Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1892, Page 6, Image 14

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.I WEDNESDAY , , ] f K 29 , 1892 ,
Tlioro Was Decidedly Mora Activity in All
the Pita Yesterday ,
hl 1Vn the ItmnU nfCililo Hrporta That
the Inilln Ccronl Crop WIM l.norm-
ou ly Short Stock * nnd
lloiul * .
CHICAGO , III. , Juno 18. Tlicro nn nioro nc-
llvlty nnd decidedly more strength In nil of
Ilia pits during most of llio aCMlon of tlio
Ilonrdof Trulo todiiy. tut noiir tlio oo ! o
there wns 11 Konorul wo ikcnlnz nil iilontr tlio
line nnd flmil figures show only moderate
gnlnt. I'crlinps Iho most encouraging fnctor
of the dny wan the grow Ing bollof tlmt tlio
droailcd Hatch -intl-optlon bill cinnot pnsi
Iho senate this session. Tlicro was uUo ether
itroiif ? features .md especially croti reuom
which are beginning to cotno In ICM favora
bly thin hcrotoforo.
Tlicro wns u report from Now Yor' < Unit
Liverpool had Just cablul that the Indian
wliont crop wai (11,000,00) ( bu , lo tlnni last
year. ' 1 his \vns regained na Incredible , but
Now York lulogmphed tlmt It hud had ths
cnblo repotted and the rcpoit wnscoullrmod.
I.iist year India exported only about rr ,00l.otO (
bu. of wheat mid If thu orop Is now ( U.iOO.iMO
bu. lest tlinn Instyoir , \\otllil xuom thu
ox pot la this j ear must bo vorv mcauur. > ut
since April 1 , iho luulnnlng of the now crop
yonr. Him bus exported ever 1 1,1100,000 bu , or
Hilly us much us for tlio sumo time n yeir
Mio. Moreover , the IlUnoU crop iciiort was
unfavorable. , . , , , ,
Aflcrall ofthcso bulletins hud their
circcl. It wis notul Ih it Iho later cables wi-ro
low Instu id of hlKhur. n would Imvo boon thu
diso with iiil enormous tlccrciiho In India.
Then tlicro wns an Incrpasu In'thal.ucllsh vis
ible miiiply of 1/iCO.Uli bu. LOURS \ > uio In-
cllni'il to lake their tuollu on thu rise mill : i
roicllon r sillied .lulv npcncd at 7SS4C. ad
vanced to "OVi1 , we.iKpnod to 'is'af ' , ru tctcd to
. aealiist 78'ju at tlio closu v t-slrrd iv.
Corn was struna and higher. Thu Illin ois
itnlo report was iinfiivor ible and othi'r ump
Nilvlccs also dlsLoiir iRln ? , and theio was
uctlvo co\orlni : . Tlio nuirknt wcukuni'd later
vvltb who it. July opened t M'.e. iidxnuicd
lo. 115(0. ( Bold oir to5uyc and clobcd nli07ic ! , an
ftdvancpof ' { c.
Ciitn HJ niMllil7cl | ( with the other cereals nnd
closed with a o iid MUICO.
rroxlolonscro In sympathy with praln ,
\\onkenrd later and closoil with only a
illRht ailMincc.
Lstlinutos for tomorrow : Wheat. 201 cars ;
torn , L'I'mirs ' ) : outs. Nloira ; hotfs , 10,00 hc.ul ,
TiiclondniK futures ran.'sd as follows :
AI1TICI 19 ou. HiuMr.
Juno t 811 I 71
July 78 <
AII ( I lint . . . . 7BM
Kept. . . . W } <
OATH No 2-
Jlinu. . . , . . . W $
July , 12
Kept 31 31 SIM
Jaly II ,121 II H ) II SI 11 : s
11 45 n ; o II , K II 45
July. . . r.HI - , Ofi7l
7 uH 7UU
July 7SO r v > 7 20 7 10
Kept 7 .W 7 . ! " ' < ; 7 . " > 7 . , U
Cash ciuotnttons were 111 follows :
I'l nun- Dull and nntlian od ; winter i > at-
ent.Jl 21 ® I 41 ! w Inter sir ills } J70Ki4 ' ) i : spring
patents. W.10SJ4 W ; spring straits , ? i JJ4i4.40s
b.V urs' . Wl.l.7\ ) (
WillAT No. 2 spring , 7llae ; No 3 spring ,
7'c : No. 2 rc-l. Sie
CJOIIN fcteady ; No 2 , 5034'c ; No. : tollow , 40 ®
OATS No. 2 , .U'jc : No 2 white , .iSMimje ;
No , i while. : i4'5S.)4\ii' ( ) ; .
. live-No. 2 , 7Uc.
Hull IT No 2. COe : No 3 , f. o. b , 47o ; No , 4 ,
f. o b.'HOIGe.
VIASELII No. 1. 1 l.ov ,
TIMOIIIV &i i n I'rlino , fl.7 ® l.t.1
I'OHK MCSH. per hbl. . * 11.2JToll 2714 ; lard , per
ire Ihs , ? l 87KWrO : short rlls sides ( loose ) ,
I7.KXK7. Ii'/ , dry silted thoiildcri iho\ed ) , $0.23
Itl'.W ) ; short clear sides ( boxed ) . $7.75
WHISKY Distillers' lluUhod goods , pnr gal ,
II. 1\
1booAiiR Unchnngedcnt ; loaf 4' ® 5Hc ; gran
ulated. 4 > { c ! Ptandnrd "A.4 c.
Hecelpts andahlpnicnts today vvoro as fol-
c lows :
On thu Produce exehnngo toJay the butter
market w us unihangcd. I' KS , Ho.
\ork.VIarkuts. .
NEW Yonu , Juno 2a I't ouit Receipts , 111.403
Jikus ; oxporti , .1.512 bl/s ; moderately active ;
sales. 22210 lililn.
t'oiiN JlKAi.-Oulot. steady.
Wili'AT Kocelpts , 2I.OU On. ; exports. 189,750
Lu. ; sales. 2r.I > .ooi hu. of futures : I Ui,00. hu. of
spot. Spot ( Inner : No. 2 red , SiiJBOlJic alloat :
tuQ01iif. ; o. U : No. ,1 red. HiUc : ungraded
red , WWttiiot No 1 northern. 87 , BaJ4o ( * ; No.
1 h ml , lUc ; No. 2 northern , file ; NeE
E ( Jlilui.'o , 8Jlib7'4e : No 2 Milw iitUeo.
b'i'ic ; No ,1 spring , S'liic. ' Options
udviinccd 3iQ.loou thu dccroaso In amount on
passage anil repot t that Itecrbohin mill e.s the
India cropOtUW,000 hu. less than last j oar , to
gether with a poor crop rcpoit fiom ( ion nuiy ,
whllothe clear.m'es hence were f.ilr. ' 1 IIH
was followed hy a reaction of 'iWi' on weak
cahl H , bringing about loall/lng ; the close
was stondy at ? ulj o over yesterday. No. 2
red Juno , 6ilie ( : July , eo'j ib73 e. closing nt
rCV , Ani'iisl , Sd'JfiiMi'Jo : eloslnj iit87'go ; Sep
tember , fn'ilSh'Jjc , elosliiA ut 87J4C ! Ootohcr ,
H > ® 8b'iC ' , alosltu lit SSoi Nov umber , fcOc ; Decuin-
ber. S'l'iiatMJif. closing at OOJ.oj Slay (161UJ ( ,
UPc. closing ut fll4e !
