THIS OMAHA DAIKKK : M5KIJNESDAY , JUNE 1 , 18D2. 8PEG1RL NOT10E8. nVKHTISKMKNTH FOU TIIE9K COLUMNS A wilt betnkcn until HsSO p.m. lor the evening find until 8:30 | i.m. fortho morning or Hundaodl - All'naiertiMmentu In lhe o columns 2 cents a word for first Insertion nndlccnt n word thereafter , orH per line per month. No nl prtl" < > ment taken for lc thanZi tents for tlio first Insertion. Terms , efisli In advance , InltlMs , figure * . * 7tnlinl , etc. . ouch cnnntMBwoM , All nilTcrll cai < Inl * must run con secutively. Advertisers , brraq.tip tlngri numbered , check , can have tlin letters ndilrcssert to a num bered letter In cnfo ol a MR IJEK. Answers so nrt- < lre scd will bo delivered on presentation of the check * SITUATIONS WANTED. - ) , LADY OF HOOD ADDttKSS WOULD like poMllon In ph-Jtogrnph studio to rccelro Callers , sllpplfl pictures , etc. Afldre Mrs. Hotllo ( XDavIs , general delivery , Omaha , Neb. 813-P - / , A SITUAVIOS TOIl A GOOD OK.H- A-V/ANTKD ns second hand. Address Claus Sloycr , Northbrtto , la. M9CJ-S * ) . An A 1 MILLINKIt VOH NKXT AWANTHI who could nlsn soil and Is ac quainted with the city trade. Address A If lleo olhce. 1O ! ' * ] AN AMKHICAN WIDOW AOB ST , I'llKI'OS- sousing nnd rollneil , n llrst class housokoppor , Is desirous of obtaining n position ns housekeeper In n widower's or bachelors homo ) no objection to leave the city , < 'nn furnish first class references. Address for ono wcok or call nt No. 1007 H. llth street , near.Mnion. Mrs , G. M. Ha < klll. Minn * Aro31T10N 11Y Y3UNO MAN AS fiTKNOO- A faphort salary not main .object. Address A 47 , Dee. ll-'l-ai * " * WANTED , A POSITION AS DUKSSMAKKIl In families. Can glvo eel references. Cnll nt 1MB South nth street. MIDI 2 * WANTED-M ALEHELP. - ) . SALKSMKN ON SALAHY Ou > . . ; . . - B-WANTKI hnndlo the now pntcnt chcmlcnl Ink erasing pencil. The greatest soiling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two focondn ; tionbrnslon of imper : SOU to MM percent prollt ; ono nccnt'ssnlfMtntnountud to HSU In six days , another 183 In two hours. Wo wniil ono general airnt In osch slate and territory. Kor term * , nnd mil par- tlcularsnddroBS Monroe Krassr Jlfg. Co. , La Cro .so. WIs. , X SO. 'w , SOLICITORS , 211 I1KK I1LDO "lI-eOLlClTORS IN ANY LINK WILL 1)0 WKLTj JJ16 call at or address 1131 N. Y. Llfo llulldlng , Tl-AOKNTS WANTKI ) IN KVKHV TOWN ANO Deity In the wast on oitra liberal term * , to sell i the popular ton yonr policy or the Mutual Up-v rvo Fund Llfo association ; nl o thotiow IOlOq ) eoTnblnatlonfiollCTOf the I'rofoYred Uutuitl Acclj < 1cntamoclntlon of Now York ; cost only till poi [ ' yrnr'for prcforred risks ; < iavo nonoy by insurlngj runto money by rpprosnnllna these whtoawnkd compantpa ; ftrd nuents can double their Inc0mo { Wrlto for clrcularn and terms , to II. U. Itoulson , * 'General Mnnnuor , Ouinlm , Nob. 1Z4 - , HAUNKSSMAKHIIS TO KKKP B-WANTKD ( tnclnnntl , O. ; Covlngton nnd Newport - port , Ky.i ittrlko there. MSOO J12 * i .fju-WANTUD , KKN TO CANVASS THIS CITY ; ulJoxhorloncn unnecessary ; salary paid weekly , at Singer omco , 15HI Douglas. M3.M J13 T > -WA'NTID-A : LIVK. ACIIVI- ; MAN , WITH J > onio pluck nnd push , to rpprctunt us In your locality. Wo have something entirely now that noes , nnd unless you can make from $75 to KM per month wo don't need you. No peddling. Bettor write today. Address''Manufacturers , " box 6,109 , lloston , MUM. M5a-J19 * - ) , 60 11. It. LA1JOUKHS KOU B-WANTJII South Dnkota. Albright Labor Agency , II2U I'arnanistroot. S1W1 T-WANTKI ) , HOYS IIIOM 14TO IS YEAR8OLD , JJOinaha llox factor ) , Kast Omaha. 513.13 1BO LAHOUKIIS AND THAMSTlillS KOR CHI- JJcngo A. Northwestern railway In Iowa. Now work ; 40 for Chicago , Itock Island nnd Pacific rail way ; SO for Missouri Pndtlo rallwny , frco faro ; HW for Montana. Idaho and WnnhliiKtun. Kramer c O'Honrn , Labor Agency , 30.1 South llth street.8iK 8iK ) 31 B WANTED. YOUNG MAN TO WOUKBYTHK month , on fruit farm three miles from city. Kn- qulrn W. L. Irish , lumber nnd coal , 31st avenue and Bpauldlngstrcut. city. 120-1 * -WANTED , MKN TO THAVEI. FOU OUHCAN mla nurseries. Stone & Wellington , Madison WIs. B MAN WITH PUSH WANTED IN KACU CITY , town and hamlet to Introduce the fastest selling household article on record. Overn million sold In I'hllailulphla. Will pay comoetent person 14 per day. Address with stamp W. H. Williamson , 44 N. 4th street , Philadelphia , Pa. M12I jy3U * > -CAltlHA K PAINTKR WANTKIJ , COUNEIt > 2lth and llurdotto sts. 147-1 * B 1 TEAMSTEUS AND H. U , LABOUKIIS KOU Wyoming ' or South Dakota. COti S. I Jtli. t. ? , 152-J30 * ' IV YOUNO MAN WANT1SH TO L15AUN KLOU- JJIst'a trade , ll'IO Sherman nvu. IM-1 * T > WANTKD-MAN WITIt POSH TO INTRO- , Jcluco a nu\r artlnlo niaong merchants and stable , men In Omaha and every city nnd town In Nebraska nnd surrounding states. Pays W.OO per day. ells on lulit. No cumpetltlon. Address with stamp , 'American Mfg. Co. , 4JI Itacostreet , Philadelphia , ro. M171-a * B-WK AITXW AGKNT8 TO DKLIVBU GOODS before paying for thorn. Hundreds of thorn are making ffUXl to SU.OO a day. Our Perfection Ad justable ( recently patented ) and Taylor Shoos ex pand with every motion of the foot. They are ap- vreclatvd and dully recommended by thousands. It'o competition. None but these meaning business rood apply. Address , with Zo ptunip. Consolidated Adjustable Shoe Co. , Lynn , Mass. MI7U-1 * n-MLAnoilMUS ANOTKAMSTI5R8 KOR NKW JJwork on fhlcago A Northwontorn It. It. In lena ; wnk'tui.ll.Tiporday ; frco faro. Krumor AO'llonrne , labor ngoney.HHS. llth streot. M1W2- T > -WANTED. YOUNG MAN WITH EXPEUI- JLJenco as bundle wrapper. Nebraska Clothing Co. Ml 1,5 1 B--WANTIID , AN EXPEUIKNCUD MEAT CUT- ler and market man ; good wages : none other need apply nt 118 Nortli loth nt. _ MIM 3 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. - WANTED. GOOD COOK ANDLAUNDUESS IN /small family. 2201 Cass street. SI4 C -WANTED , BY A OBUMAN WIDOWBIl , A good German Catholic ittrl for housekeeper. Adrtresa John Uohluse Westphalia , Shelby county , Iowa. MSU ! ) _ C 'WANTED , OIHL TO WOUK IN KITCHEN AT Doran house. 423 S ISth it. , one block south of puurt lioiiao. 887 _ _ /1-WANTKD LADY AGENTS ; ] 00 PKU CENT Vyprollt elllng "Crystal Cream ; " every lady buys ; It's the best. Address with stomps , Campbell , drujJtilBt , Clullla , Kim. MiHij 1 * _ /T WANTBD , GIllLl MUST 1IK A GOOD COOK V ana laundress. Apply ot 1130 Bo. itind St. 0711' G -WANTED. GOOD GIHL TO DO GICNEltAL lousework ; n HioalUarnlly and good wages. 1005 fiuorinan ave. V77 31 * /-V-WANTED , A GOOD COOIC AT 1510 SHEUMAN " avenue. I1&-I G -WANTED , GlIlLOK GKNEUAI. HOUSEwork - work lu family of two ; good wages. 23U ! Doug- I as street. M 137-2 * _ -LADY STItNOGKAPHElt. WHO MUST ALSO be good penman. Inquire 1(07 Hiirney street i-GIUL WANTED GENEUAL HOUSr.WOUK , ln small family , lill N ZOth it. 113 31 nfl.W - WANTKl ) . NKAT , QIIlKTUIKIj KOU 8KCON1) > .W ork. luqulro Atn. U. I'urvln , 2IIU st.Jlnry'a nvo. IIP : il . . . . . . .J , A TKACHKIl TO OIVB I.KSSONS V/ln ttntflUu ; oua that spunks French , at 1'JOU Capl- tel avn. 15l-a * aillL KOR (11CM5KAL HOU8K- Apply aMIO. ) Kurimmnt. Mlii ! S * . ( JIIIL KOU GKNIWAL HOUSK- 'work. ' Ccrman proforrod. UIKI Woolworth nvo. . Mint 2 * HOOSK3. oil'l Ni1IOUHIC3 , II ' 1'KU "MOJiTU ANO 'oiwunI. | . The U. t. Diiyl * Co , I'M Farnam. . _ | _ till -KOIt HUNT. 10-HOOll HOUHi : . JIODKUNI 'ZiHU Davenport U Inqulru tt J3 tJarouiurt. | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6M -ItOU8K8 IN AUd'All'MOKTHKCrrY KOU Jifnt. titfu.V. . l Coutui. IGll rUrnnmBt. M 'U ' * 3 IIKP1UUNCK PLATS. 8 Oil I rooina ; now block , llooia U , Sill B. 22d. Tole- plionu t > Ot ITJJ. MBB l-\-.NKW AMU Ill'.ST IIIIH.T IIHICIC 11-llOOM 4-ircnlitoncu In the city full collar , furnaoo , laun dry nnd Hibl , nmntols and tirutni , tiatb , olectrlu bells , nposklng tubes , oak nnlsh. polished Huors ; fli t class In every rnp ct ; Htplult pavamoau ; lUlUbuuth JOth nve , nuar llauicoui park. In. vestment Co. . 