Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Cclhctcd ty Carrier to nny pattof Iho City
] tluB'nc sOmcc J011 ?
irwf rtmnvpi. .
Eaj < lK t Editor NoSI
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Mrs. II. II. Van Brunt has Issued Invita
tions lor a larco party next Wednesday
Tlio Cnmmorclnl Pilgrims of Council Bluffs
will play bull with the Omaha Pilgrims In
the near future.
The members of tlio wheel club made n
run to Ncola yesterday afternoon Instead
of to Missouri Valley as bad bean expected.
There 'vlll bo a regular meeting of the St.
Alban's lodpo No. 17. Knights of Pythias ,
this evening for election of oftlcora for tbo
ensuing year.
Miss Tomllnson , ono of the teachers at the
Wellington nvrtiuo school building , was
presented by her pupils with a line copy of
Bryant's poems last Friday as a toitcti of
their rstcom. They were treated to a picnic
on Saturday In return.
The news npcnts running on the ; Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul road deny that It was
one of their number whoso nrrost wan
chronicled In TUB Ur.i : yesterday for theft of
Jewelry. They sny there Is no such man as
WlUon running on the Milwaukee road , nnd
there was no robbery on that line as re
Yesterday afternoon the llttlo daughter of
Superintendent BurlclgU of the Hock Island
fell from n wngon In which she wua playing
nnd sustained n fracture of the right arm.
lrs. Smith nnd Hunchott culled nnd
flxcd up the llttlo sufferer. The Injury WAS
n Fcrlous one , but. Iho llttlo girl bore the
pain heroically.
Tbo tcaclicrs of the Washington avenue
building celebrated the rloto of school ty n
banquet in Miss Badollct's ' room. T'uoso
present wcro Mrs. Bope. Mr * . Qleason , the
Misses Mangum , Badollot , Parsons , Wndu-
worth , Goff , Kurmucltlcn , Youtg , Huttcn-
r hniier , Honn , Tomllnson , Wlckham , Howard ,
Clausen , Mayors , Mulquccn , Aldrlcb , Whlto
nnd Chambers. _
' Hot Wcathor Specials.
f)00 dozen Iadios'tnisso3 nnd cliildron'g
lik mils , nt 16u , lUc , 25o , 'Uic nnd COc.
Vuluo never boon cquullnd , 600 dozen
ludlo ) ' whlto drawn work end Imndkor-
chiefs nt oo ouch , Al 17c wo nhow u lot
ot Indies' Swiss embroidered hnndkor-
chli'fa , worth 25c and 83c , or H for 60c.
Chlldron's caps in every stylo. Ltico
caps from Sou up. Children's bonnets in
every conceivable shndo , nnd tint , also
in bltir.k , ranging from 60c up. Em
broideries , hicos nnd veilings , wo nro
hcadquai-tore. Just ever , 75 of
the newest veilings on the market. Em
broideries. wo show an immense line nt
our rock bottom prices.Vnsli goods ,
everything in wliitd poods , black wash
goods , crupon cloths , challios , etc. ; the
largest assortment und by long odds the
lowest prices.
Wo nro not going in the millinery
business , but our Now York buyer
bought for spot cash 160 dozen misses
and children s Btraw hats at " 5e on tlio
dollar. "See show window. " They nro
now on sale nt 16c , lOc , 2flc , 30c , 50o nnd
02c , worth in all cases double the money.
Don't miss this chance.
A good fast black satteoii 20 inch nt
COc , sold many a place for 81.00. At
$1.00 , a silk gloria worth $1.50 with ell-
verino L handle. At $1.25 und $1.60 , an
imnfonso line , beautiful silvcrino
'hnrfaloB ' nt $2.00 , $2.26 , $2.50 nnd $3.00 ;
value that cannot bo equalled.
Reliable cash and only ono price dry
goods house , Council BlulTs , la ,
Jarvis 1877 brandy , bettor than imo'd.
Irlromou'H Tournament.
Tlio Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
* nll way will soil tickets to Atlantic nnd
return ono faro for the round trip.
Special train Wednesday , Juno 8 , loaves
local depot , Main street , 7:30 : a. m. Re
turning leaves Atlantic 8 p. m. Tickets
on sale at city olllco , 10 Pearl street , und
local depot.
CHAS. KKNNKBY , G. N. W. P. Agt.
A. T. ELWULL , City Ticket Agent.
J nrvis 1877 brandy six gold medals.
Pastures for horses and cattle on
George F. Wright's farm south of Coun
cil BlulTs ; 6UO nuros blue grass ; running
water. For terms apply to James Raph
ut farm house opposite Wabash tound
house , or uddross F , P. Wright , Bald
win block.
_ 1'Aii.taii.ii'un.
Thomas Ofllcor Isjn iJonvor.
Judge J. It. Reed has pone to Denver.
Judge W. I. Smith spent 'Sunday lu tha
city.U. .
U. M , Sargent left Saturday night for
Minneapolis ,
Miss McDowell of Iowa City Is tbo guest
of the family of A. T. Elwoll.
Miss Anna Hess loft lust week for the east ,
where she will visit during the summnr.
