1 f ' { < * , ! ' . f * J i THE OMAHA DAILY ] 3EEi TUESDAY , MAY H 1892. KO UMPIRE BUSINESS HERE Bt , Paul Won Yesterday by Hitting the Ball Hard at tha 'Eight Time , EIGHT HITS PUT INTO ONE INNING TJrkorr Olvon n llBnutlfuLTrouncInc Co- luinlnit , Milwaukee nnd MlliompolU Win National , Western iinil Htntn I-oaguo nnd Amateur ( innics of Hull. BU 1'aul , 0 ; Omabn , 3. Columbus , 7 ; Toledo , 3. Milwaukee , Indianapolis , C. Minneapolis , 15 ; Kansas City , 10. F BY ANY MANner - nor of hocus-pocus Your Unck-oould have loft the eighth inning out of the game yesterday nf- tornoon Sports- man's park would have onoo moro bathed in the re splendent glories of victory. ' Butofoourso uncle was incapable of any such prepos terous task , nnd once ogaln tbo Uustlora ) vcro wallowed In tbo dust. In fact those long , lank , loan nnd cadaver ous Apoitlcs fairly rnodo a mop of thorn. Thomas Gilbert VIoKory did the pitchlnc * for our side , and lip to the elrjhth liining his pood" right mauloy was right in It , but In 'that ono It served him a shabby trick. Every man In the homeless aggregation faced him in this innlnp , and three of them twice , mid every man save Cornelius Dug- dale took a smash at him , and ovbi-y man save Cornelius made a runt It was biff ! smash ! craostl bang ! In such rapid succession that the Held , the grand stand , with Its sea of cagor faces , the blue licavlncs und the procession of Apostles circling like some fabulous serpent around him , must have looked to Vlok line some hideous plmninomakorn. Think of It , the eighth inning , eight hits and eight runs. Wouldn't that rip you up the backl But it wasn't a bad game , notwithstanding. The Uustlors made but ono mistake , n muff liy Rutherford B. Hayes on a short hit to left Held. And whllo the error was of the excusable species , the ex-governor of Ohio should have caught U , end ho would had ho gouo after It as If be intended , to make a catch , instead of embracing his grand- motticr. But so the great , garao goes , sometimes you win ana somo. times you don't , and ecnurally you don't. Some Hot Worlf. * . Sheiboo Ic opened up the struggle by an out Irom Old Pop to Mo'tz , ana Oilks followed with another at tbo same place by Holland. Kolly's long fly fell Into Donaghuo's trap , and the homeless came in. Hogrclver sent a lly out toward Hayes , \vho was In loft. By reason of Caruo's re lease Uncle maao n switch In the Held , Kelly going to middle. But that lly Hopgy sent out toward Ruth erford. He made a nlco sprint for It and It struck licrstmiclrfiquaro in' his hands , but It , Jutnucdout again , and Iloggy was safo. I'hlluaolpbus Donaghuo made an effort to bunt , but Instead popped up n little ono to Thomas Gilbert add < L'bomos Gilbert , turn- mr like a cat , put the Jacks to Georgia also. It was a pretty double end a lucky ono , too. for both Old Cy ana Molz followed with sin gles. Cantnln JUvord struck out. 1 hat was an egg nploco. YlMior bouu tbo second with a safe ono over Gunny's head , but Collopy was thrown out at llrst. Your Uncle , who is doing tbo best hitting of any man In the team , llnoa her out and Joe hustled around to third , and it looked Ilko a run or two , buro. But alas for the frailty of human hopes. Wcsllako knocked a llttlo out shoot down to Cunny , nnd Cunny caught Vlsnor off his bne : , nnd together with thu help of Alvoru nnd Cornelius , ho run him down. Every man In the grand stand said ' 'ah 1" Then Cunny ended matters by llrmg Vlclc at llrst. It was n short shift for the porogrinatlne Pilprlms from tno north. Gllks throw Hol land out to David , und YlcK made a pair of innnko.vs out of Old Pop and Cornelius. Acaln In the third Omaha opened uu with n hit , tinyos being t'uo fortunate Individual. Hut tbal'.s nil tbo irood it done , for Shclbcck , ( J.Iks und Kelly went out in rotation , with out even a sacrlllco from oilbor of thorn. Another clever double was all that pro- vontrd the strayed , lost or stolen from scor ing a t-ouplo. Hogrlnvor , alter Cunny had fouled out , drove for bag No. S. Then Donaphuo bit ono to Gllks mid was thrown out tit 11 rat and Ilovvu nailed Hoguy at the pinto. Ttrit was about the only uhanco tbo crowd hud lo vontiluto its lungs. Whun thu Hum \Vcrn Almlc. It ivas still another blank for the Hustlers In tbu fourtb , but In their half thu buusotcss nnd the homeless proko the ice. Old Cy singled ; then actually stole second , n tent that scit n spasui through tbu graud- slan'il. Motr. jal his uaso on wldas , Alvord sicntlcf'd and a ulld pitch did the rest. Cyclltto Hutr'is scored I , In ttiu sixth Omaha tied the score. Collopv took rlrston bulls , went to thlid on Uncln.s aucoiiu hit unu ran homo on Huthcrlord'.s sucrllluc. In tiiu seventh Ullks made n bit nnd on succcnnlvi ) wild thio'.v.s by Holland ana Mot/ ran clear 'round and over thu plate. Thu utowd lilted that , because It gnvo us ono ully the best of It , Alter thU things wam tranquilly along like u summer stream until the lust'half of the eighth , when the orphans jumped onto the K'.iuvo Vlck nnd hammered thu eternal and I'vorlastlng life out of him. Hoiriry opened up with n three-cushion BimiNli , Donaghuu followed with ono for two , nii-1 SutulllJo. Molz , Alvord and Holland wltn sliieU-.s Smith with , n two-bug cr und Cunny with a home run , Kindt hlu , with u total ol llflcon bases and eight runs. Thiil was all. vvui'ii iiogriover came up u second tltnu Vlck made n futllo uttompt to kill him , hut fi.llli g In this , soul him to llrston bulls. But v hiit'x tha use stretching thl.s novel out any i further ) You ara ull siitUtlod that wo go't llrkmi , und that Is nil there is In It. ' . Tbo last seen of Ralph Stout and Uncle * David they ware walking down Douglas * it root toward tbo rlvor , ami they haven't * boon soon ulnco. Thotcorc : . OMAHA. TofiU u u l aK a BCOIIIS uv iN.sir.na. Onmhl 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 I-.1 Bl Paul ) -l > MJUMAIIV. Hun con mod i Ht. l'iul ; , ? , Two-hnso hits ; Hoar I'vi'r. Hunnvhur , h'mlth. Tlirco-buso liliKi llourlcvcr , Homo rum ; t'iinnnihaiii. ! Left on hahuu ; pnriliu , ) U : Bu run I , ft. Ibiiiblii pl-tvst Vlcl.ury to Uowc : Ullkv tu lliirto tu Wi > stlalui : Ciiniilli bum to Motz. 11 soon lii Ut uir VioKury , at oil Viinnlni- Initn , I II.thy pltchur : Uy Uliniiinchnni. I. Mrni'1 % outi Hy Vl l.vrv , , 4 < by UiiiinliiKluim , L Wild iiltcbusi Uy ViOKcry. 