Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1892, Page 3, Image 11

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Ccliiocdly Carrier to any prxrtof the CUT
rmnvrsJ HIU'IICM ' office If0 ! ?
T rr . .
TKI.l.1 HOiSKbJ | , , , Killlor No 23
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Uoston store for dry goods.
Council IBluffs Lumber Co. ,
Governor Boloi at Chnutauqun Saturday
Mls& Honn Klsoman entertained n cnrty of
friends Inst evening nt the Grand hotel.
Hlnncho Mulvnnoy and Mary Doty were
lined tlii.10 In police court yesterday for
drunkenness anil sent to Jnll.
II. F. Douds cut his foot badly yesterday
morning whllo cutting dnxvn a big trco at tbo
ccrncr of Madison and 1'lorco streets.
The Council muffs base ball club will go
to J'lrtU.Mnoutti , Nob. , Sunday , and will play
tbo club of that place two games on Sunday
and Monday.
Tlio bnrbncua arranged for the Fourth at
Chautauiiuals lo bo free. " E\ cry ono who
iipplica nt the doslpnutod nlnco will got a hot
roast beef sandwich. Swift & Co. donated
I ho ox , which weighs 2,000 pounds.
Captain W. A. Hiiyos was nrrostcd yester
day on an Information lltcd In the ofllco of
the city clorlt cbnrjzlnR him with drunkenness -
ness and disturbing the peaco. Ho will have
n trial In police court this morning.
The Imperial aunrtottoof Chlcaco , which
appears next tiulurdny ntUbalnuqun , has the
ruputullon of being the finest inalo quartette
In the west. The assurance 1 given that
they will arouse moro enthusiasm nero than
uny quartette u'blch lias over appeared horo.
Charles HleUs , a farmer residing near
Haucnclc , was bofoio the commissioners of
insanity yesterday for nn oxamlnutlon. Ho
Is subject to fitiiuent unmanageable spoils ,
when ho wants to kill some one. The couj-
mlbsloncrs ordered him confined In St. Bor-
naril's nsylum.
The clothing which wns found by the po-
llco near Gilbert's Ice house Tuesday night ,
supposed to huvo beun placed there by
tulovw , bus been Identified by Jack Mills ,
.Inclc I'urnell und William Madden as their
protcrly. It : was stolen from their room
uurlnR Tuesday evening.
1'ortcr King wns tried before Justice
Swcaflngon yesterday nftornoon on n uhanjo
of embezzling W , which ho collected for E.
D. bunco whllo ho was In his employ und
failed to turn over. Ho pleaded guilty to
collecting the money but claimed to have.
Civcn it to Burke. Ho was discharged.
Ailss Eva Nuson entertained a low frlonds
informally last evening at her homo on Denton -
ton street , in honor of Mlsi Lena Fonda , who
has Just returned from an eastern trip. Those
present were the Misses Nclllo Uardln , Maio
Scaly , Mao Urvnnt and Lena Fonda , and
Messrs. Will Martin. Lou Cbapin , KlrlcStod-
dard and George May no.
A fire was dlscoverod at 2 o'clock yester
day mornlue In a small building at tbo cor
ner of Plorco and South First streets , Tbo
origin of thn blnzo Is a mystery , but it took
only a few ralnutoj to extinguish It. Tbo
bulldlug Is one of the old landmarks. It was
erected In 1840 by a man named Chudwlck ,
who disposed of it to C. O. Mynstor and
Kivon by him at his death to his son , W. A.
Mynstor , to whom It still belongs. In 1850
it bora tbo distinction of being the only
wealberboarded house In the city , all the
rest bein ; : composed entirely of logs.
Ofllccrs Murphy and Peterson had n lively
BKirmlsh last evening wbllo trying to arrest
John Uovanoy. who lives at tbo corner of
Fifteenth avenue and Seventh street , and whom a complaint had been made at
headquarters on account of a row tbat ho
was making ; In which the wbolo neighbor
hood wns Involved. Whoa the ofllccrs
orrlvcd at his house they found
him administering a whipping to bis wife.
They took a band , but Dcvaney showed Ills
displeasure at their Interfering with his
household discipline- uslnu his Osu upon
the qflleora In an ensy , graceful manner. In
ttica'cufllo Ofllcer Peterson lost his watch ,
Ofllcev Murphy had his watch chain 'broken
in three pieces and lost one of them , whllo
Bcvanoy only lost his liberty. Ho lf > charged
with disturbing the pcccu and resisting-
Colfnx gintrcr nlo und mineral water
oolcl nt wholesale by Duquette & Co. .
manufacturing confectioners.
f i
Hani .Mini ti Itcit. :
Yestordiiy was a hot dav nnd there
were only two Royal Hnrd iimn pianos
Bold by thn Mueller Piano and Or tm
company , 103 Pearl street. But it makes
no dllToronco how hot or how cold itcrcts
it don't ' ulToot the sale or the glory of the
Hardman piano. It is always hard to
bent the Royal [ Ittrdintin , and the Har
rington is a close second in popular
favor because it is mndo by the Hard-
man company and is the best middle
grndo instrument in tiio world.
HlR Tlllio
At Manhattan bench , Lalco Manr.wn ,
on the Fourth. .Swimming races , tub
'racos und all sorts of water games , Ex-
tcnbivo fireworks in the evening.
Prof. Hyde has cone to Texas to spend his
C. C. Towlo leaves today for a visit to Now
T. J. Evans and family leave today for an
outlnp nt ttalio OlcoboJI.
I' . Wind returned yesterday from Ma-
rongo , whore ho secured the contract for the
erection of the now court house of Iowa
county for M8.000.
W. H. StUhvcll , Kuporlntondont of the
lovvn division of the Hock island road , who
1ms been In the city for several days uiist ,
returned yesterday morning to his hotno lu
DCS Molncs.
Cliiiiitiiuiun Trains.
