Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1892, Image 1

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S * . .
Tciriblo Destruction and Loss of Lifo in a
Minnesota Oyclono ,
Tnunn nml Village * Lnlil Wnste , Crops
Jtnlneil unit Hfttlcmriita Obliterated lit
. . . < . . tlio Central nml Southern Tart
> of the Stntc.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 10. A storm of
wind nnd ruin , which In some sections do-
yclopod Into a veritable cyclone , laid waite
tlio aouthorn central portion or this atato late
yesterday afternoon , and It will bo several
days before the exkmtot the disaster will bo
Jackson , Martin , Farlbaultand Dluo Earth
counties scorn to buvo boon the scene , nl
though It was storming at the tltno proity
much all ever the stato.
These counties HUfforod so much moro that
other sections bavo boon given llttlo thoucbt
today. The cyclone bogau to form near Jnnk-
ou , ID Jackson county , and after sweeping
nerois Martin Mid Fanboult counties was
scattered near Wolli , close to the boundary
ol Freeborn county. Its course was to the
northeast at first , but it later took n sudden
iwccp to the south and disappeared below
Wells , which Is almost directly east of Jack-
Knnrinous Logs of Life.
The loss of Ufa Is largo , some estimates
being as high as 103. It soeras pobablo that
forty or llfty lives have boon destroyed by
ho fury of the storm , but the exact figures
cannot bo given tonight. Everything In the
path of the storm was swept from the face
of the earth , houses and barns bom < ? splin
lercd nnd trees nnd telegraph poles snapped
off Ilko pipe atoms.
A houvy rain storm broke nt half past , 4
o'clock and before that had passed awny the
clouds began to gather. In all its torrlblo
blackness the terrible looking cuno put In
its appearance , tind as it whirled
across the country It licked up houses , earns
trees , crocs ana people everything that
came in Us path. Mutiy houses that wcro
but partially destroyed covered the mangled
remains of Iho former occupants. Timbers
\vcro strewn along the railroad tracks , BO
that where traffic was not Interfered with oy
the washouts it was blocked by the wrecks
of buildings nnd trees on the tracks.
Nearly all the trains through th soulhorn
portion of the stuto were delayed , and in
man v cases the delay was duu moro to the
wrecks than to the Hoods.
Snicil by n of Lightning.
Last nleht ono of tuo freight trains which
pulled out , of Mankuto , lifter running n few
miles ftom that city , discovered u lingo ob-
mruction across the truck. It proved to bo a
house that had been blown across the track ,
nail the engine was .almost touching it when
It stopped , u iluiU of lightning l.twlng re
vealed Its presence In time to save another
wreck. The train hands found half a dozen
people 1 } Ing among iho broken Umbers , nil
seriously and some probably fatally hurt.
The injured persons were talton to the near
est housu and cared for. The cyclone had
taken the building from Its foundation , some
Ulbtanco off , and dragging the wreck along
had left It u.on the truck as found.
Along the Milwaukee road from Jackson
to Minnesota Luke the accuo Is ono of dovas
tutlon. Not every housa wits wrccKoa , out
GO ninny are destroyed tbat the sconu Is pltl-
lul. This section U one of the richest In the
Rtnto and ono of the most thickly settled of
the agricultural sections.
Wrecks ot houses and barns and torn up
forests line the roud , where yesterday were
happy homos nnd the pleasant shade of for-
eu trees. The iiooplo who were then happy
in the consciousness of an assured crop and
4 n united family circle are today mourning.
/ not only for ttio loss of tliolr crops but also
ever the death or serious injury of their
loved ones.
Nothing Could Withstand It.
Lsto In the afternoon after n heavy rain
the cyclone broke in all Us fury. Nothing
rould'withstand it. Strongly built barns ,
immense trees , even tbo ground itself was
rent by the power of the storm. Crops were
ewopt'out nnd Hung to the winds , but worst
of all was the wreck of the homos.
Near Shorbourno a teacher and eighteen
scholars were kept In by the afternoon rains
nnd when the cyclone struck , iho school
tiouso the building was wrecked and blxtoon
killed , Including the teacher.
A man with his wlfo nnd child was killed
at Lyndon , and oihors injured.
John Brown and thrco others were kllloJ
Eouth of Minnesota Lake. Mrs. Brown , a
hired man uud Iho school tcnchor were badly
The first reports from Wells were to iho
oftoct thai from forty to fifty had bocn killed
near there , tbo worst of the storm having
been to tbo west and south of that village.
As yet no reports have bocn received In con
firmation of this loss.
Tcu nro reported killed In the neighbor
hood of Maploton nnd twenty injured. The
tyclona passed fovr mllus bouth ot Maploton ,
und that village suffered llttlo loss.
The northwest corner of Frcoborn county
rvas In ihn pathway and considerable damage
lo property and crops was uono thoro. while
levorul latulllics uro reported also. There
n-oro two storms , the first at1:30 and tbo
iccand nn hour Inter.
Moro I'atulltlr * .
According to reports received the principal
damage was chlcfiy In iho farming districts
mil the reports are therefore slow.
Andrew Hanson , ngo.l ! 2J , took shelter In n
barn near Ilurlaud. but Iho barn was blown
down and ho was killed.
In Frcoborn township Mrs. Mlko Iverson
nnd three children and a child of.I. Stccn
are ulso reported dead , whllo many more uro
muro or less seriously injured.
It u ns yet almost Itupojalblo to get the
mimes of the dead nna Injured.
The storm was especially severe in the
western portion of Uobcrn township , many
buildings of all sorts being blown to splint
About two miles north of Blooming Prairie
the storm was severe and cyclonic In charac
ter. .Houses und barns wcro moro or loss
damaged and lu some Instances totally ilo-
troyod. Trees nnd telegraph poles wcro
blown down. No lois of llfu U reported In
that , neighboihood , howovor. A pourlug.
drenching rain accompanied tUo windstorm ,
Its Con mo of Dt-iith ,
The first eerlouu damage ot the cyclone
was nt the nrbuot house near Sherbourno ,
where thrcoscro killed and thirteen bndly
Injured. From there tbo storm kept to tbo
east , demolishing farm houues and barns.
John Yonkers , whoio pluco Is four miles
north of Fuirmount , In Marlon county , lost
iwo children , nd many horses und cattle
were killed. The damagd to property and
destruction of llfo in Marlon county Is tuld
to bo even higher than ut first stated. '
At llurtland live people were killed nud
nimiy other * Injured.
Ono inllo can of Wollt three pcoplo were
Just before reaching Wlnnobago tbo
cyclone divided Into two parts. Tlio first
part struck WclU , where consldcraola dam-
Bye was done and a number killod.
