Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1892, Image 1

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Democratic Possibilities Sailing Their Frail
Bcomlets in Turbulent Waters.
Dnrlt Ilorc Onlorp , nnil Kvcry Ono of
Thorn Hrnily nnil Antloii * lor tiio Start
Clilruco Ovnrllinvlng with Dunio-
cratlc I'olltlclinn The Hlttmtlon.
CIIICAOO , III. , Juno 17. There are many
prcsldcntlaf barks tossing about on the
political sea tonight , but through the mists
end shadows the hull of Cleveland's ' hopes
loom ominously above them nil. Everybody
realizes that the great question ot the con
vention is , "Will Cleveland bo nominated on
the lirst ballot ! "
Should the logic ot ovonti answer this
question in the nogatlvo the friends of all
the candidates will feel that the Hsu are
then open to their favorlto. for somehow the
conviction has gone forth thnt the falluro
of tbo ox-prosldont to receive the
nomination on the first ballot
means the elimination of the great
tariff reformer from the contest. Tno cor
rectness of this opinion Is not conceded by
the Cleveland managers. They maintain
thnt while they bollovo their man will bo
nominated on the llrt ballot tbo falluro to
receive the requisite two-thirds on thnt bal
lot will not bo an indication of his subsequent
defeat , for they expect Important accessions
from the followers ot Boles , Hill nnd Gray
nftor their stales have paid the compli
mentary tribute to their favorlto sons.
Uomocnicj'A M t of 1'onsllillltlcn.
The various presidential candidates , dark
horses nrd possibilities discussed tonight nro
Cleveland , Hill and Flower ot Now York.
Bolrs of Iowa , Palmer ot Illinois. Gray of
Indiana , Gormnn of Maryland , Carlisle of
Kentucky , Morrison of Illinois , Campbell of
Ohio , UusKcll of Massachusetts and Pattlsou
ot Pennsylvania.
Cleveland , Hill , Boles. Gray nnd probably
Palmer and Gorman will have a following on
the first ballot , but , the others Hguro entirely
as dark horses aim compromise candidates.
They Arrive nt Chicago Ono Ilcnsoii Why
Ilu Will Ho Supported.
CIIICAOO , 111 , , Juno,17. The Gorman move
ment , nbout which so much has been said in
the pro's , received a now impetus this after
noon by the arrival of Senator Gorman of
Maryland , who cnmo to the Palmer house
nbout 2 o'clock. Wllh him was a party of
Maryland dologhtos , Messrs. Comptou ,
Brown , Gwynn nnd Hunt. The senator
flatly refused to discuss the political situa
tion."I don't know anything about It , " ho said ,
"I have Just arrived in the city , nnd I hnvo
had no time to look over the ground. "
Ex-Govornor Brown of Maryland con-
fussed this information : "Thoro is. " ho
Bitid , "a strontr friendliness for Cleveland In
Mnrylond , but our delegation comes to
Chicago ucinstructcd , nnd If wo sco a
reasonable chance to nominate our favorite
our people would expect us to do our duty.
Senator Gorman's mime will not bo used to
prevent or forward the nomination of any
candidate. The safest thing for you to say
is that Maryland has no candidate and her
delegates are hero to counsel with the demo
crats unon the question. "
In thn meantime it Is evident that a great
deal of work is being done for Gorman ,
chiefly perhaps from the New York bead-
Not Thnt They I.ovo Gorinnn.
VV. J. Black , late speaker of the Indiana
house , said : "Yes , you can hear Gorman tallt
all ever tno place. Tbo senator is certainly a
possibility , but tbo time is uot ripe to bring
him forward yet , and I thing his frlonds will
probably support the boom until after
the lirst ballot shall bavo cleared the
air and showed us whora wo stand. There
ore really two parties behind that movement ,
onoslncorclv anxious to make Senator Gor
man president ; the sincerely anxious
that somoboay ole shall not bo president.
If the two can combine , it will bccoino a se
rious factor In the convention , but they have
not combined yot. You can sco these same
two forces ut work for Gray , for Morrison
nnd for others who bavo been named. I shall
not mnko up my mind as to what is going to
happen until I sco how fnr Cleveland falls
behind the two thirds vote on the
first ballot. Not cnouch delegations are yet
on hand to mnko missionary work worth the
trouble of organizing and pushing , but it
Bccrns to bn understood nt the Cleveland
headquarters that either Gorman , Boloi ,
Morrison , Palmer or Husscll will got necos-
nary help front the Tammany directors to encourage -
courage their suppoitcrs to continue the
light. In other words , with much bettor
organization , the same campaign is to bo
operated in Chicago which was made In Min
neapolis , with the ilitTorcnco that Mr. Harrison
risen had to bavo half the delegates , while
IS - * Mr. Cleveland must get two-lhlrus of them. "
Murphy'a 'MaiiircstoVakons Up the "Autl-
CIIICAOO , 111. , Juno 17. The delegates from
the Syracuse convention , were a good deal
stirred up today over the Murphy manifesto ,
nnd n number of them wcro prepared with
responses to it designed to counteract Its or-
feet and to show that Cleveland was not only
1ho strongest man In the party in Is ow York ,
but that ho would carry Iho state and got a
"largo number ot independent and republican
votes. W. C. Wultnoy of Brooklyn , ono of
the nntl-dolcgate.x , said :
"Mr. Murphy In his Interview seems do-
filroiiB of giving the impression that tbo
loaders in the May convention movement
hava been in the habit of opposing the dem
ocratic state tickets In Now York , and par
ticularly that of Ib'Jl. As to this I can only
nay that Mr. Murphv knows very well the
fact to bo totUo contrary , as I can state fiom
personal knowledge. Some of tttt ) delegates
from the Syracuse convention are among the
bist wornors for the democratic party. Mr.
Murphy soys that the rank and fllo of the
democratic party uro prc-pared to vote
ngnlnst the most popular democrat In the
country for the presidency because they
fear his election would please the Syracuse1
delegation , I will Dim ply say to this that if
Mr. Murphy believes what ho says ho con-
tliiers his own followers to bo mugwumps
unil not democrats , and bib Interview Is un
insult to the regular democracy of the state
oi Now Yoric.