41 * lleo bldif. M J ItKST , T-UOOM Cai'VAUB , COltNKlt J athnnd 1'upltol avonuo. a HI B-l liboM HOL'SK AN11 11A UN 2019 UAVKN- purl ( treat ; all modorii eoiivuuloucas. lot ) pur too , TliQi. . IUII , BUT l'a ton block , M7U7 Joules' vulk iroiu ifustotllcu ; lent lo'uitlou la city. 1. f , bkluui-r , lull Kntnaiu t- Jim , l\-io-i M i IIOUHK WITH IIAHN KOU JL/fiirulltire for sale. ISUT > arnam st. lu good ivpalr. J. IL I'urrottu. Douglas MUOKIIN DWKI.UNU. COIINKIl ' 3Mb and Capltul ovonuc , futnUhod or uufur hnd. ln < | ulroau Paxtou blue * , 8IU \-KOII IIIKNT. COrTAOKOKJ KOOUi. UKA1I /Of llli ( hlrai ; < > street. 17.10. MDU 4 * KS-ltOOM UIIICIC 1IOUSKS , MOHKIIX , Half Howard. Hutchlnaou & WeaU. Itth ami HouijUa. HWJ y T\-tt > UKNT. A JltUKUN ) 'ilOUaK. S J DOIHiK M 'I'0' . Kout repair , ulegant location , low rent , n. A. Kuhn. litu and ItougUv M'X * ) I T-B-HOOM COTTAOK , 118 , WITlfilMALL IIAItN. J-'lnulrooiu tlat * . nice location. 017 Buiuh ZJth r * ito K" n W < > r WB l aven om > l oIW hiamylt tr ( .t . , M. a oo ttrott. > : U1 * ron KENT-HOUSES Continual. D KOU KENT , iT-itboMTToOSE 18I3C11ICAOO t. 710 D--1SUSO.S8T11WO. 2801 Woolworth. nt G F. llnrrl on.llN. ) Y Life. lit 4 D-KOH UBNT. TWO BIX-nOOM HOU3F.S , NKAll buMnMS center , IJUOO , The O.I' . lavl Co. ) IMi Knrnnm street. 110-1 D t O It ItKNT , MIOOM COTTAOK , N. W. CO It- ncr Davenport and loth. Nice grounds. tZAOO. H.T , Clatko. FOB RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 1'NI5WI.Y fDllNlHHKI ) UOOMS WITH Oil Without hoard,6W a. litlv. TUISl * -CONKKHKNCK VI81TOUS ACCOMMOUATI'.I > Gil North 17th street. 8ISJI * [ ? -KUllNI8HKI ) HOOM3 TO UKNT WITH ALL .1 Jtnoder'n convcnloncos. 012 Douglr. * . strool. . . M323 JI3 1-K1JUNISUUI ) UOOMS. MOUKIUV CONVKN- J lonc . llW'jrarknvontiD. E-KUltNI9IiKD HOOM I'UIVATB KAM1LY munorn cunrcnlcnces , lUul t'atlfornla at. ; refer cncfn required , -i 8838 * E-HOOMS WITH OK WITHOUT UOAIU ) , BI1 S. * 1 Mth , E-imi KNT. Nn Kf.Y KiiitNisuren nno.Ms. all inodorn convcnloncot , with or without board , Call618 Notth 2Jd. M857 4 E NICKLV KUUNlailHtl UOOMS KOH HOII3K- kpoilng | In suites to unit tonnnts ; ground tliiort largo yard. Apply nt Mi N. 18th troot. MI3M * TP-1'UUNISIIKI ) UOOMS WITH HATH MOO XV month. IIVJ Karnani. I'1 * 1'URHISHED ROOMS AND -TJIcKLrVuiTNisiTBii IIOOMS WITH Flitvr clois hoard , : i8 | South 2Jth stroot. M 172 F-PLKASANT ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS board , llofcraiico * . H.lHo. Wth st. 817-3 * F-FOll 11KNT ( KUIINISIIKD ROOMS WITH IIrU class board , 17JI Davenport st. 813-2 * 1i-lK.SlllAIlll : S01TK OK KIHST FLOOR ROOMS with routhern oxiiosurc , stiltiblo for gmnll family , or four gontlcmon ; also second nnd third floor south rooms. HUN. 2ith stroat. "Tho Kren- .er. " M807 8 * llMc'XSAKT'KIIONT UOOMS WITH K1UST -L1 clnm board , Ml N. 18th. 673-3 * 17-J IAH(1K. KIIONT 110QM3 WITH KOlDlNO JL1 buds , single or onsulto ; first class table. AiMrcss 1811" Knrnam HlrooU MIIIJ 4 * F-KUUN1S11KII IIOOMS WITH UOARD. RKF'J orcnccs. ? } 14 Farnam. ' M03U 4 * I * 1 NICK UOO.MB WITH 1IOAUI ) . 1717 CHICAGO ' * street. MttM'l TT coor. BOtmi ROOMS , , fliNonn ANI > KN X suite ) first class table. 1833 Chicago St. 9721 * I ? WITH nOAUI ) , A NICUIiV KURKISIIKD foontroom with nlcovo , at 1711 Doditu. 975 1 * -KDHNISHUD UOO.M , WITH OU WITHOUT board , nil conveniences ; terms reasonable. U07 North 91th street. M1JO 0 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1-KOU RKNT. 4 UNKURNlSlini ) ROOMS , f suitable for housekeeping. 1702 Webster street. 4UNFUUN1SHKDCHAMUHU3 FOU 1IOU8E- G koeplng to man and wife. No children. Jl'JN. Ktli. ' G-F ; S1J1TK : ALSO ONB PIDK FUU- nlshcd room ; 2017 llarnoy ! references. 8. * > 731 * -a UNFUUNISHED IIOOMS , NO cniLDUKN , G 1131 S. I7th st. 145-J" T1IUKH UNFUltNISHRD UOOMS OF PHI G vute dwelling ; no cooking. Address A 4'.i , lloe . BOARDIN& . H PULLMAN HOUSi : , 1310 DODUK. FOU GOOD board nice rooms , convenloncas , rata and loca tion U caunot bo oxCJlloil. Mrd. llorn , pro p. SI3S-J5 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I FOU KENT , THE 4-STOUY UIUCK BUILDING OIK Karnnm st. The bulldtnfhas u fireproof co nn nt basement , complete stoaiubeitlng Uxturos , water on all the floors , gas , eto. Apply at thoonioi of The Bco. ! > Uj L FOU KENT , BT011K 22X00. 1113 JACKSON Slli T TWO KXCKLLKNT 8TOUKS AND FLATS FOU J-rent In good location , extremely clump. Lovett A Woodman , 2A ) South Utli st. 732-4 I-STOUK8. WITH FIXTUUKS COMPLKTK FOU grocery , drugs nnd meat mnrknt. Flats and houses. H. TIzard , 24lh nnd Davenport. 8311 * .FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. J VOU IlitNT. TUB OLD BASKET FACTOIIY AT Kckermnnn place , 40xlD. 2 stories with boiler and engine W5 per month. C. Y. ilnrrlson.WZN. Y. Llfo. M1CO Jyl WANTED TO RENT. -T7-WANTKD , UOOM AND 2 MKALS WITHIN 5 Ivor ( i blocks of All Saints church ; private family preferred ; will pny WiOO ; Mingle gentleman ; un questioned reforonccs. Address A 61 , Bee.MIC8 MIC8 2' Tf-WANTKD , A FU11N18HKD HOUSE Oil COT JVtage for the summer , 5 or G rooms centrally lO' rated. Best of references given. Address A 50 , Bee. MltSG & RENTAL AGENCIES. L ; K.C. GAUVIN A CO.-JUS SUKKLEY BLOCK. HIT STORAQE. - CHEAPEST AND BEST 8TOUAOE M-OLDEST liouso lu the city , WUIlams& Cross,1241 Uarney. 1)18 ) M CLKAN , DUY AND PUIVATELY STOU15D furniture , lleutlng stoves ntoreilovcr nil in mar. 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Steve Itopalr works. UI'J WANTED-TO BO Y. AT FUKNrrUKK BOUGHT , "tiOLD , BTOltKD. Wells. 1111 Farnam it. H20 T A GOOD HKCONU-HANU SAFK. ADIMIKSS , 1 A 15. Ueo. MSI1 I * FOR SALE-FUENITTIRE. 0-FUUNITUllE. NEW AND SECOND-HAND , AT 'I111 N , ICtli street. A splendid parlor center table will bo given away , call and soft us. L Brussel.1IU7 1IU-7 * FOR SALE-HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. Foil SALK. TESTwoUK : H.O'USES ' AND TWO good drivers. Inquire nt Barrett's stables Dodge street , near bolt lino. MI3I 1)-MOUTGAGEK BALE. HOUSE , BUGGY , HAlt J. ness , i to. Must be sold at once. Ouiahu Mort gage Loan Co. . Itoom II , Crolgiiton block , 15th st. south of postolllce. MblU p-FOU S ILK CHEAP. 1 GOOD MA1IE , 1 BUCK- -L board nud I wagon. Imiulro 113 N. Ititb at. 7118-31 * 1FOIl SALE CHEAP. A LIGHT GLAbS ItOCK- liivny In first class condition. W. B. Mlllard , at Omaha Nat'l Hank , US FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Q-FOU SALK , A NKW , KI.EOANT UPllUIHT llaohr piano , direct from the factory. Instru ments of this make can lu soon ntMaOIoyor , & tiro. ; will null tills at n great sucrlllcu. If you mean buMnum addrots'/ , Heooirlca , 2IU Q-SC11EKN8. IlllllUOWnS1 PATENT. BEST ON earth. Made to lit window * . Used In but.resl- ilonco In Omaha nnd olsowhoro. t'nn bo taken out and replaced by anyone In u moment , if you need screens , gut our i-stluitto. Wllllnm J. Wolshaiu , agcut , Itoom 414 Kurbach block , Omaha , Nob.M247JIO M247JIO Q-FOll HALK , ONI ! lULLIAItll AND ONE POOL table. Ilrunswlck-llalko maku , almost now. In- qulru ot Grand hotel , Cuuncll lllufTJ. 310 fGltADE JKU8EV COWa FOU SALE CHEAP. vZAddrem bor 2 l. city M60T I * KOU 8A'rKiOOljUlCK MEAL OASOLl.SK tituvo. 3113 DouElas. 87 ! ) 31 * Q-llKOIillT Vn ( CIjHANINIl VVAI.I , I'A 1'Kit ; fornulu cheap , luqulro IU.1 North loth t. , up etalra , Wcbstvr ntrtct unlrnncu. Ml57 3 * go..BCEIJji . AITEOU S. Luaui , upstairs ; uialo uuJ female help. Tel. 881. ( St | > WANTKI ) , TO LKA.SK. HMAIJ. KIRKPIIOOK - lafB. . Aildrem. A . lleaofllce. M777 31 1P1CN1U GROUNDS. T'llAVK Till ! PINKttT JAplcnlaKrunndslii iho state. Persons In cities wlanlnjea Hay uO In thosuadu trill Unit It to tholr tntureitby addressing mu. Grounds Just outsldo cltr limits near South Illalr depot- Perfect shade. Mno water and biilldluK lu park. 1 have special railroad rotes. Hani Orlruin , ulalr , Neb. I4J4 * S-illlS. NANNIK V. WARHKN. CUAIIIVOVANT. rollablo butlnots medium , IlltU rear ut 119 K lUtlu 6Mlli HAWTrilHN"UKUAULK"lll8NKSd { | Omnium. KM N. llth stroel , cornvr of Wubstor. Sundays excoptml MXU J U * " C IADAMK "T'ltirAIM ; euMi.Nii"afJiKisT , . 