Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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    V , V/
llmlnv of tlm 7.nnn ByAtctu of Itiillrn.iil
Itntrft I > tnbll li Ml In
Chicago Ttlbuno : The rccont death
of Gabriel von Bnross , Hungarian min-
islor of commerce nntl transportation ,
gives occasion for n review of his great
work in the establishment of the zone
system of passenger travel by rail in
llungnry. The Review of Reviews for
Juno contains a communication on the
subject from Dr. Korosl of Hutla-Postli ,
which does full justice to the memory oi
the ucconscd in connection with that
work. Three years ngo the rales of rail
travel in Hungary wore about thu same
as in the moro thickly settled portions
of the United States. The average
faro was a trlllo less than 2 cents
per mile. With the beginning of
August , ISM ) , the government rail
roads in Hungary , having a total length
of nearly ' 1,000 miles , adopted what is
known as the zone system , and it was ]
soon after also adopted by some of the I
privately owned and operated railroad s |
From Hudr.-l'esth as a center the coun i
try Is divided into thirteen zones , each ' ,
having tin tivcrngo breadth of a lltllo
more than ten miles , the limit of tlio
outer ono being I22o kilometers or 1.10
miles distant , and all outside of that be
longing to a fourteenth zone. The rate
is W kruutzors (10 ( cents ) nor zone , but
the longest distance tha I can be traveled
within the state of nutigary , fully 000
miles , can bo covered for1 florins , as
against i8 ! , which wiiHchnrgod for that
long journov thtcoyears ago. The uni
form -1-llor'in ticket ( about $1.00) ) will
carry the pnssonpor of nny of the Hungary
lines from the center nt Huda-Pcstli to
nny point outside the thirteenth zono.
"With the utilization of cheap steamboat
connections the traveler can now accom
plish the loner journey from the Rouman
ian border all iho w y to the Adriatic
fiea , thence by water to Italy and by rail
to Rome , for about one-fifth of the old-
time charges. For the small distance
travelers , who wish to go simply from
ono station to the next inside of zone
limits , there is a "vicinity.tariff , " which
includes a uniform ticket of 4 coins for
ono station and 0 cents for two stations.
Besides this uorkingmen in groups , are
carried at half the regular zone tariff
prices. The now plan also duos away
with an enormous amount of rod tape by
making it possible to purchase railway
tickets , like cigars , at any tobacco store ,
and requiring no formalities of stamping
or punching. Nothing more is insisted
on than that the purchaser shall record
on the hack of the ticket the date when
ho uses it.
The trip of leO kilometers , or ninoly-
four miles , used to cost 81.00 , now it
costs $ \ . This great rnforin was con
ceived and established by the labors
of Minister 13aross. nnd the event has
abundantly justified his wisdom. In the
last year of the old tariff 71,800
passengers were carried for each kilo-
inotoiof distance ( ( ivo-uisrhths of a mile ) .
The next year the nverago number rose
to 12-1(00. ( Under the old system the
nvorngo passenger traveled sixty-one
kilometers , now the average journey
lias como down to forty ono ,
which fact indicates an otior-
jnouj. development of the travel
ing habit of people formerly accustomed
to make journeys by rail only at inter
vals. Of course the general prosperity
of the country must bo orontly in
creased by this wonderful augumonta-
tion of traveling , but the total revenue
has also increased 150 or 40 per cent ,
though the receipts per passenger per
mile has been cut down one-third.
From less than 81,000,000 the revenue
has increased to fully $5,000,000 , and
though the expenses Imvo widened out
in a somewhat corresponding ratio the
not revenue shows an increase of abou
8000,000 per annum.
It is no wonder that the bringing
about of this great economic change ,
with satisfactory rohults alike to the
traveling public and the treasuries of
the carrying lines , caused Von Harass
Aft to bo profoundly rcsnoctcd. Those owned
by the government are paying bettor
tlian over before on a far cheaper serv
ice , EO that the people arc not called
upon to ; .wy in the shape of taxes for nn
improvement which benollts at tlio expense -
ponso of the rest those who travel by
rail. In this double respect the Hun
garian railroad reform must bo regarded
as ono of the most important of the cen
tury , nnd as certain to bo widely copied
in other countries. Why cannot wo
have a cheap zone system in the United
States ?
The Nov-pst Gront City < > f Kurnpo.
Dr. Albert Shaw , an authority on mu
nicipal affairs , writes in the Juno Cen
tury of Budapest : "To the world at
large , Budapest , the capital and metro
polis of Hungary , is the least known of
nil tbo important cities of Europe. No
other falls so short of receiving the
appreciation it merits. Several reasons
may bo assigned for its comparative
obscurity ; among which are remoteness
from the chief thoioughfaros ol travel
and commerce , the isolation of the Mag
yar limguago and literature , and the
euboidlnalior. of all things Hun
garian to the Austrian name and
fume. But the most impor
tant reason U the simplest of all ; the
Budapest of today is t > o new that the
world has not had time to make its no
qunintanco , Its people justly claim for
it the most rapid growth in recent , } cars
of all tlio European capitals , and are
fond of likcnintr its wonderful expansion
to that of San Franclhco , Chicago and
other American cities.
"When Kossuth found refuge In
America forty years ago , after Hun
gary's tiagical struggle , for independ
ence ) , the sister towns of lluda and Post ,
lying on opposite sides of the Danube ,
tou'othor had hardly more than 100.000
" jpooplo. Tlio consolidated municipality
uas now a population of fully uOO.OOU.
Out remarkable as is the increase of
population. U seems to mo far less re
ma kablu than the physical and archi
tectural transformations tlmt huvo
accompanied the town's growth in num
bers. Budapest IB not merely three or
moio Union IIH populous as It was in the
middle of the current century , but It has
blossomed out of primitive and forlorn
conditions Into the full mngnillconco of
a splendidly appointed modern metropo
lis. Rapidly developing cities usually
Imvo tlio misfortune to grow wrongly ,
Hi rough lack of foresight and wine regu
lations on the purl of the governing au
thorities. Budapest hut not wholly es
caped ; but it would bo hard to find an
other largo town whcso development
has buun kept so well in hand by the
authorities and has been 50 symmetrical
and scion ti lie from the point of view of
approved city making. In many par
ticulars of appointment , us well as in
general plan and tout oiisotnblu , Ameri
can cities might learn not a little from
Budapast" _
Through with Clinticvt.
The postollleo In the Nebraska town
was at thu back end of a gonnral stoic ,
bays M Quad , and I was inquiring for
mail when a bolid , mlddlunccd woman
advanced to ttio window , blammed down
a i-oont ! piece , and announced :
"Stain u 2-contor. "
Tlio postmaster handed her one , but
BIIO wavud U away and pitched a letter
ut his head and suiU :
"Lick 'op on 1"
Ho promptly and humbly obeyed , and ,
BB the woman walked away , I iibkod :
"Don't people out thu way lick on
their own postngo bturups ? "
"Yos , roo.l of 'cm , but that woman U
particular , and I don't want to take
chance ? airnin. "
"Chances on what ? "
"Woll , she camft in hero aboat six
months ngo for the fli'sttimo nnd bought
a stamp and commanded mo to licit. I
laid back on my dignltv and refused ,
and she turned atouna and kicked the
head out of n bar'l of N. O. molasses and
I lost about 'lovon dollars by the opera
tion. As my salary as postmaster is
only -32U a year , I can't take no moro
chances. " _
A h'mlttcn ClBllant Lett Out In tlm
Detroit Free Press : Of course she was
pretty or lie wouldn't have been quite sb
ready to go out of his way to bo of serv
ice to her.
