THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JUNE 11 , 1892. OMAHA ORATORS AT CHICAGO ' They Address the Bopnblican Ratification Mooting at the Auditorium. HENRY ESTABROOK'S ' BRILLIANT EFFORT Wit nnil IHnquonce I'lciiMiiKlr Cummin- Klod A. Short Syninl | * of Ills Speech ilolin All 'Ilittrstiin Atftn fepeuhs A. ( Irciit .Mrctlni ; . CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 13. | Spoclal to Tun Br.n.l The ratification mooting hold last night at tbo Auditorium was a gathering' , which , from n point of number * nnu enthusi asm , will bo tmrU to equal. The spoecnos \voro eloquent and over/ speaker received close attention. Beside * CJovcrnor McKlnloy of Ohlonnd other distinguished speakers , two Omaha Koutlomon , Whoso reputation ai orator - tor Is nntlonnl John M. Thurston and * Henry I ) . Kstabrook paid tribute to renub- llcnnlsin nnd President Harrison and bis ad- mii.Utraiton In words whoso ecboas will ring nnd bring conviction lone after tbo bat * tic of bnllots shall have been fojiRht and won. Henry IXiibrnnk' * Sprrcli. Mr. Ustnbroolt's speech way Indeed a bril liant eiTort , und the frequent applause which Rroolod the spoaxor attested thoanproclatinn of his hearers. It was In substance as fol lows : To cheese between friends Is always a sad necessity , and means sometimes , the losa of jfrisndshlp. Tbo republican parly has chosen from among Its friends twostanduid bcarors , who will carry Its banner to yet nnotlior victory that ulnrloiH banner at once the ensign of thu ronuollu nnd of tbo republican party : for every st'rlpo of It has boon todecmed "by republican valnr ; every slur of It bus become n llxcd star BO long us republican guardianship shall oiulurot In dividual partisans have now but ono duty to perform. Thov must forirot grievance ! ) , bury dlsaprolntmonts , uud gird on the nrmor of the Lord. . I am moved to thcso sage reflections be cause of n Boorot sorrow norsonal to myself. When 1 lost had the honor of addressing u CnicaiH ) uudlenuo , d.emocrntlci ninvspandrin your city , from whnl'slnlslur niotlvo I know not , sutrgostod my naino as u pollute repub lican candidate for the vlcu presidency , vlca my distinguished fellow townsman , John M. Thurston. resigned. Well , now wo nro both "roslciieu. " Our boom , like several other boonis I might mention , was never very ro bust , ami fell un easy victim to tbo Insidious microbe. Democracy IIH Slin Jtonlly In. Cut the republican party must have no dlbBruntiod exponents of its principles. Wo must , nil of us ( us defeated candi date ? ) rise superior to self and sollish- HIMS , and in tbo face of n common danger , make common cause against a most uncommon enemy. 1 say uncommon , because there Is n kaleidoscopic versatility about the democratic parly which makes it an over-re curring novoltv , The giddy old girl is as klt'.enlsh nnd perennial us a ballet dancer , nnd just about as grandtnolherish. She Is a sort of female Proious. When she cannot change her shape she pads It. Whim padding gives out. she tones to costuming. She is tbo lightning change artist of the variety green loom. Tnis year sbo has rummaged the political rag-bag and will plrouetto bctoro the American public , the piebald harlequin that she 13. Waal a macniflcont contrast to this spluttering , jiiu-wboel oro- tostntioii of principle. Is the steadfast policy of the republican party ! It Is tbo dllTurcnco between the optical monkey-shines of tbo tbaumatrppo and tbo glorious diorama of Gettysburg. But I am curious to know what presidential acrobat this year will try to rldo nil the democratic hobbles. Uy the tlmo bo Btrnddloi free silver nnd anti-tree silver : free trudo and tariff for rovcnuo only ; a dubious history and yet n moro dubious future-Holy Jloscsl by the time ho straddles all these divergencies lu ono vast , grotesque , infoupnious , proposlcrouK straddle , the pub lic will bo lost , not so much In admiration of the porioi'inrr's prowess , us in blushing soli- cltudo for the futo of the pcrfoi mor's trousers 1 " Atnurlcu Hcfore All the World , The only hobby of tlio republican party is Amoiicu America before alt the world I Aud no man has a clearer vision of the ulll- mate destiny of America than Beujaiuln Harrison. The respect nnd confldenco , j-os , the love which the people of this country have for him today , has boon not so much a growth as a revolution. It is the inevitable consequence of Knowing him. No man over look hii seat lu the presidential chair with o moro deter mined ufTort on the part of bis detractois to dwarf nnd minimize his abilities. Ho is the plaut ruler of a rauo of giants 1 But oven uow ibo democratic newspapers chuckle till they nearly ' 'pi" their