THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY , JUNE 2R. 1802. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEA KL STREET. ly Carrier to any pattot the CUT II. W. TII/TON. MANAGER. Ittll'nC'M Ofllce , . . .No4.1 | ; < itor | No 23 N Y. Plumbing Co. Boston sloro for 017 good * . Council Bluffs Lumlor Co. , P. J , Enn ! & Co. Is the nnino of n new real tstoto Jlrm locnlcd in the Kvcrclt block. Hans Albert RUVO n brilliant violin rceitnl yesterday afternoon to the sisters nnil pupils t > f Ht , Franrls ncucloin.v. Jhcob W. Davis of HancocK county , Illi nois , nnil Kdna A. Iscnburger ot CofTco county , Kansas , wcro married last cvcnlns by Justice Hammer. 'j'lio place ot hold In ? the Kpworih lenjuo district convention tins boon chanced from the Kit 111 Avenue Methodist cburch to ibo Trinity , corner ot Ninth uvcnuu and Fourth tired. Mnrrlngo licensee wcro Issued yesterday to ilrury E. Sohultz of Wntcrlowh , S. L ) . , nnil ilonnloYestof Br.iddyvlllc. In. , uiul to Sen- tcrloxv liutlor nnd Sarah Jatia Potter , both it Couiifll Bluffs. The quarterly election ot odicers ot the Phllomutbcan Literary club will occur at thor r ecu I u meeting in the You tic Men's ChristIan - Ian association lecture room this evening. A full attendance Is desired. The young ladles of Miss Lurmc'n Sunday icliool class will tflvo n "peanut social'1 1'bursday evening , JuucilO , In the p.irior * of the Broadway Methodist ICplscopal church. A. program will be rondcrci ! , after which re freshmontN will bo set veil , A wreck was caused on the Rook Island about ! l o'clock Sunday night by it freight train breaking Into tbruo purls a mlle east of the city. Tnc middle section ran Into the front ones and Knocked Uo of the cars off tha track , pretty thoroughly UoinorullzInK them. No ono was Injured. Olluttlo Allen wasll'iod ) In police court yesterday morning for driinkonnuss and tun line was remitted on condition that she lonvo thu city. Her friend , Henry Alton , was also lined JIO. which ho paid. A line of $10.10 was assessed against Dr. .Ing ( Jure Williams of Fremont and was afterward remitted by the court. A letter was received yesterday an nouncing that Ira U. Mynster nna Miss Mary Combs , both of this city , were married on the 13th nt Lincoln , Nob. The mart-lain was kept a profound secret , not oven the relatives of the parties Knowing anything Kb ut It until ycHterctny. Too groom Is a son of W. A. Mynstcr. President E. K. Shctton of the Ninth dis trict of the Epworth Icaguo of the Methodist church delivered the annuil sermon before the leaeuu last evening. Most of the dole- pates to the convention are expected to ar- rlvo today. The sessions are to be held In the Trinity Mothodlst church , Instead of the Fifth Avenue , as llrst announced. A colored man has been disturbing the people living In the northwestern part of the city , all the way from Fifteenth street and the driving par It. by making a disgusting ox- uibltlon of himself , and a day or two ago bv assaulting a man with a razor. The police nnvo been on tbo lookout for him but every time ho has raanagnd to turn the corner just ahead of them. They have a ciuo now , however - over , by which they nope to got him today and give him the punishment ho richly do- serves. The chorus of children nearly a thousand Btrong , which has bnon rehearsing for sev eral weeks past under the leadership of Prof. L. A. Tort ens for the Chautuaqun as sembly , baa Its last rehearsal yesterday after noon. A great deal of improvement Is "noticc- nblo In tbo work done by the children since- they began , and the concert at which they appear will undoubtedly Us ono of the big gest drawing cards of the assembly. Tbo mixed chorus also and Its closing rehearsal last evening. O. J. Martin , SVill Martin , Will McCoy ana Ed Smith wont to tlanlhorn lake last Sat urday for u lishlng excursion. When they were returning Sunday morning the buggy broke down and the hor&o , taking fright , began a mud race for Council IllulTs. It was some before bo could bo stopped , and Bruall pieces of the buggv weto scattered along the route for about u mllo. The boys wcro nil thrown out and were badly skinned , when they came to pay for the bugcy us well as when thoycamo In contact with the ground. The buggy belonged to the Ogden livery barn. AVIuit s.ii-Kont Says. If you want to pay 81.00 for n pair of pliocs go to Sttrcont's. If you want to pay $2.00 co to Sargent's. If you want to pay $11.00 go toStirfjont's. If you want to pay $1.00 go to Sargent's. If you want to pay So. 00 go I o Sargent's and ho will sell you u bolter shoo for the money than you can buy olsnwliero , nnil if ho lolls you the fahoo will wear ho will stand behind them and give you n now pair for ovcry pair not as iepro- nted. This IB not talk , but business. lutvo had the oxnorionco and Ir.ivo the goods and business , and inako the prices. Coiuo and BOO uio. SAUOKNT. the Shoo Man , 41II Broadway. fKKMIXAZ 1'AUAaitAl'llH. Vic Jennings has returned from Chicago. Mr , and Mrs. I. F. HenOrlcki have re turned from Chicago. Miss Bcsslo Morse of Chicago U the guest , of Miss Mary ICoy this week. Miss Abbott of Fromor.t was the quest of M ss Nellie X.urmuohlen last week. N. Snhurz has returned from Slloa-n Springs , Mo. , where ho spent several wooiu. Miss LIlllo Swan , now or Sioux City , H in tbo city visiting her sistur , Mrs. H. J Adams , on Cook avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Damon will bs ut liomo to their irbnds after July 1'J at thulr residence , corner of Willow uvonuo unc Blurt street. L. M. Shubort. A. C. Harding , Dr. O. W. Gordon and 'J. C. Dawiton will represent the Hooubllcnn club of this city In the state con vention of republican clubs which meet at Dos Molues this evening. Major J. C. McCrnry of the Third lown cavalry illott Sunday at nig home In Kooiiiu- qua , la. Ho was an undo of W. M. Me- Orary of this city ami was well Known here , ho having visited in tbo < Ity on a number o occasions. S. M.WllH.imion ha1 , started for a month's -eastern trip. Ho will go bv the way ot Chicago cage to Cleveland , O. , u-horo ho will visit the factory of the Standard Sowing Machlno company , after which ho will visit relatives In Cincinnati and Humllton , Clrtiiltiii < | tm Tr.iliiH. Loivvo Council HlulTs from Rook. Island depot at U:10 : a. in. , 8:30 : n , in. , Ia0a. ) : m. , 10:27 : u. in. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:50 : p m. , 0:50 : p. in. , 7:00 : p. m. , 7ao : p. m. 150 pcoplo in IhiiJ city imo gus stoves , 'Jho Gas Co. nula 'inn in nt cost. Trains leave Manawu dally nt 8 and 10 , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2ib : : , il. ; < : ao , 4 Ii0 : ; , 6 , 6tt : : ! , o. 0:30. : 7 , 7W : ! , 8 , 8t : ; ( ) . o 11:110 : , 10 , HC30 , 11 and ll.jf : > p. m. The 11:55 : train will make connection wilt the lastclcotrio motor ci.r for Omaha. CoUtix L'intror itln mul mineral xvutor told in wholesale by ltitiutto ( ] & Co. . iimniifticlurlng confectioners. , lu t .MUtfil it t.'olllslon. There Is a croislng on the Keck Isjantl road anil Vaughn uvonuovhcro a man dilv- Int ; over tbo street U unabio to catch n climpso of tbo railroad track on either ldo until ha Kots kciuaroly on Iho track. When Mr. uml Mis. J. H. 1'uco whllo driving yesterday pot on tbo traoU at this place they . 8tv thcro wns a train corning nt full cured touimi them , nnd not over llfly feet tnv.iy. 1'aco grabbcu bh whip anil iruvo hla horse a out that ont him piunpltiK oil the track Just In tlmo to let the train no whlzzlut ; behind him. Thin place wns the tcrno of a tragedy u few y urt ugo lu which a pvdtllor wa run ovir uy u trulu. NEWS FRO ] ! COUNCIL BLUFFS People on Ont-Off Island Demand Police Protection of the Council. WILL HAVE A CALABOOSE AT ONCE layer Order * n I'ollce 1'orco nnd a Lock Up for the Nrhrankn Mlilc of the Hirer Otlirr Work of the Council. The council mot last evening with Mayor . .awrcuro nnd Aldermen Tlbbltts , Graves , 'ace , Smith and Gelso present. The bids or lllllnn up of ccrtuln lands that have been covered with water , wo.'fl opened and otter icing read wcro referred to the city engineer for tabulatlorj. Considerable Uls- cus.ilon arose as to the advisability of Illllns oino of the lots on which the water would , irobably have urled up before the con- ractors got to work on them. A motion to reject nil the bids was made by Smith and carried , after which a resolution was > asscd authorizing tbo engineer and tbo com- nltteo on streets nnd alleys to inako such contracts for lining In all lots where notice IBS been serveu us their Judgment shall Indi cate. A resolution from the board of health declaring several lots In .Hall's nnd Uraw- 'ord's additions to bo nuisances was con curred In and the marshal wns Instructed to serve the necessary notlco for abatement. A petition was presented from forty-three iroporty oxvnoM on ( Jut-OlT islatul , staling hat the place was becoming u rendezvous for otigti characters as n result of the ack of pollen protection , and asking hat two pollco oIllucM nnd a calubooso jo given thorn. Mayor Lawrence HtutcJ tnat 10 had made partl.U arr.tnRomo nts for a Building to be uscu as a catabooso and court room. lie recommended that telephonic communication bo odtnblibhcd between the police headquarters nnd the ( Jut-Off ealu- Dooao. It was decided to act in accordai co with the mayor's recommendation. Alderman Uiavos registered a largo ablu- bodled kick in behalf of his constituent ! } in the Sixth ward on account of the lack of [ > oiicu protection in mat panoi mo city , tto mid that hardly a night passed that a drun- foii row did not tnlto plaro on the street , in which men nnd women by the score or moro look part. The police never catno any far ther west than Sixteenth street , nnd ho thought bis part of the city needed pollco protection as much its or moro than Cut-JIT. ( This speech met with n cold , clammy recep tion from tbo mayor , who showed his appre ciation of the alderman's remarks by sug gesting that all tbo city buildings be painted the sixmo shade of red. Mayor Lawrence stated that bo had ap pointed Ellsworth Jiusdalo as special police man for the northwestern part of tbo city , and George Scanlan as clerk , sergeant and all-around man for the police forco. The ap pointments were ratillcd. Ho also stated that ho had mailo n year's contract with John Hammer for a dumping ground for $ m.r > 0 per year. A petition was rend from Chief of I'ollco Scaiilnn asking that a telephone bo put in at bis house .so as to euablo him to put in twenty-four hours n day when necessary , In stead of cnly eighteen as at presout. The petition was granted. Alderman Graves moved that an appro priation of $ \r \ bo made for the purpose of buying a wagon which should bo In moro perfect accord with the eternal Illness ot things In the city electrician's department. The motion was again referred to the com mittee of the wholo. LAST AVIIK : OF TIM : juxu SALK. Attlin ItoHtiin .Store. BARGAINS IN EVUUY DEPART MENT. Special bni'Kfiins in figured china silks for this week only , .ill our G5c nnd 7oc flfjurca ohiim silks for COc. 5,000 yards corded tnffota , stile prieo l"je , worth 19c , ono of the prettiest wash goods on the market. ChllTon , the latest crnzo in neck wear , jttbt received , over COO yards in all the newest similes nnd combinations , on sale now at 2oc a yard , worth from SOc to 50c. Wash poods. Outline of wash poods is the most complete in the west. Kvory- thing from the Ho challio to the linest all wool. See our line of challies at 3cHe and 02c , worth od pet- cent more. Cropons , Bedford cords , TnlTota cords , ponpeus , oto. , all in at 12jc , makincr the prettiest line of wash poods to bo found nnvwhcro. LudU's' waists in white , black , black and white , fnnoy nercitlo , etc. , in end less variety from 48u to $2 25. Children's lace caps , all our SI.00 and SI 25 caps during bain for oOe. All our 50e , IHo and 75c caps for 25c , this weak only. Straw hats in misses' and children's , don't have your children get sunstruck when vou can trot a 25c hat for 125o , a COe but for lJe , a "oo and $1.00 hut for Ladies' and misses' black silk mills , wo show the ilncdt line over shown over any retail counter. See our line at 15c , 25o , 3ic ; , UUc , 50c , 5Sc , ( J5c and 75o , with out a doubt the best value over olTorod in bitch goods , see them , and you will bo with us. Mosquitoes ! Mosquitoes , bad fiends' , don't know that wo have pot , to have them , but wo are sure to have thorn , prepare for their cominp , htivo your windows secured apainbt them with the patent adjustable window screens , they are ollerinp for 2oc each at the Boston btoro. Towels , SOo dozen ; all linen towels , fancy colored borders , knotted fringe ; the price you mipht style ono of the seven wonders , 1'JJe. Ask to see them. Hosiery and underwear. Wo have always led. This season wo have out-1 done all previous olTorta. See our line in onyx , fast black , Hormsdorf , royal stainless. Louvre , otc. Ask to gee oui ladies' fast black hose at 2uo a pair , a , world bealor , UOSTON STORE , Fothoringham , Wliltelaw it Co. . Council BlulTH , la. If your old furnace needs overhauling , or if you contompliito putting in a new one , you should examine the Boynton Gaslight. Mr. Lautjrwiibsor , with Shupart & Son , is a practical furnace man , and will bo glad to i > lvo you his experience in such matters if you choose to consult him. Don't wait until fall. . Reitor , thotillor,313 : B.