The ether portion of the cyclone was moro
dcntructlvo. It wont whirling along four
miles south of Minnesota Luke , destroying
everything In iho way , Not a building wn *
left standing and a great many people wcro
killed and Injured.
The liouso of John Brown was close to
Hi ? track of the Chicago. Milwaukee St.
Paul road. It wet mudo Into kindling wood
iud all IU occupants uro dead or dying , Mr.
llrown , bis daughter nnd a lady school
teacher , wbo liven wlh | them , were killed
distantly , whllo Mr * . Brown was fatally in-
wed. Mini Drown was plcxud up and ear
ned l00 ! fcot by tuo wind. A son of a neigh
tor wai Mllou , at also were 11 vo persons ,
hut ml by u .Miruclc.
The log tiouso occupied by a Bobcmlau
family was complotolr destroyed nnd the
cold rain nnd torrlblo wind tried their
utmost to overcome the father , mother and
six children , but they huddloJ together
keeping each olhcr v rm. They lost all
they had , but were content that their lives
were spared.
After passing n llttlo further to the northeast -
east the ovclono was lost track of.
Wherever It touched thooartblt wrecked
housp.4 nnd broke Into family circles. The
worst damage Is In Farlbiult county , but
the other counties named suffered only a llttlo
The territory that was yesterday no badly
wrecked was today covered by a sc.i of
water and mud. In the mud nnd water
hundreds of people scorcho : for some rotn
minis of their homos and In some cases fo
missing frlonas.
Lnck of Surgical Attendance.
Many paoplo suffered from Injuries nnd
their sufferings were made moro Intense
through exposure to the cold wind nnd rain.
The luck ot surgical attendance was also a
cause for much added suffering. The storm
will cause much hardship to those who lost
their nil , even though some of ihora hnvo
their crops still remaining.
TA-O Inches of rain fell In Farlbault county
in leas than twenty-four hours nnd several
bad washouts are roporlod. Probably the
worst damage In the state by the stnrm out
side the oyclono district was "at bprlng Val
ley , where the rain caused a bad flood. The
wbolo town was Hooded. Houses , bridges ,
sidewalks and every thing near the river were
washed nway. Tbo dimngo is estimated at
from $25,000' $5'J,000. Considerable stock
was drownod.
Tim Subtle Fluid Strike * the ( iraut Monument
ment ut Chicago with Auful Itcsultii.
Cnicuio , III. , Juno 10. Three persons
were killed , two seriously Injured and the
Grant monument slightly damaged Inashoit
but fierce thunder storm which visited this
city toulztit. The killed are :
M\VIS \ sinvEK.
A1IIK BlliiIIY : of Chicago.
Tlio injured are :
Mii8. MUTIIS OMMON of ChlotifO. ° 3) )
Tlio catastrophe was tno result of A bolt of
lightning whlcb struck Iho monument , In
the corridors of which nearly fitly persons
bad sought shelter.
At the first signs of the approaching storm
Lincoln park , In whlcn tbo monument ulands.
was crowded with people wbo had prepared
to enjoy the cool of Iho evening. The storm
began with n slight tihowor which rapidly
uovclopsd into n small hurricane , accom
panied by a downpour of rain , vivid Mashes
of lightning and terrific peals of thunder.
When Its fury was nt its highest a blinding
( lash struck the statue , taking Its course dl
rectly through the little crowd who had
sought safety In Its enclosures. Everybody
with Ibo oxcoptlon of thrco men were thrown
to the ground , but all were uninjured except
those natnod.
The holt did not strike the bronze llguro of
Grant nnd the damazo to the monument will
bo covoiod by a few dollars.
CoiiHiilcralito Ilitin.igu Done nt llulcnii by
Water ItallroiidH Itliirk.iilcil ,
hiu.cXA , Morit. , Juno 10. The heavens
opcnea lust night and iigam the Hood of the
last few days came down on Helena. About
throe-fourth' ot an inch of wuter fell In
twenty minutes und soon the streets became
Ilko mlllracca. The water came down from
the mountain with u rush , cellars were
lloodod and a gr iat deal of dumago was dona
lo iho foundations and Iho first lloors of
houses In Iho Hooded districts. Ono house
wus washed nwnv nnd its contents scatlercd
oversovera Incrcs of ground. The loss of
Iho owners will bo very heavy. Coming on
the Heels of tha big Hood of Friday last the
result ot Ibat ono Is aggravated vo'ry much.
The rallroau situation Is improving. Super
intendent Johnson of tbo Montana Central
has three work In Prickly Pear
canon. For a distance of fifteen miles in tbo
canon iho roadbed and the bridges are gene
and Iho water is not falling an inch. All the
tolograpb poles have been washed out bc-
twocn Silver and Craig so thut It Is Impossi
ble to get any news save via SI. Paul. Bo
tivnnn ( irnltr ntlrt ( " ! nii'mfln tlini-n 1st Rnmn Hnrn.
ago done , but pot very sorious. Between
Helena and Butte tbo most serious is at Mon
tana City.
A great deal of stock has been drowned In
different parts of the country. Ono band of
shcop worth 81,000 was drowned in the Car
bon rlvor.
Heavy Ituln ut I'ort ( InhUmon.
FOHT UOIIINSON , Nob. , Juno 1C. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BUK.J Elghlenn of the
pusl twenty-four hours saw the greatest
rainfall ever known In this section of the
country. The post hospital guago registered
six and one-third Inches. All the wagon
bridges botweeu hero and town .aro washed
away. There w as no train on the Elkborn
railroad today from the cast and none is ex
pected for two or Ibreo davs.
CIIADIIOV , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BEE. ] The worst rainstorm In
tbo recollection of tbo "oldest Inhabitant"
has been raging hero for twonty-four hours.
The tracks of the Fremont , Elkborn it Mis
souri Valley , both west nnd north for sev
eral miles , uro completely washed out. Sev
eral bridges nro gene anil It will bo several
days before trafllo can bo resumed. Tbo
tracks In this city were all under water and
the streets , including the sidewalks , were
ono mass of water. Much oamngo has been
Incurred lo private property In this section.
TinliiH DclujiMl.
MiNNHAfous Minn. , Juno 10. Superin
tendent Earllngn Is In receipt of the follow
ing telegram , dated LuCrosse , coming via
Mar.kato :
Train No. Mon the ManUato line foil nil an
obstruction on the trauic iihoiit four mHus
smith of .Mluni'sciLii Iiko : , with two houses
blown down and the ucuupnnN lying around
biidly Injured. Tliey cleared thu truc' < and
picked up tlio wounded and took them to
MlmiCM > tt Luke.
tlinhurund other material on the tracks anil
sovornl people killed In thu neighborhood ,
Mnny woru Injured ,
OnlwiiU'K suction gnnz Is at Minnesota Lake.