Mrs. H. S. Jones and her mother-in-law ,
Mrs. H. A. Jonoi , spent Sunday m Creaton
visiting frionds.
Mrs.V. . A. Mauror loft last evening for
Cedar Uapids , where she will visit relatives
for n couple of wwlis.
E. A. Wlrkham returned yesterday from
Denver. Ho was a passenger on the train
that mot with n serious wreck uear McCook ,
Neb. , yesterday morning.
U. W. Clnrlt of Uololt , Kan. , wai In the
city yesterday visiting hU brother , John II.
Clurx. They both left last evening for Min
neapolis to attend the convention.
William Moore has gene to London , Can
ada. where ho will moot bis daughter. Miss
-Hclllo , who has been attending Holmuth
college. She Is compelled to glvo up her
school work for the present ou account of
poor health nnd will return homo with her
father for the summon
Davis soils reliable paints nnd drugs.
Ogden house furnishes board nnd
room at popular prices ; from $25.00 to
535.0Q per month , nccordlng to room.
V Jurvls 1877 brandy , highest test ,
Pirn. ITi'inur' * Mllllm.ry IJmporlumn
Are hendquarturs for hats , bonnets nnd
uvorythlni. in the line of mllllnorv , and
on Juno 1 and after wo will sell alt bats ,
latest styles , at nnd below coat. C.tll
nnd bo convinced. No trouble to show
goods. Cblldrun'd nnd babies' hats nil
price:1. : Sale includes both stores , 202
and ! I41 Broadway.
The M it sea Ketolmm and Allen ati-
* naunuo six weeks' n course for children
In elocution and physical culturo. The
young ladlea may bo BOCII nt the Bloomer
school house Monday and Tuesday , Juno
(1 und 7from I ) to 11 a. m.
Dr. Chamberlain , eye , ear , throat ,
ciitturli. Shugart blouic , Council BlultH ,
Chapinan discounts every denier on
screen doors and windows. Scu him
before you place your ordord. 10 Bryunt
Jnrvla 1877 brandy , sold by all dealers
Hart , the jeweler , has moved from
Pourl street into his now quarters. 415
Broadway , lately occupied oy suvinga
Death Finally Domes to the Relief of W.
M. Jones.
I'urtlicr Krlilrnro Tlmt Wntlo Wa n rrofcu-
slonul IllBhuiiyinaii anil Intended
Ucsporato Work on tlio Occa
sion of Ills Dcntli.
\ \ \ M. Jonca illod yoMordny mornlnR
shortly nfttr 3 o'clock nt the Woman's Chris
tian hospital , where ho hull ocoa lying over
slnco the shooting , which occurred n week
ngo. The remains \voro taken to Estop's
undertaking room * , where un autopsy was
bold , which resulted In the finding of the
bullet which had done Its deadly work , pro-
lutnably from the pistol which was found In
the hands of Wndo.
It had entered tboabdomon on tbo right
side , severed the gnll blnadcr ana plowed
Its way Into the liver , where It was imbedded.
No further post-mortem wai allowed by Cor
oner Soybcrt , although Dr. Macrae , who had
attended the doiul man , said ho would bo
willing to pay for the privilege of making
one. '
It was not learned until a late hour last
nlnbt that Jones had mudo any other state
ment concerning the shooting than tbo ono
madn immediately alter the tragedy a wcolt
ugo. Then ho WHS sulTurlt.g from the shock
and fright Incident to the desperate wound
und the deadly nssuull , but on Thursday
afternoon ho tnado a different statement ,
giving nil the details , which la given exclu
sively in Tim lice this morning.
On that day the wounded man was In the
best physical" condition ho had been in slnco
the shooting und his mlna was clear and vig
orous. Tim statement was inndo to W. H.
Jnmca , traveling man for the tiantlwlcb people
ple , und was mudo In conlldcnco , with tha
understanding that it was not to bo repeated
to uny but his friends , and was given under
the bcilof that ho would recover und with
the ausiro that they should know tbo facts.
Story of tlio Trngcdr.
In this statement Jones says that after his
refusal to taka the curriaeo mid go out Into
Iho country , Moher got into a quarrel with
Drogan , alias Calllgan , the hackman who
brought out tbo carriage , and struck at him
with a billy. Urogan ran around on the
jpposito sldo of the hack with Mutter chasing
iilm , leaving Jones alone with Wade between
Iho high fence and the hack. Jonas was In
the act of paying Wade the $1 demanded ,
and had pulled out a handful of money , In
cluding several bills. Tholnstnnttbo money
was In sight Wade made a grab for It and
caught Jones' band , but bo jerked away from
him and shoved the money burk Into bis
pockot. Wade then made a dash to solzo
Jones' gold watch and grabbed It with both
bands. Jones again brouo away from him
and strucK nt him , when Wade re
sponded with n blow either from his
fist or his pistol tbat knocked Jones
down. Tha hackman then sprang on him
and shot bun as ho lay upon the pavement.
Jones then draw his own pistol and f.liot just
ni Wndo snapped his gun again , and con
tinued shooting until the hackman fell.
Won Not Intoxicated.
