho formcrsuslainlng Injuries of a painful though not serious nature. Mrs. Camp was driving on L street when the horse attached tn the carriage took friidit aud bocarao unniaiiago- nblo , Tlio frightened animal Jumped over a low picket fence in front of N. b. Harwond'a rosId011co ami tho.buggr demolished. Mrs. Camp was t brown violently aealnst a post and < TUH picked up unconscious. She was oared for at. the Harwood residence all day , but was this evening removed to her homo. Her daughter , escaped with u few bruises , being thrown ever tha fence onto the thick teriua of the luwa. Cminplrml Acnliut Her Fntlior. A curious case was fllod in Judgn Lansing's court ibis morning involving a daughter's in- praUiuilo to an aged father. It wai filed by Grlllllli S. Uonluy against tils daughter , Marian Kcofor , and her husband , Wlllard Kcoiir. Coolov allouos that in 1KS2 ho deeded Ills homo In Cass county to his dauchtur. Four years later die married Keafor and < le- cllncu to dead him uaek his homo. Ho claims that his duughtor und her husband bnvo on- tcrod into a cniuplraoy to defraud him , ul- login ? that ICoofur bat sold tbo land and with the proceeds nought anoihur piece of laud , which be now holds as his own , l.lnoulii In llrli'f. F. F. Newton reported to ihe police ibis morning that during thu abionco ot his fam ily from hU homo ia 1100 U nlrout the boune wan erilored by sneak tlilovoj , v.'ho got away with f3 and u nuinbor or valuable artlolos. The rc ldeneo of S. C. Swun nt IIKJ'J ' T stroot. wus slightly damaged by Uro ibis morning. The slate convention of the poopl&'s independent > pendent party will bo held In ibis city to morrow. The Independent congressional ronvontloi. for the Flril district will also beheld held tomorrow. Tlinlr Play Suilly JttinlUtlo. PALISADE , Nob. , Juna 29.- [ Special Telo- grain to THE BKB.J Fred Nowktrk , residing ucur ibis place , need 10 , died tbU uiorulng. Ha was ahot lau Sunday by Marcuy Me- Cormiok , ugod 15. Tha ball uutorod bis ford- lioad. Thu boys wore playing Indian , llolmrotl Hnaura * H Victim. SinxBT , Neb , , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBK.J Complaint was Oled yostor- flay uy LouU Htlmrod. state oil inspector , 11 r * ij nib arm obx V flit flito < K -o- . scJ ) Olll ! ft. TH H THEM AL JLJ * * r- * ' , , 'A 'V I.-J Bought to sell to the men and boys in Omaha by a man who spent a half a century in the busi ness , the stock of clothing now being closed out by Hellman's administrator stands without a peer. He knew the wants of the people out here because he lived among them for years and years and made their wants his life study. ' Is it any wonder , then , that Hellman's administra tor has no trouble in disposing of the goods to the envy of every clothing house in the west ? No comparison can be made with" this Hellman's administrator's closing sale and any other sale that has or may spring into existence. Suits are cut down in price until customers are ashamed to ask a little more off. Pants from $12 and $15 suits , the coat and vest being sold , go at most any price. Hellman's $4 fancy worsted pants in light colors , stripes and plaids , go at $2.50. Extraordinarily large.or small men will get $5 pants for $3. 35c neckties for 15c ; 50c ones for 25c. Black satin madras and outing flannel shirts 50c , Hellman. sold some of them * for . .dV $1.25. Genuine all silk shirts , $1.50 , for which everybody gets $4. Hellman's 25c half hose 15c , in brown , ecru and solid black. All through the stock this same tale might be prolonged , but comedo the store or send a mail order and if you are not pleased it won't be the fault of HELLMAN'S * , . . ' ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE , COR. IStli A.ND KAR.NAM © TS. - - . -Hid V0--- , „ , , _ , , . - olni , - > , w 3 oii \at \ against J. U. Young , a dealer In general merchandise at Lodge Polo , for a violation of the state oil law. Young was arraigned this morning before Judeo Do Castro and plead guilty of the charge , whereupon the court Impoiod a flno of 3100 and costs. 8i < : uuuii > A Ci e Acnl" " ' Kx-TreHSurer Paul of Adams County Il | ildly I'roKroinlntr. HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno ! i'J.