Cull * Tnimimiolti-n Traitors.
"There nro two men prominent in the Hill
organization who uro regarded with t > uspiclou
i > y the democracy In general on this point ,
These gcntlomcn nro Mr. Murphy nnd Lieu
tenant Governor Shoohau , Thcro U a gen
eral impression in the state of Now York
that they woio treacherous to the national
ticket , in 1SX , and 1 think it not unlikely
that they will bo so'ugnln this year ,
, "Tho who ' bo friend
man , 'protending to n ,
slips bis itlllatto In your buck , ' is the man
who is known only nmonir Mr. Murphv's
own folio WOK ; his power for evil in mini
mised this year by the now ballot reform
net. Kvcry other democrat in the stuto of
Now York will vote for Air. Cleveland if
nominated. Nobody else can bring about
1 this or como nuywhcro near it. For that
reason , although there are ninny democrats
whom I bavo putfonally preferred to Clovg-
land for the presidential nomination , I have
no doubt that ho 1s by far the most av.UUblo
; > candidate tor thu ituto of Now fYorlf. "
llelriruto * lloiinit tor
OOIIBN , U. T. , Juuol7-Tho California ,
Idaho , NovaJa aud Montana delegations to
tbo Chicago convention arrived hero last
fulling. They were met by the Utah dele
gation. Bands wore out nnd speeches rr.ndo.
General Clark of Nnvada. Henry W. Pntton
of tx > s Angeles , Colonel W. L. P. Payton of
Ogden nnd Johu P. Irish of California wcro
the main speakers. California anil Nevada
delegates nro solid for Cleveland. Two
train * of five sleepers each bearlne the dele
gations loft la&t night for the Chicago wig
WHY ni.AiNi : uisioNii : : ) .
Views of n Member of the Democratic Na
tional Committee ,
CAtrun , Wyo. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnn. | There Is no question
that these few persons favoring martial law
for Wyoming thought some action would
bo tnkon last Monday In tbo matter
by the president , but today a
party hero received a letter from an
eastern member of the democratic national
commltteo asking for nn unbiased statement
of tbo Wyoming cattle trouble to bo sent to
him nt Chicago and expressing the belief
that it would bo gooJ timber for n plank in
the national platfoim , to be used to offset the
icgro outrage plank ot the republican plat
The letter also states that the matter was
before the cabinet before the Minneapolis
convention nnd moro bad feeling xvas stirred
up over Its consideration than anything ever
before it. Blttlno , the writer says , ex
plained himself as unwilling to consider It at
all , holding that it was purely a state affair
nnd that the action of the War department
was unwarranted j others wcra Inclined to
uphold the War department in what it had
'Iho writer concludes his letter by saying
that this had moro to do with Blatna's with
drawal from the cabinet than anything , and
he states this on cabinet authority , nnd ho
( tales that tbo thing is going to cut a big
figure in national politics this fall.
The people of Wyoming , ho declares , need
have no fear of martial law , as the adminis
tration was sick ot the whole matter and was
nnxlous to hnvo the prisoners demanded
utraln , and that Blaino's withdrawal
from the cabinet would stop any
further consideration of martial law
nnd that the War department would wash
Its hands of the matter at an early data. The
War department was In n suicidal quandary ,
ho thought , over what to do with the pris
oners nt Fort Hussoll in case Johnson county
never demanded them , which it is generally
believed Johnson county will never do , but
catch them again when turned loose , if they
ever are , by the department.
Omaha's Unwashed aocl Untcrrlllcil Going
Out tu Two llodli's.
Democratic delegates of the Mate to the
Chicago convention are beginning tn nrrivo
in the city to meet this evening Governor
Boyd and thoSamosot club , which will leaVe
In a body at 8 o'clock over the Burllnctou
road for the convention city.
The Samosot club hold a well attended
meeting last night at its quarters in Boyd's
theater buildlntr. Final arrangements were
completed for the trip. Committees were
detailed to meet at the Union depot the Cali
fornia delegation , which arnvcs In
Omaha on a special train at 11 o'clock
this morning. The some commltteo
will also meal tbo Colorado delegation ,
which will got n ere at 4 o'clock ia the after
noon. All the state delegates will have ar
rived by that time and will go in a body with
the Samosot club to the depot Just ocforo
train timo.
Otncr prominent democrats , not delegates ,
will also accompany the party. Charles
Hcdick of Oklahoma City arrived in Omaha
yesterday and will Join the party.
Mr. Juan Boyle , a democrat of consider
able distinction at Kearney , is hero and wijl
go to Chicago tonight. Mr. Bovlo has Just
returned from a trip through Colorado. Ho
bellovoj thnt neither Cleveland nor Hill will
be the nominee of the convention. Ho thiims
the choice will bo Gorman of Maryland and
Boles for second place.
' Gorman Is a great favorite in Colorado ,
and in fuel west of Ne.brasUa ns well as In
the east , " sala Mr. Boyle , ' ! think Gorman
is the only available man who can carry
Now York. "
Colonel Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska
City , who has recently been In Now York
City , Is aUo in Omaha. He , too , is a strong
Gorman man.
"I think that Gorman will bo the man. "
sold Mr. Ireland. "Tho leading democrats
know they bavo to make a strong cholco to
carry Now YorK und they must have that
state for any chance of victory this fall ,
and it looks now very innch like
Gorman is the only man who can
carry that stare. Both Cleveland and Hill
have a largo following , but tbo factional
light v'11 ' liurt both and neither will bo
available. Cleveland could not carry the
state four years ago und I can't sec what ho
has done since that time to make tbo party
thlnlt ho can dn it now. Gorman nnd Boies
will bo the ticket , I most earnestly bellovo ,
Und I think they will be selected after Cleve
land and Hill rccclvo their complimentary
votes. "
JnckHoiiIan Club Preparing.
All members of the Jacksonlan club are
especially requested to bo present ut tonight's
meeting , 1S10 Farnum , also to bring with
them such of their friends as may desire to
go with the club to Chicago. Tbo headquarters -
quarters of the club at the Paxtou hotel
will bo open today and tomorrow
for the information acd accom
modation of all parties interested. The
procession will inarch with a band from tjio
hotel nt (1 ( p. in. direct to thu Union depot ,
whom * n special train on the Chicago &
Northwestern will bo walling to carry this
largo and enthusiastic assemblage of demo
crats to Chicago.
llrjttu lit Ann Arbor.