She was standing in the doorway
of an olllco building looking out at the
rain and she Boomed undecided what to
do. She was evidently In a hurry to get
somewhere and ? ho was looking longIngly -
Ingly at his umbrella. Ho noticed the
look and wellj an Opportunity to become -
como acquainted with a pretty girl
under such circumstances was not to bo
"Permit mo to slinro my umbrella with
you , " ho said gallantly. "Which way tire
you going1
"O , thanit you , sir"sho ronlied grate
fully. "I'm in a hurry to got a street
car. "
Of course ho made liimsolf agreeable ,
and aho was gracious , but ho didn't learn
her name. She admitted that she hud
to walk two or three blocks when she
left the car , but she declined his offer to
accompany her homo. She was just
tantalizingly rosuunsivu to his attempt
to open a llltlo flirtation , and of course
that made him the moro determined to
become acquainted with her. So ho was
courteous but persistent , and when , he
saw her glanco'attho florist's window ho
nbked her if she wouldn't step in and
pick out a llttlo bouquet.
"No , indeed , " she returned hastily.
"That's whore mamma gets all her flow
ers , and the Ilorist knows mo. "
It was his chance and ho was quick to
avail himself of it.
"Let mo got you one , anyway , " , ho
said , and ho handed her the umbrella
and wont in.
"lo you know the young woman out-
stdo under the umbrella ? " ho nskod as
ho paid for a pretty bouquet.
The Ilorist looked out , and ho looked
out. There was no young woman and
no umbrella.
"Sho must have moved up the street
n little , " ho said , as ho hurried to the
She had. She had moved two blocks
or moro up the strcot and seemed to bo
in a hurry. It was raining harder , too ,
nnd as she was swallowed up in the
crowd ho throw the bouquet into the
street , buttoned up his and started
for the nearest umbrella stand.
His silver handled umbtella was re
turned the next day by a messenger
who said it was brought to the messen
ger olllco. With it was a note , which
read :
"I am glad you had your name en
graved on tlio iiandlo of your umbrella ,
as it gives mo an opportunity to ex
press my thanks for the favor you did
ino yesterday. But really , you should
not regard every favor done a young
woman as the opening of a ihrt.ition.
Of course I know why you went into the
florist's BO hastily. "
There was no signature , but ho swears
ho will find out who the young
woman is.
Indigestion , dizziness. Take Beeoham'
The Coming Ulploiiuit.
If you have the misfortune to live
anywhere in the neighborhood of Goat-
town you probably know llttlo Patsoy
Regan , says the New York Recorder.
And if not him , you know his double.
Patscy is ono of the boys wlioso .chief
detraction lies in Iho fuel that they do
not cultivate a retiring disposition.
Patscy is very much the other way , and
his propensity for mischief is in direct
ratio to the redness of his hair. He's a
little red demon on wheels , confessing
boldly to seven summers.
Ho owns u pup of the yallor and yeller -
lor variety. The yells , indeed , are moro
yallor than the pup. And that deviltry
in Goattown which isn't directly traco-
ublo to Patsoy is indirectly traceable to
The two walked proudly out the ether
morning on their customary constitu
tional. Patsoy was in front and the pup
behind. Tlio event of the walk was the
Eup's pausing a moment or two to break-
is ! on the scat of little Dominick Mul-
1 nny's trousers. But Patsoy didn't see
this little episode , and Dominick was
too much scared to yell.
Now , Dominick has a mamma who has
a good deal of ginger in her character.
She lay in wait for Patsoy.
Having accomplished the constitu
tional at the end of half an hour , Pat-
Boy and the pup started on the return.
Dominick'tJ mamma mot them.
' Say , you , Roganl" she cried , "does
that there dog belong to you ? "
"Which 'on ? " inquired Patsoy , taken
by surprise.
"I say , is that dog yourn ? "
Patsoy looked from the scowling
woman to the miserable pun , and cogi
tated a moment.
"What fur ? " ho asked at length.
"What for ? 'Cause ho bit my Domi
nick that's what for. Who's ho belong
Patsoy backed off carelessly. Then ,
with judicious weighing of words , ho
announced :
"Woll. if ho bit your Dominick , I
don't know who ho belongs tor. I never
seed him afore. "
A disease , treated as such nnd permanently
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
nry. Homo treatment. Harmless and
otlcctunl. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Hawkoyo. Send 2c stamp for
pamphlet. Shokoquon Chemical Co.
Burlington , la.
A good nppctlto nnd Improved
digestion result from a morning
drink of SULPIIO-SALISE. Its con-
tlnucd use cures biliousness nud all
diseases caused by a torpid liver.
'TIs a mild , sure laxative , n natural
mineral water , nnd Is only bottled
by the Eietlsior Spring * Company ,
Excelsior Springs
jor ftopAw.Missouri
lilcbardson Drug Co , Agts. , Omalia , Kcb.
' Puts B.ood , Peifcct Hei'th "
Sick Headache
Symptoms. I pt to begin In tlie
mnrnln ? , on waking fiom n deep sltej"
At first there l nn oppressive feeling In
the head , whleli gradually merges into
a severe heavy pnln In the temples , ful.
ness nml tenderness In one eye nni
extending across the forehead , nnd ds. !
IrtsMng sickness at the stomach ,
Sick headaches arc the out
come of biliousness or disor
dered state of the stomach ,
cause great suffering , and often
lead to serious illness.
Indian Sagwa
promptly removes the causes
of sick headache by cleansing
the system and regulating the
stomach , liver , and bowels.
$1.00 n bottle. All druggists.
Kickapoo Indian Oil
kills pain Instantly. 35 cents.
Health for the Baby ,
) Pleasure for the Parents ,
frNc\v Life for the Old Folks.
n family niralr a , requisite )
of tlio home. A S3 cent
pncknirr makes S { jnllonn ot
a delicious , strengthening ,
effervescent beverage.
w I Tlon't IK > deceived if n dealer , for
tlio saki-of Inrper prollt , lells you
Eomc nther kind Is" Just nagood"
1U false. NolmKatloulsosgood
03 thoeenuino 11 juts' .
jrlvato practice unil ror over tmriy j ears oy ino
people with entire MICCCSS. Every single SpecUlo
u special cure for tbo dlsecso named.
" hey cure without drugging , pursing or reducing
thn system nnd arc In fact ana deed ttie boti-rvlgu
lU-ineJkM uf ( lie V.'orld.
u T or rEtuctrAL yot. cthct. THICK * .
1 Fcvero , Congestions , Inflammations. . . 23
! i Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic US
3 Teclblnai ColicCrying , WokcfulnesB .23
4 Diarrhea , o { Children or Adults 22
7 ConBUH , Colds , BrunchitLi 25
8-N'eurnlela , Toothache , Faooochc. . . . . . .25
0-Ilcndncheo , Sick Headache , Vertigo. . . ' 3
10 Dyspopcln , BiliousnessConstipation , .25
11 Suppressed or Painful I'urlods. . . .25
12 V.'liHus , Too ITofuto Periods 25
I ? Croup. LurynelJlH , Hoarseness . .25
i4 Suit Ilhoum , Erysipelas.Eruptions. . .25
13 niicnmatiHiu , HueumatioPains 25
10 Malnrln , Chills , Fi > ver and'Aguo .25
17-Pilun , Blind or BleedlDe .25
1 ! ) Catarrh , Influenza , Cold In the lloaj. .25
\VIiooplnc Couch .25
27 Kidney ni.ipnflcs 22
28-Ncrvous llcbllliy 1.110
30lrlnuryVunkncsi ! , Wetting Bed. . .25
Sold l > r Drocrtiti , or wnl pcxtp la on rteclft of rrlco.
llctrHEtYi' lUxvjt. d P'C < * , ) viain rm.
HCarllUFTS'JIFn. (0. , Ill A1I3 Uim raBU , X. Turk.
riNnvnn fs | | , to ( . ( , „ instant relief In the vrorstl
and cfrrrU mrM uhcre olhcro full.
. . .Ul 1'itkin KIiK : of llronUu .
or kr Bill.
.a . . DR. H. BcmynaAwu. HI. A i. ui
jgr < aa5gicii _ j ii * '
The Kings ol Specialists.
For 27 yean tbe names ot Drs.
