THE , DM AHA DAILY BJEE.i SATURDAY , JUN12 18 , 1892. SPEG1RL NOTICES , A nVKimSK.MKNTS KOII TI1K.3K COMJMN8 .A will bo Inkon until lS:30p. : in. for the evpnlnn nil until 8:80 : p. m. for tlio tnotamg or Sunday celt- All advertisements In these columns 3 centsn noril for llrst Insertion and 1 cent a wont for onch subsequent Insertion or 12 per line | ipr month. No advertisement tnkon for leu than V3 cents for the llrst Insertion. Term cnsh In advance. InltlaH lluurrn , symbolsptoonch rount ns n word. All advertisements mint run con- rretlllvrly , Advertisers , liy requesting n numbered rberk.canhnvo Ibo totters nildro sed to n num bered letterln care Of Tun HKB. Answers so nrt- dre'ned will bo ilcllToroil on prcsontatlon of tlio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ _ " ' \v7\NT K . A'mTUAl'IO.V lit A MAlT OK Si stenographer and typewriter , Address ll 43 , Jlee. M6i5 Jl SITUATION MY YOUNO MAN , USKI ) IN A bookkeeping and lumber business. AdilroM C. II. , iJiOnCapitiil liVQ. _ _ Wi 17 * ANY POSITION OF UKSPONSllllUTV WITH rensonnhto salary lir mtdrtlu nxcil mnn with clRhteen yenm' biiMnnss cxpsilcnco. llest reference - enco or bonds furnished. Addrosi It 43 , Ileo. ' 700 10 * -SITUATION' AS HUOKKF.KPKII Oil mnn by middle nttod man. Kpoaks and writes KiiKllshandUorman. Address II 51 , lloo olllco. M747 18' _ _ " 11 .AOKNTH . WANTKI ) IN KVKHY TOWN AND J'clty In Ilio west on extrn liberal term * , to nell Ibo popular tnu year policy of tlio .Mutual llo- rervp Mind I.lfa association ! nlso the now tIOOOJ comblnnlUm miller of tlio Preferred Mutiinl Acci dent mtuoctntlon of Novr York ; con only tin per yrnr forprrferred risks : pnvo money by Insuring. nmko money by representing theio wldoawaka cnmpnnles : tire nernts can floiiblo tholr Income. Wrlto for circulars nnd terms to II. 1L. Iloblson , licticrnl Mnnnttor , Oinnlm. Nub. _ 12t n -WANTI n-A MVK , A'-TIVK MAN , WITH J ' fomo pluck nnd push , to represent us In your locality. Wo bavo something entirely now that noes , nnd unless you vnn make from 7i to J2M per montb wo clon'l need you. No peildllnu. llettor write today. Address " .Manufacturer * , " box BWi , IKiston , Mass. _ MM.1-J1U' TJ-JIAN WITH PUSH WANTIII ) INKAOII CITV , J Jlown nnd linmlot to Introduce tlio fnslo < l aollnn | lioiisohnlil nrtlcloon rcconl. Overn million scild III IMillndolpliln. Will pur cnmncteiit person H per ilnr. Aildre s with stamp \V. II. Williamson , 41 N. 4th street , Philadelphia. I'n. MlilJyiK ) ' _ T > TKAM8 THUS AND II. II. IjAllOHKUS FOll I JWyomlUK or South Dakota. COO S. Utli t. -WANTKI > , TKAMSTKI18 , BI1OVHI.UHS AND J'rockmcn for \Vyomlnc nnd South Dnkotn. AI- ilior Apcncy , 1120 1'nrimm street. 171 JW , T > WANTKI ) . SIX CANVASSING AOKNTd FOll nomalia. mi N. Y. l.llo. 5IJ Tl WANTKI ) . AtlKNTS IN F.VKIIY TOWN IN .lithe ulnto to represent the United States Mutual Accident association of N. Y. Now policies , most liberal In form and reasonable In cost over Issued. 11. A. Wagner , state agent , Omaha , Nob. Ml n-LAHOIlKHS WANTKD. WA E9. 11.75 PKIl JJday. Apply BtCfll PftXtou block. U73-I1) ) ' T > TIIAVKL1NO SALESMHN WK OKKKll ITO JJrcspcptnblo salesmen , having rcitulnr territory , roprescntliiK ruAponslbto houses , a uood stnplo liluh'toni-d side line , llxht amplci.- good commli- don. Address , with particulars. Uhodus Hros. . 8t. Louis , Mo. Mf.31 . _ WANTKI ) . KXl'r.niKNOKD CYLINDKIl pros ( rollers , stonily worh. f'' ) per week. W. } ) . Conker Co. , 311-351 Dearborn street , Chlcnco. -WANTKI ) , COMI'KTT.NT YOt'NO MAN Oil li'-dy to copy checks. Only lliosovlio nro quick nnd nccurato at Iliturliig not-d apply. 'Hie lloslon Store. JITOJ-IJ TJ-tfAXTKl ) MVB AKNTS ( ! FOll OFFIRIA1 , -Orilltton Harrison .t Held ; " 1'rolectliui and Value nf Protection. " by lion. James ( I. Illnlno nnd Hon. William McKlnley , Jr. . 1100 pnees , iiiaBnlllcently II- Innlrated. Ketall , H.rx ) . Inimensu terms. Mr. .1 , U llnrvcv , Akron. ( ) . . marto fil : In two hours , llev. U'houias Clinton. Kvorott. Mais. , mnila Sill In one day , llookH on credit. Froluhl paid. Outllt 55c. ! or free wllli reference. Write quick. Address Clobo IllhiD Publishing Co..731 Chestnut street , Phlludcl plila , Pa. , orai8 Dearborn struct , ChlcaKO , III. Miil-ai * "Sl " T > IIUKADMAKKll WANTKI ) AT 6J3 MAIN ST. , JJromiell IlliiITs. M7I319 T > -WANTKD , A BIltPI'INU CLKIUC. MUST IIK J 'quick at llpuros nnd n Rood pemnnn. Androis , with rolcrencos , P. O. llox No. 411. 718 17 * > KIllST-CLASS Mir.KlOU AT Ames Avcniio Jlltilry. J. V. Hoch. 711 21' T > WANTKI ) , YOlINt ; MANIUOK20YKAHSOK JJaKn for minor olllco poMtlon : must write Kood liaud nnd ho < | 0lrk unit itocur.Ufl In llmire * . Iminlru nl Hlaku , Bruce & Co.'s , ou tinturday between 1 pud fl. 7IU-18 T > -WANTKI ) . ' 21MKNFOll RAUKOHNIA , JuiiKi'si. ' . < l mid n.lXI per day , frua fnrc ; nhlp.liily lSr.f'or.t ( ieorijo Jones , box l.'il , Cqlorail Colorado. 7IC.I -WAN'lKDMHNTOTUAVHL FOll OUIl CAN ulii nurBorlcs. atone & WcllliiKtou , .Mndlson 3 ) WANTKD. AN KXPKlllKNCKD DUYOOODS > snlesmnn , must tpcnk ICniillHh nnd Herman lluontly. Apply with reference to T. U Davlcs & Cn. , York Ni-t ) . 7M-11I' AUK YOU A CATHOLIC ? AUK YOU UNhM- ployiHl ? Will you work for $18.00 per weulr , llu to mo nt once. J. It. Uny , IDI Mndlson street ? ChlcnKO , 111. JlT3i III * -HALiSMKNt : OUNCH fclDl ! LINE , KXTKN- JLJalvoly usrd ! fair.commission. II. M. Pterons , 113 N. Second St. , Minneapolis , .Minn. M731.13 -WANTKI ) , GUADINCr StlllCONTUACTOllS. Wo hnvo some- Rood work to let nn line between Liberty vlllo and Ottumwa , la. Prutllos can be seen nnil Information obtained ut our olllcu lu Of.timwn. Million1 , CiishlnK , V Co. M74. > 2I T ) STTKAMS WANTKI ) 2 lll.OCKH MOUTH Of .Il Vlnton on 15th struct. $ U.5 per day , O. A. works. M74323" I ) , TKAMS TO WOltlf ON UAILltOAI ) Heason'H work , food cheap nnil current VTIIKCS paid. Apply on works on Una bet een I.llmrtyvlllu nnd Ottuuiwn , la. llallory , OuihliiK 'A Co. JI7liai ) WANTED FEMALE HELP. - W A NTK I ) . L All nS Oil Y ( ) ilJNO M Ki s"TO take Unlit , pleasant work at their own homes ; Sl.M to M.OQ per day can bo quietly madn : work cut by mall ! * uo canvassing. For particulars nil- Cress "Oloho MfR. Co. , Uox iMl , ijostoii. Mass. " KBlnhllshcd 1680. MiliI jya " " C -WANTKI ) , A LAUNDIIKS3. APPLY W. D. .Mlllard , Omaha Xut. bank. M5 ' - A FKW LADIK3 CAN C-WANTKD handsome salary for homo work pi ermltlln ; other duties. W. bprliiestcen , tloz 213 , Ch elllKO , 111. M652.Jyll -LADYAOKNTS TO HANDLH AN ARTICLE c that sells at nhilit. lull Cumin * street. 