Jones assorts positively , and the statement
is corroborratod by all who mot him during
the nvcnlng. that no was not Intoxicated In
the least at the time of thu shooting and had
drank nothing but boor , a beverage to
which ho was accustomed.
Storlot told and sldo remarks dropped by
the associates and acquaintances of Wnde
strengthen the imnrosslon that be was a
professional holdup ana thug , and richly de
served the Into that overtook him. It Is also
sura that ho contemplated matting a raid on
same ono Sunday night , and for this purpose-
applied to a saloonkeeper for \vlclted-looli- -
Ing , 44-callbor six shot Winchester revolver ,
which tbo saloon man was holding as secur
ity for a $5 loan. The request was refused ,
and Wade remarked that ho would have to
use bis "llttlo gun , " and added tbat ho
'would like to have the big ono bacauso ho
coulit intimidate a fellow with It much bet
ter. "
Jones was 41 years of ago. and was born
In Milan , O. During his rcsldonci in Coun
cil Bluffs ho has made a very favorable Im
pression upon tbo business mou with whom
ho caraa In contact.
Tbo body was taken on the Burlington
flyer to Sandwich , III. , for interment , accom
panied by his wife and Messrs. U. C. Jones
and H. E. Adams.
Jarvia wines the oldest and best.
Trains leave for Manawa at 9 , 11 , 1 , 2 ,
8 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 7 und 8 o'clock.
A Oalii llnr.
A gala day for the children IB prom
ised next Saturday , Juno 11 , by the
BOSTON STORE. A profjrum of gamus
and sports will bo mapped out for that
day similar to lust soiibon.
All are welcome under 14 years of ago.
See dully papers for further purlieu-
lrlro In the Uncle Isluml Ynriis Hums tlio
1'rclRUt Uuput.
The flro department was called out yester
day afternoon to extinguish a blaze at tbo
Hock Island freight depot. It was first soon
by ono of the employes of tbo Rock Island ,
who at once sent In an alarm. Tbo firemen
were vary slow about responding , and a
great deal of trouble was bar ! with the boso
bursting , no that the building with all its
contents was burned. Just how much freight
was stored In tlio structure Is not known ,
und it will probably bo a couple of weeks
before It Is ascertained , Tbo loss will reach
several thousand dollars , however. The
greatest loss to tbo company Is that of tbo
records , which wore entirely destrovod ,
Almost the only things that wora saved
were what were In tbo ofllco safo. The
tire Is supposed to bavo been caused by a
spark from a pasting engine.
Naturally fermented In tha bottle per
fectly pure , with a delirious bouquet. Cook's
extra dry champagne can bo drunk Dy tbo
most delicate , _
International Cure association rooms
are In annex to Grand hotel , 62Q First
avenue , Council Bluffs , lu. For euro of
alcohol und opium disease.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best
Have you seen the wonderful Hurd
rofrlcorutors , the newest and best out :
the gonlno New Process und Quick Meal
vupor stoves light like gas absolutely
safe. At Cole & Cole's 41 Main street.
Closing Out Orounrlos ,
Am going to quit business , and so will
close out my stock of groceries at cost ,
for cash only. IL V. Stoucl. 101 Broad
way. Fixtures for sale.
Roltor , thotallor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and novvojt ( rood * .
Satisfaction guaranteed.
W. II. Gray , the Ilotnl Gordon chef
is the gentleman who prapirol the
Grand bunquot.
Jarvis Wine Co. , Santa Clara , CaL
Patronlzobluo Ice wagonsfor Mo. river
channel ice , Mulhollunu & Co. Tel. lUi.
Vlritmini Wore limy.
Yesterday was a buiy day for the firemen.
After a long period of Idleness spent In wall.
Ing for the big boll to tap the rcon wuro
called upon tbrco times lu nlno bours yester
day to respond to alarmi ,
At 0 o'clock box U was pulled In and called
tbo apparatus to till South Seventh street.
Iho residence f Frank Johnson , which had
boon sot all re by aparki. Loss , fi5.
Box 01 at 8:80 : p. in. was rung in for a flro
la ono of Judge John I , liodlck's houses at
1517 Davenport street , which was occupied
by A. W. UufTot , A defective lluo wu tbo
causa of tna bluio. Los * ou building gift" ,
nud ou contents till
Just before 7 o'clock an alarm was sect
la fro'ii tbo best nt tbo .corner of Sixteenth
aud \ \ elmer ttreets , which brought a halt
dozen ho o companies , two hook and ladder
trucks , the chief nod his two assistants to
the scone. A llttlo Rasolino steve In t'io ' rear
ol a second hand store was blazing , A
bucket ot water nut out the flro.
UoWltt's Sarsaparllln cleanses the blood.
A XXO t ! A CK.1I CA IS.
OoorfiO Thatcher has had n very prosper
ous season with his now minstrel farce
comedy , "Tuxedo , " which opened to auspi
ciously hero last summer , H has proven ,
Judging from Iho puod reports received , the
big success predicted for It on that occasion.
Next Wednesday and Thursday evenings
"Tuxedo'1 will bo the attraction nt the Far
nam , and for these two evenings Manager
Burgess will send his opera company to
Fremont and PlatUmouth.