Bolts & lie'ts tme been household
* ordsln the homes of thousand of
people wno hare been rescued from
the ) W8 otdeata tbrough the won-
dtrtul ability , Uie ruatcmeu elclll ot
tbese creat masteri at medicine and
surgery , wbose kludoesi and benev
olence , whose Btlf-Mcriflelnc devo
tion tn the welfare ol their fellow
tarn will ever live In tbe Iiouts ol a
craictul people.
Ncnvous ,
LIVFR , eases.
Hydrocele and Varlcccelc ,
Piles , Fistula anil Rectal Ulcers
Permanently cured by a nitbod t
once tale , certain , painless and sue-
TUe awful eHects at early vie * and
r iilve Indulgincei , remlting tn
lost ot raanliood and premiturt de
cay , qulclclr and peruiaoMiU/ -
Call upon ot addreii wltU itamp ,
Drs. Belts & Belts
llOSoutb Hth St. tf. MCornop Mill
and Dougla * SU
Oiualia.I'fl'eb. '
. .
This medicine foi- babies prevents antl
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for Contains no li armful
drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming
ingredients which are lacking in most
mothers' milk and all artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Council Clmmber , Omnlw , Noli , M jr34,1BTJ
He it resolved by the City Council ot the City
of Omnluv , tlio Mayor concurring !
That nerninnent sidewalks bo constructed In
the city ot Omaha ns doslgnntod below , within
tlvo tlaya after tlio publication ot tills resolu
tion , or the p < jrsonnl service tliorsor , us by or-
illn.mco Is mttliorlzeil nnd rc'iitilreil. BiicU sldo-
wnlk to bo Inlil to tlio permanent Rrndo as o-
tabllslieil ou tlio vnvcdHtreuts siiocillBd herein
and to bo constructed ot stone or nrllllclal stona
ticcordlns to speclllcntlons on lllo in tlio olllco
ot the llonrd ot I'nbllo Works , nnd under ltd
supervision , to-wit :
North siilo of Capitol .ivomie. west 4 ! foot lot
Oli'ock 7(1 ( city. 20 foot Wide , iicrmnnctit prude.
West slilo of 15th St.- . lot 1 block 70 city , TJ
font wile , iiorinniient irr.nlu.
Knst sliluof 15th St. , south 103 foot lot 4 block
l"-i city. 10 foct whlo , pornmnvnt crude.
Boutli shluof .Inekson t. , lot 4 hlook 1T3 city ,
ID tout wide. pcrimincntKr < lo.
ortllsltloot Hint St. , lols . " > unil 8 block 317
oltv. C foot \ldo , uorinuncnt gr.ulo.
North sldu of UodRO St. . u list 50 feat lot 7
Nort'li ihle of Oapttol nvonue , lot 8 block 74 ,
city , S Moot nidi1 , poriiinneiit cnxilo.
Kistsldoplil3thst. : lot4. blockoo , city,2Jfoot
wlilu , poriutinont cnuio.
\Vo3t sldo of 12th sU. lots 1 nnd 8 block 00-
clty , 20 feet wide , periiiiinimt grndo.
North slilo of JnuLMon st. lots 5 , n. 7 , 8 block
1W. ( city , 12 foot wltlo. pi'rimiiieiit UT.KIO.
South sldo of Jnckion ttlot'J block li city ,
2)foi't wUU > , pormanontKiatlo.
tfouth slilo of Onpltol uvu. , lots : ) nnd 4 , block
fc" . city , V'i ( tcptvrlde. ucrniHiicntcruilo ,
I''istsldcof 10th at. , lot r > block lur , city , 13
foot whir. permnnontKr.ule.
Knsthido of ibtli sU , lot 4 block 171. city ,
feet wlilo , liurmntientsriiilp.
SoutU sldo of Capitol nve. lot 2 block 63 city.
Jrt ft-ct wide , permanent iradp.
North sldo of Jiiokson tt. , lotsS nnd ( 's block
107 , city , 1 ! foot wide , permanent iirado.
Soiitfi sldo of HUW.-IM St. . loll block IGl.oIty.
20 feet wlrtu , porniannnt sr.idc.
North sldo of llarnoy t. , eist VJ lot C , block
131 , city , 2J foot wide , uormanont crnilo.
Kast sldo of 17th St. . lotfi blo.-k 110 , city , 20
foot wide , permanent srade.
North shloof Jnok > oti St. . lotsO. 7 , 8 bloclclGO ,
cltv. is feet wide , pernmnont Ernie.
tbtithRldo of Jackson St. , lots 1 , S.3 , 4 block
171 , city , 13 fetft wide , permanent era Jo.
And bo it further resolved.
That the Hoard of I'nblle Works bo , and 1 ?
hcreoy authorized and directed to cnnso n copy
ot this resolution to bo publKUed In thu olll clnl
paper ot the city for one WOOK. or oo Nerved on
the owners ot snld lots , ami tbnt unless such
ownnrs shall within llvo days after the publica
tion or gurvlco ol sucu copy construct s ilil
sldowalks as horoln required , that the Hoard
ot i'nbllc Works cnuso tun mime to be ilone , tno
cost of constructing ald sidewalks respective
ly to bo assessed nualnit tba real estate , lot
or part ot lot in front ot and nbuttlnc such
PnS9ed.Mav24tb.l6 .
Trosldent of tha Council
JOIINOHOVES , City Clerk ,
o'lfo. P HE MIS , Mayor.
To the owners of the lots , parti ot lots anil
real estate described In thu aoore resolution :
You nail each of you are haroby notltloJ to
construct permanent siilov.-alka as required by
u resolution ot the City t'ouucll ana Mayor of
the City ol Omaha , of which the above is
'OPr' '
Chairman lioar'd ot Public Works.
Omaha , Neb. . Juno Gtb , Ib'J. .
! . JO lit
To the owners of nil lots , parti of lotf ) am
ronl cstiitu alon Nmutcontb stiect fron
Mnson street to 1'lorco street :
You are hereby uotlllud that the under
signed , three disinterested freeholders or the
city of Umaba. have been duly appointed ny
the mayor , with tho'approvalof the city conn
ell of said city , to usiubs the ditmaco to th
owners respectively of the property aflVctci
by grading Nineteenth street from Musoi
street to i'lerco street , doolurd nocessiry by
ordinance No. 3 01 , passed March 3J , ISO. , ap
proved April 1.1SJA
You are fuithar notified , that , h.ivlnR ao-
coptecl said appointment , and duly cjnalillcd
ns required by law , wo will , on tlio IBtli day of
Juno. A. 1) . 160. , at the hour of " o'clock In the
.if criioon , ut the olllco of T. C. llriinnor , Uoorn
1 , Ware block , within the corporate limits ft
siid : city , ri.or.t for tbo purpose of eonsldorliu
anil m-iklnK the nsseasniont ot damage to the
owners respectively of said property , nlToulod
by said Ri.-ullni' , taUlu into cousldorutlon
special benefits , if any.
You are notlllod to bo present ut the t'mo
nnd place aforesaid , and make any objections
to or statements conccrnln : said assessment
of damages , as yon mayrconsiler ( proper.
Ki ) . OUHSKE.
Committee of Appraisers.
Omaha , Juno 7. 18DA ' J7dlut
To the owners of lots and parts of lots nnd
real estate. In block 10. Kountzo 4th supple
mentary addition , and In block 1 , Kountzo
4th addition.
You are hereby notified that the undnr-
Blgncd. three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omnhi , have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with tbo approval of the city
council of said olty. to assess the damnKO to
the owners respectively of the property nf-
fccted by grading alloy In block 10 , Kountzo
Hh supplementary addition , and alloy In
block 1 , Kountzo 4th addition , declared necessary -
essary by ordinance 3C&J , passed May 24 , 18Ui
approved May24,1S'J2.
