Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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She is Awarded Quo-Half of Her Hus
band's Estate ,
nilRO rtcld Appoint * n CommUnlon to
ll | io o of the llcitl itnto : Olhrr Itcl-
iitl\cn of the Dcccntril llc'cclxo
the llumnlmlur.
i.x. Nob. , Juno 2i.-FSpoclnl to Tnr.
BEE. ] Juilgo Field this afternoon handed
down n decision appointing J. 7 . Urlscoo , W.
U. Stownrt nnd W. J. Marshall n commission
to sell the real citato of tuo Into John
Bhccdy. Ho further decided that Mrs. Mnry
Shteay. widow of ttio deceased , Is entitled to
one-half of the estate , subject to a raort-
Rngo given to Stearns & Strode. The mort-
page represents tbo amount paid the attor
neys for defending Mrs. Shocdy when she
was tried for the murder of her husband.
The oihor heirs are Michael , Patrick nnd
Dennis Shcody , Mrs. Mary O'Drlon nicl Mrs.
Kllon O'Donnoll , each of whom nro awarded
one-tenth ot the proceeds of the salo. The
property Is to bo sold and the proceeds dl-
vldod , tUo cotnmUslotiors being ordered to
retain n sufllclcnt ura to cover a possible
Judgment In n suit oroughtnguiusttho cstuto
by J iimcs MoHnnio , All claims heruloforo
allowed by the probate court nro mndo Ileus
iipnlnsl tlio estate. TUo estate Is valued nt
Ktri-ot Jtnllwnjr "Will l o Snlil.
The district court today ordered the aloof
of the property of the Lincoln City Strcot
Hallway company to satisfy Judgment *
amounting to nearly 5100,000. The Ilrstllonn
nro : L. 0. Humphrey , K138 ! ; Thompson
National banlt. M.OTOli. . W. Hogors & Bro. ,
K1.2UO ; State Nntlonnl bank , JiO.UlO ; Swan
ti , Unrrctt , $33,370. Tbo ilrst thrco named
bold ulx Ilrst mortgage bonds each , the Stnto
National banlc thlrty-two. nnd Swan & Bar-
rott 100. Tbo Wcstlnghouso company Is
given a special lien on a ganorator nnd two
curs to secure Us claim of $0b5U. Mechanics
liens to tbo amount of nboutlOOOntoEccond ,
whllo Judgments augmenting about 114,000
nro given to twonty-fivo different parties.
The Nobrasica Cotnmorcinl bank und tbo
German National bank secure Judgments [ or
tIT04 ( nnd f3,2TO respectively. The company
is not to bo confounded with the Lincoln
Strcot Uallway coir.nany , which covers a
much gr < .ntcr part of the city with its lines ,
TnUon AVus Hound Ovor.
Tho'nogro Tolson , nrrosicd yesterday after
noon for making a criminal assault on No ttio
Winter , n 13 year old girl , had his prelimin
ary examination this evening. The girl was
put on the stand. Her story was damaging
The lawyers for tbo defense undertook 10
impeach her character. Tolson took the
stand In bis own defense and donlod tha
charge of assaulting tbo girl. Ho was bound
ovur to the next term of the district court in
tbo sum of 1,000.
William Cluto was given a preliminary
hearing on the charge of criminal Intimacy
with tbo same girl. Ho declined to testify ,
tout the girl testified that she had been vol
untarily Intnnato with the defendant. Ho
also was bound over. This afternoon be ex
pressed n dusiro to marry the girl but will
not bo given the opportunity. The plrl will
probably bo sent to tbo reform school.
Kxtuiullng the Hock iHhtnd.
Chief Knglnoor Day of the Kock Island
railroad arrived in the city from Topekn
this cvoninc nnd tomorrow raornlne a sur
veying party will commence sotting1 grade
Btnkcs for tbo now oxtonslon from Lincoln
southwest. The line bas been dollnitoly
located as far as Jauson , tbo first
Elation east of Folrbury. Starting from
O Etrcot the line loaves the city on the south
east. A depot will bo built near Union college -
logo nnd tha now Normal university , aud a
promising suburb will bo built up In that
quarter. The work of grading and ironing
tbo extension will bo prosecuted vigorously.
Cliief Engineer Day states that tbo com-
piny will expend nearly $500,000 la Lincoln
this scaion.
Lincoln In Jtrlcf.
The residence of Iloruco Ward at Eight
eenth and 1C streets was entered by burglars
last evening and a small sum of money
An ordmanco calling for a special election
to vote 200,000 la bond * to pay outstanding
indobtcdnoss was Introduced nt the mealing
of the city council last ovcnlug.
Tbo six persons Injured in the * runaway
accident at Seventeenth and K strcots last
evening are doing well today.
Employe * of the Iluplil Transit nnill'owor
Company Displeased.
