Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Ctll * tied ty Carrier to any pMtot tlio fltf
ii , w. Tir/ro : ? . - MANAGER.
Tf LCTHOMa. j tf
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coa\ .
Ctall' chattel loans. 204 Sappblock.
The Chautauqua chorus will hold a meetIng -
Ing thu evening In the Masonic templounder
tno leadership of 1'rof. L. A. Torrcns ot
The seduction case Instituted by Ida May
Curio against Harry Page otno tlmo ago DM
been dismissed. The girl tnado no demand
Upon Page to tnarry her.
Pottawattomlo tribe , No. 21 , Improved
Order of Kcd Men. will moot this evening In
regular counrli In their wigwam , corner ot
Broadway nnd Main streets.
The regular business meeting of the Ladles
Aid society ot the Congregational church
will be hold at tbe residence of Mrs. L.V. .
Hess this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Tom Lyons nnd Edward Adams were fined
HO nplcco in pollco court yesterday for
drunkenness. Thomas Wilklo wts given a
ton day sentence. In Jail for vagrancy.
Agnes Douloy. arrc ted Sunday for steal
ing n MO cold watch from William Oroay ,
was bound over to the grand jury and went
to tno county jail. "Kid" King was dis
Marriage licenses wore Issued yesterday to
the following parties : Charles McCrocdy
nnd Dlanco O. "Stcrnoclof Miredoniu ; John
A. Kncuwltz and Elizabeth Adolphensen of
Couhcil Bluffs.
Klght freight cars are expected to pass
through the titv today over the Burlington
roud from California enrouto to New York.
Tbcv are loaded with line horses from the
stable of lid UaegiUK , tbo well-knowu horse
man of California.
Fidelity council. No. 1 ! > 0 , Hoyal Arcanum ,
will go to South Omaha tomorrow evening to
Institute a council of the order there. All
members arc requested to meet at tbo post-
onico corner at T n'rlocu p. m. to tauo tno ,
motor for South Omaha. W. A. Gronoweg , ;
Considerable complaint was indulged In by.
thoRO who were compelled to bo nuout town
> by the durkneu of tbo'xtrcots lost evening. *
Until 10:15 : p. m. the arc lights did not give
forth u ray. Inquiry at the power house de
veloped the fact that theywero waiting for
ordcri.from tbo pollco headquarters and that
the orders were not forthcoming because tbo
nlmannc said-there was a moon. Pedestri
an's demand tbat thepolice.break away from ,
the Philadelphia' schedule when the moon'
fails to make Its appearance.
Necessities In the Toilet Department Offered
at the Uostiin Store , Council Hind's , In.
Coleato & Co.'s Census soap , ono of the
finest laundry soups made , 3 cukos
for lOc.
W. & Ii. Walker's "Water Lily. " nn
excellent toilet soap , largo cake tor 5c ,
A genuine castile soap , a very fine
toilet soap , 3 cakes for lOc.
The Cotton Oil Co.'a Copco bath
Boup. largo cake lOcor 3 for 25o.
Olio D Oliva Livorno , n pure castile
soap , 7c n cake or 17c n case of 3 cakes.
Boston Store glycerine boap , an ex
quisite toilotsoap , 5c u cake.
Pels & Co.'e sanitary soap , 5c a cake.
Colgate & Co.'s castile soap lUc a cake
or 3 for 2oc.
Toroco's toilet soap 9c or 3 for 2o3.
Pels & Co.'s Carolina tar soap 9c , or 3
for 25c.
The genuine Pears soap 12Jc n cake.
Brown Windsor and glycerine , made
by the Lady Grey Perfumery 'Co. , 12jc
a cake.
Our 22c soaps , Heliotrope , White
Lilac nnd Cash mere Bouquet.
Cuticura soup 14c a cake.
Cape May Bouquet 16c a cake.
No. 4,711 White Rose Glycerine ,
highly perfumed , 17c , or 3 for 60c , „
Best perfume extracts made by Bean
and Vail Bros. , Philadelphia , Pa. , 2oe
in ounce.
True imported bay rum 50c a bottle.
A very good bay rum for 25e a bottle.
H. Ailcheison , St. Thomas , W. L , bay
rum , sold all over for 60s ; our price 39c.
Patti complexion bleach $1.00 per
J. A. Pozzoni's fuco powder , known
the country over and sold everywhere
for 60c ; our price 83c.
Ideal tooth powder 20c a bottle.
O. C. O. tooth powder with sample
bottle perfume , 20c a case.
Council Bluffs , In.
See us nbout WALL PAPEU , WINDOW
SHADES , CUHTAI.N POLKS and adjustable
' window Ecreeiis , buitablo for any ordin
ary sized window , in two sizes , "ut 25c
und 33c each.
m s
Mnyorl.aurrnco IInnT o Dlnreiutnble Itc-
sortd CIciM'it by the 1'ollee.
Tbo "Court" saloou Frank
, kept by Carroll -
roll on Lower Uroadway and the Opera
House saloon , run by Mike IClldare , were
closed yesterday under an order direct Irorn
Mayor Lawxcncc.
Both were dlrcs of tbo most disreputable
Klnu , and tbo compiuints tnai nave come to
tbo cars of the puollc ever ; Jew ours by rea
son of tbo frequent robberies and other
criminal transactions tnat took place tbero
bavo led many to expect Just sucb a move on
tbu part of tbo mayor. It needed sucb an oc
currence as tbat of Monday morning to give
the mayor tbo necessary public sentiment to
baclt him , and yesterday tne order was t-lvon.
