8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 7 , 189 FALLING HOSPITAL WALLS Another Section of the County's Building Drops of Its Own Weight. CLOSE CAIL FOR THE SLEEPING INMATES rll Isnticft nMnnilntnTlmt Will I'rovcut Intoroiitrill'iirtlefl from Con ducting t'oroclinuroNnlM Other District Court Ciiici. The officials , omployo * ami inmates nt Iho county hospital were frightened nearly out of tholr wits nRnln ycstordny morning. For a t mo contusion rotgncd nntl nil these persons who tarry at the institution thought that they were booked for otornlty over the uliortcjt and most direct routo. TnU was cnutad by the falling of another section of tlio corridors la the north wing of the building. At 5 o'clock , with the excep tion of the nlghtonglaccr and the watchman , the place was ns quiet nnd still ns tbo Rravo. Suddenly and without any warnlnR twenty feet of the third lloor or the corridor gave \vny nnd fell to the floor. The lloor was un able to stand the weight of tills mass of brick nnd Iron which was suddenly heaped upon It. With n crnck and a report like the explosion of a blast of gunpowder the brick arches puvo way and rtown to the next floor the debris wont. Then there wnj an other report nnd n ahcck which BhooK the en tire building , nna the whole mas was carried to the ground lloor. Superintendent Mnhonoy with ono spring passed from the family sleeping apartments Into the mnln corridor , expecting to sco thn Bouth wing In ruins. The Insniic. the side nnd the pnupors set up na unearthly yell and pounded at tholr doors , bogging to bo re leased. An Investigation followed , uud after the Inmates were assured that they wcro not to bo crushed beneath tailing walls , quiet was restored , The section of corridors that fell was Just couth of that portion that full some time ago , end had been considered In an unsafe condi tion for several \vcuks. Braces baa been put boncath tbo floors with the hopes that they would hold until Iho workmen could rod that portion of the building. The other portions of tbo building have been roddod nnd braced , nnd the opinion prevails that this will bo the last wreck. AS TO Sl'KOlAI , MASTEKS. Jmlco HopowoH I uca nit Order Calculated to Slop Alniscn Court Noton. It was with renewed vigor that the courts this morning took up the business of the term. All of the judges were upon the bench , except Judge Scott. f Judge Hopewoll shot a broadside Into tbo ranks of the special master commUstonora nnd It will b many days ere they racovor from Us effects. This was brought about by the proceedings of last Saturday , In which the judge had something to say regarding the manner In which some of these gentle men have conducted sales under foreclosure of real estate mort- gngos. Judge HopowoU thoughtfully considered tbo matter and now ho has Issued a mandate which some of the most nblo lawyers say will stop some of the here tofore fraudulent practiced. The order which has boon Issued from the bench Is , that in the future when an attor ney has a real estate mortgage for foreclos uro. ho will not bo appointed special master commissioner , neither will his partner nor the ofllco boy bo appointed to this responsi ble position. The future application must state that the special master is not a mem ber of the firm bringing suit and that bo is in no way interested in tbosalo. The better lawyers hall the now order of things with delight , and state that it will do away with the back door sales , besides giv ing inert ncors some rights In the promises. Diimngcg for Personal Injuries. In Judge ICeysor's court Peter Kelly has started out to gather in $5,000 of William Doerhig's gooa money. The plaintiff pro poses to allow a Jury of his poera to decide whether br not ho is entitled to this money. In the usual petition in such cases Kelly al- lo03 that during nnd. prior to Jan uary , 1800 , ho was employed by the defendant excnvntlng a collar at Ninth street and Capitol avonuo. On January 4 , 1690 , Kelly was watching a ptla driver force piles iiito tbo basement of the building. While ho was so watchlnc , the 1,000-pound hammer hit him a tap on the back of the head , taking out a strln of flesh three inches In length , laying bnro his skull and sending him to the hospital. Ho now alleges that tbo accident was duo whollr to the carelessness of the engineer whoso duty it was to manipulate the affair. A verdict for defendant was returned. AVmiU l > .iini KCs from the City. Josephine E. Gardner Is making an effort to convince Judge Ferguson nnd a Jury tnat tbo city of Omaha should pay her $5cob.f rom tbo general fund. It way sometime during the spring of 1690 that the plain tiff was walking along liurdotto street , from Nineteenth to Twentieth. It was In the nighttime and that particular night was dark and rainy. As sbo walked she stopped