Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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What Poclcty Found to do in the Fsst
Seven Payn.
MnrrlHRo * of the \\VoU-r.nlortnln. .
menu TliroiiBlinut the City I'rcpir-
Ing for tlin.Jiino i.iiMlut Move-
iiiontii llorontul 'IliiTC.
Hud It not bcon for tbo recaption at the
rfnrrlton on Wednesday , two church rocop-
tlons Thursday , a dinner or two at the clubs
fttid the performance of OracoFurnls * ' clover
farce coniedv , "Tulu , " by amateurs ln t
evening at Oormanla hall , the \vook past
might have bcon said with entire propriety
to have gone to seed , socially. Too ono or
two sunshiny days of the past seven pave
promise of a revival of social Interests , but
Just when wo were all congratulating ourselves -
solves that the gcasor. was to bo rounded in
proper form , down c.imo the rain with as
much case as If it had not rained at all dur
ing the past twenty days.
Llk the weather , society has hud n bo-
dragelod , dampish suggestion , and May days
have boon reminiscent of lowering skies ,
wet slrcots , frigid temperature nnd general
revulsion of fuollng.
The Woman with a Box Uoat has arrUodl
And what a spectacle she is I The llrst sight
of her on Fnrnom street win 11 greater
boon to the crowd than the ni rival or the
first circus of the season. It happened on
sunny Thursday when the town wns out for
its hobilomannl parade. So close \vero the
streets that locomotion about Sixteenth and
Farnam wns oxasporntlngly slow , and the
toiling promonadors seemed to talco notice of
llttlothat was Insight-saving and exceptIng -
Ing the Woman with a Box Coat , bho was
by long odds the most conspicuous , the most
criticised , the most observed , the most
outro , ncd the most self-approved person lu
the throne.
How her woman's heart must have
fluttered and leaped and thumped with
the Joy that always springs from woman's
discovery that she has something unlllfj the
possessions of nil ether women In sight.
She had slnowdly chosen as her promenade
chum n doniuro llttlo woman with n Quaker-
llko modesty of apparel and an air of shrink
ing timidity. The contrast was assertive.
Nobody could have failed to notice it. Up ,
down and acres * Farimm street they moved ,
followed everywhere by thoao for whom the
coat scorned to possess a oaloful and irrosist-
lulo fosi'liintion.
The Coat Icopthorsolf persistently In evi
dence until darkness settled over the city ,
and then with slow and reluctant march , like
the long llngerinc twilight of summer day ,
she faded into shadow nnd was scun no uioro.
Unliiu U lluiii Alinnnl.
Tuesday evening Hon. John L. Webster
and Mrs. Webster gave a dinner at tnolr
homo , 573 Soutli Twonty-liftti nvonuo , to
I'rosldont Marsh nnd the alumni of Mt.
Union college , Ohio. The tables were pro
fusely decorated with Lu Franco roses and
freighted down with good things. It was an
evening of feasting , of reminiscence ! and of
toasting and was thoroughly enjoyed by
thlrty-tvo PJMOIIS , who in the days ijono by
were connected with Mt. Union collogo. A
delicious menu of ton courses was enjoyed
by these present , after which came a still
further feast. Mr. Webster In n few appro
priate remarks welcomed tbo guests , who
wore so pleasantly drawn together by the
fraternal bonds of their Alma Mater , to
which Dr. Marsh , nrosidentof ' the college , re
sponded , outllning'tho work douo by It and
giving vorv pleasant reminiscences of many
who had been of Its children. Further re
marks full of Interest were mndo bv Hon.
Lewis Miller of Akron , O. , president of the
board of trustees ; Judge Lawrence of Bollo-
fontalne ; Dr. O. W. Smith , editor of the
IMlsburg Christian Advocate ; Dr. Hamilton
ot Boston , Dr. Connor of Johnstown , Pa. ,
and Judge Scott of Ohio.
