THE OMAHA DAILY Jm | mUllSDAY. JUNE 30 , 1892. 1 THE DAILY BEE E. llOSE\YATEn. KntTrn. _ PUBLISUKD EVERY MORNING. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. TKHMB OK BUnaCIUPTIOH. J ! IIr Bee ( without EnndnT ) On * Year. . 1 00 ] ) llr nd ntid r. Ono Year. , . . . . . 10 W Hli Month * . . . . . : . t . 5" 1hre MoDlt > . ' . * Hiindar Bee. lno ! Year . J V" HMiircUr Hoc , Ono V r . . ! " { Weekly lleo , On Vcnr . . . . . . . . . . iw OKK1CE9. Omfttio. Tlio Ip ) IfnlldlnR. Konlli Omnhfi. corner N nnd Zfilh BtrceU. Council Hlnflii , 12 1'enrl Ktroot. Chicago Chnmlier of Commoree. New York , lloomn 13JH nnrt IS. Trlduno Uulldlnc WaiblDRton. 613 fourteenth Street. COllllKSl'ONDBNOK. All communications minting to news Mid rdltorlelmaltor should bo uddrouetf to llie Kd- Uorlal Department. IJtIHINESS I.KTTKH3. All buslnoa lctter nnd romltlancci ihonld be addroiBoil to The lloo I'ulillihlnir Company , Omnhii. Drafti. cheeks und pontonioo ordon to b made payabloto tbo order of tbo company. THE BE12 PUBLISHING COMPANY. BWOIIM 8TATKMKNT OK C1IICULATION. Btntoof Nobrn Vn , ) _ _ County pfliotiKlM. ( BS > . . Ororga 11 , Trfdiuck. iccrctnrr of The Bca Tab- lldilnit company , noes inlirnnly imoiir tbat the net' Unl circulation of Tim HAli.V linn tor the week emllnRjunozr. , I6U2. * * as follows ! eimdny , Jnnc Ju K.005 Momlny.Junn 50 . ? ! Tiiondny.Juno 31 53,018 \teitnpMlay.Jnna Z4l'j2 niiuridnr.JunoSI yrlclay.Junn 31 JWJJ Baturdnj , Juno V.i MM8 Average 24,848 OKOUOK H.T7SC1I1GK. Fworn lo licforo mo nnrt siih.icrlbotl In my preionco IIH.SSth day of Juno , A. I ) . , 18-J2. N. I' . KKH * BKAL. Notary 1'ubllo. ArernKO Clrciilntlon for May , 34,381 "WKAVHil ftnd Vnndoi'voortl" Heaven lave the party ! Tun quostlon is : Who "paid the Irolpht" on that Detroit ( urnlturo for the city hall ? Freight rates are high thoao days. IK IT is true that the Chicago audience And gallery nominated Lincoln in I860 , It la the only good thing a convention gallery over did. A QRKAT many distinguished demo cratic leaders nnd papora would lilo to nnd something to take that bad taste out of their mouths. AT LAST the unexpected has happened and a conviction under the oil inspection law has buon secured. Inspector Hoim- rod evidently mouna business. WITH growing corn needing the plow < uat now nnd hogs at 5 cents per pound \io are afraid the people's party conven tion will not bo composed altogether of i"ixrmorB. SOME people are blind to the dictates of reason and circumstances. Hero , in those times of great rains and floods , the prohibitionists are advocating a wet campaign. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . THE democrats have now for the flrat tlrao pronounced plainly for free trade. UCJihoro are more protectionists than ' Ji'oo'lcajUjrs in the country President jGhrrkotTwill bo elected. THE dead , tired fooling which por- V/'Jes the editorial pages of the New fork Jlerald and the Sun slnco the ' 'claimant's" nomination demands the use of some popular spring tonic. THIS election of Johnson Brigham , ed itor of the Cotlar Rapids Republican * as president of the Iowa League of Repub lican Clubs was a most happy choice. Mr. Brigham is u scholar and an orator. WITH reference to the city hall furni ture job , the council is just now giving sn object lesson to prospective boodlors. The effect of tbo council's notion is to demonstrate that honesty is the best policy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is very evident indeed that the city hall furniture contractor must abide by the contract specifications or move his atuff out of the building. The city offi cials do not propose to bo trilled with in this matter. IT WILL , bo Interesting for Editor Dana to note that the Atlanta Conslilu- lion , also , is supporting the Chicago ticket. A dlot of crow is not very palat able , but when the bird is Ut vided around It is not so bud. Two farmers alliance congressmen of Kansas , Otis nnd Clover , wore defeated for rcnominatlon , and blnrno Jerry Simpson for the result. There Bcotn to bo some traces of politics oven In the alliance. Pmu'AitATiONS for the celebration of Independence day promise a program at DIICO unique and attractive. Nobody can afford to miss it. Reports from surrounding towns Indicate that Omaha will uo full of strangers. THK Chicago papers complain that gambling Is still going on in that city , despite nil orders to the contrary. It ivould bo much moro Intoroitlng if somebody would iiumo a city in which' gambling is not going on. Tun Shrlnors nnd Knights Templar will bo here during the third week of A.ugust. They comprise tin Intelligent body of men whoso good opinion Is worth having. U. Is Important to the fair fame of Omiihti for generous hospitality that they bo well entertained. AN KSTIIMII : : > democratic contempo rary thut IB supporting the nominee of the domouratlo party because It can't help itaolf biiyd that "tho tiling to do is to accept the situation und make the boat of It.1 Philosophy eomuj hard Bomotlmea , but the democrats must have it this ye tr. TUB way the democratic pujwrs tire talking of carrying Cleveland