Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Evidence of Steady Growth in All In-
dnstrics in the Black Hills.
Cnllfornlanft Movlnc for n Competing Itnll-
rund Tlic Irtlcnllcin Problem Samples
of Jllnernl Development Suinmnrjr
ol .Northwest News.
\\hilo there Is no especial rush of business
In any of the loading towns ot the Hills yet
thcro Is evidence of a steady Incroasa in all
material lines of grotvtb.The spring has
opened Into In the Hills , as It has elsewhere ,
and this has retarded work to some extent ,
but Urn Indications are that tbo summer will
bo a vary busy one.
Tbo great tlti plant at Hill City will soon
bi In operation and the success of this ndw
oitorprisa will bo watched with much In
terest. This will noc only glvo Hill City a
prominent plAce among thocitloiof the Hills ,
but will In all probability open up a now and
very Important Industry in thin region ,
Ilapld City U pushing tbo schema to build
a smelter and Judging from the energy with
which the citizens of that vigorous young
city tnko bold of now enterprises it seems
altogether likely that tbo smelter will bo a
reality In Ilapld City before another winter
sots in.
Hot Springs is pushing ahead as usual , tbo
< * " Mptondlil now betel being the Inrgest Improve
ment now under way at tbo great health
resort ot the northwest. This now hotel will
tbo a surprise to visitors at the Seringa. It
will contain 1GU line , largo rooms , with
thlrty-Ilvo double suites , alliiuppllcd with
electric llpht and ovury mouorn convenience.
Tbo building is solid stononnd covers an area
ICiO fcut f qunrp. It is built In tbo form of H
capital H , thus giving an abundance of light
nnd the very best of ventilation. Major
Evans , tbo owner , will probably retain tbo
management of tbo housa himself , although
ha mills of leasing it to sotno competent
U ho stucco works at tbo Sjirings are meet
ing with splendid success and the indica
tions ai a that this will become one of the
lending industries of this section. Therois
torao talk of building a motor line out to
"Wind cuvo , twelve miles north of the
( Springs.
Tbu siuv mills throughout the Hills seem tote
to unusually busv this spring , as the demand
lor liimbf r for building purposes is qullo
Irisli. If it were not for the law prohibit
Ing tbo shipping of lumbcroutof thastatotbo
demand upon the Black Hills saw mills
Vould be much greater. Nebraska would
take ull tbo lumber the mills of tbo Hills
could furnish , but the law prohibits tbo ex
portation o ( lumber cut on jrovernmetitlunds
and only that owned by private parties can
bo shipped out of the state.
Tbo great mines are using more ana moro
coal ns the Umber becomes siiarco In the im
mediate vicinity of tbo mills. Newcastle
coal tinds a ready market in all tbo loading
towns of the Hills.
Grazing has not been as good this spring
as usual oil account of the lateness ot the
season , but the cultlo are rapidly picking up
now that tbo grass has made a good start.
Small grain ( n the valleys and on the prairies
adjacent lu the Hills looks well considering
the backward season. It is expected that
this will bo an important summer for the
bills for the reason that a very largo num
ber of Influential men from tbo east are be
coming interested in various enterprises in
the stirring towns in this section , and in all
probability the Hills will bo vlsltod this sum
mer by a creator number of capitalists and
sightseers than over before.
" * Visiting Uilgemont and tlm Springs.
A distinguished party , consisting of dele-
pates to tbo Methodist conference recently
bold In Omaha and several citizens of the
Nebraska metropolis , passed through Edgc-
tnont on the 30th , onrouto to Dead wood and
other points in the Black Hills. Tbo party
consisted of Judge William Lawrence of
Bcllofontaino , O. ; Dr. J. S. Brcckenndgo of
the Brooklyn Methodist hospital ; Dr. J. M.
Klna of Now York ; Dr. ChurlosS. Wing of
Stanford. Conn. ; Hon. E. J. Hill of Nor-
walk. Conn. : Dr. George P. Mains ot Brook
lyn ; Itov. Alfred Coons of Kingston , N. 'Y. ;
j&lr. Horace Candeo of Beatrice ; U. J. Mills ,
V. < J. Grablo and J. M. Gillan of
Omaha. C. J. Grablo of Crawford
and F. M. Yroman of Hdgomont
clso Jolued the party. The distinguished
gentlemen from the east expressed them
selves ns being very much pleased with the
country through which they bad passed
between Omaha ana Edgcmout. They
poke In glowing terms of the rich farming
lands of Nebraska , and the linn crazing
lauds of South Dakota. Judge Lawrence
was especially impressed with tbo superior
advantages of this region for snoop creed-
ing , and declared that , in his opinion , it was
the lineal country for sheep that ho had ever
eon. The largo tracts of good farming
land about Kagcmont were a special sur
prise to tbo visitois.
Hot Springs was thronged with visitors
during tbo past week. Among tbo number
were several of tbo delegates to tbo Metho
dist conference at Omaha , bovornl of tbo
pulpits of thu city were ailed Sunday , May
28 , by prominent Methodist clergymen. Dr.
AVlnw of Stamford , Conn. , occupied thu pul
pit at tbo Metbodist collect * , and Dr. Mains
of Now York preached at tbo Presbyterian
church. Jri tbo aftorncon thcro was a mass
meeting at the opera house in the Interest of
education. The meeting was addressed by
Judge Lawrence , Dr. J. , M. King ; of Now
York and others.
The large bathing resort and all tbo points
of Interest about the Springs were taken in
by the visitors. Sotno'of trio party visited
Wind cuvi\ twelve miles north of the cltv ,
under the guidance of Dr. Hanchor of Hot
Springs college' . They were all very much
pleased with the trip and with tbo cntorluin-
fnent found hero at tbo Springs.
Tim Arid Kl'Kloii.
