Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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now In tbo handi of the disbursing officer *
is rJ3.G59.000. Secretary Foster regards this
ns largely exceeding Iho ncuml requirement
of the Borneo , nnd especially In view of the
fact that the cash balance of the treasury ,
including national bank deposits nnd subsid
iary ana minor coin , has fallen to 120,010,335.
To romcdv this stnto of affairs ho Issued a
circular today instructing disbursing officers
to turn nil their Idle money Into the treas
Western Tntrntji.
WASHI-VOTON , D. G. , Mny 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tins BKK. ] Patents wore is-
hued today as follows ) William 11. Baiter ,
assignor to Pioneer Manufacturing company.
Iowa , rnrchnnlcal movement ; Mary U.
liurko , Idaho , washboard ; David U. Conway -
way , low * , chnneo receiver ; David F. Con-
crt , South Dakota , clothes line ; Mlle B.
Cowfilll. Mr-bras H * . system of oloctrlo light-
Ins ; Milton L. Dudley , Jown , snsh fustoncr ;
Gavin G. Huyes. lown , self loadIng -
Ing cnrt ; Christian G. Holler , Iowa ,
fnrm cole ; .loshtm W. Latta , Wyoming ,
car coupling ; William M. Lewis , Jown ,
mccbanicul motor ; Stephen J. Loughran ,
lown , boiler furnnco ; Jnmos Mlmo , assignor
of two-thirds to J. J. Milne , Iowa , stump
pullrr ; Frederick L. Sellers nnd J. G.
Sclillssrl. lown , gate ; Hooper B. Slrout , as
signor of onu-lourth to .1. W. Hitchcock ,
Nebraska , welding compound ; Hooper B.
Blrout , n lBDcr of one-fourth to J. S.
Vnuffht , Nebraska , door spring ; Charles W.
TJnircr , assignor of onc-hnlf to J. It. Banks ,
Utah , oun rest ; Charles Wfoorp , Nebraska ,
lo n mower.
JmlRo floiiriliiinn'ii Cnro.
WABHINOTOS- . C. , May 20. The bouso
Judicialcommlttco today adopted the re
port of the commitloo which Investigated the
charges matlo against Judge Boardman of
Louisiana. The report will end the matter , ns
Judge Boardman's Impeachment , was not
recommended by the spaclnl committee ,
tboueh the report Is u pretty severe repri
mand of the Judgo.
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder euro
catarrh. For'salo by all druggists. 50 conts.
HO urn O3iJ.iiA.
ntintncs * nt the Union Stuck Yards Likely to
lie i)1y Increased.
L. Alien , an extensive ranch and cattio
owner of St. Clalr , Nob. , was a visitor at
the Union itock tfards yesterday , nnd bis
mission was ono ofimportance. . Mr. Allen
has for a long tlmu had his eyes upon the
South Omaha market , and is desirous of
ending : his catllo this way , His visit to the
yard * yesterday was for the purpose of in
vestigating the practicability of currying out
bis dosiro.
Tbo ranches In Nevada arc covered with
cattio , and a profitable market U what the
owners are In search of. In the past ship
ments uavo oithcr been made to San Fran
cisco or Iho cattio taken ever tlia trail to the
northern ranges und then sold us feeders. A
limited number of shipments hnvo been
made to South Omaha and were attended
with satisfactory results. The cattlemen In
that state are seriously hnnalcapnrd by the
excessive freight tariffs , and especially docs
this apply to the territory tributary to the
Central 1'acUlo system. It iicccssutlty fol
low * that prices on this market must bo
very high to mnko it profitable for ship
ments to bo made to this point. Mr. Alton ,
however , is very favorably Impressed with
South Omahu a& a stock marKet , and Is of
tha opinion that the Nevada cattio will bo
shipped here. *
Manager Babcock of the stock yards and
all the pnckora bavo boon laboring indus
triously to induce tbo Nevada caltlo owners
to send their marketable stock this way.
Thcro is reason to bullovo that their efforts
in that direction will bo successful and if
tboy ore an important acquisition will bavo
boon mado.
At tbo present time but a comparatively
small number of southern cattio como this
way , and the Nevada stock must bo so class-
Hied. For about ono mouth during each
year the receipt * at this market arc- very
small und tbo packers are unable to find uny
dosirabla stuff among what docs come. Tbo
reason is plain and tbo lull is duo to tbo fact
that the"cornUed cattio are all in and about
thirty days must elapse before the gross fed
cattio are reedy for tbo market.
Tbo Nevada grass-fed catllo are ready for
market aboot'ono month earlier than tboso
of the west and northwest districts and if
the cattlemen of that stnto are induced to
ship to South Omaha no lull in the marketer
or falling off In receipts will occur.
If this territory is opened up tbo benefits
derived will bo largo. During the present
time the packers find it exceedingly difficult
to secure a sufllclent number of suitable
i cattio at this market for killing purposes
( during too time which elapses afior thocorn-
rod stock is in and the time the grass-fed
cattio begins to come. The securing of ship
ment * from Nevada will ramovo this diffi
culty and place th < ) South Omaha packers on
mi equal footing with those of Chicago and
Kansas City.
Kutua unit 1'orHcmuln. '
Mr * . J. F. Kinney of Blulr visited yeitor-
day with Mrs. Donna Allborry.
J. M. Schcnck has bean called to Bolvl-
dcro , Hiby the ituath of an aunt. '
Deputy Sheriff Courtney , accompanied by
Mrs. Couitnoy , is in Lincoln visiting.
Mrs. M. n. Baker of Indianola , la , . Is vis
iting with Captain and Mrs , J. W. Cress.