Lenvo Council BlulTs from Rock
Inland dotiot ut 0:10 : n. in. , 8I0 : ! n. in. ,
00a. : ! ! in. , 10:27 : n. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1CO : p.
iu. , 5:50 : p. in. , 7:00 : p. in. , 7ao : p. m.
For Rent First class saloon ; good lo
cation ; flno fixtures. Responsible party
can got long lotiso on good terms. Ad' '
dress D iM , Boo olllco , Council Bluffs.
International Cure association rooms
nro it ) mm ox to urium iiutol , 5-U First
iivonuo , Coiinuil BlulTs , lu. For euro of
nlcohol and opium ( lltsoiwo.
The Coiiiinlttno Iluanl From.
For several weeks pnst thcro has boon
considerable discussion nuiong the fanners
Dtid horltculturnlisis as to the possibility of
putting up an ainlcultural fulr m 1'otta-
wattntnlo county this full. The move
ment tins finally taken form nnd a committee -
too has been appointed to Issue n call
to tlio farmers of tuo county asking them to *
nisemblo and alicuis tha advisability of
nucli un entorprlie. TuU commlttco np-
pointed by tlio I'ottawattamlo Countv Horti
cultural society has drafted tbo following
call ; ,
OdU.NCii , liLitrrji , lu. . Juno 20. 1R02. Tothe
I'lirmers of roltuwuttiunto C'ounty ; There
will bo u meeting of ull those Interested In
Kt'ltlir.un u fair for I'ottawuttamlo county ,
to bu held this full soi.iewhere In Halil county ,
lit tlio court home In the city of Council
lllullk , July I ) , in 10 u. in. , to take such
iirtlon us may tlien nnd tlieto be dfumcd
iidviHuhlo. It Is to I u hoped Unit n full ropro-
iiintullon of the funnel * und Uiu. > o intori'stod
In llilH movement will be liuil at Hint lime.
I'littuwnttumliicounty can Imvo u mognlll-
cent i-ouniy fair II the proper etfort und lun-
i-'i i of iictlon U sallied.
Tim romiultteo consli Is of J. J. Stcadnmn.
W. L. Bnupp , D.V. . Boruff , II. \.tulklus. .
J. 11. tilvcm , J , A. Iturell and J. I > . Hess.
Prof. Zorkowblcy will accept u few
inoru ccliolnru on tlio violin or vloliu-
ccllo. AddrcfB ! ! 0r ) N. 7th.
160Ipcoplo in tlilti city use pus stoves.
'Ilia GubCo , iiutb 'cm in ut cost.
, Hot wotithor prices in nloturo frames
at Hlloy & Shcrrudon'B ttrt utoro.
MoPhuil plnnos , 110 Stutsmnn Btreot.
Houd pugo 0 , Cliautautiua progruiu.
Ninth District Methodist Oonfcrenca Ses
sion Commenced Yesterday.
Matter * rrrtiilnlriR to the Spread of the
Word nint the Goiiil of the Cnufto
Under Deliberation 1'ro.
for Today.
The ninth district convention of tha Meth
odist Episcopal church , to which the Ep-
worth Icaguo' convention was a prelude ,
opened yesterday morning at the Trinity
Methodist church. Over fifty delegates
wcro present nt the opening of the session.
In the morning J. D. Docking spoke
on the "Mission of Methodism. " In the
nftcraoon J. II. Harris of Donlson gave a re
view of the general conference for tbo bene
fit of these who wcro not present , and A. E.
Grlnith of Sncnsridoah discussed the ques
tion , _ "Shall wo have a summer revival cam
paign on every charge ) ' FletcherUrowuvico
president of the Stmpsnn Centenary college
at Indiannla. presented thu claims and
needs of tuo' Institution before the confer-
tree. In the ovcnlng thcro wasniongand
revival soivivo , led by Hov. Huph Una ol
Northboro , assisted bv Hov. C.V. . Urower ,
pnstor of tbo Fifth Avcnuo Methoalst church
of tills city. The following Is the program
for today :
Morning Session SM : , devotional service ,
led by .luvonUiillup ; 0UJ : , buMliiuKs : lliUY'Ulty
Evangelization , " Uov. M , 11. llaitoit ,
Afturnoon till ) , dovotlonul saivlce , K. At.
Ilolf : UiUa. "The Nucdof .Mothodlstn. " A. U
rcnnoclo ! ! : < : > , "Is the OrKunlc Union of all
Methodist Uliiitchcs Deslrublo ? " C. M. Waid :
'J'M : , business.
Dr. Ohnmborlnii ? , eye. ear , throat
catarrh. Shrgurt block , Council BlulTs
At the Hint nil Store.
Special bargains in figured china
silks for this week only , all our G5e and
Too figured , china sillcs for 50c. 5,000
yards corded tnffota , stile price l"ic ,
worth lOc , ono of the prettiest wash
goods on the market. Chiffon , the latest
craze in neck wear , just received , over
600 yards in all the newest shades and
combinations , on sale now at 25c a yard ,
worth from 39o to 50c.
Wash goods. Our line of wash goods
is the most complete in the west. Every
thing from tho3c challio to the linest all
Sco our line of challlcs at 3c , 4jc and
GJc , worth 50 per cent more.
Cropons , Bedford cords , Taffeta cords ,
pongees , etc. , all in at 12Jc , making1 the
prettiest line of wash goods to be found
Ladies' waists in white , black , black
and white , fnncy percale , etc. , in end-
lesi variety from 48o to $2.2o.
Children's luce caps , all our 31.00 and
81 25 caps during saw for 50c.
All our 50c , Goo and 75c caps for 25c ,
this week only.
Straw hats in misses' nnd children's ,
don't have your children got sunstruck
whoti you can got n 25c lint for 12c , n
60iJ hat for lOc , a Too and Sl.OO hat for
Ladies' nnd misses' black silk mitts ,
wo show the finest line over shown ever
any retail counter. See our line at 15c ,
2.5o , 33c , 39o , 50c , 68c. 05e and 75c , with
out a doubt the best value over offered
in such goods , see them , and you will bo
with us.
