THE OMAHA DAILY BRE : SUNDAY M NT 22 , 1S92-SI\TEENT PAGES. 13 A BREEZY SPOR1 KG BUDGET * How the BMtlers Have Performed at the > But and in the Field. AMONG THE HORSES AND HORSEMEN I * * I Tim rnniniK Tnc-nf-Wnr Th * OllitunrrliiE IVlinel Thf Itliiatlirr * ' Y lp. and ft ItuireMilnc Orldt of Ciruvral lornl f-jxirt. VERY base ball crane und onthuM- ait lores to pour over tbo figures tbnt give tbo players tboir standing , and , below will bo touna tbo batting and fielding ax-eragct as well n& otnor inter esting statistics of the Omabus up to tbe beginning of tbe present botno series. The cxbiblt at the bat U below wbat it might be , IColly be- Inp the only man to reach the . 00 mark. The tbotving In the field is excellent. IIXTT1SO riLI.DIa Tlio l.iniK lilt IliTiiril. Thc > Omanas loag hit rucord has been 1m- piovod but little since ray last report , nnd shows a dlscouracinc paucity ol double , tnnle and quadruple drives. Hero it Is up to duto . D hues. 3 baps. 4 Holly Jttiwu VicUtiry C nil ) ] ] noiiopy Visnur Totul 30 IVJiiU lliiriHliurn lln\c IHmr. Iho turoo pitctiors UD to date have acquit ted tbomsulvos us lollows : O U.K. . O. W. I' . H. B. VlcKcry . B " 5 15 ° % Haiidluoo . . . . G IT 21 1 3 Darby . . . .4 10 27 0 1 In two games both Darby aau Handiboe tooit part. _ Cmlui.itnVu > ATt-ary. Von don't ueed to look at the Scoreboard to toll how the garni 1 going whoa Mil waukee plOTR. Just look at Cushmau. If bis deroy is wished back as far ns it will go , you may know that Milwauueo is winning. On ibe otlior band , should the B cowers be "under tbo hatniuer , " Cusb can't get his hut down over tils cars tlgnt onouch As each succeochnc billow of tno tide rolls over tbo team , Cusb yanks the bnt doxvn a little closer , until 11 quite often is ncccniar. } to cut Lolefa In the crown so be can nreathn. Such was tno cnso Inst Sunday and Mondn.v at Milwaukee "Wbon Tlckerv nnd Sohrivcr jumpoa to Chicago last season , the former bad J40 coining to Him from tbe Milwaukee inuuucenient , una Vic romemborcd it , too. Last bunrtny Cusn sat on the bench and glared things , no drrod not SDCUK at VicUory. "Say , ( Jush how about that 40 ! " insinuate ingly ased Vickery us Twitchul ! smote th uir thiea times. Cush proani'd. Up came lone Howcrc Earl , nud a htllo funco to Rowe re tilteu. "Do I got thu-SO , UusbC' asked Victory. \Vbut the Blowers' boss smd wouldn't loon pretty in type. And to the game wenl on. When tbo last man was out Vickeiy ottered to glvo Cush- receipt in full "It's worth 40 any day to see j our beoii Cot small fuougb to go into your hat , " he said. And Cusnman ucain indulged in some Inncunge likf a barbed wire lenca. The nrxt dET the hat was down over bi : eyes nciiin. Alouc near the real warm par ) of tbe ecmo Howard Earl dropped a turowc bull "Costs von HO' ' " snrieuoa Gush , and thet be muttered to himself , "that makes Bl on tbe tvo days " He'll need that much to buy new bats he fore tbo souson is over It might not be out of place to remark the' Captain Twitcholl almott regretted bavui ( tnueu tbo "euro " Omaha's visit made bin more u cnrinc-bs than nnyttiitip Hint has bop Einco he pitched ngaiust lncolu IBS' The Art of Sucilllcinc- Thcro in but ono man on tbo Omaha lean who can bo called a good Kacrillcis hitler , tna is a man who can rualio u uacritlce when hi delibcrAtely sotK about U , and that man ii ais Shiobock What I call a sacrifice is ai I iutlold hit , so p'acod ' that a basi runner may advance without & pos tiule chance of putting him out No man uan intontionully place a sacriflc in the outiiold. If tie hits the ball hard , h is trying ns much for a safe us a EucnUcs und no plujer can convince mo to the con trurv. True Biicriflcing is ouly accomplisho Uiroucb the art of buutmr , nnd how ie\ plujcirs thuro are that can neatly exocut this little plooe of Btrntogic stick work Slui'bock U about tbe only man among tb nustlors at all qualified in tbis partiruta Bpecialty. Any plnyer who can bat a littl bit , bo uvor , Rhould master the bunting tac tics. It is a thousand fold easier thau mak ing u safe bit , and often munis UK much , s Jar us winning the gnme is concenied Al Si rrqulros is prncticn. AVostorn leucu pluyan ; nould take tboir cue from tbe Js'u Usual leuguo teams. Sacritice hitting is be " "coming u i-clenco with main of the nigco clubs , uotubly Boston It has .saved he many n close g&nio ttlroady this season tin \\iU EuviMicr inimy nnotbct. If souio nf th local players would uraotice bunting instoai of fungo bitting onro in n while tney woul do much nioio toward holplug the teoin wii games. _ tintllni ; llraU ) lor Uiittln. Uhero has boon sovtrr.1 tugs-of-war pullo off in Omaha durmi ; the past year , and all o them have boon exciting c-onlcsti , but tb pi und match between the South Omauu Got man team and the Oinaha