T. C. McDonald will erect a residence at
Twenty-third and J streets to cost (3.500.
Mrs. Ed Johnston and daughter returned
yottorday from an extended trip to Call-
The meeting of the Young Men's Republi
can club will bo held this o von lug aturdo -
man's hall.
A good house greeted tbo reproduction of
the drama , "Forced to the War , " at Blum's
hall last evening.
The King's Daughters Mission baud gave
an entertain munt at the Baptist church
Tuesday ovcnlng.
Postmaster Glasgow attended the silver an-
nlvursury celebration at Lincoln , returning
home lastevomng.
Mrs. Isabullo Moore loft yoatordny for
Bromfleld , III. Mrs. Moore is the mother of
Councilman Bruco.
Charles Carlson of tbo Union stock yards
clerical force returned yosterdnv from an ex
tended visit alPaluosvllIc , O.
The Metropolitan Street Hallway company
lias completed tlio laying pf tracks on Twen
ty-fourth street and now has a line from O
' struct la Albright.
Misses Uortlc McCullock , Coo E , Cres
and iuisy Mtms of tin ) government micro-
hcopical force attended the silver unnivoraary
celebration hold at Lincoln.
Nearly ull urraiiKaracnts for tbo obsorv'
unco ofDccoratlcn day in this city Monday
uavo lon completed. Tbo exercises Imvo
bean urrunxi'd on a moro elaborate basis than
tbo.'oof ureucdlnt ; years , and the parade
will bo the largest ever scon in the Made
City. _
Dr. Ulrnoy's Catarrh Powder for cold. In
head , i'orsulouy all druggists. 50 coats.
Mr. nnd Mrs , U , O. Soydor announce the
birth of a daughter on Wednesday.
The board of directors of tbo Keui Estate
Owners aiboumtlon will bold its rogulur
mooting thUiifteruoon at 4 o'clock.
Special pollco order No. 8 instructs the
taptuln commaiulliiL' the dav force to bond a
icrgoiint and Officers Doolcy and ICeysor to
Hr.nscom pnrU on Sunday afternoons until
further notice.
The Citizens alliance will discuss tbo No-
brnskn Central railway bond proposition at
luhall , 11U South Fourteenth struot , this
evrmng. Allen Hoot will oppose tbo voting
of the bonds , All nru invited.
The Thompson assault case , which had Its
beginning In tbo corridor before Judge
Scott's court room in Tin : BEI : building.
caico up in pollco court yesterday. The
young uiun pleaded guilty to knocking down
ills undo anil was lined & anil costs.
The pollco uro on the lookout for Joseph
nruncllund Charles Olson , two itosortur *
from compauy K , Eiirhlh cavalry. United
States army , stationed at Fort Moado.
llrunell is iu tbo bublt pf ulving dancing x.
liihltlons in saloons.
Some days ago Sheriff Bennett oflldally
ejected Nols and Hunnah Larsou from the
property of the Dyrou Ucod osialo , In the
vicinity of Floroncejnke. The Larsons , who
tvoro squutura , brought n &iUUO )
jatnauo ulfc aralnsl tbo sheriff
anil his bondsiucu , ullcglne perioual
Injuries at his bunds. Now Hannah Larson
bus brought suit In tliolowu count , demand-
Jug diunspt B und tbo posienlou of ttia land.
O. T. Kyjuia soils Uuton soap.
Miuneapolis Wins a Qamo from Omaha After
Losing it Fairly.
Dnvo llowo'n Tnlr Hnlrod lloy Hnttorod All
Out of Slmpo liy the .Mnllclouft 'Miller *
Mllnriiukcnnml Ultima * City
Knelt a Winner.
MinnoapotU , 11 ; Omaha , 4.
Mihvaukoo , 10 ; Columbus , 3.
Kansas City , 13 ; Fort Wayne , 0.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , . May 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKH. ) Darby kept the few
hits welt scattered unlit the ninth Innlnc ,
wbo.i tbo locals jumped on bis curves and
battucl him right and loft. It was n cold day
and the Millers put in Corbott , a Mtnnoapo-
Is amateur , and barring hU unsteadlnoss ho
pitched a good go mo. The batting and Hold
ing of Kutz was the feature.
Minneapolis scored her Initial run in tbo
second on hits by Carroll und Shintilck and u
passed ball. In tbo third Parrott reached
first on a Holder's choice , wont to third on
Dlxon's hit , crossing the rubber on a wild ;
Mon wcro on bases avery inning , but
couldn't score until tbo eighth , when two
scores wore mndo by vlrluo of a hit , two er
rors and two sacrifices. Tha fourth inning
saw thrco men on bases with only ono out ,
but Durby struck out tbo two succeeding
batsmen. In the ninth Inning tbo locals
practically batted Darby out of the box ,
scoring uovcu earned runs by vlrtuo of heavy
hitting and tbo liveliest kind of huso run
ning. Carroll opened by hitting to right
coutor nnd reaching second on Kelly's fum
ble. Graham got first , on Holder's choice , an
unsuccessful attempt being made to catch
Carroll. Dave liowo's error gave Corbott u
llfo. Shlnnlck laced out a double , Nowtnan
and West reached first in vain efforts
to catch base runners. Katz's single was
blocked. Parrott hit for two bases and a
couplb moro runners came in. Dixon sacri
ficed and Carroll came to bat for the second
titno and was given his ba o. Llttlo Gra
ham cracked out a double and Carroll was
put out at the plato.
