Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 ng OMATTA DAILY 3315E : THURSDAY. MAY 26 , 1892.
Relatives of the Late Colonel Ballingall
Contenting His Will.
Technical Point on Which tlio Vnhmlilo
JUUtc IHngm rrcpnriitlnn * lor nil
lUtrnaUo Ic-Ki l Hntllo
Otrr tlio Caitc.
OrrL'MWA , In , Mny 2.1.-lSpoclal to TUB
Dm : . ] Un.css there bo n further postpone
ment on Friday tticro lll tjo commenced In
the district court ooforo Jndgo Bobb ono of
lbo n.ost Interesting nnd nt the some tlmo
most bitterly contested will cases ever
Known In the history of the local courts , erIn
Innet In I his district. It Is the contest of
the heirs of the Into Colonel Bnlllngall to
brcok his will , which loft the Inrpost portion
of his estate to the city of Ultumwa nnd Its
churltnulo Institutions. 1'bo provisions of the
\\illnrovcry particular.
They nro in substnnco ns follows : To Mrs.
Von Holtschuhcrr , his sister , ho Dctiuoatbcil
the lot near the "Q. " depot on which the
Bnlllngall restaurant stands , n tplendld picro
of property , ulso u halt Interest In the homo
which she has nlwnys occupied , nil notes
niul accounts duo him , all stock in the
Wntiollo County Fnir association , nnd the
coal pnlaco and t'.DOO. This sum Is to bo
pnld out of the Ballingall hotel property ns
soon ns the funds will permit , Meanwhile
the Is to net U per cent of that sum paid
scml-nntiunlly. To her was ilso Dequoathcd
the Into colonel's ' choice nnd exceedingly vut-
uablo collection of badges nnd relics with
which ho had been presented by the vatious
crowned heads nnd persons of noto. with the
spcclllcation thatnt her death thcso latter ( jo
to the Library association.
To his sister , Alurtha J. Thomas , ho bo-
nucntboaa half interest in the Mrs , Holt-
schuhcrr homo and ? 900in cash. To his half
brother , David Hedge , and his stepfather ,
James Hedge , bo bequeathed n number of
lots that mo Known as tbo Ualllncall ad
dition on McLean street , which was formerly
platted und which the will recommends ro-
plnttlng. To various ether minor heirs ho
bequeathed sums of money ranging Irom $200
to ( fo 00.
Ottmmvn'a Vnlunlilo Slice.
But his greatest gifts were to the city of
Ottumwn. To the city In which ho took so
much pride ho bequeathed what is known ns
the Balllngall hotel property worth at the
most conservative estimate $70,000 , also the
Magnolia rostnurant and the aero of ground
on which Is located the piclilo factory , also
lots 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 , 11 and 12 , bettor known ns the
larger portion of the Sunkoa park , on which
the coal palace stood. The bequest Is to beheld
held ns a trust fund , tlirco trustees to bo
guardians of said bequest , only two of whom
mny belong to the snmo political party , and
thcso shall bo selected by the city council of
Ottumwo , to hold ofllco for tbroo years , ono
being ' elected each year. These trustees nro
to seo'tlmt the Ballingall notolU perpetuated
as n hotel forovcr , ana after insurance and
the requisite repairs and improvements nro
made annually , the proceeds are to go Into n
sinking fund of $20,000. After this sum has
been reached another slnitine fund of ? 0,000
is to bo created for the Library association
exclusively , and thereafter all proceeds from
the bequest , nnd from the sinking fund of
$20,000 shall go to the following : One-fourth
to the Library association , ono-fourth to tbo
poor and needy of the city , ono-fourth to tbo
various religious societies of the city and
one-fourth to a fund for the erection of a
foundlings' hospital.
To the Libruty association , besides the $200
annuity nlrcadv mentioned , is bequeathed
the second lot of the Sunken park for a site
for a library building , if the society shall
bulla one. Ono of the lots is nlso to bo Icruod
to some ono who will keep a conservatory of
Dowers , nnd the rest of the park is to bo used
ns a city park nnu maintained perpetually as
such. The executors nro Mrs. Von Holt-
schuhorr. bis sister ; A. Q. Harrow , secretary
of the Johnston Hufllcr company and County
Attorney Thomas A. Walsh.
Cnnsooftlio Contest. .
