Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1892, Image 9

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y"X TT" "TV A AT V "WT" A r w * \ ir vi v v > "H" r \ / NC A w * "w
-AT *
We Must Unload.
$7.50 $7.50
On Saturday morning we will place on sale
500 suits of high grade Cassimere and Cheviot
Suits at $7.50. We will say nothing about their
actual value , but will leave that for you to decide.
In some of the lots it is only halt price.
Come and see them.
For nobby Cheviot and Cassimere Suits in
wood , brown and handsome gray checks , which
will cost at least $15.00 in any other store. This
sale beats all others for values.
Don't miss it , and if you can , come in the
The balance of several styles of Cassimere
Suits which have been broken in sizes , at $5.00
for Saturday.
Continental Clothin House.
Nomination Approved in an Enthusiastic
Ohorus That Has No Nota of Discord.
Uiiltrrmil HutUtiietlon of the I'urty nt the
Action oftho Coiueiitlon at Mlmii'up-
oils ricilHiiru NowTlmt .Mc.iliH
Success llorcattcr.
The ronomlnnUon of President Harrison
meets with universal satisfaction among
Kcbr.islta republicans , and tbo following ex
pressions from a fowot tuo reurosoutatlvo
men of tbo state volco tbo sentiments of tbo
liurty !
Major H. S. Wilcox It suits moWrriglit.
1 I am lor tuo nominee. Ilnrrlsou is all light.
Ho will bo elected , without doubt.
Hon. George W. Llnlnger 'Ihe nomina
tion suits mo perfectly. Mr. Harrison was
my choice. Ho was the only mun , I think ,
thai wo could elect. Ho will ha elected.
Henry Estnbrook Harrison was ttio mnu.
Ho Is tbo man. Tbo nomination removes tbo
problem from tbo Hold of speculation and
indites' , il n mathematical certainty. His
election is nssurod.
Charles Klguttor Mr. Harrison 1ms the
stftfport of tbo peoplooftbo country , if ha
bus not of some of tbo politicians. Ho will
certainly bo elected.
1C. A. Benson I nm for tbo nominee.
Hainson nulls mo all right. I don't lllto the
way Sir. Illalno has acted , uul bo may ex
plains hJs peculiar position so as to make
onio of the people who hnvo said
things about him sorry that they did not
wall ; a while.
A..L. Strung The pcoplo will ho well sat-
isllcdTltb lee nomination of Mr. liiirrison ,
und I fully expect that till the members of
that convention to worlr for the nominee and ,
forgetibo bttternoss that tbo.contfbt has
Hired up. These men tire republicans ,
loyal Topubllcnus. and their disappointment
In thu defeat of lllalno wilt not create any
prolonged blttorncsr. Ulaluo , I think ,
would tmvo moused moio onthusiusci , but
Mr. Harrison will do very well.
Judge W. U. IJurton of Hastings Tbo
chief beauty In tboronominntlonof President
Harrison is iho fact that there will bo no
break tfi the commercial and lluanclal policy
of llio Unlloil Suites. Thu country will not
hesitate to endorse Mr. Harrison , for his
policy is well known HurrUon will poll u
larger r.on-partlsau vote than any olbcr man
wno could tuivo been nomlnatod. Ho will
poll moro non-partisan votes tins time ttiiin
bo did buloio. If bo should lobo some of the
bllvor states ho will inauo U up in West Vir <
ginia nnd other states ,
A. 1 * . TuUoy Suits mo to a dot. I think
it would ha\u been very unfortunate if tbo
convention had nominated Mr. Ululiio.
T. S. Clurksou I hcllevo tbo business clo
tucnt as well as tbo laboring men of the lund
demanded tbo rcuomlnatloii nf President
Harrison. I Imvu always hud grout con
tldcnco hi the peopio nf the United States.
1'boy huvo gained their point asaliisi polltl-
: ul Intriguo.und Mr. Harrison will baolccioJ
to succeed ulnisolf ,
Juilj-o Uustuvo Anderson Ho was my ( Irs1
inu lust choice. I urn glad ho was nominated
Hurrah for Harrison 1 Ho will bo elected
with a whirl.
