Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    I r/i n
fcpeech by the knowindgo among the specta
tors and delegates tliat he xvns to bo the first
iuon to second the nomination ot Blalna later
on , The vigor and eloquence tbo Callfor-
nlon displayed captured tbo great oudlonco
from the outset , and xvhon bo concluded
tbo cheering xvas tremendous. Chouncoy
JJppcw in thO Now York delegation looked
worried at the demonstration , whllu down
tbo atslo the Uhloans scorned tickled beyond
expression. It was a Dlalno moment , and a
supreme ono.
H. 11. IJothcft of Illinois rteprocitod tbo
attempt to conjure up prejudice against tbo
oQlco-boIdlng class. Ho in ado an allusion
ot a derogatory nnturo to Iho people -
plo of the section from which
tbo contof t came which generally spuaklne
was that you rannot pro vo any thing by them.
It was u bad bronk , mid a largo number o (
tbo galleries' occupants blssod , and sotno
cried , "Down , down 1"
ilon Cannon' * ( Ircut llluir.
Both 0,1 bocatno rattlcd'at tbo reception
tbo rorrmrk pot. Cannon of Illinois for
tunately1 < iskcd If it were In or
der , u Ib tbo galleries biasing ,
tlio delegates speaking on the floor ,
it xvero In order to move that tbo galleries bn
denied. A burst of laughter and n look
nt ex-Speaker Hood followed the bland mi-
hruiicomonl of Chairman McKlnloy thai It
xvns In orilcr , ho believed , under the rules of
the Fitty-firsi congress , which nro the rules
of tbo convention. Cannon .announced that
bo would move that tbo hnllcrlos
im rinnred If thcro were moro hiss-
Ine , but ho would hnrdly liavo taken
the Job of an assistant sorgoant-nt-arms and
attempted to clear tbo galleries , for tbo
ciowU xvas excited and intensely interested.
Senator Wolcott of Colorado , In sneoklntr
for the mlnorltv roporV , warmly denounced
not only the deputy marshals In Oklahoma ,
but hundreds of ofllcoholdorit who were
today nroscnt 'n tbo gallorlos nnd In
the 'boll of it. nvoiitlon crowding
out the people's ilelogQtco In their frantic at
tempt to ronomlnnto the president.
Wolcotl's speech was nnsworod by
' Mr. Hart of West Virginia , who
said that bo came from a southern
stnta nnd yet bo was not an ofllcoholdor.
Ho came from the state of West Vir
ginia , which had given Cleveland
but 500 majority In IbSS , nnd would
go republican In 1MU. To him
it was dinicult to conceive bow Urn flvo of
the mlnorltv should Imvo moro wisdom than
the twenty-Jive of the nmjoilly.
Alriild ol tlio Algol-lies.
The iroatcst Interest was manifested
wbon Colonel II. M. DuOlold of Detroit , the
Alger mannpor , nroso to aponk in favor of
the minority repot t. His action was
interprotcd ' as meaning that the
Alger people were prepared- vote
with the Blnlno pcoplo in the test of strength
ngaltsl tbo Harrison force * . DuflleUl said
Jf any mau had Invited the republicans
to moot In convention in the grand jury room ,
tbnt man oupht to bo Invited to stop Into u
grand Jury room before a jury of twelve and
bo Indicted.
Slitirp I'lissiifjo lit Worils.
The distinguished Powell Clayton of
Ark&usas. who rose to defend the majority
report , Bald that be bad a right to speak , because -
cause ho bad never nold any otlico to which
ho had not boon elected by tbo pcoplo of his
stato. Ho intimated tbnt perhaps a liner
sense of propriety would suggest to tbo sen
ator from Colorado that bo , too , being an
oniceholdor , wus throwing mud at olllco-
bold ° crs who took an Interest in President
Harrison' * ) ro-olectlon. ,
"I do not hold oftlro nt the appointment of
tbo president of the United States nnd I am
ut. Washington ns I am rigbtly hero , to rep
resent my repuoilcan constituency , " was the
response of Senator Wolcott , and his reply
XX as loudly cheered by the Ulalno dolcgatos.
Cannon of Utah , In behalf of tbo "regu
lars" In Utah , presented n minority report
lecommonding that tboy bo seated and that
the majority report recommending that their
opponents , the liberal party , bo given a half
vote , bo not accepted. Ho said ho repre
sented the regular party.
"If you scat thcso men , " said Cannon ,
"you tent them on the old issue. They don't
know that Urlghnm Young Is dead yot.
[ Urcat laughter and npplauso.j Glvo us our
seals and you will oncouragn u [ growing
party mid when that state is admitted wo
will civo you a republican atato. " fCheers.J
There was wild nnnlauso v.'hen Cnauncoy
Dopuxv arose to support tbo majority report ,
which ho did brleliy.
XX'urner Miller's Amault ,
Ex-Senator Miller ut Now York spoke for
tbo minority and as his first oolnt said that
bo had listened to many reports of the com
mittee on credentials but this was the llrst
tlmo ho had over heard a majority report
which gave no reason why it should bo
adopted except that It was the ma
jority report. H bad boon said
that the majority report was ) I to 30. That
was not BO , it was ! 2l to 28. Was ono majority
to outweigh everything olsot Tbo minority
bad given reasons and not ono speaker hod
given any facts to coutiovort tt. The national
committee , composed of the men who bad
led the party to victory last year
bad , after several days' dcllocratlon ,
given the four sitting members their
seats by8 to 21 , and it should bo sustained ,
unless tbo facts woio brought to impeach tbo
fuels of tha minority report , which 'had not
l > ccn done. Miller then closed by moving as
Q parliamentary motion that the Cogswell
report bo divided , and tbu present vote betaken
taken on tbo Alabama part alono. At this
point Clarkson and Plutt bold a mold
interchange at Plait's scat. No ono
who aw ll doubted that preparations were
in bund for the now evidently close comluj
of the first real test vote between thu Ulalno
nnd Harrison forces.
Chairman Cogswell said that , representing
the majority or the committee , ho "had stated
to tlio convention at the beginning that no
tlrnobad been bad to prepare the report. The
convention bud thouuhl best nevertheless
to call for an oral report "nnd now tbo gentlemen -
tlomon nro assailing tbo majority because it
imd.nol submitted I. formal argument lu
luvor of its leiiort. " Ho concluded by mov
ing the previous iiuestlon. nnd Immediately
the ( Jonmml for the previous question was
seconded by n majoilty of the delegation of
Mu&sai'husots , Dclawaio nnd West Virginia.
I''or ' u Separate Vote.
Senator Quay , rising to a parliamentary
question , wanted to Know the effect of the
previous question if It would onublo thorn
lo t.avo a vote on the separate propositions
involved in the report.
Thu chair ruled that Senator Miller having
demanded n division of tha propositions In-
vol\od In tbo Cogswell report iburo could bo
lapiuule votes taken.
liolh side * were ready for the vote and n
si or m of npplauso greeted McKinlcy when
1m usked If the previous question should bo
ordered. Before this was done , however ,
\ > v unanimous consent , tlio majority re
port In all cases whoio thcro wus
no minority report was submitted and
adopted by acclamation. An amend
ment was now iimilo to tiuto u vote
on Iho Alabama case and when the utllrma
tlvo xoto was submitted an apparent majority
o ! tlio convention arose. Instantly tbo Now
YorK and Pennsylvania delegations do-
tiiuiiUod a roll cull , nud it was ordered by tbo
' convention ,
. I'ulliiiK tliu I.on ) ; Hull.