You are further notified , that havinc nc-
copted said appointment , and dulv quallllod
as required by Inw , wo will , on the ISth any of
June , A. 1) . l&Q. ' , nt the hour of 10 o'clock In
the forenoon , nt the olllco of T. H. McCtillocb ,
room 81 J. Now York J.lfo bullulng , wltnln the
corporative limits of said city , moot for the
purpo- of considering and muklii ; , ' the assess
ment of dnm.go to theownoM respectively of
said properly , ull'ooto.l by said Kr.idlni : . tak
ing Into consideration spoclnl bonollls. if any ,
DYou aio notified to bu present .tthotlmo
nnd ulaco aforesaid and make any objections
to or statements concerning said assessment
of damases as you may consider proper.
Omaha , Juno 0,1392. JTdlOt
To thn ownem of all lots , parts of lota nnd
real estate alons Mason street from 13th
ktreot to-MtU street ,
You uro lieroby notified that the under-
slRiioil , three dlsln to rested freeholders of the
city of Omutiu , iiuvo been duly appointed by
tlio mayor , with tlio approval of tuo city coun
cil of rtatd city , to assess the dnmiiRO to tlio
owners respeetlvoly of the property affected
\ > y eroding Mason Ktreot from 18th street to
SJth street , declared necessary br ordinance
: f07U passed Mny 17 , IbU- , approved May IB ,
You are further notified , that liiivlns ac-
coptodsald nppointmcot.i anil duly nuallflud
ns ruijulrtid by law , wo wl | | , on the llth day of
Juno , A. 1) . IBI ! , ' , at tlio hour of 111 o'clock In
the foionoon , at room" U. X Y. Ufo InilfdliiK ,
within the corporate limits ot nald city , meet
for the mirposoof considering and maklni : as
sessment of dumaKU to the owners respectively
ot said proportv. ulTeetcd by aald crndln ? ,
tiiltlnu into consideration special benefits. If
You are notified to bo present at the tlmo
nnd place aforesaid , and nuke any oDjocllnns
to or statements coucoriilni : said assesiinont
of damast'sasyou may consider proper.
it. W. ( MIIHIJN ,
Omaha , May S7,169 ? . J0dt
To the owners of all lots and parts of lots
and real cBtato uloii4 Ohio btreut from east
line of Denlso'rt addition to 2.'nd street. You
aru hnrt'by notified that tlm uiiifursicnud.
three dlslntoroitod freeholders of the olty of
Oiniiliii , ha > o boon duly apiiolntod by tlio
mayor , with tlio approval of the olty council
of said city , to nsJcsj the damaKu to the
owners luspeottvcly uf thu property uttuctod
by uradliiK Olilo struot from oust line of
Denlso's addition to -'nd strnet , declared
necessary by ordinance 'disi. passed May 21 ,
IsDi aunrovod May 28 , Ioii ) You uro further
notified , that having nccoptud said appolnl-
iiuuit , and duly ou nil Hud as rcqutrod tiy law.
wo will , on tliuUuih any of Juno. A. 1 > . laDX ut
tbo hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , ut thu
ofllooof T , II. McOulloch , room hi ! . N. Y. Mfo
building , within the uorporutu limits of said
city , meet for the purpooof conslcJorlnu anil
inaklns the iisicit iinlit of tlaiiitiKo to the
n ners r poctltuly of ald proporty. iitfeotoil
by gHid Kradlnir. tiiklirintu consldurutton
special beni.'lliH , If any You uro notified to bu
present at tlio tlim > and place aforts.ild and
make any objootloni to or stntouionu con.
vcrnlni ; said unossinonl of dumagui us you
nmy consider proper.
T. II. Mrri'M.OCH ,
W , O. KIIlUViit. :
\V. II. UA.TE&
Onmhu , Juno 0.1833. J7dlOt
To the owners of nil lot * nnd part of lots nntl
? nl c t itomunit Cutnlni slreot from a point
jno foot west ot 41 1 iivonuo to 4.1 tli nvcnno nnd
ntursectlns streets nt follons. to wilt 15th
troet from Hurt street to Ir.ard street.
You nro hereby notified that the under-
Icned , throe disinterested freeholders of tha
Ity ofOmahn , ha\o been duly appointed by
ho mayor , with the approval of the city
ouncll of said city , to asses ) the dumtip.0 to
ho owners respectively of the property
needed by the CMnnco of urndp of Cum I IK
troct from a point MI foot nest of 4'Jd avctitio
o 4Mh avenue tnul Intorsoj-tlnp street ns fol-
ows , to wilt 45th street irom Hurt Micet to
ard street deelarfil necostry bv ordlnnneo
So. ISO , passel February 2 , 1SW , approved
VbruaryO. ISM.
Yon are further notincd , that havlnc nc-
copied said nppointment , nnd duty nuiillficd
us required by law , wo will , on the ISth day of
June. A. 1) . , IrtU. nt the hour of 1 > 1 o'clock In
ho forenoon , nt the otllco of T. 0. Hrunner ,
room I. Ware block * , southeast corner of Kith
nnd Btreuts. within the corporate
Imlts of said etty. niiTt for the purpose of
considering and innklnx the assessment of
lamiico to the owner. * tospcctlvoly , otsaid
iroporty. nlTi etoil by said clian oof itr-ulp ,
aklnc into consideration special benellta , If
any. are notlllod to bo present at the tlmo
uid ulaca ntoresud : , and make any objections
, o or statements concerning Hiild assessment
if damage * us you iuay consider proper.
Omaha. Juno G , 1S92. JfldlOt
In purxujUL'o ot an or lluaiico ot the city ot
Omalui , passed nnd npproxcd May 17 , 18fJ. en
titled "An ordlnniico cullliua special election
to vote upon the accnpt.tnco of the nmcniloil
proposition of the Nebraska Central railway
compnny and thu Issuance ot coupon bonds
nt tno oltv ot Omnlm In the sum nt two hun
dred nnd lltty thousand dollars ( M > 0,0)U ) to aid
the Nebr.isku Contrnl Hallway compmy In
ncqulrliig dnpot Rrounda , in the con
struction of n union railway nnd pas
senger depot , nnd in the construction ot
ether railway Imorovcnicnts utiou said
uroundH. nnd to nuthorlro a tax tor the pay
ment of Iho Interest upon said bonds nnd tn
create n slnUliiit futul for the payment of tlm
prlnclpil thereof , and ropoiillir.t ordinance No.
I50.M. Dassod nnd approved May 10th , 1833.
1 , O or80 P. llcmls , mayor of tlio city ot
Omaha , do hereby Issue my proclamation mid
clvo public notice unto the losal voters of the
city of Omaha. Douglas county , Neb. , that on
Thursday , the 18th ilay of JUIIP , 180 , a special
election trill lie hold In said city at the follow
ing polling places , namely :
rtllST WA1II ) .
Klrst District Southeast corner Seventh
and Miirey streets.
Scconv District Northwest corner Eighth
nnd l.c.ivouworth streets.
Third Dlstrlct-iaM Jones street.
Fourth District 1287 South Thirteenth
fifth District Northeast corner Seventh
nnd I'aclllc streets
Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and
I'aclflo streets.
SoVcuth District C2. > Plerco street.
Eighth DlHtrlct Soutluvoat corner Eleventh
nnd Center streets.
Ninth District ISM South Sixth strcot.
Tenth District Intersection Ninth nud Han-
croft street , northeast corner.
Klovcnth District IIUI South Tlilrtoonth
street , corner Arbor strcot.
First District Intersection 1'ourtoonth and
Jones streets.
Second District 1001 South Thirteenth
Third district Intersection Eighteenth nnd
Leavemvorth streets , south sldo.
Fourth District Intersection Twentieth
and l.oavonworlh streets , south side.
Fifth District Intersection Twonty-thlnl
and Lenvenworth streets , south sldo.
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth
street and 1'opploton avenue.
boventh District 1421 William strcot.
Eighth District-1314 South Thirteenth
street ( McCtini'.lish ) .
Ninth JIUtnct Intersection Slxtoonth and
Center Btr ' , ts.
Tenth District 18J3 South Twentieth street
( I.ovott Woodman. )
Klrvench District Intersection Twentieth
and Iluncroft atrcote.
