8 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : -SATURDAY , MAY 28 , 1892-TWELYE PAGES. SOWING IN VIRGIN SOIL Bccds of Patriotism Planted in the Minds of Omaha School Children. BISHOP NEWMAN TALKS OF GEN , GRANT I'lctnro of the Oront Cnptnlii Drawn > > } ' Ono Who Know Him \Vcll riowcrii nnil JlnrcliCH nnil llccltntluiii by the ficlionli. Under the auspices of the various Grand Army posts Decoration day programs wcro rendered In the principal schools of the city yesterday afternoon. SDcechc * were made by Grand Army of the Kopublic veteran ! nnd these were supplemented by program * appropriate to the occasion arranged by luo teachers and students. The Lake school was aglow with all the colors ot n Juno cardon yesterday afternoon. The red , whlto and blue of lUgs. flowers nnd bunting blended In harmony with the ribbons - bens and roses that adorned the sum mer costumes of the hundreds of visitors who had assembled to wit ness tbo Memorial day exorcises of the children. The visitors had to stop care fully for the halU and grounds were thronged with tiny ralto * of humanity , each of whom waved a tiny ling with a sense of the im portance of being ono of the attractions of the day. Olvcn n Hmt of ( Irnut. A short program of singing nnd recitations was given In each room from 2 o'clock to 3 and then the whole school marched out to Join In the exorcises outside. The principal program was In room No.I , under the direc tion of the principal , Miss Emma Whitmoro. The event of the afternoon was the presentation to the school of a ImnUsomo bust of General Grant by iho class of " 01 now of the High school. The presen tation speech was made by Albert Pormoleo nnd the response by Bishop Newman. 'Jho bishop dwelt briefly upon the achieve men Is of the great soldier and drew from his life a lesson of patriotism and loyalty for tbo children for whom the great war existed onlv In history. The regular program was opened with n * aluto to the flag by the school , after which Miss Jane Brcck recited "Iho Blue and the Gray. " The Eighth grade sang the beautiful song , "Cover Thorn Over with Beautiful Flowers , " with Miss Morton ta accompanist , aud Master Fuvotto Lord re riled the Memorial day oio. The Memorial day essay was written by Miss Marcuerlto Gn'nnon , but WAS road by Miss Flora Patton , on account of the Illness ot Miss Gannon. It wai exceptionally well written and was road with considerable elocutionary effect. The recitation , ' -Tho Neglected Grave , " by Miss Dora Dunham , deserves special mention. The selection was rcndorca with a aoptb of patties and a dramatic effect that would have been creditable to n llnlshod elocutionist nnd was remarkable In a young miss of 14. "A Woman of the War" was also well rendered by Miss Mabel Latoy. They sang "Marching Through Georgia" and then the drums struck up and the whole school marched out of tbo building. In tlio Open Air. Tbo marching proved as Interesting to tbo visitors us any part of the exorcises. There wore 800 pupils In line from battalions of in fantile zounvos to the squads ot older pupils who brought up tbo roar. And the battal ions marched , If anything , a little bettor than their ciders. Each tiny patroit clasped a flag tightly In the right bund and moved with the precision of u veteran and the dig nity of a Naooleon. The long line passed In review past the east door , from which Major Wolsmun made a brief address and then the troops broke ranks whllo Miss Whitmoro and her corps of teachers gave an informal recaption to the proud mammas and other visitors In the oulldlng. ml Verne * at I.cuveinvorlh. Thrco hundred bright puplls'took part In the exorcises at Lcavenworth school. They presented a patriotic scene in whlto dresses , with flowora in their buttonholes ana the emblems of liberty In their bands. The hall was decorated with flags nnd colors for the commemoration of tboso who had not boon forgotten. Each little scholar nod some appropriate verso to rcclto In memory of the dead hero or n sentimental song to sing for tbo "bluo and the gray.