Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Dora Breaking Two OonU Was the Feature
on "Ohango " Yesterday.
riiln Fecllne Oceurrrtl T.ntcr , However ,
When TlioroViin n Hull litirrnli In
the Chicago Corn I'll Stocks
ntul Itniuli *
CiitcMao. III. . Juno 17.-A break otic In corn ,
followlnc close upon talk that tlio cereiil
would KO to Mm WHS tlio feature today on
change. Pork slid down 'MO null wheat
yielded n point f lorn ton prl.'o1 * , clonlii ? easy
Ha lower than Init night.
There wns a tiiill liurr.ih In tlio corn mnrkot ,
but thiMo who were shouting the loudest wnro
not buying. Kor a tltnu shorn wore scare J by
niiiortslnolroululloiiof Iho discovery ot iin
unusually la-go short Intoresl.In . July ' , ami
first trades were lit from l c to 7io iidv'uuee.
The receipts running short mid the tuallty
being tinlmprotcd also had nbullish In llucncc.
Offerings soon Increased nml the advance
did not hold Ions , tlio innrkut working
back upon cotitlniied liquidation by longs , a
reaction of from lye to U'io laklim place ,
larger estimated receipt * for tomorrow .WO
ears-assisting the decline. The market
rallied a fraction , changed some nnd closed
with July from -Ho to lo lower mid September
CIOM # c to ; o. Some of the commission
BOIISGS ana local speculator1 ! who had been
moiig the most prominent huyorson T-huis-
flay were thn freest -lellors today , taking
piollls at , every favor.iblo opportunity ,
nlthouuh countrymen on the lloor adhered tj
the claim that the Intu plantliiL and roplant-
liK at so latu a date m.ikcs a decent crop out
of the question , llrymit. llartlutt-l-riulor
and 1'iittou Ilros. ted thorn. Thorn was i-on-
lldorablo selling of Juyaml buying of bun-
tcmbor lit HJo'dlirorcnco. undoing strudd.cs
made when the months were but ! > c apart.
In wliuat only 111lit business was transacted ,
trudlnir belli ! ? mr.stly local. The opening was
About from ijoto ' { o higher than yosler.lay ,
Ijtit wcnkcnud nud prices declined He , aaln :
rallied , advancing iic. dccllno 1 * o and the
chining was from Jio to Jio lower than ycster-
( lay. Humors noth forand ugiilnst inu ptob.t-
bllltyof the Hatch bill pussln the senate
TToro current and roportH of harvesting whtiat
In Kansas all came In tovori < up the traders.
Foreign markets iravo very llttlu encourage
ment to buyers. Tno diop In torn helped tlio
Oats followed corn pretty close , opening
from Uo tofinhlghcr : the market weakened "Jo
and sustained a partial recovery. Thuro was
n fair tradu with considerable roallitloii by
lonjs. In provisions the fuaturo was the roal-
l/atton sales ot these whose purchases durlux
the preceding thrco days had showed good
profits. The opening was sunns , but as soon
weakness developed In corn , tlie ho , ; pro-
Si men bo nn to lair. The highest prices
Were nt the start ana llio lowest , or very close
thereto , wuro at the close.
Lake riitea huld steuay with a f Air demand
at''o for wheat and l ? . o for corn to HnlTiilo.
. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 113
pura : corn , 8 A ) cars ; oats , 'JM can : hogs , ,11,031
The loading futures raniad as follows :
June 70V < ! 78) < { 78M
July 7H 71IH 78 7S& 76K '
79 7U 73 "S
Ci'lis No , 2 7UM
June MJtSM M
OATH No. 2-
Junu nm ,
July aiS
Sept Kill 'M '
Julr in 67)1 ) 10 to 10 S71 10S7l <
Kept 11 lA u us IU Ti 10 75
July ! ( c .ir , I ! 40
topt. G 71) ) 0 U )
077 GSO 0
0 b ! U 87 ti 70 U 7JW
Cash ( luotatlons were us follows :
ri.ouitUnchanged. .
WIIBAT No. " spring , TSJic ; No. 3 spring ,
r.'JlTllc ; No. 2 rod. too.
COHN Steady : No , a. file : yellow ,
OATS-NO. 2. fJJ ) < ra-0e | ? ( ; No. S white ,
Bio ; No. .1 white , aiWl'.a e ,
lUitLUT No. 2 , COc ; No. 3 , UJa54cj ( No. 4 , IfJ ®
FLAX SEED No. 1. II.U3 ( .
TIMOTHY SUED I'rlmo , 1.29ffll.o. :
1'OHK Moss , per bill. . JIO.WM'iaiOC' ) ; lard ,
per IMlb&ii.42ijiiI.45i ) } ( short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
ldG.VQ.iI.70 ; dry Halted shoulders ( boxoJ ) , * 3.U75i ;
Bbort olcar sides ( tioxod ) . Wr > Bilb2'i.
WHISKY Distiller * . ' llnlshoJ goods , per gal. ,
HUOAitR Unchanged ; cutloaf.MJS c ; granu
lated. 4lie ; standard A , 4 c.
UKccelpis and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On tlio I'roiliico oxcliunzo to Itiv tlio butter
nmikct\vas ; flrni ; finoy : creamery. I71H'L' ;
line vruaturn. Kil7c : ordltmry , HU13e ; llnu
Uiilry , Ific. Eggs , l'J.J4Uc.
Now York 31trlc : t .
NEW VOIIK. Juno IT. Ki.oun Itccalpts , 2I.TiX3
jik K. : oxnortB , UVJ50 Lib IB. nnil I.VHI ! ) suulis ;
iiuirKut dull , lower , iinsuttiuil und heavy ;
milts I'JMO liblB. : lowuxtr.-is. S-.I-VitlLVj ; city
mills ,'J ; patoiitH , ( I.UOBI.hUi wliitur
< low Kimics W liaa.'ii ; fmr to fancy ,
. . . . , . i.H > : .MlnnosoUt oi .
f.l.i. : ' > U4.1l ( ;'htb. VI.I.Yfcl.Mi ryu inixtiitos.
t I.IiyjM.ICi ; Nilpurllnu , 12. Kifi'.C5j llnu , Jl.73(2.i ( : .0.
C'OIIN MKAI. Qlllot.
WIIKAT Korolms. M.OOO bii. of spot. Spot
Inwur , unsettled , nnd fairly active. No. L' ,
Wt'X' ' . u iilloitt , IN ) ® 'i ' > ij ( ] f. o , I ) . ; No. : i ted ,
: Hiisriulod red , "waw4c ; Nd. 1 northern-
S'yct No. 1 hind. h'JJfiNo. ; . a nortliern ,
' ! 4 : NaSChleupo. 8B > 4ti8Jio : No. S MIl-
\ VinluiSIHo ! ! No. : iN | > ilti ; . ' . ijc. ! uptlons uil-
vnnccu ourlv i-fto'Sio ' on forolKii liuyliitt and
covcrliiK. with selllni : cullies , duellnud 'affi.-'iu '
on irood cropuuatliur und ruiorttHI | Imrvost-
iiK in bifiiinrrii I\UI ! IH. uio ud Htuauy ui u
iltii'llnu fur tlio day , with trading iniiduriituly
ni'llvc : No.Mrud , June , BJJJe ; July. MhfiSi'ic.
elosliiK at NiUu ; AiiKiist , WiMffibi.'i , eloslns ,
H'.Uo ; Hoiitenii vr , k8c ? , eioaln87c ; October ,
mv Novuinuorh'Jo : December , ID'i&uiifo. ' elos-
ln ut OJlsc : .Muy ( Ib'JJI Ul-i ! < lJ.-i.c , uluhlni ; ut
HYK I'lrni nndiiulot.
lUiu.Kv MAI.T Qulut.
OoitN Iteculiits. 1.4.3 ! bti.i export . 14.471
titl.t sail's , I.IIIS , 01 Im. futures ; 10 , : ) J'JOO bu ,
fcpot dull nnd Irresiilar. climiiu easy ; No ! . ' ,
fiCtG3o In ulovator ; uiuradt'il nilxiiu , 4K < acie.