without Now York and with thouldof Michigan , Muaaachusetta antV Wisconsin , reminds us of the pitiful apcutaclo of Cal Brlco on election night In 1888 , giving up Now York and pinning hid faith on Indiana and Illinois. Tnic democrats Boom to bo very glad that Mr. Clarkson has rut I rod from the chairmanship of the republican national committee. They will probably bo equally glad when his uuccossar retires. AH a matter of fact the democrats are always glud when any republican retires from any position. tiKUHASKA AND THE SU'OAlt TIIUST. The prospect for n moro oxtonnlvo cultivation of the sugar boot In Ne braska Is good. The development of this young Industry In thlo state has boon very rapid during the past few years nnd has attracted wide attention. Two largo factories are turning out sugar of the highest quality from the bocts grown upon Nebraska soil , nnd the possibilities of sugar making being lim ited only by the possibilities of beet growing , it is evident that the business may bo extended indefinitely in a ru- glen so admirably suited to it as Ne braska Is admitted to be. It has boon shown by reports from the Agricultural department that among the samples of boots received from various states the highest coefficient of purity was found in those from Nebraska. The proportion tion ot sugar In the beets grown in this state Is It per cent greater than In these of Germany , and the natural produc tiveness of our soil Is such that it gives the boot groworn hero a great advantage in the competition with these of the old world , who are obliged to report to ar tificial fertilizers to an extent which offsets the dllToronco in the cost of labor. The sugar factories of Nebraska are turning the products of her boot ( Jolda into roflnod sugar , and doing the work well. This Is as It should bo , and the manufacturing facilities should bo ex tended with the growth of the boot growing industry , as it doubtless will bo. Touching upon this phase of the subject , the Now York Comwrchil Dutlctin has the following : In commenting upon the question , now bolng agitated by these who huvo taken up the culture ot sugar boots in Nebraska , whotbor they ougbttooroctratinorics as wall as fnatorlos'for the production of raw sugar , or the latter only , VVlllott & Gray say , In their "Statistical : " "Wo do not like to BOO the opportunity for prolltablo ooot root agrl- oulturo In nearly every state In the union lost to our farmers by tbo present Undirected efforts. Abandon the effort to build up the industry oy ocot root sugar refining anil limit It to boot root sugar agriculture , and It must succeed , " If the growers of boot roots and the manu facturers of raw boot root suear In Nebraska will ngreo not to oroot refineries , Wlllott & Gray declare that the sugar trust "will con tract for It" ( raxv boot root susar ) "now at tbo market v&luo of similar sugar at the time of delivery In 1893 , and will commence work ing their larsa rollnary In St. Louis just as soon ns a six months' supply can bo givan thorn from any or all of the boot root produc ing states. " The journal quoted labors under a slight misapprehension upon ono point. It UHSumos that the idea of erecting ro- flnorios in Nebraska haa not yet been put into actual practice , whereas the truth is thit : all the boots grown in this state arc made into rafined sugar hare. Elsewhere in the sixmo editorial the Commcrci'aZ fiullelin says : Wo do not bollove that the beet root growers and raw sugar manufacturers of Nebraska will accept this ad vino. In fact , there is no greater monaco to the success of beet root sugar culture in the United States than the sugar trust Unless the raw sugar manufacturers shall bo able to put their sugar upon tbo market ready for consump tion they will bo at tbo mercy of the sugar trust. Thcro Is now but ouo buyer of raw sugar in the United States , and the farmers of Nebraska hava but to observe the history of the Standard OU trust to coo what their future will bo if forced to sell their sugar to the sugar trust only. This is very good counsel from an able source. Tbo sugar trust will eagerly covet the raw product of Nebraska , and if the present rate of increase in beet culture hero is maintained it will soon bo a product worth reaching for. But there are no signs of any tendency on the part of the Nebraska farmers to play into the hands of the sugar trust. There is no reason why they should do so. As matters now stand they have nothing to gain by seeking to place the refilling business entirely In the hands of this giant monopoly , There Is plenty of money and enterprise < in this state to provide as many sugar refineries as the growth of the beet producing industry may demand , and the local pride of our producers will load them to encourage the homo manufucturor rather than to promote any interest of such an octopus as the augar trust. The time may not bo far distant when the sugar refineries of this stiito will bo among Its greatest industries. Nebraska for Nebraskans , and may the sugar business grow ! ItUUUis FUIt TUB 110MKSKUKERS. Two homeseoking excursions will come to