Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rrlhcitd ty Currier to liny pattof the Cltr
i ft . rritnvT-wJ Itin'ncM Office. . . , , No41
JM.nriIOM.h-j Mp , , , , uiitor , .No23
N Y. Plumblnp Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. , coaL
Wanted , Rood qlrl for KOiicrnt liousoworlr.
Mrs. J. II. Snj-tlor , 213 South Seventh street.
A innrrlnRo llccnsovns Ixsucd yostonlay
to Charles 1) . Ucrgerand May 13. Duquette ,
both of tins city.
A t > nlr of pantaloons nod n pair of shoos
were nipped b.r a anonlc thlof yesterday from
n wagon thnl haU been loft standing In front
of Kiel's hotel.
Ktchctah council No. 3 , Ioreo of Poca-
liontas , will meet this evening In the wig-
vum of the Hcil Mdli , corner of Broadway
nnit Main Urcot , at the eighth run.
ThQ Jury in the cuso of the state against
Krnost Cullli returned a verdict finding the
defendant guilty of burglary In the night
time , ns charged In the Indictment.
A young son of O. A. Jancov was fooling
with a loaded revolver In his father's ' Hrond
way restaurant yostoiday nftcrnoon when
tlii ? llrcnrm wont off. The bullol plowed a
ticut furrow of fW-callhro dimension down
tbo youngster's right thigh.
The ratnalns of Fred Zlmmcr , who com
mitted fiulcido at tha Pncillo house n tow
rtiiy * ago , were taken to Sterling , 111. , last
iilpht for Interment , They wtro iiccotn-
punicd by the wife of the dead man , who
cuino In nn&wor to n tclceriim.
The commonccmcnt uxerclses of St. Fran-
clu Xavler'a ucndciuy will bo held Tuesday
evening. Diplomas will bo pointed to the
followlnirpr.tdualot ! Misses Kiln Mahony ,
Murpnrot Murphy , Elln Couphlln. fSertrudo
Kcnlhard , Mary Murphy , > fclllo tiynes and
Josephine Lacy.
The dnmago suit of Lnmphoro & Kennedy
mrnlnst Meat inspector M. Wolker wus ulvon
to thn Jury about 5HO : o'clock and It returned
a verdict for the defendant. Immediately'
Upon the rendering of the verdict Lamphoro
\\us-rrc3tcdotiacbnrgoof .selling diseased
luuui , uuu i uvu uyaiia.
A.i"nnll company from Hie Younc Men's
Christian association have boon sponalnt ; the
lost week camping out nt Mannwn. ' They
pitclicil llicir touts anil have liocn dolnr ; their
own coouliip nnd putting In thu cluys nud
nictit.s llshliiK , bathing and onjoylnt ; tUo
other pleasures of the popular report.
Ocorgo Smith was nrrustcd yosterJay on
nn Information tiled In superior court rhnrp- ,
liu him with larceny. Ho wus scun un lower
Main street nljout the time Hcrnor's barber
( hop was roDbcd Wednesday nicht , and ia ,
supposed to have been Implicated in some )
wuy In tbo theft of tbo contonti of the shop. ,
Dan Curtis , who bit oft Julius Zlramorli's
clicoU , was arraigned be fora Judge Macyt
yesterday morning and entered a plouofi
pullty to bis Indictment for us nultvvUh io- ,
tent to commit mayhem. Scolt.UnUar. hl ,
companion , plpuriea guilty to the chnrgo'
ot ntsault and battery , niul was sontoncottto1
a torni of thirty days lit tlio county Jnll.
The Council UlufTs Manufacturing com
pany lint secured a lot nt the corner of
Twenty-fourth street and ISroaclwuy and
ulll commence the erection next wcok of n
Miltiiblo building far currying on the iniinu-
fncttuoof tbo Wlilpplo post auger. Justus
icon as the building can bo completed the
manufacture of the augers will be com-
.IiidL-o Macy heard the c io yesterday of
Iho .stalo ugninit Harvey 1'nlmcr , charged
i\llh the burglary of a school bouso In Lewis
luwnship. A clear cnso was mndu ncainst
him , anil nftorn brief nbsunco the Jury re
turned a venllH flndlng him guilty as
charged In the Indictment. JUJCQ Mucy loft
for his homo In IJarlnu ( act evening.
