THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' ' TUESDAY , MAY 2-1 , 1892. READY FOR THE OCCASION / - Arrangements Completed for tbo Silver An- nlvorsary Celebration Tomorrow. INTERESTING FEATURES OF THE AFFAIR MVilnomlny K onlnj > tlio Hoiinniiil DnucMorn of XchrnMia Wilt Hold iiMi-dlng Some- of the Hurt Ivor * of the rirst l.cRltlntiirc. Nob. , , May 23. [ Special to Tnn r Cr.n. ] Lincoln Is already putting on n gain day appearance in anticipation ot the bis silver anniversary celebration to bo bold Wednesday and Thursday ot tbls wcokj Good wenthoi scorns to bo insured and noth > Ine remains to make the nlTnlr a complete Buccojt but two bright sunshiny days. Prob- eely the roost Interesting of tbo Wednesday ovonlug tnootlnRSvltt bathe ono at represen tative hall under tuo auspices ot tbo native- born Nehraskans. This mooting will bo devoted - voted exclusively to tbo sons and daughters . ot Nebraska and will not bo open to the Ron- oral public unless It shall appear later that thrrovlll be seats to nparo. , In tbo senate chamber on the same evening J will occur the reunion ot ttiosurvivors ot the first fttato lofUsluluro. Tbls reunion Is in charge of QonoralJohn M , Thayur and others , and whllo no regular program has been prepared - pared the proceedings will doubtless bo of great inlcrcHt. Every preparation has been made to on tor- tain the great throng ot visitors that are ex pected on Thursday , for tt U upon that day that the biggest crowds will como. The ex ercises ot the forenoon will consist of orations tions , poems , music , etc. In the afternoon will take place tbo Industrial parailo. This will bo ocyond question tbo most magniil- cent nffnlr of tbo kind over attempted in the btato. Tnat It will bo a success is guaran teed by the work already done. Every flrot- class business house of Lincoln will bo rep resented. Work of Lincoln Iturglnrg. Lincoln le again infested by a gang of burglars , as evidenced by several pieces of work done yesterday afternoon and lastnlght by the smooth lingered pontry. The resi dence of J. J. Llcuty at IS.'lo K street was visited , the thieves reaching the insldo of tbo bouso by cutting the screen and breaking the lock. The entire housn was ransncltod , bureau drawers forced and trunks broken open. Goods wore taken to the value of $ ir > 0. A rosldonco at U and Fifteenth jtroots was also entered by n man , who , upon being discovered , adopted a very clever ruse to escape. Running from the house when de tected ho walked leisurely around the block , nnd as the pollco came along walked boldlv to the front dpor of a largo residence , and when tun housemaid came to the door in answer to his ring , asked : "If Mr. Hollly llvca there. " Ho was pointed out by ayounp man who had followed him , and was Imme diately placed under arrest. At tuo police station ho was searched and In bis pockets were found a plcco of a caudle , sotno matcbos and a bunch of skeleton keys. Lincoln In llrlof. Tbo Rock Island has repaired its roadbed within the city limits and trams are running as usual. The mandamus care brought by Dr. U. W. Dennis to compel the State Board of Health to Issue to him a certificate was dismissed this forenoon. A dramatic performance was given at the Lansing theater last evening for tbo bonoQt of tbo Hood sufferers. The sum of $377 was Dotted. Governor Boyd today notified the chief of rollco of Crete that a traveling outfit with a number of glandorod horses had loft Lincoln for that city. CI.OS1U ) ITS UOOKS. Venture of the Fremont Department Store Comimny 1'roiecl UlNiittroitx. FIIFMOXT , Nob. , May 23. ( Special Telo- pram to Tin : DBB. ] The Fremont Depart ment more company , an extensive establish ment , started bora last August , closed its doors tbls evening. The creditors of the concern have already filed chattel mortgages aggregating about $70,000 , and there are said to bo several inoro to boar from. Among the heaviest creditors are the First National bank of Fremont , ? T ,000 ; Fremont National bank , $15,000 ; Iliggort & Son , $107 ; Froeilelght , Dunkor & Uonard , 52,181 ; Spitz , Kau'dnor & Co.1,830 ; J. V. Furwell & Co. , t3,000 ; Swootzor , Ponbrako & Co. , $9,035 ; Horufaolkor &Co. , $"i : E. S. JofTrios & Co. , ? 3,812 : Henry W. King & Co. , $1,003 ; Barlov , Tynoll & Co. , ? 9Si : ; J. H. Walker & Co. , $1,009 ; Kirkondall , Jones & Co. , (002 ; McCord , Brnay & Co. , 51,0-15 ; Paxton & Gal- iniruor , * 2. ! > U7 ; S. Eisner. 