UptloiiH adviineed SSOle on llnnur cable * and
foreign iHivlnn , declined licl4'uin llnu crop
wiMtthcr nud lursu receipts , closed \vuul ( at
lOlUo under yostor.lny. Juno , fi7145t" > S t ; ,
cloning at WAo : July , 'i.- Sa.\5e ( , closing at
AturiiHi. filliJ-iiJio. elosliiK atMHc ; riuo-
2iaMic. ! ! cloahiB ut 52J5c : Outobur ,
, , eioiliii : ut . ' .
UAT8 UceolptH , 1,25 bu , ; expnrtH. 1117 bn , :
uluB. : i05owi bu. of futures nnd I U 1,000 bu. of
ipot. Hpot iiiarkotiiulot. Uptlotm n.oder.itoly
iictivo but uanlor ; Juno clositii ; , : nio : July ,
WJsSWflUo. closlni : ; ? ie : AutriiHk Illiililc
cloalnK ut : il4c ! : t-optembnr. l.'ic. closing ut
WUes wlillc , Julv. It WHVe : hput No. i' , white ,
) SU41o : mixed western , aiti'Jiiiuvliltu ; wont-
rn , IHlirrtlHo.
lUv-yuiot ,
lldl'K- Dull and cany.
buAH-Haw. dull : furolen rollnoil. firm , fair
flcmaud : No. o.s . i/iovjo : No , 7. : i'iWioi No.
P. Mm-Ko ; Htiindurd A. 4ios ? confectioners'
A. 4T4 4\c ; cillius. 4Ql } > 4-c.
MniMSHKH Furuliin , dull : S5) hlnl . Hold ut
ltf ) c fur W toali New Orlouns , steady , quiet.
KICK 1 < Inn. ( | iileu
l'KTiiHtUM-yulet ( , stcadyi Unltod clo ctl at
[ A3 for Julv.
COTTONSKKII Oii.-iiriaotticO , duili crtido ,
I. Uuyulluw. ; .ttiio. /
TAI.I.OWOnlot. . stt'iiOy ,
' 1 tiiii'tNTiNE Qulut , Ktc.idy ,
- Fancy In mo.urulu dumnnd nnd HIIU-
tily Htoadyi uestvrn , pour 16 prime , 14fiOI5tio
ecclpts. 4,111) ) paukaue * .
lluiKSOulct , stoaily.
Wool. 1'iilr demand , stotvdvt domostlo
Teeco , "UHi.tlKoj pulled , iatt'.o ; Texas , lift'iTL1.
I'onK Qu i-l. hieaily.
CUT MiiATH 1' Inner ; pickled 8lioul < iQm. Co :
jilcklud iiamn , MiiiU4u ) ( ; middles weaker :
ihortuleur. 7.t"li.
iMlin-i-leady but < ) iili t : nostorn stonili
noted at K7Ui b'iles , I.UIU tliTcen at t < 145ja
( .fill. OptloiiKi Stiles. l.SVJ tleri'ui ; July , W..1 ,
c os nit nt > . ? 0 imUuili August , M.7" : Seplem-
lur. tD.t-7. closing ut Mb.1 ; October. W.U.1.
llt'rriii-ln : luodoratn deinaiul and weak :
\\u tcrn dnlry. KK8I.Vuukti'm : cruainery , 16 ®
lii'ic ' ; woteiii factory , ll&tllu ; KlKln , I'.Mic.
CllULsK-In fulrUetuand and btuady ; part
iklma. 'l&'ic.
1 * o llOi-Quctbutsteudy ( : : Amerlcuii , (11,73 (
u If * V * .
4'oi'l'Kli-Qulot : lake. HI.7WMI.8l.
I.fAti Iniiellvo : domeatlo. tl.Uil.10 ,
r'l.wii-"iH ) .
l'or lKI > Oil Miirlict.
per ton for western.
LiNHKiii ) OitIH Od per cwt.
1'inir-i.cUM CiW porK LH
' 1 uiu'CNTiHC t-riuiTS aHgq per owt
American Iti'frlKQrtitor llvuf.
Lnm > QH , Juno 17. Ataurlcun rofrljcrator
tccf , forcuarlor | , aSd.
Ciittun JIarkct.
New OltLrlNB , La JuuelT.-Uull and oairt
mlddlln ,7Kclow ; middlings. 6X0' good ordi
nary , OMc ! net receipt * . 'JSJ balei ; eros re-
colpti.85 bales ! oxparw to Oront Ilrltaln , 41
bnlc t to the continent , 2-:0 bnlosj snl04 , 373
bales ; stook , llll.sro bales. Weekly not re-
celnts. 11.597 bales : gross. 12,74" ) bale * : oxporU
to Oreat Ilrltaln. 11,401 bales ; to the conti
nent , 4iO bales ) coastwise , CIS bales : sales , 5,900
bales. .
St. l.ouU MnrltoU ,
BT. I.oui.i. Mo. , Junu 17. Fr.oun-r > uU and
unchanged ! cholco..1.103:1.3) : : fancy , ta.fioff.i.701
exliii fancy. SI.004J4.10 : palonts , * 4.iVft4.4. : > .
\ViiKAT-vory ( jiilct until the close ,
when pi lees broku and finished iWio below
rottorday : No. 2 rod ouch closed at HJUei June ,
I'fo : .lulv. 7me ; Auttnst. 7A'o.
Uonx ( fnsettli'd , nn I uflor lluettl > tlng eon-
ldcralty. ) cloied fSWIo lower ! cash , 4i'iO : ' !
June. 4'lUi ; ! .Inly nnd September. 4i'4o. : '
OATS Lower ! ojsh , , llic ! bid : July , W.Sej
September. Sic.
HYK Hotter ; 80c bid ,
IlAltt.KV No market.
HIIAS OululiOiiQ.'ile on cnit track. „ _ . . . ,
I1AV Unrhan.'edi timothy , tlI.OOtl.M !
prnlrlo. HOTOU.OO. . . , ,
I.KAii-Hlcudyi sale ? for June , M.WSJ ; July
J.ur , bid.
I'I.AX SEEP Steady at Wo.
lIUTTKit Unchanged ; creamery , H ISo :
dairy , r.'ffjil.'e
Kens Lower nt llll4o ! for frosh.
Cons MuAfj Stoidf ntJi.l.ViBi.'M ' ) .
WiusKv Qulolulil.K ) . .
IlAIHIlNd ANll O ITTON TlK Jl.l > ffll.2p.
I'liovisioss ( julot nnd only u small trade
done at previous quotations.
ItBCictiTri Klour , I.OtOliM. : wheat , 2.1,000011. !
corn. 117.0)0 ) Im. : oatsIU.OJJ bu. ! rye , nonos
bnrley. U.OOlliu.
9IUMIK.ST8 Hour.4.0Xlh : ) < M wheat.7.000tin. :
corn. ( W.i'OO bu. : ottO.OJJ bu. ; rye , nona ;
liurley , none , _ _ _ _ _ _
City .llariciits.
CITV. ' Mo. . Juno 17-WitBAT-
Aftlvo mid hlKhor : No. 'J hard. 05SC,7e : .No 2
red , "JfiiTac.
OIIIIN Irroiulnr ; closlnsduU ; No. S mlxea ,
. " , ' , ® : : No. 2 white. 4iB17ti ( ! < . ,
OATg-Klrin : No 3 mixed , :3 : ! ' 3 > Se : No. 2
white , aOiWfo. , . .
Kvc tteiiclyt'No. 2 , nominal at Mo.
l'tAxsKiii : tr.'e on the basis of pure.
niuK-Siiekcil , Me. .
llAV-KIrm and f.Uo hlKhor : timothy. J8.50O
ro : pr.tirio. , , _
IIUTTUit Klrm : cru-itncry , 931Cc : dairy , 10 ®
' < .
lines Dull and weak at ll4c. !