The rcHldontt of the northwestern part of
the city have naked Mayor La\vrcncc to ap
point a special policeman for the nnrt of the
city near the "driving parlc. Complaint is
made that the boys of the vicinity are In the
habit of using n little loko on the property ot
1. R Hunt as a swimming holu , and the pee
pie living near tlio plnco think that n police-
in nn stationed tboro might put a stop to the
nulsanco , _ _ _ _
Mothers will'find Mr . WInslow's Sooth-
ngSyjruptho host romoJy tor their chil
dren. " 5 cents a bottlo.
Council UliilVH rrmiilly Claims the Largest
niul Host In tlio htutv.
Just think of it ! 1,1,000 squiirc feet of
1 amber just for tlio llooring on the second
end iloor alone equul to i2 or II miles of
112-inch boards.
From this one item some idea may bo
hud of the extciisivonoss of the grunt
crockery oaUibllshmont ofV. . A. Muu-
rer. who has jtibt movrd into his now
building1 , Nos. i12 ! nnd 1141 Uroudway.
There uro 19,200 squitro feet of lloor-
ing in the building.
fu it tiny wonder Unit Council BlnlTd
tiihcs pride in pointing to thisosuib-
niont us the largest und most complete
of nny in the west in this line ? The
building is a substantial brick structure ,
with four btorios , a doublu width front-
IIRC , htrijo plate glass display widows ,
und attractive entrance , but it is only
when ono travels thiough the mu/cs of
the intei lor that an udcquato idea is
giiiiiod of its extent , attractiveness nnd
The ni'iin Iloor , devoted to the pur
poses of a salesroom , excites the special
enthusiasm of thu iusthcttc visitor. It
is largo , airy ttnd lii.'ht , and is lluishou
plainly but richly in antique oak. The
beauty of finish is almost lost sight of in
Iho nntural admiration of the dazzling ,
bewitching display of beautiful nnd
varied wafon a bewilderment of pleas-
Intr colorings nnd graceful designs nov-
cities and substantial making roallyun
exposition of itself which beguiles un
hour of the visitor's time before ono re-
illzcs it.
In tlio roar lsthoolllcc room , arranged
with business llko completeness and
cpinpactnobi ? . It , too , is ilnishcd in an-
"qtio oak.
Thu art room is n little noauty. It is
finished in ebony and pinto mirrors ,
with walls of mnroon nnd rich graceful
oraporlcH. Hero nro displayed rare
troasmcH of art , elegant and varied
bilc-a-brnu and exquisitely cut glitbs.
Royal Worcester , Dresden , Doulton ,
I3rowncs , etc.
, Great as is iho enthusiasm aroused in
One who enjoys the beautiful , it is fully
equalled by that of the ono who enjoys
the practical. The merchant and busi
ness man IB no loss ontluisinstioovor the
extent of the stock Mid IU arrangement.
The eccimd Iloor , for Instance , hobt illus
trates this. Bin after bin , alslo after
lisle , shelf uiion nholf , each prop-
brly placarded , imtiroirs ono not
only with the giout quantity
Bud variety of stock , but with the busi-
ncsa-ll ! < o mothoda for handling It. So
complete la the arrangement that thu
stock men can bco at a glance tlio con
dition and quantity of ouch kind of
goods , and shipping clerks and puckers
can almoHt lilt orders in the dark , oven-
thing having a pluco nnd everything in
its place. The ' arrangements for tilling
orders promti'lly nnd nceunuely are indeed -
deed worthy of btudy nnd Imitation ,
The other Moors are llkcwibo crowded
with goods , but thuro is no confusion
nnimront nny whore , nud visitors familiar
with the details of other great crockery
UHtnbllbhinontt ) enthusiastically pro-
mnico it the Lost ai ranged of any they
have been.
Council UlulTs ciin also boiist of hav
ing In Mi * . Mauror one of tlio largest im-
purlers west of Chicago. It wus largely
duo lo hia olTortti and to the amount of
his importations that this ulty htm been
made a port uf delivery , lib wholesale
ti ado reaches throughout the west. Betides -
tides his building on Broadway ho has
largo warehousea located conveniently
un the traults , to that in all ways ho is
in condition to Imndlo his rupldly in-
bui-lnosa ,
Davis soils reliable paints and drugg.
Motor Trains Finally Operated on South
First Street.
After the CHUriis AloiiR the Mho llnd Con
cluded Their Demonstrations the
Olllcorn or the Itouil Were Cltod
for ContGinpt.