The contest Is tnndo by Mr. Hedge nnd
Mrs. Von lloltscbuhorr. The former is n
wholesale liquor dealer , for whom the late
colonel provided in a generous manner while
nllvo , assistinghlin in his tlnancial ventures
nnd bequeathing him all the obligations
owing the ileconicd at the tlmo of bis death ,
Mrs. Von lloltschuhcrr Is the wife of Count
Oscar Von Holtschuhorr , whose recent mar
riage tins already been extensively noted.
She was her dead half-brother's ' favorlto
sister , nnd after the death of her first hus
band , Mr. I'hillips , became n member of the
colonel's household. She manifested much
business tact and was very successful in var
ious lines of business In which , with the aid
of her brother , sbo embarked. Assho is also
ono ot the executors slio Is both prosecuting
nnd defending. The third heir , Mrs. Mary
Thomas , has disappeared , nud bcr relatives
do not know whether she bo living or dead.
Bho married some fifteen years ago against
her parents' will , lior marriage proved to
bo an unfortunate ono. She gave birth to-
two children , a boy and girl , and while they
were yet infants sbo migrated to Colcrado.
About six yoara ago the late Colonel Ballin
gall received n letter from his sister saying
that on an incoming train would bo her sou
Bert , then but 5 years of ago. The boy was
properly labelled "Ottumwn , " nnd arrived
lafcly. That Is the last Intelligence they
ever received from hor. Loiters have boon
written and inquiries made , and when tbo
death of Colonel Ballingall was known , no
tices wcro bent to all the Denver papers nnd
ether Colorado papers that she might receive
the tidlncs and make Known her wboro-
abouts. But the search has been fruitless ,
and the lad Bert , now 7 years ot ago , is con-
cldorcd the third heir.
That the will will bo ably contested and
defendol is an assured fact , since the heirs
hnvo secured Judge Scovors of the firm ot
Scorers & Scovors of Oskaloosa and W. W.
Cory of this city to represent them and the
executors have retained MoNctt & Tisdalo ,
Captain Jnqucs and Walsh & Lowls. The
main point of controversy will bo whether or
not the will has onci cached upon what the
lawyers call the doctrlno of perpetuities.
The executors' counsel are sanguine that they
can make n clear case of validity on this
Knotty point. Senator Smith draw uu the
codicil and ho is of the opinion that ho evaded
any doubtful ground In Its writing. ,
A factor which renders the case very un
certain is tbo action of tbo members of the
city council. They bavo boon disposed to
look upon the conditions of tbo will with dis
favor. They say the city does not want to
lurn howlUeeper nnd favor n 'compromise ,
giving the city enough to build nud maintain
n lluo library , but tbo executors suj that as
fnr ns they nro concerned the wish of the
flood benefactor to the city shall bo carried
out tq tbo letter.
ts guarnn cced to every ono who takes Hood's
.Sarsapurllln fairly nnd according to liiroo-
tons. This Is the only preparation ot which
100 Doses Ono Dollar" can truly bo said ,
C5J"Hava yo soon Hood's Italny Day nod
Balloon Puzilol For particulars send to
U. 1. Hood & Co. , Lowell Mass.
Hood's Pills euro liver ills , Jaundice , bil
iousness , tick headache , constipation.
The I.uat of the lliiir.ilo.
A majority of all the living buffalo In
the world itro now on exhibition at the
terminus of the /Benson & Ilaloyon
IIulghlB railway. Gates open nt 2
o'clock , Admission , "Ou ; children under
12 years , lOo. _
I'ut ( ) hleiiu In Your rocket ,
A great work , "Moran'a Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there la u feature or insti
tution In the World's fair city n. full do-
Borlption of which does not appear in
the book , wo have yet to hoar of it.
Prlco , 5M cents per copy. For sale at " 09
Iloiald building , Chicago. See thunow ,
uoniploto and qlogant limp it contains.
Porsonu ordering copies will plouso enclose -
close U conlB oxtru for poatago.
J > ruul < eiiii * i.
A dlsonuo , treated as such nnd perma
nently cured. No publicity. No Milan-
nry. Homo treatment. Hiiriulosd und
clfocUml. Hofor by permission to Uur-
llngton Huwlcoyo. Send 2o stamp for
pamphlet Shokoquou Chemical Co. ,
Uurllngtoa , In.
Tim 1'ollco Interfered ,
600 pairs of pants wnro piled up nt the
People's nnd nn eager crowd was waitIng -
Ing to catch them on the lly. As the
clock struck 0 a , in. , thcso pants wore
pitched out of the 2nd story windows.