Amocg tbo faw eastern papers friendly to
the Irrigation movement in the west , tbo
New York Bun must bo conceded first olooo.
In n recent Issue It says : "Tho bill pending
in congress to turn ever to the ctatos And
territories tbo arid public lands lying- within
their respective limits , ao that tbey may
make wbal tboy can of tboso lands bv irri
gation , has a sound and sensible basis. It
may need to bo guarded by additional re-
trlctlons in order to produce tbo most
beneficial results. Since tbevatcr courses
on which tbo systems of reservoirs , dams
-ft&d.dltchcs depend often traverse two or
moro stittes. euro Is required in framing
legislation of Ibis sort , A danger also to bo
guarded against is tbo posslbln perversion of
such a project of general bunelll to tbo pur-
poies of monopolies nnd rings tbnt might
ctuen\lso control local legislatures. Those ,
Iiowavor , uro details under the geucral plan.
The lirst inquiry Is as to whuthor tbo pro
posed distribution of tbe and lands is 'ttio
wisest one , und of this thcro seems to bo
little doubt.
"Thu Irrigation necessary to wake tnls
vast domain fertllu should bo undertaken by
private enterprise understate laws. Thus
jar there has bo-su llttlo demand upon con
gress for any work except preliminary sur
veying uud the segregation of reservoir sites.
But after the great areas of furtlla soil now
open for homestead settlement shall have
been taken up the federal government will
be urged , probably , to apply Irrigation to tbo
arid lands In order that tney may bring a
better price. Tbat Is not tbu busiues > of tha
government : and jvuti as a meiisuro of econ
omy U should glvo up these lauds now in
order that by tbo tlmo tbey are ut'odoJ for
occupation , tboy may have been made fertile
understate supervision. Of course , mineral
lauds would bu exempted from sucb grunts. "
Striking ut u Monopoly.
California capitalists huvo lit last decided
to attack tbu Central I'aclllo monopoly In the
mott vulnerable point the construction of
an Independent line to Salt Lake City. Ar
ticles of Incorporation were filed at tbo state
capital last week , signed by Alvluza Hay *
vrard , Dnnlul Meyer , William Babcock ,
K. L. Q. Bteolo and li F. I'roston , all
strong men financially. Tbey aro'backed by
tha Central Truffle association of tbo stato.
The 'Ina will go to Halt Lake via Stockton
und will pats over the Sierra range at one of
tbo best possible points for the passage of o
1'be ttr t mrvey enters Nevada vU Beck-
with miss , but two other ! hare been made
and tbo route has not been dotlnltely decided
upon , The Union Pacific has flvo surveys
from Its terminus at Ogdeu to San Francisco
nnd all ot these routes have been carefully
lodkod over by Mr. Cleveland within the past
three months. Tbey are all shorter than the
Southern Pacific line , which reckons 895
miles from San Francisco to Ogdcn , having
lost nearly 100 rr > lle < In following tbo old
emigrant trail. This distance will bo saved
by the new line which ever route It may tnko ,
and the grades will also bo much easier ,
making it possible to get to Ogdcn in about
six hours' less tlmo than at present. }
There will bo three corporations in the
deal. Ono In San Francisco , ono tu NoraJa
and n third in Salt Lake. It ls understood
that the Xovndn subsidy will bo 81,500.000
and that Utah will give flu , 000 moro than tbo
amount above mentioned. Tbo capital Is to
bo increased to $10,000,000 as soon as the
road Is built far enough to warrant tbo in.
creaso. ,
Ono of tbe creat obit-cU of the company
will oo in the development of local freight
traffic. Tbo Central Pacific has never done
anything to oncourngo the mining Industry
iii Nevada or Utah. It has charged rates on
ore shipments that wrra simply prohibitory.
The now company's line will run through n
rich mining territory , which It will develop
as rapidly as possible after Its completion.
A lilt of Wyoming IJonlor Lifts
By something llKo a thousand per cent ,
Suggs Is tbo liveliest town in tbo state of
Wyoming. It li In Sherldnn county and l
called for a cattle owner whoso herds rnngo
thereabouts. It Is Just now the control point
for the Burlington construction In northern
Wyoming. Tbo railroad grading is com
pleted to within fifteen miles ot that point
on Powder rl'/or. The vllllago Is a hummer
and affords Wyoming Its only available
touch of real high Ufa. It consists mainly
of tents and the tents mainly of saloons , iil-
tbougb pretty nearly every branch ot busi
ness is moro or los represented.
Until Saturday last there has been no law
or government In the plaeo. Its days nnd
nlgbts have been an almost uninterrupted
succession of saloon and street brawls. The
visitor who had not jot received a black eye
was rcnmrkablo for bis oddity. Perhaps In
no other similar locality in the country was
tboro KiHborcd together such an aggregation
of hobos and rifT-raff. Many of them were
graders , but many moro are simple hungers-
oil , nnd such an uninterrupted succession ot
scraps no town In tha stuto has over before
seen. A city marshal has now been so-
cured. Ho is paid flOO a month , paid by tbo
business men , and a deputy sheriff bus bcon
assigned by the county commissioners for
duty tboro. The city marshal wont on duty
Saturday. No sane man envies him bis job.
If the present strain is kept up ho must in
thn nature of tilings break down. He seems
in no wise discouraged , however , and hopes
when tbo deputy sheriff arrives to bo nblo to
cope with the situation. U is expected the
trains will bo running to Suggs by July 4.
Tbo work of the Burlington construction Is
being pushed with tremendous energy nnd
through a country requiring tbo heaviest
bind of construction worn. Tbo manager ot
Kilpalrlck Bros. & Collins at the front says
that ilrm has a contract to complete tbo road
ton point ten miles beyond Sheridan , tbo
county seat t'f Sheridan county. There are
now 1,300 teams employed and about 3,500
men. Tracklaying , temporarily retarded by
a strike , is being pushed at the rate of a milo
a day. As the weather becomes thoroughly
settled the present force will probably be
doubled. Tboso in charge of tbo construc
tion say the work will bo pushed without in
termission until tbo Yellowstone park Is
reached and u single direct route provided
for tbo World's fnlr visitors from Chicago to
tbo very gates of tbo park.