BuATnicu , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Telo-
cram to THE Bun.j The llnomon engaged in
putting up wires and poles for the Rapid
Transit and Power company , which , has the
contract for lighting the city by electricity ,
wont out on a strike last evening. Tbo cause
was dissatisfaction ever alleged mistreat
ment accorded them by the manager of tlio
company. Tbo matter bas not yet been ad
Dopuiy Sheriff Reynolds of Phillips
county , Kansas was in the city today to ra-
covcr n horse stolen from PhilllpsUurg re
cently. The horse was located on the farm
ot Wilkcs Ltlllo , thrco miles south of Vir
ginia , this county , and with tbo aid of a
Gage county deputy the animal wus recov
ered. Lllllo claimed to bavo traded for tbo
onlmal of tbo man that stele it. Ho sur
rendered it without objections.
Juago Bush had concluded not to hand
down his decision in the Unpld Transit com-
dany Injunction case until Friday next to
which time the court today adjourned.
The Hapld Transit and Power company
of Beatrice last ovcnlug began a suit for
damages against tbo Bclolt Iron works for
The corner stone of the now Second Pres
byterian church was laid with impressive
ceremonies at tbo corner of West Court and
Buinnor strcols last evening. Tbo services
were conducted by Hov. Charles Bronllollo
assisted by Hcvs. L. A. Mitchell , J. N. Mills
Ducklov aud Elder U. M. Johnson. Tbo
now edifice will cosl tlfOJ. !
Crrtu'H C'lmiitniuiuu I'unturog.
CunTE , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to TUB
BBK. ] The managers of the Nobraiku as
sembly or Crete Chnutauqua nro working
with all their might to hava this year's as
sembly a success lu every respect , as well as
financially. No exorbitant salaries tor
teachers and speakers will be paid this year.
The high priced speakers bavo boon tbo rock ,
your otter year , on which the finances of the
association Imvo boon stranded , But , never
theless , the program offered is an exception
ally good one. The arrangement of tbo
grounds has been improved upon. Ono of
the now fcutuici this year IR that tbo lading
of tbo Congregational church of tbU city
Imvo entire chnrao of tlio dining hall. They
Clvo their services gratuitously to the cause ,
nnd any ualnnco of protlt at Uio end will bo
turned Into the treasury of the assembly.
' 1'hU Insures visitors that they will sit down tea
a homo mudo dinner aud not to restaurant
hash , All other arrangements are made
under the tame conditions. Another feature
thin year , which li commendable , U that the
meeting docs not open until after the Fourth
of July , BO tbat the dwoltors In tbo city of
touts will not bo disturbed uy the small boy
und tbo tire cracker.
A movement amongst prominent farmers
of tbU vicinity is on foot to call Prof. Mel-
bouruo Into this county to try bis powers an
rainmaker. Tim country here la suffering
for tbovnjit of rain , If no rain fnilt within
the next Ibteoorfour day * the small grain
crop will bo ruiuod. Farmer * claim that tbo
crop it ruiucd now , The heavy rains early
io the tcuson packed the toll solid , and the
extreme heat of the last week has burned the
toll as turd a stouo. Oats are very short In
truw and nro drying up. Seine win tor
vrbeat Holds look good ; others will hardly
luako anything. Corn is small an account nf
Into plauttuir , uut can hardly bo cultivated ,
botuu o of tbu hardness of tbo ground ,
Norfolk' * riiiclul Tlvunt.
Noui'oi.K , Nob. , June 3d. [ Special to THIS
IJi-.E. ) Tbo moil brlllluui toi-lal event ia the
Ulory of Norfolk WAS tbo reception tendered
Or. and Mrs. P. II , B lt r , who recently re
turned from tbu laUoi , where they bavo bocn
iix.'iiduiK tbvlr houoviiioon , The reception
was given by Mr. and Mis. II , 11. lluko In
Ibclr pulatlul reOOcucoou NurfoU uvuuuo.
About 100 Invited guests assembled. The
gathering was n most agrcoablo ono. The
music furnished by the orchestra was of the
finest selections , nnd the refreshments were
of the moat delicious. Or. Suitor Is ono of
Norfolk's leading physicians and Mrs. Suitor
is the daughter of Hon. J. U. Hays of tbls
It ItroiiRht thoCtuh.
NeruwKA , Nnb. . Juno 22. [ Special to THE
Bun. ] The tnon at won In tbo stone quar
ries of Van Court & Lonlst struck this
morning for n monthly pay day. The firm
has bocn In the habit of giving time chocks ,
payable the 20th of Iho following month ,
which usually meant from sixty to ninety
days , and sometimes longer , thus compel
ling the men to discount the checks 5 to 10
IKjr cent. Van Court promptly came to tirao
with cash to the last pay day nud work was
Hoard of IMiicntlon Unit Decided to Auk for
u Tax Lovy.