UKCEIIMS Whonu OJ.0.0 bu. : corn , 15,0)0 )
lu : nuM , noun.
anu-MK.NTS-Wlicat , BLOW bu. : corn , 18,000
bu.i oats , none.
l.lvorptxil .A
I.ivEHi-oor. . Juno 17. WIIBAT Steady : do-
miitid linpiovlns : olfuriiiu tnoluratoly : No. 2
red. hs 2d , Heci-tpts of whoitt past thri > o days ,
'jb.OOO centals , liiclu lint ; llll.DJi ) American ,
Cott.v tftemly , tlemand poor. Itecelpts
of American corn past thrco days , 50UJD cen
tals. ,
IiAitn I'rlmo wo4torn , ts Od.
IIUTTitit United Slates nnest.OsCd per cwt. ;
United States uood , Gs : t < i per cwt.
Mlltriiukeu .MiirUcts.
MII.WAUKICI : , WK , Junol" . WllEAT-Stcnd-
lorJuly ; , 7c'0 c : No. 2sprlni : , 7Sc.
UditN Dull : No : i , 4"j < ai7e.
OATs-IIIchor : No. 2 white , 3a43 ! o : No , 3
white , ajss cmc.
liAiti.Ur Nominal.
HvE-lHaher ; No.l,80c.
C'ull'uo JlurKet.
New YOIIK , Juno 17. Options opened steady
nndunuhnnucl too points up ; closed steatly
null unchanged to ft .points up. lilies. ii.2.V : )
baps , IncUiillnjr June. fll'-M ' ; July. 811.70 :
AuuusU 811.70 ; ScDtcmbcr , S1I.70 ; November ,
811.113 : December. * ll.033ll.7l > . Spot Uio , dull.
nominal ; No. 7. < l2.8/ : { .
_ .Xurkot.
MINNBAPOMS. Minn. . June 17. 1'rncttcally
no ulioat market. I , arse amount of cash on
luiiul : slltrht btuak at clo < o K ! celpt , ' : iS.'i cars.
Close : June , 7r ( e ; July , 7ni ; ; August. 778e ! ;
Scptumbiir , 70 > 8e : on tr.ici : : .No. 1 hard , 8)14c ) :
No. 1 northern , 7ie ( ; No. 2 northern. 70TOUu ,
IMiiluclclpIil.i ( iriiln .Uarknt.
l > iiii.\nBM'iiiA.l't. : , June 17.- WHEAT Wouk ;
No. , ' red , July , H7U.sT4c. ( !
CoiiN-Optlons closed woukor : No. 2 mixed ,
In elevator. Sl'jc.
OATS l-'irnii No. 2 whlto. July ,
Cliicliinatl IMufkuts.
CINCINNATI , O. . Juno 17. WMBAT fiasy : No.
, . .
UtUN K.isy ; No. 2 mlxiMl. 50o.
OATb-Sleady : No. 2 ml\cd , :
r Si.13.
Trndurx' Talk.
CIUCAOO. III. . Juno 17. F. G. I , osan & Co , to
Duncan , Ilolllnuor & Co. : We htivo had a
( inlet , narroV/ wheat market from tlio onenlnir
until the close. Cables from the United King
dom nrO sto.idy. from tliu continent duiircssed.
The weather Is favorable for erops. Ihocrop
repoits we ot from the winter wheat belt an >
of tlio most Mattering character , but It Is a
llttlo later than u year ajro. Tlio promise. Is
for a larjo yield and of suporlortiuallty. The
samples we have seen from Mlxsuurl and froir
this Htuto uro about the average of
previous years. Tlio prlco Is low und
Ion oecan und Inland freight rates
make. Amcrlciuivlicat as low. If not lower
than any other country but with all this
tliTO la llttlo demand und llttlo speculation ,
lioth ot which , arc required to Rlvo higher
prices. Our latest advices from tlio country
arc that farmers are marketing old reserves
freely. The corn market wus itctlvc. On all
weak market's wo think It should bo pur
chased. Crop reports are greatly improved.
The complaint now Is that rain Is wanted In
many slates. Oats were active , fluctuations
narrow. Crop prospects are greatly improved
and lower prices likely tofo.low. . With any
run of receipts they will bo'lower. llo prod
ucts closed \\oak. Seine ell'ort was made by
local holders lo liquidate ) but there was a
want of outside or local buying orders.
Nnw York Mnnuy Alurket.
Nr.\v YOIIK. Juno I--MONEY ON CAM. Knsy
nt IfClii per cent ; last loan , l ! > per cent ;
closed olTuiod at \ > , i per cent ,
1'itiMK MKIIOANTH.I : rtvi'KH S45 ! per cent.
Hrr.ltl.lNO lixuilAMIB Qulut at * 4.87'i ' for
slMy-diiy bills and JI.S3i ! for demand.
The closing iinotatlons on bonds :
Heavy Shipments ot ( lold Wus tlio ITiian.
clul Kcaturu YVxtcnluy.
N w YOIIK , Juno 17. The sloak market
today was again prompted by the heavy ship
ments of 'old , but as heretofore the liillnonuu
was only to restrict trading , though lion
much further the promUlir. ? upward move
ment might have none- hud there l)3un no gold
8111111110111414 all n matter of opinion. The
market , howuvor. was narrow from the very
opening , and during the whole forenoon there
wore only three really aetlvo mocks , rit. Paul ,
Distillers and Now Kngland , nnd In
each of those the demand fiom thoshoris wus
most notIcoaljle , while in bill few oilier stocks
was there movement of Importance nt any
tlmo of thu dav. Nuw Kugland , however
made ono of Its retrogradeinovemunts after
the dullness lu the list , and the cheek
to the advance had brought a Bagging of
pilci's , und the IIUIIM became actlvo in .North
ern I'acllle preferred with the result of du-
prcsHliu It mulct hilly , The Influence of these
movements were also hardly heoii In the rest
of the market , nnd du Inovi and stagnation
marked Ihu trading In tsoitbtouks during the
gro.iter par" , of the day.
Operators aio still in a waiting attitude.
Thu market Is therefore still oxliomoly sonsl-
tlvu to aUvunco Inlluonaos. Hhould the gold
nunoiiiciil IIHIUIIIU such proportions that the reserve of thu banks would bo brought
down to llguiot wh eh would cause an anpru-
clallon in money rates , serious illnurliaucea
of values would occur. ThU , honovor , ueoias
not likely to come to pats.
The buying today wus largely for Chicago
account , with homo holu from London , and
whllu there were some realizations , oansln *
considerable. Itru ulurlty In the most stocks.
Inter developing a slrength under renewed
buying for the long account which carried
mortt of Iho actlvo slocks to thu highest
prleos of tlio day , Su Paul , In fact ,
sold higher than In years , and though
Northern Paclllo ureforrod und North Ameri
can , whluli nut stop orders , were weak
throughout the duy und cloned ul the host
prlctsor Iho day , the Industrials were moro
active and stronger than usual of | ata The
iiiurkut closed qulut. hut very Ilrm. Konorully
ut fractional gains for the day. The tr.uisae-
tkma reached ) , hl4 lUtod and ll.bil uullkted.
bi. luul * furnMioj , B71 und Now Knglund
ijovornmeiil bond * huvo bcon dull and
The 1'ort says ! The heavy enuneomonts of
go d foruxpoit by Bjturduy'ii steamer over *
blmdoucd ull other Un.inelul news , Tlio
l.uropciui bankB are obviously detoriiuniMl
still lo accumulate gold , and to pay n bund *
komo premium forourspenle , rather than part
with tliolr own hoaids. Meuntlme. it Id worth
ou > ervlng that thu totut ineroaso In gold hold
by iho Kuropimn Oiiuks Is not. dui > , popular
belief to tliu contrary notwithstanding , even
In p.irt tOKhlpmcnts Iiom this country. His
true that whllo the Hank of lliuland holds
now f.\oj-WHj Ices In gold than It hold a your
ii.o. theilruuch bunk has Ineruiihed lu stock
by * .yi.oOOUOJ and the Imperial Hunk of Uer-
iiiiiuy by urobitbly not leas tuun Ml.001,000.
Hut t lieu to huru the Now York clearing
house Dunks Increased tliolr Mjtoolo holdlnga In
the HUIUO tlmu by Hi.WJ.OJU und tbo oxpluna-
, tlou U lueutiuul lu vorv ciuo. It li u lutcfi
citing fact that ns compared with exactly n
year ngo our ottn exports and Imports of gold
Tory nearly balance.