'clairvoyant aid truneo mudluiui Independent tola's ; lull past aud future. MJUI JW C AUR1VAI7 lUCTUAOUIHNAllV : WUNDK11K1JL Drovolalloiis.hall nos tbo worlj' Mr Vlr. M Iir ve , duad Uanoa clairvoyant , tutruloglit , paluil.t kuarfu readurt tolls juuc'llfa from tha tr Ulu lo grave ; unttos the separatad ; causoj uiar- rlsgu with the eau you love ; tells wbera you will Mic4) 'U and In what buslnuis b.tst adapted for ; has tlio celebrate. ! Kgyptlan breaitiilata for luok and to ( Ui.tiov bad Intluunces ; curt > tlu , lutouiuuranua anttall private complaints with batltt und alcohol trvatmout. ' bund I4.0U. luck of lialr. name uuJ dnlu'uf birth ud rvcclva aacurato lltu chart t c ius la stamps tor circular ! jitvo Initial i of one you will piarry ; also pbotosof aama. otllce HJJ7 South llth iri-ot. tint tluor ; hour'J . in , lu'J luiu. t'oiunoan. eouiu all , aa > 1 b oouvluccd of Ihlt wunderf ulorucle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mtlil 1 * Oshotl tluieMadame Wrutwoith , clmtlilo mlad reader ai J form'asleri r v al your uhul Ufe ; re unite * the s iiaruUid.di tr js oill Inaucnres , troata all nerTOui dliuaHt wllb uiBKUvllc trcalpient. Rouui i , SM a 13th all f a.ut lu t ILUI. ; Ur.t Uuor , HI < 1 * M AS9AOE , B. ATH3 , . _ TO. f | * X mal t > ath > , scalp and hair trpMtncnt , manicure and chiropodist. Mrn. l'ost,313HS.15thWllhncll tilk C7I T MISS STOWK. MASSEUSK KI.ECrtHCIAIf , S3 llamgo block. M 1M-0 > _ T -MAIIAMK SMITH 1151 DOUOLAS 8TIIKKT , room 7 , 3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and > ea bittha. M877-3- 'II-LAOIKS' TUUKISH IIATHS ON TUESDAYS JLand Fridays , 8 to I o'clock , under Farnam street theater. I3I-5- MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE Vwf , IIANJO TEACH m , ith , Hospe. or .MS N. 13th st. 0 V roiiK HOYINO A I-IANO HXAMINK Tin : < now scale Klmball piano. A. Hospa , 1513 Douglas. . MON.13Y TO LOAN-REAIi E3TAT5. (531 \\r-UKAIiKSTATK LOANS , 0 TO 7 I'lUl CKNT ' no additional charges f ir commission or attor ney's foos. W. H. Motklo , nst National bank bhU. Tr-l > ON'T FOUGHT THAT WK.ARK MAKING IT low rates on Improved nnd unimproved loans on Omaha proporty. No delay and nil business transacted nt this ollleo , Kldullty Trust conipfltiy , 1014 Kornara street. 71VI W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIU3T CO. , 313 N. V , Life , lends nt low rntoi for choloo saourlty on Ncbrutka or Iowa farms or Omaha city proporty.V23 V23 W-OMAHA HAVINGS 11ANK MAKK3 LOAN3 on rnal cstftta at lowest mirkot rates. Loan * made In small or largo sum nnd for short or long tlmo. No commission Is charged , and the loans nro not sold In the east , but can nlwayj b J found at the bank on the corner of 13th nnd Douglas streets , 03 ! Tir WiUOOTOLOAN.SU.MS OKt : > , UJ UPWARDS ! " can plnca loans on any Insldn Inipruve.l prop erty to any amount where value Is barkof the loan. Ames Rual K tate Aguncy , 15J7 Knrnim st. Oil \\r-KA8TKR.V MONKY i.OANUD. GKO. W. P. ' . ' Centos , rep. 1011 Karnnm M. M4UI w- G5. XVALI.ACK. illZ UIIOWN llLlT GJO \-\r-MON15Y TO LOAN ON 11KAL r.STATK. TUB < > O. F. Dnvls Co. , 1501 Fnrnnni st. CH MONEY TO LOAN. J. D. XITTLU , UIIOWN . Ulk. M51 W LOANS QN IML'HOVKD AND'UNIMt'UOVKD city property , MOJOJ and Uptvards.Htog percent. No delays. W , > 'iirnoru Smith & Co.,15th nnd llarnoy . 621) | TIT C. W. ItAINKY , 315 OMAHA NAT. B'K IILDS < < City morttfagos. Lowest rate * . Money on band. C31 -I'ltlVATK MONET. 1ST AND JD MOUTGAGK loansMow rates ] Alex. Mooro,401 Bco hulldlni Kfi W C. F. UAUH1SON , 012 N. Y. LIFB. 580 W-7 PKU CENT MONEY NUT1 TO'IJOUUOW- crs on Omaha ctty property. No ottra charges of nny kind. Whypayhlgu rates ? Honoris cheap Youcan got full bcncllt of lowrratos from Globe Loan & Trust Co. , ICtli and Dodge. 143 MONEY TO WAN ON 1M.PUOVKD CITY property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. ' * i 3 * W-MONKY TO LOAN -PHftibvui ) on UN Improved Omaha property at1 lowest rates on short notlci ) . Cash on htnd. Cldollty Trust com puny , 1014 Fnriiiim street. ? UU MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. -WILL LOAN MO.VI3Y ON AKf KIND OF security ; strictly confidential. A. U. Uairli , room 1 , Continental block. G33 -UOU'T I'UITCHAHD , 11.3 , W1TUNELL HLK. IJ.19 X _ WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN BK15 W. U. Davis , room 2U , Continental block. Oil ) X DO YOU WANT MO.MnYr If so , do not fall to get our rates before bor rowing. Wo muko loans without delay , publicity or rvmoval of property , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. . at the possible rate. Wo nil ) carry tlio loan as long as you desire , giv ing you the privilege of paying It lu full or In part ntany time to suit your convenience , ami any'part paid reduces the cost of oarrytnz the loan In pro portion to the amount paid. There are no charges of nny kind to bo paid In advance , but you get the full amount of the loan. If you have a loan with other parties , or 1mvo bought a piano or other furnlturo on tluio and find the payments a little larger than you can meet con vent ently , wo will pay It foryou and carry the loan as long ni you dcslro. It will bo to your advantage to see us before sa curing a loan.OMAHA OMAHA MOUTCJAGE LOAN CO. UOoinll Crolghton Block. 15th St. , South of postotllco' - CM . r MONKY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUAnANTED CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , norsos , mules , wagons , etc , at the lowest pobslblo rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession : Payments of any amount can bo mndo at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the Lenetlta of the partial payment plan. Money always on handfno publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. FIDELITY LOAN Cl UAUANTEK CO. , C31 It 4 , Wlthnoll blk. , 1Mb uud llarney. "V-MONEY TO IXAN , CHATTBL MOUTUAGB - < V30 , CO , 'M days , on furnlturo , pianos , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or removal of property , at the lowest rates and the easiest payments. No delay. Cash on baud. Dutrtlreon8and , ! > , Barker blk. 1 * < - 041 V-10 , 2. > . tX , 1W , ANY SltM TO BOAN ON FUU- Vnlturo , horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , 13111 Douglas St. OST X -CIIATTLK LOANS fflt N. Y. LIFU. MOUUIS. 492J 14 X-BO.OW TO 1XJAN ONCUATTEfj 8ECUUITY business confidential. ItoouHOJ Karbach block. MKII J2 * BUSINESS CHANCES. V W" BALU-r-THE FUUNITL'UE AND LEASli Xof ttMroora ; hotel and barroom ; steam heat , electric light , centrally located , doing agoodbusl liens. Dim Green , Barker block. MWJ7-4 * Y M CASH. PJ5UHAPJ HALF , BALANCE IN trottilng bred stallions and a y ung pacing geldIng Ing that can beat 2J throe times to exchange for a good stock of merchandise or dear land. Wrlto for particulars , H. Chauiborlln , Kearney , Neb. 767-13 Y A GOOD CHANCB I HAVE FOU SALE A stock of grocorleaand llxturoi In Cedar Itaplds , la. , n town of twenty thousand population ; stock and fixtures r'lll Invoice between five und six thou sand dollars. Host location In thoolty ; trade first- class. Good reaion given for nailing. None but those who mean business need -wrlto. Address 1C. U , , 134 2nd street , West Cedar Rapids , la. Mill ! ) Y FO11SALK , STOCK OF MlLLINttltY GOODS. For particulars address , J , V. Hackott , Syra cuse , Neb. 8oi-l : * Y-T1IK BEST PAYING HOTKL IN SOUTH Omaha ; owner about to engage In other busl- IICBI ; this Is n bargain. Monauan i O'Nell , : t'"J N street , So. Omaha. K82 31 Y-CASH PAID FOU EN1KWMENT POLICIES lu old line companies. Bond description. A. K. Brocklosby , box ZU , Harf ford , Conn. M923 1U > \r-FOUSALB , FOUU-CHA1U BAItiiUlt OUTFIT JLut a bargain , or will lease on favorable terms. Address A 23. Ueoonicu. tUI-4 Y-I WANT TOIIBNT BLACKSMITH HHOP IN some llvo Nebraska town. Address 407 Hast id street , Grand Inland. Neb M90U I Y-WELL KSTABLI8HEI ) GUOCKIIY HOUSE , good location , choup rent , u bargain. Omaha Heat Estate and Trust to. , Bee building. M134 I * Y-AN HONEST MAN , 8INUL13. 30 YBAIIS OF age , wishes a plnco , If possible In a Gorman family , whora ho can belong to the sumo or as partner In some pitying bunlncss jrlth n capital of Il.tWJ lor the Blurt. Addrcu * A 43 Boo office. 