r > Pur tit THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; 'jSUffSDAY , JTiVE 2S. 1832. > 8PgQIHL NOTICES. ' "nvKiifisitMBXTS mTHESE * "COLUMNS A will bo Uken until 11-30 p. m. for the OTfnlnu nd unlll 8.-SO p. m. for tlio moraine or Sunday edl 'MI dTPM ! * menU In thpo rolnmns m cent a , ird for Orit Insertion and 1 cent a word cirti subtrqnent Insertion or 12 per | lliTb r r month. Na advertisement taken for lets tlinn ci > nt8 for the first Insertion , Terras rgsh In ndvnncr. Initials. nenrr . symbols. ctcc cU , count n word , AlladvcrtlsomenH must run con- ; * cullvrly. Advertise , by requesting a numbered check , can have the letters addressed toimnm- ; ferrctl IrtlrrlncBreof TUB fitK. Answers so ad- clrcMcit will bo deltverfd on presentation of tuo check. - WANTKI ) RY A YOt NO MAN , sober. Industrious nnd not afraid of hard work City references. Address C 71. lice. 'Jit r ' ' SITUATIONIN PRIVATE FAMILY RY young roan used to horses and housowurk. Ad- | drcM caii Use. Mils 28' | -XVANTKI ) . RY A MAN OF 10. A POSITION -/iamtr-nourapher. Can receive dictation above 7.1 words per mlmitc. Address 083 , Dec. MISS a * WANTED-MALK HELP. r-r > t ( I ENTS W A NTKli YN KX'E RY " 'TOXVN ' A N I ) Jjtlty In llio west on extra llbcrnl terms , to veil the popular ten year policy of the Mutual Ro- * rvn Mind Life nrpoclatlon ; also thn new IKXW ) combination policy of the Preferred Mutual Acci dent oc1allon of Now York ; co t only tin prr yrsr for preferred risks ; save money by insuring , miiko money by rrpresfinlnit thcso wideawake rnmr'nlesi fire agents can double thrlr Income. Wrltn for circulars and turuis lo II. H. Roblsnn , Central Mencecr , C mnlin. Neb. Ut . MAN XVIT1I PUSH XVANTHD IN EACH CITY. town nnd Immlct to Inlroiluco the fu ( p t selling lionnehold article nn record. Over a million sold In Philadelphia. XVIII pay com in-lent person II | inr ri r. .XcMrcfinHli stamp W. H. XVIIIIamson. 41 N. 4th street , PhllartPlplila. Pa. MHIJyW Tn-TEAMSTEItS AND It It. LABORERS FOR IJXVyomlDKorSouth Dakota. a iS. Uth < t. t.13J.J30' T WANT1SD. TRAMSTERS. SI1OVELEII8 AND iCifickmrn \Vyomlng ami South Dakota. Al- briiihtl.ftbor Ar rlcy , list ) Farnani street. 174 J30 7J-WANTEI ) . AGENTS IN EVERY TOXVN IN JUtho state to represent Iho United States Mutual Accident auMiclallon of N. Y. New pollcle' . most liberal In form and if asonablo In cost over Issued. IL A XVagncr. state agent. Omaha. Neb , Ml -15-WE PAY SALARY XVEEKI.Y TO GOOD -iJagcnts , former oipnrlence unnecessary , salary paid weekly. Slneiroffice , ISItl Ilinul.TS , 83IJyl3 T > 1IREAD Il.XKKRXYANTEO AT13J MAIN -ST. , JCouncIl Rlnffs. .M8J7 J -SOLICITOUS WITH GOOD REFERENCE AT Umcrlcan XVrlnger Co. , 1C09 Howard. .MPJJjy ' J-XX-ANTKD , A GOOD SINGLE RUTcilER XVHO 'tpcnks German. Address C 15. care Cmiihn Rec. ) -EXPERIENCED PATENT RIGHT SALES- 'man. Address Lock Rox7 , Fremont. Nob. M'.OISO" ' - ) . 12 FIIIST CLASS CARI'K.NTr.US. B-WANTKt lienrh mechanics far linlila work. Steady cm- nluruient. Address R. 1. Lumber Co. , Rock Island , ill. l SOB - I'l.UMHKItS WAKTHD. nitST-CLAP3 STKADY BI'l.UMHKItS morlianlcs wanlen ; noniinlon preferred ; wages Ktanil U.VI forS hours. Wtllard. t'owclljc Clark , Duluth , Minn. 9TS 1 B-WANTKf ) . TKN GOOD HU1CKLAYERH. WOKCM M cents per hour. Apply to Stephens IlrUs. at Western Normal College , Lincoln. Neb. -J7.VOO TO 1510.00 CAN I1B MAlin MONTHLY working for R. K. Johnson & Co. . MM-2-HV3 Main street. Richmond , Va. > t IUUUJyJ6' _ -HAltTWARB ANfi OROOKRY 9ALK8MKN to handle light , protltnblo slJ'J line. Address C JO. llee. .M1I4 23 _ T > - W ASTKI-'lKTKCTIVB IN KVKRY TOWN JJm ITnlteil States. Kxtenslvo experience not re quired. Send for particulars. Universal Detective ncr. box 10TO , Chlcaxo , 11L _ aill3-l' 'HARRISON AND RKID.RY LKW WALLACH , Ui pnires. only II.W : Jipcr day for solicitors , ladies - dies or gentlemen , i'ubllslier , llox 75' . ' , Omaha. HG 23' _ T ) WASTCI ) . AN INTKLLIGIINT ROY 14 TO 1C JI 'yearn old , who Is willing to learn a trade. Per manent situation. Atldrcsi , with rufcrcnco. C 3 < J , Rco. M 151 30 B-WANTKI ) . TRAVKL1NG riALKS.MAN ; NKW specialty fur grocery and trenural stores , worth tW per week. Allison , 177 Monroe t. , Chlcnun. Ml Mi 23' B -GOOII RKLlAllLi : IIHICAI ) AM ) CAK13 bakers. S S. iGtli. MI53 3- WANTED-FEMALE HELP. fXVANTKI ) . LAD1E.S OR YOUNG MEN TO V-'tnkc iiglit , pleasant work nt their own homes ; f I.UJ to t-I.HO per day can bo quietly made : work entbymall ; no canvassing. For particulars ad * flrcsn " ( ilubu ilfn. Co. , Ilux 4JJI , lloston , .Mass. " Kstabllnhod l.WJ. M t ] y3 * n , A LAUNDRESS. Al'l'LY W. U. 'MjlIard , Oinaha Nat. bank. M5 -XVANTKDA KEXV LAIHI'.S CAN SECURE , handsome salary for home work permit ting olherdutlos. W. Springsteen , llox 213 , Chclazo. 111. A GIRL FOR 'Mustbu ' good cook and laundress. I1SJ to. rJ street. M741 C WANTED , FIRST CLASS cooic AT THE HampUm.2ltli , nnd Douglas. SU /"I-WANTKI ) . AN EXPERIENCED OIRL FOR V.'second work and care of child. Mrs. R. U. Gaylord - lord , 10JJ Park avo. BS4 ri-COMPETENTGIHL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- V'work , ICffJ Sherman svo. UI4 fl-XVANTED. A GIRL TO COOir , WASH AND v Iron In family of thr'oo. Apply No. 3 XX'orthlng- Ion plnco. near South Tenth street , opposite Rrownell hall. Ml'i. ' M * p-WA.NTK.DAT ONCE. GIRL FOR GENERAL 2 hoiisework ; musl be a uuod cook. WJ7 St. VVorya avenue. 3IU54 | % -WANTKD. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- \Jwork , family of two. 4G3 S. iltli avo. ! p-GIRL WANTED FOR PLAIN COOK AND VJIaundry work , KOOI ! wages. 'JIM Harney st. C -XVANTKI ) . GIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOU3E- work ; nmall family. Inquire at 2S21 Harnoy ttrcot. Mrs. D. 11. XVIicelrr. MI12 a -WANTED , XVKTVURSR OK 8 MONTHS. IM. mediately. Apply Jill North 30th. 143 C -COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work , aal Capitol avo. 1431 * CXX'ANTED , noon GIRL FOR GENERAL Imu-ework In email family. Apply attOi South fill street , n-XVANTED. CASHIER AT THE ROSTON V Storu. Unialin ; must have Urst-clasg references. „ _ il * p-XX'ANTKD. LADIES IIAYINU A HUSIIAND. < 1 V 'sou ' orlirutlier that wnnt.i a aooil pnrlnc pn.il tlon as overteer. Address' with slump , Ihnllrand- rnbnru Mfi : . ' . ' < > . , Dayton. O. MIW is * CXV ANTED , GOOD OIRL FOR G iiNKRAL hoii awirk. 