Nebraska this year , ono on August 30 and the other on September1 27. It is a common practice in ovecy now and fresh settlement to present highly colored inducements to eastern people who are seeking to bettor their condition , and notunfrequontly a severe penalty Is paid for excessive booming when the deceived homesookor pulls up his utitKos and moves away , leaving these who have expected to become sud denly rich by inflated real estate values to mourn and find fault with the hard deoroas of fata. Nebraska passed beyond the experi mental period many years ago. Among the states west of the Mississippi it ranks as an old common wealth. It is not a field that invites the adventurer. It otTers no inducement to the devotees of happy chance. There is no such thing as gambling upon the future of this stato. With this jilaln Blutomunt as an introduction , THK UKH vantuios to suggest thut the thousands of cltl- citlzuns of Nebraska who have friends In the oust cannot butter show their In terest in them than by asking them to join one of these homcaooklng oxcur- oions and tuke a look at this state , in- vobllgating ita vast resources and esti mating its unlimited possibilities. It is a curious fact that millions of eastern people whose nmteriul condition could hardly bo worse than it is nro wholly Ig- norantof the opportunities hero olTored them , if they have heard of these op portunities they have imagined that some one. was trying to practice upon their urcdu.ity. ' Thorn Is u vast amount of room , n No- bninUu. Tiiuro Is ample space for the farmer , the tradesman and the manu facturer. It la not necessary that thu homesoekor should bo n moro tiller of the boil. With ouch yoar'a development of tbo rich resources of the state a wider field la opened for every form ot human activity. Lot the cltlzena of Nebraska Invite their eastern ( Honda to join one of those / * homcBoeking excursions nnd pay them a visit. In any ovunt it can do no harm , and perhaps it may effect a great improvement In the condition ot Bomo who nro now struggling for existence in the thickly populated oast. . Visitors are always welcomed hero. T1JK SKI } ' SKCttRTAtlV Uf STATK. General John \V. Foster was yester day appointed secretary of state by President Harrison and the nppolnt- mont was promptly confirmed by the sunnto. General Foster's diplomatic experience fits him for the position. Ho luis boon minister to Russia , Moxlco nnd Spain and had .a great deal to do with nutrotintlng the reciprocity arrangement with the lattoi' country. Ho has also represented the State department in the negotiation of other reciprocity agree ments , and no ono has a moro thorough knowledge of that policy. Ho has been under the present administration the diplomatic attorney of the State department - mont , und In that relation has proved himself a most nblo and useful olllcial. General Foster is said to bo entirely fa miliar with every phase of the Boring sea controversy , and as the arbitration is near nt hand his counsel will bo Im portant and valuable. Besides his ox- tonslvo experience In diplomatic affairs , the now secretary of state is a lawyer of superior attainments. Ho enjoys the full confidence ot the president and la in complete harmony with hla views on all the subjects with which the State de partment has at present to deal. He is to bo credited to Indiana , although for a number of years a roaldont of the Dis trict of Columbia. The State department under the pres ent administration has received a larger share of the attention of the president than has boon usual. During the pro longed illness of Mr. Blalno the affairs of the department wore closely looked after by President Harrison , and it is a well known fact that a great deal of the correspondence in the Boring sea matter ter- and the Chilian controversy eman ated directly from the president. It is altogether probable that the prcsidant will continue to devote a great deal of attention to the department and to per sonally direct its utterances upon all matters already under consideration or which may hereafter arise. Himself an able lawyerwell versed in international law and evidently having a taste for diplomatic discussion , President Harri- risen will undoubtedly continue to glvo close attention to our international re lations and to glvo direction to the for eign policy of the government so far aa ho has authority. In view of the very successful manage ment of international affairs , largely due to the attention and interest of the president , the country is warranted in expecting that the excellent record al ready in ado will bo maintained , regardless - loss of who is at the head of the Depart- montof State , and this without disparag ing in the slightest degree the experi enced and nblo diplomatist who now oc cupies that position. General Foster is in every way qualified for the important duties of secretary of stato. Indeed , there is probably no man in the country bettor equipped for them , and unquestionably he will fully maintain the high standard of the loading cabinet ofllco. STBVBKSOK HAS Alf ISSUE. The democratic