typo over trio asser tion that Mr. Harrison's ' nomination does not plouso the republican bosses. If our party contilns such creatures as "bosses , " I -pin profoundly grateful that Mr. Harrison's nomination docu not picaso them. THUS fart \t has been Ibo aspiration of the rcoublican party lo please the people , and I liopo it may continue to bo. God blosa tbo people , anil God-blank the bosses 1 I defy nny candid man to read Mr. Harri son's ' casual speeches ( ovcry ono of tbura a imislurpicco of oratory , by Iho way ) without fcullng proud ot him as an A.mcricun citizen ; wilhout confessing iu his heart of honrts that hero is a splendid specimen of our ro- lltiL-d , cultured. Cbrisliuu manhood. His is u Christianity that dooi not pro claim itself from iho housetops and street corners , nor does it require the artificial stimulus of old Bourbon to make it manifest , Tlicro is nn earnest , loyal , patriotlo good fellowship in Mr. Har rison's nature , tur auovo the frothy , spur \ ious article which wears its heart ou iho eloovu for da\vs lo poclc at , An Anuirli'iui and u Patriot. This Is not the tlmo nor place to exploit iho acts of Mr. Harrison for the last Jour years. Time onoueh for thai , I wish only lo omplmsizu what I have already lutl- inatou , namely , ilmt uo American patriot lias had a loftier Idnal of our country's future ; and it Is toward that future his eyes nru over turnliiK. But how Is it with the democratic party 1 It llvos only iu the past. It is wedded lo its traditions. U is always milting of Iho eood old times , oven Iho nod old limes of slavery and fico trado. It looks up line ttio face of that eooii old timopli-oa , prntulfathci's oloclt , and imueincs that Tlmo Itself la notrlltud Urcauso the old ma chine has run down. It docs not scum to roallzu that grandpa's ulouk stepped btiort , never to po npam , wuen Krandp-.i dlud. I toll you Hint what n ball nnd cuaui nro on the lu s of a convict such us the democruiiu party is on thn llmhs ot iiroproas , and when It comes to n cholco between Brimdpa'i hat and crondpa's clock I urn for the hat ovcry tlmo I Thuru is on holr- loom for you thutis a regular hon-loomcrl Jt romluds mo of BllJaU's mantle , There was nothing uhout Ulljuh's manllo , aa n mantle , to commend It to iho fasblouuhlo world It was only u Imlf.tannod bhcop uolt which hrtL'pfil at the Uncos when Kllslm put it on > t Uut somehow thu splrltpt Klljah got tunpled > i up In it , und when it wai handed " ever 10 Klljah ho tool ; it , spirit and ell. JtiM so with Ri-unUpa's hat. Considered uluiply as a nat , why , It Isn't In it with some of Dimtiip's , Still , it , is iu a fair ttato of preservation , nnd has never been talked ttirouKii llial I Itiiow of , But the Important thing m that , tome bow or iinottior , grutidp.t's bruins wcro Iclt lu it , uud bis Ki'uudsou cot om 1 And now , fellow cltlzons , what s'hall bo tbo is ues of this rampalunf So far as the ivpuulk-aui aru I'oiK'ornuil iho U uo shall bo the policy of protection and rociproclty , which wo are ptvparod to dcfotut oil prlncl- plu auu Illuitratu from experience. The republican parly is willing to adopt as its coat of anus , to bo bhuoncd upon every iinmblican escutcheon not mi azure Held , with u Cohdon club motto and iho British couclmnt : but a fair Ilolii , "no luvpr , " n s u motto , end n workinguiuu's tin dinner pall rampant ! Is U frco X cotniiBoof mlverl Thii republican uoriy be- j llevei in bimotalllsra an-l U willing to eo- o | orutu with ihu democratic partv , ibo pcopio'n party , or any other party for the purpo'o of placltiR silver ou u pur wttU gold , Hut UituUis that the oihttr nauous of tbo \yoria iltall bu a party to thu compact so tbut this country ahull uot bo Ibo prey ot foreign speculator. } , tbo market manipu lators. And now a word of caution. The voters of tbo United States should not take too much stock In columns ot figures unless they verify thorn for themselves. Lot the demo crats compare the most favorable statistics of other countries with what they know to bo true of this country , nnd tnun fallen their Ifnccs and thank God they are American cit- l7ons and promise that if Ho will suffer them to llvo till next election day they will repent nnd Dcllevo nnd bo baptized Into the repub lican fold. \VIiltclnw Held. The ofllco of vice president Is something of n. sinecure ; that Is what made It so attrac tive to Tburston nnd myself. U Is unfortu nate for Mr. Held as well as for the pcoplo that such Is the case , for only the limitations of the olllco will provoot this next Incumbent of It from demonstrating bis abilities to rule over a cront and prosperous nation. On gen eral principles I should any that n man who can