Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Eome of the Soldier * Find tlie Maneuvers
Are Not All Play ,
Cummnnilrr * nnil .Men All limy with the
lluutlti * Work nnd Actnnl Conipe *
tllltm Tlinnolio llrlllcit
V"r t Nutri *
Although jeslctaay ITU cloudy and threat
ened rain the guard mount at 0 o'clock at the
Rational guard camp wa vrlvncited by a
good sized audience. The pretty morning
ceremony , though performed by the troop *
dressed In their hcav.v overcoats , wat as In
teresting as usual , and was , Judging by tbo
npplauso , appreciated.
Next caroo tbo Inspection of the companies
booked to drill during the day. Too Mc
Carthy L > lht Guards of Little Hoc It , com
manded by Captain O. M. Wine , was the
first company to go through the ordeal.
Although th'A drill grounds were wet with the
bowers of the morning , tdo McCarthys put
up an excellent drill and rocmrod well mer
ited applause. The command ahoxvod tbo
result of constant drilling and any amount of
hard work.
Shortly after 2 p. m. Captain Mitchell
broucht the Fletcher1 Rifles of LlUlo Rock
onto the flald to drill for the national pruo.
AVhilo In camp the Fletchers have been
dome some remarkably peed drilling nnd
tholr en mo discipline has boon excellent ,
but after being on tbo Held a short tlmo the
command neemed to go to plocas , and qulto a
number of errors were noticed. The boys
tried lianl nt tlrst , but seemed to lese hcnrt
toward the end , nnd their former precision
nnd accuracy were lost.
When the Scaly KUIes of Ualvcston catno
out , dressed In pure white , the crowd nearly
went wild. Captain Boyd at once com
menced on bts program. Ho pulled his com
mand throuch In loss than the prescribed
tlmo and the boys from the gulf marched off
the croundt followed by chocrs.
At 4 o'clock the Zolllnirer oattory'of Fort
Wayne , Ind. , appeared , commanded by Cap
tain Muncen. This battery was handicapi > ed
In a measure by not having Its own piece to
drill with , owing to delayed trains. The
Dallas artillery cnmnany kindly loaned Us
pun , and the Fori Wayne boys went to work.
Strnneo to say , they did not make half as
pretty a show as they ham In practice worn.
It became1 evident before tbo drill was half
over that the artillerymen were discouraged
and bad lost hcnrt , consequently their drill
tvas not up to the standard of the companies
which bad drilled boforo.
Dating tbo battery drill Cnptaln Richards
called four companies and gave a very pretty
balallion drill.
Quito a crowd gathered to witness dress
parade. The setting sun shod Just enough
bright , rays on the parade ground to tbrow
out all the variegated colors of the uniforms
worn by tbo different companies , and the
Blent was indeed a prettv ono and was
worthy of a much larcer audience.
1'ar.ide over , several of thocompanies gave
exhibitions. The Sealy Ullles and the Bel-
lumps , eichty men , dre scd in white , were
united under the command of Captain Boyd
of the Soalys. Captnic Boyd put hi * "ghosts"
through a series of intricate movements ,
which tno audience appreciated , as was
shown by the applause. Tne entire command
formed la line , company front , and executed
n company wheel which was simply perfec
The Halo Zouaves , Captain Lechtman ,
amused and Interested > ho audience by a
balf hour's drill.
The program fur today is : 9 a. m. ,
guard mount : 10 a. ra. , Inspection of com
panies which are to drill this day ; 11 a. m. ,
( Galling ) Omaha Guards , Omaha , Nob. ,
Captain P. E. Bamford ; 2 p. m.- ( National )
IJpvlin Cadets , Jacicson , Mich. , Captain H.
C. Devlin ; . ' ) p. m. , ( Uatllng ) Cincinnati ( O. )
Light Artillery , Captain F. J. Herman ; 4 p.
in. , ( Maiden ) Company A , University
Cadets , Lincoln , Nob. , Captain G. I _ Sbel
dan ; f > p. in. , ( Zouave ) Hale Zouaves , Kan
sas City , Mo. , Captain Cusil Lechtman ;
7 p. m. , dress parade ; 7:30 : p. m. , oand con
Tbo camn has settled down to routine
Commandant Ktcbards inspected the camp
yesterday it.orning.
Tbo piano in the Fonclbles' reception tent
was kept going all day.