: When the buzz of tbo polling of tbo state
dolOL-utlons subsided and the hasty
r consultations ceased the roll call
Leimi. Suddenly came the sharp rap
of Iho chninmin'b gavel and tno cluru sonorously
ously culled "Alabama. " In a second
L'lmuucoy Donoxv wan on his feet protesting
niralnsl tbo limn sitting Alabama delegate *
( Blulua men ) voting on their own case.
Spounor supported Dopow and FassiHt apoliu
li.r Iho Blame side.
\VlilMi > fld , nut iion't Knou it7
A mighty yell grouted the announcement
of the Harrison victory. Tbu figure * xx'ura
mi1veas and -J'0 " Tbu words were loft
D u Unfilled , although tbo mutual figures in
tbu QoiuUYOworiH' ) , the president's friends
lull the word ' 'three" unhuard in ttio
din , Canes , havt and kerchiefs , any-
tnlug taat could bn grabbed , were swung
wildly In triumph , whllu Uiu doino seemed to
trombli ) xvllb tbo toriillu roars of appluujo.
Au nltompt to adjotiru tbo convention ut this
interesting juuuturo failed , J'lio hour pro-
Doaed wus 10 o'cloclt in tbo morning , but It
wa * decided by a substantial majority to pro-
ci'oil with the buslnuss of the convention
lUthout delay.
Mr. Dopow , tbo loader of the Harrison
forces , wus uskod U hovcfo satisfied with
the test.
"Yen , " bo replied , smiling , "And wo will
bu twdity-llvo votoa Htronyor on tbo main
quest Ion. "
Ex Senator I'lattof Now York said : "I
would prefer not to glvo an opinion until a
tutor uullol lit taUeii. "
Cuiilrunu Clarkson saidt "I cannot toll
what lu ni uillcauco I * . Thuro were
enough nbscnt In Louisiana and ouo'or two
of the other states to leave HarrUon short
of a majority xvban wo consider the scatter
ing votes that will bo east for tbo dark
horses. I don't ' glvo up the light yot. "
Verbatim Itrport lit tlio Coiuontlon'n Night
Minn , , Juno 0. At Sr : > 9 p.
m. tbo thump ot President Mclvlnloy's pnvol
Intimated that the order was desired xvh'lch
was necessary for the dispatch of 'business ,
"Tho convention will plcaso bo In or Jor , "
said empbaslztug his command with
further thumps of hU gavel.
Wbon the convention was In order , C. M.
Dopow of Now York rose In his place nnd
was received with nt > plauso. Ho said : "I
rise to u question of privilege , but it Is a
ptoasant pr'vllcgo. ' Wo have present bora
among our number a delcgato who has boon
n delegate" to every national convention ot
the rcpuUlcan party filnco Its organization ,
who has rotod In every presidential election
of the United States for Iho last sixty years ,
who has served with distinction in con
gress nnd in the cabinet of the president
of tb United States , and who Is today at 83
years of ago , In full activity and In full poi-
session of bis faculties , and whllo England
claims so much for Mr. Gladstone because
at S3 ho In so strong nnd so vigorous , America
claims moro for Colonel pick Thompson ot
Indiana , who Is 83. ( Cheers. ) Colonel
'J hompson U 83 years ot ngo today. I move ,
sir , Urn t the congratulations of this conven
tion bo extended to Colonel Thompson , upon
his 83d birthday , with the bopo that bo will
round out his century , attending during the
intervening porloa every national convention
of the republican parly. [ Cheers.J
Tbo motion of Mr. Dopow was seconded by
C. F. UrIOln of Indiana. Than the motion
was put and carried unanimously , and
Colonel Thompson was escorted to the plat
form by Mr. Dopow and Hon. A. C. Uawos of
Colonel Dick Tliumi > 9on'fl Sproeli.
Wbon ho reached the platform nnd faced
the convention , Colonel Thompson spoke as
follows : "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen
of the Convention : Your action has axvak ?
eucd lu my heart memories which I bavo
not words to express. 1 ewe you the deep
est possible gratlludo and the oxprcision
of which I oiler you now. when I
remember the events with which I have
been associated m tbo political xvorld , nnd
llnd around mo such mou assembled as this ,
engaged in the common cause of preserving
the welfare and honor of this land , 1 fool as
If I were young again , f Applause.J True ,
by the march which the dial has made , I am
Si yoors of ago today [ applause ] but I am
not half that in reality , bbcausc I am stimu
lated and emboldened by an undaunted re
publican spirit which animates mo and which
causes rae to bellovo- with on honest con
viction that tbo destinies of this country
aie to bo controlled by that great party for
years and years to come. [ Applause. ] I
wt\3 reared nnd educated under revolution
ary influences , nnd from my revolutionary
ancestors 1 learned my republicanism. [ Cries
of "trood , good , " and applauso.j They
taught mo to boltovo that the Ill-stand pri
mary duty of tbo government of tbo United
States was to take euro of tbo Interests 'of
the people and to preserve all these great
guarantees ot tbo constitution which
nee intended to secure to us nnd
to our children the inalienable
rlcbt of popular soli-government. fAp-
plauso.j Ono of the instrumentalities by
which that great right Is to bo preserved is
the institutions , under God , of the republi
can party [ applause ] and wo nro today in
tbo execution of tbo great trust which bas
bronjcontldcd to uslo lay the foundation of an
other triumph on the coming November
which shall assure to us. and for yoors to
como to our posterllj , that this is ttio hap
piest , tbo most prosperous , the greatest nnd
the grandest government upon the earth. "
[ Applauso.j
Ills Tlrst Vote Was for Clay.
"I cannot trespass upon your patience by
entering upon the discussion ot polit
ical questions now , I simply TOSO
to return to you my tlncoro and
hoarlloli thanks for your congratulations ,
and to promise you In return that I will
moot you hero or somowboro else In this
broad land again four yours honco. [ Ap
plause und cries of-"coocl , good.1' ! And I
will do as I have done many a tlmo before
aid you in selecting unothor republican can
didate for tbo presidency. ( Applause. )
" 1 have paused through actively fifteen
presidential campaigns. Tbo llrst vote I
dvcr cast for proslnont of tbo United States
wus for Henry Clay fcheotsj the cruat
champion of protection , [ Applause. ]
The proudest vote I ever cast in
my llfo In a legislative body
was in 181i , for the tariff of
that year [ applau50 | and I hope to sco the
tlmo como when the public sentiment in Ibis
country shall so far Indicate that the great
bill which bears your honored name , sir
[ tbo speaker turned to Chairman McKlnloy
and tbo convention npplaudod vo-
ollorouslyj that neither faction nor
purtv shall over bo aolo suc
cessfully to attack It. Now than , I
promise you again that 1 will mcot you hero
four years hence , und I bopo to sco our
honored chairman hero so that wo may grco' ,
him as tbo author of a bill which has stood
the test of a four or flvo year's of attack by
Its adversaries and yet remained utmssailcd.
[ Applauso.j
Viiin Jlllort * ot Ilrmouracy.
Tbo democratic party proposes to destroy it
by plocomoal , like rats gnawing at the ropes
of a ship , seeking to sink It when tno great
ship moves onward * nnd bids dcllanco ta the
storm. [ Applause. ]
I return to you again , therefore , mv
boartfolt thanks for your sympathy , your
congratulations and your kindness. [ Ap-
Tim rniiiiHyliiinl : ! Dlimgtor.
Too cleric then read the following com
munication :
TiTL'sviu.B , 1'a. , .Iilnu 8. Colonel John J.