Following were present : J. P. Marsh ,
D.D. , president Mount Union college. Alli
ance , O.\V ; T. Connor , l.D. , Jomistown ,
Pa.C. W , Smith , D.D. , editor Pittsburg
Christian Advocate ; Hov. Peter CUre , pus-
tor Simpson church , Minneapolis ; Hon.
Lewis Miller , president board of tius-
tees , Akron , O. ; Miss Miller , Akron , O. ;
Mr. Silas Williams , Alliance , O. ; Mrs. Wil
liams , Alliance , O. ; Hov. G. F. Oliver , Stuo-
bcnvillc , O. ; O. S. Hakotel , D.D. . Ports
mouth , N. H. ; Mrs. Duketcl. Portsmouth ,
N. H. ; D. H. LOWH , U.D. , Jersey City , N.
J. ; A. 1J. Leonard , D.D. , corresponding
secretary of the missionary ooard , New York
City ; Mrs. Leonard , J. W. Hamilton , D.D. ,
Boston ; Hav. J. Benson , Hamilton , N. J. :
Hov. T. S. Hodgson , Winlield. Kan. ; Hov.
Ira O. Kcmbio , Oakaloosa , la. ; H. M. Fresh
water , D.D. , Solo , O. ; Mr. F. A. Arter ,
Cleveland , O. ; Judge William Lawrence ,
Bollefonlalrio , O. ; Mrs. BUunp Newman ,
Omaha ; JndKoC. H. Scott , Omnha ; Hov. H ,
11. Millard , Blair , Neb : Mrs. Millard , Hov.
U. C. Peck , Callaway , Neb. ; Mr. 11. L. Day ,
Mr. Charles A. ( Joss , Mrs. Goss and Miss
Margaret F. Goss , Omaha , Nob.
licautltiil Kiii-option at tint Uiirrlson.
Fort Omaha was the scene of a brilliant
social gathering on Wednesday afternoon
from 3 to 0 o'clock , when the olllcors nnd la
dies of Fort Omahn iravo their farewell re
ception lo G''iicrnl nnd Mrs. Whoalon , who
will so soon leave the regiment , with whom
they have been for many yean associated ,
and although all ( iujoico nt the good fortune
which has given the general his long deserved -
served promotion , much regret Is felt at the
regiment's prospective loss.
The pout hop room was converted into a
veritable bower of beauty by the aid of beau
tiful hangings , military decorations and
many palms and lioxvcr-i.
Mrs. Whenlon received , assisted by Mrs.
Piirko , Mrs. Worth , Mrs. Mnllory and Mrs.
Mrs. Whcnton appeared to great advan
tage In n handsome costume of lilao satin ,
Watlcau train of cream and gold brocado.
Mrs , Parko were a beautiful Paris roba of
blue crepe de chine , [ pint luco trimmings.
Mn. Worth was very lovely In a gown of
pnlo gray crape , Marie Stuart oodico ,
trimmed with Jewel passementerie.
Mr . Military were a gown of black satin
and lace.
Mrs. Wobntor was charming in cream col
ored silk , embroidered In plnu silk.
During the afternoon dainty refreshment *
were aervod , Mrs. Waring and Mrs. Piper
piosidlng charmingly over the ton and coffee
tables , nnd Mrs. Pickering disponiod the
lees , assisted by Miss Nightingale and Miss
The bountiful punch bowl presented to
General Whenton bv the ofllcors of the
Second Infantry received its christening on
thin occasion.
In spite of the stormy weather many came
out from town. Among ihobo noticed were :
General nnd Mrs. Brooke , ( Jolonol Hughei ,
Mr. and Mrs. Barker , Mr. John Pattick , Mr.
Koborl Patrick , Captain nnd Mrs , Ayres ,
Mrs. McKenna , Miss McIConnn , Captain and
Mrs. Osgood , Dr. and Mrs. Spuncur , Captain
Lurson , Llcutunnnt Truitt , Captain Crowdor ,
L'oloncI unit Mrs. Parke , Mnjor and Mr * .
