Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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The Grand Rapids FUrniWre Manufacturers ,
The Chicago Stove Foundry And
The Philadelphia Carpet and Rifg Manufacturers
Fifteen car loads of samples of Furniture , Carpets , Stoves. Rugs , Curtains , etc , , from the best manufacturers in the east , have just arrived ami
will be placed on sale tomorrow , and will be offered at about one half the cost to manufacture. Such an opportunity to purchase for one
dollar -what you would ordinarily pay three dollars for , so seldom occurs that it should be taken advantage of by everybody
contemplating furnishing. This sale lasts posititively one week only , and no goods will be sold to dealers.
Baby carringcs , worth S & 00 , sample sale price , SO OT > > Stair carpets , worth 40c , sample sale prlco l-lo
Baby carringcs , worth 10 00 , sample sale price , 5 00 Rag carpets , worth COc , sample salo.prlco 2Sc
Itnby carriages , wortli IS 00 , sample sale price , 1) ) (50 ( Ingrain carpets , worth 40c , sample sale price ISo
Iceboxes , wortli , worth 8 60 , sample sale price , 4 20 Linoleum , worth OUc , sample sale prloo ; tc ! )
Kotrigoraiors , worth 15 00 , sample sale price , 0 25 Door units , worth 05c , sample sale price 21c
Icecream freezers , worth a 60 , sample sale nrico , 1 SO Hassocks , worth SI 60 , sample n/ilu / price
Water cooler , worth 4 00. sample sale price , i s.- > Brussels carpets , worth 1 00 , sample sale price 4Sc
Liawn mowers , worth 8 50 , sample sale price , 4 75 Body Brussels , worth 1 75 , sample sale prlco ! )8c )
Chamber suits , worth ] 8 00 , suinulo sale price , 0 SO Velvets , worth 2 00 , sample sale price Hoc
Chamber mitts , worth 2 50 , sample sale price , 12 50 Sham pillows , worth 200. sample sale price Hoc
Mantel folding beds , worth 13 50 , sample sale price. 7 SO Pillow shams , worth 100 , sample sale price 25u
Upright folding beds , worth 25 00 , sample sale prlco , 13 SO Window shades , worth 1 00 , sample sale price 28c
Uedstonds , worth 3 60 , sample sale price , 1 60 Silk curtains , worth . - 4 00 , sample sale price 8 1 10
Mattres-'cs , worth 2 60 , sample sale price , 1 75 Silk tapestry table covers , worth 2 50 , sample sale price 10
Springs , wortli 3 50 , sample sale price , 1 50 Lambrequins , worth 50c , sample sale price 2to
Extension table , worth 7 50 , sample sale price , 3 05 Table scarfs , worth 2 00 , sample sale price OOc
KHchon tables , worth 2 00 , sample sale price , OUc Art squares , wortli 850 , sample sale price 3 50
Kitchen safes , worth C 60 , tamplo sale price , 3 40 Skin rugs , worth 5 00 , sample sale price 2 50
Uoolf cases , worth 112 50 , sample sale price , 0 125 2,000 yards remnants ingrain , worth 1 00 , sample sale price HOc
aecrotaries , worth Ill ) 00 , tamplo sale price , 17 60 2,000 yards rcmnan ts Brussels , worth 1 00 , sample sale price 4lc )
Combination library cases , wortli 33 00 , sample sale price , 17 50 Rugs , worth 3 00 , sample sale price 1 50
China closets , worth 30 00 , . sample sale price , 14 50 Parlor suits , worth 40 00. sample sale price IS 60
Reed rockers , worth 3 60 , sample sale price , 1 50 Parlor suits , worth 50 00 , sample sale price 27 50
Rattan work stands , worth 7 50 , sample sale price , 3 25 Plush rockers , worth 15 00 , sample sale price 7 50
Hall racks , wortli 15 00 , sample sale price , 7 50 Plush arm chairs , worth 12 60 , sample sale price 0 25
OIllco desks , worth 10 50 , sample sale price , 5 25 Plush divans , worth 15 00 , sample sale price 7 50
Uurcaus , worth s 12 60 , sample sale price , C 25 Single lounges , worth 1060 , sample sale price 4 75