1. Puuud bulls : lly Westlako. 1. TlmoofK mo ! Ono hour and fifty minutes. Umpire : Corcoran. .A gul n Till * AftnrtKinn. The Aposllos and the Hustlers will moot at Sportsman's park ibis afternoon In the Instpamoof the series. The game will bo called at 3 o'clock In order to allow iho local team' to catch a train for Minneapolis , where it will play Wednesday. The positions will bo as follows : Omab * . Positions. Bt. Paul. Handlhoo . Pitch Kcofo Wvnlnko . , . . . . . .Onlch . , Ihictl'ilo Rowe . I'lrst i , ( lllks . ' . .Second. . . Smith Coliopy . . . . . .Third .A1.yori ! b'bolbock. . . , , , . Miort . . . . . Holland llnyos. . . . . . . . Left . . . Donaghiio Kelly . Middle . . . Ilo.-rloyor Vhner. . . . . ' . , . Illnht . butclliTo rirntrn Only ( lot Onn lilt. Toi.uno , O. , May 33. Columbus took a second pamo from Toledo today , hard nnd timely bitting and the poor umpiring of Scrad doing tlto work. The homo loam was not able to touch Clauson oxuopt for ono bit. Weather cloudy nnd frequent rains. Attend ance , 800. Score : Tui.nno. COI.lTMIIt'S. All II P A All II I1 A K Armourrf. . ' . ' 0 0 0 Walsh. i DarllnK.rf. . . 2 u o 0 O'llonrko. 3b 3300 1 ( lettlnzer , If. 4 U t U 0 Oampail. If. . . Mcliol , m. . . . 4 I I 0 U I.nlly. rf 40200 lily , us : i 0 2 3 U Mcdollan.Jb 4 0 S 1 0 .Mrh'l < on,2u II 0 a 3 0 Ur'kn'ldu. Ib a a 15 1 0 .Vewpl,3t | > . . . 4 0 2 A 5 Abbey , m , . . . 2 0 1 0 0 Cnluplon.lb. . 2011 00 .lantrcn , c. . . 30310 Hurley , c. . . . 20400 Clatiion , p. . . 4 I 0 0 U 1'enri , p * 0 0 0 Total 31 727 II ! 2 Totnti ! 9 I SI H I scout : IIY . . . Toledo 000 100000-1 Columbus 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 7 StOlMAUV. Huns cnrncili Columbus , 4 , Tiro-baso lilts : O'llourko , t'ampau. llrpelconrhUo. Homo run : llrockonrlilKC. Uoutilo pluyai WaUli to McClellan to llrrckpiulditc. liases on balls : uffl'oars.a ; oR Clausenfi. lilt l > y pitcher : lly Clausen , 1. ritruck out : lly I'cars. Hi by Clausen , t Stolen bason Walsh , Kly , Abbey , 2. Time : Ono hour mill forty- llxo mlnutei , Umplro : Scrad. ItoiU'n ( Hass Arm Itullovod. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , May 23. Milwaukee won an Interesting game from Indianapolis today , playing to 200 people. Tbo weather was'co.d. Hout possod to Weldnor every ball bo stopped and the latter threw tbo runner out at first , Uout being unublo to throw across the diamond. Not a man escaped them. Score : MILWAUKEE. IMllA.VAPUMS. All H I1 A E All U I'A M'Oarr. ' SB . , 5 0 1 4 1 ( IcnlnOb. , , 5 1 (1 ( 2 2 Word."J 5 ' - ' 2 6 U ' .richer , rf , . 50200 Twllchell , If II 1 0 0 0 Menra. m. . . n 0 1 0 0 Henry , In. . . . & 1 1 0 0 U'llrleu. Ib. . 4 1 H 00 KrolK. c fi 2 2 1 1 CnrpenU-r. : ib 3 5-0 Karl. Ib 5 a 111 0 0 l.anrunco , tt 4 2 Honlib : 53002 Urreer , If. . . . 402 Hamburg rf. 4 0 2 0 U Madden , p. . . 4 0 0 Wcldlier , p. . 4 3 1 10 1 Vulun , c 4 2 : i Totals 41 13 27 SJ 5 Totals . ! ! ; 6 T 197 scour uv IN.NINOS. Mllwaukon 00220030 5 12 IlullaimpoiU 0 00000500 5 KUMMAHV : Huns earned : Indlnnapolls. 1 ; Milwaukee , 0. Two- bare blls : KrelK , ( ienlni. Tliroo-Lin.io lilt : lloat. Home run : O'llrlan sacrltlce lilts. Hamburg. Mad- ileiu Hasaon ballsi .Muliarr , Moara. lilt by pltcbor : Ward , KrclK , HumburK.WcUliiur , Carpeijtcr. Struck , onli Ward , Hoat. l.i : fonco. Stolen buses : Waid. ' 1 wlicboll , Henry , KrolK , Moara , Carpenter , Lawrence - renco , HcrKcr , Tlmo oiKamos Uuo hour and Hlty- Hvn minutes. Umpire : bnyder. Tough nn the I'ltchei'H MiNNCiroi.19 , Minn , , May 23. Today's gnmu was n slugging match. ICansas City hatted Franco out , of the box In the third and the Millers forced Hughoy to retire in the seventh. Patroit made u homo run with tho'bases full. U'oathor cloar. Attendance , 000. Score : roll , 2. HtruckotUi Hy Kronco. 'i ; byHiiuhoy , 1 ; by Corbutt , I , Wild iiltchei : by franco , 3 : by lliiKlioy. 2 ; by 1'iiyno. 2. rnssccl balls : lly .MeMnhun. Stolen biiius : N'eirnmn , . ' ; Katz. Miliinlrlc , Mnnuliii ; . Tlmo of name : Two hourn ana forty mlnutos. Uniplro : NATIONAL I.i.ViUli. 1'Icll'or and Coinlskt-y Took Ono Aploco fur tli Hay's Work. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 23. Loulsvlllo and Cincinnati played two games today and brolca ovon. The llrst gaioo was n pitchers' battle. In which Multano came out with llrst hor.ors. Mullane , inspired wltn his success In the Hrst game , thought ho could repeat Iho lout In ih'o second , but the Louisvllles got onto him in the fifth aud sixth Innings and pounacd out seven runs. Jones Ditched very effectively for Loulsvlllo. Wouthor cool. Attendance , 2,107. Score : Loulsvlllo . 00000100 0--1 Cincinnati . 0 2 lilts : Louisville , 5 ; Cincinnati , 0. Krrors : f.rmlsvllle , 4 ; Cincinnati , 0. Karnod runs : Cincinnati. 1. llattorlcs : Strallon and UOWPO ; Mulluno and .Murphy. Second garao : Louisville . 0 0005200 * 7 Cincinnati . 3 lilts : I.onUvllio. Ill ; Cincinnati. n. Krrors : ( .oulsvllle , 2 : tUncInnatl , 4. Karnod runs : l.oulsvlllf. 2 ; Cincinnati. I. Hatterles : Junus und Dowse ; Mullane and Murphy. Unulii AIIHO Chock * lIlniHuir. CIIIOAOO , 111. , May 2:1. : Heavy hitting nnd costly errors by Annon und Dalilon In the mxth and eighth gave thu Jonahs today's gnn < e. The outtlcld work on both sides and Kynn's und Duniran'b batting were the lon- tures. Weather line ; attondanco2OUO. Score : Chlc.io . 