Thruo of them were Injure 1 but not seriously.
I'll tut Wreck HI 1'eiinnylvuiim.
DOVI.KSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 10. The Doylos-
toxvn express collided with a shifting augin.i
on ibo North Pennsylvania last evening at
Orrstowu.Vllllam uonton , engineer of the
express , was killed. The fireman , Hlchard
Hudson , was scalded , but not sorlfiusly.
Oscar Bornot of Doylcntown , the huggngo-
master , was badlv scalded. Ho Is not ex
pected to live. Theodora McGill , express
messenger , was cut ana scaldoit. His in
juries uro thought to be fatal. Nine
passengers were badly out and sraldcd.
Northern .loiui 8tornu\\opt.
Dniuqt'E , la. , Juno 10. A heavy rainstorm
swept over' northern lown this morning ,
causing washouts on the railroads centering
hero. Ttio rain full in this olty was Iwo and
one-half inches. Streets and cellars are
rrorhtlmeil AgiiliKt Senility Sheep.
HKI.ENA , Mont. , Juno 10-Governor Toolo'
has Issued u proclamation forbidding tbo
shipment of bhoep Into Montanu from Ore
gon. Washington , Nevada , California. Idaho ,
Wyoming und Utur. . The proclamation was
Issued by the governor on u statement made
by State Veterinary Surgeon Holloway that
shcop from the states named were lufectcd
with scabs. , _
Thu lUiitli Itoll ,
V.u.i'\UAiso. Chill ( via Galvcston Tex , ) ,
JuuolO. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB BEE. ) Froa-
orlco.uuzo , the vlco prcsldent-oloct ot Bo
livia , U dead.
Ali > trli > WIllTuko I'urt.
VIENNA , Juno 10. Tbo Tdfoblatt says the
troYcrnrnout has intimated to iho United
States that Austria will take part in the tll-
vur conference.
Chicago's Wigwam Being Repaired as Fast
as Mon Can Do It ,
evice of the Contractor to Substi
tute I.nko Ircc7cs Tor llio.A'r ' from the
P * ' Lung * Schoineii for
Scats and Tickets ,
Cnioioo. III. , Juno 1C. The present condi
tion of the work on the domocratlo wigwam
warrants the formal prediction matlo this
morning by the building comtMlUco that the
cdltlcu will bo completely finished by Satur
day ovonlng. Workmen ore busy all ever
the Interior of the great pine cu-p which ,
from the Interior , looks Ilko nn oblong bowl
of yellow wood about 320 fact long by 200
foot broad , In the central space whcnoo the
eloquence of next week will distill into
space , now stands n pony steam onglno ,
straining at cables and jerking long limbers
to the upper floors. Above all is the sky ,
nnd n right largo sky it is.
But the builder will have the firmament
shut out in the next seventy-two hours.
Shifts ot 100 mon each nro now working day
and night , are lights being provided for the
hourrt of darkness , and the damnu-o douo by
Sunday's ' cyclone Is being repaired so rapIdly -
Idly that the building seems to grow visibly
us ono looks at It. The cntlr clmngo of
plan made necessary by the substitution ol a
wooden for a canvas roof has naturally af
fected the appearance of too interior.
Spalls Mimy Good Kent * .
\Vncro before ono great polo stood in tbo
center of the wlgwa'n holding up iho roof ,
there will now bo homo hundred Inrgo pillars
mudo aich of thick boards nailed togi-thor
with broken joints. These dot in two circles
thu ground between the spectators and the
delegates' part or the building , and t > Ix ot
thorn will stand In the central parquet. The
effect of this will bo thnt many of the most
desirable seats , as they wcro before Mou-
day'n storm , will now bo safely ensconced
boblnd wooden screens that are not even as
transparent as a theater hat.
With the exception of tboso great posts
the Interior nrraugcmonts are practically
uncnanged. The convention will fuco to
ward the wost. The delegates will ocupy
u platform In the middle of the hull ( n the
ehapaof a fat ellipse. About this rises tier
after tier of seats already ohalrod , nnd on a
second blory sot further back and much
moro acutely tilled climb Iho seals of Iho
.Scheme to Clmngo the Air.
When the now roof Is on , instead of the
former simple device of lilting up the canvas
to lei In fresh air Ihcro ulll bo n long ellipti
cal break In the roof , which will drop dawn
over what rutgul bo called the dress circle
scats nnd rlsu again ever tbo delegates us
thougUa long channel wcro cut in nn ordi
nary tint roof and Ultra with pivoted win
dows. It is Ihus expected thai tbo fixed
atmosphere ot tbo convention will uojomo
unllxod by tbo co-operation of tbo lake
N. M. Allen , the builder , who , through no
fault of his ownhas had so'mucu of his work
to do over again , sold. "Everybody mav
feel absolutely certain that tho.wigwam
will bo ready to turn over to the committee
on Saturuav ovonlug. Today and tonight I
am working shifts of 100 men , which nro all
thnt caa find room in the present work. To
morrow nnd 'intll the end this will bo in-
croasoa to : ) JU as soon as wo can got to a
point whuro tbo roof can bo dlrojlly at
tached , uf
Gout nml Cnpiclty.
Tbo financing of the enterprise has caused
a good deal of attention. It is now believed
that the now roof and other repairs will add
something moro than $0,000 to tno cost of the
cdlfico ns originally contemplated , nnd ar
rangements to find this money nro being
made today. The whole cost of the struc
ture will bo about 30,000 , and the full ex
pense of the wiitwnra. decorations , music
and the entertainment of visitors will not
full Rhnrt c.f ? ) UINI
An exact stulomont of the seating capacity
was nmdo yesterday by > Ir. F. B. Winston ,
chairman of the local committee. There
will bo 17,500 chairs for tno guests who come
In by tlckot , 000 seats in the boxes. 1,000
chairs for the delegates on tbo door , and 550
seals for Iho press. This makes the total
10,050. No arrangements bavo been * muilo
for alternates , who will have to find their
places with Iho common bord of spectators
until Ihoy nro called upon to alternate.