3IUOI I'J1 C ! -WANTKD , A DlNINd-UOOM Hlllli AND A nix-onrt cook at City hotel , cor. lUth and Ilnrnoy iitrcel * . r.Tt IT . < : fl- foilll \ , roil KITCIIKN AND hAUMIUYVOUIC v/lnqulro Mrs. llobort Purvis , 2IU3 St. Mary's nvo C7I > ri-WANTKD. I.AD1HS AND UKNTtiKMKN TO vvtravel ; wood salary ; no cuiivnsslui ; , Cull at 1'jl Dodcu street , from 8 to 4. GJI 111 * C-l.TltiT FOll CKNIIIIAI , JIOUoHWOltK : ( ilOK- nmn preferred. 7''l H Ifllh st. li.KJ IS * "WANTKD , Adiitn von QKS KAI , IIOUSK. mirlt at 4101) Farnoni st. ( M 18 * / ( -WANTKI ) , A dill , FOll GKNKIl.Uj IIOUSK VVworf. must Imtiood cook ; tire In family. Apply 721 Jaokson ntreet. 701 17' KIIlST-CIiA6STKI > KnKAPII OPKItATOIl FOll a larRU manufacturing ostabllshuiuut. Address , II 0 , lloe. 715 IV e -A COOIJ (1IUI. AT K.M a 17'i'll ST. 7M 18 * -WANTKI ) , I.ADVOASIIIHU AT T1115 1I08TO.V CWANTKI ' , torn ; brlnn reforonces. 731 19 p-tiOOl ) HAlAltv"llJAllANTKII ! ) TO LADIIM vAillllnij uijo wrltliiB for luu nt their homes. Ait- ilii'f-i ' mo tn own hnnilwrltliri with fitanipt'il en- vitui' | < > . MUi Kilua U t-mylur , t-ouih llenil. Iiul. , jiroiirlolor of thu famous lilurhi Water for thu coniplnxlon. SUM 111" _ fv-WANTKU IMMKIIIATIII.Y. 2 KIHHT.CI.AS3 v/w l t li anils ; uUu uii | > rcntlco ) , IM."J a. 15lh stri-ct. M74I 2D , A " ' ' " ' 1 < OU HOUHKWOIIK. uit bu BUOilcookunil lailuilruts , 1I3U Mi.SUth _ _ CWANTKI ) . A YOUNG IiADV Or' ( IOUI ) CIIAH- aclorus L'livurni'nii anil fumisnloii | ta tnuchll- ilri'ii. .Miint ti'ai'h miulo un > l ha Milling to no abroad for u few moulds. Aililniis II M , lloo , .M7i'j rj FOK RENT-1IOUSE8. TFOll UKNT. 1 J'JM , t'iis street. 1U rooms. SW , llaveiiiiort street. II rooms. fM > , Virginia uveiiui ) , U rooms. UN Vlrulnla nvcmio , ID room * . HO , IHirtvo itroet. 10 rooiui. 1i.V CiiHtt ptri'vt ' , II rooms. Ho , California ulroft , V rooms , I'M , Tvvunty n'l'oml street , 13roams. Hut * . t'fl.'M , North riKlitoi'iilh strovla rooms nd bath. , H : . NU'hoiui tr.iut , : i room * and bath. trt&J , Tenth itreot , ( I rooms , f Ij.ft ) , ' . 'upltol avenue , u rooms. < 'otloiie . II5UO. ( "liurli'shlrni'l. 5 rooms. tti. liavuupurl lrocl. 3 rooui' , furnished far thrco Dionllif. I7U , UaautlfnlV-rouni ilwulllni ; , with yard. Nl-tliurluii Hall , W)3 ) s-outU 13th strnot. T\-FIIIST CI.ASiTllKSlDKNUK FIATrt. S OU < 4Auoui ; now blvok. Itnoai it. 810 B. TJ.I. Ml TVNKW ANI ) JIKST 1IUII.T IIIUCIC II-UOOM -J.'H-nldeiiro In th city ; full cellur , furnagj , laun dry ndtubi , mantels and vratcs , Iwlli. electric b ll , upvnklnu tubas , oak finish , pullshod tloors , ii * , . , ' " .nrerjr ri'fpecti a > plull pavooioiits ) ? J"Ki5filUi1 n > ) at B UIU park. J M. * lrunu r , 4ia lloo bliltf , MJJJ B - IUXUI IIOUAB WITH 11A11X ursalo. lail r rn ni st. 750 D-1IPU : AIU ; IMItTdTUR CITV. JMUNTKI ) Mils. Vioorg * 1 , 1'.ul , liW Katnaitt urcot. FOB UKNT-HOUSEa. Condnwrt. D VOIl UKNT , 14-lltHlM HOIJ8H 1812C1I1CAOO st. 710 B-COATEB. rtENTAtj AOK.NCY , 1611 KAUNA.M. HltJ-Irl D-S IIOOMS ON JIST ST. , IIAM * IH.OCK NOHTIt of Oraro , 17.00 , city water. Also ether rooms nnd hinuc at lowest prices. O.K. llutts , room I , llee biilhllng. BKOH lir.MT , DKStllAntiK IIOU3KS AND rcslilcnca llatn , ehmn Ilonsoi for data on monthly payments. J. W. Squire. 1st Nat. hank. MlllJy ? -KOH UKNT , TWO OOOI ) O-IIOOM IIODHKS , IWCXJ ; within linilniitoi walle of court house. Tlio O. ! ' . llavls Co. . IWJ3 Knrnuin stroll. . 55(1 ( D-TIN : UOOM iiiticit nousu. I.AUNDUY , batb. furnace red oak tlnl h , hant food lloors. Not basement ) > lnn. l it front. In drnt-cln' ? c-jnJltliin nnd clean , Keys I'JUl Capitol avenue. Ur. K. Swnrtilandor. M. 6yl IS * n-KOIl lll'.NT. IO-room housemodern. VMS. ! SHi street , t.u.01 12-rooin house , modern , 1001 N. 3th nvcnuu , M ) 03 Ill-room house , modern , 2JI3 Ilnrnuy street. 117.OJ 8-room house , modern , ' . ' 127 l.ako street , tftl.OO. fi-ruom hoioo , city wati-r , ' 'llfiOlilo dreet , tU.OO. 5-ruom honso.SITII Lindsay nvcniuI8.UO. . A luriio list of ether houses anil Mores. II. ( J.I I.AIIK .tCo. , 1213 Ilarnoy street. MM1 13 D , -FOlUUCNT.STOUEANI ) KI.KOANT MIOOM Hut. ; USB N. 18th trr > ! t. Mttai-20' - HKST , A T-1100M HKTACHBIJ 110USB. with Inwn , ahmln trec , Imlh , Inundry , etc. , : l blocks from court liuural roforcnco required. Dntld Jniiilmon , 442 lloo bldK. l)1J , -KOll 11K.ST , 10-HOOM 11OUHK , I8TH AND D liodito , 2 blocks from 1' . O. nnd blockii from cltjr 1mlI. luqulrd next door or 1,118 Knrnnm. tiji 18 - HBNT , C-HOOM COTTAdll , OJOI ) UB- D-KOll , coed Ideation , cltf water , nlstorn , $15.00 per mo. Goo. O. Wnllnco , 31 * llrown lllock. - Oil UI5.NT , 3M ALIj COTTAU li. 12 5 N , 20th ST. D-f 71W 2J D-KOll HUNT , Uf.KOANT 8-llOOM 1IOIISK noir : Hnnacom I'nrk : nil modurn convenloncoa. ynmll cottaup. VOtli nnd Vlnlon , J'.OI. Cottum- , ono block south llnncom I'nrk. J7.00. Nlco 5 room lintCnnlliu nnd Vista ts. , $10.00. lllcks , nKunt , 8'J3 ' N. Y. l.lfu. 7.7 31 D-KI.KGANT IIOMI'.S KOH SAliK , KOOIl NUW , tnd modern billll IIOIIHPI , No. 8111 1'nollle. nnil Nil. ilSIH , < I2IU nnd itjlli 1'oiiplotoii nvemio. These liounetnro splendlilly hulit nnil tlnlahod tlirouuli- out , elegant bntll rooms , itntlonnry niurblo wnsli ntnniK v'oclrlo ' boll , ipeaklni { tubes , furnncos , brick collars , etc. , llrat class neliihborhood , olOo to llnnncom nark motor lino. Cull and lot us ehow you thfso noiiBca. nnd ucl prices nnd term' . Can ullcr them nt Hintrcs thnt nmko them uplendld bur- KUln If sold nt oncu. Kuys nt my olllco , 301 N. V. Llfo bldtf. UuorKU H. lllcki , nuent. 723-Hi 1"\-KOtl UKNT , . AHOin' JUIA" 1 , KUIlNISHKIJ J lioiino , Brooms ; modern lu all respect. Inqtilro ( ! I5 1'ark avo. MW 1'J T7-FU11NISI1KI ) HOO.MS TO BKNT WITH ALL J-'moUorn coiivcnloncos. Wl Douglas : treot. NICK UOOM , ALL CONVBN1KNUKS. 1733 Unvunport Hlroct , MiW : 13 , T7 | VOll HUNT KLGOANTLY KUUNIBHKD JLVoonia. COSo. . Ulli street. 533 17 -NtCULY KUItNISHHI ) IIOOMS , ALL CON- vcnlciicos , near HUt school. 'M3 N. 22ml. 532 17 * _ E-LA11GK DKSIIIAIIM ! UOOJl KOll HUNT , . niltnblo for two. 1B1U oduo. t. COD _ - N1C15LY KUHNISlll'.l ) KllONT UOO.MH. ( ill N 18th St. < Cll 10 * E KUIIN18HE1) OH UNKUKNISUUI ) FUONT iiilt of rooms , modorii house , reference * , ' . ' 017 llnrnejr street. U77-1'J * E-2 WKLL KUHNISHKI ) UO01IS , Q1SNTLKMKN only. Apply 1W3 Capitol nvo. 702 la -NICK NBW KUIIX1S1IBU IIOOMS AT 2207 DoiiKlns , with or without bonril. 