Uv t I'lrin : western. 8.SDo. !
llAiu.rMAI T ( Jnliit.
( JOHN Itecclptx , 15.1,075 bu. ; export ? , 8,391
uu. ; sites , 1,48) ) , ( libii. future Spot stronger ,
( inlet ; No 2. OJlic In ulovutor. Ol'iu allojt ; un
graded inlxii 1. 5JffiOOc. Opt ous advanced l' ( < ci
I3 o on niiiiilnulatlon with wheat declined
itWie on vvu il > ur cables and Increase on pass *
nge , LloHlng steady at HI ever yesterday ;
June , C aoo4'c , closing atuOUc ; July , MCWlHc ,
closing at Wl'.o ; August. fli ) = , c' . closlnir .it
tfle ; Mipteinber , 5litiufrtHc. closing at 55Jc ;
October , 5VBV5'Jc , eloslnz at liVj.
OAlh Hccelpts2l l , ( .5lii exports , 2JIOOOhu. ;
nalos , lOO.OJO bu , of futures , T > 5tUO bu. of spot.
Rpot market dull and Irregular. Options firm ;
July , .MI C. closing , asi4u ; August. : i7 ®
IC'Sie ' , closing nt 37i ; September. M'lQUJ'Je. '
dUwIng lit :0'4o ; No. 2. vUilte , July. 40 > iC610'io :
No. 2 iv hi to , M'ot ' , 4J1c : mixed western , 4Io ;
whlto wcutnriuJlX3l8e ; No 2 , Chicago , 40u.
HAV Dull and steady.
Hops Quiet ; demand stoicly ; stnto. com
nion to clioke. IIXa'Alo : I'nclllo roust , UHiiUJc.
huciAlt Kiiw , nioro uctlvo and firm ; s lies ,
Millions imisiovulo , 80 test , at 2 1-lUc ; n cnr o
of centrifugal , Oil test , nt US-.t'o ; u ear.'o of
centrifugal to Phlladulphlii atil-'Ca : ' ; rollned.
firm ; good demand ; No. 0. .1 15-1UQ4 1-lliu ; No.
7. a CJIc ; No. 8 , J U-ir J li-lfie ; mould A , a
li-IWtl IMOc ; standard A , J3.it4Ho ( : confect -
t onora' , 4il ! > , * o ; granulated , J ? lii44o ! ; cubes ,
rorolgu. lower ; New Orleans ,
steady ; lommon to fancy , : ' ' > iitJc' .
KICK 1'ulr ilunuind ; stondy.
I'LTIIOI.KUM Dull , stoudy ; United closed nt
6J7iO for July , OIL Dull ! orudo , 29o ; yellow ,
TALLOW Dull ; city (12.00 ( for packing ) , fi.'o
KortlN Stoutly.
'runi'iiNTiNK htondy at 3C.H > 5o-
Keas I'rlme In light suuiily nnd llrm ; went.
rrn poor to prime , Hiol5J4o ; reeulpts , 8.4SJ
IllDlis Innctlvc , b toady : wet salted Now
Orleans selected , 45 to 75 Ibg , Oit u ; 'iuxas
fcolcit. 5 lo U ) Ibs. ( kiK1 ,
Wt)0i ) , Qiilut. viiHy ; domestic lleccc , 20J } ®
B.Vt ; pulled. auj.Boj TOXIIH , ntt'-'o.
l'oiuc-I Inn , iiulolt old inois. ll.50ail.71.
CUT Mn\t Uooil dtMiiand , llriuuri plokled
belli en , HI i ploljixl shouldvis , oHo ; nlckltd
hums , ll'iiijl.'o : middles , itrung ; bhurt i.Icar ,
IMIII > Higher , llrm : western steam closed
nt $7.20 : options BI ; IB , 4.00J tlert-os ; July. $7.15 ;
August , t : I It t-i'ptembor , } 722 < i(7.2J , tloaliu
I72U nKoil : OclobL-r , < 7.M linked ,
Hum u Uulit rccolptBi xtroni westnrn
dairy , lIQlUci WL'tturniioaniury , 2liu } | Ulgln ,
itoady ; part Hklius ,
IIION Steady ; American , IN. ' Mi 10 , 23.
kU ; fukit. KIL'tftll ha
; domusilc , * I.IVitl..U
i ntralt . HI . ' . ( it.'
Oui ilui I'roihuo Jlurkut.
fi'olil3 | liberal i gonernl market , 12o , 1'ackliig Htouu , If good , u ( Oil. 'a ;
iiiiiil , lotH of uxtru choice stock to retail trade ,
12 4l5.1.
I'dUi.THV Hood old hem. MtTo ! rooster * .
a'ort. fiu ; Hurlui ; ohlckont , I i * > © i.o .
HlDKii. I.TC. No , I green hides , 3ot No. 1
citun anlted h ilci , ilUe ; No. 2 gr'en salted
hliluJ. 2'tc ; No. 1 grucu saltou hi lies. 23 to 40
lla..l'j.u ! No. 2 green salted hUloj. 2.1 to 40 Ibn ,
2 > tei No. I veal calf , H to 1 % Ibs , lei No. ' . ' veal
calf , rt to ii ! tin . 4m No , 1 dry Hint hides. Tot
No. 2 dry Hint hlilos , no : NIK I dry milted hide * .
f rt'.i' . Sluop I'oim-drvvn nulled , uneh , aiind
flV5 ; groeu Mllod iheiirliigs ( short \\ooltnl
inrly Hklui ) uaih , IMiVJe ; dry ihuarllugti
Uhort wooled early vklns ) Na I , oneli ,
dry Hliourilnu'H ( nhori woolud early iklim ) No. 2 ,
eiieh&o | dry Hint Kuimaiuml Nubriiiku butch-
IT wool pelf * . pur 10. , nctuul wclKht , 10lUios
dry lllut Uaumm aud nubrntUk uurrulu wool
nc11 . ucr pound , nctunl weight , fOUci dry
ulnt Colorado liutchpr wool pelt * . Dor ootind ,
noluitl woisht , loai-Sc ! dry flint Colorado
murrain wool polls , per pound , actual weight ,
FttlOc ; dry pieces nnd lucks , nctunl weight ,
74tOc. 'fallow and Oren o Tullow , No 1 , .I1 * ®
lei tnllow. No , 2 , "S-IMc ; grea o. whlto A , B o ;
greaie , nhltu 11 , , i > 4c : grcnso. jcllow. Jo :
greiitc. dark , 2 fc ; o'd butter. 2' < o : beeswax.
prime. ica25ci rough tnllow. I'jiS.'c. '
St , l.ouis 3Iiirhit .
