Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY B E ; MONDAY , MAY 23 , 1892.
Will Not Be Responsible for Acts of Lin-
colu's Police Force.
I'lrmnnt Wcnther of Yesterday Tnkon Ail-
TRiitnqo ot to 8ur\ry tlio Crop Situ
ation Work Will Now Ho
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 22. [ Special to Tun
UEB. ] In vlow of the recent decision of
Judge Tlbbotts In the pollco case , Mayor
"Wclr yesterday Issued the following procla-
motion :
The courti having deprived mo , under
the low , of nil practical control of the pollco
force I cannot , 111 Jiistico to mysell , assurno
ony responsibility for the work of tno
present force. Nearly all Us members hav
ing hccn appointed without , my consent bnd
nRninst my cmphntln protest It would bo a
mcro farce for mo to attempt to control or
direct their , nations. I trust that tlioy will
do their duty in n satisfactory innnnor and
that a full" minded public will place the
credit or censure , at tbu tuso may bo , with
the authorities who control ttiom. "
At the last mcotmp of the city council an
ordinance wus passed providing for the
election of a president of the council , nnd
dcflnliiK tuo manner In which the president
hall to elected. As It was originally
limited , the ordinntico provided that "tho
muyor and city council shall elect , " etc. ,
but before ttio ordinance was passed the
weirds "tho mayor" were stricken out. The
object of the amendment wns to prevent the
mnjor Irom vo'.lng upon the election of a
nrcsitlont In case of n llo. Mayor Weir
today announce' ? that ho will vote the
ordinance , for tlio reason that the statutes
nrovldo that the mayor ahull huvo n casting
vote upon oil questions upon which the
councllincm are equally divided. The mayor
nssorts Unit thu council can pass NO
ordinance changing thn provisions of the
At a nicotine of the Board of Education
t'ridav night the comralttco on sites and
buildings wns Instructed to call u special
election at once to vote upon a proposition to
usuo bonds to the amount of $100,000 for the
erection of a high school building. The ne
cessity for n building to accommodate the
HiKh school has been apparent for n number
of years , but the rapid growth of the city
schools and thn necessity of providing new
ward school buildings have combined to pre
vent the crcctlou of a central high school
building. It Is bcllovcd that the proposition
will curry as the petition contained 1,8'JG
names , several hundred inoro than the
requisite majority necessary to carry the
Onl Notes and I'ernoiml * .
Oni ) , Nob. , May 22. ( Special to TUB
BtK.J Ord lodpo No. 10. ) , Ancient , Frco and
Accepted Masons , hud the pleasure recently
of a visit from Urother D. P. Hawaii , 83 = ,
of Akron , Colo. , ex-grand lecturer of the
Btnto ot Nebraska. The first degree was
conferred on a candidate , nftor which
Brother Kuwait favored the ledge with un
James A. 1'atton , cashier of the Ord State
bank , toolt tlio commatidcry degrees at
Mount Lebanon cominandcry , K. ' ! ' . , Grand
Island , this week.
The Ord ISIizzard has changed bands ,
Orson S. Ilnsktll having told out to a syndi
cate of alliance olllcotioldera , Dr. J. M.
KlIuluT , county coroner , is editor. Tno
paper's name baa been changed to Orel Jour
Mrs. A. M. Hobbtns wns a delegate to the
Methodist Episcopal conference at Omaha
this week.
The improvements on the court house are
nearly completed. The interior has been re-
plastered , papered and patntod and now steps
built at the north and south entrances.
Ord is making great and substantial Im
provements this season. The demand for
houses is constant and there U not a vacant
ono In the city. At [ resent there are eight
buildings under contract , two business and
ix residence. Now roofs dot the city in all
directions aim tbo Improvements In tno way
of addition * , barns , etc. , foot up a largo
Severn I.OMS by I'lrc.
PIIIU.IM , Nob. , May 22. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] James Kirknatrick , a farmer living
two miles south , suffered a neavy loss Fri
day tileht by flre. His two barns burned
with contents. Twcnty-ono head of horses
end seven sets of harness were burned. Sev
eral of the horses were valuable animals ,
among them two stallions nnd a ii-year-old
colt. Thu loss Is particularly severe , as ho
has about 700 acres under cultivation nnd
loaves him without teams to do the work.
A threshing machine belonging to J. W.
Allen , n neighbor , wtilch was standlrg near
the barn , wus also burned. The flro was not
discovered until both burns were burned and
the tire bud cought In the grannrv where two
hired men were sleeping. "They were
owaxcncd by tbo lira nnasmoko nnd surreedod
in saving the granary containing 8,000 bushels -
ols of oats. The llro started about 11 o'clock.
The cause is not known. The insurance wns
PAiiinunr , Neb. , May 'J3. fSpoclnl Tolo-
pram to TIIU Bii.J : : The residence of Mrs.