Copttr d'Alcna Strike.
Tbo struggle of the miners acainst a re
duction of wages in tbo Occur d'Aleno dis
trict of Idaho shows no sign of abatement.
On the surface the mlno owners have tbo
best of the tight. A number of non-union
man bavo bcon shipped in and several mines
are in operation. A fuaturo illustrating the
desperation ot tbo employers is that of pay
ing tbo now and inexperienced men as much
per diem as Iho strikers asked. Tbe latter
refused to accept a reduction from 1.50 to $3
per day , Tbo new men are paid the old
wucos , acd unskilled labor is paid more than
before the strike. But till * Is a trifle In tno
bill of expense plle-,1 up for no other purpose
than to break down tbo miners union. Tbe
fares of imparted men wore paid , detectives
and guards employed and court expenses
piled up. If tbo mlno owners win the tighten
on the original basis now , tbey could not
recoup themselves in years. Tbero Is no
probability of their succeeding. A number
of tbo men brought in are believed to bo
members of the miners union , wbo secure
work nnd hy various methods help to em
barrass the owners.
The efforts of the governor of Idaho In the
direction of arbitration failed.
The mlno owners now threaten to shut
down for the year , but us this bluff was tried
onca before it is not likely to sc&ro the
Btri leers.
Alining lu Nevada.
Although we have no boom In mining
bares , writes Dan do Qutlto In the Salt Lake
Tribune , tboro is still always something
doing in that line. Many persons have been
dabbling In stocks for so many years tbat
they would not bo able to enjoy Ufa unless
tboy were trying their luck on a few shares.
It gives them something to watch and look
forward to. Then once in a while some
slock takes a jump and doubles. It is never
so dull in shares but some continue to
dabble in them , and now , as in the old times ,
tboro are those who are always to bo seou
watching the bulletin boards.
As regards the mines themselves they bold
out wonderfully. Again and again we see it
announced lu various quarters that tno
"Comstocu mines are exhausted , " but tbo
fact Is tbat all goes on about as usual. Thus
last week there xvoro worked at the Morgan
mill USO tons of Consolidated California &
Virginia ore , the average of which was SiO n
ton. Ophir ere averages $21.70 a ton and
other mines from $14 to 320.
South Diikotu Ounrnntlnc.
Governor Mcllotto of South Dakota has
issued a proclamation governing tbo trans
fer of Texas cattle through the state , so as
to guard against the Texas fever. All Texas
stock brought into the state must bo accom
panied by affidavits of two responsible per
sons and certitlcd to by a clerk of a court of
record , giving the name of tbo owner and
coaslgnco and Until destination , the counties
from wheune shipped and tbo date of * hip-
mont. All cattio coming Into the biato from
Texas are to bo unloaded und inspectol by
tbo state veterinary surgeon or legal repre
Tbe order affects tbo delivery of nearly
100,000 bead ot stock bound for Montana.
Mrs. Isabella Scott , aged 78 , a plocoor of
Hebron , 1s dead.
A Doshlor firm shelled und shlnpod 13,030
buihels ot corn last weon.
Tbo Hebron .lourmil Is of uro. It cele
brated its twenty-lint birthday lait week.
LJanlett citizens are preparing to celebrate -
brato tbo Fourth of July In glorious fashion.
E. L. Heath , odltorof tboilushvlllo Stand.
ard , decllno * to bo a candidates fur re-election
to tbo legislature.
A colt was bora at Kearney last wceic that
onlv welghod twenty pounds. Jt Is healthy
nnd well proportioned.
S. S. IJucknor. tbo Wullaoo druggist ac-
cu&od of belling liquor without a 1 iconso , has
been beld for trial In tbo dlstrlut court under
$250 bonds.
A coluny of Russians , consisting of ten
adults uud twelve children , hue arrived at
norfolk and the members will settle ou
farms In tbe vicinity of tbo city.
A committee from the York city council
examined tbo druggists' liquor registers and
made a list ot olnuteon persons that tbey
found were purchasing liquor In quantities
moro than sufllclont for "mechanical aud me *
dleluul purpoaBR. " Tboy warnud tbo drug-
gUts not to sell to these.
TUo Worth Plntta Tribune says that durIng -
Ing a recent storm lightning struck tbo barn
of T. W. Anderson , living In Nichols pro-
clnct , and passing through tbo roof entered
an elevated bin containing oats , knocked a
tioto In the bottom and allowing tbo crnln to
run through to tbo ground. Tbero were
several bones In tbo building at tbo ttmo ,
but fortunately none were injured bv thu
Tbo various Nebraska Chautauquai are be
ginning to'put tbelr cluims before the public
by istulng programs und giving a prospectus
of what they1 expect to accomplish. The
Beatrice CbauUuqua opens Juno 80. and the
bejslon continues until July 10. Iter. Dr.
Jobu B. Karp will bo superintendent of iu-
structloc , with the following departments J
under his cares Muslo choral volco cul
ture and harmony , elocution , ancient lan
guages , modern langunecs ; art , la various
department * , Sunday school normal dais ,
young travelers' class , Women's Chrl'tlan
Temperance Union school of methods , Mints-
tors' institutes , Cbautauqua Literary and
Scientific circle round tnblo. All tbeso will
bold daily sessions under the cara of expe
rienced and enthusiastic fnstructcrs.
Casper has a 2:10 mineral boom.
Coal Is now being mined at Hock Springs
Sheridan has developed n profitable real
estate boom.
The Mary Ellen mine nt Lander recently
sold for f7,500.