Lieutenant Van Lou. Second infantry , was
the guest of Captain Richards.
Van \\'lo of tbo Indianapolis battery Is
arranging a cockroach llghi , to take place
this afternoon.
Mss Hoaglana , Miss Laura Hoagland and
Miss Dundy were guests of Adjutant Book
Mrs. W. E. Clark" Park avenue will en
tertain tbo Indianapolis battery at her homo
from 9 to 11 Saturday evening.
- The Halo Zouaves are indebted to Miss
Parker , their sponsor , lor a line oasttet of
refreshments sent out last night.
The officers of tbo Halo Zouaves will bo
entertained this evening by Miss WallEco ,
Twenty-fourth and Harncy streuU.
Sealov Rifles wish to return thanks to the
Hale Zoun\vs and Moynihan Bros , for
courtesies extended after the drill.
Miss Anna Wittnan. 020 South Twentieth
street , will glvo a reception to the National
Fenclulei. of Washington t > aturaay evening.
Ihe guidon of the Indianapolis Light Ar
tillery carries fourteen ribbons , cloven Hrst
prize * , I wosecond prixo and ouo third prize.
MM. J. Y. Altcblson of Hastings , Nob. ,
mother of Secretary Aitchison of tbo asso
ciation , was a visitor at the camp this morning
Private Ed Miller of the Indianapolis bat-
tcr.r has teen called homo by the death of his
mother. MrsvMUler has been ill for some
Mr. J. F. Coots will take tho.Davlin Cadets
of Jackion , Mich. , for a ride about tbo city
today , after which they will bo dined at the
Chief ( lolllran was an interested spectator
during the drill ot the Halo Zouaves. The
Hales are special guests of the chlot whtlo
in town.
Mrs. John M , Thurston , the cbaporono of
the DelKnap Rifles , assisted by Mrs. Strawn
nnd Ml& Alton , gave a reception to the com
pany at Mrs. Tbunton's bouso la t ovening.
Captain Charles Wager and Lieutenant
Paul Shepherd of the Bullrno Guards , Kan
sas City , and Corporal Pbuler and George
"ttaurer of the Mariuaduko Guards of Kun-
aas city urrived this morning and are camped
with Iho Hal : Zouaves.
Short , n recruit In a certain battery in
camp , was sent out yesterday aflorcoon for
some ' 'battlo1' oil and vrn * gone nearly all
day. It It needless to bay that Short came
bacK without the lubricant. Ho dlau'task
for the rlent kind ol stuff.
When Charley Bco of the Belknaps was
busy lalUinc to a partv of luJles an order ! v
approarhcd him and said that the captain
wanted the ragged odgeof the Jag Utn had
bad the ulgbt bofore. It U needless to say
that I hurley is scouring tbo camp loaded
with n swonl and a couple of gut.g looking
for tnat orderly.
Contain CurtU , oommiudlng the Indianap
olis lottery , sent ouo of hl now roeu over
to thu Bo > knaps for a pair of ear boots. Tbo
southerner * were "on" and sent tbo man to
the Fcuclblcs und so on clear through tbo
camp. Thu now ono didn't get bacic for two
hours ; when bo did he told Curtis that a fel
low from thcIjvllns bud Just taken tbam 10
the gas Uouso ( or repair * .
Lieutouant Marks , Braucb ( iaards , re
ceived a telegram yesterday mornlnr from
horse tuting ihut bii biotber , who is a bos.
pltal surgeon , had accidentally cut himself
white performing un onsrallon , nnd that
blood txusou was feared. The lieutenant
left at once for St. Louis. The Braucb
Guards vvcro to have drilled today , but on
account ot Liuutonimt Marks bjlng nailed
borne the Djvlln Cudets , who were booitod
for Monday , kindly offproJ loaxchango , and
tug offer was ucct-plod.
25o for a box of Bu cbam' Pills worth a
Adinl8loa to nationnl oncampraont
tndny nnd tomorrow only 25c. Sundtiy , a
to-7:30 : p. in. , btirge V dny yoU Head
program. Iteducou ruled on all roads.
Thursday , Friday and Saturday your choice of 1,000 suits , worth up to $12 ,
A and QOTTVTTNTTT ? 'Soo1 , .
