Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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publtn should oo run by Its saviors ; the
who had fought to destroy the republic back
into the fold without penalties or punish-
inontu , nnd to an equal ihnro with tbosa who
had founht nnd saved the nation In the tol-
cmn obligations nnd Inostltnablo privilege of
American citizenship. They \vcro the em
bodiment In the constitution ot the princi
ples for which 2,000,000 had fought anil half a
million had died , They worn the rcjtotatlon
of nubllo credit , the rocoptlon of specie pay
ments and the prosperous condition ot solv
ent business. For twimty-llvo years there
were names with which toconjura and events
fresh In the public mind which were elo
quent with popular enthusiasm. It needed
little else than n recital of the glorious story
ot Us heroes and n Rtatomcnt of the achieve
ments of the republican party to retain the
confidence of the people.
Tlinn C.HUO thn Itnvornat ,
But from the desire for a change , which
U ehnranterlstlaof n free government , there
came n reversal , thuro camu a chock to tno
progress of the republican partv , nnd then
lour years of democratic ndmlntsiratlon.
Those four yoiirs , larcoly relegated to the
realm of history as past Issues , brought us
face to face with domocnicv , Its pervorilons
nnd its practices , Tha aroat names which
have adorned the roll of republican btntos-
men und soldiers nro potent aud popular.
The great measures of the republican party
nro still tbo bust , part of the history of the
century. The unequaled and unexampled
story of republicanism , and Its progress nnd
its nchlovomcnti , stands unlquo in the record
at countries In which governments are free.
Mtmt Win on llarrUon'n Koconl ,
But we llvo in practical tlmos , facing prac
tical Issues which affect the business , the
Yriigog , the labor aud prosperity of the day.
The campaign will bo won ana lost , not ufion
the bad record of James 1C. Polk , or of
Fninuilii Plcrco , or of James Buchanan , or
of the good record of Lincoln , or of Grant , or
of Artnur , or of Hayes , or of Oarllold. It ,
will bo won or lost upon the policy , foreign
nud domestic , iho Industrial measures and
the administrative acts , of the administra
tion of Benjamin Harrison. Whoever re
ceives the nomination of this convention will
run upon the Judgment ot the people as to
whether they have boon more prosperous
nnd uioro happy , whether the country has
been In n Hotter condition at homo und
stood moro honorably abroad , Under these
last fourycars of Harrison nnd republican
administration than during the preceding
four.Years of Cleveland and democratic gov
Forced tlio Ilosprct ot tlio World.
Not since Thomas Jefferson has nny ad
ministration been called upon to face or
solve so many or such dlfllcult problems as
these whinh have been exigent in our condi
tions. No administration since the organ
ization of the government has over mot
tlinicultios better , or moro to the satisfaction
of the American pooplo.
Chill has boon tuught that no matter hnw
ninall tbo antagonist , no community can with
safety insult the Hag or murder American
sailors. Germany nnd England have learned
In Samoa that the United States has become
ono of iho powers of the world , and no mutter
how miifbty the adversary nt every saurltlco
American honor will bo maintained.
The Boring sea question , which was Iho
insurmountable- obstacle m tbo diplomacy of
Cleveland and of Bayard , has been settled
unon n basis which sustains tbo American po
sition until arbitration shall have determined
our rights.
bound Currency nnd Protection.
The dollar of the country has boon placed
nnd kept on the standard of commercial na
tions , nnd a convention has bean nerccd upon
with foreign governments which , by making
bimetallism tbo pohoy of alt nations , may
successfully solve all our financial problems.
Tbo tariff , tinkered with and trifled with
to the serious disturbance of trade and dis
aster to business since the days of Washing
ton , has boon courageously embodied into a
coda which has preserved the principle of
tbo protection of American Industries. To
It bus been added the beneficent policy , sup
plemented by beneficial treaties nnd wise
diplomacy , which has opened to our farmers
and manufootuiors the markets of other
The nary bos boon butldud up on lines
ivhloh will protect American citizens and
American Interests and the American ling
all over the world.
The publlo debt has been reduced , the
maturing bonds have been paid oft. The
publlo record has boon maintained. Burdens -
dons Of taxation have been lightened. Two
thousand millions of currency bavo been
added to the people's ' money without dis
turbance of tno exchanges. Unexampled
prosperity lias crowned wlso laws and their
Wise administration.
Many Honorable Mentions.
The main question which divides us Is to
wtjom docs the credit of all this belong ?
Orators may stand upon this platform moro
able and moro oioquont than I , who will
paint In moro brilliant colors , but they cannot
put in moro earnest thought the affection and
admiration ot republicans for ourdlstlneulsb-
od secretary ot state. 1 yield to no republi
canno matter from what state ho halls.ln ad
miration and respect for John Snormuu , lor
GovernorMuKlnloy , for Thomas B. Uood ,
for Iowa's great sou , for the favorites of Illi
nois , Wisconsin and Michigan. But wbon I
am told the credit ( or the brilliant diplomacy
of tbls administration belongs exclusively to
the secretary of state ; for the administration
of Its finances to the secretary of tbo trcas-
tary ; for tbo construction of Its ships to the
Eocrotary of tbo navy ; for thu Introduction of
American pork In Europe to the secretary
of agriculture ; for tbo settlement so faros
it Is settled of the currency question to
Senator John Sherman ; for the formulation
of tbo tariff laws to Governor McICinloy ; for
the removal of tha restrictions placed by
foreign nations upon the introduction of
American pork to our ministers nt Paris and
Berlin , I am tempted to seriously Inquire
\vlio , during the last four years , has uocn
president of the United States anyhow !
Worthy Tholr Meoil ot 1'nilsis
Caasnr , when bo wrote tboiu commentaries
which were tno history of tbo conquests of
Europe under Ills leadership , modestly toolt
the position of yEnnns when bo said : "Thoy
are the nurrauvo of events , the whole of
which I saw and a part of which I was. "
( Joncrnl Thomas as tbo "itock of Chlcka-
roaupn" ecuuplos a place In our-history with
, .Lconldas among tbo Greeks , except that ho
succeeded where Loonldas failed , Tbo fight
t of Joe Hooker above the clouds \tas the
/ poetry of battle. The resistless rush of Sheri
dan and bis steed down tno valley of tbo
, Sbonamlonb Is the epic of our ulvll war.
Tin tnarcb of Sherman from Atlanta to the
sea is the supreme triumph of gallantry and
It detracts nothing from the splendor of
the same , or iho merits of the deeds of bis
Iloutonniits , to say that , having selected
.them wltb mnrvelous sagacity and discre
tion , Grant still remained tbo supreme com-
rouiider of the national army.
llurrUim the Grvut Louder.