BT. I.nuis , JIo. Juno 18. riocu Dull
and unchanged.
vv itrAT-Opcncd n simile on" but soon turned
nnd advanced & < 31c , then eased off nndclo'cd
ifflJe higher ; cash , 77tt < 3' ct July closed at
77 > , o bid : August. 7i'.ic ( : teptomber , 77'icl
Dccciiibcr,8u8j Qso o nskccl.
Coitv Advanced early , tben declined , but
closed 'i'ic ' above j'jsterd lyt cash raid July
closed nt 44 i ! September , 45'ic. ,
UATS-Sh irply ailvancod ; vush , 3lc nskcu :
July closed nt .lie ; August , 2uua-10o ; Septem
ber , Sli c.
Kir No market.
llAttt.lil No nmrUct.
llliAN ( julutl Guailc % enit trnek ,
HAY lluslnr ; timothy , S10.510.03 : prairie ,
IF.Ai-lllehcr ; $1 0) for July.
IlUTTbit llettcr ; creamery , lS < 520c ; dalrv.
Ked rirm ; 11 ® 11 do for guaranteed.
COII.NMEAtHtt ) Illy lit J. JJii..JO
WilMlcr Qillutat tl.10
riioviaioxs btron and higher.
I'OIIK Jobbing. $11.75.
IiAiiD .Nonilnul : ( n.70.
Duv SAt.T MKATS Loose shoulder * , M25 :
longs ami ribs , ? 7.40 ; Bhorts , *'W : boxed
lots. 15o more : baton , ulioiildcrJ3.7i ; loitis
nml ribs , Ji-j.'i ; shorts , 8 50 ; sugar cured
lump. SII.Wi25' ! .
HcCttlTs-Kloui , 4 00) Ibs i wheat , 01,000 bu. ;
corn. fiOUUO bu. : oils , 3S.OOObu. : lye and bar
ley. none.
HHii'ViiNrs rioilr.0.0)lbs. ) : wheat , F,000bu. ;
corn , 17.UOO bu.ioits , ll.UJU bit. ; tyu and bar-
Ity , none. _
Itiiusan Oil ) Murlu'tfl.
KAN Aq CiTV. Mo , Juno 28. WHEAT
Very null but about steidy ; No. 2 hard , l > 5 ®
O'u ; No 2 toil , ( iiiyi.'ic. '
Oouv-Diill but llrm ; Na 2 whltu , fjOUa-lle :
No. ' . ! iiitxtd , 4Hie. !
O\TS Very dinl and lower ; No 2 mixed , -311
© .W No. 2 white , ai/iu. ) !
Uv I ble HIV ; Ni ) 2 , liSo.
1'l.ASKI.D Ole on thu b isis of pure.
ItitAN steady ; sacked , fiJo.
IlAi-Dull and uoiK : timothy , 38. " > OO9 GO ;
pnlrle , * . 'iUO < 3Mio.
idiH : Veiy dull and wo lU at ,0'4c.
llurii'ii Dull but llrm ! eti'.imeiy , IIOISc ;
dairy , lHH'c.
KK'Ul'is-Wheat. f.9,503 bu. ; corn , 20.0JO
bu ; , 2,400 bu.
Hmi'MhNTs Wheat , 33,001 bu. ; corn , O.OOObu.l
oats , 2.2uO b u . _
Liverpool .Vlirkuti.
Ijtvntroot. , Juno " 8. WHEAT The demand
Is Impiov Ing : holders olTut moderately ; No 1
California , 7ii7s ( Id ucr leuliil ; rccmuts fur
the p tsl threu days , 'U3OOJ Lutilals , Including
04,0011 Amoilcan.
COIIN btuudy ; demand fairs mixed western ,
4sUHd per cental ; receipts for past
three dii vs. 1. GOO cunt its.
HA.o.v 3is ( per cw t. for long nnd short clear ;
middles , about 55 Ibs , aus for loiu clear.
1 , nun Prime uostcin , ar > < i ( id per twt-
CllhKsr 15s per cwt. for Amor can finest
vvhllo and colored.
SI'II.ITS luiii'i-NnsE 21sOd Dcrewt ,
Itoston Wool Market.
HOSTON. Mass , Juno 28. The demand for
wool Is sluady. 1'rkos are the same , being
ijultu llrm on domestic wool. No. 1 combing
wool Is Drm at J5Qa"e. Territory wools nro
selling nt 5. > ® V < u for line and ( inu medium and
at Wi-Wc for medium. New spring Toxus and
California wool sells mostly ut5J55c clear
Oregon wool Is dull. Pulled wools uru In fair
demand u Ith sales ot super principally at U.l <
ase. Hiul at 2Jffl2sc. In Australian vools
them Is a j.ood movement at previous prices ,
Ourpet wools , steady.
Cnttnii Market.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 28. ruturos closed dullt
s.ilos r.t'ou limes : June , sr.17 : July , $7.21 ;
August , W 2Ka7..5 : fceptember , * ( : ;
October , $7.4Mi7.4l : Novombor. S7.M7.'il ) ; Jan-
uarv , $ r.70&7.71 ; I'cbrunry , J7.7UQ > 7bl ; Match ,
NKW On LI. A MI , La. Juno 2S. Easy : mid
dling , 7'6e : low middling , u 11-Me : good ordi
nary , G.l-HiC Not receipts , 5S1 bales ; gloss , 5,148
bale-i ! exports umstuKc , .iwO bales ; sales ,
1,010 bales ; stock. 11J.2.17 kales.
NrvVork Dry ( Joods JMnrkct.
NKVV YORK , Juno 28 'I hero was no new fea
ture to the dry goods market , with the excep
tion of prints , ginghams and clotlilni : wool
ens ; the market becomes more quiet every
day as the md of the month and the national
holiday iinnroathos I'rl.H'H of now prints
will piobahly bu made In .1 fuw days.
Milwaukee Markets.
MILWAUKEE , WIs , Juno 23. WHEAT firm ;
bODtembor. 70J4c ; No. 2 spring , 77c.
( JOHN Illghei ; No .1 , 4Sc.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 white , 30o ; No. 3 white ,
IlAiir.xv rirm : No 2 , 5So.
Uvt rirm ; No 1 , 78JJc.
Culloo .Market.
NEW YORK , .TuncSS. Options opened steady ,
5 points up to 5 points Juvru , closed stoidy 5
downtol'i up hales. 15,2'iO bigs. Including :
Juno , . Jit 0.1iil2.0 ( % ; July , Ml SOfOll.O1) ; August ,
11 8 (211.00 ( ; Seutcmbcr , $11 811 ' > : October ,
fll.liO : Novoinhor , Jll.'W ; Uoccmbor. HIM :
bpot Rio , llrm ; No , 7 , J12.75.
London OH Mlllket.
Cd per quarter.