Omaha opened out Oti Corbott in florco
shape , but scored only once in the tint in
ning on Gilk's single , Shtnnlck'3 muff , of a
thrown ball and Kelly's double. Woitlnko
scored in the second on a base on balls , u
wild pitch and Sholbock's double.Vcstluuu
struct : out in the third , leaving tbo corners
full. Collopy opened the eighth by hitting
safe. HOMO drove a slow ono to second , Gra
ham had an easy double play , but full all
over blmeolf , and both men were sato. A
wild pitch advanced them a peg. Wcstlako
went out on an infield hit. Darby's long lly
to center lot Collopy in , while lluwo scored
on a single by Hajos , who was forced out by
Shoibeck. In Iho ninth the men went out In
order and the game was ovor. Score :
All. It. IU. 811. 81) . PO. A. E.
Shtnnook , 'Jb 4 2 3 0 1 0 1 1
Nowmun , in
West , fb 5 I U 1 0 0 0 0
I'urrott. lib 3
Dixon , o
Oiirroll , rf..s
Gniliam , ss
liorbutt , p
ToUls 43 It 12 4 3 27 15
All. n , in. an. sn. FO. A. i : .
Sholbcck , is
Ullks.2b 2au
Kelly , in
Vlsnor , rf
KOHC. Ib 3 1 0 0 0 10 0 1
\Yosll ale , c 11 20
Darby , n r
Hayes , if.
TotalB. . . ' 32 < 0 1 1 27 10 5
Minneapolis , . . . . Oil' 00002 7-11
Onmha 1 10000020-4
Ttuns onrned : Minneapolis. 7 ; Omaha , 0.
rwo-bnso hits : Kelly , Sholbock , Katz. ehln-
nock , Urubttm , Pnrrott. Pouuln plays : I'ur
rott. Shtnuook , West. Huso on balls : Ufl
Corbott. 7 ; Uiirby. 8. Hit by pitcher : lly Cor
bott , 2 ; Uowe. Htrnck out : Uy Corbott , : i ;
Durby , 8. Wild Ditches : Dy Corbott , 4 ; Diirby.
7. Tliuci of game : Two hours und thirty mlu-
utcc. Umpire : ilcQuuld.
Ilrewors IVlii from the T.ouderg.
MIMVAUKKB , Wis. , May 20. Stevens stood
the Xirowors off for four innincs today , but
in tbo fifth they struck a streak at mighty
battlncr and drove him to the bench. Camnau
pitched out the rest of tbo inning , in wblcb
nine runs were scored. Widndr's pitching
and'VVard's base running and all round play
ing woro.features. Donohuo will join tbo
Milwaukee loam tomorrow. Attendance ;
000. Weather fair. Score :
llontoii Has n Very Morrj"Tlme at tlio IJx-
t IXIIKU of tlu > ICuiinuU ,
BOSTOX , Mum. , May l0. ! The prluclpnl In
terest In today's gaaio was to too whether
Clurksun would abut out Loulivlllo without
a bit. Ho succeeded until bo bail two in tbo
ninth , when Jennings scratched u hit In the
right Held.I'ulr and warm. Attoadanco ,
2,100. Score :
Ilostnn 0 00100114-7
rfMlUrlllo 00000000 O-'O
lilts : llosion. 0 : Louisville. 1. Errors : Dos-
ton. Si IxMil8vlllu.3. llutterloj ! OlurkBon nnd
Kelly ; MuoKlnmid Orlrn.
1Iu y r r tlin llrlituBrouim ,
NR\V VOIIK , May 20. The Brooklyn team
nlayod u better all around gutiio than St ,
I oul * at Kajtorn park , Jiroolslyo , today , and
won with luniethlDR to tparo. Crooks was
put out of the pnmo for " M ilr > B" the uui
l > lre. Attendance , 3bOO. Booro ;
llrooklyu 004 100000 5
UU Lou In OOU1UOOU 0 1
HIU ! IlroaLlrti. Ill St. Louis , a Krrorii
1 n > o ( yn , vi Ft. louU. S. r.arncd runs :
IJrtioklyn , S. HiittorliMii HadUock und Halloyi
Ouruthi-n and Iluckluy.
l'.luu Jiiulnc * of Hard tVurk.
I'a. . May 2 < X Tbo J'Ulla-
dolphlas outbnttcd nnd outfielder ! Cincinnati ,
but , nottvlthttnndlnc , lost tbo ftarao after a
stubborn contest ot oleron Innlnpv Both
pltcbers were effective , but " Chn.Tibor-
taln showed up tbo stronger after the flflb
Innlnir. The flclJIng of Cross \ya % the
foaturc of the ( jftmn. Weather cloudy. At-
tcndnnco , 2,100. Score : Ji -
Phllndolphla. . . 0 , 0.000-n
Cincinnati . 4
lllt : I'lilliiilolphln , lit nincltinntf.O. Krrorai
riilliuloliililn , : i | Clnvlnnntl. 2. Knnicd runs :
rhllndolpliln.Si Cinolnr.ntl , i Ilixttorlo'i ! ( Jar-
boy tind Ulonionts ; Uhnmborlnln und Murphy.
Ituck In Kvcnliip with Uucln.
NKW YOIIK , Mny 20. Good billtni ; enabled
tbo New Yorks to defeat the Chlcngos nt the
polo grounds today. Attendance , 2,859.
Now York . 0 1.0 0 0 1 1 0 0-3
OhlcilSO . 1 1000000 0-2
Hlus Now York. 10s C'hloazo , fi. KrroMi
Now York. 4 : ChloiiRo. 4. Knrnoil tuns ! Now
York , 'J. llattorlci : Ittisio und tloyloi Hutch-
liisonunU l < 'lclds.