Twelfth Diatrlot 1504 Vlnton street ( Donovan - "
van ) .
Thirteenth District IntersoctlonTlilrtconth
and Tnlloy streets , west sldo.
Fourteenth District Intersection Twon
tloth nnd Uoulovnrd streets.
First District Intersection Twelfth and
Chicago strcot.
Second Distrlct 317 North Fifteenth street
( Woodworth ) .
Third DlstrIct112 South Fourteenth street ,
( A. J. Simpson ) .
Fourth District 1112 Douglas strcot ( O. J
Ciiiiun ) .
Fifth District Intoraectlou Capitol nvenuo
and Tenth streets.
Sixth District Intersection Harnoy and
Ninth streets , cast sldo.
Seventh District Intersection Eleventh aiu
Faro .un htruots.
Eighth District 1315 Harnpy street ( J. 3. .MO'
Cor inlcU ) .
Ninth District 1211 llow.-ird ( treat ( Kll
Kenny , Bruy & Co ) .
First District Intersection Seventeenth ant
DaVL'noort.treots. .
Second District Intersection Tivonty-seo
end nud Davenport .streets , north sldo.
Third District Intersection Twouty-llfth
and DOORS streets.
Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth
and DodKo streets.
Fifth District 20 South Fifteenth street.
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth und
Dnuplns streets.
Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth
street und St. Mary's avenuo.
Eighth District Intcrsoctlon Twentieth
street and St. Murv's avenuu , west sldo.
Ninth District 1818 St. Mary's uvonuo
( Rnboboaux ) .
Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth
and Louvcnvrortn streets , north side.
Eleventh Dlstrlot-1813 Howard moot ( Ills-
nrrn WAHD.
First District Intersection Sherman avcnuo
and Mundorson street.
Socona District Erliliig building , westside
Slicri.iuu avenue , between Ohio am ] Corby
Third District Intersection Sherman
avenue and Lake street.
Fourtli District 1003 Grace street , South-
jvost corner ahorman avoiiuoaud Gruccstreet.
Fifth District 1317 Micrmau uvonuo ' ? ui-
miin ) .
Sixth District 1M ! Sherman avcnuo ( Er-
II Ing ) .
Seventh Dlstrlot Intersection. Sixteenth
and Izurd streets.
Eighth District 808 North Sixteenth street
( H. G Clark. n-'ent ) .
Ninth District Intersection Cass and 1'lf-
toonth streets.
Tenth District 013 North Sixteenth strcot
( Sours , agpntl.
Eleventh District Southwest corner Elsh-
toonth and Cuss streets , 4'2 North Ulghtoenth
First Dlstrlot-Lycoum hall , 4830 North
Twenty-fourth street ( Craig ) .
tecond District Intersection Thirty-sixth
itreot and Grand nvonuo.
Third District Intonicctlou Military uvonuo
and Orunt strtiot.
Fourth District Intersection Twenty-
fourth street and Mandercon streets.
Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth
and Wlrt streets ,
rSixth District IntcrtoctlonThlrty-thlrd and
* nrLnp Mt-nAta
Bovontli District 2533 Luke street ( W , A.
MejslcL ) .
Riehth District 2625 Lakn street ( Sasstrorn ) .
Ninth Distrlot-2310 North Twenty-fourth
Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eighth
and Franklin streets.
Eleventh District Intersection Twenty-
fourth and Fr.inklln strools.
Twelfth District 1350 North Twentieth
Biv3NTII : WAIU ) .
Hrst plBtrlot-2ai3 Louvonworth street.
Second District-Intersection Twenty-ninth
nvonuo and i'opploton avenue , oust sldo.
Tlilrd District Intersection Twenty-ninth
street nntl Woulworth uvenuu. iwuth side.
Fourth District Intersection Twenty-ninth
antl Mooitli : streets.
Fifth District Intersection Thirty-second
avenue und Thomason sttoet.
Sixth Dlstrlpt 1012 Twenty-ninth uvonuo.
rovonth Dlsirlot-Intorseottuu
fourtli und Francis streets.
KIOI1TII VfJdtl ) . *
Fiiit DlKtrlot-2031 Hamilton street.
Second DUtrlut C2J : ! Cunilni ; street.
Tlilrd DUtilct-Interboctlon Twontluth and
Nleholn strooti
Fourth District MIO Otimlns ; street.
Fifth DUtrlct 2lbtlOuiiiru ) * trei' . .
Hlxth District Intenoutlou Twenty-second
Btid Hurt HtrectR.
Huvcnth District Interbcctlon Twentieth
and Cuss streets.
Klrst District Intersection Thlrty-iocond
otid Cumins street. * .
hocoud District Intortcctiou Fortieth and
CiimliiK struots , north side.
Third District Inter ectlon Fortieth anil
Farnain streets.
Fourth District Intersection Thirty.iccouj
avenue and Darunport utroet.
Fifth DUtrlot-iSiU Kurnuin street.
Sixth ' District 31011.ouvunnorth strcot
1'ortliB purpose of subinlltliu to thu legal
Tatars of snld city , for their accentnncu or ro-
jeotlou , the amended proposition of thu No-
bruaka Central Uulhray coinpiiuy to the olty
nf length ) nnd
the questions , sbull the bond * of the city ot
Omuhu bo iHined , rOi.'lsterod and dollvurod ,
n provided In said umonded propoiltlou
fcliull an annual tux bo levied to oay the Interest -
torost on such bonds us It become ! Hue ? anil
bhull a further annual tux , commencing the
tenth year prior to thu mitturltf of such
bonds , bu luvlod , In adtlltton to all other
taxes , for the creation of a sinking lund sufli-
oicnt to pay such bonds ut the maturity
Ibercof ?
tJalJ ( juuitlona , und tbo ucceptunco or rojuo-
.Ion of s.\d | nmcndod rt"Pf"IUon , Is submlttctl
: o said legal \olors. and trill bo voted Upon
ti the manner anil form followlnzt
"Tlio Nebraska Central llallwnr comnany
has made the following proposition to the
city of Omnhat
The amended proposition of the Nebraska
Central Knllway compiny to the olty of
Umnha , Nob.
To the Mayor nnd City Council of tlio Olty
of Otnnhn , Nub. ! The undersigned , the Ne
braska Central Railway company. nronoso * to
acquire nnd tnfco possession of , for rnllwny
purposes , that ccrttln tract of land , located
within the district unumlixl by Fifteenth
street , Chlcazo street. Kluvonth strout , Cali
fornia strcot , nud the right of wny of the
Jimtha llolt itnllnny company , except th 10
pouth half of block allots : i and 4 , block' "
KiT'li "nnd nbrtTrbVo-'hnif ofTots"2 "afiii 3.
block 271 and to ctcct the-rcon a union
passenger depot en the corner of riftrcnth
and Chicago streets , to cost , Including tlio
other railway Improvements on said grounds ,
not Irss th n four hundred thousand dollars
( tino.OOC. ,
Provided , th ty of Omaha , In Donglni
county , Nohr.iiKii , will donate tn the ! < iul
Sebniska Central Hallway compnny two
iiilndrod an \ fifty thousand tlollnrs ( Si.W.ODi )
of Its four (4) ( ) percent Lands. JIOO.OUO thorouf
to bo dated .Innuary'.1 , 1SO1. and tl.'O.OiX ) thereof
to bo dated Jantihry 1 , IS'JI. la bacanio duo
nil paynb o tnouty yoirs from their respec
tive date , with tntorost unyablo aoml-annu-
ally , all payable nt the Ilsc'il ngoncy oftho
tntp of Nour.-tskn In the city of Now \ ork.
Bald bonds to bo ot the denomination of ono
thousand dolluri (11.000) ( ) each , nnd o.ich
thereof to roclto.