In hot weather coat * nnd xot * wo offer
V IVlLXv spcchl Inducements. Wo 0.111 give yon
SUIT a 1 - - given llRht olald For flannel coat a Dollar. nud veil
WOULD rather customers the benefit who
We have - picked out 1,000 suits from WE give
have patronized us for years , ( during
the stock , in sacks , cutaways , plaids , '
Hellman's 37 years in business ) than
stripes , etc. , that Hellman would have to give it to the man who stands
sold up as high as $12 , and bunched ready to take the stock at 40
cents on the dollar.
them all in one lot for
and n souvo
and will sell them out at nlr worth 81
given with
< ? ch suit. If
you don't like
the souvenir ,
wo will fjlvo
you 31 In silver
. .
ver , U. S.
money , for it
Give You i
Boys' suits , extra value , We have them from $1 CLOSING SALE.
suit upwards. See our window.
There is only a short time left to wind up the Hell-
Another Chance for Delay In the Public
Work &oou Cp.
For the third tlmo this season the Board
of Public Works baa opened bids for the pav-
ns of the followlnc streets :
I'.irU or Twenty-ninth avenuo. from Loav-
unworth street to Hickory street ; alley In
blocks , Hiinscotu ulnco : L.u.ivenwortli street ,
from the west line of Sixteenth street to west
jlno of Twentj-nluth uveniioj S.xth street ,
from the south line of I'lerco street to the
north line of lilckory street ; Lotvcnworth
street , from the west line of Tenth street to
the east line of Klerouth street : Twelfth
street , from the south line of Jones street to
the north line of Leavenworth street ; Spencer
street , from Sherman avenue to Tneuty-
fourlh street : Latnrou street , from Miermun
uvcnue to Eighteenth street : Hurt street ,
from the west line of Fifteenth street to tbo
C .st line of Sixteenth street ; Spruce
street , from the west line of Twenty-Second
street to tliooastlluoof Twenty-fourth street :
U ss street , from Twenty-second street to
Twenty-fourth street ; Mason street , from
Twentieth street to Twenty-ninth street ;
Muson street , from tlio cast line of Thirtieth
street to the east line of Thirty-first street ;
Thirty-second street , from tbo north line of
Euclid pluco to tbo north line of
Woolworth nrenue ; California street , from
rifteentli street to Sixteenth street ; Izard
street , from Twelfth street to Fourteenth
street : 1'arker street , from Twenty-fourth
street to the east Hue of Twenty-ninth street :
Scward street , from Twenty-fourth street to
Tweiity-tlflli street : Ohleapo street , from
Twenty-second street to Twenty-third street ;
Caldwell street , from Twenty-fourth street to
the wet line of Shlnn's addition ; Sherman
nrenue. from south line of Grand avenue to
Tort strAt ; Thirty-ninth street , from Farnam
street to the norh line of Davenport
street : Davenport street , from Thirty-ninth
street to Fortieth street ; Fortieth
struct. from the south line of
Davenport struct to Cumin ? street ; Madison
avenue from Fourteenth street to Sherman
avenue : C'hlcaio street from Twenty-llftli
street to Twenty-iUth street ; St. Mary's
avenue between the west line of Twenty-sixth
street and the east line of Twonty-auvealh
street : Seventeenth street from Ilarnoy street
to Su Mary's arcnue ; thu alloy from Twenty-
Kccoud btn-ot to Twenty-fourth street in
1'julsen'o addition ; Nineteenth street from
Faruam street to llaruey street : Twcntv-
elshth street from the south line of I'oppleton
avenue to the north line ot Woolworth
avenue ; Davenport street from Twenty-
fourth street to Tnenty-fiftli street , all In the
city of Umaha ; Cues street from the west line
of fwenty-fourth street to IVi feet west of
Twcnty-nfth street ; Uass street from the east
line of Twenty-fourth street to the wojt line
of Twenty-fourth street ; Hamilton street
from the west line of Fortieth street to the
cast line ot the viaduct of the Uelt Llna rail
way ; alloy In block 2iS. city ; alley In block 10.
Kountze & Itulh's addition.
Those bids were opened yesterday and the
usual number ol brick , atone and asphalt
men wcro on uaad.
Audtew Jancks captured all of tbo asnhalt.
On a tlvo-vear guarantee ho bid $3.43 per
square yard and put the tljnires up to"a
with n tcn-vcar maintenance.