A construction train was the first to ninko
tha round trip over the motor lluo on South
First street. At IU o'clock Thursday night
the trip wus made , and the train was greeted
with wild dotuonstinttons of Joy by the resi
dents of the street , 'ihoy had tried to get
fireworks during thoUuy , ana expected to
havu u unull-fcctilc Fourth of July In honor
ol the completion of tha work , but as the
store keepers nud not yol received their
.stock thuy hud to bu content with getting
down the old guns and pistols that had been
unused tor u long tlmo tor anything except
ing shooting uuiglurs. Tbo llrlug of tuu-
{ .owdur and tha veiling of those who had
nothing to llro uil in lliu suauo ol arms made
things lively in the vicinity until uuout mid *
Yostoiday's developments , however , show
tluit noisiuly the igsldciils of First street
whistled ouioro tuuy got out. of the woods.
An inlormallun wus mud lu the superior
court early in the uftcruoon charging John
T , Stewart and A. 1C , Stone , thu president
und general manager ot thu roiul , with con-
tempi u ( court. I'no Inloraiatlon alleges
that Stowurt , Stone and the delcndants of
the Council molts und Unuha llrldgo com
pany violated iho Injunction Usued from the
siipeiioi' cobrt restraining the operation of
thu electric linu HI I rant of ttio isixby prop
erty on boulh First street , nrd nro now
violating it hourly. Mrs. Hlxby , the
philntltt In the case , demands tnai an order
uo Issued to Stuwurt und Stone compelling
tnom to uppoar In court und show cause why
ihoy should uot bo punished for contempt ;
ino city marsnui ue insiructcu to
enforce luo uiandalo of tbo court by prevent
ing the Iralnn fiom being run , and tnul the
deiendants , utter a beating , bo punished for
contempt. The defendants were served u 1th
notices of the tiling of the information , and
ihoy will bo brought before Judge McUoo
this morning at IU o'clock for a hearing upon
the i-hurgo which is preferred against them.
The nooplo who spent all day yesterday In
riding bacK and forth on the First street line
uro now cougratulutlng themselves trial they
made buy wlulu ttio sun ahono. for last uvon-
the order to the city marshal whlnn wus
prayed for was served upon the management
of the motor company , and the running of
trains wus stopped just about the time a
good many people wet o going to their sup-
. Whilq all this * .roublo is going on tha park
commissioners , bouduJ by A. O. Graham , are
Madding by looking on and wondering whom
they are going lo bo able to insert their oar.
Just mow us a little opening , and 'we'll
put u crowbur In nnd help all wu can , " said
( Jrumuii yostorday. "We've spent $1,000 on
Fairmont park , miI wo don't want it lying
idle an ) * longer thun it has to. " tiomo of the
property owners on the street have suggested
that a sublino bo started Just nbovo Bixby's
residence , und th'at transfers bo given from
thu main line , which would then und Just
below Hlxby's place. In e.iso all other do-
vkc.s full , there is ti possibility of surmount
ing the ullH''ulty In this way nnd onabliug
railway li.tvol to ba resumedulonjj the ciitiro
stieet , with the exception of the sixty feet in
front of Illxby's.
Joseph Huby of Columbia , Pa. , sufToraa
fiom birth with scrofula humor , till ho was
perfectly cured by Hood's ' Harsaparllla.
From Council BlulTs to Chicago nnd
return only 812.50 via the Chicago. Mil
waukee & St. P.iul niilwtiy , whether you
want to attend the democratic national
convention or not.
Of the Special Juno Halo nt the Uoston
Store , Council lUiiir , In.
The special Juno Bale nt the Boston
Store opened Wednesday , Juno 15.
Kiiins suitable und seasonable for this
hot weather will bo found in every de
In light weight wool dress goods wo
show everything now and nohhy for
traveling suits , etc. Got out' prices.
In wash goods our line ia immense ,
from the cheap 3c chullio to the line all-
6,000 yards licrht challio 3c a yard.
8,0110 yard * , medium aid dark challios
and 6,87U yards ortolan cords , all good
patterns , to go during sale at 4jc , worth
7c ,
! i,709 yards light colored outing flan
nels during silo : for Sc , worth 10o ,
1,739 yards of a better grade at 7c ,
worth 10o nnd I2jc.
Just received , two casosof a now light
fabric called "Cosmos , " worth lOc , for
100 dozen gents' outing flannel shjrts
wortli 50c , for 'Me.
150 ladies' fast black hose 5c a pair.
Books Wo show the largest line of
12inos with most popular authors dur
ing this special sale. You can have
your choice for 12c } , worth ! i3e and 50c.