Swedes , \vhlc oomrs off ut exhibition ball Sunday evening Juno & , will uudoubtudly Mirpuss anything c .no kind ever wltnessbd In this pirt of tb ivprld. There is nn intcuke rivalry oxisliu between the two orcanizutianit , u hich lit Dually culminated in toe contest in qucuioi It will be for a btake of fl.CKK ) und tbe cutli guto receipts. Eucli team bai > pobtud wit tbe sporting ouuor of Tiir Bee K > U as a gua inly tbct thc.v will be ou the platform at b : ! on the ovoninc Epocitled. The balance of U > tuk < * , HTtU each , wan doposilod on b&turdu last with the German American savin j bank , and nil thai Is now tierossarr i for tt til-important day to roll round , Both teau ire practicing daily and w hen the time com < tvill be found prepared to pull for their live The men are all purft-ct rimiu in mould ui ; earh will put forth ihn most superhuiimn ui druvor to pull bis bide out on top. 1 ho pro pects am COOQ lor B tremonoous crowd , i ruch tuuiu hub a legion of huck-urs aud odhu enU. Tbu iit'tting will tie lively and a \ \ bo ! tot of money U hound to change bauds ou tt TOSUU. Jt u a banufido mutch for blood , un 10 exhiuition or catch-peunv r.fluir , buch i niauy rt > ount uthlotic porfuruiunce liu\ tccu. The final blukuholdur will be oiutuall erend upon on the d 7 oftbentmcno.wbicb \M i be rcfcruoj by tbt sr rutg editor ot this paper. Tli ijiort t p t ( Imdrnn. CnAMi'i\ , Neb Mar 2a Special to THE Bin. Chaflron with bur usual push Bed un- ternrlso will have Its usual good hall nlub In the Held thtt year. Tor tbe pan vvet'k a subscription lint has been open and enough money bait been raised to gukruuU-o tbo maintenance of a olub which will nhow up well with any amitonr one in thin Klnte or the Black Hills. Tbo olnb will bo made up about as follows Bittluger , c.\VUliams , p. , O'rianlon. 1st ; Duwd , 3d , Tew , Sd. ( Jurrie. R. B , McKay , I ; Goodsali , m. , Oillatn , r. Murray will also do some pitching tbl sum mer und Abbott will bu the general utility man. man.omo omo of thcs plovers arc not unknown to base ball fame.Villicmi Is the lad who pitched for tbo Crane loam of Omaha a part of last scanon and who occupies a position tterond to none us a nitcbar Bittingor has the reputation of bolnc the bast all ball pluvor In tbi section Dowd managed the Sterling. 111. , tontn in ISM ) . Tew Is the very fust inOolder v , bo played socona aud mam god Blair lust year Deadwood will have a very strong club tinder tbo management of Blilv Trnffloy. Hot Spnncs , Rupia City , Fort Meade nnd Fort KobinBon will all have coed clubs In the field and some very gooJ ball playing rnav bo looked for in Ibis section of tbo "wild and woolly , " but hen tbe smoke clears up in the latter part of the season Chadron under tbo management of H. B. O'Ulan , with A. G Shears as treasurer , will bo found at the front. Atluasttbat is what we think. We have one of tbo finest parks iu the state and would bo pleased to hear from all strictly first-class clubs regarding cumea. Dcdicuti-il to Mmmccr Hurrlnctmi. Billy Harrington , the old time faker , who as the mismanagement of tbe Indianupoh s .cam thoroughly In hand , denies tbe intor- lew he had while bore -.vith T. W. Me- 3ullough , the Indianapolis Journal's corre- pendent , in which bo roasted almost every naividual member of the Hoosler aggrega tion in tbo most unstinted manner. The story ns McCullougb sent it out was absolutely'true Harrington sent for Mc- ulltiuch to como down to the Merchants botci ns ho wanted to bo interviewed for the Journal , and Mac wont nnd interviewed him. Tbo M-crot of tbe whole matter is Billy wants to clamp another month's salary from tnc Indianapolis club , and ho has conceded a lut of fairy talcs for the locul newspaper men. They don't know him. Long ugo , ast wiutor. Tin Bfnarned the Western cogue ncalnst just such niea ns Harnncton and .lohn S. Barnes. They nro not of tbt1 right ill : , nnd no reputable orcanizstion can make un\ use of them Harrington is note nouslv incompetent nud Indinnanolis can lay the bulk of her disasters at bis door. There wasn't a man on the team , when they were here , who had a good word for him In fact tbev one aud all denounced him to uny one \ \ bo would listen to them. What Indian- npolU unt.s to do is to kick this man swlttly oui into the cold world. Chin Music < > T tint Tun * . John Irwlu nnd bis jaw have caught on with Rochester. Billy Van Dyke has been trapped by the Eastern and assigned to Buffalo. Omaha loads the \ \ estern league In team floldinc. and Milwaukee iu hatting. Sn far on the trip Camp , Haves , Daroy and HnmUbae have plaved without nn error. What has necome of Neddv Darnbroucb' That bov oucht to have made a great pitcher bv this timo. Billy Annu. the boy who could cot In n short nap while at the bat , is captaining the Portland , Me. , loam. Billy