2 4 I'ltistmr , ; . nooo o a o 2 * n lilt 4 : Chlo.igo , I ) i I > ltt ljiirA 7. Krrors : Ohloigo , 4 : I'lttsbur ,11. Karnod runs : Chicago , 1 ; I'lttshnr.- . Hattorlvs : Uumburt und Kchrlvor : llaldwin and Miller. llrouin H. id u .Simp. CI.UVILAND : , O. , Mav 23. The poor worl : of Uavlos and Cuupy In tha box gava the visitors uu easy victorc today. Aitondanco , 1,401) ) . Wcaihor cool and cloar. Score : Clovulnnd . o u l l n n o 3 o > i. Louis . o ; i o 2 : i o o i o Mils : Cleveland , B ; St. Lei < ls , 8. Errors : C uvulnnd , & : at Louh. 2. Karnod runs : Hi. Louis , : L Hittcrlei : Ciinpv. U vlos und O'Cunnor ; Gluason and Huekluy. Ntopjieil liy Iliiln , Nrw YOIIK , May 211. The Uoston-Now Yorl- ' game poilponodj wet grounds. .Mourning II nl ) Colllin , Niw : YOIIK. Mav 23. The Hrooltlvns do. featcd \Vniliinitons ut ICuatern pane to.lity nftur u well nu.vud nnd exciting gamo. Tbo playor.s of both teams were crupo on their loll arim out of rojpjcl to the memory of "Hub" Coliln * , tbo prominent uuu popu lar member ot iho Brooklyn team who died on Saturday night. Attendance , 1,003. Sioro : Hrooklyn 0 Washington o 6 HlU : Itiooldyn , Idj Washington,7. Krrorai llroiiklyn. Si Washln.'liin , 4. K.irnod riin : Hrooklyn. : Washington , I. Hittorlcs : 1'ad- duck and Klnslow : Knoll and McUulru , Uuul > rr * Coining Again. HAI.TIMOUK , Md. , May 23.- The Phlludol- phln club won thu game loJuy by need and ilinciy balling. Atiund.uicc. l.SiW , Sooro : Hiltlmriru 0 0 0 l o l o 0 3 5 I'hllidolphla .ft 1 0 1 B llltn : llaltlliioro , 4 : I'hlliulclnhla. 8. Kr- rors : llii.tlnioro. T ; I'lilluOolphlu , 2. Karnod ruiix : I'li.taduluhlu , 'J. Hattorlus : Mciluhon and Itoblnitini Ki-ufu und ST.VTK LICAOUi : . Grnnd Uland 1'rocnuiU ut tha M'liinlnr ; l'iuStruck l.nnVvfk , GiiANii In.tsn , Kob. , May 2.1. [ S pedal TolcRram 10 Tins Huii.J { Jrand Island put up a line came npalnsl Kcarnoy's ' Cotton ( Jalhercrs lodny , winning with bunds down. Ho IT a1 gave iho visitors hut tbrco scratch hlls. Scovot lirand Island , . . . . 00 : i 7 KuallU-y . : . OUOOOU200 2 llaHorlcsi lloiroriuul Kuofoi OmUinu nnd 1'our Hasuhltki iiraiull.iiinil.7i Ko.iriiey.U. htriii'li outi My lloiriir. ; OaHtiino. 4. Kr- mrdi Uruiid Uliiml , i : Kcaniur , u. Two-bane hits : stratton , 2. Throo-limu hlta ; Klpp , Holler. Tlmut Ono hour und Ufty-llvo mill- utoi Uinulrut Hurt , Fremont Wlm voNr , Neb. , Mav 23. [ Special Tolo- to TIIK UEK. | The Plattiuiouth uud Fremont league teams played a good game of ball bora today to a modornto crowd , Score : t'romont „ . 2 0-0 00103 .1-0 Plutlsmonlli. . . . . . . . . 0 01010000-2 llaltorlus : Klmmol and ( Jravor ) Moycrs nnd Muupln. Umpire : I'ultndr. Standing nf the Tennis. WKSTKIIX i.cAiiun. nt. . P.P. w. fi P.O..MJ Columbus 20 6 Omaun 1 II .MJ .Mllftfitikco U n St. 1'aul 7 U Knn-n City. , 19 10 Minneapolis , , fl 11 Toledo . . 8 1U .111 Indlanapolli. , . 2 10 XAT10.VAI , l.EAni'B. Iloiton m 7 .741 Iioulsvllln ) ! > 14 .617 llronklyn . . . . 17 9 nil I'lttsburg. . . . . . III 15 .MO ChlcnKu . . . . . . . 17 19 , (311 Philadelphia. . ii : 15 . .4CIW5 Cincinnati 18 14 Ml Washington. . , IU in , W5 New York 14 U MS 821 .Z7B Cleveland 15 13 ,5.ltl Ualltmoro G 21 srATK Ilcatrlco 6 1 .Snil llnstlnK * . . .i n .600 Fremont & 3 ti 5 Plnttimoiitli 4 7 .3111 Urnnd Island. . 0 i .6IM Kcnrnpy . 2 0 .250 Unmix Today. Western league ! St. Paul nt Omaha , Col umbus at Toledo , Indianapolis nt Mil- wnultco. Kansas City nt Minneapolis. Na tional league : Mow York nt Uosion , Phila delphia nt Baltimore , Washington nt Brook- Ivn , Plttshurg nt Chicago , Cincinnati nt Loulsvlllo , St ; Louis nt Cleveland. State league : Koarnov nt Grand Island , Plaits- mctith at Fremont , Uoatrlco at Hustings. AMONO Till : AMATKUItS. Lively Oaini1'nt Up by Iho Hoys Who IMny un tha Cnir.mmis , Yesterday tha Columbians convinced the Pant Juniors that there Is something In a name. Tbo eagle screamed with frantic Joy as the wearers of tbo tollsraanto patronymic clinsed ouch other round the bases , until they bad produced n combination of which this is alleged to ho n working plan : COI.UJIIIIANS. I'AHK .HtNimiS. All II 1 * A r. All II 1' A R DnvlJ , rf 700 1 0 Jnckson. c. . . 4 0 7 1 1 " 'Mlcsldc.Sb U 3 2 4 I J. Merrill , If. II. ( Irottn , Ib U 1 15 0 0 Shelby , Ib. . . 4011 1 2 O'Connor , c. . A 3 6 1 0 Cojr. m 40000 llronn , If. . . . 400 o a Kosslar. p. . . Hmltli , < . . . . 012 o o K. Merrill. 31) H 0312 II. ( Irotto. m S 1 0 0 u HlmakTrd.rf 40000 Ilushmmi , . ti 1 1 2 o Wclbli , s. . . . a 1 2 5 1 O'DonnulUb b 1 2 1 o Schroocly , 2b. 2 0 3 0 1 Totals M 27 15 I Totals 8J ! l 27 11 7 ecoiu : nv Columbians 1 II I'lUkJunum 0 00002000-2 SUMMAHV. Huns earned : Columbians , 2 ; 1'ark .Junior * , 0. Tno-lmnublt : tmlth. 'lliroo-baso hilt Wldlosldo. Hiicrlllco lilln : Hurls. II , ( Irotto , II. ( irotto. Hush , iniiii , KvRslnr. Double play : O'Ponnell to H. ( irottc. Ilnsoon bulls : Oil llusbiimn , 1 ; oil Koss- lar. 4. I'll by ullclicr : llusbman. Stolen Imscs : Wliltoslde , 2 : It. ( Irotto. 2 : O'Connor , 2 : Ilrown , 2 : Bmllli , H.drotlc. Muslim , . O'Douncll. 2 ; Miolliy. Jlerrltt. struck out : liy lliislniinn. < ! by Kesslar , ( I. Wild pitches : Kcsslar. 1. l'n sert bulls ! O'Con nor , 0 ; It.iiolln , 0 ; .Inckion. 2 , 'llmo of Katuo : Onoliourniul llfty minutes. Umplro : O'SIalov. Down where tbo Nonpareil Juniors nnd the Cathedrals collided tbo paths" between the bases are worn knee dooo , as you may well Imuglno from this score : BCO1IK 11V 1N.NINOS. Nonpnrrll Juniors 2 0-14 Cathedral 0-17 KUMjfAKV. Huns earned : Xonpnrull Juniors , 2 ; Cntliedrnl , 4. 