For the first time slnco the city of South
Omaha was incorporated tbo Board ot Edu
cation has asked for a tax levy for school
purposes. Heretofore the amount of money
received from licenses anu other sources has
bcon sufllclcnt to maintain the schools end
make necessary improvements aud construct
now buildings ,
A coimuunlcutlon has been forwaraod by
Secretary Funston to the county commis
sioners nnd city council , glvlnir notion that
the board has decided a levy of 12 >
mills against tbo taxable property in
the school district Is necessary. The
money derived from thlstsourco will bo used
In the purchase of now sltos nnd the erection
of now buildings , which tbo nrcsont crowded
condition of the sohools makes absolutely a
A larco number of property owners do not
bositnto to say Hint they will resist this at
tempt of the Board of Education to Incrcaso
thotaxlavy. The school district will this
year dorlvo a revenue of $35,000 irotn tbo
saloons , ana thereis now in the
treasury about ? < ) ,000. The expanse of main
taining ino schools is estimated at about
$30,000 per year. This would leave on hand
n balance of 810,000 or $11,000 , to bo expended
In Improvements. Tbo board owns two or
three valuable tracts of land within the city
limits which are now vacant and not in use.
Those who opooso the levying of the tax
claim that It would bo moro just nnd busi
ness lllto If ono of these valuable sltos was
disposed of und the money expended In the
proposed now school building * .
The objecting property owners say they
will immediately take stops to roslst tbo
levying oi the lax.
Wnnt to Colohruto.
THE BEE'S advocacy ot a monster colo-
bratlou on July 4 , to bo held in Omaha ,
meets with hearty approval by South Omaha
poopln. A largo number of prominent citi
zens and merchants have expressed them
selves on the proposition and unanimously
favor the holding of such a celebration. All
were of the opinion that the citherns of South
Omaha would Join heartily and willingly Join
In assisting to inako the celebration a grand
success , and hope was expressed that
Omaha's pluck and ontcrpriso would como to
the front nnd perfect plans for 'tho grand
Commencement AYcok.
Commencement wcok is passing off pleas
antly in tbo South Omaha public schools.
This afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock the closing ex
ercises of tbo oigbth grade will take place.
In Ibo evening at S o'clock Judge W. F. Mor-
rli of Crete will deliver n lecture to the grad
uating class nt the First Presbyterian church ,
bis subject being "Our Ulft to Antiquity. "
Friday evening tbo graduating exercises
will take place at the First Presbyterian
church , beginning promptly at S o'clock.
Xotcx und t'ersoimls.
The city council will meat this evening.
Herman Oswald returned from Chioago
Councilman Schulz returned from Grand
Island lost evening.
John Movls , employed by J. F. Cornish ,
returned yesterday from Grand Island.
Bee HIve lodge , Ancient Free end Ac
cepted Masons , installed officers last cvon-
Edward Dopuiy was called to Auburn
yesterday by the serious illness of a Is
W. L. Holland , accompanied by 'Mrs.
Holland , loft last evening for Greenwood , on
a short visit.
James Pbltiips , chief onglucor at the Cud-
aby packing plant , has recovered from his
roccut severe illness.
J. S. Fordyco of Soda Springs , Idaho , was
on the market yesterday with seventeen
0 on bio decks of sheep.
Miss Clara Parkins of Wooptng Water ,
who has boon the guest of Mrs. Judge
Hedges , returned homo last ovonlng.
Mrs. M. M. Fonnor , who has been visiting
In the family of Hov. C. N. Dawson , re
turned yesterday to her homo in Illinois.
A young son or James Hamilton , Twenty-
eighth and S streets , had his loft arm badly
lacerated by a vicious dog yoslorday after
Chief of Police Bockott was taken sud
denly ill during the noon hour .yesterday.
Ho is ihroatoucd with an attack of typhoid
DoWitt's Sarsaparela cleanses the blood ,
increases the app lit aid toaoi up the sys
torn. It has banatltlol rany pjaplowho
have suffered from bloal dhorJorj. It will
help you.
ICccclvcr of Ulchinpnil Terminal.
NEW Yoiitf , Juno , 22. W. G. Oakrnan has
bcon appointed rccclvor of the Richmond
Terminal by the Icdoral court.
208 , 210 , 212 S. 11TH STREET.
Grand Cheap Kxoaralon to Gothenburg ,
NcbnuUa , Juno UH , 1803 , ( Ino mill One-
third I > 'aro fur the Itonnd Trip.
Gothonburc is the comlnpr great
manufacturing and milling' center of the
west. It has a magnificent water power.
Several largo factories now building
there. Hundreds nro Hooking to the
town. Como and see for yourself.
Great auction sale city lots Juno 20th.
Splendid opportunity for iv good Invest
Purchase a single ticket to Gothen
burg , taking receipt from ticket agent
for amount paid. Upon presentation of
this receipt to us at our Gothenburg
ollk'ovu will furnish return tickets for
one-third of ono faro , or if you buy
property to the value of $300 wo will pay
you back all of the railway faro.
For further information apply to
Gothenburg Water Power und Invest
ment company , 220 La Sallo street ,
Chicago. _ _
i'orly Day * In Iho leant.