You talk ixbout strong punts , no tup of
war team ever pulled luvrdor than that
crowd. In ono instnnco at least So men
nnd pulled ono pair to the other
Hide of llth street , and they never
ripped. By the tltno about 100 pair had
been distributed , Sorpoant Whalon
stopned In and said that the dignity of
the law was getting tramnlcd on nnd un
less It was stopped ho would * put the
proprietor under arrest. That gentle-
mnn balng 11 Itiw abiding citizen , wns
thuroforu compelled to disappoint the
crowd. The Poiplo's ) had decided to
spend $300.00 for advertising , und was
stopped aflor only $100.00 was spent.
( The pants were worth $1.00 a pair. )
Now the remaining 100.00 will bo spent
by soiling iroods at ridiculously low
prices the halanco of this week.
Silk web suspenders DC , worth 33c.
Working shirts lOo , worth COc ,
Laundered colored shirts 30c , worth
Men's Windsor tics 2c , worth 16c.
Canlleld ovoialls Uoc , worth 60c.
Men's suits $2.76 , worth JO.OO.
Men's suits 84.60 , worth $8.00.
And the liner grades of goods In pro
1303 Douglas street.
P. S. Wo have the roputatlon of car
rying reliable clothing. Our prices ,
which are always low , are way down for
the balance of this week , on account of
advertising ourselves.
Mmo. Hlckman will open todny an as-
fiortmont of line patterns , just loeoivod
from the cast , and Is prepared to offer
them at the lowest prices ; also hats ,
bonnets , flowers , laces and ornaments
lor midsummer wear.
Michnol Donovan has opened an in
surance ofllco fire , lifo and accident.
Will also deal In real estate. List your
property with him for sale or for rent.
Will guarnntoo prompt roturns. Room
8 , Croighton block.
Put ritlcnRo In Your 1'ockot.
A great work , "Moron's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is a feature or Insti
tution in the World's fair city a full de
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price ,
25 cents per copy. For sale at 200 Herald
building. Chicago. See the now , complete -
ploto and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
0 cents extra for postage.
Country Alcrchnntt
Who are cash buyers should neb fail to
take advantage of the Holltuan's admin
istrator's sale to secure some wonderful
bargains for their fall trado. Address
13th and Furntun , Omaha.
Attention Sir Knights.
Ascension Day.
The Sir Knights of Mt. Calvary com-
mandory No. 1 , 1C T. , are ordered to as-
scmblo in full uniform at the asylum ,
May 20,1892 , at 7 p. m. , to attend divine
service at All Saints church. Services
in charge of our excellent prelate , Rev.
Sir Thomas J. Mackay.
Sojourning knights are cordially in
vited to join with us on this solemn occa
sion. Per order ,
VICTOII WHITE , Commander.
Attest : EUEN 1C LONG , Recorder.
The Lust of the HnfTuIo.
A majority of nil the living buffalo In
the world nro now on exhibition at the
terminus of the Benson & Halcyon
Heights railway. Gates open at 2
o'clock. Admission , 2oc ; children under
12 years , lOc.
I'ut Chicago In Your I'oclcot.
A great work , "Moran's Dictionary o
Chicago. " If thcro is a feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city n full de
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hear of it Price ,
25 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plete and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will plcaso enclose
C cents extra for postage.
The following ninrrlaf1 ! licenses were
lisaed by .fiidRO Eller ycslcrJny !
Nnmo nnd tiiltlross , ARC.
I Kdnnnl II. Cnttcr. Jr. ( Dmn1ia.s. S3
I No llo A. Knlil , Oinulm. . . . . SO
j K. J. Swntnon. Omnhn . . . , . . . . , . 31
1 Mnry Plmlbloom , Urn a lux " 0
jOebrnoll. Elliott , Omnhn , . . . 2S
1 Ed tin Molntosh , Oimilm . . . 10
j Alliin IA Holt. Cntnlia 22
I Jcannottii ScliomfoUI , Oiniilm 10
UlysiosGrnnt Itoll. Omiilm 24
I Unrrlo It. Wathors. Oninhii 2 !
llfobortl * l.lnn , .lowoll , N. I ) . . . . m
I Uuttlo Ulnrlc , Ktlmn , H. 1) . . . , < 27
WEBPIXO WATEII , Won. , Oct. 23 , ' 03. Dr.