'Iwo-baso liltsv. : . Murphy , Culoninn , Jloxnn. Tliroo-baso lilts : Shiumliun. ' Ifuinu run : Tom Mnnnnnn. Doulilu ] ) lnra : Jlnnngnn to Colcmnn to Houan. llnsoon linlla : Oil I-cuy : , 2 ; off Dlncen , 1. lilt by pitcher : lly I.cnry , I. struck urn : lly lcnry. 4 ; by Dlncon , 7. Wild pitches : lly I.snry. 2 : by Dlnoen , 1. rusauil bulls : lly Qululnn , 2 ; by Hliaimhnn , 2. Tlmo of Kamc : Two hours and llfluen minutes. Uuiplro : T. Lynch. The Hescrves fell on the West Omnhns with donaly effect , leaving n record lllto this : 8CO11E 11V 1.V.VINO3. Hescrvc 0 15 WcstUmahu 3 3023001 0 U BUMMAHV. Huns earned : liceorroi , 8 ; West Omnbea , 3. Two- liaso lilts : Ainout , Nolan , Lyman , McQullan. Thrce-bnsoultn : Worth , Itoonoy Leggeson. Vctcr- Bon , Wullls. Homo runs : Strykor. Double plnyn : btrykc'r tu l.ymnn to Nolan , Lyuian to Nolnn. HUBO un ball : Ulf Itoonoy , 2 ; ulf SUBO , 4 ; off 1'etcrson. 1. lilt by pitcher : lly McAullflo. 1 ; by fangc , 4. btruck out : lly Peterson , 4i MoAulllfc , 1 ; llooney , l ! An derson , I , 1'asseil balls : lly Sago , 3 : by Simnnlo. I. Tlmuof itiiiuc : Two hours and fifteen minutes. Umiilroi : Uoriuun and O'Neal. Sunday afternoon the South Omaha Athlottc3 nnd Hathoun's business college nine crossed bats at Iho former's grounds. The game resulted In a score of 44 to'J in favor of the Athletics. The principal foaluro of the catnovus the homo run , on an extra long hit , by Sullivan of the college nlno , which brought Heralo In from second base and saved the nlno from n coraploto shutout. After the game tbo college boys to get even challenged to run Sullivan against anything lu South Omaha but nothing cnuld bo found to run against the kid. Sullivan's homo Is at North Platte. , Tnoy say that they will have Jobnnlo Dunn ready Tor him next Sunday but whether ho will materialize or not. . is doubtful. Score by Innings : Athletic 11053331 0--12 Katlihuns U 02000000 2 The P.irk Juniors would Ilko to play any biuo ball nlno under sixteen years of ace , In thu stato. Address all challenges to A. Mcr- rltt , 10.21 ! Park avouuo , O.r.ahn. The Arcades and Novarsweats plasoa a panic of ball at the Syndlcoto park grounds The Novorsweats were dofoatod. Follow- iiiLIs the score : Arcades 5 1 IS Novufiwuats 20800020 2 14 Batteries : Arcades , Spnulon nnd Brown : N overs weals , S.iffoldor , nndVni < ljiin. lilts ; Arcades , 12 ; Novcrawoats , 9. Struck out ; Uy Sprntlcn , 10 ; by Soffeldor , 8. Tbo Crclghton Hods Uavo organized under the iiLinagomentof Tom L.OO and will piny tbo South Omaha Athletic ; on tbo tatter's grounds iidxt Sunday. Tno following nro thoGroIuhton plnvou : O'Connor , oatohor ; Donogun , pitcher ; T. Lee , llrat base ; T. Fords , second base ; A. J.Smith , shortstop ; O'Hanlcin , third base ; Welch , right Hold ; O'Donulcl , loft Hold ; J. Kennedy , center Hold. AMONG TIIK COI.I.I.Ura. Vain Shut rrlncotoii Out In n Very Cli < ) Uitnip * . Nuw HA vex , Conn. , May 23. Yale today added another to net- list of victims on tbo diamond by winning a gumo from Princeton , the lllca of which has never holoro been soon on tbo Yale Hold. It was a glorious game , uiarrod only by ono unfortuunto nccldont imforiiinata for Princeton , but fortunate for Y&lo. The accident was the run , the only run scored In the gumo , nnd It was made by a Ynlo man. Tbo pamo was the closest and most interesting tlmt has over boon played on the Yale Held. Not until Captain Mur phy caught Utimsdcll , the last man , out in the ninth Inning was the game decided. Score : 1'rlnceton 0 00000000 0 Yiilo 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 lilt * : I'rlncoton. 4 : Yale , 3. Kriors : 1'rlnoo- tnn. 4 ; Vale. 0. Hattcrlosi llrowu and Young ; Honor * mid Carter. PniiAiiii.i'niA : , Pa. , May 2y. The Unlvor- sitv of Pennsylvania this morning dofoutcd * tbo University of Michigan t > y a score of 0 to 3. - ' ' KtbTON , Pa. , Mav i'J. The University of Michigan defeated I.a fay otto this aftoruoon uy a score of 0 to 0. ? Do Will's S&rsaparllla U reliable. In\rii Hportxiiioii III Noatlun. DBS Moixr.s , la. , May 23. | Specla ) Tulo- gnuu to TIIK Bin : . | The fifteenth annual convention nnd toimmmout of the lowaStato CJaiuu assoclutloii will convene In this city tomorrow. The annual mooting of the usao- clailon will bo hold tomorrow evening. Tbo Highland Gun club will banquet tbu sports men tomorrow ovoulng , when prominent sportsinon will make speeches. Owing to the gun club grounds being lloodod arrange- inanta have ttion made to hold tbo snoot at Valley Junction , west of the olty , ( luuil Cooking. Is ono of the chief blessings of every home. To alwuvs Inauro good custards , puddings , sauce * , oto. , use ( iall Harden "ICaplo" llraud Condouiod Milk. Dlrocilona on thn label. Sold by your procor uud UrugcUt. LONGSTREET J& ALL RIGHT Ho Proved His Prowess by Outrunning Judge Morrow in Fine Style. KINGSTON WAS tfdWNED WITH EASE Ho In Hardly In Cloud form Yol llook- ' innknrn Ilonp a Harvest tit St.T.ouU ( Inrllcld KncrTii About BS Usual Tlpsitur Today. OitAVKSExn , L. I. , May 23. The mighty Longstrcot redeemed himself today nnd ho Is once more occupying llrst place In the nf- fooilous of the racing world. "Ho nnd Judge Morrow bad a short but decisive tussle in the St. Jnmos hotel stalcos at even weights , I''O pounds , and Lonpstrcot showed his true form by running away from the Hrooklyn handicap winner and boating him by the n inning post by n good length and n half. Ton fi.OOO spectators throw their hats In tbo air ana cheered the great son of Longfellow. Taralrodo a superb rnco on the winner , although ho was favored nt the end by having n weakling In the younger Covincton on the Judgo. Iho lad could not help his mount and with a stronger finisher up Longstrcot would have had R much harder pass.igo , Tbo sport began with the defeat of Kings ton , who was sent to the post a llttlo ashort of work for