Km in a Hiinson , on Fifth street , caught fire
nt t o'clocK this morning from n defective
lluo In nu audition. The llro department
uved the main bulmiug , but the addition
nnd conoidcraDlu furniture wore lost. The
Ions is covered by insurance.
friini I'liplllluii ,
PAIMU.ION , Nob. , May -Special [ to THE
Bnn. | A concert given by the Christian
Kndcavor society of the I'rssbytorlan cbuich
Thursday night was n complete success.
Uhoso participating wore dressed In the cos-
tumcs of 10J years ago.
Decoration day will bo observed hero with
reora than usual ceremony , the whole county
Joining In the event.
The Social Hour club had n pleasant danc
ing party Friday evening ut thn opera house
In which event several Omahu ana Soutu
Omaha parties participated.
The republican duns in this county nro
actively cngngod In organizing Sarpv county
lor the cociing campaign.
Pnpllhon numbers among her citizens a
cousin of James U. Blame , In the poison of
Itov. J. G. fapouoer. Hov. Spencer IH. how
ever. strong Harrison man und an onthusl-
astio republican.
ICImwixiil Nowi Not .
EI.MWOOP , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to
Tin : UKB.J-Lr. ) N. . Hobbs and wlfo loft
ncrq yesterday for Old Point , Vo. , to attend
the U. S. H. II. medical convention , which
convenes from the 24th to the 20th of this
month , From there they expect to co to
Washington. D. C , to visit and bo present
Decoration day nt the national capital. Thov
cxpoU to bo gene about thirty days.
The eastern district of the 'state Christian
church hold convention nt thU plico from
the lillh to the 'Jiith. Many people were
present from all parts of tbo stnto.
CI.AT CnsTBii , Nob. , May 22. [ Special to
Till ! Oui.J A quiet wedding took place hero"
Friday , Mr. C. M. Frol , ono of the proprlo
tors of the city llvory of this place , nnd Miss
U. Harries of Hastings being the contracting
parties. The ceremony took place itt the
residence of the '
groom's parents and was
conducted by Her. Dooscbur of the Gorman
( Irimtfd the I.lonnso.
JIJXIATA , Nob. , Mny23. [ Spoclnrrolouram
to THIS Uii' . | TUP city council voted three
to two Friday night for a saloon , and granted
u llccnio to Mut School , formerly of thii
place , but now of Hastings , to establish a
ntoro hero for the dispensation of spirits.
Thus ends the long light for the present
yeur In regard to a suioon.
Shut Ovvr u ( l.iiiio of Cunt * .
NOUTII UKNU , Neb , , May 2J. [ Special to
Tim Ilr.K.l Jumo.i McDonald shot Jninoi
Muion Imt night In n quirrol over a game of
curu ul the rooms of C. B. J. I.on. Mason
bled very freely. They worn tracked from
l < ru' room to Mulony'n restaurant by blood ,
wlii'ro Mason now lies. No iirroila were
1V < Jt 1'nlnt Noltta.
WEST POINT , NoU , May ! J. [ Special to
] K. A. McUftcurou hai old his
store toT. P. Mommtnger and L.Taylor ,
both of Madison , wwri
Last week F. Foddlck nicd n complaint
with the board of Insanity ngnlnst his wlfo ,
alleging his belief that she was a nt subject
for the hospital for the msuno. The board
upon examination decided hero to bo Insane
nnd Friday Sheriff Onllcn , In company with
Mrs. Horcthold Koohl , escorted Mrs. Fod-
dicit to the Norfolk Insane hospital.
. The contract for the oroctlon of J. C.
Crawford's new residence has been lot to n
wholesale lumber dcnlor nt Elkhorn , Ho In
turn sub-lot the carpenter work to John
Hoffman of thU city nnd the mason work to
AmandUo Uerr. Alex Sims has the con
tract for excavating the collar.
Annual Ccitniiiciicninont HTorclsrs of Several
Xohrnnliu Illgli Schools.
Nr.miASKACtTV , Neb. , May 22. [ Special to
TIIU BKK.J ThoannUAlcommoncomont exor
cises of the Nebraska Cltv High school were
held nt the opera homo Friday ovonlng. The
hall was crowded with admiring friends and
relatives , nnd each number of the program
was acknowledged with generous npplauso
n'ul an avnlancho of Mowers. The class of
MU numbers fourteen ton youn ? ladies and
four voting gentlemen. They are : Misses
Loin II. Burnett , Minnie II. Oilman , Mubcl
F. Gllmore , Mnttdo M. ( Johlsmlth , Mary H.
Harding , Margaret M. ICoontr , Amanda
Hodenbrock , Mubol Stafford , Norine Thorp ,
Lotta M. Wlllman , Messrs. John H. Cn'.sel.