81,127 ; McGItnbio &Sun , J074 ; Fremont Milling company. $83 ; OusSchrag , J381 ; Bullock & Nilson , und 1'oycko Bros. , 8183. Fnvored ilutlce Unalln. AI.MA , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to THE BEE ! The case ot Lmclndn K. GuyoragaiaU i William Gasiln , broach of promise of marriage , In which the plaintiff sued tor 130,000 , damages , which has been on trial lioro for the past few days , wont to the Jury Saturday night at 11:15 , and In about thirty minutes they returned n verdict for the do- fc lid nut. This case wns commenced a few months nco , nnd wns heralded throughout the country ns ono of vast Importance , owing to the veiy high social standing of the plain tiff and the notoriety of the defendant , who tor sixteen years presided upon lhodUtrlct bench. Uurlng the entire trial the court room wns crowded to Its utmost nnd the number of ladles present was n subject of invoriiblo comment. A largo number 01 the ladles of the highest social standing and best families In the community , wives of buMnoss moo , and nearly every business man in the city , voluntarily went upon the stand nnd testi fied that the reputation for truth of the plaintiff was bad. Great latitude was plvon the counsel for the plaintiff , by the defense , to miiko out thulr case. Ono peculiar feature of the ccsu presented Is that .Uo attorney representing the plaintiff was to have one- half of nil damages recovered us his attorney ffos , n nil It developed that ho was the roil plaintiff end that Mrs. Guycr would bavo never begun tbo case but for his solicitation , and it Is the conllrmcd opinion that the action \viis ono of malicious prosecution , or blackmail. CuiiHuii \ > y 11 l.iimuililf. ABIII.AMI , Nob. , May 23. ( Special to TUB -Urcat excitement was created hero ' night by the report of a volcanic eruption about ono and a half miles south of thU city. Fully 1,000 people viiltod the pluco yesterday. The scene of the disturb- unco Is the side of n hill which Is full of springs. The sell Is very sandy and had become - como so saturated with water that It was almost - most n soft mud. The pressure of the hill caused It to burst out , malting qulto n land- undo , about llttccn foot wldu ana 100 foot loop of soft , muddy noil. The earth still contiuuoi to Durst out at Intervals , caused i by the great pressure. Doatli of u riniiner. ' GIIKSIUM , Neb. , Mav 23 , [ Special to Tim IlEB.l itobcrt Brown , sr , , one of tht > earliest lottlors of jfoik county and a very highly respected citizen , dlod at his homo near this pluco Friday evening. The funeral tcok pluco yesterday and wm very lamely ttrndcd. Ho came to Nebraska from Iowa i In 1871 , and was 75 years old. Tire I'npillliiu CIIUuiu Iniiino. I'AWLMOX , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to TUB BKK. { Howard Morrison of SprliiKlold | was today adjudged Insane and taken to the RHylum bv Sheriff Whitney. It Is Morrison's third trio to the asylum. T. J. Houialy , nnothor demented man , has suffered u re lapse and will bo taken to tha asylum tomor row , Both cases are violent. Working on 1'riuuont'rt 1'oitolllco. FIIKMONT , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BBR. | Work commenced here today on tbe'now postofllco building bv tbo contractor * for thn oxcnvutloDS. Work of llorxo Tliluve * . BKATIIICK , Neb. , May , 2a.-Hpcial [ Tele- cram to TUB BBE.J-A valuable her o bo- longing to J. H. Burke * w < stolen from the sUbln In the roar of his agricultural Imple ment house last night. Friday night a horse was stolen from the farm of M. E. Onus- son , four miles southwest of tbls oltv. Vague reports are current of the theft of other horses In several parts ot tbo county during the past week. PLATTSMOUTU'S NK\V COUKT HOUSB. rormntly Tnkon roRpmiton of by Cuss Comity's oniclnlfl. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BRU.J Plnttsraouth nnd Cass county cltlzeni today formally aodlcatoil tholr $30,000 court houso. It was an occasion of great rejoicing. The city was covered literally with a mass of bunting. A boarty welcome wns extended to all visitors regard less of thn soctton of tbo county from which they came , and they came from all sections and in all ways. Tnoro were mule teams and horses and railroad trains , and they were oil loaded. From early morning until night fall the pcoplo flocked In. Tbo program began promptly at 11 o'clock , when Judge S. M. Chapman nscondcd the bench and court was oponoa In old-ttmo stylo. Immediately thereafter Judge Chap man tried his lungs upon a monster pllo of letters and tolcerams of regret. There were many moss ices , They came from the farthest part of the country nnd from man in all stations of llfo. As soon as his honor's lungs had bean thoroughly tested , Judco A. W. Field ot Lincoln deliv ered a masterly address. Following him Hon. D. H , Wheeler of Omaha