All the proposed acts of any administra
tion , before they aro'foraiulatod , are passed
upon in cabinet council , nnd tbo measures
and sucgeuilons of the ablest secretaries
would bavo failed wltb n lessor president ;
but , for the good ol the country and the bon-
ollt of the republican party , tht < y have suc
ceeded ucoaujo of the suggestive mind , the
Indomitable courage , the Intelligent appreci
\ ation of tbo situations and the magnauilnlty *
, ! _ of Benjamin Harrison.
" H U an undisputed fact that , during the
few months when both the secretary of state
aud iho secretary of the treasury were ill ,
tbo president personally assumed Iho duties
of tha State department and tha Treasury
department , and both with equal success.
Tlio si'crotary of state , lu accepting bis
portfolio under President tUrllold , wrote
"Your administration must bo made bril-
llauil/ successful nud strong in tbo confi
dence and pride of the people , not ut all di
verting Us energies for re-election , and yet
compelling the roxult by the lo lo of uvents ,
and tjy the Imp rious necessities of iho situ
ation. "
Compel * u Itt'-Klrotlon.
( iarflold fell Lvforo the bullet of an
assassin , and Mr. Ultimo roilrod to private
lift.1. General Harrison Invited him to tnlio
up that unfinished diplomatic career where
Its threads hud IMJOU so tragically broken ,
He entered tbo oiblnot , resumed hli work ,
and Imi won n alRhor ulnca lu our history.
Tlio prophecy ho nmda for U.irfleld lias been
/ Biiparolv fulfilled by President Harmon. In
thu louguutru of Mr. Bl.uuu , the president
lias compelled a ro-olecllon "by tha loslu of
ovoniK , and by tbo iniporloui necessities of
the situation. "
The umu who Is nominated bora today , to
Mr m mutt carry a certain well known num.
bor of doubtful states. Patrick lleury , iu
the convention which started rolling the ball
of the Indepcndcnco of the colonies from
Great Britain , said ! ' 'I have but ono lamp
by which my feet nro guided , and that Is the
lamp of experience. I unow of no way of
Judging of tbo future but by the past. "
Ho Can C'nrry Now York.
Now York was carried In 1830 by Oonorat
GartlAld , andIn every Important election
alnco that time wo have done our best. Wo
have put forward our ablest , our most popu
lar , our most brilliant leaders for governor
and state oftlcers to suffer constant defeat.
The only light which Illumines with the sun
of hope the dnrlt record of these twelve
vcnrs in Iho fact that , In 1SS3 , the stale of
Now York was triumphantly carried by
President Harrison. Ho carried It then ns a
gallant soldier , n wlso senator , a statesman
who Inspired confidence by his publlo utter
ances tn daily speech from thn commence
ment of the canvass to its clooo. Ho still has
nil these claims , aud In addition an adminis
tration beyond criticism , and rich with tha
elements of popularity with which to carry
Now York again.
Outshine * HI * Itrllllnnt Atirnstnr * .
Ancestry helps In the old world and handi
caps In tbo now. Thcro Is but ono distin
guished example of a son , first overcoming
the limitations Imposed by the pre-eminent
fame of his father , and then rising ubovo It ,
and that was whuu the younger t'itt became
greater than Chatham. With sn ancestor n
signer of the declaration oi independence ,
and another who saved tbo northwest from
siivcijory and gave it to civilization and em
pire , and who also presided over tbo United
States , n poor nnd unknown lawyer of In
diana has risen by bis unaided efforts to such
distinction ns lawyer , orator , soldier , states
man and president that ha has reflected moro
credit upon bin ancestors than thor have de
volved upon him. and presents In American
history the parallel of the younger Pitt.
A Ornml Standard Iionror.
By the grand record of a wlso and popular
administration ; by the strength gained In
frequent contact with the people , In wonder
fully versatile and felicitous speech ; by thu
claims of n pure life In public- and In the
simplicity of # typical American homo , I
nominate Benjamin Harrison.
Sound HciMon * ( llvon Why thn President
Should bo ItcnomlimtiMl ,
MiNNrai'ous , Minn. , Juno 10. aonntor
Spooncr , in seconding tbo nomination of
Benjamin Harrison , spoke as follow * :
Mr. President and Ccntlomon ot the Con
vention : The preliminaries are settled and
It Is n relief that wo are at last face to face
with the great duty which wo came hither
to perform. That the action of this body ,
composed of representative men who love
iho republican party and seek to promote its
success for Its record and Us
principles , will bo deliberate , thought
ful and patriotlo nnd such as to
secure for It the approval of these who
sent us hero cannot well bo doubted. Na
tional republican conventions bnvn not been
accustomed to make mistakes. That which
met In Chicago In 1SSS made no mistake
when It Intrusted the power and responsi
bility of leadership to Benjamin Harrison of
Ho Made Nu MUtnkcs.
Aud Bon Harrison made no mistakes.
Ho quickly proved himself an Ideal candi
date and a leader who led. Millions of
eager and hontllo eyes searched his whole
life In vain for spot or blemish. Ori the
march and In the battle , no man roao before
him. Calm , dignified and wlso , every day
brought from his lips a deliver
ance in itself a perfect platform ,
unexcelled for grace of diction , power of
epigrammatic statement and the spirit
of true eloquence. Ho imbued Iho party
with renewed vigor and strength and in
trepidly led it to victory. His friends bring
his name into tbls convention proudly , con
scious that the record which he has made
needs not to bo supplemented by words
of advocacy. Ho has been from the day of
his Inauguration what the people elected him
to bo president of the United States. Ho
has clvon to tbo country an administration
which , for ability , oOlcloncy , purity and ua-
trlottsm , challenges without fear ot compari
son any which has preceded It since tbo foun
dation of Iho government.
Ho Has Stood for the People.
Ho has been frco Irom "variableness or
shadow of turning" in bis devotion to the
principles of tbo republican party ana to the
redemption of tbo pledges made by it to the
people. Ho ban stood for tha protection
of American Industries - and tbo In
terests of American wagoworkers , and
placed with alacrity the seal of approval
upon the creia tariff bill of the Fifty-first
congress , which has outridden the Hood of
misrepresentation which swept over it , and ,
as did the nrk in the dclugo of old , now rests
upon a foundation as solid as Mount
Ararat. Ho championed and promoted
by every means In harmony with the dignity
of his great om > o the adoption of the scheme
of reciprocity , which , as enacted , has found
favor with our people , not limited to the
Souiborn American republics or bartering
iho interests of ono industry for iho benefit
of another by the free admission of
competitive products , but compelling fair
treatment by all governments of all our people
plo and our productions , under penalty of
commercial retaliation.
llonost Money and Fair Kloctloni.
Openly friendly to the use of silver as ono
of the coin motaU of tbo country under con-
dliltlons which inall surely maintain it
at a parity with gold , and
striving to secure by international agree
ment tbo existence of these conditions , bo
stands nevertheless as firm asr the granite
which underlies this continent against a.
policy which would debase tbo currency of
the people and must drive the coin of cither
metal out of circulation.