J. B. Smith & Co. got all of tbo Colorado
sanustono and tbo vitrified brick. On tbo
former material no bia fl.Vi uor square yard ,
nnd on brick $1.77 with a five and fl.'JJ with
a ten-year euarjiitoo.
Tbo Sioux FalU cranito vrent to J. E.
Illloy at fi.a4 per square yard , \vhllo Hugh
Murjmy wai tlto lowest bidder at SJ.31 on
WooUruH , Kan. , sandstono.
John Gruut bid oz tbo old specifications
und all of his proooiols were rejected. Tno
Uarbcr Asphalt company announced that It
had bid on tbo old specifications and as a
result Its bid was not opened.
Dy resolution the board declared against
tbo stone sldmvallc. TbJ document which
wat adopted staled that that walk was lu a
disgraceful condition.
A disease , treated as such and porma-
ncctly cured. Xo publicity. Nolnflrm-
ary. Homo troattnonU Harmless nnd
otloctuttl. Refer by .pormlbston to Bur-
llnjltan Huwkeyo. Send 'Jo stump for
pimpUloU Sholfotiuon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , Ju. '
Uound Trip TlckeU.
The only line running through trnlna
direct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Manitou and Pueblo. Law rates to all
points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast
points. Fast tltnnou ole ant voitibulod
trains , free roclinlr chair card nnd thu
cclobrntcd "Rock lalaml dining cars. "
Comfort , a-jfotj and spoo'l secured when
llclcolod via the 'Grcnt Rock Island
Route."Tickolollh-o J002Parnaras .root.
J , L. DKQEVOISE , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket and Paw. Agt
HfTbrts of the Telephone Compauy to Abate
the Orerhcad IVlre Nuisance.
The wires of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany are going under ground Just as fast as
a largo force of men can put them there. J
The work was begun Thursday on Capitol
avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
streets. Mr. P. J. Conway , an experienced
connuit builder , has charge of the work. The
trenches are to bo dug about two foot wldo
ana varying in uepih from three to ten feet.
Into these trenches will bo laid the iron con
duits for the accommodation ot-tho wires. In
some of the trenches there will be laid thirty
or forty conduits and in others only thrco or
four , depending , of course , upon the number
of wires needed on tha streets traversed.
The pipe * or conduits mil bo three
inches in diameter and will accommodate
100 wires each. The pipes are made of
sheet iron lined with coment. Below the
pipes , above thorn and on the sides there will
bo three inches of solid concrete separating
tbo conaults from tbe sides of the trench or
the ground. Tbo pipes will also ba separated
from each other by ono and one-half * inches
of concrete. At each street crossing there
will bo a man hole whore the conduits may
bo examined at any tlmo and in a case ot tbe
breakage of a wlro it can be drawn out and
a now ono put in its place.
The company will put under ground about
1-40,000 foot of line this summer if the work
is not interrupted. It is tbo intention to put
down all tbe central portion of the city before
fore the close of tbe season. About forty
men are now at work in tbe trenches and
tno number will bo increased to between 200
and 300 as soon as the work Is gotten well
under way.
BoitLi.voTOX. la. , April 4,1831.
Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have been
troubled with catarrh in my bead und face
for three years at times A as unable to bar.
bad a constant ringlug in my oars and for
two years wis almost deaf. Have tried ov-
oral so-called remedies aad been treato1 ! by
regular physicians and noted specialists , but
failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Mooro's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave
immediate relief and effected a permanent
euro. 1 heartily recommend it to all suffer
ers of this disease and will cheerfully glvo
any further information on being addressed
at ray home , No. ± 23 Sweoney avo. , Burling-
on , la. For sale by all drueglsts.
Respectfulllv ,
It. L. UEID.
Best tlmo to visit the exposition is the
forenoon from 10 to lli. Admission , 25o
Admission to national encampment
todny nnd tomorrow only 2oc ; Sunday , 3
to 7:30 : p. m. , biggest dr.y yet. Read
program. Reduced rates on all roads.
4 Chance That tha Vacancy on the County
Board Wilt lie Filled. To.lay.
It is about settled that today the county
Judge , the county treasurer and the county
i k will appoint a commissioner from the
Third district to rill the vacancy caused by
the death of the late George E. Timmo. It
Is believed that the new man will be ap
pointed this morning In order that ho may
sit at the adjourned session of the ooard
which will bo held this afternoon. Who the
lucky individual will be is something that
keeps the most knowing ones guessing. If
the three gentlemen who have the appoint
ing power nave selected their man they are
keepings till about it. Jn fact they are not
saying a word and are as dumb as oysters.