Indulged in reminiscences ot his llfo at this placo. Tnon Major Pcarman made a bright and witty ad dress that nut tbo multitude In a humor for dinner. Judge Chapman adjourned court until 3 o'clock. After dinner the B. & M. band played several of Its choice selection * at the court house , nnd p omptly at 2 court reassembled ana Judge Chapman again waded through more letters. Then J. A. Me- Murphy road some recollections of onrly times lu Nebraska and Plattsmouth in par ticular and paved the way for Hon. T. At. Maniuotto , who delivered an eloquent anil abloaddross. He was frequently interrupted with apnlauso. Following this Hon. George W. Covoll , Captrin II. E. Palmer and General George S. Smith of Omaha and Hon. J. B. Strode of Lincoln dolivorcd brlof spoccnos. A recess was taken until 7 o'clock when Hon. J. Sterl ing Morton delivered a plousing address. Toasts were responded to by almost the en tire bar of this and tbosurroundlng counties. Among those who responded were Hon. John C. Watson , Nebraska City ; B. A.GibsonE. H. Wooloy. Lincoln ; J. H. Haldomno , J. E. Douglab , Wcoplng Water ; Byron Clark , JV. N. Sullivan , Matthew Gorrlng , J. L. Root , Allen Bccxon , H. D. Travis , S. P. Vnnatta , John A. Davles. I'lattsraouth. Hon. U. B. Windham aotod as toastmaster. The buildlnc is n thrco story brick and stcno structure , standing on tbo corner of Main nnd Fourth streets. Its cost ap proximates $80,000. It U considered ona of the flnost for Its slzo in the stato. Nebraska City Noivs Xolcn. NF.IIIIASKA OITV , Nob. , May 23. [ Spoolal to TUB BUB. ] Sotno tlmo npo County Treas urer Housor levied on 1,187 head of cattle feeding nt tto distillery , for bark taxes. The cattle were the property of J. A. Hake & Co. ot Omaha. The seizure and sale were duly advertised , but yesterday an Injunction re straining the sheriff from selling the cattle was Issued from Judge Cbapham's court , ao- companlca by a bond for cost ? , stgnod by John C. Watson and George L. Woolsoy. The case will now go to tbo district court , whom it will bo bitterly fought by both sides. The colored people of this city are Insisting that their children snail bo allowed to attend the public schools and not tbo separata school , as they have heretofore. This ques tion has been raised ovary year , until It has become a veritable nightmare to the Board of Education. Hon. John C. Watson and J. Sterling Mor ton will deliver addresses at the Inaugural exorcises attending tbo dedication of the now Cass county court house at Plattsmouth tomorrow. The high school alumni will entertain tholr now associates , the class of ' 02 , at tbo Insti tute for the blind next Tuesday evening. The Republican club Is increasing In mem bership and extending iu influence for good. Silver Crunk's Saloon Fight. SILVEH CHECK , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to Tun BEJ.J The bitterness between thn license and the anti-license clement Increases dally. Yesterday a number ot business men opened u keg of beer In a vacant lot In full view of several churches ana proceeded to refresh thomselvos. Though the antl-licenso clement won al the election the tight has been taken to the district court. BLUE Sriti.vas , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to Tin : BEK. ] With the exception of a single year Blue Springs has alwuvs been tbo home of ono or more saloons. This spring the citizens have Died remonstrances whloh have thus far prevented the issue of license. The requisite number of freehold petitioners cannot bo obtained In either ward of tba city and tbo applicants bavo sought to overcome tbo dlftlcully by executing deeds of fractional parts of cheap town lots to make freeholders. Enterprise of Illue Springs Women. BLUE Si'iiiNos , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to TUG BEE. ] For the first time in the history of Blue Springs a cemetery association has been organized. Heretofore the only burial ground has boon tbo property of the Meth odist church and a private individual and ba3bceu n norlected wood covered tiaot. Hero lies all that remains of many unknown doaa , tbo grounas being the oldest in this part of the country. The ladles have now talcon bold of tbo matter and ralsod money by a series of entertainments , nnd the pride of the living will soon bo shown in a moro civilized care for tbo homo of the dead. Mi-u OrgunUliii ; . NOIITII PI.ITTE , Nob. , May 23. ( Special Telegram to THE Br.E.J Tbo North Platte Hallway Employes club was organized at tbls place laot night with 200 charter mom- bora. The following were elected a the officers for the ensuing year : JotanSorun- son , provident ; William Osbornc , vlco presi dent ; Charles Hondy , secretary ; Charles b. Adams , treasurer ; U. L. Graves , W. J. Stunrt , Frank Redmond , executive com mittee. Delegates to state executive board : N. B. Old % U.T. Graves. Injured l > y n Vlcloui Btinn , Nob. , May 23. iSpoclal Telegram to THE BEE. ] Mr. B. Clawson , whllo assist ing In driving cattle today , was thrown by n vicious mustang. The pony , falling upon him , produced a concussion of tbo splno ana Internal injuries , the full .extent of which cannot bo determined a * , present , Your Illood Undoubtedly needs a thorough cleansing this season to expel Impurities , keep up the health tone nnd prevent disease. You should toke Hood's Sars\pnriUa , the best blood puriilor and system tonic. It is uncqualod In positive medicinal merit. Hood's Pills nro purely vegetable , per fectly harmless , effective , but do not cnuso pain or gripo. Bo sure and get Hood's. IN THE COURTS. Atfulrs of the Onmlia Hrewlng Asiocliitlon llrlng Ailjiullcntcil. The complications ot the Omaha Brewing association have assumed a legal form , and yesterday afternoon they were aired In court before Judge Irvine. The suit IB the Omaha Brewing association against Gottlieb Storz. The petition recites that tbo association was organized , with Storz na a stockholder. TVo capital stock was fixed nt f 1,000 , 000 , the Id a being to erect a mammoth brewery. Later on It was thought advisable to buy tbo Store &Ilor brewery on North Eighteenth street , Storz was allowed to manipulate tbo scheme , and when tbo final round-up was made ho In formed the stockholders that his share in the brewery could bo purchased for $240- 000 , and that Her' , " Interest could bo bought for the same amount. Tnon they issued him 100,000 of stock in tbe now company and paid him { 40,000 in cash , besides buying $78,000 of accounts , which they bavo slnco learned were not worth moro than $30,000. In addition to this , the plaintiffs allege that Storz induced them to buy n lot on Sherman avenue and Ornco street , paying $22,500 for tbo same. This they allege was au exorbitant price. Now they wont on Injunction which will prevent Storz from disposing of the stock ot the Omaha Brewing association. At the same tlmo tboy want him to return the cash and the notes , after which they declare that all contracts between tbo association and Storz should bo annulled. The court has hoard the arguments and will take the matter under advisement. Frank E. Munu , charged with having pro cured a man to swear falsely , wus arraigned before Judge Davis nnd pleaded not guilty. Bail was llxod in the sum of 1,300. Peter Smith and Nols Johnson , charged with having obstructed the view to tholr saloon , denied that they were guilty. They gave ball in the sum of $500 each and the cases were continued. C. Goo Wo wns arraigned on the charge of having practiced meaiclno without being a graduate and the owner of a diploma. He donlod tbo charge , nnd after entering into bonds of $ oOO tbo case was continued. In Judge Koysor's court the case of Joseph A. Ilydor aeainst the city of Omaha is on trial. The plaintiff scolts to recover 94,100 , nnd alleges that on Juno 2 , 1SOO , during a violent rainstorm , on account of a defective sewer at the Intersection of Thirteenth nnd Leavenworth streets , the storm water Hooded his basement and greatly damaged his prop erty. _ Dr. ' Catarrh Powder Blrney's for tonsil- ills. For solo by all druggists. 50 cents. aEUMAN MARKSMEN. Opening Shoot of the Season Booked for Next Saturday. This season's shooting tournament will bo inaugurated Sunday , May 29 , eit Uuier's park by the Omaha Schuetzenvorein. The shooting will begin at 0 o'clock In tbe fore noon and will continue until 0 o'clock In the ovenlng. Four different kinds of targets will bo used the Kohr , the American stand ard , the man and the state medal target. The 12-inch bulls-oyo of the Kohr target is divided into throe rings , of which the inner ring counts 3 points , the middle 2 and the outer 1. Ton shots cost SI. Permits can bo purchased at will. The llrst and the last red Hag will receive a reward of 25 cents. Prizes : Fifty points are entitled to ? 5 ; 50 points moro are entitled to $5 additional. The American standard target is a ton-ring target. For each center , which is ton , the marksman will receive 50 cents. For the man target the marksman is al lowed to purchase us many tickets as ho chooses. The state moaal target is the fourth contest - test , value $175 , to bo awarded by the Bchuotz- envorein. It Is open to all competitors who have resided in the state for a year or over. Dr. Blrney's Catarrh Powder for cold in head. D'or sale by nil druggists. 