- Tbo exercises wcro under the direction of Miss Mlnnlo Wood , principal of the school , nnd after marching tbo youngsters Into the linll.slio bad them fclng In concert , "America. " This was followed by recitations appropriate to Mi-modal day by Bertha Willinsky and Walter Morris. Miss Margaret Head played a piano solo , and other recita tions nnd readings were by Don Downing , ilntUo Guonthor , Bertha Catlln , Eddie Meyer , Abe nnd Louis Bernstein. Mlnnlo Hlllor. Bones , "How They so Softly Ucst" and "Hail on , Oh Ship of State , " were sung. flag exorcises wore given by Miss Agnes McDonald's class by their reciting In con cert the "Flag of Freedom. " Eddy Kennedy recited class quotations , afto'r which the "Star Spangled Banner" was uig. , Considering their ago , the children did remarkably well In their exorcises , showing they had been given a tborouch training. The numerous visitors In attendance were also pleased with the exorcises. Story of the Struggle. Mr. Edward Ilosowator and County Judge Ellcr , who bad boon extended an Invitation to bo present , made short addresses to the children. Before Mr. Hosowator was introduced , the principal ot the school asked her scholars how many of them know THE Bnn. A shout wont up that echoed that they wcro all acquainted with the paper. Then Its editor was introduced and told the children that It was eminently fitting that ono day each yonr was sot apart for the dedi cation of the liberties of the American people - plo and to commemorate the day ot these who had gallantly an * noblv won that lib erty. Those little boys and girls were soon to be men and women of tbo coining genera tion , nnd It was proper to 1 in Duo Into thorn a patriotic spirit. Mr. Uosowator also related some of hlt-ox- pcrionco In the days of tno civil war nnd told thorn of ibo loaders ot both oattllng parties ; of the union men who Know what it wits nnd what it cost for citizenship. Judge Ellcr of the Grand Army said ho was glad to see the children taking such an Interest In the incmorlul exercises. Ho told them n few btorics of camp Ufa , and asked luo children to assemble Monday afternoon to tnko part In the Memorial day'exorcises at llnnscoui ptiric. Hickory ftclinol'M Kn\irtn , Memorial day was observed at Iho Hickory itroot school In a becoming and Interesting way. The school building , Inside and out , wni ornate with Jlo.itlng llais ; and banners , whllo streamers nnd Hunting streamed from nil the trco-tops and other available points on the premises. On the west side of the building was n hugo Inscription , wrought on n cquaro of canvas from green loaves , readIng - Ing "Wo Are Our Country's Hope. " At 2iU : : the children of Misses Slabbing , Brown , Jlloks nnil Wllhrow , under the guidance of the principal , Miss Novlus , congregated in the slmdo of n big tree In the west part of the yard , where the exorcises of the day were observed. Thcso consisted of n choice program of recitations , hongs aud addresses , the principal of which was ono by Com mander Sawhlll. Miss Ktobblns was very nutlvo nnd very cftlclont In-conducting the exercises , and nltogothor iho afternoon was B Joyous ono to nil concerned , i At Other School Illume * . 