into a hole , breaking her right anUlo nnd spraining her loft KPCO. Now she says the city was to blumo and that it should foot the bill. Other Court Doing * . In the criminal court Judeo Davis and the Iury labor with the case of the stale against lonry W. Sylvester. Aided by an in formation - tion from police court , tbo state charges that on May 11 the defendant with malice afore thought stole from the person of Charles W. Blanchurd a watch and chain , valued at $25 , without Unit putting the said Blanchard in fear of great bodily barm. Sylvester was convicted. Itev. Wm. llolllnihcil , Pastor of the Prosbvtormn church of Spnrtn , N. J. , voluntarily writes strongly in favor of Hood's Sarsnparllla. Ho says : "Nothing I know of will cleanse the blo'od , stimulate the liver or clean the stomach like this remedy. 1 know of scores and scores who have boon helped orcurca by it. " The highest pralso has been won by Hood's IMlls for tbelr easy , yet oftlclont action. Attuntloii A. O. V. IV. All members of North Omaha lodge , No. 109 , A. O. U. W. , nro requested to nipot ut Goodrich hull on Tuesday , Juno 7th , at 1 u. m , sharp , to attend the funeral of Uro. and Mm. Charles Kohl. Services at their Into residence , No. 1009 N. 20th street , at 2 p. in. Members of elstor lodges in Omaha nnd South Omniin and visiting Workmen cordially Invited. II. U. CAUTKH , M. W. Attest : WM. W. CIIRISTMAN , Hocordor. Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Us jed by Judge Ellor yesterday : Nil mo nnd address , Ago , ID. Preston IlonoJIet. Oni.itia elli lli Uonuvlovu Younz , Oinahu . ' I O. II. Ilrown. Omuhu 41 ) Itncliol S , Ooatoi , Umnlm ,45 I John Couroy. South Omaha . , , . 23 ( Mary Coir , South Omniia 21 j A. It. ICollcy , South Omiilm , 'Jl I Ililliln l.umuort , South Omaha 2J JOhrUMtuld. Omuhu. 05 1 Muudo llakor , Omalm v as j Joseph Nodoort. Jr. , Omalm ' 'I I Mary UloiU , Omuha , .LM J Duvld MoAvoy. Oiiiuliii 57 | Mary NlehnUon , Oinulm VJ J Tutor Itnur. Omnhti 21 1 Annu i'olak , Oinnlin SO i llotlof Btattonborir. Valluy 27 1 t'onrlOmaaon. Omitlia- 17 Dr , nirnov's Catarrh I'owder for tontil- ills. For bale by all druggists. 60 cents. liiillilliitr ruriiilta. The following penults were issued by tbo uiJcrliitondont of buildings yesterday : Itlchnril Mullen , ndilltlonul frame itory building. SUSOilcuKoitreot. . . . . . 1,000 to , WiUs. frumo dwelt- qcorBoI . one-story giiiB , eouihTlilriy.Uftli treot , WO Six minor uormlts . . , ' * ' Total . . . Do Wilt's Sftwuuarllla l rollaMo. I rulmto Mutter * . In the probate court the Judge thereof lini } rautca latter * of adwluiitri Uou to Maria Hollman in the cfuo of Mover Hollmnn , deceased. Besides this ho has ordered that nn allowance of f 150 per month , payable on the 12ih of each month , bo made for the sup port of the family. The bearing on proof of claims In the J. W. McMenatny estate has been sot for Juno 2T > . at which tlmo tbo court will pas * upon nil contested claims , The court has granted nn ordpr In the Clark Woodman estate , extending the tlmo for filing claims , The bearing has been sot forSeptocpburlS. UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT. n crcldm of the Week 11031111 nt llcllovuo College Sunihiy. Sunday morning bcean the exorcises of the ninth annual commencement week of Ilollo- vuo college , now n part of tbo University of Omnbn , The baccalaureate sermon wns preached by the president , Uov. Dr. Korr. In Iho Uollevuo Presbyterian church , Ho teen for his text the words , "Jesus Christ , the same yostor- dny , today nnd forever1 fauna in Hebrews xlll , 8 , nnd gave tbo best of food for future thoimhu Yesterday was field dny nnd the beautiful plateau overlooked by the college buildings nnd sloping down to the sleepy llttlo village was sprinkled with the figures of the young athletes In nil the crraceful attitudes of the college campus and white robed flcures of the co-eds. There was nn liitorestlne pro gram of events in which waa displayed an nglllty which suniclontlv demonstrated that the year's course had not boon llko the ono which made Jack a dull boy. As micht bo expected In a mixed school lawn tennis has captured the affections of most of thostudents nnd the four handsome courts are always patronized , A tournament participated In by both the town and collepo clubs hns bctn In progress for a ween with nil sorts of con tests : ladles' singles and doubles , goutlo- men's singloj and doubles ana mixed teams for prizes of various sorts. Miss Mary Hosack of Scott Haven , Pn. , carried off the laurels In the ladies' single , nnd Miss Hosnuk nnd Miss Vnn ( Jaasbook of Fremont In the ladles' double. The mixed aoublognmo was won by Mr. Lutin of Lin coln and Miss Van Qansbcotr. Ilaydcn Bros. 3-string cabinet grand upright piano , now scale , $187.50. nriinkeiincii. . A disease , treated as such and pormrv uontly cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo' treatment. Harmless nnd effectual. Refer by permission to Bur lington Hawkoyo. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet. JSholcoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. I'ut Chlcuiro In Your 1'ockot. A great work , "Moran'n Dictionary o Chicago. " If there Is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city a full de scription of which does notaupoar In the' book , wo have yet to hear of it. Price , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. Sco the now , com plete and elegant map It contains. Per sons ordering copies will please enclose C cents extra for postage. Reduced Itntcs to Washington via II. & O. It. It. Delegates to the convention of the American Institute of homeopathy , to bo hold at Washington June lath to 17th , can secure reduced rates for the transportation of themselves and fam ilies upon application to ticket agents of B. & O. R R. Co. The round trip faro from Chicago will bo $23.20 , and corre spondingly low from all other points on the lino. For Information in detail write to L. S. Allan , assistant general passen ger agent B. & O. R. R , Rookery build ing , Chicago. Model Locomotive Englnei ) , The Baltimore & Ohio railroad has just placed in service on its Chicago di vision 8 now passenger engines , built at the Baldwin locomotive works after now designs furnished by the general super intendent of motive power of the B. &O. company. The engines weigh 113,000 pounds , have driving wheels C foot C inches in diameter , cylinders 1U by 2-1 inchesnnd uro without doubt the finest passenger locomotives running into the city of Chicago today. Companions of these now engines have developed won derful power and speed in hauling the famous Royal Blue line trains , which run between Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore and Washington , over the Philadelphia division of the B. & O. railroad. The B. & O. has added over 40 now , high class engines to its motive power equipment within the last GO days and others are under construction. While constantly adding engines of ap proved design and highest grade to its motive power , and passenger coaches of Pullman standard to Its rolling stock , the B. & O. Is also expending largo amounts for additional second nnd third tracks and sidings , and improved facili ties at terminal"points. . By the time tlio World's fair is opened for the recep tion of visitors the B. & O. will bo well equipped to handle , oxpedltiously , tlio ' large'volume of passenger trafllo which will naturally seek this picturesque route from the Atlantic seaboard to Chicago. rut Chicago In Your I'ockot. A great work. "Moron's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti- tutlon in the World's fair city a full de scription of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it Price , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. Sco the now , complete and elegant map it containa Persons ordering copies will please en close U cents extra for postage. NOW AT BOSTON STORE Two Great Bankrupt Dry Goods and Silk Sales in Full Swing. BARGAINS GET BIGGER EVERY DAY All Stonclilll'g Dress ( loniM nncl Silks Untight from the Sheriff On Our .Mnln Floor The Ho * * Stock All Over the House. STONEHILL'S DRESS GOODS. The prices ut which wo are eel Stonolilll's dress goods and silks uro not only surprising but the most astonlslilng nroof of what The Boston Store can do In the way of bankrupt bargains. The finest , best silks ho hud ; the new est , the very latest dross goods , goods that only came in , porlwps , a few days before the smash ; these are the goods the shorllT attached and sold to us , nnd In thcso goods you will find nil your heart desires In the biggest bargains over soon on the face of the earth. AS FOR THE HOSS STUCK. To make a quick and lively closing out of all the Ross notions , hosiery , under wear , ladles' and gents' furnishing goods , etc. , wo have laid them out In Immense heaps on ttibles throughout the whole basement and put prices on them that will do the business without talk ing.To To give you some Idea of what these prices will bo wo will soil All Rosa & Co.'s J. & P. Coat's , thread at 2c a spool as long ns it lasts ; all other brands Ic a spool. Knitting cot ton lo a bull ; Gofl'a skirt braid Ic a roll ; all the finest dross buttons 2c a dozen ; Cortlcolll embroidery silk 3o a dozen ; Corticolli twist Ic ; Corticolli spool silk Sccnch , all colors ; men's paper col- lara 2e a box ; Ross & Co.'s agate but tons 12 dozen for Ic ; Ross' handker chiefs Ic , 8c , 5c. Ross'lino laundered and percale shirts 25c , On one big table : All kinds of men's , ladles' and children's underwear ; sum mer underwear , spring underwear and heavy all wool