Mosquitocsl Mosquitoes , bad fiends' ,
don't know that wo have got to have
thorn , but wo are sure to have thorn ,
prepare for their coming , have your
windows secured aguin&t thorn with the
patent mljuatablo window screens , they
are offering for 2oc each at the Boston
Towels , 50c ; all linen towels ,
fancy colored borders , knotted fringe ;
the price you might style ono of the
seven wonders. 12c. Ask to sco them.
Hosiery and underwear. Wo have
always led. This season wo have outdone -
done all previous efforts. See our line
in onyx , fast black , Hormsdorf , royal
stainless. Louvre , otc. Ask to see our
ladies' fast black hoao at 2uu a pair , a
world boater. BOSTON STORE ,
Fothoringham , Whitolaw & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Still Ilickktii ; on TIIXUH.
Suits were begun In the district court yes
terday by tnc Union Pacillc and the Union
Elevator companies by which they hope to
got out of paying the taxes which have been
assessed against them by the board of
equalization of Council Bluffs. The
Union Pacific has un assessment of
$105,000 against it for the cast half of
the brldgo across the Missouri river , and
SIDUO for furniture , making a total assess
ment of $10GOOU. i'ticy served not Ice upon
tbo board of equalization . that they consid
ered the assessment cxccssivo ana unlawful ,
but the uoiud tofuscd lo malce any reduc
tion. They now ask tbo court to declare It
illegal , excessive and unauthorized , und to
give , thPin a Judgment for costs.
The clovator companp was assessed 30,000
upon its property , but upon raising an oujoo *
tlon tbo amount was reduced to $ ? 0UUO.
They wont through tha snmo program bcforo
the board of equalisation with tbo same re
sult. The court is asked to make a ruling In
their favor.
The Clmiitauijim
Every detail io being carefully ar
ranged for the grand opening of the
Ohnutauqua assembly next Saturday af
ternoon. The address of the day will bo
by Governor Boies. Those who have
never heard him will of course bo anx
ious to , especially since ho has won
a national reputation. Those who
Imvo only hoard him on political topics
will bo glad to hour him onanonpar-
tisnn thomo. His address Saturday is
to bo on "Tho History and Progress of
Iowa. "
The musical features of the day will
bo especially attractive. Besides the
assembly band there will bo the Iinner-
ln | quartette of Chicago and Mrs.
Nolllo Bangs Skolton , the pianist.
Prof. Carnos will glvo recitations in
connection with the muslcalo in the
In opening the Chautauqiia , Hon.
James McG'abo will glvo the address of
welcome. Rev. Dr. CJoorgo Elliott of
Washington , D. C. , will give the intro
ductory acldioHs.
They I'nsiri ! ICcnoIulloii * .
\ mooting was held at tbo Congrcgailona
church last evening to take action with
reference to tbo rcslirnntiou of Hov. O.
W. Urofu , which has bcoti under considera
tion far some tirao past. It was decided
to accept the resignation and u set of
resolution * \vero unanimously adopted
warmly endorsing his work as paitor and
comuiondlug him to auy Held In which ho
may onooiio to labor hereafter. Ho was re
quested to continue tils pastoral rotations ,
until September 1 , with the uudcrstandlnj :
tbat ho should bo allowed to take such vaca
tion us ho snould think best.
Miss Anna Oborboltzer was elected church
clerk and R C. Smith Uicmbor of ibo board
of trustees lo fill vacancies. It was acclucd
to erect u Congregational boadquartcrson the
Clmutuuqua asbcmbl.v grouau * similar to
that , of previous seasons for tbo bonelHoftbo
members of the denomination nud tbolr
irluudi who may visit the grounds.
llout Club AllUln.
Mombori of the boat dub are making a
strong effort to increase tbo membership ( of
the club preparatory to making It ono of tbo
leading loclul and athletic organizations of
lull part of tbo country. Tbo uiem-
bcrshlp is now about seventy-five , and 100 Is
the neuro at which they arc aiming. There
Is talk of adding n new feature to the club ,
by renting n lull and ilttlncr It up as an
atnletlo club room , with all kinds ot appar
atus , so that the club may bo kept together
during the winter asvoll as in the summer.
A mooting Is to bo bold next Monday evenIng -
Ing , at whlch'tho plan will bo talked over.
If your old fnrnnco needs overhauling ,
or it you contemplate putting in ft new
one , you should examine the IJoynton
Gaslight. Mr. Lautorwassor , with
Shugart & Son , Is n practical furnace
man , nnd will bo gladtoclvo you hla
experience in ptich matters if yon
cliooso to consult him. Don't wall
until fall.
Cnnillilntn for Hemp.
Foster Durns , a colored man , was brought
before Justice Swoarlnpcn yesterday morn
ing In police court to answer to the charges
of Insulting ladles nnd assault with Intent to
do great bodily Injury.
During his trial It was learned that Burns
had tried to'entlco a coupio of little girls
away tbo other day. They were frightened at
his advances nnd told tbolr mother , who wont
after the bruto. Ho tnorounon drew n razor
out of his nockot ana threatened to kill her
If sbo made him any trouble. When ho was
tried before Justice Swearlngrn ho was
bound ever to tbo grand Jury and his bond
wns fixed atJJ.IO. Ho has ueon employed as
a hostler at tbo driving park for some lima
Trains leave Mauawn daily at 8 nnd 10
a.m. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2:30 : , 3,3:30,4 : ,
4:30 : , 5 , 6:30 : , 0. 0:30. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 1) ) ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10:30 : , Hand 11:55 : p. m. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the last electric motor CM- for Omaha
Wiuitfl HI ) ; DiimiiRCi.