Last night a delegation of Elkhorn voters
and taxoaycrs arrived to fly their colors for
G. R. Williams of ElKborn. In pleading for
Mr. Williams they will at the sama time oro-
test against the appointment of H. E. Nolle ,
who has his eye npoo , the position. It is said
that Nolte is backed up by a petition which
measures three yards in length. While Wil
liams and Nolta are sparring for points , Isaac
Noyos of Elk Citv will not let the grats grow
under bis feet. Early this morning be will
be on hand wltb his friends and a petition ,
to show that bo has all tbo necessary quall-
tlcatlons required by a county commissioner :
To Cleanie the System
Effectually yet gently , , when costive of
bilious or when tbo blood Is impure or slug-
gisu , to permanently cure habitual con tipa-
Uon , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a
healthy activity , without irritating or vveak-
ning them , to dispel hoadacaos. colds or
fevers , nso Syrup of Figs.
Julius T. Fostnor Is at homo , 13-35 So.
17th street , Omaha , Nob.
Kooleil Her 1'oor Old Parents.
G. P. Rasher of Bedford , Ind. , wants the
police to nnd his daughter , who is known as
Winnie Barrett , and tell her that her mother
is at tbo point of death and wants to boar
from cor. They left the girl with friends
in St. Joseph , Mo. about a year ago , and bad
beard from her regularly until about six
weeks ago.
During the year the girl had told them
tbatsho was married to a man named Bar
rett , but bad separated from him. Sbo had
asked to bavo her letters addressed to 113
North Ninth street , and that tells the whole
story to those who are acquainted with tbe
eoopraphy of the city. Sbo had told thorn in
bcr letters that sbo was working la a mil
linery store. _
Admission to national encampment
today und tomorrow only 23c ; Sunday , 3
to 7.30 jx in. , biggest 'day ' yet Read
program. Reduced ates on all roads.
I'm an old smpjjer , anc
have at one time
or another tried al
80 BoAFVuw5Ali ? ' 3U } the different Smoking
Tobaccos , but for a good smoke Bull Durham
beats 'em all.
A leading characteristic of Bull Durham has always
been ( he hold which It takes on old and fastidious smokers.
What its' excellence first secured , its uniformity has always
retained , and It Is , therefore , to-day as twenty-five years ago ,
the most popular Smoking Tobacco In the world.
Get Die genuine. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. ,
\VeaHncss \ ,
Catarrh ,
ttlienmatisra ,
Chronic ,
Drs. Searles and Searles
AcicnowlodRerl to be tbo most successful spe
cialists In all PltirATF IJLOOD , NEItVOOS , SKIN
Gonorrhraa in from 3 to 6 days. Syphilis
cured without Mercury.
( V1TAUTY WEAK ) . Made eo t > 7 too. cloo appli
cation } obu ! n or tody : neyere mental utraln
or crlof : HK.XUAI. KXCKbSKS In nildHle We , or
Tlcloui habits contracted tn jroutb.
YOU.SO and -MIDULK AOKU ; lack of Tim , visor
and strength , wltb ( .exual organs Impaired und
wfaltenened prematurely In approaching old uge.
\\11KS WE SAY CUHK We upeilc Irora know-
edge of I'KKMANK.NT lir.SUl.Ts In man ? cuts
rested nnd cured la iiiuttwelre yearn.
without pain or detention from builnou.
and successfully cnred.
STIUCTUHK permanently cured , removal com
plete. nlUiout cutting , cauttlc or dilatation. Cure
atlecUttl at home by patient without a moment' *
pain or annoyance. Consultation free. Call on or
address vrllli stamp
Drs. Scarles & Searles ,
Anew and Complete Treatment , conilitln * o ;
8upr > ofltorl < > . Ointment la Oap Qlei , alio In Dot
anil-lib : foiltlra Cure for Eitornal , Internal
bllnJor Ul dlnK Itching. CUronlc , Kwent or Heredi
tary Ple ! . Talt Kemolr nu oorer beea known to
falLllperbox. 6forti : ntbymall.VbriuSerfrom
thli terrible dtieue when a written guarantee l >
poiltlrelr elren with 6 boim or refund the money If
not cared send ttniap for free baciple. Guarantee
Uiued by Kubn i'o UniKglili , Sols AceaU , corner
jrlojitreett. Omaba , Neb.