Carter. T. I ) . Simpson , Delcuutt'fl or tbo Penn
sylvania Delegation : Our olll/.oim o. illicitly
request you to notify ihu people of tlio conn-
tiy , through a public nnnmincomonl before
tlie con volition , of tlio torilbln los-i of llfo and
property and consequent suirerliu among bur
people from thu iccent Hood mid llii'M ut Oil
TMo proceedings of the convention huvn nb-
borbod thu attention of Ihu country and lilted
tbo newspapers to thu exclusion of full ac
counts of our disaster , whleh will not bo
l/ed unless more dlroully brought to the no-
tlcoof tbu public in this way ; thus provontln
HiilBurlptlons to the relief fund now absolutely
nocuHtary to prevent additional tuilTortMK und
death. Mnliu known tlio effect of our loss and
nssuro the oonentlon thai every dollar of le-
llof fiirntHhod will bo hone-illy anil faithfully
distributed by eoinpotunt and faithful ultlruns
iimoiu tbuuulTorurii.
The communication was signed by K. O.
Kmorson , mayor of Titus vlllo , and W. Q.
Hunt , mayor of Oil City.
Commit too on CrrilontlnU.
Tbo Chairman The regular order Is the
report of the committed on credentials , nnd
I rucognlzo thu'cbairman , General Cogswell
of Massachusetts.
General Cugswoll-rThQ oommlttoo on cre
dentials closed its hearing at 8 o'clock to
night. Thuro has boon no tlmo to mubo a
written report. Noilco bas boon given lethe
the majority that a minority report inlght'bo
expected in regard to some of tbo coutvstod
cases. No tlmo has been allowed for the
minority to submit Its views lu writing.
The majority , if the convention Is so minded ,
Is prepared to report verbally the action of
tbo maturity , ana awaits the direction. Mr.
President , of tbu convention ,
Mr. Wallace On behalf of the minority I
desire to proiont , a partial report As tbo
gentleman from Massachusetts Das already
said , wo liuvo so recently adjourned that it
nas born Impossible lo obtain the mtautos
from which to complete tbls report , for the
Information of this nonvontlon ; but as a par
tial report from u minority of t o committee ,
I doslroto fubmlt tbo fallowing report :
Mr , Wulluco banded to tbo secretary tils
written roport.
I'rollurtul u Vurlml lleport.
The Chairman --Tbo report ot the minority
will bo received and submitted to tbo con
vention alter ttiu report of the majority shall
bavo bcon made. Tun gentleman from/Massa-
qhusolti , tbo chairman of the comuilltcu on
credentials , slates lo the convontioa that ho
) not prepared with u written report at this
time , but bo will proceed with n verbal ro
port. If there Is no objection bo will proceed -
coed , Tbo chair dons not boar any objection.
Mr. Lockwood of Idaho Mr. Uhulrman do
1 understand there must bo two reportI
Tbo Chairman Yes , sir.
Mr. Lock wood wauled to know if tbo
majority w s ready to report , nud If the
minority bad no opportunity to report and
the chairman said ! "Tho chair
man of the committee on credentials
RtatOs tbnt ho Is ready to make n report in
behalf of the majority , but has not had the
time to put the roj > ort In writing. Mr.
Wallace of Now \ork , tbo representa
tive ot the minority , state * that ho has a
partial report which ho has sent to tbo clerk's
dcsx to bo submitted after the chairman shall
bavo made bis roport. "
.Majority Itppurt.
General Cogswell Mr. President , the
chairman of the committee on credentials has
considered the list ot uncontcslod delegates
nud has heard parties In four contested cases.
It recommends , first , that the uncontented
list submitted by tha national committee to
the temporary organization bo accepted as
the list of duly accredited delegates and
alternates except in tbo cnsos to bo hereafter
Second In tbo matter of contest In the
Klgbth Alabama district your committee
recommends for the sitting members that
they retain their seats. Tbo s.imo report Is
made a > to the contest In the Third Alabama
district. Tno satno report Is submitted In
regard to the Fourth Alabama district.
As , to the contested dologatos-at-lurgo from
Alabama , your committee recommends that
the contestants , MOSSM. Noble , Smith , Dor-
sett nnd McEwan , bo given scats.
In the Fifth Alabama contest , your com
mittee linds lu favor of the silting members ,
and recommends that tbov rotnln tholr scats.
In tbo contest of the Ninth Alabama dis
trict , the comnmtoo locomtuands that the
contestants , Huston and Maithows , be
Kentucky , I.oulalnni Unil Miirylnnil.
As lo tbo contest in the state ot Kentucky ,
your committed recommends that the con
testants , Messrs. Matthews and Wlnstoll , bo
given scats.
As to the contestants iu Louisiana , as to
dclogatos-at-largo , your commlttoo llnds in
favor ot the sitting members.
As 10 the contest in the First Louisiana
district your oommlttoo llnds for the contest
ants , Messrs. Booth and Lowls. and recom
mends they bo seated.
As to the contest in Iho Second Loulsi ana
dlstiict your commlttco finds for the sitting
Tbo sumo finding is made in the Fourth
Louisiana district.
Iu tbo Sixlh Louisiana district your com
mlttco llnds for Members Donate and Dreau ,
the coatcstantj , and recommends tboy bo
In the Fourth district of Maryland the
commlttoo recommends that the contestants ,
Messrs. bupplo and Cummlngr. , bo soatod.
Mississippi , Maryland mill To\is. :
In tbo contest In Mississippi as to tha
dclcgatos-at-lnrgothocommlllco recommends ,
as does the national commlttoo , that tbo
regular delegates nnd contestants both bo
scaled with the rights ot half a votn each.
As to tbu Seventh Mississippi district , Iho
committee finds for the sitting mombofj.
As to tbo contest lu South Carolina on
delogntos-at-largo , the committee llnds in
favor of the sitting members.
In the contest In tno Fourth North Carolina
lina district , thu committee recommends that
Mr. Nichols , the contestant , bo seated , m
place of Mr. Williamson , the sitting member.
In tbo S.xth district of South Carolina
tbo commlttoo finds in favor of the sitting
mom bars.
Iu the Seventh South Carolina district tbo
commitlOB rocotnmonds that Messrs. VValser ,
lialloy and Molt bo seated , wltb tbo rlrfht to
two-thirds of a vole each. ,
In tba state ot Texas in tbo Sixth district
and in ull the contests tlio committee linds in
favor of the sitting members.
In Iho District of Columbia thu commlttoo
finds for tbo sitting mombors.
Utah's Contest.
in tbo territory of Utah the commlttoo
recommends thai the sitting members and tbo
contestants , Mossrs. Goodwin nud Allen
Walling , bo sealed with half a vote each.
The member of the committee , Mr. Salisbury
of Utah , desires that I sbould uoto bis dis
sent to tbo action of the committee in tbls
lust caso. I am authorized to report for
the committee , that it the convention
shall decldo that Indian Territory and Alaska
are entitled to seals hi tbls convention that it
will bo nblo at any time to report upon these
who purport to be delegates from those ro-
spoctlvo territories.
This report is respectfully submitted for a
majorltv of tbo comuiittoa by its cbalrmau.
Mr. Wallace of New Yorn addressed the
The President Does the gentleman from
Now York , Mr. Wallace , dnslro to present a
verbal statement or does bo deslro that his
report shall bo road by the secretary I
Mr. Wallace -That Is nil Iho report that I
am abloto make , the ono that I deslro to have
the secretary read from tbo dosk.