Mr. Winston , who will bo remembered as
tbo late minister to Persia under the lasl dem
ocratic administration , who Is at ttio bend of
the local arrangements committee , has found
tbo question of ticket issuing ouo that moves
him to cominual bitterness and vexation or
soul. Ho docs not believe tbat Chicago is
gelling nearly Iho number to which she Is
entitled , and at the public meo'lug at the
Palmer house during yesleruoy afternoon ho
said so very Hatty. Somebody asked what
chance Chicago was going to have to sco too
convention. Mr. Winston said :
"Thoro Is a fine street railway running up
and down in front of the wigwam. Ar
rangements have bocn made whereby during
the convention the faro will bo continued nt
5 cents n rido. Such Clucagoans as cheese
may taka this rlao nnd look nt the wigwam
as ttungo by. At any rate this is all ttio In
formation of which lam at present iu pos
session , "
Another Clovnlitnil Ili-lnrorccincnt.
lion. J. G. Albright , proprietor of the Al
buquerque , N , M. , Democrat and ono of tbo
democratic loaders of Now Mexico , arrived
In the city today and at once joined tbo
Cleveland following.
"Tno ono iQlng just now In which wo are
moro interested , " bald Mr. Albright , "than
any ether Is tne admission of the torrltorv of
Now Mexico Into tno union us a stato. "Wo
will ask thai Iho convention adopt u plank
fuvorlng tbo early aumlssion of New Mex
ico. In my judgment Clovuland will bo nom
inated on Iho 11 rat ballot. "
Colonel J. G. Prattler , the national com-
mitleomnu , Is tb.9 only Mlssourlau of promi
nence In the city today. "My sympathies
are with Cleveland , " ho said , "and I enter-
lain no doubt ihul ho will bo nomlnatod.
Certainly ho will got the solid vote of Mis
souri , but I have always felt tbat il was Im
proper ( or national coininittuorajn lo ta o
sides in questions of nominations. That Is
for iho delegates. Ono thing Is certain ,
that Missouri is safe to give a great big
rousing majority for the nomlnro , lot him bo
who bo may. And tuul the party through ,
out the souihxvQit was never iu a moro
healthy condition. "
llulos uiiil the .Mnnoiirliun.
The story U told hero that both Boles and
Morrison's friends have been working bard
upon the Missourideloiratlon and at tbo Iowa
headquarters tliu afternoon It was openly
predicted tuut qulto half of tbo MUsourlans
would coiuu to Boles If Mr. Cleveland did
not got the nomination on the lira I thrco
There Is also a very rloso contest In tun
stuto for the bout In the national committee.
Colonel Jonc-s , the editor ot ttio St. Louis
Uopublic , is bomv urged for tha place and ho
aud Colonel Praibor now bayn about an
ual number of votes.
.Tho Indiana delegation Is booked to orrlvo
at Iho Vlcioriu on Saturday , but some of the
politicians of that stuto are already scattered
uround at the other hotels. Bon Willotts of
\VurricU county Is at McCoy's , Ilo said ;
lluir Inillniiii Will Voto.
' The Indiana delegation will cast its vote
for Cleveland without a doubt , although
there are some of them who uro said to have
u vague hope of working Governor Gray
Into a position -which might bo Im
proved into something very good indeed.
Of course , every consideration would make
us want Gray If wo could ot him. but wo
don't want to lose him and lose Cleveland
too. Tucro will bo something ot u fight
raada agatnsi Gray in the uclogatlou any-
bow by torao of Oil Shauklln's frlonds , who
hold Gray respouslblo for Sbaukllu's dofeui
for the governorship. Tntiivlll not amount
to much , however , And Ur there Is to ben
scramble foi farorlto sonsas now teems
probable , Indiana will dp'all It can for Gray.
As the case stands. Uoi is a possibility und
nothing moro. I bollbvo that Cleveland will
win on the first bnllol. " ' .
Now York nml L'nulnlnnn ,
Intelligence received this afternoon was to
the effect that tbo'tliroatouoit Louisiana con
test had been umicablr arranged nnd that
Louisiana would.como here hirmonlous.
Over tbo Now York delegation a good deal
ot fuss is oxpoctcd , but'talk with democrats
on the ground show tbat they believe In
upholding the regular convention , c.tllcd
according to party forms , and that whllo
iho May convention -pveoplo will Rocuro a re
spectful hearing , they Will bo unable lo got
scats at delegates. Only two other contest
nro known , nna as oath Involves simply two
delegate * , the credential * committee Is likely
to have an easy tlmo of It.
Up In the tc'mporary hoaduuartor * today
the Boles \\'orlcors were hammering nwny.
They nro active , energetic workers , and It
will bo duo to no Inactivity or failure to
raako the most ot each shining hour that
their candidate does not loom up brightly.
Claims of Holes Men.
A literary bureau has boon started In be
half of the "old man frotri lown , " nnd today
the second place talk with some parsons was
the subject of a statement In which It was
said that Bolos was not hero for second place
honors , nnd that tbo Iowa people wonted
first place or nothing. Boildos Iowa ,
South Dakota is OxpJctcd to poll a
good number ot votes for Boles and
his friends think the Btnto Is prac
tically Instructed for him. Throughout
the wesi voles are looked for , and nway off
In the south Atlantic sttucs they are figur
ing on n llttlo support , tlio claim being made
that South Carolina bus at least ono Bolos
man In It. Most jottho Bolos following ,
however , will como from west of tto Missis
sippi river.
Mr. Shaver of Dos Molncs was asked today
nbout the cause for the reported strength of
Bolos In the silver stntos. Ilo said : "Gov
ernor Boies is strong jn the west. Ho will
got Iho silver states because ho is in accord
with iho radical ijcns that prevail there
on the silver question. His votes will
not bo confined , to silver states.
Ho is a strong favorite wherever known ,
nnd wherever knowledge of the victories ho
has won obtains. "It ooo3not ) take money to
got up a big Boles demonstration , " said Mr.
Martin. "Tho enthusiasm for him Is BO
great that they will como hero in great num
bers and there will 1)3 In tbo neighborhood
of 103 Bolos club. ) on tho'grounds.
Ilrlco Talks.
Senator Calvin S. ) ! rloo. chairman of iho
national committc , arrived this aflornoou
and Immediately wont fr-to consultation with
Secretary Shocrin and other members of the
national committee jvlip' are on the ground.
"Who will bo the temporary chairman of
the conventioni" Chairman Brice was asked
at the close of the conforenco.
