FHE OMAHA i > TWELVE PflGES TWELVE PRGES TWEN'JLS-SECOND YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , ' # * JNE 23 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. Cleveland Nominated on the Pirst Ballot At the Chicago Convention , END OF A LONG NIGHT'S ' H4RD WORK Btrength of the Party Leaflets Tested and the Prophet Led Them All , HILL , BOIES , GORMAN AND MORRISON Opponents of the Matyjf Destiny Who Had Votes ono Ballot , TREMENDOUS CHEERING AT THE OUTCOME Announcement of tlia Vote Received With An Outburst of Wild Applause. "MORE THAN six HUNDRED DELEGATES Faithful Democrats Who Blindly Trust the Loader Who Once Triumphed , PLATFORM AS AT LAST ADOPTED Declaration of Principles ns Flimlly lalt Down for the Party' * Uulilniioa During the Coming Campaign Gossip of the Convention. Clcvclnnd on first ballot received ( HO 1-3 votrn. Nuul of Ohio moved rules bo MU - lioiiilcd anil Clovelnml's nomination uiudo unnnlmoufi. Adopted. IHiileUn. Alabama-Cleveland , 14 ; Hill , 2 ; Doles , 1 ; Gorman , 1 ; Campbell , 2 ; Arkansas Cleveland , 10 ; California Cleveland , 18 ; Colorado Hill , U ; Boios , 5 ; Connecticut Cleveland , 12 ; Delaware -Cleveland , 0 ; Florida Cleveland , 5 ; Carlisle , 3 ; Georgia Hill 5 , Cleveland 17 , Gorman 4 ; Idaho Boles 0 ; Illinois Cleveland 43 , under the unit rule ; Indiana Cleveland 30 ; Iowa Boles 20 ; Kansas Cleveland 20 ; Ken tucky Cleveland 18 , . .Boios 2 , Carlisle 0 ; Louisiana Hill , 1 ; Cleveland , 3 ; Boies , 11 ; Gorman , 1 ; Malno Gorman , 1 ; Whitney , 1 ; 'Cleveland ' , 0 ; Hill , 1 ; Maryland Cleveland , C ; Gorman , 1 % ; Gorman not voting , maucs the half vote ; Massncbusetls Cleveland , B4 ; Hill , 4 ; Boles , 1 ; Michigan Cleve land , 28 ; Minnesota Cleveland , | 1S ; Mississippi Hill 2 , Gorman 2 , Boles 3 , Cleveland 8 ; Missouri Cleveland' 31 ; Mon tana Boles 0 ; Nebraska Cleveland 15 , Gorman 1 ; Nevada Boles 4 ; Gor man * 1 ; Hampshire Cleveland 8 ; Now Jersey Cleveland 20 ; Now Now York Hill , 72 ; North Carolina- Cleveland , 2 > ( f ; Boios , 1 ; A. E. Stevenson , 10 % ; Morrison , 1 : Crokerl ; North Dakota Cleveland , 0 ; Ohio Hilt , C ; Cleve land , 13 ; Boles , 10 ; Carlisle , 5 ; Gorman , 5 ; Oregon Cleveland , 8 ; Pennsylvania Cleveland - land , 0-1 ; Rhode Ihland Cleveland , 8 ; South Carolina Hill , 2 ; Cleveland , 1 ; Boles , 15 ; South Dakota Cleveland , 7 ; Boles , 1 ; Tonnossoc Cleveland , 21 ; Texas- Hill , 1 ; Boles , G ; Cleveland , 23 ; Vermont Cleveland 8 ; Virginia Cleveland 12 , Hill 1 , Gorman 1 ; West Virginia Pultl- con 1 , Cleveland 7 ; Alabama Hill 2 , Cleve land 14 , Boles 1 , Gorman 1 , Campbell 2 ; Wisconsin Cleveland 34 ; Wyoming Gor man 3 , Cleveland 3 ; Alaska Cleveland 2. After the nomination had been made unan imous Bouruo Cochran pledged Now York to tbo ticket. The convention adjourned to 2 p. m. iiKitH AIM : TIIICIK riatloriii on Which Ucinocrnry Will t3o llu- fore the Country. CHICAGO , III. , Juno 23. Tbo report of the platform committee was as follows : Section 1. The roproiontativos of the dem ocratic party of thu United Stntoa , Iu con vention assembled , do alllrm tnolr allegiunco to the principles of the party as formulated by Jefferson and exemplified by a Ions : and illustrious line of bis successors In dem ocratic leadership , from Madison to Clove- land. Wo bellcvo that the public welfare demands that these principles ba applied to tbo conduct of the federal government through the accession to power of the party that advocates thorn , ana wo solemnly declare that the uoed of a return to these fundamental principles ol a free popular government , b.ised upon homo rule and Individual liberty , was never moro urgent than now , when the tendency to centralize nil power at the federal cnpital has become a menace of the reserved rights of the states , and strikes at the vorv roots of our government under the constitution , as trained by tno republic. federal Control of Elections. Sec. 2. Wo warn the people of our common country , jealous for tha preservation of their free Institutions , that the policy of federal control of flections to which the republican party has committed molt U fraught with the gravest dangers , scarcely lots inomontous than would result from it revolution prac tically establishing monarchy on the ruins of the republic. It strikes at the north as well as at the south , and Injures the colored citizens oven more than the whites : it means n hoard of deputy marshals at tha polling place nnnod with federal rower , returning boards appointed nnd'contralled uy a federal authority , the outrage of the electoral rights of the people in the several states , the subju gation of the colored people to the control of tbo party in power and the revival of rnto antagonism , now happily abated , of the ut most peril to the safety nud happiness of all : a measure deliberately and Justly described by u leading republican senator as "iho most lufamuous bill that ever crossed thj threshold o ( Jbo sonato. " Such policy , If sanctioned by law , wo'.a nSan luti uom- .Inaiico of a sclt-porpotuntini ; oligarchy of * filcolioldcrii , and the partv tlrst entrusted With its machinery could bo dlsloged from 'power only by an appeal to tbo reserved right ot thu people to resist oppression , which U Inherent In all solf-governtni ; communltloi. Two year * ago this revolutionary policy was emphatically condemned bv the people at iho poll * , but in contempt of that verdict , tha ro- jiubllcau party has dcilanlly declared in Its Uloit authoritative unaiaucvs that iu me- U' i Iu tbo couiiui ; vlcvtlous will uivuu tuo enactment of the force bill and the usurpa tion of despotic control over elections In all the n tat on , Bollovlnp that the preservation of repub lican Rovrrnmont in the United States U de pendent upon the defeat of this policy of legalised force nnd fraud , wo Invlto the sup port ot all citizens who dcvlro to see the con stitution maintained In Us integrity with the laws nursuant thereto , which have given our country 100 years of unexampled pros perity ; nnd wo pledge the democratic party , if