winter underwear , all go at 25o ami 50c , worth up to 91.60. All of Ross' ' hosiery goes In lots at 3c , Gc , lOc , 15c. $25.00 SHAWLS FOR $5.60. Right on the main floor , just as you enter the store. The entire bankrupt stock of winter shawls , comprising real double Paisley nnd Broche shawls , worth $25.00 , and 100 beaver and double sliawls , none worth loss than $12.00 to $10.00 ; also finest imported honrlotta shawls , cost 314.00 to Import , choice of this entire lot $5.60. THE BOSTON STORE. N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. Now York nnd Hoturn. „ July 3 to 0 one faro for the round trip. Choice ol routes from Chicago. Return limit August 15. Call at Chicago cage , Rook Island & Pacific Ry. ticket ofilco , 1002 Farnam street. CHAS. KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. DE BEVOISK , City Tkt. & P. A. SpectaclcsDr. Culllmoro,224 Bee oldg Put Chicago lit Your 1'ockot. A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If tboro is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city a full ( in scription of which docs not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price. 25 cents par copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. See the now , complete - ploto and elegant map it contains. Per sons ordering copies will plouse enclose 0 cents extra for postage. llouml Trip Tickets. The only line running through trains direct to Denver , Colorado Springs , Mtinitou and Pueblo. Low rates to all points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast points. Fust time on elegant vestibulod trains , free reclining chair cars and the celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. " Comfort , safety nnd speed secured when ticketed via the "Great Rock Island Routo. " Ticket olllco 1G02 Farnam street CHAHLES KENNEDY , J. L. DEBEVOISK , G. N. W. P. A. City Ticket and Pass. Agt. Democratic Convention. Chicago and return ono faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale Juno 17 to 21. good to return July C. Secure tickets and sleeping car accommodations at olllco of the great Rock Island route. 1C02 Farnara street. CHAS. KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. DE BEVOISE , City Tkt. & P. A. Dr. Cullirno.-e. oculist. iiaa building I'ut Chicago la Your J'ockot. A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city u full de scription of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price , 25 cents porcopy. For sale at209 Herald building , Chicago , See the now , com plt > to and elegant map it contains. Per sons ordering copies will please encloa- 0 cents extra for postage. - ( * i jjn g i ' Both Sides of the _ uesOoiT should be looked Into. And when this Is done the Intelligent smoker uses BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. . Durham. N. C. BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb TREATMENT TWICE A DAY , Produces Naturally PUKE RIOII BLOOD ! BEAUTIFUL COM FLEXIONS ! .GLOWING HEALTH ! Fec Trial Inhalations. Really Cures ; Cntnrrh , Drouclittia. Asthmn , Hay Fever. Consumption , Ilonduuho ( sick or nervous ) , Dyspupsln , Nervous Prostration. OxypBoohndAdviceFi'ce Cull on or write without notice , THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO , , Suite 610 Sheoly Bile. , cor. ICth and Howard Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. Female Weakness , Catarrh , Rheumatism , AXl ) AM- Chronic , Nervous ani Private Diseases. Drs. Searles and Searles Acknowledged to bo tbo most successful spo- chUlstH lu all I'HIVATP lli.ooi ) , NUHVOUS , SKIN AND Ultl.NAUY DISEASES. Gonorrliti in from 3 to 0 days. Sypullla cured without Mercury , ( VITALITY WKAK ) . JInilo o bjr too close appli cation 10 tiuslncti or study ; acvaro mental strainer or Krlof ; SK.XUAI , KXCK.S3KS In mliMlo life , or vicious Imblts contracted In youth. WKAK MI5N AUK VICTIMS TO NKRVOOS D1C- im.lTVor KXIIAUtmoN , WASTING WKAKNKSS JNVOLUNTAUV LOSSES with KAI1LY DECAY In VOU.NH nnd M1DDLK ACllM ) ; lack of Tim , vigor and strength , nltli sexual organs Impaired nnd weakcncncd prematurely In approaching old ago. \VHKN WB SAY CUKB Wo spoik from knon- loOco ot I'KKMAN'KNT KKSUI.TS In Iimny Oil - treated nntl cnroJ In p.iittwclvo years. 