TUUl'KMINE Sl'llttTS 23s OJ per CWt.
Tiailors' 'Iiillt.
OIIICAOO. Ill , .Tunu Jfi Couiibolniiin & . Dav
toCuckrell llios : Corn atliacted the most
Interest on'cliiiugo today and 'or two houis
the buying ordois poured in fiom all direc
tion' ' , especially from the west. Thou In eon-
iitctluu with the Illinois stuto crop estimate
of only 00 per cent comp irud with Instjoir
created a ru h of shorts to cover and on the
rcmltnu- bulge the leading longs sold heav
ily. During the 1 ist halt hour un or feel
ing pi ov tilled and just lifter the
close beptombor co n sold at 4Uc.
\Micat responded tardily to the bulge
In torn , principally on shorts covering , but
lost no.inv all the advance on Into favorable
crops and weather news and eak closhu
cables. Oats were firm In sympathy with-
corn but were In good demand for s iniplo
lots. Thoio Is u growing long Interest In tlio
late futures , based on the bollof of u short
crop this jo ir , Provisions woro. rushed uu
sevuial times by bull speculators nnd uu
cITort was tntula on each buUu to unload as
much long bluir as possible , ( .specially ribs ,
homo success was attained but the buying
was mostly for country lenis and un small
\\hntshortlnterestoxlsts Is mostly
among packers mil they talk lower piices
VVu bollovoth it they will succeed In breaking
thumurkot hcforo long.
Ciiic.Mio. 111. , Juno 28. 1' . 0. Logan A. Co.
to Duncan , llolllnger i. Co : Whoit opened
ut TS'.u for July , so il at 7S'c { , as high IIH Tll'ic ,
nnd closed at VJ'nC. Thuro no special fea
ture to thu market , the trading being scat
tered ever the pit. The tone WHS firm , caused
byreportsot n Inrio In the Indian
ciop. 'Loward thu close the roillzing hy the
oaily Imyc'tH , iissUtoJ by I'urdrldgo selling
beptomber. broke the prlcn lo 70 = . Hoptombor
sold about } iu under. Unble advices are dull
and lower. Crop reports from the winter
wheat bolt are about as good as can bo. The
reports from the spring wheat crop
ro also cood.Vlth largo reserves
of the old erop mid n new crop to
market wo cannot goo anv higher prices near
at hand , unless bettor export demand starts
IID Wheat charters today were 12',000 bushels -
els Corn ) ms been actlvo and strong , July
opened nt 50i ! and closed nt 51. H sold us
mgll as DPc. Ai-i accounts from the corn holt
favor hl.-hur prices. It will bo sufo enough to
buy on all breaks. Itouorts of the out crop
uro poor. The buying by the country commis
sion liousoa ( ma been heavy , the nulling has
boon urlnolpaliy by local oporntoiH Provis
ions huvo bcon nctho nnd higher. The under
tone to them Is v ory strom ,
CniCAK ) . III. Juno -8 Konnott. Hopkins fi
Co. to P. A. Mo\\ hoiterVliCiit ; ad
vanced early by sticngth lu other mfcrkots ,
but bocttmo hoavv nnd began to slump elf HS
soon as local shorts had cov oicd. An Improb-
nblo report from lioerbolun that the India
crop will bo Ot.OOC.OiiO bushels short of lust
your * had BOHIO effect. The very largo ox-
norts from thatcountiy since April 1 , uxctod-
lug these of thu Biimo period lust
year. Is ovlclenco that a coed
crop VMIB raised. Dora-llusch catlnuites
thu I touch crop at about J.U.OO..OjO us ugulust lust , v our.
Anliu ithiu In the ViiiKlorhlltn Wiu Ilia
I fiituro of thu Da ) .
NEW YOIIK. Juno 28. Tlio event ot the day
lu the stock circles was the iiniinuiicomont of
the refusal of Drexel , Morgan ,1 Co. to undor-
tuko the it-organization of the Itlchmond &
WuU 1'nlnt u.vbtem , and to this event was duo
the spurt ot animation nnd weakness caused
bv u soiling tuovcmuuL Tlioro was nlsa some
uulmutloii In the Ynndcrlillta , especially Lnko
Shuru and Illinois Contra ) , over thu Inuroaso
of the dividend on Luku bhoru. Otherwise tlio
market reprusontcd the sumo uninteresting
nppenruncu tlmt It hus for the last few days
nnd thu animation lu the stocks referred to
vv an short lived.
The announcement of the refusal checked u
very promising advunco In Itlchmond &
Weal 1'olnt booiirltleu. but vvhllo the stock de
clined mid the preferred materially to , the
effect WUH nioro largely soon lu thubond * . The
drlvunt the griiiiKers resulted in knocking
largo frnctuins on * of Iliirlliuton ,
lie-ports from the crops being favorable , the
movement wus quickly ohuukuJ. Considering
the piovailing dulluesa there were some very
favorable movomeutu , and thcsoluvariably in
the upward cllrootloit umong the spuclaltlcu.
Thu market finally ulosud very mill but Urm ,
close to the opoulng ilKurci In most cases ,
wuilo a few Htouki retained the curly ad >
vnncoi. Siiftirnml Ilocklnjt Val or nro up t
percent. 'Iho trading reached 1IOSOJ listed
nnd 1DI.S60 unlisted. , .
Government bonds hive been dull ( ind
Tho'foil ay ! The erounds assigned by
Mossri Orcxel. Morean A. Co. In their jofiu il
to uiulertako the Richmond Terminal orsr-iu-
( ration , fully conllrms the suspicion that con
trolling Intcrcsti 111 certain roads which nuiKo
up the systoin nro advcMo to anv outside re-
orciinlrntlon , The present situ itlon points to
the disruption ot the Hklimoml 'lerinlnal
system ,
The following tire the closing nuotitlijtis
forthclcadlnv stocks on the .Now York Stock
cxclwnpu totluv :
Thu total sales of stocks todav wore 1.1J ITS
slmros Inuliidlni ; Atchlson. 1UG9J ; Delaware ,
hauUiiMiiuna A , \\LMturn.1.710llocitln ; , ' Viillcy.
.I.SMi ; IjaUo bhnru , : iIJO ( ; NoKnulnnil , 4.11.1 ;
HundliiL' , 10.10U ; Itlehmond Aosl I'olut , 7,40
bu I'aiil , U.b.'O ; Western Union , ,1,187.