a bruising raco. Tbo brown borso Is now on edge , hovovcr , nnd It will bo n , good hor.so that can bout him from now on. weather ivos perfect nnd the track In fairly good condition. Its top dressing was wet , but the bottom perfectly solid und this latter faut explains Longatrcot's good race. First race , ono mlle : Looua Well (0 ( to 5) ) won , Kingston (3 ( lo 1) ) second , Xatnnost (40 ( lo I ) third. Tlmo : 1:403 : ; . Second race , one mlle nnd a furlongsHollo- vuo (4 ( to 1) ) won , Oeorso W , (7 ( to 2) ) second. Cast away II. (0 ( to 2) ) third. Tlmo : Is.WVi. Third race , live furlongs : Merriment (7 ( to ! > ) won , Morollo fl toll ) second , Lawless lB to 1) ) third. Tlmo ; lo : U. Fourth , the St. Jiunos Hotel stakes , ono mlle and u ciuurior : Lonustreot. iSil ( Tural ) . U to 0 , passed Jtidiro Morrow In iho last furlong under the whip and won In a drive by u Ictuth and a half. .liulRo Morrow. iJii'CovliiBlon ( ) . n to . nocoiul by iwonly lengths. Kacoliuiu. 120 ( McIiiiiiRhlln ) . a to I. third. Lamplighter was withdrawn. Time : ' 'Mi. Fifth rit 'c , one mile and slxtccnlli : Toniplo (7 ( loll won In u gallop by Ilvo lengths , Julio (5 ( to 1) ) second , Tom Tough (8 ( to 5) ) third , 'llmo : Hl\ih race , ono mlle : Now or Never (5 ( to 1) ) won. St. James ( 'JO to i ) second , Count (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:4US : . Hoiivy Track ut JLittunln. CINCINNATI , O. , May 2a. It was showery today at Latonla , and the attendance was consequently not very largo. Tbo track was still very heavy and unusually poor tlmo was mado. There were no lone shot winners today , though only two strong favorites won. Tom Darling In the second race at 0 to 5 ran last all the way. In the fourth BrlUon , on Lillian Lindsay , should have como in second , but stopped rldlne about half a furlong from the wire , and old Pepnor , coming up with n rush , snatched tbo place , The last race was the most exciting of ' the day. Sir Charles was well In the lead'till within a row Jumps of the wire , when Woll.Uscd-and Belle Carter - tor ( .hot forward , botjh , passing Sir Char'os and finishing heads apart in the ordornnmed. First race , sidling , purse for S-year olds and upwards that have nol won since April 10. six fur oiigs : Orvlllo ( Iirto3) won , Lconllos (15 ( to I ] second. Nipper third. Time : l:24lf. : Second race sulllnz ; purse for a-year-olds and upwards , seven fymontis : Hod I'rincn ( SJ4 to 1) ) won. ( Jnptnln Uruno (0 ( to 1) ) second , En- guiilu fJ to 1) ) third. Time ; 1 : : i" - ' - . - > . Third nice , purse for .J-your-olds. nlnn-slx- tccnthscf a mile : LooUont (1 ( to 3) ) won , I-ay S bcccnd , Midway tlilrdIMino : r.Oiy. Fourth ruce , purse for y-yoar-ods ! and no- wards , ono mlle : The Iforo C'.y to 1) ) won. Old Popper (4 ( to I ) socond.MIIlun Lln'Uuy (4 ( to 1) ) third. Nlmo : 1:5. : ' . f * ' ' Fifth race , purs ? fop , maidens 3 years old and upward , thlrteon-slxloonths of u mlle : Well Usort (3J ( { , to 1) ) won.-Hollo Carter ( I to 1) ) second , Sir Charles fJ to 1) ) third. Time : I:3'i llooklc * ' Oay.at'jit. I.ouU , ST. Louis , Mo.JViay -U3..t-'A. well filled card of six ovpnts-\faT"doeIdeil oft a track which was favorable for,1 good tlmo , but as none of the winners 'woro crowded , no sensa tional dovcloomonts. Only two favorites landed tbo money , and'the bookies Kept the bulk of the money they handled during the aftornoou. Irene H. , who won the fourth race , wss disqualified because she was ineligible - eligible , and tbo purse was given to Anna Unco , who finished second. All bets were paid before this fact was known. First race , six furlongs : Lucille Manotto (7 ( to 1) ) won.Condor (10 ( to 1) ) second , Jim Whit ( . - to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 117. ! Second race , for U'-yoar-olds , four and one- half furlongs : Jack Kearney W to 1) ) won , \Vhltohoad (7 ( to 1) ) second , Mr. Uarnoa ( U to 1) ) third. Tlmo : M. Third raco. six and one-half furlongs : 1'hlloru (7 ( to Dwon. Uuldo(7to ( II second , In nocence (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:82. : Fourth race , selling , seven furlongs : Irnno H (5 ( to 2) ) won , Anna Race (12 ( to 1) ) second , \Vhlttler(10tolthlrd. ( ) Tlmo : lW. : Fifth race , six furlongs : Minnie Coo ( G to 1) ) won. Italia (7 ( to St soi-oud , Nellie 1'oarl (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1I5 . Sixth race , one mlle : Oonnlo Uyrd ( oven ) won , Jucartha (10 ( to I ) sncond , Hoodlum ( i to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:4415. : - - Ashluml's Driving Park. ASIILAXD , NOD. , May 23. [ Spoool ; to THE BBU. | There has been organized in this city a driving park association which has pur- nhasod thirty-five acres of laud adjoining the town and lalit out a beautiful paric and track. It is located upon both Salt creek and the Wnlioo and boat houses will bo built , making beautiful boating and diving for the pleasure soakers of this section of the coun try. The association Is composed of repre sentative business mon of Ashland and In corporated with a suniclont capital to inauro success. Work is being pushed upon the track , that racing may bo enjoyed by tbo Fourth of July. _ ( jarllcld deling Strong. CiiiCAQO , III. , May 23. Oarflold track races : First race , one-half mile : Polly Prlmstono first , Francis I'opu .second , Johnny Camubull thltd. Time : OV * . Second rucu. llve-olghtha mlle : Agglo H llrst , Salvation second , Lady lllaokburn third , Tlmo : 1:10. Third raep. one and ono-slxiconth miles : I'uzan lli-bt. Don Ton second , liluo Uannur third. Tlmo : ljSJ5 . Fourth nice , ono and ono-olnhth miles : Robin Hood llrst. 