Nor did bo forget or disregard the
solemn pledge of the republican
that ' ' citizen rich native
party 'every , or poor ,
or foreign born , whlto or black , " is entitled
at every public election lo cast ono frco bal
lot , and to have that bullet honostlv counted
and faithfully returned.
Compelled Itcsricct for America.
With n skill , dignity and courage which
has compelled the admiration of pollt-
cat friend and fee allko , ho has caused
it to bo understood throughout the
world that the American executive represents
a government which bos tbo power und the
will to protect tbo American uniform and
American interests at nil hazards every
where , whether assailed by peppery neigh
bors to tbo Kouth of us , or the diplomacy and
power of Great Britain.
Every interest of tno people has bad his
best euro and his best thought , nnd ho
stands before the country today well ap
proved ana universally acknowledged to bo
a man of transcendent ability , of extraordi
nary capacity for thu discharge of executive
duty , of exalted patriotism and lofty pur
pose , who would not for a
unanimous renomluatlon by this conven
tion and n ro-electton by tbo
pcoplo swcrvo ono hair's breadth in any mat-
lux of duty , ureat or small , from what bo be
lieves to DO just aud rlcht.
Only Luinmitutlons of the Illiuppolnted.
It Is said against him that ho has made
enemies , and it is evidently thus. So did
Washington , so did Jackson , so did
Lincoln , so did Grant , so did Gar-
Hold , so did Arthur. Hut this con
vention will not mlstako the lamentations
of 'iho dlsuppolntcd for the voices of tbo
"plain people. " Tbo judgment of those
against him overestimates the importance of
individuals and underestimates the Intolll-
goiico and patriotism of the musses. They
will not bo beguiled into tbo belief that the
object of covormndnt 1s the bestowal of of-
ileo. Tbo party euros llttlo for the ambition
ot loaders or whether John Smith secures
on ofilco this month , next mouth , or not at
all. They do not demand of a president that
ho shall bo able to please everyone. Thov
want government ; they demand honesty and
abltltv and Induitrv , and purity In publlaiind
private life , and all ibis they bavo bad In
Benjamin Harrison , and they know It ,
III * Admlnlntritllnii Kuilurited.
Ye place him before tbo convention as ono
who can bear and will boar , whether nomi
nated or not ( for bo U a republican ) , his full
ahnro In the great contest which today 1 $ to
begin , Tbo republicans of every stuto save
one , In convention assembled , have endorsed
with enthusiasm his admlulsUallon ,
Upon that administration aud IU
record of oUlclonoy und achievement the re
publican parly Is to Invlto tbo coming . cam
I'nlRn. Tbero is nothintr parsuaslvo lu tbo
assertion that tbo people who officially np-
provo un administration wlil withheld their
approval from tbo man who is responsible
for it and who bat largely made It.
Wilt Lend on to Victory ,
Put him ogam at the bend of the column ;
place juiu lu his bund the banner of repub
licanism , nnd ho will carry it aggressively ,
all the ttmo nt tbo front , aud ho will lead us
ncaln to victory. There will ha Irrcsisttblo
power and Inspiration la the knowl
edge which pervades tto people
that so lone at ho Is president
there Is ono nt the helm who , whatever be ,
tides , ut homo nnd abroad , will bring to the
solution of every question , to the execution
of every policy nnd to the of
every duty , n splendid and disciplined Intel
lect , absolute rcctltudo of purpose
nnd unfaltering desire to conserve
overv Interest of every section
a solfpolso which Is n SUM safeguard against
hasty or mistaken Judirmout , nnd a patriot
ism which has never wavered never In war
or In pcaoo.
Not Only the South , Hut the Wlinto Coun
try Wnnt * Htm ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 10. Ex-Con
gressman L. 13. McConifis of Maryland , In
seconding the nomination of Harrison , spoke
as follows !
By the republicans of the south 1,500,000
votes were cast and counted for Benjamin
Harrison. In eight states of the border
south wo held 1,000,000 votes thon. Wo will
mnlto n moro hopeful light now. Pour of
them nro doubtful states. On the roll nt
victory In the autumn , IOOK for the electoral
votes of at least two southern states safe for
the candidates of tbls convention. In nom-
tuallne those candidates , wo gratefully refer
to tbo Victorious column ot republican
Nervines of the Smith.
Some snrvlco wo bavo rendered. It was
southern republican votes In the last con
gress which placed the travel In Tom liocd's
bands , which added two young republican
states to your column , helped keep the
people's money sound and m ko It moro
noundant , secured iho McKtnloy tariff , the
blessings .and benefits of protection nnd
reciprocity. Wo republicans of the south
each cast ono vote for our national tlcitot.
That Is nil the frco and fair ot the north nnd
west could do. You worked at the ballot
boxes , your faces beaming with anticipated
victory. We , facing twenty years of defeat ,
stubbornly cast our ballots with decreasing
trust In the count , with increasing love for
the party of freedom. Its platform i * for
the whole country ; its candidate is for the
whole country.
Conqueror nnd to Conquer.
In bnhnlf of the republicans of the south , I
second tbo nomination of that Intense Ameri
can , the representative of the people of the
whole country , Benjamin Harrison. His administration -
ministration has been clean , strong , able ,
courageous , patriotic. On our platform , un
tried four years ago , ho conquered Clovo-
land. Strengthened by great achievements ,
now we send him forth to conquer Cleveland
once moro. Behold the assombltnc democ
racy turn to their old champion. They are
putting the old armor , scarred by diplo
matic surrenders and stained with pension
vetoes , upon the prophet of frco trado. For
our champion wo send forth the great prosl-
dent of this great administrationarmed with
thn shield of protection , the sword of reci
procity , with Iho flag inscribed wllh Sa-noa ,
Italy and Boring sea , once moro the emblem
of peace with honor.
They will have nominated Cleveland
thrice. Wo may wisely nominate Harrison
twlco. The republican party never renoml *
nntcd n president U did not re-elect.
An Irirpro irh.thlo Administration.
Bun Harrison's administration challenges
comparison with any other. It Is unstained
bv scandal , it is decorated with successor.
Our national credit Is secure. Our treasury
Is sure of honest dollars aud its cooks are
oalanced. Our navy has sprung into now
life. , Our commerce crows on the seas.
Our Hour and purk are opening every door of
every foreign market. Our workshops and
farms are sura of markets at home. Wages
are steady nnd work is everywhere for work-
Ingmen. A free- trade house of representa
tives has not dared to vote to repeal the
republican tariff. The calamity campaigners
are out of a job. A prosperous people pro
tests for the sake ot-thatprosperity against a
chango. Favoring breezes once mora Illl the
republican sails.
Tlio Itest Man to Nominate.
It would bo folly to change the skilful
pilot , a statesman of high couratre , an orator
of hlch gifts. Ho is the leader of his admin
istration and its host exponent. A soldier
trained In defending'the union , when ho saw
tbo great secretary ol state stagger in sick
ness Benjamin Harrison flung his comrade's
knapsack over his shoulder aud carried it
into camp.