-SDOcial Telegram - gram to Tun Bnis.J At .last , after many delays , Charles II. Paul Is on trial In the dis trict court on the charge of embezzling pub lic money. At 0 o'clock this morning the task of selecting a Jury was resumed. A host of talesmen were present and the work of ex amination proceeded busily until 8:30 : "p. m. , when tha last juror was secured. The twelve men who will try Mr. Paul nro J. H. Pope , Thomas Houston , S. A. " Nash , Joseph"Stanner , Richard Splcnoll , Jacob Stem , \V. J. Clark , J. B. Johnson , j. C. Daughorty , J. H. Steele , B. F. Evans and H. H. Wilson. The county attorney maao his opening statement The defend ant's theory as propounded by Attorney Mc- Uroary In a brief speech Is that proof will show that Paul has accounted for every dollar coming Into his possession , therefor any embezzlement Is denied. 6. B. Blgelovv , county clerk , was called and gave testimony which will bo used us a foun dation for the ontlro case. Election book No. 'J of 1887 wa * offered in evidence to show Paul's olllcial relation as treasurer and the olllclal bond record was submitted. Mr. Blgelow was excused with the understand ing that ho might bo recalled when wished. The counsel on both sides wished tn adjourn until ! 3 o'clock tomorrow morning as they claim that the process of the case could bo expedited by such an adjournment. The court horrified the attorneys by suggesting that the adjournment bo made until 8 o'clock in tbo morulnir. but after u little persuasion It was sot for 0. The Jury was allowed to separate after being duly cautioned. Kdltor King Declared latnne. LiTcuriEi.n , Nob. , Juno 29.-Speclal | to TUB BuB-l Fred P. King , ono of the flrm of Bradley & King , editors and publishers of the Lltchtleld Monitor , arrived from Urand Island la an insane condition yesterday. Ha left bora last Friday upoarnntly fairly well. Grand Island authorities came with him to this place. He was allowed to" walk the streets and do as bo pleased. Astdo from hallooing and wild gesticulations ho did nothing to cause tbo least alarm. About ono hour later bo was placed in a carriage and liken to Loup City and placed In the bauds of the proper authorities. No direct cause for tbo trouble Is known , except an overtaxed nervous system. Mr. King sev eral years ago had 9 similar attack und was rosto'rod itt the Lincoln asylum. ' (5ll\NI > ISLAXD , Nob. , Juno 2 ! ) . [ Special Telegram to Tin : BBE. ! Editor King of the Lttcbflold Monitor was taken to tbo asylum ot Norfolk today by Sherman county ofllclals. lluln .11 uk of Mullinurna lit Work. NRUOK , Nob. , Juno 29. [ Special to TUB linn. ] Melbourne , llio rain maker , Is hero operating on thn top of the court houso. A public mooting of citizens was hold at the opurti house yesterday and $1,000 , guaranteed 011 condition Melbourne would bring ono-half In oil of rain in thrcu days. Tbo operations of Mr. Melbourne nro secret. Tbo people buvo considerable faith In the system. Melbourne undertook to produce ram in tliroo days and In case ho does not bo gets no pay. The country about hero needs rain badly. The sky was clear this morning. Reports from Hud Cloud , Hubron and points north Indicate a clear skv. This afternoon clouds gathered aud a few drops ot rain full. A wind arose about 5 o'clock und drove tbo clouds to the Boutn. There are many Indi cations of ruin touixht. Heavy clouds hang off to the south. lndhiu Murk iii ii t llelluvue. BKI.I.EVUE , Nob. , .luuoL'9. [ Special to THE BUR.J A company of Indian soldiers are at tbo rlllo runyo aud uro drawing largo crowds of visitor ) jluity. A dotalj of men uro now at work preparing the range for the competi tors. _ Ir , l.vwli Acquitted. NKHIUSKA Crrr , Neb , , Juno 29 , [ Special to Tut : BEB. J The case apaltm Dr. Charles I ) . Lewis , a pbyslclan of Burr , Owe county , was board In district court yesterday. Tbo doctor was charged with shooting with Intent to kill one MoNutt. From tbo evl- donco It appeared tbat Lewis acted entirely In self defense , and a verdict of not guilty was returned. The doctor had boon In Jail hero slnco March , being unable to furnish