Cbeycnno will lllumlno and articulate
loudly on the Fourth.
Kawliua is boring a system of wells to
obtain a supply of water.
An accidental discharge of a pistol caused
the doatb of Harry C. Bernard at Saratoga.
The talk of martial law as n rfodativo for
the rustier troubles is not likely to develop
Into a fact. A governor can hardly afford to
furnish uvldonco of his Insanity.
Cnoyonna andLaramlo wheelmen exchange
visits on their bykos. The distance between
tbo two cities was covered in four hours and
ono minute.
Tbo Saratoga Sun announces a change of
iwncrsbip. Gcorgo F. Cants has transferred
ho property to a company , wltb Mrs. Vlllotto
W. Cants as manager and chlof stockholder.
Tbo stockmen's cases are apparently In
ho same condition they were when the party
cached Fort Russell. The men nro being
held there by the United States military
authorities , awaiting tha disposition of the
governor. Mean while no papers can bo served
in them as thov nro not lu the possession of
ho civil authorities.
South Dakota.
The Mineral Hill company has contracted
'or a stamp mill.
Tbo state Cbautauqua assembly will boein
at Hot Springs July ' 17.
Rapid City proposes to paint tbo horizon a
.urld tint on tha Fourth.
Black Hills schools are getting in line to
celebrate Columbus' day.
Considerable activity prevails In tbo
building line in Deadwood.
The State Sheep Brooders association
meets at Aberdeen this wook.
Isaac Thomas , a farmer near Ipswich , was
killed by lightning last week.
A convention of doctors will cogitate on
human Ills and bills at Salem next Wednes
Tbo total value of alt state school lands
sold by the commissioner this vear roaches
the sum of $ r-toS30. .
Tbe Dead wood Times declares , after vlow-
ng tbo remains of Iho late accident , that the
Deadwooa Central railroad is unsafe to
travel ovor.
Cattio round-ups are under way.
Dillon voted tc expend $25,000 in construct
ing waterworks.
Allendale , a now town on the Yellowstone ,
has contracted for a Hour mill.
Cbotea u county sheep mon report losses
during the lambing season at 10 par cent.
An assay was made last week of a sample
of ere taken from the Poorman mlno ,
Boulder district. The result of tbo assay
shows this ore to run 493 ounces , or f 13,030
in gold par ton.
Butte's financial condition is not very
bright. It has a floating debt of $03,114 , and
the payroll amounts to $11,000 per tnonlb ,
with only 112,000 In sight to meet both until
the first of next your.
Two colored men named Berry and Brown
have a promising prospect on Uod Kook
creek , about two miles from the Boulder
river. The ore is of copper and galono , and
there seems to bo considerable of It. The
Jwo men a few ago gave bond upon it
for 540.000.
Arrangements are practically complete for
tbo meeting of the second mining congress
in Helena , July IS. Tbe drilling contests will
bo a feature. Larger prizes are offered than
at Denver , and a fair field and no favor is
assured. All wbo care to may come and
enter the lists. Replies have been received
from a great many mining men from all over
tbo country , announcing their Intention to
bo present. The success of the convention
1& assured.
Alnnj ; the Count.
The Great Northern railroad is completed
to Spoltano Falls.
Shad are increasing rapidly in the Colum
bia river. The eolnos are catching them by
tbo thousands.
A prospector bos discovered a ledge of sil
ver-bearing ore near Slate's Hot Borings ,
situated about forty miles from Monterey ,
samples ol which , taken from tbe outcroppings -
pings , have assayed over $3,000 to the ton.
Tbero died In San Francisco recently Mrs.
Ellen Uvon , aged 103 years , 4 months aad 15
days. Mrs. Ryan was born in Cashol.couuty
TIpperary , Ireland , January 13 , 178'J. She
came to America thirty-five years ago and
ten years later went to San Francisco and
has since resided in tbat vicinity.
The Sacramento river has broken through
the levee below Sacramento and is flooding
the rich lowlands. About and above the
state capital the levees successfully- confine
a freshet of twenty-seven feet For miles on
either side of tbo city a huge earth embank
ment at least ton foot above tbo level of tbo
country confines the river. The water Is
near tbo top. Consequently , when a break
occurs , great damage must ensue to the
farmers on tbo bottoms.
The rapid rise of the Columbia within the
past week has changed tbo salmon fishing
situation. Fishermen have been obliged to
bane up tbclr gear for the present. GUI nets
on tbe lower river are catching moro ilsh and
larger ones. The wheels at tbo Cascades
have been making such enormous catches
tbat the canneries there bavo been unable to
take care of them. Saturday ono wheel was
cut loose and allowed to float down the rlvor
fifteen tons of salmon , and many moro bavo
been dumped into tbo river from tbo can
neries , as cans could not be made for them.
WEEPIXO WA.TEK , Web. , Oct. 23 , ' 90. Dr.
Moore : My Dear Sir I bavo lust bought
tbe third bottle of your Tree of llfo. It is
indeed a "Troo of Life. " Doctor , when you
so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right
bide was so lame and sera and my liver en
larged so much tbat I could not lie upon my
right side at all. Tbero was a soreness ever
my kidneys all of the time , but now that
trouble Is all over. I sloop just as woil on
ono side as on the other , and my bleep rests
and refreshes mo , and I fool I've felt
in fifteen years , and I know that it is alt duo
to your Tree of Life. Yours very truly ,
Foe solo by all druggists.
Ilrlcklnyera Union.
There will bo a special meeting of
Bricklayers Union No. 1 of Nebraska ,
this ovoninu , Juno 0 , to arrange for *
attondinp tlio funeral of our late
brother , Richard Hammill. By order
of president.
ICuunil Trip Tickets.