Mooroi My Dear Sir I hnva Just brmght
ttio tlilrd bottlu of your Tree of Lilfo. It is
indeed a "Trco of Life. " Doctor , when you
go kindly RIU-O mo that first bottle my right
shlo wns so larao nnd sorn nntl my liver cn-
Inrpotl so mucb thnt I could not llo upon my
right sldo at all. Thcro wns a soroncss over
my Itulnoys all of the tlmo , but now that
troublols nil over. I sleep Just ns well on
ono slilo ns on the othor. and my nlcop rests
nnd refreshes mo , nnd I fool the bust 1'vo foil
In fifteen years , nnd I know that it Is all duo
to your Trco of Life. Yours very truly ,
For snlo by all druggists.
I'ut Chlcnpo In Your Toclcot.
A great work , "Moran's ' Dictionary of
Chicago. " If tboro is a feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city n full de
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price ,
25 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. Sco the now , com
plete and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
0 cents extra for postage.
The Lost of the ItulIUto.
A majority of all the living buffalo In
the world nro now on exhibition at the
tor minus of the Benson & Halcyon
Heights railway. Gates open at 2
o'clock. Admission , 25c ; children under
12 years , lOc. _
ItuIIdliiR Permits.
The following permits were Issued by the
Buoorlntondont of buildings yesterday :
W. It. Welch , two-story frnmo dwelling ,
Forty-fifth and Ohio streets . $3,003
Six minor permits. . . 1,425
Total . 8 3,425
Mrs , 13. M. Lewii , Oxann , Aln. , writes :
"For over twenty years I hnvo suffered with
headaches without relief from the many rem
edies nnd physicians tried during lhat pe
riod , BraUycrotlno produces the most satis
factory results. It is almost as Indlspensi-
blo to my comfort as my food.
[ NSTRUMENTS placed on record Mny 25 ,
Pnnplcton Pnrlc Uulullnc association to
O O Thompson , lot 0 , block 2 , 1'opplo-
tonpnrk . 8 3,503
Cornelius Mcrmann nnd wlfo to .Toll a
Dougherty , n 8l { foot no no 8-15-12 . 10
J II Levy nnd wlfo to John Imnz , lots 1
nnd 2 , block R , Summit ndd . 2.COO
R O 1'nttorson nnd wlfo to J II Wolf , lots
5 nnu 27 , block 1 , Patterson's mibdlv. . 3,300
II II HaldrlrtKO and wlfo to G W Donne ,
n 40 feet lot 6 , block 4 , llorbuch's 2d
ndd . 8,100
John Carlson and wlfo to Tllllo Nelson ,
lotD , bloclcT , Dul'outolnco . 2.0DO
Aunn Corrlgnn to Julius Dlockcrt , lot
15 , block 1 , 1st ndd to Missouri Avenue
imrk- . COO
OK Mnynnrd to E A Cobb , n 10 acres of
o > government lot 1 In 2-15-13 . 10,000
O 11 Ballot ! turn \vlfo toV a Wliltmoro
ot ul , lot ? , block 1. liny no utaco . 5.BCO
O M Nortbup nnd wlfo to O n llowman ,
lots 18 und 10. block 123 , Dundee pluoo. 3,000
ChloncO Lumber Co to Archie Richmond
mend , lot 3 , Bolbv heights . 750
J M Yorgii to A M Lesser , s 24 foot of u
' 111 fcot lot 1 , block 72 , Omaha . 2,000
Catherine Bchrclnurot alto John O'Don-
ohuo , undlv 54 lots 14 and 15 , block 12 ,
Putrlok'82nd add . 1
A M Sohrelnor to Catherine Schrolnor ,
undlv 5S lots 14 and 15 , block 12. Pat
rick's 2d add , and lots 10 and 11 , bloclc
4 , A 8 I'utrlok's add . 1
John Logan and wlfo to Martha Rogers ,
10 acres In A 54 27-15-13 and a K blocks
201 nnd 205 nnd lots 6 and 0 , block 2CO ,
Omaha . 300
United States to M K Phillips , BO no and
w ! i no und nw so 27-1.V13 , patent . .
Catherine bchrolncr , administratrix , to
John O'Uonohuo , undlv H lots 11 and
15 , block 12 , Patrick's 2d add . 2,500
G A Dennett , sheriff , to Now England
Loan nna Trust company , strip 0 feet
wldo oil's sldo lot 24 and strip 41 feet
wlcio off n side lot 2J , block 1 , Mar no
Place . . 3,500
Total amount of transfers. , . S 40,062
InlSSO ' 'Brown's Bronchial Troches" were
Introduced , and their success as a euro for
colds , coughs , asthma ana bronchitis has
been unparalleled.