50 cents ( JETTING UP AGAIN. Warmer Weather Starts the Missouri To ward High Water Murk. The Missouri is again on the boom , and yesterday morning touched tbo highest-point roaohea this year 13.1 feet above low water mark. The principal rlsa occurred Saturday night , the gauge registering Just thirteen loot Sunday morning. The change Is nt trlbuted to the decidedly warmer tempera ture up tbe river. I DoWltt's Sorsaparllla cleanses the blood Tramps Snvo a Train. DAYTON , O. , May 23. Two tramps walk ing along the Big Four track two miles east of here discovered a broken rail. Ono oi thorn hurried east and tbo other west to sig nal trains. A westbound limited express was signaled nnd an awful calamity averted. Passengers realizing the escape raised a purse of $100 for the tramps and the Blc Fourofllclals telegraphed to give the tramp ! n free ride to Cincinnati , where it Is ex pected they will bo still further rewarded The Tariff Hai not ral td the price on BlackwelPs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. There are many other brands , each represented by some inter ested person to be "just as good as the BULL DURHAM. " They are not ; but like all counterfeits , they each lack the peculiar and attractive qualities of the genuine. We attach this tag to _ every bac of BLACKWELL'S foBrUtheLp'SKHon ' / of DURHAM TOBACCO CO. the smoker. DURHAM , N.C. BAKING POWDER. OZS. FOR 2.QG- ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb Si VOX Of tl'EEGHAM'S PILLS pen tltulf * family tntdl clngehtit. Kick Jtrnd. arlir , ITrofc Slaninrli , prtUr , anill'nlntn thrStomach , _ . < ilittHnr , - nm . . - . „ PiiUniataterttlnq n/1ormrnrIXrrinr > , nrouxtnnw , Cn\A \ ( AMU. fltuhlnni of , Itrat , SHortnfJH of-llnattt , Cbtflmiriu , Blotch * * on IH SMn , Hbturbrd Ntrrp , and all ttrrt-niu nAtl irrinbllng intm- Itoni are rtllrvnl by uilnp thtse I'llli , Covered with a TiiteleiUAd Soluble Coating I Ofulldrnritl'ti Prleasftcentiikb New York Depot. 3'5 Onnnl fit. Did you ever see a sickly baby with dimples ? or a heal thy one without them ? A thin baby is always deli cate. Nobody worries about a plump one. If you can get your baby plump , he is almost sure to be well. If you can get him well , he is almost sure to be plump. The way to do both there is but one way is by CARE FUL LIVING. Sometimes this depends on Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. We will send you a book on it : free. SCOTT & DOWNS. Chemiiti , 111 South jth Avcnut , New York. SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE tfover ( alls In giro Instant rollof In the worst coses , ftml euvcU curcn trhcro others fntl. . Trl.l r tl. FflP.K or UrirtliuVV B" . br | | jddr.1. DR. B BOHIFFMAIfrK. 81. A.I. BI. . . | Morning Noon Night ! i Good all the time. It removes 1 the languor of morning , sits- < ' [ tains the energies of noon , lulls { \ 1 the weariness ofjiight. i' ' iHires'Ki | delicious , sparkling , appetizing. ' Don't be deceived It * aataler , for the sake of Urger profit , tilliyoli some other kind ii "just at good " ' ( IJ ( alse. No Imitation | la as good as the genuine limes' . Salve for Burns i Taken quarter of a poftmt each of bees wax , Burgundy pitch , ' white plno pitch nnd resin ; half n pound of mutton tallow , n gill of geese oil , half a Rill of tar ; mix and melt together and use as other salves. BUS. BETTS & BETTS' illustrated new book of 120 panes , which they send to anyone ono for i cents in stamps , gives this ami hundreds of other valuable recipes , as well as information on how to get well and stay well. But those who are afflicted with Nervous , Chronic or Private Diseases , Which neither themselves nor their family physician can cure , should at once consult those eminent and successful specialists , A A AY Y Y Drs. BETTS & BETTS Who have treated and cuied moro cases of CA1ARRH , SYPHILIS , PILES , GONORRHOEA STRICTURE , . GLEET , HYDROCKLE , LOST VARICOCELE , MANHOOD , And all similar afflictions of a private or delicate nature , than any other firm of specialists in the United Stales , East or \Vest. _ CONSULTAMON FREE Call on or address1 Svith stamp , - llOSouthMth St.'KV E. Corner 14th and Dojjjlto Sts. I IV/VT norplilna flab ' ' W „ car ilfolOto2Od > PURE RYE. has become a household word because of its absolute purity , nutritive value , smooth taste and delicious bouquet. It is good for weak lungs and n stimulant for impaired constitutions. Unlike inferior whiskies , it does not rasp or scald the throat and stomach , nor causa nausea , dizziness and headache. You may know it by the above qualities and the proprietary bottles in which it is served. Call for "Crtam fnre fyt" and take no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug storci , ij DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago. ' GOO PAIRS Men's Suits Men's Cnssimero AT has earned a reputation .PANTS In light fancy cheviots which extends into every At $1.OO . ' city and town and hamlet Light * or dark colorsi Men's Suits worth $ I.OO. in every state in the entire AT west for selling the best best $ g.oo 1OOO PAIRS in four styles of nil fitting best trimmed best Men's All Wool Cassimcrt wool cnssimores. made and best wearing cloth- PANTS ' i ) g in popular priced -goods AT Men's Suits AT that is sold by any concern in $6 and $6.50 existence. No matter how low worth up to $4 a pair. in n half dozen hand- a price you pay us for any styles light or dark. KNEE PANTSUITS articlewe guarantee that SUITS Men's ' Suits you'll get good goods every AT time. At $100 $ . SO TO-DAY we place oh sale in ten styles of all some immense purchases , LONG PANTSUITS wool c a s s i m o r o cheviots and home which the continued cold SUITS spuns. weather has enabled us to At $2,50. Men's make at much under value. Suits AT "We shall make the prices so 1OO DOZEN . $9 and $9.50 low that the oldest inhabitant Derby Hats The handsomest lines will be compelled to throw up of suits at these popu lar prices you ever his hands and swear he never In all the now shapes saw in your life. dollars. Worth up to sixteen saw the like before. It 75c Each. PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESO LUTION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Nob. Mar 3rd. ISO ? . J5o It resolved by the city council of the oily of Oinuliu , tlio mayor vonourrln ? : That poriimncntsiduwulKS bo constructed In the "Ity of Uimiha ns doslznntod below , with in ( Ivo dny- lifter the publication ot this reso lution , or the personal service thnrsof. as by ordinance is authorised and required ; such sidewalks to no laid to the per manent urado as established on the p ivod streets specified herein and to bo constructed of stone , rtlllclal stone , lirlck or tllluc yo- corilliiR to jpnulllciit'ons on ( Ho In tlieolllcoof the bonrd of public works , and under Its su pervision , to-wlt : West side ot 10th st. all of block n S E Rog ers' addition , permanent grade , G ft wide. West side of 10th st , lots l257 block 1 Kountzo's-tttrudditlon , permanent grade , U ft wide. Kast side of 10th st , tax lot 7see 27-13-13 , per manent grade. ( ! ft wide. East side of 7th st or Park Wild avo. lot 40 Koiintzu's A odd , permanent crude , 5 ft wide. Oust side of 7th ht or \Vllduve.lots3t- - 37 Kountzo's A add , permanent grade , 5 ft T\Vc'st side of 7th st or I'ark Wl'd ' avc , lota US- 3U Kountzo's A add , permanent grade , 5ft W West side of 2fllht.lot 1 block 20JJ4 city , per manent giade. Oft wide. KUBI sldo ot 20th st , lot 4 block 20IS ! city , per manent grade , 0 ft wide. West sldo of 20th st. lots 1 nnd 8 block 101 eltv , permanent grtdo , 0 ft wide. North sldo of Ohio igo st , lots 5-0-7-8 block 4 city , permanent ifr.ide , G ft wide. South sldo of Chicago st. lots 1-2-3-4 blooK 53 city , permanent sradu. Oft wide. North sldo of Davenport st , lots 7-8 block S3 cltv , permanent crude. 0 ft wide. West side of 20th nt. lotJ bloclc 1B4W clty.por- mnnont grade. 0 ft wide. BnHt sldu of 20th si. lot 5 block 10.V/4 oity.por manent crude. 0 ft wide. North sldo of Parnuni si , lots 10-11 block 4 , Summit I'Uco. permanent LTHCU. | 0 ft wide. North side of Knrn-.m st , lots 14 tolUlncn- sivo block 1' . ' , West nnd , permanent grade , 0 ft wide. North sldo of Kurnam st , lots 14-15-10 block U West ICnil , permanent grade , 0 ft wide. North sldu of Karnnm st , lots 10-11 block IS Wnst Knd , permanent gr.ulu , U ft wide. North side of Kurmuiist. lots U-K1-14 block G Alamo I'lnza , permanent undo , G ft wide. , North sldo ot Chicago st , lots c-7-8 block 43 city. Durmiinont urndc , U ft wide. .South sldo of Chicago st , lots 1-VJ-l block 03 city , permanent grade , U ft wld . North Hide of Chlu.iso at , lot H bloult 41 city , permanent crude , U ft wide- South side of Chicago st.lots 2-1 block 51 city permanent Kr.ido , 0 ft wide. North sldo of Davenport st , lots 1-2-3-1 block 78 city , permanent Riadc , 8 foot wide. West sldo of mil st. lot 8 block : ill city , per manent uradn. lift wide. Kitst side ot 20th st , lot 6 block 310 olty , por- munont prude , o ft wide. South sldo of Capitol nvo , lots 1-3-3 block 83 olty , permnnont grade , G ft wide. South sldo of Oapltol are , lots 2-3 block 84 city , permanent grade , 0 ft wide. South tldo of Davenport st. lots l--3 block 78 city , permanent gr.ido. 0 ft wide. North sldo