London 1 Itutncliil Itnvlow ,
\Top\irtoMtA \ \ 13b i Jn nti Onr-tnn Bennett , ]
LONDON.I line 2s. [ New York Ilornld Cable
Pueelal to THE lit B 1 fee irculy any now busi
ness has been trans icted today , attention
h.iv Ing been mainly directed to preliminary
arrangements for the hottlomcnls , which has
proved to bo a somewhat larger .ill.ilr than
\ui3 oxiioctod , Kates for continuation have
again been light , though In some cac < H
ruling slightly higher th in on previous
occasions. No illlllcilltles have been
reported , nor nro any expected. 1'unds recov -
cred a full of I8d during the nftcrnoon. Homo
railways havu shown considerable dcpicsslon
during the afternoon , the supply of steak
proving larger than was expected while divi
dend prospects are now bojng taken Into con
sideration. Southeastern deferred lm fallen
h pbr cent , Midland X percent. Northcastcin
percent , llrlirhton deferred ! 4 per cent and
mobt others from ! s to S , per cunt. Ameri
can railways close dull , no fresh buyers
having como forward. Lrlo bus glvon
wny Ji per cent on 2000 shares coming
on thu market. Ublca.'O & Mllvv.iukeo
has fallen \ per cent , Atclil ° on Incomes Vt
pur cent and several others from ! B to " Per
cent , Canadian lines also closed wo ik , Grand
Trunk being Influenced by a comparatively
poor trafllo statement Money has boon nioro
wanted , duo to the uiiusu il requirements to
wards the end of the half year , also to block
exclinn o settlement. Short loins havoboen
cb ir uu about 1 per cent. The discount mar
ket h is also bcon firmer. Two three months'
bills were quoted at from ? i to 1 percent.
New York 51i uey Vlurkct.
NKW YOIIK. Juno28--MoM.Y os CAM. Easy
at 1STC- per cent ; last lo in , 2 per cent ; closed
offered nt2 per cent.
1'itiviE MKIICANTIM : I'APEII 35 per cent
bTKiu.iNO C\ciiAr.oE ( julct but steady at
14 SS for sixty-day bills , and ? 1 8'i for demand.
The closing Quotations on bonds :
Boston Stock M.irkut.
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 28. Tlio following
vvoro the closing prices on stools on the lios-
ton stoukniuikut ted ly :
Atchl on A 'lopeka. )5H Atlantic u
itoston A , Albany . . 20o lloston & Mont. . . . W %
lloston , V Malno. . . . I6.l < ( I'alumi't & llecln. . . 270
n it .t ri 1hU fcrimklln UU
I' Norm.
OMAHA , Juno23.-Clc irln s , J97MOO.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , June .S. Clear. ngs ,
f 1.54 . ' . (1.0 (
Nsvv YOIIK. Juno :8 Clearings , 4IOO,79J.7.0 ,
balances , JliSU7,4'l7. '
1'AitiB , Juuu 13. ! Thrao per cent renter , 09f
U'/ic' ' fur thu account.
I.OMION , Juno 28. Amount of bullion cone
Into the Hank of England on balance toduy
was 10,10 1.
MuMI'HiR. Tenn. , Juno 28 Now York ox-
chaiiKu HOlllns ! lit * 1 50. ( Jloarln s , 105,15U ;
baluucoB , Jftll/ill.
CINCINNATI. O , Juno S8 Money , 3 ® . " > per
cent ; Now York exchange "So premium ,
Oloarlngs , J..Ml.UO.
BT. Louis , Mo. Juno VS. ClonrlriB , (1,009,077 ;
balnncca , t7uo.4Ur > . Wunoy. ijulot , 44JO per cunt.
KxchuiiKu on New YorU , 75u premium ,
llosrow , Mass. , Juno 18. ! Olearlnps , JIV311-
242i biil.incos , tlU < n.J9t. Money , 2 nor cent.
ICXohaiiRo on Nuw York , 5 to IDo discount.
Nhvv OIII.KANS , La. , Junu B. CIoarliiKs JOCI-
tM ; markutH uiichanued : Nuw York uvuh uuo ,
coiumurclul , OUcbauU ; , 11.50 per 11,000 premium.
CHICAGO. Ill , , Juno 26. Money tttuauy anil
unchaiiKod atlit' ) per cent. ( JloarliiKS } 15-
uuo.lir. ' . New YorU oxchutu'o ! Hlo premium.
BtcrllniroNchan'KO steady at Jl b7forHlxtyday
bills mid 91 8 U for sight driitta.
i.ivi : JMAKKIIT.
Cattle Actlvu mill Illehnr Sharp Atlv.inco
, lu lloj ; Vulnua.
OMAHA , Juno 28. Uocclpts for the two days
this week loot up J.5IJ cattle. 1 liU8 : IIOKH and
lU7nlieop ugulust J.tiUt ualtlc , IJ.OH ho , ' a aud
JJJ ahoup the muno two dayH lust weak ,
Tlioro was uu uctlvo trade In cuttluat sen-
ur.illy HtroiiRur prices. On account of tlio
nioro eucoiiraKlnu outlook lu the oust shipper *
and exporters were oulto notlvu buy-
urs , vvhllo the Inquiry from drowned
hoof houses was rutlior more ur-
Kunt than on Monday , Uood to cholco
cornfed cnttlo Bold rendllv nt prices Konor.tlly
ao to lOo higher , This WHU u < poolilly trim of
handy fat steers , CoaiMj liuurv and uu-
llnlahed stulf wu no butter. Aiiythlt-K good
iilici fat sold rouully anil It did not takeover
four hours to uxh uist the supply. 1'ulr to vury
Kood beeves wolKhlui ; from l"M to l,5uuiba.
sold from JJ.81 toil tlJi fair to Rood , 1,000 to
I.UH ) lb . stcors from M"J to fl.10. 1'oor to fair
lUht stuir and oddmuid onUssuld from MUJ to
J'.Oi It was about UH lively aiidsutUfuctory
u murkut us vvu huvo hud In niuiiy u day.
' 1 hero wus not much Ilfo to thu trade In
butchers' stock anil caniura. Ouduhy ro-
Tot.l U.un of CITS 8.
Corrtipondence ( olldled.
103.loo Dearborn Btreot , CHICAGO.
f * Wall Utreet , NEW YORK ,
70 HUta St. , BOSTON.
co \ ol flfIccn lo ul 'ffr Texas catt'o from Knn-
s is City nnd In coosimitence the demand front
that 9 j u no was In iitno sure sutlslle I. Prices
ru cd about gloaUyj pour to com ! conn and
heifers selling at from il 00 to f I I'll biilKoxen
and stan were dull nnd voak at from tl GO to
11.10 ! calves were steady nt the recent decline ,
sollln ? nt from UWTo .S\
Iho olTcrln s of block and feeding cnttlo
were decidedly ihurh liberal thin usual. In
fact more liberal HIMII thorn was any call for.
Country buyers were shy and local speculators
decidedly tivcrso .16. uujrlng steady prices for
unmcrchnnlnblnproiiurtv , bales were scare
and largely at 1290 mud $300 , Do ilers pciicr-
a ly uero quoting a 100 ducllnu. Heprosouta-
th j site * : ii
lloos Considering the strength of the marl - ,
l > ct rocolpts haiUly cninu up to expectations.