1'rolllvato souond , Undo Frank thltd. Tlino'M1. : ' . ! If tli race , throo-fimrths mlle : Hilly Plnkor- toii llrst. .Morse second , Livingston third. , Tlmo : ItSlM. _ Tlpa for Today. Following are the good things offered by the cards for the tracks mentioned ; lWOOKr.Y.Y/ 1 , I ndlzo Warsaw. < 2. Hamiuot Masterlodo. . Mlnuohiiha 1'roolda. , 4. Oharado lloau Hrumi ol. 0. Trinity Stouowaij. * t' 0. St. Murlc-SIr Artlftr. UIIICAQO. 1. Mttlo Ilnck Colo. U I'ullsudo Woodpookor , : i I ' ' 111 atOa. m. t. Kdlth llolmont Cnlumbla. D. Uobln Hood Gendarme ) , Dr.Dlrnoy's Catarrh I'owdor cures catarrh. For Hulo by all druggUti. 5u conU , Coinpiirnd with the .Sun. OMAHA , May 23. To the Editor of TIIK IlKiIn : HUhou Fostor'ji ermon , which was publUhod In TIIK llKKTMDii lay ( today ) , liu Is cjuotod as siiylnf Unit Big i mi Is liOUiiuu : times as largo as the oarthaerlh irdur to ducldo a dispute will you kluJfly a vuo me , through tin ) Tuesday mornliif ; ullti u , If thoHO dxurus are correut and who 14 tin authority oh the subject , and oblige , f\ \ A JtKAUUlU lllUhop Foster was probably speaking In general torms. As near as can bo calculated the equatorial diameter of tbu sun Is tJ.VJ,000 miles ; that of thooartU Is 7U2U.r Taking tbo earth as a unit of volume , or 1 , tbo volume of the nun Is l,24U,2S.'i ; taking the mass of the sun UK the unit , or I , that of the earth Is oDO-tbrco-hundred-and-twenty- thousandth ; taking the parth again as the unit of donslty , or 1 , the ddanlty of the sun is U.'J.'A The bldcroal rotation of tbo earth Is accomplished In twonty-throo bouri , llfty-slx lali.utcs and four uccoudj ; that of the sun is completed lu twcnty-llvo duys. In oamparlng the relative sizes of members of the planetary system , U u customary to rotor to tbo volume , by which term U meant the space occupied. You will tiolo that Hljuop Foster's round numbers were onlv a llttlo larger than tbo acourato figures , Tbo lorm mass bus direct reference to tbo weight , density relates to the relative solidity of the body , Itis dlfllcult to chooio from the llt of omluoat oitrouo- You've Read About It But you don't know about it until you have sent a trial mail order , or have personally inspected The Mammoth Stock of ' Clothing , " ; Hats Goods , Furnishing , \ Trunks , Valises _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j , _ etc. , .A ; v. Now Being Sold Out by Hellman's Administrator. You will find these to | be genuine bargains , such as you never- dreamed of in your life. The stock is so immense and the styles so varied ) whether you want a business suit , dress suit , a coat and vest , a pair of pants , a collar or necktie that you must certainly be pleased. 4 Suit Leaders 4 All the $7.50 suits are put in All the choice business suits one lot and sro at . / c ) that now used to goforgiSare $9.50 All the $12.00 suits good Just as Fine a suit as you enough for you go at can get anywhere for $20 $14.50 to $25 goes for Itis impossible to mention everything"that you can buy here at the same proportionate price. All we can do is to try to. impress upon you that nowhere on earth will you find the equal of the bargains you get at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. And you must do the rest. At the Same Old Stand on the Corner of 13th and Farnam Omaha. IVK Female WcaKness , Catarrb , Rlicumatisni , g. AND AM. " "Chronic , Nervous an ! Private Diseases. Drs. Searles and Searles Acunowlodgcd to bo the most successful spe cialists In all I'nivATi' HLOOU , Nuuvous , SKIN ANI > UlllNAllV DlSKASES. Oonorrhwa in from 3 to 0 days. Syphilis cured without Mercury. ( V1TAMTV WKAK ) , Made so by too close appli cation 10 business or ntudy : severe mental strainer or Krlofi 8BXUAL I3XCKSSUS In rolddlo life , or vicious habits contracted In youth. WKAK MBK AHH VICTIMS TO NEHVOUS DB- DIL1TV or KXIIAUBTION , WASTING WBAKKKbS INVOI.U.NTAUYLOS3I58 with BAULY UKCAY In YOUNO nnd MIDDLK AGKI ) ; lack of Tim. vigor. and strength , with sorual oruans ImpalrcJ and weokoncnocl cronmturoly In Biiproaclilni ? old axe. i WI1KN WK SAY CU11H Wo opoak from kuow- IctlBO of 1'KKMANBNT IlKSULTS In many eatos treated and cured In past twelve years. I'lTiKS. FISTULA AND HKirfAL UI.CKI13 cured without pain or detention from business. IIYDHOCKLB AND VAHICOCBLK penuniiBtitly and successfully cured. 8TH1CTUUK permanently cured , removal complete - pleto , without cuttlnR , cnuslle or dilatation , turo allected at homo by patient without a moment * pain or annoyance. Consultation free. Cull on or address with stamp Drs. Scailcs & Scaflcs. mow o nome to bo cltod as 'Eautborliy. " Any text boot : on the science will glvo you moro detailed Information on the elementary facts here sot forth , and you may rcaally accept the statements of flRuros as accurate. A knowledge of mathematics especially trigonometry will old you. although it is not essential that you should bo profound In the ocionco. You 'will ' flnd oven a super ficial study of astronomy fascinating , and n delightful way of spondlng portions of the warm , starry nights of summer. In fact , nothing rurntshos such excellent gymnastic exorcise for the mind as astronomy , and a slight acquaintance with the beautiful gems that , dot the firmament will always prove grateful. ] Thirty vears ago Isaac Cook started the colobratcd'lmporlal Champagne. Tnoy now make 10,000 bottles o day. It's extra dry. AKWH Otf lVMr.KrtO.ir. DoinuHtlr , . Portland , Oro. , has suffered from a disas trous lire. The National Millers association will moot today at OhloaRo , 111. -T. P. Mooks ol Philadelphia , Piu , n. gnost of iho Palmer house In OlilonKO , was discovered to bo 111 with smallpox. Ho has been removed to the post houso. Trunk I'lUpatrlok. who killed a man named Karly during a drunken brawl ono night lust September , will bo haiisod In the Jail yard ut I'ltlsburg , I'a. , at 1) ) o'clock this mornlni ? . The Oftoonlh and last gnmo of the chess matali was played at Now York yostorday. bhowaltor lost the game by a blunder. Inul scoroi Llpschutz , 7 | Showaltor. li drawn. 