1'ILKS , FISTULA ANI ) IlKCTAL ULCGU3 curofl without pain or detention ( ro.u bmlnom. UVimOCKI.K ANI ) VAKlCOCUI.i : pcrmantnitl nnd successfully cured. BTH1CTUIIK permanently cured , removal corny ptcte , without cutting , cauitlc or tlllntatlon. euro affected at home by patient without a moment's pain or annoyance. Consultation free. Call on or address with stamp Drs. Searles & Searlcs. Grny hnlr onrlilBUrrs clmnseil ton glossy blnclc l > y nKliicloaiiplleatlmitif thlsDyo. It imparts n natural color , nets Instantaneous ly unil contnlntnothlnK Injurious to tlio linlr. Solil by drtiRgiiitfl , or will bo sent on receipt of prlc-j , 81.0U. , OHicc , 3D 1'urk 1'lacc , N. V. BETTS&BETTS The Kings ol Specialists. For 27reara _ tbo names of Drs. Batts S Batu have been household words In the domes of thousands of people who have boon rescued from the taws of death through tbo won derful ability , tbe matchless skill ot these great mastcti ot medicine and f urgerr , whose kindness and bener- olencc , whose solf-sacrlndne devo tion to tn * welfare of tbelr fellorr- min will ever live in the betrta ot a grateful people. NERVOUS , CHRONIC , PRIVATE , BLOOD , SKIN. . Dis They BEXUAL , Cure KIDNEY LIVER , , eases. URINARY , RECTAL AND ALL ORGANIC TRICTURE , YPH1T T' ? EMINAL'WEAKNESS , PERMATORRHCEA , / - > ONORRHCEA , f I ' LEET , I GENERAL AND \ji iNERVOUS'DEBILITY , Hydroccle and Varlcocole , Tiles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers Permanently cured by a method at ones iaft-certain , palnlesi ana BUG- eeiiful. Tbe awfal effects tf early Tlee and exeeulT * Indulgsncei , reiultlng Inlets lots of manhood and premature de cay , quickly and poraantnUy re- UeieQ. CONSULTATION FBKB. Call upon or addreis with itamp , R IRWtR * Mh. 110 South ItthBt. N. li Corner 14th arid Dougla ? Sti , OmaUa.Nel ) . roi-fiEND FOR CATALOGUE. at SAftTIU. .lib JUVWl HtM , " u4l. lii.It w > 4 TM ) tof. i.TmT r.in. OUK riirt. * > co. 21 CO UO > | . 24 UU lilO 400U 110 Ul A44U , . . Wt" . 401HI r " " - ' - - - K wo Pvawn Pa.uMMitfv ftbl.k T1r. . H. * . . ) W f > i UU IHJ E.C.MEACHAfJiARrVISRn..Sf.lOUIS m PURE RYE , is a choice production from selected grain , distilled by tbe old hand-made process ; and doubly aged , . It is more wholesome and palatable than whiskies made from corn ( known as Dourbons ) and , by reason of its ago , contains no fusil oil. It is the purest , richest , smoothest , most dclicioua and healthiest whiskey produced in Amer ica. You may know it by its flavor and the proprietary bottlu in whic.h it is served. For sale at all first-class drinking places arid drug stores. Call for Cream Pure Kyi and take no other. 10 * DALLEMAND & CO.t Chicago. That's the condition a man must be in who can't appreciate the unprecedented values we've been giving throughout this entire season. A man with any hcadat all who has attended any of our great special sales , or who has seen any of the goods that came from them , can see at a glance that we've had some special object in view to sell goods the way we've been selling them. Confidentially speaking we have had an object in view , and that object has been to make money. That's what we're in business for to make money and we believe we can do more business and make more money by. giving a man more goods for his dollar than he can .get anywhere else. That's our little scheme. at special sale we will offer four hundred The Serge Suits TheCheviotSuitr Are very fine goods. They are Are in a very handsome wood made up handsomely haVe brown plaid. The sizes run from splendid linings and first class 34 to 42. They are lined with a trimmings. They are in a very good twilled lining. These handsome dark shade of blue and , are just as handsome and stylish are as good a thing as you ever as a good many high priced suits. saw sold for twelve-fifty To seethe " " The "every day" price of these the crowds serge in ( or in serge ) suits is seven dollars the special the price till they're will gone price till Friday night will be be PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESO LUTION. Council Chanbor , Oinuha. Neb , May 2J , ISIU Bo It resolved by the ( Jlty Council or tho. City of Omaha , the Mayor concurring : ThntpornmuiMit Hlduwiilks bo constructed la the city of Omaha as designated below , within live days after tbo publication nf this resolu tion , or the personal service thereof , ns by or dinance U authorized and required , such side walks to bo laid to the permanent grade as es tablished on the paved street ! ) spoclilcil herein and tobo constructed of stocc or artificial stone according to specifications on Ille in the olllco ot the llonrd of Public Works , and under Its supervision , to-wlt : North side of ( Jnpttol avenue , west 42feet lot 0 block 70 city. 20 feet wide , permanent ( trade. West side of 15th St. . lot 1 block TO city , 1'J feet wide , permanent cradu. Kast side of 15th St. . south 100 fcot lot 4 block I'l city , 10 feet wide , permanent pcrade. South side of Jackson St. , lot i blocU 173 city , 1C feet wide , permanent grade. North side of Hurt St. , lots 5 nnd 8 block I ) ' ) " olty , 0 foot wide , permanent grade. North side of Dodge St. . east 50 feet lot ? block 01 , city. North side of Capitol nvonuo , lot 8 block 14 , city- ) foot wide , permanent crado. Kast side of Kith at , lot 4 , block 00 , city , 2J foot wldu , permanent grade. West side ot rah St. . lots 1 and 8 block 