Herbert 1C. Hershey , Marshal D. Hucklns
nnd Bert Wlllmnn ,
The exercises pasted off without n hitch ,
and the class of ' ( U is n credit to their In
structors. Following Is the procrnm :
Overture Reception Hclilcppezrol
Invocation Itev. J , C. Jucoby
Class Chorus.
Oration Looking Toward thn Sunset
Miss LnttuM. Wlllmnn
Duo KantitlMo Itrllluutu lluunonots
I'luno I Mls Miiy f-ou Thomp-on ,
I'l'ino' ' ' MKs Amanda liodcnliroclc.
Oration Mr.lio Koady , Ta' ' < o Aim , I'lro . . . .
John llurmon Cussol
Or.itlon NonQtiK od Onld
MhH Lolull. llurnatt
Eolcetlon Ornnd Koptuor. . . . ! * von lloetliovcu
Piano l--Mlssus Kodonbroulc nnd Stafford.
I'liino ! ! MISSPH ICoonU and ( illnuirc
Address .Jnines II. Cuulluld , Chancellor State
Tile OvurtiirnTancrodl Czorny
Misses ICooiilz StnlToKl , Gllmore.
( Jichcstrn ,
The diplomas were awarded by D. P.
Ilole , prcsldont of the Board of Education ,
and the exorcises closed with a benediction
by Kcv. G. 11. Moulton.
STBIIMNO , Neb. , MKV 22. [ Special toTitn
Dii.l : : The commencement exercises of the
Sterling High school were hold In the opera
house Frldny night. Mr. Jny Moore , Misses
Maud Borland , Laura Umonsottcr and Zcl-
lora Idcn composed the graduating class.
Each delivered a line oration , which was
greeted with applause , and a profusion of
elegant cut ( lowers was presented to each of
the graduates nt tbo close of their oration ,
after which State Superintendent Uoudy
made a talk to the class and presented each
of the members with a cortlllcjUo issued by
the county superintendent for ono year. The
president of the bonnl presented them with
their diplomas. After musia by the band
the benediction was pronouncc'd. Great
credit is duo Prof. Arnol for the success trf
the Sterling High school the pist year.
Hni.Ditnui : , Nob. , May 22. [ Spc-cial toTnn
Bni : . | The third annual commencement ex-
crclsos of the Holdrcgo Hlch school were
held In the opera house hero Friday night.
Early In the evening tno house was crowded ,
u creat miny having to bo turned awar.
Thcro were eleven in the class , ton of whom
were girls. All acquitted themselves credit
ably , showing the fruits of their careful
training under the suporintoudcncy of Prof.
High Wnti-r ICnpltlly Subsiding nnd 1'ros-
Are .Moro Kncoiiragln .
Nob. , May 22. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBC. ] Most of the small grain
looks nice , but not much corn has been
planted , owing to the heavy rains.
EI.MWOOI ) , Nob. , May 2i [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The lute rains have been very dam
aging to the Missouri Pacific railroad be
tween this point and Nebraska City , seT-
eral places the road bed having suntc to
the depth of live feet. At ono point , they
hnvo tilled in fifty cur loads of stone and it is
still In bad shupo. Ono place between Weep
Ing Water and Nohawkn they have to trans
fer passengers ana all baggaga and express.
All trains hnvo boon delayed from ono to
five hours daily.
CI.AY CKNTKU , NoX , May 22. [ Special to
Tnc Biu.l : Roads and bridges hnvo been
considerably damaged by the heavy rains
but the last two dnys have been ulryjand
wl tidy and greatly improves the condition of
PAUIJ.IOX. Neb. . May 22. [ Special to TUB
Bui.J : Not half the acreage of corn in this
part of the country is yet planted , and many
of the farmers nro becoming di courugod.
The majority , however , consider the pros
pects still good. The high water has suo-
sldcd wltb very little damage done.
Oni ) , Nob. , May 22. [ Specialto TnnBisE.J
The wet \\oiitlior of the past fortnight has
kept back corn planting , although a good
deal has already been planted. Yesterday
wns cold , and some snow fell , but today is
milder. Tbo small grain Is doing well.
Xcbrnxldi'ri Denth Hull.
Cox M ) , Neb. , May 22. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bui : . ] Mrs. Emory C'aloy died here
last nlirlit of heart disease. Tbo deceased
was about DO years of nuo nnd was an cs-
teotnea Christian lady. The funeral will beheld
hold tomorrow.
William Sprnguo Smith , Providence , K. I. ,
writes : "I Und Bradycrotiuo always euros
headache "
Dr. CuUiraoro. nuuust. 13.53 building1
of Ignoninoo.
The Boston Saturday Evening Gtx-
nolle tells a story showing ttmtun ignor
ance of Latin is sninotimos n disad
vantage. A young business man of
Boston had ix slight aero throat early
in the winter , nnd meeting his cousin , a
physician ( nnd also something of a
wnjr ) , ho asked him -what to do for it.