"It is Impossible to _ say nt this tlmo who
the temporary chairman will bo. At the lasl
mooting ot the national committee a sub
committee consisting of Senator Hansom of
North Carolina , as chairman , and four oilier
gentlemen was appointed as n committee on
temporary organization. ThU committee
will doubtless consider varloua gentlemen
nnd finally report .their choice to the full
committee , for its ratification. Tnoy will
utso decide upon tliQ various olhcr odlcors of
the organization. So 1 cannot oven conjec
ture who the temporary chairman will DO , as
il Is not known whether the subcommittee
has given the matter consideration yet. "
"In view of the conteatsithat uve to como
before the convontjontj how will the tem
porary roll be maob UpJ" * r
"Tno national committee will take that up
nt Its first tormcl mo6tlpe probably. Wher
ever Intricalo cases uro'Oncounterc'il , if tboro
Is any great volume nt testimony to be con
sidered , iho commllte iivill rofur such cases
to n subcommittee with Instructions to investigate -
vostigato fully and report back to the full
committee. "
"How about Senator Brlco as the coming
dark hoisol"
"Oh , I am not It ) It thU joar. I am not in
a hurry. " * r
Temporary Chulrmikii.
There has boon komo talk of temporary
chairman of the convention , and opinion
sccmn to bo centering on A. B. Stevenson ,
formerly first assistant postmaster general ,
as the man who will bo selected for tbo
The success of Now Mexico in securing a
representation of Blx delegates instead
of two at ttio Minneapolis" convention
has emboldened all the territories
to make a strong appeal to iho democratic
convention for increased representation.
Arizona Is already on Iho ground nnu will
ask lhat she bo given plx Instead of two dele
gates. Utah will also ask for six Instead of
tivn rioloirntos.
There Is Increased talk tonight of Gorman
as a good man , and Ibo'fact that the New
York men are evidently vorv much torn up
between Cleveland und Hill causes a good
many persons to lee ; : toward Gorman and
Bolos as a good dark aoroo ticket.
Democrats of the Vint District rrenarlng
for the Convention.
NKIIIIASKA CITV , Nob. . Juno 10. [ Sp3ciol
to TUB Bun. ] ArranSoraents for the First
district democratic congressional convention
are rapidly oolng consummated. For the
care and comfort of delegates party lines are
laid aside , and iho noipitallty for which Ne
braska City is noted is coming to the front.
Some democrats bolicvo that Bryan will bo
nominated by acclamation , although there
uro a few delegates who are not sa tistied
with Bryan's position on the lanff
question or the silver bill. It
was mentioned confidentially to Tin :
BKI : representative to'day tbat bcforo tbo
formal ballot n complltnentury vote would bo
bos toned upon .7. Starling Morton. Mr. Mor
ton represents democracy much nwo thor
oughly than does Bryan , and as iho former
has many admirers among the delegates the
convention may not Drove to bo cntirply in
Bryan's bands.
MINUC.V , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bcb.1 The republicans of
Kearney county tonight rutihcd tbo nom
ination of Harrison ijnt ! Hold and W. E.
Andrews. Mr. Andrews of Hastings , tlio
nominee for congro4s ( in this district , ad
dressed the largo gapering , delivering n
splendid speech. HO expounded the repub
lican doctrine RS sot , forth In Iho national
platform ana congratulated the party on Its
wisdom In bolcctlng Harrison nnd Hold us
the standard bearer 'Koarnoy county re-
puolicans nro entbuAlastio and will put
their fihouldors to tno' wheel luut roll up u
nice majority for the vholo republican ticket
ut ibo coming election..1 *
Ono or Its Leaders TiUk * of tlio lli-l'rejl-
itent unit tluisMiigti-imip * .
CHICAGO , III. , Junoilu. The following In
terview wilh Ed.wara Murphy , Jr. , of Troy ,
N. Y. , delogalo-at-Jutifo to iho domocratlo na
tional convention , and'At-prcsont , and for the
past BIX yoais , chairman of the democratic
state committee , wua obfnlaod today by uu
Associated press rcprojontatlvo ,
Mr. Murphy w j asked : "You say , Mr.
Murphy , that Mr , Cleveland cannot carry
the state of NowsXeyk iu case ho Is nomin
ated. What reason ; do you udvanco for the
assertion I1' ' *
"Tho democrats ot the country at largo
who Javor Mr. Cleveland bpllovo tbo demo
crats of Now York to bo obsilnuto and will
ful In oppoiing the wliljos of the great ma
jority , and they rojjardiho action of tbo Now
York delegation In IniUtipg that wo shall
have our cholcp , UothwiUmandlni , ' the ma
jority are agalutf ti , unreasonable. Tboy do
not know tuatXnft democracy of our btato
would uol bo furMr , Cleveland if Mr. Hill
were not a candidate. They do not under-
btund that the opposition to Mr. Cleveland
Is based upon un lUoa , a sentiment , which
bus become as fixed and abtoluto as a prin
They lute | tlio 3lug\vuniii .
'Tho Idea is dUUuo of the mugwumps ; It
matters not whether he nu a republican mug-
Handsome Majority in Favor of the Ne
braska Central Bond Proposition.
Light Votn rolled , lull the footlngi Are
Overwhelmingly In I' of tlio
ilomlit Triumph fur l'ro-
All of the bond propositions submitted at
the special election held yesterday were
Wbllo the Interest In the election was Intense -
tense owing to ttio opposition of the allied
railway forces to the Nebraska Central
proposition the vote polled wis docldodly
light. In the county between 12.GJI ) nnd
13,000 votes were cast , , of which about 1,5'JO
were against iho Nebraska Central proposi
tion and u smaller number ngatnst the bonds
for Improving the country roads and the
atlficatlon of the poor farm salo.
Botb In the city nnd county voting districts
moro votes were cast than were registered
for or against either proposition , Those ,
under the law , count against the proposi
tion , but cannot under any circumstances
Increase the voles against the bonds to 3,000
which would bo less than one-third of the
votn east.
On the city bonds about 10,00) votes were
polled , of which S.OJO were In favor and 2,000
ngulnst the bond propositions.
The figures given below are on the Ne
braska Central propositions , the vote on the
other propositions being nbout the samo.
Tlio County llonils.
The vote on the county bonds , with the
Twelfth district of ttio Sixth ward and Clou-
tarf nnd McArdlo precincts to hoar from , is
as follows :
Oiniihii. Tor. A-.ilmt
Mm ward V.l ai
fc'i-cond ward l.S'll ' ITU
'IhlrdwarJ fKjQ 4J
Fourth ward 1 ! > 4
Klfth ward HIM 105
SKth wind 1.1J1 la :
S\ailli ward < IJ1 lit
Mglith ward n 111
Ninth ward Ktt 12
Tot-i ! 7,917 1,197
Outside Products.
South Oinahu. 8)0 ) 101
Kiibt Omaha 17 9
West Omnlm S'.lt Jl
Douglas n > 7
Waterloo il ! 07
Union % -J fii
.Mlllnid 1.1 S3
JolVrnon. . 4 0.1
V.illuy U ! ) l
ClilctKO I iai
riun.111'e 57 : " >
KlUhoni 5 70
Total uf-i 7& '
Total county vote U.1UJ 1U7U
Un the City l'ro [ > .nltiiiii.