ANN Aunou , Mich. , Juno 17. Congress
man Bryan of Nebraska stopped hero this
evening on his way to the democratic na
tional convention and addressed thn demo
cratic club of the University of Michigan and
a number of citizens. It was in answer to
the speech made at the Republican College
club's banquet to Governor McKinley re
Mr. Bryan passed hurriedly ever that part
of McKlnley's speech whluh attacked the
tariff policy of the democratic party , and
then answered tbo remainder of it in detail.
Its Delegation' * Vote the Subject ut Many
Conjeotiirt'n ,
Cinciao , 111. , , 'uuo 17. The uncertain atti
tude of the Illinois delegation is still the
subject of much speculation and up to data
only ouo thing seems determined that the
candidate who is the cholco of the majority
of the delegates wilt receive the entire forty-
elijht votes of the tato. The instructions of
tbo utato convention were that the delegation
vote as n unit on all Important questions and
there Is a unanimous resolve to abldo by
these instructions. But upon tbo question
of wblcb candidate IB to receive tbo vote of
the state there U difforenca of opinion , Tbo
Inttructlons of thu state convention de
clared that In the event It should bo
found expedient to coma to the great west
fora candidate , the Illinois delegationnhould
Ube all honorable means to secure the nomi
nation of General John Palmer. The Initial
question which the delegation is to consider
ut tomorrow's meeting Is to ho the Judgn of
the expediency of uouiiug west for u candi
date ,
1'iiliiUT ami .Mormon.
The compromise most generally discussed
at this time U that nftor it ia decided that
eastern candidate ? uro uot available. Pal
mer ihall receive thu full vote of Illinois on
on sttxi.sii IM.UK. )
Lincoln Christian Scientists Given a
Ohanca to Explain Thejr Doctrine.
S. Y. Ocilon nnil John Ilnuapt Ucllovo In
the Kfllciioy ot Prayer , Though Their
1'iitlcntd t'ltll to Thrlto on
the Treatment.
Lixcot.v , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tun
BKB. ] S. Y. O ilon nnd John Housol were
taken before Judga Borgclt this attornoon
UDon the charge of practicing medicine
without a certificate from the State Boird ot
Health. Both are Christian Scion list boaters
and the fact which led to their nrr03t was
their attendance upon Gnuivlllo Sailorwho
died at his residence , 174U Q street , on the
evening of May 10. Sellers was a firm bo-
llcvor in their ability to euro htm and refused
all medical attendance In splto of the asser
tions of his family that his case could lie
successfully treated by regular physicians.
The Indignation which followed Sellers'
dsath urged Coroner Crlm to autlon and ho
swore out complaints against Ogden and
House ) .
At their trial this afternoon Ogden con
ducted tbo dofonso. Ho modi' a Ion ? , ram
bling talk to the judgi > , in which ho assorted
that disease could bo cured by prayer. Ho
further assorted that It their practice m&do
them amenable to nrrott ovoty minister ot
the gospel in Lincoln was equally guilty ,
both were released on ball and Judge Dor-
gelt took the case under advisement until to
A petition Is being circulated today re
monstrating against the Rock Island rail
roads proposed crossing at East O street at
grade. " It Is being numerously signed , nnd
will oc presented to the council at its next
General Manager Allen ot the Rook Island
arrived in his private car this attornoon at 2
o'clock on his return cast from Colorado.
C. E. Fearo , western passenger agent of
the Burlington , is In the city this attornoon.
Ueorgo E. Dorrington , traveling passenger
agent of the Missouri Pacific , is in the city.
The general uftlcos of the Hock Island in
this oity are being fitted up with mahogany
A largo force of men has boon put to work
In the now Burlington shops nt Havolock.
Hon. O. M. Lambortson and.J. D. Mac-
farland start on a three months' visit to
Europe tomorrow.
Tbo democratic county convention meets
tomorrow to select delegates to the congres
sional convention at Nebraska City.
Four hundred carpenters of Lincoln have
organized n local assembly ot the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters.
The icgents of the State University have
decided to nt once lot the contract for the
now library building. It will be eroded on
the campus northwest of the main university
building"and wilt cost about flU.OOU.
A largo number of Lincoln people will go
to Omaha tomorrow to witness the efforts ot
the University cadets to capture the prize in
the maiden contest.
Andrews Will Koclntm the Fifth.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 17. fSoocial to THE
Ben. ] Prof. W. E. Andrews , who was on
the llrst ballot at the McCook convention
made the republican candidate for congress
man in the Fifth district , is in every respect
a typical , energetic young western man. Ho
was born in Mahaska county , Iowa , in IS.I.
His father was a farmer , and Mr. Andrews ,
engaged in farm work until ha was 2(1 ( years
of ago. In 1874 ho entered Slmtison collccro
at Indianola , la. , and Juno 10. 1SS5 , gradu
atcd with the aegrco of A. B. , from Parsons
college at Falrlicld , la. Part of the time
from 1674 to 1SS5 was spent on th'o farm and
in public school worn , to meet necessary col-
leeu expenses. In January , 18So , bix months
prior to his graduation in Juno , no was
elected to tbo chair of Latin and history in
Hastings college at Hastings. Nob. . "On
September 1 of tbo same year ho was mar
ried to Miss Mlra McCov at Fairllcid , la.
In Juno , 1SS8 , Prof. Andrews received the
degree of master of arts from his alma
mater. Parsons colloeo. During The year
1801 ho served acceptably as president of the
Nebraska State Teachers association , and
for tbo last seven years ho has been continu
ally identified with tbo work of Hastings
college. In the winter term of 1SSO bo was
elected vice president ot the faculty. Prof.
Andrews has never been an ofilco seeker ,
although prominent In state and district
politics for some timo. Ho served ono term
as county superintendent of schools in Iowa.
Ho Is intensely republican.
Closed the Kncampment.
IKVID CITT , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to
Tun BEE. ] General C. J. Uilworth , depart
ment commander of the Grand Army of tbo
Honublic , arrived at 2 p. m. yesterday from
tbo west. Ho was met at the train by A.