Sugar City Hey * ( live the Itontrlco Outllt n
GnAxn ISLAND , Nob. , Mny 20. [ Special
Telegram to TDK Bui : . ] Boatrlco put up a
good Holding game , but couldn't touch Hot-
for , who allowed only two scattered hits.
But hnw Grand Island batted 1 Hourko led
in this andhis dlsclplos followed In excellent
order. 1'ho largest crowd of tho.season was
out to sco Bomrloo shut out , The scora :
Hrmid Island. . . . . . . . 000003000-
Uontrlcc 0 0 t ) 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0
Ilittlorlcs : Qraud Island , HolTcr nnd Koofo :
Dent rice , Single nnd Jonns. lilts : Grand
Inlnml. Illj lloatrlco , 2. Kriors : UrMid Island ,
U ; Beatrice , l.
> Fremont L'rcnlct Downed ,
FIIKMOXT , Nob. , Mav 20. ( Special Tolo-
Bi'ntn to Tun Bni : . I The result of today's
ball game between Fremont and Koarnov
was almost a reversal of yesterday , mainly
owing to the wild work of Jellon , 'Who
pitched tbo first thrco Innings. Then Baker
took bis plnco and Kearney did not score
ncnln. Thcro was quito n Inrgo nttondanco
of ladles for the llrsttimo this'soason. Score :
Fremont 0 000101-00-2
Ktmrnoy o 2 : i 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Itnttorlos : Jollon nnd llakor and Graves ,
Hopp and Fear. Knrned runs : Frninont , 1 ,
Huso hits : Keurnoy , 7 ; Krotuont , /Two-huso
lilts : I'urcoll , llutlur. Donblo olaya : Hut-
lor io Austin , 2. Struck out : Ity Jollon , 1 ;
by IraTrBrfS : oy llopu , 5
IlAsTixo ! * , Neb. , May i.0. [ Special Tole-
pram to TUB Bun. ] At a tuootlnp'of the
State Base Ball league hold hero this even
ing tbo resignation of Secretary Comati was
accepted and N. S. Hobror chosen to fill the
vacancy. No obaugo was mndo la tbo um
pire : or schedule.
Standing of tlio 'IViinu.
W. t. I'.C. w. r. r.c.
Columbus 21 7 .7SO Omalm 013 .4W
Mllwaukpc 1C T .IXM Minneapolis . . 8 12 .400
KiinnnaClty. . . 11 II .530 Fort Wnyne. . . 7 13 , SM
Toledo 9 10 .474 Indlnnnpolls. . . S 11 .151
lloston 23 S .712 1'lttsburi ; 17 15 .Ml
Ilrooklyn . . . . M I ) .OX J.oulsvllln 15 IS .SW
Clnclnnntl 19 U . & 7U rhlltiilDlpliln. . 13 18 .419
ClikUKO 17 13 . &UT Waslilnxton. . . 10 18 .K7
Clovulnnd. . . . . . 1C 14 . .TO Ualtlmoro 831 .271 !
Now York 18 K .KU tft. Ulll 8 yj .253
llcatrlce . C 3 .ms7IInitlnis . 7 7 .COO
( Irnna Island. . 8 S .Clsll'lnttsmouth . . 5 7 .417
Kroioont . b D .5l6Kcnrner | . 3 8 ,273
( llltitoH 1'oltpoiicnl ,
WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , May 20. The Pltts-
burg-Washlngton game was postponed. ; rain.
BAI/TI.MOIIK , Md. , May -0. Clcvoland Bal-
tnnoro uostnoncd ; rain.
Toi.nuo , O. , May 20. Tolodo-Indlanapolls
postponed ; wet grounds.
Oilmen Toilny.
Western league has no games scheduled ,
but all the clubs will probably play nnstponed
games as follows : Omaha at 'Minneapolis ,
Fort Wayne at Kansas City , Columbus nt
itllwaulccc , Indianapolis at Toledo. National
jdiguo : PittsburR at Washington , Clevo-
anu at BaUimoro , Cincinnati at Chlladcl-
) hla , Loulsylllo at Boston. Chicago at Now
York , St , Louis at Brooklyn. State leagua :
Beatrice at Grand island. , .
City Futlicr. rin
ISHNU , WoU Maj ao. [ Special to
JIIE BEE. ] The mombbrs of 'tbo Board of
Education mot the city council In a Ramo of
bullies terday , ovory" player * covering him
self with dust and glory. The playtnp of
Mayor Boydon , who must wolgn something
ever 200 , was the principal feature , chasing
Ivo drives In the dcop center 'Sold. Thd
Board of Education won by"a "scoro of IS to
13. Only , flvo Innings were , played wheu the
rain came to their relief. . '
nvents nt Drooklyn AInrko < l by Several
Serious Accidents.
The Great American stakes , worth 817.000 to
tbo wiuuor , SO.OUO to tbo second horse , (1,000
to the third , was run tuls'aftoraoou-bofora a
largo crowd. The tract : was fast and tbo
weather fair. The feature of the rnco was
tbo delay at tha post , an hour and a quarter
boinft wasted before Starter Howe succeeded
in getting them off well bunched. The crack
Morris 11 lly , Mlnnohahti , throw her lockoy ,
Llttlolloldattho post and stepping on his face ,
cut him qulto seriously. MiUo Bergen was
substituted for Llttlellold. but the filly was
prominent on every falsa break and finished
last , Garrison landing Sir Walter winner in
clover style by a neck fiom Don Alonzo. The
western colt , Alien Bauo , made ull the run
ning in the second race , but was caught on
the post by Banquet In a dead boat. Both
owners decided to divide the purse and bets
were paid accordingly. Judge Morrow was
withdrawn from tbo Brooklyn cup , loavlug
Longford , who had not been out of the stable
for 5 month , to run for second inonOy. It
was simply nn oxcorciso gallop for Long-
street. The executive committco suspended.