Nominate him and the enthusiasm will
grow. It will not wax gruatost in the con
vention , but at tbo polU. If bis name draws
loss shouting hero , it will draw to the ballot
box moro of the plain people than any other
name. Nominate tbo steadfast , advocate of
a frco ballot , and a fair count. Nominate the
best and truest friend the colored race have
had In the Whlto house since Lincoln was
carried out of It. Nominate the best aad
safest candidate for both races and for tbo
whole country. Nominate him , and you will
elect Benjamin Harrison.
Colorado's Senator Speaks for the Alan
from Maine.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 10. Mr. Chair
man and gentlemen of the convention. The
republicans of the west sometimes differ
with tbo republicans of the east at to what
is wanted. On this occasion tharo is remark
able unanimity between the genuine repub
licans of the west and tbo genuine republic
ans ot the cast as to who is needed , and his
nemo isBlalno.
The name of the Malno statesman seemed
to bo ono to conjure with , for when Senator
Wolcott pronounced it one great howl wont
up from the audience and was taken UP by
a largo number of tbo delegates , Now York
particularly being very offusivo. Hats and
handkerchiefs , as well as fans and umbrellas ,
were called into use ana the noisy galleries
assisted In tbo uproar. The demonstrations
lasted about sixty seconds and when It was
concluded Senator Wolcott continued as
follows :
Don't Cure Who the Democrat * Nominate.
"It is to us a matter of comparative Indif
ference who shall load the democratic hosts ,
but wo trust they will once inoio rbnomlnato
their prophet of tariff reform In order that
wo may demonstrate how short a Ufa have
slander and calumny , that a chastened coun
try may repair the wrong of 1881 and stamp
with tbo aool of final disapproval a policy
which could only load to Impoverishment ut
homo and which brought only contempt and
dishonor abroad , Tbero U a practical iisrco-
uiout auiong the dclogalos at this convention ,
certainly among tbo representatives of the
republican states , as to whom our loader
should bo , and its expression would find
unanimous voice were thcru not a mistaken
fouling among certain of our associates that
tha bestowal of ofilco is a personal gift.
The welfare of our beloved party ,
Mr. Chairman , is of inllnlloly greater
Importance than Ihe vindication or nomina
tion of nnv man within its ranks , and when
the roll of states is called I oelloro it will
bo remembered that the obligations of oftlco
hre repaid solely by a faithful performance
ofitsdutlos , aud that manhood and inde
pendence ara never bartered among good
men for iho crnoiuuiUQtknud.honors of public
Made Uepubllcaii Presidents 1'oailblc.
"Our candidate , Mr. Chairman , has never
been president of tbo United Slate * . Ho
will bo , but If ho baa not yet occupied that
ofllcc , ho has by his devotion to tbo party
made republican presidents possible , and bo
lias enriched and guided two administrations
wllh bis stcaclty and statesmanship. That
wo are honored and respected abroad wo owe
to bis statecraft. Wo uro gathering tbo
republicans ot all America together , in
bonds of closer friendship. It is booauso bo
devUcd the plan and has shaped the policy
wo are protecting our own people on the farm
and In the workshop , and by wise conces
sions are inducing tbo nations uf thu world
to open their gates to our products. His far-
ecoing and discriminating vision saw the pos
sibilities of reciprocity und Induced un to
loiter it. There is no publlo measure slnco
tlio days of reconstruction which has hast
ened thu advancement of our country but
what ho lildoatltled with , and when the hU-
lory of this generation of our republic shall
bo written bis nauio will stand foremost
unionir its statesmen. No ofllclal title or sla
tlon can odd to or dot root from tbo lustra of
bis fame , but wo may at least lot history re
cord that such as wo bad to clvo wo gave
wllh loyal and loving hearts.
Hnjolcetlut thu Opportunity.
"Tho boat gifts In thU world are not for
these who sock them. Our rotes are to bo
cail for ono who Is almost every republican's
candidate except his own. For my own part
IrcJolROthnt opportunttyiJIs given mo of
casting my vote lor a uupiilnco who seeks
nothing for himself , bid everything for his
oounlry. And Iho sami deration to the na
tion's ' welfare which lias guided him In his
public life for nearly a . .generation . Insures
his acceptance of any duty which this con.
vcnlion may Imr.oso ukm | ( him , Per manv
months there has boonmpprohenslon tn the
publlo mind respecting ! his health and
stranglh. It Is gratlf > vnit\to \ bo able to state
thnV the fears wJilal have moved
us are groundless. .Tfor our coun
try's sake and Ins 'own wo could
wish that ho wore n.nlli the young nnd
ardent lender who mm guided his partv
tbroudb countless tmtttei , nud thnt his yodtli
could bo renewed IlkotUo envies , Kxporlonce ,
however , Mr. Chalralat ) . comes only with
ripunlntr years ; the snmq unconquerable
nnu lofty patriotism still dominate bis being.
Tlmo lies tinged his halrwfth whlto , and the
years of struculo In uls 'counlry's ' service
tmveloft their Impress , hut ho still standsfor
us who love him , the embodiment of all thnt
Is brightest mm the best In
American statesmanship ; nnd mellowed nnd
broadened by the creeping hours of tluio ,
wo thank God that ho is still amply nbla lo
plvo to-tho pcoplo of the United States mi
administration which shall protect our own
citizen * , nnd looking Soyond iho con lines of
our border embrace the well-being ot all
Tlii'lr Ideal nnd Inspiration.
"And no , Mr. Chnlr"nlfln. Wo turn In the
hour when victory is at hand to the In
trepid lender who shaped for his party the
policy which has lifted It nbovo the danger
ot further defeat. To those of us who be
long to tboyoutiEor clement of Hie party , who
nra content to follow and not to lend , but who
only ask to bear their share of tht > burden
and heat of Ihn day ho stands ns our
tdrnl , our Inspiration. Ills name is engraved
on all our hearts in living letters that never
fade. Bravo , true-hearted nnd aroat , there is
no true republican who will but follow when
ho loads , and with loving talth nnd trust that
n kind providence may long spire htm to n
people \-lio30 grateful homuga ho has earned
and wlioso affcctlonatodovolton ho possesses ,
wo plcdgo out1 unfaltering and loyal support
to James G. Bl.tluo. "
She .Speaks ' ] ; ion.ticnrly for the llcpubllcnn
Women of America ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 10 , "Mr. Chair
man , Gentlemen nnd Ludlcs : I thank you ,
This Is no moan honor and I congratulate
myself that I nm today the chosen repre
sentative of many thousand republican
women nnd m.iy speak for them In thu mag
nificent presence. Gentlemen and ladles ,
representatives of the republican party , I
have moro reason to be proud as your comrade
In tbo American march of progress out of
old world barbarisms Into tbo twontloth
century , than has any queen of hereditary
crown , [ Applause. ] The tests of civiliza
tion are the changed ideals toward which Its
frco pcoplo appeal. A frco church nnd a free
state are America's attainments of Us noblest
ideals. ( Applause. ] It Is notstrnngo that a
woman who loves uor country should iovo
the grand old party , which is till the scoffers
to the contrary notwlthsiondliig the party
of great moral Ideas. [ Applause.J Women
nro bynnturo heroic fapplnusoj all Ameri
can women nro hereditary patriots , nnd that
patriotism finds noble service In the repub
lican party , and their social , educational nnd
political Influence Is more nnd moro at its
command. [ Applauo. ]
With the Wrty to Stay.