Lincoln post' Grand Army of tbo Republic ,
and Sons ot Veterans. Ho was escorted to
tbo opera house , where a reception was bold
for an hour. Ho addressed the campllro at
Camp Dilworth in the evoning.
The encampment closed today. The now
division ofllcors nro : Commander , P. H.
Borrow , St. Edwards : senior vine , J. C.
Soacrlst , Lincoln ; Junior vice , George W.
Hoot , Nelson ; council , H. C. bearl , Colum
bus ; Henry Miller , Hod Cloud ; C. D.Gideon ,
South Omaha ; adjutant , F. N. Abbott , bt.
Edwards ; < iuartcrmastcr , F. J. Norton.
Albion ; surceon , Dr. F. W , Gortor , David
City ; chaplain , F. N. Cosgrovo , Gibbon ; inspector
specter , George C. Nell , Indianola ; mustering
ofltcor , J. N. Skirnogs , Stuart ; assistant ,
Frank Dugboo , Chester ; judge advocate , M.
C. Hogear , Norfolk ; sergeant major , H. C.
Pierce , IJavcnport ; inspector's clerk , J. E.
Brown , Central City.
The Daughters of Veterans were in annual
session hero , but attracted little attention ;
they installed olllcers at thcsamj time as did
the Sons.
It Was mi OrsiinUoil < iiK. .
Ni'.iuusKA. CITY , Nob. , Juno 17. | Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Lon Moore , James
Cook am ) Charles Jouos , who were arrested
Monday charged with chicken stealing , wcro
today bound over to the district court in tbo
Eum of $503. From the evidence it appears
that the men belong loan organized gang and
did not conflno themselves to chickens , but
farm machinery , corn and hogs which bad
disappeared recently were traced to them.
They are iu Jail.
I'rcsnHuovlatlun L'uutuiitlon ,
Giuxn ISIANP , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bnn.l The Independent
Press association mot hero toaay in annual
convention. Tuo members were shown
about the local printing oflicos under the
leadership of Commissioner Mobloy. This
afternoon they wcro driven abput the city to
points of interest iu carriages. Forty editors
were present.
drain ! Inliind'n lili ; Hvcnt.
UitAND Isi.iMi , Nob. , Juno H. ( Special to
Tin ; BKK.J Delegates to the annual conven
tion of the Plattsacutscucr Central Vcroln
of North America are beginning to arrive
and by tomorrow night till of them are ex
pected to huvo arrived , The convention
opens tomorrow morning. Sunday will bo
the great day.
Will NUO the ivi : | ( ) ltloii.
NKIUUSKA CITY , Nob. , Juno 17. A special
train for Omaha over the Kansas City , St.
Joseph & Council Bluffj will leave this city
tomorrow. About 400 people , accompanied
uy the celebrated Seconu Jleglmcnt band ,
\vill see that Nebraska City's day is appro
priately observed at the manufacturer's ex
llrutrlcu Now Nolei.
BEATUICK , Neb. , June 17. [ Special to TUB
B KB. ] The case of the Bulolt Iron worka
against the Beatrice Paper Mill company U
on trial In the district court. Suit Is broucnt
for the foreclosure ot a fneohanlo's Icln , The
amounts involved will aggregate ? lu,000.
The Beatrlco ptotoljtei has finally got
domiciled In 1W new ! location on North Fifth
street , m tbo Audltorlum'tjulldlng. ' Thoomco
will bo retained in those ( juartors until the
completion of the new government building.
The Beatrice National OAUK will occupy the
old postofllco quarters at tho. corner of Court
and Sixth streets.
High School Commencement ! ! .
GoTHEsnuna , N b. . Juno 17. [ Special
Telesrum to TUB BEE. ] The closing exor
cises of the Gothenburg schools were ob
served this evening1 In the Gothenburg opera
house. A cholco pol cUon ct essays , solos
nnd recitations were rendered to n > lnrgo and
appreciative audiciico. The school has been
very successfully mnnaeod by Prof. K G.
Bnner , who bassoon retained for next
FniGxn , Neb , Jiino 17 < [ Special Tologrntn
to Tin : BEE. ] The nnnutil commencement
exercises of the city. High school were held
today in the openi , house with n vorv line
program. The clns-i Is composed of Emma
Marshall. Llbblo Uorwurt , Hose Murray ,
Borthn Moon and Mary Smith , with Missi
Marshall nt Its bead. ' Thg schools , under the
management of Prof. D. G. Hopkins , nro
making rapid progress.
The Arc for Cleveland.
SIDNET , Noo. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB.J--Tho California delega
tion to the democratic national convention
reached hero at 7:3D : ) this evening 'and were
royally received by tbo Cleveland club. Ad
dresses were delivered by Colonel O'Borno '
of San Francisco , Hon. John P. Irish of
Oakland nnd MM. Lnnira'Doforost Gordon of
Lodl , Cul. The delegation Is unlnstruntcd ,
but will support Grover Cleveland for presi
dent. t _
ci VIL suit nvt : jecvoitM.
Itcport of the Democratic Majority of the
Committed nf.IntoBtlirntloii.
WASUIXGTOX , D. Ci Juno 17. Tbo demo
cratic majority of the house committee on
reform ia the civil .sorvfco has agreodlipon
n report drawn up uy ; Uapr.osontativo Boat-
ncr of Louisiana 11 per , the results of the com-
mlttuo's investigation ot the alleged violation
of the civil servioV Iti'w at Baltimore. The re
port quotes the posttnaster general's state
ment that nona of'itho parsons whoso dis
missal from ofllca had boon recommended
by the civil service commission for violation
of the law had boc'n dismissed or prosecuted
and elves at some length'his reasons for fallIng -
Ing to act , according to his testimony before
the committee , wbich'roasons ' the committee
characterize as contradictory. It says ; "It
is singular that the , postmaster"conoral
should bavo endorsed the idea that the men
charged with the violation of the civil service
were entitled to notioo ihafore any action as
to tbolr eujlt wd entered upon , and that
they wcro entitled ( o assistance of counsel ia
tbo Investigation. I
" I'ho examination oft the testimony taken
by the Inspectors and which the postmaster
general claims to have acted on. shows that
neither their conclusions Kor bis are sup
ported by the statements' of the parties Im
plicated : o i the contrary , testimony reported
by the inspectors coifflrma ; and corroborates
fully that tnlion by ttw.oivil service com
mission. Substantially thu same facts ad
mitted by the panics bbtore tbo commission
wcro sworn to botoro the inspector * and the
severe strictures nnd' , Criticisms which the
inspectors passed oii thfe work of Mr. Roosevelt
velt In making th'q Inrcaiigaticm nro nut
berne out br any 'facts stated by the wit
nesses on that examination.