Parlor pedestals , worth M 00 , sample sale price , C 75 Bed lounges , worth 13 50 , sample sale price 7 60
Lilbi-ary tables , worth 850 , tamplo sale price , 4 50 Pjush chairs , worth 2 60 , sample sale price 1 20
Mirrors , worth 2 00 , sample sale price , 75o Gilt reception chairs , worth 450 , S'inipio sale price 2 50
Quick Meal gasoline stoves , worth C 00 , sample sale price , 3 25 Gilt rockers , worth 10 60 , sample sale prioo 4 50
Quick Meal gasoline stoves , worth 8 50 , sample sale price , 4 75 Corner chairs , worth 15 00 , sample sale price 8 50
Cook stoves , worth 12 50 , sumplo sale price , 7 50 Cane rockers , worth 3 00 , sample sale price 1 25
Ranges , wet th 40 00 , sample sale price , 10 50 Plush rockers , worth 8 50 , sample sale price 4 50
Wrought steel ranges , worth 03 00 , sample sale price , 42 50 Parlor cabinto .worlh 50 00 , sample sale price 19 50
Sideboards , worth 20 00 , sample sale price , 12 50 Onyx tables , worth 20 00 , sample sale price 0 50
Comforts , worth 200 , sample sale price , 85c I ron beds , worth 10 60 , sample sale price 5 25
Blankets , worth 2 50 , sample sale price , 1 25 Invalids'adjustable chaira , worth 40 00 , sample sale price 22 50
Bed spreads , worth 2 50 , sample sale price , 1 25 Brass tables , worth. . . 750 , sample sale price 3 50
Pillows , worth 75c , sample sale price , 1 50 Center tables , worth 3 50 , sample sale price 1 75
Curtain poles , worth 50c , sample silo : price , lOc Child's rockers , worth 1 25 , sample sale price 50c
Cradles , worth 3 50 , sample sale price , 1 50 Children's folding beds , worth 7 50 , sample sale price 3 75
Hall chairs , worth 7 60 , sample sale price , 3 2.5 Lawn chairs , worth 4 50 , sample sale price 2 25
Lace curtains , worth 2 60 , sample sale price , OOc Lawn settees , worth C 00 , sample sale price 2 00
Portieres , worth 7 50. sample sale price , 3 50 Whatnots , worth 5 Of ) , sample sale price 2 40
Irish point lace curtains , worth 10 60 , sample sale price , 4 75 Ladies' desits , worth 1200 , sample sale price G 75
Dinner sots , worth 12 50 , sample sale price , 0 50 Ladies' desks , worth 2060. sample sale price 10 50
Teasels , worth 7 50 , sample sale price , 3 75 OIllco stovcs ( worth 260. sample sale price 1 25
Hanging lamps , worth - . . . 4 00 , sample sale price , 1 75 Rovo.ving ollico chuirs , worth. . . . , 750 , sample sale price 3 50
Decorated stand lamps , worth 200 , sample sale price , OOc CholTotiiers , worth 16 00 , sample sale price 7 50
Toilet sots , worth 3 50 , sample sale price , 1 75 Billiard chairs , worth 5 00 , sample sale price 2 75
Banquet lamps , worth 7 50 , sample s.Uo price , 3 50 Card tables , worth 7 50 , sample sale price 3 50
Piano lamps , worth 20 00 , sample . = ale price , 9 50 Folding tables , worth 1 75 , sample tale priea OOc
Stop ladders , worth 2 50 , sample sale price , 1 25 Bamboo tables , worth 3 50 , sample sale price 1 50
Wood pails , worth S5c , sample sale price , 12c Miibie cabinet , wortli 750. sample sale price 3 50
Wash tubs , worth 1 00 , sample sale price , 4Sc Wai 1 pockets , worth 1 5'J , sample sale price OOc
Wash boilers , worth 1 75 , sample sale price , COc Medicine cabinets , worth 4 00 , sample sale price 1 75
Dairy pans , worth I5c , sample sale price , 4c Hanging cabinets , worth 12 60 , sample s.ilo price 4 75
Cots , wortli 1 75 , sample calo price. OL'c Bullets , worth 15 00 , sample sale price 7 50
Walnut clocks , worth 7 50 , sample sulo price , 3 50 Hat racks , worth 2oc , sample sale price 7c
Parlor mantel clocks 15 00 , sample sale price , 7 50 Oak blacking oases , worth 3 50 , sample sale price 1 50