U. M. Lam tort son , Lincoln I am 1m
mouidy plcasca with tbo nomination. Tbo
republican party hut alwavs won with a sol *
iller and wo will elect Mr. Harrison boyoutl a
doubt ,
Krunk 13. Moores I am for the nominee ,
\\hoopl Hurraul Harrison U the mun wo
can elect. Everything goo for HarrUot :
from now on.
Charles J. ( Jroen Tbo nomination Is tn
bc t that could have bocu mado. 1 um do-
.Isbted with tuo result. The republican
party could uot ullord to pots a tanu by who
This is the suit we adver
tised , and sold all we had of ,
last Saturday. We have
suits more to sell this week at
They are worth
$25,00 ,
and are the same goods for
which tailors get
to make to order.
One yard of the cloth of which these suits arc
made from is worth more than a whole suit of some
goods sold in Omaha this season and called cheap. "
Come in the Horning ,
has clvon us such au admirable administra
tion us that which Mr. Harrison has con
ducted for the United States. Ho richly do-
servcd ronomination , and be will bo elected ,
I llrmly bollovo.
Urud D. Slaughter 1 think Mr. Harrison
has given ono of the best administrations
this country has over known. Ho has care
fully guarded the Interests of the producer
aim tbo laborlnsman. As evidence of this
fact I sltnplv quote from the president's
speech delivered in Omaha as follows : " 1
"havo nn idea that every dollar wo issue
should bo as good as any other dollar wo
issue , for , my countrymen , when wo have
uny money , cither paper or coin , tbo first
orfana that dollar does is to pay some workingman -
ingman for his toll. No ono , so much as
no laboringmnn nnd the farmer , requires a
. 'nil value dollar of permanent value tbo
year round. " I fully expect to sco Mr.
'larrison elected by a largo popular voto.
lien S. linker Mr. Harrison is tbo best
Jilted man for the place that could bavo been
selected. Ho can't help but command the
full republican vote , with the exception , pos
sibly , of. n few who have personal griev
ances. Even thnso will consider finally that
true merit should bavo moro weight than
personal prejudice and tboy will support
Air. Harrison. There is but llttlo doubt that
ho will bo olcotod.
William H. Alexander The general senti
ment of the republican party has bocn in
favor of the renomlnatloo of President Harrison
risen all along. His breadth of vluw , dlgni-
lied ocarlng , consummate ability and evident
purpose to advance Iho people's Interests
have surprised oven those who know him
best , Tbo pcoplo at largo will fi-ol a sense of
relief over his ruuotulnntlon and I am very
hopeful that bo wilt bo grandly endorsed in
November. Six months ago Mr. Blalno
would bavo been an exceedingly popularcan-
dldalo. but his voluntary withdrawal from
the Hold in February last made it Impossible
for him to catch the popular sentiment at
Hits latodato.
J. C. Cowlu President Harrison's admin
istration has boon ono that represented
tbo very best Interests of the republican
party. It has been an administration that
tbo republican party could not afford to IB-
nero by tbo defeat of Mr. Harrison. Ills
nomination was not only a proper , logical
conclusion , but for the best Interests of the
party and the whole peopio.
City Treasurer Dolln President Harrison
Is an nblo man and has given the country n
strong , clean administration , the best the
country bus bad for twenty years , tie Is the
strongest man tbo republicans could uumo ,
and I am heartily glad of bis nomination ,
Frail McConnell Mr. Harrison 1s a strone
candidate and will defeat uny canalunto
uhom iho democrats may nomlnato. Tbo
soreness , if nuy Is loft by the convention ,
will all bo drawn out during tno four months
of the campaign , and all factious will bo
loyal to tbo party ,
Thomas liodfiev The man who can per
form the dutlos of secretary of Mate and of
secretary of war besides being president Is
the man I want , and Mr. Harrison will sweep
tno country. If Ulalno had resigned u
month ago I should have beou n Dlaino man ,
but , lu common with u host of other udmir
crs of the man from Malno , I could not op
prove au action which smacked of treason ,
and I became a Hnrrlion man , There ore
thousands moro Just UUo mo.
Chris Boooht Mr. HarrUon U an able ,
clean man and we can elect him.