"Oh , I'll write n proscription for you , "
was the answer. Ho wrote it , and the
gentleman glanced at it before taking it
into the druggist. It road something
like tills : "Aqua pura ounces ; chlor
ide Eodlum ounces. Shako before
using , and gargle with it every half
hour. ' ' "How much is it ? " queried the
patient , as the drugcist handed him the
bottle. "Two dollars , " was the reply.
Last , week another eoro throat assorted
itself , and , remembering the ollicacy of
his llrst treatment , ho took in the bottle
to bo filled again. Another elork
waited on him , and wnon ho inquired
the price ho wan astonished by the
cheerful answer : "Oh , ivo don't charge
anything for salt and water ! " ilo had
paid $2 before lor u bottle of-wntor with
two taulesuoonfuls of salt dissolved in it.
Dr. Blrnov's Catarrh Powder for tonsil-
Ills. For ale by all druggists. So cents.
Thu llituil I'liiyml.
This story about General distorts
nicked up by the BulTalo Courier ! :
The gallant calvaryman bollovod in
having martial music on all possible oc-
casloiiH. Ho would have the b ind out at
fi o'clock in the morning nnd the last
thing in the ovonlng. Ono day when
the narrator's regiment had justcomo
into camp General Ouster ordered the
band out. The men were tired and re
ported that they had lost tlio mouth
pieces to their liidtrumonts. "Vory
well , " enld the General , "you jnnv ttiko
plclmxoaand shovels and help repair tlio
roads. You may llnd the missinir
mouthpieces whllo you are worldlier. "
It U unnecessary to btnto that the band
played soon nflor.
Vlotoriii1 * Craw i ,
Tlio crown of the queen of Great
Britain and Ireland , mailo in 1888 , has
been estimated to bo of the value of
$1,600.000. It weighs nearly two pounds ,
any comprises more than 3,000 precious
stones , of which live-sixths are dia
monds. The lower part of the band is
a row of 12'J pearls , thu upper purt of
11- ,
Omaha's Beautiful Adornment of Blossoms
and Rosas ,
Swcrt , Scrntril I'limcM 111 Their
ol < } rcnn I'luiifiiifo Derived rrnin tlio
Cultivation or tlio Hosn l.otcly
Uruutuls und Doorynrils.
' 'Tho flowers tlmt. bloom in the spring"
Imvo not bloomrd at nil comparatively
spcnldng. It is not tlio fault of ttia ( lowers
nor the "trn-ln , " wnich is usually at the cnil
of spring tlio way that Mr. Gilbert woulu
have It. Spring Itself Is the only ono to
blame for the flowers not blooinlnp. Hail
tbo bnum.i ot Ola Sol been more refulgent
niul hail the sun laid n warmer touch upon
tbo chock of Mother Eartb the ( lowers und
this season's buds would hnvo weeks IIRO
made their tlobut In fragrant tailor made
costume and a box coat In the numerous
front yards , beautiful lawns and llltlo ro
mantic parks. But no , the tcndor budi
huvo been compelled to remain In
tlio box coats in the hot-liooso
under the care and cultivation of their
chapuron , A few that were out last season
mid attracted 1.0 much attention on account
ot their highly cultured uutilovemont' ? will
agidu coino out In the tame clrclo with the
buds as soon as their chaperon of the grcon
house can trust thorn to the care of Jupltor
n Old "Jup" has been rather naughty this
season and hns hold everything buck , but
within n fortnight you will sco many buds of
opening tulips. Whoii they do dually appear
and spread ttiolr showy petals In the nun
they are the heralds of early summer.
Those who are fond of ( lowers nnd hnvo n
tnsto for their cultivation will not bcgrudpo
the euro they require , and yet a bed of early
tulips means moro labor than a bed ot pan-
When the Tulips Illoom.
I.ato in tbo full , when the last hardy an
nual hns tlroopud It head and succumbed to
the autumn frosts , the tulip bed must bo
carefully dug nnd prepared for Iho dry ,
brown bulbs thai havn been hidden In the
cellar during the summer. The soli must bo
Judiciously enriched for the nourishment of
the bulbs which He quiet until tlio llrst warm
days of early spring. When the ( lowers ap
pear , if they "nro protected from thu hun by a
light canvas , the period of bloom will continuo -
tinuo thrco or four weens. The colors are
generally better , however , if not shaded nt
all , though In this case tbo bloom is soon
over. Sometimes a single day's hot sun will
soon spoil them , though they ordinarily last
from ten days to two weeks. As soon ns tbo
stem turns yellow and Iho loaves begin to
dry , thov should bo uut in a cool , dry place
In paper bugs , ready for planting out again
next October.