Minority Iteport.
The secretary road the minority report as
follows :
In the disputed Alabama oases on tno delo-
gatcs-at-largo and the Nmtb district referred
to your commlttoo on credentials , and upon
which it could not agree , the minority report
as follows :
Ttmt in tholr opinion the question as to tbo
dologalcs-at-liirgo is largely QUO , it not
wholly , of regularity and organization. This
convention was duly called for April 23 , IS'JJ.
Tbo state commlttoo was duly called and it
mot tbo day prior thereto at Montgomery ,
Ala. , at the oQlco of tbo collector
of internal rovcnuo at 12 o'clock noon of
tbo 12th day of April , that being tbo tlmo
and place announced by said Mosoley to
members as. thn time and placo"of
said committee mooting. Tbo majority
of the commlttoo , a quorum bolng
present , according to aflldavits of mem
bers of said commlttoo , the commlttoo
consisting of twenty members , after waiting
a reasonable time , from an Hour nnd llfteon
minutes to an hour and aba'f , made a request
to the chairman , who was In another
room on tbo same floor of tbo United States
government building , to call the commlttoo
to order. This request was made several
times. Finally , at about half past 1 o'clock
Chairman Mosnloy was again called in
and requested to call the commutes to order ,
n majority being present , when bo said that
bo would adjourn tba coinmlttoo to moot at n
o'clock p. m. An objection being made as to
bis right to adjourn Iho committee' , a roll call
bolng demanded by Uicbard W. Austin , who
bad bis brother's , C. A. Austin , proxy , as
a member of tbo state committee , the chair
man replied that It was bis prlvato
room nnd bo wanted it. Thereupon , on
motion , the committee was called to'order by
the secretary , a quorum and a majority
being present , according to tbo allidavlts
of the members of said commlttco ,
tno statement was made that tbo
committee was ready and competent for
business and procceden to find a place
of mooting for which a motion was made ,
put nnd carried without a dissenting vote , to
mcot immediately at tbo Merchant's hotel.
Thcro at the tune the commlttoo mot pur
suant to adjournment , a quorum being
present and by proxy , as shown by the
original minutes of said meeting nnd
by affidavits. The secretary was
directed to procure nnd prnpara a ball in
which to bold the convention and also named
D , Long for temporary chairman , John C.
Dlnford for secretary and John M. Goo as
assistant secretary. Tbo secretary , H. A ,
Wilson , wboiodutylt was and had boon ut
previous .stuto conventions to secure and pro-
naro u'hall , upon going to tbo capital found
It In possession of guards and was refused
In Clmrgo of MnmliuU.
"Tbc-so guards xvoro two United States
marshals and two deputy internal revenue
collectors , who refused admission or pos
session to him as nocrotuiy , Tboso guards
were placed tbero by Chairman Mosoloy ,
Then ibo secretary , Mr.Vlison , secured tbo
county court house , nt which place , accord
ing to tha sworn statements , 230 out of I13J
legally elected delegates mot on tbo succeed
ing day , April 23 , nt 12 o'clock uoon.
"Thu state oommlttoo call had not stated
the place of mooting la Montsomory. At
this convention and under tbo temporary or
ganization thereof , as provided by Ibo state
committee the previous day at the Merchants
bole ) , the following dologaies-nt-largo : D ,
M. Long , William Vaughau , Ivorson Dow-
son and , H.V , Car3ouund alternates , Thomp
son , Ooyd , Din ford and Ih-uxdall , were duly
elected and certified , and at such conven
tion n now state commlttoo waa elected
and of which ( Ion. W , T. Stevens is cbair-
mau nud U. A , Wilson secretary. Then ,
after performing all lu business , said con
vention adjourned slnu dio. Therefore wo
hereby recommend the pacnc ! | upon the per
manent roll tbo names ot tbo above delegates
and alternjuos. | Applause. |
lit the Ninth DUtrlct.
"Ill tbo dlsuuto over ttio Alabama Ninth
district , your commlttoo on credentials
could uot agree. The minority thereof bog
Icavo to report that J , W. liugbos and W.
H. Uaruoy were elected delegates and Ileury
Hall and J. O. Dlfor alternates to the con
vcntioa ; that their convention was hold nt
Greensboro April 3D , 1SW , and tbo dele
gates , thirty-four In number , participated
In such convention , as shown by the
sworn statements of many delegates and
others who participated therein. This convention
vontion win hold with open doors nt the
opera house In said cUy _ Of the delegates
who participated lifsm 1 convention , four
wore from the countv of Blouot ( abd there
were no contest ) , fouttco i from Jefferson ,
four from I3lbb , six from Halo and six from
Perry county , Accordlnc to sworn state
ments thcso dologaV s vjoro elected nt the
meetings of the counlv conventions that
comprised said district. '
Hold with < ) lo tl Door * .
' Another meeting \linfc.h was claimed to
bo n district convention was also held In
said county on the satno day In the basement
of the colored Methodist church. At this
latter mooting H. L. Houston nnd W. S.
Mattncws wura elected dolcgatos. Ac
cording to n largo number of nni-
davits , nil who participated In that
church meeting claimed to bo dolceatos , but
were not properly elected to said convention
tion , but were men. who were cleclcd
at bolting nnd pretended county inootlngs or
conventions. The church mooting xvas hold
xvlth closed doorj , guarded oy doorkeepers
xvlth Instructions from the presiding oMcor
to admit no oni except upon bis orders ,
bxvorn statements show ; that , such presiding
ofllcor xvas not o delegate to the district con
vention , and not n resident of the con
gressional district and was iiolthor chairman
or secretary of the district committee.
"Wo therefore bog to recommend that the
names of Hugho * and Harnoy as delegates ,
and Henry Hall nnd J. O..Differ as alternates
bo placed upon the permanent roll of the con
vention. "
David Lone , M. J. Oroon , J. F. Settle , J.
F. Stoxvnrt , H. Qloason , F H. Unindago ,
Paul McCormlclr , W. M > C. Wallace , A. T.
miss. W. Hocamer , J. M. Shoup , JJ. A.
Clark Wbodlor , S. C. Dunn , A. E. Smith , F.
E. Gage signed the roport.
General Cogsxvoll I move you , Mr. Chair
man , that the report ot tbo committee bo
adopted ns n xvbolo.
rilloy Tnlks for the Minority.
Chauncoy I. Fllloy of Missouri I nm delegated -
gated , Mr. Chairman , by the delegates oil
behalf of the republican organization and
the republican paru * of Alabama to ask tbls
convention to substitute for tbo majority report
port the report ot the minority aud to
seat the delegates thqrcln recommended.
[ Applause. ] I do not ; propose to enter
Into the controversy , of tbo Alabama
republicans. I do propose , " boxvovor , on tbo
part of the narty lu the atato of Alabama to
protest against tha disorganization of tbo
stale nnd congressional committees in Ala
bama. [ Applauso.j Mr. Chairman , the state
convention was duly called by the state com
mlttoo to convene In Montgomery on April
28. The omission unmiontloual , hoxvovor
stated by the chairman and others of the cora-
mtttoo , that ( no place of mootlne xvas
designated in the call In the cltv of Mont :
qomury. At Iho 10th day of Match mooting ,
also , the state committee xvas ordered to con
vene on a day prior to the mooting ot the
convention , the 27th of April , at the ofllco of
the collector of internal revenue , the chair
man of the committee , K. A. Moscloy , and
did meet at that ofllco on noou , April 21 , and
tbut the majority of tha commlttoo mot
there , assxvornto and represented from a
copy of the minutes of tbo state comraittoo
twelve or tblrtcon members mooting there.