Hart was pitted against KidNichols at Brooklyn last Tnesdnv , and tbe Bostons wore shut out , Bullv Billy. Freddv Clausen of Columbus has his first game vut to lose. Umpi'-o Snyder , however , saved the younc Carman here. Ex President Cleveland , who plavefl third for Omaha in IsSSI. has reached his level He's with the Pennsylvnuia state league. Jimmy Manmuir is playinc a batter game than ever before , both on the bar ; nnd at the bat , nud his countless friends are glad of it , Koal , the editor's son. has a outclass arm and can only arch the ball across Still some nincompoops satnat Louisville woula line to trade Count Kuehne for him. The game will be rolled at 3:00 : sharp this afternoon nd a jam will be in attendance Botn teuins nro playing finelv , and a sharp aud interesting came IR n certainty. Maybe you won't believe It , but at tbe mrotiiic in Chicago Inst Tuesdor tbe West ern leacue moguls talked about admitting Denver's female team In St , Paul's plaoe. Tour of tbe Western nssocia ion graduates of the National loaruo , Sam Duncan , Elmei Smith , Georeio Shocb and Longihv Grim , bave over HOJ per cunt in batting so far. His Collopylets is building up a greal record at tbird , aim w ho would have though ) it ? Ho is ono of the quietest most reserved und diffident little gentlemen in the business , The end nf tbo first division of the cham- piouship season is two months off , and In rtianupolts still has plenty of time to ret a lit tie practice before the opening of the second series. Tommy Lovett Is still balding out witl Brooklyn , but it wn't n hold out that is wor rvmc the club any It begins to look us i ; Lord Lovott had oil off bis fase to spite hi : noso. Patsey Bolivar Tobinu swears tbe Clove lands blmll lead tbe Western teams at "di finish of de first revision. " Patsey shouU not overlook the fact , however , that old mat Atfo is coming and coming last. Tim Hurst , tbe league's pugnacious urn pire , is in dancer of tbe raroo. He assnultei & bpoctntor down in Cincinnati the other da' and tbe press gang are after his curls , am should succeed in their mission. Has au.\ ono heard yet whether Elme Foster bus succeeded in breaking into thf Minneapolis logibluture ? Tbe umversu opinion is that Spokane has just wheel ! euouch to mnko a Jirst-class lawmaker. Columbus will bo u hard crowd to over baul , und are the very likelv winners of tb fin > t championship division. In Uctono tbov will probably plav off with Omaha fo : tbo champioiisnip proper that is. , providiu' On the trip your Uncle Dave led tb < IluBtlrrs at tbe bat. He did not uliow u gnme to got uwnv without ronnorting bufo Iv at loust once With bis eye in nil right the old man always was a handy man wltt tbo stick. Churlla Mitobell. not tbo English sprinter but tbo old baseball pitobcr , bus returned ti his early love Minneapolis Now if the ; could onlv get .lanlzon again the symmetri und rhythm of a famous old battery wouli bo rest 01 ed. Old Moxle Hunrle , who wat suspended b Indianovolib for druuKenness nnd insubordi nation , has again found his level behind tbi bar In a Minneapolis bci-r saloon Moxie i most too old and too fresh for the \ \ esten luigue , anyway. JohnnvSpeas snya that Danny S'earn never saw the day ho oouid ploy firit witl big Carney , but fatourns , you see , refused t Bign with 1C. C nt .lohnnv'f ra/eed figure- All ol which makes u mighty good ba : player out of his bucocsbor Voutic Coliopy played third base in n mat ner that bet tbo ctowd wild. Auytbinc tbu came within half a block ol tbira wu * fielan In beautiful shape. His batting also was feature , us it came at n time wuuu hits mean run - Evening "Wisconsin. "UlluUnrs" Fugln and Tom Flanagan , tw old Omaha players , have doubled up as soug nnd dnnue teum "dinners" is the in mortal who , when Pro idunt MoCormick o : fored him bin release , suld "Keep it youi belt , I've got a pocket full of "em. " Old Farmer Joe Miller , with Omaha 1 , nnd with Minneapolis up to last seasoi ha * retired permanently from the diamou ni.d ucnepte a position on the Wheeling , Y\ Vs. , poline force , whrro e will probably t able to maintain bin rtniututipu wltn theclul 3 Tboro is no use trying to keep tab on Un pire McQuaid on batU Mid BtnUus , The lit ! u "t-balls" the souond , "t-balbi , " the thirc "t-balls. " uud tbe fourtti , ' 'fu-balls. " Tb first strike , "s-striUcs , " the BOCOIII " * -b-strikei" und tbo tbird , Neverttii-les , be comes pretty nearly fiitlu tbe bill. What tliti nre Ikiilujr. Horgebuctt parties will be a fad among tl ( utibiouableK tbis Kunimcr Tbe Diamond , on iu Brooklyn bandlca ibcot , made u thorouch cleanup. Davenport , la. , is building a new ml track , ivbicti will probanly bcs cninpleted t July 2. A midsummer trotting meeting will I bold ntT ton r > nrK t JUT. . . . I ( ! . ' . v I i ' and A Tbe roads'-r r . .tt . tv < rv t sow thapiie i | i lii . . . , .3 * r i i - PL' formancon C M. Ornnoah Ltncom * * OI1 Alrado Ii.i85 ( , bv Alvaraao dam or Admin istralor to Lem Cautiold Bpnuot , Nco I vV T VntiUmnt , St Jos ph. Mo. , bus pur chased the p ninc itnllion Northwes' . 