Steel engravings , wortli 7 50 , sim'plo sale price , 3 50 Patent folding chairs , worth 200 , sample sale price OOc
Imported etchings , wortli 15 00 , sample sale price , 0 50 French plate mirrors , worth 5 00 , sample sale price 225
Oil paintings , worth 5 00 , sample sale price , 2 50 Silver plated knives and forks , worth 0 50 , s unplo sale price 3 00
Plush collar nnd cull' boxes , worth 2 50 , sample sale price , 1 25 Carving sets , worth 3 50 , sample sale price 1 75
Plush work boxo ? , worth 2 60 , sample sale price , 1 25 Bread knives , worth 75c , sample sale price 25c
Plush lined shaving sots , worth 5 00 , sample sale price , 2 25 Silver plated butter knives , worth 100 , sample sale price 85c
Plush lined toilnt sots , worth 300 , sample sale price , 1 50 Silver plated sugar shells , wortli 1 00. sample sale price 35c
Manicure sots , worth 7 50 , samylo sale price , 3 75 Oxydisted silver card tables , worth 20 00 , sample sale price 0 50
Lace bed sots , worth C 50 , sample sale price , 3 25 Wardrobes , worth 15 00 , sample sale price 8 50
Just Claims Allowed.
Complaints Heeded.
$10.00 worth of good , $1.00 per week or $4.00 per month' Courteous Treatment ,
$25.00 worth of goods , $1.50 per week or $6.00 per month. i ' No Misrepresentations.
\ Bed-Rock Prices.
$50.00 worth of goods , $2.00 $ per week or $8.00 per month \
. Easy Pasments.
$75.00 worth of goods , $2,50 per week or $10,00 per \ Enormous'Business.
\ Small Profits.
$100.00 worth of goods , ' $3.00 psr week or $12.00 per \ Satisfaction Guaranteed.
\ No Interest Charged.
$200.00 worth of goods , $5.00 per week or SJO.OO per No Trouble to Show Goods.
No Name on Our Wagons.
Special and most favorable arrangements made for larger
We sell on our easy payment plan and deliver daily to South Omaha and Council Blufls.
[ Open Monday and Saturday evenings only ; othenevenings we close at 6:30. :
V i
Annual Order Business $100OOO.OO ,
Our mall oi'doi * ilopiirtmont is cnnstnnlly growing in popular favor , nnd the
ordnrs wo nro daily receiving is simply enormous. Wo gimrnntoo to fill nil mail
orders sntisftiGtorily. Our out-of-town customers may depend on the most accom
modating kind of service. Wo nro always glad to answer any and all inquiries ,
and can safely promise that with our facilities for purchasing and handling such
largo quantities of goods as wo arc now doing , we can most certainly furnish hotter
styles , newer and in every way more desirahlo goods , at much lower prices than it
is possible for you to obtain of your local dealer , in these United States .
DO YOU llro at a distance ? Ecnil
.Hun-cent * tnmp * nnd you will I
receive br return mnll tln > Inrco t
catalogue of lloil o KurnUhliu :
( iuuils In the United StiucvV
imy freight JUO mile * , Samples of
Carpets. i
wo fur-
Willie the rich
est residences " \roU lAN orrtor br mail and 1)0 as
In our largo 1 well served ai thoiiKh > ou vis-
cities , nnd hnvu tlio Hod our Mure. Goods mo * e ed up
largest assortment In Imrliip * , stuffed with llxcclslor.
of art fmulture , la nnd rcnch you In perfect condition ,
high urado goods tn turnover Brent tlis distance.
bi ! found In the entire -
tire West , wo wish to
rettornto the fart
Unit our proat prldo rpllK People's Mammoth Imtatl-
is In lui nulling low L incut House IA ono of the lam-
nnd inodlum priced on nnil moU reliable o tatjllih-
menu In the U S. mid our readers
goods. When % \n ran
may roljr ( in tliolr foods , their
give a man a
poor mid their service.
better chair for $1
tlmii ho can got easter
or wo-it for the
money , wo are happy.