AViilloil r.-vtlcntly.
"Thoy xvalted patiently for half nn hour
and sent word lu to tbo chairman of the com
mittee , who xvas iu adothbr ofllco in tbo gov
ernment building In consultation xvlth leadIng -
Ing republicans nnd others , to havohimcomo
iu nnd convene tba commlutoo , call it to order
aud proceed to the bii.4lne.Jfe for which It xvas
conx'oued. Ho , hoxvever/d'atno into the room
nnd looked about nnd'saUl here would bo no
mooting of tbo committee iu bis ofllco.
"About 1:15 : a request Was again sent in
that bo como In nud call Uho convention to
order , and bo replied that that xvas bis pri
vate ollco ( and ho xvotfld aMjourn the committee -
too to moot In tbujfrand. ' jury room at 5
D m. , and again atill:30l : o'clock u request
was made and ho came lu again add said that
'No mooting'could bo'"held In that ofllco. '
"Tneu , Mr. Austin , * who hold a proxy of
bis brother , demanded that ho call the com-
mittco to order and have tba roll call , which
bo declined lo'do'DmtloJuho ' room. There
upon tbo secretary of.tho committee , H. A.
Wilson , did call tbo commlttoo to order and
proceeaod with tbo roll call , txvolve or thir
teen of the twenty members of the commlttoo
ausxvcrlne thereto , not only a quorum , but a
majority. "
Called to Order l > y the Chairman.
Under the flvo-mlnuio rule the gavel of
Chairman McKlnloy called Mr , Filloy to
order with tbo suggestion that his time bad
expired , but tbo convention by unanimous
consent extended bis tlmo.
Mr. Filloy then continued : "A statement
was made that tbo committee ot the mooting
sbould uot bo bold there. Thou by .agree
ment tba committee assembled at the Mer
chants hotel and proceeded to name tbo tem
porary ofllcors for tha next day for tha convention
tion and also to numo committees. Mr. Wil
son , ibo secretary of tbo committee , nnd ono
other to proceed to tbo. state capltol and
ixrrango the seats for the delegates for the
next day's convention , and they proceeded to
tno ball and xvoro denied admission , as stated
in the report , liudlug ibo ball m possession
of deputy marshals and txvo deputy col
lectors of the internal revenue , and
they xvero denied admission and possession
of the hall. They xvcnt back to the committee -
too and proceeded to sccuro the court house.
On tbo succeeding day n majority of the del
egates elected to tbo state convention mot ,
aud elected dologatos-at-largo , xvhich I , on
behalf of tbo minority of the commlttoo ,
move you , sir , bosubstltutod and given seats
in tbls convontion. "
Other Addresses on the Contest.
Mr. Massey ot Dolaxvaro xvas recognized
and said that insofar as this case Is con-
coned thcro xvas opposing testimony and the
committee had evolved "to the nest of its
ability by a majority vote that conclusion
which It believed to bo just and oqultablo.
Mr. Knight ot California favored the mi
nority in the Alabama paso. .
Mr. Bothoa of Illinois said : "I join xvltlt
the gentleman from 'Callforla In saying
that if it is right that this minority report
should stand , then lot It stand , but do not lot
it stand and overrule the majority report
unless you am sura that ll is right.
Do not able tbls convention to overthrow
the results of the labors of thcso
pcoplo beio upon a moro unfounded charge
imnlnst au officeholder. [ Applause , ] Will
you take tbo moro unfounded charge and
statement , ot the gentlomun from California ,
xvbo xvas not upon tbo committee , or the gentleman -
tloman from Missouri , who xvas not upon the
commlttoo , against tho.ruport of u majority
of that commlttco xvlio sat patiently and
listened to evidence.1 ' fApplauso.1
Mr. Filloy stated that ho gave three days
aud three nights until midnight to this ono
contest. [ Cheers. ]
Kllclted u Htfirju of IIU os.
Mr. Dothoa of lumdls'sald ' : "Tbo com-
mlttoo considered 'tad "listened to tUoso
people for hours 1'3 in the Alabama
c.190. Affidavits > > 'wnVo submitted In
this caio on l3Ath < - sides xvltbout ,
number , and I founfiSyou * could provo any
thing by almost onybbuy-from that country.
[ This statement brought1 forth a storm of
hisses. ) I perhaps'slated it a llttlo too
strong and I xvlll xvilhdraw that part of It. "
[ Cries , hlssot nnd cries 6ftl'sltdown."J
Mr. Cannon of IllllUJrsIVbso ton question of
order , xvunling ihotH-'nltorles cleared and
order preserved. a'-J <
Mr. tJothoa had il3'tf ' < slro to cast any re
flection upon any eiilnmtiiiity , but stuck to
bis proposition that Vtfifejhnuilttoo found afll
davits handy on bothmei.
Mr. Wolcott of CoIffrdtlS Inasmuch as tbo
motion mudo by tbo conuuman from Massa
chusetts Included allh0poutustcd , | cases , I
venture at this tlmoj4qfay a word In behalf
of tbu Sixth Kentucky district und other
cases of a llttlo too much internal rovcnuo.
[ Applauso.j I believe tbo delegates to tbo
convuntlou want fair play. [ Applause. ]
TolU to Hit Down ,
"Thoro xvoro in the Sixth district 123 dele
gates , of which 02 constituted a majority.
There was a contest In ono county over dele
gates. Tbo call was regularly made.
The srnalor explained tbo xvay the bolters
started and added ; ' ! , hold in my
hand , Mr. Chairman , n list of lt ) ! > odd ofllco-
holders xvbo are delegate ) to tbls convention ,
nine-tenths of whom Hx'oMn states where
there is a hopeless democratic majority , Tbo
trouble in this committee as to these dele
gates comes not from those men , but
comes likewise from a proisuro of be
tween 2,1)00 ) and 3,000 gpvornuiont ofllco-
holders , xvbo fexvartn tbu corridors ot tbo
hotels ana till ttaote galleries and haunt dele
gates wbo ought to bo lu Waiblngum or
olsowboro ntiondlng to tbolr business.
ICheor , and h cry of "Sit dowrt. " ]
Mr1. WolcoU-1 won't sit down. [ Cboors. ]
Wo xvho nro republicans from rOnUb-
llcan states xvculd into to have n
llttlo volco in naming n candi
date 'for the presidency. ( Cheers. [
Possibly Iho Ofllcoholdor may nanio him , but
wo ask tbo odlcn holding contingent xvho are
bringing n s6Ud south nciunst us to at least
conduct their side of thu case In common
decency nnd common honor * o that xvo won't
bo nsuamod to vote that ticket. [ Prolonged
cheers and applause. ]
llo Waft Not nil onirnliolilor.
Mr. C. B. Hirt of West Virginia said ho
cnmo from a southern state nnd xvas not an
Mr. Duftloldof Michigan botng recognized :
"t rlso to speak for the Ninth district. Gen
tlemen of the convention ! This convention ,
when it does Us full duty , xvlll nomi
nate the next president of the United
States. It xvlll not do It , ( jentlouion ,
if xvo differ no mucn among our
selves , against our own pooplo. It Is to
bo regretted , air , that the majority report Is
verbal and states no facts , -simply conclu
sions. The records of tbo minority report
states facts. I knoxv nothing of UK- fact ,
and no man on tbo floor knows of the foot ,
but In view of tbo foot that tbo report con
tains no statement of facts , I say to this
convention don't vote down the minority report
port which xvlll bo u part o f that record.