"Gentlemen and Ljultos : The Women's
Republican association has prepared plans of
Work with suggestions'of'details which wo
have presented lo every.delegate and alter
nate of the various stat'octioadquartors. Wo
nro with you to'help utid vJS are hero to stay.
Wo do not seek recognition In tbo party in
iho intcrostrof any ono of the many reforms
In which , as individuals ; VvO nro a part ; wo
bcllovo moral reforms [ should ho carried on
outsldo of party lines , In the broader domain
of humanitarian , of' philanthropic and of
Christian effort. Not' ' every ouo who ones
rnform la a reformer. * 3
"When a would-bo reformer declares that
bo will inaugurate political chaos or help
enthrone nolltlcal wrong In order to brlup
Individual opinions or oven convictions Into
greater prominence , that man or that woman
follows neither the teachings of philosophy
or tbo commands of scripture. A man who
falls to vote or who ignores the present hnrm
which bis vote may do , can find no warrant
for his course in reason or lu morals
[ applausoj. Ho who does not stand for the
greatest present attainable good is a bolpor
of the bad.
"Righteousness in government comes by
evolution sooner than by ro'/nlutlon. Revo
lution Is the gate through which a people
emerges to larger liberty , the gate as opened
by the assaults-of the bud , not by tbo hands
of tha good. John Brown's methods failed
and in the nature of things had to fall ; John
Brown's ' soul Is marching on. [ Applause. ]
Tbo aggressions of slavery brought on the
war ; in its crimson chariot the African
slivo was carried to liberty. ( Applause. ]
Therefore , lot women wouvo their laurels
nnd slnx tholr glories to the robust political
action of the republican party which accepts
them as It is found , but out of It builds great
boulevards of human progress.
Uovotloii to the Party's 'Nominees.
"Gentlemen , la our scrvico of republi
canism , wo know no personal preferences or
factional strife , wo wear upon our breast ? the
name of none of tbo honorable men who maybe
bo your choice ; but on our hearts are car-
rioii aud from prayerful lips will bo soon uttered -
tored the iiomo of our nominee.
"Wo love our states and wo love the na
tion. Not Ctcsar less , but Homo moro. 1
love my mother Btatc. Massachusetts Is n
ijreat state ; from the sands and rocks of bor
Atlnntio coast , consecrated by Plymouth's
pilgrim band ; through the gardens of her
river valleys to the borders of the Empire
state she is full of groatucss ; great tn Ideas ,
which are the only real forces In civilization ;
great In power to apply these Ideas In the
common walks of life ; In trade ; In commerce ;
in industries ; in economics ; in reform and
the science of government.
"Iowa , my adopted stato. tbou art the beloved -
loved daughter of Now England's queen , and
thou dost honor thy royalty. Iowa was quick
to respond to the national call In tlmo of civil
strife ; aho was first to respond to tbo cry of
starving Russia , the sight of bur corn made
clad the hearts of dying men nud women and
little children ; she oven sent seven of her
good women along to sot the tablo. [ Ap
plause. ] Iowa's corn will food millions , but
by constitutional law her people bavo de
creed tbut not ono kernel shall bo made Into
poison. [ Applause. ]
Wyoming the r.aml of Promise.
"Massachusetts Is great ; Ipwa Is the floweret
ot her greatness ; but sits upon this floor the
representatives of a greater state , a state of
rocks and rlvors , of plaint pad mountains ; a
state lUe pocrof any qttiqp ( n natural re
sources and In power . /development , but
peerless In tbo crown i i civilization wears ;
peerless in free men nnd.tfrco women Wyo
ming , thou srt tbo landVqf. , promise. fAp-
plauso.J t ) A
"Women o Wyoming , who gave you thn
load ] I bear you onswer the free men of our
households thought it nOV rpbbory to them
selves to make yen.'equals before
the law. [ Applauso.l AVnft.placed . your star
In tbo proudest flag1 In t&fKjworld , the most
beautiful emblem that thoAun shines upon ,
uxcupt tbo cross of ibJj.'yorld's Koduemorl
[ Applauso.l By whos&iroles was sYyo'ning '
mndo a state } Curr f .ulstory answers.
Hlsiory sacred and'broiane will never
forsct. By the votes 6f .rdpubllju'ns in the
Fifty-first congress , Wj'pnjjnt' cnmo Into tba
union. [ Applause. ] ' party
In congress was practledll BolId for the ad
mission of tbls first frco staio. ( Applause. ]
Tbo democratic party was"practically solid
against It. [ Hisses. ] God bless iho repub
lican parly in the Fifty-11 rat congress. [ Ap
plause. }
A t'arty of Action und I'rogres * .
"Gontlomon , the republican party Is noth
intr If not progressive , It Is a * party of
action ; Its breath Is progress. Its speech Is
tbo language of tbo world : Its dialect Is the
rhetoric ot the home , the farm , the shop. Us
shibboleths raiuht bo written on the whlto
bolls of any church. It holds In the ranks
the armlet of all reforms ; lu constituencies
are tbo living , movltip , vital elements of
American Ufa. [ Applause. ] Whv should
not women rally to tbo support of such a
party I
"Gentlemen , wo bavo como , we are your *
for service. May God keen us all wlso and
true and strong and bravo. " [ Applause. ]
Iowa State Firemen's ' Association Exhibit
Eomo fine Work.
1 * . A. Wootl of Trncr Took I'lmt Monrjr liy
Quick Action Council Muir unit
CornliiR DIUcIo n 1'rlxa
mid Honors.
ATI.OTIC , Id. , Juno 10. [ Spocml TnloRrnm
to Titii HKB. ] Tlio third niul latt day of the
Iowa state firemen's tournarannt has boon
tbo event of the mooting , Good woatbor nas
provnllcd throughout , but today bocn
especially line nnd the nttonilancd excep
tional. On that account over 8,000 pcopla
ivero admitted to the grounds. ' Contrary to
expectations , the local tire department is
considerably bonollttcd llnauclally by the
F. \Vhilnoy presented to the Atlnntio
hook and ladder company which boara his
linmo n cliooit tor (150 with which to pur
chase now uniforms. This Is n ulmrnotoristio
demonstration and reflects tbo sentiments ot
enthusiasm toward tbo lira lads which has
boon everywhere manifested by iho citizens.