Of the eighty-eight voting precincts In tlio
city complete returns were roeolvod from
olghty-threo. The precincts that x\ore unrn-
ported last nlcrntvoru n follows : Ttio
Second and Eleventh in tbo First ward ,
the Fifth of the Sovoath. the Sixth of the
Eighth and the Fifth of the Ninth. Rsports
received at Midnight Indicate that wltii the
exception of the two in the First ward , alt
unroriortod products had cast largo majori
ties lor Iho bonds.
The vote , exclusive of the districts named ,
was as follows on the city bond proposition :
Wards. Tor. Against
First 4UJ 11S !
Second .C.2 210
Third 517 41
Konrti : 1,115 iar.
KUtll 1.009 IliI
falxth 1.181 141) )
suuntu coi ra
KKIlth 51.1 1CU
Ninth fiii ! > lia
Total 7.UIO V.33
euit n.uto nuittt.
I'liins for Itcpnlillciiii SUCUCKS In Now York
Holng Kiiplilly Completed.
3HING10N Uuiiiu or Tun Bnc , )
518 FouiiTunNTti STIU'.I-.T , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 10. )
Secretary Elklna returned from Now Yoric
last night , and early this morning called at
the white houBO to see the proildont. From
the length of tlmo ho was encaged with the
executive It might bo InferrjJ that ,
ho hi".l Important matters to com-
munlcuio Mr. Klltins hau conferences with
Cbauncoy M. Dupalv and other friends of
the administration whllo In Now Vork upon
tbo coming campaign. Tbo Interview with
tbo president today was made tno occasion
for discussing the plan or campaign and to
communicate the ideas of the Now Yorkers
who nro to take an active part in the fight
for republican supremacy In Mew York. Mr.
Elkius is very hopeful over the outlook , ilo
realizes that , a stubborn fight Is to be waged ,
but bo thinks the republicans will carry tha
day. Ho Is coullaout that harmony will pre
vail In the rank nnd file of tbo party In Now
York and that when the fntoful November
day dawns they will bo found in line for thu
straight republican ticket.
Mrs , James Halley of Kapld City , S. D. .
with h'or bon Ellis , Is visiting the city nnd Is
the guest of her father , Mr. Alexander Mc-
Kcrichar , superintendent of Cilcnwood cem
etery , with whom she expects to romalu for
several weeks.
Mr. ana Mrs. II. L , Mcrrlck loft today for
Chicago and Omaha. Mr. Merrick will at
tend Iho democratic national convention and
tliou join Mrs. Morrictc In a short visit to
OmMia relatives.
An attempt will be made tomorrow in the
house to take up the conference report on
the river and harbor bill. Mr. Ulancbard ,
chairman of the house committee , has been
notified that there must be n quorum present
at the tlmo the report is considered and ho
dla not attempt it today for thai reason. Ho
was assurances , nowevcr , that there will bo
mombcrn enough In the morning and ho ex
pects to have the report adopted without
Senator Paddock today requested the Post-
office department to Increase tbo clerical
force at tba York postolllcc , In York county ,
and tbo Grand Island ponolHco , In Hall
county. P. S. II.
Consul HIieriiKUi ltc lcii .
WASHINGTON , D. C. . Juno 10. Mr. Thomas
II. Sherman , United States consul at Liver
pool , has lond.crod his resignation to the
_ _
hit'Mt'T Jtintiiiurw.\ ,
A Woiilil'IIo Murderer Pomiil Uoail I'or-
h.ip * Ilo U'IK I. ) Jicliuil.
lUzr.r.TOX , Pa , Juno 10. John tiprolak , a
Hungarian , stabbed MM. Hancock , bis
boarding mutroit , twlco lu tbo breast last
night , Inflicting a serious wound. A crowd
of the bourder.-t of tbo nouio pursued him as
ho ran away. Three hours later Sprolak's
body was found at the bottom of a deep cut ,
beneath a freight cur. Today ono of the mon
who was In the crowd which pursued Spro-
lak Is nlloged to buvo said that ho caught
the man , killed him and throw hU body in
the cut. Tbo coroner hold an Inquest but
elicited nothing to show that tbo Hungarian
wab lynched , _
Strllcur Klllfil at St. Lonli ,
KT. Louin , Mo. , Juno 10. For the pmfow
days u small alilko of employes of the Au-
cbor steamer line bat oilttoj bore , but hai
not Interfered with traffic. Last night , however -
over , as a result of tuo ill-foollnc engen
dered , a collision occurred between about
twenty- live xtrlkori and tha latoo number of
"bcabs , " Tbo light opened wltb club * ,
itoticn , etc , , but soon pistols were used , and
during the uielco UocU Hughcj , a negro
striker , wai kiUoa. So far no cvlUcoco
pointing to the murderer's I Vs'Hy has been1
discovered and no arrests hi - * ion inndo of
suspects. t , \
ST.\i\nmt .1 iro.ii i.v
Itriitnt Orltno In Vlennn '
Mtinlcrer ShooU HI J T. , Juno 10. A brutal tnurdcr was
committed In this city yesterday. A woman
named Decs , a milk dealer in the Leopold-
stadt quarter , was seen by some pa sorsby
to rush out ot her shop shrieking at tbo top
of her volco. She had gene only a tow foot
when she throw up her hind * nnd fell dead
upon the p.xvomout , A long knlfo had boon
burled to the hilt lu her body. In addition
to the torriblp wound thus Indicted were
several other stabs In ths woman's breast.
The pcoplo about the mllkshop hod not seen
the murderer. Suspicion fell upon n man
named i'eonosk who had bceu In the employ
of Mrs. Decs , but who had boon discharged
n short tlmo ngo. The pollco wont to his
lodging ! ) and pin coil him under nrro < U Be
fore they couid take him from the house ho
seized n revolver and shot , himself iu the
head. Ilo aid not succeed In killing himself ,
however , and ho was taken to the prison
hospital. Peonosk's attempt at suicide Is
taken by the pollco ns confirmation of their
suspicion that ho murdered Mrs. DJOJ.
ui.srnu oiiANii.MiN. : ;
TliryMiip Out n 1'lnn of Action Acnlnst
Homo Knlo.
BKU-AST , Juno 10. The Ulster unionist
convention will moot hero Friday In nn 1m-
monso hull prepared for Ibo purpose , to take
action on the matter of Ulster's position on
the proposed Independence of the Irish Par
liament and executive. A paper to bo read
on that occasion counsels , of course , passive
resistance. This , It is suggested , to take the
form of a refusal lo allow the elections to beheld
held , that the mayor of Belfast publicly
burn the writs ot election and n gor.ornl re
fusal to pay the taxes levied by ttio Dublin
government bo carried out. The writer
holds that picccdonts do not Justify the
British government In Interfering with the
army , nnd th'o writer thinks In n light be
tween Ulster nnd South Ireland the former
would have the best of It.
rnrnollltrn Inxno u Mimlfrito.