manage u Rreat American newspaper may bo trusted to manage tbo American govern inout. Tribute to lllnlno. I cannot take my seat without referring tea a melancholy phase of our recent convention which concerns the Nester of our party , the greatest Itoman ot them all , James U. Blalnc. I have already referred to bun as the most colossal llguro iu Amorlcan politics. I repent tbo phraso. for nearly a quarter of a cen tury Mr. lilalno has occupied nn unique , ex ceptional , ulmoU inaccessible position In the estimation of mankind. His mujcstlo head towers above Its follows like a snow- crowned summit of the Andes , ilo has friends who would die to servo him. lie has enemies who would dlo to thwart him. Sucb strength of friendship and such malipintv of hatred both attest bis suporla- tlvo greatness , I do not say that a man may Be too great for the presidency no Amorlcan would dare say that. What I do aftlrm Is , that Intense , absorbing partisanship of frlona and fee Is the luuvltablo penalty of phenome nal greatness , and that the choice of presi dent ! > , and , for the most part , ought to bo , n compromise ) between political extremes There have been cllmnclorlci in our history when the men olio-inn as rulers by the pcoplo scctncri llko detul-gods , lee exulted lor human nature. But were they chosen by the people ? To mo , who have an abiding faith that Amer ica is iho arena of the Almighty , whore Uo will work out the great nnd tlnnl problem of self-government , these men appear moro llko accnls of n dlvlno will than tbo conscious choice of a people. Such mon were Wash ington , Lincoln , Grant. With tbo recent convention in Minneapolis vanished forever the possibility of his second candidacy.Vlmt the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune failed to affect tlmo and labor have accomplished , To us , who are republicans to tno core , who are-proud of our party's achievements , bollovo Its prom ises ana have faith In Its future , Ulalno stands ns the incarnation of its principles , the party personified , tbo American micro cosm. vVo wished to crown him as bollts n hero. Our failure to have done so , our im- potouce ever to no so , Is as exasperating as it Is heartrending. llariiioii Noc'd 1'uar ni > Compiii Ison. But after allwhat need has ho of the pres idency ! fiono wuutovor. There Is scarcely : \ ptudonl who can catalogue the president * of the United States ; but there are a few names lu American history which will llvo forever , aud not the least in the galaxy is the name of James G. Blalnc. Tbo action of President Harrison iu chooslr.c Bluluo as bis chief adviser nnd almost co-ruler was not simply magnanimous ; it was nn act of profound wisdom and revealed his own greatness nnd nobility of character. General Harrison has no occasion to fear comparison with nny man on earth. These great men compliment each other lu every particular. If Btalno is a steam en gine , Harrison Is the governor which pre vents a waste of energy. With plenty of niotlvo force , and a properly adjusted en gine , the machinery of our government is bound lo run smoothly and effect Its object. And now In conclusion , fellow citizens , I move tbat wo send Mr. Blaine fraternal greetings nud assurances of our loyal lovo. I move tbat wo petition God to prolong his life in health nnd usefulness and unwonted happiness ; and so many of you as are m favor ot these motions say amen 1 AVlnit Stronger 1'roof Is needed of the merit of Hood's sarsaparilla than tbo hundreds of letters continually coming in tolling of marvellous cures it has effected niter nil other remedies bad failed ) Truly , Hood's sarsapurilla possesses peculiar curatlvo power unknown to other medicines. Hood's pills euro constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the host family cathartic. WOKK OF ASSESSORS. 1'iirtlal Showing on Omitlia'g liasls Tor tlio Year's Tax I ovy. The ward and precinct assessors have compiled their labors and are now roiuniinp their bocks to the oQlco of the county qlerk. Today Is the date fixed o.v law for complet ing the work , and as the assessors' pay has stopped , today ibo books have boon coming In ut a lively rate. From tbo books returned tbo following in formation Is gathered : This year the Second end ward has J 1,1177,770 of real estate and $101,742 of personal property. TSo Eighth ward has 81,093,770 of lands and lots , with 6102,091) ot personal. The Ninth waru shows up with $1,634,780 of real ostatu and $79,004 of personal. East Omaha precmot has 5142,785 , of real and f 15,1)11 ) of personal. West Omaha comes with ? 