That the tournament H n success is largely
owlntr to the liberality nud hospitality of the
Tno contests for the state championship
in the several classes bavo Uono much to
make today's proceedings the center of In
to tost.
Opened the Content.
The program opened with the coupling contest -
test , In wbtch there were llvo entries us fol
lows : P. A. Wood , Truer ; K. L. Phystor ,
Eldora ; Cnarlca' Webb , Council duffs ;
Ocorfio True , Marian j C. A. Uodson , Vinton.
Wood wen llrst money on a record of 8.43
seconds , tbls average on three couplings ,
breaking the coupling nnd handling tbo noz
zle without assistance.
The book and ladder contest for the state
bolt aud $100 cash prize was won by Atlnntio
in 50 'J-5 seconds. Stuurt and Marlon xvoro
also entered and made the dlstnnco In 54 1-5
and fi $ seconds respectively. Their prlres
were $100 nnd $50. Uarlan , El-
dora , Council BlufTn , Vinton and CornIng -
Ing contested the championship hose
race , which proved tbo most hotly
disputed of the tournament. A boavy bead
wind kept the time.down to a minimum. Tno
position score was as follows : Ilarlun , SO3-5
seconds ; Council Bluffs. 472-5 ; Vinton ,
50 1-5 ; Cornlnp , 47 2-3 ; Eldora , 45 'J-5.
Council Illull'H niul Corning.
The race was for the cbamploniblp belt
aud $100. Council Bluffs nud Corning scored
n llo nnd divided second money. In the
sweepstakes hook nnd ladder rnco , Marion ,
Stuart nnd Atlantic were entered. Atlantic
\\oii the 8150 on n record ot 50 seconds.
Harlan won tbo sweepstakes hosa purse by n
enllaut effort in competition with Council
I31uffs and Eldora. Time 4. > ! l-5.
Yho regular nnnual meeting of the Tourna
ment association was held iH ihn court hotiso
last evening. ( JeorgoA. Lincoln of Codur
Haplds was elected president ; Frank Cain ,
Atlantic , first vice president ; \V. \ S. Booth ,
Marlon , second rice president ; Marlon John
son , Auduuon , third vice president : C. L ,
Itoot , Lyons , treasurer ; E. O. Soulo. Iowa
Falls , financial secretary ; A. b. Tiffany ,
Marshalltoxvn , recording secretary.
A resolution was adopted favorintr the
holding of n nattonul tournament at Chicago
in 1S93 , ana power was conferred upon the
president and financial secretary to select a
tcum to represent tbo stato.
A resolution was also adopted favoring the
selection of a national firemen's button and
approving the design suggested hy tbo Fire
men's Herald.
ISattlmoro Gives St. I.otils n Tnsta of Her
Hatting AlilllUei.
BALTivqnc , Md. , Juno 10. The Haiti mores
played two games with the bt. Louis team
and , won both. Score ;
Baltimore 5 r > 4 0 3 2 0 n 0-25
bt , Louis 100002100 4
Hits : Baltimore , 15 : St. Louis , 7. Errors :
Dultlmoro , 0 : Ht. Louis , 10. Earned runs :
tlinoro , 0. BitUorloa : . Mo.Muhnn und Kollu-
son : liroltenstoln , Vnnn and lliril.
In the second game :
Baltimore . S 0
su i.ouis . ooooooo i a
Base hits : Ilaltltnnio. rlO ; St. Louis , S.
Errors II iltlmore , St. I/ouls ,
: none : / , 2 But-
torlc < s : Bufllntan and ICoblahon ; Getzeln.und
llucUloy. Earned runs : ll.Utliuoro , G ; tit ,
LculH , 3.
HplderH AVoro Kusy ,
, Pa. , Juno 10. The i
easily dofeatoa Cleveland , today. Score :
Olovelnnd . 0 * 1
I'lillaclolplila . 0 * 1
Hits ; Cleveland , 2 ; Philadelphia , 0. Errors :
Cleveland , 4 ; I'lilladelphln , a. lotteries :
Uavls and O'Connor : weylilng und Cross.
Earned runs : I'hlladoluhla , 4.
Whipped the .Tonulu Twice.
BROOKLYN , N. Y. , Juno 10. The Brooklyn
and Pittsburg teams oiayed two games
today , the homo team winning both games.
Score :
Brooklyn . 1 30002000 5
I'lttsburg . 0 0100013 0 4
Hits : Brooklyn. 12 : I'lttsburg , 5. Errors :
Brooklyn. S ; I'lttsburK , 1. Earned runs : ItrooU-
lyn , 3 ; I'ltlsbnni , 1. Batteries : Huddoolc
und Datlcy ; Smith and Muck.
Second game :
Brooklyn . 4
I'lltsbuni . I )
lilts : Brooklyn. 0 : I'Utshiirj ? , 7. Errors :
llrooiclyn , 1 : I'lttsburi ? . 0. Buuerlo& : Hurt.
Stelu una T. n. illy ; Baldwin and Miller.
Earned runs. I'lUnbun ; , I.
KunnolH Won n ( i.iino.
WAsmxcnox , 1) . C. , Juno 10. Pitcher
VInu was too much.for the Senators. Score :
Washington . 0 0 : i
Louisville. . 0 * 7
Hits : Washington' 0 ; Louisville , II , Error ? ;
Washington , fl ; Loulsvlllu , 1. E irncd runs :
Washington , 1 ; Lnulnrlllo , 1. Batteries : Kll-
lon anu MHIInu"Vlau ; anil Grim.
Divided TJicui.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 10. 'i'ho Now York nnd
Cincinnati teams played two games today ,
each winning one. Score :
Now York . , . 0 0-3
Cincinnati . 1 0301020 * 7
Hits : Now York , 6 : Cincinnati , 7 , Errors :
Now York , 0 : Cincinnati. 3. Batteries : Crane
und Fields ; Mullauo aud Murphy ,
Second game :
Cincinnati . 0 00100000 1
Now York . 0 0010010 * 2
Hits : Cincinnati , C ; Now York , 5. Er
rors : Cincinnati , . ) ; New York , 1 , ' Butteries :
Durvea ami M. Murphy : Itussjo and 1 > . Mnr-
pby. Earned runs : Cincinnati , ! ; New York , ! .
Tour Ola Uncle.
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 10. Although it was
cod ! 5 , 17- people turned out to see Auson
beaten twlco. Score :
Boston . 0 0 I
Chicago . 1 0000000 0-1
Hits ; Boston. 8 : Chicago , 0. Errors : Bos
ton. It CJiIoairo. 4. Butteries : titalcy und
Kelly : Hutclilnsou und Kltttedgo.
Second game :
Boston . 2 7
CIilcuuo . ) 0
Hits : Boston , II ; Ohlcaco , 4. Errors : Bos-
Ion , 1 ; G'lilo.-iifo , 1. Earned runs : Boston , 5.