Ttioefamouimocntala reiorti , iltuatod at the
ummttof the Alleslianln and directly upon the
main line of tbe Ilaltlmorn and Oblo llatlroad
hattthondrantaireor Us iplendld tcitlbulcd ox *
prcis train crvlco both oait and nutl. and are
therefore readily acce lblo frooi all part * of the
country. All Baltimore anil O'jlc trains ( top at
Doer 1'ark and Oakland tlnrlnc tbe cuoo.
llatei , KO , tTiandr.Oa month , accordinK to lota-
tlon t'omoiunlcatloni thould be uddreatc'i ) to
( JKOIIOE P. DcSIUKLUS. Manager Ilaltlmore and
Ohio HuU'li. Cniuberland , Mil , up lu June 1(1 ( ; alter
tbat date , fltber Detr Iark or Oakland , Gar ret t
County , Md
tlio Columbia I'nouinatio Tire It
wuar Tested to two hundred pound *
above ritllnc liressurc A compound tube of
rubbers vult united with cunrau IHVOM
Hach part atreagthcnliii ; thu otlivn. Creut-
ckt rtutstnncu to puncture Mo t retlllont
ro d tire Freedom from luclnu. wrarulus
uuaotherobjcctlonuUloDOlnts ThuhlKUOit
crade tire of kcleritiQa simplicity Abso
lutely guaranteed for u rear.
All about It and Columbia' * cjclci In our
book al out Coluuiblus , tree ou application
to any Columbia agent , or ent by mall for
two two-cent stamps-I'opo tlfif. Co. , 321
Columbus Are. , Uoalon.
Farnam St , Thaatre I
Week Coramencln ; June 13.
Uroulllard's Famous Wax Groupo , "The
Birth of Christ. "
Prof. Horn's Troupe of Trained III nit
iiully's Plajrcri "Undo Josh" and 'Tom
Sawyer. " the ( treat double bill.
Friday , Souvenir IJay.
10o TO ALL tOo
Coliseum Building.
Open from 10 a. m ! until 10:30 : p. m.
An army of factory employes carry on tlio
actual work of manufacturing many different
lines of Roods In the presence of the visitors.
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stiff Hats.
218 South 15th Street
Furs Stored and Repaired.
< 2ja
TfolWi ,
Lorrtt , Fulrtt nod FlMit In the World *
rkftAeatrtr aroomfxlaUonB DDexrelltyl *
Krerr Saturday.
At regular Intenrali ,
rateionlotrCBtlenntto and from the principle
Kirnnlun aralUbl * to fctarn bjr cither the pie-
turpfjue Clydo A North of Ireland or Kaploi & Gibraltar
Drifti til Hitr Oricn to Air Accut it Icrtit Cttil.
Apply to any ot onr local Art m or to
IIEiUi-HSON DUUTUUIU. Cblcaco , 111
| r tuUrrwl
ucr.t > lrni
* vtT arttelt
y" ( Wuini'luUurtiraifMjkiuitur
lirtt e * tut l Lia M.uf _ > _ Itrtin , Hj
Extract ofBeel ,
Do you want a copy ot
Deof Tea ? See thut it
is rniulo from the Gun
ulno Incomparnbly
the bodt. Puru , jwila-
soluds cleurly-
the Daron I/ot-
blp'a bipnauro
in bluoon each ,
label , thus.
You'd better not waste any
more time if you expect to
get anything : from the government
ernment- Unless you put
your claim on record before
March 3 , 1894 you will
never have another chance.
It takes time to put an ap
plication * in shape , and there
is not a bit of spare time
left Whatever you have
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions described in
the law , can be recovered if
you go about it in the right
way. The Use Bureau of
Claims knows just how to
go to work. Write and find
Bee Bureau or Claims
Omaha , Neb.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are nscd in the
preparation of
trhlth ti
pure and soluble ,
I thertrcnyth of Cocoa mixed
with Btarch , Arrowroot or
1 BuRari aud is far more eco
nomical , coiling teti than one cent a cup ,
It is tlellciout , nourishing , and EABIU ?
Sold hyOrcireri ertrynhert.
W. BAKER &CO.Dorcheiter , Mass.
Save Yoyr Eyesight
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