Buy n CJilcago nnd Now York excur
sion ticket ever thu Pennsylvania short
lines July C , 0 or 7 , go to Now York , deposit -
posit your ticket with joint agent , visit
any of the Jersey coast , Now York or
Now England resorts , stay in the east
flvo weeks , returning west on [ or before
August 1C , uftor having had n good time
generally. Lower rates than ever
olTorod ooforo over the Pensylvania ,
short linos. For spocinl information
uddross Luco. 24S Clark street , Chicago.
ii I'.i
P. W. Lowe of Chicago is nt the Millard.
F , W. Taylor of Lincoln is at the Paxton.
Q. W , Col well of ( Jlarks is at. tbo Arcade.
K. D. Curvall of Minneapolis is at tbo Px ]
ton ,
II. K. Prcoman of Chicago is at tbo Mur
11. 11. Jackson ot Lincoln Is at the Del-
lone.A J. Campbell ot Columbus ! at Iho Ar
12. A. Porter ot Chicago Is a guett at the
W. L. Bhopard of Vltlltca , la. , Is rogli-
tcrcd at the Murray.
W. L. Park ot North Platte is among tbo
guests at the Millard.
Mr. and Mri. A. Cortb of Wlsuor are
guoiti at Ibo Arcade.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. K. Carlctou ot Slduoy
are rcgUtcted ut the Ujlloiio.
Surely , Quickly and Without Doubt ,
Prices Out Still Lower ,
Small Thine * t.oit SlRht of In thli Marvel
ous Cuttlnsr. of 1'rlccn Kvorytlilne
Uoci on u ( Irniiil Sciilo Quickly
nnd Surol ) * .
Tomorrow wo continue our rjroat silk
ualo of Stonohill'8 silks. Silks for
blouses , silks for waists , silks for wrap
pers , silks for dresses , silks for skirls
nnd silks for funny work. In fact , all
silks that Stonohlll carried in utock.
All of Stonohill's tfros grain silks ,
China silks , fancy summer silks , brocade
trimming silks , cool evening Bilks , falllo
silks , figured silks , Japanese silks , all
go in lota nt 20c , 80n and 50o ; all guaran
teed to be worth double the prlco wo ask
for thorn.
Black China silks with heavy woven
brocade , black gros grain stilts , black
surah silks , black India silks , black
talTota silks and black fiiillo silks , all
go lit 30c , 09c and 98c a yard.
20 pieces double width , 4 Much wool
grenadines , in fancy chocks and stripes ,
go at 29c , Stoiiohill/s price 800. Stone-
hill's black all wool mohair brilllan-
tines , 42 to 50-inchos wide , 29c. 39c , 69c
and 79o a yard. Stonohill'e price from
COc $1.60.
Tomorrow wo olTor the entire stock of
Slonohlll's high grade black lansdown
and gloria silks nt 98c a yard , worth up
to $1.75.
Stonchill's entire stock of white lawns ,
India linens , linen d'Indo , all go to
morrow nt 3jo a yard , worth up to 12jo.
20-inch gloria silk sun umbrellas ,
paragon frames , fancy handles , go at
$1.25 , Stonohlll's price , $2.50.
All Stonohill's extra quality , real ellk ,
union serge , taffeta silk sun umbrellas
All of $4.00 umbrellas from Stonohill's
stock , elegant quality silk , superb as
sortment handles , go at $1 98.
Choice of all the $0.00 silk umbrellas ,
beautiful handles , at $15.60.
All of Stonohill's children's parasols
go ut 2oc , 50c and Toe. These are loss
than half price.
2 cases ladies' full sbapod jersey
ribbed underwear go at 16c ; worth up
N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas Sts.
208 , 210 , 212 S. 11TII STREET.
An IrUhmtui Who tint n .Million Dollar * nnd
Knew U'hlltto lo with It.
"The story of Monte Cristo is gener
ally regarded as a highly Improbable
piece of llction , " said a Montana man to
11 reporter of the St. Louis Republic ,
"but I have in mind a case of a minor
in our state who cones very near fur
nishing a parallel character. About
ton years ago I had in my employ an
Irishman , a clover but totally unedu
cated fellow , who did odd jobs about my
place in Helena. You remember what
a feverish fat u to that country was in
about that tirao over the rich finds in
gold in the country adjacent. My Irish
man caueht the fever and ono day aston
ished mo by asking me to loan him $200 ,
with which ho wanted to buy a pros
pector's outfit. Well , the follow bogged
so hard and money was easy anyhow , so
I lot him have it. Ho bought him , a
inulo nnd some tools and lit out for the
mountains alono.
"In about a month ho carao back to
Helena with that mule fairly stagger
ing under a load of the richest of oro.
IIo hired thrco men , bought throe moro
mules , wont back to the hills , and struck
town shortly afterward with four moro
mules loaded as the first ono had been.
A representative of an English syndi
cate happened to bo in Helena about
this time on the lookout for mining in
vestments. Ho saw the Irishman's little
Sack train , took a sample of the ere ,
ad it assayed , wont out and examined
the claim , and then made the Irishman
a proposition that mighty nearly scared
him to death. I was sitting in my ofllco
at the time , when in burst Mike in a
state of terrible'excitement. .