-ovlwty , haj all the latest stylus and nowojt Satisfaction tfuitratitood. wltliu ICnlfn. Obiirlo.s Golf , who keeps a second ham btoro on Broadway near the corner of Eighth street , hail un cxpcrlonro yesterday attar noon with four darkey sneak thlovos. Ho was In the back room of his store when bo beard a uolso in the front room. On looldtiK up ho saw a colored man making ( or the front door with u watch In hU baud which ho had stolen from tbo show cuso. Ho tin mediately gavn cbaso and caught the thief at the dummy depot , When the follow was brought to bay ho drew n small olrk out ot bis pocket and attacked Uoff sara clv. At the name moment three of the durkn > ' IrionJs rhowed up. In splto of the odds against him UofT managed to deliver u kluK that landed In tbo vicinity of ono of tbo darkey's dinner u lid doubled the follow up In a heap on the ground. The boy who stoln the watoh bai thrown It away during the chase , but ono o Ins friends got It anu returned It to GofT , who decided to let tbo quartet go without further ado , The quartet immediately started on the run down liroadway , but when Goff got back to bl store bo found that a rivolvor was alto mining , tl < notified OOlcer Luuch who started on * In pursuit. He failed to find nny trace of them beyond Sixteenth stropt , nild they are supposed to bavogono to Omaha by tbo Union 1'arlflu brlrtgu , CnrpcU at cost and less this WCOK and next to nako rooms for now goods. Plenty of jargalns for nil classes. Council Dluffa Carpet Co. Dr. Chmnborlnin , eye. car , throat catarrh. Shrgnrt block , Council BlutTs McPlmil pinnos. , 110 Stutsman street. Road page 8 , Chautauqua program. International Cure association rooms are in annex to Grand hotel , 520 First avenue , Council BlulTs , la. For euro of alcohol and opium disease. Thn Turnkey Could Itun. Zed Bothers was serving out a thlrtv-ilay sentence It : Jail nml yesterday morning ho nrido a break for liberty , running down across tbo bottom * nnd over the brldgo Into Omaha. Ho was followed by Turnkey Mar tin , who proued the best sprinter , nnd cap- urcd bis man Just as ho bad crossed the bridge. Clriinil lintel , Council lllurTj Special rates to ttimlllcs for the sum mer. Largo rooms facing the park. For Rent First class saloon ; good lo cation ; line llxtures. Rc'stjonslblo party can pot long lease on good terms. Address - dross D 24 , Bee ollico , Council BlulTs. Tfot weather prices m picture frames at Rlloy & Shorrudon's art storo. SELECTED A CHICAGO MAN [ OOSTISUF.I ) rilOM I'lllST lUOE.j that any particdlar person had been decided upon during tbo convention. Thn names of Messrs. Massov of Delaware , Cheney of Now Hampshire. Campbell of Illinois and Carter of Montana bad been mentioned , but ho was not advised as to whether the nominee bad made a definite selection. An Inquiry was made as to whether nil those gentlemen wuro members of the national committee , nnd it was developed that Mr. Cbono.v and Mr. Campbell wcro the only ones who were member * of the committee. Mr. Keys of Missouri moved that a com mittee bo appointed by the chair to wait on the presidential ana vlco presidential nomi nees and ascertain their prefoicnccs In tbo matter. The motion wns lost. Mr. Fassott suggested that possibly Mr KlKlns might Inform the committed as to Mr Harrison's choice. Further discussion was cut short by a mo tion to take u recess until 3 o'clock , which was carried. When the committee reassembled at 3 o'clocK , on motion of Mr. 1'ayno of Wiscon sin a committee of three was appointed to draft suitable resolutions oxprosslvo of tbo views of the committee on the retirement of Mr. Clarkson as chairman , Messrs. Pavno of AVIlconsIn , Wolcott of Colorado and Fassott of Now York being appointed as such com mittee. Jtcaolittlou on Ilerircscntatlon , Mr. Scott of West Virginia sent to the chairman the following resolution , which was read and laid on the table to bo taken up for action at some future time : Itesolvcd. That hereafter republican na tional conventions bo composed of delegates from'tlic su\cral states , apportioned upon the republican votes actually In the lust pro- ccdltiK proilduntlal election , TUUC votes and fractions thereof greater than ono-lmlf to bo the b ( sin of representation for each delegate. The national committee shall certify to tbo chairman of each state committee tbo num ber of delegates to which each state Is entitled under thn rule nnd Hhall roxulato the appor tionment and election ot such dolei'atea. At the request of Chairman Clarkson Mr. J. F. Burke of Pittsburg , president ol the College League of Republican Clubs , ad dressed the meeting. Ho said that on May IT last a national organization of republican leagues was effected. Tbo meeting repre sented nearly all of the colleges of the north ern states. It had boon found that a largo proportion of the young men who graduated from the colleges \vontout Into tbo world as free traders. This was duo to thu fact that many of our colleges use European text book's , tbo work of frco trade political econo mists , and this pernicious Inlluonco is brought to boar upon tbo students when they llrst enter the institution and continued till the day they leave It. It has been found necessary to sot up a line ot resistance to this inlluenco and bo tbo college leagues were organized. The necessity for some movement to counteract tbo insidious Inllu- once is shown from tbo fact that " 0,000 young men are graduated from Iho American col leges every year and therefore 75,000 young men cast their flwt votes nt every presiden tial election. The league , Mr. Bur'uo said , proposed to orghnizo a branch in oaeh college - logo and to place college bovs on the stump. Most oflloiont work on behalf of republican principles was confidently expected through those collect ) organizations. The Illlnolsan Klcctod. Mr. Payne of Wisconsin olacod In nomina tion as chairman of the republican national committee William .1. Camp"bcll of Illinois , Representatives of several other states seconded ended the nomination as ono eminently fit ting anil proper , and predicting under bis leadership complete success for the repub lican party in November. Mr. Campbell wns elected by acclamation. Representative Hansbrough of North Da kota placed in nomination as vice chairman Mr. M. H. Do Young of California. Mr. Kosowator of Omaha , on behalf of nls stale , seconded tbo nomination. On a vote Mr. Do Young was declared elected unani mously. Mr. Sowoll of Now Jersey placed In