1 Pacific school wfu nddrokscd by Uftptaln D. G. Hhonils , U. S. Grant post 111) ) . The rooms were handsomely decorated with Hags , Moucrs and trlcolorod arapery. A pleasing feature of their excellent program was a young miss representing the Goddess of Lib erty received by the primary t > chool in putrl- olio responses1. A largo number of visitors wcro In attendance. Mnjnr Clarkson , Uov , S. P. Merrill and W. F. Gurloy addressed the pupils at the High school. The Memorial day oxorclios at Dodge echool wcro Interesting. There was u pro- pram of patriotic- son us and recitations by the children of the various grades , and an in teresting address by General J. B , DunuU. Mr , D. M , Hnvorfy addressed the puplU of Mi8on school In the ubsonca o ( Judge No- vlllo , who was unable to attend. MUs Fnu tile Arnold suug "The bur Spangled Jan- THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Far and Away the Best Merchandise for the Least Money is the Ruling Principle Here. 3ooo yards of dainty narrow edges just the thing to finish spring underwear. Usually old for 7 c , 8 jC and ice a yard , Today j ? if Cents. Those good edges we have been selling for 12 0 , 150 and iSc , Today Cents. I A / * > r o LACES Linen hand made Torchon regularly sold at our counters I2j c , 150 and i8c , Today Q Cents. POINT B' IRLANDE for wash dresses and children's dresses , China silk costumes , etc. , worth iSc , 2oc , 250 , Today i fT Cents. SHOES Have you boon too often disappointed in shoes ? They looked good enough , but their real character came out in a few days' wear. Wouldn't it bo bettor to find a store where you can have per fect conlidcnco in shoes , than buy there. Ladies' Bright Dongola Patent Tip Button , A and B widths , worth $5 , only $3.65. Lafe' ' Oxfords , We will close all our $3.50 and $3.85 Oxfords , Cloth Top , for $3.00. nor. " An interesting program was ren dered. The following gentlemen delivered ad dresses at the schools named : West Omaha , T. S. Clurkson : Bancroft , J. W. Honra ; Cass , L. F. Maglau ; Castollar , Kilmund Burtlott ; Center , J. S. Miller ; Central Park , Dr. Swartzlandor ; Davenport and Long , Dr. H. M. Stone ; Dupont , C. E. Burmolstor ; Eckor- man and West Side , John Joffcoat ; Farnam , J. A. Glllosplo ; Forest , F. B. Bryant ; Fort Omaha nnd Saratoga , P.O. tlnwcs ; Franklin , Dr. b. 1C. Spauldlng ; Hartman , C. b. Chase : Izurd and Kollora , J. H. Kynor ; Jackson and Park , Simoon Bloom ; Lothrop , L. Anderson ; Omaha Vlow , Dr , Van Gloson ; Sherman , Dr , llalph ; Vlnton , A. L. Wlgton ; Walnut Hill and Clifton Hill , A. U. Thalu and H. S. Glllesplo ; Webster , Dr. Christie. I , DAY. Program ol Scr\lc Hto llu Observed by the Vote rut i s , Memorial day will bo fittingly observed In Omaha. The following program has boon prepared and will bo carried out on Monday by the Grand Army of the Republic , Sons of Votoranspuplls of the public schools , Omaha Guards , Musical Union band nnd the public in general : 5 a. ra. Reveille and salute of forty-four guns on Capitol Hill by veterans , supported by George Crook camp , Sons of Veterans , 8:110 : n. in. Assembling of Grand Armv of the Hopubllo posts and Invited guests nt Cus- tor pojit ball , Fifteenth nnd Dp-Jgo , where they will take conveyances for Forest Lawn cemetery. 10:30 : At the cemetery , president of burial corps presiding. Song. "America , " veteran quartette and audlouco , * " Prayer by Comrade A. II. Thnin. Address , "Tho Burial Corps , " Comrade John B , Snwblll , corps president. Cannon presentation to corps , Hon. George P. Hernia , mavor. Canuon reception for corps , Comrade T. S. Clarltson , Short addresses by post commanders and Hollef Corps presidents. Song , "How Sloop the Brave , " veteran quartette and uuitlouco. Benediction , Strewing llowors on graves. 1 p , ra. Omaha Guards will march from Armory hall to Hauscom Park led by Musi cal Union band. 'J p. in. Uxorclsos at Hanscom park : Muslo by the baud. Prayer by tbo chaplain , SOUR "Hod , Whlto ana Blue , " chorus from Park school led by Miss Aruola. Opening address by Comrade Ball. "Beautifur Hllm , " chorus from Mason school. 50 new Pieces. 