"Tho acceptliiTco''by the postmaster gen
eral without furthetiiDVestlgatlon dr inquiry
of the report of the Inspectors , vbipa , U
proved Convicted the civil service commis- gross ofiiciaUnlsconduct and most
dishonorable practices,1 , is to say the least ,
extraordinary. " ' * ' / ' . ,
The report , conlfnulpg , says : "Tho an
swers of tbo postmaster general to many of
the questions propounded by your commitoo
wcro evasive aad Utterly inconsistent of the
evidence on which ho'claims to have acted. "
It also comments orf tao failure of the post
master general to procluco a written opinion
from thu assistant attorney , general of his
department to the effect that participation in
the primary elections , on Which the case was
based , did not constitute a violation of tbo
laws , and doubts whether any reputable at
torney would risk hlsjroputation by giving
such on opinion. Futthor , it says : "Tho
garbled statement of { evidence tatton before
tbo inspectors furnished by the postmaster
general shows the < desperate straits to
whlcn be is driven In the attempt to sustain
the action of his inspectors and his own. "
The report holds that tbo accused employes
were actually guiltyof a violation of law
and that their excuses were "transparent
evasion. " It says : fv'Had the postmaster
general been able tq jhpw that ho had been
advised by the Depdhmont of Justice that
the law did not apply to contributions
for political primarV purposes , or had
bo fairly dofeudcu . bis bcliof that
tbo men were iu ignorance of IU provisions ,
or were ho invested ! with a discretionary
power not to oxecututho laws , and had bo
exercised his ( Uscrotliri'ln refusing to rc-
move these men tb'era' might have boon
sotno excuse for his falluro to do so , but on
the ground stated oy him hU notion indi
cated either a determination not to enforce
the law or negligence therein to the last de
gree. ' i
The report concludes OB follows : "Wo
therefore llnd thatjtbo report of tbo civil
service recommending the removal of certain
employes in the post ofilco at Baltimore was
well rounded ; mat , the postmaster
nt Baltimora has + 'not ' roraovcd any
of these parties substantially by
direction of the 'postmaster ' general :
that tbo report of theanspoctors upon which
they were retained li'-unsupported by the
evidence tnkon by themselves , and indicates
either complete Ignorance of the , provisions
of the civil service | la\v or a dotorminntion
that In this particular case their violation
should not bo punished.1 *
The secretary ot the treasury frankly ad
mitted bis attention had not boon called to
report of the civil service commission until
the report on whlchjfthis investigation is
made was adopted nnd'that bo had construed
the recommendation Qf the civil service com
mission in , regard to the men in the custom
scrvico ns not requiring their dismissal nnd
that a reprimand was sufliclont punishment.
YA.MCl OS'plfyblt TJ1.131.
Presh Laurels Won lit the Annual Contest
nt Wiitqrtown.
YAXKTOX , S. D. , Jnual , yt. | Special Tele
gram to i'liu BEH.I ifaVjon $ will glvo her
winning hose team atwixm reception tomor
row nicht when , tm [ liters rpturn from
Watertown. Yauktan has taken , tbo cham
pionship 'cart twice' In'succossion , and will
try to no it upaln uoxt-yfcar.
Mrs. Klvlim Hart of , Sioux Falls was
granted n divorce filora-Georgo i . Hart of
Now York City by Judge Smith of Yanklou
yesterday. She charged desertion.
The South Dakota , 'crand commandery
Knights Templar qoociudod its ninth an
nual conclave in this .city this nfternoon. To
night the grant ! commandery was tendered
a reception and banquet .by the local com-
maiidery , The grand j'comnrandery onicors
for the niisulntr yoar'arq : George \V. Burn-
side. Sioux Falls , grind commander ; G. II.
Huthburn , Mitchell , vice grand commander ;
\Villlum J. Maliaitan , Terravillo , general-
isslino ; F. F. Grunt , Watertown , captain
general ; Hoy. John II. Babcock , Mitchell , *
prelate ; F. A. Brown , Aberdeen , senior warden - /
don ; J. J , Cabsclmaq , Hurpn , Junior warden ;
A. W. Howard , Yuukton. treasurer ; Bruce
M. Uowloy , Huron , rec rdor.
Thu aupoltitivo ofllcors uro Hugh S Mur
phy , Yauklon , warden1 ; George A. Petti-
grow , Flandroau , vtinoard ' bearer ; Charles
A. Howard. Absntnon.'sword bearer ; Frank
Kimurtb , Sioux FAll , cantalo of the guard ;
\V. D. States , Sffiux Falls , commltteo on
foreign correspondence , The South Dakota
commundory will nbt go to the national con
clave Iu Denver In/a bpdy. tjut ueauquui'ters
will bo opened there mid the knights who at
tend in n tody 1I1 bo royally received. The
grand commaadury meets next year iu
Huron , ,
Mn\emmiU ot Ocean Steamer * .
At New York Wetland , from Hamburg.
At Philadelphia IKtuoU.from Antwerp.
At Brow Hood P.u oa : City of Berlin ,
from New York ; Nofjeumu , Irjtn Motion.
Mnimsil nnil Mangled Vlotimi and the
Wreck of Homes Are Thsrd
Until nn.I Uosolitlon Mnrk Us Pftth l !
tunt of ttio Sturm anil Its Destructive
i'orcc I.lit of Do \Voiinilmt
nnil Dying.