Before tbo key * bad Hardly been turned in
the locks too friends cf tbo saloon men were
on their way to the mayor's ofllce , where
tbey filled tbo air wltb wild supplications
tbat tbe saloons might bo reopened.
A reporter found Mayor Lawrence loaning
wearily against tbo door of bis private oftluc ,
trying to recover from ttao o fleet E of a con
versation bo bad wltb Carroll's attorney , so
tbat bo might rccelvo another delegation of
tbe saloon Keepers' friends.
"You would bo surprised. " said ho , "If I
were to tell you tbo nutnos of some of tbo
knien who bavo bees to mo since I issued rnr
order and asked me to reconsider. Many of
them ore my personal friends , und I buto to
refuse them any reasonable request. But
t tie re's no use talking , thojo places bavo been
imclllup toheiuon for months past , and I
runnot ulsroirurd tbo request * of tbe men
who bavo boon coiului ; to mo continually ,
especially since tbo hbootiiif : scrape , and ask
ing me why I did not tuuo some stops to pre
vent such dureputable Joints from lunoluc.
Neither Kildaro nor Carroll
shall ever run a
raloon again iu ibis town while 1 am able to
Vu. prevent it. "
As soon as Klldare ot tbo Opera House
saloon was neil lied of tbo mayor's order by
Chief Scan I an ho pulled out a roll of bills
nud bandlnc f 'CO iu two bills to his partner ,
Al Noack , wltb u great llourUh , he told him
to KO und biro un attorney and Instruct him
to bopln action to rloso up every saloon in
Council Bluffs. Whether this is tbu Inten
tion of tbo tno men or they tire klniply run-
nine a bluff came cannot bo told until later ,
but there Is ] ust enough probability of their
really beginning u crusade to make tbo poor
nflJictoct saloonkeeper * fuel a trille uneasy.
Trains Icuva foe Mutmwii at 9 , 1J , 1 , 2 ,
8 , 4 , 6 , 0 , 7 und 8 o'clock.
Ogden liouso furnibhos botira und
room ul popular prices ; from fci-3.00 to
135.00 per mouth , nocordlog to room.
Jurvld 1S77 brandy , highest test
Chapman discounts every dealer on
tcreen doors und windows. See him
before you plueo your orders. 11) ) Dryuut
btroot. _
Uoltor , thotallor , 310 Droadway , has
till thu lutebt style * und uowoJt
Coroner's Inquiry Into the Monday Morning
Tragedy Continued.
Set oral \Tltneises Kxamlncd lint Very Little
Light Untneil SuM'lclon Strong Against
.Malicr Will Catry tlia Inquiry
to tlio Knd.
The taking of evidence by the coroner's
jury over tbo remalcs of Jack Wade , the
dead hack driver , was resumed yesterday
morning. *
James Connor , who works for John C. Leo
and rooms in Lee's establishment across the
street from the scene of the shooting , was
the first witness. Ho stated that bo hap
pened to be awake Just before the shooting
and hoarj someone sat , "Jacu , you've been
following mo now for the last two years ;
what havoyou got to say for yourself ! ' and
Immediately two shots wcro llroJ. Whoso
voice uttered the speech ho could not say ,
C. Peterson was passing tbo place of the
shooting and heard loud talK. Ho saw the
shots fired , two from one gun und one from
the other , til n time when the men vtcro
nbout the width of the sidewalk from one
another. Henry Johnson , alias Stewart , C.
Ii. Leuch , Otto PfelfforandDr. J. C. Water
man \vero examined , but nothing new in tbo
way of Information was obtained from them.
Torn Callnguau told bis story substantially
as It was stated In Tuc Bun , During tbo
quarrel between Wauo on ono side and
Mahcr and Jones on the other , over the
question of buck fare , both the latter ntnrtod
towards him Cnllnghan and after receiving
n blow upon the head from Muber he started
off UD the street on the run. Ho looked back ,
however , nnd saw the two men sturt for
Wade , who backed off with his revolver
pointed at thorn and told them to stay backer
or he would fire.
Tbo gun \Vnde \ had , Caltagban said , be
longed to a girl who lived ut ill ) Pierce
street. She had exhibited tt In Wade's pres
ence sbortlv before the shooting and said she
intended to shoot her lover with It , Wade
got the gun away from her and kept It.
What n 1'ullcemau Found.
During the afternoon George * ' . Hughes ,
Lewis Nelsou and Officer A. J. Wyatt of the
pollco force told what they knew of the af
fair. The two former rehearsed for trio
most Dart the stories of former witnesses ,
and Officer Wyntt's was the only testimony
that brought to light any new facts. Ho tes
tified that aflnr hearing the thootlng he ran
in tbo direction of tbo crowd and finally
found Jones lying proanlne at tbo southwest
corner of Hughes' building. As he op-
ptbachcd ho beard Jones say :
"They've done me. "
Upon making an examination bo found
Jones' pistol sticking in his buck pocket with
the handle protruding. It looked as though
it had been put Into bis pocuet hurriedly.
When Jones bud been taken to the station
and lay on the floor groaning , Mahcr was
brought in under arrest. Whllo ho was
being searched Maher exhibited a great deal
of nervousness , and could hardly stand up.