[ Applauso.j
I'ownll Clayton's Ilnmnrlo.
Mr. Poxvoll Clayton of Aruansas xvas
recognized. _ "Mr. Chairman : Some Illusion
has boon made bora to ofllcehol Jcrs. I bavo
never filled a federal ofllco in my llfo that did
not como from my own state , tboroforo 1
think I nnn Rtipfllr illnnn.44lnnat.alv nn this
subject , The gentleman from Colorado has
Intimated that oflleoholaors should return to
Washington to attend to business. There
are various kinds of oflloeboldors , among
xvhich nro senators of the United States.
[ Cheers. ]
Senator Wolcott of Colorado I deslro to
remind the distinguished gentleman from
Aruansas that If ho does not hold odlco ho
drags a beautiful lot ot thorn always In bis
train , and xvbllo I hold ofllco , it Is not by np-
'nolntmont from the president of tbo United
States , as I am bora to roprosoutn republican
constituency. [ Applauso.j
Mr. Poxvoll Clavton Mr. Chairman , If
every debater m this nail xvbo docs not represent -
present n republican constituency xvoro to
leave this hall , than xvo would have a very
great scattering Indeed. Now , I rospootfully
submit tbnt all these outsldo matters ought.
not to bo nrguod In hero. [ Applause. ] I bavo
not dragged them In nor bas the majority. I
submit thai this convention should not bo
prejudiced In its mature judgment by the
slur at tbo men xvho como hero from tbo
southern states , xvbo have faced the horrors
of southern democracy nnd cannot cast
electoral votes. Wo have suffered enough
from the enemy without suffering from our
frlonds. [ Applause. ] I beg of you to drop
that slur. ,
Ciiniion Mnlcos n Iteport.
Mr. Cannon , In behalf ot the minority of
the commlttco or. credentials , presented n re
port aud spoke In opposition to tbo majority
roport. Too minority report presented by
Mr. Cannon xvas read by tno secretary as fol
lows :
To tbo republican national commlttoo :
The undersigned minority of your comuilltcu
on credentials respectfully report In favor ot
seating U J. Salisbury nnd Krutik .1. Cannon
us delegates And George Sutherland
nnd .Iiimo9 Sharp , us alturnatcs ,
.said dnlujates and alternates having
boon duly olcoted ut a convention
duly bold on April I , Ibltt , at I'rovo City , Utah
territory by the republican party of said
tcrrllory ns recoznlzed bv the republican
national committee on thoSithilny of Novem
ber. IM > , ' , and on thu Gtb day of Juno , IbU. ,
after duo and full hearing and tbu
minority whoso names are hereto undersigned
further icspoetfullv report that C. O. Good-
win. C. K. Allen , with tholr alternates , con-
tostlne , are not entitled to suats In your con-
\oiitlon , for the ro'isou that they do not rop-
sent said ittpubllcitu party In Utah and wore
not elected by s.ild party nor by any con
vention held In said territory by sajd pnrty ,
FIIANK Mu.snoLr , .
Mr. Cannon argued in support of this re
port , speaking for the noxv and progressive
Uojiow .Speaks.
Mr. DOPOXV of Noxv York Mr. Chairman ,
I know nothing xvhatovor about the merits of
tins' question. After listening to tbo speeches
which bavo bcon roado on botb sides I know
less than I did before. [ Laughter. ]
Wo appointed a commlttoo hero txvo days
ago of nfty members upon credentials , for
tbo purpose of making up the list of this
convention and ascertaining xvbo xvero entitled -
titled to votes. That committee bas sat for
txvo days , nnd listened to tbo testimony , bus
given conscientious labor to the questions
and has made its roport. Of the fifty , sixteen
bavo made a minority report. The gentlemen
from Missouri has passed upon the question
as a committee of ono , appointed by himself ,
and has mado'his roporl. [ Laughter aud
applause. | The gentleman from Colorado
bas appoaiod as tbo attorney for ono part of
tbo report and bas made his speech , inci
dental to tbo expression of tbo terror wilb
xvhich ho moves about this town for fear of
Internal revenue collectors. [ Applause. ] As
tbo United States is a co-ordinate body in the
confirmation ot federal oDlcoholdors , ho is
part of the creatures of bis own creation.
[ Applause nnd laughter. ] Noxv xvo might
sit here and listen to this debate for txvo
xveoks and at tbo end of txvo mocks wo
would bo no nearer the truth than xvo are
tbls minute. Wo bavo had this commlttoo
appointed. Wo can moro through no other
lines than by a committee llko this. Nearly
two-thirds bavo roportod. I suggest that xvo
accept that report and end this discussion.
[ Applause and cries of "question. " ]
IVnrnorMlllor rionda for the Minority.
Mr. Miller of Now Yorlc Wo nro nil knoxv-
notblngs hero , If mycolloaguo is. [ Applause
and laughtor.1 I bavo attended several na
tional conventions and bavo listened to sev
eral reports from committees on crodon-
dontlal , but , gentlemen , tbls U the llrst
time , nnd 1 boltcvo it xvas ibo llrst In the his
tory of the republican party , xvhon the ma
jority commlttoo have como before 000 delegates -
gates and simply given tbolr conclusions
xvltbout giving us ono single reason for thorn.
[ Applause. ] Jf my colleague had listened to
the reading of the minority report ratdo by
Mr. Wallace of Noxv York , ho xvould have
known something about tbo facts of this
caso. Tbo minority have presented a clear
report here xvhich is unlmpoaohod. No mom-
bar of ihu majority of tbls oommltto has up to
tbls moment given tbls bodv ono single
reason xvby tholr report should bo sccopted
save simply that it xvas the majority report
of the commtttco. | Applauso.j How largo
a majority Is It ! Txvonty-four to txvonty-
three , [ Applause. ] Does that xvoigb and
outweigh ox'orylbing else in tbls caso. Tbo
reading of tbo minority report must carry
conviction to every man wbo boars it unless
it is im poached. It states tbo facts con
cisely. Dl xvlll not repeat thorn.
Considerable discussion as to proccoduro
followed. Finally tbo chairman stated his
understanding that tbo goutluuirn from Noxv
York demanded a doscusslon upon all the
contested cases raised by the minority report
port , so that if too previous question should
bo ordered a vote xvould have to bo taken
upon tbo division xvlcbout dobato.
DemulKlccl the J'roUoiu Question ,
After Bomo further discussion a demand
for the pravlous question xvas sustained ,
Tbo Chair The llrst vote to bo taken xvlll
bo on tbo substitution ot the minority ro
port.Mr. . Hlscock asked unanimous consent that
the tlrst vote bo lakon on seating In tbls
convention of these gentlemen whoso scats
are not contested.
Tbo question xvas put on adopting' the
majority report , concerning tbo couteslod
seats In tbls convention , and tt.oro xvus but
one vote In the negative. . The roll was
called on tbo minority report In tbo Alabama
oar.o , thu quesllon being tbo substitution ot
the minority report in tbo Alabama case for
tbo majority report. Upon the call of tbo
chair for a rising vote iboro xvoro vociferous
cries of "roll call , roll call. "
Mr , Quay of Pennsylvania , said : "Penn
sylvania demands u call of the states. "
Mr , Miller of Nexvork , said : "Now
York seconds that demand , "
On tbo call Alabama reported IS ayes and
5 nu.vs and the votQ was announced by tbo
secretary ,
Thg secretary tbQii raited Arkansas , and
tbo rosponio was 1 aye , IS nooi ,
Mr , Hlsoock of New York asked if tbo
contested seats xvoro voting on tholr own
Challenged Atub.inm'l Votu ,
Mr. Dopow cballencod tbo vote of Alabama.