candidate for vice president , Adlal E. Stevenson , has an issue which 'ho considers to bo more momentous than all others. It is the so-called force bill , the measure intro duced in the Fifty-first congress provid ing for free und fair federal elections in every state of the union. Mr. Stevenson has boon interviewed by a representative of the New York jSuii , to whom ho said that while the tariff issue is more important than the faUvor issue , moro Important than both is the ' and force . " 'despicable dangerous .bill. This , in the opinion of the gentleman whoso political distinction rests upon the fact that ho put some 50,001) ) democrats in fourth class postolllcos in the place of republicans , is the main issue , and ho remai ked that "it is so far-reaching in Its consequences that its importance cannot bo over-estimated to the people of the southern states and to the people pleof the country. " Ho declared that sucli legislation wouiu destroy the peace , prosperity ana happiness of the people of the south , and assorted as a fact of personal knowledge that the negroes in the southern statea are us well treated as the whites on election day , und have little if any cause to complain. The reason for the professed fear on the part of the democratic candidate for vice president and some others of hU party that in the event ot republican success there might bo legislation ta so- euro every where a free ballot and an honest count Is found in the plank of the republican platform which domanda "that every citizen of the United States shall bo allowed to cast ono free and un restricted ballot in all public elections , and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast , " and which de clares thut "the free and honest popular ballot , the just and equal representation of all the people , as well as their just and equal protection under the laws , are the foundation of our republican institu tions. ' ! la there anything alarming in this ? IB there anything Jn the demand and the declaration that any patriotic citi zen , honestly desiring that every ether citizen , while or black , shall bu aecuro in the enjoyment of the most essential und valuable right of cltl/onshtp , can not cnuorauV And if it bo a fact , us all well-informed men know it to bo , thut 1,000,000 of cltlzeim are not permitted to freely oxorcUo this right , guaranteed by the constitution ot the country , is it not the duty of the political party which has always Insisted upon a , free and honodt ballot to take notice of the fact unit to demand thut the wrong 1 > Q remedied ? The republican party would bo faithless to it * character and ita tra il it lout ) if it were to ignore the fact of a largo body of citizens bolng deprived of their sovereign right of suffrage at every federal election , and the party will forfeit Us claim to the confidence ami support of patriotic and fttir-mlnded citizens whenever it shall cease to have the courage to denounce und protest ' against an injustice which mpnaeos 're publican institutions nnd is n reproach to the nation. Mr. Stevenson will hardly succeed , even with the valuable a latanco of the Now York SuitTii making itio so-called force bill a lending Issue in the cam paign. The democratic party tfill not bn allowed toovadntho Nsuo U husmnda against the system of American protec tion and In favor of free Undo , or lo dodge the fact that a very largo ma jority of the party are willing to debase I ho currency by opening the mlnta of the country to the free and unlimited coinage of silver. No subterfuge will bo permitted to Interfere wjth the full discussion of these Issues , and it matters - tors not which of thorn Is regarded ua the moro Important. The force bill may do service for the purpojo of keeping the south solid , but it cannot ho made to have any terror for the people of the north , The farmers , the business men and the groat-army of labor , who are deeply concerned in the growth of American industries , the extension of American commerce , and the maintenance of a sound and stable currency , will not have their attention dr.vwn away from the questions In which thuao conditions of national nr.igrosa and prosperity are Inv.olvod. But it is interesting to know that the democratic candidate for vice president , who In the event ot his election might roach the highest office In the republic , boltovos that it Is the first and greatest du.y of his party to antagonize the demand for p. froo. and honest ballot in every Bcotlon ot the country. WHIN Governor McKInley said in his Now York speech that tha bilUon-uollur congress , which the democrats say BO much about , was really a two billion- dollar congress , ho opened the oyoa of his audionco. It was a two billion-dol lar congress , ho said , because under the operation of the laws which It passed our domestic trade increased-a billion dollars and our foreign trade amounted to a billion and twenty million dollars , the ilko of which was never known in American history. The republican party can very well afford to go before the country upon such a record aa that. The democrats said that