Worth , Captain Clarke , Cuplaiti ICiiuio ,
Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Puiki * , Mr. and
Mn. H. P. Whitmoio , VanLlow , Lieutenant *
Wright , Bnokmlller , Powell , Arrasmllb ,
Whitman. Marquart , Mrs. Wicks , Miss
Levins , Mlas Bourdmun , Miss Nightingale ,
Captain Keller , Captain Turner , Mlsn Os-
good , Miss Hncho , Miss Bertn linohu. Cap
tain Day , Furt Hoblnson ; Captain and Mrs.
Dempioy , Lieutenant and Mrs. Webitor ,
Lieutenant mid Mrs , Mallorv , Miss Humll *
ton-Miss Mabel Smltn , Miss McClelland ,
Mr. Cbnrloi Wluon , Mr. Hamilton , MUs
Waring , Lieutenant Wilson , Pickering ,
Wilklns , Piper , Hiiiu * und many others.
Ilfvrptlon lit HUlioptliorpo.
Tko clergy and laity of the dlocojo of Nebraska -
braska were beautifully entertained Thun-
, day evening At BUliopihorpo by Hi. Rov.
George Worthlugton and his wife , Tbo
bishop and Mrs. Warihlngton were assisted
in receiving by Mn. Murphy and Mr. John
Wortbinglou. Among the many persons
were noticed ; Hov. nnd Mrs. C. H. Gard
ner , Her. and Mrs. H. B Burgess , Hov. and
Mr * . John William * , Cunon and Mrs. Llxvyd ,
Canoa and Mrs. Uoherty , Hav , and Mrs. T.
J. Mnckny , Hev. und Mrs , Mu 5on , Rev. and
Mrs. John Hewitt of Holv Trinity. Lincoln ;
Her. and Mn. Slndlnk' , Hov. aud Mis. ( juln ,
* \
Steadily , All the -Year 'Round , We Give the Best for the Money. Fasten This /
Firinly in Your Mind
Like tlio listefa.
Graceful ,
durable , just the
weight for mid-summer wear.
Eight dollars would not be too
much for them. For the week
we put the ridiculously low
price upon them of $5.00.
JLJ 1 _ jC\ . & -i i _ ! > JLX
Largest variety shown in the
west.The most desirable shapes.
The most perfectly finished.
The choicest materials.
We have gathered a cluster
of attractive styles ; our
aim NOT being to get the
suit possible at the following
prices :
$10.00 , $13.50 , $15,00 ,
$20.00 , $25.00 ,
Come and see them. We
go to any length of pains to
show them. Any slight alter
ations needful will be cheer
fully made-Tree of charge.
The Odd Garment Sale an
nounced last week is still in
full blast. Come for bargains.
Hov. Paul Mutuows , son of iho late Justice
Stanley Mattiow * of the United States su-
nrouio court , mid hU sister. Miss Mathews ,
llev. Joliu A. Williams nnd bis mother ,
Canon ami Mrs. Whltmnrsli , Hov. and Mrs. , Hov. Irvine Johnson , Mr. mid Mrs.
Joseph Hurkcr , Chancellor and Mrs. J. M.
Woolv/orth , Mr. ana MN. Nuwton Bnrlia-
lovv , Mr. and MM. A. C. Powell , Mrs. O. M.
Curler , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Powell , Dr.
nnd Mrs. Park , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wll-
limns. Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Nonraml , Mr. and
Mrs. T. L. . IlliiRwat , Milton Oiillng. Mrs.
Weeks , Mr. and Mrs. Patten , Mr. und Mrs.
A. P. Hopkin , Mmo. Hopkins Mrs , Nason ,
Mrs. Dan Wneolor , Miss lUittorilold , Miss
M. BnttcrlielJ , Miss Wool wet th , Mrs. Sner-
man of Trinidad , Mr. J. J. Dickey , MI-H.