of Uuvunport st. lots 0-7-8 , b'.ook 54 city , permanent Rriide , U ft wide. Westsidout 18th at. lots block 21 city , per manent uruUc , G ft wide. side of 18th st , lots 4-5 block 41 city , por- imint grade , Gft wldu West Hide of 17th st , lots 1-8 block 78 olty.por- mmic'iit Krudc , U ft wide. West Hide of 17th Hi , honth 7E ft of lots block 55 city , permanent L-r.idc. G ft wldo. South Hide of Duvunport st , lotsll-l block 70 city , permanent crude , G ft wide. bonth side of Davenport st , lot 2 block BO city permanent gride , G ft wldu. ICiistsldo of 10th st. lot 4 block 45 elty , per manent ( 'rtide , G ft wldo. Westsldoof 1'jtli st , lot 1 blook 13 olty , per manent criido , G ft wldo. West Bldo iif 10th st. lot 8 blook a 10 olty , per manent erudo , G ft wide. North sldo of Fnrniun st , lots 12114 ! block Alamo I'Jnra , permanent trade , G ft wldu. North side ol Karnum At , lots 14-1.1-IG-l7htock 3 A In mo I'laza , permanent grndo , G ft wide. North side of Farnnm st , lots ll-r.-U block 4 Alamo I'lnzu , pormiinniit ( trade , G ft wldo. North side of Karuam st , lota 11 to 17 Inclu sive liloclc U Jerome 1'urlc , permanent grade , 0 ft widu. North Hide pf I'armim flt , lots 1-2-4-7 blocks Jerome 1'ark. iiurinunent crude. G ft. wldu. North Hldoof 1'nrnum st. lota 1 to7 inclusive blouk 7 Jerome 1'urk , permanent prude , U ft North sldo of Furimm st , lots 14 to IDItiolii- RIVO blook K' West Knd , permanent graJo , G ft wide. North sldu of I'arnam Ht , lots 11-15-10 block n West Knd , parmiinunt grade , U ft wldo. North sldo ot 1'anmm st. InU 10.11 block 10 West Knd , permanent grade , G ft wldu. KHHtsldu of Ulth uvu , lots 15-IG-17-18 blook 1 linns * um I'luvu , permanent grade , G ft wldu. West Hide of 27th Nt , south 247 ft lot Hi J I Itedlck's ndu , permanent grade. G ft wldu Won Bldo or 27th st , north 245 HJotOJ ; ; i Itiuiluk's add , pormununt urado. tt ft wide. Kast uldu of Utli t , lota 4-3 blook ltJ ! olty nurmunonl uradu , G ft wldu. North Hide ot Karnum gt , lots 10-11 blook 4 Hiimmlt ri.ico , permanent grade. G ft wldu. Kast sldo of : iltli st , lot 1 block 1 Uodfroy'a and , permnnont r.ido. H ftwlda Weal bldu of 2Uh st , lot 11 block 1 bhlnn'fl add , pnrnmncmt ( trade , 8 ft wide. Ivistslduof ZUItBt , lots 2-U-l-i-G-S blool , ' 8 T. V Smith' * add , purnmnont undo , 8 ft wlda Kuktiddoof2Ub st. lotto Idlowlld , perma nent Krud < . , U ft wldo. Wcstvldeof ' 'I I lint , tax lot 31 tuoO-15-I3por > niHiicnt znulo , b ft wide. Kistsldu of 1'Uli Ht. lots fi-G-7-8 block city , permanent grade , 8 ft wldu. East sldo of ? 4th st.Iols 2-3-4-5 blokl67W olty purmnnont grade. 8 ft wldo T.ast sldu of 21th st , lots 7-S-0-10 block I87 cltv , permanent eriido. 8 ft wldu. sldo of 21th st. lots 1 to S Inclusive bloi'k T lloilucli'u 3rd mid , pcrmanonl gradu.b f t wldo , Wust sldo of 24th st , lots 7 to 12 Inclusive block 1 Armstrong's 1st itdd , permanent Kr.ido , fa font wldo , Wu4t side of 31th st , lots 1-2 block : JShlnn's add , put m inuut gr.ido , ti ft wide. Went sldo of 21th Ht. lots 2-11-13 block 0 Shlim'a add , perm incut gr.tdu , 8 feet wldu. South sldu of D.ivenport si. iidjolnliu High school urounu bolwpon "Jtli and 2.'nd sis , pur- maiiunt grade. 8 foot u Ido. Histsldu of "iid st , mllolnlnK High s-hool ground botwcoii Dodge and ! < avonport HIS , pel nmtion t grade , S ft wldo. sldu of 20th st , lots blook lOi'i clty.pcr- maiient grade. Gftldt ) . Westsldoof 20th st. lot 4 blook 1BIK city , per- m.incnt grade , ( > ft wldu. West sldo of 2 tli at , lot 1 block 20114 elty.por- iiiiuient gr.ide.G ft wldo. Kast side of 20th st , lot 4 blool. L'OI ! ' , city , pur- mimunt iiradu , U ft wldo. Westaldoof 20th st. lots 1-8 blook 1U4W city , pcrmanbnt crndo. Q ft wluo. North aldoof Wool worth ave , lots 0-10 block 0 HuiiSt'oni I'lucr. permanent gr.ido G ft wldo. North sldu of Woolworth ave , lots 12-14 blook 0 llansuom I'luuu. nurnmnunt gr.vlu G ft wldo. Kast sldu of 2Jth nt , lots Gi-U5 llasoall'd sub , permanent urndo , fl ft wldo. And , 1)0 It fui tliorro-tolved : That thu hoard at public works be. and Is hereby atithorUud and directed to uatisu a copy of this resolution to bo published In thu olllelal paper of tl.o elty for ono week , or bo served on the owners of sail lots , and that un less such owners shall within llvo days utter the publication or tsorvlco of Niinh < opy con struct said aldow.illcH as horoln reqnliucl , the board of public wurks u.inso thu sumo to lied ono. the coat of conatiiictlng suuh Hide- walks respectlvelv to bo asiossed uculn'U ' the real est.ito , lot or part of lot In front of and abutting such sldowalks. Proslicnt of thn Council. Attest : JOHN GKOVKS. City Olorlt. Approved : GEO. 1 > . ItHMIS , Mayor. NOTIOn TO CONSTRUCT SIDLWALKS. To thu OWIUTS of the lots , n.ut * of lots and rual estate dusoilbod In the abuvo rusolu- You'nml each of von are hereby notified to construct , permanent sldowallis as reijulrod by a leso'.utlon of thu city council anJ mayor of thu city of Omaliin of which thu above U a < OPy' OPy'P. . W. milKIIAUHKU , Chairman of 1'iibllu Works Omaha. Nub , May ISlli. 