724 l'.l * 1T--.1 IlOOAls , WKLL KUHS1SHKI ) KOH UOUdK- l-'kccplnK , nenr Ilnnscompnrk. nil conrunlunccs , 815. Aililre H 11 55 , lioo. M74S 1' ITTw ' "I'LHAdANT I ltONTr IIOOMS AT TUB -J-'aiorrlHiu. lill-27" _ 17 NICK UOOM AND HOAUDKOHTWO OKNTI.K- -L men ; ono-hnir block from motor ; Kuocl , nice homu aiSSo.vnli St. -M'WI -KOI I HUNT IlOAllI ) AND UOOM. IN 1'ltl- vntn fnmlly , nicely fiirnlthi > d Unok parlor. Also front room with bar window. All modern con vpntoncefl. Cheap to partlosvlth rot'oruncea. ril5 North Slrd street. M.VJ7-18 ' 17-DBKIKAIILB KII16-T AN SKCONI ) Kl.OOH -L fonlh ruuniB nt""l'ho ' 1'reuicr , " lit ! N. 2ith street. ' , , p. _ j , - , .j MTJi 4.5' 1 r-KtWlNISIlUI > ltOO.MS , DAY 1IOA111V17I2UA1'- X1 Itol aye. .Alliai 20 * _ _ _ T7-NICKLV VUHNIHIir.D UOO.Mb AMI ) DAY -L board , 1717 CblcnKO etreet. 717-I' ' ) * FOB KENT-TJNFUBNISHElJ IIOOMS. ' ' ? io nrnN i"ti : < FUK HTjiTTtw ) ; able for housekeeping 1TU- ! Webster street. - FOll HOtlSK- G-IUNKUllNUUnDCHAMUISUS koeplUKto mun nud wife. No children. 31V X. Ktn. ' BOABDING. H 1'ULLMA.V JIOUSH , 1310 1)OI > U. KOH ROOD board nice rooms , conveniences , rnto nnd loca tion It cannot bo excelled , Mrs. Horn , prop. 478-Jy KENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T KOIl HUNT. T1II5 4-STOUYiimiCK I1U1LDINO -I'JIii l > 'nriinm KL The biilkllnk' has u llreprouf ce ment bnsemunt. complct ] Bteamhontln tlxturus ; wutcr on nil the lloors , BUS , eto. Apply at the olllcu of The llco. U13' T KOH HKN'ifaTOKK 22XCO. 1113 JACKSON 1 Sill T-OI3NTOULAJ > YTOUBNT IIALK OK OFK1C1 ! In N. Y. Life bulldlne , 1'art of rent In work , lief. ex. Address II 4 ! > , lice. M7U1 18 * FOB RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T KOIl UKST. TUB OLD BASKKT FACTOUY AT Kckenriannplaco , lOxiX ) . 2 itorles .with holler anile o $35 tier montlu 0. K ilarrlsou , Vl'l N. Y. Life. ' > AI100 J30 K" -WANTEIKT > OI1K11 Ilwi3 IN DKS1II nble locution , not less than 10 rooms. J. llniiui , 1210 llarnuy. 5151 WANTKI ) . DINING HOO.M ANI KITCHKK , to rent , with bo tin ! era. Address 11 M , Ileo. M738 tQ * RENTAL AGENCIES. L-K. C. ( JAKVIN A CO. , 2USSHKKLUY lILOCIv. ! 3J STORAGE. M-OLIK T. OIIKAl'KST AND IIICST STOHAUB ho use In the city.Vllllnlni & Cross.lUII Humor. int. xf-"vUB ! < TrUIlK NOUGHT , BOLD i > W ll . llll yarimm at. tw _ \T-WANTKD-AfiOU8 HOltBlsroWKIt K.NOINK I'nnd holler ono nlie Inrxor. Ailclrtai nt onro. Avocn bteiini Iji'indry , ATUCJI , lown. JIUJD 19' HLACIC WALNUT KXTKKSIOX lublo ; muit bo eOoiI und rouaonablo. Address II 4)1 ) , lieu otllco. C'JI 17 \T-LUI1IT HKCONI ) HAND hUllHI'.Y ! MUST IH3 A ' 111 Koud uoiulltlou nnd cheap , AddrunH II M.llnu , _ 7M 1U , -WANTKD. SKCONI ) J1ANDKD UAH FIX- ttiroi. uiuiit tochenp. Cull at o nco ; 2501 Cum- liiK > trrot. J20-1U * TV-CLAIMS TOIl SALAIUKS. 8K11VICES AND li wnitcs nKnllxt city , county , corporation , hull vldunlH hoiiehl or udvanccit on , W. H. lavl ) . It. 'JO , Continental llloulc. MJ1U \T DON'T SftLL KUlltUTUm : UNTIL YOU SKM 1 > Omnhn Hcciniil Ilnnd Furniture Cu. HlKhot lirlcua paid. ilOI N. 10th. .M7H Jyl7- FOB i SALE..FitNITUKE. nice uluca to bach. Address B 45 , Beu. FOR BAJJE HOflBBg. WAOON8 , ETC. 'IKOH BALK , A hlXTY DOLLAIl TO1 * 11UOFY , -L fort35.UJ. II. K. Cola , t'ontlnoiital blouk. KVO HI-AX OK OAltltlAOK JIOIISKS , dark b y. pvtfuotly matchuj , .lyllalu coiitle , younn ; owner iBftYlnu Iho city : * iniut lu iold ut liio | ; 1'mtonbloctei - Irtl I ) -KOH tfALviTl-AUtTi ; . YOUNlf I'KltdHKHO.V -i hornuof hrluht lirar color ; alto Hour dullrerr wwwu iitfiirlymiw. ll'JM.Sith t. Ul ID p--ClltAl' ; TWO-SB ATPBU 3ANO1'Y TOl' BUfJ. 1 Ky.KOO'l ' condition. 3M'IJonmm. KM n * ' . . M ' ' ' "AlilV ANII ONK l-OOL , nlck'llalkotuaka , aliuoit now. In. gnlruuf ( Irand hutul , founoll Illuitt. 8tl -INTKIINATIONAL TVI'KWIUTKIt , DOL'IILB keyboard , nearly new , only lij , Lytlo I. Abbott , SWore block , city. Ktl-H' T.TKAJI LKAgmioLn uv'TiiK'nNKav UK- tall liuilnvi location lu tlio ultr nt u bargain for caih. Addre.i U , Hot ) , 7j iy > CI."AIBVOVANT5 , S-llllS. NVNNIfc1 V , WAUHK.V , OLAWVOYANT lolltttlg liciiuvM muJluui , Ollh joir at ly | N lijlb. libi C-11AUA1IB KlU'iy. , ilt ) C'UMI.NU . Mvl.ilriroyanl uuj tronoo luoJIuu ; | ad p a < lei > l Toloo ; lt > Ui p * l uod ( uturo. U'AH Jlt > OIiAIUVOYANTS. Continual. S-THE LAST CIIANCH TO SKK MIH. 11AW- Ihorn.tlio reltftbla buMnais mJJInni , Cll North Hth utrcct. Man I9 S AHIUVAL K.XTIIAOIlDlNAttYf WONDKHKUL rovelntloris. Chnllanae * the worhl. Mrs. Dr. M. l.oKrnro , dead trnnco clnlrrorant , nstrnloalst , rnlmlst nnd Ufa rendori tolls your Ufa from the crndlo to gr.ivi ) ; united the separated ! CAIISOA mar- rluno with inn ono jou Into ! tells where you will nuccced.nnd In ntmt bnslnpx bml ndnptcil for ; hai thn celebrated Kerptlan brcnstplntofor luck , nnd tti destroy Imd Inilui-nci l cure Ills , Intompornnco nrd nil prlrnto complaint * with maoxane. bath nnd alcohol treatment , Send tlM. lock of hair , namonnd dntoiif birth nnil rpcolro ncclirato llfo chart ; 3 cents In Mnuun'for circular ! give Initials of onoyou will mnr'y ; also photo * of ame. Ulllco 417 South Hth strcot , upMnlr * ; hourn , I' ' n , m. to U p.m. Como one , como nil , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. Sftf4J I8 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. fP-MASSAOi : THKAT.MKNT , KLKCTHO-TUKlt- L mnl baths , ncnlii nnil balr treatment , mnnlcuro andchlrouodlit. Mrs. l'ost,31HM S Uth , Wlthnoll blk IBS ' -MADAMK SMITH. 1131 DOUOI.AS STIIKKT. T room 7,3d Door. Alcohol , sulphur bnd i > cn b ths. MT5I-11 * ' 1 * MIS3 8TOWIC. MASSEUSK KLKCTUIC1AN , eo block. M fp-MAIAMKIAIttIK , 51AS3A(1H , 410 8O. 15T1I JL street , nnt ( , 3d tloor. MTM-n * MUSIC , ART AWDXANOUAOE. V. m.lKNnKcf. [ iiANJo WACIIKII , Ywi with Hospc , or .M8 N. lath St. UH Vn IIUVINU A I'lANO KXAMINK TI1K nuwscalo Kliuball planoi A. Iluspc-,1513 Doiltflns. VM -nE.Alj . E3TATB. i : iiiiu. 