JudKo Kller The noml&atlou was ] u a the
thing. It suits mo tiptop. All that I was
afraid of was that they would not nominate
William Coburn I'm simply happy , too
unppy to talk.
W. U. Musscr It was the grandest thing
that tbo republican parly ever dlo. The
nomination of Harrison means n croat ucal
for tuli country. It means success and an
era of prosperity.
B. W. mineral I am well suited and I bo
llovo that Harrison Is the strongest mau that
the republicans could have named. It ls pos-
slblu that ho would not create as much en
thusiasm as torno moo who might bo named ,
but bo u 111 poll tbo votes.
II. S. Herlln Taking everything Into con
sideration , tbo party could uot have soloctea
u stronger man. Tuero has not been a weak
point In his administration. Ho deserved a
rouomluutloa and bis re-election Is a cer
Announcement oftlio I'r byternn ! Iloapltnl
Under > ow .Mnnucomcnt.
The hospital formerly known as the Pres
byterian Hospital of Omaha , and conducted
under the direction of the Prosoytorlan alli
ance , has recently been incorporated under
the state laws and passed into tbo control
nd under the management of a board of
ruslccs elected by a delegate representation
Voni tbo various churches. This board con-
Isls of fifteen members ; Hobort McClelland ,
3. A. StarrV. . It. Drummond ,
Colonel Charles Bird , Low Anderson ,
„ . B. Williams , J. L. Wolshans , O. W.
lervoy. M. M. Van Horn , W. C. McClain ,
Alex U. Charlton , Z. T. Lindsay , J. C.
Dcntso , Hurry Lawrio and Prank Kozo.
Tno permanent organization elected C. A.
Starr president , G. W. Hprvoy secretary
nnd Alex O. Chnrlton treasurer , with a
medical staff as follows : Attending pbvsici-
nns S. K. Spalding , A. B. Somers , F. E.
Coulter , C. G. bpraguo , Amelia Bur
roughs and Eleanor S. Oalloy. At
tending surgeons A. F. Jones ,
J. I' . Lord nud W. O. Henry. Specialists
J , C. Denise , P. S. Owen , D. C. Brvant , H.
M. McClauaban and Sherman Van Ness.
Dr. W. O. , Henry has boon engaged as
superintendent of tbo hospital for the present
It is tbo purpose of tbo organization to
make this one of tbo very oost institutions
of tbo kind In tbo city. No ono
at all conversant with the hospital
work In Omaha will for a moment question
tbo urgency of an Institution of this kind. A
provision u made for three beds for charity
patients , and this number will bo Increased
as the circumstances of the hospital will per
All people charitably disposed will have an
ooportunity to assist this work which has
been taken up In tbo Interest of homeless ,
suffering humanity.
Kxrollcnt Tuleeraiili Ncrvlcc.
Much credit is due to Manager Umstcd of
the Western Union and bis ofllclent corps of
telegraphers for tbo magnificent news ser
vice which TUB BEB has furnished Its
readers during tbo past wock. The
manager and bis man have boon on duty day
and night during IDO great convention at
Minneapolis , nnd have given tbo nows-
hungry publto a service never before
equalled in Ibis city. Yesterday three men
handled the convention report for TUB BEE ,
and with such success that tbo news of Har
rison's ronomination was announced to this
paper by the Western Union fully tivo
ml nil tea before rival papers and telegraph
companies knew deunltely of the result.
\\H HuiiiliiK il I.iutern ,
Mrs. Mary Osborno , who resides with her
husband ufJulS South Fourth street , was
almost frightened to death yesterday after
noon. A brlckmakor mamed Cooper entered
her house nnd , ba claims , assaulted her ,
She now thinks Cooper is insane. Ho visited
the house in search of a lantern which
Cooper claimed , belonged to him. The las
tern had buou glvoa to her husband a few
wcous ace , but Mrs , Osborno know nothing
of It. Sbo asked Cooper to wait until her
husband returned , but bo would not , and
proceeded to nbuso her. Shu caused to bo
issued n warrant for Cooper's arrest.
They lluth M lilppoil Wummi.