Buttorlca : Stlvutts and Kelly ; Luby. Hutch-
luson aud Klttrodgo.
lloatrlro Slams Another Defeat on the
BuATincn , Neb , , Juno 10. [ Special Tola-
grain to TUB BEB.I Beatrice and Plaits-
mouth played to a slim crowa today , A
heavy wind and dust storm will account for
the bud showing tn the error column. The
slim attendance ) was owing to the
token In the national convention proceedings
nt Minneapolis. Scoroi
DC.UHCO fi-in
I'l.iitsniniitii . . , ioso : < 3001 n
I'lrst base on bills : Oft Slnclo , 1) ) offKi > eves ,
7. Mrucuont ! lly .Slaclo. 0 : bv linker. 4 : by
11VOV04. 3. Tnrec-h.tso lilts : lloirlck , l'\ltor
son , Hlonoy , Two-buso lilts : HiiKlo'-i. Ilolo *
ban. Krnncity. Durr'ck , B.tsohtls : Bontrlro ,
( i ; I'lntUtnoutli , 4 , lilt bv pltclior ! llyHI Rlo
1. I'nswl IwlU : Manpln. I , Krrorsi Bout-
rlep , D ! I'liittsmoilth , IB. Batteries ! Single nnd
Jones : Baker , Ueovos nnd M imp In. Tlmo of
cninoi Two hours und thirty minute's. Urn-
plro ; llart.
( trnuil lAlnnil ItccovrrR ,
Giuxh Ist.vND , Nob. , Juno 10. tSpoelnl
Tolocrntn to Tun BBR. ! Grand Island mati-
nfroil to pick hoMolf up today and won easily
off Kearney. The foaturot of the cnmo were
the one-hand sensational catch by Buckley
after making a dlfllcult run. The umpiring
of Fulmcr Is much complained of In both
games ho has ofltclatcd in hero. Scoro.
Grand Island A 0 0 R 1 0 0 0 0-11
Kunrney . . . . . . . . . .00 1 4 S 0 0 0 0 T
lilts : Or.ind Island. 0 : Kenrnny.O , Krrnrs :
Orund Iflnnd.S : Kimrnoy , \ llnlterlcs : Oraud
Islnnil , HotrcTund Murray : Kearney , Oustono
nnd Four. Umulro : ruimor.
Whnt'a tlio Matter with Hastings ?
iHsTtxos , Nob. , Juno 10. ( Special Tele
gram toTnc BBR. | Hastings ngaiusl Fre
mont todav. Score :
Unatlnrs 4 1 4 7 0 S 1 0 ft-27
Fremont 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 U
of the Toami.
trrsTF.ux LCAUUK.
w. K i'.r. vr , r. r.c.
Colncibn no to 71.U Mlnnospolls . . ti ) IA 40.4
Milwaukee 13 10 U1.3 Omntm 15 IV 41.1
KannaiCltr. . . IS IT 61.1 Fort Wnyno. . . 1U IS M.7
Toledo Ill 10 SQ.O Imllnnnpolls. . . & VI 'JU.U
notion Mt . ' . ] I'lttnhlirK S.I 24 43.11
Iirooklyn . . . . W 14 117.4 CIOTOlnnil 21 21 4S.'J
Clnrlimntl 28 ID l.oul vllln ID 25 41.S
CliU-nuo 21 20 M.3 Wn'hliiKton. . . I ? 2(1 ( d'J.r ,
Netrtork si 21 M.i : . - > ! . I.ouU M'J'.l 33,11
riiltnilelphlik. . 2J 22 51.1 Unlllmuro 12 S3 27.3
llrntrlco 17 5 77. Kromont It 13 4T.8
( irand Isliuul. . ll > 12 M.n I'lntlimoutli. . H in Sli
Hnsllngs , 14 12 tJ 6 Kunrnor , . . . . . . T 13 31,8
St. l.uuls
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juun 10. Weather hot , at
tendance largo , track fast.
rirstrneo , solllni. . slv furhmcsi Or.lorly
ID toft ) won , Knvr (15 ( to 1) ) second , I'lucatlllly
(15 ( toll third. Time : lMi. : ?
Second race. forS-ynnr-olds , live fiirlonts :
Kins Lee ( oven ) won , I < ' : ilstilT : ( litol ) second ,
Kri Ononwoolato ( I ) third. Tlmo : 1 : d ! { .
Third rnco , nit furloiiKSs Uciibcu l'\yno(7 (
tot ) won ; Oood U.iy ( K ) to 11 second , Autumn
Loaf ( a tu I ) third. Time : ltru. :
I'onrlh rnco. solllni ; , six furlongs : Iluok-
hound ( I ) tn 1) ) won : Kyrle II (15 ( to IMocond :
Nnlliati KrnnkS ( to 31 third. Time : 1:1.H1. :
Klftli ttivc. six furlongs ; Klinh ff to 1) )
\\oii : Winner U ( n to I ) second ; li J Knight ( J
toll third. Time : 1W : .
Sixth nice , bnllln ? , one mlle : MirySnoG : ( to
1) ) uon ; Ilorin (1 ( to II second ; 1'at King ( , " 0 to 1) )
HilrU. Time : IS'l.'i.
l.lglit Attoiuliinco lit Morris 1'nrk ,
Mourns I'Aiiic lUcn Tiucic , N. V. , Juno 10.
The lightest crowa of the season Journeyed
to Morris Park this afternoon nnd saw tbo
Toboggan Slide handicap and the Bay chea
ter staUos. Both events furnished exciting
First r-ice. flvn furlongs : Miles Blandish (0 (
to 10) ) won. 1'rlnca Oeor o ( G to I ) second , Court
ship ( I ) to 2) ) third. Time : lul. :
Second race , mlle : Uo < cUlolO ( ) won. Jnllun
( I to 1) ) second. Time : liH. : : )
Third nice , the lolioscim Hlldo , six fnrlonja :
Mndstone (0 ( to II won , Tournament ( 'J to 1) ) boc-
ond. liussull ( U to 1) ) thlr.1. Time : liii. :
Tourth rico : , the Iliycliostoi- : stakes , one
mile : Kcnnoboo (11 ( too ) won , ht. Anthony PW
to II second , EntrofS to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:4J.
I'lrth llvo fnrlnnllsMondlciinKovon )
non , Ll/oljt (12 ( to II second , Uulndrop (7 ( to 10) )
third. Time : 1:01. :
Sixth riico. mlle and onn-sUtoenth : Oyno-
snro ( " to 2) ) won , Wur luku (12 ( to 1) ) second ,
Klrkovor CJ to 1) ) third. Time ; r.5IM.
Tips for Toil.iy.
Hero are the picks from two eood pro
grams :
Monnis i-Aiuc.