See our line of misses' straw hats ,
worth 7oo and 81.00 , in thrco lots , 12c } ,
IDcand ! ! 5c , A chance like this boldom
Bargains in sun umbrellas , ladies'
waists , children's caps , etc.
Juno Sale.
Council Bluffs , la.
Miss Bessie Morse of Chicago , formerly
of Council BluITu , will sing at the S try It-
on-bluas-lubt club concert.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
at Rlloy & Shorradon's art storo.
In Search
Of Health ?
Ton will flnil nt Ercclslor Pprlngt , JIo. ,
ono of I lie most charming , all-year-round
rccott liotcla In America ,
Capacity 200 guests ; cuUIno unsurpassed.
A jH-rfcct liolcl nnj coraplclo eiinlta-
Hum. Superb uatlilug establishment with
trained attendants. Surrounding ) pic
turesque , location henllliy absolutely free
from JIalarla. Tbo famous tonic waters
friotofunts. Allcbargeeraodcratc For
illUBtrnUtl iiamplilet and particulars ud-
urcea Etctlslor Sprlngi Company ,
Excelsior Springs
UAbhEMAND A.CO.CIiloaio ,
I'EHSUft.lI , 1'Alt.tGKAl'llH.
H. J. Clancy leaves today tor the Chicago
Joslah Dnnforth Imn returned from a trip
to Slloaru SprhiK" , Mo.
Mrs. P. B. Wnrr.ur nnd daughter are vlslt-
Inj relatives at Uoono.
Mrs. P. J. b'chnorr left yoitcrclny for n
taroo weeks' visit with relatives In Chicago
and otber points In Illinois.
Mrs. J. B. Klrsch nnd daughter Agnes ,
who have oocn vUltlng friends In this city ,
hnvo returned to their homo lu Creaton.
DUoaso never successfully attacks n sys
tem with pure blood. JJo Witt's Sarsapttrllla
maKcs pure , now blood und onrloho ) the old.
The members of the Stryk-on-blnns-
lust club are to bo congratulated upon
securing Miss Bessie Morse of Chicago
for the coming concert.
Trains leave Manawa dally nt 8 nnd 10
turn. , 12 in. , nnd 1 , 2 , 2'iO : , 3 , : t'tO : , 4.
4:80 : , 5 , 6o : : : , 0 , 0HO. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , i ) ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10:110 : , 11 nnd 11:35 : p. in. The
Ili5o : train will make connection with
the last electric motor ci.r for Omaha.
Ogden house furnishes board nnd
roum nt popular prices ; from $125.00 or
835.00 per month , according to room.
Tlio Hotel Gordon alnco its thorough
renovation , coupled with its superior
cuislno , ia mooting with unparalleled
success. _
. Roitothot.vllo. . ' , 310 Droidwty , has
nil the latest styles and nowoat goodj.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
International Cure association rooms
nro in annex to Grand hotel , 620 First
nvenuo , Council BlulTs , In. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
Just , received , 200 black nnd white
leghorn hats , choice SOc. Mrs. Minnie
PfcilTot- . _
Dr. Chamberlain , eye , oar , throat
cattitrh. Shugartblocic , Council BlulTsi
Notice to Cuntoinoni.
Spotman Bros , will close every even
ing at 7 o'clock except Mondays und
Call at the Chautauqua office , No. 10
Pearl street now and select your camp
ing ground if you want the choice of
locations. _
Orunil Hotel , Council IllttlTn.
Special rates to families 'for the sum
mer. Largo rooms facing the park.
For Rout First class saloon : good lo
cution ; line fixtures. Responsible party
can got long louse on good terms. Ad
dress D 24 , Bee oflico , Council BlulTs.
"Healing Wings"
$2.25 A MONTH
lSte Specific Oiyp
Produces Naturally
Free Trial Inhalations.
Really Cures ; Catarrh , Bronchitis ,
Asthma , Hay Fever , Consumption ,
Headache ( sick or nervous ) , Dyspepsia.
Nervous Prostration.
Call on or write without notice ,
Suite 610 Sheoly Blk. , cor. 15th and
Howard Sts. , OMAHA , NEB.
Wonderful Hp nloh
llrtucdy , la Bold with a
Written Guarantee
to euro nil NCITOUI 1)13-
taws , § ucli u Weak
Memory , Lou of Drnla
Power , Headache.