570,105of real es tate nnd $24,294 of personal property. Do Witt's Sarsnnarltla is reliable. A disease , treated us such nnd portn a acntly cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment , llarmlesa nnd Refer by pormibsion to Bur- lln 'ton Iltiwlcoyo. Send 2o stump for pamphlet. Sholtoquon Chemical Co. Burlington , la. YESTERDAY IN CONGRESS Otis of Kansas Wants Secretary' Noble nnd Oommissionor Darter Investigated , SENATOR PEFFER AND HIS DOCTRINES Ho Addresses the Scimto oil His Cheap Money Mill I'rcslclont IlitrrUon IU-celvc * Coiigratulntlons llio Till I'liUo Hill Washington Now * Notes , WASHINGTON- . 0. , Juno 13 , The speaker today laid before the house a letter from the secretary of the treasury , asking for nn ap propriation of t'ioO.OOO for adequate pre cautions at the Wotld's fair for the protec tion of revenue and customs and for the supervision of Importations , Hoforred. On motion of Mr. Pool of Arkansas n bill was passed providing that Indian children should bo declared to bo citizens when they have reached the ape of 31 years and shall thereafter receive no support from too gov ernment , provided they have had ton years of Industrial training. ' Mr. Otli of Kansas asked consent for tbo present consideration of n resolution reciting Improper conduct on the part of Secretary Noble and Commissioner Carter in regard to the Maxwell land grant ( said conduct being alleged to bo In pursuance of a conspiracy 011- terod Into some years ego by Stephen B. tilklns and J , A , Williamson ) and asking for a special committee of seven members to in quire Into the matter. Mr. Payne of Now York objected and the resolution wns roforrod. Formications Hill. After action on some District of Columbia measure ] , the bouse went into committee of the whols ( Mr. McCroory of Kentucky In the chair ) on the formications bill. After dispensing with the first rending of tbo bill , ibo commlttoo rose without fiuthor action. In the morning hour , the scuiUo bill was passed with an amendment , authorizing the entry of the lanJs chtolly valua bio for building stone , under the placer mlnlnif law. Also taa bill to protect settlement rights where two or mete persons sultlo or. the same section of agricultural puollc lands before survey thereof. Also granting to the state of Min nesota certain lands in St , Cloud and Crooks- ton for public park. Also TO establish a division line between lands owned by the United States and the Pittsburg , Fort \Vayno & Chicago Hallway company. A bill granting to the state of Kansas , In trust , the Fort Hayes military reservation for the purpose of a soldiers' homo on tbo cottage plan , cave rise to opposition , and without disposing of it the house adjourned. IN Till : SLNATIi The I'cnston Hill Amended I'clTer Talks on 1IU Currency Hill. VVASHIXOTON . D , ( J. , Juno 13. In the sen ate tbo pension appropriation bill was re ported back with amendments nnd placed on the calendar. It carries total appropriations of 5140,737,330 , an increase of ? ll,912.2S4 over the bouse bill , and $11,522,505 morn than last year. Tbo principal item of increase Is 11- 1)07,031 ) for army and navy pensions. roll'ur's Hill , The bill Introduced by Mr. Poftor May 20 , "to increase the currency , provide for its circulation , rcduco rules of interest and es tablish a bureau of loans , " was taicon from the table , and Mr. Poffor spoke in advocacy of It. It provides for tbo appointment , by the president of commissioners lo establish nlunn agency at the capital of every Btato ana territory and other convenient places to loan money to the people secured by real ostptu , in sums of not less than $103 nor raoro than $2 , . " > 0l ) to one person or family. No provision is made as to the ruto of interest. To provide luuds treasury notes are to uo issued at tno rate of $1.50 for every dollar's worth of gold aud sliver coin uud bullion belonging to the United States. No corporation " or llrm is hereafter to receive moro"tbuu 5 per cent interest on short tune loans , uor more than 4 per cent for a year or longer. Provision ls made for loans on agricultural products iu warehouse at the rate of 4 par cent. cent.Much of Porter's ' speech was in denuncia tion of usury , which ho said was breaking down the republic. Tbo republic would go down unless the people wore saved , and there is no other way of saving them except bv dcstrovini ; usurv. He believed coucress bad perfect authority under tbo constitution to lend money to the people , as much as to provide for carrying the mails or packages or determining the rates which the railroads may charge for carrying freight or pass engers. At the close of the speech tbo bill wont over without action. McPherson gave notice of bis Intention to address tbo sonata Wednesday on Iron coinage , und Morgan gave notice that ho would do so tomorrow. Adjourned. Congratulated the President. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 13. The presi dent had a largo number of visitors today , Including General Estee of California , Colonel A. M. Hughes of Tennessee and other delegates to the republican convention. It is safe to say , however , that none of tbo visitors bad such a reception as General Now , who stopped in the city today oa his way to London , whore ho will resume his duties as consul ponoral. Ho loft hero this evening and will sail from Now York Wednesday on the City of New York. Among the many congratulations rccolvot by the president today wore cable messages from Minister Phelps at Berlin and Minister Grant at Vienna. Dr. Uirnoy's Catarrh Powder for cold In head. l''or sale by all druggists. 50 cents. Nervous Debility. Symptoms. Dizziness , weariness , with nervous , irresolute feeling , irritability , no energy , loss of memory , despondency and low spirits , trembling , caused by slight excitement , sleeplessness , poor appetite , and , frequently , palpitation. The causes of nervous debility are many : over work , lack of bodily exercise , insufficient rest and nourishment , absence of amusement , loss of vitality , etc. The results , however , are the same : poor cir culation of blood , impaired digestion , deranged ner vous system ; the heart loses force , the stomach , liver , kidneys , and bowels fail to perform their functions. This should not be , when a remedy is ever at hand. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa as prepared from .herbs , roots , barks , flowers , etc. , by the Kickapoo Indians , promptly cleanses , vitalizes , and enriches the blood , assists Nature in toning up the entire system , strengthens the kidneys , incites the liver to action , and invigo rates the prostrated nerves. tl.OOn bottle. AllUmggliti. Kickapoo Indian Worm Taller ] PRINCESS KICKAPOO. safely and ncultlveljr remove * itoinich "Pure Blood , Perfect Health. " anil pla worms , 35 ccnu. | Eveiy MAN on lie B'-TUONO and VIO- OHOUSin all _ _ _ by uiliiR ai'A'.JISH rclpecll Ueraeily. VOUNO M N N ° ° D. "IrtiljemiteM ° a vultlo ion.CHu , , U./ibcu i ! of opium , lobacco or alcohol , wake- luiueu , inenul icprett lou , lot * of power in either HI > nermiinr. AND ArriR u . t msa caused by tell abu and overlmtulse ! croraiiv w.lnYftVak ncucan la rc.lorta la perfect health end tf.u . ' P NOBM5 VITALITY 'OF 8TUOHO MJ'N We ( it a written guaram.otYlih 6 Lo M lo euro any ease or r.fui.4 the . , .oi.J i uo"o boiei s For Sale In Omaha by Snosv , Lund & Co. nine ' * LaSS SSS1 = * The National Guards are making some of the music , but we are naking the biggest part of it. We are surprising everybody with our " A " f" which by the way was not t "f t VJ7 LJL1 0 bought to sell at $3:75 : ( as some are doing ) but actually sold for $8 and $10 , when Hellman bought them. Colored Pique Vests , 2tSC > Hellman's price was $1.25 , $ 6.50 For square cut sack suits $ 8.00 that Hellman would have $10.00 . sold for all the way from $12.50. $15.00 $10.00 to $25.00. Special prices on Serge , Flannel and Flannellette Coats and Vests. Hot Weather Office Coats , 2.SO. Other bargains in endless variety. Hellman's - Administrator's Closing Sale , lSame Old Stand , Corner 13th and Farnam. BAKING Tooth-Food This medicine for babies pi events nnd cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no haimful drugs , but by supplying the tecth-foiming ingredients which arc lacking in most mothers' milk and all aitificial foods. . FOR It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a OZS. 2.Q 2.Q G- . . , . - bottle at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " ABSOLUTELY PURE , JUST TRY IT. THE TvEYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI , O. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb -THERE AHE- DB.B.O. WEST'S NRHVB AND nilAlNTBEA.T- J1ENT. a ipoctUo for llrstorlt. Dlnlnojs , Klti , Neu ralgia , lleadacbo , Norvom 1'rostratoa csuiad bf alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulncti , . Mental Doorej- elon. SoHness of Ihe Drain , causing InianUr , mliarr , iloc 7.di'.t. 1'romatnro Old Age , Uarrenesi. lo > i of rower In ottbor > ox , Impoleaor , Leucarrbea anil all Female Waaknoisoa. larolaalarr Lonai , tipor- malorrb a caused br oror-eiortloa of the brain- Pelf-abuse OTor-lndulgenco. A montu'i troataiont Jl.GforW , br \VoEaaranto8slx boxettocura Each oraer tor Sboxoi. with 11 will lead wrlttei aaaranteeto rofuod If not curoil Qaarantoe 1-is'iMl onlr br A. Scbroler , drumlit. sola agent , Bouth.iai corner IOtli and Karnam au , Omahn. Auow and Complete Treatment , consisting oj Eupposltorlas. Ointment In I'npsuloi , alio