Jockey Bender Indohnltuly for the quostlon-
n 1)1 u riding of Lconawolt , a contestant In the
second race.
I'list race , flvo turlOtiRs : Ilo'.tovtio (4 ( to 1) )
won. Tnnlty ( " to J ) bucoml , Unwind (7 ( to 1) )
third. Time : tllJ. !
Second race , iiillo nnd a furious : Allan
llano ( < > r > to 1) ) nnd lnniiiut ) | ( S to A ) run u ( loud
hont ton lengths In froirt of I.couuwull ( IU to 5) )
third. Tiino : 1-MK.
Third race. HrooUlyii cup , mlln nnd n Imlf :
Lon street ( I to a. ) won , l.ouirtord (15to ( I ) seo-
ond.Iudgo Morrow bcnttchi'd. Time : U:00. :
I'ciiitli race , thu Gr ut Amorlonn stakes , II vo
furlotiKs : Mr lV'ultorfl ( to I ) w n , Don Alouzo
(7 ( to - ' ) second , Ajnx (10 ( to 5) ) third. Tune :
1'irtli race , ono nillo : Klnu'slirldRn (13 ( to r. )
\\oii. Kucol(4 ( to Uaocond , Experlunco (11 ( to& )
third. Tlmu : ICL
Sixth inco , ono mllu : The Irou'Mnntor ( II to
2) ) won , Ht. lluliort (5 ( to I ) second. Host llrnnd
( Jto.third. ) Tlmo : 1:4IK )
Nlcu Ituriiitf nt l.iitonlu.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 20. Tbo track nt La-
tonia was muddy and slow. The bot'.ors were
badly taken by the flnt two races , Belle Car
toi- and The Here , on both of which borsns
tbo odds were U to 1. Palrnotto , a , well lopped
colt and the strong fuvorlto in tbo bocond
ruco , did not evca show. The third , fourth
and llftb races were won Uy favorites , but in
tno labt race the greatest part of tbo tnonoy
was about evenly divided botivocn Orrville ,
Ilardoo and Ono Dime. Thq llnnl llnlsli was
tbo host of the nay , Orrvillo coming , utidorlho
wlro in the last sixteenth und won , after a
light by a hofid. The attondaupo was largo.
1'lrnt race , soiling. purKe. for -yuar-olds and
upwards , six ftirlonus : Hello ( Jurior (0 ( to II
won , llhi ) iia Cto \ 1) ) second , Ur. Davis ( a to 1
third. Tlmu : 1 : 15.
Hocond r < < co , Kolllni ; , pumo. for U-yoar"-oUli
nnd upwards , ono nillo and llfty yaiiU : Thu
Hiiro to toll won by a lonvth nnd uhftlf. Harry
Woldoa (8 ( to 1) ) second , Muud Howard ( U to 1) )
third. Time : 1S .
Third nice , the Cpuntry club , pnrso , for
3-.vour-oids , noiiwiiiiKTS of ntl.oOU ruco since
Junnary. 1KI ) , ono nillo : I.OUUOM ( v n ) ' on
by two longtln. Uuiitntn llrnno (4 ( toi ) second ,
Kurwaril IG to JMIilrU. Tlino : liiU-U" .
fourth nice , sumo conditions as ihlrd nice ,
ono nillo : Old Popper 01 to 1) ) won by half u
length , Itoioliy ( I'j to II second , Uoublo Lens
(4 ( to 11 third. Tlmo : l5'i. ; )
1'Kth race , punu for L'-your-olils , flvo fitr-
lonK : KOHolyu , out , won by four lengths ,
Queen of Hloiidun (15 ( to 1) ) second , Linger third.
Tlmu : litu > 4.
aixtli rice , soiling , purse fori-yoar-olds : niut
upwurdn. nix f urlonRi : Orrlllo ( U to I ) nou by
n houd , UuicrafKO toJisofond , llartlcoJ ( to 1) )
third. Tlmoi l'J. : .
Viivoritunt Nt. l.oult 1'Ulloit.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May UO.Tho 0,000 people
who collected at tbo races tbU oftornoon
were furnished consldorablo oxclteroont. la
tbo first race Jockey Harmon deliberately
pulled Tim Murphy , who wo * a rod hot
favorite. He was ruled off. The bone and
trainer , C. Mullcoy , were ordered to leave
tuo jrrouudi , which is virtually the atno o
n ruling off so far M the local track l con-
corned. In tholJlfifv tocfl JodJloy Goortro
Tarlor was susftondbd for thirty days fbr
careless ailvmgoaKslollo near the wire.
Ho slowed Up toanofln anu J. Weber brought
Hoodlum tip nnd.slolo Uio race by n noso.
By declaring all bete off on the first rnco , the
judges tnhdo a popular decision.
Kirst rnce. flvofaHnnes : Huby Pnyho (10 ( to
1) ) won , Tim Murnliy | T tofllsccond , The I'cor
(10 ( to I ) third. Tlnirib ii : .
Second rnt-p , fur.S roarrDldi. four furlongs :
ittontuna Hello ( iltoj ) won. t'rliu'044 '
< n"r's.050 ! ' 'I'J ! v ' -i ! . third , Tlhioi
Third rnco. MorthiHits''Mnd Maniifacturori
BtiUos. J 1.000 nddtfetp iiHo nnd onc-olKhth :
anyosojltol ) wijtxrContrnt socnnd , 1'atrlok
lUteS ) tlilrd. Tltnoi l\iK. :
I'ourth rnco , sollliw-Hlt furionus : Sullivan
(7 ( to 2) ) won , IremOfji. ! to U second , Klsinet(4 (
tollll.lrd , Tlmoaf7lJ' ! ' < .