"This bond Is ono of n series of twohutulrod
nnd llfty CJM bonds of llko nmotl nt and tenor.
wlikh nro Issued by the city ot
Omaha , In Douglas county , Nebr.iskn ,
to the Nebraska Central Hallway
compnnv , to aid It in ncijulrlng
land In tlio ult.v of Omaha for union tlppot
and teriiiinal pitrposcs and in the construe
lion of a union i r.niwny passcncor tlopot upon
said Kround , and Its railway trnc' ' < s , sldo
tracks , turnouts switches nml npproachps
lo.idlnthereto , and other rnlluny Improve-
incuts thcrowlth connectrd. "
S.tld bonds to bo oAOCtited and rolstcretl at
or Immctll itoly after the dates thereof , anil
Immudlntoly thereafter delivered to the rlrst
National bank of omulin. Nub. , trustee , to bu
held In trust for Ueilvury to the Nebraska
Canlral It tllwny cotnpintr. Its successors or
assigns , by Haiti trustee , In Installments as
hereinafter provided.
The said Nebraska Central Knllway com
pany plans to construct , or causu to t'O con
structed , a line of railway In thu statu of
Iowa , not less than lUOmlloi In extent , from
the enst approach ot u bridge , which the snld
NobR.ska ; Central Hallway company bus
planned to construct over tun Missouri rher ,
Intersecting or connootlni with or roaohliu
the lines uf two or moro ot thu following rail
way corporation i , vizi
The Illinois Central Hallway company , the
Wlnona& Southwestern Hallway company ,
tlio MlnncnpolU ft SU I.onils Hnllwny com *
nanv. the Chicago , St. 1'aul ti Kiinsns City
Untlwnv compnnv , tbo Clilo.igo , 1'ort Mnulsun
& Des Molnos Hallway t'linipany. the Atclil-
ion , Topok.i & Santa To Utllwny ctvnpany ,
the Ilaltlmoro Ohio Hallway company , the
Ohio A MUslsslpplHallwav company , the ICco-
kuk \\cstcrn Hallway company , thoQulncy
jmaha it Kansas City Hallway company ana
tlio Iowa Central Hnilwnv company
Ono hundred thousand ( tli'O.OJl Hollars ot
said bonds shall bo delivered by said tnts-
too to said Nebraska Central Hallway
< ompiiny. its HUCUCCSOOIH or u > 3it ) < ,
wlit'n It or they shall have actitilted and
tnken possession of that corl.ilu tract
nt land Incatod wltliln the illitrl.-t
Uiuntlud by Fifteenth sln > ot , Chicago slice1 ,
Eleventh Htreet , California street anil the
rlchtof w.iy of the Omaha lljlt 1C illwav com *
p ny , ( except the south half of blocks IIS. lot .1
ind 4 , block 2S , lot 1 , and the north halt of
lots 2 and : t. block -7i :
I'rovldod , that the said onn hundred tliou-
SMid dollars [ JIOO.0.0 ] of said bonds shall not
lie dollvored until after the said Nebraska
Central Hallway company. Its successors or
assigns , Bhull have ctinstructoj thn s.iltl line
ot railway In thn st-ito of Iowa.
Ono hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars
[ S150.CCOI of salJ Lends shall bo delivered by
said trustco to said Ncbrnska Hallway
company. Its successors or assigns , when It 01
they bhnll have completed tno erection of n
union passe IK'or depot upon said trautof land
anovo described , to cost. Inc ullng tbo other
railway Improvements on cild grounds , not
less than four linndrod thousand dollnis
tiltO.OOO ) : proof of such : ostto bomndnuy the
sworn stuteiri.inf of the president nnd treas-
urerof snltl railway compnny. Hied with the
city clerk of Otunha. ncccmpinled : by cortlH-
cato signed by the city attorney unn cltv on-
Klnoor. that In their nolnlon sticti amount has
actually been expended.
Provided , that If the said Nebraska Central
Railway compnny , its successors or assign : ,
sbnll fnll to acquire and tuUo possession of
aula land , tt shall not bo entitled to receive
any part of said ono hundred thousand dollars
iJIOO.iuOl inatallmciit of bonds : and. fuithor
nrovldod , that none of said ono hundred nntl
llfty thousand uoilarsrtlMJ.octi ) Installment of
bonds shall bo doll vered unt lint least ono rail
way company in addition to the Nubr.iska
Central Knllway company shall bo actually
using snld union depot ; and.
Provided further. That the mayor and the
olty council shall , by resolution , upon iho fu ! .
performance of the undertakings on tlio part
of bald railway company herein contained ,
order the delivery of said bonds at the tlmos
aforesaid ; nnd ,
L'lovldcd 'Hither , That nil matured COUDOIU
shall bo removed and cancelled by aaltl trustee
lieioro delivery of iho bonds to \ hn n
they nro attached ; nnd.
I'rovldcd further. That the mayor and city
council of the city of Omnlm shall causa to bo
levied on the tuxab'o property of said city an
annual tax sufliolent for the payment of the
Interest on Bald coupon bonds ns It becomes
duo. nnd after the uxplratlon of ten ( ID ) years
from the date of said bonds the mayor and
city council of said olty shall cause to bo
levied in addition to all other taxes on the
taxable property of snld city un amount of
tax nutticlcnt to create a sinking fund tor the
payment at maturity of said bonds , ( the
amount of tax to bo levied for such slnkin'
fund not to exceed twcnty-Qvo thousand dollars
lars ( ) In any ono year ) ; said tax to bo
continued from year to year until the salt !
bonds are fully paid.
The acquirement ot the Bald lands nml Im
provements heroin contemplated Including
the said railroad in lown. shall be begun
within ono year from Mar 1. 18D2 , und
bo pushed to completion without unnecessary
delny : nnd shall bo completed within llireo
yoare from the 1st day of July , 1892.
In cast ) nny of the terms , limitations , coirl- !
tlnaaor piovlsonspropo ! oJ horoln relating to
the beginning , progress nnd completion of
snla Improvements nro not compiled w th ,
( unless delay In directly and necessarily
caused by Injunction or other judicial pro
ceedings , or oy unavoidable accident or net
of Providence ) , the said company ahull put bn
cntltlod to rocolvo said bonds or nny thorcof.
oven though the electors of said city of Omnha
bhnll have by their vote authorized the Is
suance of said bonds ! but nil right tosatd
bonilsshall by such default and without any
judicial determination bocomn forfoltoJ ,
1'iovldcd , however , that if the boglnnln ? ,
projtresi or completion of snld Improvements
shall bo dolnjeu or obstructed by any of the
aforesaid cuiiies. the tluiea heroin allowed for
the progress and completion of said Improve
ments shall bo extended to the extent of such
dolnyor obstruction ; nnU should a dlnmitt :
nrlso between the nulu olty of Omaha und the
said T4ohra > ua Contrnl lUllwny coiup-iny
w Ith respect to thecausourottont of any such
dolny , the sumo nl the election of mild No-
draska Central Railway company , shall bo
referred for determination to a hoard of ar
bitrators , to bo appointed as horeinaf ler pro
In consideration of rocolvlni the proposed
subsidy the Nebraska Central Iailw. ( > y com
pany agrees to allow all rallnny companlei
thu following rights : The rlzhtto run their
locomotlvci.paE * > cngor und freight trams over
itu main nnd passing tracts within the city of
Omaha ; and ever its proposed brldgn and np-
praache therlvht. touiosQch portion of Un
terminal grounds , opots and facilities ni m j
Da noocssary anU proper for Iho conduct of
tbo business of nuch roads ; includ
ing nny culnrgmcnt nf Its Uepot
and depot grounds : the right to Imve
their ours swllohod und delivered by tlio No-
bruskn Central H-jllnay coTipany upon all of
Its switch tracks ; the right to connect their
road.s tit nny point within ono htiudrnd ( tool
tiillca of said olty of Oimihu with nny line of
rnllnuy wliloh the Nebraska Contrnl llalhrny
company , or its succossots or assigns , mny
( onstruct orcnuae to bo construutotl ucstof
Iho Missouri river , nnd to run tbvlr locomo-
tlvci" , piiHsonccr und freight trains over the
main und missing tracks oi said railroad :
tt bolng licreby ugrend tint In cnso
the Nobrnskn Central linllway com
pany shall , construct Its prounscd line
east of the Missouri river , through the agency
of nny otlior corporation or tinrty , It will
cnuiesuch uorporjtlon or pirty to oxooutn
nnddollvorto thoolty of Onuiliii u good nnU
suOlclont Initrumcnt binding it or him to
libido by the terms , conditions nnd provisions
of this proposition , the name na the said
Nebraska H lllw y compnnv would
hiivo boon bound If It had built tlio same ,
loforo delivery of thoaforosuld ono hundred
thousand dollars ( IIW , < JJ ) ) installment of
I'rovldot ) , that the uieand onjuymont by
such riillwny ootnpunlus of e ich and every of
sala rlctiti ( hull bu upou just and cqunl terms
anil the n.ymontot just and fulr comuuiiiu-
tlnnto the Nebraska Central lUllwny con
piny , Its successors or u&slgns , nnd subjoot to
njich operating rules und rcgulutloan of the
Nebraska Contrnl Hallway uompunv , Its uc-
cessrirsor usslgns , as Mb a II bo nocussury und
proper , juil und rotivon.blc.