The only line running through trains
dlruct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Munitou and Pueblo. Low rates to all
points in Colorado , Utah orPacitlo coast
points. Fast tlmo on elegant vebtibulocT
trains , free reclining chair cars and the
celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. "
Comfort , safety and speoJ secured when
ticketed via the "Great Rook Island
Routo. " Tiukntollino 1002Farnatnstreet.
J. L. DEUEUVISH , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket and Pass. Agt.
l'ut Clili'iigi 111 I'our i'ucket.
A great work , "Morun's Dictionary o
Chicago. " If there is n feature or insti
tution in the World' * fair city a full de
scription of which dooa not appear in the
book , \vo have yet to hoar of it Price ,
25 cents per cony. For sale at 209 Ho raid
building , Chicago. Sco the now , com-
plolo and elegant map it contains. Per
sona ordering copies will please oncloao
0 cents extra for postage.
Democratic Convention.
Chicago and return ono faro for the
round trip. Tickets on sale Juno 17 to
21. good to return July 0. Secure
tickets and sleeping car accommodations
at olllco of the great Rock Island route ,
100 : ! Farnam street.
J. L. Da BKVOISE , CltyTkU & . P. A.
IntcrMtlrij : Commcnl-Mhcnt Exercises ot
the Various .Vtfttri School * .
riUNKUS , NOD. , Juh'o S.-'fSpoclnl to THE
BEE. } The grnduatlngtojcorciscs of Franklin
academy began today.t | Tbo baccalaureate
sermon was delivered bjjKov. George Mitch
ell at 11 a. m. Tbo exhibition of the Eclectic
society occurs tomorrow at 8 p. m. The
piano recital will bb given Wednesday at 8
p. m. Thursday , Juno' ' 0 , tbo graduating
exorcises will take place In the Congrega
tional church at 11 a. moTho ! annual address
will bo delivered at 2 pi.m. ot the same day
by'Hov. Dr. Thane ot .Omaha . , At 4 p. ra.
the Gage cadets will drill. Tbo Alumni
association tricots at 5 o'clock. In the evening
n reception will bo given In the p&rlors of the
Ladles ball. The graduates arc : Classical
course , Charles B. El It Ins of WIlcox nnd
Miss Kittle Sbaooltoa ot Indlanola ; scientific
course. Miss Maude M. Bishop ot Dover ,
Kan. , James L Cochrin of Hod Cloud. Miss. ;
Jcsso Dean of Smith Center , Kan. ; Chancy
M. Wardncr of Ucd Cloud and Cfaarlcv A.
Vcoman ot Oxford ; business course , Hond-
rick P. Palno and Miss StelU B. Palno , El-
wood , and Joseph E. Taylor , Linwood. The
school bus closed a must ' . 'osperous year.
PEHU , Neb. , JunoB. ( Special loTnr. UEE. ]
Tbo Normal is donning its commencement
attire. Everyone Is preparing to wolcamo
guests , The exercises will begin Juno 11
wltb tbo Everett society's open session and
will close on tbo following Wednesday. Tbo
Alumni association promises one of tbo
largest crowds of graduates that bus everns-
semblod hero. They have already begun to
BIIINCT , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special to TUB
BBB.J The commencement exercises of Sid
ney tligh school occurred hero last nlgbt before
fore a largo nnd appreciative asscmblaao.
The graduates nriil tholr subjects were :
Harper 'Ulngluff. "Cranks ; " Florence How
ard , "Pockets ; " Mary SilnelutT , "Tbo
Weight of a Word : " Jesse Moffitt , "Labor
Conquers All Tbincs. " Hon. James B.
Uagan , president of the Board of Education ,
presented the diplomas.
AuitoitA , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Special to THE
BIE. : ] A largo audience assembled at Iho
opera house Friday nlcbt to witness the
commencement exercises of tha Aurora High
school. The following graduates received
their diplomas and were presented with
certificates of crcdtC by the University of
Nebraska : G. C. Work , U , W. Work , Addle
Thomas , Phoebe Daraondo , C. W. Weeks ,
Edith Scovlll , Jessie Putnam , Frank Ander
son , Celia Hannawuld and J. U. Aldon.
Oril'n High School Services ,
OHD , Nob. , Juno D. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
The commencement exorcises of Ord Ulgb
school took place In tha court house Friday
evening , Tbero were four pumls in the
graduating class , Tbo services passed off
very pleasantly and wore listened to by an
Immense audience. The exhibition of school
work in tbo afternoon roflcctoa great credit
upon tbo pupils In tbo various g dos. The
kindergarten work and map drawing were
particularly good.
BEAVEU CITY , Neb. , Juno 5 , [ Special to
THE BEE. ) Friday uigUt olavou pupils
were graduated from the Beaver City High
school. The class of ' 02 the second to leave
tbo school Is composed of remarkably
bright and promising young persons , who
have acquitted thoimolves creditably and
are worthy of the distinction accorded them.
The court bouso was crowded at the com
mencement exercises and each member of
tbo class was tbo recipient of many choice
flowers. [ : j
AuArxnoE , Nob. , Juno ,5. [ Special to THE
BKE.J Tbo sixth adtiual commencement
exorcises of the Arapahoe High school oc
curred Thursday nlgb.W Tbo six graduates
were groato'd with a qrowdcd house and
numerous bouquets. The following Is the
program : "At the Vortex , " Rue A. Ross ;
"Women or the Twentieth Century. " Alice
E. Lanning ; "Tbo Power of Little Things , "
Burch ColvinT"Patriotism , " X. W. Martin ;
"Our Italy Lies Ovcf 'the ' Alps , " Sarah E.
Sweeney ; "More Beyond , " Nellie V.
Hobyck. A fine gold watch , a present from
U. J. Finch , a loading Ideal merchant , to the
ono wbo should make tho'bostrocord for the
entire year , was 'presented ' to Sarah E.