3315 Reward struct. Mli3 ! fl-XVANTED , 11KAD XX'AITRESS. ADDRESS v pustotllce box ll'i'J. Lincoln , Neb. Mind 3U * /V-WASTKl ) . AT ONCE. FIRST CLASS COOK , tV 'ri'cmumcccl.itlonare'iulri-il. Mrs. R. C. Moore S19 S , . .Vth. .MI57j- FOR RENT-HOUSES. D I UllUiiKM. ALL PARTS TUB CITY. PRINTEi : HsUi. GcorKoJ. Paul , lUUo Farnam street. -HMl RENT , I4-IIOOM HOUSE 1612 CHICAGO lti. 740 _ V-COATES. RENTAL AGENCY , icu FARNAM. iJJ'x - -x r Kiti-jy4 T-11 ) ItllNT. DESIIIA1ILE HOUSES AND L-'reslitunco Hats , chuan Huuies for sale on muuthly p.tyuieiils. J. XV. iqulra. 1st Nat. bank. _ _ _ _ M43Uy7 I'J-FIRS'P CLASS RESIDENCE FLATS. 3 OR ( Aoonis ; now block , llnum U. 8IU S. Md. f l . MIOOM DBTACirED HOUSE. n , sliadn trees , bath , laundry , etc. , J tilockn mini court house ; reference required - David JcuiUmoii , a 8. aith st. 'J TJ-COITAGK , III SOUTH ! 4TU AVK. 8U ) -FlR JIKNT , TXVO GOOII 0-ROOM HOUSKS7 -lrtUU ; within II minutes walk of ouurt house , llio O. F. Davln Co. . lioi Karnam stroll. ii-t T\-I ROOM HOtHE ISTH AND DODGE. J blucks from pottoatco aud 1 blocks from city liall , uuxlcrii Impruv tmeuU. Iuiulru uext duor ur Uli k'urimiu. JM ! J7 TV-IROOMHONJISTST. . HALF RLOCK MUltTII i of ( irace , I7.W , city water. Alsu uthgr rooms ami huuseial lowosc prlos. O , F. Hulls , room I , H M bulldliiu. D-FOR REST. MIOOM COTTAGE , SiTH AND Chclain ) > ls. IL T , Clarke , XJth and Cun , or II'J jluaad o I Trade. 7C3 -MODKRS ROOM.HQUbB. S } S. MTH. K 5 F. Ringer. 151'J Frnnui. 'jCI-30- D HOUSB.TKN ROOMS , SOUTHEAST COHNEI C ; anarOlh struutt. Apply Nethertou Hall street. Ml i _ _ pj-FOK RKNT FUR THE SUMMER. FURMSHKI 1J7 room liousa. All conveuleucea. Euuulro UU X'ark nveiiuu. lllli ) Jy & ROOMS. , -FURNISHKD ROOMa To7lKNT WITH ALL modern cunveuleucM. 911 Uuuiilas JlrueL , - MM ! _ - ROOM FOR RENT. t for two. Iviu Uodnvst. HM PLttASAXT FURNISHKD ROOMS US O. FOR RENT-FTntNI3HED ROOMS. 810 I * E-NIl-BI.YFpRNISHKI ) ROOMS AT JIW DOUO la * Ptrect. MOOT 0 FPRNISHED ROOMS AND BO AUD. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS AT THE Mcrrlam. 6II.77 * F-NICE ROOM AND 110 Alt ! ) FOR TXVO CJRNTLK- men ; one-half blocic from motor ; Kood , nlca homo SISSo.TCtti 9L M t _ Ij'-DESlRAnLK FIRST AND SECOND KUXJIl A south rooms at "The Frenior , " 118 N. ? Jtli street. Mill y ir-Ft'RNlSHED ROOMS AT THE HAMPTONl JL nrstclrss board : references required. 2)1 S. 3th. 761 _ -HACK PARLOR OR LARGR FRONT ROOM with bay window and board for two I IIVW per mnnth. Smaller room for two with board , f 10.03 per month : modern convpnlcncoi ; elrc.intly fur nished ; private family. Sli Norlh Zld street. I-N1CELY FURNISHED KDOMS WITH FIRST- -L class board ; references oxchanitcd. WJ N , IXth fit. "i1-FURNISHED ; StJUTH ROOM WITH HOARD , fjtelarences. ll Farnam. MfH 30 * 17-A VERY DESIRAI.i : SUIT OF ROOMS. OR J will rent separately , ono fronts south and ono ast , with an alcove , best In city. ills , litti nt. T ? REST KA T FRONT ROOM CITY. ! IO -I- south 2Sth strcot , . DESIRAHLK SUITH OIT ROOMS , A south front , wltb board , 19 Chicago. MI37 M' 17-NiCELV FURNISHEDSINGLK : ROOM XVITH X board : centrally located ; modern conveniences. 2I3U Harnoy. MI3rta * _ FOR RENT-UNFURNISHEU ROOMS. G-FOlf RENT , 4 tNFURN131ED ; ! ROOMS SUIT able for houiCkecpluK 170J Webster street.MM3 MM3 BOAKDINO. " " PULLMAN'ilOUSEIniO ' DODUE. TOR GOOD board nice rooms , conveniences , rata nnd loca tion it cannot bo uxcellod. Mrs. Horn , prop. 478-Jr y FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 1IU1LD1NG ,1'JHi Fnrnam st. The bulldlnz lias a fireproof c.o- menl basement , complela steaniheatlnit tlxlurcs ; water nn all tha floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The llee. 818 T FOR RENT , STORE ZXCb ! ; 1113 JACKSON 1 ni'i FOR RENT Mfs'aBLLANEOUsI T WjirilKNT.'TTlkOL : i > IIASkTri' FACTORY AT ' ' Kckermann place. l'J iU. 2 stories with holler nnd engine Wiper month. C. F. ilarrlson , all N. Y. Life. > 11M J.fJ r-THE "LITTLE OEM STARLES" AT 1718 ' Cass street Is now open and solicits the board nnd earn of Kcntloman's roadsters and family horses. Customers palrontilng this stabla may rely upon prompt Htlvnllon and securing for their horses nnd carriages the very highest class of care and treatment. M I3J WANTED-TO RENT. K-WAN-FED" . DETACiTEi7 iTousn N DE in able location , nut less than 10 rooms. J. Raum. 1310 Harney. MSI K WANTED. S OR 3 LARGE XVELL FUR- nlshcd rooms , with or without board ; modern conveniences ; good location. Address C Si. Rce. M1CO 23 * K XVANTED , ROOM AND HOARD IN PRIVATE family for two men with cornl reference : wllllnx to pay for Urst class accommodations. Ad dress C S'J , Rco. MltU ! 3 % RENTAL AGENCIES. ' -E. C. GARV1N A CO. , 203SHBELEY RLOCK. STORAGE. Mi OLDEST. CIIHAl'EST AND RKSTSTORAOE housu In tbo city. Williams V Cross,1HII Harnoy. J3I WANTED.-TO BUY. T--FURN1TURE HOUGHT , SOLD , STORED. I XVells. 1111 Fnrnam st. J-u XT-CLAIMd KOR SALAUtEd. SERVICES AND i' waites against cltjr , county , corporation , Indl rlduals boiiKht or advanced on. W. R. Davis , It. 20 , Contlnciitnl Illock. MilO XT DON'T Sr-TJ. KURNITURK UNTIL YOU S15K i > Omaha Second Hand I'urnlturo Cut Highest lirces paid. i l .V. U'.Ui. .MTU Jyl7 XT-CASH 'I'AID KOR.KllldTOLAS9(1ROCERY 1 > stocks , Inrno or < mall. All comuuulcattons strictly cunllilcnilal. C. O. D. llrown , Omabn , Sinitti Omaha and Council Hlmr . 8fe.S VT HORSK. 1IARNKSS AN II DELIVERY WAGON. J-i Apply 3UIr ) Atnesave. , between 12:30 : nnd IKJ. : p in WJ-ITJ -vr THE OMAHA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY 1 > Savings Hank pays the hluhpst price for both county and city warrants , llronn block , loth and Douglaii. MI138 - WANTED. VOR CASH , HltOOM MACHIN- ! ST cry , tools , slock , broom corn. Uox 'XS1. Lincoln. 147 17' FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0-FOR SALE , A LOT OF NKW ROARLMNO houwi funilturc , used only a few months , very cheap. Inqulru Room lit , lloard Trade. 6S7 -FOR SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , suitable for lU'ht liousukoeplnu : also baby car rlace. Inqulru 1'Jll Farnam. 151' " . ' FOB SALE-HOUSES , WAOON3 , ETCJ 'ID-Foil SALE , A SIXTY DOLLAR TOP RUGFX' , -L for 5.0J. 11 , E.Colo. Continental blocic. .VJM IJ-VERY FINE. STYLISH. YOUNG DRIVING horsu , must bo void nt once ; welRbt about LIU ) bs. Thus. F. Hall.C07 Pixton block. U73 1FOR SAi.E , A GOOD , STYLISH DRIVING horse for Kcntlemaa or lady , with piano box top biiKKy , full width. In KOOI ! onlcr. harness , etc. complete , for tlOUOO. Enquire at Park Stables , 24th and Leavenworth. 