ST. PAUL , Mtnn. , Juno 17. The reports
from the cyolono which devastated the
southern portion ot this state Wodnssdny
como in slowly , owing to the extent of coun
try covcroj , and tha terrible contlltlon of the
roads rendering communication with the
cities not having telegraph fncllltlaa utmost
Whllo fortunately the flrst reports as to
loss of llfo provo to have boon somowhal
overestimated , yet the death roll Is not loss
than thirty ana , as reports como in later , it
may grow to tlfty. The trail of thoBtortnls
marked by ruined houses , devastated farms ,
dead nnd mangled moo , women nnil children.
The eroves o ! trooi surrounaiiiK farm hoilsus
wcro laid low and In many cases not a vos-
tlgo remains ot houses , barns or stock
everything fell buforo the breath of the
terrlbto tornado. Horses and cittlo have
been fonna many miles from where they ba-
Origin niil : Course of the Storm.
Thi > storm originated near Jackson , In Mar
tin county , .took a northeasterly courao
through Farluault county , until It reached a
point between Welts uncl Minnesota Luke ,
where It divided Into two sections one con
tinuing its northeasterly course through
Wasoca county Into Steclo county , where It
was dissipated. The othdr section too it a
south by cast course through Prceborn ,
Mower nnd Fullmoro counties , extending
nearly to the Mississippi river before it lost
its force.
A Wells , Mlnu. , correspondent of the
Pioneer Press says of the passage of the
cloud : During the passage "of tbo storm ,
which lasted about llftocn minutes , the
sccno was ono of the most awe-in
spiring character. Tno air was full of
debris of every description scantling ,
boards , window sashes , chickens , ducks ,
and geese were whirled about in the grasp
of tbo currant -00 feet above the earth. The
cloud rose and fell at intervals of a quarter
of a mile , and dozens of outhouses were
wrecked at every uwpop. The ( load and In-
juroa in the Polish settlement about eight
mlles north of Wells cannot bo estimated.
So far as kiiown the list of casualties in this
neighborhood is as follows :
The Killed Near Well * .
BROWN. JOHN , farmer , WIPE. SON and
UUr.WKIf. HENRY , fnriner.
DEM'A , child of Inhn Dclli.
FltKDRIUOK. ALKKEI ) . 'armor.
LEITENRISUQBU , . dau0'htei of John
Christian Molchbrt ,
bTEIN. child of Mayland Stein. .
It Is probable that tho'lltt of dead U much
larger than now known.
lU'coril of the Injured.
MIIB. Jonx Dni.i.v , severe scalp wound ,
broken arm ana Intcrnaf injuries. '
Mnu. MxYlAxu STKIN and CHILD , mangled
terribly ; latter may die.
Mifl MUIUIAY , school mistress , living In tbo
family of John Drown , in critical condition ,
will die.
IUitMiN L. HEHMVNDUAQI : , arm broken and
Internal injuries.
HEHMAX BIIEWEII , Jiu , badly injured.
AI.UBHT CRUNCH and WIFE , contusions of
the scalp and bodies.
Mils. IjioiiT Euicitacu and six CIIILUKUX ,
badly Injured.
Mn. and Mus. CIIAUI.US MEI.CIIEHT , both
iioriously hurt.
Miss MKLCiiniiT , arm broken.
BOY ot 14 , bruised and injured Internally ,
will dio.
Two nors in the famllv of Albert Klein-
bet , mangled terribly , recovery doubtful in
both cases.
Hexiir MCLCIIEKT and WIFE , both badly
AUGUST HO'HEXZC. farmer , near Wells ,
lacerated , llUoly to die.
Mug. UICRM tx STIICI.O , limbs broken.
Mus. FIIAXK YOKEL , nnd CIHI.D , seriouslv
Mus. JOE LITZIIA , slightly Injured.
MRS. GHAY , probably fatally injured.
In additlou to the killed in the family ot
Muylnnd Stem , his 11-year-eld daughter was
so badly crushed that she will diu. Mrj.
Zank , near Easton , Is also dying.
Two people were killed north of Rlchland ,
where tbo cyclone was very sovoro.
I'rucburii County's Dcud.
The list in Freeborn countv is as follows :
ANIiUEW HANSEN , aeod 2 ? .
The injured list Is a long ono. while the de
structlon of property ia very great , ns tuo
path of the cyclone was through the richest
farming section of the state.
Blooming Prnirio also rooorts great dam
age in that vicinity , hut no loss of llfo.
Fairmont , in Martin county , reports two
killed there and a number Injured.
Seven persons were killed between Wlnue-
bago and bhcrbourno.
Several lliilldlugi Wruclecil liy Wind mid
Much D.imugo Done *
BIIOKEX Bow , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to
Tui : BEE. ] A violent wind storm pnssod
ever this city Tuesday night between 11 ami
12 o'clock. It carao from the southwest.
Tbo east end of the Ouster Roulty block , the
largest brick building in the city , was
blown out , causing damages to the amount of
$ jUO. The building occupied by the Pres
byterian society was blown from Its founda
tion and is badly wrecked. A number of
barns and other buildings were cither blown
down or unroofed.
NOUI-OI.K. Nob. , Juno 17. jSpecial Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. | Superintendent Reyn
olds of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley has orders to. ship from Norfolk
thirty teams and men to the Black Hills
division to repair the track whluh was
washed out by the recent heavy rains. Gen
eral Superintendent Hughes ana General
Manager Burl passed through hero last
night on a special train to the scene of the
washout ,
A kpjclal train consisting of twenty-two
carloads of cattle were shipped today ever
the 12lkbnrn from Crclghton.
Norfolk pcoplo are very Jubilant over the
present prospects of the Yankton & Norfolk
railroad being built ,
Dcnth anil Desolation In 1'our Counties In
Auii'.UT LEA , Minn. , Juno 17. Every ro-
portoftho cyclone on Wednesday adds to
the list of Injured and loss of property.
Three children were killed in Martin county ,
The list In Fairbault county is a long ono
nnd hard to ascertain. Thus fur six
deaths are reported ia that county ,
with many injured. The destruction to
property cannot bo estimated as the path of
the oyclono was through the richest farming
country In the stato.
It Is rnported that an unknown man was
drowned near Harllaud ,
Thirty Klllml Nuar .Minikato ,
MANKATO , Minn. , Juno 17. The latest do-
velopmenU substantiate tbo gravest fear * of
yesterday as to tbo cyclone. The death
list will roach At least thirty ,
nnd seventeen bodies
recovered thus tar , with a largo wS
hoar from. The cyclone was f
worst that over visited the northw
I'liKliiecriiml riremnii Klllo'd.