STHOMSIIURO , 'Nob- ' . Juno 5. [ Special to
TUB BEP.J Tbo graduation exercises in the
High school took placeat the opera bouso
Thursday night. The building was nackod.
Tbo graduates are : Kay Marquirs. Minnie
Eriokson. Calraar McCuno , Eva McCuno ,
Stella Wlllets nnd Samuel Wotsell. Many
people from Osceola , Benedict and Shelby
were present. Tbo floral decorations were
liuo. '
Tr.KAMAii , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] "Our Boot is Launched , Where Is the
Shorel" was the motto of the graduating
class of ' 92 from Tekamah High school. The
commencement exorcises were held at tbo
rink Thursday night , tbo house being
crowded to do honor to the graduates. Ap
propriate exercises. Interspersed with music
and a profusion of flowers , all aided In mak
ing it a most delightful occasion. In behalf
ot the school board Mr. H. M. Hopewell de
livered a very appropriate address to the
" GIIEELT CENTER , Neb. , June 5. [ Special
to TUB BEE.J The first graduating exercises
of the Orcely High school was held in White's
opera house Thursday. The graduates are :
Joslo A. Tracy , J. P. Rowe and Ambrose
Goaron , The youngest , graduate , Ambrose
Gcaron is only IB years old.
Hastings' Interesting Program.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Snocml to Tun
BEE. ] The commencement exercises of Hast
ings college , which closed Wednesday night ,
have been unusually interesting this year.
Tha various exorcises have boon well at
tended , botb by citizens of Hastings and
strangers from abroad. Examinations began
May 'M and lasted four days. On Sunday
morning last Rev. Harry Omar Scott , pastor
of the First Presbyterian church , lu the
temporary absence ot tbo president- tbo
college delivered tbo baccalaureate sermon.
In the evening Prof. W. E. Andrews spoke
to the young Men's Christian association.
The annual address before tbo literary socie
ties was delivered Monday evening by Hon.
A. 1C Goudy , state superintendent of public
instruction. Tuesday afternoon tbo Lesbian
Literary society beld a very interesting open
meeting in tbe colloito chapel. Tuesday
evening tbo graduating exercises of tbe pro-1
paratory department were bold In the Pres
byterian cburch.
TAIILE ROCK , Neb. , Juno 5 [ Special toTnn
BEE. I Commencement exercise * of the pub-
llo school were held Monday evening at the
Methodist church. The bouso was crowded.
The exorcises passed off to the satisfaction
of all. After tbo usual graduating exercises
the diplomas ware presented to the five
members of the class by Hon. A. 1C Goudy ,
state superintendent of public instruotlon ,
with some very appropriate remarks. The
graduating orations of the class did great
credit to both tbemiolves and their excellent
teacher , Prof. Ord.
OIILCANB , Neb. , JunOjS. [ Special to THE
BEK. ] Graduating exercises of tbe Oilcans
High school wore heltr Friday in tbo largo
ball of tbo Free Methodist college. Tbo
class consisted of Annattnd Jonnlo Gibbons ,
Miss May Travis , Medlar Jennings and John
Turloy. Tbo progratnjvas an excellent one ,
and too much credit pannot bo given Prof.
McCrary and bis corps4 of assistants ( or the
complete success of the entertainment. Not
a single incident occurred to mar the pleas
ure of tbo occasion. " '
STA/JTON , Nob. , Juno1 5.- [ Special to THE
iiBK. I Stunton High school closed with reg
ular commencement exorcises last Friday.
Misses Loda Johnson nad Florence Porter
were tbo graduates , , d ° nd acquitted them'
solves with honor. .
Kept up tor
years the offer
that's made by
the proprietors of
Doctor Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy.
It's addressed to
you , U you have
Catarrh. It's a
reward of # 00 , U
tboy can't cure
you , no matter
bow bed your case , or of Low long standing
an offer that'll made in good faith by responsible -
sponsiblo men.
Think what it moons 1 Absolute confi
dence in their Remedy , or they couldn't af
ford to take the risk. A long record of per
fect and permanent cures of the worst catea
or they couldn't have fuith in it I moans
no moro catarrh or f500. If you foil to bo
cured , you won't foil to bo paid.
But perhaps you won't believe it. Then
there's another reason for trying it. Bbow
that you can't bo cured , and you'll get 500.
It'H a plain business offer , The makers of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay you that
amount if they can't euro you. They know-
that they can you think that they cant. If
they're wrong , you cut tbo cash. It you're
wrong , you're nJ. ol catarrh.
Hoilman's Administrator's
Closing ; Sale.
We .have sold about all of the $6 , $8 , $1O suits at
$4.SO. So much so that it w ill hardly pay to adver $3.75
tise them any more , but the few that are left will be .
closed out at
$6.50 $6.50
$6.50 There was such a great demand for the $6.50
. $4.8O suits and for a suit a little better that we .
have gathered together all the $1O , $12 , $14
$6.50 and $16 suits and put them in one lot at § 6.50
$6.50 SUIT. $6.50
In this lot are nobby new goods in eassi-
$6.50 nieres , worsteds , homespuns , debeiges , serges. $6.50
High novelty suits of every description in sacks ,
cutaways or Prince Alberts , all at the uniform
$6.50 price of $6.50
$6.50 . $6.50
We have an immense line of these suits and
$6.50 as the patterns are so varied you will have no $6.50
trouble in finding what you want. Remem
ber , now , $1O , $12 , $14 and $16 suits in one lot
$6.50 at $6.50
$6.50 $6.50
Administrator's Closing Sale ,
Same Old Stand , Corner 13th and Farnam.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liver and Stomach , restoring the
constipated organs to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other
diseases arising from a disordered con
dition ol the Liver and Stomach.
They are the Only Itollblo Vegetable Liver
I'lll Soldi Tboy are Perfectly H.irralosaj The
re Purely Vegetable ; Try Them.