A libel suit was commenced in the dlstrlo
court yesterday by George H. Meschendorf
aealnst Thomas D. Tolle , J. H. Pace , M.
Wclkcr and F. M. Scanlan to recover $10,000
for Injuries to his character , which
ho claims to have suffered by
reason of tbo article recently pub
lished In the Omaha sensational
sbcotlet of which Tollo used to bo the Coun
cil Bluffs correspondent. The three last
named defendants are well known butchers
of this city , and Moschondorf claims lo Imvo
reason for believing tbat tboy have boon
backing Tollo In the charges which ho mndo
against Mcscbondorf.
I.Ivory in it Luxury.
There is no moro sensible , enjoyable
luxury , no moro healtli-giving , pleasure-
able uno than a horse and buggy or a
team and carriage. Old and young ,
babies and all can share in the enjoy
ment. Mr. Holland , who has recently
returned from Los Angeles , Ciil. , has
planned for furnishing Council Bluffs
people the luxury of livery in its best
form. Ho has secured what has
been known as the "Rink" stable ,
and' has completely remodeled it ,
making it not only ono of the
largest , but ono of the most complete of
any in the west Everything is so or
derly that ft lady or child can go
through the entire establishment with
no moro cause of offense than in u dry
goods store or other business houso.
Mr. Holland prides himself on having
his business conducted on this policy ,
nnd what Is I--ILO of the stables Is also
true of the stock. Trusty horses , now
buggies and line carriages , now harness ,
reliable drivers , in fact everything
necessary for a Ilrst class livery stable
are provided , the nssuranco being given
that it will bo maintained thus as the
finest livery stable in the city. Mr. Hol
land has had years o ( experience and not
only knows what is needed , but how to
supply the need. Besides the lively ho
will board horses and take the same care
of private rigs that ho does of his own.
In remodeling the stables new floors
have been laid , now stalls built , now
harness room , wash rooms , etc. , in fact
there is little to remind ono of the former
appearance , except the walls. The pub-
lie will appreciate the improvements
made , nnd Mr. Holland will doubtless
speedily win a liberal share of the pat
Neglect of the City Council to Make u
Tux Levy ,
Will South Omaha have a tax levy this
year Is aa Interesting question which has
Just been raised. No steps have as yet been
taken by the city council to make a levy ,
and the tlmo for the preliminary stops in the
matter as provided bv law has expired.
Tbo charter goveralnir cities of tbo Ilrst
class , having moro than 10,000 copulation ,
plainly provides hew the city council shall
proceed in making the annual tux lovy. Tha
Ilrst stop necessary Is tbo procuring of an as
sessment roll from tbo county clevl ; und
which shall bo In trie hands of the city clerk
not later than the third Monday In Juno.
Immediately thereafter the council snail give
six days notice of Its sitting as a board of
equalization , which shall last flvo da.vs.
This must bo done before tha tirao
for the first meeting in July , nt
which meeting tbo levy must bo mado.
Tbo assessment roil has not yet bcon re
ceived by the city clerk from the county
clerk nor baa the council given any nouco o'f
its Intention to sit as a board of equalization.
The regular July mooting of tbo council oc
curs next Tuesday evening and by the pro
visions ot the charter the levy should bo
mudo at that mooting. It will Uo impossible
to muKo the levy at tbat tlmo and the ques
tion arises tioxv will tbo dlftlculty bo over
come. It has been suggested that the
council should sit as a board of equali
zation as soon as possible , and when Tues
day ovonlng'R mooting Is held take a recess
for n suftlclont length of tlmo to enable the
provisions of the mw to bo compiled with.
Another suggestion Is that the absence of a
quorum Tuesday evening would bring about
tbo desired result and civo asufllclont length
of tlmo to secure the assessment roll and enable
able ttio council to meet as un equalizing
The blame for this oversight of the coun
cil Is not laid at any particular person's door ,
and can to attributed only to tbo fact that
the members are not as familiar with tbo
provisions of tbo law for tax levying as they
should bo. The members will undoubtedly
provo equal to the emergency , but tbo quo- *
tiou Is bowi
Will Ho liiHtulli'il Tiiumliiy Kvenlnf ; .
South Omaha ledge , No , 00 , Ancient Order
of UnltcdWoricmcn , has elected the follow
ing ofllcorn and tboy will bo installed Tues
day evening : Post wortny workman , H. B.
Monefeo ; master workman , C , W. Miller j
foremanM.V. Doyle ; oven cer , Henry Prod-
maiiBon ; receiver , Edward Klstor ; financier ,
K. C. Illlllkcr ; recorder , Jacob Jaskalck ;
guldo , Philip Kern : inner watch , J. p ,
Webb ; outer watch , Henry Dotrlck.
rirkuil tip on tlio KtrcHs.
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon n child
about 11 years old wai picked up at Twenty-
fourth and A slreots by a motorman and
turned over to tbo police. The youngster
narrowly escaped belnf. run ever , and per
sisted In getting In tbo way of passing
trains. Later In the evening ibo bov was
recognized as belonging to Frank 'Daro ,
living ut Twonty-llfth and A streets , and
was taken to his home.
> D 11nnil I'crHonuU.
Miss Ida Welmcr has gonu on a visit to
James W. Murphy loft last evening tor
Noola , la.
Charles Horn of Wilcox was the guest of
J. P. Webb yesterday ,
Dr. and Mrs. Hv L. Krnbout returned last
ovcnlng from Atluutlo , la.
The bachelors who make the Leo hotel
their homo will glvo a ball on tbo evening of
July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Doyle entertained a
party of frbnds iisi : ovonlug. Dancing was
tbo order of the ovcnlng.
Jonatbuu Johnson or tse Cudahy Packing
company roluruod yesterday from an ex
tended visit lu Now ICugland.
Ed Doud returned this mornlujr from
Liverpool , England , vvhcro ho woctwlttta
largo ibtiunuat of export cattle.