14:1 : 8U 1FOR SALE. ONE RLACK FINE OA1TED SAD ela horse , 5 years old , nooU single and double driving horo. at IStiX South Ilith L , Omaha , Neb. 144 ID * -FOR SALE , VERY STYLISH SNYDEROMAU/ made speeding bug y. cost 1233. now , must sel this week , cash only. Unuer , Rex 733 , Omaha. Nob. 1W7J- -FOR SALE. ONEIRILHARD ANI 6.NKI POOI table , lirunswlcicRalku make , almoit nuw. In qnlro of Grand hotel , Council Ulults. 3U ) - SALE. 35 HEAD FRE8H MILCH OXVS Q Dr. Jt'Horli. 7th and Grace street. MI41 a * MISCELLANEOUS. 1 -XX'ANTEI-I1IDS FOR A HRICK RUILDING J.V Enquire of Mr. llakur , superintendent lloo build , until July I. 6tl ! 27 Cr.AIBVOYANT3. S ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY : XVONDERFUI revelations. ClmlluiiKcs thu world. Mrs , Dr. M. Lvurnve , dead trance clairvoyant , astrolonlst I'UlmlfI and life rcador : tells your lUu from the cradle to urnve : unites the separated : causes mar rlaire with thuonu you lovu ; tells rhere you-wlll succeed , and In what business best adapted fur : lias the celebrated Kityptlan breastplate for luck , and to destroy bad Influences : uures tits , Intuuiporunco nrd all private complaints with massage , bath and alcoh'jl treatment. Send tM. lock of lialr name and date of birth and ruoelvu accurate Ufa chart ; Xceiiti In stamps for circular : itlvo Initials of one you will tuiir'y ; also photus of s.tmo. Ulllco 417 South llth street , upstairs ; hours. U a. m. lo'J p.m. Come ono , to mo all , and bo convinced o tills wonderful praclu MC4S Jyl * S-MRS. DR. VAN TRUE. MINI ) READER ANT forecaster , has arrived from California. She tells , past , present and lututure with perfect truth Klvi's advice on all matters of Interest , love , mar rlavc , divorce , domintlc troubles , speculations , los ur utolcn property , Iildduu treasures , rttitures ln ulTcotlon and unites thu separated , describes frlcnits nnd enemies , warns you of Impundlnv disaster Without trickery , pretense or sham , but In the broad , opeu llflil of sober tense , > lie will read your cntlrullle. Pusltlvely no masnane treatment o nnyttilng of a quostlunabln chantcU'rsoUclteil u tolerated. Letters runtalnliiK il will receive alien lion. Consultation tree. 4tU N. ISth st. al S MRS. N.XNNIK V. XYARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT reliable business uiadlum , nftttyearat HV N Hiia Ifej S-MADAME FR1TA CUMlNIi' KniEBr. cUlrvoyant anil Irimt-o mcdluui ; Independom voices ; telli past und future , M ) Jit' _ MA33AOE , BATHS , ETC. rp-MAStAGB : TRKATMKXTr' Vib'lllt < * c'll ' n"J ll"lr tre tra nt. manicure uudculrouodlsuMrs. Po t,31l XS litb , XVIlliuell blk - ELKCTRICIAN. mKO block fp"-iiA "AMK SMITH HJl DOUGLAS STRKin * -L .room 1. 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and .ea baths MVHi-Jyl _ _ _ _ AND RUSSIAN IIATHSi LADIKS days Tuesdays and Fridays , 8 tu I : under Far nam Hired tbuater. _ " TiTI"IA4IB- ? ] ' ' , ' } UKMABHAGK. . 416 HOUT1 Jlith street Hat M - , 4. floor. M1S1 l MUSIC , ART AND LANOUA OE. V-G" UkLLKNHKCK. UANJO > wlthllospe , orila.N. Istli st. V " -UKFOIIB UUYINUTPIAINO KXAM1NH TUB nuwkcale KlmbJll pluuoi A. Uospo.liU Douglas VM ESTATE. W-RKAL ESTATH IXANS. d TO 7 PKU DO addluoual cburun fur eummtsslon or alter- ocy' * foe . XY. Melklu , First N ttuu l Uao * bld ( , _ \ -MONKY TO IX > AN ON IMPRUVKU CITY ' t property , low rtl * . A. 0. fruit. UouuUs blk. MONET TO LOAN-REAIi ESTATB Conlfniifrt. \\r CENTRAL I/JAN A TKU3T CO. REE HLDfJ , _ > > t'Jl \y-C. F. UARIHSON , 1J N. Y. LIFE. S \\r-WHlTB TUB SECURITY ARSTRACF AND InrcstmcntCo. of llrokcn Row , Nob. , Ing their novel plan of farm Investments. \V-MONEY TO IX3AN O. * IMPROVED OR UN ' Improved Omaha liroporlyat lowest ratal on si.ort notion. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trast com pany , Kill Farnam street. 7CU \\r-uio7xv. P. COATKS. mi FARXAM. \\r-OMAtIA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS 'Ion real estate at lowcit market rates. Loans mnileln smaller largo sums and for short or long time. No commission Is charged , and the loans are not -old In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the corncrof 13th and Douzlas street. * . 994 \\r-C.\V. ItAlNKV.SliOMAHA NAT. IVK I Ua ' CttrmortKSHui. lAiiresUntoJ. Jlonof on linn 1 _ \\r-7 I'BIl CK.ST MONEY NKT 'TO IlOltUOW- < > prs on Omnlin cltr proportj. No ectra chitrgat ofanrklnd.Vhfpayliliili riito < 7 Money U oheip rotictn get full benefit of low rates from Glob ) Loan A Trust Co. , IGth nnil Doitce HI .S'VIflA.S'ANDTllUSTCO. , Sli N. Y. Llfplondi ftt IOT r tos for cliolco Bocurltr on Vcbraakaor lawn farms or Umahii cltr propartjr. \\T fmOOOTOI,3A.V , SOM9OFU.OM UI'\VAUI)3 ! ' can pliico loans on anr Inslita Improved prop erty to i nf amount whcroTnIno Is back of tholnnn. \rncn llo.il Kstnto Aconcj1JOT Karnani t. UJJ \V-WANTKI ) AT O.NOK. AI'I'MCATIOMS KOU. IT loans of f IX ( > J and upward nn buslne < s , rosl dcncoor farm properllci. U. J. 1'aul , lOJJ Kjrnnm 3Wjr4 % ir LOANS. G. G. WALLACE , IU HROXVN DLK. > 101 \V IXJAN3ON IMI'ltOVKI ) AMD UNIMIMIOVKD i cltr propartr.M.COJ nnil upirnr.ls. ( I to S pnr'cent. S'oilolali. \ \ . Knriium Smith , t Co.I5tli anJ Uarnar. ir-PlHVATUMONEY. 1ST AND2O MORTGAGE ' loans , lowrates. AloxMooro. IU1 Uoo building. \V T DON'T FORGET THAT XVE ARK MAKING low rates on Improved nnd unimproved loans on Omaha.property. No delay nnd all business transacted at this office. Fidelity Trust company , ! tit4 Fnrnam street. 70S MONEY TO LOAN-CHATIELS. V-lf YOU WAXT .MONKY A. ON FURNITURE. 1'IANtW. HOUSES. WAGON : ! . . CALT.ATTHKOFFICKOP OMAHA .MOIITCJAOK LOAN CO. AND GETTKllMd UKFURK , DEALING . Loans made In amounts from S1U to ilUOUO at tbo lowest rates on very short notlcovltltout iiubllclty , nnd nllli tlm iirlvllok'o of kueplnz your KOOJs la your own iiossotlon. , You can pay tliu money back In nny amounts you wish and aE any time , and each payment no made will rodiicn tlio cost of the loan In proportion. There will bo no expense or cbaritu kept out of tlio amount wanted , but you will receive the ful amount of the loan. OMAHA MORTQAOn LOAN CO. Itoom It Cretghton II lock. 15th tjt. , Soutb of posloRlca The only Incorporated loan company In Ootaba. S3- r MONEY TO LUA.N. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEH CO. On household Rcods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , waicons. etc. at the lowest possible rates without publicity , rcoiuval of property or chanuo of possession. Payment of any amount can bo raado at any tlmc.rcduclnit both principal and Interest , thus ElTlnit patrons all the btmcttts of llio partial pay ment plan. -Monoyalwaysouliand. AO delays ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , IK It I , Wltlincll blk , 15th and Harney. V WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF -A-cc.irlty : strictly conHJcntlal- . E. HARRIS , mom I , Continental blocic. 