This concluded the afternoon session , and
ho Inquest adjourned until 2 o'clock this
afternoon , when furtbcr testimony will bo
The cot oner and county attorney , as well
as the spectators , were very nnxiou * to have
Jinimio Mabor brought before tbo jury ,
believing that if ho chose to dose
so ho might give some information that
might bo of UBO in untangiinc the mystery
that surrounds tbo case. When ho was
asked by Sheriff Hazen if bo would testify ,
bo refused to leave his cell , saying ho would
not run the risk of being strung up by going
up town under any consideration , unless the
authorities shoula order"hlm to do so.
Mnhcr Ig strongly Suspected.
Matter's nervousness over the possibility
that bo might bo tbo chief object of interest
at a necktie party has not worn off with tne
novelty of bis situation , and whenever any
one calls on htm at the jail he trembles like a
loaf and shows oy his every word and action
that he would be willing to tralo places nith
almost any ono that desired a change.
Part of the police are still ot the opinion ,
as they bavo been Iron tbo start , that Maber
was the ono who bandied Jones' gun , and
that It was in his bands when the shot was
fired that laid out Jack Wade Others , how
ever , believe that It was Muher who shut
Jones. In spite of bis violent protestations of
his friendship for tbo injured man.
C. U. Jones , a brother of W. M. Jones , and
H. E. Adams , treasurer of the Sandwich
Manufacturing company , of which the in
jured man is Council Bluffs manager , ar
rived from Sandwich , 111. , yoiterday morn
ing. Mr. Adams states that Jones has an
excellent standing with tbo company , and
that tbo company will furnish till tbo assis
tance that may bo needed to run down his
assailant and bring htm to Justice In case ho
is still alive. Both gentlemen attended the
Will Clear H Up.
"Wo xvlll spare no money or trouble , " sold
Mr. Adams last night , "in clearing up all the
mystery there is in connection with this
case. This is a very bus\ time at the fac
tory , but I will slay hero as long as neces
sary and will use Just as much money ns Is
required to procure the best detective- talent ,
and wo will not lot up until yvo have learned
all that can bo found out , Mr. Jones
has been with us for many years , all of
bis business life , in fact , except two years
when bo was in business for himself. Ho has
been a very successful manager and has mudo
a splendid record wherever ho bus been
located. There Is not a panicle of douot In
my mind , nor does bis brother question the
statement be has cuado to his wile and re
peated to us , that ho did not fire u sbol from
bis revolver , and that ho was shot after bo
was knocked dan n. Wo are going to know
all the truth , or as much of It as is possible
to ascertain. "
Mr. C. C. Jones , tbo brother who Is con
nected with tbo company at Sandwich , talus
in the same confident strain and declares
that the coroner and police oftlcers hero shall
bavo every assistance that can bo grunt on
tCem in probing tno mystery to the bottom.
His stay in the city will depend entirely up
on circumstances.
The condition ot tbo injured man last oven-
was uncbanirod. He xvus resting easily , but
llillo hope is entertained of his recovery.
International Cure association rooms
are In nnnox to Grand hotel. MO First
avenue , Council BlulTs , la. Fop euro of
ulcohol und opium disease.
Jarvis winos , the oldest and best.
A Line of
Wo are headquarters for lawn mo wore ,
refrigerators gasoline btoves und bicy
cles. The Horculea lawn mower cuts
grabs a foot high. A 12 , 14 or 10-Inch
luwn munrar for only $5.00. Gatolino
stoves $3.00 to frS.OO. Most complete line
of blcvclcs In the citv.
11 South Main street
Jarvis 1877 brandy , sold by all doalo rs
W. H. Gray , the Hotel Gordon chef
is the pentleman who prepared the
Grand banquet.
Patroulzo blue Ice wagons for Mo.-river
channel Ice. Mulholland & Co , Tol. 102.
Jnrvis 1677 brandy , purest , safest , best
1'gteO.ViI'.IK.tUlt 11'HH.
J , N , Catady has returned from a Wash
ington trip.
G. H. Gable Is In West Liberty on bus
iness. Ho Is expected homo tomorrow.
Mrs. 8. Shlnn loft last evening for a three
months' vUlt wltb relatives In Columbus.
N. J.
J. Q. Anderson , secretary of the Council
11 luffs lusumnco company , loft yesterday on
a busiuo * * trip to Uook Island , 1IU
James M. Marshall and I. Softenberg of
Chicago , J. Goodwin of Denver , and A. J.
Dunue of Omaha , were ( n the city yester
MUs Httttle Stoddanl of Little Rock ,
Ark. , u visiting her brother , U. A. btod-
dard , corucr ot Eighth avcnuo and Sixth
treat. _
The Model KstablUtiment of tlio Interim-
tlonnl Cure Association ,
In the beautiful 4-story atone nud
brick building , No. 620 1st avenue , just
west ol the Grand hotel , the Interna
tional Cure association has established
n , most attractive homo for patients de
siring treatment for the drink disease.
For convenience , beauty nnd comfort n
bettor selection could not have been
made. Located In the very center of
tlio city , In touch of its business houses ,
hotels nnd boarding houses , tt possesses
nil the summery attractions of a. pleasure
resort , for It fncoa upon the beautiful
Buyllss park , with its grand trees and
sparkling fountains. Arrangements are
belnp inndo to provide patients also with
ample opportunities for outdoor recrea
tions , such as lawn tennis , croquet ,
quoits , etc. With private grounds In
the roar ado the public part : in front ,
these who frequent the institution may
load as retired or as active a life as may
best please their inclinations.