it bo entrusted with power , not only to the defeat of the force bill , but also to wnifo re lentless opposition to the republican policy of prolllgato expenditure which , in the short spnco 01 two years , has squandered an enor mous surplus nnd emptied nn overflowing treasury , nftcr plllnir now burdens of taxa tion Upon the already overtaxed labor of the country. Tha Turin * I'hink. Sec. 3. Wo roltcrato the oft repeated doc trines of tbo democratic party that necessity of the government Is the only Jiutllluatlon for taxation , nnd whenever it tax Is unneces sary , it is unjustifiable ; that whun custom house taxation U levied npon articles of any kind not produced In this country , the differ ence between tuo coU of labor hero nud labor abroad , when such u difference exists , fully measures any possible benelits to labor , nnd the enormous additional impositions of the existing tariff fall with crushing force upon our farmers und worklngmcn nnd for the advantage of the few , whom It enriches , exacts from labor n crossly unjust share of the expenses of the government ; nnd wo de mand such revision of the tariff laws as will remove their Iniquitous inequalities , lighten their oppressions and put them on a consti tutional nnd equitable busts. But In making a reduction In taxoi It is not proposed to Injure any domestic Indus tries , but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the foundation of this gov ernment taxes collected at the custom house have boon the chief source of federal reve nue. Such they must continue to bo. More over , many Industries have cotno to rely upon legislation for successful continuance , so that any chance of the law must ba at every stop regardful of labor arid capital thus Involved. The process of reform must bo subjected in Its execution to the plain dic tate of justice. Will Itepoal the McKlnloy I.au- . We denounce the McKlnloy tariff law enacted - acted by the Fifty-lirst congress aj the cul minating atrocity of class legislation ; wo en dorse the efforts made by the democrats of the present congress to modify Its most op pressive features in the direction of froornw materials and cheaper manufucturoa cnods that enter Into general consumption , and wo promise Its repeal as ono of the beneficent results that will follow the action of the people ple in cntiustlug power to the democratic party. Since tho.McKinloy tariff went Into opera tion there have been ten reductions of the wages of laboring men to ono Increase.Vo deny that there has been any increase of prosperity to the country slnco that tariff wont into oparatlon , nnd wo point to tbo dullness and distress which wage reductions und strikes cause In tbo Iron trade as the best possible evidence that no such prosperity has resulted from the AlcKlnloy act , Wo call the attention of tbo thoughtful Americans to the fact that after thirty years of restrictive taxes and the importation of foreign wealth in exchange for our agricultural sur plus , tno homes and farms of the country have become buuloncd with a real cstato mortgage of over f2,500,000.000exclusive of nil ott or forms of Indebtedness ; tnnt In ono of the chief agricultural states of the west there appears a real cstato mortgage debt averaging $105 per capita of the total popu lation ; und tnnt similar conditions and ten dencies are shown to oxlst In tbo other agri cultural states. Wo denounce a policy which ' fosters no Industry so much as it do'os that of the sheriff. llcelnroclty. Sec. 4. Trade Interchange on the basts of reciprocal advantages to the country IB a timu-houorod doctrine of the democratic faith ; but wo deiiouncu the sham reciprocity which Juggles with the people's desire for enlarged foreign njarkot * and freer i-xcbango by pretending to establish closer trade re lations for a country whoso articles of ox- export are almost exclusively agricultural products , with other countries thut are ulso agricultural , whtlo erecting a custom house bar of prohibitive taxes against the richest countries of the world that stand ready to tuKo our entire surplus of products and to exchanpo therefor commodities \vlucn are necessaries and comforts of Ufa among our own people. TrnsU and Combinations. Sec. 5. Wo recognize In Iho trusts and combinations , which are designed to on.iblo capital to secure more than its just share of the Joint product of capital and labor , the natural consequence of the prohibitive taxes which prevent that free competition which is the life of honest trade ; but wo bellovo their worst evils can bo abated by law , and wo demand tbo rigid oniorcotnent of the laws made to prevent und control them , to- gotbor with sucn further legislation in re straint of their ubuses as experience may show to be necessary. I'uhllti I.ainU. Soe. 0. The republican party , while pro fessing policy of reserving tbo public land fur small holdings by actual Bottlers , has given away the people's heritage ) until now u few railroads and non-resident alien i , Indiw viduai and corporate , possesses u larger urea than that of all our farms oatwoan two seas. The lost democratic administration re versed Iho Improvident and unwtso policy of tbo republican party regarding tbo publlo domain , und reclaimed from corporations and syndicates , alien and domestic , and restored to the pooplu nearly ono hundred million acres of valuable lands to bo sacredly bold as homesteads for our citizens , and wo pledge ourselves to continue tins policy until every acre of Ian4 so unlawfully bold shall bo re claimed und restored to the people. On the Coinage Oucntlon. Sec. 7. Wo denounce tbo republican legis lation known us the Sherman act of 1890 , as a cowardly makoshjlt fraught with possibil ities of danger in tbo future which should muko nil nf its suprortor * , as well as Its uutaor , unxlous for its soccdy repeal. Wo hold to the use ot oolb gold and silver as the standard money of tuu country and Iho coinugo of both gold and silver without dis criminating against cither metal or charge for culnage , but tbo dollar unit of culnago of both .matals must beef of equal