this tariff law would be prohibitive and that It would neither lot us out nor lot ether coun tries in , and ynt it ia plainly shown that this country never in its history hud such a trade before. The republican system of duties upon foreign Importa tions seems to have worked very well since the McKInley law was put into effect , and those who have studied its results without prejudice will vote for a coutinuniico of .tho same policy. THE thousands of people 'who will como to Omaha next week , most of whom will ronroin hero several days , will leave a largo amount of money In the city. This will not bo expended wholly for accommodations. Most of them will lake this opportunity to pro vide thems.olveSeW.yh manyrthings not readily to bo "pbjainod at their homos and which theV J3an'Mgot "hero moro cheaply. Hundreds of thomi will look about for the s'uporlor-barga'ins which Omaha can offer. It fa" presumed that our wideawake merchants fully appreci ate this , and that they wifl.mprovo | so excellent an opportunity to apprise the visitora of what they have worthy of their attention. Next week can hardly fall to bring large rewards to these business men who attract the attention of the people by liberally advertising their goods. Tim IVorld-HerdltllB frothing at the mouth because the authorities have , in response to a public demand , voted in significant sums of money to help moot the expense of a befitting celebration of the Fourth. Had .not the national con vention couie to Omaha on Independ ence day there probably woula have been less of an effort to make the cele bration a notable one. But an exigency has arisen and it Is th.6 duty of this city to make some demonstration In keeping with the two great events. It ia-truo there is no authority in law for the ap propriation of these small sums , and it is no loss true that there should bo pro vision made to cover the necessary ex pense of public entertainments and cele brations. THK course ot true political love does not always run smooth in the royal cir cles of Europe. The betrothal of Crown Prince Ferdinand of Iloumuniu to Princess - . cess Marie of Edlnburg is the cause of u great deal of trouble. Every day or two Princess Marie receives an old love letter sent by the crown prince to Mile. Helen Nerasco , whoso love affair with him created a sensation and a decided political disturbance in Roumanian pol itics some time ugo. American lovers have u great deal loss trouble than these connected with the royal families of Europe. AiiKANdKMENTS for accommodating visitora to Omaha during the session of the people's parly 'convention next week nro about complqte'jji , and the committee liiis no doubt that everybody will bo pro'perly taken cnVo of. Private families desiring guests -crtn secure them by ap plying to the committee , whoso head quarters ia undt/r / the Millard hotel. The Indications art ) .that there will bo moro people in Omaha next week than have over been na o before at ono time , and they will entertained' . TIIK proofs of Jiugland'a hostility to the republican tailII law multiply day by day. This g'f-'H to show that it Is a good law for America and a bad law for England. ThUiVptiB It should bo. It moans that tho' jjiorlcan manufacturer and laborer are' protected and that the English munufaotur'or and his employes are the losers by 4thhV > ' .policy. Public sympathy oh this. , glUj of the Atlantis will go out to tho'worktngmon of Eng land. They are not to bliuna for the free trade system which makes them poor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim full capacity of our hntola and restaurants will bo taxed Monday. Com petent judges declare that Omaha haa never uoon called upon to entertain aa grout u number ot people us will cer- tuinly visit us next week. THK democratic platform declares against Chinese Immigration und con tract laborers front abroad , but with an Inconsistency , ns manifest ns it is vain , it declaims tor the importation ot free raw material anJ poods manufactured by the cheap labor of Europe. Every laboring man can BOO that the movement they favor would do moro damage to the worklngmon than nil the Chinese or contract laborers on earth. OMAHA has boon selected as the next meeting place ot the grand lodge of the C. S. P. S. of Ne braska , which has just closed Us session at West Point. The lodge does not moot again for four years , hut none the loss Omaha appreciates the favor shown It , and \vo can safely glvo the assurance that the city will then ho even moro attractive than it Is now. OriiHi.lrltmt Mlllrncc. With Bid well of California for Its stand- urd bearer , prohibition should got a golden on. Thn Truth In Throe I.lnoi. Ktw rork ComnwrcJal ( et-dtm\ \ In u campaign In which tbo two adminis trations are compared Mr. Harrison's looms largo and wlso. _ AVImt Struck rnttcrsou ? IViffaiielphiii Time * . The reason free .silver Colorado doosn't love cither platform Is because It asked both : "Will you bo mine ! " and neither would. Provocation fur n Oroan. The spoctaole of the Samuel J. Randall as sociation glorying In the Chicago froa trade oudHpoilsmau