Klflh rnco , solllnc. six nnd a Imlf turlonss :
lloodlum ( .1 to U nn. Kstullo (3 ( to 1) second ,
Clio ( n to ft ) third. Tlmo : ISIV. . . . ,
Sixth race , hnndlcnu. ono nillo : Minnie Coo
(8 to A ) won. I'hllorn ( S to A ) second , I'.olom (5 ( to
2) ) third. Time ; 1U
Tlt > lor Today.
Yesterday wa * a sort of rod Inttor day
for TUB BISK tips Bolltvuo , Banquet , Long-
strcot , ICltigsbrldgo nnd Ironraastorat Brook
lyn nnd The Hero , London , lloslyn nnd Orr-
vlllo atXintonln tnno , winners nut of twelve ,
nnd tbo otbor three that failed lo win wcro
favorites nt the post. The good things Jor
today nro :
1. Fairy Mary Stono.
A Mnstorlndo-CiisUwuy It.
3. Itllss Colt-Wnrsnw.
4. Kins Crnb-Lowlunilor.
5. WynndoltoColt-Alrslinft.
\Varpith : Wi-stelicstur. /
. .
1. Hlndcoziim Itadollffo.
2. Torrent I'oximll.
a I'rutoiiilor-Murv Orlitlcr.
4. } nlu"Uf Oovartan.
G. Avon D'Or 1'n
CnicAno , III. , May'0. Gorfleld park races ;
track heavy.
Klrst race , 2-yonr-old"iunldnns. h U mile :
Pearl O won , Florist second , Mlnnlo S tlilrd.
Tlmo : l:0a :
Second rnco , seven furlonas. soiling : Llv-
litKstono won , Holster second , Ivanlioo third.
Tlmo : i:3l.v. :
Thlirt rnou. owners'handlcnp. sl.x fitrlotiRH :
Hercules won , liunitin second , Fan ICInj : third.
Tlmo : i : : . "
Fourth race , Harrison stuUcs. seven fur
longs : PnllsHdo won , Hilllross sncotid. Good
Hvothird. , Tlmo : 1JJ : } , Vnluo to winner.
Kittli race , five furlongs : Illnck Honuty
won , Kiupcror Uoot second , Astrachnu third.
Tlmo : itai
Broke the Uoublo Team llocord.
PlilLADKLPiitA , L'a. , .Mny 0. Tbo double
team trotting record on n regular track was
reduced to 2:12) yesterday by Belle Uamlln
nnd Glebe nt the Belmont driving park. The
world's ' dotibloloam trotting record was 2:13 ,
made by Bella Hamlln nnd Jus tin a over the
Independence- . , kite-shaped track Octo
ber 3 , ISOO.
I'Yunlt < ] . Icm Will CUrcIo the ( jlobe on a
Nnw YOHK , May 20. Frank G. Lenz of
the Manhattan Athlotlc' club has decided
to undertake thoi dlnicult task of making
a tour of the -world on a bicycle , frio
will try to outdo Thbroas Stevens , who
circled tbo globo- several yours ago ,
and will start 6tt ' 'his trip on the after
noon of Juno 114 > from tbo city ball.
Howillrlaoa wheel specially adapted for
rough usage. lle jjcpected that two years
will be required to. j.uuko the Journey. His
route loads , states to San Fran
cisco , thence to Jaiihti , China , India , Afghani-
stun , Asiatic Kuslia , Persia , Turkey , Servla ,
Bulgaria , Hungary , Austria , Germany ,
Switzerland , Holnud. ] , Belgium. Franco and
the British islcs. Lqnz Is 27 years old , flvo
foot siv Inches tall and well built. A num
ber of local wheelmen will accompany htm
for n short dl < tance rom tbo start.
Among tliornusy AnmtourK.
The "Wosl Omalia" brfso boll nine , com
posed of plavors averaging IS years of ago , tosmost ajiy nineilu'arCoutof '
Ouaba , made up-oMiteplayers. Wo'uld like
a'KanWifoROoxti. uiBrtay.imorninwrfar after
noon , j7Ubtbo"Lt ; byriutk.Cllppors.5 Addresser
or cnlL ofl. E rod Luggesons Fortot ! | | and
Hiimiltou streets , cjiy. ' '
The If/Jrost'Lawns bavo organized tholr
base ball club and would like to play any
nine under 10 ycars'of ago on tholr grounds
at eighth and Williams any Saturdav rcorn-
iug or afternoon. The following 'is "tho list
of players : Ed McKenna , catcher ; Ed
Lowry. , pitcher ; Davenport , first oasa ;
Henry Nester , second base ; Lee Lowry ,
shortstop ; Joel Stcbbins , third base ; Charlie
Vodicn , right field ; Frank Brown , loft Held ;
Robert Weeks , center field. Address chal
lenges to John Llonbergcr , 1251 South
Seventh avcnuo , manager.
Tbo Columbians Jumped onto the Croigh-
ton Juniqra yesterday and spanked them , but
not very bard. The score :
Columbians , . 0 0 0 , 4 0 0 0 7 0 17
Orol liton Juniors. . . , 0 1 15
Ituns caniPd : Columbians , 7 ; Crolghlon
Juniors , ft Illtst Columbians , 0 : Crel lilon
Juniors , a Errors ; Columbians,3 : Crelghton
Juniors , S. Hattcrlcs : C'oluinblnns , Graham
mid U. Orotto ; Crolgliton Juniors , O'Donald
and O'Connor.
Clone of tlio Iowa Slioot.