1IU1 \V-MOSKYTOLOAN. J. D. ZITTLB , BllOWN lllk. M319 \\r-OMAHA 8AV1N03 HANK MAKIM LOANS < < on real estate at lowest market rntcs. Loans raadaln small or largo sums and for short or Ionic time. No commission Is chanted , and the loans are not sold In the cast , but can always be found nt the bank on the corncrof 13th and Douglas streets. V\T r- IIA1NF.Y , 315 OMAHA NAT. ll'IC IILDO. ' ' city mortgages , Lowostratcs. Money on hand. \y-C. F. IlAUltlS'OX , VI3 N. Y. L1FB.M0 7 PKit CUNT "MONKY NUT TO noiiiiow- ors on Omaha city property. No ottra charges of any kind. Why pay high ratoi ? Money Is cheap Yon can not full bunotlt of low ratus from Ulobi Loan & Trust Co. , llith nnd Dodge 143 LOANS ON IMPUOVKD'AND UNUIPltOVKD city propertyJiCW : nnd upwards. H to 8 par cant. No delays. W. Farnam Smith A Co.lilunud liarnoy , -PllIVATK MONKY , 1ST AND 31) MO11TUAOK loans , lonratcs. Alex. Moore , 49l Uoo building. li'.il W r-MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPUOVKO CI'l'V ; property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas bile. " - . , va W DON'T FOHOET THAT WK AUK MAKING low rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Omaha property. No "ilolnv nnd all business transacted at this olllco. KlduHty Trust company , 1GI4 Farnain street. 7IU ! \\r ANTIIONYIXANANITIIU3TCO. , 313 N. Y. * < Life , lends at low rates for oholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city proparty.D97 D97 \\r-fl2J.OOOTOLOAN. SUMSOFJ UOJ UI'WAUDS ; > ' can placaloans on any Inside Improved prop erty to any amount whcro value Is back of the loan. Ames Heal Kstuto Agency , 1507'Farnim ; st. OO1. ' Wi-llftAI , KSTATK LOANS , H TO 7 PKU OBNT ; no additional charges for.commhnlon oriUtor- ucy's fees.V. . U. Molklc , Hrs.t National IJank bldg. Ttr LOANS. O. G , WALLACE , 3U IIIIOWN 11LK. . 101 t\7 MONKY TO LOAN OX IMPUOViOl ) OU UN ' Improved Omaha property at lowest rates on short nollco. Cash on hand , Fidelity Trmt com pany , 1B11 Farnaiu strout. ' 7iil ( \\r WANTKlTAT ONCK , APPLICATIONS FOll ii loans of tl.OJOand upward on buslnons , roil dcnco or farm properties" U. J. Paul , 1UUJ Fnruam C.KO. W. P. COATKS , IUI4 t' > srly4 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V DO YOU WANT MONKY ? - AIf so , do nut.lull to got our Jates before bar- rowhiK. Wo uinko loans without ilal y , ] iubllelty or removnl or property , On furniture , plnnos , horses , wagons , etc. . nt the lowest pi > 4 lblo rate. Wo will carry the as lom ; ad you desire , ulv- InKyou thuprlvllfKuof.pnxtni-lt.In lull or la part nt nny tlmo to'suit your eoavon'lunce 'amVivRy part pahl reduces tlxifost of carrylugiCUoXlonu-lo pro portion to thonmoiint paid.'i' , ' Thcro ara nu eharttes of nny kind lit ua-paid In advance , but you gut the ull nmouat of the loan , If you have u loan with other parties , or Imvo oiiKht n piano or other furniture or ) tlino nnd find the ptiymuuts u little lurccr than you call meat con veniently , wo will pay It foryouaad carry the loan ns 10112 ns you deslro. It will bo to your advantage to'sea us boforj so- curlnu a loan. - u OMAHA MOHTOAOR LOAII CO. , Ituoin 11 , Urcliihton lllook , 15th St. , .South Of'postolllco. . ' Itti V MONKY TO LOAN. : FIDELITY LOAN Q UAIIANTEB CO. : N ? ' , ; > j On household RCOds , plnnos , orcans , horses , mules , waKonit , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , romovnl of property or change ot posscislon. Payments of any nmount can bo inndo at nny llinoreducllu ; both principal nnd Interest , thus BlvliiK patrons all the boaellts of the pnrtlul pay ment plnn. Jlonoy always on hnnd ; no delays ; no publicity ; lowest rutoK ; business conlldciitlat. V1UKLITY LOAN UUAHANTKB CO. , 1C6 It 4 , Wlthncll blk , , Ioth uml Hnrney. V WILL LOAN .MONKY ON ANY KIND OF Vsccurlty ; strictly conHdontlal- . 15. UAIllUa , room 1 , Continental block. 102 ' " IlOli'X PH1TCIIAHD , 11. 3 , W1TUNBLL I1LK 10-1 X-WI1EN YOU WANT A CHATTEL. LOAN SICK W. 11. Davis , room SO. Continental block. 101 V CUATTKL LOANS MADH ON FUltNlTUllK JV pianos , llvo stock , etc..without publicity orra. r.iovnl property at the lowest rates und the easiest payments. Dull lireen , rooms 8 and 9 Darker block. . ITS X-J30.000 TO IXAN ON CIIATTKt , BKCUUITY buslucss conllduntlaL Itooin 403 Kurbach block. 211 Jy. V-tlO. 123 , fJO , JIM , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON Kllll- -'Vnllnre , horses , or any good security ; lowest , rates. Nebraska loan Co. . 1.110 Douglas st. UJ7 BUSINESS CJTANPES. 7 CASH PAID FOll KNDOWM15NT POL1C1KS In old line companies. Bond description. A. 1C Ilrockleiby , buxftU , Hartford , Conn. M9JJ ! y IK YOU WANT A GOOD ItUdlNKSS THAT will pay you lar o prollts by Investing smnll cnpltul call nt 1213 Hartley street. JliLJT i'l' \ PAUTNKll 'WANTKD. IJ.OUUTO ,000 , 11USI- .L ness leKltlnmto , well established ; excellent op * portunlty for a live , business man. U. K. llnrrK , Vi N. Y. l.lfu hulldlna. CIO li ) ' _ HOLOO.N AND KIXTUHKS FOll BALK * 11KA11T City. Hood reason for solllni.- . Beat hunlness. Addrnss n US , lieu. tlll-19 * V KOllllKNT TO HIOHT I'AUT V. BI'LKNDll ) i thirty-room hotel , cnJoyliiR Rood pulronaRc. Addre s. NV. P. O'Urlon. Atklinou , Neb. ( ai-au * Y-KOIl HALK , AKIIIST CLAS8 1IAKK11Y AND confcctlonnry.ln ono of the best towns In Ne braska. Good reasons for selling. Address H 42 , this offlco. _ MU5J 1'J' Y-KOIt 8ALK , ONITCIIAIH I1AH11KU BHOP IN thu best small town In Nebraska , nloo trnde. rrusou for sollhiK on account of health. For fur ther particulars call on or address L. U , Hupp , Pen- dor , Neb. U7i-17 A 8TKADY MAN CAN CONNKOT HIMSKLl' J- with n substantial Incorporated compony ilolnit a wliolosalo business by purcUiulnB K'JXIO or fll.UU ) worth of slock unit tnku charRB of sblppiiiK ; ree- onimeiiilntluus required ; linmodluto openlnirfor n satisfactory party. Address 11 47. lieu. bVO 18 * y' niWOKIlV. CKNTltAL ; UK ! &POT OABH trailc ; will cell at Invoice ; no bonus ; small cap ital required , Hue opportunity. AIox. Muoro , 4J1 lloo lildK. .M71T7 It ) Y-KOll HALK , ON1MIALK INTKIIKST IN plnlnlnc mill , or would sell whole plant , ' ( jood chunco for man nlth small capital. J. Cntsel , hex 2AI. Hot Sprlius , S. I ) . -KOIl HAI.K. MlLLINKIt UTOItK IHI1M1 cued hunln ss ; will InTiilculS'X ) or fiOO ; needs nil now. Addrosj Mrs. Dr. Mulken , Kanle , nub. 721-lU' _ _ V-TO't ' SALU , A WKLIrl'AYINO AIlgTHACT J. tiuilnfss In ono of the western counties nf this slum. AUillOiJ U 67. llco office. _ M7M I * " ' I-'OK EXOHANOB. ry-u.NiNcu M 11 KUK : ) LA N IM "ix * K ASTB UN Jf K- /Jbrnskaand ICaniasfor uooj lustdu Uinalu or Council llliill * property. Addros * tluus .V Illllli. Kiuporla. Kan. MTUIJn * V-iCLKAN bTOUlCUF ( IH.VRHAIi M'D'B K ; WILL /JlnkercalujtutoAuiouoy. llox2U , Kruukfort , lud. iuj ; _ _ y-l'OIl KXCHANUK-K1NK IIKSlDBNOr : , NKW , * J13 rooms , modern Impruvemaotsi ou motor line , 1 mill ) from P , O. Will uxchanuo for uood busi ness I''t or farm lands. W. , I' , O. bux t ) < U , Omuha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lira Z A VALUAULKCOIlNKULOrON 8. 