Intrinsic and exchangeable value , or bo adjusted through Inter national agreement , or by Mich safeguards ot legislation as shall insure tbo maintenance of the parity of the two motaU , und tbo cqua power of every dollar at all times in tuo' markets and in the pkymant of d'ibts ' ; and wo demand that all piper currency shall bo Ueptat par with and redeemable in such com , \'o Insist upon this parity as espe cially necessary for the protection of tbo funning und laboring classes , iho llrt and most defcuboless victims of unstabln money and u Ilnctuntlnir currency. See 8. SVo recommend that the prohibitory tax onstuto bank Issues bo repealed. Civil Sen let ) Id-form. hoc. 0. Public oftlco Is a publlo trust. Wo reanlrm the declaration of tbo democratic- national convention of 1S70 for the reform of tha civil service nnd wo call for the honest enforcement of ult laws rcnulatlni ; the same. The nomination of a president , as in tbo re cent republican convention , by delegations composed largely ot his appointees , holding ofllco at his pleasure , 11 n scandalous satire on free popular Institutions and a striking it- ustratlou of the methods by which a presi dent may gratify hu ambition. Wo denounce tbo policy under which federal oftlcoholcicrs usurp control uf party conven tions in the states and wo pledgu tuo demo cratic party to the reform of tuoju und all i ther ubusos which threaten tbo liberty of ocal self government. llclnlloiif , Sec. 10. Th'J democratic party is tun only party that bas over given the country a for > clgn policy comment and vigorous compell ing respect abroad and inspiring conlldonco at homo. Without dancer of tangling alli ances U has mined to cultivate friendly ro- lutlons with other nations , and especially with our neighbors on tbu American conti nent , whoso destiny U 10 closely linked with our own , and we. view with alarm the ttindcoriy to a policy of Irritation and bluster. ivbUh Ik liable at any tlma to confront us wltu tUo ttltcruntlvo of uuiulUatiou or war. Wo favor the maintenance ot a navy strong enough for the purpoo of defense nnd to properly maintain tbo honor and dignity of the country abroad. Sympathy for the IttuMiui .Tow * . Sec. II. This country has always boon the refuge ot the oppressed from every land- exiles for conscionra--and in the spirit ot the founders of our government wo condemn the oppression practiced by the Russian government upon Its Austrian and Jewish subjects , nnd wu call upon our national gov ernment In tbo Interest of Justice and hu manity , by all just nnd proper moans , nnd to use Its prompt nnd bt t efforts to bring about n cessation of tbeso cruel persecutions in the dominions of the czar and to secure to the oppressed equal justice. Wo tcndorourproroundnndcarnostsympn- thy to those lovers of freedom who are strug gling for notno rule nud the great causa of local self-government in Ireland. Immigration T.HUH. _ Sec , 12. Wo heartily approve nil legitimate efforts to prevent tbo United States irom bo. Ing used ns the dumping ground for the known criminals and professional paupers of Europe , and tvodnmand the rigid enforce ment of the laws nsainst Chinese Immigra tion nnd the importation of foreign workmen under contract to degrade American labor and lesson Its WAgat , but wo condemn and denounce any und nil attempts to restrict the Immigration of tbo Industrious nnd worthy of forcleu lands. I'ctiHton T.iurft. Sec. 13. This convention hereby renews the expression of appreciation of the patriot ism ot the soldiers and sailors ot the union In the war for its preservation , und wo favor Just nnd liberal pensions for all disabled solders , their widows and dependents , but wo demand that the work of the pension oOIco shall bo done Industriously , impartially nnd honestly. Wo denounce the present ad ministration as incompetent , corrupt , dis graceful and dishonest. Itlver Improvements. Sco. 14.-Tho federal covornruont should cnro for nnd Improve the Mississippi river nnd other great waterways of the republic seas as to secure for the Interior states easy and cheap transportation to tldo water. When any waterway of the republic Is ot sufficient importance to demand the old ot the overmen ! such aid should bo expended In a cenoral plan of continuous work until permanent Improvement Is secured. Nlriirngnn Canal. Sec. 15. In support of the national defense and tbo promotion of commerce- between the states wo rccogulzo in the early construction of tho'Nicaragua canal and its protection against foreign control n measure of proat importance to the United States. . World's r lr Sec. 10. Recognizing the World's Colum bian exposition as nn undertaking of national importance , in which the general govern ment has Invited the co-operallon of all the powers of tbo worla and. appreciating the acceptance of many of such powers of the In vitation < o extended and the broad and liberal - oral efforts bnlng made by thorn to contribute to the grandeur of the undertaking , wo are of the opinion that congress should make such necessary financial provisions as should bo requisite for tbo maintenance of the na tional honor and public faith. Education and the I'ubllc Schools. Sec. 17. Popular education being the only safe basis of popular suffrage , wo recommend ' mend to the so'vernl states the most liberal - oral appropriation for tbo public schools Free common schools are the nursery of good government and they have always received the tostoriim euro of the dotnocratio pirly which favors every method of increasing intelligence. Freedom of edu cation being an essential ot civil and relig ious liberty as well as a necessity for the de velopment of lnto lllenco , must not bo Interfered with under any pretext what ever. ever.Vo are opposed to state interference with parental rights and the rights of conscience in the education of children ns an infringe ment oa the fundamental democratic ) doc trine ; that the largest individual liberty consistent with the rights of others Insures the brightest tyoo of American citizenship and tbo best government. Admission of Territories. Sec. 