DR. Sohonck's Book on Consumption , Liver
Complaint and Dyspepsia Sent Tree.
J. 11. SOHEN OK&dJN. 1'hlladoNphla
' was the corrugation In
the famous Yale Lock
Key. It made the ready
perfect , quite perfect.
What's worth locking
at all , Is worth locking
with a "Yale. " To be
sure you get a "Yale , "
see that this name Is
on every Key. .Sold
wherever locka sell.
etunuu.b.TABULEB l . .
the etunuu.b. , . > * .imrl.J
fT tbe Wood. > r wife und e lual i J
I lie be t miJlcine koowu ( or bUlou * . !
nera , coiutliutlvn , djfixT , foul }
breath , beuluilii ) , lioartliurn.toM cf
f Dl > i.Ut4 , UlCUtAl utJTl'KUUU , pBlCfQl A
dlfostlon , plmi'U * . willow
anure Wool , or a failure br tne tt .
rtlnei to uetf orra tbflr proi jr f unction I'crmo *
toQ to oruseiiUne mn humbled ODeafUr *
( OAL CO. , JOFpmce Bt. . how 'vork.J '
* ,
Notice to Contractor * .
Foaled proposals will bo received by the No-
bratku Columbian commission until 12 o'clock
noon , Juno 'JO , WJH. for the erection mid con
struction of tbo Nobrabka World's fair bulld-
lim ou the Columbian Exposition ( 'rounds ,
Chicago , ucoordlnir to plans and specifications
of Henry Voss. architect , on Ulo at tbo oMIco
of Henry Vobn. Uumha , Neb. , and at tbo olhco
of lloury BurkH , room 17 , No. 110 Deiirburn
Htrect , Chicago. I1U Each bid tnukt be accom
panied by tertlQud check or draft on Ghlciigo
or Uiraba bunkforlOporcantof tboamouutof
thu proposal , mudo payable to tbe NebravUu
Columbian commission , which check or draft
will be forfeited to tbo tttaloof Nebraska In
case any bidder or bidders receiving tbo
award or contract shall full to promptly exe
cute a bond with good and Biilllolnnt sureties ,
otherwise to bo returned to tbo bidder. Tbo
building committee reserves tbe right to ro-
jwa any or all bids. . . .
11 Ids Rlmll bo enclosed In plain envelopes
und shall have plainly written thereon , "ll.dn
for rxinstructloii of Nebraska World's ( air
bulldlne , " und addressed to tbn undcrnlgiiod ,
oarotJbermuii House , Chicago. IIL
A ) . II * iir.lo ? ,
Chairman liulldlng Committee txuuruska
Columbian Commission.
1'or further Information address M. II.Weiss ,
chit ruiun , Hebron , Hub. JJU'Jt WiK
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday. Juno 6 ,
7 and 8.
And Their Great Company ,
In the funniest of All Farcical Kp tcrtalnmonts ,
Written hy Themselves ,
For Laughing Purposes Only.
Muttnoo prices Klrst lloor. Mo ; bulcony , 25c.
Lai > t Wednesday niatluco of tbo soaaon.
Tanam Street Theater I I > 0ifitAi1oln3. .
faunUay matlneo nnd night. Mondnr , Tuesday ,
Friday ,
- IN -
40 - SINGERS - 40
Farnam Street TheatBr.i'opuiari-nees. |
Wednesday and Thursday , Juno Bth and 9th.
in NIGHTS in
s ma 2 SHOWS &
Sealed pruposuU will be received by the
iniUcrrtUiioil until lgj : o'clock | > - m. . Jiiiio2ilb ,
18'r. ' . forllio following kinds of paving mate
rial , viz :
Sioux l'i I Is or other aranlto.
White Colorado aJiiJstuo. |
Hot ] Golorudoiiundntoiio.
Uoodrutr , Kauiua , utonu.
Vitrluud brlok. .
And brick blocks , ull according tospoolUca-
For uuvlnz part of the following streets and
alloys In thu city of Onmha , vomprltiod In
strcut Improvement districts Nos. 440 , 407 nnd
47U ordered Improved by Ordinances Nos. UWO ,
M'Jl nnd MJl runpuctlvoly , and more particu
larly described us follows , vu :
Na 4)0 Alley lu block IB. city.
No. J07 Al.oy In block la , from ! 0th street
to txuh street.
No. 470 Mnth street from I'aolflo street to
alloy north or 1'aclllo street.
Knoll bid to upoolfy u price per square yard
for the puvlog complete In ibe utreot nud
Work to bo done In accordance with plans
and spculticutloiiH on Ulo luthoofllcu of tbo
Hoard of 1'tibllo Works.
Kucli proposal to bo made on printed blanUi
furn ! ! ied by tbu board , and to bu ucooiu-
jjsnled by a certified chock In tbo sum of 8.VW.
payable to tbo city ot Omuhu , us an uvldouco
of Rood faith ,
Thu board will award tha contract for tbo
different kinds ot material subject U ) the se
lection ol the material by tbu uroporty own
ers or tbu mayor uud oily council.
Tbe board rvvorves thu right to reject any
or all bids und to waive < lefo ts
Chairman of tbo Hoard of 1'ubllo Worus.
Ouiabtt , flub. , JunoOth , IBJi JuueC-7-U-li
Council Chamber , Omaha. Nol > , May S4 , 183J
Be It resolved by the City Council of the Citj
of Omaha , the Mayor concurring :
Tnat permanent sidewalks bo constructad In
the city ot Omulm as designated below , \vltnln
live days after the publication of this ronoln-
tlon , or the pernonnl service thereof , in by or
dinance u uutlmrlzeil and required , sucb side
walks to he laid to ttio ponnnuvnt grade as us-
tnbllHhed na tbo paved streets spccllloJ herein
and to be constructed of stor.e or artlllclal stona
according to speculations on ( lie in the ofllca
of the Hoard ot I'ubllc Works.'nnd under Its
supervision , to-wit :
North sldo of Oniiltol avenue , west 45 feet lot
0 block 7(1 ( city. 23 feet wide , permanent cradr ,
West sltlo of IHh St. . lot 1 block TO city , II
feet wide , permanent grade.