1ITU HT. forsubiirbuu property. AraluaulBoqultylalot foreood Uor > , uatanoi very easy terms , hucllty Trim Co. , loll I'aru i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HI 8ALK OK . ' K.XCHANUK-l'LANIX ( } l. 18th aud Maion streets , Ouiabu. Juha M. Khouley , ISih nnd Mason streuti. MM ) Jy II * y-l'LOUIDA LAND TO kXCUA NO K KOIl CITY A/ortuburbtu property In Onuha. II , It. Ilobla- on , Itobrbou jU Uros , ' Collvfo , Omaha. M710-1V FOR BXOjKANOE /JslocX. Innil * In NubrnskH.O'.Adilrcss Buck Kosrif baum , illalr , Xnb. T M7.S4 25 * rT 1'ATKNT HK1I1T IWffoU8KIIOlilPNKCKS | | /-Jslty for citato orjrt h. Address Durlpr , SSth nnd HpraKuo utreots. , [ ; , , , , > IS7 ! ! U FOR SALE-RL ESTATE. JOll 3ALK .HOMKS , A.lltCK. I7W , tl.iV ) Ul't L cnsy terms ; inkc clMr pHijierty tii first payment , O. U , Wallace , llrown Ijl0f > j 10th and Douglas , LACKY'tf ADDITIONKJHK LOTS NKAIl MOl'Olt line , 3Mench ( | Mc sh , bal. 3 , I. n. ycnrs , 7 per cent. Uosldcnco lots within IM miles nfpostonicn M.XI each ! MO cash , bM. lotu llmo nt 7 per rent. Kino lot with Bit-room cottars at nnd Hurt streets. Price , tl.SUJ : Si'W owh , bal. onsy. Potter & .Ucortto Co. , 8. Wi cor. 10th and Knrniini. MM7 Jyl l OHSALK-UKniAUtlAIN IN OIlCIIAUIl HII.I , -L lot , will tnko Rood horao as llrst payment , bnl- nnro , monthly pnyments. Wo will sell you n lot dirt clipsp nnil furnish money to build you a homo on monthly payments ; pcvcrnl locations. We will build yon ncottnuo to suit on monthly payments ; smnll payment down. Two nowS-roomcotlauos lu ICIrkwood , ona bloci frrim csr ortmonthly payments. nnrnaln la clear lot In Walnut Mill , only Jl,100.0) . IlarRnln In clear lot In Orchard Hilt , only S7W.O ) . llnrunln In cldar lot lu Crchtliton Hclx'us , SSOJ.UO. Ilarirnlu In n boiutlf ul home In Latnyetta I'lnco , the lluost rasldeno } terrace In Omaha , uveryono ml- inltill. I ct us show It jou. Kor terms , prloos , etc. , call on Fidelity Trust Co. , 10H Karnnm st , 117 HOIISK3 AND CATTLK PASTUUKI ) AT STOCK farm , Ilollovuo. H. T. Clarke , 1\V \ Hoard ot Trade , Omaha. 21.1 FOll SALK AT A I1AHOAIN , LOT IS. BLOCK 3. W. L. Selby's first addition to South Omaha ; small payment donn , balanca monthly If desired. Inquire U. 11. Tzschuck , Omaha lloo. 391 ' OUNTZKl'LAGK tlAltOAINS-g-UOOM DWKLTi- Inn , $ ,60J.OO. Will lake clear lot ni llrst pay ment , balnncn flVoo pet month' .1. .1 , ( ilbsan. solo aKOiitKountzo Place , Klrst National bank. OW J 21 r AKAYKrru PLACK ; YOU MUST SKK THIS -Improperly to appreciate It ; two homes for sain nt bnrRnln. Call for terms , ate. , 1'ldollty Trust com pany , 11114 Karnnm st , 117 31lteAUTIKULUOMK9 STILL KOH BALK IN Lafnyctto plnco , You wlll.niako n mHtako If you buy without seelntf us , about these homes , llont for $35 00 nnd I40.CO per month , Finest Investment In the city. 245 Jy 3 ELKOANT 1IOM1 ! IN COUNCIL HLUKKd VOH sale at n barcaln ; or will OTChniiRa for ROOI ! land , suitable ! for stock farm , In eastern or central Nebraska. House Is now , modern , ono of nicest In the city ; Rrounds largo , very sluhtly , well Im proved. Address A 14 ; BOD , Council Bltifls. MUC7 21 WWJAC11K3 Ob'NKUItASKA LAND FOUSALK ntRroat sncrltloo. Apply for particulars to U. H. Petersen , owner , 1411 s..UUi stroot.Oninha. M133 Jyl IOfl 8AL15 , NO3. < I01JA > < 'D 4101 LAKAYKTTH nvo In Lafayette Place , now 8-room dwnlllnRs. with bath , Ras , etc. , eloctrlOttaslluhtlnR nnd every other modern Improvement , ilnolawn. trees and sur- roundliiRs one block from elcctrlo cars. These two houses will bo soldut a blK bargain ; will take lot ns part payment ; let us show you the property Fidelity Trust company , liill Knrnam st. 117 W ANTKD-HOH3K3 TO1 PASTUIIH , OALLKD for and delivered. U. A. Llndquost , 316 S. 15th. M372 FOR BEMTFASTUREa. . " \\7"K 1IAVK TUB IIK8T 11OH3K I'AsTailK IN it tills state at ailmoro station , throe miles couth of South Omnhn ; ItTJ acres blue grn s , spring water , board fcnco. Have a Rood half mlle tr.ick on the farm. Will tnkon few horses or oolts to break or tniln. Ilnrton & I'lielp * ' orVAi W. I'holps & Son , lliilklora Kiohnniro , .Now VnrKLIfo bulldlne. J17SH-J21 * IA8TUUAOK 1'OH IIOIlHiiS , COLTS , CATTLK. VOO acres pasture ; bhnuioom care of storm , My farm ranch la ono mllafrom 21th street motor cur. south ou C.llmuro roadx I call and deliver. Address me , J. U. Ilrush , J' . O. box 131 ! . South Umiilin. MCM jyU * _ P ASTUUI ? FOlt CATTLK S'.UOUSKS. T.MUUHAY , . . . . ' " LOST. OST-A LADY'S SILVlfilUAVATCH , lll'.TWKKN ilth nniLIInmlltoiistroft , and2. > th and Unrney. Itcturn to 2J71 JJarncy struct 'for reward , - , ' $ . M730 IB * tJNYDiiit'i' ' LOAN' orVlpii isiapoDoU ST. ' ' * ' ' " " 13J-130' . - - - - . III"KSUI \ " . " * flail niuittie lioliijruf. . . ' It7 For Sale , Rentof Exchange , BEST JN THE WORLD I Jos. P. , Megeath , Dealer , - - i rt.MAMA TIIK IlKAIJTV 'AIAUKBT. rNSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 17 , L 1892 : . ' ' VTAnitANTV , RKF.DS. HSFIshorot ill to .Mrvry W all. lot 38. block I , W L Solby's 1st add to South Omaha . . . . , . . < . . . . ; J 1,200 .1 C Townsend and husband to M A Mnn- lov. n 100 ft lot 8. block 19 , . Wllcox 2nd mill , . . . . - * , . . . . . 2,500 A M Olarlc anil wife to. Jolin Klunknor , nurttox lot 18 In no sw. 10-15-1:1 : 2.8CO F1) Cooper and wlfo tof : 0 Dollono , lot : i. block 2 , linkeriirV-on 1 M A Kcniioy to HllziirKonney. s 48 ft lot T , liloclc 15 , Imnrovotuont Association iiclii 3,000 J W Hay ward nnd wlfo to E J Pattor- BOII , Int5. block 14. Hunseom ] ) laco. . . . . 0,000 U't.7.\a \ Itock anrl luisiiand to E L Talbot , Inf. ' . block I''H , South Uniaha 1.000 A T Hopkins ot nl , executors , to German Lutheran church of Mlllnrd.lots U to U , block ! ' , town of Mlllard 225 W S Itol-orteoii to J J Jcascn , lot02Falr- mount pliice 1,200 Arthur East to Mary Bradbury , lot 10 , block T. Matthews'subdlr. 300 D V McHvoy and liusband to Hugh Mc- UalTroy , so I-H-10 8,000 QUIT OI.AIJI 11EEU3. J It lloynolds to I' L Monroe , 5lxU2 foot In tax lot 5 In 5irii : 1 JOlsli to MM Uh , lots 2. 