18. Wo approve the action of the pres ent house of representatives in passing bills for the admission Into the union as states of tbo territories of New Mexico and Arizona , and wo favor the early admission of all ter ritories having tbo iccossury population and resources to entitle it to statehood , nnd while they remain territories wo hold that the ofllclals appointed to administortho gov ernment of uny territory , together with the Districts of Columbia and Alaska , should bo bonulido residents of the territory or dis tricts in which their duties ure to bo per formed. The democratic party believes in homo rule and tbo control ot their own affairs by tbo people or the vicinage. I'rotectlon of Ilmptoyes. Sec. 19. Wo favor legislation by congress and state legislatures to protect Iho lives and limbs of railway employes and those of other hazardous transportation companies and de nounce tbo Inactivity of tbo republican party , nnd particularly the republican senate for causing the defeat of moasutos beneficial nnd protective to this class of wage workers' Convict Labor and thu Sweating System. Sec. 20. Wo nro in favor of the enactment by the states of lows for abolishing the notorious rious sweating system , for abolishing con tract convict labor and for prohibiting' tbo employment In factories of children under 15 years of age. Sumptuary Laws. Sec. 21. Wo are opposed to all sumptuary laws as an Interference with tbo individual rights of the citizen. Soc. 22. Upon this statement of principles and policies the democratic party asks the intelligent Judgment of the American people. It nsks a chance of administration and a change of party in order that there may bo n change of system and a changa of methods , thus assuring ibo maintenance unim paired of the constitution under which the republic has grown great and powerful. NO TICKIST NA.UKD. Work of the South Dakota Independents C'onllned to Itontlnn .Matterx. RenFiiiMi , S. D. , Juno 2'3. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J The people's convention has bean In session almost continuously siuco 9 o'clock this morning und at a late hour this oven ink' no nominations have boon mado. The work ot tha day bus boon the adoption of the platform , which was finally agreed to late in the afternoon , The only point of dis pute was whether prohibition should bo men tioned In the platform or not. After a hard light it was dncldcd to leaveit out altogether. It endorses tho-St. Louis platform , favors the adoption of tbo rcfoondum , opposes the sale of school lands' , favors iho assessment of mortgages , protection for minors and manu factory omp'oyos ' , a rate of Interest at 8 per cent , the extinction of the Ptnkortons , oulo- clzcs Kyle una the fact , that 170 o'.d soldiers are delegates In tbo convention , and pays a tribute to the memory of L. L. Poll ; . Tha state central committee has boon se lected and tbu balance ot the work will pro ceed rapidly , L > ir.VYii : : > THU CONVENTION. Silver Mun on thu I'litform Committee limn H I.'it to Aunwor I'or. CHICuio , 111. , Juno 23. The making of the platform consumed a longer tlmu than had boon anticipated , and it was not until 7 o'clock thut iho Inn plank had been adopted. The silver question was iho stumbling block to tbo committee and provoked on earnest discudsion between the absolute free coinugo men and their moro conservative ussoclatcs. Patterson of Colorado , Daniel of Virginia and tbo mnmbor from North Carolina were the principal ipoakora in behalf of a straight free coinage declaration , whlla Vllns of Wisconsin und Bayard of Delaware led the other bide. All of iho speakers wcro in favor ot bimetallism and Mr. Bayard In his speech made a strong argument in favor of the ufco of both nietats. lie tuid that when secretary of state ho did all In uls power to urlug ubout a cotnwou International blmetnlllo agreement. The question turned really on the use of the word free In tbo' , platform nud this word was strickenout. Iho argument against Its use was that It hnd como to hnvo n moanlnit attached , to Us use which must result In any platform .contaliuni ; the word being construed popularly In iho sense of n free coinage of silver proposition in Its common acceptance , as cniucdlod In the wishes of the silver states. For this rcastn n motion was carried by a vote of 30 to 18 , including In the majority sldo the vote of Mr. Crafts of Illinois , who was presiding , rejecting that part of the plank containing the word "free. " The result In coUimittco was not satisfactory lo Mr. Pat terson and the other free coinage men , nnd notlco was given that they would light this plank In the convention. As ndopted the plank is rognrdod ns Indi cating' ibat the demScratic party Is In favor of bimetallism. ' The discussion was protracted nnd It wns long after 5 o'clocktbotoro the silver plank was out of the way. [ Thu other resolutions caused but compara tively little dcoato , | I.OOKINO roil A CIIAIK.MAN. Organization of tin ) Itepnlillean National Central Committee Not Yet Completed , WASIIIXOTOX , D. [ O. , Juno 22. [ Special Telegram to Tits Br.e. ] Ex-Sonntor Sawoll ot Now Jersey bas boon mentioned as flno timber from which i o make a chairman of the republican national committee. General Sowcll , besides bavii R hada wide experience in national politics , huvlupserved u pen the na tional committee a cumber of times nnd boon United States senator , hai for many years been the president of a railroad. In which position ho has shown pronounced executive ability. Ho Is an old personal friend of the president nud was at conspicuous frlond of his nomination at Minneapolis. General Scwcll ts a man of moans aud has both the tl mo nnd ability to make him nn effective chalrmau. ) It is not known that ho would accept the position , but his natno has boon mentioned frequently in that connection 'In ' Washington to day. The talk of iDopew nnd General Porter of Now York for the chair manship has been * dropped , as neither would accept , both being too closely engaged in their private interest ? , nnd the -name of "Long" Jones