LONDON , Juno 10. The national league of
Great Britain has Issued a manifesto to
Irishmen In Great Britain. It says that the
antl-Parncllttcs have rejected honorable
terms for a truce nnd have declared war to
the kr.ife , and predicts that three years will
clupso without homo rule for Ireland being
granted. At tbo end of that time , the rnanl-
loito continues , part of the McCarthy lies
will have deserted to the nnemy and the
others will have lied from the country In
disgrace. The hltto band of Parncllltos will
then form thu nucleus of a now Irish army
to save the nation.
Itimln at tint World's I'nlr.
ST. PLTdiMil'im , Juno 10. The com
mander general of the Uusslau section of
the World's fair , with his assistants has
started for Chicago to make the necessary
arrangements. Russia contemplates making
a irroat exhibit from nil points of the omplro ,
of the most varied and In'orosting charac
ter , compri ! > ing > lvvclvo division } ,
Knglaml'H Kcring Sun ArhltriitnrH.
LONDON , Juno 10. Lord Hanncn and Sir
John S. D , Tnompion have boon appointed
representatives of Great , Britain In the Bor
ing sea arbitration.
Norfolk'H Nc\v lUIIro nl Will ISo In Opera
tion l y .lunimry.
YANKTON , S. D. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . | Norman \V. Glfford ,
the Chicago contractor wuo has bojn at
work upon the proposoa Yankton & Norfolk
railway line for several months , and M. W.
Larson of Alloghan , Allen. , a railroad con
tractor , tcacbcd Yunkton today and start
ever the line tomorrow. Mr. Gifford has
secured backing and money and will buila _
the road , 'whichvlll cost $10,000 per mile or
? G20OJO. Mr. Larson has a contract to prado
thirty miles and will begin at n point oppo-
sltn Yankton on the Missouri river. Ho will
lopato his grading campa nt oaco nnd cover
tbo line with teams. This road under the
contract must bo in opsrutlon by January 1 ,
Ib'JIl. It is supposed that tbo Missouri I'n-
ciflo will take ttio line and operate li when
completed. Next Yunkton and Sioux Falls
ulll 1)0 cocnertod by rail nad the Great
Northern will operate that lino.
A bill lor iho construction of a railroad
brldgo nt Yankton has recently pissed con
gress and that brldcc Is almost asburod.
xi.utir I.VXVIIKH
Xcgroc * Muko It Uiiilrusunt | for n Colored
ICcul KHtitto Dealer.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 10. A special to
tno Times from ICIngflsncr , Okl. , suvs :
James Holland , n negro real oslato dealer ,
nearly lost his life at the hands of a negro
mob this afternoon. Holland is n member of
tbo firm or Holland & Jo.ios , uoth negroes ,
who advertised just before the recent
opening of the Inaian lands In the
vicinity that they were prepared to glvo
every uogro applicant a claim in exchange
for $10. Hundreds answered tno advertise
ment , u-mo to the now country , paid their
money , but of course got no claims. Tbo in
dignation among the negroes has boon in
tense nnd today they took Holland from his
oftlco and were about hanging him to u tain-
graph polo when the police Interfered and
rescued him. Ho was placed In jail , arounu
which the negroes are swurailug , vowing
r.itully Iliirncd.
DAVBNTOIST , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bui.1 This afternoon 7-year-
old Dora Vogh carried a can of kerosene to
the steve In n neighbor's house. It ox-
plaucd. She was enveloped In the burning
oil und'ran ncronmlngubout the rooms nmonir
children and other occupants. The ( lames
wcro dashed out with buckets of water but
bur clothes hud been burned and the oil that
clung to her llojh wu3 blazing. She Is fatally
Injured. _ _ _ .
Increnscd Union 1'aclllc II.
BOSTON. Mass. , Juno 1C. The Union i'n-
rlfio April statement for the entire system
shows : Gross earnings , not decrease , id.n : ) ;
for four months , gross caralngi.noi locroaso ,
OMAHA , Juno 10. f
There Is an area ot low prctsura In tbo
southwest working up northoasiward. It
\\111 probably keep loutb of Nebraska.
Another low pressure sroa Is appoarinc In
tba iixtremo northwest. Between these two
low uroas a bolt of higher pressure anil cooler
weather extends from Lake Superior to the
middle Itocky mountain region , This is an
outtlow from tbo high barometer north of tbo
United States. Occasional rains have pro.
vailed from tbo lalro regions south wostwaid
to Texas.
I'nr KiutoruNebriinKii. Omiiliu nnd Vlcln.
lly Cooler , i > n > l > jl > ly fair uvatliur ilurlng
I'rlil.ij' ,
WAHIIINQTON , D. C. , Juno 10. For Ne
braska Gunorally fair , preceded by showers
.tonight In eastern portion : wurmor in west ;
'cooler In cast portion ; varlablo winds.
For Iowa Jtolnj clearing lu northwest
portion ; cooler , north winds ,
For North and South Dakota Fair , fol
lowed by local rains ; warmer south windi.
Movement * of Orenn
At Now York Travo , from Dromon ; Nerd
land , from Antwerp.
At Boston Ottoman , from Liverpool ;
Gothla. from Humbunr.
At Bremen Haven Latin , from Now
Hamburg -Dania , from Now York.
At Southampton Augusta , from Victoria.
Salt Lake Friends of Montgomery s Slayci
Assisting Ilia Ooso.
Attnrnp. } * for the rronrciltlnu Intlit That
Mrt. Irtlno'i Stnteincnt U nt Llttlo
liiiiortuncn | ISooont Dnrolnpmonts
Lincoln Now * Note * .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Spoolal to Tun
BEE. ] D. O , Dunbar , formerly Dullness
manDgorof the Omaha Republican nnd now
of Salt Lake City , came to Lincoln toJoy to
sco W. II. Irvine , who Is confined In the
Lancaster county Jull on the charge of mur-
dorlng C. E. MoLtgomery. Mr. Uutibsr
passed nu hour or two'ln Mr. Irvine' * com
pany ai.d reports thai ho found him enjoying
peed health nnd fair spirits , Mr. Uunbar
assured Irvine of the hearty sympathy of
his maby friends in Suit Lake City In his
present trouble. Irvine showed no sign * of
the mental depression that inarkoa his ap
pearance the first tfook after the tragedy.