The following uro the closing dilatations
for tholoadlng stocks on the Now York Stock
oxclmngo toduvi
Atclilson , : ny N. V , ( .entrali , . . 113
Ailnms Kinross. . . . 140 S. VC. A St. Ij ld' ' (
Alton.T. li 31 do preferred 78
do preferred 130 Uhlo .t Ml < sli"lp | > l. 1U ? {
Amorlcnn Kxprcss. , 119 do preferred M
II , C 11 , AN 47 Unlnria A Western , 134
: nnndlnn I'noltlc. , . . M4 Oregon Improrom't. 20
Cnnndn Southern. . , , 6S4 Urciron NUT. , . . 7I' (
Jontrnl I'nrlllc )4 ) Urecon Trims Mil
Clios. fc Uhlo , 21 > I'nrlllclnll 31
do l t preferred , . , tilde Ponrl.i , Doc. A H. . . . 174
do M preferred , . , 41W I'lttsburit I.'M
Chlc.igo AAlton. . . l..J Pullmnn 1'alocc 1U > ' > 4
7. , 11 A < J - - MonillnK , , , . . t'.iH
J. , O , , C. A HI , 1. Uocklnlnnd S-'lll
IcInwnruA Hudson 1374 SL U A , 8. K. 1st pfd 711
I. , U A West lfx > 4 St. I'nul & ) > (
) . All.O. pfd 6J ? ( do proforrnd 19VH
,5n , t TenneMce. . . . 44 St. P. , Mill. AMnn. . 1144
do 1st preferred , .til St. 1'niil AOiunlui. . . VJH
do Id preferred. . . 104 do preferred . . . . . 121
Hrlo , , , 27K IVnn. A Iron. . 3tl \
Irlo preferred ( VI1 ( Tuxns I'ncltlc UTe
Kort Wnyno. . . . . . . . IM4 To I. AO. ( J. pfd 8.U (
ChlciKO A H , III Gil Union Pacific 4il
U > cklntf Vnller. . . . S' ' . ' ( U. H. Kxprcss M
loiistun AToxns. . . 24 Wntmsll , St. U A P. II
Illinois Ccntrnl ll ! do preferred > {
U. I'nul , V llulutb. . Jlv , Wells-Knrijo Kx . . . . 14ft
Knnjnt.t Tctn * 14H WvKlern Union \ < ! <
I.lko Krlu A. West. . . ili < Am. Cotton Oil. . . . 40
d preferred 7f > ! i ( Nilorndo Oonl.i M ? (
LnknShoro 131 HomoHfiku 14
Louisville ft NnMi. . 7IM Iron Mlver , & )
Louisville A K , A. . . 2 > h Dnt.trlii. . 8'.I4
.MiMiiplilsACImr , . M giilcksllvcr 3)2 )
Mlchl.'nn Central. 107S ! do preferred. . . . . . IU
' .Mil. . I. . S.v. . . . . w Sutro . 01
do prclcrred lai llulnor. . . , ! W
Minn. ,1 ; St. I , n Hlcli. A W P. tprm. 714
do profcrred 2a WlvonilnContrnl. . 10
Mlsstmrl t'aclMc. . . . t5 ( ( Irc.ifNortlicriipfd 13'J
Mjhllc A Uhlo . . . . 37 > t Cldcnuo ( Int M ! (
NnslirlllcClmtl PJ Lend Trust 2I" {
N. J. Suuar Trust HU
Norfolk A Wont pfd Scntlicrn 1'ncllle . . . : > 7'.j '
.Northern 1'aclllc. , . , so O. * U A U. N 2J4
do pre for red II. (1. W ; . ,11,14
U. P. Don. .V Calf. . . do pfd 7 4
Norllincslcrn Din 4lii )
do profurrod Ill
The total sains of stocks today were 2l8fS3
share" . Including ; Atchlsou , 4.1 | ; Uhtcago
( las , 4.14) ) ; Krle. 4.100 : Louisville & Nash
ville , P,03J : Northern I'acllle , 8. > 0 : Northern
I'acillc preferred , IS.7KI : Now Knpl'ind , : .IK)0 ) :
Heading. P.VOJ ; St , I'aul , 45,875 ; Wheeling &
I/ako Erie , 4.400.
London l'lniincl l Itcvlow.
CowirluMttltSiitiiJintt Oir.lin litinsU. ' ]
IjONlio.v , J.unp 17. [ Now York llorald Cable-
Special to Tin : llnn.l As regards now busl-
ncsx , this has been an exceedingly ( | ulol day
li ; the .Stouk exchange. A moro general dls-
Dinllloii has Ijcon lo rcallzo In vlow of the
llousobolng closed tomorrow. I'uiids are n
shade harder , whllo Indian rttpco paper has
fallen ! { per cent. A fuaturo lu foreign gov
ernment securities Is u fall ot 2 points In Ar
gentina ISM ) Issues , ditto funded loans and of
l/i to 1 In other Issues , Including Cedillas
bonds , on n report that It Is propose. ! to ro-
diicu tlio Interest on government bonds. Homo
railways leave elf somewhat dull , nt the
same tlmo they have licou very much neg
lected. Scotch lln < : s uro especially weak ,
North British having given away * j to 1. L'alo-
donlan U to ? ' , and Midland. North
eastern. London nnd Northwestern arc
! i easier. American rails huvo bcou
very Inactive , at the same tltno
moro or less dull In response to wo.ikness In
the Now York market , which has been ad-
voisoly Inllucnccd by heavy gold shipments
to Europe. Prices have scarcely moved since
thn opening , RO that nearly a general dccllno
Is established.-upart from U In Eric , Si In
Northern PACIUO preferred. Canadian
lines have bcou ncglccto.l , but In sympathy
with American rails , Canadian 1'nclllo and
Ur.ind Trunk preferences uro n fraction
oaslsr. Money bus again been almost 1111-
londablo. Short loins have been c.islly ob
tained ut V\ per cent and under. In tlio dis
count market here there has boon a .great
scarcity of bills. These nt two anc' thrco
months were quoted at from 'i to 'j per cent.
San i'raiiclneo Mining Quotations.
HAS.FRANCISCO. . . Gal. , Juno 17. The ofUclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Altn . Mono , v >
llulwcr . (0 Mount Diablo ll.r ,
llust.V llclcher . Un ) Navujo 5
Itodlc CoiiBOlldntcd 1 ! > Oplilr 215
Chollnr . : , U Totojl 40
Con. Cut. A Vn . 3S'J SavMKO l.W
Crown 1'ulnt . 7ri Sierra-N'eviula bS
KureftaCon . 101 Union Con Uj
Could A Carry . . . . SJ Utnh IU
Hnlu A Norcross. . . 120 Yellow Jacket 7A
Mexican . 16)
Xu\r York AIlnliiK Uuotntlonx.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 17. The followlng.nro tbo
closing mining stock quotations :
Aspen M. AS. Co. . . laj Horn Silver 3V >
Con. Cnl. A Va ysa Mexican 141) )
DeadwuodT 2IU Mt. Diablo 100
Kurekn Con IM Oplilr VOO
llnle A.Norcros 1UO Savaco IM
llomcal'akn I3 > gtnmlnrd ISO
J'lnilnclnt Notes.
KANSAS CITV , Sla , June 17. Clearings ,
8l.a7f,0. . * > .
I'Attis , Juno I" . Three per cent rentes , OOf
for the account.
Nuw YnitK. June 17. Clearings , JllO.827,027 ;
balances , 7.vH.r > 8. ' .
ItAi.TlMOitK , Md , Juno 17. Clearings , $2,317-
; iI8 : balances , fJ57,15l.
I'liit.AUEt.i'iiiA , Pit. , Juno 17. Glourlngs.
J2ulllCOI ! : balances , * -.V.44,782. Money 3 per
cent ,
MEMi'lus. Tonn. . Juno 17. Now York o\-
change soiling at tl.50. Cloarin s , * JJ7.iS7 : ;
balances , $ 'I7,0'J1
CINCINNATI , O. . Juno 17. Monov. .1515 per
cent. Now York exchange , U5o premium.