10 * ' x- ROII'T PRITCIIARD , R. 3 , W1TUNKLL Ill.K m : WHEN YOU WAST A THATTKL I ) AN SEE XV. R. llavls , room a ) . Continental blocic 101 X-CHATTEL LOANS MADU ON FUUNITURB pianos , live slock , etc. . without publicity or ra. moral property at thu lowest rates und ( hi easiest payments. Dull Ureeu , rooms S and U Darker block. " -JM.OUO TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY business contldonllaL Room 41)3 ) Karuach block. 211 Jr'i * X-IIO , 83. fM. 1109 , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON HUR- nllure , nurses , or any Kood < security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Umn Co. iilt : ! lloualm sU 167 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-FOR SALE. A WELL-PAYING AHSTRACT biivlncss In ono of the western counties of this state. Address H 37. llco otllce. -M7W I * -WANTED , A MAN WITH tMJ TO BUY HALF Interest In and take the management for a sal ary of a iiood paylnjr business. For particulars callatlSH Harney at. M87I 8 * _ -FOR SALE , COMPLETE 3-C1IAIR RARRER shop , will sell tha whole or In sots , an Sth' stn-ct , nt cljar storu. IU7-4' -FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. TUB LATK "New Era" printing aud Job presses ; complcto outnt. For price and terms address Ilonry Nciseca. bio , Soutl- Hand , Neb. 917 30 * -FOR SALE. A COMPLETE ELECTRIC LIGHT- Ins outnt. Including boilers and engine , all In Hood condition. Will be sotd < cboap. Forpartlcu- lnr address U M. Uee. MIDI 2 V ONE-HALFOR ALL OF A GOOD PA INWSA- I loon to trade or sell ou tlmo. Addrcsn C 37 , Deo. Miia ! _ FOU EX JANOE. Z CLEAN .STOCK Ob' GE.V KRAL M'D'3 K ; take real estate iniouoy. Doz3J3 , Frankfort , Ind. IDS Z-FOR KXCUANUK FINB RBS10BNCK , NBW , U rooms , modern Improvements ; on motor , line. 1 rallo from 1' . O. XVIII uxchanxa far good busi ness lot or farm lands. XY.,1 * . O. box ti'-li , Oaiaha. , 1W Z A VALUAULE CORNER LOT ON S. 1ITII. . ST. forsubiirbau property , A valuaulo equity Iu lot for Rood borsj , balnnc ] very easy terms , lyidellty Trust Co. , loll Farnam y-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-PLANING /Jinlll , ISth and Mason streets , Oinaha. John M. Kheuley. ISth and .Mason streots. MMt Jy 11 * Z XX'ANTED , (1 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE INSIDE Ot twii mile lino. In oxchnnKU for 1 Hi acre lot near Institute , with llnu Improvements. Will iluublu In value Insldu of 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , ICll Farnani. MtVt3 J7 y AN ELEGANT HOME IN HASTINGS. LOT AJla xPJ , on HabttiiKs avenue , for Omaha prop erty : n snap for n Hastlnjs man. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1011 Fnrnam. .MU.I4 Jyr V-MODERN HOU.1i : , 10 HOO11J. FINE 1.OCA ' -'lion , to occhunKO for smaller bouse. XY. T < ! ra ham , 81,5 McCiiKUu block. f&-J -HOUHUil IIOOJIS. KULL LOT. ON MILITARY avenuu near Hamilton strcot , to exchanua for lot or will sell clionp. XV. T. Graham , 30S .McL'anuo block. ' . < CS-Z > Z-7ll FKKT ON SAUNDERS STREET TO EX- chnnijn for Improved property. XX * . T. Graham 3U5 McCnitiie block. _ y-FARM. Ill ) ACRES IN KANSAS ; EVERY ACRE A'cun bu farmed ; will exchaneo for city or town property. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , - " ) ! N. Itltb J71-S7 y-XX'K HAVE fcilO.OOO XVORTH OF CITY PROP 'Jerty lo trada for land. XVhat have you to oflcrr XVestern Hiclmnau Co. , Columbus , Nebraska. .XIIM SO- fOR HALE-REAL E3TAT.E. r i TJ'OR SALE , NOS. IJOJ AND TtUI LAFAYETTE J- ova In l.afayollo Place , new 8-rooni dwnlllngs. with bath , ua , ! . , electric gasllghtlng and every uihor modern Improvement , line lawn , trees and sur * rouudluKsuno block from electric oars. TUesotwo. bouses will bo sold at a bis barualn ; will lakulot as i part payment ; let 119 show1 you tha properly FldelltyTrunt company , lilll Farnam st 117 I.-HRSALB-UIGHARGA1N IN ORCHARD IllKlj .J- lot , will Uiko good horse as firm payment , tial- unee , monthly payments. Wo will sell yuu a lot dirt cheap and furnlsU money to build yuu a homo on mualuly payrnouu ; &everal location * XV will build yon a cottaga to suit on monthly payment * ; inall payment down. Two uowi-roomcollages In Klrkwood. ona blo i from car line , cheap on monthly paymunts. llarviln m clear lot In Walnut Hill , only ll.103.oa Rurgaln In clear lot In Orchard Hill , only I7UU.OJ. llaricalu In clear lut In Crt-ialiton Helchts , JSUI.UO. llartialnlnabaiullful bema Iu Laayuttu riaca , the nn t irsldenc terrace In Omaba. everyone ad- uiltsR. Lei usihuw It you. For termi , prices , eta. , call oa Fidelity Trust Co. , 1U14 Furnaiu su . m HORSES AND CATTLE PASTURED AT STOCK farm , lialleruo. U. T. Clarke , Zl'J lloard of Trade. Omaha. 213 lOllSALK-iMJACHKS UK NU1IRASKA LAND -L at eraat acrlUca. Apply for particular * , t H. Peterson , owuor , 1111 d. Ulu ilrojt , Oaiaba. T ACBY'S ADD1TION-F1NH LOTS NEAR MOTOR Mlue.taDeachi Ucaili , bal. J. 4 , ( I. yorr . .7 par cent. R stduuco lull within IV miles of pasturdca CUUeacb ; l-19cuh.bat. Ion/ time at T per cent. Fine lot wttli ill-room cottajo at 35th and Rurt street * . Price. K.VWi Uu omli , bal. easy. Pottur It OeorseCo. , a. XV. nor. 10th and Farnqm. MU7 Jyl FINE H AC'4K LOT IN 11BNSON ADD , CLOSh to moior. only 1400 ; easy payment * . Fidelity Trust Co. , lou y ro m. _ MOB Jyr CORNER LOT ON CUMIN ! } BT. , CAilTHAUE add. t II.OWL W , T. Graham , Mcl'aiu. Llfc 1OR BALE AT A 1IAHGA1N , LOT 14. RLOCK. J. t XV , L. belbr s flrtt addllloa to Soutli Oia b mall payment dowD , balanc * monthly If desired loijuli * U , a Tucbuok , OoianiUea. S3 POK 4 RAROAIN. IIAViAiKlIXH ( LOT A11OUT jl 300 feet from Sherman Avju ' " minutes * walk 'rorn po.itoWre : plenillil .nfltjit'nrhooil. XVIII build to null customer on oiiyichns. it wilt pay ron to Investleato this alter.rA' ' ( Frost , Room St. DoiiKlas bio ck , Icth and Docljamls. T7J rpHK RONDS f.XIUHKI ) ANDJUDGK STIIKKT X will suon bn pavpil clear toMin'jr choice & and ID- ere tracts which we can tlllMll lor n short tlmo t the old price of SltW.OJ tr nre > . Don't delay. Wrliht A lji hury , lull lIe M.l . , lrcel. MWJ f AFAYKTTE PLACE ! YOU'ilUST SRE THIS - -/property to appreciate IV : twoiimo ! < for siln nt barealn. Call for terms , etc. . JWollty Trmt com- puny , 18lt Fnrnsm st. ji V 117 J HEAUTIFL'I. HOMES STILI. FOR SALK IN Oljifayetto placo. You will ra kf > a mistake If you juy without soolna ni about tbn 9 homos. Rent for f.TiUJ an J HAW per month. Huoit investment in the city. M Jy ITVMtSALE HOMES. ANY PRICE. $7.V ) . SI.U } UPf J- easy terms ; take cle\r property as Brst payment , G. U. Wallace , llrown block , ICXh and Douglas. HO SO KKET ON HAMILTON STREET WI T OF tJLowonvemip , fur sale cheap , XV. T. Graham 30J.Mcl'nauo block. ! a-TJ . irARM.'lOl ACRES IV CENTRAL NE1IRASKA 1 fur > nlo. KUO pt > 1 aero , buyer to Ret sharn of tha erowlntf crop , to-operntlvu Land it iMt. Co.0'i N. ICtlnt. 