The tulip bed in your garden servos a
double purnoso , for non it is ready to b3
warned over for raplantiug and you may 1111
with cannus , coleus nnd otner foliage plants
or devote It to the growth of blooming plants ,
geranium , fusubia , fever few , boponln ,
hullotropo and ever-blooming roses of tbo tea
Pass bv or throuch any of the grpen bouses
nnd tuc florist will toll you that tbo lovers of
flowers nro just now thinking about the
llowor gardens and the general boautlllcu-
tion of their plat of ground , bo It , small or
Stvoot Peui.
The cultivation of sweet pees with their
delicious' perfume bus witnin the last few
years enjoyed awido popularity. They are
the most satisfactory plants an umntour can
grow , and nro found in every color but yel
low , nnd this it is now the aim of tbo ( lorlst
to produce.
"Wo have had the striped pansies , " re
marked a Dodge street flo.-lst to a DEC rep
resentative , "and now the yellow sweet peas
nnd blue roses will probably come some day.
Every one who expects to have a row of
swedt pea climbers this summer has already
planted tbo seeds so that blosso'ms may bo
picked all summer. Seeds planted In April
will bloom about the last of Juno. This Is
the average period ot fruition , although tbo
plant 1ms bean known to blossom forty-two
day * after the sooJ was snwn. When you
plant your peas plant thorn deep. When the
little shoots are ono and one-half inches
ahovo ground mulch thorn well and bring tbo
earth up close about the roots. Ono ot my
forcmou at the Twenty-fourth street green
bouso says this is ono of the surest ways ot
securing good colored , profusu'.y blooming
plants. Another important point to consider
is strong bushing. This means brush nl
least seven fcot high. Sweet peas
requlro moro water than almost any other
llowor that is grown In tbo garden , nnd dur
ing tlio dry season they must bo regularly
and freely wot. Ono other thing , after your
plant is lu bloom , pick the blossoms every
day If vou wish your flowers to last , and sac
rifice the pods as fast us they como.
The Kssencii of Itcllnuinont.
"Don't you know that the love of flowers
Is tbo essence of roUnamcnt ? Ono of the
early thuuehts In planning an Ideal homo is
the spuco for a llowor bed or conrorvatory.
Ono of the first movements of n properly
owner is a consultation with the landscape
gardener , and ono of the constant aims of n
municipality is to institute a system of parks
and boulevards that shall bo the lungs of a
city , toward and through which tbo veins
and arturlos of u busy thorougbfuro shall
"It Is often the case , however , in cities ,
whcro tenement rows uro moro frequent
than grass plats , thnt the only place where a
woman can cxorc-iso her love for plants Is In
n window box. She fills it full with run
ning , climbing , spreading bloom , and luxuri
ates in the bright coloring Just outside her
"Thoro is ono point , however , that cannot
have failed the notice of these who have
tried cultivating a window gardon. No
matter how beautiful the boxes nro In June ,
or how well tboy appear in July , about
August they begin to grow yellow nnd the
blossoms dry up. They nra faithfully wat
ered and carefully Irocd from weeds , but
somehow the most watchful attention will
not prevent thoao plants from looking as If
a miniature cyclone had blasted their
crowth. What Is the trouble I Just this.
There were u good many of tboai in tbo first
place , for you bad an ambition to have your
particular box thaprotttoaton the street , and
you made a 11 bornl selection ; but as tbo weeks
went by and i the roots grow { stronger they
required moro nourishment , and tbooarlb in
the box that bad never been onrluhod smco
tha day it was put ) n had lost all the good
ness it over possessed. That is tba secret
of your yellow plants. Give them plant
food , glvo the earth something to vitulizo the
roots nnd your llnwors will bj rcitorod In
short order. "
Some of tbo lawns have already been orna-
raontod with beds that are undergoing n
process of fertilizing for the recaption of
plants that will ba sot out a few days later
Thuy Cultivate ) the ICoao.
Among the most beautiful flower yards Is
Ucnuty Is no
Beauty often
il o i > o n il B on
plumpness , BO
(1 licnltli. Cosmetics do not beautify ,
but often destroy n lic'iiltliy complexion.
A natural rosy nnd healthy color can
not ba hud by the tmi of cosmetics , but
only through the health of the' body
in KL'iiernl. Kecttro this result by thu use
of the Kcnulno imported Carlsbad Bprudel
Salt , i'nko it cuily in thu morning be
fore breakfast. It clours the complexion
und produces healthy flesh and color.
Obtain the genuine , which linn Bigi'iti" j
of " Kisner & Mendelson Co. , Age ,
Now York , " ou every bottle ,
that oi Mr. IIcrmna.Kiounuo on South Tenth
street. He has his ijimlenor keep his yard In
excellent condltiotvnHd bo also has n grcon
houso. ltl
Ur. Mercer also hns beautiful ground * at
the corner ot PortfrUi' and Uuminc streets ,
lie has a largo grcch'-iouse , nnd his immense
grounds nro almost a vcrltnblo flower bod.