155-31 * FOR. EXCHANGE. A CLKAN HTOCK OF GKIIKIIAL M. U.S'IS ; WILL -Jtako real cstatu & money , lloxWi.feVankfort.Ind. 1 Bli y-UNlNCUMHUUKD LANDS l.V BASTKItN NM- 'Jbraskannd Kanias for gouit lusldu Omaha or Council lllutf property. Address Hues ft Hulls. Kmporla , Kan. M779J34 * Z-INSIDK CHICAGO I T3 KOU NEBUASKA lauds. J , W , tHrattou , Wahoo , Neb. MtW5 J4 * Z-IFYOU WANTTO BUV : A GOOD BUSINESS or wish todlspussof your bus'.najs list It with L.J. Johtiton , lill i'axton block. CM MSI 7-HIU8T CLASS CITY PllOPKIlTY TO KX- / chaugu for good farm land In Nebraska and .Iowa. Send full description of lunl for exchango. George N. Hicks 3tt N. Y. Life bldj. IHW .I l/-tl.SMSTOCKIHNEUALMISHCIIANIIISK FOU < -(50Ucaih , balano dcslrablo real cttatu. lloxli Hastings , NeU. 851-91 * V-FOH KXCHAJtaK-FINK UKJIDKNUB , NKW 'J1V rooms , modern Improvoaionts ) on motor line , I nillo front pastolled. Will exuhanzi for court builnuu lot or firm landl. Vf. , P , U , box lUi , Uuiaba. 977 Z-1FYOUUAVKAUOOUUPUIUUT PIANO TO trade for lot 40 , blaok I , Armour 1'laoo , Boufi Omahaclear of all tucaaibronea Addrcts Nil lieu omco. Ull | y STANDAltD 1IUKD HOU8IU FOH CLKAII / < rurun or lots. U. J. KeudnII , tU Brown Blk. 2o J1U V-WANTKI > . GOOD. YOUNG IIUIVINQ HORSE Ja | exchange fur one roar's lea.o of room * at list andGraci sts. U. V. UutU , Itoom 4 , lieu llulld lug. BB3-3 y-WANTBD , GKNEUAL MKUCHANUI3K FOU rxal estate , p. o. bor BJU. bt. 1'aut , Neb jr-WANTKU ; flOOll FAMILY HOR3 AND CA8I ' ' it aota far unulty In vboU * l oa Ad4reM A 4C . 141-J * FOR y A SECTION Of * IWJB IN NOIIT1I DAKOTA /J\ miles from raltroamaho better soil In the state ; tltln perfect , nbswsft fnrnlshedi no Incnm- brancc ; will exchancallorCOmaliA property. Address - dress AST.Beo. no ) 970-31 * - FOR 9AI.M OR TR'ADR FOR TYPHWR1TKR , a organ. ' . r/ A v.m'AiTiTn TCOU BR IOT ON s. imi ST. fjfor miburhan property. A valuable oqultr in letforROOrt horse , balance very easy terms. * t'ldomptlrust Co. , ItiU Knrnnm - in 5o 117 FOR 3 AIilKBATj ESTATE. WolBAhK-iutnAMrjy IN OUCHAUO llMi 1 : lot , will take good harsir.iis first payment , tml- BIICO , nionthlr imymontR-i" Wo will neil you a lot illrt chonp ami furnish money to build you n homo on monthly payments ; several locations. Via will bnllil yon ncottnito to suit on monthly payments ; small payment tlnwn. Two uowA-room ctittaitcs In Klrkwooil , ono block from car line , cheap onmntilhly payments. Darcnln In clear lot In Walnut lllll. only 11,10000. llargaln In clear lot In Orchard lllll. only StfUOJ. HarKaln In clear lot In Crolghton llclRhtr , rsHW.W. llaritaln Inn beautiful homi ) In l ifnycttu I'lncu , tlio finest residence terrace In Umaha. everyone ad- mlt , 1U lx > t us show It you. Kor terms , prices , etc. , call on Kldo tlty Trust Co. , 1014 Knrnaui St. II ? 17011 BAliK-6-ROOM eOTTAIlK , AND 40XIM-KOOT J ? lot , cheap. Anna Van , ssth nnd Swnii street , Albright. M8Ci _ ' IJOll BALK OHKXOHANOK. COTTAOH KIIO.XT- JInir sontli on West Cnralnif st. : In Uatthage addi tion ; HTU rooms , largo nttlo , imntrr , closets , fores pump , cMtorn. co pool , comontr-il cellar , conven * lontly arranged , well built und Mulshed In hard pint ) . 1'rlcc , JJ.4IM. Will lao a lot as part payment , balance to suit. Apply , to W , It Kurti , TIT N. Y Mfo Illdg. 4117 OUNT/.KI'fjACK UAtlQAINS-Q-llOOM IWKM < - lim.RW3.00. Will takn clear lot ns first | > ar- mont , balance H10Q per month' .1. J. Ulbson , solo uBcnt ICountio 1'lnco , First bank. Cjl TpoIt SALM-ONMONTHLYI'AYMHNTS , 80 .L houses tlot3. TboO. K. Unvls Co. , 1WJ Furnnmnt. mi T 1ST YOUIl NKI1IIA8KA HANDS WITH K I * JUlohnson. GI4 1'nxton block. Umaha. ilti Mill , 11KAUTIKUL VILLA ( ACtlKt LOTS - within it fuw blocks of motor nnd school , In Council Hlufts.SI.OUO to 11,100. Will build to suit purchaser. , These lots havootognnt lawn nnd ahaclo trees of elm nnd walnut ami arnoitored at tlio prlco of n llfth rato&O ft. lot In Omaha. 3 miles from nny- whoro. David Jninlcson , til Heo bids. M30J f AKAYKTTK I'LACK : YOU MUST HICK THIS J-ipropcrty 10 appreciate It ; two homes for sale tit bargain , fall for terms , ate. , fidelity Trust com- puny , 1014 Knrnnin at. _ 117 17011 BALH HOMB3. Arr PRIOR , J7SU. ltt ) UP JL easy terms ; take clear property on first payment G. G. Wallace , Urowu black , liith and Douglas. Clll _ _ FOR BALK AT A BARGAIN , LOT 15 , ULbCK 5 , W. Ij. Solby's nrst addition to South Omaha ; small payment dawn , balance monthly If desired. Inquire ( i. U. Tichuck. Onmlm Hoe. 331 ELKGANT IIOMICB BUILT TO ORDKIl. CALL on K. K. lllngcr , lilt ) Karnnm St. , select yonr lot and a modern house will , bo built Inside of ninety days , sewer , water and gas , ] cs than ono mile from postotllco. easy walking distance to business , churckas and Utah school ; save car faro ; consider ing location no such opportunity has been or will bongaln otlcred ; prices lower than same houses two to throe ralles from business center ; $ HU to fWXJ cash ; balance monthly payments. 8SU 3 * Ipoit SALK , NO3. 4103 AND 4101 LAFAVICTTE nvo In Lafayette I'lace , now 8-roora dwnlllnes. with bath , gas , etr. , electric gasllghtlng and every other modern Improvement , line lawn , trees and sur roundings one block from clcctrIc earn. Tliootwo houses will bo soldnt n big bargain ; will tnko lot ns part pnymcnt ; lot us show you tlio property fidelity Trust company , IBU Farnam t- 117 BUtflNKSS 1'UOl'KllTY. IN , S. OMAHA M BT. , f5tOO. . Iii9lno8s property 2 th't. , S. ' ) . , $2,500. Duslnoss jiropotty Hlliut ) . Omaha , $ dSOO. Lot near lliinsroin I'-uk. f ISW. Clmrmlng cottage WlAlior ' t'lncc , $ .1.0(0 , Cotlnso und full lot Ss'uTid Woolworth l.CSO. Cottage and half lot , Ktnuui Chlcuxo , $ -.7.'iO. 110use , barn and lnrgq-\ot. \ Walnut Hilt , $2,900. Fine house and irroui)4jtMnvi'nuo. JU.iOO. Iluslno'fl property on oUl st , , Omaha , f3J,009. C. F. Harrison , ill ? N. tLlfo. ' l T70HSAL1S CHHAI' , ( ? > bl ) UOUSW'AND 11A11N. X to be moved. UnquUQ f A. J. Uanscom , Iloom 202 Karbach block. ! & ! ( itoST. rOST-I.W.00 DEnVKEN. FAHNAM AND CASS J/ind ICili and 22nd.i b'Linlor will receive reward byrcturnlngto n o.olD t3 ) 3l > LOST CHILD'S IlKll'l'LUSH CLOAtfaWmTK ; f ur trimming and blui'A.itln lining. Kinder will please return to 1211 Nortli 20th otrcut ud get re- ward. * ' , abouCfl years old , nnuwlilte hlni1' ' ' . o < U/Koman nose , W ndudJI orrTltnbnioiiUloni'rowiltl'for hid Teturnil Wost'Omaha Conuund'Ice Co.,4'Jtb und'LoaT onworlh. . I. : TTOST'IN'THB BOSTON STOnK , OMAHA , MAY , J-CO , a Void necklace andheartj.ibefUjdor will bo liberallyrtwarded'by'leaving ' same at office or mil linery department liostori Store. * ISO 1 * 0OB KENT-.PA8TUKES. WANTKD , 27 UOK3E3 TO I'ASTUKK AT Deer Creek Lodge twelve miles north at Omaha , blue grafts , shade and nionln water. Steak called for and delivered. OrvUle C. Johnson , GOT 1'axtoa block , Omah. Tolophono3ia " * 1'JO JT TA8ry UB FOH CAITLITA uoas.BS. ' .Ti TlfK IIAVIf TUB BEST I1OHBB I'AbTUIlK IN V this state at Qllmare station , three miles south of South OmahaICO ; acres blue grass , spring water , board fence. Have a good half mile track on the farm. Will taken few horses or colts to break or train. Ilarton & I'holps 6r A. W. 1'helps Hi Bon , llulldcra Exchange , Now York Llfo building. M7SH-.I24 * PAWN BROKERS. J7HKD MOIILK , OFFJCB 151Ii FAltNAM ST.CIJ ALL KINDS OF BKCOND HAND , CLOTHING , watches , clocks , musical Instruments and sh oot- Ing ware bought nt tlio highest prices at Ml N. Ililh street ; especially overcoats ; orders solicited.M931 M931 4 HAIR GOODS. L AUGUST STOCK IN UNTIUU WKST ; THKAT- rlcal wigs nnd boards a specialty. Wigs , banes , switches , hair chains , etc. ; send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. Cavlos , 111 d. lita st. , Omaha. . Hit FOUND. FOUND-LADIUS' GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN at Miller's hair dressing parlors , 1514 Douglas street. Sir.ti-r HOTELS. LINDKLL HOTEL. NINTH AND fAUNAM , II.M oer day ; special rutos by the wcok. 775M3I MANtTFACTURINO JEWELERS , riASHl'AIDKOUOLDUOLD. CAKSO.N i IIAN 1Cj VAoorn 30. Marker oiock uumha. t& ) KEEVI I N G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , i nPi. . . r4. . , OMAHA TUB UEALTr JIAUKET. rNSTRUMENTS nlncod on record May 31 , FannloIIolortschlnor nntl husband to Allco .lolmbon , lot T , block "S. " Shlnn's Snd add ! . ' : $ 4,00) Jdlm Hchustor nnd wlft'Ho W A Kits-sell. lot 1. block 1. H u rl I ngejn square WO WE Wllcox to Joseph ijuutzormator , lot 3 , Goorgo'seub. . . , . . . . ! ; , 020 Thoreso ICalm and husband to Myron Knliii , und H lot Itrblook 78 , boutli Omaha ( if 2.350 E A Henson and wlfo to > A. B Trapp , ot 1) ) , bloo'c 4Ilonson ( ) , 1.759 A HTranji nnd linaimnd' in E A Ilunson , lot IS. block 0. ( Jllfton < llll 2,000 Henry llaubona nnd < wlfo to J K Thomas , lot 1. bloolc &f llumond nlaci. 