ttckat ought to make the grand old protectionist turn In his gravo. The Uottor Man. ClitcaiW Trttwue. It appears that Henry M. Stanley makes even a worse failure as a stump speaker than ho did as a lecturer. Ho sbould lot his wife do bis political campaigning for him. The Cnuso of Uood Koiuli. Kcia I'm It Tribune. The cause of good roads goas marching on. There Is no politics in It , consequently when people got tired of discussing the presiden tial canvass In all of the sharp disagree ments which tbat oxorclsa implies the ; can got together and relieve the strain , republi cans , democrats aad the rest , on the good road Issuo. It's u Uiimpalgn , Not n Ilnby Snow , i.thlnut \ n Post. The country has had enough and moro than enough of Baby McICoo and Baby Uutb and Baby Dorothy anil all the rest of the in fants belonging to Harrison , Cleveland , Whitney and ether distinguished families. Wo have been surfeited with long and maud lin narratives of Baby MoICeo's nowtrousors and llttlo Uulli Cleveland's precocious tooth. In the name of decency ana common snnso lot us bavo done with this melancholy fool ishness and return to the ways of dignity. This is a great natloual campaign , not a baby show. THE KEir CIlA2IlMllf. Minneapolis Times : Chairman Campbell should lose no time in searching thu repub lican party for coacoalod weapons. Minneapolis Tribune : The choice ot W. J. Campbell of Illinois is an excellent ono. In deed It could hardly bavo bcoa bettor. Chicago Journal : The election of Hon. W. J. Campbell of Chicago as chairman of the republican national committee places the campaign in charge of a man superbly equipped for the service that bo will bo re quired to render. Ho Is a stalwart , physic ally , Intellectually and politically. Chicago News : The chotco of Mr. Campbell - boll Is most significant , however , as Indicat ing in some aograo an aoorehnnslon In tbo republican mind as to the steadfastness of Illinois In" the republican faith. Mr. Camp bell as head of'tho national committee will not lese sight of Illinois. The disquieting affect on the democrats of Mr. Stovouson's nomination will now bo intensified. Chicago Inter Ocean : Mr. Campbell Is a xvell equipped man for the position , and , If circumstances will permit him to glvo his limo to the work of the committee , wo bavo no doubt the result will conlirm in all minds thn good opinion hit western friends have of him. It cortuiulv was wUo on the part of the commlttco and tbo prosUlont to como west for the manager of the campaign. PITHY AXI > 1'UtXTED. Sittings : If a church bo on flrc , why has the organ the smallest chunuo of osuane ? lio- the engine cannot pluy on It. Washington Star : "Huvo you a parrot that can swear ? " "Yt"i , " replied the bird dealer. "Well , I'll take It. I want to hang It up bo- sldu the thermometer , " A high old tlrao the High school clock , Now York Tribune : Hangs So old Do Fulo Is sending messages from the spirit world ! Through what mndlum does ho uumn'unlcuto with his friends ? Janes Well , when lie was on eitrth Iio did most ot his talking through the medium of his hat. _ Puck : Tourist ( In Kentucky ) Thatgontlo- iiinn sitting over thuro Is the moit taciturn person I over encountered. Though I have tried almost every Imaginable subject of con versation I inn utterly unable to draw him out. Ijtuullonl That's Colonel Uoroi try u vorltsrow , suh. TOO MUCH. ClntMcr and Funttolitr * Why did the maid refuse to wed The in mi sue said sriu would ? WIIH It hecitimo lie wat not kind Crorerything that's coed ? Oh. no. It was bocuiiso. alas I This vould-bu , e rlnit blood Did tuck his neulalo In his bhlrt To show his diamond stud. Boston Pilot : The Pennsylvania woman who guvo n costly funeral to her pot miibUtr thu other day comes under the exact defi nition of a dog gene Idiot. Now York Evening Sun : The best matut inal oxerclsn Is to got ut > uarly aud start the kitchen Uro for your wife. Truth. A Btroak of rust from day to day , A section benne , a right of way. A string ot box-cars moving Blow Across plains where sago bushes grow. A few ranchoros. cattlu , bucUors , A train-load ot Itallun muckers , A trestle spanning canyon giueu Uomploto u Texan railroad scoiiu. Krw Yitil * lleralil. She twines her urms around my nook And s.iys her bonnot'a vllu , liar hall dress Is a total wreck , Her cloak Is out of stylo. "I know It's hard. " 1 Hay , "l.ut , dear , Wo't lly without wlnga , And so 1 icnesa that you will huvo To do without thi'so things. " St.a shrils u tour , once moro she twines Her arms around my nuck. "A you nay , dear. " she says , and then I write her out a chdulc. 1 took tin ) pledKo the other day "Alas ! 