East sldo of Kith St. , south 103 feet lot 4 blocll
17- ! city , 10 feet wide , permanent itrndc.
South side of Jackson St. , lot I block 173 city ,
6 feet wide. iinnmincntRr.ulo.
North sldo of Hurt St. , lots .1 and 8 block 317
oltjvO ( cot wldo. nurnmnent grade.
North sldo of DoclRO St. . onstC ) feat lot 7
ilnck irj , city.
North side of Capital avenue , lot S block 74 ,
city , -J ( ret wide , pornmnont grade.
Kastsldeof llttli , 20foot
vide , permanent irnulo.
West fiUo of mh at , , lots I and S block CO ,
city , 3D foot wide , nermuncnt grade.
North sldo of Jackson st. , lots K , 0,7 , 8 block
OS. city , 13 feet wldo. pcrinunont ur.ido.
South sldo of Jiickson tit. , lot 2 block 17 . city ,
2 > > footwld , permanent grade.
South sldo of Capitol ave. , lots 3 and 4 , block
l'i , city , ? u feutwluc. DermnnentKrudo.
K.ib'thldoof 10th St. , lot 5 block 107 , city , IS
feet wide , permanent er.illo.
hast side nt U , lot 4 block 171. city , 8
'cot wide , permanent grade.
Soutb side of Capitol live , lot 2 block 63 city.
20 feet wldo , porinunoiit crude.
Nortb side of Juokson st. , lots 5 nnd C , block
107 , city , 12 fact wldo , permanent 1:1 tide.
South side of Howar.i st. , lotl block ICI.olty.
JO feet wide , perm nontr.ido.
North M < U > of llurnoy Nt. , uunt H lot 0 , block
13" . city , 20 feat wldo , uormaiiont gratia.
East side of IHh BU , lota block 110 , city'JO
Tout wide , DC'rnmin'.nt crude.
North sldo of Jackson si. , lotsO. 7 , 8 liloclc IG'J ' ,
city , 12 foot wide , permanent urmlo.
routh slilo of Juckhon St. , lotsi , 2,3 , 4 block
171. cltv , 12 feet wide , permanent gra Jo.
And be It further resolved.
Tlmt the Hoard of I'ubllc Works be. and Is
tioreby authorized nnd directed to cause a ropy
of this resolution to be published In the olllclal
paper of the city for one ween , or oo nerved on
tbeownera of said lots , und that unless xucli
owners shall within live days after the publica
tion or service of sucn capy construct said
sidewalks as heroin required , that tbe Hoard
ot I'ubllc Works cause the sumo to be done , tno
cost of constructing said sidewalks respective
ly to be assessed against the real onate , lot
or part of lot In front ot and abuttlnc nuob
sidewalk. .
1'assed MarSUh , 1892.
President of tbo Council ,
OKO. P. 1IBMIS. Mayor.
To the owners ot tbo lots , part * ot loti nnj
real estate described In tha uuove resolution ;
You and each of you urj hereby notlllud to
construct permanent sidewalks as required by
a resolution of the City Council aua nlayor of
the City ot Omaha , of which the above 1
lopy. 1' . W. limiCUAUSBIt.
Chairman Runrd of Public Works ,
Oualia , Nob. . June Oth , Ib'j ; .
Council Chamber , Omiiha , N ' ) ! ) . , May 12 , 1S.12.
Ho It lo-iolved bv ibo cltv council of thu city
nf Omuhu. the mayor concurring :
That wooden sidewalks bo constructed In
tbu oily ot Omaha us designated bolow.wlUilii
live days utter the publication of this resolu
tion , or the personal service thereof , us by or-
dlnuiuu U uutborlzuJ untl requlrod ; Mich
sldownlliH to bu lutd to the present grudo on
tbe streets spool lied herein , und to bu con
structed of plnu plunk of such width und
thlclaiL'KH und bo laid nuon Jolnx of such
dimensions und In sucb manner us la pro
scribed by tha sDuclllcatluns on file In tbu
olllco of tno Hoard of I'nbllu Works and under
Its supervision , to wit :
Eust side of"Jin street , lots 1. 2. 3 , 4 , block 1 ,
Hill's id addition. 0 feel wide ,
And bu It further resolved , Tbnt the Honril
of Publlo Worldi bu und buroby U nuthorl/ed
und directed to cause u copy of thu rusolu
tlontobii published In thu olllclul pupor of
the city for one week , or 1)0 servo J on tlio
OH nors of said lots and unions suuli OWIIRM
slinll within tlruduya uftur tbe publication or
service of such copy construct , s duwulUi us
lioiuln required , thul tbo Hoard of I'liblla
WorkHcatisullioiiunu to bo done , the cost of
conitructtng uid sldewulUsre pcollvcly to tiu
assessed iiKulnst the real oilatv , lot or put of
lot In front of uud nbultlng such sldowallcg.
Paused May U' . l ! i
President of the Council ,
Attest : JOHN UltOVKH ,
city Cleric ,
Approved ! or.O , P.iiiMlf ; ,
Muvor ,
Tolhuownorsof lotn. puru of lots unU real
ohtato described In tbu above resolution ;
You und ouch of you uro hereby nollflod lo
construct uoodon sidewalks us required bv u
resolution of the city council and miyur of
of tbu city ot Oiuulia , of which tha uhovu U u
copy , P. W. mitKIlAUollt. :
Chulrmuu Hoard of i'ublloVorliit. .
Omaha , Nob. , Juno 4 , Ib'Ji. jld 71