John t > acoy and Mrs , Auna Morrison had
a rough and tumble fight on Nineteenth and
Douglas streets Thowomun called him all
tbo vllo names ho rould think of and Lacey
lu return gave bor a black eye. Lacey was
lined f 10 and costs ,
Duvld Parker tot himself Into trouble and
Jail j csterday of teraoon by Jumplnc upon and
Dealing u woman named Adolla Hcnderiou.
The tltfBt took plucoin the Third ward and
grow out of the fact that Parker wai lu-
saaely jealous ol the \\OIUBD.
$1,00 Hi
The biggest cut ever made in
Boys' Clothing. ISO Boys' Knee
Pant Suits , ages 4 to 14 , on Saturday
,50 i m
200 handsome Plaid Suits , all ages
4 to 14 , and plenty of them , on Saturday
o nn
$ LJiUU / tt
125 handsome Cassimere Suits ,
ages 4 to 14 , on Saturday
Samples in windows. Half price
is the story on these. Any on hand
Monday will be used to fill mail orders.
Oity of Snow White Tents Eaised as if by
Maglo at the Grounds ,
- +
mpoiliiK Demonstration tn He Mnilo by the
Mllltnry on Opening > l lit Orders
for the GiianU Tholuir
Yesterday the vast expanse of closely
cropped Dluo grass which covers the fifty
acres of tbo Douglas County Agricultural so
ciety's grounds was unbroken except by the
dingy and weather beaten buildings.
Today the sceco is entirely different. A
reat city of pure whlto sprang up as If by
magic in a smglo night , and now an even
thousand of the llttlo white homes of the
oldiers cover about twenty acres of the
; rounds. By sunrise this morning every
thing was In readiness for tbo reception
of tbo militiamen.
On an Inclosuro just northwest of tbo race )
track and within about 103 feet of Oak
batbam station stands the "whlto city , "
whore tbo boys In uniform will make their
homo for a week.
Directly north of the grand
stand , and on the farther stdo
of tbo race track on a llttlo knoll tbo marquee
tent of the commandant , of camp will bo lo
cated. In front of the commander's quarters
a ilfty-foot flagstaff uas been planted , and
from'rovolllo to retreat the headquarters
flag will float over ibo largest encampment
of National Guards over held la America.
Sergeants B. tl. Loffbagen and Charles
Batmor of the Branch Guards of St. Louis
arrived last evening ana after reporting at
headquarters proceeded at once to ramp to
complete arrangements for the entertainment
of the crack St. Louis' ' loom.
Tlio 1'arude on Tuesdnj' .
Arrangements were made vesterday by
Secretary Altchisom with Colonel Purko ,
commander of itho Second United States in-
fautryto bavo tbo regiment join in the grand
parade on Tuesday. Colonel I'uruo has or
dered the bntuilion of ibo Second now at iho
Bcllovuo rlllo range to report at Fort Omaha
for duty at onco.
The parade will form at the camp grounds
and mart for tbo city at exactly I ) o'clock.
A platoon of police will load the wav. Next
will como the Second Infantry band and
tbon ibo regiment , hospital corps , omouluoco
and all. After tbo regulars will como ibo
competing companies according to nonlorlty
In the association. Major Worth of tbo
Second Infantry has been Invited by Secre
tary Aitcblson to c3tmaad tbo parade and
bus accepted ,
Tbo line of march will bo down Sixteenth
to Fiirnam , down Furnum to Twelfth , north
to Uouglus , west to Sixteenth , south to Far-
n am and disband.
Tbo Scaly littles of Galvostoo , commanded
by Captain Worthy Uoyd , will arrive at I ) MO
o'clock Saturday morning , The company
numbers forty member : , besides a couple of
dozen friend * .
A detachment of llio Omaha Guards wit
bout tbo depot to intot tbo Tuxuuh and us
cert them to headquarter * .
I'or thu Oiimliu ( Jnardi.
The Omaha Guards and lit drum corps
have boon ordered to report at the iuard
armory at U o'clock thU morning to uct as
escort to tbo Scaly Hides. Tbo latter will
proccoa at once to ibo vamp at the fair
Tbo following Omaha Guards order , Doing
general order No. II , Is pub.Ubod ;
Members ol this company , galling detach
moat exccptcd , are boreuy ordered to u om
bio at the traiory at 0:15 : p. in. baturday ,
Juno 11 , 1SU ! , for the purpose of marching to
the camp of the National Competitive Drill
association and taking part in the encamp
ment , Juno 15 to SO.