And the ald NoliruHku Central Hallway
company will itibmlt any dlsuutn arlilng be
tween it unu such other company or com
panies as to thouiennd enjoyment of nny
rights umlor this proposition , or u Vo the
termi , romp-insitloo , operntlng rulei und
regulutioni , relating thereto , to u board of
arbitrator ) ) , to bo made up of three purioni
who ar judio nf ihii nuto dUtrlct court , or
Its succussur , of thu district umhracln * thu
county of Douglas , to bo koloatod by a two-
thlrJi vote of ull tha porsou * who are dUtrlut
jtidpci of said court.
1'iovldcd that nny such railway compnny
other than ml < l Nuuratka Cmitral Hilhv.iy
company. Its successors or nmlgns , shull have
the election to submit any such ( lliutltu to
urbrltratlonortp pursue nny othur roinody.
\Vhorcvur nrbltrntion li provided for by
tnl proportion , the party ( lujrluz tovubmlt
BJIV u.ttci to urbUratlou shull ouuao tu t
tervcd upon the other pnrty n written nstlol
irhlcli shui1 i-tout the mntter In dl pu ( tt
be submitted , tir.'l ti ! time proiiiitcd for thi
hnnrlng , Mhloh shall not bo IOM th-tn tlilrtj
(3' ) dnj s ixftor the tlmo of sorvlpoi nnd thereupon -
upon the ndvcrso pirtr shall within twnnt )
( W dni ! after such sorrloo upon It , serve III
nnswur. If nnv It Imve , upon the pirty do-
nnnd ng the nrbltrntion.
The lloarl of Arbltrntors , when onanlteil ,
shull Imvo pmrer t > > 11 x the tlmo ot ho.irln , ]
nntl to niljourn the sniuo : tlmo to time ,
nndtomikoall no-pts.irv rules nn 1 reiuln-
tlons for the production of tostlmuny In the
possession of cither partv , mvl otlnrwlto tq
compel n fa'rj.ind spvo ly trial ; the decision ol
a majority nf the bo ird shall control ami tlm
OiiAl dptprmlnatmn ut the board h ill bo Hunt
nnd conclusive upon thn inrllo , of n.l mat-
tointvn'ttol > i I ilnM.lp' ,
Wliorovor arbitration shall bo retorted to
Audi nr illr.itlon snail tittnepxciustvuit > mp > iy
of the parties ( except as herein elsowhpro pro-
vlipJl. ns to the mittors nud thltijs Involved
nnJ deoldott thorcln. "
tiattt Ni.'liri ' < nCt'ntrMHallw.iy pomunny. Its
Mio.o-uorA nut ) attlgns. shall transport freight
flnoludlng tr.MMtur uf freight ami all charges
Itifldonttil to ft.ild transportation ) ov r nny
bi'Men nn'l : inur < "tins , is \ nl | ns ovpr'tnv
railway It shall eon U ct within ono huntlrnil
(100) ( ) inllo < of the Missouri rhor within the
state ol Nohr.isk.i , for just or ro'isonablo r.itns
or phnrgos , nnd In case of dirteiont'o n to
whul constttutus just anil reasonable rates or
ciiarxu * uii ler 11 ir i riiu | ttio iiM/or unu
Oitr ciMincIl ur ssltl r.illw.iyoonniany may
submit i lies imo to nrhltntlon lu the mnnncr
nud to the arbitrators nbuvo provldotl for , but
this pir.i raph ro pocllnz freight clmrjnj
Hhall not hoooiuo operative or In force unUI
five years from the ilatn of the delivery of the
lull Installment ot the bonds hutolnboforo re *
ferred u > .
It Is further propr sed that siltl bonds yhall
ba dollvrriMl to the Nebraska Central railway
oompiny. Its ors or assigns , only upon
the execution by the said .NiMir.isk i I'otitrnl
rtllw.iy coiuuinv ur Us success irs , nnd dolly-
orv to the cllv of Onviha of an unilortukliu ut
wrilln : to thouireat depot
of saltl rallw yeompany.lts general olllces nml
prluslpal in'i > ! ilnoshtH | wlinn built , ithall ho
[ nt'ntod nntl inulnt line I ultliln the corpurato
limits of the city of Omnhi : , an I th it n vlnla-
linn < if the turms of s.ild undertiiklug by tha
Hild ; Nebraska rallwnycompanv or IU
uccossorsor nsslgns , wlmll render the said
Nebraska railway comunnyi or Its
successors. Induhted to thosnl I olty of Omaha
In the full amount ot s.ittl iioiuls , nntl Interest
This pionosltlpii shall , after being duly
ncknowletUvd by tha Nebr.isxa Central Itall-
way compiny , lie rocnrdpd In tlm olllco of the
register of doftls of It itiglntcotinty.Ncbrnikn.
and fur n porloil of twenty ( i ) years from and
nfti'r this dnto. sli ill be refurrcd to by giving
tliobojk und page whci lu thu SAUIO Is re
corded It , nny mnrt ngp. tloo I of trust , deed of
convovnuci1. or lease of imid depot and tlenot
siouuds , with the statumenl that thu H ilil Nu *
bp-ska r.-M'ril rrtllwnv piimilnnv. IU siu'ru"- !
ion and nsjlgni , are bound by the terms , i Init
iations , p.on-uons anil cuiulliloiis ot tun
proposition which me mmlu Its rove *
nnnti that ntt.ioh to ami run with the said
ptnporty Into wlumiovor hands It may vomo ,
Provided , that the city council of the city ol
flni'ilri. ( the maviir ininrovnr.1 In duo furnil
shall enact a certain ordnmnco ( wliloh nt tlio
dnto hereof. Is pending consideration lie Com
snld council ) , entitled "Annrdlnanco eriMitlnij
permission ami authority to the Nebraska
Coiitrat Itallnny ciimpany. Us hiicepssois and
asslgiiH to roustiiict railroad tracki along.
: u-ro < s. ovpr anil under curtain streets nml
alleys In the rlty of Omaha subjpcl to certain
cou I'.tioii' ' . nml to vncato pnits uf certain
streets mil alleys In the city of Omiilisi upon
compll mcp with certain other I'omlltlonV
And It l.s also provided , that If suM Nebr.inlc.i
Central rill ay company shall not , within
foity-llvotl'i ) days of being "notlllod by the
olty clerk of thu atlout on ol
tills proposition at the election
hold to vote upon the simo , lllo
\vlth tlio salil city clrrk Its written ritttlto ! >
lion of th's ' proposition under llt < cornornto
soul , none of said bonds shall bo Issued , and
.ill the terms nnd provisions of this proposi
tion shall bo held fornaugbt.
The Nebraska C'ontrut : Hallway eompnuf
agrees befoio an olectlon lining in : Ipd to sub
mit to the voters nt the city of Oniah i thli
proposition , Hint It will e\eeuto mill dollvui
to sild cltv a bond with good unn sulllok'iil
sunitlos In the sum uf live thoiisiud tlollari
iXOOJ 0)and ) llvo tlioUB.ind doliiii-s ( J..fC-n.lOi
rash , conditioned upon the payment of tha
uxpentciof said election.