1 iiupt It not , "Twas the pawnbroker that kept It , And still that pledge he's got. " WORTH A OIHWDA A DOX. ( Tasteless Effectual. ) BILIOUS 'and NERVOUS DISORDERS , Such as Sick Headache , Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion , Constipation , Liver Complaint , and Female Ailments , CoTtredwIthoTttiUlesa & Soluble Orating. Of all druL'glsU. Price 25 cents a box. New York Depot. < Canal Si. WILL USE THE ALLIANCE Democrats in the South Organized to Dis courage the Movement. EASY TO KEEP THE BOURBONS IN LINE In the North anil Wont the IVoplo'a 1'nrty Will Ho Asslntcil with n Vieur of Dividing the llcpnbllonn Itnnks. WASIIIXUTON UIIIIKAU OP TUB DUB , ) 18 I' ouHTHKXTit STHBRT , \ , WASHINGTON , O. U. , Juno 9. ) It Is the organized purpose ot the demo crats in the south to counteract the farmers alliance aud ether Independent movement * In tholrsoctloit and koou the bourbons In line by rolilnit the cry ogalunt the "forco bill. " The bourbons In congress are already nn- uouuclntf tbat the independent movements In the south will not divert the democrat * In tho.eouth from their usual course , "booauso they know that the election of Harrison moans the success ot the ( orco bill. " The southern democrats nro arranging , howovcr , to slvo all possible Impe tus and oucouragomont to the Inde pendent movement In tno north nnd northwest , notably the nllmnco cause in Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa , the DA ko las and Minnesota , hoping thereby to oloot the democratic candidates for the electoral college In those states. It Is the intention of the democratic managers to conduct their campaign not with n hope of securing a ma jority of the electors for Cleveland but with a view to electing enough independent elec tors and democrats to defeat , a majority for the republicans and thus throw the election of prostdont and vlco president into tuo na tional house of representatives , which Is democratic by an overwhelming majority. Ilia Mlml Win Unbalanced. Judge Valentino spent yesterday "nt ( Joshon , N. Y. \\nscalled there by the closing of the doors of the Uoshou National bank , whoso cashier , William Al. Murry , was secretary and treasurer of the West Point Land and Imorovomont company , of which Mr. Valentino Is vtco president. Murry has loft for parts unknown , The affairs of the West Point company were found In good condition. There was no loss by reason of the absconding of Murry. At a meeting of the directors of the West Point company j > Ir. Wilcox resigned the presidency and Mr. A. W. Bly was chosen president and James T. Wtsner secretary and treasurer , vlco Murry. Mr. Valentino reports that the Goshen bank will resume business in a short time , and is not much crippled by Murry , who for some months has shown an unbalanced mind. Trouble for Utah. Comnilsiloi\m-s. The senate today , upon motion of Senator Sherman amending an amendment to tbo legislative , executive aud Judicial appropria tion bill submitted by Senator ( Jaroy of Wyoming , reduced the compensation of the Utah commissioners from ? 5,000 to $2,000 a year. The motion of Senator Faulkner of West Virginia to abolish thu commission en tirely was defeated by four votes , Senators Carov and Warren of Wyoming both voting in its favor. As the amendment makes tbo commissioners residents of Utah , all uf the present commission will have to resign If the provision becomes a law , and there is llttlo doubt it will stand. Among the commiRsionnrs are ox-Governor Saunders of Nebraska and General Robert son of Indiana , old pcisoual friends of the prosldont. Miscellaneous. Representative Bryan said to THE Bnn correspondent this afternoon that ho would call up for final consideration in the house out of its order , us soon ns ho could get recog nition from the speaker , the senate bill extending for a period of tbrco years thu Nebraska Central railroad bridge charter , which has boon reported favorably from the house committee ou commerce. Mr. Bryan said thcro bad not as yet developed opposi tion to the bill , and that ho had no reason to bollovo it would not become law within a fortnight. A favorable report has already boon made upon the senate bill to pay the city of Lin coln f 11,15'J for one-half the expense of side walk improvements about the government building at Lincoln. H. Marsh of Dos Molaos is at the John son. son.Mrs. . Ku&soll Harrison is expected at the white house in the course of the next foiv days , and after a short stay will go to Capo May , wnure she will spend the summer at the prosidont's cottage , in order to bavo things in readiness for him whonovcr ho can got away from the city for a little holiday. Representative Henderson of Iowa todav introduced a bill to Increase the pension ot Captain Samuel U. Chapman. W. J. Martin was today appointed post master at Grand Rapids , Holt county , and B. Eckort atlckos , Cheyenne. In the timber culture case of Vincent Kap lan , from Valentine , Assistant Secretary Chandler today afllrraed tbo decision of the commissioner in favor of Kaplan. Ho also afllrmed the decision of David Strickland against Willis A. Vororiok , from Bloomington - ton , against Strickland. In the withdrawal appeal case of Julius Strohlow against Nich olas Draum , from MoCook , the contest Is dis missed. P. S. H. Slay Iny thu Judge Dundy decided yesterday to author ize the receiver for the American water works plant in Omaha to proceed with put ting In sorrlco pipe connections as ordered by the city In accordance with the pinna prepared by the city engineer. This