20 new color ings. You'd expect to pay'25c for it. It's worth that. To day , BHIFFQH Colors you won't find else where. Prices you approve. Our 25c , 35c , 40c , 50c kinds are qual ity for quality against double the price elsewhere. LINEN GOLLIRS Good , well made , worth 15c to 25c each. Ladies' and children's. 5c. Children's ' Bibs , 5c , Windsor Ties , 19c , 25c up. Novelties in Reefer Fronts , Jabots , etc , , at \ their worth , Children's Fauntleroy Sets , 45c , 65c , 85c , .Palm Fans , lc , Japanese Parchment Folding Fans , 5c. Silk Ribbon Fringe , 98c , $1.19 , $1.69. Canvas Belts , 5c. Silk Belts , 25c , Poem "Tho Nation's Dead , " by Honrv Drumm. "Flag of the Free , " chorus by Arnold club from Long school. Address by orator of the day Corarado A. 1C * 1.U&1Q * Song "Battlo Cry of Freedom , " chorus led by Mrs , Hhoads. Memorial hymn by Owl olub. Hltual oxerclso by Grand Army of tbo Republic. I a "The Soldier's Volco. " J b "Sloop , Blessed Sloop , " by young ladies - dies from High school , classH'W/ Muslo by the baud. Disease never successfully attacks a svs- torn with pure blood. Do Witt's Sorsoparflla maiies pure , now blood mjd enriches the old. The Topulnr Ilouto for Kumtnor Tourliti. In going to the mountain or ocean re"- sorts of the east you are sure of a pleas ant journey if your ticket reads via the Pennsylvania lines from Chicago. Di rect route to principal places of summer sojourn along the Atlantic , in the Allo- ghanlos , Adlrondacksand the Catskllis. For details address George Jenkins , traveling passenger agent , Dubuque , la. The I.iut or the ISumUo. A majority of all the living buffalo in the world are now on exhibition at the terminus of the Benson & Halcyon Heights railway. Gates open at 2 o'clock. Admission , 25c ; children under 12 years , lOc. 4OIJ7OM.lltA. . Trouble Kxporlonccil by tlio 1'oumlmantcr lu AncuUni ; a Viigiaut Cow , la bla rounds yesterday Poundmastcr Phillips mot a cow with a brindle tall and nearlv the whole population in the vicinity tof Brown park. Ho attempted to toke the cow Into custody , but she resisted and was Joined in her resistance by the whole neigh borhood. Mr. Phillips was determined and after suc cessfully uodglng brjrkbats and clubs hurled at him by the women and children ho tri umphantly secured the cow and was about ready to proudly proceed on his way when a bullet whizzed through space In close prox imity to bis heau. A douuou of tbat neigh borhood tired iho shot from ambush and made his otcapo bcforo the poundmastor could get near enouzh to where ho was con cealed to identify him. The cow was taken , however , and is now in tbo city pound , An arrest will probably follow , Oruiinlroilu HIIIO Hull Club. A number of the young gentlemen em ployed In Swift Si Co. ' : ) ofllco have organized ICoon buyers ' .will appreciate the cuts In now Dress Goods 35 pieces ot Btripetl sorgobluo ground , with white nnd cream and gold stripes , of various widths ami patterns. Sum mer weight. 49 inches wide ; wo bounht thorn for qnrlior in the season to soil for 81.25. CUIPI and the price is knifed to 69 cents Dark nnd Light Grounds 9 SUMMER STYLES All Wool Challis. - 'Wo open tomorrow. 60 pieces of fresh styles , delightful patterns ; price every where , 05c , 50 cents Granite Brocades New colorings , peed styles ; the price wo have hadiaSl , SILK and WOOL Bourotted plaids , flno and soft and light weight,1 for summer ; don't pay " ' .35 for no bettor. Here they arc at 75 Cents 40 inches wido. Hair Line Gray , Mixlurcs , beautiful effects , soft , light , rich , 40 Inches wido. NEW CREPONS , 38 inches wide , heliotropes , tnns and browns , soft and elegant surface , 88 inches wide ; old price $1. a base ball club and are now looking for scalps and homo runs. The nlno Is made up as tollows : Murphv , catcher ; Thompson , pitcher ; Dunnlcro , short stop ; Young , llrst ease ; Punuuousor , second base ; Cunning- hum , third base : Crowe , loftllola ; Fleming , center field ; Mullen , right field. James RufTorty U managing tbo club and Is anx ious to meet some ot the amateur clubs. Tbomus Murphy , the club's ' catcher , Is an old-tlmo ball player and won fame as such In the Black Hills. Several other members of the club are good amateur * and will put up a line game. UHUI ! Up at a Dunce. Tuesday evening Gottlieb Schaado sus tained very serious injuries In a general fipbt at a dance In the Third \vuru and no was re moved to St. Joseph's hospital in Oraahn for treatment. Tbo Falto Factory , with Its usual ontcrprlso for printing news that does not occur , came out last evening with tbo startling atatomoiit that S.hauuo : was dead and the pollctmvero searching for his mur derers. The trud facts In the case are that tbo Injured inon is'Improving and no fears of fatal results ara entertained , as the In juries receivedby Sonaado are not of so seri ous a nature. GrentvclrKxrltcmcnt uml Smoke. A vat filled wltli tar took lire at Cudaby's paclilng house yesterday afternoon and created qulto ai npplo of excitement for a few minutes. 'The ' blaze was extinguished before any dnmago was dono. Tbo vut was located near ono of tbo now buildings In coursu of construction on Thirty-third street , madly Injured , S. WriClnpraB. & M. brnkomnn , is nurs ing a badly mn&hed foot. lie caught it be tween the buinpdrs of tbo engine and a freight car In 'tlij yards yostorday. A phy sician found U necessary to amputate Iho largo too of the Injured foot , which is the loft ono. Mr. King will ba laid up for some tlino by reason of tbo accident. Notes anil rorioimU. Theodora Thompson bos'gone to Mlle , la. , on a business trip. Jacob Jotter Is suffering from a serious attack - tack of pneumonia. A. H. Fuller of Swift k Co. Is In Sun Francuco , Ual. , on business , Mrs. Marlon Bulos and children have gouo on a visit toMorgantown , Ind. G. W. Webb of the firm of G. W. Webb & Co. , Is lu Mlndrn ou business. Judeo A. U. Suttou is making preparations to upend the season at Newport. J. W. Oliver , a capitalist of Lexington , was a South Omalm visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mr * . E. U Cleveland's Infant son died late Tburndoy evening. Tbo funeral FOR SATURDAY , Cleaver's Unscentecl Soap i Olive Oil Soap , A Royal Windsor , I Circassian , J Pound bar glycerine Sweet Violet Soap , A ' Pears' Glycerine , 'I Cuticura , I Clarinated , J Eastman's Aloha , CENTS. Cape May Boquet , Florida Boquet , 4711 Glycerine , Our soaps are the best for the money. CENTS. 3 Pound bar Castile French Violet , French Lavender , Cream of Cucumber , CENT3. Lady Gray's Quadru- " ° pie Extracts , 21c Eastman's Triple Ex tracts , 15c § La Duchesse Face Pow-Q der , nide glass puff / IQ fcI V box free , Palmer's Almond Meal , din's 50 dozen Linen Em broideredcaps , JT , Children's Fine 'ainsook Caps , em broidered , corded , shirred , lace trim-k/JLl [ / med and Ribbon Pom Pom Children's Washable Sun Hats , shirred and embroidered , regular $ i quality , only occurred yostordav nftornoon from the fam ily residence at Twenty-seventh and Arn'our snoots. The eastern approach has boon repaired and travel over the Q street viaduct has been resumed. O. D. Bratton of Iho Union Stock Yards National bank has roturnoJ from his visit to New York City. Mrs. S. S. Hadloy nnd Miss Minnie Perkins - kins of Cedar Rapid * ore tbo guests of Mr , and Mrs. A. P. Brink. The postponed meeting of the Young Mon's Republican club will bo hold this evening at Wordoman'ti hall. James Smith returned last evening from Dos Molncs , In. , where ho attended the Btuto shooting tournament. Mr. Smith cap tured several prizes. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr * . William Allen , Twonty.flfth nnd N streets , dlod yesterday and will bo burled today at 10 o'clock in fc > t. Mary's cemetery. The South Omaba club and the Commer cial Avenues of Omaha will play ball Sun day afternoon on the former's ' grounds. George B. Gootchall will pitch for South Omahn. Postmaster J. M. Glasgow. Ed Johnston , J. B. Watklus , F. M. Smith , Goorso W. Masson , Colonel 1C. P. Savaaa and C. C. Stanley will form the South Omiiha party that will attend the Minneapolis convention , Mrs. L. U. Puttoii , UoeKford , III. , writes : i "From personal experience I can recommend | DoWltt's ' Sarsnpanlla , a euro for Impure blooa and general debility , " Dr. Culiimoro. oculist. Uja building I'or I'rliluy nnil Siituiiluy Miss Alice JBIWCS will soil ono lot of trimmed imt-J at $1.08 , and ono lot at $2.1)8 ) ; also ono lot at $1.08. These hats are a special bargain to make room for a now lot of btimmor goods that are coming in. fa aov s. IOTJI ST. I'ut Clilo'iKo In Your I'ocki't. A great work , "Moran'fl Dictionary o Chicago. " If there Is a feature or insti tution in tlio World'a fair city a. full de scription of which docs not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it Price , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. Boo the now , com plete and elegant mnp It contains. Per sons ordering copies will please oncloeo 0 cents extra for postage. MuiloU l.uoly for tlio Vlr r. LONDON , May 27.At Coventry , Warwick- sulro , a mob prevented a sale of SPECIAL SALE OF HOT WEATHER NECKWEAR , i ) -r Whlto Shield Bows [ for turn down Collars ] , fiOc per dozen. ' ] White Shield Bows , French mull , extra line [ for turn down collars ] , $1.00 po * dozen. dozen.Soltil Soltil Colored Elastic Bnml Bows , ombroldorod and plain ontls , 2.5c each. Plain Wlilto Band Bows lOc each , 76o per do/.on. , Plain Whlto Elastic Band Bows loc each , 2 for 25c. Plain Whlto Elastic Bund Bows 120 each , II for oOe. Plain Whlto String Tics 16c per do/on , 2 do/.on for 2)0. Plain Whlto String Tics , silk stitched , 2/io / per dozen. Solid Colored String Tics , silk stitched , 25c per dozon. Plain Wlilto French Plquo double Four-in-hand 2oo oach. Fancy Colored French Lawn double Four-in-hand Me each. French Plquo , the latest novelty , double Four-in-hand [ whlto on ono sldo nnd printed llgurcs on the other ] , 2'ic each. French Lawn [ ombroidorcd with silk ] Four-in-hand , 25o each. Printed Pongco Four-in-hands , 25o. A beautiful selection of French Lawn PulTa , in whlto nnd fancy colors [ the very latostl , only 2oc each. Have just received a beautiful line of Silk Neckwear , Four-ln-hands and Tcck. in chocks and plaids , in all the now and latest colors , atSOc. A Dress Shirt At Half Value. A flno unlnundored Dress Shirt , made of Now York Mills muslin , linen bosoin , reinforced front , continuous slays , only60c ; worth 65o. MEN' Mon'a flno 40-gaugo Hose , high spliced heel nnd double toe , modes and tana , 25cj worth 35c. Men's fast black sox , Ilcrmsdorf dye , double heels and toes , As good as anybody's Sou hose. Flno balbriggan Sox. moles and tans , high spllcod heels , donblo soles and toes , [ Heiiirieh Solicitor's make , 50c qualities only 35o ; $4 per dozen. [ Thcso shirts all come soft finish but with an interlining in collar and cuffs so . they can bo laundered if so desired. ] Beautiful fancy Domots and Oxford cloths , 50c. Men's line black English Satino Shirts , $1. Mon's black ground white pin striped shirts $1. ' Men's Madras cloth fancy striped Shirts $1. Mon's fancy flannel stripe l Shirts 75c. Men's Madras cloth , medium colors , Shirts $1.23. Mon's Oxford cloth , light plaids. Shirts 81.CO. Jf Men's silk striped zephyr cloth Shirts $1.50. S Mon's French flannel Shirts $1.50 and $2. Mon's Scotch zephyr cloth , check and btripo Shirts $2. Men's Bedford Cord cloth Shirts $2. Mon's Bedford Cord silk stripe Shirts $2.50. Men's TalTota wool fancy strino Shirts $2.50. Wo also carry a line of these shirts for extra largo men. Boys' and youths'black English butino Shirts $1. Boys' and youths' Oxford and Madras cloth , $1 and $1.50. THE MORSE DRY GOODS GO- seized to satisfy the payment of a vicar's rate claim , and made demonstrations of violence lence toward the vicar. The police inter fered and prevented serious results. Mrs. Wlnslsw's ' Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething produces natural quiet sleep. 