7. The rather sensational suit of Qoor o Iur- kee und other heirs of Oharloa llurlioo ucnlnst Kranklln Head , the mllllonalro inuniifaiauror and clubman of Ohloago. lias boon dismissed by Judge Qrosliain for want of cijulty. J , M. Hold , n colored initn. who was some tlnioigo ujectod from Hharp ft Co.'s pool room In UovltiBton. ICy. . because ho wus a colored man. brou htsult fordaiuagos uudor thu olvll rights law , demand nt 13.0W. At thu trial the Jury found for the defendants. The body of a MoKlroy , a Cleveland. O. . contractor. ha boon found In loko'noar fJeoimiiiowooV WIs. Ho Is thought to have bioii iiiurdorod. aiul Mary Wlndorstoln. alias lorVtoln. has boon arrcslod on BUS- Muit II oo ' plSlo'i ol 'knowing somelhlnj about bis death. Vnrclgm Thowrookof the llrar. ! ! ! " " war ship Sallnolos Is oniolttlly connrmod. The vessel was too oloto to the nhoro and struck BOIIIB submoracd rooks. The nrofootof police of 1'arh ays helms hoard nothing of the reported nrtost of Thomai O'llrlun , the notorious American bunco utooror , The Urur.lllan Rovornmont denies through Its ministers the report which has been put In circulation to thuulfoct that a revolution U In projjrosaln thoititi of Hlo Urundo do fiul. fiul.U U out of order , use Uoocuaiu'i Pllli. TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul R'y , as represented on thiV map ; ' ' ' Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Yestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6o : p.fcm. . , ar riving at Chicago at 9130 a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. . 1'OU STKA..M HEATIMO-Uo- PKO.OSALH piirtiiicnt of the Interior , olllco of Indian nttnlrs , Washington. U. O. . May U , 18'JJ. Ponied proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Stonm HoiitliiK , " nnd ndilrosjod to the Commissioner of Indian Alfalra. Washington. I ) . U. , will I ) o received at this olllco until 1 o'clock p. m. of Monday , Juno 0. 18112. for the ( urnlslilns of all necessary materials nnd labor nnd placing In position , complete and ready for nso , ono low pressure return elrculatincsteum hoatlnjt and vontllntlUR apparatus for the threu Indian school tmlidlnc.4 ut the Bhoshonu Indlun aKonoy. Fremont county , Wyo. , the hollers for said apparatus to ho placed in the basumont of ono of the building as tho'odloo may direct , Plans and olovatlons of the uulldliiKH for the ciildanco of the bidders In the preparation of bids may ho examined ut l.ho olllei ) of the "Hoc" of Omaha. Neb. , the ' Kopuhlloan of Di-nvor. L'olo. , tie ) "Tribune" of Halt Lake City , Utah , and ut this olllco. Itlddora are re quired to accompany their- bids with duslxns and siioelllcutlonsof the Hto.un ho.itlnir and vontllatlni ; apparatus proposed to bo fur- nlbhod , said designs and Hpcolllcutlnnn to ho adapted to the buildings to which they uru to bo applied. The right Is rcsorvuil to reject unv or all bids or any uurt oC any bid If doomed for the host Interest of the service. CKRTimui cnr.cicjj. Eicti : bid must bo accompiinlod by a certified chock or draft upon some United Ktatos do- tioiltory or solvent National bank In the vicinity of the residence nf the bidder , madn payable lo the order of the commUsionnr of liulliui ulfulr" , for at loust 0 per cent of the umoiiiitof the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfolted to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an awar.1 shall full to promptly oxocutu a contract , with I'ood and siimdont sureties , otherwise to ho returned to the bidder. IHUs accompanied by cosh In lieu of a eortlllud chock will not bo considered. For further Information apply to T. J. MORGAN , Commissioner. MMUilt _ _ _ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You are hereby notified that thu following described promises , to-wlt : hots H ami 1'J ' of Key's subdlvlson In loto Uanllol addition : nub lot It of lot 7 , Capitol ad dition on the south side of Karnum stn < ot and the east side of U'llh t > tr ot | nut ) lollof lot U , Capitol addition , on tl'ii south side of ilurnoy street botweanHli ( ntrnat and .Mth street ; Hill ) lot H of lot 0. Capltc-l addition , on the side of Ilarney street between Suit and 'Jlth atreolsj sub lot IU of lot 0 , UiplUil addition , on tno doutli sldo of Harnoy street between sain und JlthHtroots. have boon declared by ordinances Nos. : iO , ajOfl. : W08 , UOUl an < l aow to ho niilsancos by roiiHun of the bunkH of uurt h existing there- " 'YOU ' are hereby directed to abate said .nui . sances by bloplnt' and crndlnit down the front portion of the lotS named above so as to j wvoiit thu fallliiB. wiihtlnir or washlna of earth on t os Iowa Us udjiicimt thoroio within 15 days from I ho l lh day of May , I8J-J. orjrild mil- siin ces will bo abated by the city authorities and tlio expense tlioroof lovlod as u special lax uealnst iho property on which said Chairman of the Hoard of I'ubllu Works. Notlcu fur llldn. DKlH will ho roootvod by the city council of thu city of Hanld Olty , y. 1) . , until U o'clock p. m. , Juno B , IBDi for the bulldliiK of reservoir and luyliM of 1U.OOO feet of 10-inch east pipe. together with furnlshliiK all tha maturlaU tiuonsaary In their construction according to plaim andHpeclllcatlons on uloutthooulcoof thuolty oiiKluoorof the oily of Kaptd City , Thoiu bidding on both rosorvolr and pipe line , or upon plpo line alonn , must accompany their bids with certified chock for ono thouund 01,00 } ) dollars. These bidding on ruiorvoir alone nuiut uccompaiiy tliolr hldi with a certified check for two hundred uud llfty ( tiW ) ilollaru , ohcckH to bo drawn upon any solvent bank In rlu 1'aul. Mlnneapdlla. Omaha or Hujilu City , nnd to bo returned to unsucoesiful