Tbo novel and original Idea of uniting
minstrelsy nnd farce corned } as Is harmoni
ously done In "Tuxedo" tins made a decided
hit , and Uoorgo. Thatcher and nls excellent
company nro given full scope for the display
of their talents. Tuxedo" Is much Im
proved , and there hnvo accurrcd some im
portant changes In the cast , The com
pany now Includes George Thatcher ,
HughoV ' Dougherty , Hurt Shopora , John A.
Colcma'n , Ed Mnrblo , U. J , Jose. lUyinon
Moore , H. W. Frlllmun , Thomas Lewis , C.
B. Ward. George W. Lewis , the three Pow
ers brothers nnd the Mltscs Ida Fltzhugh ,
Mnmlo Qllrny , Grace Hamilton. Blanche
Hoyden , Alice Trudollo nnd Corrmnlo Cook.
Commencing Sunday evening next the
Leslie Davis Dramatic company will appear
In repertoire at Boyd'a now theater for tbo
entire week. Mr. W. W. Cole , manager of
the company , Is In the city.
Hnvorly's Mastodon mlnitrols will nppcnr
at , Boyd's now theater Thursday evening , .
Juno U. This present company of par excel
lence Is the samu which pljyed nttho Casino ,
Chicago , Huvcrly's own theater , forasoason
ot twenty-eight consecutive wcoiss , n season
longer tlinn nny aggregation of a like nature-
over presented In this country. The free
afternoon exhibition which will bo clvan at
8 o'clock at the northwest corner of Eight
eenth and Farnam streets consists of tbu
most beautiful music executed by Colonel
Havcrly's miinltlccnt : bund , nsslstcd by the
wondrous "KtsscU1' In his military musket
manoeuvres. Scats go ou sulo Wednesday.
"lions nnil Hum" nt tlio Iloyd.
"Hoss und Hoss" Is funny , In fact an av
alanche of fun from start to finish , und for a
chronic case of the dumps promises to bo as
successful as tbo Kcely euro for dipsomania.
Ills fitly divided into n howl , a roar aud u
hurrah , with Charlie Kcd and William
Collier , aided and abcttea by a clever lot of
people , furnishing the button-bursting en
thusiasm. For peoolo who want fun and
don't cara whether It , Is tbo burner of "All
the Comforts of Homo" oiv the humor of
broad farce , "Hois and Hoss" Is commanded.
It made a big bit lust evening , and as a
laugh producer wins ever all other farcical
entertainment iu a cantor.
"Krinlnlo" at tlio 1'arnam.
Last evening the Dodd Opera company
changed the bill nt the Farnam Street thea
ter , "Ermlnle" being the attraction , flayed
to a good audlonco. The opera did not go
with tbo same dcgrco of smoothness which
characterised tbo previous productions , but
promises very well , a performance or two
moro being needed to round the ontortnln-
mcnt. Miss Lesho mauos a captivating
Erminlo , whiio MUa Helen St. Clair looked
particularly handsome and sjing tbo role of
Athallo very acceptably. Miss Belth as the
princess was wisely cast , her particular forte
being character parts. Mr. Muck Charles
nnd Mr. Dan Young played the two thieves ,
Robert and Jacques , with excellent discrim
ination , although the latter was a bit in
clined to ever exaggerate tbo nan , which is
delicious low corned v. The costumes were
pretty and "Erminlo" gives proinlso of a
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla is reliable.
Jack Kyle's Ilrnvery Saves n Young ( Jlrl's
CIUMUERLAIK , S , D. , Juno 5. ( Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. | Chamberlain de
veloped a hero today in tbo person of Jack
Kylo. While a number of young girls were
playing on the pontocn bridge , now being
constructed across tbo Missouri hero , two of
thorn fell into the wuter. Ono was quickly
rescued by persons who wcro .fortunately
close at band , but the other rapidly drifted
down stream with the swift currant.
Jack Kyle and Al Find ley socuroJ a boat
and started to tha rescue. On ncarlng tha
girl the boat capsized directly ever the
drowning girl , burying her beneath It. Kyle
dived under tbo boat , secured tbo girl and
hold to the upturned boat until help arrived.
K. R. Groor of Kearney is at the Mtllard.
D. N. Wheeler of Pendor , Nob. , Is nt the
H. H. Mohr of Pierce , Nob. , Is at the
F. A. Foils of Woodbine , la. , is nt tbo
J. L. Baker of West Point , Nob. , Is attho
J. E. Butler of Hastings is registered at
the Arcade.
W. D. Baldwin of Pueblo Is registered nt
the Paxton.
F. M. Dorrington of Alliance , Nob. , Is at
the Dellonc.
James Reed of Nebraska City Is registered
at the Dellono.
George W. Hartraan of Douglas , Wyo. , is
at the Arcade ,
John B. Jack of Peru , Nob. , is registered
at tbo Murray.
U. W. Flsk and wife of Grand Island , are
at the Murray.
Sidney Stevens and A. S. Blnko of Ogdcn
are at the Paxton.
Emil Heller of West Point , Nob. , is stop
ping at tha Arcade.
James G. Tavlur of Seward , Nob. , Is stop
ping nt the Mlllurd.