1SU , ' . mlB-10-2J-2l-3-2 NOTICE OP APPRAISERS OP DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OP GRADE ON DOUGLAS STREET PROM 10TII TO 20TH STREETS. To the owners of all lota , parts of lots nnd real estate along Doiulan alruot from 10th to 20th streets , and lulnrtojlliiuslionts and alloys us follows , to-wlt : 17th street from alloy north of 1'nrnum street to Dodge street , 18th street from Fiirniim el reel to Do Uo btroct. lOih ntiuot from 1'anmm to Dodxo street , alloy hut ucn Douglas street and Dodge street from twenty-two ( ' - ' - ' ) foot east of ITtli stiout to 20th itroot. mid alloy botwcoii Fur- num street and Douglas street from 17th Btrout to 20th s'.ieot : Von are hereby notlllod that the under signed. throe disinterested fruuholdurs of tin ) city of Omaha , h.ivo boon duly anpolntoJ by thu mayor , with thoaupiovalot thuclly coun cil of said city , to assutu thn Uamugu to thu owners respectively of tliii properly nfruuiud by thu change of griido of Douglas street from liith atreot to 23th t-treot and lntnriutlirx struuts and alloys , doolurod nucess.iry by or dinance No. 161 , passed Mav 3 , in1) . ' , approved May 4 , It ! ) . ' . You are further notlllod that , having ac cepted said appointment and ( July qualified us required by law , wo will , on the illst day of May. A. I ) . 16'J-J , at tlio hourof two (2) ( ) o'clock In the afternoon , nt the llulldors oxclianse room. Nuw York Mfe building , within the corporate llmltnof said-city , moot , for the pur pose of consldurlng and making thu assess ment of damage to the oivnorn rcapootlvuly of s , ild property altoutcd by said olinnco ot gradu. taulng Into conuldorutlon apeolal buno- ( I In , If any. You aru hereby notified to bo present at the tlmo nnd place ufoiusikld and muuu any ob jection , to or statements conci.'rnliig oafd as- hoasmont of damages ns you may conuldor propur. W. J MOUNT. ti. O. llAHHiri'T , J. WAtTiil I'llKLI'A Committee of Appraisers. Omaha May 18. 180J. 41 ISd lUt I'rojiouuU lor District Ntrnut Iiiiproveinont JluinU , Sealed dlds marked Proposals for District Street Improvement Honda , will bu received tin to 12 o clock noun , of the 28tn day of May , Ib'J , ' . for thu purchase of Diatr.ct titruot Im provement Honda us follows ; District : i7J . . . 0.003.00 District : irj , , . . . . . . 2,500.0) DiHlr.Ot U74 . 2.5WOJ Dlatrlct UM . l.uoo.oo District 40U . 1UOJU.03 DUlrlut 411 . . . . . . O.GuO.OO Issued under charter power of metropolitan cities. Knch bid mutt state price and amount eouxht for und Include uuoruod to datn of uolivory at Omaha , Nob. The rljht to lojuot nay nnd all lilda lu ro- rvod. 1IUNKY 1IU1/UN , Olty trousuror , RHILWRYT1ME GKRD mumINIION ; \ MO. IUVKH.I Arrive * Unmlm | llopnt IDlli mill Mnnon Hti. | Omnli i. ! i.r > > n ml . .Kruivn City Dip Ki | > ros ? . . . | a00 p m I' 1 > p in | K < ' . .Nljlit KTP via U. I' . Tram | C 4J n m doing OIHOAIIU. It. I. ft I'AOIFIO. I Krom Hint. Union Depot 10th \ Marcy SIB. | Kn t IU It ) n m . . . . .Atlnntlo Kxproi IIV ) p in 4 J"p m Vustlbulu llxprua 1.10 p ra ( . .ID p m Mitlit Kxpruss. 1UI ) n m 2 05 n in ' 1.00 a m ( Joliu I UI1IUAI1U , It. I , i I'ACIH ( I Truin West I Union Depot IQIIi nnil Murcr Hli I U'csl. Ixmvos I U.MON 1'AL'IKIC. I ArrlTuj Omnbii. | Union DeputlOlh nnil.Marojr Sn. | Omaha. IClIlCAtK ) . M1I4. A dr. I'AUl.lAnlvo rOmnhnl U. I' , dupot nnil Mnray fits. | Otnnhi ) . ) .M. I'nul l.tinlttfil 4. p 1111 . . .HI. lionla Cunnoii ilill. . . . | r ; . 1'ip m UMAIIAAKT. l.OUli. Troniftrl Union Dopot. Council lllulTi 440 | . . . . . l/uuli Ctr.o.T Hull. . . . . . | l J.I J p m I.uavui hlOUX CITV 4 I'ACTKIU. ' TArl7ui Tranifur Union Ilopot. Council lllulT < . iTriunfur 7.41 u m | . , bluux City AccoiimioiluUun/ug | ( p ia tiM p m | HI. I'nul K * | > rB . | U. < 0 a m AMUBISMKNTS. o 11 cl e r 1 ei 11 d Week of May 23rd. UNCLK TOM'S CAJHN. MOIUL DUAMA ' ' 'J'AHLKAUXS. UKAUTJPUL GATKS AJAH. ALVIN I3LINJ ) TRIO. OHSONA , WIRK IIAIIUCI ) MAN. Quo Dime. Hourly Sliowa. icmi7,352ilc xil trcntinontii ; , , A I < KSWV r turrlii M , Vurlcocflu. unJ KmlMluni and rrl rluK l.i t VI nor. t'uru J'lrm trjutmi'iit aenl 'rce lu * vW * ij..gS any iiililriiii fOr. CUEU1CAL II/rOUYIHQ 00 , , CWOlNWiTJ , 0.