Ho occupies the same quarters In the county
jail whlcn wcro assigned to Mn. Sboody
during her incarceration.
In this connection nn Interesting fact In
relation to Mrs. Irvino'u alleged confession
has coma to llcht. A short ttrao after the
tragedy a loyal firm In this city was employed
by Montgomery's family to assist Iho pro-
scc'itlon. The gentlemen composing the
firm secured from the attorneys for tbo do-
fontio an nllogou copv of Mm. Irvine's con
fession. Whllo they obtained tbo copy
under promises of secrecy , they have given
out the fact that Mrs. Irvine confesiod to
nothing moro sonoui than silting on Mont
gomery * lap. Ibis statement has bocn
printed In several papers and bus excited no
llttlo comment.
Itorlc Inlnnil I'rogreif.
The Hock Island surveyors have com *
plctcd their work from Twentieth and O
streets to Twenty-second nnd L streets.
The survey hu * been accepted bv the com
pany , nnu the options closed today. The
route lies through an Irregular tract front
ing O street. BOxlM foot , for which fll.OOp
was paid. The sum of J.VJU wai pnld for nn
adjoining tract of it , sumo dimensions.
Another tract In Spencer's addition was
purchased for MOOJ ; lots 45 and 40 m
block 4 , brought $3,400 ; lots M , N , O , P and
Q , In block U. Spencer's subdivision , sold
foi f. " > , yO ) ; eleven tots in Avondale addition
were purchased for $11,080. The total
amount paid out was 30,700.
Ilunkit Will CoiiMilldate.
On Monday , Juno 20 , the Lincoln National
and First National banks of this olty will bo
concolldatod , the Lincoln National absorb
ing tlio First National. N. S. Hnnvoad will
bo the president of the new institution and
F. M , Cook cashier. Tha capital stock will
bo & 00.000 , nnd the surplus SIOO.OW. Mr.
Cook is now in Washington making arrange
ments for the consolidation. The name ot
the noxv bank has not yet been announced.
Iiiitlil Ctty'n Knuiimiuiiont.
D IVID CITV , Nob. , Juno 1C. [ Special to
Tun i3Bi : . | So far the Sons of Veterans
have boon fortunate lu having flno weather
for their field cncampmnnt. The boys htivo
enjoyed thulr work very much. The campfires -
fires Tuesday and Wednesday ovontngEwero |
both successfully conducted , and tbo urc-
ccodlngs were very pleasant. The witty
s pooch of J. T. Walker of Lltchfleld onTuoi-
day evening has been n subject of comment.
Today's program was us follows : Fora-
noon , session of encampment ; nftoraoon ,
sham battle ; band and drum corps contests ,
award of orlzos , evening dross parade , clos
ing camp-lira.
Will Itulld nt Once.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UcE.--Tho | Blakely hotel com
pany of Bcalrico concluded its Incorporation
last uiglil and filed the necessary articles
with the county clone. The canttal " stocK Is
$100,000 In shares of J100 each.
The following officers nnd board of direc
tors wcro elected : Nathan Blakoly , presi
dent : Charles fj. Dorsoy , vice president ; F.
C. Grable , treasurer ; directors , Charles
Moscuell , John Ellis , J. L. Tail nnd J. II.
Aldan. Preliminary work on the now struc
ture will begin nt once.
Me Coo I Junction' * * Cyclone.
McCooi.JtT.-jcTioN , Neb. . Juno 10. [ Special
to Tni : BuiTbo : ] few citizens who had
not retired by 13 o'clock last night witnessed
n slgnl they will not soon forget. It looked
very much like rain , nnd n small black cloud
made Its appearance Ip the south west , which
on nenrlng bore assumed a funnel shape. It
dipped , touching a field , clearing the ground
'as It swept , but just as It struck the edge ot
town it ascended and passed ever , doing no
barm , nnd than dissolved as quickly as It
made it appearance ,
I'lr.iHtiil with Tlielr llrcejitlon.
NKIWASKCITV , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special
to TIIK Bi'.E.J The members of company C ,
Second regiment , Nebraska National guardi ,
who , In n body , wont to Omaha yesterday ,
have returned. The company wont as tbo
gucslH of Hon. John C. watxon and report
an enjoyable timo. In particular they pralsa
tno manufacturers' display at Exposition
hall , Mr. Watson and wife * and tbo rear
guard of the excursionists returned this
Cellar County's I'oor 1'urm.
IlAim.sGTO.v , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to
TUB Buu.l Tno board of county comrais.
slonors of Cedar county will consider tha
mallor of purchasing a tract of land for
poor fnrm nt the next mooting. Cedar
county probably has moro paupers in pro
portion to its population than any county in
tills part of the state , and they could bo pro
vided for at much less expense to tbo count ;
than they are at present.
Took iv forger to 1'rlnon.
BUATIIICE , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tola *
gram toTuu Bnn.1 7 . T. Champ , a formal
architect and builder , but later a cabinet
orean agent , was taken to the penitentiary
today to servo u sentence of ono year foi
forgery. Ho pleaded guilty to forging the
name ot liu brothcr-Iu-luw to a guarantei
Acquitted of .Murder.
GiiKKi.r.v CUNTEII , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKK. ] Nick and John Do-
muth , charged wltb the murder of John
Nnntz lu December last , had their trial yes
terday and tbo jury returned a verdict ol
acquittal this morning.
Uronrnei ! Wlillr HHlimning.
FIIP.MONT , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK.J Fred Iroson , a young
rrmn aged about 18 years , employed a * g
painter , was drowned In Baldwin' * lake , nflai
this city , about 4 o'clock yils afternoon wblU
Accidentally Killed.
SITKIIIOII , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tola-
Kram to Tim BEK. ] J , W. Cutnmlnir , I
farmer living four miles north of this city ,
was accidentally killed today by falling ot
Uls wagon.
Tliu 1'lro Kitcoril.
lici ) OAK , IB. , Juno 10 , Firs destroyed
Hoplnglos ft Co.'s city mllli , There wert
8,000 biithois of grain la tbo building. Thi
boiler and engine , tbo onglno house and
office book * wore uaved , but that It all. To *
Ion U JtU.OOO , with Insurance of W.OOO. Till
firm bail accepted au olfer from Malvorn to
estab ] | u mills thoru alio and the malarial li
on the ground there for tbo building. They
will rebuild In Itod Oak If the cltlxons fur
nish ntiUtnaco.
EUIJIIBTII , N , J. , June ip. Tbo Independ
ent bung fuclorv and Burnt liroi. & Hod-
man's wcrks , buvo buruoj. Lou , (300,000 ,