Uoorgo M. Hondy and wife of Clluton , la. ,
are domiciled at the Millard.
Edward Holdornoss and wlfa of Crcston ,
la. , are itopping at the Dollono.
J , V. Mosoly of Stockton. Gal. , Is a defaulter.
Forged notes Issued by him to the amount ol
SGO.O.UIiavo been discovered.
A dispatch from Now York savs thcro Is no
Improvement In Sidney Dillon's condition. It
wan not expected hu would live through the
The council of the Irish National league of
Now York City will try to perfect urrange-
inciits for sending n commission to Ireland to
endeavor to ho it tlio factional strifes In the
Irish pirty. _ _ _ _ _
Mr. T. Jefferson Coolldge , the now United
Btuii's minister to franco , baa arrived In
John Dillon snyH that alt hopes of uniting
tlio Irish factions In tlie coming elections him
boon ubii'idniiBi ) ,
The Kovurtiinent Rrlovanco committee has
decided to permit the exportation of
0.1 IH , b.irloy nnd wheat from Husala.
John Kodmoml , wnu Is colnit to Now York to
deliver un uddrens lu holmlf of tlio 1'arnollita
party , li.iu emburUecf on t nu Ktrurlu at y neons-
town.Mrs. '
Mrs. Twickenham "Your so'n is now
earning his own living , isn't ' hoV"
Mri. Wltherby "Oh , you indeed.
His fa'.hur provides him with his
clothes nnd , of course , ho lives in the
house , but otherwise ho supports him
self entirely. "
"In tlio summer of 1800 , a sere t > p-
pwircd on my face similar to n Cancer.
I tried various remedies , but found no
rdiet until I took Swift's Specific.
jvhlch cuml mo entirely. I uatl 0 boltlcs.
.W. F. STCIUNS. Alexander Oily , Ala. "
Wo have had u large number of cascs\
Hum Cancer reported cured by thu use \
of 8. B. 8. It H vegetable , builds up I
thu' general Health , and force * out tlio J
poison Bend for book on tlip Illood. /
. Atlnita , Ou/ ,
wu. T S N T % 1 V 7"
r n I I I * \ < \S
rv . xJ. VJT JL JTv X
I Is at Home to His Friends at the
With a Fine Stock of
. .
' /AA\S < Uns AAJLVJUT JIL1. ArjL < ? JLJJLtt. A-H VJL / N/i
That he will sell you at prices that will surprise you. Special attention
given to repairing and making custom work. Be sure and call and see
the new store.
JT. G.
tsntlT stops the most ercruclrutns pMnsj noror falls to glvo casa to "ho sutTorJi
For spr.ilns , brnlso , bickixohe , piln in tlia cliait or slb : < , liRi'lio'i5. :
or any external pain , a few applications , rubootl on by hand , act llko magic , caus
ing the pain to instantly stop. For cotigj'dliiut , lntlritnitiin ! : , rlie.i nitlsin , not-
ralgla. liiinbusroj scl.itlc.i , pains in the smill of the b.ic'c , mo.-o extended and ro
poalcil applications are necessary : All intmnl ptlni , tlurrlnoi , dysoutircolb ,
epnsms. nausea , faiiltlni ; Hpclljt norrousnois , slo oplojsn.03 * , are rollovod instantly
nnd quickly cured by taking inwardly 20 toOO drops in half a tumbler of water.
60cents a bottle ; sold by druggists. With RAU WAY'S PILLS there ia no bettor
tire or prcTcatlvo of Fever anil Ague.
G. A. Scboedsack , Proprietor. Olliccs 621 Broadway , Council BlulTs nnd1621 _
Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and reflnish goods of every description. Pack
ncrns rnnnlvncl nt cither nlllnn ni1 at the "Works , Cor. Avo. A and 2fith St. , Council
Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have shop worn or soiled fabrics of nny character can have
them rodycd nnd llnished equal to new.
most approved machinery , at less cost than you ever paid before
All 1 ; I nils of Dyeing nnd Cleiinln ? clone In the
hlcliustHtylo ot the nrt. I'.uUnl nnil stalnocl
fabrics iiuulo to look us peed as now. liud
foutlicrs cleano.l by stoum In Urst-olnas man
ner. Work promptly clone inul UullvoroJ liiall
parts of iliu country. Bend for urlco list.
JCnilroudwiy , Near Northwoitara
Act gently yet prompt
' ly on ttio I.1VKK , K1D-
DR. HOBB'S JiEYS and nO'.TELS , dis
pelling Headaches , Fev
ers and Colds , thorough
LITTLE ly cleansing tbo system
of disease , and cures
habitual constipation ,
They are sugar coated ,
Oo not gripe , very small ,
easy to talto , aud purelr
vegetable. 45pIllBlncacn
PILLS vlql. Perfect digestion
follows their use. They
itaalutolr euro sick licia-
ed by leading p. . . .
drusKluts or cntbymi.5ct ; } ; . nilol. Address
HOBfl'S ' MEDICIKE CO. , Ptopj 'Sn Fiancuco 01 Chajc.
Kuhn & Co. . Co.r 1Mb & Pocclat BU.