ball. ball.Charles Charles Jones and James Cook , tbo Wyom ing chicken tbiovos , wore found guilty yesterday and will co to the pen. Alonzo Moore , another member of the gang , asked for a separata trial. Hustings' Sellout .Superintendent. HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special to THE BEK. ] A bard fight has boon made on the appointment of superintendent of the Hast ings city schools. Prof. J. B. Monlux , who has been superintendent of the city schools for a number of years , has been a bono of contention with a nuinbor of the school board. Last night at a board mooting a number of applications for the position nold by Prof. Monlux were presented. After seven ballots , Prof. Brown ot Micblgan was chosen to fill the pluco for the ensuing year. BELLEVDE , Nob. , June29. [ Special to Till ! BKE.J The annual school mooting last night passed off very smoothly , being the tirst school mooting bold bora for years without a row of some sort. W. C. Buel was elected treasurer and A. H. Hood director to fill va cancy for ono year. Klllclunt Work Hliown. BBATUICE , Nob. , Juno 29. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Tbo closing oxorclsos of tbo tcaool department of the Institute for imbocllo youtbs In this city took place today. A number of loading citizens wore present and tbo exorcises were replete with Interest. It comprised singing , , drills with wands , dumb bells and rlugs apd showed remarkable - able ofllciency on tbo part of the unfortu nates. There nro now 140 pupils at the Insti tute and at least forty of these are suf ficiently advanced Intellectually to bo per mitted to visit their homos for thn summer vacation. Kntortnlnail Tliolr Friends. LiTciii'ir.i.i ) , Nob. , Juno 29. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEB. ] The Ancient Order of United Workman ledge of this' place enter tained a largo number of bretbron from Mason , Ravenna and Loup City and many Invited auests this evening. They were ad dressed by Grand Muster Workman J , U. Tuto , after which they banqueted their brethren and friends at the Hotel Lltobllold. Heutrico Chitutnuiiua Ojiomnsr. UKATKICE. Neb. , Juno 29. [ Spoclnl Tele gram to THE Bbc.j The Beatrice Chautau- qua assembly opens here tomorrow under the most favorable auspices. There is every prouilso of a big attendance. Tbo first big day will bo educational day , Saturday , July 2. Excursions are promised from all quar ters of the btato. llurirlnrft n | I'apllllou. PAI-II.UON' , Nob. , Juno 29. | Spoclal to THE BEE. ] Dann Bros.1 general merchandise store at ibis place was robbed last night. The tbiovos forced tbo street door and helped themselves totbo goods , A few suits of clothes , some shoes and a lot ot Jewelry \vero carried off. No clew to the tblevos , thu . - ' . Apropos I.lvm-ymun'ii right. Tbo lioonso inspector , W. K. Vnughn. In sists tbat ho Is on the rlirht track In his ef forts to collect , license rnocoy from the liver ; stable mou , notwithstanding that some of the councilman declare that ho has gene poynud his Jurisdiction , Mr. Vaughu lUshes ordlnaiico No. 1008 , unproved February 18 , IBll'J , which provides . that all carrlagee , hucua , coaobos and otbor vehicles kept for hire shall pay a llco' ' The inspootor says that ilm prdl > * legal unoUKb , but that ' j * ' NBW forced. He also " " " * the city attorK , , . ra fn & | : ; jg I Cl NEW YOHK , JunoN a. , KB 'sw , Mn who has made the Journoy' A/.a LjaiJ iiwjtbi clsco here on foot , arrived yesterday at ' noon. Ho left San Frauolnco February ! iJ last , intending to complete bU journey in lill days. Ho arrived hero nix days ahead of time , averaging twenty-six tulles a day. Verillot on tlio llurrUhurg Wreck. lUiiiiisnimo , Pa. , Juno 2U. TUo coroner's Jury has found Operator liaycs , the ; and tbo engineer ot the second section guilty of uoglcct , and has consuroa ttiu Pennsyl vania company us u result of Its Investiga tion Into tbo cause of the Ute wreck , a DBS. City Couuell Oeoldos ItvlVlIt liave None of Whlto for Curbing. Tbo members of the city oounoll got to gether last night and la loss thnn an hour they had straightened out the curbing or- dlnanco , so that tboro U a