WakefulnesBLoit Man
hood , NtrvouinfH , Lu-
Bttude , all dialni and
Before & After Use. lo ot power of the
ruotographc J from life. GcncralU a Organs In
either KZ , caused by
OYPr-eifillou , ) outhriil liulltcrellonaor the excr lra
3c of loboLCO , opium , or stlinulnnts , which nltliunlcly
Irad to Inllriully , Cuniumptlou and Iii'tmlly. Vut up
Inrnm-eiilfiit form to carrv In tlio \ t pocket. I'llce
| l a | 'nck KC , 01 Ufort5.Ulli cveiy (3 outer nexltea
written auorantoe to cure or refund the
money. .Sent by nmtl lo any address , circular tree
U ) I'liUn eiirtlnpe. Meiillon this linger. AdfirrtJ ,
MADHID CHEMICAL CO. . lirnnch office for U. S. A.
SM Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
Kllhc & Co . Co.r ISth & Douglai Sts.
> A Fuller A Co. . Cor14th & DouzlM Sts.
Wo eend tlio marrclor.1 Froneh
Itemedy CAUTHOS fro < - , and a
local guarantiHitbatUAMiioa will
KTOI * ni.charffMi A EmlHlon * .
CUIt ! ' Norrnintarrlira. Varicucclo
and ItESl OllE IxKt > Iffor.
Use U and far if satisfied , , VON MOHL CO. .
Sol. Jtmrrtm i ( U , Clariiilll , Oblo.
ami SUPicil ?
I Eye d Gar
IleMfaoilllliu. apMra'H"iiil | *
forsuccnssful trjatiinnt of _ ? very form „
of disease ronulrln : or
siir.'leiil troatmunt.
H beds for patients , bo ird nnJ nttondanoo.
. . . lioMtaccoinoJutians In tlio woJU-,1- for clreuljirs on nnl
uriieos. trussu ? , club foot , curvatiiros of snlno.
plluH. tunioH. oincor.outirrh. bronolitlis.n \ -
bulutliii.ooctricUy ! , paralysis. oolloDiy , kld-
Women KKEK. Wo havolatoly ad Jed I , . . . ,
In department for women clurmc confinement.
Hrluily ur vuto.l Only Reliable Mcdleal lu-
ttltuto making a Hpoclnlty o.
A'l II oed Dlsu.isos suecoisfully troitoL
b > imllltlo I'nUon removed from the uyslein
Mllhunt muruury. New itosior.xtlvo
inciit for Ixjss of VITAL I'UWUlt. 1'ornoi.s unable -
able to vls.t us may bo treated at homo by
corresuon lonca All cominuiileutlons conU-
donthil. MoJ clnes or Innriimonti tent by
nut 1 oroxproas , soouruly paeUod , nn nitron to
Ind cutucimtents or ueniler. Una personal In-
tery ew pruforro I. Call and cnnsult n * or sonJ
history of your case , and wo will sand In plala
wrauuor , oiir
ROOK TO MEN rll E : Uoon I'rlv.its ,
OUUIIU nit.ll ,
bpoolul or Nervous ln-
cnaos Impotonoy , Syphllli , Qlout auJ Varloo-
cole , wlthiU04t.on | Hit.
llr.u'cs. Appliances for Deformities A : Trusai.
Only manufactory in the Wcaiof HKt'ititn.
1TV Al'l'i.l.tStUKlt , TitUajail , KLKUtltld
It A TTKR IK&AltlUiLl S.
Omalia Medical anil Inslilute ,
26th and Broadway , Oounoll Dluffi.
Ten mlnutos1 rlilo from center of Omalu on
Omaha und Oounoll Uluffi olostrlo motor Una
Hverr MAN can be
OROUS in all reipccli
_ _ _ _ _ _ t.y uiliiu SPANISH
SSV.VJt'llleBteilt bpanlsh Itemed ? . YOUNO M15N
vTfwnUwri'jyiTllolIUl"IVOU8 ' ? DBBIMTY. I.OBT Of
MANHOODiiiglitlyel.1Mlont1convuliion | , nmoui
protlraiion.cautidurtueuie of opium , loticco or alcohol , wako-
fulne , inental lierreolon , loti otnower .
. , . . . . . . . . . . . . m cither * ex , ipermator.
„ „ „ „ v. . iitwa caused by leltabute and over iiiduUtiicr or an personal weak1
Detacaii be r > tor a lo perfect health and the NOIiblt VITALITY OK STUONO IIUK
We Jive a written gu.r.uiee with 6 Loses lo cure any caio or refund Hie money. * i 1)0 6 boiea li
For Sala In Omaha by Snow , J-und & Co.