\ Symptoms. This disease has many forms ; such as , painful
sores , unsightly eruptions , cancerous humors , swelling of the
glands , particularly of the neck , hard kernels about the neck
( these are felt under the skin for months before soreness is
experienced ) , diseases of the eyes , nose , ears , lungs , hips ,
and spine , erysipelas , running sores , abscesses , etc.
Scrofula is the most terrible of all blood diseases.
The fact that this most virulent poison should exist in
the blood should cause great alarm ; and when the appe
tite fails , or pain in the back , boils , pimples , or any of
the above symptoms appear , the use of some power
ful alterative and purifier should at once be com
menced. Nature must be assisted to throw off the
poisons , and nothing can assist Nature so effectually
as Nature's own productions , and for this purpose she
has given us , through the Kickapoo Indians , the
greatest of all blood purifiers ,
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
compounded of simple herbs , roots , barks , and
flowers , contains no acids or mineral poisons , there
fore is absolutely harmless. It thoroughly cleanses
the system , and removes the cause of disease.
Kickapoo Indian Oil tl.00 a bottle. "Pure Blood ,
1.111s [ mlu instantly , anil cures Inflammatory . Perfect Health. "
All druggists. j
matory diseases. 35 cents.
Cures nil disorder * of the Stomach , Llvor , Itowoh , KUonys , Illatltlar , Nervolu
3nscs , Loss of Appetite , llomlnclie. Constipation , I'osllTCUUSi , Iu.llgo3tl : > ii , 1MI-
oiu ness , I'ocr , Illcfitc ; , , niul renders tlio sjstoin less llablo to contract dlboaso.
TIAOWAY'S ' I'IM.9 tire euro for tills complaint. They tone up the Internal Boorctlom to
honlthy action , restore strength to tbo stomnoh , und. enable it tn perform Ita functions.
I'rlcoaioiibox. Soli ) by iilldruBtlats , or miilloa by HAUWAY & OO. . M Wurron Street ,
now \ ork , ou rocolpt of prlco.
I Every MAN can bo
BE K MAN OUOUBInallte.pccli
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jby uilng 8PANI8U
NlSHVINlt , tlietfrent Bpanteh llcmoly. YOUNO M1JN
OU OtD tulfcrlnit from NI5HVOU3 DUIIZLITY , X.O8T or
rAIItIKO MANHOOD , lon , convuliloni , uervout
> pro trationcau d by tlieuie of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake.
faaar vHukMv lumen , mrnial ieprei ! > lon , losi of power m cither sex , tneruiator *
uirnoKK A U A TKK unit , i ioi cauicd bv leltabuio and over indulcence or any iierional weak-
post can bo e ortd to pufect lie.lili and Iho NOIlMt VITAiaTY OV 8TUONO MIJN.
We filvo a written Ruaianlne with 6 l > o es to cgro any ca o or refund Hie money , Ji a box,0 bw c f }
For Sale la Omaha bV Snow , Lund & Co ,
The Millions of I > Ansor3 Wutcr Contains
niul the llnpltlityVith \Vlilcli They In-
crcnsc Don't TSko Any Chanc-fl.
Few rooplo hnvo nr lilcii how Impure oven the
pnro l drlnklnxwnlcrils. Tlio very licst known Is fnl
ofKcrnn. They nro alio moft prollllo crcnturps of
which wo Imvo nny knmrloitBO , for n 'Inaln ono mny
bo tliacmnntlvo linnmtrf nioro tlmnaUtccn million ,
llrohnnilrcil thoimnnanmccnilnnts In n liny. Tlicv
nroHlto 1'on CKipil ( ifipront Tltntlty , for Ihry cnnbo
cnrrleclgrentiltJtnncon In water without lo lnn tliclr
power of producing tll < wn c. They ran lie frotcn or
oven boiled without bnluR doUroyed. They mny bo
kept dried fnr ycnrs nnd yet when placed In a tulttblo
medium will come to life nnd produce fcrmcntntUm
nnd decay. They nro the urcat producers of nmliiHnl
fever , nrlii , nnd n on orlo illi > cnJi' .