MAN SAID : "No home In these
United Blntni curries nt nil
tliuei fur Immuillnto delivery mich
agrcit n sortnientof Carpeti. Dra
peries mid ItiiKH ni dOM thu nldo-
nwnko. progressive. People's .Mam-
moth Installment House , nnd at
popular prlo34 , not only Just now
but always. "
rjOOPSSOIJ ) on our pnrtlnl pay-
V.J montplan nnyh3ro till * aide
of the Pac'ltla Ocem. One-third ,
one-fourth , or onu-llflh down , Dal
unco monthly. Ono jirlco to all. YOU AREafa-
IP thor you will
know , or If you
do not , you
Hhould li'iirn Imme
"Opcrsonj ordering by mall over diately , tli tit the
-I * piild moro for nn article than ts Kro itest pleasure
ch.trKod ni8tom3r * who vlalt our I you can K'VO ' your
stnru. Wo pay frolKht 100 miles. wlfo Is to appreciate
nnd lavish your nf-
fuutlons upon her
baby , nnd la there
I ) KMKMIIKU , wo keep everything anything a mother
.iV lined In the home , from the up dotes on woru than n ,
per northoaat corner of tt.o attic to loiutlful ; : Itiiby ( Jir- :
the lower ooiuliwojt. corner of the rliiRo ? Wo are .iRonts
collar. for Miu Central C. r-
) | itKO Co. of UhloaKO ,
who nro to Ilahy Car
riages wlmt llrows-
OUR Mall Order Department hai tor & Co. of Now
three stenographers and typewriters - York are to rend ve
writers fur the nolu purpose of hicles , the host goods
nnswcrlnc explicitly and promptly In the world.
all communications from our out
of town customers.
your opinion toll you that HOUSnwiKl ? , nro you uot In need of
DOES IlKht or any other lUht GOOD Set7 Itumumbcr have ICng-
Is superior to korosuno for library ' ' "
IMi poods If you boll 'em they don't "crack
or Hlttliu room ? If so ploiHO : le , " thav don't "era/ " . " If you baka 'em they
cliuigo It. for " oil. " Kerosene " " don't " . " If
you are "away - < lent "craoklo , they "crn/o. you use
sono Lamps have hucn .HO much Improved them for 10J yours they don't "cracklo , " they
during the hint year or ho that combus don't "craro./
tion Is now almobt pnrfent. Particularly They are vltrllled. What does that moan !
If you iibo oui-KOUHKSTEK KAMI'S. The It means fiat If a chip falls ( ill ,
wick Is scarcely hiackuned from ono lualns wlilto and Imporvlous to itroaso. Ko-
wuok'Rond mcmlior also that our KiiKlUh Roods nro as
to another. It seldom
cheap a the much Inferior American makes ,
trlmmlnx , simply neuds to he wiped off nlitcli Bomatlmei looks nolnvltlnx. Wo have
occasionally with a damp cloth. Knxilsh Dinner Huts from ( SUJ upwards , and
Tea Sets from JJ.75 upwards.
TASTR docs not cost money.
UrrMIKPROI'MrS-has fairly onrnod GOOD host dressed girl In Omaha
I Its reputation of having the lun- hpoiuls a very Kina.ll amount for
I rst , choicest and most complete her wardrobe. Wo can miiko your
line of Carpets In the entire nest. homo or any room In It "a thliiK of he.iuty
In rich poods wo are Leaders , and In low and a joy forever. " The col will ho but
and medium priced goods there Is no a fraction of what you proh.ilily oxpect.
stock In Chicago or west of Now York ( BO If yoc are uninitiated nloiiK tlioso line * ,
drummers siy ) that will compare with or If you have been the victim of homo
on IB. unprincipled merchant who charges you
Howl or call for our "CARPET TALK. " fabulous prices , while the most Important
nnd avail youmolf of a liberal carpet ed P'irt of your purchase proved to be your
ucation. In fifteen minuted you will education.
know more ahnut cat pots than you have
ever learned during your life.
Write for Samples of Carpets.
Write for Samples of Dinner Sets.
Write for Special Baby Cariage Catalogue.
Write for Special Refrigerator Catalogue.
'S tor
If the goods are
not satisfactory and The Yon have an iron-
claims.'S Furniture , Carpet and Stove House
as represented , coie cald guarantee of fair
to us and we will al IOST treatment , as onr motto
low all reasonable ,
claims. 181S & 1317 FARNAM STREET protects you