00 , city. i'O feet wide , permanent grade. North side of Jackson st. . lots fi , 0 , 7 , 8 block 108 , cltv , 12 feet wide , permanent itrado. South side ot Juckson bt. . lot S block 172 , olty , 20 foot wide , permanent grado. South shlo of Capitol uve , , lots 3 and 4. block 67. city , SO feet wide , permanent grade. East side of 10th St. . lot r. block 1U7 , city , 18 feat wide , permanent grudei Last side of Kth St. , lot 4 block 171. city , 8 feet wide , permanent grade. South sllo of Capitol ave. lot 2 block 63 city , 20 feet wide , permanent grade. . . . North sldo of Jnokson et. . lots 5 and C , block 107 , olty , 1'i feet wide , permanent grade. South sldo of Howard bt. , lot 1 block 101olty. 20 feet wide , permanent grade. North sldo of llarnoy st. , east V lot 0 , block 13 ! > , city , 20 foot wide , uermanont grade. Kast side of 17th St. . lot 5 block 140 , olty. 20 feet wide , permanent grade. _ , , , North side of Juckson St. , lotsfl , 7 , 8 block ICO , cltv , 1 ! ! foot wide , permanent grade. tbutli sldo of Jackson St. , lots 1.2,3 , 4 block 171. olty , 12 foot wlilc , permanent grade. And be It further resolved. That the Hoard of 1'ubile Works be. and Is hereuy authorized und directed to cause > P > ' ot this resolution to uo puuusuou m ui uiui-mi paper ot the city for ono week , or DO served oil the owners ot snld lots , and that unless such owners shall within live days after the publica tion or service ot such copy construct aild : sidewalks as herein required , that the Hoard of I'ublle Works cnuso tlio same to bo none , tno cost of constructing said sidewalks respective ly to ho assessed ngalilst the real estate , lot or part or lot In front ot and abuttluc such Btdewallc. President of the Council Attest JOHNOnOVES , City Clork. ISiO * I' . TiBMIS , Mayor. NOTICIITO CON8THUOT SinEWAT.K. To tboowncra ot tlio lota , parts of lots nnd real estate described In the auove resolution ) You and each of you irro hereby uotlllad to construct permanent sidewalks as required by a resolution of the City Council ana .ti nyor of the City of Omaha , ot which the above Is a tony. I' . Vf. IIIIlKIIAUBKlf. Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works , Onitilm , Nob. , Juno Oth , 1 9 , JCdTt WOODEN SIDI3VVALKJUKSOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Nob. , May 12 , 1802. lie It re-iolved bv ( ho cltr connull of the city of Omuhu. the mityor concurring : That wooden nldownlUs bo constructed In the olty ot Onmlm ita designated holow.wlf hln live ( lays after the publication of this resolu tion , or the porsoiml service thereof , ns by or- dlnanio U utithorl/oj und required ; such sidewalks to bo laid to the present grade on the streets spoclllod herein , and to bo con structed of pine plunk of such width and thickness und bo laid noon joists of such dimensions und In such manner as IK pro scribed by the BDoolllcatlous on die In the olllco of the HUard of 1'ublle Works und under KH supervision , towlt : . . , . , , . Kast side of .tltli street , lots 1 , 2. ! ) , 4 , block 1 , Hagimfc Hill's I'd ' addition , 0 foot wide , And bo It further resolved , That the Honn ] of I'ubllo Works bo and hereby is aiithorl/od unddlroutod to onuko a copy of tin * resolu tion to bo pubtlfchecl In the olllclul paper of the city for ono wook. or ho survoU on tlio owners of suld lots and unless siieh OWIIOM shall within llvodiiys uftor tbo publloat on or serviooof moll copy construct s.duwnlks us hoieln reoulrod , that the Hoard of Tubllo Works cause the sumo to be done , the cosfcof constructing suld sldowulks respectively to uo assessed iiitulnit the real estate , lot or part of lot In front of Mid abutting such sidewalk * . . - R , , . , IAm President of the Council , Attest : JOHN U UOV EH , City ClcrU , Approved : OEO. P. UEMI8 , Mayor , NOTICE TO CONBTUUOT BIDEWAhKH. To thoownuru ofloif , puru of lots and real flstateduvcrlbud In the above resolution : You and ouch of you urohoruuy notified to construct wooden slcluwnlks uu required by a resolution of the city council uud mayor of of the city of Onmlm , of vrhli'h the uhovu li a copy. 1' . W. JHItKHAUoKIt , Uialimtin Hoard of I'ubllo Works , Omaha , Itub , , Juoo 1 , iblU. jtu 7V PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Nob. , May 24 , 1503. Bo it repolvecl by the city council of the city of Omaha , the mayor concurring : Th.it permanent sldowullts bo constructed In the elty of Omnha us dflslanutod bolour , within five days after the publication of this resolution or the personal service thereof , us by ordinance is authorised nnrt required ; such sidewalks to bo laid to the permanent grade as established on the paved streets specified. hcioln und to bo constructed of stone , arti ficial stone , brick or tlllnu uoeorillng to speci fications on file In the ofllco of the Ho.irJ of Public Works , und under Its supervision , to wit : Kast stdo of 3)th ) avenue , lots 15 , in , 17 , 18 , block II , 1 bunco m Place , 0 feet wide , perma nent grade. Eust sldo of 30th avcnuo , all of block 4 , Hanscom Place. 