1I7J-30 SOUTH OMAHA ACRKS. II acres J mite west , tl2XOO. SU acres ? ( mlle rnntheast , Jll.OOX S acres ! * mile southeast , already platted Into 40 lofr. JlO.SdJ. 5 acres 3 mites south , J 1.500. 6 acres 2 mllr-s southwest , with small house , 11.500. CU acres 1(4 ( miles southwest In 5 or 10 aero tracts , : | . ' ) U licrncrc. 12.1 acres at n bargain. Call for price. Terms , M cash , balance to suit. Patter A George CoICth and Karnam sts. Mltu .1 OH TllADK , KOU MKHCHANO1SK or Omaha property 4 * acrci Cliolco Vallcr najr land. Implenivntn. liuMcnand cattle. In rhorrr countT , Neb. Amlross 0. OT. IIJO MIT7 a * _ FOR aENT-FA3TURE3. 'A3TUREFOR CATTLEAUORSE3. T.MURRAY ma TTANTBD-HORSES TO PASTURE , CALLED I foranddollvcrcd. Q. A. Llndquosl 310 S. 15th. PASTU11AGK KOU HOUSK3. COLTd. CATTLK. 200 ncros pnstura ; barn room case of storm. My farm ranch Is one mile from J4th strcot motor cnr. south on Clluioru roail. I call nnd dollvor. Address mo. J , It. llrujli , 1 . O. box U > ) . South Omaha. _ _ Mfti.1 Jyl4- AST JUE FOIl CATTLK A HOUSKd. T. MUUHAY 070 LOST. CTRAYKD-JUNK Will ) . FROM S314 IIAUKKlt Ostrcct , sorri'l innro , ivt'lKht WJ. Reward for re turn to uboru address. Io3 VJ * PAWN BROKERS. SNVUKR'S LOAN Ur'FtUK , 1110 UOIXiK ST. 1S.UW 1RKI > MOULK.OKFICB 1511W FARN.V.M ST. EMPLOYMENT AGOENOY. upstairs ; nialo nnd fonialu holp. Tel. 344. U47 RESVJ I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. MegeatiV Dealer , " * < r * " . - . „ o VAA4 OM * * - " % NOTICE TO PROPIDRTV OWNERS. You are hereby notlflol that the bank of onrth now o.vistlni on lot 5 , liloou 4. Cnniii- lioll's addition to the cltv ot Omnhi' , ImiMican ( loplnrcd uy ordlnnnco No. 3110 to bo a nul- snncc. ' * Vou arc hnrohy directed to nhato sild : nui sance IIY Rrnillntz < lown siillnbaiilc of earth so ns to prevent the wasting f HIns or wnsh- Insr of onrth from sld lot upon the shlnwnllts IIP strorts ailjnccnt thereto within twenty days frnm the Uiil : day of Juno. 132 , o'r snld niilriiuiro will ho uhatod hv thn city authorities and the oxpcnso tlioroof lovliul n < a sneclnl tax asnlnit the property on which s-ild nitslancanxHti.- Datcd tills Sstli ilny'of'.Tniin. ' Ml , \y.-HHtKUAOSEU. I . Chairman of the Hoard of.Uuhllo Works. , L'S-29-30 July 1-3 PROPOSALS FOB CONSTRUCTION OF WATER WORKS. Scaled nronoinls will he rocolved nt the nf- flcoof thoolty nlork until noon , July SO. Iflftti for f iirnlshlnir the material nnd nohiR all thn worlc. or any nnrtlon of either , fo'ru aystntn of water works In the city of Ponca , Dlxon conntv. Nell. Plant and specifications may ho obtained by addrosslne the clerk of said oity. lilils will IB opciiod In the prrsencn of bidders at 4 o'oloalc p. m. sharp , at the ofllco of the city clerk , on July m. vat. Thn rlsht to roloct anv and nil bids Is hcrolrcsorvo.l. . Dated Ponca. Nnb. . Juno 21. ISOi' . IXI. . nOKSEV. Mavor. E. W.UUSE , City Clerk. J23 RR1LWRYT1MEGHRD I/ ave | 1URLMUTO > A. MO. RIVKR.I Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha. a ml . .Kniid.ii City Day Expcou. . , . ) < LOU p m 9.4J p mllC. a Nlaht Bxp via U.I'.Traml n.41 a ra Golnx I CHICAGO , R. I , li PACIKill I From XX'est. [ Union DoputlOthandMareySts.l XVest. leaves ICH1L.AUO , M1U .V ST. I'AUI.IArrivo t OmniiiU. | . r. depot and Margv Sts. | Omaht leaves iClllCAOA.SllTirvjfyi'KUNArrlvdi ( | | Transfer ) Union Depot. CuuiicUJUIugs. iTranifar 11.30 a m' ' ' . . . . . . . . Chicago ExprrMr-r 6JO p m IJ'I I. in' Yestlbulu IJrafuxI , . . . . . . fciu a m 7J3 p m Eastern FlyBrtlc. . 1.3d p ra E.OJ p m < Ki Sun ) Allantlo MalUKx Mon ) JM n ra * .40 u ra ( Ex SI Carroll I'ancoitejiKEx H ) 11.43 p m Leaves OMAHA A tjT. lA > Ofrt. , Arrlvji Oinahal U. P. depot. lUlh anct.Merty . Sts. Otuuha I. p ml . . . .SI. lxUl Caiipuq'nail. . . . .ave * MISSOURI I'ACIFIU. Arrive i Omaht no pot litli and XVubster Sir" . I Omaha , . . .Su l uuls Express. 0-JU am 81. Ixiuls Express. ! 6.10 pin CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFlU Arrival Tran > f r Unloil Depol.rouacR Ulutti Trausfur tii p m NlKht Exprau o-M a m iO.iu a m , Allaalla Kiprajs. S.il p m p m | , Vostlbula Llmlud. 12.60 D m Loaves K. c. . yr. JOE A a a Anrivoi Transfer ! Union Depot. Counclt UluITs. Trausfur ml . . . .KaiuaiClty l ) y iixprats . i.2i p iu llUi p ml . . .ICaosas Cltv NUht Kxprai . . . an a m leaves ICUICAGO. IIURL'N A QUINUYJ ( Arrival Traniforl Union Depot , Counclt lllugi iTranid PUOPOSALSFOR PAVING. iiniifMil | : < Ul lo receive * ! 1 > J tlio nn- d until h.'tOo'oliifkii. in. , July.lth , HI. ' . for the following kiuil * of pavln ? nuitcrlal vl7. ; Slicot nsphu turn. Sioux I'.ilU orothor cr.uilto. Colorndo .intl. tonu. Woo , I tn IT. Knnnns. stononml Vllrlllcil brick. All nccortllng to Specifications. 1'or jnvlng u-trt of tliu ful owlns street1" , avenues nnd alloys In the city of Um\hn : , I'tim * DrUoil In street Itnprovnincnt diairliMM No * . 4JII.42J. 4i4'.fs 427 , 4JS. 47.1. 4W. : 4 II , 4ti ! 4 tl ( III. 4T.4A : -TJ7. W 4a. : 4K1 , 441. 44'A 44.X 441. 441 , 44(1. ( 4M.4VX IJ4 , 44V. . 4\7. 4.1i. 4V.I. 451 411. 4 r. 40 , and liiX onlorcd ImurovtMl by nnllnniiuo No . toai.0 : < fi. : WM. lUTOI and : i.n 4 nnil forropivlne : street Improvement thitrlcts No < . : i50. 