' Hut , " you i\y , " what cnn bo done to nvotrt them
since they cnnnot bo killed by bolllnul" 1 hero In but
ono thlnit which will clTcctlvcly destroy llicin nnd
Hint In comlnx In contnct with uplrlt . A smnll
nmnnntof pnro rplrlta In the water \ \ \ \ \ otToctunlly
kill them nnl dentroy their evil effect * , but It nhould
boborno In mind that nothing but tlio purest nnd
best fplrlti pliimkl bo.uscd fnr thin purpo ennd tlmt
notblnu I' equal to whiskey , Not the onllnnry
wlihklcs which nro upon the ninrkct , but nonicthliiK
tnrnboro thcm-iiometliltm which H liUhly endorsed
by the sclcnllflo world , biicli n whlnkey Is Duffy's
1'nro Mnlt , which Is todny more populnr tlinn over
before In Its hUtory , nnd which Is doing 'wonders to
destroy the germs of every duca'o. Tncro nro hun
dreds of fiiinlllos who USD It constnntly In connce *
tlnn with their drinking wntcr , luth nt the tnblo
nnd between minl . llennro of nny druggist or
grocer who fecks to ofltr yon something ho tmysls
"JustmuDoit. " DulTy's Is the only pure incdlclunl
whl'keyupon thonmrkot.
It is better to take Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil
when that decline in health
begins the decline which
precedes consumption
rather than wait for the germ
to begin to grow in our lungs.
"Prevention is better than
cure ; " and surer. The say
ing never was truer than
What is it to preve'nt con
sumption ?
Let us send you a book on
SCOTT& BOWNIT , Chcrnim , 131 South jth Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
U all drugEtsu everywhere do , it.
Salve lor Burns !
B " * O
Talco a quarter of a pound each of bees
wax , Burgundy pitch , white pine pitch
nnd rcsio ; half a pound of mutton tallow ,
a gill of geese oil,3ialf a gill of tar ; mix
and molt together nud use as other salves. ,
miS. BETTS fclDETTS' illustrated new
book of 120 paccs , < .whlcli they send to anyone
ono for 4 cents in stamps , gives this and
hundreds of other .valuable icclpcs , as well
as information on how to get well and stay
well. But those who are afflicted with
Nervous , Chronic or
Private Diseases ,
Which neither themselves nor their family
piiysiclan can cure , should at once consult
Uioso eminent aad-eucccbsful specialists ,
Who have treated and cured
uioro cases of
And nil similar afflictions of a piivato or
delicate nature , than nny other firm ot
specialists iu the United States , East or
* Call on or address , with stamp , *
110 South 14th St. N. E. Corner 14th
and Douglas Sts.
o J.BIEfUEHB.L.binin.O
MINING STOCKS , nnd cun fill tolo-
orders on short notice. My
llet comprlsoa the following Crlpplo
Crook Btoclta.
Anaconda. Bull Mountain.
Cold Kinq , Bcuna Vista , '
Blue Bell , Work.
Alamo , Washington.
And all otlinr reliable ( Hook * , of tlinso in In en ,
ns well in ninny H We lib uf thu l.uudvlllu , An-
Iiun .mil Uruod. in I urn.
Mnnyof the Ur.nto OroiiU Blocks hnvo inoro
tbnn tfoiiblud within three immtliH. Tlio Ann-
conda Ntock nolil tnur inoiithH nuo nt IU cciilu ,
end BollH now for ever tl purshnio. Ollior now
mines nroopunlnguvery fuwduyn with lust n
KondproapuoU. '
A uontlumnnof Ootinoll UlilIT * bought HO mo
of tliln tool < ut ! I3 cunU , thn Inttor Hurt ( if
Mnrch , und linn ilnoo rofiwud II for It , In-
vcrttinunta iiiitdo ut low rntoi. All currojjiou-
duncu promptly iinswuroil.
IU 1'iltCH 1'oaU Avoinio ,
Colorado Springs , Colorado
Dr , Bailey , $ r
The Loading
Third Floor , IMxton nios'c.
'telephone 1085. Kith niul raniuin SU ,
A full > ut uftvctn on riibbor for ti. Perfect tl ,
Ttii-oh without I'lute , or reiuuvcatlo brliluu work
juilltio thlutffor lniivr < of publicupoiikvr , uuvor
All ( Illliijt tit rcnioiiable rntct. All work
\vurrautvil , Cut thu out fur u Kulilo.
' 000 PAIRS
Men's Suits
Men's Cnssimcrc
has earned a reputation
in light fancy cheviots which extends into every At $1OO
and town and hamlet--
' city Light or dark colors ,
Men's Suits worth $1.0O.
in every state in the entire
west for selling the best best
$ s.oo 1000 PAIRS
In four styles of nil fitting best trimmed best lien's All Wool Casslmerc
wool cnsslmeros.
made and best' wearing clothing - PANTS
' ing in popular priced goods AT
Men's Suits ?
AT that is sold by any concern in
$6 and $6.50 existence. No matter how low worth up to $4 a pnlr.