nomi nation Mr. Thomas Carter of Montana as secretary of tbo committee. Mr. Fassett of Now York noralnatoil Q. A. Ilobcrt of Now Jersey , but subsequently withdrew the nomination , nnd Mr. Carter was unanimously elected. Cornelius N , Bliss of Now York was unanimously elected treasurer , and F , L. Swords of Iowa sergeaut-dt-arms of the na tional comti'IUee , It esoliltlons Adoptrd. Mr. Fcsscndon of Connecticut offered the following resolution , which was adopted : Itc'.iolvi'd , That In accordance with the rule adopted by the republican national conven tion an executive committee of nine , com posed of members of this convention. Hhall have the conduct nnd management of the c impaUn of 16U. ' , and that thu chairman of this committee , after conference- with the candidates ) , uliall solcct the members of such exocntlvu committee and UN olllcors. Resolved , further. the chairman , vlco- clialrmnti , secretary and treasurer of this committee shall bo ev-olllclo members of Buid oxucuilvu committee. Resolutions were reported by the resolu tions committee on thu chairman and wore unanimously ndontod. Tuoy extended tbo thanks of the coinnuttco and the grutltudo of nil republicans to the retiring chairman , J. S. Clarkson , for the unselfish , untiring and splondedly otllclont services rendered during the many yeans of tils service as a member of this and other republican committees , Will C'ontlniui to Work fur the Tarty. in the course of bis remarks , thanking the committee for tbo honor conferred upon him , Uoneral Clarkson said : "It have spent twenty-live yrara In politics and Dollovo from my experience that tbo best place to servo the republican party u In the ranks. In my politics I have found there can bo made and aru made the most ptcclous irloqdsblpsof Olio's life. In 1SS1 wo hail n bard working committee and lost. In IbSS wo had a harder working committee and to my knowledge no campaign was over conducted moro cleanly , moro honorably than the campaign of ISbS , I know Senator Quay aud Uoneral Dudley and I hope tboro Is no republican In this land who will over coEino to render duo honor to those two honorable men , who wont Into tbo hottest lira for the republican party and emerged victorious mm without detraction. The cases of Senator Quay and General Dud ley afford vivid examples of this practice. They were attacked by u parly whoso suc cess Is derived by the use 01 tbo knife In tbo south and. the assassination of character In the north. They were attacked , uot because Senator Quay was guilty of anything wrong In too campaign ; only ho won a victory for the republican party an > l restored the gov ernment to an honest trails. In conclusion I want to utato that DO man on tbo continent desires to help elect the republican ticket or Will do moro according to bis ability than I , " Hoiolutio'is complimentary lo Mr. J , tiloat Fussolt , for bis eminent service * to tbo ro- lubllcan party , were unanimously and on- bushistically adopted. rj J'rmcntril in tlltf I'rcslilent , On motion of Senator Sauudors the com mittee resolved to mfclHt the Arlington Rt T ( 'clock this evening $ rtd | proceed In a body to bo whlto house and pay their respects to the ireslacnt. At a llttlo after T o'clock the committee mot at the Arlington and went In a body to the wblto house to call upon the iresldcnt. Tbo comtnllV6o was conducted to ho blue room whorb they were joined by ho president. Ch&lrm.ln Campbell Intro duced each member 'atld explained that the iommittoo had effected an organization and ud called to p v their respects. The presi dent , In a few words , expressed bis appreci ation of the courtesy and after shaking bands vlth all who were present the committee withdrew. , . . , IOWA'S ItUVUIIMCUN TICKKT. Prohibition Still Ohntrurttng Unanimity Aiitl-Convimtloii I'fittMittnlltlrn. DES Moisns la. , Juno a * . The delegates are beginning to gather In Dos Mollies for ho stnto convention , which moots hero next Wednesday to place In nomination n stnto icl t. Secretary of State MoFarUnd and 5tato Treasurer Huosou will bo Mtiominnted for their ofllcos without opposition. There will bo some opposition to Attorney General jtonc , xvho is a candidate for a third term. .io will , bowovor , b3 ronomlnatcd. For railroad commissioner there are a largo number of candidates , Including tuo irosout incumbent , Spencer Smith of Council Bluffs. Th&sowno are In thu load agnlnst bltn nro State Sena tor 1'crklns of Fremont count y and Repre sentative Morrow of Union county. Both men have served on legislative railroad com missions and nro hi a measure acquainted with the work of tbo ollico to which they aspire. The opposition to Smith eouios largely from the fact that ho has held the ofllco for ttiroo terms already. Some of the railroad employes are understood to bo un- frlendlv to him on account ot hls record on the board. An effort has been made to bring out L. S. Cofiln of Fort Dodge , who Is popular with the railroad men on account of his , vork for safety couplers. For auditor the lead ing candidates are C. G. McCarthy , Story county ; W. C. Vnngllder , Monroe county ; W. N. I3ro > vn , ICeouuk county , and \V. F. Johnson of Taylor county. McCarthy is so far In the lead , and his frlands claim that ho will have d no ugh votes to nominate him on Iho llrst ballot. The only other tntcrou In Lho convention is In regard to a platform. I ho prohibition and anti-prohibition elements in the party ore not able to agree as to tbo itlnd of declaration which should bo em bodied. The question will not enter Into this yoar'.s campaign , and It Is likely that no reference will bo made to It. T1IIKU PAKTY I'OSSIIULITIKS. Loucks or South Dnknkii Tor Permnnrnt Chairman Presidential Candidates. ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno ST. Hon. H. E. Tauboneok in conversation with nn Asso ciated Press reporter tonight in regard to the people's party convention to bo bold in Omaha July 2 , said : "Temporary and permanent chairman of the conven tion will bo selected from the south and northwest respectively. I think we will agree on C. H. Ellington of Georgia for temporary chairman , whllo tha pcrmnncnt chairman will In all probability DO 11. ! ' . Loucks of South Dakota. "For the secretary tbo general secretary of the Knights of Labor. Mr. Hayes s of Philadelphia , will probably bo chosen.1' ' Asked regarding presidential candidates , the executive committee chairman said : "if no will accept , Judge'Walter ' Q. Grcsham can have the nomination. Should ho decline , Senator Stewart of Nevada has econ men tioned. So have Ignatiui Donnelly of Minnesota seta , Colonnl Norton of Chicago , Dr. Mc- Cuno of Georgia , Grand Master Powderly of the Knights of Labor , ox-Governo'r Weaver and some othersAs to the platform wo will adopt , I think it will bo practically thu platform agreed upon at St. Louis in February last , " Mlvcrltcs Turn to the Third Party. HELENA , Mont. , Juno 27. Extensive prep arations are being made'for ' , the approaching mining congress for the purpose of making it an Important factor In tbo third party movement. In vlow of the dissatisfaction of tbo neonlo of the mining states with the re publican and democratic nominees for the presidency and both platforms , silver men will take advantage of the national mining concress hero July 12 to bring about a grand rally In the Intetcst , of free coinage and tbo third party. Senators Wolcott , John P. Jones nnd Stow- nrt , Thomas M. Patterson and other promi nent silver men have consented to attend tbo mining congress. /.IAT irjKH'N ItJIIl'JIKXTS. Stonily Improvement Mi mm In the Volume CHICAGO , 111. , Juno ST. A steady Improve ment In tbo volume of east-bound traffic Is shown by tbo weekly statements. Last weoli's shipments of dead freight by all lines from Chicago to eastern points amounted to 57'JlM tons against 60,122 for tbo preceding WCOK , an Increase of 1,822 tons against ll'J.-OO ' tons for the corresponding week last year , nn Increase of 16,740 tons. The Chicago & Krio continued to bold lirst plncoby securing over 1,000 tons moro freight than its strongest competitor. The Luke Shore's reduction of rales on provisions and bogs has not yet had tbo effect , of increasing that road's share of the business to any appreciable dcgroo. Tbo shipments of Hour , grain and pro visions from Chicago to the soaooard by the Hues In the Ceujral Traffic association amounted to 20,180 tons against 18,120 for 'ho preceding weelt , an increase of 2,01)3 ) tons , and against 12,303 for the corresponding woolc lost year , an increase of 7,417 tons. Of tnls traffic tbo Vanderbilt lines carried fill per cent , the Pennsylvania lines 25 per cent , the Chicago & Grand Trunk 15 per cent , aud tbo Baltimore & Ohio 7 per cent. The annual report of tbo Chicago & West ern Indiana road shows that the total Income for Ib'Jl amounted to ? S02tJ'J ) ( ; oxpensoj , MS,855 ! , leaving a net balance of J 134,114. The stock is $3,000,000. owned equally by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois , the Wabush , the Motion , the Erie and the Chicago & Grand Trunk. The net earnings of the Ctncacro Bolt railroad , which leases sixty-six miles of the \Vottern Indiana tracks , were & ! 14 , ' < )54 ) , nn increase over tboso of tbo preceding year of 14,094. Chicago ticket brokers still adhere to their resolution not to buy or sell tickets reading over tbo Chicago , Burlington Si Quincv or tbo Cblcacn , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail roads. This information was wired by them to tboir correspondents todav , Tbo report circulated on last Saturday that a largo num ber of Burlington tickets bad been placed In the bands of brokers who are not members of tbo local association was probably exagger ated , as no such tickets could bo found on tbo market today. IMvaU of the Burlington lull ma to that the tlckiota wore withdrawn to avoid trouble. / . Valley ltalriajlrAmilr | . MKW YoitK , Juno 27. The bondholders of the Valley Railroad of Ohio mot in this city today. Tbo road has recently defaulted on Its bonds , and n commltjco was appointed to look after tbo Interests ofHbo bondholders. liUumrck U Slljl < \jflu to Drink. MUNICH , Juno ST.-j'jVhJlo visiting at tbo Artists club hero , Prlncq Bismarck drank "n draught of welcome" from a pewter live- lltro ] ug , humorously remarking : "I can dram It ut a single draught , as did the burgo master of Rothonburg And navod the citv thereby. " . , , - WEST'S NKIlVISANUnHAlNTnBA.T- UKOT. atpeciaofur Kyutorla. Dlitlnou , iriti , N u- ralsla , Ileadachu , Nerrou * 1'roiU.ilon cau 4 tir tlcohoior tobacco , Wakefulneo , Mental UoDre - loa , tiujtnemuf tba UrAla. cauilQK laianltf , mUtrj , decty.ilti'.t. I'rumaturo Olil A < e , Uarrootii , lx > < i ° Jt.1i.OHlT5 = ' "her * > Impotanor. t.Buoorra an I all teuailg tkQ t > * . Inruluatur latt i , 8psr matorrliea OAutwt br oreroxartlon ot tut bnln Holt-abui orer ladulusuca. A muota'a truutmi-i 11 , Of or 15 , br mall , WaguaraDtoailx boiettoour' KacU order for oboio . wltu fj will wad wrli'.i ( uarautiato refund If not careJ UuiraotoolM i inlr by A. Bchroier. dru Ut. icilo a ( nt , igullt 'a corner Utb and faroaui iu. Omaha. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? riioxt female WcaKncss , Catarrh or Rheumatism , Chronic , Nervous or Private Disciscs. IP SO , CALL ON . Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged lo bo the most successful | > o- clullits Inall I'ntVATB. Iti.oou , NKHVOUA SKIV AMI UHINKHV DISHASIX Uonorrhmi in fri'n : l to 0 ilnys. SyphllU curi'd ullluiiit Mercury. All st'ixcs for lifu. STItlCTlMti : pjrmineaiir curi-u , rotuoTnl com- plctc , without ctittlntr , c.imtlp ur illlntitlon. Ciiro nni'Otca nt homo by without n moment's l > nln or annoynnco. IMI.K , Flbl'UIiV AN ! ) ItnCTAl. Ut.CKIH cureil njthout | inln or Oi-tenllon from hnslnesv llYnitOCf.I.B AND VAUtCOCKM : icnnanpntlr nnil diicccufiillr ciiri-il. Mnthuil now anil unfnUlnit WEAK MEN ( VITAUTV WKAK ) , Mode so bjr too clo niipll- rntlon to bmlne's or utinly ; o\cro moiital "train or urlef : SKXUAIj i\.isSi-t : : In inhlillo life , or from the cltcctsof youthful follle * . XVKAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO NKKVOU9 DH- IllMTVorKXIlAUSTIllN , WA8T1NI ! WKAKN'Kua INVOhU.NTAIlV lAI SKS with KAItliY DKUAV In VotJXIl nnd MIDUl.K AlSKDt lacit of vim , TlKor nnil strength , with roxunl oritans ImpnlriMl nnil wrnkononoil prcninttircly In nppronchlnK old nito All rlolil roailllv toonr njw Ircntment for lo < s of vlfil tiowcr. Cnll on or nililrois with stamp for circulars , ties tiook .init rocvlpts. Dr. Scarlcs & Scartcs , 118 Next to I'ost Olllco. A Wntton Ounrantoo to Cure Kvory C io or i Money Kofundtd. Our curel permanent anil not K pMchl.ij p. CMCI trcntcd eeTCn yeart ace havfl nerer teen ft lymptnm tlnoo. Hy describing c o fully we cum treat you by mill , ml we Rtra the tame strong Kuar ntaa to curs or refund all money. Thee who prefer to come her * fortrcatmont cnn tlo so an 1 wo will p&y railroad fan both ways and hotel bills whllo hero , If We fall tocnra We chMlengo the world fora ca that oar Maxla llcmcdy will not cure , wrltofor particulars nnil nel thttvldence. In oursoen years praotlca with th Maalo Kemedy It hn been most dimcult to OTercoma the prejudices against socnllod specifics , nut under our