Entering the almost palatial appear
ing building , ono finds the interior at
tractive and commodious. The recep
tion room impresses ono with the homo-
likeness of the place. Through the
great plato window in the front ono
looks out upon the beauties of the park.
A largo fire place , with artistic mantel ,
suggests In contrast , the requlstc for
cheor.'ullness in the chilly evening timo.
Loading from the reception room is the
parlor for the * UEO of the phy
sicians , nnd th-jir room for exami
nations , consultation and treatment ,
together with a IHtlo dispensaty ,
elosotcd at ono stdo. Further along the
hallway are b.ithrooms and toilet rooms ,
and private rooms for the UsO of patients
in special cases , where conBtantcaro and
continued attendance is required. Then
there are the club rooms proper , which
are open to the use of all. Games are
hero provided and anything needful to
make the time pass pleasantly. The
tables in tbo readinc room tire strewn
with the latest and best literature.
Throughout the establishment there
is an air of real comfort and cleanliness ,
and competent judges declare it to b'o
ono of the most completely equipped In
stitutions in the west.
The association is under the control
of such well known citizens as W. J.
Davenport of the C. , B. & Q. , City Mar
shal Temploton , Postmaster Troynor ,
City Auditor Gould and Colonel Tulleys.
Mr. J. E Harkness Is the business direc
tor and D"Voynet : - the medical direc
Jarvis 1877 brandy , bettor than Imp'd.
Have you seen the wonderful Hurd
refriceratorB , the newest and. best out ;
the genlno Now Process and Quick Meat-
vapor stoves light like gas absolutely
safe. At Cole & Colo's , 41 Main street.
Special for This Week.
Wreaths at 15c , 20c , 55c , 50c nnd 75c.
Children's hats , 25c , 50c , 75o and SI.25.
Discount of 10 per cent on all trimmed
goods till further notice.- Miss E. L.
Ragsdale , No. 837 Broadway.
Jarvis 1877 brandy six go Id medals.
Dr. Chamberlain , eye , ear. throat ,
catat rh. Shugart blocK , Council Bluffs ,
Jarvis Wine Co. , Santa Clara , CaL
Swanson Music Co. , Masonic temple.
The Indies of the Temple Baptist
church will servo dinrfer and supper at
Masonic temple on Decoration day.
Davis sells reliable paints and drugs.
Pastures for horses and cattle on
George F. Wright'a farm south of Coun
cil Bluffs ; 600 acres blue grass ; running
water. For terms apply to James JBaph
at farm house opposite Wnbaah round
house , or address F. P..Wright , Bald
win block.
Io n Citizens Vigorously Searching for
Supervisor Morrow.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , May 31. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Intense interest. Is
manifested in tbo sudden disappearance ot
Supervisor Morrow of Llttlo Sioux. A
searching party ot fifty men from this city
together with 100 others from other towns
today searched In tbo ruin for traces of him.
Almost every foot of land within a radius of
two miles of River Sioux has been carefully
examined. It is thought by some that be
WHSJmurderod and bis body thrown into the
Little Sioux river. Others thluk ho may
bavo become demented and Is now wander
ing about.
Two tough characters were arrested on
suspicion today at River Sioux and will bo
examined tomorrow. On Saturday nlcht ,
the tlrao of Morrow's disappearance , there
was n round up between these two and sev
eral kindred spirits. Ono of them while
going homo made the stutomont that they
bad Killed a man and would hava to go to the
penitentiary. Tbn case is mysterious in tbo
extreme from the fact that no trace or clew
can ho found of Morrow since bo was sup
posed to have left River Sioux Saturday
evening. Tbo search is to bo continued to
Oflrmled the Veterans.
FonxDonoE , la. , May 81. fbpeclal Tele
gram to Tne BKE.J Rev. J. N. Gelgor of
Marlon , In bis Decoration auy address at
Webster City , delivered an eloquent tribute
to tbo volunteers. Not satisfied with this bo
made some vigorous strictures upon the regu
lars , saj ing. among other things , that "tbo
regulars would rather rest than light. " All
tbo veterans present , both volunteers unu
regulars , repudiated this as an uncalled for
insult to a largo bodv of the best and bravest
soldiers of the union army. The gentleman's
otherwise eloquent and patriotic address fell
very flat accordingly and notnlnc but Indig
nation vvus expressed by these who had In
vited him to speak.
Mnion City's ftcliglout Awakening.
iNNEAi'or.i ! ' , Minn. , May 111. A special 10
tbo Tribune from Mason Citv , la , , says :
Sixty-two business rouse * of this city were
closed this afternoon on account of the
religious awakening sweeping over tbo city.
During tbo last olcht days there has been 250
conversions and tbo vsort seems only beeun.
Evangelists Munhall and Birch , assisted by
Urs. Parsons , Mlluken and Johnson are con
ducting the woru.
Churgril with Wire Murder.
Ccnut RiriDS , la. , May 81. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB DBC.J William T. Rsnntgcr
was arrested here today on a telegram from
the marshal of Iowa Citv on a charge of wife
murder. He claims that his wife loft him
about a year ago and u allvo to the best of
his knowledge.
Ilulii llcluj-i IOHU Corn i'luutcn.
MiitsiuLLTOwx , la. , May 31. H has been
raining bard throughout central Iowa since
last night , with no prospect of letting up.
Corn plauting is not yet finished und it will
bo delayed on account ot tbo soaked ground.
rrohltjltloiiUU Actlte.