In n hnlf dozen hnnd- a price you pay us for any
styles light or dark. KNEE PANTSUITS
article we guarantee that
Men's Suits you'll get good goods every
AT ti n 3. 100 and $1.50 $
TO-DAY we place on sale
in ten styles of nil some immense purchases , LONG PANTSUITS
wool cassimeros ,
cheviots and home which the continued cold SUITS
spuns. weather has enabled us to
At $2,50.
Men's Suits make at much under value.
AT "We shall make the prices so
$9 and $9.50 . low that the oldest inhabitant
The handsomest lines will be compelled to throw up Derby
of suits at these popu
lar prices you ever his hands and swear he never in all the new shapes
saw in life. '
dollars. Worth up to sixteen , saw the like before. At 75c Each.
N. ,
Farnam Street Theater.I " "
Commencing Sunday Jlutlnco Mny SO ,
40 - PEOPLE - 40
Matlnooa Wcdiioaduy and Saturday.
- Week of May 23rd.
Ono Dlmo. Hourly Shows.
The lareot. Fniteit nnfl Flneit In the World.
AsscnRerareomodatlomunoicclKxl. . . .
Every Saturday , . _ . - _ _ * ,0
rates on lowest terms to and from the principle
Eicuralon tlckota nvallnblo to return liy cither tlio plo-
turesquo Clyde & Nortn of Ireland or Najilcs < S Ulbraltiif
Cttni ut llcioy Ordirt for Air Aaotnt at lOTeit Bitll.
Apply to any of our locnl Agents or to
JJUtmilSHS. Cliloauo , IIS.
Wo erncl the innrvolnm French
llomcdy CAUTHOS frw , niul n
loual KunranUo tliat OiUiioa will
KTOI > IlUclmrffCl .V Kinl lnn ,
OlIRIJHprrmuriirrhru. 'urlciKiIo
und IIUS'IOUU f.o t Vizor.
Use it ami fay ifiallJtJ ! ,
A J Iron , VON MOHL CO. ,
Bain 4mrrlri lt > U , ClnilnmU , Ohio.
To the o\\iii > rs of nil lots , pnrtsof lots nnd
roil : uHtnto nlonci.'d Htruot from l/oeii t utrout
to bponcor HtreoU
You nro lierfhy notlflnd tlmt tlio tiiidor-
slKtiud , three dlslntorostod frcuholdors of the
city ofOinnhn.lmvo boon duly iiiiiiolntud by tno
mayor , uIth the approval of the oily couiivlt
of Hnld ulty. to IIUSUSH the diiiniiuo to thu nwn-
urH rt'spurtlvoly of the property alTvctod by
Kradlni ; ' . ' 'd Htreot fiom l.oeuat to Hpenrur
utroutx. duoliirud nocohuury by ordlimnoolto.Vi ,
n.vnud Mny lid. 1HU. , ppio\oil Muv nil , If'JJ. '
Yon inn fnrthur nolllleil , that buvlnuno-
copied Hnld nppolntiiKMit , nnil duly mmllllml
ns rciinlrod by law. wo will , on th 4tli day of
Juno , A , 1) , Ib'.r. ' , nt the lionrot lUo'clock In thu
forenoon , ut llieollleo ( if T. O. Ilriiiinar , rooni
1 , Wnro Idoek , within tliocorporuto limits of
Niilil city , muut for the purpose of consldurliu
nnd inaUlii ! ! tbu nhstmsmcntof damiiRO to the
OWIIOIM rcHpeolUoly of nald propurty. ulroi-reii
by Hiild Kindlnir. taklnjt Into L'uuslJor.vtioii
dpoclal henelllH. If nny. , ' . . . . . . ,
the tlmo
Yon nro noilllvil to bo prmontnt
nnd iiliii'o nfoiomild , nnd miiKo nny objections
tiiorMtntiiiiiuntB ( . onuurnliiK lulil nssussmcut
of dunmgcii us you mny } , " ' } [ , ' ' 'of ' j '
T ! u'lllMINN'nu.
Oiiinlia , Muy ! . 1802. iiittiaiot
, „ Aik your Urugglit for a
r botllo of lllu . The only ,
/ neil jwfjonoui remedy for on L
. ' the unnatural dlicharges ana
l private dltctnei ol men and the
debilitating vrsakruss peculiar
I to women. U cures In a few
Ida ) without the aid or
, publicity ol a doctor ,
L Thi f'niurial jlmtriean Cure. .