2.lT'4 ' ' Northwest l Vtv Ktnont ] dim by Dictator. The aun rnldlnr Newsboy , roeontjv pnr- cbasefl bv Ed Pylp. Syracuse , mndo his record of f2.20 > 4 at KnoxvUle. la. , last sum mer Oliver Grant , 2 "V\ . died at Tort Maalson , la , a abort time since of an unknown dis ease that Is prevalent among borses of that section. L , r. Payne , a resident of HlggensrUle , Mo. , beads tbo list of aspiring driver * in that Mute bv placing two animals In tbe 2:20 : lift In IHUi : .1 H Stolnor , secretary , bus the sporting editor's acknowledgements for the last vol ume. No 10 , of the Wallace American Trot- tine Register Nat Brown's royal little mare Mary is showing improvement with each day's track ing. She will bo board from all right euouch before the campaign closes. R. M Farm , Valentino , Nob. , has pur- rhasod the yearling colt Colonel Edmond , by Vulejo , dam , Agate by Alexandria , g. d. by Albauibra , g g d. by C. M. Clay Jr. In a mil WET accident that occurred at Wauuon Junction , In , rccentlv. C. V Earlo , a well known horseman of South Gardner , Mass. . was killed , together with oirht bones in bis charge. Twenty-five thousand dollars In stakes , purses and specials will be bun sup for the owners of spocd horses at the Sodalia , Mo. , mooting , which is speaking bighlv lor Soda- lin's enterprise. Bob Kncabs tins boon over to Indopond- enr , la Ht < says C. W. Williams has twen ty-six or seven head of youngsters in train ing at Rush park. Including a number of Allorton ynarllugs. Harold Jr. , owned by Parker & Judge , Ken-all , la. , will have a uutnuer of repre sentatives In the Nebraska Futurity stakrs , nnd also In the Procresjlvo Futurity stakes at Independence , la. The duto 'or the closing of entries to the Sioux City meeting tbo last week In June has been cbancod u June 18. Tbe entrance fee will be 5 per cent to start , nnd 5 per cent additional wjll bo deducted from winners. Nearly 100 nominations have oeen mndo to the Omaha Driving association's stakes for tno September races. Tnr Bl u of last Tuos- duv contums the entire list , us well as that for theSjraeuse interstate breeders' moot ing. ing.The The sporting rdltor is indebted to John E Brewster. secretary of tne Wushinirlon Park club. Chicago , for u copy of their neat pamphlet - lot procram of tnoir cominc summer meet , comtnencincvitb Derby dav. Saturday , June 2.1 , nnd ending , Saturday , July 23 Followers of tbe running turf observed , of course , that on Sunday morniuc last .ludce Morrow was tinned off in Tnn Bnr us tbo vmnor of the BrooliHn handicap. Tnr EEC man , so fur this season , has the best percout- ugo ol winners of utu man in thb country C. M Robinson. Sious City. In , bus pur- chused the black staUion , Quarlos Lexington Wiikes , son of George Wilkes , lam Ladt Broeze. nv Swigert 05" ) , c d. by Jellfoundor 153. This horse is six years old ild and has no record , but will be trained for mo this full. Sih or City , la. , proposes to celebrute tbe nation's birthday in fitting btylo by riving a irct class trotting mooting o'n Monday and Tuesday , July and "i , and no loss than ten ivetits are scheduled for tbe two days for rotting , pacing und running A number of 3 in ah u imps are amonc the entries. The Davenport ( In ) association has writ- en C W Williams offering S10.0HO for a race letwoen two ol three stallions Allorton. Aitell and Nelson.ViUmms replied that 10 would trot Allerton ncamst Nelson at unv .ime , but Allerton Is engaged to meet Axtell nt his August meeting. When will Omaha maivo such an offer1 The iuaucural matinee of the Gentlemen's JoaOstcr club will not take place until one veeir from Saturdav next , Juno 4 It was to lave been held yesterdav , but owmc to n nek of preparation ou account of tbe long continued had weather , the metnnar * con cluded that it was heat to postpoue it As It s now u regular cola day will DO made out of the occasion , the musical uniou band will render a select program in the stands and a urcor list of Invitations will DO sen out to uromment people. The Coppery stock f nrm , Ed Pyle , proprie tor , is located a bvrarufe , and now boasts of lit } nend of horses in training. Amouptneso are some of the fastest of their age in the btate. News Boy , 2.20 s , being tbe justest Nebrska bred , and bit mile of 2.21 lust sea son on a half mile track was tno second best u the United States. Prod P , 2-4514 , 1 jear old , made his lecord here last lull , und , t is faster than any of the same ac in New England , wbllothib samoestablishmont holds the best Nebraska broil 1 , 2,3. 