Uniform , fatigue trousers and cup , dross
fatigue blouse , black bolt. All members must
provide their own bedding and these desiring
to have bagago transported must huvo
same at armory not later than 5 p. in. Satur
Cots will bo provided for all members without -
out expense. All members will also take
into camp tholr dress uniform , helmet , leg
gings , otc. , and have tbo same in good condi
tion. Whlto collars und cuiTs will always bo
worn with dross fatlcun blouso. Members
are recommended to take plenty of under
clothing , rain coats ana overcoats.
All members are especially cautioned to
real alt members of visltlug companies with
every possible courtesy.
Tuo regular drills of Juno 13 and 20 are
hereby suspended.
Tliclr I'ulr Sponsors.
A complete list of the sponsors and chap
erons at tbo encampment is hero given. ICach
of thcso ladles is entitled to ono ma'.d of
honor , whom she will appoint :
Company B , First Infantry , Colorado Na
tional Guards , Denver Miss J-Ulu Holler ,
sponsor ; Mrs. Silborstcin , chaperon.
Indianapolis Ltcht Artillery Miss Mabel
Pratt. Mrs. J , K. Glick.
Walsh /Cauavcs , St. Louis Miss ICato
roighton , Mrs. 13. C. McSlmnc.
Fletcher Ulllos , Little Kock , Ark. Miss
Margaret Williams , Mrs. Charles DeQol.
Dallas ( Tox.J Artillery Company Miss
May Dundy , Mrs. W. A. . Hedick.
Kockville ( Ind. ) Light Artillery Miss
Alice I'arkor , Mrs. W. J. Broatch.
Lima ( O. ) City Guards Miss Gertrude
Clurk. Mrs. F. P. Kirkcndall.
Scaly Hlllos , Galveston , Tor. Miss Emily
Wukoloy , Mrs. Charles Hull ,
Branch Guards , SU Louis Miss Mabel
Orchard , Mrs. Urncst Ulall.
Omabu Guards Miss Linn Curtis , Mrs.
H. B. Mulford.
Omaha Guards , Catling Detachment Miss
Linn Curtis , Mrs. H. B. Mulford.
Belknup Hlllee , San Antonio , Tex , Miss
Evelyn Allen , Mrs. J. M. Thurton.
Avon Uillos , Cincinnati , O , MUs Florence
Silloway , Mrs. W. E. Clark.
Cincinnati ( O. ) Light Artillery Miss
Daisy Doiir.o , Mrs. Lowls S. Rood.
Dovlln Cadets , JacKson , Mich. Misa
Nightengale , Mrs. Dr. Spencer.
Stromsuurg , ( Nob. ) Cadets MIsx lldu
Sharp , Mrs , William 1'uxton.
McCarthy Light Guaras , Llttlo Hock , Ark.
MUs Kitty Lowe , Mrs. C. \Vasbburn. .
National Fonclbles , Washington , D. C.
Miss Totum , Mrs. J. P. Willluius.
University Cadets , Lincoln , Nob. Miss
Clara Brown , Mrs. D. H. Whoolor.
Cbutrco Light Artillery , Denver , Colo.
Miss Wnriuff , Mrs.Mollory.
Lincoln Light Infantry Miss Bocbe , Mrs.
King Rifles , Sulphur Sorlngs , Tex. Miss
Bertha Yost , Mrs , J , N. H. Patrick.
Chicago Kouavca , Galling Detachment
Miss Nettle Johnson , Mrs , H. P. Whitmoro ,
Halo Zouaves , Kunsus City , Mo. Miss
Mary Poppleton ( chaperon tq bo appointed
later. )
Governor's Guard , Austin , Tox. Miss
Leo , Mrs , Frank Mulr.
Itozlcr Kouavoi , Memphis , Tcno. * Miss
.Sadlo Nash , Mrs. Joseph Gurnoau.
Company A , Ninth Regiment , National
Guarus , b'intlago , Cal. Miss Laura Houg <
land , AU * . W. S. Popplotan.