'Ibis proposition mid thu acceptance threat
by the city of Omaha and the ratltlciitlon of
Ihls proposition by said Nebraska Central
Hallway company , or Us successors oniH-
slgnes , a-- heroin provided , shall bo construed
and understood to constitute a contract
1-otwocn the said Nebraska Central
Hallway company. Its successors or assigns ,
and the said city of Omaha , and all tlio tn-ms.
conditions , agreements and provisions mndo
on the p'irt of thu Nebraska Central Hall
way company In this proposition con
tained are heioby made the covenant ]
of tbo s.ild Nohrnsk-i. Central Hallway
comnany. Us successors nnd assigns , which
shall attach to anil run w th all of Its sal'l
property nnd bo binding upon niiy party Into
whoso hamK It or any of It may como.
In witness whereof tlio said Nebraska Cen
tral Hallway compiny hnsnauscd tlioio pres
nits to bo.ovcculed this IBth day of May. A.
" "
Hv.7. 11. TtiMosrf. )
Vtcu I'res duntk
Attest : JOHN L. McOAGUE. Secretary.
[ SCAI. ]
Witness : ALr.V. G. OIIAHLTON.
Statuof Nebraska , I. „
Douglas County , f-8'
On this lull tlavof May. A , I ) . . 1B9J , bcfor
me , u notary public In and for salil county ,
pei > ontilly npjiearotl the above named J. II.
Diimonl and John L > . McCngiio. who are to mo
personally known to ho the Identical per *
sons who signed the foregoing Instru
ment as vice president nml secretary of
the Nebraska Kaliwuy company :
they ncknowle.lgK the said Instriimont to no
the voluntary not ami tleen of tlio said Ne
braska Central Hallway company anil thulr
voluntary act and dnetl asHiicn vlco [ iresldunt
nnd secretary of said company.
Wltnoss my hand nud notarml seal the date
last nforesald. AljUX. G. CIIAHI/PON.
IsnAL.I Notary 1'tibllc.
Shall Iho ubovo nnd forogolng proposition b <
accepted and atloptod. shall said bonds bo Issued -
sued , registered nnd delivered and shall un an
nual tax In addition to the usu.l and tillothoi
tnxos bo lovlcd upon the tnxniilo property of
the City of Omnhn , Douglas county , No-
hraskn , sutllcleiit to piythe Interest on snld
bonds us U becomes due , and nt the
tlmo of levying ( ho nun mil cltv tax ,
commencing thu tenth year prior to the
maturity of said bonds , .shall a tax In
addition to nil ether taxes bo luvlod upon thn
taxab o property of said city of Omaha. Doug-
ins county , Nohrnskn , nnd continued annu
ally thereafter from year to year until there ,
by n.sinking funtl shall have been objalnod
nufllciont to pay snld bonds nt the maturity
thereof ?
The above questions shall bo regarded AI
ono question and nil ballots of lo/nl voters
cast at said election confitiilng thu nlovu
proposition und questions In the form of thu
olllclal ballots , to bo prttparcd bv the city clerU
of said city lor said election , with
an "X" mark following the word "yes"
upon said olllclal l illot sh ill bu counted In
favor of the acceptance of said nmomlotl prop
osition , the Issuance of snld bomla nui thu
In vy of said taxus In payment of the principal
and Interest thereof : and all ballots of lujral
voters at s ild oluc-tlon containing the
nbovu proposition and ijuestlous in the form of
the olllclal ballot , to bo piaparod by the
city clurk of mild city for auld
election with nn "X" mnrlc following tlio
word "no" upon said olllclnl ballot Kin II
bu counted nud considered us ugnlnn
tlio nccuptnnco of snlri amontlud propo
sition , the Issuance of said bonds nnd
the luvy of Siild taxes In luymmit nf tlio
principal ami Interest thereof. If two-thirds
of nil the unllota voted by said lo.itl voton of
mild city of Omaha. Douglas county. No.-
br.skn , utsuld tilcctlon shall lociKt in favor
of the acceiilancoof sild atnunuod proposi
tion , the Issiiunuo of said bonds find thu levy
of suld taxes In payment of the principal und
interest thoiuor , thu foregoing propo
sition will bu holil to bo adopted und Iho foro-
g nuustluns will ba held to I o answered In
favor of the j , uaii'a : of aalil bondsand thu
levy of salil t-ixe.H , and thu said Innds ihoro-
upon Khali ho Isxiod. ro.-ht'Jro.l und dullvcruil
lu accordant : ! ) with thu ti > rnm ami condition *
of said amended proposition , and said tnxus
Bhull bo levluil accordingly ; othcrivlsu not.
Which eloutlon will bo npon utH o oloi'lc In
tlio mornmir , and will umitmuu open until U
o'clock In the nftoriioon of the HIUIIO duv.
D.itoJ ut Oniiihii , Nub. , this ISth dav of .Mny ,
1697 IHlsnud.l OlIUHfJi : I' . IIKMJS ,
> iUyorot thu Olty of U in ah n.
ills , wind mills , tanks , pumps , ole. U. S
Indian Hcrvlci1 , I'inu Hldgu A.-cncy. Hliiiiiiion
Co. . H. I ) . , Mny 2ith , IMti. feeuloil proposiilw ,
undoit > od " 1'iopoMiilH fur Ilinldliig .Mnturlul ,
utc. " nu thu uasu mny hu uml aililro.Jeil to thu
undorulgiu'd ut I'inu Itlduu Auunay , S. D , will
bo rucolved tit tlilH ugunuy until 1 o'clo.-k p. in.
of Juuol'lsu IMC' , for furnishing 'in i ilullvur-
luu' ut vurloiih iioliituon thul'inu Ildg ( ( > liidlaii
rohurvatiun to liu ilcjlgnatud bv thu iiudor-
blisnud , iiboul IMO.WJMuot uf iisjorti-il luiiihur :
IGd.UlU Bhluifk' * ; ! U wintluwsi I'J Uoora ; 0 , " ) J
lirlcks : 2.1 U fuutof ( ( tiarler tuiiiul lion , hard
ware , imlnu. rod.n mil , ite. . aUo llvu ( ' ) tun
foot Mind nilllM und pov/uM.wlthttul . .liiiliilH ,
h'alvauUud iron plpo , ntu , A full list
uf all material may bo obtained by
iippllcatlon to the uirlcr * iii' < l. Illddurs
ni < > rciiulrud to bpoollltijlly lu lliulr
hkla tliu proosod | irluoof unch niti-
clo oirerud fur ilulliory un lur a contract.
The right ! x reserved to rujot-t nny or all bids
or any purtof uiiy bid if ilroined for thu host
luii'rubtiif thu Horvlco. OKUTIKIXD CIIKCKS
l.aoh bid muHt bu ui'cnmiiuiilul by a curt llud
check or draft upon some United Btutcm do-
posltory or nolvunt national U.iciU In thu vl-
ulnlty uf the rundaiiuo of thu blddiir , made
iiaynblo to the order of tliu ComrnUiloiu'rof
Inulati AITulrH for at loust llvu p'jrount of thu
amount of the proio | al , whlnh chuck or drift
w.ll bo forfeited to thu Uuitudiit.itu.slui
any lilddorur biddersroculvlim nu aw.n "
fall 10 promptly uxuciitu u contruut with KO xl
and siillk-lont mrctioj. otnorwluc to bo r'-
turned to the bidder. Illtlt u" < 'ompunlid ! by
c li In lieu of a uorttflud clutek will not l < o
cunildori'd. For furthvr Information u to
points of dullvury. IrJiinp'irtHlIou of. up ly
to LAl'T.iKOItJii ( ( > KHOY llKOttN. I . * A. ,
Actln ; L , B. ludlau Asunt. iu6J.ltll