4 and 5-year- old records , uu honor held by no otner one In the United States. The horsemen of Syracuse , Neb. , are im proving each shining hour in wording the worses , nud a spirit of enterprise and industriousness - triousness pervades every nook and corner of bo racing grounds Several horses ar rived from Missouri on the 14th inst , to bo trained over the kite track ; also. News Boy , 2:20 } , recontlv purchased by Ed Pvle for $2,51Ki Mr Pyle now bos ubout fifty head training tbete. among them being Amunito , bv EncIeBird , 2:21 , dam by General Wash ington , Baron \ \ ooS , by Baron \ \ ilks , 2 Is , dam by Cminnugbt , 2 14. Robbie P. , 2-2,1 , bv Churles Cafirev , Freddy P. ( l > , 245 , nnd otners. F. M Pearsons , ivbo drove Maxie Cobn , Jr. , 2:2 : T , . Eli , 2:2 % and others , to their records last year , has bov oral in train ing now. one of which is a yearling colt by Pilot Medium , dam by Diadem , tbe colt Is owned b } Sam Berry , the popular conductor , nnd can shoxa merry clip. Frank Orton , bay gelding , by Young Sentinel , 2-27 , owned by C E Cotton , trotted in 2 : ! 1T last season , and is in good shape to outer tbe list this jear Mr Cotton also owns two standard fillies , ono by Young Sentinel ana one by Maxio Cobb , jr. Dr Hill bus a good one by Hemlock , 122 ! ( , bon of Belmont , dam by Young Sentinel , that is expected to be u win. uer H L Bennett owns Headlight , 2:2i ( > , also , a full h later to Headllgnt that has a colt nt loot by HomlocK. C. \ \ Ro d has a very promising 2-year-old by Stockinc Chief , dam by Vonng Sentinel , and several fillies , one bv Republican , 2:21Sdam by Woodland. tiriiiK * of tliu n li eU Tbe Tourists are booked for Missouri Val ley , la , today. Tbo olub bouse scheme Is beginning tc sbow new life ugain and to a man up a tree it looks very much us if tbp corner Btono will be laid before tno snow ties , Street gamin "Say , Cullv' git onto dt bisikie wld rubber boots on" he referred tt a puuumatlc Exchange Not by a jutrfull , be diau't , not during tne past few weeks. Clipped from the Bicj o'lng ' "World 'Omnna boasts of forty lady riders , with hoi iibjihttlt streets Omaha ought to have 41)0 ' Never mind , givn us time nnd we'll get there "Walter B White , a prominent cyclist nnc one of tbe btnunch hanker , of Sidney , Iu , wus u visitor to the city Wednesday. Mr , AVbite states tbut cycling in his neighbor hood is ' 'on the boom. ' Only a few weeks more nnd Kebrasita dl vision holds her second annual meet at Hast ings. Are vou golugi Remember the morrj meet at Vork in "Dl. TnU year's meet wil discount it two to one Tbe "boys" ut the Young Men's Christint association are decidedly iu the xwim ti Judge from the "turnout" of last Tburbdai evening. Captain Grant kuoxrs bow ti make u run attractive to his club mates About twenty wheels wore in hue. Seven hundred en a six applications fo membership in the League of Amencut Wbeolmon appear in tbe "Bulletin" th ! week , which speuKs volumes for the growtl of tbe great organization. Nebraska whoul men who wish to renew or make applicatloi to the league are requested to uddress C B Nlcodemu * . Fremont , secretary and treasur er of this division or apply . to tbe local con suit for blanks. Nearly even town in brusua wuore there is a wheelman sports i locul consul. Last Sunday was tbp first sunny da ; which bus fallen to our lot for many woeli and tbe aiery cyclists were out in numbers The TouritU were "on tbo go" nearly nl day two runs being made to Council Bluff und one to South Omaha. The Omaha Whet P club jwdulod out to Fort Omaha. The El Cvclon turned out to u muu and uccom o pauied tbu "push" across the bridge. Th Council Bluffs Cycling club paid Omaha visit in tbe afternoon and scores of indi pundeut uud u&uttended wheelmen took the : i * .r.c op.ns. " \ ylr u resembled o < d i , \ Me .u re , ere ? the staff on the i > r * Afleia' tba newsiest of newny wecrn sporting jouSiu.s t < joumod BHUIM : thn lorai cyclist * severui da\s of last week Mr McU u ire recent , v klaruid lo ride from Denver to DCS MolcjM la on his wheel Part of the dutancf > h > succwdoil in malcinc. bat was compelled tf c re the Job up at Koarnev , Nob. , on account of tbs abominable roads nud dciuclng rains At Kearney bo tuok tbe train and wll goubtless finish bin journey In the SB mo eiLtner Hi mount Is n Victor pneumatic , rrtrtrti stood the strain In an excellent manner he having Inflated it but once on tbo trip. To a wheelman who enjoys cycling and who endeavors to. promote It among his fellDwmon there is uo thing which is more disgusting and oesorving of hi * coutempl than the pertncloui- habit n hich some so-called cyclisti seem to glory in namclv , the careless and boedlcsa manner of "scorching" alone tbe crowded thoroughfares , Knocking people