Manufactured by I
i.Tb Taci Chemical 0) . '
u. a , A ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tha eminent upoclnllit In nervous , chronic , prlvnto. tilooil , > kln nnrt unnnrr nltcitios. A repnUr anfl
rcRlstorcd crnJuato In inodclno , ns diplomas nnil ccriltlcntcs i-hnw. la sun trcntlnK with the gro&lcat tttccois
cnurrli , spermutorrhooa , lost manliooJ , eomlnal wcaknois ntcht IOMOI , Impotencjr , irpbllli. ntrlcturo , son-
orrliooa , cloet , vnrlcocolc.cte. No mercury used. New treatment for loss of vital iiowor , Parties unabla to
vlsltmomiiy bolroatoaat homo by correspondence. Modlclnv or Uutrumcnti ent br mallorexprost i -
curcly packed , no inarki to Indicate contents or lender. Ono personal Interflow preferred. Coniultatloa
frco. Correspondence Btrlctly prlrnto. Hook ( Mriterlai of LUoJ sout Irae. Offloa hours0a. m. to9 > . a.
BunJnjn 10 a. 13 m. Send stainp for reply.
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stiff Plats.
218 South 15th Street.
Furs Stored and Repaired.
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
IB the bnt for nil purposes , bo-
oauso It la poaltlvoly pure nnd mi-
turo. It Is oxoosdlnsrly ploiitntit to
the tnsto und has u dollolouj bou-
N. B , It doosn't burn nor eonld
the throat or stomach Hlco inferior
wblskoya. It ID rooommondod by
the boat phyeloinna.
Sold only nt high class hotels ,
druff nnd liquor storce.
is vfa the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y * as represented
on tin's map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vcstibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6mo p. m , , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket O ( lice : 1501 Far-
naru StM Omaha ,
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent *
. uuru
MIL k ! I . nil1 . . * " " ! l "O
'fl.l.l.1 * > l > II III )
Ull \ U < * 4Vl'd '
r. ? ' ' ' ' { Si : ' USS
u * aty i-.u kTi' _ ' /-.I'i'.Vl1 / ' '
Is nn tirniE ad In the trontmontof all forms ot
PIUVATfi DISEASES , und nil illsonlart
niul ( lotIlltles of } on tit null innnhood. ITyoara"
o\pcrlonco. Ills resources nnd facilities nro
practically uiilliultud. The Doctor Is recom
mended by the pro-is , nnd endorsed In tlio
strongest terms by the people for fair trnat-
niunt ninl honest professional advice. The
nunt powerful remedies Unown to inodorn
scloiico for the sueeossful treatment , of the
followlnc diseases :
QONORHHOKA Immcdlrto relief. A cnni-
pluto euro llliout the loss of an hour's than
[ nun tmslm's.s.
QLiEEr Uuoof the most cointiloto nnd sue-
ccsjfiil troiitiiii'iin for K'leet nud nil nnnoyliiK
dlEChnrjcs vet Unowu to the profes
sion. The ruMiiltH nro truly wonderful.
STKICTUKE Oroutcst Known roincdy for
thu tro.ituu nt of btilutiiro , nlthout pnlu , out-
thiL' . or ( lllutlnir. A most ri < innrlcnblo ruinodv.
SYl'IIILIS-No tieiitinent for this torrlblu
blood dlscnso hns mor boon moro Biiccemiul
norhiul stroiiKurcndnrNOiuoiits. In tlio ITKhi
of inoduin bclenco Una dlso.isci Is posltlvuly
oitr.iblo nnd ovury truce of tin ) polaon entirely
removed from the hlooil. .
LOST MANHOOD , nnd nmbltlon , nervousness -
ness , tlinlditv , dcspoiidonay nnd ull woaluiess
nnd dUordora of youth or inuiibood , Hullot
nlitnliii'd nt nnci ) . ,
SKIN DISEASES , and til diseases of Iho
btomach , blood , Iher , lildnoyH nnil bladder
nro treated Hiiccosafnlly with tlio groatoit
IIIKIWII romcdlos for these illHonsna.
Wrltu foroliuuliiM und ( juuatlou list , frco.
llth nnil
114 Hontn ISthfitroot ,
NuM to the rostollloo , Uiimha.
Practical Opticians
Ann branch of world ronnwnxl optical *
oii'iil of A. H. Alou , V Co , HU l-oul . Our metlioil IfJ
lupvilor Iu oil olliorii oar lunitt ar uptrlort will
nut woitrr or tire tl. ja > . Tha liamci proptiir < !
| u led to the face.
Eyes Tcatod Free of
Prices Low for First-class