1. Flo villa Wynndotlo Colt.
2. Tonny Strichinuith. :
II. St. Florian I.OL'Oliatchoo.
4. lion Alonzo Ur. Klcn ,
ft. Fill ut 12 m.
0. India Hubbor Mountain Deer.
1. Leader Little Molflo.
2. Yalo'fll 1'rlnco Kortunatus.
: i. 1'iilostlno Hash ford.
4. Miss Dixie Greenwich ,
fi. Worrliiicnt Ko Ko.
C. Korka I'ovhall.
J'ort Wuyno Today.
The Fort \Vaynos , with the famous old
Baltimore manager , Billy Barnlc , at their
head , arrived last night und are quartered at
the Merchants. This nftornoon they will
moot the Omabas nt Sportsman's park , and
ono of the hottest battles of tbo season maybe
bo confidently loaned for. Omaha will have
a now man on second in the shape of Moxlo
Honglo , a player known to alt tbo local fans.
Honglo will prove a big acquisition at second
end , where wo'havo always been weak , and
the Hustlers will doubtless begin to climb
from this on. The now arrival also retires
Gllks to the outfield , where hois unexcelled.
A good , big crowd should ha on hand to see
bow the now arrangement , works. The ladles
will bo admitted free.
The positions of the two teams :
Omaha. Positions. 1't. Wayno.
llandlboc . I'ltch . Wndsworh
Hu yes . Oatch . , . Dupdalc
Kowo . First . Mot/
Honglo . Second . Smith
( Jallopy . Tlitid . Alvord
Sholbook . Short . Holland
VUnor . Ul.'ht . Sntclliro
Ollks . Middle . Holdover
Kelly . Left . DonaKhuo
There being a half holiday Saturday , a big
turnout will doubtless bo on band.
Cornell Dotriiti * Columbia.
ITHACA , N. Y. , Juno 10. The Cornell-Co
lumbia freshmen two-mile straight away
race , postponed from Wednesday by the
whlto caps on the water , was pulled yester
day , The start was a splendid ono , Cornell
was never beaded , Keeping up Us steady
work , while Columbia virtually wont to
pieces near the finish. Cornell was eight
lengths ubead. Time , 10:50 : ; Columbia's
ttmo. 11:24. :
lawn Colloclmm
IOWA. CtTr , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB But ; . ] Tbo game of basa ball
between the State university of Iowa and the
State university of Minnesota rotultod In
favor of the former by a score of 10 to it.
AVon tlio Mnnclicxter Cup ,
LoN'nox , Juno 10. Thn Manchester cup
was won by Balmoral , Hudson second. Ennis-
Jiillon third.
V.ll'TVllKl > AX lOIIVt HHUTK.
AVIlllum Colllim Jnlliut Creston on u Kor-
lous ( Jlnireo ,
CIIKSTOX , In. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bui : . I William Collins was brought
to Creston last night charged with nil as
sault on the person of Mlis Mlnnlo Owan , a
ecliool teacher ut Lorlmer. Ho is also charged
with ravishing the person of a llttlo girl
named Clara Lane. He la now in Jail await
ing trial at the next term of the district
court. _
lloi rtoil Aligning.
Scoito Buttcs , a night cook at ono of the
chophousoi. who lives at 313 Williams street ,
loft homo to go to work on tbo night of Juno
7 and bus not since boon hoard from.
Albert Dllly. ill ) years old , who lived at
Dodge Btroot , Is reported missing.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
who will visit
Saturday and Saturday iiightr
85 ilozon i fancy strlpoil balbrlggan
half hose , the prloo wo htivo always
thorn for la I3o pair ,
Saturday ancl Night ,
15c pair.
( KxcUislvo hot wonthcr gnrinonts )
Spoolal prlco for
Saturday ancl Night ,
These shirts nro worth 81.CO ovory-
Madras Cloth
Over Shirts ,
Slllc Strlpotl , snlutidld for wear , good
for hot wouthar , our prlco tins bocn$2.0ft
Saturday and Night ,
Plaited -Dress Shirts ,
Such "Monitroh Brand , "
ns our rogu-
lur prloo SI.CO ,
Saturday and Night ,
Xiiglit Colored Silk Ties
Elegant for summer wear , roguln >
25o hinds ,
Saturday and Night ,
13c , 2 for 25c.
Morse Dry Goods Co.
Ono Week , Commencing Sunday , Juno 12.
of the
Supporting tha storllnn nctor. Mil. TUANK
I.INDON. anil Ills liiinrfiouiu anil tnluntecl
1'rcBunllnn tlio llrst four nljhts of the enKBRCmont
A. L. B E R. T HI !
( Tlio Son of Monte CrUto , )
ClmtiKOOf bill Thursday. 1'rlcos lie. 230,850 , 60o
anil 7Sc.
Farnam Street Theater.
Tuesday , Friday nutl Saturday ,
- IN -
40 - SINGERS - 40
in NIGHTS in
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9.45 a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
To tha owners of all loin , parts of lots and real
ostntuiiloiiK the alley lu block ! ! . Uainpbull's
addition , from UOlli struct to 3M fit rout ,
You itro ln/mliy / notified ttiut thu uniler-
slKnud , Iliroo ilNliitoroHtuil fiuuholilerH of tlio
ulty of Omaliu. have been duly appointed by
thu inuyor , with the npurovuloftliuolty oouu >
ell of milil city , to nmim the dumuKU lo the
ownuis roopoullvtily of thu property alfoctud
by iradlit thu alley In block : i. Uanipboirsiiil-
( lltlon , from -"Jlli strout to'1st struct , iluuluieil
neucss.iry by ordliutnuo'.O'l , puHiod I'olmmiy
' 'Jd , ' , .Muiub .
IB'/ ! approved lut , Wll.
You lire further notified , that hnvln ; : uc >
cepuiil Biild appointment , and duly ijiulltlud
IIH reiiulruil by law , wo will , on tha 2.1U day of
June , A. 1) , 1 * > ' > . ' . at the hour of Hio'ulnuk In the
forunonn. ut thu olllun of T , B , MuUullouh ,
room HI- Now York Mfu bulldliiT , wllliln tbu
corpoiatu llmlUof mild city , meet for the pnr-
pose of connldorlnif nnd inuUInx tbo unse -
meiit of ilaniUu | ! to the OWIIUIN ruspuutlvuly of
uulil ptopurty. alTuutod by said wntdlnjr. tulc
tun liitooDiialilnratloiiHpoclal buniilltu. If any.
You ro notlllud to be prrmtnt nt tlio tlmo
and plucu iiforosuUl , and IMU'KU niiylolijootlonx
toomtuteiiiuntN concuriilnK HHU ) msussmunl
of duiuasos asyou limy coiisUlor proiior.
J > * 1L'CJ U 11 A.UlIf
. .10I1NV. . UOIIBIN9 ,
"uiaha , Juno 10,1SW Jll-dint