14 , 15,01.00 umtS" , Nolscn'a udd , , 5,000 Josqph.Coloman , Rpcclal iuistor : , to T J Miihonoy , w / ' lotU. block 0. Lowe's 'Jit add 3.000 Totil amount of transfers fl'LOT THE SlIOllTESI LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this mao , Electric'LightedijiSteam Heat ed Vestilbuled' trains' leave ( Omaha daily at5o5 p. m. , arriving - riving at Ghtcagbj'at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Ofli'oe ' : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omahai'o : F. A. NAsntijGen'l Agent C. C. LINCOLN , 'feass. ' Agent. is so named because It"js the fjuintesienco of , or carefully selected , whiskey. It is 'as smooth , nutritious and vholesoma as cream. As a buveragc or medicinal stim ulant it has no equal and is far superior to whiskies distilled from corn , ( known as Dourbons ) . You may know it by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bet > tie In which it ii .served. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. Call for Cream fiirt fytand take no other. S DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago. U Freque rb , IDEA IN ADVERTISING. AildrciKBuilacnly , without notice , Oma/ia slilccrtlstnti llitrrtnl , If , Y. I.tfe. Nervous Debility. Symptoms. Dizziness , weariness , with nervous , irresolute feeling , irritability , no energy , loss of memory , despondency nnd low spirits , trembling , caused by slight excitement , sleeplessness , poor appetite , and , frequently , palpitation. The causes of nervous debility arc many : over work , lack of bodily exercise , insufficient rest and nourishment , absence of amusement , Ibss of vitality , etc. The results , however , are the same : poor cir culation of blood , impaired digestion , deranged ner vous system ; the heart loses force , the stomach , liver , kidneys , and bowels fail to perform their functions. This should not be , when a remedy is ever at hand. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa as prepared from herbs , roots , barks , flowers , etc. , by the Kickapoo Indians , promptly cleanses , vitalizes , and enriches the blood , assists Nature in toning up the entire system , strengthens the kidneys , incites the liver to action , and invigo rates the prostrated nerves. 91.00 a bottle. All druggist ) . Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer PniNOESs KICKAPOO. safely nnil positively . removes stomach . " Pure Blood , Perfect Health. " nnd pin worms. 35 cents. cents.BAKING BAKING POWDER. * 2S FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OnialiaNeb Tooth-Food. This medicine for babies prevents and cures 'pain's of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which are lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI , O. NOTICE OE ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING JONES , JACKSON , HOWARD AND OTHER , STREETS. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots nnil real estate ujonz Jones struct from 'lltli slrcot to Uth ; Htro'ut , Jackson street from Ultli street to Mth street , Howard street from XM Street to : iutli Ktrout , .Half Howard street from iUocllul ; GrovultolWUi stroot. Illtli strout from Loavenwortlintreotto Half Howard street , UHli street from Jones street to Harnov titi'uot , and 3 > ti ! avoiiuu from Loavcnwortli street to Half Howard street. You are hornbv notified tlint the undorslznod thrcii disinterested frQoholdors of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the ulty council of suid city , to assess the damage to the own ers respectively of the property alTectocl by Kradln ? Jones street from Jlltli street to yiitli strout , .Tuc 1son street from ! )4th ) strnot to : iGth street , Howard street from UJrd street to 31th street , Halt Howard street from Uodlck Qrovo to 3Gth street. IHili street from Lcavon- wortli street to. Half .Howard street , Uitti street from Jones street to Harnoy street , and 3."Ill avontiofrom Loavenworth street to Half Howard street , declared necessary by Ordinance No. 3078. passed Jtay sitli , ISOJ , ap proved May 2Stb. 18T- . You are further notified , that having ac cepted said appointment , and duly cinallfled as required by law , wo will , on tho-iMth day ot June. A. U. 189' . ' , at the liour ot 1U o'clool ? In tlio forenoon , at the ofllco of T. O. Hrunncr , Itoom 1 , VVaro ( Hook , within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of conaldprlng and making the assessment ot damage to the owners respectively of said property , aircctoJ by said cradlim , takltii ; Into consideration special bonollts , If any. You are notified to bo present at the tlmo and place a fores a d , and make any objection ! ] to or statements concornlnir mid assessment of dtiniUKCS as you may consider proper. ' ' ' \v. j. JIOO'NT. JAH. II. BALDWIN. Commirtoo of Appraisers. Omaha. Juno 10th. IfcOi JlidlOt NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING MIL ITARY AVENUE. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots and real estate alon Military uveniio from Ham ilton street to Urant street , and necessary approaches. Von are hereby notified thnt the under- Ringed , throe disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the. mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , lo as.ness the damage to the owners respectively of thu piopcrty all'octi'd by j raalii3 Military avenue from Hamilton street to Grint : street , declared necessary by ordinance No. UOri' . ' , passed May S4 , IS'.l'i. ' approved May 23. 18 ! ) . ' . You are further notllled , that having accepted said apnolntmcnr , and dill/ qual ified as required by law , wo will , on the lilth day of Juno , 'A. D. 18 ! ) ? . ut tlio hour of'J o'clock In the afternoon , at the olllcu of T , O. Hrunnor , room ] , Ware block , wltliln the corporate limits of said city , moot for the purpose of considering and malclnx the ussohSirontof damage to the owners respect ively of said property , affected by said prad- ! NK , taking Into coilskioratUjii special benollts , You are notified to ho present at the tlmo 'and place aforesaidnnd muko any objections toorstateniHiits concernln-J ! said assessment of damages as you may consider proper. ' T. U HllUNNUII , JOHN I ) . KKBVKS , OKOIIDJE J. I'AUT. Ooinmlttee of Appraisers. Omaha , June 13,18tt. ! JliMlOt NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners ot all lotsparts of lots and real estate along the alloy In blouk & Campbell's addition , from -3th street to1st street. Yon are hereby notllled that the under signed , throe disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the may or , with the approval of theelty eaun- cll of Bald city , to aasesi the damage to the owners respectively of the property affected by vra'dlng the alloy In blocks , Campbell's ad dition , from JOth.stroot to21st street , ilueluruil necessary by ordlnaiico ? , OTI. passed t'obrunry JUd. IHJ-i. approved < Murch Ut , 18U. Van are further notified , that havlnsz ao- coplod said appointment , und duly qualified HR reiiulrnd by law , we will , on the -JU ( lay of June , A , 1) . lH'Ji ' , ut the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the olllco of T. II , MuUullooh , room HI1.'Now York Llfo building , within thu corporate limits of salu ulty. meet for the pur pose of consldurlnic and making the iiBseai- inent of damage to thu OWIIUM rosi > ecttvely of uuld property , affected hy Hnld grading , talc- Ini.