Olearliijs , JWIO.OOX
NKW Oiui\.N3. La. , Juno 17 Clearings ,
S1.3J4.08S. Now York exchange , commercial ,
5Qo : bunk , ! 1. . " > J porJI.'JuU premium.
ST. Louis. Mo. . Juno l7.--Cloarln.'S , f2.R' > S.i3i ; |
balances , i.Ytf.B fx Money , quiet at 4fi per
cent. l.xehaiiKO on Nuw Yoik , blghor , Wo pro-
CUICAUO , 111. , Juno 17. Clearings. 818.W.-
538 : riionuy easy at 4 ® . " ) per cent. Nuw York
exchange. > i llo piomliim , Murllng ex
change stroiiy ; Jl.87i } fo : sUty-duy bills , $4.87 ,
iivi : STOUK . M
Cattle Sci\rco nud Ii\vor Hog * Actlvo nnd
1'lvo ContH Higher.
OMAHA , Juno 17. Receipts of all kinds were
comparatively lluht. The tlvo days' supply
amounts lo il.-.VJ caltlo. : i7'illl hogs and 'CXJ
sheep against 8.U70 e ittlc , XM''I hogs und 700
sheep tnosamo llvodaysof last week.
The supply of cattle was too Miniill to mnki
much of : i mantel , receipts uclng fully 1.U03
I1U (1 1U99 Lllllll , .UIU IUL.UI.ltl IU9I > rllultj * /l-
ferlngs wcto rather Indllfnrent as to quality ,
although there were thrco or four
loads of right good beeves hero. Knst-
urn maikets wuro badly elf wllh supplies and Friday Is never
u very goou day for shlppcrb anyhow. Their
purchases were decidedly light. The local
demand was not overly urgent , and there was
very llttlu life or to thp tr.ido except on
good cornfod stojk , very heavy cattle were
slow , and on halt fathtutr prices were inclined
to sag Hoinowhiit. Generally hpo.iUIn . however -
over , the market was slow but about stoidy
at the recent decline. Kulr to good 1,203 to
I.IMXMb. steers sold fiom fJ.75 to Jl.p ; fair to
gondl.ojoto l.'JO-lb. grades at from 1.40 to
U' ' . A very fair clearance was olfoctcd.
There wasiomo very decent cows and heif
ers here , and on Ihese prices ruled about
steady at from tiOl loJ-U'i. Prices for tbti
ordinary run ot stook again shaded loner ,
sales ranging from (1. 40 to IK'U. Prlcos uro
from 20o 10 40o lower than a week uco. Urnss
and half fat cattle huvo seen their ( lay for
this yoar. Hulls , oxen and slugs wore In poor
supply and nominally unchanged at from
fj.uo to t-LOJ , Ualves were lu luoagcr supply
and weaker.
Slockers and feeders showed moro llfo and
activity than for several weeks past , although
the trudo WHS by no moans booming. There
were a few country buyers , but the bulk ot
trailing wiisdono by yard speculators , whoso
business for the past week has been < : otnpara-
ILvuly light. Tim fuolliu was llnnur and prices
shaded higher. Huprcioutatlvo sales ;
No. Av. 1'r. No , Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
2.1 10.11 Kl 41) ) IU. I'M ' U 80 I. * ) , ird Mlk )
40. . 1075 3 45 21 , . UK ) 38) 18..I2DJ 31)5 )
: -juui : i ( ii in. U40 3 a > U..JMO 4U )
: W..107l ) 370 1U..1V05 383 10 , ,13.13 40' )
2.l..ll.7 370 17ii3d : 385 21. .1131 400
2J l.'b'O 375 20.1177 300 1.113'J 410
18. .1141 3 bO 10. .14113 3 0) ) 13..128J t IU
20. .1050 3 DO
ii. . rai 14 } a , . BSS aoo B. . 893 SM
1..1IW 175 20. . U53 S 15 0. . b83 275
1..1I8U 175 a. . 815 225 7..10.V ) 200
2. . HJ. , 175 4 , . 1120 ' . ' 45 1..1120 300
1. , 800M \ 1..1070 25) ) 1..1000 3 CO
1 , 8UO 185 3.10 ) 2 S3 25..1U07 3 1'5
S. .1020 S 00 4. .1135 SCO 0. . bOl 335
2. . 37J 140 1. . MO IM 0. . 023 28 }
15. , 421 1 U ) b . 832 275
1. . 980 100 1. . 110 300 2. . X5 ! 35 ]
1. . 270 100 2. . 1UO 325 1. . 1SJ 40)
1. . 070 175 2. . 1315 2 15 1..I280 2 BO
1..14K ) 200 1. . 11170 235 l"loW 275
L.U'IO 2 15 4. .155) 2 00
10 , 1459 3 75
0. . 419 275 32. . 7M 3 SO 4. . ' 710 3X5
3 .HO 2 80 3. , 720 3 1'3 IU. . 710 UM
I. . 07J 300 4. . 627 325 U , . MO 1135
1..I17J a VO 10. , 1)11 ) 335 U,1U 5 345
Honrt-Tho comnaratlvoly light rccohits
weru a surprise to doalursKunorally , uutthutU
ulwiiyn the way In un up intrkvt. llo s nro
Kolllii up Into the neighborhood of 5o and u
good many ownum liuvo decided to hold on
for do. It In sufu to uk umo that u good many
will Uu glad to take 4o before the stiniinorU
ended , Tlioro WUH nu notlceublu chunxo lu
tbu yuulity of the oUcrluin. Cunluru udvicos
were stroner nnilalf.-r market opened active
with prltcs rullni ; fully fto higher than Thurs
day. Shippers only'tbok nbnut 1,500 hogs but
fin nccount ot thi illrmnott In provisions
local houses were nil riUhor free buyer *
nt the ndvanco. The best butcher nnd
heavy hops bronchi f\M \ and Hi ) ' , while com
mon nnd Inferior ( ( 'lit nnd mixed hogs sold
eagerly at JI.70 nml Jl'75 ' , The bulk of the fair
to good lino. roardloss of weight , fold nt
. to $4.aTho lijnrTtet wa tolerably active
throughout and mtutmuh Hovornl trains were
rnthor late In arrlv.lui the pi-ns were fnlrly
well cleared before nuon , the hulk ol the hos
foiling at f l.W ) Ib J | . ngnliibt $1.75 to $4.SO
Ihursdiiy , thegcnohu average ot prices paid
being SI.R1S ngntnstJl.T.Vj TlutrgiUy nnd
II OGU last Krlduy. . icuprcsont.itlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sll. Tr.
. . .10) 0.1 8) 843 24J $180
. . .ITS 120 4 70 CS. . . 2.11 M 480
. . . . .17.1 - 4 70 1X1 . . . . .210 2JO 483
4. . . 4 ru . .200 480
1 70 . . .210 30J 48J
CO. . ICO 4 70 07 . . .215 120 480
. . .280 4 ro 08. . . .217 60 480
14. ! . . 803 4) ) 4 70 75. . . .V'n 180 4M )
f > . . . . .SIB l.'O 4 70 70. , . . .201 PO 483
10 . . . .SOS 70M 77. . . . .209 ! 40 481
. . .111 40 07 231 2JO 480
7.1. ! . .211 2.K ) 4 7i 03 .31 VIM 484 ! !
7 . . .800 4 73 " 40 ICO 482' ' ,
1 . .2.19 40 4 7i 69..248 ; ; ICO 482JJ
. . . . - . . 120 4 75 Kl. . . . .ail 120.4 MH
! . .i..2 7 IfiO 4 75 72 . - 18 80 4Rii !
S i-WI 120 4 7.1 . .217 120 482K
4 250 70. . 2IG
71. . . .240 hO 4H.i !