Buttery E , First Arllllorv. Ohio National
Gutuds , Springfield , O. Miss lloa'gland ,
Mrs. A. U. Wyman.
Dodge Light Guards , Council Bluffs Miss
Stauton , Aim , Brooko.
X.ollingor Battery , Fort Wayne. Ind. Miss
Gertrude Cuuuibors , Airs. E , L. Loinax.
Drum Tiiu.
The Indianapolis Light artillery will
rive in S u , m. Monday.
It U expected that the Nebraska City band
will como up and stop at tbo camp for a few
The McCarthy Light guards of Llttlo Hook ,
Ark. , uill bo hero Sunday cronlng.
The Omaha Guards , including the gulling
Straw Hats ,
Half price on Straw Hats
on Saturday.
Scores of styles. Hundreds of dozens-
Yes , Some More
Shirt Waists
on Saturday , same old price ,
35 Cents for Star Shirt Waists
AIL Sizes SO Cents.
Yes , same as we have sold all sea
son. No former lot better than these.
50 cents on Saturday.
Continental Clothing House. '
section , will go Into camp at G p. m. Satur
Views of u Itciil K-ttuto Owner on the Xc-
liriiftku Central KoiiiU.
OMAHA , Juno 8 , To the Editor of THE
Bic : As I feel that tbo result of the coming
bond election is of vital imoortanco to
Omaha's future weal , I ask the privilege of a
little of your valuable space to give n few
reasons why I , lilto many other lurgo owners
of Omaha realty nnd consequently heavy tax
payers , ure so earnestly in favor of the bonds.
The opposition to tbo bonds co.nes from two
sources flrst , Interested railroaders who
now hnvo a complete monopoly of tbo bridge
business ut Omaha ; second , a few so-called
citizens who are opposing the bonds for
causes peculiar to themselves , The opposing
railroad companies are acting very naturally
and wo may say properly from n ouslnoss
standpoint , in holding on to u monopoly that
has bean a source of wealth to thorn for
yours. Their acts can hardly bo criticised.
They are simpl ; viewing it from nn ex
tremely selfish standpoint , nnd they no doubt
will leave uo mono unturned to defeat the
The second element who oppose tbo bonds
is composed of what Is sometimes called old
foglos , und Omaha unfortunately possesses
moro of this class than is comfortable or de
sirable for u progressive city. Omaha
realty bai stood up remarkably well under
the depression of the past few years ,
ana this appears to bo tbo turning
point. Carrv this bond proposition and
a now era of prosperity will open up to
Omabu that will surpass anything tlnit wo
have over baa. This Increased prosperity
will not como alone trom the several millions
of dollars that will bo paia out for laoar , ma-
terlul , right-of-way , ate. ( which of cour-to
means much toward reviving local trade )
but It will como from the adjustment of
freight rates by breaking down tbo present
monopoly that has so long and relentlessly
discriminated against our commercial pros
perity. This being done it will open up a
number of now enterprises In manufacturing
and wholesale lines , The growth and pros
perity of our commercial interests Is the
soured that gives vuluo to root estate , Tulto
that nwuv and your values disappear. Glvo
any specfes of property intrinsic value and
at once there Is an uutlvo demand for iho
property. Our taxes , as a rule , will keen
along aoout the same whether real cstnto
values go up or down. It values go down
sales nro Imtios'ilbUi and ibo tnxos become nn
Intolerable burden. If values keep up or
advance solos become aotlvo mm tuxes nro of
small concern. All our grout cities that have
acquired prominencehuvo done so
where tbo progrebslvo , bold element
predominates. Nn conservative program ever
built up a great city. Ocuba lu geographic
ally situated to become a great dlstilbutlng
center and the business willovontuully gravl-
Ute hero unless prevented by arlitlclal
moans llko fioight alscrlmlnution. Uomovo
this discrimination and nwmg the gates of
commerce wide open nnd our population and
wealth will increase farboyood tbo mostsan-
gulno expectations ,
The apparently reoklessdlspoiltlon of Now
York ami Chicago In the mutter of bonded
indebtedness has mudo them the two frcat-
cJt cities in iho country und , iiotwittistund.
luc their so-called extravagance , taxoa are
lower In proportion to real values than tboy
were llftoon years ago In either Now York or
Chicago ,
The real estate owners should boitlr themselves -
solves und get out every avallaolo vote ,
Why not call u mass mooting of real estate
owners fuvoruulu to tbo bonds to bhow up
tbo great advantages to bo gained by Omabu
ana Douglas counlv.