- Into oansldorutlon special bonellts. U any. You uro notllled to bo present ut the lima and place aforesaid , and make anyobjectioiis to or statements concerning said assessment of damages usyou may conuulor prouor. T. II. McOULI.OOd , .10HN W : UOII1UNB , W. U. GATES. Omaha , Juno 10.1SW. J 11-dlOt Notice to Archltcctn. Arohltecto desirlnit to compote for furnish ing plans und superintendence of the eruullon of u olub building for the Omaha Club on thu northwest co'nor of aitliaud Douglas streets , are hereb ? roiiuc ti' < l to vulnnlt nUotchenou or before July IV. IMri Thu right U reserved to reject any and alt the plan * submitted , no oxcenso to bo Incurred by thu club oxcuut for the pi mis accepted , further loformutlon can bo oblniuod by palling on the undersigned or auy dlroalor of the olub. II. W. YATK8. I'ros. , aj. 0'IONAHUIi.Soo. , Juno 13,16ii ) J lfl-17-lB-lU M 'VETERINARY ' SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 000 I'n CO ItnnU nn Trrntinrnt of Animals mill Cliiirt tSeut Free. cunns j Vi'Vorn.Oonei'MllmiK.Intlintimation A.A. ) Splnnl .lli'UliiBlt'.H , IIIU Fuvcr. II.H.-.StrnlUH , Ijiiiiiuiii-Hx , ICIieiiiuutlHiii. < : .C."DIHII'IIIPIT , NllBlll DlMClliirKUR. 1 > .1) . ItolN or ( JruliH , U'nrniM. K.K. Couuhs , IlunvvH , I'liiMiinnnln. ] ' .lf. ( ! ollc or ( Jrlpi'M , Ilrllynrho. ( . --MlHcarrlni'O , Ilrinoi-r Jl.II. Urlnury and Klilnpy J.I.--Kriiplivc DlHi-iiHCH , illuncc. J.K. DIBUUHCM of JlueHlloii , rnrnlrslR. Single Dottlo ( over SO dosca ) , - - .UO Stntilo t'nHiwith Specifics , Manual , . Veterinary Cure Oil nnd SIcUlcator , 87.0O Jnr Vetcrluury Cure OH , - - 1.00 BoM IIT IlntgitUU | or iifnt prrpalil anjitbrreanil la fcny nUljr on rtrclpt of prlff. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC ISPEC1FIC No.i In use 30 ycftrs. The only pucccsuful reraojyfor Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd Prortration , from ovrr-work or othci * causns. 91 per vlnl , or 5 vials nnd lurito vial powd r , for 99. fioM I J UrUKicllu , o' .an ! jiaBtfalil on lrccl | > t of I > rlc0 ) . , li : ilia lllllla ( il.K.nYork. DB.H.C. WKST'3 NKKVKANDIIHAINTUBAT- MKNT. aipeclllcfor llystorla. DUilnsjj , Vlti , Neu ralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostr.uoa caiiiad by nlcohoior tobacco , Wukefulnoss , Mental Digres sion , tioltnossof the llr.iln. ciuiluj Iin.inllr , misery , decnyd ? tt. Pronisluro Old Alto , llarranasi , Lost of Powutn either jox , linpotoney , Loucurrhga ail I all Koaialo Wuakncsscs , Involuntary Loisai , Spsr mntorrhBa caused by ovor-uxortlon of the brnln Hoir-nbusoovor-lniluluonco. A month's trantaion fl.UlorM. by mall , WoKiinrantuaslx boxes lo eurj Knch order for liboxai , with II will noncl irrlt' ' uuarauteoto refund If not cnrad. Unarantoo tsj'io ouly by A. Schrotor , ilniioflst. solo axont. south > n corner ICth nnd Karnnui ct . Omaha. The Kiogj ol Specialists. For 27 years the names of Ira. lictts a Holts have been household words lu the homes ot thousands of people who h T6 been rescued from the IXWB of death turouuh the won derful ability , the matchless skill of these great masteri of mtdlolno and Burgery , wtioso klnrtnesj and benev olence , ivbooo self-eacrtnchiK devo tion to tbe welfare ot their fellow- mi a will ever live ID tlio detrtj oC a Bratelul peoplo. NERVOUS , CHRONIC , PRIVATE , BI.OOD , SKIN. Dis They SEXUAL , Cure KIDNEY L.IVFR , , eases. URINARY , AND ALL ORGANIC TRICTUnB , YPH1LI3 , S KMINAL WEAKNESS , PKRMATORRHCEA , ' & , 0 l.EET , G' ENERAL AND NERVOUS : DEBILITY , Hydrocelc and Varlcocclf , riles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers Ferminentlr cared by a method at ODCO iaft , certain , paloleti ana sue- cesilul. Tbe awful efftett ef earlr Tlct and iieeiilr * IndulEoacei , reiulllng In loia of manbood and premature do * cay , qulclclr and permauenUy re- CONSULTATION FRGB. Call upon ot iddreii with itamp , Drs.Betts& Belts , 110 South I4th St. N.K Corner Hth and Douglai SU OuialiaNeb. HASOPACTDRERS EXPOSITION The Retail Grocery Clerks Will Unvo n Day of Their Own. NEBRASKA CITY WILL BE UP SATURDAY The Number of Visitor * nt tUo ivrm : < ltltm nMiig livvry l ) y Woutil l.tko to M < o Mnny Prominent ( Ull- T.l'IIS PlTM'llt. I The ColUoum ImlUlInc la the busioal plnoo In the city these ilnys. At 7 o'clock in ttio mornliiK the itr.iya uuJ oxuroii w.igoni ooui- moncu to nrrlvo with the to uo maiuifnuturcd during tlio any tuul ovoiiln ? , ntul to carry nwny the cooila mode thij Ufty boforo. Yoatanlny inoriiiii there \voro ns high as n ilozonUrnya uiilonUiiiK , or wmtltigto utiloatl , the grcuior yart ol the time. At 0:30 : hi the tnormiiK the 4 5 uinplo.vos In the Coll- Boutn fnctorloa commouco to 11 lu In so < i to bo In tholr plucoi by 10 o'clock , the hour for starling the machinery. Uy thnl ttma visit * ors comtncnuo to nrriva ntul lliu crowd grnilunlly Incrcasm ns the dny lulvnneoi. 