The supply was about 1.000 he id shoit of last
Tuovlny's run , the ( juallty but fair. Theio
was a bullish feeling throughout. Milppors
started In paying at from J'UU to $520foi good
tz cholco butcher and he ivy bo s. Local
hoii'-es woio also free buyers largely at from
J)00 to K05 for fair to good iUlit nnct mixed
loadB. A few cholco light loads brought io.10
and a few Inforlor loans sold as low us $ J/)5 )
The general market was actlvo and nearly 1 o
hlghei all nround , thu close being ( Inn at the
ndvnnco Kvorytblng sold early , thu bulk vt
from JV05 to J5.10 against 81,05 to $ " > .0'i Monday.
The general average of prices u.ild was $ " > U7J4
against * 40s\ Monday and if I OJM last Tues
day. Hepresuntutlvo sales :
I'lOS AM ) linCGII.
1 1".0 250 1 . . . , ; i50 450
biii'Ul' There were no fresh receipts of shrop
and nothing hero to mnko a maruot. The
demand continues good with prices ijuotably
unchanged. Quotations are us follows : I'nlrto
good natives jl.50@5 CJ ; fair to good wustuins ,
S4 U04 5U , cominoil and slock shcop ,
Both the mcH { < ? d and results when
Syrup of Figs Js taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing lo the taste , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bp els , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and foyers and cures habitual
constipation , ' $ yrup of Figs is the
only remedy : of its Icmd over proi
duccd , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to thei stomach , prompt in
its action and'l , uly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy andn reeabloBubstances , its
manyexcellentquuliticscommend it
to nil and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
fiyrup of Figs is for sale in 76o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hanu will procure it
for any ono who wishes
Eromptly Manufactured only by the
4.00 ! 5001 ! to choice 43 to PO-lb trim's ,
0 50. Uopreseutntlvo sales !
No. Av. Pr
5 natives mixed 14S 15OJ
ItrerlpM mill l > l | > < nttl < m orStciclt.
Official receipts -uul dlsuosltlon of tlus * ns
shown liv iho books of Iliu Union Stock Vard *
coinninv tor Uiu twenty-four hours u ml I us ftt
& o'clock p. in. , Juno : ! * . HU2i
103) ) 2 iff I
ChlciKii l.lvo * Stock Mnrlcct.
OiMCAOo. Ill , Juno 28 [ special Tolosrnm to
TIID 11LF.I I'r ccsforcntlloworo blsher nil
around , Hood to extra slilpplnc stecu moved
up fully too and the Improvement In conurnn
and medium grades wasscaicely less mntked.
Thu upturn Is aceountod fur by thu small re
ceipts , less than 5 COO bead nrrlv i\\f \ \ today and
tlio total slneo bnturdnv ronclilnu only nLuut
1SOOJ. 1'hcro was n Rood -itroiiK demiiud both
for sblnplnit and loual nCLOiint , and the pens
were eleuicd before noon on a b isis ot from
W. 0 tel 85 for common to oxtr.x steers. $ ! . . ' " >
to J.HO for poor to exti i cows and bulfets , and
from JI40 to I10J for Tu\na c tto. ! 'Ihoro
were not nearly euoiuh seed outtlo to supply
thu demand , nnd of common entries a fuw
more could ul o bivo : been handled to ad-
Mintaso. The m.iiket closed strong at iho
advance ,
'llicio was nn excited hoe market today.
The supply full so far " -hortof the demand
that sellers founa no obslaclo In the way of a
further advaino and tliuyutono nroctcdcd
to uiisb prices up from lOjtolte They wore
carried to from JV.'Olo fi , " > 5 for common to
cholco heavy nnd to from } \li to J54i for
llKht. 'the bulk of the sum wi9 taKen us fast
as ynrd ( d and from t > .2i to t' > 5Joio thn oro-
valllni ! prices The market elosc-a fairly
steady nt the r.bovo r UIRO , nothing roiiialiilnsi
In Balcsmcn's hands.
Iho sbeep market 1IUo tlmt forcattlo nnd
IIORS was ver > llrm nnd from the siiiuu critic.
\lz.lluht rcnolpts. Only .ibout 4noo arrived
nnd they were sw illowcd up nt Etlfl prices ,
sales maklu ; on a basis of from 1,1 DO to f ( l.-'i
for Inferior to nxtra quallnci. Lambs vvero
llrm nt from IJ.'iO toJ70D , Tlioro was Inqulr >
for feeders at fiom WO to J ) OP. Most of the
trading In sheep vuis nt fiom $4 01 to ; T > 7 > , nnd
fromtOOO toJ0.75weiu the popular urlccs for
Kecolpts were : Cuttlo , 4,500 ; hogs , r ,000 ;
sheep , 4 OJO.
The Kvonlnp.lonrnnl reports : CATTMC He-
celptB , 4 WO ; shipments , a,500 ; nmrket .tetlvc ,
luc to 15e lllsher : prime to extia steers $ l.40fft
4 75 ; others. J1.7Va'IJ ( ) ; Tuxiino. $ I.UJ.bO ;
stookors tl.M ® . ' W ; eows $ l.7" > ® 2 10.
lloaa-Hc'colots 10,000 ; shipments. 7,030 ;
murKut brisk. ICcbl lior ; roiiKh nnd common.
J4.4052J ; ml\odJr ) 411 ; coed prlmo boavy nnd
butelicrs welRhts , tl 40a * > TO ; Ilitnt , tt.4 fiM4"i
SIIKEP Huuoipts , O.OJJ ; shipments , 2'Hil ( ;
iiuirket vvoikcr ; native owes. S.I.S ® , L75 ;
wethers J52v@lCO ! ; loxans , $ J27'i ; lambs ,
"Won York I.lvo Stntk Mnrkct.
NBvrYoiiK. Juno 2s llrEVUS Itecolpts , 211
ho id , nil for sl.iugbtcrcrs ; fcollni ; Him ;
dressed beef stoidy nt UJ4,7'iC ( ( per Ib. blilp-
nients today , b-'l bcovos ; tomorrow , 5,040 uunr-
ters of bocf.
OM.VKB-ltecclpts. 445 bead ; market firm ;
veals. $1 OOSfl (0 ( per inu Ibs.
SiihKi'-HcceIpto,701 ' bond ; mnrlcot very dull ;
20 eais unsold ; sheep $1 00l I ) per 100 Ibs ;
InmLs , J-)2o75 ; dressed mutton low .it 10 ®
ll'io per lu ; droned lambs wo.ik at llfcl'Jc1.
lloos HecelplK. 4 H40 bond , tons ! jued direct ;
nominally llrm ; * l 5U5 J per luo Ibs.
ICiiusns t-'lty I'lvu Stock 51 irkot.
KAVS CITY. Mo. Juno 23 CATTI.U Uc-
eolutH , .I.WO ; hhlpmints , 4,100 ; market , SffllOo
higher ; dressed beef and shipping steers $ . ! " > )
(0.4 ( 4" ; cows nnd heifers. fl.2iftJ.DO , To v ins
and Indians. $1 SOQ-1.-J ; stackers and fecclcrs ,
! . ' . "XSJ r >
Hods Hecolpts , IJ.700 ; shipments , 700 : mar
ket actlvo nnd . ' © 1 o hliiber ; extreme
of prices , $4 SI1 } I ) ; bulk of sales utM OJT r
biiEM1 Hocolius. 2. 1JO : sliluments , none :
market very dull and unchanged ; miutoim ,
JJ50O4.C5 ; lambs , J5.loa5.2i.