J .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Ktlrxt nouK
AFcwttr A Co. , Council Dluflj , I
To the owners of airib'fjund part of lots and
roul csutto alone Uiuulat street from u point
U)3 ) foot west of i'M avunno tu 451 h avenue nnd
IntorKeotln/ streets in follows , to wlti 45th
Btreot from Hurt utreot'tti'Uurd street.
You nro hereby noMOod tluit thu iindor-
8lned. tlireo dlalntor/iitud / freeholders of the
city ofOmuhu , liavo t/vuu / duly up pointed by
the mayor , with tlio Approval of the city
eouncllof mild city , to assess thu damage to
tlio ownem rospoutlvoly of the property
Directed by the clmnire ofKradoof Uiiinlni ;
Btruet from a point MJ feet went of 4M avenue
to45th avunuuiuid IntcrioctliiK utrcut as fol
lows , tovlt : 4Hti struct from Hurt btrcotto
Izurd street ( loclurnd necessary by orillnunuo
No. UO , pnssod 1'obruitry S , ISiL' , approved
rubrtiury a lit' . ' .
Vouuro further notlflud , that liuvlnu- -
cui.tol biild uppointnumu and'duly ( luiillllcd
us required by luiv , wo will , on the IStii day of
Junu , A. I ) , IKH. : it thu hour of 1'JoVloclc In
the forunoon. tit the ulllco of T. O. Hrunnor ,
rnoici \VurublooU I , sauthoikst corner of 15th
nnd 1 amain xtreutH. within the torporuto
1 mlU of Bilil oity. mi'iit for thu purpose of
o inslUerln-i und MnnkliiK the niscb meiil of
diimnso to the onnnri rcHpectlvoly ,
proiurty , ultuutod by said chun ii of cr > ido.
tuliln into conslUer tlou spuulul bouuQts. If
unv ,
You nro noticed to , bo proeont at the tlmo
und ulncu ntorcBuul. nud muko any objeotloni
ti nrmutomunts concerning HuIU ns o ineut
o' duiuuuci i.u ytu may consider tire por.
QEO. J. I'AUI. .
OmaliuJuaoO,18z. jOdlOt
Council Chamber. Omuha , Nob. . March B.lS'.t ! ,
Do U resolved by thu city council ot tlio
city of Omuha , the mayor concurring : wooJau Mduwitlka bo constructnd In
tlio city of Omuhu. IIH de"lgnutcd below , within
live ihiys nftur the publlcittlon of this resolu
tion , or the pcr Diiul sorvlco thereof , : m by
ordiiinnce Is uiitliorl/'eil und required ; suoli
sldowulUs to bo laid to the present era do on
the streets spccl'jod heroin , und to bo con
structed of plno plunk ot such width and
thickness and bo luld upon joists of such
illniens ons und In such manner us U pro
scribed by the speculations on fliqln the
olllco of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works nuu under
UH supervision , to wit :
E.istBldoof 'JlHhave. , lots IS to 1(1 ( Inclusive ,
blocks , UOKKS& Hill's bucond addition,0 foot
Kast slilc of'JOUi ixvo. , loU 8 to 14 Incliiblvo ,
block S , lloKgs d Hill's second addition , 0 foot
And bo It further resolved :
Tluit the Hoard of I'ubllo Works bo and
hereby Is uuthorlrod .tnd dlreeted to causu it
copy of this resolution to bo published In tlio
olllclul paper of the city for ono wuok , or bo
served on tlio owners of said lots nnd unless
such owners shall within llvo ihiys after tlio
publication or sorvlco of Kiili copy construct
saldsldowalks us herein required , that the
Hoard of I'ubllo Works eunso tlio sumo to bo
done , tlio cost of constructing Hitlcl sidewalks
respectively to bo assessed against the real
estate , lot or part of lot lu front of und ubtit-
tln sueh sidewalks.
1'u.bsod March 8. ItOi.
ItOi.E. . P. DAVIS.
I'rosldout of the Council.
Attest : .JOHN OUOVE-1 ,
City Clerk.
Approved : OEo. P. BEMIS.
To the owners of Iho lots , parts of lots nnd real
ostuto described In the ubovo resolution :
You und ouch of you nro hereby notllled to
construct wooden sidewalks us required by u
resolution of the city council and miiyor ot
the city ot Omulia , of which the above la a
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
Omann , Nub. , Juno 4 , Ib'J. . jid7t
To the owner ! of ull lots , parts of lots und
roul estate ulon.r li.'d street from Locust street
to Bponcor street ,
you uro hernby notified that the unuer-
EUned. three disinterested freeholders of the
city ofUumhu.lmvo been duly unpointed by the
mayor , with the approval of the city council
of said city , toussuss the duiuuvo to thoown- .
era respectively of tlio property affected by
gradliu ' ! street from Lee list to hpencur
streets , declared necessary by ordluunuoUOJH ,
pncsod Muyd. : : 18'X' , approved May 4th. ISHi
You uro further nutliled , that having ao-
coptud buld iippgliitiiiont , und duly qualified
n rt'fiulrod by law , wo will , ou the 4th day of
Juno , A. I ) . Ihfat thn hourof lUo'elock In thu
foronoou , ut the olllco of T. U Hrunner , room
1 , Wuro block , within the corporate limits of
said city , moot for the purpose of considering
and iiiukliiK the assessment of diumiRO to the
owners respectively of salil property , nirocted
by said Erudlnz. tnkln ; Into conhlderation
epeclal benellU , If any.