44 * and 45) . ordered rejiivod liv onllnnnuo No , 3.1KV , and muru uartluulnrly described RS follows ; ! \o. 3V ) I'.irw iirailli uruiiuo. from Iio.iven * worth street to Hickory jtreot. No. 44V Alloy In bloclc : ! . ilnn < ; oniii pmco. No. 447 l < etvvnworth street , from the wesv line of IGth street to rvcsi line ofMill nvcnue. Na 4.M ( Hh streat , from the south line of fierce street to the north line of Hickory struct. No. 4'4 ! lionvciUTorth straot , from the wos' line of 10th strcot to tliu atst lluo of llth street. No. 473-ISth street , from the smith line of JOIICM ntrcot to tlio north line of I.oxvonwortli No. 424 Spencer street , from Sherman av- en uo to 21th street , No. 42r l throp street , from Sherman nv- ciuittto 13th street. No. 4'S HurlitrooU from the west line of I5tti street to the east llnu of Mtn street No. I'M Spruce street , from the west line of S2d street to the east llnoof.Mth street. No. 4 1 Custatroot , from 2iJ street to Slth rtreot. Nci. 4 1 Mason street , from ? Jth street to CO th avenue. No. 417 Muson street , from the east line of 30th street to the east line of Utst street. , No. 4n : U''d Htroet. from the north line of EuulU nluco to the north line of Woolwortli nvontie. No. 431 California street , from 13th strcot to liltli strnet. No. 43S Iznrd street , from 1-th strcot to 14th BtrooU No. 4 0 Parker strcot , from Slth strcot to the oust line of Ztith street. No. 43T Sowarcl street , from Slth strcot to ? 5th street. No. 433 Chicago street from 22d street to 23J street. No. 439 Oaldwoll strcot from 21th street to thct wott lluo of Shlnn's addition. No. 41D Shermsn iivonuo from south line of' Or Anil ti venue to Kort street. No. 411 y Uli street from Knrntim strcot to the north line of Davcnuort street. No. 44S Uuveunort street from a9th strcot to 43th stroot. No. 443 40th street from tlio south line of D.i vonport strcot to Ciimim ; street No. 414 Madison iivcuun from llth street to Sliurmuii iivonue. Na 41'J Chlengo street from 21th strcot to Mth street. No. 430 St. Mary savcnuo between the west line of MUi street and the oust line ot 'J7th stmct. N > . 451 17th street from Harnoy street to St. Mnry'a avenue. No. 45l--Tlio alloy from 2-2nd strcot to 24th stueet In l'itiHon'3 : addition. No. 4.Vi-.10th street from 1'iirnam street to Harney street , No 4.V5--iStli strcot frnm the south line ot I'opuleton avenue to north Hue of Woolwortli avenue. No. 4.)7--lnvenport strcot from " 4 til street to Sith street , nil In the city of Omaha. No. 4 : > H--CaKS strcot from west line of 21th street to 1U3 feet west of 25 street. No. 459--Cns9 strcot from the east line of 21th street to the west lluo of4th street. No. 453 Hamilton street from the west line of 40th street to llio c.ist llau ot the viaduct of the licit Llnclt.iltway. No. . 4M Alley In block 2J3. city. No. 402-- Alloy In bloolc 10 , Kountzo & Ktith'5 addition. Na 440 Alloy In block 13. city. No. 407 Alley In block 13 , city , from 19th street to 20th street. No. 470 Ninth street from Pacific street to alley north of I'nrillc street. Each bid to specify n price per square yard for thepavlu ; an.l repavliu comolotuonuiicli strcot , avenue and alley In said Improvement dUtrlcts. Work to be dona and bids to be mido In nc- coidunce with plans and specification * ; adopted Juno. IS'.l'i ' and on II Iu in the olllce of th'o Itourd of Public \Vork < i. Each proposal to bo rnndo on nrlntcd blnnks furnished by the board , and to bo accom panied by a cortllled check In the following sums for the dllTeront districts : Districts 424 , 42.T , 4'7 , 4 4' , 4TO , 4ai.4i2. : 4MI , 4:17 : , 4tS : , 44' ' , 414. 445. 433. 451. 434. 4.V . 450 , 437. 4.V. 4.V1. 4BI , 4 > : i. 440,407 , 470 nnd 4V. ( , f IDO each. Dlstrlct-t 4S1. 420 4 ) , 4C. : . 4W : , 4tll. ! 449. 440. 441 , 411) and : I30. fMOJ oncn. And district 447. < I , 0'J. ' payable to tlfo city of Omaha as an evidence of uood fiilth. -Tho'bourd reserves the rlQlit lo awanl the contract on all thc.nald district1) together oren on anch district separately , subject to the se lection of the material by the property own ers or the mavor and city conniill. to reject uuy or all bids and to wnl vn defects. I' . W..HIHIC11AUSEU. Chairman of the Itoardof L'ublle' Works. Omaha , Neb. , Junc2itb , IttJiJuno2J2l272 Juno2J-2l-27-2 NOTJCB OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING ALLEY PROM 8TH STREET TO 10TH STREET BETWEEN PINE AND HICKORY SIBI'ETS. To tbo owners of all lots , part of lots nnd rOal cstato iilonx thu alley from 8th street to the street between I'lno and Hickory streets : Von are hereby notified that tho'uiitlor - slzucd. three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , nave been duly appointed by the mayor , with tliu approval of the city council Of said city , to USSOBS the damage to thn owners respectively of the property af fected by grading the alloy from btn to 10th streets between Pine and Hickory streets , de clared necessary by ordinance . ' 1,107 , passed Juno 14 , 1SJJ , approved Juno 13. 1892. You nro further notified , thntliavln ? ac cepted said appointment , and duly nuallflud as required by law , we will , on thuStn day of July. A. D. Is'J' . ' , lit the hour of U o'clo.-k In the forenoon , at the ofllco of T. U. Hrnnnor , Itoom \Vnre block , within the corporate lim its of sala city , moot for the purpose of con sidering tbo making and assessment of dam ages to the owners respectively ot said prop erty , alfocted by said gradlnc. taktir ; Into consideration special benefits , If any. Von are notified to bo present at the time andplacu aforu.sald. and make any objections to or statements concerning said assessment of damages ub you may consider proper. T. C. HIUJS.NKII. T : II .McCur.r.ocii , " \V. H. OATF.8. Committee of Appraisers. OMAHA , Juno 25 , isox jiri.nut. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots nnd parts of lots and real estate aloni : the alley running oust mid west adjolnltiK lots aa , 31. 32. : u , 34 , X > . 'M , ; I7 , M. M and 4J , In block 4 , ( Jampboll'd addition , from 2Uth street to 21st struct. 1'ou are hero by notlllnd that the undcr- slzned. three dslutor ! .stud frueholdorsof the city of Omaha , linvu been duly appointed by tliu mayor , with the approval of tliu city council of said city , to asses < the damani ) to tliu owners respectively of the property afTuctod by grading alley In block 4 , Camp- bull's addition , from 23tn street to 21st street , declared neccsary bv ordinance 3.1U4 , paadud Juno 14 , 1.-.1/J. approved June 13 , 1H)2. ! ) You. are further notlllod , that bavin : ncccptiid said auoolntment , iindiliily iua | | . Ifled iw rc < | iilrod bylaw , wo will , on tln > 7th dur ot July. A , D. IB ! ) . ' , ut the hour of U o'clock In tno forenoon , at tliu ofllce of T. II. .ticCulIoch , room HI2. N. V. T.lfii building , within the coriwrato limits of said city , rnuut for the purpose of considering nnd making tliu usso-isircntof damage to the owners respect ively of suld property. afTucted by said grad ing , taking Into conalduratlon special benefits , If any. Yon are notified to bo prevent nt the tlmo and place aforesaid , and muku any objections to or statements concurnlnsalu assosinenL of dumugcs ns you may conslanr proper. T. II. McCui.i.ocii , OiiAiit.Ks | j. THOMAS , U. 8. llKNEWA. Omaha. Juno 23. 