ques tion was submitted to Judge Dundy for nd- Justmont some weeks ngo. The water work1 * ' company wan , of course , opposed lo the Idon of hnvlnii the receiver Instructed to proceed 'V ? with these Improvements , because the amount Allowed will bo only $13 for each property owner furnished with service plpovhoroai It cost under the old roglmo about W. > . PAHK8 AND JOUIJ3VAnD3. / Commtiitonom nnil Architect Ctovolnncl Arrnngo it I'ruKrmn. The park commission mot yesterday After noon and Inld out business enough to occupy the time of tha inombors during the ro- malndor of the wook. H. W. L. Ulovolond o ( Minneapolis , the landscape gardner who has charge of the plans for park And boule vard Improvements , wns prosrnt. Mr. Cleveland will Inspect the north boulevard - vard In company with members ot the commission tonight preparatory to nmulng tha plans for additional Improvement * . Friday morning the board with Mr. Cleveland will drlvo out to the south boulevard nnd Uotnts park. The nature nnd extent ot the Improvements wlll then bo decided on nnd tbo olnns will bo drawn After Mr. Cleveland's return to Min neapolis. The board decided to gtvo their permission to hold the of July exorcises In Jeffer son square. IniloimnU | > tico Day. Notice to members of the various commit tee ! : Tnero will bo rupeclnl mooting of all committees connected with the Fourth ot July celebration at the oxohango room ot the Board of Trade at 10 o'clock n. ra. today Juno 'M. It Is desirable that every member should bo present. By order of W. F. Boohol , chairman. W. N. NASON , Socrotary. All wheelmen desirous of taking part In the parade on the Fourth of July are asked to moot nt the Young Men's Christian asso ciation ball , Thursday , nt8 p. m. Arrange ments nro being mudo to havoovor 100 wheel men In line. Members of the Omahn , Tourist , Young Men's Christian Association and Ladles' wheel clubs who can participate , hand your names to the captain of your duo. Wheelmen not members of any club , hand your nnmo to the physical director of the Young Men's Christian association or to M. A. Grant , ! 118 South Fifteenth street. A DrnimUlu Kvrnt. This evening "Mario Stuart" will bo pre sented nt Boyd's Now theater for the bonoflt ot the Homo for the Aped. Mauyof Omaha'i loading citizens bavo lent their aid to make the play a success. The object , ns Uvoll \ known , Is n very worthy ono and those desir ing to perform devoted charitable deeds will have an opportunity to do so with plens. uro and advantage to themselves. Tickets nro on Halo nt tbo Boyd box ofllco. Prices are CO , 35 and Uo cants. Effective'V A Friend Wishes to speak through the llegistero\ \ the beneficial results ho has received from a regular use of Ayor's Pills. Ho says : "I was fooling sick nnd tired und my stomach seemed nil out of order. I tried n number of remedies , but none seemed to grru mo relief until I was In- duccd to try the old reliable Aycr's Pills. I hnvo taken only one box , but I feel like a now man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take ol anything I ever used , being so finely BUgar-coatod that oven a child will take thorn. I urge upon all who are In Need of a laxative to try Ayor'a Pills.1' Boothbay ( Me , ) , Register. "Between the iiges of llvo nnd fifteen , I was troubled with a kind of salt- rheum , or eruption , chiefly confined to the legs , nnd especially to the bond of the knee above the calf. Here , running sores formed which would scab over , but would break immediately on mov ing the leg. My mother tried every thing she could think of , but all Iwus without avail. Although n child , I read in the papers about the bcncllclal effects of Ayer's Pills , and persuaded my moth er to lot mo try thuin. With uo great faith iu the result , she procured Ayer's Pills and I began to use them , and soon noticed an improvement. Encouraged by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sores disappeared and hnvo never troubled mo since. " H , Chlpmuu , Real Estate Agent , Koanoko , Va. "I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles , causing very severe pains In various parts of thu body. None of the remedies I tried afforded mo nny relief until I begun taking Aycr's Pills , and was cured , " Win. Qoddurd , Notary Public , Five Lakes , Mich. Prepared liyI1r. < T.C , Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mnsi. Hold by Druggliu Kvcrj where. Every Dose Effective re/eg a & CD. . Manufacturer.- roc A ! I on of Clothing In the World. Slimmer Days Are not more than half enjoyed unless you are coolly dressed. We're selling now all our summer coats and vests at half price ; brown , black , blue serges , all colors mohairs and fancy flannels. Single and double1 linen duck vests , in checks , plaids , stripes , at half price. The sea son is now on and we've only a small lot left , so we want to close them out because we never carry anything over to next year ; half price now. We're ' making a great reduction in straw hatstoo. Browning , King & Co very m now day rll8 till | July . in. I , tiiuiircJuys oumtoro wlll till 10 bo p. open m. IQ | J. W H.tUl y