You uro notllled to bo present ut the tlmo
n ml place aforesaid , und muko any objections
to or statements coneornliri said usbossment
of damages us you may consider proper.
T. U. MrUUU/KMl ,
T. U. HIUINM'.lt.
Omnha , May 33,1S93.
Doj ; I'oiiiulldtoprr' * Notice.
Tlio following dogs bavo been Impounded :
1 Khephord ,
1 ! Couchdoja.
iil'ox hounds.
1 Irish better.
U PouJIua.
askyo terriers.
1 Newfoundland.
MOurii. '
1C not culled for lu four days tl.ny will bo
doitroyo-I , JOHN tiroKiiu
JOU'Jt Uvt I'ouudkvuuor ,
TilOK SALK Extrn fine , thorouphbrcd. Jor-
* - HO.V oull , solid color , registered stock ; H
months old. ? J3H. 1'lrst street.
IKYOU linvonnrthliiK forsalcor trade see
L. 11. Sho.ifo , llroadwny nnd Main street.
1(10 ( IOWA fiirms for s.-xle. Improved 18) ) ncro ?
In Harrison county. 110.W per acre ; 1'JI ucro
Improved , t''J.OO : S ) ucres. 817.0) ) . 1'or bar itns
In Iowa uii'i Nohr.iHkti farms call ou or write
to JohiHon & Van I'utton. Council II in IT *
Oil KENT Dwolllnssln nil pirts : of the
city. R H. Bhoafe. llro.ulwuy and Main.
STOHAOE nnd CommtRslon-Stnvcs. fiinu-
cure , etc. , stored and sold on commission iu
lowest rules. L. Klnnohaii , ICO llro.idwi\y.
A N Investment Oarunln. New donblu lionso
iYsltimtod ut N'os. 114 nnd 1 0 S. 7th Su , Coun
cil ululTri. Improvement , now and tlrst-ulni *
house , contnltiH 14 rooms. 'J bath rooms. K line
pntilroya , 10 closets , front untl huclc stair ? ,
Iiot and cold wntor service , g 9. oto. , worth
IS.Mil , will soil at u luraiiln und solicit bonu-
fi'Jo olTers. Koiost Smith , llaldwlu block ,
Council limits.
FOR SALE On small payments , fruit and
garden land near Council lUulTa. K. 11.
Shcufc. llroailw.iy ami Main street.
DnsiHAHM'Joflleo rooms for rent In lirown
building , fronting on l'eirl : and Main
Hrouts | , with nil mo.lern convunlonues. For
terms npulr to A. II. Nicholas or 11. U. Cory ,
rooniG , iuents for tinlldlnK.
T7IOH UKNT 020 Second avonuo. dwelling
J- with U rooms , furnncc , rnnzc. bath , elcctrlo
tells , ono of the most deslr.iblo icaldences la
Council muffs ; rent , 15.00 per month. K. H.
Bhonfo. llroadway and Main vtrooU
ITIORSALE A nor.t four-room dwelling enL
-L Avenue II ; iirlee , J5'J ; small monthly pay
ments. K. U. fchcafc. llroadway and Main.
TJ1OR KENT Two of the best CurrlgB flats on
JL Fourth street.
OU SAIjH Purnltuo fixtures lease and
eood will of hotel with 40 rooms In a good
Nebraska city ; will tr.ido for stock nt ponerul
incrcluindlse. E , II. Hlioafe , llroadway and
Main street.
POR SALE A comfortable llvo room dwell
ing near Fulrmonnt park. 1'rlce , Jl.bOfl.
K.VJ cash , balance In monthly payments. E. II.
tihcafc. llroadway and Main street.
OU SALE-A new six-room dwolllnir. 18H
I'lftlruvonnc. price. 8VJ09 , HIM cash , bal
ance In monthly payments. E. 11. Bhcafo
Itroadway and Main streets.
"TOOK SALE A bargain , three-room dwell-
J-1 | ng. 11)18 ) I'ltth IIVOIIULprlun $701. will
take team good horses In trade and balance in
monthly payments. E , II. Sliojfe. 11 roadway
and Main streets.
TjlOK SALE Or trxdc. A six-room frame
-L dwollltiLElclith avenue , cur. "Jth st , prlco
8I,4JO. E. II. Sheufe. llroadway and Main sU.
C10U KCNT-KlRlit-rnoin dwolllng. 221 Wasli-
JIngton avo. . iiioUcrn style and convenience
ienceIn excellent repair , rout $ J3. E. II.
Blieiife , llroadway nnd Main sis.
OK SALE The only hotel In a small town
O'J miles from Council IllnlfH. llnsMiilcc
cream parlor with pooil trado. Kuriiltiire In
voices attl,030 , building J..UOO. Will tr-ulo for
good resident property In Council lliulTs , u
snap for the rlzht party , li II. Shoafe , llro.ul-
way und Main strict.