DuiiUQtin , la. , Juno 17. A wild freight on
the Illinois into a washout near
Galena this morning , ditching the train and
killing the engineer nnd ( Iranian ,
I'm : nixox'a
KfTortu llcluc AlMilo \YnahltiKton to Sn o
the Munloror' * Ncph.
WvsmxoTov Buituvu or THE BP.B , )
513 FoUr.TKENTII bTHCr.T , }
WASIIIXOTON , U. O. , Juno 17. )
A petition has b-'on woolved by Senator
Mnndorson from a numbar of stnto ortlcials
piaying that the death sentence under
which William Ulxon , late orlvato In troon
F of the Sixth cavalry , now In the Douglas
county Jail for murder , bo commuted. The
senator tins forwarded the petition with his
commendation to the president ,
The discharge of yharlos F. Dryden. n
private in company U , Tivonty-llrst infan
try , has boon secured by Senator Man-
An amendment was todav introduced by
Senator Mnndorson to the sundry civil np-
protirlatlon bill , Increasing the amount fnr
the erection of forts from $3. > u,000 , which is
the amount auproprlitod by the house , to
$ J")0U30. lie is particularly desirous thnt a lib
eral appropriation shall bo inado for this pur
pose because the money to build Fort Crook
at Omaha will have to como from this appro
priation. Mr. Mati'lorBon thinks that the
military committees will report favorably on
the proposed increase , and ho hopes to bo
abio to secure fuvorablo notion also in the
appropriations committee.
Major Paddock , accompanied by his daugh
ter , Mrs. W. 10. Annln and children , and the
Mlssns Hamilton of Omaha , loft for the west
Hon. O. M. Humphrey and daughter of
Pawnee Cltv are In the city.
Senator Mandorson has received a number
of petitions from cilUans of Ouster county
asking that the site of the Lodl postofllco bo
changed to the railway station. If the
chance Is made It will give the patrons of In
postoRlco two moro malls a day.
H. F. Schcndler and his associates of Nora
Springs , la. , have liloct complete organization
papers for the First National bank of that
place , capital fjO.OOO , with the comptroller of
the currency. P. S. II.
Complete List of ChmiKOg In the llcgiiliir
WvsiiiN'OTOV , D. C. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEK. ) The following army
orders were usuod yesterday :
First Lieutenant Samuel E. Smiley , Fif
teenth infantry , is relieved from further
duty with the Eighth infantry. Leave of
absence for llftcon davs is granted Cap
tain Clavton S. Burbahk , Tenth in
fantry. Leave of absence for two months
is granted Post Chaplain William F.
Hubbard , U. S. A. Leave of ubtonco crantnd
First Lieutenant Francis D. Uuckor , Second
cavalry , is further extended one month on
surgeon's cartillcnto of disability. First
Lieutenant Hobart L. Bullnrd , Sixth infan
try , is relieved from duty as judtra advocate
ot the general court martial convened
at the military prison , Fort Leaven-
worth , Kan. , and First Lieutenant Wil
liam N. Hughes , Thirteenth Infantry ,
succeeds htm. Leave of absence for four
uiontns and fifteen dnvs on surgeon's ' cortili-
cato of disability with permission to leave
the Department of the Missouri , to take
effect , about July 1 , 1803 , U granted
Lieutenant Colonel Danirorflold Par
ker , Thirteenth Infantry. Lcuva of
absence for two months to tnlco
effect on being relieved froni duty at the
United States Military academy , West Point ,
N. Y. , is grTmted First Lieutenant John A.
Lunducu , Fourth artillery.
Second Lieutenant Pullip Huwley , Six
teenth infantry , having boon absent from
duty over three months without leave , is
dropped from the rolls of the army for doaor-
tion to dote from Juno 10 , lS9i.
In Congrrt.8 Yostorilny.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 17 , Tnoro was
an unusually large attendance in the house
today. The republicans had roturuod from
Mlnuoaoplls and n number of democrats
voro attracted to the capital by the informa
tion that the river and harbor conference
report-would bo submitted. This was done
and as the report was a disagreeing ono , a
further conference was ordered. The
remainder of the day was' consumed in
filibustering over the Sibloy claim bill , with
out action ,
Itcsult ot the CiiimiHH or the Iloml lllcc-
tlou ItL'tiiriia ,
The county canvassing board , composed
of County Clerk Sacuott , B. C. Smith and
John Butler , last night rnnvassed the votes
cast upon the county proposition at Thurs
day's special election. The work was com
pleted juxt .boforo midnight , after which tbo
result officially was declared to bo as follows :
Siniiliiy SoisliiiiH ol Kllot rrohlhltril.
BuKi'Ai.o , N. Y. , Juno 17. The Elks have
prohibited the holding of lodge sessions , pic
nics or celebrations on Sunday. Grand Kx-
a Hod Hulor Hay appointed J. Willlniiu of
Denver osqulro.
OMAHA , Juno 17. [
An arm ot higher pressure still extends
from tbo upper lake region soiitbwcstward
across the lower Missouri valley. Showery
weather has prevailed can of the Mlsnourl
valley. It is no.v raining ut Chicago nnd
Dubunuo aad from thu latter plnco ono
and four hundrodtbs Inches were re
ported , The weather is fair ever tbo
western and mountain sections , with
winds shitting to warmer , southerly west
of the Missouri. It is again decidedly
warm In t no ox tra mo northwest in advance
of an approaching area of low barometer.
In Montana tbo temperature was In the
eighties ,
I'or iiiHtern : Neljraxlm , Oiiinliu nnd Vlcln-
Ity Continued fiilr uu.ithur , HllKhlly
wiirnuir iliirlnc ( Saturday. Wimuur und liilr
on Sunday und probably .Monday ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 17. For Ne
braska Fair and warm ; winds shifting to
For Iowa Fair on Saturday : warmer , ox-
centln tbecxtrnmo Routh , cooler ; probably
fair and warmer Sunday ; variable wmdu.
For North nnd South Dakota Fair und
warmer ; south wind * .