down ana endangering limb and 11 fo Thank heaven , wo haven't many of such ungontlcraaaly and tnoughtless wheelmen There is no ono thing which degenerates the spnrt more than this . Slop ' ' " very practice. your 'scorching" on the crowded streets , yon thourbtluss fol lows , or it will only be u question of time when the authorities will be after you and your mad career will bo checked by tbe iron hand of the law. Not many days since , some careless cyclist thoughtlessly or maliciously ran into nnd knocked amvn n lad ) nnd her infant'child while she was crossing from a motor car Instead of dismounting nnd as certaining how much Injury be bad done , be \erv ungaliactly scurried away us fust as be could podul. If you are unfortunate ouougb to run somnbody down , dismount and like a gentleman do u but you can to smooth the matter ovot.tou will not only feel better mentally , but tbo public will treat you with a higher decree of respect and estoom. The great rclaj race across the countrv from Chicago .o New York was started from the Pullmuu building in the "wind } clt\ " Thursday morning The message to by carried Is a dispatch from General Miles to General Howard Lumsden and Bode were tbe first men to curry the precious paper. At Grand Crossing tbe mcssace was handed to Gitbeus , nho pumped over bis bit of road to Kensington with the wind dead In bis face At Kensington Hoarland and Bliss caught the pouch from bis hand and scurried on to Hammond , Ind Every seven or nine miles the pouch wus handed to froi.h ineu , and reached Gosheu , lad , twenty-five minutes ahead of tbe schedule time Tbe roads were in bad condition and the time is remarkable Several of tne rolavs of riders wore compelled to pedal through n poltluc rain Barrlnc accidents on the road , aud If the mou nd as they are now doing , tbe message will reach its destination several hours uuead of schedule time Tbo rolav routl race isnn experiment which the milltury authorities uro'muking and will decide very likely the foiislhiluv of transmitting dispatches for long distances by wboel in time ol war. The mcu who nro ndiuc are all crack auiatour cyclists who have uddun ou track uud road , aad many of ulioin have gamed considerable notoriety thorobv. I"or I'rotortlim ol l\ir \ I Ihh. 'OINT. Nub. . May ID. To tbo ? portlnc ditor ol THE llur. At u nicotine held in tills 'Ity ' at a recent dute , It was decided to ol . un- izc a tisblnc club for the nut-pose of urotoetluc : > ur puini' tish. It U tlitintmiUuu of tin- club to enforce. \ icorously all law rolaf h e to Ufih und Qshinc A fmjiniUU't uus upiiolntml at tbo batnp time to draft la i ( institution and by- " ; a.worUoftlmt Kurt is ueu to tlm com- jultteu and us wo would UUu to ha\r e\ory- thluc in btiip-shnpo 1 vrrlti' this for the purpose - pose ( if iisUhis j ou to ) Piiu tome u copy ol tbo constitution of some orpuurod club , or clubs , T you nro able tc do so "Vny " information In esurfl to this inuttor will be piuiefully re- 'Olted-JuinusC ' Elltolt Aus The documents will be mailed to you. Sport Ed. _ ( Jut'titlniiR IEIUKI AJIHU t > rft. OMAHA , Mny IB. To lie Sportint ; T.dltor of THL HLE : AS ill you nlfinao htuto in fauuduy's BIE wlit'tlior faunol eVer broke I\lmid \ b's rec ord , uud whon. whiito and what time was deV Two Ituju rprs > A.ns. At blocktonVGai. , October 20. Ib91. kite-shaped track , 2j ) $ > -4 Maud S's best time is 2 Os" , oval truck , Glenville , O. , July ' 10 , mi , fvl NBIIK\SKA ; rirr. KeiAlav 17 To tbeport - g Lditor of THE HBE. Iu a font-handed umo of htcli fi n can nnv ono discard a trump , robbiuu tbo deck' O E. i Ans. Yes ; but no natural points. OMAHA. May Ih To the sporting Editor of Tut Br.E To dUL-ldu u wager you will Kindly wtlieine your opinion A audit lire both "id ( tins Is in hulitUel A nmUes the hliili und c.uueund.U niaUes tbu low und jiich. nhirli wins tbo .111113. or is it u aiuu. UarsUu I'lrst ISatlon l . Ans. No answers bv mail , and if there wern , you foreot to enclose stump. B wins. OMAHA , May IS. To tbo Bporlinp Editor of Tin. Btn l'lLse .incver in buniiuy's IJf.i : \ \ hut Is the most dllllcult ponitlon to play in u ciimuof huso bull. A. & Ans. See last Suuday's BRE , this depart ment. I'IKHCE. Neb. . May 13. To the Spartluc Editor of THEBES Klndiy unser in oun- dai 's , lct which ih tbe top hand in polter. tvt llusbusoul Ace. king , juok , nine und sot on of diamonds : uif. joker , ton , jack und suveu of spades' Gsimb.ers and Bpurts of 1'lurco Ans How long you boys boor. Rambling , that you have to send down to Omaha tc havu sucfc a question answered' A uoubli ace high flush , do you know of any that'll beat UI If so write me about it. Neb. Muy 17 To the Sponln ; Editor of THE IEE1'lease state iu next Sun day's BEE wuether or not in a Kiuro of "craps" th thro t-r bus to rattle the dioo in bib hand and roll them on tue table both orviheUiei lie cuu piL-lw the diuo u ] ) lioidinc thtm Milld n bis hand until thrown on the latiln jiiot M they roll OM. i iidui lu.i\inp iilhand' ' It in a ice it more ovp.iclt must u throncr * shnl.e ruttle und toll" the bones or nill onlv "roll" answer'Wo reoosni/e thy fuel ttmt tuere UK no stundnrd rules on tbo Huujttcu but wi > wunl viur opinion. If you huppun oo nto urd < thu "Chicago ' you sot their op.nkia us wel. S. H. G. Ans. "Got you , nigger. " Roll 'em out that'b sufficient. \VtbT ? II > E. Muy IE. To the jipunln ! ; r.dllo : of Tiih IfEi : In the bioj ule r.