In lox and I'llli : a I'ojlllvo Cure for External , Internal blind or Uleodlufr Itching. Cliroalc , Itcoentor Heredi tary 1'llos Tills Itemely has never been known to fall. SI per box U forSS ; sentby mall. Why sutler from Hits lerrlblo disease when u written eaarantoo Is poaltlvulsr given with II IIOTOI or refund the monnylf not cured nend stamp for free ijanipto. ( luarafltoa Issued by Kutm & Co. , DruKil < ts , Sole Auont * , cor no/ 18 and Do a dm itrotta , Omaha. Nt-b. Farnam St , Theatre DODD OPERA CO. , "QIHOVI KOIUOFLA. " Tuesday Kvcnlnit , < Wednesday Mntlnouaml Hvenlnc , "KHJ11NII5. " Thursday Kvenlnu , "OIUOKJ.V : OIHOF1.A. " J'rtday Kvonlna , CIll.MKa OF NDHMANUY. " Saturday Matlneo and ISrenlng "UIIIOFLK QIUOKI.A. _ MANUFACTURERS' ' EXPOSITION Coliseum Building. Open from 10 a. m. until 10:30 : p. m , An army of factory employes carry on the actual work of manufacturing many dllToront llnua of gooda In thu presence ot the vlaltura. TUESDAY , JUNE 14 , A ml Ibo Host ot the Week. LESLIE Ml In thuStlrrlnrMrJIOlraruu ; , A I UCRTC SON OF HLOtli 1 1 MOPE CRISTO I'rlces 15o , 25c , 33cMo and 73o. Change of Bill Thursday. WONDERLAND. llroiilllaril'H Famous \V \ x Graupo , "Tho Illrlh otriirUt. " IJ'of. Ilorn's Troupe of Trained Ulrds. ' Hully's' 1'layori "Unolo Josh" und "Tom Huwyur. " the Kroat double bill. Krld&y , Souvenir lay. lOo * TO ALlt 10o TAUUL'ES nwuiaug i.llver ttudbuwi'U , iiurl * tf Ibii tlood .aramfe UKleffKcluali ; . I the fce t mfJlclr.ekup nforlilliou I und , couttlpuUuu. d/ipeiikU. foul ! brutli , Lculu.U > , heju-tWn , ( ou ct t ollio , m uuil de | rnuton. ptjuful 1 i.iiluiiiiea. callow r > i plex > * lan DR. C. GEE WO The only iccallr Rradaated Chlnoso phyilclan Elxlit years' ntudr Ten youra pructicnl cxpor'- once \rltll ull known dlsoisos. Troala succassfallir nil chronic cases ulven up by other iloctors Call nnd HCU him or write for qiiotlon liliink. Da not think your case hupelosi because your doctor tolls y ou bo , buttrythoOhlncBO Uoclor wltli hl nuw and wu nderful rcmcdlua. and racelvo new buncnts and a permanent euro want other doctors .cannot Klro. Hurt1) , Hoot * und IMtintH nnturo'a , reiuL'dliM hU medlclnoH. The world Ills wllnosi , Ono tboui.iud U'lthnonlnls In tlirco yo'irs' pnictlco. No Injurious decoctions , no nnrcutlca , no poison. KiUtoiul troiitiiiout ami pcriiiiinent euro. Kollowlnff cnson ucco fully traiitoa nail curoJ , Ktvun up by oilier doctors : Tlios. CouBlilln , nil Hnrnoy street , chronic rhcu- i uinllsm li yenrH. klilnoy nnil llrcr Iroables. Thog. Culvert , ! 2th nnil Karniini Htreot-i , conornl debility.Indigestion , loan of alrengta and vitality. Took lueillclno for yo ira but gel no rolluf , M. U AnJLT-on , 11)1 Cainlnx treot. citnrrli , astliaia aud bronchitis of fldoun years utanilliu lias for sale the following prepirod remedies at IIMlabotllo. alx bollloa forSj.UU , for Iho cure of Autumn , Catarrh , Hick Itoadnchn , Indigestion , lllooj 1'olsonlnx. Illioumatlsm , t'cnulo'oaknosi. . Kidney and I.Ivor Complaint. No aiionta. Hold only by Chinese Modlclno Co , Capital , * IUJOJ3. Office , ICtli and California Sti , Oinah , Neb NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR GRADING OP 10TII STREET. To the owners of all lols , parl : of lots and real ustnto dloiii ? Nineteenth stioot from Mason htrool to 1'lurco struct ! Von are huruby notlllixl that the under- slpncil. three disinterested freeholders of iho city of Omaha , have been duly appointed uy Iho mayor , with the apuiovalof thu city coun cil of said city , to assess the damage to the owners respectively of the property aUeetod by grading Nineteenth Btreot fiotn .Mason street to i'lorco street , doolard nocoss-iry by ordinance Nn. 3 01 , passed March W , la'J ' ! . ap proved AorlU. 1892. You are further notifies , Hint , having ac cepted said appointment , and duly qualified as required by law , wo will , on the istn day of June. A. I ) . 160. , at the hour of 2 o'clock lu the afternoon , at the olllco of T. O. llriiiiner , Hooro 1 , Ware block , within the corporate limits et Bilil cltY , nteiit for the purpose of considering und making the assessment of Uaimuo to the owners respectively of said properly , alfeetud hy Bald gradlnir , taking Into consldoiatlon special bunolltH. If any. Von are notified lu bo present at thn tinio nun placu aforesaid , and luiiku any objections to or statements concerning said assessment ot damaged , as you may consider proper. T. O. imilNNKU. JOHN MEHJUT1\ III ) . OUltHKK. Committee of Appraisers. Omaha , Juno 7. 1SW. JTillOt HeRlstereil tri'ntinenta wllti ,17,352 , , oxyiient > Infills ilurliiBlBVl. For Bperaiaiorrhd-n , Vurlcoceln. Dlscharitoi nnd KmlsMoin nnd ralorlnsr li t Vleor. Curu I'MiliilrlyunrnntriMl. . J'lrst Irvuli&fiit Bcnl free to _ nny add PPM nr. CIIEuloAL iMrCETlWQ CO. , CIHCIUHATI. 