strong probability that curbing will begin ere many days. The ordinance as originally introduced provided for wluto Colorado sandstone. Mr. Lowry moved an amendment to substitute rod for whlto Colorado sandstone. Mr. Spocht said that It the wblto stone wont red should also go and lot the ordinance provide for simply .Colorado stono. The matter should bo loft to the pronorty owners alone the streets. Mr. Lowry replied that tbo contractors had bid 53 cents on the rod and 63 cants on the vrblto stone. All ho wanted was to have the contract lot to the lowest bidder. City Attorney Connell was called for. Ho sala , to avoid any legal complications , bo cousldorod it wise to take the rod stone bids. Tbo matter was wholly In the hands of tbo council. Mr. Lowry said that tbo Union Pacific and the D. & M. railroads were the kickers. Mr. Soocht clung to the opinion that if tha property owners wanted granite for curbing they should have It if they were willing to pay the prices. Tbo word "whlto , " as appllod to Colorado flandslono , was strlckon from the ordinance and as amended It passed. The Board of Public Works was tbon Instructed to niako a contract with the lowest blddor at tbo former lotting. This moans that Hugh Murpby ccts tbo contract , amounting to aoout US,000 feet at 53 cents per lineal foot. The ordinance providing for the appropri ation of money to nurchaso the parli lands was passed. The ordinance providing for the payment ol tbo expenses of tbo recent special oloctlon was read a thtrd tlmo and passed. City Attorney Conuoll pave as his opinion that registrars were entitled to $3 per day , or ft ) for their ontuo service ; that JudRca and clerks of election , were entitled to (0 each , in this case , by agreement oao-half was paid by the counly. Tbo Items of oxponio in tbo ordinance were as follows : Special police , 283 ; regis trars , a,8IO ; Judges , 1U17 ; clerks , $528 ; rontfor registrant. i54 ; rent for election , ? 380 ; total , * . ,180. Mr. Munro urged if judges nnd clerks were to receive suub small compensation it would be Impossible to get raeu who would servo at future elections. City Attorney Connell replied tbat it was something tbat be could not help , ho being unable to obango the state law. The monthly appropriation' read a third lima und pussod in order to allow the city employes to secure their Juno wages be fore the Fourth of July. , Thu report of the cbalrrhan of the board of equalization wus duo.lfcut Chairman Munro said it was not vcady . , Thou Mr. Munro roasted tbo members of his committee for not attending the meetings of the board. DoWitt's Sarsapareia cleanses the blood , Increases the appotlt and tonoi up tbe sys tern. It has bonolittoa many p30plowbo have suffered from blood disorders. . It will help you. Jtnllrnail Notes. George F. MoNutt , traveling passenger agent of the M. Katy road , as it is callo J In this section of the country , beamed upon local ofllclnls yesterday. Tbo Kansas City , Wyandotte & Northwestern - western railway is out with circulars an nouncing tbo appointment of L. F. Moore to bo acting auditor of the road ana W. F. Bellalrs to be commercial agent at Beatrice , Nob. The circular announcing the appoint ment of Mr. Moore it , dated ahead to July 1 , but Is signed as approved by Newman Erb , rccolvor , who retired from the office last Saturday. For the bucolio thousands who llvo be tween Omaha and Manhattan , Kan. , and who desire to assist in naming the candidate of the people's party for president.the Union Pacific will run a train from the latter place , leaving there Saturday morning. Four cars of Ancient Order of United Workmen delegates returning from the na tional convention at Helena wont east on No. 8 yesterday via tbo Burlington. A. B. Smith , assistant general passenger agent of the Burlington , says ; "Tho very best tblng that bos boon done to aid emi gration to Nebraska is to bo found in the wrltoups of counties now being published in THE BEE. Every editor of every local paper in this state should urge upon his sub scribers the Importance of sending two or three copies of THE BEE containing these ex haustive reviews to eastern friends. In that