70. . .210 120 4B5
03 , .K8 400 4 7.1 70.M. . . , .2M I GO 48.1
. KM KM 4 7.1 GO ,241 , 12) 485
. . KM 10J 4 7.1 ! . . . . 485
r-8. . 200 4 -a 120 481
. .220 210 4 77W 7.1. 2(11 ( 2JII 485
. .813 210 4 7 ? ! ? 77 2.9 f > 0 48.1
. .20.1 810 47714 71 251 120 4 Kl
.803 S3 4 77U 1 240 40 48.1
831 'Hi ) 4 SO 70 . . . . 11 24) ) 4P5
. . .2.17 200 4 SI 70. 240 2 > 0 485
78. . . . . ' . ' 111 120 481 to . . 2J7 100 485
71. . . . .IIH 40 4 KO 6-1. . . .2.,0 485
II. ' . . . .21,11 120 4 8J GO. . .881 48.1
4 4 f > 0 07 . . .240 lf.0 481
W Ill'S 400 4 Hi 57 , .2SO 123 48.1
17 812 8) ) 4 SO 74 . . .230 210 48.1
70 . . .810 1(10 ( 4 8. . ) 74SI 2JI 81 485
241 40 40 ( 03 250 80 4S5
78 1H.1 20J 4 hO 55. . .2.11 40 48"i
78 " IS ) grj 4 gj f.l , . 485
. . . . 2.7 200 4 fcj . 212 200 4 85
03 2. " . ) ICO 4 fO 81 . .224 12) 485
70 210 1I1J 4 SJ . 2.VJ 200 4 87 > J
Wl 8J2 8J 4 SO . .255 M 4874 !
82 . . . 213 40 4 BJ 71 St bO 4110
70 2.11 100 4 HO 07 843 40 400
7fl 218 80 4 80 71 273 40 40J
58 811 80 4 SJ 70 Mil 8J 41)3 )
75 24J 28J 4 SO 60 2G3 40 4 W
riOS AM ) linUdll.
1. . . . .340 2fiO A ! 123 420
1. . . . .200 4 CO 1 30) 4 25
: . . .ilM 4 OJ 200 14.1 100 4 SO
SIIKUP Nolhlng In this line was received
nnd Ihero was no quotable chano In the situ
ation. Tho.domaml U food and price ? nom
inally steady. Kalito itood natives , $ l.'Ui5
flOOi fair to Rood westerns , 81.50VOJ : com
mon und stook sheep. $ .UX > Q > I.25 : coed to cholco
4J to Uj-lb. lambs. fl.OOQG.50. Kopreaentatlvo
sales :
No. Av. Pr.
natives 121 M 00
Kecolpts nnd Ulnponltiiin of Stock.
Ofliofal rocolpta and disposition of stocic as
shown by the books of the Union Stouk1 Yards
comuany for the twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. in. , Juno 17.1S'J2 :
Omnlm 1'ucklni ; company. 2 1,013
TliuO. II. llnminouil Co , Tli
S\rlft , vro , v. . . 437 T.70.1
TbuC'uilnliy PncktiiK Co. . 124
John 1 * . irijulrcii .V. Co . .u.
Sperry A n 2T8
Cooy - . . . 2T8ma
White. 1' . A. I ) : . ; t.- ,
bhlppcrs and feeders 3S4
Totals. 1.0S1 O.KO
ChlciiRo l.lvo' ' .Stock Market.
CIIIOAOO , III. . Juno 17. [ Special ToloRrara to
THE HIIK.I Tliora was no Important chauRO
In the cattle trnde.toOay. Good dryfed cattle -
tlo of all weights uict with u brisk demand ,
and the limited suwply of such Krades was
bought up at an o.irly hour , prices being well
no to the best of the week. There
WHS the same driiicitlng movement on
the raiiRhlsh , half futstoclcoranythlng show
ing prass with prices InellneJ to weakness ,
but there was no-'nilotiblo decline. Course
nnd mixed stocic fell t slowly , the demand for
such material being much rcauccd by
the liberal purchases tjf Texans , Fresh re
ceipts of Texans were 2,500 head , nnd with
considerable stale stock at hand the supply
proved excessive , 1'rlccs wore weak to 1'Jo '
lower. makliiK a decline of from 25o 10 iI5u for
the week. Thus far u decline of the last two
days was ( ] iilcldy regained.
This morning hog values wore ushado above
Tuesday's stiong prices or at the highest
point of the year. Receipts were , about equal
to the arrival of the correspond ! ! * day last
week but there wai a strong demand from all
sources and the oirerln s were quickly taken
In at the advance. Averatro prices were
nearly lOo higher unJ the top price ,
15.20 , was the highest point raaahed since last
October. Oholcoto prime medium and heavy
shipping lots sold chlolly nt from 83.10to J.1.15.
best IlKht sorts at from $5.U5 to $5.10. bulk of
the fair mixed and puoklti : lots at from $1.00
to $5.05 , and only Inferior lignt and rough
heavy packing below M.Sii.
Fresh receipts of shoou were moderate ,
unmooring only 0XJ head , out something llko
: i.OUO head of Inferior Texas Block were loft
from Thursday , and the market was bndly
chitted wllh these lower grade olTorlngs.
( Jood nattvo mutton was wuntod at full ,
steady pilcoi. aiU the &upply of sneh was
cleared In good souboii. salt's ramtlni ; clilody
at from $3.40 to ; { 3.8'i , with choice to prlmo
around $ (1.00. ( Texas and western muttons sold
around J.\j | ; { , nnd prlmo grass Texans up to
$4,03. Tlio demand for fcolors : and low grade
stock was very weak and everything In that
line dragged it barely steady prices , sales
ranging at from J.I.OU to fJ.71
. Kecolpts were : Uattlo , U.OJO ; hojrs , 2J.OOC ;
sheep , 11.000.
The Evening Journal reports :
OATTI.E Kecolpts , O.flOO ; shlpmonts , 4,100 ;
marKnt llrin ; extra htoors , ? l..3j < 34.8U ; othois ,
$ j.i54.Texans : : , H.u : : Btockors. tt.n < j@3.w.
lloiis-Kucoluts , LM.OUO ; Blilpmcnts 7.UOO :
maricet 1 o higher ; rough and common , fl.K ©
4 75 ; mixed packers. lM.8lci4.U5 : good to prime
heavy. * 5.0.1 S5.17 ! ' , : light , J4.NJ5.I < . ' .
( jllEEi1 Kecolpts , 7.HUJ ; shlpmcutB. 2.MO ;
natives Hrm at fl.g. ia'J3 : Texans lower at
KI.2.V&5.'J5 ; westerns , J4.b.vS5.lO : lambs , Jl.tO ®
Now York Il o Stuck .Market.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 17. HEEVBS Kecolits. ] 2,251
lieid , Including thirty-live caru fortialo ; mar
ket luu per 1UO Ibu. lower ; native steers. $4. 10 ®
4. M ; bulls and cows , I,75I.OO ! ; (1 reused beef
steady at U'ilJ'lio ' per lb. ghlpmcnls loday ,
forty-olght bcoveb and 1,40 } quarters of boof.
UAI.VKB Keculpts 1.4US head ; market Mo per
Ib. lower ; veals , IVOJSO 00 ) > ur 100 Ibs. ; butter
milk calves. Jlo 31.5-J.
SiiEBl1 Kecolpts , 4.017 head ; sheep ) { c per
Ib. lower ; Iambi stoaily ; ahoup. * l.8j3.h : > per
100 Ibs. ; lambs , &I.7.VUS..V ) : dressed mutton
steady at IlKSlliio peril } . ; dressed lambs II rm
at Ilil4c. (
HOOH Kecolpts. 11.8 ! " head , consigned
direct ; market nominally Ilrm at J3.10ii5.B5Ji
per cwt. _
bt. l.onls Mva Stook .Uurkot.
ST. t.ouis , Mo. , Juno 17. OATri.K Hocolpts ,
1,700 ; shipments , L',8'i ( ; markuL active nnd
shade stioinror ; no good natives on sale ;
fancy Txxnns averaging I , KM Ibs. sold for 1 1. 48.
IloaH Kecolpts , J.UiO ; shlpmouts , 1,070 ; mar
ket stronger , but nuallty not up to averauo ;
good heavy , SI B5@xlW ; mixed to good , 84.8U ®
4.U ) ; light , fair to belt , } 4.7Wi4.05.