0. nlly want a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. Address Kiiuilonly , without notice , Omu/ia Ailterlltlnil Jlureim , .Y , 1' . f.tff. OldSolfaiiiPoor-lloiK - A.ND - Pcosioo Apis in Palaces That is the sort of thing Tile- Dee Bureau Of Claims was or ganized to correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benclit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. Hut as long as the sol diers aic grateful it i = > satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Ti".e B83 Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for you. THE - - r fine Bureau , of Claims Omaha , Neb. THE "LADIES' PEWf SYR.INOJEX. The Only I'Drfool Vaginal and Houtal Hyrlago In ihu World. Is the only syrlnjco ever Invented hy which nJoctlniH can ho admlnUtor- ud wlihoiitloalclnx andholl- In > ! the ulolhliiK nrnocussl. tuun the iiso of a vuisol , and which can also ho used for rectal Injuctlonx. 8OKT IIURIIKU IIUMI. : t OH. Mall Orders Hollolttr.l. The Aloe & PwfDlilC ) 15th Htrcet , Next lo 1'osloll'ice. ' NEBRASKA i National Bank. U. a DEPOSITOROMVIVN3 Capital . $109,03 ; ) ri'lns ' . . . . . . . . . ( llti , ) ) } Onic r ana Director i-lluir/ . Vatoi.prtdl ) i ) II. UCutliluz. Tloo prJiiaant. < 1 A. Murlaj. V. V Mor e , Juhii b. IXllllai , J , N. 11 , i'alrlo . lilifli a tl * iL CuiUlur. TI-iKl IRON BANK. HAYER.STROUSE& & MFBS.4I2BWAY.N.YI The LORI NX * SCHOOL Uiilvei'Ity-iiroiiaratory. ( INtiihlMinil 1878. ) t'IIH'AH ) , ll.l.l.MHs. Ycmiltt Iallo9 ( unit1 dilution. 1'orfitrthnr tiiirlluiijurs a < liln"3 Tin : I.IHIINO ScitoouKVUi'r.ilr ! u Avn'lilcugo Fbo Larycit , Fatten ! nn.l J'lnc t In Iho World. HEW YORRrVdNDOHDERRY'AHD'oiASQOW. NKW YOIIK , ( I'lllftAV.TIilVana KAFLBSi Atrcaulnr lntcrvnl . SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE mini on lowest torniH ID inul from thn jirliiclplB DJOICn. SH3U9n , IE1SH ft AU. CSHIIUSHIAl TCIMIO. Kicursfon ttclii'M Avutlnblo to return tiy cllhcrlhplilo- iuiTwiue Civile A Vrt'lh of 1 rvlnnil or N. | ilm * Olbrnlt t Drifti 1:1 M 7 Orderi for Aiy Astut tt Iciest Kiln. Aiiplr to nnr of our locnl Aronts or to llBtlEKSUW UUUT11UUS , ChlcuKO. ! ! ! . ALLAN Ll"NE UOVAIi MA1I , STKA.M9U11'8. MONTKI.Alj mi I IM'KIIKO TobKUItY nnil tilVKIll'ODU CA111N , WM > to Ht ) . Aoconllii to Muuntor nnil loi'iitliin of Sttitutoom , Intornioilliitiiiinil Stvor.ico nt low rntoi. NO CATl'hK CAItKini ) . ) SKKVK'i : OK STATE ( . ALLAN LINE MNE ) STKAMSIIII'S , Ni\V : YOIUv and 15I.AKOOW. vlnlAiiulonilurry , uvory Kurtnluht. STATK OK OAl.IKOItMA 3 I . Jf. uno.SOUi h'I'ATK OK NiVAIlA 2 ! . M' uly Ulh STATH ( ) ! | : lllA ( KA I I' M. ' I'nbtn , fit ) , Second Cnblnf.U btcornw. IS . Apply to AMAN & CO. . I liloiiKU. 11. i : . MOUltn , l.M'.l lluwnril hi , Omaha NOTIQK TO PHOPKHTV OWNEUS. You ino liL-roUy notllltiil that tlio folluwlnj tloiuillioil Dronii'-i's , to-\\lt : I.tit lilovlcii Wiiiniit Illll. l.ot ; i lilool ; T llruKoN addition. ! ; DO ft of w : ilJ ft lot 1(1 ( liu ; Hull's adilitlon. I.Ot I TPIIMI'U UlllllllOII. Aorlli il ftof lot 4 lilouk Kl IniDrovoinoiit As sociation adilitlon. Kust 4 of not Hi 't lots Ilusctill fcltosors sub of lots . "i > . 57. T > s. KDKLMS' pint of Uliuhomu. lot i ) bloc ! ; : : ! ) rvlo's : addition. l.ot II block ! ) Diako'a adillllon. J.ot n block II Marsh's ndiliUon. Lots 8 iinuniiloclv Sand lot 5 lu block 1) 111 Marsh's addition. Noith 't ot lots blop'x OMursli'i addition. l.ols II and 12 block 7 Monn.oiiUi . 1'iirk. Lot l.r > b ork 7 Moiimonth I'arl ; . North ' , ' , of nast 'iof iot.1 and hOtlth U of cast V of lotll tjloi-U 5 I'ark 1'laco. l.ot 5 I'niiiiciitrr pliioo. HlouU 7 t'lirinontur placo. Iot 7 Kcdlck's ( irovo. Lots lrdlck'arovo. ! l.ot.'J blorlt , " ) HnlidlvI I. Uodlok's addition Lots ii : anil U lilouk KHhlnn'.s-'a uddlUon. Lot : i block' } Shnll'.s addition. LotsLM nnd III block 8 Walnut Illll. IOIL'I hloukti Walnut Illll. Lot 8 block 2 Drake's addition. LolUblooU'J Dr.iko'saddlllon. Lots ID unit Klliloclc ; Dral.o's addition. Lot Ulilook 7 llraki-'siiddltlon. Lots I , 'J and 1 bloi-k 7 Drake's addition. South 'i iff hniitli ' < of lot. > block i" > < , ollv. North ' -i or south y of lots block 2V , ally. Ninth 'i of lot .I block i' S. cltv. Kan ! 