The members of ft. ft. Llvlog ton poet ,
Urand Armr of the Kopnbhc , will attend
the Council Bluffs Ulji > ltnuqua in n body
July 4 ,
Fred Johnson , nn employe at Hammond's
packing house , received aivHiglv cut on the
head this morning , being struck by a falling
timber. '
At next Tuesday evening's meriting ( the
Board of Education win.t'lcct the teachers
for South Omaha fcchdols for the ensuing
year. There nro thlrtyyo position * to bo
Martin Welsh , tra'tt rf known as "Ono-
Eyo-I Ililoy , " was arrested lust ovcnlng on
the charge of houso-brcjiklng. Ho broke
into Mnurmolr's blacksmth ) shop Tuesday
The High school alumni was organized
yesterday. The odlcors are ! Miss Mary
Heed , president ! Miss Marion Thompson ,
vice president ; Miss Jcnnctto Mullen , secre
tary , nnd Charles Johnson , treasurer.
Pat O. 1 1 awes was In South Omahn lost
evening nod was endeavoring to interest
prominent citizens in a schema to advertise
the Magic City during the big convention.
His suggestion Is several banners being car
ried through tbo streets on which should ap
pear the following : "Tako the South Omahn
motor trains and sco tbo great Moglo city
the third largest packing center In the
world. " Pal's scheme 1 doing considered.
Visited 1'lko'n I'cnlc.
MAXITOU , Colo. , Juno 20. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Bcc.J-Tho Colorado grand
comranndory Ivnlghts Templar , In company
with Pike's Punk commander ? No. 0 , made
a pilgrimage for inspection nnd drill to the
summit of PlKo's Peak today. The party
numbered ever 100. They experienced suu-
shlno , ruin , hail and snow In the ascent o'vor
the road. The entire day was occupied
In this trip. The following telegram was
sent from the nummit to the head of tbo
SUMMIT-DC I'tKn's I'KAK , Colo. , Juno 39. To
John I' . S. ( Jobln , Lebanon. I'.i.s The grand
coimnnndery nnd triennial committee- solid
KiilL'MUy trreotlns to tbo griind miistnr and
Invlto the prnnd onuiimpinont to hold a ses
sion of Its next conelavo hero. V. It. llir.L ,
It. K LAIIK , L'liulrmiin.
Urund Commander.
I'or Now School l
Last night tbo Board ot Education decided
to erect ton-room buildings on the Lathrop
nndvcst Omaha silos ; a twelve-room build-
in Lon the Center slip , am' to have plans for
tbo Windsor place school drawn to cost not
ovur CJo.OOO. A contract for tha boiler house
and otbor improvemcntskat the Park school
was lot. A committee was appointed to con
fer wltn Landscape Architect Cleveland with
a vlow to beautifying the school grounds.
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
llpliciimatism ,
Pciironic ,
Nervous or
Consultation Free.
AcunowlodRcd to bo tboitnosl successful f | > 6-
cliillstslniill PIUVATB , llr.ooi ) , NKUVOUA SKIN
Goiiorrli.m in from 3 to 0 days. .Syphilis
cured without Mercury. All st'inos for lifo.
STHlCTlJiin permanently cured , removal com
plete. without ciilllnu , cninllc or illlntntlun. Cure
iitTectod at homo by patlont without a mumciH'd
irnln or annoyance. '
wjlhout pain or dclCnllon from business.
HYiniOCKI.K AND VAUKJOCEI.i : erinanontly
and successfully cured. Method naw and uafalllux
( VITALITY WEAK ) , Mada so by too closa appli
cation to business or study : novora uienlat slraln
or ( trlof : HBXUAn 11XI KSSUS In middle life , or
Iroin the effects of youlUful follloj.
VOUM ; nnd M1DULK AGKlt ; lack of Tim , vlk-or
and BlrenKtli , with sexual orgaus Impaired and
ucakcncncd prcuiaturoly In upproachlnx old ago.
All rlnld rcndllv to our DJW treatment for loss of
vital power. Call nn or addresa with utainp J or
circular : ! , Iroo book and receipt ) .
Dr. Scarles & Seafles ,
niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiliiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniiit
Locks with small keys are
countless most of them are
The word "Yale" , or this
mark ( Y&T ) on lock or key
will enable you to discrimi-
I nate.
| Vale ft Towne Mfg. Co.
TIic .Millions of nan or.4 Wntcr Contains
nnd tlio ItipliUljr With Which They In.
crca c Don't Tnke Any I'hitnc ' s.
Fen people li 7i > uny IJc.i how tninnro c"n the
pire : t drinking water K The very best known l tut
of Korran. They nro the mo l proilHo irontnrc * of
which wo hnvo any knowleitue , for n li lo tinomny
bo the cnu ntltp p.ircnt of nioro Jhan iUtcon nilllliin ,
llvo liuiulrcil thoiiiniil do conJ nti In n day. Tlier
nronl o po o * od of great vltallly , for ihcy t-anlio
carried nre tdl t ! nco In water without lo ln < tholr
power of produclnc dl < ca o. They can betroien or
even boiled without belnu destroyed. They maybe
kept dried for years unit yet when placed In n jultnblo
medium will come to Ufa nnd produce fernicntntlitn
nnil decay. They nro ttio ( Trent producers of malarial
fever , crlo , nnd most serious dl cn es.