MM. Clark Wooauihn bus nn Inviting yard
at her homo on Tblrtslxtti uoar Farnnm
streets. Her flower * tire Kept In good shape ,
making a very ntttuuivo lawn.
Mrs. J. J. Urowii , 'lit her Sherman nvcnuo
home , also hns beautiful grounds which nro
adorned by ( lower bods.
The Sacred Heart convent Is also another
clopant plnco In surpmcr on account of Us
fragrant and profuse ( lower bods.
Among others that are fond of and cultivate
vate- ( lowers at their homes nro A. J. 1'nptilo-
ton , Oeorgo A. .loslyn , Fred Nash. Guy liar-
ton. .losooh Mlllard , John A McShuno , John
M. Thurston. ox-Judgo Woolworth , Diclt
McCormick , O. M. Carter and Mrs. Dvrou
Hoed. Messrs. Carter and McCormlok have
beautiful beds of tulips at their respectively
located homes Thirty-fifth nnd Parnain nnd
Eighteenth nnd Capitol uvcnuo.
Uanscom park Is also beautifully adorned
with flowers in season , and the green house
of that place supplies the pnik with an ex
cellent assortment nnd quality of ( lowers.
All parks should bo bouutilled with ( lowers.
Jofrerson squitro would make n dazzling
llowor garden If tbo park commission wns so
disposed to make it such. With bovcnl line
( lower beds the little park could bo made
very attractive.
When the park system Improvement
begins Ills expected thnt the park com
mission , In looking ntthu parks of Omaha
ns n matter of pride , will not rest on Its
laurels until the parks are beautiful with
flowers. They would certainly bo the most
attractive feature of the park , and to como
unexpectedly upon them in the course of the
suburban boulevard drives would bo the
continual delights of n tour about the
residence portion of the city.
DoWltt's Sarsuparllln cleanses the blood
l > . * l > I C. I I Ml.
A disonso , treated na such and perma
nently cured. lo publicity. No Infirm
ary. Homo treatment , lltmnlosd nnd
effectual. Refer by permission to Uur-
liiiRton Huwkcye. Send Uc stamp for
pamphlet. Sliokoquon Chemical Co. .
Burlington , In.
On tlio Writing of Ails.
Now York Commercial : "Tho gon-
tlomun who twangs his lyre in praise-
tbo patent soup and seitttors rhythmical
pearls abroad in Iho interests of pills , "
said the business manager of one of the
big mngnzlnoH yesterday , "is n much
scoffed at individual , and the gcntlo
American humorist writes many funny
stories concerning him. But ho doesn't
mind these particulary. The knowledge
that ono has captured a broad and ex
tensive good thing aids ono to stand a
largo amount of guying with it , and
that as far as 1 am able to judge is the
position of the clever writer.
"While his moro aspiring literary
friends nro indulging their ideas ho
puts his amb.tiotr in his pocket and
corrals the almighty dollar with case
and dispatch.
"The demand fOP ofTectiv- advertis
ing is so strong that tlio slightest novelty -
olty is snapped up with avidity and very
well paid for. Hero are some instances :
"There is ono yuung girl in town who
docs brisk nnd unique full column cuts
for a number of clothing ( inns. She
turns out thrco aj week as a rule and
hitches them on .tti. sotno odd but appro
priate sub-lino.
"Ilor income' oxtromly close to
$5,000 a year , atfdjsh'o holds contracts
that will nsuro hot1 thisaraount [ annually
for sotno tinio to qohio.
"Tho man who originated tlio famous
phrase which is used in connection with
a cor.tiiin- camerareooivcd SI.OQO for
thnt ntoiip , au < lf > wiiB engaged for flvo
years onetho ' strength of it.
"Thoro 'iiro twenty men Writing rhyth
mical ads whoso income ranges from
$ ; t,000 to $4,000 yearly , and some of
them nro qnito competent , to take n
literary fall out of Swinburne- acquire -
quire the prize in almost any kind of an
intellectual cake walk.
"But they prefer individual obscurity
and a dropsicnl bank account"
"A word to the wlso is sufficient , but It Is
not always wlso to say that word to ono who
is suffering tbo tortures of a hoadurhu.
llowvcr , always risk it and recommend
Total Ifsurs of CITItS ,
TV > , . vn > DISTRICTS , rWATER
Correspondence nollcitod.
163-163 Dearborn Strnet. CHICAGO.
tS Wall Street. NEW YORK.
79 State St. . BOSTON-
( Trndo nark. )
P &
The nbovo brands of clo\os lor stile by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th unl Dou ltu Stj.