5 of lots Kuyr , ' sub lot0 Capitol addi tion. IC'ist in foot of wcstSOJ fuctlot 10 liarllutta addition. Lot 1 bloi'k I 1I03CS.S : Hill's ailUHIon. Lot lUJOIso'saddition. Lot7bloci < 'l ' AS I'.iirlck's addition. Lot I blocks A S 1' ilrlck's addllloii. South II fuft-or Ioi4 blouk IU , Inipiovoinont Association addition. Lot > : iand I b'ouk K llawthotno addition. South : i" fuotof north ' .JoT lot 4 blooie ) U Ini- lirovonu'nt Association. Lots II ! and 11 b ock 4 L'ikovlnw. South 79 foul of lotO b.ouk II Lowo's aildl- tlon. North 7Sfcot or lot 0 block U Low's addi tion. tion.Vp ! l < nt nnrtli Hi r f Int. K nf Il4rvill ! .1- , Hosi'pV sub of lots M , r > 7 , r > 3. Honors' plat of UUalioma. Lots l and 2 block 0 M'alnut Ill'l. LotsL1 , : i. 4 , lilOflc 111 l'ojluloa | | 1' irK. Lot 4 div lot , KoyV sub Uapltol addition. North 10 fort of .South ' / lot 4 block U Iiu- provoniunt. Association , Lot 4 blo"kilrako's : addition. Uavo buon duuluiod by oidlnauco No. ! I023 t bo iiuls.nifus by reason of thu existence of staanant wutor upon the B.iina or banks of oarlli cavlnB ovur ailjacent Hldewalks. You arc liuroby rtli-uulcd to abate said nuis ances within sixty days of thu dale of this no tice or said luilsances xvlll bo abated by the city authorities and the oxpcnso thereof lev ied as a special tax against the property on \Uilch said nuU'inces exist. The boar.l of public works will ho In session on llio''lthdavof June. lS'Jbolweon ' ! the hours of I uml : i , ut which timoan opportunity will boclven you to bu heard lu regard to said nuisance * . l.itcd this ISth day of Mav. 1R)2. ! ) l > . \V. lUHKIIAUSnil. Uhalunan of Hie Hoard ot I'ubllu Works of tbo Ulty of Omaha. Juno ll-ia-14-15-10 PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. proposals will bo received by iho underilsiied until l'M : o'clock | i. in. , .liiuul'Hh , Lvn. . for the following Kinds of paving tnato- Hal , vl/ : Sliuet nHjihaltum. Sioux I'.il K or oilier cr.inllo. While Colorado H.uulHtoiiu. ItoJ Uoloradosaiidstono. \\oodrnlV. Kiinsiia , slono. Vitrified brick. And brick blocks , all according to specifica tions. I'or Having part of the followlnc slrcols and alioyH In the city of Omaha , conipriHoil In street Iniprovuinunt dlslrlctn N'os. 440 , 4U7 anil 470 ordered linuioved by Ordinances Nos. MM. ' 'Ml and 'Julll respeutlvclv , and more particu larly described IIH follows , vi/ : No. 4ili-Alley In blook IB , city. No. 4 7 Aioy : In block 13 , city , from Ifltu , street to 20th Btreot- No. 470 Nlnih street from 1'aclflu strcat to alley north of 1'aclllo Htruet , Hand bid to specify a prlco porsquaro yard for the imvInK eoinploto In the street and alloys. Work to bo done In accordance with plans and specification * on Ulu Intliuofileu of thu Hoard of I'ubllu Woiks. Kncb pro | ) al to bo made on v.rlntod bliuil.3 finnlslicd by Ihoboitd , and lo bo accoin- pnnlud by a corlllled clieclc In the sum of J.VW , payable to thu ulty of Uiu.iha , as an ovldeiicu of cooil fultb. Thu boarJ will award the contract for the dltrmont kinds ot material subject to Iho se lection of the material bv the mopurly owu- ots or the mayor and oily council. The hoard reserves the riulit to reject any or all bids aud to waive dofo u I' . W. mitKlIAIJSEK. Rhalrnmu of the Jtoar.l of 1'uhlio Wonts. Omaha , Not ) . , Juno Otli , IH'J. ' ' . Juno C-7-IU-14 PROPOSALS FOR SLOPING BANKS OP EARTH. Healed propo als will bo icoolvod by tbo tindorslzned until l-i : ) p , m. July I , IS ! ) . ' , for cradhiK and sloping down lianlis ofoarth , as have been doelarud a miU.uice as per or.iln- ancesNos. uo.'t , : i'J. ' , ; tm : wJ7. Mm , iwi.'DOT. . MW.'Ma. and UU7J , respectively , uud Uoxcrlbud as followhi Loisfi und fi III block 10) ) , city. Lotl ! In llorbach's addition. Tax lot 14 In suction X' , township 15 , ranao 1.1 Lot 10 , O.ipllol addition , liulim lot ut Houtb- wcst corner of llarney and -lib ttrootM. Lot 10. McUaiidlUh I'lacc , nnd front poitlon of IOIH it ) and ID of KuyuHiib-dlvlhloii in lot 1) . Uapltol addition , on thu Koiuli Hldo Hainey sliuut between : 'utli Htreut and L'lth Htiueti hub lot of lot 7 , Uauilol addlton : , on the Koiuli silo of Karnam Btreet and thu east sldu of 'Jlth street ; Mil ) lot 1. of lot U , ( Jap. Itol addition , on thu bonth side of llnrnoy Ktrcet between 'JOtli Ntinct anil 1'ltli Htrcut ; HIIU lot 14 of lot U , Uapltol addition , on thu soutli htduof llainey btreel hetweon iOtli Rtroi-t itnU L'lth htro.'l ; Bub lot III of lot U , Uatiilol addlllun , on thu south sldu of llarnoy street botwiitii liutb and -I 111 HtHiots , all In ihu city of Uni.ilia. Huuh Illlliii ! to bo done ) In aucunlaucu with the liibtruotlous of the city uiivlncor anil board of public- works , Ilhts will bo mauu on printed blaiildi fur- ulshud by the board , and lo bu iiccomp by a certllled chuulc In ihu bum of , niy. ibli to the city ut Omaha , as an evldoucu of good faltli , Tim board reserves the il ht to reject any or all bids and lo svalvodufecu. I' . W. lllHIUIAUHint. ( 'halrtaitii lloaul of I'ubllu Works. Oiuuha , Nub. , Juno Uth , ISM. J-U-ll-'JU-Jl