Coruy , Miss Corbv , MrTatiim , Miss
Tiitutn. Hov. and Mrs. Mar n , Hov nnd
Mrs. Hulburt , Hov. U. W. D'lowors. Mf. and
Mrs. A. C. aiowoll , O. J. Pholpi , Mr. Gcorso
Smith. Miss Hull , Ur. J. .1. Savillo , Miss
Lvman. Miss Wallnco , H. J. Walsh of Lin-
co'ln , Mr. Arthur Eust , Mr. Overall mid
family , Huv. Mr. Mrlvim , Hov. ui'd Mrs.
MuUriiclten , Hov. and Mrs. C.ood.ile , Mr.
and Mrs. TUomas , Mr. nnd MM. John
Uarkur , Miss Barlcer , Mrs. Churchill
Parker , Mr. HOSJ , Mr. Mvrlolt itueotn. Mr.
and Mrs llaiTis , Mr. and Mrs. Lacey , Mr.
and Mrs. Krank MilUpuugh , Dean Hart of
Utiiilrmnn unil Il
On Wednesday , May 11 , at 10 o'clock n. m. ,
at tno roililenuo of the bride's parents , Mr.
nnd Mrs. David Harpstor103 North Four
teenth street , Miss Dollio Harpstcr and H.
M. IfaulTman were united lu raairlub' Ilv.
A. J. Turltlo onioiatiiiff.
The bride wa goivnod iu white bonnetta ,
ontraino , Watwau plait , with ohantilly lace
ininlnxi , anil carriuil a uouijuol of lirlilo's
ro > es. A ivcpptlon wna hold from 11 until 1
o'clock , durinir which time about 10J rala
lives and friends weru prcsunt. Tlio pros-
OHM were numerous , hiindsomo and v.ilu.ibK' ,
amons which was n bonutliul Hilvor water
service and pan dr.iwlnir wnh ronu-Mtula-
tlon and boat wishes from Unio.i Paclllc
railway friends. The brlilo l onu of Om.ilni's
fixirost iluushton nnd well Known by .1 larso
circle of lilonds , her pavontt baviusf resided
In thls > city for the p.ut thirty ycau. Air.
Kajrfraan U in tlio employ ol Mr. A. S. Van
ICuran , froiuht auditor ot tlio Union Paclllc.
Tbo happv couple loft on the -4. 15 iiyor nud
will viiit Portl.ind. Francisco , Siora-
inonlo , Salt Ltko , Colorado Springs , Maul
tou and various olber points of interoxt , re
turning to Omaha iu aoout throe week * , and
will make this city tti-Hr r
Ono of tbo proltlost of the soi ion's wed
was thai ol Miss Carrie MnLuln and
Mr. Ocor p Pwucls Day Wednesday at
o'clock , at tbo homo of tbo UrldJ j parents
Mr. and Mrs , J. J. MoLatn , . UM'J Spruce
street. Tim house was cmnowcrad In llov.'ers
the parlor In which the coro'nony occurred
bouit , ' particularly happy In Uiu in-
ratiKomfiit , At'J o'clock tbo wedJInir pin
cu'sslou discondod the stalrcitsu , Maudlo
Ueuntson und ICtbel Jones bav.iifj previously
suspeudod roptis of snillax from the foot a
tbo btcps to the Improvised ultai
\\horo the ceremony occurivd. Tin
woddlni ; procession u-a bcadeu bj Mc'AuilunJ , the rint ; ixuror , inn
Apuos Wi'llor , tbo bjuquot buldor. 'irrayei
in pink uud while , followed by IDU lirulu urn
groom and limn the olllclulin i oloiv.vmin
Kev , W l\ . Hums of Tnnily MothouU
churcb. Mii * Slaughter oiilciuted .it Hi
pluuo. playin ? Sidney Smith' !'emei
of " .Midsummer Night1 * Dream , " lui'ludiii ) ,
llio Moiii'Uobii ! ouddintr niaicti 'J'nubrlii
was vury prolilly ultiiod in Kray ctuuo witl
pirdle cded ; with passementerie , high
etf. and were lilies ot the valley.