DesMoiNES , la. , May 81. The prohlbl.
tlonikts of the Seventh congressional district
oday nominated RiV. M. Haggard of Dallas
ounty fur couirJU. Twenty-six delegates
were present.
Itobbflil Willie lie hll-jit.
T. P. Wlnhart of Folk City , Iu. , slept at a
r UtKkU , M.lLOuaroni-1 1 M0 .
Tbo rvsult ofto yesrs * esiitrlcDr * la
L > tirllnn.rki. U U > < , W rl > . IndU
nk u.l IV. . '
dor Mirks I Hears. 1'lt-
. KUMrAitoiis
JSUNa.W0303UEYD.I. , > 25 W , 4ZdSL , New York Cilj.
Parnam street lodging iciso Monday night
nn a Oiled his IUDCJ wltb1 too cast-oft atmos
phere provided tor tbo guests of that es
tablishment. He awoVe yesterday con
siderably the worse for wear and minus tbo
? 35 which ho bad in hW hislao poukctwhon
ho went to sleep. r f T
Settlers ro.lHLVliothcr Invasion
of ItcRiiIators.
DcxTcrt , Colo. , Mar " 30. A News special
From Douglas , Wro.a ; sajIlls believed
bore that another altdott Is soou to bo maao
upon the so-called ruitlors b.v the cattlemen.
Lastnlgitsoventosa man from Texas , so v-
crul of thorn Mexicans , cam pod at Fort
Foltcrman , eight miles from hero. They
claimed that thsy were ? olng to Johnson
county to work for George W. Baxter's out-
tit , and that all the cattle belonging to tbo
Union Basf company are to bo rounded up
and driven to Montana.
ODlcers of Johnson county say that rifles
and ammunition have been sent ahead for
tha use of this qanc , and that other bands of
men bavo been sent into the county at
different parts of the compass , all ot whom
will concentrate nnd attack the small ranch
men. Humors exist of martial law being declared
clarod In Johnson county , and tbat In such
nn event the Texans will bo found to have A
deputy United States marshal's commission
on their persons. It Is reported that bherlff
Ancus of Johnson county , Jack FlapR of
Buffalo , Editor Moellcr of the Buffalo Oul-
letln nnd K. H. Klmball of the Graphic , are
on the list , and that 5,000 each bas been
offered for their head * . Couriers bavo been
&ont throughout Convors , Natrona and John-
sou counties warning the settlers ot Im
pending daucorand thn opening ot hostilities
is imminent.
County Matters.
The county commissioners were In session
during a couple of too hours of yesterday's
afternoon. Most of the time was devoted to
reading the minutes of previous meetings and
allowing bills.
By resolution Contractor Dick Smith was
Instructed to place rods through tbo main
part of the county hospital to prevent it from
tumbling to the ground.
The bid of THE OMAHA Bnn to do the
county's official advertising wns referred to
the committee on judiciary.
County Treasurer Troy In n lengthy com
munication asked for more help in bis ofllce.
He also suggested that if the commissioners
would provide some moans of collecting from
parties holding claims acalnst tno county for
jury and other services a large amount of
money could be saved each year.
- . '
\riLL BE
d - v V ' " 41/rt 7 ' a. wtl "
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. - H * If * . . 1
AT. , . . . ; . . . . aOS
* * ' " " . tt t
.V. . JUSE . ,1KG.
* * "
roir.iV :
THE OMAHA Bnn will present n tl.ono.OO
life insurance policy paid up for one year in
tbo National Llfo Insurance company of
Vermont , M. L. Rooder , manager , to the
first person sending in the closest estimate
iu accordance with the above coupon.
Coupons will be numbered in their order of
receipt at this office. Incomplete or muti
lated coupons will bo rejected. This coupon
will bo printed daily until the issue of Juno
C. No coupons will be received after Juno 0.
Date of convention , Juno 7 , 1S33. Send in as
many coupons as you please. Address all
prophecies to "Presidential Prophecies , "
Eee Office.
A Wrtttan Guarantee
SYPHILIS' ' Cure Every Case or
Money Refunded.
Our cure Is permanent and not a pstcblaz up. Cases
treated seven years eco hare never scon a symptom
sltioa. Dr descrlbln case fully we am treat joa br
mall , and we giro tbo same strong- guarantee to cure
or refund all money. Those irbo prefer to come here
for treatment can do so anl we will par railroad fare
botb ways and hotel bills wblle hero , If we fall to curl
We challenge tbo world fora case tbat oar Majlo
Kcmedj will not cure , write for partloulars an ! vet
tbteTldcnce. In our seven years practice wltb tb
Uaelcllemeilf tt bas been most dIRlcult to oTercome
tbe prejudices acalnst socalled specifics. But under
ourstrocf rumrnatoB thousands are trying It and bo
IcBcnred. Weguarantee to eure or refund erery
dollar , and as we bare a reputation to protect , also
financial backing of tWOOM It Ii perfectly safe to all
who wlli try the treatment , r Heretofore you bare
putting up and payloz out your money for different
treatments , and atlbouglfyonare not yet curel uo
ono bas paid back your money. Wo will positively
cure you , Old , cbronlc , 6oti ! > seated cases cured InCl
toMdays. Inieitlrnte ouriflnanclal standing , oar
reputation as business men. Write us for names anl
addresses of those wo baro.i4 > Hred who bare glion
permission to refer to them , . H cosU you only post-
acetodo this. If your aytaptoms are sera throat ,
mucous patcbes In moutb thenmatlsm In bones and
Joints , hair falling out , erdntlons on any part of tue
tody , feeling of general dftrfeislon , pains In liealor
bones. Tou bar * no tlmejtOTfaste. TUose who are
ronstanUy taking mercury itnd potash , thould filr
continue It. Constant use f these drugs will surely
bring sores and eating ulcUs'fa ' tbe end. Don't fall to
write. All correspondencrf'sent sealed In plain en
velope. We Invite tbemMt gll Investigation and
will do all In our powcrlo afj you In It. Address ,
TF ? > 'F.nV fno . Omaha.