To the owners of nil lots , purls of lots nnd
real estate alonit Ioirlnn utruet from 10th to
.Hith HtreetH , and Intoraeotlnv HtiixUs and
alleys aa follnHHi 'Ki-wIt ; ITlli xtreot from
alley north of KnMtGii t > trect to DodKO Htrvet ,
ISth Ntreot froii/pliiiiiiii | / ? | street to Dodiiu
btroet , lUth Hticoi from I'ariiiini to pmlue
street to'.Mill - s'rcctt *
You uru hereby notllluil that the iiniler-
sluiiud , tluco dlslntoretili ) 1 fruuboldem of tbu
city of Oinuha. have been duly appolnto.l by
the mayor , with tliuauiirov.ilof thuelty connell -
ell of liind elty , to nsio s the damiiRO to the
owners respectively of the property affected
by llio cliiitiL-o of uriidoof Douglas street from
intli stroot. to 'JJth Htreet anil Interheotlir
streelH und alleys , ileoltinil iiorusiary by or-
dlnanve Na 1HI , passed M jv ; i , Is'.r ' , uiroved | ]
May 4. J > UA
Von are further notified thai , having nc-
ccpted sitld appointment and duty ituullfled
us requlreil by law , wn will , on thuMlhl day of
May. A. I ) . IK'ii ' , ut the hour of two ( ' . ' ) o'clock
In thu afternoon , ut the llnllilurs uxdiaiui *
room. New York l.lfu biillulni : , within the
cortTorate limits of sulil olty , meet for the pur *
pOMiof ronslderln ? and miikliiK the assess *
inent of dainaKu to the owners rospentlvcly of
s ltd property alfeuted by H'lld ulianeo of
irradu. taKliiit Into cuiibltloratluu Bpeolal beno *
You aru iioreby notified to bo pro < en.t at tlio
time and place ufores.tld and IIIUKO nny ou-
jeetloii < tooritutemonls cuncernlni ; said as *
m siuoiit of duiuuxrx ax yiui may lonnlder
lirouor. \V. J MiMJNT.
U , ( i. IIASSOTT.
J , WAI.TUU I'll KM' ? ,
Commltluo of Apuralm-rs.
Mar 13 , 16'Ji M IbU lUt
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever proi
cluccd , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , its
manvoxcellcntqualitics commend it
to all nnd have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for nny ono wno wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
DR. MILES' I IF TOU hare onj of tin following
roBTHt 1 + 4 4 LOOK OUTl
Is a lafennil tella
ble remedy fur Pal
pitation of Heart ,
1'am in Side , Asth
ma , Short liieath ,
Fluttering.Dropjy ,
Oppression , \Vind
Inblomacli , Irreg
ular 1'ulse , < ; hok-
ing Sensation in
'Ihroat , Uneasy
Sensation in Chest ,
Smothering Sibils.
Dreaming , Night
mare , Jtc. ( let Ur.
Allies' book , 'New
and Startling Pacts,1 FREE AT ALL DRUGGISTS.
For i-aln by Kuhn .t Co. . ISth nnd Douglas : !
people know that the products
not only the celebrated YALE
LOCK , in over three hundred
different styles , but the
Door Locks ,
Padlocks , Cabinet Locks , Ait
Hardware ( in brass , bronze and
iron ) and every variety of artis
tic metal wnri- ? Ask for YALE.
To the owners of all lots , purti of lota nnd
rnal urtuto nloiiK the alloy In block two [ 2 [ .
"Itllowlld , " from Ur.uit street to Spruce street
In the city of Omilm. :
Vou UTJ hereby notified tlm * the undcr-
sluned. three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Oinulin , have Been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of the o ty
council of svlil city , to nss sa the dmnaso to
the onnurs respectively of the property af
fected y the cradln : of the alley In block
two (2) ( ) . "Idlowlld , " from Grant street to
Hpruce street , declared neccssury by ordi
nance 'Hit. pissed April 12 , A. D. lo'J. ' . ap
proved April H. A I ) . 1S02.
You are further notified that having accept
ed said appointment and duly nmillflod as re
quired by Inw , wo will , on the i-'Ilrd day of
May. A. 1) . IMC , nt the hour of ten [ 101 o'clock
In the forenoon , ut thu olllco of T. C. Itrtinnor ,
room I , Ware block , within tlio corporate 1 m-
Itaofs till ulty , m jot for tno purpxo of con-
B.dcrln ? und making the assessment of dam-
atu to the owners respectively , of said 1110-
porty , alTueted by said uradlnv , UiKing Into
consideration special bent'llits. If any ,
You lire notified to bo present at the time
and plucn nfores'ild. anil maUo any objections
to or statements conccrnlir. . ' . said assessment
of damages , as you may consider proper.
.101 IN K. KIAU1C.
JOHN W. KOIllilNy.
Committee of Appraisers.
Oniahn , May lltli. 1&2. ml2.IIUt
o il dorian , d-
Week of May 23rd.
One Dime. Hourly Shows.
Union Stock Yards Company
eit cnttlo. hos and bhaup tnavlcot In the wcit
fl flMUIll Write to thU house for cor-
U. UJlAIhl | root Miriest Kaports.
Wood BrotheW ,
Eouth Omaha Telephone 11' 7. - Chicago.