0 feet wide , permanent grade. K.istsldoof Mason street , lot B. bloclc 2J1. elty. 20 feet wide , permanent grado. Kast Hide of 14th street , lots 4 nnd S , block 319. city , 0 foot wide. porniAncnt grade. Kast sldo of 14th street , lots 4 and fi. block 3J4 , city. 0 foot wldc.-pormunont grade. Kast side ofCOth street , sections 27,15 , 13 , Hurlman's reserve , 0 feet wldo. permanent grade. And bo It further resolved : That the Ho.irdot Publlu Works her and Is hereby , authorl/.ea nnd directed to cause a copy of thlaiosolntion to ho puhllshol In the clllulal paper of the cltv for ono wcok , or bo fcervod on the ownois of wild lots , and that un less such owners shall within live duys after the publication or service of suoli copy con- Htructsuch sidewalks us hoieln renulioil. that the Hoard of Public. Works caiiso tlio 8:11110 : to bo done , the cost of constructing wild side walks respectively lo bo assessed against the. rtial estate , lot or pnit of lot In front of und such sidewalks , President of thn Council. Attest ; JOHN OKOVICS. City Clork. Approved : CEO. P. UEMIB , Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of lots , parts of lots And real estate described In the above resolution : You und each of you are hereby notllleu to construct pormanontsldowulks as required by a resolution of thu cltv council und msyor ot the city of Omaha , of which the above is a copy. P. W. HIHKHAt'hFK , Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha. Nob.uno ! 4 , 1 W. J < d 't Notice of AbBcsimcMit of Damages for ( iradhi . To the owners of nil lots , parts of lots and real ostiito along Hamilton streef , from the viaduct over the Holt Line railway to 45th You'nro hereby notified that the under signed , three ulslntorusted f reedholdors of the elty of Omah'i , have been duly appointed by themuvor , with the appi oval of thu city coun cil of suld city , t assess thu dumtigo to the owners respectively of the property nfTouiud by gradlnz Hamilton street , from the viaduct over the Holt l.Inu railway to 4Hh street , de clared necessary by ordlniuicoNn.iMtH , passed May Illth. IfllB. approved May 2lth ( , IS * . ' . You uro further notified , that hiivlni ac cepted said appointment , and duly lumllfloil as required by law , wo will , on the Kth day of Juno , A. I ) . 1HII2 , nt the. li.iurof 10 o'clock In the forenoon , nt the olllco of Honown & Co , In the McCaguo unildlnc. within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of consider ing and making the iiBsosHinoiitoJ ilnmaio to the ownois respectively of said property , af- feotod by snlilgrndliig. taking Into considera tion special benefits , If any. You uro notified to bo present at tlio tlmo nnd plnco aforesaid , nnd iiiuko iitiy objections to or statements concerning said usfiessment of damages us you ' ! , ' . ' > ? iiili } ! . , J. | Ii ill\\j ti I tlj\J\Jllf U. H. IIK.NKWA. JAMKa STO01CDALE. Omaha , MayS7th , Ib9. . MM dlOt PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Bonled proposals will bo received by the un dersigned until li'uO o'elook p. m.Junu "Itli. 160. ' , for curbing with white Colorado sand stone , rod Colorado § umlstono and Horoa sandstone , according to spoclllcntlons. Ninth street from Puclflo t.troei . to alley north of Puolllu Hlroet. comnrlsod In Ntroot Improve ment district No. 170 In the olty of Oinahu. Kncli hid lo specify a prloo norllnunl foot for the curbing complete on the streut In suld Im provement district. Work to be done In a-cordunco with plans and Hnecllloutlonson fllo In the olllco of tlio Hoard of 1'ubllo Works , Proposals to ho made on printed blanks fur nished by thu board , nnd ihuse accompanied with a cartllled check In thu sum of tow , puy- ablu to tlio city of Omalm , us un evidence of good faith , TJio board reserves the right to reject any i Chairman Hoard of I'ublloVorkn. . Opiaha , Juno Ctli , Itt ' . J uno C , 7 , U , U. n OCO ItvKlttorvtl IrentinenUMltli /,002oiyWlnr / rli < lur nitlKil. I'or BperiuotorrUwa , Vnrlcoci- . IHncliurKM oixl KmlMloiii niid rr.lorlnir l- t Vlieor. . Curu Flrnt irulmeut "t fi-ro to ' " lUr.CIIK&IoALlKojIllJi'o" . , CIHOIMBATJ , 0 , WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber , Omuhn , Neb. , May 24 , ISO ! Holt resolved by the c'ty ' council of the city of Otnuha , the mnyor conourrlng : That wnodan sldawulks bo constrnotoil In Iho city of Unuhn ns designated bolow. within II vo days after the publlcillon : of this resolu tion , or the personal sorvleo thereof , us by ordliiiince la uutliorl/ed uud required : suou suluwulks tobo lild : to the grade on iho