800 F I ) Wead to F H Woail.t S3 foot of w 100 feet lot 1 , blook 1 , Nov-Abrt , 1 Q H Hoggs ot al to l ) ) ilul Klgln , Int3. Arlington , / , : . , 1 0 O ai-onro to JiilliirrVrooJor. lot 13 , block 2. 1'ottor & Gotirgo company' * add toKavt Oraiiba . / ; ; 325 B K 3qo | to A KO.ildwelflot | 3 , blook 4 , Missouri Avauno parkHi , ' . , 700 AIox McUtivook ot ul W ; Dutlof Iol- ) nian , lot S4 , blook McQuvok & O'Kcofo'sadd i.1' 100 lloniu Invostinont Co to A E Askwltl ) , IHii foot lot Uiind wflili foot lot S , blooKU. Fostor'audd. . . . ; 2,750 W K 8louno ot al to W 8 King , undivided . ! i loti 1 , 2 and a. King' * suKllv 1,830 Joseph \Vooks and wife to O II Curtis , lot 14. block Iff , llanicom "place 1 0 F ( Must to I A IHust , lota 'J to 13 , Knat & Uoyiiold'tf add ( . . . 1 QUIT CLAIM UEBU3. . U J Cozier to u V Harrison , lot 18 , block 31. Ambler plaeo . . . , , , . . 1 Dortlta Lazarus and husband to Myron Kuhn , lot II , blook7 . South Oinauai. . . 600 T 11 Conovcr and wlfo to H K Caily , lot , block 1 , Walnut Kill , . „ . . . . . : . , „ . . I Total amount of transfers t 10,011 WAJSHBURN * > GulUrt , Hindollni cVZHhen in Tdnme and quality of lone aid the Birr iv THE WOULD , War. noted to wear U any climate. Bold by all leading detler * . Ueau- IKully IUoMratc4 aouvenlr cat * * Io uo' with poitrtlt * of famciu aniM * Mill b Mailed fRE. UYOM & HEALY. CHICAGO. AIL THE Latest Ideas INSIUS nnd DOLORS at RETAIL DM All A RUDDER CO , I.V.ll ! ni iiiiiu St. , Uor. 10th. LrxJy clerk In attontltuieo. Orlalnnl niul llnl Af C , KlkRTt rtlUMft. LKDICS , t k Drufil't * ir CHIrUHltrf FnalM r 3-/f mnndtran I In ! tr < l Mid llaid nxullltV boTti , n l l hh l > lu ribbon. ToVr no other.fctiidti p nmi tnMir - ffotu an4 jnditMotK. At DrnKftlltM. oi rnd 4c. In tnni [ < ii fiir t > arll aUri. trntmaattli antt "llrllc-r for I.uillM"lnl > t r , bTKlnrn Slkll. 11' "HO T'lllramUtl. A'dlnl C'bcmltkl Uo lUailUen Hq . l'hit ai > .r ELECTION PUOULAMAT1ON. In [ iiirsiiniico of nn or.llnanco of tliu ulty ot OIIKUUI , pnsjud nnd approved .May 17,18X2. en titled "An ordlnitncn callltu u spouliU flection to vote n pun the acceptance of the amoncluil proposition of the Nebraska Central rullwiy company und the iuunnco of coupon btinita of the oltv of Otimlta In tlio sum of two hun dred nnd fifty thousand dollars ( $ iVOX ) ) ) to aid tlio Nobrask-t Central Hallway compcny In urqtllrliiR depot Kroiuuls , in ttiu con- Btruotlou of a union railway anil p.'is- scnKor depot , and la the construction ot othur railway Iniurovoiuoiiti upon said RrottndH , and to autliorlzo a ta\ for the pay- tnoni. at , tlio Inturust upon sttld bonds and to orcato n sinking fund for the payment ot tlio principal thereof , anil ropoallnzordlnanco No. yo : > 4 , uaated and approved May 10th , 18DJ. I , Gsoruo I1 , llomls , mayor of tlio oily of Omaha , do hereby Issue my proclamation and clvo public notice unto tlio lonl votora of the city of Omahii , DouKlaa'euunty , Nub. , thut on Thursday ; the Ifltli ( lay of Juno , 1892. a special election will bo hold In said city at the follow ing polling places , namely : PHUT WAIID.1 First District Southeast corner Serenth and Maroy streets. Seconv District Northwest corner Eighth nnd Lenvojivrorth strocts. Third DJstrIot-1203 Jones street. Fourth Ulstrlot-mT South Thirteenth itroor. Fifth District Northeast corner Seventh and PacIOa streets. Blxth District Southeast corner Sixth and Paolfltf streets. Seventh"Dlslflot 62,1 Plorco street. Eluhth'DialHot Southwest corner Eleventh and ContcrstrCotB. Ninth District 1832 South Sixth street Tenth District Intersection Nlutb and Ban- Croft dtrcoUinorthonHt'cornor. Elovpnth7'llstrlot-ai ' l South Thirteenth sti-uoU.Tiortlioaat corner Arbor street. SECOND VTAIID. First District Intersection Fourteenth and Jones BtreetiC Second District 1001 South Thirteenth street. Third district Intersection Eighteenth and Loa % onwrojrtli streets , south side. Fourth' Jstrmt | Intersection Twentieth and i.eavonw.ortb streets , south side. .Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third and Loavetiworth streets , south side. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth street und fopploton avenue. Seventh District 142 , ' William street. Eighth District -1314 South Thirteenth street ( McCamlllsh ) . Ninth Dlstrlct-'Intersoctlon SIxteenth and Center Btrcuti. Tenth District 18i3 South Twentieth street ( Lovatt& Woodman. ) , Elaventh District Intersection Twentieth and DancrotbRtreots. Twelfth District 1504 Vlnton street ( Donovan van ) . Thirteenth District IntorsoctlonThlrtoonth and Valley streets , west side. Fourteenth District Intersection Twen tieth and Boulevard streets. THIRD VAIID. First District Intersection Twelfth and Chicago street. Second District 317 North Fifteenth street ( Woodwortu ) . Third District 112 Sopth'Fourtoonth street , fAX Ji Slhvpsont. ' - ' Fourth District 1112 Douglas street ( C. J. Giuinn ) . Fifth District Intersection Capitol avenue and Tenth streets. Sixth District Intersection llarnoy and Ninth streets , east side. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Fiirnam streets. Eighth District 1315 llarnoy street ( J. S. Nn- Cormlck ) . Ninth Dlstrict-1211 Howard street ( Kil kenny , Bray & Co ) . IOURTII VARD. Flrst'DIitrtot Intersection Seventeenth and Dttvonoort streets. Second District Intersection Twenty-sco- end nnd Davenport streets , north side. Third District Intersection Twenty-fifth and Doaus streets. Fourth District Intersection Bovontocnth nnd Dotteo streets. Fifth District 420 South Fifteenth street. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth und Douglas streets. Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth street and St. Mary's avenue. Eighth . Djstrlot Intersection Twentieth street and Sf. Mary's avontto , west side. Ninth District 181H Bt. Mary's avenue ( Roboboaux ) . Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth and Louvcnworth streets , north side. Eleventh District 161U Howard street ( Hle- Klns ) . riPTtt VTAllD. First Districts-Intersection Sherman avenue and Mandorson street. Secona District ErQIng building- , west dido Sheri.ian avcuup , between Ohio and Corby streets. Third District Intersection Sherman avenue and Lake street. Fourth District 1003 Graoo street , South- wust corner Sherman avenue and Grace street- Fifth District 1317 b her mini avonua 'fan- man ) . Sixth District 1154 Sherman avenue ( Er- filng ) . Seventh District Interjection Sixteenth and Izard streets. Eighth District SOB North Sixteenth street ( H. U. ( Jlark , agent ) . Ninth District Intersection Cass and Fif teenth streets. Tenth District 013 North Sixteenth street ( Scam , agent ) . eleventh District Southwest corner Eigh teenth and Cabs streets , 4. . ! North Eighteenth street. SIXTH WAUD. First District Lyceum hall. 4620 North Twenty-fourtli street ( O'nilg ) . Eecond D.strict Intersection Thirty-sixth street and Gr.aid avenue. Third District Intersection Military avenue and Gniutstrpot. Fourth District Intersection Twenty- fourth street and Mandereon streets. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth and Wlrt at reels. Sixth UUtrlct Intersection Thirty-third and Parker streets. Seventh District 2332 Lake street ( W. A. MesslcU ) . Eighth Ulstrlot-r-SIKS take street ( Sasstrorn ) . Ninth UutrlctA2310 North Twenty-fourth struct. Tunth District Intersection Twimty-othth and Franklin streets. Eleventh District Intersection Twonty- fonith and Frunklln streets. Twelfth District 1350 North Twentieth street. SEVENTH WARD , First District 2813 Leuvonworth street. Second District Intersection Twenty-ninth avenue and I'oppleton Avenue , east sldo. Third Dlstnot Inten > eotlon Twenty-ninth street and Woolworth avonuo. south ifdu. Fourth District Intor.octloa Twenty-ninth and Mojjoutli streets. Fifth District Intoreectloa Thlrty-sooond avonua und Thomason stroat. Sixth District 101 ; Twenty-ninth avonuo. tovonth District-Intersection Thlrty- fourtb and Francis strouts. BIOIITII WAIID. FfntOOIstrlot-2034 Hamilton street. Kocond District ZiUCumIng street. Third District Intersection Twentieth and Nicholas streets. Fourth District 2910 Ounilng street. Fifth DUtrlet-'loaOiiminif Hreufi. Hlxth District Jutersootlou Twenty-second and Hurt streets. Seventh District Intersection Twbntleth and Oaas streets , NINTH VTAItD. First District Intersection Thlrty-iecond and Oumlng streets. Second District Intersection Fortieth and Cumins ; streets , north side. Third District Intersection Fortieth and Farnam streets. .Fourth District Intersection Thirty-second avenue and Davenport street. Fifth Dlgtrlat-2 04 Farnum stroot. Sixth DlstrlJt-310 * I.eavonworth street. For the purpose of lubintttlng to the legal voters of said olty. for their acceptance or ro- > Jectlon , the amended proposition of the No. umj.Ua Central Hallway company to tha olty of Omaha ( her ln fler written At length ) and tuoouaitlons , ib ll the bonds of the city of Ouiaoa up luuea , togliUrod and delivered , m nroTldr.d In nald atnoudod propotltloa iu n n nnuunl tax bo Uvlad to pay the In * tor op suoh l > oud It become * duo ? and ilmll a further annual tar , commencing tha tenth y ar prior to the maturity of such boodi , bo levied , In addition to all other taxoi , for the creation ot linking lund sulll- oont ! to pay men bondo at tU mnturity thereof ? teld que tlon , and tbe * oceptawe o fejeo- tlon of said ntnondod proposition , U submitted to said lejtnl voters , nnd will bo voted upon In the minnor and form following ! "The Nebraska Contra ! Hallway cotnuany hn * > tn.tdo the following prupoiltlon to the city otUmnhni The amended proportion of the Nobrnskit Central Hallway company to tlio city ot Umaha. Nob. To the Mayor ami City Council ot the Olty of Ontnha , NoUl The undersigned , the .So- bra slot Central Hallway company , UTOPOHO * ! to acqutro and taUu posju lon of , for railway purpose * , that ocrt-tln tract of land , located within the district hnumlttd by Flftopnth ftlrootChloazostreet , Eluvciuh street , Oall * fornla street , iinil tlio rljht ot way of the Omnha Unit U'lllwn.v comp'itty , except the south half ot blonk : i9. lots : i and 4 , tilook VS , lot 1 , and north onu-lmlf of lots 2 nnd a , block 27 : nntl to oioot thrrcon n uiilon pa soiuor Copot en the corner of Flftncnth anil Uhlciiiro slrcoti , to cost. Including the othdrrallw.'iv Improvements ou natd grouting , not loss th u tour hundred thousand dollars < $ IOOOlP , , I'rovldod , tit t ty.of Omnha , lu llonglat county , will donate to tho. Haul Nebraska Central Htllway iiompanyv two hlindfud anil llfty thutlsiiUl dolliirs ( $ > .WOJJI of Iti four ( ) per con t lioiidi. $100.001) ) thuroot to bodiited .Ianuary2.,18ai,1 nd } l5)ouo thereof to bo" dated Jnniihry ! , . lull , to boeomo duo nnd payab.'o tnotity yo'iis from their rospeci tlvodatos , with intoroit payable saml-.innu' ally , nil payabla at the Ilioil ngonuy of tlio itnto of NonraKka In the city ot Now York , Said bonds to be of the denomination of ono thousand dollars ( Jl.iXW ) e.icli , and each tltoronf to ronlto. " Is ono of a series of two hundred and fifty PhO ) bonds nt like atnou nt aud tenor , whUh nro Niuod uy the clly ot Omaha. In Douglas county , Nebraska , to tno Nebraska Central Hallway conmunv , to uld It lu ncijulrlng land In the city ot Umnlia for union depot nun terminal purposes and in the construc tion of a union railway pnsiciu-or depot upon said ground , nnd Its railway'o , side tracks , turnouts , switches nnd approaonos lo.tdltu thereto , aud other railway Improve * monts therewith connected. " Said bonds to booxcuulcd nnd registered at or Immudtato'iV after the dates thereof , and Immuillntely thoroattor delivered to the First National bunk of Omuhn , Nob. , triutee. to beheld hold In trust for UoIIVory to the Nebraska Central Hallway companv , Its successors eras as > lgns. by .s.-ild trustee , In Installments ns horulnaftof provided. The said Nebraska Central Hallway com pany plans to construct , or causa to bo con structed , n linn ot railway In the sttito ot Iowa , not ICES than 100 mlles In extent , from the past approach of a b rid no , which the said Nobrr.ska Central Hallway company lias also planned to construct over tlio Mlsaoiul river , Intersecting oroonnoetln * with or reaching the lines of two or more of the following rall wny corpor.-tttonj , viz : The Illinois Central Hallway company , the Wlnona It Southwestern Hallway company , the Minneapolis & St , Louis Hallway eoni- panv , the Chicago , St. I'aul * c Kansas City Hullway company , the Uhloneo , Fort Mndlnon & Dos Molnos Hallway company , the Atchl- son , TopokH k Santa I'D ' Hallway company , the Baltimore i Ohio Hallway company , the Ohio & MississippiKallwav company , the Kco- \Vcsternlfallwaycoinpany , thoQulnoy omaha & Runs an City Hallway company ana tlio Iowa Central Hallway company. Ono hundred thousand ( tli)0.03i ) ) dollars ot said bonds shall bo dollTerrd'by said trustee teeto said Nebraska' Central Hallway louipuiiy , its. m.uuuussora or itsatgna. when ft or they shall have acquired and taken possession ot that certain tract of land located 1 within the dlstrlnt Vounded by Fifteenth .street , Chicago street , Kloventh ( street. California street and the right of wnv of the Omnha Holt Hnllwav com pany , ( oxcopftho south half of blocks 38. lot n aud 4 , block 3'lot 1 , und tlio north half of lots2 and 3 , blook27) ) : Provided , that the said ono hundred thou sand dollarn [ $1UO,0.0 ] ot said bomls shall not bo delivered until after , the said Nebraska Central Railway company. Its successors or jiRst ns , shall have constructor the sjld line of railway In the atato of Iowa. Ono hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars ( . $ I50OCO | of said bonds shall bo delivered by said trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , when It or tUoy shall have completed tno erection of a. union pnssonrer oopot upon said tract of land ahovo described , to cost. Incluilng the other railway Improvements on laid grounds , not loss than four hundred thousand dollar * ( I4CO.OOO ) ; proof of such cost to bo madn by the sworn ituteuont of the pretldetit nnd treas- urerof said rnllway company , filed with the city clerk of Omaha , accompanied by certifi cate signed by tbo city attorney and oltv en gineer , that In their nutnton such amount has cu'tually been expended. Provided" , thntlf the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its successors or assigns. Mi all fall to acquire and take possession of said land , Itslmll not bo entitled to receive any part of said ono hundred thousand dollars i$100.vuO ) Installment of bonds ; and. further nrovlded , that none of said ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars ( Sl.W.OOO ) tnstallmftnt of bonds shall bo delivered until at least one rail way company In addition to the Nebraska Central Hallway company shall1 bo actually using said union depot ; and , Provided further. That the mayor arid tha city council shall , by resolution , upon iho full performance of the undertakings on the part of said railway company heroin contained , order the delivery of sold bonds at tha times aforesaid ; nnd , Provided futther. .That all BI all bo removed and cancelled by Bald trusted bctoro delivery of iho bonds to whtun they are attached rand , Provided further. That the tnaror and olty council of the city of Omaha shall cause to bn levied on the taxable property of said city an annual taxmifllclent for the payment of the Interest on said coupon bonds as It becomes duo , nnd after the expiration of ten ( ID ) years from tbo data of sild bonds the mayor and