180J. Ji4dlOt OHOINANCE NO. 3112. An ordinance declaring the necessity of grad ing William street from thooait line of (1th ( street to the west line of the Oinuliu and Southwestern Hallway's rlghuof.wuy. ami appointing three disinterested appraisers to nasuss nnd deturnilno the damages , If any. to the 'property ' owners , which may bo caused by such grading. Whereas , property owners owning more than three-fifths of th3 feet frontage on Hiilcl pnrt of William street bavo potltlonui ! tlmclty council to have hiild grading dona undurthu tiiree-flfthsclaiinu as iirovldud for In section r/j of the city charter mid the cost I'D rnudu payable In ten C'jiml Inaliillinents. therufnro. Ho It ordained by tbo city council ot the city of Omuhat Suction I. That It la proper and nouoHsary. and It U hereby duulurtid propur.and nocvssa * ry , to prude Wlllliini street to Its present established graae , Including nucosxury approaches preaches tluiruto , fromjtlni can line of Sixth street to the west Una of the Unmhit and i SanthwcsU'rn Hallway's right-of-way , 1 Suction 2. Thau tliu mayor , with the approv al of the city council , appoint threu disinter * eated appraisers to appraUo , asters and dotur- inlnu thu dainngi ) to property ovrnuri which may bocauiod by suon gradfnj , taking Into condderatlon In making such iiijpral.niont , thu special bonoflts. If any , toiuou proyurty , by reason of nucli grading. Heotlon 3. That this ordinance shall take olTuctund be In ( orco from and after III pusi- auo. i'aiied June 21 t , ISM. ISM.JOHN GROVES , City t'lorlc. & P , DAVli t'rotldent City Count-II. Approved June ! rti , l-t(2. i , : : \ " 1IKMIS. Muyur deadache and Neuralgia These distressing Kickapoo and annoying troubles ' Indian bles tlinr'are such c o in in o n com * Sagwa plaints , so fre quently and easily cured ; not requiring one-fourth of a bottle of this simple remedy of Nature to accomplish the \nirpose. \ "Put. Deed , P.tfect H ilth. " > Hn. M. rtNHIE WEST , of Chester. N. H. , U'tltti t "For years I had tufertd from lick htad- tttht and neuralgia , and found no relief. I uai rccommtndtd to try Klciiapoo Indian Sagu.-a. I aid so , and my itlitretslng ttoublturaicurtdlnona U'eeli. I fell eery gratiful , end recommend It to all suftrtn. " Why suffer from this malady when Nature has provided a cure ? $1.00 a bottle. All driigRUti. Kickapoo Indian Salve heals ull tldn WV.KM. ascents. Noon Night : Good nil the.time. . . It removes , the languor of morning , sustains - ' tains the energies of noon , lulls 1 the weariness of night. Root ; Beer ; | delicious , sparkling , appetizing. Don't be deceived If a dealer , for the sake of larger profit , tells you some other kind ' Is "just as good " 'tis false. No imitation | Isasgoodas the genuine HIRES' . MANHOOD RESTORED. " 3Ar4ATIVO. " th Wonderful squish Itnutiljr. Is MUwltli a Written Guarantee to euro nit NCITOUS IMS * cases , sucli as Welt Memory , I.ra of Ilrala I'uwcr , Jlcailaclic. Wakcf nines * , Lust Man hood , NcrvousncM , J ii- Filmic , all ihnltH nnd Doforo&Aftor Use. Io5i of i > ewer of tlio FliotOBraphcd from life. Generative Orcans In _ _ cither FCX. cau'nl by orcrxertlnii , yniithful Ind cr tloiiH , or tlit * cst'r ilva ijeof toLatvo. opliiin. or ( > tilullmtr ! ulurh tihlntatf.y ! load ui Inllnult.r. Consumption : nni Infinity Put up m cnnvpiilciit form to cnrrv In tltr vc t P < K ktt. Price ( I a i ackn e. or 0 for $ . " > . with every { " onler we nlve a written Rtiorantoo to cure or rotund tlio money. cnt by mall lo miy mlilrres. Cjreular Tref In I'lalu ' cnveliipi ; . Mention this | Ufcr. AdJicu , MAD3IO CHEMICAL CO. . Iirnucli onicc foi u. 3. A 3M Dearborn Slrcct. CHICAGO. I I.I. FOR SALE IN OMAHA. NF.B. , BY Knhc ft Co. . Co.r 15th A DOUKUB SK. * A Fuller & Co. . Cor14tb fc DoiisU SU. EPITA.PH To be Inscribed upon the marble elab wblob Omll mark tno last reetiug place of \ 1 NERVOUS , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES Is already written , nut before you abandon all hope and Rive yourself up to die , have a prlvatn consultation wlta America's moat gltted and luccossful Specialists , the famoua DRS. BETTS & BETTS , ithnse srcatost triumphs bavo been won la the cure of cases which others failed to cure. All ipeedlly , safely and permanently cured by their rnanelouj skill ana modern roetbodi. Bend 1 cent ! In stamps for their haudsomvly Illustrated now book of 120 paxes , xvorlb Us weight In cold. Consultation dee. Call upon or address xvlU itamp , DRS. SETTS & BHTTS. 110 Soutn IHh St. N.K Corner Hth and Douxla-t Sti. Oniaha.Neb. IN THE OPEN. Tlio glorlovs diiy o ( open doora ull outaiclo la Bmlllitir ( , xvolcotno horo'a health and joy alt URCOII- lined Tlio cycler sues everything free us friiodom frnm the holt'litu ot oxlulanited hauplncxa ho run not fall from Uls Columlilaii Stfoty. : All about Columbia ! free on cppllratlon Iu auy Columbia ngcnt , ur sinl by mall fur twolwo-cvul stamps. 1'opu Mlg. lo , JJl ( uluuibut. Ave. , I'uslou. J Bpnvi Attributes His Conviction to the Prajudloa of Army IE SAYS CARTER BIT HIM IN THE HAND The Conilmnnrd Jinn Trlt Sorry on ltntlpi | : nnt Ilut.r fnrthr . tlnuoful lor Hin .Slicrlir.i The spirit ot Clinton K. Dlxon the sohllor vho was executed nt the county Jail lost 'ridny , long since passoti Into the croat OD- on il , but n confession remain * . In that ho dmlttod ttmt ho killed C.u-lor , but claimed t was ilono In sulf dofonsc. In cleaning out the cell occupied by Dlxon Sheriff licunutt found the following letter , vulcu was written by the young man thos iluht before this execution : "My Uoar Oentlemun : I nccuso mj-sell Rtillty of tlio slayln of John U. Carter , but tot In cold blood. IM determined not to et htm get tbo km I of mo , so 1 was prepared 'or him. When I called him out of the quiir * era to dUputo our mUundorttundlnf ? , ho didn't give mo u snow to explain myself. ' When 1 snlit that ho was no Kood ho lu'tupuJ on tno nnd commenced to blto mv hand , and when I got my hand out of his mouth i , of course , line unvono oho In my portion would huvo done , tried lo defend tnysclf. 