23 cents a bottlo. The TiBt of thi ) Hiillnlo. A majority of all the living buffalo in the world are now on exhibition at the terminus of the Benson & Jlalcyon Heights railway. Gates open at 2 o'clock. Admission , 25c ; children under 12 years , lOc. I'ut Chlciigii la Your I'ocliot. A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city a full de scription of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price. 25 cents per copy. For Halo ntUOO Herald building , Chicago. Sco the now , com- pluto nnd elegant map it contains. Per sons ordering copies will please cncloso 0 cents extra for ooslago. * U. H , ( illllll 1'llHt Ill'llOllt. A musical and lltorary ontortoinment will bo given by the ladies of the U. S , Grant Holiof Corps No. 101 for the bono- lit of the relief fund , Tuesday evening , May ill , at their hall , Continental block. Following is Iho program : Opening address , Junior Vice Commandor-ln- Chief T. S. Clarkson ; piano duet , "Jubal Overture , " Von Weber , by Mr. R. 'I' . Allen and Miss Nottio Ilavorly ; recita tion , Miss Kttii Matlie.soii ; bong , MibH Clara Clarkbon ; recitation , Mr. C. 10. Hurmoistor ; violin solo , Sir. O. Nord- wall ; Hong , Mrs. Urquhart ; recitation , Mlsa lone Pierce ; fancy dance , Miss Isa bel Pluunlx ; closing uddrosa , Mr. John JolTcoat. All members of the Grand Army , Sons of Veterans and of the Woman's Holiof Corps are cordially In vited. Ice cream and cake made by the ladles of the corps. The r.tut of tlio llulliilo , A majority of all the living buffalo In the world are now on exhibition at the terminus of the Uonson & Halcyon Heights .railway. Gates open at 2 o'clock. Admission , 25cj children under 12 years , IQo. AnolliurC'rUlh In llnly. UO.MB , Muy 'JT.-Tho cabinet has resigned , but tbo lilutf has refused to accept the resig nations. The dissolution of the Chamber o- Deputies is believed to bo Imminent. Tbo resignation was the result of the narrow margin In the vote of conlidcnco In the bousa yesterday. The cabinet uai boon In exist ence only since the 15th hist. Do Witt's Sarsapnrllln dostroyn such pot. sons as scrofula , sltln disease , cromn , rheu matism. Its timely use naves many lives , SpeetaclcsDr. Cullimoro,221 Bee old # Put Clilciiitu In Your I'oclirt. A grout work , ' Atornn'u Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World'ri fair city a full de scription of wliich docs not appear in the ' . hook , wo huvo yet to hoar of it. , rfco. 2.1 cents per copy. For sale at 200 Hcirald building , Chicago. Sco the now , com- pluto and elegant map it contains. Por- OOIIB ordering copies will please enclose U cents extra for postago. Payment * . Payments of pensions uro made quarterly at the several poiuloa paying agencies as follows : Group 1 : The 4th day of Julv , Octoboy'J January and April at Buffalo , N , Y , , M/i- waukeo , Wls. . Concord , N. H. . PlttHbur , Pa. , Chicago , III. , and DCS Molnos , lu GroupS : The fourth day of Aiigu.'t , November - vombor , February and May at IndianapolU , Ind. , Philadelphia , Pii , Topolta. Kim. , Louis ville , Ky. , Now York City , N. Y. , undlCnox- Villo Tcim. Group it : TboIth dav of September , December - comber , March and Juno nt Augustu , Mo. , Detroit , Mich. , Ban FrancUco , Cul. , Bo ton , Mass. , Colummis , O. , and Washington , D , O. DoWltt's Snraaparllla cleanses the blood I'llt CIllriiK" In Vour I'nrknt , A great work. "Morau'n Dictionary of Chlcii"o. " If Ihoro is a feature or ItiHti- tutlon in the World's fair city a full de scription of which does not appear in i tlio book , wo have yet to hoar of It. Price , i.r ! > rents per copy. For sale at 20 ! ) Herald building , Chicago. Soothoww , complete and elegant map it contalnV Persona ordering copies will please on- oloso U cents extra for postage. y o .v. fnttcetli ! < t linttor l < * miil'r thii hunt , ctntcach ( UlJId'ni'il llncttn ttnli. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miinro. Dujiortt btrott , bunduy morning , Muy boy.