Wo know Hint there are Individual cases of
real estate owners who oppose the bonds who
have soltlsb Interests at stake. This U to bo
expected , hut the general good must bo pro
tected lu tbo contest , Ho that opposes tbo
Nebraska Central bonui U not u friend to
Omaha. a Ul l < 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Dlrnoy's Catarrh 1'owdc * for cold In
head , torsulo by all dru ? l u , . DO cents
Wheels of tbo Great Juno Exhibition Will
Soon Bo Bet Whirling.
l vcrytlilng In Slnipo for the GruiituHt Muniv
r.ictiirot-H KipoMtlmi Ktor Known to
Umiiliu 1'rogr.unn lor the
Opening Night.
This evening at 0 o'clock the doors of the
Coliseum building will bo thrown open and
tbo public admitted to tbo first exposition ol
the Manufacturers association. At 8 o'clock
tha exposition will bo formally opened , tbo
follouing program being arranged for the
occasion :
March , Exposition . , , , . Irvlu *
Uul I loonier.
W , A. 1'age , I'rusldcntof Association.
I'riiyur ,
Address of welcome.
Hon. Geo. I' . ItoinK .Mayor of Onmlio.
Nebr.isku'H ImlnsUluH ,
IX Itosowutcr.
I'ormn ! opening of KxpoHltlnn ,
lion. James K. lluyd , uovoinor of Nebraska.
Immediately on the exposition being pro
nounced open by the governor the electric
bells will ring nnd the machinery start. The
employes of tbo ulllcrent factories will bo
stationed ut tholr machines and tbo work of
manufacturing different kinds of goods will
commence nt onco.
To provide still fuitbor entertainment for
the ovonicg the Musical Union Military band
has boon engaged and will render the following - *
ing program :
Overture Nnbnoodonosor . Verdi
CliurncturUtlu Piece . Moses
toluetlon Hod Hussar . I'lanquotto
I'otponrrl Kullluy und Ilio4tfj . llritlium
1'luiolo bolo i-oleetod . Uuinm
O. I'odurson.
Folectlon l.niilnlo . Jncoliowskl
Thu Mill In tlioKorost . Kllouborc
( ul On the llrook , ( b ) The Mill.
O vorl nro I.lKhL On vulry . , . Bnnpa
( Juvole Vlolu . Hill
Descriptive-limiting Huonu . Duealoisl
"Amorli'U. "
The fear that the oxblbltord would not bo
In readiness for iho opening has vunlshod as
tbo work of preparation was practically com-
plotcd last nlcbu
The machinery , oloctrlo llghtln ? , etc. , hai
all boon tested and there does not nppour to
bo a possibility of any hitch In the opoulnu
pi oe nun.
Parties who have soeu the Inside of the
Coliseum building declare that It cclipsei
an > lblLgof tbo kind over attempted in tha
west und that it will bo u revolution to all
Il ronrcsents the combined efforts of Lin *
coin , Nobrasuu City , liouirico , Frnmo-jt ,
Kournoy , Oimiba uud ether Nebraska cities
and towns.
Aflor today the exposition will bo open
from 10 o'clock In tUo morning until 1U ul
, Sundays oxooptod ,
Tim I > jf Cutulior
P , J. Dwyer has discovered that knlgbl
errantry , rescuing distressed females and all
tbo rest of It Is played out.
Ho was at Twenty-fourth and Cuinlng
streets and saw a woman struggling
with tno dog catcher for the possession
of u cur which was not worth moro than
two bits to any ono , and sprang to tbo assls-
tanco of tbo woman , Doforo ho roacbcd the
scone u inotorinan bad knocked the dog
catcher down but Dwyer hit him
again for luck. Ho was arrested
auu lined f5 and costs for Intor-
ferine with an officer In the dlichargi
of uU duty. Ho paid the line and a korgcuut
volunteered tbo information that many people
plo had made lou of uioaoy by attending te
their own affair * .