KT ) , IS nro
Do let upjjon the -weather , won't you ? F NE
* Black Alpaca Coats ,
When it's cold you kick , -when it's
warm you kick , when it rains it'-s too
wet. Some people are never satisfied Brilliantine Coats ,
with the weather , no matter if it's just $1.00.
what they've been praying fo'r. We're FANCY FLANNEL
Coats and Vests ,
not responsible for the weather , and we
don't think it's fair to lay it all to the * - " in
Blnok nnd Fancy Drnp d'Eto
gentleman who runs the "government Coats and Vests ,
guess factory" up in the tower either. $3.50.
He's doing the best he can , with the FANCY
io-ee Shirts
tools he's got. The only sensible way to & * ' { = >
do at this time of the year is to be - - .
prepared for warm weather ; it always Underwear
Balbriggan ,
comes. Are you prepared for it ? We are. 25c. '
We never had so many good things in Straw Hats ,
hot weather fixin's as we've got today. 25c-45c-65c.
. ( Genuine Jnpanoso Yo ddos SOc.
Thin.Coats , and Vests ice lined Underr
wear Negligee Shirts Straw Hats- Neckwear ,
Summer Neckwear Fancy Vests any Tecks , Four-in Windsors. - Hands nnd
thing you want to take it cool in 5c each.
we've got it. BUY 'EM COOL OFF
No 1OO Main Street , Oor. First Ave. .
Take pleasure in calling attention to their
THIS WEEK WE SHALLOFEER : In men's heavy working shoos we have the most complete line
on sale m this cfty , in all the best makes at the most reasonable
500 pairs of the celebrated Morse Col. Shoe Co. men's ILe shoes . ;
in kangaroo , dorigola and calf at S3. In boys * and youths' fine dress and school shoes , in machine and
200 Williams , Kneeland & Co. fine calf hand-sewed shoes
pairs - hand-sewed an 1 standard screw fastened , we show the largest stock
at H and lowest prices , quality considered , ever offered in Council Bluffs.
These shoes cannot he duplicated for less than $5. In Ladies' oxford ties , Prince Alberts and southern ties , at 75c ,
Burt & Mears' best hand-sewed calf shoes at $5. $1 , SI.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 and $2.50.
200 pairs C. M. Henderson & Co. fine shoes in congress ( a fine' We can please all in fit , style and finish.
dress shoe and good wearer ) at $2.50. Our stock of misses' and children's oxford ties and slippers is
And tne best line of men's dress shoes at $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 and complete in black , tan and red , and
2 tha M\c hayecvero'ffered. AT POPULAR RICES.
We extend to you a most cordial invitation to call at
100 Main Street Cor. First Avenue , - S , A , PIERCE & CO
IjlOlt SALE Extr.i IIn ? , tliorouu-liUroil , Jur-
* - ttav oull , solid color. icKlstercd stoulc ; U
iioniliK old. 7 58. I'lHtUreot.
have any thin ? for 8-Uo or trade sou
. 11. Slio ifo , II mud wuy mill Main strent.
I/OU KENT Dwelling ! nil parts of tlio
-L city. I' . U. Hheufu. tlrpadwuy and Muln.
nnd Coiimlsilon-Btovoa. furniture
ture , otu. , stored un Jilold on commU luu ut
lowest rates. U Klnnouaii , U'JO llroadwuy.
FOH SALH Onsinnll'pitymonts. fruit und
Harden land noir < a > nncll IllulTs H. U >
Shoafo , liroftdwny an'IMala street.
FOH Ur.NT-OM Second uvonuo. dwclllns
wltlil ) roomi , furrmciij'ranic. bath , clcctrlu
bolls , one of the most deslrnblo icsldoncos In
Connell Itluir. * : rent , itt.rx ) ( per month , U U.
Shoafo. llroadwuy and Maiu utroot. '
"IJ1OU HRNT Two of the tust Uarrlas nuts on
-I-1 1'ourth street. "
FOU BAI.K Knmltu L Uxturcs loabo und
coodwlllof hotel with 43 rooms In a KOQI !
Nobi-.ibkaolty ; will trade for stock of general
murchandlse. U H. Hhoafo , Itroadway u U
Muln street.