of Illinois was also Xlropped from the roll of chairmanship speculation today. There continues , to DO favorable mention of the Hon. Chris Magco of Pltts- burit , but members of the national committee say It would not bo 'tbo part of wisdom to select , a Ponnsyltvuilnn at this time owing to ditrorOnces In that state. Land Commissioner- Carter of Montana is mentioned for the dbnirrcnnsbipln tnU even ing's Star , but It isjubt nt all probable that a federal ofllcoholdoV woqld bo selected , or ono who hod recently , been in o federal oflice. The impression prevails hero that a chair man will bo selected from tbo east. > "EW VOKIC ItEPUULICANS. Sot the Itall Itolllntf.In the nnptre. State l.y n llougliii ; .Meeting. NEW YOIIK , Juno's ' . Thollrst grand rally of republicans took place last night at Carnegie musio hall. . It was a erand affair , there being fully 5,00b people present. The meeting was hold vuiidorlho auspices of the republican club of the city of New York. Tbo speakers of the evening were William McKlnloy , govornorof Ohio , nnd Congress man Julius C. BuV'oTVs of Michigan and John Dalzoll of Pennsylvania , Among tbo ninny prominent pOrVou present were Hon. Whltelaw Held and. lfr.nf S. BffUkins. It was 8:30 : o'clorik"vhon the portrnits of Harrison nnd JieldV i the platform , which remained covered hyv ho stars nnoBtrlpos , were uncovered. Thiswas followed by loud chcorinp. Robert Bluuchard opened the meeting with a briaf reference to its objoot and presented Governor MoICInloy , tbo well known and honored of nil republicans. Governor McKlnloy was greeted with a storm of cheers. Major MoKinloy's address wes freely punctuated with enthusiastic applause and upon its conclusion there were loud calls of "Hold" from all parts of the houso. The applause lasted fully 11 vo minutes ana then Mr. Reid made a few Drlet romarlisdeclaring that Iho republican success of 1838 would bo repeated. There wore loud calls , for Chauncoy M. Depew und bo responded briefly. Resolutions endorsing the Minneapolis ticket were carried with much enthusiasm. THEN T11UV TOOK A HUCBSS. After H Lot of fSnpcchiryhiB the D Are < Jlyen u Uriel' Itexplte. CHICAGO , 111. , Jdne 22. Wilson's speech was received with frequent bursts of ap plause. At its close W. H. English ot In diana presented tha report of the committep on rules , making tbo rules of the last na tional democratic convention tbo rules of this convention. The report wni adopted. The unit rule heretofore In force , therefore , holds in this convention. Delegate Phelps of Missouri presented the chairman , on behalf of the ininets of Mis souri , with a gave ; of zinc as a protest against the tariff on that metal. The roll was then crtllod for the naming by tbo states ot their national commitlcemon. Then.tho convention waited for the report of the committee on platform. There were loud calls for Carlisle , but ho was not In the hall. hall.Governor Governor Campbell spoke -Jlvo minutes , closing with : "Wbori November rolls around keep your eye on Ohlp. " [ Cheers. ] A committee was sent to learn when the committee on resolutions would bo pre pared lo report , and tton a recess was taken until 6 p. m. OLHVBtiAND NOT J3XUITUD. ( juicily IteceKlni ; Convention Netr * ami" Asinraiicea oj'aiany Friend < . BUZZAIID'S BAY , Mais. , Juno 2S. The weather was Intensely hot over at Gray Gables. Ex-Prosldqnt Cleveland and bis Bucst , Governor Husicll , spent the forenoon hours very quietly. JBV private wire Cleveland - land is in constant receipt of messaged , not only from friends in different parts of the country , but also from the Chicago convention , , After iho opening ol the convention bulletins were received al frequent Intervals ana were road with up- parent eagerness , but pone of thorn caused Mr. Cleveland to display any excitement. It bad been Inlundoc by the occupants of Gray Gables to. make n Hsblng trip , but the general ; Interest concerning convention matters caused a postponement. Numerous press representatives called at the house during tbq day seeking Interviews with Mr. Cleveland. Hu bas received them nil kindly und courteously , but lo each auc all Has returned the unvarying answer that ho baa nothing for publication , viioioNr : r.jtinjMCANB. : In Convention nt I > urln.itoii | u Stutu Ticket U Mamud. BUUUNUTOX , Vt , . JUno23. The republican state convention met' ' , hero today. Lev ! 1C. Fuller was nominated for governor ; F. S Stranahau , lloulonaujt povornor , F. W. Bald win. J. S , Carney , CM. . Wilds nnd li A Park , presidential electors , and H F. Field , state treasurer , by ncclama tlnn , ns was nlsd Secretary of State Chuuncoy Brownolt of this city , The plat form adopted ondprsjj protection principles advocates reciprocity , reiterates the prlnol pie of Inalienable rittbt of the suffrage am denounces the oppression of the negro vote demands continuance of stuto prohibltor law and endorses HuVi'lson'n.adminl8trulloii Unmorn Coucernli < c Itrlcu' * Sncrcnor. CHICAGO , III. . June 2-3 , There U a need deal of ( jossipTh regard to iho Tuggojllon u Senator Brlco's ucccuor as chairman of the national committee , ll being understood that ho would not accept tnd did not aof.iro to contluuo as clmlrraua. Most of this possl took thu direction of u suggestion that tb friends of Mr. Cleveland were looking will i > nmo deirrco of fuvor upou Mr. William F Hurriiy , member ol tLcuuuuhUl committee o 'cniiH.vlvnnli who throughouthns been n firm rlcnd of the Cleveland movement. Whan con last nloht Mr. Hnrrlty snld : "Thoro re many gentlemen connected with the tleni- crntio organization much bolter qunlltlcd hnn I urn for the position. My ofllclal titles nnil private business would not Justify 10 In accepting the chairmanship If it were ffered to mo. " The chairman of the national committee vlll not bo selected until after the conven- lon ts through with its worx. TO roitci : A HAI.I.OT. Iceland's Supporters I'cnr the IZIVcct of Another Night' * Delay. CHICAGO , III. , Juno 22. [ Special ToloBrnra o TitnBnn.l The Cleveland men propose to orco a ballot tonight. They