" 'What do you think , ser , I'm offered
for me claim ? * ho gasped. Ono million
dollars and 25 per cent of the not
profits. '
"Of course I told him to soil , which
ho did. It proved a good investment
for all concerned , as the Englishmen
have taken millions of dollars out of the
"But now comes my point Instead
of committing the usual follies that poor
men indulge in when they become sud
denly very rich , Mike sot about to got
the highest benefits of his wealth.
There lived in Helena an English lady ,
widow of an English olllcor , who was
possessed of n high dogrco of culture
and refinement , though in very
needy circumstances. Well , sir , the
first thing Mike did was to go
to this lady nnd bargain for nn
education. Ho placed hlmsolf absolutely
under her dict-itlon ; lived in the same
house , nnd she taught him how to hold
a knlfo nnd fork , how to eater and leave
a room. Then followed the rudiments
of a literary education nnd n year or so
of travel.
"I mot my Irish laborer in the parlor
of n London hotel about six months ago.
You never saw n more perfect gentle
man in your lifo. IIo has acquired n
classical education , is 119 easy nnd grace
ful in manners as u courtier , und nbovo
nil has the true Instlcts of n man nnd n
gentleman in his hoart. And could n
man bo anything but a gentleman who
had evidently made it the dream of his
lifo to bo ono at his first opportunity ? "
Call for a pint of Cook's Extra Dry Impe
rial Cnauipacno if you want a delicious cook-
lull matin. It's botti incut and drlulr.
20S , 210 , 212 S. 11TII STREET.
JIouiul Trip Tlcltuti.
The only line running through trains
direct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Manltou und Pueblo. Low rates to all
points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast
points. Fast time on elegant vostibulod
trains , free reclining chair cars und the
celebrated "Rook Island dining cara. "
Comfort , safety nnd speed secured when
ticketed via the 'Great Rock Inland
Routo. " Ticket otlh-.o 1002 Farnam afreet.
j , L. DKQKVOISK , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket andPass. Agt.
Hnydon Bros. 3-atrinir cabinet grand
upright piano , now scale , $187.50.
Who I.ovetShaucJiiearo licit ?
It ia Bald that the Germane purchase
every year moro copies of Shukospouro
than do any other people , nnd yet it IB n
fact that out tif ' 20,000 visitors last year
to the birthplace of the great dramatist
only nlnotv-ono wore Germans. Of the
others 9,5i ! ) wcra British subjects nnd
5,385 wore Americana
It Dntci from Andrew .Tuoknon'n Time lint
Only Took Krnl Shape In 1H50.
Political cnricnturo in the United
States virtually dates from the first ad
ministration of Andrew Jackson , sajs
the Century. There had been occasional
olTorts to use caricature us a political
weapon previous to that time , but they
wore too crtulo in execution , too spasmodic
medic in appearance and too indoflnito
in purpose to bo taken into consideration
in tracing the beginnings of our modern
school. The advent in national politics
of so robust a personality as General
Jackson seems not unnaturally to have
stimulated n resort to pictorial
moans for both assailing and dofondiny
him. IIo had entered the prosidoncg
as the savior of his country , a military
hero of indomitable vnlor. His light
against the U. S. bank , his vociferous
and unceremonious methods of conduct
ing controversies with political oppon
ents , the subservient conduct of his
famous " " dissolution
"kitchen cablnont" and its
solution when Van Buron withdrew from
it , had combined during his first terra
to enhance greatly his attractvonoss ! as
a popular idol. Ho appeared before
the people as tbolr only champion
against the oppressive designs of a
huge money monppoly in which the
whole world was joined. IIo was the
"people's friend" in all crises , the giant
who , slnglo-immied , was fighting their
battles against enemies from nil quar
ters. Every conspicuous act of his pub
lic lifo was performed nmld uproar and
turmoil. Even when his "kitchen cab
inet" was dissolved there was so much
dramatic dissurbauco that ono of the
political caricatures of the time pictured
him , armed with n churn-dnshor , clear
ing the kitchen of all opponents as with ,
the very bosom of destruction.
In the United States the many figured
group cartoon appears to have boon a
steady favorite since Jackson's timo.
Its undoubtedly
immediato'lnspirors wore
edly Gillray and John Doyle , moro es
pecially the latter , whoso sketches had
boon ' tilling the shop windows of London ,
for'two years when similar productions
began to appear on this side of the
water. Doyle had followed Gillray nt iv
considerable distance , however , for ho
was afar Inferior artist in everyway ,
having slight perception of humor and
being hard and inflexible in his meth
ods. What Doyle did was to take Gill-
ray's occaslonall act of giving a correct
hkonosa and make it his own perma
nent practice. His sketches are valua
ble today chiefly for this quality , all
his drawings of loading mon of
the period bointr veritable portraits
traits of real historic value , some
of them the best in existence. Our oirly
American political caricaturists followed
Doyle's example us faithfully as their
powers as draughtsmen would permit.