FOUHAIjK A comfortnblo tlvo room dwell
ing I'.ilrmount park. 1'rlce , II.Mi ) .
f. > 0 eiish. bulnnco In monthly payments. 11 H.
faheafu. llroailway ami Main street. _
TJlOU HAI-K A Imranln. threo-room dwoll-
J3 lu ; . HUB I'Mtth ' iivenuii. prlco tTO ) . will
tuko team uood horses in t ratio und lialunco in
monthlv puymculti. L. 11. Hho.ifo , Ilro.idway
und limn streets.
FOK HAIr-Or trade. A six-room frame
dwclllnu' . nishtli uvunuo , cor.'Jth KU. prlcu
II.4W. li. il , bhoufe. llroidway und Muln alt
" 1O1 BALK The onl/'liotol la c. amull town
X'5j miles from Counoll ll.u'fs Has on Ice
cream parlor with good trade. Furniture In
voices utll.030 , biiliainir tiWO. Will trade for
good resident property In Council Iliulfs , u
BII..V for tha rlcht party. III. . bhoafe , llroad
wuy anil Slain slrcuu
FOlt BALK A perfectly now surry very
chonp. Cull ut , Mr * . U , A. Uolilusuu'ii , Tv'l
I'lrvi uvcuu' ' , city.
niOR nnNT-KlRlit-room dwelling 221 Waili-
Jlnlon nvo. , modern style und convon-
lencos. In excellent repair , rent } i'i. R U.
Bhoafe , Broadwuy and Main sH.
SALE Hotel nnd restaurant In u prosperous
Nebraska ' ' business '
perous city , pavliiit. ,
Rood reasons i forsolllnij , nrleol,0ui. It ls u
snap. ! - II. bhoufe , Ilro.idway nnu Main street.
$ NV ) lll buy n nice new honsu ; monthlv
nuymentH.UI foot lot In Oilmus' addition
! 55J , Larva IUt of property for silo , John
ston & Vim ratten ,
FOR SAI n Standard bred mare. 7 years
old , sired by Dr. Archibald. No. KI1.V ilrxt
dam by Ulonwood , reuord " > ! " ! ! , Hho Is u line
chestnut , hiishliown uooil spoodi Is entlo an.I
well broken lo drive Mnslo or doublu , wuUhs
xbont l.OJJ Iba May bu seen at barn of W , U.
UtlorbaoU. i8 ! West Hro.idwuy , Council
Ululfs. I'rlcottf ) . Jacob .Sims.
AN'IT.D-Good slrl. Qoo I wnscs for ro-
llnhlo ulrl. NowushlnK. Mrs. U. U. Smith ,
717 I'lrBt uvenno.
TTIOR BAIjn rurin , I'JI ncroi , renton On. ,
-L Missouri , wllh linnrovemenia ; will trade
for morchunilUo ; prluo J1.2JJ. I. . 11. Shouto ,
llroidway nnd Mnln stieet.
POH SAMJ I'nrni , ! B ) acres. In Dlekenson
L'o , low.t. ' , ' 10 acres liroUe , haliinco funuuil
paNturo and meadow. 1'rluo (2Jan ( acre. IX II
bhe.ifu , Hro.idwuy and Main street.
FOHSAI.iR Cholro f.irmsln I'nlla-rattamlo
Co. , Iowa. U. li , riheafe , llro.iduay and
Main btreuU
pASTUIlAOn for horses anil cattle near
Julty. . rientv water anil coed uure , K. 11.
fcheute , llruadway and Main street.
171011 8ALB J7.00) ) stock nf t'cnenil mer-
-l ? well louateil within 1UO miles of
Omaha. Will takoji irtln lunl of hcstiiial- |
Ity , bHlancu eu h. II H. bhoafe. Ilroauway
und Muln btruet.
TTtOH SAI.n Grocery stock HxturoN. horses.
J eti ; . 1'rluo iLMI , Kxcellont tr.nlu , well
t'NtablUhoJ , ' larxo prnlltui must bo bold at
once , for cool cause. K , U , Bheafo , ilroadway
and Main strpel.
r/IOKHALE Tlio lumping business and ait
needlework materlaU ; am Koine lo leave
city ) uooil ehuneu for a lady to KU In business. I'.MIee. 4a ( UiouUwuy , Council JIIuBl
POU rjHNT Nleuly fnrnUhud rooms ono
lilocK from llrn.Kiwiiy , ut r.J Qlon iivunuu
\\7ANTKD Noliraska Innds In
' for Council liuir : pioiiorty. 1' . 11. Hlicnfo ,
llro.idwuv und Main struct.