city council of said city shall oauso to bo levied In addition to all other taxes on the taxable property of said city an amount of tax enfriolcnt to ereato n sinking fund tor the payment at maturity of nald bonds , ( the amount of tax to be levied for such sinking fund not to exceed twenty-live thousand dollars lars (123,000.00) ( ) In any ono year ) ; said tux to bo continued from roar to year until the fluid bonds are fully uald. The acquirement of the said lands and Im provements herein contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , shall bo begun within ono year from Mar 11BD2 , and bo pushed to completion without unnecessary delay : and shall bo completed within three years from the 1st day of July , 1802. In cuso any of the terms , limitations , condi tions or provisions proponed herein relating to the beginning , prornss and completion of said Improvements are not compllod w.tli , ( unless clolay is directly and necessarily caused by injunction or other judicial pro ceedings , or by unavoidable accident or act ot Providence ) , the said company shall not bo entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof , oven though the electors ot aald city of Omaha shall have by their vote authorized tlio Is suance of said bonds : but all right tosald bonds shall by such default and without any judicial determination become forfeited. Provided , however , thnt If the beginning progress or completion of Bald Improvement * , shall bo delayed or obstructed by any of the aforesaid onuses , the timed heroin allowed for the prozreis and completion of atd Improve ments shall bu extended to the extent ot such delay or obstruction : and should a dispute nrlse between tbo said city of Omaha nnd the aald NebrasUu Central Railway company with resooct to tlieoausooroxtent of any-such doiny , the lame nt tbo election of said No- Railway company , slmll bo referred for determination to a board of ar bitrators , to be appointed as hereinafter pro vided. In consideration of receiving tha proposed subsidy the Nebraska Central Hallway com pany agrocsto allow all railway compaulot Iho followingrlclits : Thq run their looomotlvos.pnssengor and freight trains over It * main and passing tracts within the ulty of Omaha ; and over Its proposed bridge and approaches preaches , the , . tousosrjch portion of Its terminal grounds , opots and facilities an rnaj LO necessary and proper tor the conduct of tno business ot Bucli roads ; Includ ing nny enlurgmont n ( Its demit and depot grounds ; the right to have their ours switched und. delivered by the Ne braska Central Hallway company upon nil of Its switch tr.ioks : the rlzlitlo connect their rouds ut any point within ono hundred (100) ( ) inIIeg ol va.ld city of Omaha with any line of railway wuloli tbo Nobftaska Central Railway company , or Its BUCCOSKOIR or asilttia , may' ' construct , or cause to bo constructed unstot the Missouri river , nnd to run tlielr locomo tives , passenger und .freight trains orerthu main nnd passing tracks ot said railroad ; It being hereby uerend Hint In onso the Nebraiico. Central Hallway Com pany shall construct Its prooosed line oust of the Missouri river , through ttiongonvy of any other corporation or tiurty ; U will cauiesucb corporation or p-irt/to OXOCIIIH and deliver to the olty of Omaha a good and itiQlclent Instrument binding It or him to libido by tha tanui , conditions and provisions ot this propoiltlon. tbo aaino iu the said Nebraska Central Hallway company would fhnvo boon bound If It had built ttiu sumo , before delivery of the aforesaid one hundred thonaand dollar * ( tlOOOM ) Installment of bonds. Provided , that the "use and enjoyment by such railway companies of o.toh and every of eald rliihtKiniilLbe up a just and equal terms and tbopitymontnf justtind fair compensa tion to tue Nobriiiku Central Rnilwny con- puny , HB BUoccmorB or assigns , and suujoot to tuob operating rule * and regulation * of the Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its uv- ceasora or assigns , a * shall bo uoco ary and prupor , juit and ramouablo. And the said Nebraska Central Hallway company will submit any dispute arUIng be tween ft ana such other company or com panies a * to the u e and enjoyinont of uny rights under tbl * propaiiltlon. or a * to the terms , comminution , operating rule * and regulation * , relating thereto , to a board of arbitrator * , to be made up of three periou * who are judaejnf thoitato dUtrlct court , or lt tucoouor , ot tbo dtsulot embracing tha county of Uouglaj. to bo leiectod by a two- third * vote of alt tha pur on who are district judge * of aald court. Provided that anysuoh railway company other than ( .aid Nebraika Central Hallway company. Itu successor * or aiilgn * . aaall hixvo the election to itibmlt any auoh dUpuM to urbrltratlon or to pur uu any other rumedy. Wb r v r arbitration I * provided for by tbla proposltloo , the party deilrlug to u brail * to arbUnktloa ( ball eau * to b iorvod upon the other party a written mlo | < which shall ot out the matter lit Ul.puto t bo submitted , nrstl the tlmo pronototl for th hearing , which shall not tin le * , than thirty (31) ( ) nara after tlio tlmo of tiorvlco ; and thorn- upon the mlvorso imty sh.ll within twenty ( Mi days after Btioh sorvloo upon It , serve Iti nnjvtur. If nny It have , tip.m the pirty do- mtml n the arbitration. The Hoar.l vt Arbitrators , when ortnnlied. ill-ill have potvor to ! lx the tlmo of haiirltiki mid tondjourn tha same front tlmo to tlmo , anil to link * nil now try ritlpi an ! roiiula- tloni for tiio production of testimony In tha lie .es , ton of oilhor partv. and othorwUo to compel ii falrlantl tpi-oJv trial ! the decision of a mnjorlty of the tin ml.hull control and tlio Until of tliu board ih ill ho final and eifnoliulvo upon Ihn p.irtlo * . ot all mat- ( ( > -iiiV-i'ttr-1 Til"-ii | ( I. Wltoravor arbitration sbalt bo rcsortoil to of Ihn parties ( o.xnopt ns heroin oUimliero pro vUivl ) . as to tha mattor.4 nntl things Involved n.-il decided therein. Sain Nobrj.ka fJuntral Hallway company. Hi suceos , oM nntl a.ilgn * . . shall transport fr < jlclit ( Including transfer of frolglit and all chargm Incidental to said transportation ) ovur any lir'iicn 'hMl ' 'a'Hiro- * * * , - H wMl * m ovtir-itiv rallwny It shall construct wltliln end hunilrod (100) ( ) tulles of tlio Missouri rlxorwltliln tilt jtatoof Nobr.Ski ) , for juit or roiisonubln rntoi or charge , anil In case of tlllToronua a * to vrltut constitutes Just anil reasonable rates 01 uuarnuu tiu.itir MIMII.II , > i.ti < iii luu iii.iyur uuu oltv council or said r.UI way uomuany may submit the s itno to arbitration In tbo manual nnd to tliu arbitrator * nhovo provided for. but lliM paragraph roijtoctlng freight cbiir oi * liall not hocomo oporatlveor In force until flvo years from the datn of the delivery of tin la-.t Installment of the bond * , horolnbofora ro- forrcd to , Ills turthnrpropo ° .Qil that said bonds shall bo delivered to the Nobrmka Central railway comptny. Its siKconor * . of n.ilgns , only upon the cxeontlon by tlio said Mobraakn Orntral r.tllway oomp tnv or Its auucoisurs. nnd dullv ory to tbo city of Omaha ot an undortakln ' In writing It ) tbo olToot tint the principal dniiol of said rMlwitycompauy,1t.gOU3ralollloc9 ! And ptlnalpal niaohlnosliop4 when built , shall b located nntl malntiluod within the corporate limits ot the city of Omaha , an I that a viola * linn of the terms of s.ild undertaking by tin Maid Nohraskn Central railway coin pit nr or 111 successors or assigns , shall rondur tlio saltl Nobrnxka Cpntral rntlway company , or Hi fiMcecsjors. Indebted to thosalJ olty o ( Omabn In tbo full amount of saltl bonds , and Interest thcrcoti. This proposition uliall , after bolng dulj noknowloducd by the NebrasKa Centr.U Uull- way company , bo recorded In the olllco of tin register of dcodsof DutulHscouiity.NaDraska , und for u puriod of twenty ( M year from and after this tlnto. li til bo referred to by giving Iho book and page wherein the same la re corded In any tnort.age , deed of trust , deed of convnyiiucc. or loano of said depot nnd donot arounds , with tbo statement that tbo nuld.No- bfinUa Con ral rall'vav c nuiii'iv. It * < nilco- ' ors and assigns , are bound by the tormsllml latlons. PIOVKIOIIS , und c'oiulltlons ot tun proposition whluli are licruby matle ItsCOYO- nanti tluit. iittaeh to ana run with tlio said property into-whosoover hands It may coint > . Provided , that the city council ot tlio olty ol Omnha. ( the mayor niinrnvlug In duo form ) ihnllomict a cnrtalnordinance ( nhlou nt tbo data hereof , la pending cotnldor.itIon before said council ) , entitled "Anordlunnco ranting permission und authority to the Nebraska Central Hallway company , U' successors nnd assign * to construct railroad tracks along , across , over and under ceHaln streets ttna alloys In tbo city of Omnha subject to Certain conditions , nnd to vaoalo pnrin of 'certlila streets und alleys In the olty of Omnha unoo compliance with certain other conditions. " And It Is nUo provided , that It said Nobrnskr railway company shall niH , wlthlo forty-Ova iVi ) dayn of bolng nottQod by th city clerk of tbo adopt.on of tnt * proposition at the ulocllon hold to vote unon tbo sumo , Ilia with the said city clerk 113 written ratifica tion of this proposition under Its corporate seal , none of said liondB shall bo Issued , and all the terms nnd provisions of this proposi tion shall bo hold fnrmiught. The Nebraska Onlral Hallway company agrees before an election being called to sub mit to the voters ot tbo city of Omaha till * proposition , that It will execute nnd deliver to said oil v u bond with good nnd mfllclonl sureties In the sum of llvo thousand dollar * ttVWO.GO ) and rtvo thousand rlollnrs ( I5.000.PO ! cash , conditioned upon tbo payment of th expenses of said election. This proposition nnd the acceptance throat by the ulty ot Omaha and the ratification of tnls proposition by said Nebraska Central Hullviay company , or Its successors or ua- slgnos , an herein provided , shall bo construed and understood to constitute n contract between the said Nebraska Central lUllwtiy company. Its successors or assigns , nnd the said city of Omaha , nnd all the to-nis. conditions , agreements and provisions tnado on the part of the Nebraska Central Hall way cojupany In this proposition con tained are hereby made the covenant * , of the aald Nolirask * Central Hallway comoany. Its successors and assigns , wliloli shall attach to and run all ot Its'said property ant ) bo binding upon nny party Into whoso hands IL'ornny of It may.como. , , In wltneaa nheroof the said Nobrnska Central tral Hallway company has caused these pro * * cuts to bo executed this 16th day of May. A , D. . 1892. NEBRASKA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. By J. n. Vice President Attest : JOHN L. McOAGUE , Secretary. [ HI : AT. ] Witness ! ALEX. Q. CUARLTON. State ot Nebraska , ) . . Uouglaa County , f " * On this 16th day of May. A. D. , 1897 , bofora me , a notary public In and for said county , personally appeared tlio above named J. H. ' Durnont and John LMoOaguo. . who are to m personally known to ha the Identical , per. sons who signed tbo foregoing Instru. in out as vice president and secretary o ! tbo Nebraska Central Hallway company : tboy aoknowlodgo the said Instrumout to bo the voluntary act and doea of the said No- brnska Central Hallway company and tbolr voluntary act and deed as such vlco president and bccretary of Raid company. Witness my hand and notarial seal the data last aforesaid. ALEX. O. Oil AHLTON. ISBAUI Notary Public. Shall the above and foregoing proposition b accepted and adopted. Khali said bonds bo Is sued , registered and delivered and shall an an * iiunl tax In addition to the usual and allother taxes bo levied upon the taxaulu property of the City of Omaha , Douglas county , Ne braska , sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds tis It becomes due , nnd nt the tlmo of levying the annual cltv tax. commencing the tenth year prlo'r to tha maturity of said bonds , shall a tax In addition to all other taxes bo levied upon the taxab'u property of nald olty of Omaha. Doug- Ins county , Nebraska , ami continued annu ally thereafter from year to year until there by a sinking tuna uliall have been obtained Btifllcient to pay suld bond * at the maturity thereof ? . * YES. NO. The above questions shall bo regarded as ono question und all ballots ot lo/al voters cast nt said oioctlnn containing the nbnvo proposition aud questions In the form of tbo official ballots , to bo prepared by the city cleric of said city lor mild election , with tin "X" mark following the word ' 'yos" upon mild ofllnlal ballot slrill bo counted In favor of the acceptance of said amended prop osition , the Issuance of said bonds una the levy of trild taxes In payment of the principal and Interest thereof ; nud all ballots ot lognl votorn unst at said election containing trm iibovopropotiltlou und questions in the form of the onlolnl ballot , to bo prepared by the city cleric of mild city for Bald election with an "X" 111:1 : rk following the word "no" upon said olllclal ballot , uliall uq counted und considered IIH ugulnat the uconptanco of said amended propo sition , tbo Itsuiinco of u.ild banda , and the levy of Nuld taxes In imymontor tlio and Interest the roof. If two-thirds of all tlio.uullota voted by uld legal voterx ol said city of Omaha. Uouglai county. Nu- brasku , ut said election shall bo mat In favor of the ncceptuticu of mid uinonrlud proposi tion , llio Issuance of said bonds nntl the levy of said taxes In payment of the principal und interest thereof , the ' foregoing propo- 'ultton will ho hold to bo adopted und tlio fore going quo.tlons will bo hold to bo answered In favor of tlio issuance nt said bonds and the lnvy of ( aid taxiu , und tlio said bonds there upon shall bo l.nuud. registered nnd delivered In accordance with the terms nnd condition * of aald amended proposition , uod laid taxes ihall bo levied accordingly ; otherwise not. Which election will bo open utB o'clock In the morning , und will continue open until 0 oVIouk In the afternoon of the sarnu day. Datoit at Omuha , Nwb. . this IBlli day of May , Wt ( .Ulgncd. ] OEOIH1K I' . DKMI9. Mayor ot tno Olty of Omaha. P KOI'OSALS FOR HUILDINO MATRUt UK | , wind mills , tank * , pumps , oto. U , B Indian Kiirvlce. 1'lno Kid no Ammcy , Hhuutiant- Co. . H. D. . May 27th , wn. foaled proposal * , endorsed "I'toiiosjla for Ilulldlng' Maturlal , etc. " an the vuu may bo und nddremod to the undeulgnril ut I'Ino Kldgo Agunoy , H. II. , wll | bo roculvod at tblx ngoney until I o'olook p. in. of .Iiino''lst , IMC ; , for furnlHhlng ant delivor- Intr ut various tinlnUon thti 1'lno Hldgo Indian rojifirvatlon tolio du lgnatud by the ttudor- blmied , abqtit aw.OO" ) font of iifciorted liimbor : liio.ooi ) iilngoi | ; IS vrlndowHi 40 doors ; uoo < i hriokit 2.110 fuotof quarter round Iron , hard ware , ualnt , rock , mind , oto. , also flvo (5) ( ) leu- frnit wind mill * and power * , with tanWD.iHiiiiiiH , galvunUod Iron plfio , etc. A full Hat of all material may bo obtained t > y application to llio undoratgiioi ) . lllddor * nro rcnii trod to eti to Kpoclllually In tliulr bid * the proosud prloo ot uach nitl- ole olTurcd for dullvery under 11 contract. J'ho right Is roHttrvod to reject iiuy orall Uldn oruny part-ot uny bid If doiuneil for the bout Interest of the service , OBirnrjtn OIIKCKH Kauh bid iiitut bo accoiupiinlud by iiciirlllloa cheek or draft upon eonio iJnlteii btatt-n do- imiliory or bolvont nntlonul bank In the vi cinity ot the reildenoo of the bidder , nude payable to the order of tliu Cornmhulonnrof Indian Affairs fur at laaitdve percent of tbu amount nt the urouonal. uhloh check or draft will bo forfeited to tliu United Httito * la cuva any bldderor blddar * receiving an awHrd shall fall to prompt ! /exo ute u contract with good and lutUolout auretlos. otburwlto to be ru- turned to tbo olduor , Hid * accompanied by cash lu lieu cf u isortltlod check will not be conildared. i'or further Information u * to uoluU of dellvury. transport ntlou , tc. , apply to OAl'T. ( IKOnOB LKllOV UltoWN. U. tt. A. , Actlug U , 9Judl u Auuuk uutfd.UU