1'u the ovomnK the bulUlltif ; is full to overllow- \ng. \ Thurstlny 4IJ ! < ) pooplu pussoil through the Coliseum bulliltiiK. A gront nuiMV pconlo do not appear to ronllza that the exposition U in fall blnst niter 10 o'clock In the morn ins ns well ns in the evening. The dny Is realty the best tlnio to Visit tlio nxpoiltlon , ns the crowd Is then much simillor thivn In the ovt'iuiiR nnd visitors can Imvo n bettor op portunity to obiorvo ttio motbods of innnu- iiioturc. People with cbildron ought especially to visit ttio.exposition during tlio day , txs thu exhibit Is n school for the children , and they ouuht to bu given the best opportunity to HOO tbo exhibit under the most ( nvonibla condi tions. tlroeery Ulorltn * Dny. The mnnufnoturora bavo boon anxious to Intorast ttio grocery clerks In Nebraska pro- Bluets , ana they hnvo accordingly arranged ( or tholr ontortalnmont nt the Coliseum building on TumiHy oveulng of next wcolc. The followlnp llfins have purchnsod 1COU ticuols nnd will dUtrlbuto thorn among the crocery clorltsV : , A. Pngo Sonp company , Nubrnska ( 'lty Ccronl nulls , Consolidated CplTos company , Omaha Milling company , Far roll & Co. , Nuoruslcn City Starch com pany , S. F. Uilnian , Cudnhy Packing oom- pnny , Purity Extract company of Lincoln , Uermnn Yeast company , Commorcltil Di rectory company. The city has boon divided uo into nocUotri and moil will bo dotnllod to visit all the re tail houses In ouch section and distribute the tlcuots. If any ono Is mlsso.1 they should report it and the ulstnko will bo remedied. On the back of tbo ticket will bo printed the llamas of the firms .purchasing Uio tickets. Nobnisliii Clty'd Iiy. : Today has boon sot npart for Nobnwkii City mill nn excursion tnuu will loavu thcro this morning nnd nrnvo in Oinnha nt 10 : 0 on the U. A M. They will bo accompanied by the band , which is said to bo ono of the best bands in thostnto. The excursionists will bo mot nt the depot by a commliico of the Manufacturers association and escorted to the Colisoutn building. A motor car has boon engngod for the band and they will pnradoon wiiools nil ever the city. Yosterduy Mayor sVntson of Nebraska Jity nnd Ed Brown of the Press were in Omnhn nrranglng for the excursion. Yes terday Nobrnska City wired that they had sold ulrcady "oO llcUots for Ibo excursion nnd that over-100 people would como. Business mini unit citizens generally should bo present at the Collsojm building and moot the Nobrasun City peoplo. Manufacturers say that tlio bankers , real ostnto men , lawyers nntl prominent business moil generally hnvo not given the 'cxpbaitlon the attention they should. TJioy. do not care for the few 2T-nent pieces that might bo turned in , but thny want the presence.of these men ; they want tba leadlng.citizciis of Omabu'to see for themselves what has been accomplished in the way of building up Ne braska's manufacturing Industries. I.otH of reoplu Coming , Tbo nttondnncoat the exposition yesterday afternoon was still larger thun on the day boforo. A noticeable feature was the num ber of carriages and stylish turnouts that lined the Btrect the greater part of the after- noon.'inany coming nnd going nil the time. In tbo evening the crowd increased until the sales of tickets amounted to n thousnnd moro than the previous evening. The building wns filled , visitors continuing to arrive oven ns Into ns 0 o'clock. The street oar company put on ton extra trains nnd then Urn cars were all crowded. * President Page hus decided to invite all the visiting soldiers to niton a the exposition and will call upon the managers of the arlll nssoclntion today nnd nrrungu the dotulls. There has been some talk of arranging for a soldier's night , but they mnydecidotosimply Issue complimentary ticlioU nnil allow them to visit the exposition nt uny tlmo they plcaso. At any rate the boys will bu given an opportunity of seeing what is being dona in Nebraska lu tbo way of manufacturing. KxpoHHInn Notes. i Thn editor of the Fremont Flail was among yesterday's visitors , Tbo flguro In sack cloth nnd nshes , repre senting the man who refused to pnu-onlzo homo industrial , amuses tbo crowd. Lincoln manufacturers say that they must Imvo a day at tbo exposition and that they will bring up the largest excursion of any city. city.Tho The exhibit of tbo Union Life oentmuos to ( iriuv crowds of people. Do not miss seeing it nnd bouring Mr. K B. Hall's explanation of tbo llguros. A party of six ladles and gentlemen were at tlio Coliaoum yesterday who had como nil , the wuy from Smith Center , ICnn. , to view tbo exposition. "Mouth Omaha business men , lawyers , bankers nnd doctors hnvo nnmmncud that they will bu up to tlio exposition in full force this afternoon nnd evening. A , B. Smith , freight agent of thoB. & M. , who has taken great Interest in the manu facturing industries of the stnto , visited the exposition und pronounced it a great suc cess. cess.Robert Robert \Vhitolinv of St , Louis visited ths exposition and confessed that ho hud no idi a of luo extent of Notjrasuu manufacturing until ho bud soon It spread out before his eyes in the Coliseum building. I'axton & Gallagher , grocery JobbjH , Hay thnt never in the li'story ' of Omaha were there as many retail merchants in the city from the different Nebraska cities as tliuro have been during the pant few day/ * . T. A. Sprnguo of Council Bluffu romar.tod ; "Tlio placing of machinery and the carrying on of the actual work of manufacture to Btioh an extent as thli marks tbo commencurr eat of n now era in western enterprise. " L. li. K. Stewart , president of tba Purity Extract company or Lincoln , saya that bo would llko to BCO the people In UU city aroused on the homo patronugo ijuonlon In tboBiimo way that Tin : HUB luu urouiod the people of Omaha. A young Judy who hud noticed the fre quent trips to the Coliseum building of a dray bearing the advorlUiunont of a brewing association and loaded with boxen , remarked thai they ought not to drink to much boor In the building. Hho has nlnco learned thnt the boxes contained bhooj and not boor , The exhibit of tlio manual training class of the High school nttraclH a great dc < il of at tention. Blxt.v cbildron , iiouo of thorn over ID years of ago. contributed to the oxlilblt. They will bo admitted today and will make n careful utudy of manufacturing methods under the guidance of tholr in structor. Dr. Baker , who superintends tbo manu facture of extracts for the Consolidated Coffco company , designed the Moorish pal- nco which btands In the cantor of the Coll- soum building , and which is occupied by tbo exhibit of bis own linn and those of the Page Soap company and the Omaha Milling company , If all the smelters who examine the work of the clgarmaUors and uro satl H6d with Its oxcolleucu will BOO to it In the fulura that their dealers supnly thorn with thu hoiiiO made article Omaha might have several hundred clgarnmkcm at work In stead of only slxty-Uvo. What applies to Omahii in thli respect Is equally true ol other Nebraska cltlu * .