That they did not succeed very well in
the beginning , the Century thinks , was
not strange. , Drawing was scarcely
taught at all in this country at the time ,
and the only persons who wore skilled
in it had drifted here from abroad and
had little hnnwlp-rifn of nur nnllllrm nnel
public men. It was only in very rare
instances , therefore , that n lithograph
caricature of an earlier date than 1840
can bo found which is oven tolerable ,
either in conception or execution. There
was a slight improvement after that
periodund by 1850 a sulllciont advance
had booh made'to-justify'tho assertion
that the foundation of'a school of Amer
ican political eaciwiUiro had boon laid.
Dlsoaso never successfully attacks a svs-
tora with pure blood. DovVltt's Surjaparilla
manes pure , neivbloodu-idouriu'aoj ttio old.
208 , 210 , 312 S. 11TH STREET.
In the I nst Hundred Yours Over 10,000-
OOO Liven IIuvo Ucoii Siicrllluml.
Humanity it continually nt war against
itself , without ever having taken time
to reflect and nak the reason why. It
opens its veins for the simple pleasure
of seeing its noble blood flow , blood that
is always young and continually re
newed. How many men are destroyed
by war In a century ? Asks the Cincin
nati ! Commercial Gazette. Oflleial re
ports and documents presented in the
best accredited historical treatises
enable us easily to calcuc'ato the number
of soldiers who have been killed or who
have died during modern wars.
Thus , for example , wo know
that during the unaccountaolo Franco
German war of 1870-71 250,000 victims
wore slain on the two sides ; that during
the useless Crimean war of 1854-M
785,000 were slain ; that during the
short Italian-war of 1859 03,000 men foil
on the field of battle or died in hos
pitals ; that the game of chess between
Prussia nnd Austria in 18(50 ( deprived
40,000 individuals of lifo ; that in the
United States the strife between the
north and south caused the death of
450,000 men in 1800-01 ; wo know also
that the wars of the first empire poured
out the blood of 6,000,000 Europeans , and
moreover that Franco has taken up
arms twenty times since 1816. On ndd-
ing the number of victims of war during
the last century a total of 19,840,900 is
reached simply in the olvilizcd countries ,
of Europe and in the United States.
Dr. Blrnoy'a ' Catarrh 1'owanr tor tanill-
itls. For sulo by nil druggists. 5U coats.
< *
Old Kmiuuli tu Vote.
With flags nnd music , speeches , poetry
and 2,000 people the town of Old Wind-
ham , Conn. , celebrated on Wlndhnm
GreenTune 8 , the 200th anniversary of
Its birth. The old colonial houses In the
ideal country village were decorated
with flags nnd 'bunting. In two of the
dwellings Washington spent several
nights , ns didtho ! gallant French captains -
tains and nobtamun in the time of the
revolution. The old Stamford tavern is
standlnir which was a tavern in colonial
days , nnd the sign of the British unicorn
is Blill aloft.
The exorcises were under the maples
and elms , oa a stand in the village
green , and in old country style , There
were Bpecchesby eons of old VVlndham ,
noted men in all parts of Now England ,
n humorous nddrc&H and a poem. In the
historic \Vinchum bank building were
portraits of 150 years nye nnd relics
enough belonging to Windham families
to make the fortune of a collector.
It was the greatest day in the history
of old Windham since the famous frogs
noisily emigrated from Windham Pond
at midnight , scared the citizens out of
their wits with the idea that the town
waa assailed by Indians , and became
historical in u Now Englnnd opera.
Do Will's Sarsuuarlliu la reliable.
Dr. Culllmore. ouuus ; . 1333 building
A OooU I.HW ,
The license law of Sweden forbids any
poraon buying drinks without purchas
ing something to oat at the eaiuo time.
Dr. Dlrnoy's Catarra J'owdor euro
catarrh. For'salo by all druggist * . 5) conti
A Churltulilu llretror.
Ono of the richest broworu In Europe
is Druhor of Vienna , who is reported to
IT *
JL 9
If a good sensible republican happsns to meet you on the street and
tellsyou "Ben Harrison will be re-elected assure as the sun shines , " don't
get hot. If a rockribbed democrat insists on cornering you , and in ex
cited tones informs you that "Grover Cleveland \vill do Ben up so hard
that he'll never be heard of .again. " don't get hot. If an honest old
"Alliance Farmer" catches you in his strawberry patch , and tells you
that "Peneral "Weaver will dispense public patronage from the White
House after next March , " don't get hot. If somebody happens to teJJk"
you that the "Nebraska Central" will never be built -or that your pet
company drilled like a lot of old cows don't get hot.
Under all circumstances keep your temper come down to the store
some day this week and buy a fine black alpaca coat for seventy-five
cents' or a fancy brilliantine coat for a dollar and a Yeddo straw hat ,
like the hat fellows sell for a dollar twenty-five , for eighty cents ancL-
some very fine bsilbriggan underwear ( cool weight ) atjthirty cents ( the
forty-five cent kind ) a fine negligee shirt that's worth dollarnahaf , for
ninety cents and a silk grenadine Windsor for a quarter and a Guyot
style suspender for a quarter and silk embroidered socks fora quarter.