J. 1) . 1UIIISMAN. I
W. K , WOOD , f SlKnngors.
Market reports by limit and wlro cheerfully
furnished iijioii itppllcatlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcaco , H'tbtHt. Lonls , Kansas City , b'outli
Oniahn , floux Ulty. l''ort Worth.
A. Crlll , W. ! ' . Uoniiy. 11. K Talliuail.-o ,
CliloiKo. IloKt-uluimna. t'uttlo cinloinmn
Crill , Denny & Company ,
Live fatuclc CouiLnlnlon. Iloom ' . ' 7 Kucltnutt IllJ't ; ,
Uoutli Omulin.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
Maud W Exchange llulldlnHontli Omaha.
Correspondence solicited and proaiptlr annworj'l.
fcpottal uttunllua to ordnr fpr Btockom A fi-fdur * .
Eitabllilicd , IfidL . . . IncorporatoJ , 18JJ
Capital fully paid , IW.IUJ.
Waggoner I3irney Company ,
Wrlluor wlro in for prumpt and rullaulo uinrkot
rc'porti. ,
Perry Brothers i Company ,
I , Ivo Stock Commission.
Itoom 91 KxchaiiKU Iliilldlnv. t-uutli Omaha.
Toiophono 17u7. _
G.usman & Dudley , Mi II , Hogarty & Go , ,
Hooms co nii'l nj , Kx- Koom
chatu'ullulldlny. llitllilliik' .
South Omulin , - Nub South Oniuliu , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The onlr bank at tlio xnrdi , Capital and inr-
plun , f JjU.lMI. Colloctluiu utowlut' uut uf thu llvo
ktock buvlnokB ihould bo Bi-'at Ulroct to thii bank.
cun Uupoilt/ur cr JHuI Uulr tiowu b ak
our matliod. Written KII irintn.i to tilisaltttoly
IMIIO all klnUnf KUl'L'UltK of liolli oxm ,
without the USB of knlfo or hyrliuo , no nut-
turof how long standing ,
The 0,11 Miller Company ,
807-303 N. Y. Life Building Omaha , Neb.
Onicoi Di'iivor , Oolo. ; Olilc.uo. . HI. : HI
l.oulH. Ma , Detroit. Mlcli s Mil * i il < oj. Wls
Den Molnnr. In. : H.vtt h i cu Oily , UUi ; I'oro
nnd , Ore. ; llntto , Monu.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb
MANHOOD RESTORED ! ( I "Norvo ' the Bold vrowlor with n
ten Biinrnnloe to ourn nil nortoui diseases , ucli ( is JVciik Mcinbrr ,
iMttnt llriiln I'owtr. Ilcuilocha.Vaknfulnen. . I/o t Manliuml. Nlnjitlr Unili-
( Ions , NorvnunnoiB , LunnHuilu , nil drains and lo of power of thu ( Icnrrat > o
Urearu In either lozcauso'l ' Uf overorcrtton , youthful crrom , or i'itc' ilr
/ , Ufoof tohncro. opium or stimulants which aoon lenil In InllriiillLcmiuuip *
Ulon nnilliisnnltr. I'ut up convenient to carrr In vo t pocki't. ol pvrimct *
auo lyr m.ili,0 , lor K. With ovcrjr i nnlcr w ' * y ayrhlfn. ? " ] , " ' " ? ' .u :
uKrouBAXDirTtuvuxa. QTrtfundthemontv. Circularfruu. AddressA'crvoo t o , , culcugu ,
Kor snlo In Omaha by Shorinan & McC'oniioll 1C13
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Ollice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent ,
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent ,
Or llix IJiiuur Habit I'unllltrlr CurcU
by uUiiilnUtrrlnir llr. llulurii'
( JulUcu SlMTlIlc.
It can ba idvcn In a cup of ooflco or 1 < , or In faod.
withouttheknowledffeotlbi t llonl. Itliataolulejr
liarmlcBt. and will cffeol it ptrraanrut and ipecdy
ture. whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
anafoouoliovrreok. Itbta toeniilven In tliouiaadi
of oaicr. and In evary ln tanoe porloct euro liaa fol.
lowed. JtiirrcrFMlU Tbaayalcmolioelinprriinated
with the fp.oino. Il b.oorot. an uller luipoBilblllly
for Iho liquor appetite lo ellat. M'Koiriu w > . . I'0 ? ' - " ? . ' ! " " . " ' , *
4U patfe book of partloulara free. To be baa 01
Kuliti A fo. ! . IStli and DouBJas Ht . . anaiSth *
Uiimlii Hls. Wluilu : tle , lllake , Iliucu fi ( Jo
und Uli-h irJxoii Drm Co. , Onrina.Nelx