St. l.ouis I.lvo Mock .Market.
ST. Louis. Mo . Juno 23. CATTI.P ltecopt ! ,
7.10) ) , shipments , 200 ; mirkot stroni ; nnJ ac
tive : native bteors. lf.t.Ul. ' > 0 ; Texas steer ; , H5 : c.uincrs. Jl.S-W.'bO.
llody Itecolpts , 4,00) ) ; bhluinents , : . ' ,003 ; mar
ket lOc higher ; heavy , $5.l ( © ' > 4 } ; packing ,
J1.BOO5..M : llgbt. $5 10S ( .J5.
bilKEP Kecelpts , .J.10J : shipments , 300 ; mar
ket steady ; iiatlv e muttoiib , Jt.OOQS..D ; Te\aus ,
U7534 75 ,
/I helping hand
to lift up vv ealc , tn e l ,
overtaxed women
that's what jou'll
ihid in Dr. Tierce's
Favoi Ho Prescrip
tion. It gives jou
just the bclp that
you need.
Jt'a a medicine
that's mndo especially
I to build up n omens
strength and to euro
women's ailments an mvigointing , ie tora-
tivo tonic , soothing coidial , nnd bracing ner
vine ; puicly vegetable , non alcoholic , and
perfectly harmless. It regulates arc ! pio-
inotcs all the pi oner functions of vv omanhord ,
improveh digestion , enriches tlio blocxl , dispels -
pels aches and pains , melancholy and nw v ous-
ness , brings leficshiiig sleep , and ivbtores
liailth and btrength.
\V'hut's \ the of " ' "
use "trying this'Viral "tiy-
Ing that , " when hero is n remedy thut's guar
anteed f In all the deiungemeiitb , iuegulari-
tics , and vvcaKnes'seB peculiar to the hex , pe
riodical pains , inti'iiml inlljinniatiun and
ulceration. weak hack , louconluvi nnd ovciy
kindred ailment , if the "Kavoiito Prescrip
tion" fails to bcnolit or cuio , you have your
inca-oy back.
Union Stock Yards Company
est cattle , ho ? and snoop mirkot In the west
Cn lUlllUI Wrtto to this ho"u33 for oor-
Ou. UillAIIA | rect Marlcat
Wood Brothers ,
South Om ilm Telephone II > 7. - ( Jhlcago
W. K. WOOD fMnniMjort
Market reports by mull an J wlro choorf ully
furnished upon application.
Qampbell Commission Co.
Chicago , HistSt , Louis , Kansas City , South
Omalu , sloux Olty , Tort Worth.
A.Crlll , W. K. IKnajr. H. F. T
Chicago Hotf Haluimnn. tnttlu 'aloiman
Grill , Denny & Company ,
Ll\o block Commission Hooin'7 Uic.'ianio UIJV ,
Suutli Omaha.
A. D. Boycr &Co m pany ,
58 and B9 Exchange Ilulldliu.bouth Oimih-u
Corroipondonco solicited nad uroaiptlunsHroraJ
btHitlnt nttcnllaatoorden ( orstotkeri A fojdors
Uitubllihed , 1881 . . . lucorpomtjd , 19J1
Capital fullf paid , tWIWJ
Waggoner ttirney Company ,
Wrlto or wlro ui for prompt and rellabla market
Perry Brothers j& Company ,
Jlvo fitook Conimlsslon.
Ioo ( M Exolmnw Whw , Houih Omaha
Union Stock Yard National
The onlr bank at thu jrurdi. Capital and > ur <
iilui , fZJUUUO Culluctlonivcuwliiit out of the lira
ttock hu lav i hould bo mat direct to thl < bnuk
potltforirudUof tualr Uoum bauk
J. N. DUNN ,
Contractors nml snbcontraclori for nil Vint * of
ImlMIng | ilAilortiii ! palntlnertc trill rprelvo
copr of Ulonn's architect * n t biid rs dlrpclotn
free , lijr ftiMullnn their nnmj , IntMtiPM ami lee
tlon to lhaiut | > ll hcr. .1,11. ( Jlonn , ill s. mil s
ING COMPANY , Tcnt , nwnlDEi , tarrnu-
Fligi hammock. , oil unit llni , covert of all kimli
rubber olotblnit Send flues , bnnnon , etc. Bond
for oil gnu. 1119 Fnrnnni for o talogue:03 8. ICth
Bli l , tniinllla. oatton
tnporteri nndmrfifloor rope , hemp , jute , rotten -
tuck. , burlap * twloo. ton tnlnon.tarrprt conV
BBO. olo. lt S. 11th nl.
KI.O.DAXON BncccK or loJ.J. Wllk *
. . , . M'f .
cnion. K clxar. ptper
Slojclcs lohl on monthly packing buso * . All uovcl
payment ! 120 N. litli t ties In box Una
llli ) Douglat SU
110J 8tr ) U
Fnttorr oornor llth nnd IMuKln .
VT arn nrnklDg close prlcei to oaib bujr M. nnl ar
olan ot Kuoili which li riirr ut -
abltwlih morobauli.
Mnmifnctiirpr ntiont. Icnn iupplr yon with ovory-
tlilnnln lio5 . uifn's.woin MI'S nnd chllil nt lewd -
( > d fnotory prli.cs and illpioiints l.itojt tljk'i.
1401 1 iirrmm Mni-l Iluum 15.
Ono . 8. Bth anit I eareif
worth 8ta . Omaba.
John liarhovir. Agl.
CnrrlaKO builders Huso
nmt patrol wnRons u
18th. opp Court House
DLtlftiKf H. DuriEH.
Clothing notion furnMi ,
lnis ( itvo us p trial Uanufri and nbolotaU
Samples prepnlil by ex clothlori. 1108 ilarney
prosa Ilia Ilnrnuy
Contrnc'ors anil sub contractori for nil klndi of
bulldlne platterlng painting rl- , will rccUvo i
cop ] of ( ilenn'anrchlU'ctH and titilM rj tllruttory
free , by pcniling their name , buslticsa nnd locn
tlon , to the publisher J 11 Ulenn 1U S lltU
UthoWered furniture ,
n W Nlcliol.-ns Grace and Thirteenth
\\holesaloonly. itroota.
" " / ' '
DRUGS , Et& \ i
1M1-1J04 Joati itrvat , 10th and Ylaioey itr U.
CO. , Dealers' hardware ant
Corner I0lb nad JnUon mechanics' tools
1401 Uoiulas Strttk
llulldors' llnrlwnn < nn&
Contractors' Supplloi
& . ' < South Kith i
llnnltrood lumber , wool
onrpoln nnd parquet Impottel Araorlotn lor 4 >
floorlnc , lin I co-nont , Mllwauka *
hydraulic ccmonl an *
ith anl DougUi. ( Julnoy wlilto Iliu * .