Ilut"yoit say , " whUcan bo done to avoid germs
tlnco they cannot bo killed by bo ! lnl" There Is hut
pno thing which will effectively destroy them and
thiitli comltiK In contact wllh i plrlt . A unat
amount of puratplrltsln the water lll effectually
kill thorn anJ destroy Ihclr evil effect' , but ll oliouUl
bobornoln mind that nothing but the purest nnd
west iplrlti thould bo u cd for this purpose , nnd tha
notlilnc Is equal to whlsioy. Not the ordinary
whl klcs which nro upon thi > ma'rkot , but something
Inrnbovo lhcm-somothln < which 1' highly endorsed
by tbo sclenllrlc world. i-uc'i n whl key Is Duffy's
1'uro Mull , which Is toJay moro popular thnn over
lieforolnltshl toryanl which Is doing wonders lo
destroy the germ ) of every dneaso. There arc hun
dreds of families who u o It constantly In coimvo-
tlon wllh Ihelr drinking water , lolh ut thotablo
nnd between meals. lloTrnro of nny druggist or
grocer who ceks to offer you something ho says la
"JustnsgooJ. " Duiry'a Is the only pur. ) medicinal
hi or upii tti o market.
1 a UQUII VO' M tlBtijj - > - V
'Tho first < lese oft on astonishes the Inv -
- v vnl Id , Blvlnff ehwtlelty of inlnil , 1 > uoy--
bowels nnil Milld 1'rlois 4.rts.
© © © ® (2 (
To the owners of loll nnd parts of lots nnd
roil cstnte ulonx Uh struct from Hoes street
to I'acllloHtrcct unit I'uclflo street from "lib
street to S.'ilh AVCIIIIO In the city of Oin.tlm.
Von aio horoliy notidoil Unit thu nmlor-
slRiiod. three disinterested freoholdcrsof tbo
city of Oiiialin , Imvo been duly appointed bv
the mayor , with the approval of the cttv
councilor sail ! city , tousscsi tho. damage to
thu owners respectively of the propnrty af-
fcctod by the uhaticn of erndo of i3th street
from Itoi-s street to I'neltlo street and 1'acltlo
street from 'Jltb street to Mth nvcium , de
clared nccessnrv by ordinance 164 , passed
May VO , A. I ) . 1W > . ' . npurovod May ! M. A. 1) . IMG.
You nro further notified , tbat bavin ? nc-
room.V > l , Ohatnbcr of Commerce wltnln the
corporate limits of said elty , meet for the
mu pose of eotislclorlnc nnd nmUliii : the assess
ment of duinngo to the owners respectively of
said properly , affected by said chaiitfo of
crude , tuklnj Into consideration special Lono-
You are notified to bo present nt the time
nnd nlnco aforesaid and miike any objections
to or statements concornliiK said assessment
of damages as you may consider proper.
JOHN 1 * . I1 IjACK ,
Committee of Appraisers.
Oninhn. Juno 28.1-Oi JKklUt
lid aui Saraia
I'cftfocllltlcs , cpunratus 'n rm Koniodioi
forauccossful trj.itniant if ivorv form
of illsoaso rcnulrln : or
sur.ltm ! troatinunt ,
M beds for putlonts , boird niU nttondanstv
llust ueeomoJutions In the via if.
Wrlto for vlrculiirs on iloforinltins ntrJ
braces , trusses , club foot , ourv.iturosof sulnu ,
lilies , tumors , c nicer , citirrli : : , bronchitis , ln-
huliulon.qloctrlelty , lurnlysls , oollnusy , kld-
nov. bmudor , oyp , oar , sltln an I blooi nnil all
. .
Women I'UEK. Wo Imvolutolv ucl led ii lylni
Indop irtniont for women during conllnoinont.
slrlolly ) > r v.-ao.l Unlv Hollablo Mudloal lu-
Etitutoniaktne a , Sjioul.iltyo.
All II oed UUuaso3 Htiucossfully troatol.
Kyuhllltlo 1'nlson roinovcd from tlio BjStoni
without nii'rotiry. Now itosloratlvo 'I'rcul-
nient for Loss of VITAL POWKIt I'or-ious un
able to visit us mav bo troitod ut homo by
corro.suon lonco. All conimunloatlons confi
dential. Mod cities or Instrument * sent by
mail orovprcss. sncuruly paokod , no m irks to
Incl catocontuntsor sender. Uno In
ter v.i'w prufurro 1. Call unit consult us or soml
lilstory of your case , und no will send In plain
wranuur , our
Rnnif "fh MPfJ PR RE : U on I'rlvnte.
, spooiut or Norvom Uu-
onsos , Impotenoy. S/phtlU , Qloot an.l Varloo-
cole , withiiuoit'on lUt ,
Unices , Appliances for Deformities * Trusji
Only m'lnufactury intlio Westot HKfOit ll.
-fr Ari'i.i.t.tvK > , , THifaAim , nc.isuj.'itta
Omaha Medical aui Surgical Instltuto ,
26th nnd Broadway , Council Bluffi
Ten minutes' ililo from center of Omaha on
Omaha und Oounall Ululfi ulostrla motor lino.
( 'tiros nil dlsonloo'eor Iho Stomncli , Liror , Itoirols , Kl.lo.iys , Hl.nlilar , NurtruH )
DlsnscH , Loss of Apbctlto , Heailnclie. ( 'onsllpntluiu Cogtlroii | ; < ) i In lljo < tl in , 11II-
OiH ness , 1'ocr , rilp-JJHc , , nntl rcnlors thn BjHtoin less llibln : to coutr.tct dlsu.ns.