Anew and Complete Treatment , consisting 0 }
Eupiwsllorlei , Ointment la ' 'Jipiulei , also In Dor
anj 1'IIU ; a Toilllvo Cure fur External , Internal
blind or Ulesdlng Itching , rtironlc , Ituoentor ileredl
tary rilus TJS ! Home lr his never been known to
fall llperboz C fur 11 lenttiymallVliy sufler from
this tcrrltila dtiea e wluu a written guarantee Is
positively given wltu Ctotoi or refund the money If
not cured send stamp for free Bamplu. Guarantee
Issued by Kubn ACe , Druifzl.u , hole Agents , oorne'
U and Doglas streets , Oinaba , Nell.
OfCnnpcll Ulua < -
Oupltilstco'c . , , . ( . 91SOOOO
fcurplun uu J I'roau . „ . . nuuoit
NetOapltat nnJ Surplu . # ) taoOUU
Director s-J. II. tiJuaalDi , tt. U rtnaiir , e' 1
Olcasun. K. K. lltrt. L A. . Mllljr. J , V illno'iuil
andCuarles U. llnnnan. Trnnict Ktincril bink >
Ing bUKinoss. uuU surplus of
any Lkiik Iu tfoutli western , lowu.
Aged in our cellars. Indorsed by the Med
Has been awarded six ical faculty every
where as being the
and four silver
gold purest , safest and best
medals , at different stimulant. Ask for it.
' Take no other. Beware
world's expositions.
ware of imitations.
f * lecftr r
Santa Clara and San Jose , California.
ten rnnrantrc to euro nil HPTTOUS dlcaei. uch n Weak ilnmorr.
Lots of lirnln 1'owtr. Ilpadacbc. Wakelulnem , Lo t Manhood. Nlgbtlr Kml3-
Blons. Ntironsneai , Lassitude , stldralns and latt ot power of theUcncrallvo
Organs In cither sex caused by over exertion , routhful orrorn. or ncesilrr
use of totmcco. opium or stimulants which soon lead to Inflrmltr. Consump
tion and Insanity. I'nt up convenient to carry In rest poctct. SI per package -
ago by mails 6 for M. With every S3 order wn oli'f a Tit ( n mtaranttt torurt
„ refund Utemontu. Circular free. Address AervoBoed Co. , ChJcnB , 111.
For sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell 1513 Dodge-st.
MKNT. a specific for llyjlorlx Dlnlnssi , Fill , Neu
ralgia , lloadacho. Nerroun I'roatrntoa canted b/
alcohol or tobacco , Wakef ulneis , Mental Uaproi-
slun , SoUneei of tbo Drain , cauiln * Inianlty , misery ,
decjr.death. I'roruiture old Ate , IJarrengji , JXn
of 1'oiTor In cither oi , Impotcnoy. Lsucorrhaa anj
all Keinalo Weaknesses , Inroluntiry Lonai , bpor-
matorrli a ciused by over eiartlon of tha brain
Bolf-abuieover Indulgence. A month's treatment
f.Gfor ! \ by malt. We guarantee six boxes to curd
Eacli order JorO boxei , with It will rsnil nrlt'.en
cuaranteeto refund If not cured Guarantee ls itJ
only by A. ticnroter , druggist , solo agent , soutbas
corner Ibth and Tarnam its , Omuha.
purtmcnt of the Interior , ofllce of Indian
lTalrp , Wusblnzton , 1) . a. May U. 18 < U buulud
roposals , endorsed "Proposals fur Stuiim
onUiiR , " nnd addressed to the CommleEloner
of Indian Affulrn. Wasblncto.n. U. C. , will bn
received at this oflluo until 1'o'clock p. in , of
Monday , Junefl. Ihirj. for tbo furnlsbtn : of all
necessary materials nnd labor nnd placlnz In
position , complete und ready for use , one low
pressure return circulating steiiri ) heating and
ventilating npparatus for thu three Indian
school liutiulncs ut the Mio&hono IndUn
agency. Fremont county , Wyo. , the boilers for
said apparatus to ho placed in the basement
of one of the buildings ns tbeofllue may direct.
1'l.ins and elevations of the bulldlnts for the
uuldnncc of the bidders In the preparation of
bids may ho examined at Ilio office of the
"lice" or OiiKilin. Neb. , the "Republican" of
Denver. Colo. , the "Tribune" ot Halt iriko
City , Utah , and ut this ofllce. Didders nro re
quired to iiccompiiiiy their bids with deilxns
nnd specifications of the hto.uu huatln ? and
rentllittlnc nopaMtus proposed to be fur-
nlshod , Bald deslsns nnd spco.flcntlons to bo
adapted to the bulldlngfi to which they are to
Lo applied. Tlio right Is reserved to rejo-t
anv or all bids or nny unrt of any bid it
deemed for the best Interest of the service.
Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified
check , or draft upon some United hlatos do-
posltory or solvent Nutlonitl bunk In the
\lclnlly of the residence of the bidder , muue
payable to the order of the commUi > ioner ot
lnalHii affHlrx , for at least 5 per cent of the
amount of the proposal , which uhcclcor draft
will bo forfeited to the United tilutes In case
any bidder or bidders receiving an uwnrJ
sliull full to uromptly oxt-cuto u contract with
food und sufliclcnt sureties. othcrwUo to he
returned to the bidder. Illdi accompanied by
cash In lieu of u certified check will not bo
considered. 1'or further Informat'ori apply to
T. J. MORGAN , CommUsloiior.
Beiilod proposals will bo received by tbo un-
oerttUned until 1-0 o'clock p. m. Juno IU , Ihiti ,
for tilling certain low streets and alloys , lo
cated ua .follows :
Urnnt ht rout between 21th und ! ! 5th streets ;
alley In blocUV.I'atrick's--'UaUd ; Maptaalrcut
betweeniltli und "Ttli streets ; 2Mb Ntruut be
tween Maple and north line of A. S. Patrick's
add. : : llotb street between Maple tin I Corby
streets , uudulley Iu block a , Iliiwtborno ndd. .
nil Iu tlio city of Omaha , sitld low parts of
strouts aud alloyb Imvliu been declared u nu-
liunco on account of st ignunt water llirrtxin
by u concurrent revolution of the muyor and
city council undtr daw ut May 10 , IMO.
t-uch UllJni ; to bo done in accordance with
tliu Instruction * of the. board of public works
and city engineer ,
lllds will bo made nn printed blantcn fur-
nlkliud by tbo l > oard nud to bo accompanied
bv accrtllled chueU ! u tbw sum of ( VM , pay-
ablu lot liu city ot Omabd , us un evidence of
good ful tli.
The board reserves the rlnht to reject auy
or all bids ana " ?
uCbtilruian Hoard of I'ubliu Works.
Omaha , Neb. , Muy Ui , ibOi ,
1 Eye & Ear
FOli TI-1E
facllUlns , appnrittn nnil Uo-noliot
f jr biiccesiful tre itmcnt of nvury form
of dlaoaso roqulrint or
sur.'lcal troutment.
M beds for patients , ho ird iin-J iittondanBO.
UcRt accomoJutions In the west.
Write for circiilan on deformltio'j ' nnd
braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of HUlna ,
ullc , tumors. cinoercittrrh. : bronchitis , In-
bulailou.olectrlclty. paralysis , onlloosy , kld-
nev. b , adder , eye. ear , skin an J b'.ooJ and all
Burelcal opor.itlcins.
lloolc on DlHoasai o (
Women VltKE. . . _ havolutely ndJod : i lyin -
In department for women durln : conllnemeat.
strictly pr.vatc.l Only Hellablo Medical In
stitute inaklnK a Rpecliilty o :
AU Il'ood UUujsaa successfully troatoL
I byuhllltlo 1'oUon removed from the gystotn
I without mercury. New itostnratlve Treat *
. ineiit for Ixm of VITAL I'OWKlt. 1'orsom un-
ublu to visit us IIIBV bo troHtod ut homo by
< nrre pen 'oncu. All communications uonll-
dentlal. MuJiclncs or Instrument * tent by
mall oroxpress. securely pacltod , no m irkn to
hid cutu contents or endor. Ono pcrijoniil In- pniferro I. Call nnd consult ui or Bond
hUtory of your case , mm wo will tend In plain
wrapper , our
BOOK TO MEN , FKEES | Unon i-rivats , , .
ypBOui or Norvou , i , ,
onsoa , Impotency. Syphilis , QloutuuJ Vurloo-
role , with qtiostion 1UU
llraees. Appliances for Deformities. & Trusei
Only manufactory In the Wei tot UUflt.tJl.
1TV Ul'l'LIAAVtut , TltUasiili. KLKUCttlO
11.1 TTEHIKt ) A * It U KL1S.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Oojnoll Bluli.
Ton mlnuUit * ildo from cotitorof Omiti t on
Omaha nnd Ojunoil Ulutti ulectrlo motor Una.
Save YoUr
Kycs tested free by an EXPERT OPTICJAN
1'erfcct adjustment. Hupurlor lenses. Norv-
ousheadache cured by uklng our Spectacles
nud Eyuglabu ; * . 1'rlcui low for first clam
114 S. 15th St. , Crcighton Dlock.
1/1OH PAI.r. Ktriflnp , thorouchbrod , Jer-
* > er ouit , olld color ; ror.IMe.-ed stock ; ll
iiiotnlKold 7U.MJ. First street.
11" YOU liroo anything for stlp or trade ea
J-.JI Slieifp. llm.-ulwar ami Muln strcnt ,
Ion IUWA f trim forstlo. Improved IS ) acroi
In Harrison county. 110.03 tier cro : 121 acres
Improved , JJJ.OJ : SJ acres , ll,0l Tor barialni
In low i unit .Nebruikn frtrmncmll on or writs
toJolin on. < : Van I'-tttBti. Uounc.l lll ffi >
Oil KENT-UwellluisIn all purls of tbo
L J ' M"a Hroadway and Main ,
n A frntne six-room cottacrj In
Rood repair , coed sltod lot. price $1.0 JO ,
rnny pay incuts or trndr. K. II , ehcufc , Uroud *
y anil Main Urcot.