The Cbalrman Upon this question tbo
chair is embarrassed. Wo are operating
unacr the rules of tbo Fifty-first congrotij so
far as they can bo applicable to o national
Mr. Hiscock Now tbon , I appeal to tbo
president of tbo convention that under tbo
rule tn contested election cases
member has never bcon nlloxvod to X'oto.
The Chnlrmrn I submit to the convention
that the delegntos-at-lnrgo would bo entitled
to vote on the contest botxvoon tbo district
delegates , understanding as I do that
there nro different questions In
volved ; nnd tha district delegates xvould
bo entitled to vote for the ilnlegatos-nt-lnrgo
jpon the question. [ Applause and crtot ot
"Ho Is rlsht. " ] Noxv , tbu state of Alabama
xvlll oo called nnd following tbo buggo'tlon ,
of the chair ihu votes xvlll bo announced.
Dettill of thn Voto.
Result of roll call 0:1 : the adoption of tbo
minority report of tbo comtnltloo on creden
tials xvas as follows i
STATES. Ayes. Nays.
Aliibniua I. ) A
Arknnsis , . 1 fi
California ID 8
Color.ulo , . . . B
Coitiinotlout 0 ! l
Deliiwn'-o , 2 4
Klorldi. 8
Ocoriin 1 8
Idaho . . . . . . . 8
Indiana , . . . , > .10
Iowa .t 0 2J
Kansas 10 10
Kentucky , n * > j
l.oiiKIuim. , . , . . . , . , it 2
Mnlnn. U
Maryland 13 M
Massachusetts. . II
Michigan ! ) B
Minnesota U 7
MKsHsluul n 10 > {
Missouri , . , 14 ID
Montana fi 1
Nobr-iska II 10
Nevada > . n . .
Now Hampshire ' 2 "
New Jersey ' - IS
Now York 45 27
North Carolina 10 14
North Dakota 4 2
Ohio 27 IB
orojjon n 2
1'oiiusylvniita & B
Hhodo Island , 3 fl
Hiiulh Carolina , n 12
Snulh Dikola 5 3
Tennessee U 10
Texas 0 20
Voriront 5 3
Virginia IS 0
Washington 8
West Virginia 3 10
Wisconsin 0 13
Wyoming 2 4
Arlronii. , l 1
DUtrlot Columbia 3
Noxv Mexico 0
Oklahoma 3
Utnh v 1 1
The chairman On tbo vote for substitut
ing the minority report In Alabama the nyos
aro-10.'y and noos 4(53 ( nud the motion lost.
A motion to udjotirn failed to curry mid the
roll xvns called on the adoption of the major
ity report on dolcgatos-at-lnrgo from Ala
bama. "
( Jox'ornor Forakor asked the unanimous
consent of the convention to reading the
platform as prepared by tbo commlttoo on
resolutions , xvnich xvss granted.
The platform xvas adopted notwithstanding
n plea from Hlscock to give thn advocates of
Irrigation of arid lands in tba xvcst a chntico
to be beard , and the convention adjourned
until 11 o'clock Friday.
After n Ilrlornml rrolltlnss Session a llocoss
Is Taken.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 9. The day
opened brlcht and very warm as the morning
hours groxv on. The people assembling
brought fans , nnd the great audlonco room
became a sea of xvnvlng palm loaros. As
heretofore , tbo loaders xvoro cbeorod on their
appearance and finally it became a rivalry
between the Blalna and Harrison factions as to
xvhich could greet its prominent uion most
It xvas nearly 11:30 : xvhon Chairman Me-
iCinloy rapped tbo convention to order and
announced that Rav. Dr. Brush , chancellor
of tbo University of South Dakota , xvould
offer pravor.
Attor the prayer the chairman called for
the report of the committed on credentials
and a round of applause greeted Chairman
Cogswell as ho aroso. Ho announced that
tba commlttoo xvas making diligent progress
and asked for further timo. Ha said the
committeebopod to bo able to report at 3
o'clock tonight.
Senator Cullom of Illinois presented a resolution
elution endorsing the World , ' * fair and re
commending a national appropriation there
for , xvhich xvas referred to the committee on
An Illinois delegate introduced a resolution
that all Grand Army men bo permitted to
enter the hall and occupy seats vacant thirty
minutes niter the beginning ot tbo session.
Referred to tbo commlttoo on rulos.
Oljeetrd to u Ilcccss.
Ex-Governor Soxvoll of Nexv Jersey moved
a recess until S o'clock , pending tbo report of
the committee on credentials.
The Harrison men objected to this and
Laxx'son of Noxv Yorlc demanded n rising
Pennsylvania , Noxv Yorlc and Ohio xvoro
In favor of adjournment , xvbllo Wisconsin
Missouri and several strongly Harrison
states opposed.
After a careful oount ot heads Chairman
McKlnloy said : "Yeas , 407 ; nays , 200. The
convnntlon concludes to adjourn until 8
o'clock this evening. " [ AppUuEO.J
Tno standing vote in the affirmative xvas
very largo and it scorned it had carried by
practical unanimity.
Clarkson , a lilnlno loader , xvas asked after
adjournment xvbathor ho consldorod tbo bal
lot on adjournment a test voto. Ho replied ,
xvbllo a pleased smile fllttoa over his features :
"Well , xvo xvantod to adjourn and they did
not. "
Hlscock , a Harrison loader was naked tbo
saino question , and said :
"No , sir ; decldodly It xvns not a test voto. "
: OP ITS womc.
Jlo\v tlio Various Contests IVuro Bottled by
the Credentials Committee.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , , Juno9. At 8 o'clock
the commlttoo on credentials finished tholr
labors , and Chairman Cogsxvoll xvas In
structed by a vote of 'M to 23 to proceed at
once to tbo convention and present
a verbal statement of tbo con
clusions xvhich tbo committee bas
reached. Ho xvas authorized to say that bo
proceeded In that manner because of tbo faot
that no tlmo remained , if a report xvus to bo
presented tonight , to prepare a xvrltten ouo.
Mr. Wnllaco , representing tbo minority ,
gave notice that bo xvould ask tbo convection
for time In which lo present tbo views of
bimsclf and his associates on the commlttoo
111 cases from Louisiana , Alabama and Miss
Work of thu Committee ,
A resume of the xvork of tbo commlttoo Is
as follows ;
Decisions of the Committee.
Alabama Delogntos-at-largo , tbo Mosoiy
contestants soatod. In the Third , Fourth ,
Fifth nnd Eighth districts the members
seated by tbo national committee , the anil-
Mosolyites , retained tbolr places. In tbo
Ninth district Matthews aud Huston , Mosoiy
delegates , xvora seated.
Kentucky-In the Sixth district contest
Matboxvs and Wistoll xvoro soatod. reversing
tbo action of the national committee.
Louisiana Uolegatos-at-largo , the Kellogg -
logg faction , was unseated In the First und
Sixth dlsttlcts tbo contestants , tbo War-
mouth faction , were scutoj. In tbo Second
mid Fourth districts the Kellogg delegates
retained their scats.
Maryland In tbo Fourth district ( Haiti *
more ) IJrlnton and Clay xvoro unseated nnd f
tbolr places given to Sunptoo and Cummlngs. >
Mississippi Iho dclcgato-nt-lnrgo contest
xvas decided , onch side , the Lynch nnd Hill
factions , being given two votes. The seated
members in the Seventh district , Knguarth
and Perkins , retained tholr places.