fear another Ight's work by the Now YorKors. Hon. ) on M. Dickinson of Michigan told Governor Joyd n moment np.o that they will hold an llnleht session if necessary lo settle the tirsilon , . Convention hnll presented n much brlchter pponranco today. The croxvd was lnrgerlho balcony was well lilted , nnd the dross circle uout two-thirds. A fair estimate places the umber In the Unllnt 15,000. The crowd was old nnd undemonstrative until Iho Now York delegation arrived. A mighty shout greeted their entrance , delegates nnd nudi- nco stnnding cheering nnd waving bats. A few minutes after the convention wns ailed to order , the Iowa delegation marched n with n slllt banner bearing the name of loraco Boies. The audience rose to n man , nnd heartily greeted the "Moses of Iowa. " The lonely delegate from Alaska made him- elf hoard nnd wns rewarded with cheers. Senator Palmer poured olive oil on the vounds of Now York , but Iho Now Yorkers Id not show a sign ot thankfulness , When oferonco was made to Johnny Davenport , ho delegation awakened and encored the ontltncnt. The Now York anti-snap dolega- lon did not make a contest and was not mentioned in the report ot the credentials ommlttco. A test ot the favorite airs of the atldlcnco made by the band shows "Dixie" to bo do- cldcdly In the load by several thousand yells. The address of Permanent Chairman Wil- on was liberally punctuated with applause , mrtlcularly the points mnJo on the McKlu- oy bill. At Its conclusion ho was given nn ovation. Then contusion reigned until the vote for n recess till 5 o'clock was carried. T. J. F. AGAINST THi : INKVITAIILK. Tammany and the Jllll Jtlcu Kldtlng Hard Against the I'rlcKa. Cuimoo , 111. , Juno 22. The uncompromis- ng spirit , fertility of stralogy nnd the un ceasing activity of the Hill loaders us shown by Iheir brilliant rally last night in the face of defeat , solidifying the nnti-Clovoland vote and bringing about n harmonious working arrangement with Iho Boies forces with a view to breaking Ibo unit , rule , thus secur- ng the support of the anti-Cleveland votes now tied up by that rule to the sup- wrt of the ex-president , has disturbed .ho Cleveland leaders to such on extent as .o Induce them to strum every effort to jring the convention to an early ballot. E. Ellery Anderson of Now Yonc uaid this norninp that a ballot would bo forced botoro adjournment tonight. Tbo opponents of the ox-president will contest tbo effort'to force a ballot at every Joint possible. The fact that the conserva tive leaders among those opposed to Clove- und concede his. nomination to bo in evitable bas not sufficed to deter tbo Tammany leaders from continuing the hitler war on the ox-president which they Inaugurated on their arrival horo. It Is not believed they will continue the light after the nomination , but their Btrouuous efforts to compass bis defeat in tbo convention will bo offered by thorn in case of defeat at tbo polls next fall as ovidouco of their political sagacity. MAKING A HAltU FIGHT. Silver Men ICocp the Platform Committee In Hot Water. "CIIICAOO , 111. , Juno 22 , It was after 1 p. m. today before even Iho subcommittee of the platform committee got lo work , and Iho sil ver fight was still unsettled , nnd tbo mem bers of the main committee waited patiently until 10l0 : ! p. m. and tbcn adjourned for din ner. Patterson of Colorado , the -loader of the silver men , though bo had conducted a florco and almost continuous struggle , lasting until 0:30 : a. m. , was ns vigorous looking und full of light apparently a : ni ttio beginning. The other members of the subcommittee pave unmisialtablo signs of weariness. Patterson had has coat off'and , moving about in his shirt sleeves , helped keep the anti-silver members in a constant perspira tion. Ex-Secretary Whitney , the Cleveland loader , though not a member of the sub committee , was iu their counsels nearly all Iho llmo. Ho was urging harmony , nnd wilh Vilas , Bayard and ethers wns laboring to soothe Patterson and other westerners. Gerard of Georgia , who had stood by tbo Rocky mountain delegation staunchly during tbo night session , was inclined to now ac cept small concessions , but tbo mountain men were stubborn , and word was sent to the wigwam suggesting an adjournment of Iho convention to give the platform makers moro tlmo. Bayard personally complimented Patter son as a "splendid fighter" when word arrived soon afterwards that the convonllon hud taken a recess until Tip. in. Patterson bowed bls.ucKnowlodgmont und then again wonl at his opponents with energy aud a de termination that seemed unconquerable. UNIT ItUMJ WILI , PREVAIL. Tammany Muhonii Strong Fight Against It \VlthontA\nll. CIIICAOO , III. , Juno 22. The anti-Cleveland men made a strong lltbt in tbo committee on rules against thouait rule'but , wcro sig nally unsuccessful , the rule being sustained by a full and decisive voto. The result wns that Tammany decided to abandon tbo con test thereon In Ibo convonllon and It is doubtful now if ibo nntl-Clovolund forces can rnaUo a very formidable vote against Clove- laud's nomination. They Unturned from Irlnhlni ; . r , Mass , , Juno 22. Ex-Pres ident Grovar Cleveland and Governor Rus sell went fishing yesterday. Upou their re turn In the afternoon they found awaiting them bulletins of tbo progress of Ibo conven tion and several Important private dis patches from William U. Whitney , Joslab Qulney , Don M. Dickinson and many other democratic- horses on the ucuno of battle at Chicago. All the dispatches wore of an oncouraclnc and reassuring tenor informing Mr. Cleveland that bo would ba nominated on tuo lirst ballot. Another t.evee Gives Way. NATCHIZ : , Miss. , June 22. ( Juice's levee on the Tenias river In the rear of Concordla parish gave way yesterday afternoon ana tbu water is rushing through with terrilio force , covering some ot the finest agricultural lands In tuo stato. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lluiliioi * Trouble ! , BOJTOX , Mass. , Juno 22. Doll Bros. , deal en In hops , mall , etc.aro In lue bauds of tbo sheriff. ' Liabilities ; i50,000. A Joint committee of tbo two housok of the English Parliament has reported electricity n suitable- and cfUclcal source of molivo power , and recommended that ek-ctrlo rail way construction be encouraged throughout England. TH EE BULLETIN. ir rl/ifr/or Omnhaitn I Itutiif. falloicttl by coaler , I. Clnrrloml Is .Vomnmted. Ion it State Ne\v . Urmorrats t'luht Over Tarllf Iteform. S. Jlmnncr.vy's fight Continued. X Connell MtnlM Noun. Snlrldn of u I.ovelek Girl. Ycdfprilay1 * Sport lnijNi" s. 4. Killtnrlal nnd Comment. Heath's U'lMhliif-loii I.otlor. fl. Dcmnrrnry'R right Continued , II , l'ro\l loi. ! Money anil I.ltn Stoelc. 7. rri'sltk-nt Hnt-rUon' * People. 8. Nrhr.tftkn Stuto Nntv * . AllHlrs at Soath Omiilm. 1) . Dlxoii Doomed to llnni ; . Omnh.i mill liiilcpoiiilcnco O.I ] * Sulool iho l-'olKiun I'roprrty. Dalian Artillery In u Wrrrk. 10. Caster County' * Grnmluiir. 12. What KleetloiiH Cost. New llooki nail Inrloillrils : , NOT A HOWLING SUCCESS Iowa's Prohibitory Law Falls to Bring Peace to Orestou , NOTHING BUT DISTURBANCES CAUSED After Nine Years of Strife , In Which the Taxpayers llitvo 1'ald Knormous Costs , a Chimgo li , Demanded. CRCSTOX , In. , Juno 22. iSpeclal Tolosram to Tun 13EE.J No city in Iowa has been so thoroughly and continuously disturbed by the prohibition law as bas Croston. The rows have assumed every conceivable form and resulted In numerous crimes and offenses as well as piling up mountains of costs on the taxpayers. For over nine ynors the costs In liquor cases in Creston hnvo averaged - aged $5,000 a year. The sontlmont nero is decidedly iu favor of licensing saloons , ami mayors and aldermen have been elected on that issue. The latest disturbances have created In- tcnso excitement and indignation. A. B. Henry , who has probably violated the liquor law as many times as any man in the city , nt the head of the movement to close tbo sa loons. The suspended chief of police , Max well , today swore out search warrants and seized tho'llquor on hand tit several saloons. Maxwell is now awaiting trial on charges of bribery , conspiracy mid ona charge of B moro serious nature. The suloon men threaten violence and the affair uia\ end m a serious manner. Ahiluctcil Ills O\vn Child. CEDAH Ru'ins , la. , Juno 22. ( Special Telegram to Tun BGB. ] Late yesterday afternoon two gentlemen drove up opposite the homo of Mrs. Dickinson and Invited her little G-ycar-old daughter to take u ride. The little ono got in , antf since then she hns not been seen. The presumption is that Her bert Dickinson , the father of'tho child , has abducted her. The couple have not been di vorced , and bo hns us much legal rlgnt to the child as the mother. The mother noti fied the police nnd requested that the trains bo watched , as she sus pected that Dickinson would leave with the child for his homo In Massachusetts. Mrs. Dickinson relates n tale of woo concorninjr her marital exper iences , claiming tout she abandoned lipr hus band on account or his alleged cruel and in human treatment. She states that they have been married eight yeat.s ana that ho has grossly neglected and abused Her. They lived In Hockford and Elgin , 111. , for several years , and ttio woman states that Dickinson has previously attempted to abJust tbo cnild- Snienled During u Spree. Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 22. [ Special Tele gram to THE Buis.J Emil Haukinson , 22- year-old son of Ed Haakinson , millionaire nnd leading packer , ttuicided this afternoon bv .shooting himself through the head. Hn had taken tbo whUky cure , nut relapsed and had been on u fearful spree. FOHT Doixm , la. , June 2J. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Dec. I W. ll. Green , u promi nent banker of Hardy , Humboldt county , committed suicide this morning by blowine out bis bruins. Business trouble Is thought to have caused the act. II nttcr u'ort h-Deorw. Motixn. 111. , Juno 22. ( Special Telegram to TUB But. ] The marriage of Miss Katharine Deere , daughter of Hon. Charles H. Deere , nnd William Butterworth of Washington , was performed hero this even ing , followed by a grand reception. The groom is a sou of Hon. Hen Butlorworlb , a young attorney , and will remove here. Cuino to an Agreement. PiTTsiiuuo , Pa. , Juno 22. The joint conference - feronco of the Amalgamated association and Tin Plato and Shoot Iron manufacturers agreed upon a scale this morn Ing after an all night's session , and the mills will t > o run without interruption. The bcule Is the ono presented by the workman , with a few changes favorable to the manufacturers. * Ilroka a Illo.telo Krcortl. DETUOIT. Mich. , Juno 22. W. U. Hands of this city , at tbo HlUondogon road race , made wcnty-flvo miles In 1 hour , 15 minutes , 4'J 4-5 seconds , thus beating by ono minute the champion bicycle record made bv Smith. Tbo race was run in the midst of a rain storm. llallroad Wreck In Missouri. Si'iuxariisi.n , Mo. , Juno 22. A head-end collision occurred on tbo 'Frisco road near Labanon , Mo. , this evening. Six Burgeons huvo gona to the scene from horo. Ono par son is reported killed and several hurt. Hall- road ofllclals hero will give no Information. llomlmrdlni. I'ort Alogro. Rio JANKIHO , Juno 22. Government gun- goats commenced bombarding Port Alogro inHio Orando do Sul on Sunday list. No detulU of tbo bombardment have bean received - coivod hero. Telegraphic communication U Interrupted. Itavaehol Comlemneil to Death. PAHIS , Juno 22 , . The Jury in the Ruvachol trial returned with a verdict of guilty and Itavacbol was condemned to death. Boalo and Sou bora were acquitted. The I'lro JCeeord. ATLANTIC * CITY ; < N/ , < -r't * 'u'102. . A dis astrous flro horo'Vt'opiplit destroyed the Academy of Music and sov-jrnl houses , Leas , SW.OOO. Trouble ! . LONDON- , Juno 22. G , Barker & Co. , bankers of this city , have suspended. Lia bilities are placed at $3,250,01)0. ) St. John' lodge No. ' . ' 5 , Ancient Frco and Accepted Masons , will confer the Master Masons degree upon two follow crafts Thurs day evening , work beglnnlnx at 0UO o'clock. refreshments