1 pulled out my pistol nnd llrcd tlio fatlil shot. "God tmvn me rev on lilml It he hail not lilt move mlKht both. Inivo been nt paaco nnd liberty ut this very moment , but that I lauva to the judgment of niv omnipresent God , ttna bo it my witness to these words. "Itvns not justlca tbut brought mo to this misfortune , but It wus the pro. Judico . of the army olllccrs. Hecauso I was n poor man , without money uiid witnout frliMHls , I huvo to tAUO tlio ccn- scqiioncos lilto every poor man has to In this miserable world. "I icnl sorry for Mr. ' jlniishtcr becniuo L icnow that ho reeret3 this horrlblo tusk. God forgive him. I do not bear any ill fooling to- wiird him for fulfilling his dutv ax n mar shal. Thcro will bo none of my blood ou his lianas. I nlso feel thankful to Mr. Bennett , nnd especially to Mrs. Bennett for the kind nnd motherly attention that 1 huvo received nt her hanns. I shall never forget her llnd sympathy , and may God bless her ! " Tired All tlioTlnip , " s tlio complaint of many po or incrtnlvlia now not where to Hrci roll ef. Heed's Kn n. nrillu posso.sics juat th ceo dements of ircngtu wblcn you so o nrnesllj crave , It will build you up , RVO ! you an nppotlto , strougthcu your stomach nnd nerves. Try it. Hood's Pills net especially upon the liver , rousing it from torpidity to Us natural dutloj , euro constipation nnd assist digestion. . la. , AprllllS3l. Dr. .1. D. Moore Dear Sir : Iltivo boon troubled with cntnrru in my head nnd fnuo for three years nt times > \us unable to dar , had n constntit ringing in my oar. < nnddfor two years wts nhnoiL deaf. Have tried ov- cral so-called remedies and been trento oy regular physicians and notcil specialists , but failed to co'l nny relief. I tried ono bottle of Moorn's Trco of Lifo Catarrh Otiru. It gnvo immcdlnto relief and ufToutnd a pormiincnt cure. I heartily rucommond it to ull suffer * era of this disease nnd will choorlully give 11113 * further in formation on being addressed at my homo , ? o. " ' : ) Svvecnuy nvo. , llurllng- on , la. For sale by all druggists. Koincctfullljr , It. L. UBID. _ TUB KK.VI/CI. .HAKICUT. rNSTUUMENTS placed on record Juno 27 , L lair. : XVAHIIANTY UBP.IIJ. MIchuol nnd M A Ieu uiMlchaol Whalcn. Iouitiml4. : I.nu'ri subifiv . .r. f 100 E R Garvln to 1C V Trottiewcy. lot 01 , riitriiioiint 1'Iaco 3,600 K S liootl und wlfu to Arthur K.iat , lot IT. block 4. In hilbdlv of litnck 3D , Al- brlirlit' * Choice , and tut Hi. block 11 , nnd lul ir , blouK 4 , Allirlzht's'Anne.x. . 1.253 G W lliiek to Villey ; Loan nnd Trust company. lots I to 4. llooliiue's snbdlv In Omaha Vluiv n.xt 20.000 H V Do HoU In ! ' II i'awltos , lot I' ' , block - ' , Portland I'uice ao F. .xl 1'riisli nnil hustmiul to S II Tair.xtt , luf.'J , block & Monmoiitli p.irk 2.5M J I' liansom to N K Simpson , lot T , block 109. Klorenro * 4U I1.1 Karbuch lo J H Cryer.VB : feet of fel fuel of lot ? , block 14K. nnil un.llv Ji of w 12 fuel of n 4S feet of lot T. block H'J. ' Oinsiliu 20.00) J II Cryer to P J Knrbncl ) , lot 1 , b'ock IRi. Uin.iliii 40,030 C N Dietnnil \sllf t4i M L lUyton , lot 4 , blocl ; T , Kuiinl/.u I'lsiun 0,503 Ilnirn .McCuifrov nnd wlfo to Prostnii , H.-uves. o I-II-1U 8,003 It II Leo mill lin-ibnnil to O II Onion , w M fuot lot 7. und u ffi 1-0 feet lot B. HOII UI'A Hiib 4,8 0 A Patrick to IL' DoIIono. s.'i ) fuot lots 1 anils. blocKX Walnut Illll 3,500 V G Dollone anil liiisbanil to IF. Patrick , lot U , blouk - lliikur placu 1,100 QUIT CLAIM UUttUS. J W Squire. Ini'Jtec. ' to XV K Ilriinui : , lot 14. IHocU I' ' , Auiulur plnco L V > Tnlloys. trustee , to K V Harry , lot 27. nloclc iu. HrUKs placu T I' Unit nnd wlfo to Andrew Uoiewator lots II ) , 27 iiml HI. AliiHllold G \Ynllauo \ , truitce. to K M 1'rimh ana husbanu , lot V ) , block il , Mciiiiiiotil.il park UKUaylonl and wlfo to TIico AVodrls. so nw IT-IIS-IIL W (3 Albright to W S Mutliovrson , lotK ) , Windsor ulavo IlKKDS. D II Mercer ( ninitcr In cjlinncory ) to R B Ilolinei. hits I'J. : i. 4 , : "i and T , block 2 , lots U nnd II. block I , Okulmnm park (2.400 ( oaclii 10,200 Tot-il amount of transfers fXIOOt ! Ilrinil < riiiin < < i , A disease , treated as such and porma iientljcured. . Xo publicity. No inlli-iii ury. Homo truatiiiunt. ffiinnlobs und etlcutual. Itofoi * by poniiisaion to I3ur- lintrtnn Ilnxx-koyo. Solid 'Jo t > tunp : for pttinplilct. Slibkoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , Iu. Jtniuiil Trip Tlck t . The only line running through trains direct to Denver. Colorado Springs , ManitQU and Puobio. Lou- rates to all points in Colorado , Utah orPaulIlo coast points. Past tinin on ole ant vuatibuled trains , frco ruclitilr. uhalr card and Mm celebrated "Hock Idlnnd dining cara. " Comfort , safety and a peed nocurod wliun ticUelod via tlio 'Great [ toclc Island Route. " TiuUntollliio 1(10farnaRistreet. ( . ClIAHLUS IClONNKUY , J. L. DnBKVOian , G. N.V. . P. A. City Ticket and Pas * Agt. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES KOU CHANGE OP GRA DE , To tbo owners of nil lots , parts of lots and real e.statu along Twenty-ninth btrcul from Hickory to Martha street , und Inturaeutlnx streets ; Vou are hcrohv notlllod tint the undur- sl&ned , three dUlntoruntud fron-holdornor the city of Onmhu , liavu beim duly appolntud by tlio mayor , with the approval of the ulty council of bald city , ID nH > u < x thu dnmiigu.s to the owners ruspuctlvuly , of thu pioucrty iif- furled by chanuo ot grade of I'wonty.ninth blrcetfriim Illokory to Martha btreot * und lu- torsDCtlng streets , duclaiod necun.urv Us or- dlniince No. 1M , pissed May 31 , JH'J. , ami itu- p n ) v o ( I J u n n 2 , 1 MKl Von uro further notified that having nc- ceptud bald appolotu cut and duly iiunlllled us mjnlrcul by law. wo wit ) , on the .Wtii day of Jiimi A. I ) . IW. ' . nt the hotirof IU o'clock In thu fori'noon , at thoolllcu of .Shriver.t O'Donuhou 14UI I'arnam htruut. within lliu cornorain limits of said city , meet for thu pnrposo of consldurlng and making the n .io Hiiiont ot diunagus to the owners rcipoctlvi.ly of * alu property , niruclud by said vh mgo of u radii , t.tk.tig Into conslderutlon special benellts It any. any.You itro notified to Uo prusunt nt the tlmo HIKI pluvu afoios.ild und inuUu nny oliuo'lom ' toor atatum ills romxirnlng uald uk of damages us you may cuntldvr projicr. dKoilOKd. HKAV , JNO. If. ri.AOIC. Oinahu. Xo Jnni' 18th JJJd lUt I'rojiosuU fur ItrjmlrliiK unit 1'ulntliit ; ( inn I .a in j . Sealed b'd will ho received nt tbo ofUco of tlm Uity Comptroller , for the repulrlng and painting of ga * luinn" . up to I p. ui. . July 3th. lii'/j. A certified ul oik of i > to uecoinpany cuchbid. Thu right Is rusorvcd li reject any or all bid * . THKO. OLSUN , ComuUollor. -