Aftortboborvico refreshinonts were served
in the dining room , which wns redolent with
the perfume of apple Dlossoms , roses nnd
spring beauties. Mr. Day , the groom , is tbo
cashier of the Water Works company xvith
hnudquauera at butte , Mont. , .vhoro Mr.
and Mrs. Day will make tbiir homo after
Juno I.
Among these present at the rccopilon were :
ilcssrs. und Mesdames McLaiu , Day ,
W. 1C , Uaaii , Crandall Jonas , Welter ,
slaughter , Fnucatt , P.irmerloo , Ham-
in , Hoolnson , Dnronpnrt , Nusnn ,
McAuslnnd , ICoycs , Emerson , Har
mon , Hector , Clark , CSibson , riidner , Froncb ,
Joualas , Watts , Drown. D. F. Uoans , u'loyd ,
' 'r.incls , Allnr , Kr.incii , Imnley. Lemon ,
Jhamborlain , Dr. Nason , Hamlin , Kin ? ,
irnvton , Henmson. Craic , Abbott , Trout ,
rValilrou , Mi'Cullocli , Ilium , lirown , Drown ,
ilr. anil Mr-i. Kovs nnd Honors , Spunglleld ,
\'ob. ; MulTot , ,1. W. Tousloy , Minneapolis ,
Minn. ; Misso < MoAUbhuHl , Smith , Os-
joni , nonnison , Si iiiRhtcr , Allco and
Mao F.iuvoti , Polglnso , Freeman ,
ilalllday. Mackuv , ICimmoll , Nottio and
Otforwio Hich. Tanno and Gracu Pr.ut , Flora
HUH Majjijlo Frost , Lucus , McC.iKUu , J3oyco ,
: iaslel ! , Collett , Ellis , Lipps Einorson , Van
Jourt , Hattlu Smith , Annbrustcr , Hamlln ,
Sue and Molllo Kin r. Hnmlin , Frenrh. Jonas ,
N'ollio nnd Ki'lth McLnin , Messrs. Faucott ,
aJon.'IClmmell , P.ilmatior , Plckuns , Champ-
IIi , Ni'lson , Driver , Jonas , Uny , Waller ,
fioans , Coluy
AcorrojponUon ! , fro-n Tlnsa , writing to
'L'uo Agitator of Wullsboro , ! . . , of MM. Do
Pui , who die 1 ivoaatly in this city , sny-s :
"Mn. DJ Pul wai born in 18IO at York ,
I'j. She recoivoJ the bast oduuitioiial and
social udv.uiU.jLM tlio countty ulTorduil at
Ibat duv. Her father , Tlnni u H , .Mofir.i b ,
was a 111111 of hih nclil position and unter-
tainud muny ( HiliiU'tiUlica tntiti at his hos
pitable lioine , hUao o npl-shuil lamlly bavin ?
the bjiielltof muo'i ou.ttirod ijcioty. &ln.
DiPulaUv.iyi retained a lively Iniprasio : !
ol the porioiiulltv of Urn ulllLfjut peisoa-
HK03 coiinecteil with her latbui's nmiiiory ,
und loved in iccall tl.o prtsti'jfo of her
youn 'or days in me homo llfu.
"Sho was nvilT.e.l to Alnjor Vine De Pui at
her father's liojsu In Vorlc In Dccumber ,
' They inauu the wnJiliiiK Joarney by
bout and I'tago coach frum York io
in ll\e days a distance ot .5'J mllm.
Ill the folluwlnt ? spruiK Ihey wont to liuuso-
kpoplnt ; at tlio old ho.nostoad on tlio lj Pui
Innn two unlo.-t uolow town , a mutuivsquo
and quaint house built and occupied nv the
pit-ontf of Vine , \vho was the llrst born of
li''hl that then now home. TUJ
liouso was thirty-two yoari old when Mn.
Do Pui entered nt n bndo her future homii.
Sovcii tihildroii six nous and DUO daughter
uoro born lo IUT. all of whom lo alou In dif
ferent parts or tin * wcj * . 'J'.voof the sous
have died Ocar u , n lawyer of proinlMni ;
ublllty , In Now/illo , 111. , and Jamui in rfjil.i-
llu , from an Injury LU tnc uirj.