strong Kusrnntco thousandi are trylnz It and bo IriRCured. Weeuarantco to euro or refund every dollar , and as we hare n reputMlon toproioot , also nnanclalbacVlnKoftS0Mllt ( Is pcrfectlr safe to all who wlli try the treatment , Heretofore yon have putting up and paying out your money for different treatment ! , and although you nro not yet cured DO one has paid bock your money. Wo will positively cure yon , Old , chronic , deep seated caios cnredlnfi ) tolUdays. InvcUUato our Qnnnclal ntnaillnj , our reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names and addresses of those wo liavo curud who hare siren permission to refer to them , It cost * yon only post- ace to do this. If your symptoms i > ro sere throit , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism in bones and Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling of general depression , pnlns In btador bones. Tou baTe no time to waste. Those who ara constantly taking mercury and potasb , should dis continue It. Constant use of thesu drugs will surely bring sores and citlnz uloersln the end. Dou't full to write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en velope. Wo Invite the moit rlitll Invoitlftntiou and will do all laourpovrcrto all youl<. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omahn. Neb PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposals will bo received by tbo undersigned until 1:110 : o'clock p.m. . July 8 , 18'Jtf. for the following kinds of paving ma terial , vl/ : Hioot aMihaltum. Slonx Tails or other granite. Colorado sandstone. Woodruff , Kns. . stone. And vltrlllctl brluk , all according to speci fications. Tor pavlne p.irls of the following streets In theclty of Uinulin , cinnpilsoa in street Im provement districts N'o > > 4M and 401. ordered Improved by ordinance IllOO , and more par ticularly described as follows , viz : No. 4UI. ! lrd street from the south line of 1'Jprco street lo Williams street. No. 404. 1'lorco street from the east line of Uli htroet to west line of llr.l street. Each bid to speclfv u price per square yard for the paving complete on the streets. Work to t > o done and bids to be made In accordance with pluns and spoclllcntlons adopted In J nr.c , ISO. ' , and nn filu in the olllcu of tlie board of public worlts. Kacli proposal to bo made on printed blanks furnished by the boiinl. nnd to bo ai'c < iin- panled by a certlllcd check In the sum of f. > 00. ) ) .tynblo to the city of Omaha , as an evidence of coed faith , The bourd reserves the right toanurdtho coat met on all thu said districts tozotlicr. oren on each district boparatoly , for the dllTcreiit kinds ot inalcrul , subject to the selection ot the material by the property owners , or the mayor nnd cltr council , to reject any or all bids , and to waive defects. P. W. lUKKIIAUsnil. Chairman llo.ird of 1'ubllc Works. Omaha , Neb. , Juno 81 , ISOi. .TunoSI. S3. 8. 8 ! . Notice. In compliance with the statutes of the btalo of NchrasUn , In such c.tscs made and pro vided , notice Is hereby clvon that sealed pro posals will bis iccolvodnt tliLMilllcuof the ( -'mil mlsslonor of Public Lands and Buildings null 4 o'clock ] ) . m. the IWlli duy of .lun . IH'J. ' . foi furnishing biippllcs for the quarter ciidliix goutcmhor 110. jyj , ' . I ' 'or the hospitals for the Insane nt Lincoln. Hustings and Norfolk , the Industrial school at Konrnny , the Institute for the illlml at Nu- braska City , the Jn-.tlttito for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha , the Institute for the Kuoblo Minded Youth nt Hoatrlce. the Soldiers nnd Sailors llomi > at Grand Islnnil. the Industrial Homo nt , M 11 ford and tbo Ulna Industrial school at Gonovu. Estimate blanks can bo procured by apply- In : : to the different Institutions. Ail bids should bo sealed , addressiy.l to "Hoard of Purchase and Supplies , Lincoln , Nebraska. " and marked "Propoials for sup plies. " The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids , and no bid will bo con sidered which Is received after the day and hour above named. Commissioner of Public Lauds and Htilldlnss. Lincoln. Neb. , Juno 20. l&'J. ' . j''OdlOt SEWER PROPOSALS. Scaled proposals \\II1 bo received bv thonn- dcrsUncd until 1IJ : : o'clock p. m. , July 8 , Is,1. ! ) for the construction ot a sewer In sewer dis trict l.'A in the city of , us porordln- iinco No. : itOI. according toplanbandspcclllca- tlons on Illo In the ollico of the ot puDllo woiks. ProposaU lo bo mndo on printed blanks furnished by the bo.trJ.and to bo accompanied by n certified ciieck In tliosum of fwo. | iiyablo : to the city of Omaha , as an evidence of good fiilth. The board reserves the to reject any or all nldb and to watvo defects. P. W. iilKICIIAUPnil. Chairman of the Ilo ird of Puhllo Works. Omahn , Nob. , Jur.o Ulbt , IHU. jo21-2'-8-i ) THAT IS A Fine Ranch of yours. Youluvs works I hard for it , haven't you ? It wasn't worth a dollar an acre when you settled on it , and now you would'nt take fifty. How long do you ex pect to live on that place ? Would you be surprised if some railroad land agent or claim jumper should come along somedayand tell you to "move on ? Unless you have a patent on record you are not safe perhaps not then. Why don't you ask The Baa Bureau of Claims to look into your title an 1 get you a patent that will stick ? THE Bee Bureau of Claims ORDINANCE NO. 3115. An nrltniiuca crcatln : Street Improvement District Nil. 4i.i. In thu cU > of Omahn. fur the linprnvtrii ! i { the street In dl - trlct , and ulltin Ing thirty ilavs to the prop erty ownerIns-ild < li str ct In whloli toilo- tcrmtno nnd ilo < lgn ao the m to lie nioil for the p ivlti t of the sump. Ilo It imlnliu'd by tlio rlty ojuuctl of Ilia city of ntniliai Section I. That , trent Improvement Ills- trlct No. 4 l for the Improvlm : of the street In said district , l huioby created In tbu city of Onmlin , .Sections. That Street Improvement Ills- trlct .No. 4 lhallcomprise the alley from Vith to Iltb street , botwuen Jat-kson anil .tones street. In the tlty of Omaha , unit shall Include nil lots nnd ro.