bidder * on the day of opening proposals. IIUIs eluill bo onolosud in plain un , volopus and shall Imro plulnly written there- oni Hid for Ktmorvolr. or I'lpo lluu or bid for both Kosorvolr or I'lpo lino. a the cnBu may bo. The city council ruiervcs the right to ro- blu- - , jukota , Dated ftt lUpldClty , liny JT. lMe-Mi83jUM ( , PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESO LUTION. Council Chamber. Omaha. Neb , May n. 1831 Bo It resolved by the Olty Council of the City of Omaha , the Mayor concurring : That permanent sidewalks bo constructed la the city of Omaha as deylgnatod below , within live days after the publication of this resolu tion , or the por.souul service thereof , as by or- dlnanco Is authorized and required , sued Hide- walks to bo laid to the permanent grade as es tablished on the paved mrcots spocltlod herein und tobo constructed of stoao or arllllclal Rton according to specifications on lllo lu Iho olllct of the Hoard of 1'nbllo Works , an ! under 113 supervision , to-wlt : West sldo of Kith St. . lots 3 and 4. bloolc C , Kauntzo & Ruth's addition , permanent grade , 8 foot wlilo. West side of 10th st. lots 7. 8 and 0 , block G , Kounl70& Ituth's addition , permanent grade , 14 foot wldo. West side of IGthst. lot 13 nnd n ! J of lot 14 , blooK 0. ICountzo & Hntli'.s addition , permanent - nent grade , II foot wldo. West sldo of Mth st. , Intsl to 21 Inolitslve , block 9 , ICountzo'H 'Id addition , pormanonl pnulo , 20 foot wide. Went sldo of Kith St. , lots 1 to0 Inclusive , block 12 , Kountzo'sU'l addition. Kast sldo of 11th st , , lot 5 , block 101 , oity.por- munent Kr.ulo , 10 foot wldo. North side of Jackson St. , lots 5 und 0 , block IC4 , city , permanent sr.uleI loot wldo. West sldo of 2Jthst. , lots , block 203JS , city , permanent grade. ( cot wide. I-.astsldoof ' 'Jthst. , lot B , block ZJIW , city , permanent grade , U foot wldo. West sldo of Mlh ht. , lot 8 , block 205K. olty. permanent snide. 0 foot wide. Kast sldo of 20lh Ht. lotfl , block 201 H. city , permanent Rr.ide. 0 foot , wide. West side of 2Jthst. lot I , block 211 ! ' , . city , permanent grado. (1 ( foot wldo. . . . South sldo of Davenport st. , lots 1,2 nnd 3 , block 77 , city , permanent ijrailo. 0 foot wldo. North aide of Chicago st , Iols7 and 8 , block 43 , olty. permanent grndo , 0 feet wide. South sldo of UhlciiK' ' > : st. . lots 2 and 3 , block 5U. oltv. pornianont grade. 0 foot wldo. West flldo of'.Mill M. . HIM foot Ufa U of 1 of lot 0 , Capitol addition , permanent grade. 8 feet % 5iU : sldo of Mth St. . lots I nnd.r , block 111 , city. ! iermunenlTadc , U foot wide. North sldo of Duvonpuil St. . lots . and S block 30 , city , permanent ( 'rude , n foul wldo. KastHliJoof sjth ht. , lot I. block 2lWi , elly , purmiinontKrudo.U foot wide. , , . , , , , West sldo of I'Jth st. . lot.1. . block 212(5 ( , clly , pormaiienl grade , II feet wldo. Kast Hide of lUth st. Iot4. blnck-l.l ! ! { . oily , permanent grade , o foot wide. Kast side of 17th hi. . 11 ' / of s VS of lot 8. bloult 50. city , permanent if null1. G foot wldo. East Hldo of 17th Ht , lots 1 mid 5 , block 10 , city , permanent crude , U foot wldo. Kast side of 17th t. lots 4 and B , block .1.1 , cltv , permanent Kraflo. G foot wldo. Uiist sldo of 17th Ht. lots , block lt)7 ) , eity.cor- iniintirrudo , 0 foot wldo. . , , ,011 i u. > West Hldo of 18th t , lots 1 and 8 , block 112 , cltv. pi'rmiinont irrailo , 10 foot wldo. Kast. side of 17th st. lot 4. block 1U. clly.por- mununt itrado , ' 'a foot wldo. . _ . . . Norlh sldo or Harnoy st , lots 5. 0 and T.blocU jaw , cltv. pormumint crado. 12 foot wldo. 'And bull further resolved. That the Hoard of 1'iibllo Works bo , and U herouy authorized und directed to cause copy of this resolution to bo published In the ollclal paper of the city for ono ween , or uo Htrved on tliuowiiers of utd lotH. amitb.it . unlesH mich ownoriii shall within llvo days utter the nubllca- lion or service of suca copy construct Bald sldowalks an boroln romitreu' , that tlio lloard to be none , tlio of I'nbllo Workscauso iliemimo MSI" ? constructing Bild Hldowalks reM'Bctlvo- ly to bo uHness d aualnst the real OHtutu , lot oi-p-H'tot lot in front of and ubuttlnKHUob Hldewulk ' ' I/AVlr3 , I'assedMava. 18W. Tresldcnt of Council ? : , Olty Clerk. S. Mayor. NOT1UK Til CONKrU'JCT SlIIKWAI.K. To the owners of Iho loU , parts of lots and real oslato described In the nuovo resolution ! Vou and ouch of you am hereby notltled to construct permanent sldowalks as required by u resolution ot the city Council and .tiavor ( if the City of Omaha , tf * * * Chairman Hoard of I'ublloVorlcs. . Oniitlm , Neb. . May It ) , 1BW. tnlHdit NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNKHS. You iuo hereby notlflod that the followliiu described premises , to wits l.otslliJandy ! .liiJ. I. Itedlck's aililltjon have boon declared by ordinance No. JuOi to bo a nulnanco by reason of thu banlu of oiirth 0l0Vi'rohorro0hy ' directed to abate .aid mil- sanco by grading down Bald bunks to about tholovolof thii Hiirroiindln-i Btrcets.su u lo Druvunt the falling or wanning of earth from saunolH ui"n ) thoSldewalks udlacont t lorKa within thirty dnys from the 14th day ( if M .y. ' will bo alnt d by tl.ij ? ody autliorltloB u poclal und tax the against oxpoiiBu the pioporly thoruof le cu - which said nuUanco existi. Dated tbUV Chulrman of the I rope i | pif r Turk JIuuiU , Benlod bids , marliort propoiials for Park Him s will borccoivod uu MI W .o'clock noon , if "l o2aili day of May. If/ . ' , for the I10JOOO.iW 23 year a pur cent , 1'ark Iloiidn ot thnolty of Unittlm , Nou. Faoh bid muvt stale price and amount nouiiht for and Include aeurubd Intoroit t datoof delivery utOmuhB , Hob. Tbu right to reject any and all bltUU re- orvod. Ilh. < iHV IHJI/ljN. wWlfllia OHTrcmuror