IIADWAV'S PILL * iiro euro for IhU coinpinlnt They tout ) up tlio Internal socrotlons to
healthy antlnn. re.storo ttlrjisngth to the Htomnch , und enable It to perform Its f iini'tloin , '
1'rlcetftou box. Bolil by all druxulsts , or mulled by HAD WAV A ; 0J. ( . a Wurron BtrcoU
Now York , on receipt of ) ) rico.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent tperlallit In norvoui , chronic , prlvnlo. btooJ , ikln cnil unnory dtirntoi. A roralir nij
rcirl > u > rc < l itradutto In nmJclna. us Ulpomo : nnil curiltlrnu-i cliow. U nil ! Ireallnir wllti lh ftreatuit lurcvn
mtarrli , ipormHtorrhocs. toil manbuoil , aemlnftl w aknuia , iilxht losset.ttnpotQiiosyphlli * . vtrlcluro. ijon *
orrUuea , Klei't , Tnrlcorulv.cto. Nomerriirr u > J. Nen Ironlinont forlonof tliiil iiom-r , 1'arllei unulilu to
vliltmauia ; balmatalat liomu bj oorruipondenco. JlcJUIin or Iniirurarntt tonl by lualloreiprnii IB-
ourulr ' packeil. no mark ! lo laatrnto coniaiiti ortenilor. Ono ucrxnml luturrluir priTotrca. Oiniuliatloa
irto.'Corrcipondunro mlcllr prtrnto. Hook ( Mierlii ot Lift 1 ; Mat ! ( . Offlau buu U a. m. tg V t. m.
Suudaji Ilia , ui.lo ilia.ttuuuiumiilor ruvir.
Every MAN can l > <
BE ft MAN 8'JitONO and VIQ.
OltOUH In all rainecli
_ _ _ by utlng Sl'A'/IBII
N1SKVINB , the great Upanlsh Itemed ? . VOUNO MltN
Oil OLIJ lulfpiluu from N15UVOUH CH11IIITV , IOaT 01
1'AIMNO MANHOODnUlillxtiilnloniccnvulilon , ncrvoui
iirottrallonCHUifd by Ibeuie ot opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake-
fulncii , mental < ! epreiiion , Ion of power in elllier lex , iperinalor *
Birnoan AND AITCH ui . rhwa cauicdbjr iclfabuia and overlndulcencror anrpcrioiial weak'
neu can be rulorod lo peifect LoiliU and the NOllI/lt VITAI.ITV OF 8THONO MUN.
Wogivo a written Ku f ntca wlih6l > ox i lo cure any caio or refund the money , ( i w boxC boi i { 5
For Sals In Omaha by Snow 'Lund & Co.
G. A. Sohouilsaclf. Proprietor. Olllcus 021 Bronilwny , Council DhiiTB nnd 152
Fnrnttm St. , Onuilin. Dye , clcun nnd rcfinioh poods of every deter ptlon. Pack
jraoa rcoolvoQ nt either otlloo or nt the Works , Cor. Avc. A nnd 20th St. , Councl
Bluffs. Send for prlco list. . , ,
Morohnnta who huvo shop worn or soiled fabrics of nny character can have
thorn rcdyod nnd linIshod equal to now. , , , , , . , , , . ,
„ „ „ „ „ „ r
most nppvroved mnchlnory , at less cost than you ever paid before
S. W. PANGLE , M. D.
The Gooi Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericntc.
I treat 1he following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Uead , Throat , and Lungs ; DI * .
oases of tbo Eye and Ear. Fits and Apoplexy , Heart
Disease. Liver Uouiiilalut. Kidney Complaint ,
Uorvous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Dlabetes.Brlghfs pl'case , SUVltus1
IJanco , KheumatUm , I'arulyEls. White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawlno : a drop of
blood. Woman with hi-r delicate orpans re-
Btorcd to health. Dropsy cured \\lthout tapping.
Special Attention eluen to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to 350O forfeit fur any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot cure without mercury.
Tnpo Worms removed In two or three hours , or uo
pay. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured.
Wlllfavo life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Physician -who can toll ivlmt alia
a person without UhKliiK a question.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Medlolno
Dent by express. Address all letters to
BSB Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Allklmlsnf Pynlnxnml Oloantmdnno In tin
liluhcvt style of the art. I'.idud und ntulno'1
fiibrles made to look us food us new , llod
feathoraoleanol by stoiini In llr.U-cliirfi tnan-
nor. Work proiuptly donu and dellvero.1 ln.ill
parts of iho country , b'cu.l for urlco list.
0. A. MAOIIAN. - - rUUl'KI
HUllroudw ly. Near Northweiur.i
Funeral Director , Embalmer
14 N. Main Street ,
ootwoir. , HMJK'KH.
cud every . .other grndo doinandoJ
all clusson of trade.
203AND 107 lIHOAIMVAYCoiiiicI I
* \llll Kf 9linilprc Attorneys ut ) uw I'rao
ouu a oauiiuna tCO | i , , tin , 8tlllo .aa
ftdcul ! cniirtk tl'com * 3 , Jl. und 5 Hlaugu
llcuro blocU , Council lllull" , Iii.
ANTKD Oood Rlrl for Kenoral house
work. Good neeti. .Mrs. George Kcellne.
I KM East 1'lorcc street.
T710R KENT The dwelling on First iivonun
JP and Kkhtli street formerly occuplcil by
M. 1C. Smith : U rooms. ! 2 baih rooms und nil
modern Improvements ; itood stulilo und out
building ; rent t Ml per month. K. II. Bhoafo.
F OH SALR-Klourlni : and grist mill with a
stool : ot general merchant ! I so and dwelling.
I'rleo Jl'J.500 ; will trade for uustnrn Nebraska
or Kansas land. K. II. She'ifo.
\\l ANTED Experienced canvassers to BO ! t
TV the latest and Kroatost novelty in fruit
In I'ottowtittomlo und Mills counties , Iowa.
Address A 2J. Hen. Council HlulTg.
and Commission Stove ? , furniture
ture , etc. , stored and sold on commission at
lowest r.itea. U Klnnohan. 33) llroadway.
OH SALE On small payments , fruit nnd
Burden land near Council llltilTs. E. 11.
Shoafo , llroadway und Main street.
Foil KENT Two of the best Uurrixg flaU on
I'ourlli street.