-U o tito : on butli sides ot < nl < I street us follows : Lots I , a , 3 , 4 , A , 6 , 7 anil S. In block in , city , ami it In hereby ik-clareil ncooi- sary to Immovo the s imo by p.ivliu. fci-otlonll. That street Improvomnettllstrlct No. 4i.i. In the city of Omaha , bo and thos.tmu Is hfrely ) onlprctf tntiirnvcil by tmvlnir. Section 4. That thirty tlnvs next after the nnd npjiroval ot this or-llnanio Lo and thu salnu Is hereby nllowc I to the owners ot nil lots mid teat ustito In said street Im provement district to dotermlno nn-l desls- unto the material desired to bo used for the pavlns of the amc nnd notlfv Iho ol y council thereof. It Imv iu been nnd being hero by determine I by Mm mayor and cltv council of " .lid city for lemons whleh rUht and piipi > i , that nil thn toil ostnto In said stioot Itnproveinent district shnll bo dinned and iis4cspi ( wllluliocostof pttvlnittherein to bo thereafter ( loturmlnetl anil est ihllshed ne- cortllnit to the special boncllts to tl.o pitipi-r- Iv In said street Iinprovcment tllsirli-t , and the bo.ird of pitbilc works is hereby directed toislvo notlcu to tbo owners of Inndsuml lots RUbJL-ct to local us-iossmont for thu cost of siild Improvements to deturmlnu nnil desig nate tno material to be it-oil for such tiitv- Inx bv publication In the iiflU'lal papernftlio city for thrcoeonscciitlMidaysat lenstllfteen dnvs nrior to thu lup o of said thirty davs. Section .I , That this otdlnnnco nhall take effect and bo In force from anil after Its PASS- nge. P.issod.luuo'JIst , U91 U91JOHN OHOVnA Olty Clor . li IM1AVIN 1'ieslilt'nt Ulty Council. Approved .luno Slnl. Is'li. ' unuuui ; P. nu.Mis. Mayor. ORDIXANCI : NO. am. An ordinance dcclai Ins the necossltv of Ing I'ruuosstrent. ! fiom 'J4th street lo the est line of WlniNtir Plneo oMouslon , and nppolntlng threoillslnteremeil appraisers lo a sess nnd determine llio ilam igos , If any. to thn piouorty owners , which mny bo eiinsod bv such Kriitllns. Whoieas , proiortv | owners ownliri mote than three-llfthbof the feet froutujio on s.ild part of riaiicosstrcuthavo potlllonuil the city council to haxo s id cradlug iliino miller the : lireo-llftliseliiiso | as piovlded for In " 0011011 i'lof the city charter , nnd the lost thereof lo ) c nitMlo payab'.o In ten eiiual Installments ; therefore. Holt ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : iM.-ctlon , 1. That It Is proper ami neccssxrv and Itlshorebj iloclnrodpioiiornnil necessary ocr.tdo Trances street to Its piosunt ostab- Ished cinile , liu'ludltiK neccsary ap- iroachcs thereto , from . ' 14th street to the west I n u of Windsor I'luee KxtuusUiM. Soctioni That the mayor , with the aiprov- ] alof the city council , appoint three illslntor- osted appraisers loappralsc , assess nnd detor- tnlno the ilainiiKQ to piouorty owners which may ho caused by such Kndlns. taklm ; Into consldciatlon In m.iklnK such appr.ilsemcut , niiy , to such property by reason of such cr.uilnr. Section 'I. That tins ordlnnnco shall taKe efTcot and be In force Horn and utter Us pas- saizc. Passed , JunoSlbt , 1EX ! ) . JOHN GIIOVI3S. City Oioilc. K V. AVIH , 1'reslduiit City Council. Approved , June , IS'il ! . Gi:0. : P. I1CMIS. I1CMIS.Mayor. . ORDINANCE NO. 311-1 , An ordinance oidcriir the sradliiK of 17th stteot from Vlnton btreet to It stieet. and dtrcctln : the board of public works to take the necessaiy styps toc-iuso said \\orl. to bo done. Ho ItorJnlncd by the city council of the city ot Omaha. Section I. Whereas , permanent Krados have been established upon , and appraisers luun been duly appointed by law , to nppralso the damases causotl bv the sr.itlln of Kill street , from Vliiton street to U street , and mndo their icporl lo the cltv council , which has formally adopted t'io same : and , whereas , ptopertv ouncis reprosuntlns more th in thrco-tlftlis ot the propelty abuttlui on a'd ' pDrllnns of the street above specified , have petitioned the city council to have said street traded to the inoscnt established Krade. without charge to the eltv. and that the cost bo nrido piyahlo In ton equal Inst'iUmunts , therefore. 17th street , from Vlntnu street to II street , bo and horobv Is ordered grided to the present es tablished ciade. Section L' . That the board of public works be nnd hereby Is till eclcd to tal.e the neeessuiv Mcps localise said work to bo done. boctlou ! ! . This 01 llnalico shall tnUo olTcct nnd bo In foico from nnd after Its pas > b- Passcd , June Cist , 1592. 1592.JOHN JOHN GUOVnP. Ulty Cletk. n. P. DA vi ? . President ot the Ulty Council. Aprovcd , Junoaird. bUJ. Mayor. PUOPOSALS FOR GRADING. Pealed proposals will bo received by the un- ( ior'luncil until ln : o'clock p.m. Julv H , IMii. for L-iailln Grant sticot from - ! t Htieotto 2Uh stieet , and the alley In block u1 , Idlowlld , In thu city of Omahn. In accor.lanco with pla-is and spei'lllcatlons on ( Ho In thoolllcoof the Hoard of Publlo Works. lllds to bo mndo on pr nted blanks furnished bv the bimtd and to bo uocoinpaulcd by a ci ° > r'.ltlcd I'heck In thosum of J.VIO , payable to the cltv of Omaha , as an ovlduuco of good faith. The boar.l reserves the rieht to reject any or all bids nnd to \ > alvo defects. P. \ \ . IlIUKIIAUSHH. Chairman Hoard of Publlo Works. Omaha. Junoitst ! , IbOi Joil- . ' -'S-a W. C. ESTEP , [ Funeral Director , Embalmer 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL , liUUI-'KS. INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOR. TI-I& TREATMENT OF ALL Dent facilities , niiiar.iiua a nti Hotaojioi j troitmont of of dlsuasu roiiiilrln t or troatmunt. M bcili for patlontd , hoinl an I attonil.-inii. llL st awoinoJatum-i In tlio wmr Wrlto for clrv-ul.iM on doformlt 01 anl braces , trusses , club foot , eurv.itnruiot snlnj illca. ) tnmor-i , c incur , oafirrh , bronohltH. In- lialailon.o'.octrlclty , | i inilysls , onllousy , kid- nov.biniiilor. oyo. , tkln anl hlool un'l all Hurttlcaloiiur.itlons. ni PA'JP ' np WRMPM A BIT.OIAJ/P A UlODllutll ) Ut WUIlltin llooluinDlsyisui of Woinun 1'HKR Wu luivolatoly mllud a lyliu- Jiidopirtinont for women durfnz cnnlliioinent. btrlotly urivatu.l Only KollaUlo iludtoal In- btltuto inaklnii u Knoolnl ty 04 , I'UIVATIODIHIOAHIiS All Hood llio.iH3i ) snccussfully troitaL byimtlltlo I'nUon removed fro n the nyjtom without muraiiry. Noiv itustoratlvo iiiunt for los /ITAIj I'OWlCIt. I'orsodt nn- able to visit m may ho tro-itod at homo by inrrosuon lonce. All comrnunluatloni conlf- tlrntlal , MoJ clnusi or Irislriiinimti Runt | iy mail oroxiiri-ss , noouroly packed , no m ir < H to hid cfttue-ontuntsor aondor. Uno iiunoiuil In- tory.owproferrol. Call and consult inorHonl hUtory of your case , mm wo will send In i wrapuor , our BOOK TO MEN I'f'RRu'"i . , ouun iu IHGII , hpoolal or Nurvoiit DM- eases , Imnotenoy , Byphlllo , QloututiJ Varluo < eulu , witlxiuuit on IhU Ilraces Appliances for Ooformltla * A Truisi. Only manufactory In the Wtutof uat't tt.\t. ITV APl' > UKi , TltUaytSi , ISl.ZUVHIU Jt.lTfKKIKH JAW HKI,1S , Omaha Medical anJ Surgical Institute , 20th and Broadway , Ooanoll Dlatf i Ten mlnutoi' ildo from contur ot Um.ih i on Uuiahu unil Uouuoll Uluffi uioctrlo motor Unix SPEC t AL NOTICES , COUNCIL DLU.