-icc betw not M & < Wllltumo and the m.iKUocl hj-ucr on tin 1'itti ' of April who wub winnur' Ki In u KUIIII of buritleti pool A bioiiU : , the Ijiulunil leu\t > : one bull biuuiisuu on iidmi of pouuet In tin t-ourhb of ] fb run the ball inuntli.ned drops li thu jiocUot without bain ; touuhud. U.iu i count itVL. . li. Lalloi . Ans. (1) ) . There wasno such raco. thogirli were only pl-iying. Jn B twenty-five mill race tbe Lily could give Miss Byuer a starl of ten miles and tfaen beut her out. (2) ( ) Jli.Aiu , eb. , Mav 16. To the sporting EdI tor of THE HEI : In cribbage u piayur hold two ulchts. u six und u uevun , wttn uu elgh sjiot turned. 1'lnuse cite us tbe count inn nintbod of counting thu iiund in fauudjy'b llui A render. Aus. Fifteen 0 ; and n trinlo run , 15 tota 21. OMAHA , Muy 18 To the Sporting Editor ol THE HEI : l'iens nnnwur In pundaj-'h HEE il Maud S'b reoard lins e < r litien tjejujii und bj what bon.01 JTeuton. . IDlt South i : yventl btruot , oil ) Ans See utiswor to Two Inquirers , thu column OMAHA. May 10. To tno Miorlins Editoi Itci : If It would not ! usklni ; too inneli o yon ] IUUHB | publish tin- rules for lilsb li > < li thu auuduy lii.l. Iv would pleuHii tuo uni iuun > liunarud ruudurxot 1 Hi. ldi : MTV inut-li btiuuuof they hn\u not besu jiublibliuJ fo o\ur two juurs V H. 1' . Ans Muil 10 CBiitt , to E C Snydar , Bci building , and got mstuuinual on high five KUAHI. bob. . May 1C. 'Jo the hportint ; Edl tor of Tm BEK i'lo bu bund me bantu BUOP Blieuu und oblizu inti. W. U. illciuy , Mgr J O U T bull club Atih Please sand me some postuge stamp and oblige me , and 1'11-po you. KANhASHTl. Mnyiri-To the ? iiortlns Edl tor of Tin Her To dttcUlu u hut jileueu mat thu result of the M ( > 4f , Jlity-Kiuuas ulty gum ut aloux Ulty on the d uf Muy lubt. 1. C lluub } Aus Thirteen innings , a draw 10 nnd It UDUNCIL Bt.iirj-6. Iu , Muy IDTo the sport' ins Editor of TIIK HEKUhulb the dulo u the LnclUli Durbyi lion were the horsu nlut-ed iubi yuur. lln-t. but-oud und third ? Jloi does thu llroolclvn in-ndlcap uitutidunceooiu pare with thu John Hull DurbyV Uuntior Ans. ill Muy 27. ( - ) Common lirit , Gou\ erneur bucuud , Marleuhunt third ( tt ) J'h Brooklyn attracts ponsibly a fifth of tb English Darby's crowd. OUAHA , Muy 21. To the Rportlnp Editor c THE UEE J'leuBfj nt-itu in sunduy'tKEL t diiL-IOti : > cllhpute , when fatutti Ilagun. fonuurl u UeKUini luuguu umplrti , dlud , uud wnuro/- t. a Ciruut , Ann. At Marsballtown , la , January ! ISi-'i. He died from blood poisoning , uonn ( quaiit upou beiuc struck by a uuuly pllchu bull in o game ployed the preceding season. Dr. T J. Williamson , Eustls , Tla , . says Tno buttle of Brudj rroiluo you sent me wi given three ladies u bo wore bufleriug froi litiudacnc. They said tbe effect w ts lustai taueous nnd very lausfuctory. You've Read About It But you don't know about it until you have sent a trial mail order , or have personally inspected The Mammoth Stock of Clothing , Hats Goods , Furnishing , Trunks Valises etc. , , . , Now Being Sold Out by Hellman's Administrator. You will find these to be genuine bargains , such as you never dreamed of in your life. The stock is so immense and the styles so varied , whether you want a business suit , dress suit , a coat and vest , a pair of pants , a collar or necktie that you must certainly be pleased. 4 Suit Leaders 4 All the $7.50 suits are put in All the choice business suits one lot and O at that used to g-oforiSare now All the $12.00 suits good Just as Fine a suit as you enough for you go at can get anywhere for $20 14.51 ' to $25 goes for It is impossible to mention everything that you can buy here at the same proportionate price. All we can do is to try to impress upon you that nowhere on earth will you find the equal of the bargains you get at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. And you must do the rest. At the Same Old Stand on the Corner of 13th and Farnam Omaha. HOME THIS LAM INDUSTRIES. By Purchasing Goods Made at the Folloiuin % Nebraska Factories. If you cannot find what you want , communicate with ths manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. JslNGfa BA OMAHA TENT AND OMAHA BASKET FACTORY - AWNING CO. , TORY rinps , ba'utnnct * . oil nnl rnpncltr CCOO tier < lny rnbl'er clothlru : Send for I'ttcttnRlioxps 10 order cattilueuu 1IH Furcum lOtbcBWlI cap AT 71)11775 BREVERS. . FRED KRUG BR = WING - OMAHA BREWING ING CO. . ASSOCIATION Our liotllefl cahlnol be r oaaranlBea to equal onl- oollrurod lo anj part , , i0o bruudi Vlunni ol the cltr. Eriiort l > otl a liaar 1UU7 Jackson Street ' dnllverea lo Iiunllloi OMAHA BOX FACTORY t JOHN L. WILKIE , Nallud and DorntaUel Manufnrtarcr of paper Iicic.i ( .apnclty 1.U10 I > ar uoxei , 1523 21 St llurj-'a dar l ai : Oaiaba 'lul 41J 1 * O.nx&Jj ATPDUO. I BU1L.DEKS. WILSON DRAKE. ; I JNO P. THOMAS . f'ontratitor ot brick , Htone Tiitmlur num. nil n wu * t&uUklcdi . . . und & iimionrr wutur tanki bnieoh- leif bulldlnc icnor and , Biifttjt iron work etc c ntf nldewult brlot 1' U buz lutb and Pierce IGS. ; BK1CK. WESTERN STEAM BRICK YARDs All klndi o ! brick * ma & B.i. M U II. J Tbonmi I'rojirletor COFFEE , ETC , 1 CARRIAGES. CONSOLIDATED THE O3TERHOJDT. bprlnV n Mfr Oo COFFEE CO , Inoarporatod Importers ard Jobber * , Iluiatrlnz | on ( hurt no- Ucu. I'urrmxe jmtntlns. Ull Uanier ttt , 'I'll ) iii- : . CRIPPLE CHEEK I handle the CRIPPLE CRCEK M1 * I G STOCKS , uud cun nil tolo- Craphjc eiders on ahort notice My UBI comprises the following Cripple Crock blocks Anaconda , Bull Mountain , Cold Kini ; , Beuna Vista , Blue Belli Work , Alamo , Washington. And ull oilier rallab'e btocVk. of tlime mlnrs , lit wutl us munjr hloyl.b of tliu Luallvlllt , As- imii and Crtttid iiuiiub Manroltlie t'r iiliiOreoK ttncUs bu\-o more tliin doutilud withiu tunic moiitlih Tim Anu- uoiidu biuvtv nuld lour nioiilhs ueo ut IU perils. suJ Rulik IIOM for oiur SI iiur Bbuiu. Ollinr now iiiini8 urooiiuuiiigwvcry luwdnj-s wltb Just as coed iirnsptu'ts. A runllftnun ot OauncHl HluffH lioupbt HOUIU of thlt. htock ut : ueuts. the latter Hurt of Muruli , mid liab hiuct ) ruf used (1 tur U lu- vtistujuutB Hindu ut low riUui All curro jiou- duucti proiuinty utibworud. J. S. GIBSON , 10 Pikes Poai ; Avenue , Colorado Spring * . . Colorado TUo state fair ot Kansas , to tie beld at TopeUa , tbo capital city , have Iu connection wltb tbe fair c Bpuod program tbut nt itself ulono will bo DUB of tbe most important muBticcf tor 1B9-1 1 be money offered In tbe spend department taiouuu to about tilOut ) . BERUTIPUL BEAUTIFY AND'DEVELOP THE FORM. MWIE. ADA P. EVANS , ot Cblcuzn IB now Btojijilnc ; at tb Ilotol llriuuKli-k , Knuiu Ib. iiarior Hour. In UiliHty Olio fuciiil Iruattntint true to iutmdui'e ' bur wondurful "OOMl'LKXION JI1.RAOH" atiioiig lliu luduiI'lmplus , moles , fi tut I.Irs , biuior- lluons I ulr tjiuuvud by u painluiit rtmiudy. wurrunli d hullo injure tbu most dulioAlt ) Jui'd. AUii dtt li > n iht ) fni in and cement Hie puny tliiil and inibt into well lounducl bud bnallby one * , llourn , u m to6ji u. RUBJ3KROOODSI OMAHA RUBBER CO MARKS BROS SASH. DOORS. BL.IKDS. H F. CADY LUMBER ROSENBERY CO Mouldlues ulnlr ralli , onico and llunk wnrk n ncwula lialuiUirii naroll niMiclultr 2J1 Aorlli wurk wo 'lolrplioni'llj lltb St lltb and ilnrcjbtruetl SYRUP. SOAP. FARRELL i CO. PAGE SOAP co. , wSSinTAwiS liSlE ? , M'rB Uulon Bou" 1U Muluioi-s 217 IlicVorj b Ttb st. STOVE REPAIRS. All 1-lnrti of utovp re jmlrs on liuiiU ( riiaollno flluvt's repaired and BtOVl'K Htlin-d .Ink lluclioi , GOT B I3tb Blruut TRUNKS C H , FORBY H. H MARHOFF Manuf ncturor of TrunkB , M'f's iruuks , travullni bnmpln Cu u * . ' 1'ruvol bnc > uaninln vann * . HiK llaK . utc UU3 UU D loilKltt Ht WHITE L.EA-D. GERMAN YEAST CO CARTER WHITE LEAD CO , Gorman Taint . " > cra puk ui-er Made Iu Unialiu. Corrodum and Grldnurt. UU Aaruuf , titrlullr puru wtiltu load Kant Omuba DR. SNYDER , THE SUCCC&SPUL OBESITY SPECIALIST Etta MulUciu , lirtore and Liter trcctQCCt Hi. bnydcr U well known to a lurirn uliaibor ot oui trlt-r.d' , WP IIIITO beun uuclcr llic trcptmcnt of J > r O W I hnyilt'f. tIm < .ulountt < lBpMlalliitof Cuiuiuo itlntellie Ibtli nf January 1113 , fur oloilljwltu vurr crutKyliiK rceulu. u Ihu lolluwlue otutounuil ( if wtflKbt unU niuuvuramuntft Uufure aud afiurU ) QKjt' Ireitliuoiit will > Uow : Ilafure After l/'jn \VulBblil6 puuiidn 2TV piiundB cc poundt Clii-Bl . UH IncliuB H iuUifti 1JU InrlRB IIIpB US Inclmi 4G InctirB 2U lurhui "All lite lime wti biive utuiudod to uur rcciilur butliieii , fuDered nu lni-nnT nloii ii wlnucvor uud I'nvo LOUII Imprurliic evurj d r \ \ u would ndri e bll uIllldctl tilili ouuiltf to write to lr hujilrrVe will tin plH&iud to anBur all lettari of Inqulrr wbcro utamp li luulUBLd , * lllce l4ike iWl > Tluint , April 1 , loiC PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL cC cl4 t r i * rtfeulr * call or Addn * ! wttt , be In tunf * . DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. McVICKER'B THE&THC BUDS. . CHICA&O