way creating a personal Interest in the state that nothing else could do. TUB BEE Is to bo complimented on Its enterprise , fot' the showings made are truly magnificent. " The rlvor at Sioux City shows a rise of four-tenths of a foil in the last twenty-four hours. It is stationary at Omaha. Da Witt's Saraaparllla aostroys suon pol sons as scrofula , skin dittoaso , czoma , rbou matism. Its timely usosavos many lives. Wadding * . Last night at Trinity cathedral Miss Opal "Walto'iouzalln , daughtor'of Mrs. G. E. Tou- zalm of 2108 Chicago street , was married to Lieutenant S. E. Sparrow , U. S. A. Dean Gardner road the service. At tbo homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Stadoltnan , 14U2 South Twenty-eighth street , Miss Lilian Stadolmtta and Albert W. Craw ford of Peorln were married by Rov. John Williams of St. Barnabas. Both affairs were exceedingly fashionable. . Bo sure and use Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing syrup for your children while toothing. ii5 cents a bottlo. New Yorl Live Sr SJ VanK. June 2U.-UKWGTOBJUIO 6MOKINQTODACCO HM4 WM V * KIBLACK Ul.aCO IDURKAM.NC. nsu tin : i. K.J. Rowcll , Medl er liytuegncureilotl AH around the world , from East to West , Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best. How good it is , a trial will show , And make you smoke and praise it too. Get the Genuine. Made only by BLACKWEIL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO , , DURHAM , NC. EPITAPH ! be tnierlbed upon the marble slab whleh laall mark the last reefing place ot NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES la already written. But bofora you abandon all hope and alvo yourstir up to die , have a private consnltatloB nltb America's moit gifted and lacceutalSpeclallits. tb famous DRS. BETTS & BETTS , whoso ereatost triumphs have been won In tne cure of cases which otbert failed to cure. All ipeedlly , safelr and permanently cured by their caarieloui skill and modern methodi. 8end 1 cents In tainp ( or their handiomelr Illuiiratcd new book ot iao pazei , worth 111 weight In gold , - Uoutultatlon free. Call upon or address Hltt atamp , DRS. BHTTS & SETTS. 110 South 14th St. tl. K. Corner Mfch and Dou la ? SU. Omaha , Neb. CURE YOURSELF ! ' ' , Ask your Druggist for a , . bottle of llltf U. The only / non-pottonoui remedy for alt I J tbo unnatural tilt'chargei and I private dl eu f of men and llio debilitating neakneu ( xcullar I to woinvn. It curc-D In a few lays without the old or publicity ol a doctor. TA # Unkirial Amrrican Curt. Manufactured by I k.TbtEvaniOhemlcalO.1 CINCINNATI , O. U.S.A. THERE ARE ioPoor- - - AND - Pension Its in Palaw That is the sort of thing . Bee Bureau of Claims was or ganized to correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Tr.e Baa Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for you. THE - - Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. Healthful Happiness. The bioyolo of tomorrow mny bo bettor thnn the blcyclo of today The Columbia of today is the boat of the day It cannot bo batter until It is mndo better It cannot bo made better until modern mechanics advance - vance unto another piano of suc cessful accomplishment In these duy < ) the Columbia will load as in the days.of . now. All about Culumlilni , il IJUKOB of poitlvH jr II Illiulrulloiiif , free lit uiif Columbia RKoncjr ornnntlir umll ( or two 2 com utampt. 1'opu MIK Columbia Avu. , Ilunlun. TRADE MARK. uonelJtinUou. djtitriMU. fuulS i , liiiula/'he , uumliuni , IOM of te , inentAl ilc | rrulun , puluful c dJjj tlon , pin-rilo * , willow rmjjii x Ionand i > eruUuuuj nxiullliiif f rum ft 9Moojna falluroli/tno rtonuicli , Itr rurIn ? * i iiu-lr | irui r fiinallofu. JVrvou * * iuMiiiiuil , I'rlcutr mill. , . . ] Krom4X | iminiJa.lAp. II1TANB CHKMllAL(56..1ifpnJoflbl..Ngw . ! . ) . York J r't - < -o- Worniilno llu. , 00 p 7 till Clltlt. DK.J. IirUIH or.UlalOtoUOili .L bmln ) E1M r NTS. . WONDERLAND. \\'KKK COMMUNUI.Nd JUNH 27. 1IIJOU OrKllA CP. "Trlp to India. " "LULU , " Tlio Ulnli Jlimnullodlrl. IIOI.1M , " Tbu Uvlnir IlnU Woman. TI1U OALI.OWH uncil In Kxucutlnx Nell uo > l UUui 1OO. TO ALL * , 1OO. Ttie tor Ticket * 60 aud 10o.