at U o'clock. Members and other * cordially nskod to bo present. T , 1C. Sudborough. W. M. Division No. 1 , Ancient Order of Hibern ian * , mot In KaufTman's hall last evening nr.a olccloa the following nflicors Idr the ensuing years President , 11 , C. I'Vloy ; vlco proil- dent , D. Cosgrovc ; recording secretary , Samuel Cummlngs ; llnunclnl Decretory , John Manger ; .treasurer , James Douglas. Standing committee : John Cruighlon , Jotn liollai , J , J , Donovan , Putor McAuully , Jouu O'Urudv. Tariff Riform Proved a Stumbling Block to the Qroat Domooratlo Ooiiolavo. DIFFERENT DOCTORS WHO DISAGREED Each Hail His Pavorito Prescription Which Ho Insisted on Admiiiistoriug Liberally , WATTERSON CHOSEN TO ATTEND THE CASE Great Apostle of the Star-Eyed Goddess Wius a Battle from Senator Vilas , GREAT APPLAUSE GIVEN THE PARSON Mention of the Deity in Connection with Democracy Ohoorcd to the Echo. CHAIRMAN WILSON WAKED THEM UP His Speech Unloosened the Pent Up Cur rents of Ultra Bourbon Enthusiasm. MUCH GENERAL ORATORY LISTENED TO Senator Palmer Strikes a Popular Ohord iu Reference to the Ehotious Bill , TOM PATTERSON'S ' FREE COINAGE PLANK Colorado'H Silver llnstlur Hinted When llu Tried to Kvplaln Mm Demand * Nomin ating Speeches and Other Jtoutlno Proceedings of the Day. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 22. A youthful dlvlna of the Methodist Episcopal churcii Is thollrsl to glvo ofllclal intimation thut God Is to bo with. I ho democratic party in the coming cumpalgn. The opening prayer in the con vention was very gratifying to iho laymen of democracy today , nnd that asstiranua ot dlvino nssistanco is nutborltatlvo , the wags of the party insist to bo amply demonstrated oy the Information coming from the churcU which they hnvo so often denounced as being' a disguised adjunct of the republican party. It Is expected there will bo four or live moro prayers offered In the present national convention , but It is said that twenty gentlemen of tha c.oth have been active competitors for the honor of addressing the Almighty In tha democratic convention. Young men proun- nbly number n majority of tboso applicants , and the raven haired yqung enthusiast \yho oflered the prayer today Is said to bo the youngest man who cveruddrcssed the throua of grace from a democratic platform. Cheered thii 1'arson. The audience cnvu demonstrative npproval of this fervent dlvino wticn ho endorsed democratic principles by asking the Almighty to guide the Trainers of the natty platform so that the true aavocato of labor , liberty and the rights of mou should bo able to ll'id a place whcro ho might stand croct for the principles that have mada the past of the nation glorious , nnd that should ninko the future still moro glorious. Cheers could no longer bo suppressed when ho asked that its nominees might rep resent the "jiplrlt of modern democracy , pro gressive democracy , democracy which is arrayed 911 the side of the masses against the classes and that strives to lift from tha shoulders of the people the burdens borne for the benefit of the lavored fow. " For half n minute the aiidionco cheered enthusiastically after tbo preacher baa re-tirod. I'almer AViilioil 'Cm U | > . The session of the convention was indeed an intellectual feast. There was very llltlo iu the wuy of effective business to bo trans acted nnd ample opportunity was afforded for the regalement of the delegates by the f rea How of oratory. M'ho first speech of the day was by General Joun M. Palmer. The sen ator's vpccch awakened all the latent po litical fervor that hnd boon waiting for days to bo itulckanod to enthusiasm by the stir ring eloquence of some ponular leaner. Ho hoped for democratic success because it would prevent the passage of the force bill , If for no other reason. "As sure as Benjamin Harrison Is elected and the next congress Is republican , " bo said , "wo will have a force bill , such as the ingenuity of John Davenport or the devil may suggest. " Deafening cheers which followed this sentence were evidence that tbo south at least would oxcrt every possible effort to prevent either of those characters mentioned from over having opportunity to excrciso their ingenuity on the line of Senator Palm er's wurnlntr. Hon' William L. Wilson of West Virginia la admitted by all to have inada tbo speech of his Ufa In oHsumlnc the gavel of tbo per manent chairmanship. Such an ovation n bo was plvon Is seldom accorded to a man sC comparatively unknown to the mass of dele > gates and spectators. HAY'S pnuuKinjNi < ) . Kverytlilni ; . Including tha Chiiphiln'i Pruy 111 % ID VlKoniimly Applauded. CIIIUAOO , 111 , , Juoo 22. A hot , sweltering crowd gathered in the convention hall this morning and with much buzzing and rustling * gradually settled Into the oulot necessary for the transaction of business. Klovcn o'ctocK , / the hour appointed , saw but few of the dele- ' Kates In their uoatu , and for half an hour ( afterwards they ulrarglcd in , Occasloniilly , on tbo appearance of some wcll-iinown char- actnr , Ilka Guncr.il Sickles or Governor Flower , the crowd clieeroa or uttered Inde scribable noises , which were Interpreted us evidence" ) of their admiration of tbo man. When the Hill delegates entered In a solid phalanx , as In their custom , u wild yell went ) up from the lammunyltos In tbo ball. Gen erally epoaklng , the convention presented a > much moro cheerful aspect than at tbo bofin- iilnuoi yesterday's soMlon. Instead of thu gloom of the storm and the craih and grum ble of thunder , tbo hull was bright with ibo sunlight that atreamod in at the window * und through the grout ventilators under the roof. Called to Order. At 11:30a.m. : Chairman Owous thumped 'or order. Rev. Albert Hnnry , pastor of tbo Loavett Methodist Episcopal oburoa of Chi- , caxo , lead in pray or. At ttio close of the prayer the Iowa dolecatlon , with the banner of Governor Doles , marched to it * placa nmonK thu dologutoj , and tbu dUplay ot tha banner was the signal for immense upplauio. The Chairman Tbo ilrn busluoii ot tba couvctitlon will bo the report of tu