Then put on a pair of old slippers and a pair of ventilated pantaloons ,
find an inviting hammock get a good cigar and two's company ,
H Great Week-This-Por Cool Stuff.
bo worth over 840.000,000 , to which the
proilts of his breweries add $2OOO.COO a
year. Yotho spends no moro than It
his income amounted to only so many
thousands and never gives a cent , for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing svrup reduces In
flammation whllo children are toothing. 25
cents a bottlo.
208 , 210 , 212 S. 11TII STREET.
President Hnrrison tia a Worker.
President Harrison's method of work
ia cool , systematic and constant. Ho is
a sensitive man , but ho is not u man of
nervous temperament IIo wastes
neither time nor onnrgy in fretting , is
never fussy , nnd never in a hurry to
finish up things at the last moment Ho
has not lost a day by illness since ho en
tered the white house , and his work has
never bcon delayed twenty-four hours.
He is too methodical to put off or leave
work unfinished. The president begins
his day's work at 9 o'clock , with his
private secretary disposing of corres
pondence , and there is little to which
ho does not give his personal attention.
IIo goes right through with it like a
man who has work that must bo done
nnd there is nothing moro to bo said
about it. In much the same way the
president goes through with the business
of seeing sonatorfo and representatives
every morning. Ho has no "small talk- "
and no words not to the point , but
briefly "says his say" and does not re-
repeat himself. At no time during his
olllco Hours ( toes no lese nis train oi
thought on the day's work. IIo carries
M with him , and no interruptions by
visitors break the lino. This preoccu
pation is much of the reserve people
complain' of and criticiso.
DoWItt's Sanapirilla aonroys suoti pol
sons as scrofula , skia disons , czoma , rhou
matism. Its tlmalv usoiavo * rainy liv os.
IIo l.llu'M llnse Hull Too.
President Harrison is n great believer
in exercise , although ho does not go to
tno extreme in patronage of modern
sports. Ho is very fond of walking ,
and when a youth on his grandfather's
farm , used to row n , great deal on the
Ohio river.
Unod to hniro Them.
Black Bnow recently fell in the can
ton of Geneva , Switzerland a phenom
enon which was once thought to pre
sage the black ptaguo and other calam
ities , but is now known to bo duo to a ,
fungus in the snow.
Dr. Birnoy'a Catarrh Powder for cold in
head , for sale by all druggists. 50 cents
Want AViuliliicton lllnmtnntod.
The money necessary to place an oloo-
trie search fight on Mount Washington
has boon subscribed. The light will bo
visible from Maine , Now Hampshire ,
Massachusetts ! Now York and Canada.
Hoi Traveler , take Boechams Pills with
yo u.
A I iitherivellit | <
So light Is the spider's web that a
pound weight of It will rerich around
the world and then leave enough to
Btrotch from Now York to San Francisco.
Our Uiliifiitloiuil Worker *
The total school enrollment for the
United States last year was 1-1,200,000 ,
including universities , private and pa
rochial schools.
DoVltl' a Sarsaparllli nloansos the blood
Nuttce * of Jive llntt nr leu unit-.f tltloleiJ. .
tend ; tnch atbltttimil Hntlfn
" '
'I William
at the Ulnrkkon liosultul , uKucl 51 yuan.
funeral notice Inter ,
DAWKON Mlmilo A. . a od 24 yours , 7 months.
17 days , belovoo wfo of M. M UUWKOII. nt 0
o'clock u. in. . Juno 'ft. Ih'J. . Funeral 1 rid ay
afternoon ut''o'clocU. from family lonldonce ,
M.'JUubsitreet. to Parent Lawn cumotury.
Friends Invited. Hl > wiin 11 dovotud Ubrls-
tlun nnd iiiuiulier of tlio M , h. church.
u , lu. , pipers P.O..SO copy.
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
Nervous or
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
AoKnowledRcil to bo the most successful spe
cialists In till I'liiVATi : , HLOOD , NUUVOIM , SKIN
ANDUlllNAIlV . . . , .
Gonorrhii ) i in from a to 0 days. Syphilis
cured without Mercury. All stupes for life.
STUICTUUK pormnnuntir cureil. lemovnl com
plete , MlUiout ciittlni ! , cniiatlc or illlntullon , Cnro
ullcctod nt homo by patient without a moment's
wtliout ; pain or detention fro'U LinluusJ.
HYHIlOCICI.i : AM ) VAltlCOCKt.U ; crmnnpntly
and succesifully cured. Method now unit imfallltie.
( VITALITY WKAK ) , Mnilo no by too clo < o nppll-
cntlon to buslines orstutlr : n vero montnl strainer
or urlnf : BKXUAL K.\.i:3Sis : : In miauio lifo , or
from tlio cupels of yoiilliful fullluH.