SHEEP Kccolpti , l'M ; sliluir.onts , D/fX ) ;
market iinchatieed : good Te.\au , $ l.uOl,5J ;
good natives ,
n ilty ; > Jftva Sti > ek Market.
colpts , : i,000 ; Bhlpniolits , 4t)0 ) ; steers wrro fairly
active and bleady lo strong , &UOft4.'J3 ; cows ,
bteiiUy , I1.85U.OO : TjjXiuu. steady , M.'JiJ.lJOi
aloskurs and fuodrirs. t . ' . .V'l.iiO.
lions KccoiptsJ HJkX ) ; Hlilpmunts. 2.000 ; the
markiit was actlvo/und stroni ! to no higher ;
all grades. M.ll > 2UtU bulk , SI.70Q4.h5.
Sllfui' Hoculoti. 1,800 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
the murKot WUH stoadv ; inutlons , II. 00.
Lincoln l.lvo Stock.
LINCOLN , N'ob. ltiio 17. [ Spoclal to TUB
HBE. ] Thuro wus lufatr run of ho H at West
Lincoln today , Maflcot was 5e higher , prices
ranging from JI.'sto'Jl.M.
Do Witt's Barsii | r la cleanses the blood.
railed toTiikuViirnlnn. .
WAI.COTT , la. , Juno 10 , [ Special Telo.
gram to Tim HUE. | Matthias Hanson was
Relieved me of a severe Jiloocl trouble.
It has also caused my hair to grow out
again , as it had been falling out by the
liandtuL After trying many physicians
in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in
S.S.S. O. II. ELWIIIT , Galvcston.Tcx.
\ 1DPQ iTyfordnK out perms of ills-
SC1DPQ vasoaud the poison tumuli.
CJ C TIt U entirely YCKctabla and liannlcss ,
on lllood and Bkln mailed free.
STrcatiso Bi'ixmu Co. , AtlAuu , a a.
trucK by Iho Hock Uland flyer hero today
nnd killed. Hovn warned not to cross the
track In front of the train , but persisted. Ho
WM 70 year * of ago.
An Interesting Caio to HoldoM of Old An.
count * to Ho Decided ,
Judpo Borka Is dottbcrntlnff upon n case ot
Interest to creditors and debtors generally.
It Is this :
A man nnmoil Press wont to Frank Cope ,
tha commission man nt Eleventh nnd Hnr-
noy. nnd bought n barrel ot apples , which
rntno to ? * ,50. nnd o ( To red m payment n ? iO
gold plooo. L'opo retained the $7.50 and nn
additional 5.10 alleged to bo duo on un old
nccount. Press refused to have It that way
nnd lott the outiro 20 In the hands of the
commission man , but wont to the pollco court
nnd had him arrested for larceny.
The prosecution claims that the dofondnnt
must mnko restitution ot double the u mount ,
in this case Ml ) , nnd pay a flno not oxeoodlng
f 100. A decision wilt bo rendered today. ,
1'iilno Kconomy
Is practiced by people who buy inferior arti
cles ot food becnuba cheaper than standard
Roods. Infants nro entitled to the best teed
obtainable. It is a fact that the Unil Uordon
"Eaelo" llnuid Condensed MllK Is the best
Infant tood. Your grocer and druggist
l < cop it.
The following pormlU were IssuoJ by the
sunorlntondontof buildings yoUordny :
llruno Klntknl. ono-story brick baso-
ni'jiit. V.lll Walnut street . . . . ? 1,800
J. K. Potty , additional brick story lo
building , ; ilO. . Amos nviinuo . 1,00 }
A. M. Ulark. oni'-iind-ono-half slory
frame dwelling. ! IQI4 .Tones street . 2.AOO
Hump. KTiO South Thirty-sixth street . S.fOJ
Hamo. U'i4 South Thirty-sixth strcot . ' . ' .500
Kru ? llrewmx eompany , luo-story
frame hall , Thirtieth and Walnut
streets . 2r,00
Two minor permits. . : i03
Total . 11U.IOO
DoWltt's Barnaparllla nostroy * sucn pol
sous as scrofula , skin disom , C/JD.I : , rhou
mallsui. Its timely usosuvoi miny U vos.
Marring" I.iCRiiinn.
The followlnR rnnrrlnKO llconsos w-ro Is
sued by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Namonnd addresi. Ago.
Ucorgo Patrick , Albion CO
Juno Sonlo , Wutcrford , Mich 5 ?
James Hrnxton. Omaha "fl
Addle Hmilh. Illalr 18
DoNVttt'sSarjaDarllla is reliable.
Tlircepeos ( P. P. P. ) represent Dr. Pierco'g
Pleasant Pellets. They nro not llko the old-
fashioned pills. Bad to take , and bad to
hare taken. Inefficient , too. Try something
tetter. "With Pleasant Pallets the Ixmeflt is
lasting. They cleanse and regulate the liver ,
Etomach nnd bowels. Token in time , they
yrrrcnt trouble. In any case , they cure it.
And they euro it easily ; they're mild and
gentle , but thorough and effective. There's
no disturbance to the system , diet or occupa
tion. One tiny , sugar-coated Pellet for a
laxative thrco for a cathartic. Sick nnd
Jill ions Headache , Constipation , Indigestion ,
Bilious Attacks , nnd all derangements of the
liver , Etomach nnd bowels nro promptly re
lieved nnd ] > crniaiiciitly cured.
Thoy'ro purely vepctnble , perfectly harm
less , the smallest , nnd the easiest to take but
besides that , they're the cheapest pill you
can buy , for thoy'ro crnnrtnifw/ give sat
isfaction , or your money is returned. You
pay only for the good you get. This ia true
only of Drs Picrco's medicines.
Is as good as the
first. No dregs.
All pure and whole
some. The most
popular drink of the day.
A perfect thirst quencher.
Don't be deceived If a dealer , Tor the sale
of larger profit , tells yon some other kind
Is " jmt n * good " 'tis false. No Imitation
U as good as the genuine limes' .
You uro hereby notified that the bank of
or tli now existing along the lot on the south
sldo of llarney street next west of 21th street ,
In thoelty of Omahn , and designated on the
atlas of tliq city of Omaha , published by C. M.
Hopkins us "KcllosK" has been declared by
ordinance No. UJ07 to bo a nutsuncu.
You are hereby directed to ab ito said nui
sance by grading down the front part of said
lot so as to prevent tbo wasting , falling or
wnMiIng of earth from said lot upon the slile-
wall.s adjacent thereto , within thirty day
from tlio bta day of June , 18)2. ) or said nul-
sancn will bu nbatcd by the city author. tics
and the uxponso thereof levied as u special
tux uaalnst the property on which said nui
sance oxlsls.
IMtod this 17th Mune. IPO. ' .
Chairman of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works.
Union Stock Yards Company
est cattlo. hog and sheep market In the west
Qft flMAIHI Write to this houss for cor-
OU. UillAllA | reot Marlrat Bsporti.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone 11Y7. - Chicago.
J , 1) . DADIHMAN. I . , . . , ,
nn ors.
W. K. WOOD. fM
Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chfcaco , E'istSt. Louln , Kansas City. Bo nth
Omahu , Kloux City , fort Worth.
A. Crlll , W. K. Oannr , II , V. TnllnmdKO.
Cliloat'O. HuKbulusiuan. C'nttlo rfnloiman
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lve Stock Commission , llooni VT ISicliaiiiJ UU'g ,
bontU Oianlm.
A. D. Boyer &Conpan ; y ,
IS and M nxohaiiRO Dulldlng.Bouth Omahi.
Corroponduni'O sollrlted anil uromptlir ninworjj.
tipvclal uttonllou to ordvr < for stoikars \ fuodori.
EstnlilUbcd , ISSX . . . IncoriiorotuJ , lilt
Capital fllllr pnld , JW.WJ.
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Wrlto orwlro us for prompt und rclUUlu market
P erry Brothers & Company ,
1,1 vo H look Commission.
Hoom 41 IJxchnngo Uulldlju , fcoutb Omaha
Telephone 17J7. _
Gas-man &Dudb , M. H. Hogarty & Oo. ,
Kooms U ) and HI , Itoom 31
South Omalm , Neb South Omaha , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
n AN ic.
Tlie otilr bank at tlio jurds. Capital nd surplus -
plus , I2JOUUO. Colleotlont iirowlnv out of lue llru
stock builmisi sliuuld bu soul direct to this bunk.