LOST Lady's cold wiitoli. liimtliK cuso ;
hort oliuln mid 1) ill ; rutnrii to ID. " Flftli
avontio null K t luw.ird.
I71KUIT lamia , garden lairls , f inns and elty
* - proper ! v formiluor traile. D.iy & Hess , M
I'earl stieet.
77IOH UIINT 'Iho twii-story liric-k
A dwelling homo. 8 rooms , all modern con-
oiiluneca. No , 7JJ riflli uvciinu , from July 1U.
T < linilIGGrSTBAKJAI.V-louloruslloiio ( ] (
Jlot. . No. ' i boutli Klr t Hi i uot. N ) feet front ,
bent on iinii best bargain In thu ulty If
taki'ii utoncu. Day & Hess. ; i'j 1'uarl Ntrout.
Funeral DMr , E mbilnrcr
14 N. Main Street ,
couNcm. , ni ui-M-'s.
( e o
nrtu , ccn lliuitlbii , fouIZ
i. biulul.u , u
ieiital ut | iv > on , itunru
iiluiiilM , mlluw oiMili-x-
l.3iuroliloc [ ' if t faJlurt brtliintoiimilj.lhirorln
j tiwtlQU toi > eitoiiu tliilr ' rui | < r lull. tioi , . 1' ;
iviii toot * e&ituifarol'C'iuntKlLiyUikuiKOiicffftir Y
n-lunrnl. Ii1r 1 v mull. 1 irroiui , IX t Miiii'l"l&e. T
P _ HM-ANH . - ClIKMIUALlio.Vl'JI'rrucflbl.Ncw . . - , Vorlc t
- r rl
NAHIIVIIJ.i : , For Vounv l.aillei.
TKNN. , 3 liulldlnift Wolllcer * . 7 V mlcibllt
4U | > uiilt | fromUOHIute * . Art. llililc. ( Jyiiinuklum
I JUv. UllOllUK W. f. i'lllCU , U. I ) . , 1'rn't.
6. W. PANGLE , M. D.
TL Good SiunnriUn. 20 Twin' Eiptrlcnt. * .
vrouuvs ii Kiin AI , uisviuf-
Hrcat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the llcntl , Throat , and T.nnffa ; DI * .
cascsof the Kyoniul Knr.KIUand Apoplexy , Heart
Disease , Liver Uotunlalnt , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Doblllty , Montnl Doprca-
slon , Loss of Mnnhootl , Somlnnl
WonUno88ninbct05.11rlshf8ni easeBtVUus'
IMticj. micuuiallsm , 1'aralyM'YlilIo Swelling ,
Boronita , Fovcr Eorcs , Cancers , Tumors
nnd Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawlnc n drop of
blood. Woman with her dellcnlo organs restored -
stored to health. Dropsy cured ultliout tapping.
Special Attention glvon to prlvato
and Vonoronl Dlsonoos of all kinds.
SOO to 35OO forfeit for any Venereal DIsease -
ease I cannot euro without moroury.
Tape Worms removed In two or thrco hour * , or uo
pay. lUmorrholili or 1'llai cured.
WllUavo lifo and hundreds of dollnis by calling
on or using
The only 1'tiynlclan who can toll \vlmt alia
n pet-Mill without asking n question.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdlclna
Bciit by express. Address all letters to
G , W , Pangle , M , D
5SB Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
cud every ether gradn donianded bj
all clnssoi of trade.
M3AND i07 IlUOAinVAV. Council IllulTs
Of Council Uliilti
CnpltM stco'c SI. OO 3
fcurnlusunirroflU , >
NctG.ipltil nnl Surplus y < iltUOI , > 'J
Dlroctori .1. I ) . IM nun Ho i. | { . ltnurir l : , i' )
Olonson , 15. K. Hart , I. \ . MIHlr , J. V. illmun
anilClmrlui It Hnnnan. Trnni binlr-
IIIK busmen' : iuil surplus o *
any bunk In 'outliwostorn low.u
Pension A
That is the sort of thing Th9
Dc3 Bureau of Claims was or
ganized to correct. The
Bureau believes in giving
the veterans the benefit of
the laws that were passed
to help them. It wages
war on the sharks consequently
quently the sharks don't like
it. But as long as the sol
diers aie gra'.eful it is satis
fied. If you are a veteran ,
or the widow , child or de
pendant parent of a veteran ,
write to "Re 833 Buraau of
Claims and find out how
much the government is
willing to do for you.
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.