HER & CO. , FRIDX & . HER3E.1T.
Liquor morohanU , 1113
llarnoyit. Mfri Ktin
nody'i Ka > t tr.Jla 1IU Wholeialo liquor doaUrt
Ur . 1001 larnara lU
Importers nnd jobberiof
lullllnorjiKUIonn Matt
orders prompt. MS 11 &
llth st. . .
rinnoi orsans. arllnts 1WN. ICth Bt. I'lano *
mnlcrlals , oto. isia muilc and rauslcnl In *
Doug Ins st. trumeuts of all klndj
Carry n full stock of
printing , wrapping and Kcllncd nnd hi
writing pnpor , card pa
per cto oils , nxlo crenio , oto.
Mfr of "K A 8" panti , Mfri eolobratert
thirty anil OTOralls.cto kin" oreralli , pant
C1418S llth it. h'rti , aoati , cto. Ka
Umaha. *
Ditftbllabtd , 1879. &
. Produce , fruits of nil
kinds , orsteri. ill H ,
13th sU
J.B , HUSE&OO , JAS. A. CtARX & 0V
Onr epccliltlaii tlattir , tluttor , chooio , eiu1 '
KK > a nl poultry , lilll poultry and '
llowaM ttroot. jatrm
S17 South 13th 8tr aL '
( Eatnbllshod 1835. ) I
Wholsalohotter & emi Duller , chaoo. tggt ,
Uura and iclli for , veK'ttahlcs frultipoiil *
try uncl game
cosh. 4133. llth it.
Store rcpnlrn and wat t
nttnohmonti for any
kind of ttov * maMk
1J07 Uouglas. i
, Toyi , ( lolls , a 1 burnt ,
Uanufaeturen of aih Janoy gooda hou o fnr
door * , bllndi and l hlni good * . oblN
mouldlnca. Draneh of- dron'i carrlagaj. UU
Hoc , lltnwulUudSU Farnan BtrooU (
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Til * eminent spcclnlllt In nervous , chronic , prlviile blood , nkln nnd nnniirr dhcnsoi A rofuHr ana
icelstcrod grnduatolu mudclno. as illplomni nnd cerlllknli's nlinw. u still troatlni ; wllli thugraitutl > iicco > i
ratnrrli,8permHti > rrhoe lost rannhoo l.aumlnnl WenkiiQii < . nUht IOBSCN , liiipotoncy , i/ptillu , ntrlclurtt uou
orrhoon. plett , * nrleoctlc etc Iso mertiiry useJ. en trentinunt forlossof vltul powtr , I'urlleii unnh % to
visit ino miiy to Irjulol t homo lij oorruHpondence. Metliln * or InmrumnnU Kent b ; mull or oipri HS .
cuielj-pnckoJ , no nmrks to huijutu commits or sunder. Ono personal Interflow prcloirod. ConiuUBlloa. .
frco Lorru-ponclenco scrktly prlvnte lloo'c ( .UyjlerUi of LJo ) lent Irao. UQlou hourtUa i
6undnj lUa ui tolJiu Stud ( Uimp lor reolr. f
, 'Norvo Seeds , "
, the vioiiUorful nnitilr
"In eold nlth n writ
ten Biuirnntro to euro ill ! nerTOus < ll. cane . > uch as Wcnk Momorr.
IjosHof Uriiliil'owtr , Iliiulacho Wakofulncni , Ixj t Manhund. MfilHIr llmls-
plons , Ncrvouei c s , Laealtude.nll drains and loss of power of tlio Ucneratlra
Orgins In either BOX caused hy over oxortlon , youthful c rnrs , or i xcetiilvp
\UBoof totmccoopium orstlmulantn whicheoonlead to Infirmity ConBtiniii-
ItlonulKi Insanity. I'nt up convenient to carry In vc t imclirt til purpack-
'neotiy miullOforti. Wllh ovorytvorderwn trtiemirlltrn yunrantte tuciir *
orrcjuiidtheinontuCircularireo. . AildresaAcrvoMQCilCo. , CblcnBn , 111.
For sale In Ojnuha by Shorintin & McConnell , 161U Dodpo f-treot.
The Original anil Genuine
[ SHIf
IznparU the moat delicious Ueto and rest
TLKMAN at Mud.
rai to hl brother
May. 1851. HUT Of COLD
tliat their pauco IB
hltilily est med ID OA.1IK ,
India , and Is In my
opinion , the most WKI.HI1.
palatable , as well
wi the uiont whole-
torno muoo that la
dado. " Ac.
Beware of Imitations ;
ar m ' amtf mMLil.1 jqggfM.'aMlxraSni
eeo that you got Lea & Pen-ins' '
Bljrnatnro on every bnttlocf Oriirtna ! & Qcnnlne.
Or lli 1.1'iuor llnblt I'onlllti ly Cured
f > v uUmlnl'lprlnx Hr. HaluiV
Uolilvii ! < Illr.
It oan be Klven in a oup of cofleo or tea , or In food ,
without tbeKnowledga of Iho patient , lllaabiolulely
harmless , and will effect a prrmanent and ipordy
cure , whether the patient l moderate drinker or
un alooliollo wreck. It hia been Riven In thou and >
of oascr.and In every In.tanoe a perfect cure haefol.
lontd Itiirvrr Knit * . 1 Uo ylmionoeUnprrin led
with Iho beeom aa utter loyoMlblllty
for the liquor unpetllo to exiit.
UOI.Iir.NThl'tdiriU to. frop'ri. ri.flnnatl , O.
18-pa n book nr n * * lpitiirii free. 7o t had of
Kiliin&Go. . ISthMia Dojalui Sis. IHth mil
( JlliiiuiK.Sti * Who t'Bilu. IllnUo , llrucii A Co'
and KlulmrUBon liu < Co , Om ilia. Nub
A M U S m M BN T 3.
1IIJOU OI'KUA "Jrlptolmllo"
"JiUMV'Tho Ulah Mnunulle Ulrl ,
" 110I.1.A , " The Living JIalfVom n
THU OAH.OWS u id In Kn-aullu- ll und Dlxoo
1OO. 'rO ALiLi , 1OO ,
Theater 'llcketitc ondlOo.
Fine Ranch
r ? . YH'HV.vrol ! ) !
hard for it , haven't you ?
It wasn't wortli a dollar an
acre when you settled on it ,
and now you would'nt take
fifty. How long do you ex
pect to live on that place ?
Would you he sin prisedi \
some railroad land agent < 5r
claim jumper should come
along some dayand tell you
to move on ? Unless you
have a patent on record you
are not safe perhaps not
then. Why don't you ask
The Bee Bureau of Claims to
look into your title and get
you a patent that will stick ?
- THE -
Bee Bureau of Claims
National Bank.
Cnpltnl . $103,03) p
OfllrsrsandDlroctiri Ifarirf W. . . . . - -
H. v MM fi" * * * . * ' * ? : *
Ti-iia IRON