DBS MOINES , Ia.f May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The Iowa Stuto Sports-
men's association tournament was concluded
today with a lull day of events. Six llvo
birds was divided between Blngbam , Budd ,
Young , Chlngrcn add J. G. Smith with clean
scores. Seven live , birds was won
by Budd with a clean score. Ton
slnclo targets was taken by Blng-
ham and Budd without a miss.
Fifteen siuglo targets was won by
Budd without a skip , though bait a dozen
fourtoon-shots were mndo. Flvo pairs of
targets was divided by BIngham ana Ab
bott with ton each. Ton single targets was
taken by Chlneron , Grim , Arff , Christiansen
and H. J. Trotter , ton each. Fifteen single
targets was divided by H. J , Trotter , Budd
nnd Arif. fourtocn each. Team shoot , two
mon , forty single targets per team was di
vided by Hughes and Cbingrcn and Budd
and Bingbam , tblrty-nluo each.
Ainhcrst Wlim the I'onniiiit.
SritiNOi'iKi.i ) , Mass. , May 20. About 2,000
people , including fully r 00 undor-graduatcn ,
wituosbod tbo sixth annual snoot of the Now
England Collegiate. Athletic association In
Hampton pant nnd SHW Amherst win tbo
pennant for Iho third conscimtivo tlmo , with
Dartmouth a close second. Dusplto the cx-
tonsiva record breaking of last year , ilvo ol
these records were Dcaton , and also the nsso-
elation record mndo in ISSrt.
n'nd Daly Hutched.
Articles were signed In this city yesterday
for a light to u IlilUh'botwoon Danny Duly of
Omaha and J. VVPIJdmpjoy of San Fran-
clbco , to take pladlVlYi this city Friday even
ing , Juno 17. 'I'j i- match is under the
auspices of tbo Mtitfc City Atblotlo club , ant ;
the winner will , r < | b.elvo 75 per cent of the
gate receipts and'thb'loier ' ' 25 pop cont. Daly
will ontortbo rlneiir US pounds and Doaip-
sey at 128 pounds * "
Croon sea tufilw Boup today nt E.
Dr. Culllmorfl < cuti3t. l3oo building
jt hn't clone by
othora that's
h ' the . aron.
t 'ot Dr. t'torco'8
Favorite Pro
scription sliould
uoiniimnd atten
tion. It's a Ruar-
antco that means
HOiiiothlni , ' . If
the mtxlidno doosn'i klvo sutiafactlou , in
every cruBO fpr whlcb'Jti recommended , the
inonoy is jiromptly refunded. Hemarknblo
terms but it's u romnrkablo modlcino. All
tbo functional irregularities anilweaknesses
peculiar to womankind are cured by it .For
Jcucorrhen , periodical tuilns , weak Lack , pro-
lapsus and other dbljlaccmciita , Ixmriiig-
doivn sensations , and all "female corn-
scription" is n perfectly safe romodlal agent ,
and can produce only good results.
Try it , if you're nn ailing wonian.
You ) -ay only for the good you get *
Can you ask uioro |
We are accused
of selling- clothing /
too cheap
Now what do you think of that ? But it : s too true. We arc selling too cheap , In
fact if this was a regular business it
Would ruin the
best house in America
to sell clothing so low.
But , then , we have a reason for making such ruinous prices that merchants will be glad
when we are through : Ours is an
. Administrator's Sale -
of Hellmari's
Mammoth stock of clothing and
furnishing goods
And we are getting1 there with a vengeance. The stock is still comparatively unb'okcn , al-
hough we have sold thousands of dollar's worth. .1
We have a limited number of *
GRAND ARMY SUITS , with extra buttons at
These are Hell man's regular § 15 suits.
All the $7.50 suits are put in All the choice business suits f | > ( f Elf
one lot and so at 13.75 that used to go for 518 are imy.Ov/
All the S'is.oo suits good Just as Fine a suit as you
enough for you go at can get anywhere for § 20 .50
to $25 goes for
Thousands of men and boys have clothed themselves here for almost nothing this month
and we expect to clothe thousands more before the sale ends.
Hellman's Administrator's
Closing Sale.
At the Same Old Stand on the Corner of 13th' and Farnam , Omaha
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Purely , Vegetable and Strictly
on the Jjivoi1 and Stoiuiujh , rcatorinr/tho
ooiiBtipatod OTjjntiR to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , nnd all other
diseases arising from a disordered con
dition of the Livof and Stomach.
They nro llio Only Hollblo VeRotafolo Liver
I'lll Sold ; Thuy : ire I'orfojtly ll.irmlu-u ; Tlio
ro I'urnly Vngotublo ; Try Tliom.
DR. Rclioiick's Iloolc on Consumption , Ltvor
Cunipliilnt nnrl Dyiipeusla Sent Kroc ,
J . H. BOHENOlv & O.N , 1'hlliidolphla ,
National Bank.
Capital $11)9,009
wnhis . . , , 0'J5JJ
onir ri ntf Ulroctort Montf VV. Vnt 1.0-1 il 11 \ \
It. a CuBlilnir. TlooproitJjnt. < 1 d. .Uiurlai , Vf. < r
Mono , John ri. Cclllin , J. M. IL I'Jtrlut. Luril A
ltul/0. Caihlor.
CAPJTAL'.S 100.000.00
ilk * > LUlIVu.
< t i .
r.nvci UH. MK rum.
alliui 110 0
r.l > | 1 > KUI. . ] | li5
cull * w & li in
hll \ IIU > 4U II
. . - . l . luk,0 . . < u < . .
mj k iwVy y .ti. g | > t y..f t , , mit.i y
An ordinance doeliitlng the bank of earth on
nub lot 3 of lot 7 , Uapltol addition , on the
Bouth sldu of Furniun street and llits east
sldo of 24th street , n nuisance and ordering
said bank graded down.