Did Not Itpcognlin thn XVIille Hruil | > llemn.
South Carolina The whlto republican
party contestants xvoro glvon no recognition
by the commlttoo , the Crum delegates
throughout being retained in tholr icntsi
North Carolina John Nichols , whoso * oat
Is contested by John H , Williams , retained
U. In the Slxlli district Mossrs , Smith nud
Gordon , xvho xvoro glvon places by the
national comtmitoo , were continued In "thorn.
In the Seventh district Dr. Moot , xvbo xvns
glvon ono vole by the national committee ,
divides the txx'o vo'tos ot Iho districts uvonlv
xvlth Mossrs. Smith and Gordon.
Texas "Tho Lily Whlto" contestants
xvero glvon no representations , thus leaving
the Cutioy delegation umllsturbod.
District ol Columbia Mossrs. Carson and
( Jloason , the sitting members , maintained
their position.
Utah The delegation xvns divided , Sails-
bury and Camioon bolng glvon ono-volOf
Goodxvln nnd Wnllon the other.
As near ns can t > o determined , the Harrison
moil got scats and the Ulatiiu man seats lu
tbo contested delegation.
Itlvul Kactlons llna Lively Time lu tin
llotumln of tlio Wont Hotel.
Minn. , Juno 0. The whlto
xvlngs ot harmony xvhich fluttorodso benignly
over the convention sessions xvoro put to
flight In n tumultuous scene of disorder
xvhich took place at the West hotel last night ,
Lnto In the afternoon it xvas announced by
thoyounger ; mon of the Ulalno faction that
advantage xvonld bo taken of th * beautiful
evening to parndo through the city xvlth
Ulamo banners nnd ether insignia of the
"plumed knight , " headed bv bands from
various cities. Tbo Harrison people hoard nt
this program , nnd although the managers
did not ndviso any counter demonstration
the younger clement determined that the
president nnd bis cause should not bo en
tirely lost from sight-In tbo hilarious IV.aluo
demonstration ot Iho evening. Dolh , factions
turned out nud marched through the prin
cipal streets , and finally both headed for tbo
rotunda of tbo hotel. Thcro they mot and
marched around in circles to the tune of dis
cordant yells aud rival shouts for Hlalno and
Harrison. At the head of tbo Ulalno column
xvas a banner carried by nn Indiana mau ,
bouing the inscription :
"If Blalno Is Nomiuaicd Ho Will Carry
Indiana by Ten Thousand. "
Another Ulalno man carried a similar banner
nor , bearing thestlll moro irritating inscrip
tion :
11 If Harrison ls Nominated Ho Will Lose
Indiana by Txvonty Thousand. "
Tboso banners oxcltcd tbu Ire of tbo fiery
younger mon of Indiana. A sudden rush
xvas made , and before tbo Blnlno pcoplo bad
nn opportunity to defend their colors , the
txvo l minors xvoro pulloddoxvn and torn to
Instantly tbo Dlaluo people retaliated by
an onslaught on the Harrison forces , and
tbolr banner , bearing n portrait of tbo presi
dent and some inscriptions certifying , to his
political grandeur , was also pulled down and
torn to pieces and trampled under foot.
Of course , nil this provoked a great deal of
bad fcolluc and for a tlmo it seemed as
though there xvould bo n general light.
There xvas a great deal of soullling , nnd mou
woro- jostled against the mnrolo xvalls and
there xvoro txvo or three llatlc encounters of
short duration , but the riot , winch for n time
xvns feared by all the cooler heads , xvas hap-
pllv avortod.
For two hours the hot bends of the rival
faotlons thronged Ibo hotel rotunda aud
madu it impossible for the guests to pass
cither in or out of the betel , but shortly after
10 o'clock they finally dlsporsod without any
personal damage to anybody.
Itcsolutlons Adopted by the Associated
Trade * Unions of Now Vorli.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 9. The Noxv
Yor < c labor delegation of tbo Workltiginon'a
Reform league ana associated trades of Noxv
York City met at the Windsor hotel In tbls
city this mornlnganddotorminod to circulate
10,000 copies ot the resolutions adopted by
the associated trades unions of Noxv York
City , composed of cloven unions xvlth 8,000
members , on Tuesday evening , May Ul , nt
801 Ninth avenue , Noxv York City. They in
tholr resolutions ooliovo that tha record of
President Harrison for the last three years
has shown that bo is tbo most eligible candi
date for the xvorkingmon's and farmers' suffrage -
frago of all those mentioned , and demand
his ronomlnation and add :
"Hlh inception of the bimetallic conference
xvlll du much to smooth tbo dissensions which
noxv exist In financial matlors butxvoon tbo
citizens of different sections ot tbo country ,
and xvlll ultimately settle them in tha interest
of Iho xvholo people ; that , ho is a believer In
the protection ot the xvorklugman from the
pauper contract labor of Europe nnd Asia ,
and his patriotism is sboxvn by bis firmness
In thn Chilian , Italian and Berlin : sea alTalri.
Wo pledge tbo xvorklng aud the farmer vote
of the United States to him as the candidate
of the republican party.
"Resolved. That a commlttoo of six bo ap
pointed by tbo chairman to present tbls reso
lution to tbo republican national convention
at Minneapolis on Juno 7.
"A. H. GAU.MIU , Chairman ot Delegation.
"JAMES A. Fox , Socrolary. "
llliiliie Lenders i\lilently Alurmed nt th
Itufliill of Ihu Mnrkut Hull Meetlnc. , Minn. , Juno 9. Senator
SVolcott has just boon aeon and Interviewed
about thn Market hall mooting. Ho says ho
saw tbo list find that on it xvoro placed tha
names of seven of tba Colorado delegates
known to bo for Blaino. It Is claimed that
altornatcs xvoro counted.
"Why , " exclaimed a jllnino man , "this is
a very pretty game of blufT , In tbo line xvlth
the Conkllng-Logan-Camaron tactics In 1SSO ,
xvbcn the , ' 100 tried to defeat a dark borao. If
they xvoro not noxv afraid of a third candi
date x by should they print or circulate
leaflets ol Melt In ley 'a ' speech In tbo Chicago
convention of 18SS , refusing the use of his
numo , as It xvould not bu honorable fidelity
to John Sherman ( And why should Ibo
Harrison loaders bn now trying to get n di
rect commitment from Governor McKlnloy )
In couflrmullon of this last question It has
boon ascertained that John C. Noxv and
others called at Governor McKlnloy'a room
after it o'clock this afternoon but xvoro unnblo
to BOO htm. as he xvns asleep nt the tlmo.
Thus it xvnuid scorn that the Market hull
mooting bas not ended the contest , and the
xvay to a settlement is yet to bo found.
Mottling of mi loivu lilnlno Club ,
MJXNBAI-OUB , Minn. , Juno 0 , The hun
dreds of loxva people proiont in the city are
talking against the action of a majority of
the delegation. Tbls uontlmcnt led to n
meeting ot tbo Toxva lilnlno club , After dis
cussion It Is decided to memorialize tbo loxva
delegation to vote In accordance xvith the
sentiment of the atato nnd tbo memorial xvns
adopted by avolo of 1"7 lo ID.
1111,1V1TII DltAXX'H.
Ho Will Not III ) u Candidate Iluforu III *
Democrat lu ( Jon von I Ion ,
NEW Yomc , Juno U. Hill has xvrltton
letter of xvlthdrawal.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report