Bblppurs can dopoull fur crvdlt gf lU lr liomx l > 4ak
' ( lull
VI J I 0 33.M V.'Ii ' 3J.j > jfla3
Contrnclors nnrt nb contractors for nil kln.u of
ImlMlna. plmtcirlntf. imtntlimpto will receive
ropjr of Uionn'a nrchllocta niul tniilors dlrurlorn
frrc. fir ncndlnit tliclr ninu , tmilnon nnd lee
tlon to lha i > iilll9hcr. ) J , II. ( llcni , in s. lUli a
BISHOP * 00.
Bttal , mnnllln. option
mportori nndmrf9,9oir rope , lipmp , Jute , cat *
lack * , butlapt , twino. ton twlnon.lnrrrd cordage -
ago , cic. 8HH. Hlli >
ffl.O. DAXON Bnccotsor lo J. 1.Vllfc -
, cnaon. M'fk cl nr. piper
Itojclon lold on monthly tmcklnil boxov All nur l
parinonti. lies In buz Hno.
HID Uouglas St.
II'JJ Howard Htr jU
Fattorr corner llttinn > l DoaiilAi ttretti.
W * are making closa prlofli to oa < h ri. anil art
olllug olan of uoo.1i whlaali Tuff nl -
Mnnnfoctnrcr's necnt. Icnn nupply roil wltli every-
thlnuln rlioo' . nionV.wonmrn imd clillil'n nt low-
cut fnctory price * and dlxcnnntit. l-.itojt
1IUI Fnrnam Street. Uoctu 15.
Odea , B. Bth and Learen-
worth tiltOraaba. .
John UarbOTfr. Ag .
Mfru t'omfectloncrs and Currta c bulldera. HOPO
Jobbers of forcltca and and pntrul wugons a
domestic fruits , 1110 rpcclultr.
Howard at. 18tb , upp Court Homo.
B101 DM uurtEH ,
Clotbtnir. notionfurnlnh' ,
Inci. ( ilvu us p trial Manufri and nholetalt
Samples prepaid by ex clothiers , lira llarney
press. 1113 llarner.
Contractors and sub contractors for nil kind * of
building , plastering , painting cl : . , will receive n
ropy of l.lenn's architect" and builder * directory
free , by nendlnu tliclr name , buslneas und loca
tion , to llic publisher. J. U. Glenn. 113 8. litb
Street ,
Urnolstored furniture
te-l'UXi Nicholas at Qraoo and Thirteenth
Wholesale only. streets.
. J. E ,
Isnnsurpasscd In tlio troatmontof all forms of
PKIVATE DISEASES , and all dlsorlors
and debilities of youth und manhood. 17years'
cxpcrlcnco. Ills resources and facilities nro
practically unllnilled. The Doctor Is recom
mended by the press , and endorsed In the
strongest terms by the pcoplo for fair treat
ment and honest professional advice. The
moat powerful remedies known to modern
cclonco for the successful treatment ot the
following diseases :
QONOKBHOUA Immcdli'.to relief. A com
plete cure without the loss of un hours tltno
from huMncss , ,
OIjEET Ono of the most complete an'l suc
cessful treatments for Kloot nnd all annoyln ?
dlsoharzes vet known to the mo.lloa ! profes
sion. The results uro truly wonderful.
STRICTURE Uro.itoht . known remedy for
the treatment of Hlrloturo , without p tin , cut
ting , or dllatin1A mostremarkublo remedy ,
SYPHILIS No treatment for this tcrrlblo
blood disease has over been more suecumf ill ,
nor hud stronger endorsements. In the light
of modern nclcnco tins dlseaso Is positively
curable and every trace of thn poison entirely
removed from the bloo.1.
LOST MANHOOD , and nmbltlon. nervous
ness. tlinldUv. despondency and all weakness
und disorders of youth or manhood. Itollof
nro treated BU ccessfully with iho
known remedies for Iho jIlHJ iJjH- .
Wrllo forolrouUH audiiuoitloa list , free
Jf/i IHHl ftlflHIIH * tl. < HHH t ! . . <
' ' Wortililrio tint.
| 'Ht/r
JJtCLc dfDtOtoIOl ( > ) i
, Atk your Druggist for r
/ bottle of lilt ; U. The only .
j non-pultontiui remedy ( or nil .
J the uunatural dlicliarKet and
I privatedltotscs ol men and the
I debilltatliif > reaknua p rullar
1 to nomi'ii. it cures in a lew
ldaB without the old or
bllclty of n doctor.
* lYjilwrinl mrrcu n'Te- '
Matiufurturfd by .
s.Tbe Evani Chemical OJ.1
U. e , A ,
Iff ) CklrhfAUr" . Itnillili Illainunrf "rKla.
- < TVTV Orl lMul iiJ ul7Uinuliie. A
urt , ! ; nlliUt , t
liruiil.l t * Cilcl l.r <
minfUrfnJ lo II. d tut < 1
U > trl. i leJ wllh H
ll lUrur iSdiiii"'tI'll" ' . \ > t f
M.II. J. ( . ' . U T. . > ' . > liJ. . r.
. . blcku ler
nait > jtuu < ii
0 , M. BTEELE & 00. , BLARE , BRUOEA 00. ,
1JOMCW JOBM tlrt , loth and Hsjrur
CO , , '
Healers' Imrdirsro Ha
moehnnlcs * tools.
1404 Douglas Slroot
IlullJj's' Hirilwtrj ti
Co itr.iitoM' duppim
& . ' 4 Sjfith lUth stra a ti
Uanlwooi ] himbor , wood
enrpots nnd i > anut Impanel. Amortoxnl'or *
lloorln/r / , rui 1 ooiuat , .Mllwruik3
liT.Unullo cement i\ul
8th anil DounUt. ( Julncj Khlto lluio.
HER & CO. , FRISK i. HHR3-r. ! ?
Uouor , morcbanti , 111)
llnrnor-tt. Mfr . Kan'i llait lilt lHilon.ilo llqnor ( le.iUn
ton. 1UUI Farnaui-iU
Established , IST8. BRANCH
A , CO. ,
, fruits of ali
kliuls , orsteri , HIT H.
J.B. HUSE&C3. JAS. A. CLARK & C'J , ,
Oar npccliltlan Uiittir. Uuttor , cheoia , cji ,
vagi and iiuultry , lOlJ
poultry and .
Howard street j m
317 Soutb Uth
( l-stnblUhod I8S5. ) ,
Wbolaalo butter tt tgl * But tor , chooio , efTff *
Uuri and iclli for voKctnlilt1 ! . fruUipoo >
trj unagamo.
c h. 413 a. lltb-ik I
BIOTO repairs and wal
attachments for any
kind of stov * mad v
iaT ) Uouglas.
Fine Ranch
of yours. You li iv c worked
hard for it , haven't you ?
It wasn't worth a dollar an
acre when you settled on it ,
and now you would'nt take
fifty. How long do you ex
pect to live on that place ?
Would you he surprised if
some railroad land agent or
claim jumper should come
along some day and tell yon
to move on ? Unless yon
have a patent on record yon
are not safe perhaps not
then. Why don't you ask
Tlie Bee Bureau of Claims to
look into your title and get
you a patent thafwill stick ?
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
70' ' Dl ?
The Only l'erfeo . Vaginal
and Ifoctul Hyrlagu in
Iho World.
Is the only hyrlngo
Invented by which vaginal
njoutloiM c in tioailmlnlHtor- :
ed wltlioiil luuklng and soli *
Ing the elothliitf
tallng the nso of u vessel.
nnd which aluo bo uaja
for rectal Injections
BOW Hl'Illinil HI ) Ml.
i'ltlVt : &t tH .
Mull Ordur-i Solicited.
The AI03 & Pcnlolil Co.
fiteoet ,
National Bank.
OliU r an < JHIr ctori iluirIV. . Vatui.p.'i _ .
IU C-Ciuldiu. Tie * PMI ! Ijru , ti .S. lU'irloj. ' W. f
Uor.c.JolHirt. Cclllm , J. .X. JL I'alrlo * . liJ.r ) ! A
" ' .