Ho Itordalned by the city council of the city
ofUicuha : . . . .
Section 1. That the hank of earth In the
front putt nnd on tl.owest sldo of sub lot'J
of lot 7. G'.ipltol nddltlou to thu city ot Omaha ,
on the south sldo of I'nrnam street nnd the
east sldu ot 24th street , bu nnd the Is
hereby declared to bu u iiiiHutice , nnd the .said
nuisance Is hereby ordurod mid roqulied to
I bo tibatod by slopln : and Br.idlns ilonn the
I trent portion thereof so us to prevent the fnll-
ins. wnstlnjt or wattling of earth on the sldo-
I walks on tl.o south nlcio ot Knrnnni street and
thu o.ibt sldu of 21th street adjacent thoioto.
Section 2. That thu owner ot said lotlshuro-
by ordured and roaulrcd I o abate su lit nulHHiico
nml crude down anld lot ns heroin iciiilred |
within llftneu dnys from the nas < ago uud np-
provnl otthis ordtnaiice , : ind fnllliixnosli'ot -
1ns or refusing so to do the Ito.ird of I'ubllo
Works is horolir ordurod tociiusoHnld cradliu
to bu donu nnd report the cost thereof for an-
Kcssmont iiKnlnst snld | oU
Section a That this ordinance taUo clloct
nml bo In force from iinu nflor Us pasjase.
Olty Clerk.
President City Council.
Approved May 'B
, , , EMIS (
To the owners of all lots , purls of loU and
roul onUitu ulims 17th street from \ Inton
btrcot to H htruet. In the city of Oiiinlm.
Vou uro hereby notlQud that the uudar-
siunud three dlulnterostBd fruoholilur *
of the city of Omnhii. hnvo been
duly appointed by the mayor , with the
uniirovul of the city council of s.ild olty.
tonmusjtho iliimuKo to tlio owiiom respect
ively of the inoporty affuctucl by sr.idliiK lith
htiuut from Vlnloii utroot to Jl struut.
dcuinrcd necessary uy ordlnancb.lOM , p.imod
April 30. A. 1 > . IsiW , approved Mny ii , A. I ) .
Vou nro further notllled , that ) invni | {
nccopted bull ! apiiolntinunt , und duly iiinl- |
Iflod ns reciulrod by law , wo will , on tli : iUt
iliiy ( if Mny. A. I > . l&VJ , ut tlio hour of ton ( ill )
o'vlouk In thu forenoon nt the ollleu of John
\V. Itobblns. room 4U. lluo hnlldln ; , within
thncorporutu Iliultsuf Bald city , moat for the
uitrpoio of coiibldurlni ; and niaklni ; thu
assfssmont of dnmngii to Iho owners ro-
ajntc'tlvely of sultl property , itlTculutl by oulil
Krndlng. taklui ; Into voiuldurutlou special
bunollts , If any ,
You nro notified to bo lire-Kent at thu tlmo
and place aforesaid , nnd make any olijcetlons
to or statoiuonts coiiciirnlni ;
of dttinuees us you uiay vonsldor iiropvr
JullN W. HOllllINH.
fiiminltleoof AuprnlHors.
Omaha , Mny 1 . IWi. MuylUdlOt
For Sale , Rent or Exchange ,
Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer ,
1607 Fim.m Olr..l , OMAHA
lUSontli 15th Street.
Next to the I'ostofllfc , Omaha.
Practical Opticians
ADA branch of world ronntrnod option ! establish
ment of A. 8. Alee A Co , St. Ixmli. Our motbod It
mperlor to all otliert ; our lenits r luptrlor ; mil
not wearer tire the ajoi. The frame ! properlj nd * ,
( aitod to the faca.
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
MINING STOCKS , and can 1111 telegraphic -
graphic orders on short notice. My
list comprises the following C'ripplo
Crook stocks.
Anaconda , Bull Mountain ,
Cold Kins : , Beuna Vista.
Blue Bell , Work.
Alamo , Washington.
Anil ull otlior rollab'u Htoukx. of tlioso mines ,
its wull us iiuiny stoukH of tlio 1/u.iil vlllu , Aspen -
pen .mil Orood inlnoa.
Many of tlm Ur plo Creole stoold Imvo moro
thin ( liullel ( wltliln three montlis. Tlio Anu-
coiuli ; htoclCHOld lour innntlia nun nt ID fonts ,
and soils now for ever 41 pur < > liiro. ; Olhorriow
iiiliic.s aroouiinliigovury fcnvdiiyH with Ju t im
A cuntlonrinof Council llliilTji bonxht HOIIIII
ofihlHstook at : i * conts. tlio liittiir nart of
March , nnd lii : s.lnco rofnsoJ fl for It. Ill- '
vofitiiiuiils made ut low riilo < . All uurroipou-
denco prumplly umworod.
10 Pikes Petite Avenue ,
Colorado Springs. - Colorado
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
&St Paul R'y. as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
i Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASJI , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN. Pass. Agent.
a55oCt9 Dentisc
Third Floor , Paxtn Dloj'r.
1085. 10th ami Farnam Sis ,
A 1 ull et of teotli on rubbtr fur IX 1'orfurttl ,
Twoli without | > IMu ur rumuvealilo brldnu work
jiut HIB tblnu for ihik'uri of public ( puuktir , tiorur
( Iroji down.
All Ullliu nt rouionablo ratoi. All work
> urruiitod. Out tlili out for u uuldu ,