YOUM1 nncl MIDDLK AHI ; ) ; lack of vim , vlHor
nnd strength , with tcxtial oriinns Impaired nnd
weukencnoil prcmntiirolj In nppro.ichlnif old nco.
All rlolil rfiulllv to our njw troatmunt for loss of
vital power. Cnll nn or nildroiis with stamp for
clrculnm , free book und receipts.
Dr. Searles & Seafles , 1IS 1
Next to Post onice.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , '
Ouappod HandBi "Wounds , Burno , Etc ,
Removes aud Provonta Daudrutf.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
Save Your Eyesight
Eyes tested froa bynn EXPEIIT OPTICIAN.
1'orfuct adliiBtmont. Huporlor lunsoi. Narv *
ouBhou'luulio cured by utilni ; our SnooUclej
and EyojbiBiOi Prlcoi low for Onl clai
good 6.
111 a ntUSt , , Crjtjfhtaa U o ; :
All ihe latest styles zti
Soft and Stiff Plats.
218 South 15th Street.
Furs Storel and Repaired.
rte Kareeit , Fatlcit ami Flncot In the World.
NEW YOKK , milfl/U/rifu'nml NAPLES ,
AtrcKiilnr Intcrvnln.
rates on lowest lormi to nnd from the prlnclplo
Kicuinlon tlckoU avallnblotoicturn \ > r oltlior the pie-
turowpioClydeNorth of Irolumlor K.iplcs&aibraHM
Di ( U ul il 7 Otljri for Any Aicsit it towiit Bitii.
Annly to nny of our locnl Af entB or to
The Rlorlova d-iy of open doors
: ill outaido is smilling welcome
In.'j's ' hr.iUli and joy nil uncon-
dial Tiia ovolop BOUJ every thing
free as frooilom from the heights
of oxhilanttud li'ipplnoB ho cannot
fall from his Columbian Safoty.
Allnbout Colu'n'Jlm fro ] nn nppllcntlon
to nny Uolumbl t n junt , or Hent liy null for
twotwo-oorit IHTIIII ; , 1'jpj Mftf. Co. , Ill
Uolu n'UJ Au. . , Jluitoil.
'PANS TABULE8 niriilatK ?
i riunmcli , hi cr mill IHJWC 1 . pur I * ?
the lilootl , a ro hafo nad elfct'lual i ?
i livit nicillclreknnwnfar bllloun-I
fnitfit cunbtlbiLtlon. ilynMrptu. foulZ
luitli , Jitadful.e , licultlmnilotAof
/ , -ti.Jlle , inrntalill'jlfHilou , | 'ulnful
lion , plmTilcn ,
Impure Lloc ' ,0" t fullure ty Homadi , IHi'ror lr. '
Ultima toperfonn tbilr pro r funcllom. rrrnuciii
vc.i tooti , efc.liiKBrelKiiKiltwIbrlaklijtfoiii'nncrJ ; Pj1obr mull , I Kro il-l wiii | > l .l8f , . Z
Itll'AHU UIHCUfOAL CO.loPpnicoHt..J > iiW York. !
ORDINANOE NO. 8102. , _
An ordlrmnco ( Icoliirlnc cortnln hanks of
oiirth n nuJHunco und orilurliiK the snino Ui
ho iilintoil by tlio griidliu ; down thereof ,
Dolt ordiilnuil Ijy tlio city coiuioll of the olty
ot Oiniihat . . .
Hoollon I , Tlmt the following hniilf" of oartli
In the olty of Oniulniuri ) liuroby ilucliuoil tube
bo a towlt . , . . , ,
The IJiiulc of unrtli on the oust SJ fiot of lot. .
Tin Johnson' * addition to thu city of Oinoliu.
Tlioh.inkof earth on the west half ot lot 7
Tlio uiiiiUn of earthbxlstlns ou lots D,0 nnd 7
Tlio Imuli's of oiirth oxl tliiir on toll 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 ,
II nnd 1. , block U , H. IX Hou'uru' addition to the
clly of Uniuhii. . . , , , ,
boctlou2. Tlio banks of oiirth declared ] ir
tlin forojolru boctlon loaiiiiNuiicoiirohoruDy
ordered and reiUlrui | lo bo BrniloU jlowii , , unU
' ' " " -
thoowuors ofn.ild lots , r
( Hilri'd tu snullriK down
' " und approval of thin
day * from the nu : iKo
or rt-f nsliiK
iinc . ami fulllna. iiozlcctnu
do the llo'ird of I'uDlla Work * l huroby
orilurodiind rcnulicdtoisuUHonulil nulsaiico to
ho iilmted mid iild liaul ( Krudod duwii. iiiiil
rci > ort the cost thereof to the city council for
thu inirio o of oot , respootlvoly ,
as o sc utfttri .
Heutlon a. That thli orillnniico take effect
and lie In foruo from and i\ftur U < imssagu.
l.ttcd Juno Uth , lb
Ulty Ulurk.
B. 1' . DAV'Ib.
Provident Ulty CouuolL
Approved Juno 15th ,