-FS. \\TANTii : - opil girl for general lunisft. t work. Uoodw nisei Mrs. lleorRo Kcollne , " 1IKI Kiut I'lorcc * trcot , , . . KliNT The dwolllneon 1'lrU nvonitn luu ] Klelith < troot formprly occupied hp in. u Smiths U room * . " bath rooms nnil nil modern Imiiroromont i v'ood itahlo nnd out btilldlngi rent ? iuimr month. K. II. She a f e. lj > OUSMK rioiirlnn .vulijrm mill with - * - stocl ! of xrncral inorolialidNoanddnoHIn : . Price JI'.WJ ! will trudo for otisidrn .No orJKaiK m land , ! : . II. Shn\fo. \V ANTr.I-i\iioiliiicoil ciinva cM ' the latoat nmltroitP4t ; nuvnlty In fruit In 1'utlonattomlo uml .M'lN couniles , lo\ta. Address A SJ , IU'P , Council 111 till < . and ro-umlsjIoii-Slovtu. furnl- . ? t nre , iito. , stored un I sjld on commission at owcst r.ito ) . U Klnnoirtn , ; i.M Itro > d\v iy. IJ'OU SALK -On small payments , fruit ami -L1 uanlcii land notr Council Illuir * K. II. ilieate. Hraadw.iy ami Main stroot. [ I > OU HKNT-Two of the best L I'otirth stroot. 11' VOU lin\untiytlitn ; forsiloor trade sea 1 > II. She ifo , lim.iilwiiy an I Muln str > > nt. TpO" UiNT-rivvo"lfiu : 7s ViriilT p li-M of Ih7 -L' city. 11 II. bho.ifo. llrj.vdw.iy nnd Muln. ir\OH \ SALU I'urnltuo llxturoi lease tttul L' coud will of hotjl with I ) rooms In a ttooil Nebtaskn city : will tr.'ido tor stojk of conerul nurehttmllse. K , II. Shinto , llro.ulway nnil ilaln street. _ JTUm irKNT KIilit-rooiiit1wolllnK.JI VVnsh- - * iiiKtou avc. , mmlcni style and oonvan- etieos , In oxeolleut rop.ilr , rent $ XV ! - 11. henfo , Hrondway and Main sts. TTIOIt SALK Hotel and rrst'ittrant In u pros- -L. porous Nebraska city , pivlnn buslnosi , good roainns for solllna , prlcoJI.UJ i. It Is a anap. 11 11 , thoatLllro ulway an t Main street , $ NVlll ) buy a ul''o new bonsoi monthlv nnymentx , Ul fi > it lot In Orlnus' addlllou iVi } . Lanro Hit of property for s ilo , Joliu- stou , V Van Patten. iriOU SAliK Standard bred mare , 'ynars JL1 old.slrod by Dr. Ai-ohlb.ild. No.JDUj llrst liim by ( ilenwoo I. teeonl ' : ! ? . She Is u line chestnut , has shown com ! spojil. Is entlo anil veil brokim to drtvii slntlu ; or double , woltha ibout l.tWJ HIM Mav bo sneit at bain ofV , U. 'tterbiiok. ' ' . ' 'S West llro ulway , t'ounoll iliills Prlcotfll. _ "irtOK SALII rarni , : rJI nores , In Dlekonson * "Co , Iowa. " 10 ncros broUo , balance fenco.l i.tsturo and meadow. I'rleo 1' ' . ' an ucro. II II Mic..ifo , Hroiduay uml Main street , IJIOKSAI.r.-C'liolce fni ms In Potta-rattamhi L Co. , low , i. H II. Sheafo , Hro.uluay nnd Main sticot. I71OU SALi : } r,90) ate k of Konoral iner- -L' elriudlso. well lojitod .vlthln iw miles ot Jmaha. Will taKopirtln lau I of bostiiuat- ty. balnncu cash. K. II. Hho.tto. llro.uhv.iy uiid Main street , ] r\OU \ SALK Uriverystoak llxturos. horsos. 1 ote. Prieo * I..V . K\collont tr.-ulc , well stabllshuJ , lar o prollts ; must bo sold at once. foi'KOol canso. K , II , Sho.ifo , llro ulw.iy i lid Main street. ITlOH ALi : The st.unpin - buslnos's and ar - * - neodlnnort , matnrltils ; am Koln i to leave city ; Kood chance for a ladv to go In biidlncis. Mif. il. P.Mles. 4(2 ( Hroadway. fotuiell Hlnll WANTIID-Kastorn Nebraska lands In ox- chanio for Council HliilH property. UH. . Shoafo. llro i : < wav and Main street. T71HUIT lands , g.irdon lan'lfl , f.irms and city X1 property for sale or trade. Day & llosj , Jj I'carl .street. 171OR SALK iio : valor with co rn shollcr , -L'4.UOObu , ( I illy : corn ur.mler , UU bit. an tour ; ttaw mill attachment , 40 II P. on lno ; Julnit a u < * nl bus miss ; lojatod near Council lllntTs , Will t-iko sool l ud In o\cbano or sell ehoap ( or onsh. K II Hho.ife , Hroadway tnd. Main stroot. 171OK SAIiK The lu.ulliu hotel In a Nobras- -L Uaeltv ( it . ' 0,0) i ; h.ts .iU rooim. feeds U ) each neal. soud bur tr.ulo. nets f..VJ.uo pur month. lonsest-ibllshoJ. le.iso h is threw voarsto inn : nrlce , s.UWOOJ. hilf cash or xvlll tr.ulo for Onrihsi iosldeii"e. K. II. hhcufc , Hroadway mil Main stieet. FOIlSALK-Stoe1' of morchindls > ) anil bulld- InH In L-oo.l Iowa toun ; stoo c Invoices ' ' . ; lias irool tr.ule ; buildln ; , .fl.OOJ.OJ ; a Jamuln ; will take eood lo va land In ex- ehaimo. K II. tihotfe , Itro.idway gnd Malt ; slreiM. UAUGAIN-Doublo ie > i } -S-denco lot. No. 'J''s routh I'ltst Htrent , 8 Toot front ; best location and bust bargain hi the city If taken at onco. Day & Hess. 3v > I'onrl htrcet. OK hAI.H Iteei' ' iatho , foot or unwer. Sfpet loin : . 12 Inches wlift" . liacl ; Beared and screw cuttliia.-wlthco nploto ehaiiKu o Roanni ; , ! l cliuuks. ouo li-Ineli , ono 4-lneh anil 1 drill chuck : II sots metal tiirnlni ; tools , etc. : nUu one : i-horso power oil unuino.ltli sliaftltiK , pulleys , holtlnz. etc. All In Rood order anil will bo sold chu.iii for c.ish or on time to right party. Addrcsb HOY I" ) , Dlllott , In. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Illiili- C.ipltil stco'c . . . . fcurplua : uU Prodis. NctCaplt-xl nn 1 Surplus 3VUUonit Directors-.J. I ) KlnuiKni , M. ! iilfir ; . p' i Gleniim. K. I ! Ilirt , I. A. MlllJr , J. V. .tlmiuii umlChnrlei K Ilunniii Tr.itiTict con' lunk- liiK hiihino s. li.irjoj and aurpluuC tiny In Southwosturn low.i. INTERB3T ON TIME DEPOSIT" . W. PAN6LE , M. D. Tlio Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. BCADKIl OF DISEASES OF MEN AND WOSIEN. rilOPUIETOIl OF TIUS woutn's iiEnnAi. DISVEN- SAIIV OF .tlKUICINK. /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.tinea : ! ) ! onacsof the Kyeand Kar , Kits and Apoplexy , lIcHrt Disease , I.Ivor Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , -.Mental Depres sion , Lees of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes Vrliihfs' fiance , laicuilmtlsin , roraljsls , Whlto Bnelllng , Bcrofuia , Fever Boris , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawlnc a drop of blood. Wompn with ht-r dcllcote ortrntis rc- etotcd to health. Dropay cured without tupping , Special Attention g\von \ to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. G3O to 850O forfeit for any Vonoroul DIs- once I cannot euro without mercury. Tape \Vonns rcmovcil In two or tbroo hours , or no pay. lUinorrhoIilK or I'ilia cured , THOSE WHO AUK AITMCTED V/llleavo llfu and hundreds of dollars by calling on or mini ; DR. C. W. PAHGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only I'liynlrtan < can toll wluit ulla u i > tirnonltlioiit aiiltliiK u quintliiii. All conoiKinilonco strictlyconfldenliul , Mcdlclno Bent by ezpn 3. Addrcui all lcttc to G , W , Pangle , M , D 868 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa - Q. Ei. MVB.RS , ft J end ovury . other xrndn tlomandoil by all of tr.ulu. JI2I3HK'B OID KTANI3 , 203ANU i T IWOAl/WAYCouucIl Illuffi ,