LK YOU Imvo anything for sale or trade BOO
E. II. Slio ifo. Itroadwny and Main stront.
171OH Hi.N'l' : DwollhriR In all parts of tha
JO city. 1II. . Blmafo. llruadway nnd Muln.tha
Foil SALE Kuniltiio fixtures louse and
Hood will of hotel with 4U rooms In a uood
Nchrnskaoltyi will trudo for Mtook of
morelmmlKo. E. H. Shoafo , ilroadway antl
niOU HKNT ElKht-room dwelling. Si I Wash-
J. In-'toii avo. , modern style und oonyon-
lencoi , In excellent ropalr , rout } Ji. K II.
Hhcufo , Broadway and .Muln sta.
SALE Hotel and restaurant. In u prosperous -
porous Nebraska city , pivlns business ,
peed ronsous for solllni ; , price JI.UJJ. It Is a ,
simp. K. 11. i-lieife : , llro.idwuy unil Muln street.
$ N ° iO will buy a nice new honsui monthly
nuymontrf. HI font lot In Urlimin' adillllon
HWi. lnrao Ilirt of property for nulo , Johnston -
ston fe Van 1'uttcii ,
I71OU SALE Stundiu-d bred mure. Tyoara
JU old , sired by llr , Archibald. No. L'JlJi Ilrst
dam by ( ilonwnod , record 47U. : . Hhu \ n line
chestnut , hasHhown zood speed , U uentlo und
well broken to drlvoHlnKlo or double , wolxhi
about 1.0JJ Ibs. May be soon ut burn of W. O.
UttorbiioU. ' ! ! & West llroadway. Uounull
UIulTs. I'rioo Jr ) . JiieobSlms.
FOR HALK Kami , 32) aoros , In DloUonson
Co. , IOWH , ' . ' 10 ucrus broke , liulanco foneo.l
piistiiround moadow. I'rlco K i an ucro. b. II
Shoafo , llru.tdwuy and Muln street.
Foil SALE Chnlcu farms In I'nttti'vattamlo
Co. , Iowa. E. 11. Shuufu , Ilroadwuy und
ITtOIl SALE J7.001 stoolc of coiieral mer-
JU chundNc. well loo.itotl .vltliln ItM m
Umului. Will take p-irtln Ian I of bcstuuul-
Ity , balance cash. 12. H. bhu.ifu. Ilroauwuy
nnd Main street.
"fjlOK HAljPJ Orocory stock llxturoi. lior.-fo-i.
Jl1 otc. I'rleo Jl.Wrl llxcollent trade , well
ostabllnhod , lur o prnllls ; must lie sold ut
once , foritoo'l cause. K , U. Bliuafo , liroadway
und Main street.
TTIOKSAIiK Tliostnniplni ; business and ur
-L1 ncedloivork mulorluU ; nm Roliiu to leave
city : Kood eliunco for a liuly to KO In Iniulnos-i.
Mis. II. I'.Mlt'H. 403 ItroiKlwiiy. f.'ouncll lUulI
" \\7ANTKI-Kastern Nnbraska lands In ex-
> lihuiiKo for Uouuoll Illuir * propurty. 1 II ,
Shoafo , Hro.irUTiiy and Mulnvtruoi ,
FHUIT liinda. Burden liui'U , farms and city
property for nulo or trado. Day & Hem , oJ
I'onrl BtreoU
171OU SALR Klovator with corn Bhollor ,
JL ; 4,000 bu. U.iliy ; corn crlndor , IU ) bu , an
hour ; HIIW mill uttachment , 40 II , 1' . online :
dolni ; auood bUHiiitiss ; located near Council
Itluirx. Will t'iko HOOI ) liitid In oxcliango or
Hell cheap for onsh. Ii II. Hlio.ifo , llro.idiray
anil Muln Mtrunt.
TT1OU SAIjB-Tho loading hotel In u Nebras-
H lot cllv of'O.'i'J'J ' ' ; Inn 'M rooms , foods U ) each
inuiil , sdixl bar trudo , nets t..V.uo ) par month ,
long established , lease lins three vearsto run ;
nrlcu. ILOjO.iW , halfcaxh or will trudo for
Onmlm residence. E. H , Uhcufe , llroadwuy
und Main street.
FOHtfALK Htooleof murchnndlsqund build-
in C In L'ooil Iowa tuwn ; Htou < Invoices
tl.MO.OOj huHvooJ trade ; bulldliu , ll.Wi.OJs a
bargain ; will take uood Inwu I mid In ox-
chunge. K. II. Shoufu , llroadway and Muln
siri-et ,
rniii : III < ; GIST : itAitnAiN-Doubio rest
deuce lot. Nu. ! r."i Mitith Klrst straut , 8
foot front ; best locution and bent liur/aln lit
thu city If tuken ut once , Day & Hess. U ! *
1'Q'irl Htroiit.
fPO computnnt ladlou und Kontlornon (00 a
J- month und traveling expenreii. No oun-
Hull G.'i First uvenitu , Cuunuli lllutT * .
0 tu in. to 4 p. in.
TmOH KALE Ituod lathe , font or power. Ofeot
J-1 lotitr. K' InehoHWldu. buck geared und screw
cutting , with oo'iipleto chunuo o gearing , > l
chucks , one C1 1 noli , uno 4-lnvh nnd I drill
chnok ; 3 ot jnolal turnlnz tooli. oUnUo
ono : i-horso power nil enitlnu , with hlniftlutf ,
pulleys , bultliiL- . etc , All In Kood order unil
will be Hold uhenii foreiiHh or on time to right
party. Adilrosi , llox tKlllott , In.
Of Council UltUi
OaplUI BtcoY tSJ.10OO
burplusunJl'rotlK HOout >
NotOuultnl an ) Hurplus. . yvutf.OOl *
Director * J. I ) , IMJIUIIJ * > i. II. Ii. H iii irl , r * J.
Olcn.lln , K. 18. llnrl , I , A , Mlliir , J. lilnoiuii
nulCliarloi It. llnuuaii. binU-
liif bu inu 4 Lur oj' capital unJ nurpliuof ,
uny bunk lit Koutliwe tern Iowa.