"V7EGETAIIjE gardener wanted. A tbor-
' oughly experienced vezotahlo i-ardoncr ;
none others need'imply. Hcml recommenda
tions to box ! ) . Council lllufl'a , la ,
WANTED To huy n nice , voung driving
horse ; weight from l.o.Vj to l.ltu : also to
trade a rcarly now ono-soatod top buggy for
u two-seated ono. C. B. Dovoll , 1UW 11 ro adway
Council lIlulTs.
TJ1OH SALE At n bargain , IIOIIBO and lot on
JL1 Ilroadwuy , opuoslto now Northwcsturn
depot , forti.000 ; twcadi : good location for a
saloon. Apply to Leonard Everett.
TjlOR KENT Kour room frame dwelling. 1407
-I Klghih uve. , In oxoollcnt repair ; drv col
lar ; city wuter ; rent { 10. K II. fclicafc , Ilroad-
way and Main street.
FOR HALE Hotel and restaurant In a pros
perous NoliraaVn city , paying business ,
eood nwsnns for holllns , priceiil.UJ i. H 1s a
snap. E. II , hheafc , llroadway and Main street ,
\l7ANTED-Nobrasku lands In nxi'bango
' for Council ItlonV. property , K. II. Hlieafo ,
llroadway and Main street ,
rOR HAbE Oro.-ory slock , fixtures , horses
nnd building , prlco (3'JOO. I'rollts aviirago
JMu per month : location ticst In the city ; ill
health ciiluo of tolling. E. H , Bhoafe , llroad
way and Main street.
G. E. MYE1RS ,
nl every other cradn ( Ionian Jo J liy
nil chibsos ot trade.
13JSK31K 'H ( 3 1 > t 'J J > D ,
205 AND tOT 1WOAIMVAY. Council Hlulfs.
Funeral Director , Embalmar
14 N. Main Street ,
Attorneys ntluw Prnd
tCU | ( , , the stute un
fi'dorul courts. Iloo'iis 3 , 4 und & thuyar
lleno block. Council Hluffs , Iu.
OfCnunutl IIIU3 * .
cnpitii stco' < . . . „ . , . , . , . .9txoonn
burpluuunJ I'rollts . . HOoua
NclCaplt'il nii'l Surplus. . , . . . . . .
Ulrtctorii-J. I ) . KUim.ilui. a , U ri.inir
Olfiuon , ! ! . K. Hurl , I. A. MIIDf , J. V. Illri
aud Cliarloi lu Ilnnnan. Truni.ictKDnorul
Ini ; buninoss. liar aii capital uudvuruluaof
uny tunklu Southwestern lowiu
J.envos I UNION 1'AVIKIO. I Arrives
Omalm. | Union DcpotlUtli nnil.Marcy Bt . | Omnha.
Depot. 15th anil Woliatir nt . 1 Omaha
t.t'j p m | Si. I'aul l.liultutl
llesl faolllllos , nppnritui nnd Hotno.lioi
( or successful tni itmont of nvory form
of disease roriulrliu niodloafor
Hiirilo il troatinunr
CO beds for patients , boird nnJ nttondanaa.
HcHtnccomoJutious In the went. for elreularH on defiinnlt ot nnl
brice : , trussoj. club foot , curvatures o ( snino.
plica , tumors o ineur. catnrrh , bronchitis , In-
liiiliulon.o eclrlclty. p-irnlysls , npllciisy , kid-
nov. b adder , oyo. our , kln an J blool mid all
HP wnMPH A si'E
y/UaltJll / Hookon
Women KHICK. Wo hnvoliituly nil Jed u lying-
in dop trtmont fur women clurinif conlluomoiiU
ktrletly pr vitto. ) Only Itollublo ilcdloal lti
ttltuto inaklnz n HpuilHlty o :
All II oed llsuiaes ) ; suecmifully troatol.
bi uhllltlu I'nlson removed from the system
without mercury. Now itimtoratlva 'J'reat-
iiicnl for IXMU of VITAI * I'OWIJIt Pumonv mi-
ublo to visit u nmv IMI tro'itod ut homo liy
( orruauon inncv. All commiinleatloiH conlT-
deiillnl , MoJicltiou or InslruineuH Bent t > y
ma I oroxpress. nnauruly packed , no m-irkx ta
Ind ento contents ur sender. Onu pOMOiml In-
teryi < w preferro I. Cull nnd consult 114 or Hontl
history of your cuso , mid wo will send In plain
wrapper , our
TO MEN l' EBi Upon I'rlviito ,
iu men , tiVUOuor \ \ \urvo , , , u :
oases , I m potency , H/plillld , Oleot unJ Vurluo
rolr , WltU question IliU . , _
Hritccs. Aiiillanoe | tor Deformities ft Trusoi.
Only manufuctory hithu Wcjtof HKftitt U-
1'fV Al'l'l.l lrtt/t ) * , ''.h , ULKUfHtd
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Council Bluff : ) .
.Ten minute * ' ildo from center ot Omaha oa
Omaha and Oounull Uluff4 cloutrlo motor llu * .