STOUAGK nnd Oommlsilon Storcv furni-
tnns etc. , stortid nnd oold on rommlMlon at
lowest rates. U Kltmebati , IKO Ilm.tUw.ny.
A N Investment oarcatn. Now iloiible liousa
xVsttuatrd st Niis , in nnJ 1 G B.'tli St. , Coun
cil blud * . Improvement , now nnd flrat-ulnti
lioiisc , rontulni II rooms , U batb rooms , t Una
tmntrors. 19 closets , front uud buck stairs ,
hot : .nd co'd wnter service , gas. cto. worth
fA.VJO , wiil s H ntn birsaln anil solicit bout-
IIdp olTor-i. Koreat Smltli. llaldnln block ,
Council HHilTs.
T710H H.M.K TvfO-sturr brlok dwelllns. two
- - trnant sslx rooms o cli : centrally located
on electric motor traoUt iirlcu fl.OJO.OJ , less
mortrncoof tir > ( K ) : w 111 trade for Intnl. Ii ll.
bhcHfc. llroadway and Muln street.
Foil SALIJ On small payments , fruit and
Ciirden liui.l near Council lllulTs. E. H ,
rilicnfo. llroadtvay nnUMnln street.
FOR IlUXT8 Mynster street , tno-story
frnmodwelllns In oxcollonl rennlr , seven
rooms , bntli Hnd all modern conveniences !
rent. Kj. 11 II. jjheafc. Ilroudway nnd Main.
triOK SALE OH UKST-I.arcost nnd most
-s.1 nrotltable tnott ninrltot In tlio west , doln ?
from MiOJ.Cij tof7.W > J. OoHithuus ness a month :
bank boo'c r.ill show It ; cllt oil go I. ( plendl.t
busliivs > cliincoa : .vein' loasu on building
M : t , llec ollleo Council II I alls. '
DK lHAltKHonioo rooms for run tin llrown
uutldln ? . front IIR on 1'oirl nnd Mala
strccti , xvlth all modern convoiilcnces. l\it
terms npplr to A. II. Nicholas or U. U. Cory ,
room C , a--cnts for building.
17IOU KENT O. 0 Second avcnuo. dwelling
J- with 0 rooms , furnace , raiuo. biith. electric
bell" , one of tlio most desirable imtdcncps In
Council lllnlT : rent , tlXK ) per month , Mil ,
J-honfe , Uroudwuy and Muln street.
l OUSALK A neat four-roo-n dwolllnz on
- * Avenue H : iir ce.mi : small monthly pay
ments. IX II. fahoJifo , llroudrray tind Main ,
TTIOU KKNT Two of the best CarrlgE flutson
JL1 Tourth street.
FOU SALE Nebraska lands in exchange fnt
cto.-k of clean salHblo hardware E. II.
Sboafe , nroadwujr and Main street.
FOIt SALE Furnltuo fixtures lenso and
coed Hill ot hotel with 40 rooms In a Rood
Nebraska cltyt will trade for stock of ccncrul
morclinndlso. C. Ii. Hhcafo , Uroudway and
Main street.
EOIl SALE A comfortable llvo room dncll-
IUE neur Kntrniount Durlt. 1'rlce , ll.WH ) .
foO cash , balance In monthly Duymonts. K. II.
Sheafc. llroadway and Muln street.
Cf OK iALE-A ? new six-room dwellinz. IBS
-L1 Ilfth nvenuo. price. tl.SOO , * 11K1 c.tsti , bal
ance In monthly payments. E. H. Sueiifo
Drondway and Muln streets.
"JT OIl SALE A burgnln. thrce-roo-n dwell-
-t ? Inp. lot 1918 Fifth avenue , price. $70) , will
tnke tentn coed horses In trade and bnlunco In
monthly payments. E. II. Sheufo. Uro.idwuy
und Main streets.
TT1OII i-ALE-Or trade. A six-room fr.imo
Jdwolllnz. . Elcbtli nventic. oar. SJth fit. , price
t,43U. ! K. ll. t-heafe. Ilrondwny and Muln sts.
I710U UENT-ElRht-room dwelling 221 Wash-
J-1 Ink-ton avo. . modern style and conven
iences. In excel cut repair , rent tii. R II.
.She ufe , Broadnuy and Main sts.
FOR PALE Stock of groceries , dry Roods ,
notions und shoei. price ! l00. : will take
real estate In part , must IIHVO $319 cash. 11
II. bLe.ife. llioadway and Mnln sts.
TTOIt fcALE The only hotel In a small town
JL1 M mile * from Council IlltilTs Hug nn Ice
cream parlor with good trade. Furniture In
voices iittl.OOO , bulldlne tiHOl1. Will trade for
; oed resident property In Council Bluffs , a
snitp for the rJcht party. E. 11. bbeafe , Uroad-
wuy and Malu ytr.'Qt.
yEGRTAIICE cardener wnntod. A thor
> ouKhly experienced veeotuble curdoner ;
nons others need nnnly. Send recomnicnda *
tlons to box 3. Council llluffs , liu
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director and Undertaker ,
311 Broauway'Counc51 Bluffs.
Telephone Mil
ixufet KIIICAOO iiiniLi.sorov * Arrlra
Omaha I Depot 10th an j Maion * it . OmihA
O tu ah a I Depot 10th and Mason Us. | Omaha.