street * specified heroin , and to ho constructed of plno > plunk of such wlath und thickness and bo laid upon joists of such dimensions nnd In such manner us Is prescribed by tlio specifications on ( tie In the olllco of thu Hoard of I'ubllo Works and under Its supervision , to wit : West side of 10th stroot. lots 1 to 8 exclusive , block 7 , Iln/olTorruco , U feet wide , temporary grade. West sldo of 15th street , lots 1 anil 8 , bloat- - 25(1. ( city , G feet wide , temporary grade. West sldo nf 15th streut. lots 1 und 2. hlook 0. Kountzo's 3d addition , U fuct wide , temporary grade. Knst sldo ot 20th street , lots 2 , 3 , (1,7. ( block 17 , ICountro & Ruth's addition , lowbred , ro- palrod nnd rnlald. Kustsldoof 12th street , lots 1 to 7 Inclusive , lc Is Place , C feat wide , present crado. Kast sldo of Ulh street , lots 1 to U Inclusive , M , Donovan's subdivision , U feet wide , present grado. KuHt Rldo of Oth street , lot 19 and s 'A ' of lot 2' ' , Kountzo's 2U addition , G foot wide , present ) gnido. Kusl sldo of 20th street , lots I to n Inclusive. block 7 , Arbor Place , U feet wldo , prcsorft" grnno. jr Kast side of 20th street , lots A and R , I'myii's subdivision of Shluu's addition , U feet wldo , pi esc nt grade. South shlo of Ciildwoll street , lot ft , block 13 , Shlnn'H addition. 0 feet wide , present pnido. South sldo of Hamilton street , lot I , block II , Slilnn's addition , n feel/ wide , present grade. And bo It further rofolvoJ : That the Iloitnl of I'uiillc Works bo and hereby Is uuthorl/od and directed to cause a cony of this resolution to bu published In the ofllolal paper of the city for one week , or bo served on tlio ownoru of said lots and unless such owners shull within five days after the publication nrhorvlcoof such copy construct H'lld Bldownlks us herein required , that the Hoard of I'ublla ' Woiks euuso the sumo to uo done , the cost of constructing said sldowulku respectively to bo assessed against thu rout estate , lot or part of lot In front of and abut ting mien shluwulks. 4 1'rosldunliif the Council. Attest : JOHN UKOVI& city Clerk. Approved : GHO. P. IIEM1B , Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWAMC8. To thu owners nf tlio lots , purls of lots anil real estatu described In thu above resolu tion : You and o.ich of you nro hereby notified to construct wooden sidewalks us roqulied by u resolution of the city council and mnyor of the elty of Oinahu , of which the ahovo IB a copy. P. W. HIUKIIAUHKH. Chairman Iluuiil of Publlu Works. Omaha , Nol ) . . Juno 4. IhU- . _ J4d7t ORDINANCE NO. .1082. An ordinance ) declaring thu iiiii-ojulty of gradIng - Ing .Military uvcniii ) from Ili'inllton street to JrantHtruot , ami appointing three illsln toreste < l appraisers to II SOSH and ilulomin the diimngus , If any. to proliorly owners , which miiy ho onusiiil hv sucli grading. Ho It ordained by thu elty connull ot thu olty of Omaha : Section. 1. That It Is proper and ncccxair/ and It Is hurnb ) declared piopernnilinoeessavy louraiio Military avcnti' ) to Its present uHtab- llshcil gradu Including necessary approuehoM thereto , from Hamilton street to Orantstreut. In tlio city of Omaha , property owners huvinic petitioned the mayor und city connell to huvu said L'rudlr.v donu under the thruf-fifthi cluiiBo of tlio elty churtur us provided for In section I1J. Heetlnu2. That the mayor , wild the upprov- aloftho city council , appoint thruo d osteil appraisers loupprulso , nssess and mine thu dumngu to jiroperty owners which miiy lie caused liy biioli griding , taking Into consideration In making sueh iippraljomont , thu special hoiiolllN. If nny , to such property , by reason of such grading , ' Section. 'I. That this ordinance ( ball tuko olfcct und bo In force from and utter Its pans- UXUi Passed May , , 1808. | Q Olty Clerk , F 1' . DAVIS , I'rosldunt City Council. Approved Muy 28th. Mayor. NOT1CK TO PUOPHUTV You are hereby nritlfiu.l that the followlns dcsurlbcil pruiiilses , to wit : , . , , , , , „ J.otn S. . 7. 8. U. 10 , II. 12. 1.1 and 14 , In block 10. Kountzo's fourth supplementary addition to Uiuclty of Oimihi itiul lyiiu hutwuun Cuntor street and Hickory street and Tenth ( true ! and r.lovonlh Ntreiit have buun declared by oidlnuncuNo. 'MM to boa niilsunco by reason of the sumo bom ; below grade und allowing stni/nunt water to uooummulatu tliercon. N" You uro horoliy Ulroctud lo ubuto &uld nuls - anco by the filling of Hiilil lots to tlio cstixbi llnliud gruue within 3 > dayi from the VH Ii day of May , Ib'j. , or mid nulsunou will lf > ubatod by the city mithorltloa uud Ilia oxpuiuo therfr of lovled us u special tax axulnttt thu propMitl on which suld nuliitnco oxUti. Dated this Oth tiny ot Juno. 1BX' . 1' . W. IIIUKIIAUBr.U. Chairman of the lluurd of I'ubllo Works , J uno 0,7 , 6 , u , ll >