Venezuela's Dictator Finally Porcod by
Eopoatod Dofoata to Resign.
Congress Formally Requested to Elect a
Permanent Ruler ,
Ho Assorts That the Revolutionists Are
Not Properly Reprasontod.
Their .March on the Capital Still Continue !
Iho rugltlvo 1'roildenfn llldlnir Vliico
Known Only to Ills Tormor
Cabinet Ollk-crx ,
Oontin .
CUIUCOA , Venezuela ( via Galveston , Tex. ) ,
Juno 17. [ By Mexican Cable to tno Now
York Hernia Special to TUB BKE. ]
I am at last enabled to oonllrm the news from
Caracas , Venezuela , about the overthrow of
Pulaclo. The verification ha ] ust boon re
ceived in reply to my latest dispatch.
Palaolo has retired from oftlco nail
is in htdlnir somowhoro. According to
ono story ho fled to La Guarya ana
went aboard a voisol which was kept m
waiting for him. Another , and I should
Judge a moro callable account , states that
ho hns not yet loft the country. Ho would
have done so but the mombor& of his cabinet
would not permit him. They hold him
responsible for the trouble they nro In and
say that they will not allow him to run away
nnd leave thorn to shoulder tun blamo.
It was u hard matter to persuade the hot
headed dictator that his power was nt an end
nnd that the only thing loft for his followers
was to pretend compliance with the will of
the people , substitute a provisional govern
ment for tbo dictatorship and issue a call to
con cress to moot and uhooso his successor us
president of the republic.
I'ulnclo I'liially Weakened.
Palnclo and his ministers had many meetings -
ings before the latter could prevail upon him
to follow their ndvlco. Ho would never have
given in to thorn hnd it noi. boon for the re
port of disasters thick and fast that c.iine Iu
from the battlefield. Uofo.xt after defeat
weakened Pnlacio's determination and finally
ha announced that ho would abide by hi *
cabinet's decision.
They said that the llrjt stop for him to
take was to resign. Acting upon this ug-
goatlon ho handed in his notice of retirement.
The next , thing was to choosa his temporary
successor. Nntiirnljy their choice vfn Vlco
President Pillogus , who was proaont at the
conference. Ho declined. Ho did not propose ,
ho sild , to offer hlmsolt up as a martyr. Ho
could not , in Justice to himself , accept the
responsibility. This throw the mooting into
consternation for some tune. The cabinet
could not think of anyone to fill the perilous
post ,
Atloneth ono of these present suggested
Minister ot War Sarrla. After tome hosl-
tancy ho accoptea , but on the condition
thnt Pnlncio should do as ho said. This wn
agreed and then Sarria made known his
plan. It was that Palnclo should go into
hiding , the secret place to bo known only to
thomomoors of his cabinet , who promised
not to betray hint to his onomlci. When
tbo dictator had Vouched bis refuge Sar
rla was to publicly announce Palaolo' *
retirement , declare submlsstou to his poopla
and call uoon congrojs to name the next
president. This Was accordingly done ,
Tbo result U not satisfactory to the revo
lutionists , who declare that tbo present con
gress is flllod wita men who were not elected
and that the now president must be chosen
by the representatives , legally chosen to the
national legislature. Crospo and hit army
nrc meanwhile continuing their march upon
the capital.
Xotllleil or I'nluclo' * llailgnntlon. '
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 17. The depart
ment of State was advised by cable this
morning from Caracas ol Tha.resignation of
the president of Vonozuela. Everything U
quiet uncl the executive authority has been
assumed by the federal council till oongrc'st
can be convened to olcct a successor. Tljli
will probably take place almost immediately.
Condition Itugurdoa ( icncrjilly us Quito
( jood with ) i Itoilucod Auruago.
DCS Moisus , Ia. , Juno 17. The regular
Juno crop report of Iowa wuathor and crop
service , tabulated from reports - of
1SOO , correspondents , shows a reduced
acreage of all caops except grass
and inlllot. The winter wheat acreage
la toducod 3 per cent nnd condition 83 per
cent , compared with inst year. Spring wboat
acreage reduced 0)4 percent ; present condi
tion &S with favorable conditions. The total
yield of wheat Is estimated nt 8,600-
000 bushels. The corn acreaco is
reduced I7y per cent and it Is esti
mated that with best conditions in
future the crop will exceed by 17 per cent
last year's output. The acreage of oats is
reduced 11 per cent , condition 82. Bar
ley acreage , same as last yoar. Condition ,
K ! per cent. Flax is i educed 7K Per cant :
condition 6(1 ( , Irish potatoo * decreased
acreage IU per cent. Live stock , condition
generally good. Spring pig crop 75 per cook
of average. Grass 104 per cent.
AiIvnutngeN Of Prohibition ,
CmsTos' , In. , Juno 17 , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BKU.J Informations were lllod to-
nlghtngalnst IIvo druggists and nlno aalooa
men for soiling liquor contrary to law. Thl
work has been going on now for ever two
years and costs to the amount of ever $10,000
have been pllod up against the county. The
pcoplo are becoming very tired ,
I'cmtnl CIcilU ( int .Moro I'ny.
Font DOIKIK , Ia. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tins BEK.J The postal clorlu on Iho
Iowa division of the Illinois Central are
fooling happy over a long looked for ratio In
salary. Thu yearly salaries ot the letter
men have been Increased from 11,150 to
? liOO ! , while the paper men are to got tll&0
instead of $1,000.
Iliiuooud nil Jinrii l' ° urmcr.
Una MOINKS , la. , June 17. A farmer
named Peter Garner , living near Adel , was
buncoed out of | JCUO yoitorday. Two moa
persuaded him to draw the money from the
bank and go into the country to bny prop
erty. At u lonely spot tholr oonfodoratot
hold him up and robbed him and escaped.
C'urilcViillur Killed.
BI-OOMIXQTON , Ia. , Juno 17. Daring a itorra
this afternoon Carrlo Walter , record 2i24 } < ,
v > lued at $10,000 , owned by Mayor Foster ,
and Pouuo Hague , valued at 11,000 , was
kllloil bv lightnlne. I'M Hunter , trainer , w "
ttuouud and I * itlll uucouiclous ,