" .MI-A. DJ Pui wai a wondeiTully bright
and attract ! voivouuu and sin fruUilyadaplivo
iu her nature. Having been toarcd en ihu
borders of BIUVCTV. xvliuro servanls wore
plenty aud cheap , it was a great change for
hv.'r when t > hu caii.u up Into this northern
part o ! the btato and lound the w.ijj und
methods of d' inuira niiifiit so differ
ent ; "help" scarf.1 , tbu mothers and daujjn-
tori doln tlioli < uvjivor. . < mostly , with | nu'- '
hups one xervuui. for me heavier pjrt ; ; ei
hv tboorfully throw her spirit Into the "lu '
ll icac'cs" ' ol llionituniion , and with u win
ning grace and pleasantry i-liu pujjfil through [ 1
mi uzpnrienca of scveril monllM , mndo bjur-
aOie by bur deep dino'.lon to her Uuvbaud l ,
whose kind conniileratlon und bviupalhutiu
uuJcavord io uiodify the ti'ialliy of bur cares.
This Cninbrlc Wash Wiilat , iicnt
atrtpcfl , fust colors , perfect shapus ,
sli-ongly ttiitdu , sorvicoublo :
SO Cents ,
As good aa others ask 76c for.
Inspiring Bargainsfn SummarZephyr
lOOdo/on now siitino stfipo Corsets ,
doulilo froiit sleol , two side steels , silk
lloasud , lace trimined , extra lonjr waist ,
white or drab , all sizes , regular $1 qual
ity , only 60f.
These fine , strongly made , perfectly
ventilated Corsets have been cut from
75u to thn romarknblo price of only
4O inch Vicuna suit
ings , goods we have
sold for $1.8O. For
Monday -we make the
astounding cut price of
Ne w street shades in
wool crepons , double
width , worth $ l.iO.
Cut price for Mon
a yard
Crocodile weave
cloths , new summer
goods ,
Whip cord brocades ,
new summer shades.
Ask to be shown
Beautiful Cheviot Mixtures , 38
inches wide ,
New Wedge Wale Chevrotines ,
S5c ,
Worth 75c.
Pin Stripe Cheviots ,
delightful desio-ns , rare anJ un
usual , not like those seen in every
store about town.
32 inch Scotch Ginghams - - - "flf
These arc worth 30 and 350 a yard JL
5000 yards French Figured Sateens -
Thcsq are the regular 350 quality ,
Genuine French Organdies.
2S Cents A YARD 2S Cents.
New Spring and Summer 1892 patterns. No old broken
assortments , beautiful , rich , airy , artistic and exactly the same
as you have been paying /5C , 65C , 5oc , 4oc for.
25c. 25c. 25c. 25c. a Yard.
36 inches wide , fast colors , beautiful new designs , value 250.
Great RedtiGfcioris
Buys nti Inverness Ludiob'Mackintosh , with deep ; ! 0-iuoh saloon
lined capo ; neat checks ; medium shades , worth $0.50.
Gets a now style Gray nnd White check Ladies' Inverness Mackintosh -
tosh , worth $10.
Men's Mackintoshes.
$15.00 ONES FOR
$26 ONES FOR $1O.
Just the Thing for These Rainy Times.
Wo have by far the largest asbortinent of all now s'ylos Ladies' Silk
Waists shown in Omaha and the wost. They are mudo of till the newest fabrics.
Before havinir ono inido oomo he-o and you will bo willintr to admit tliat our
waists are equal in WORKMANSHIP , MATERIALS and FIT to any tailoied
waist. You cannot duplicate those waists , made by seamstresses or tailors hero ,
for nearly double the money wo ask for them.
i , = : : ,
MAIL ORDERS are pouring in from every quarter. Every ono appreciates
the promptness with which wo llll orders and the good things they got for their
Her socnnd son , George , wus born at lior
i homo in York , mid whou she caino back to
Tioc.t she brought two colored sorvunts with
her , who romaiucd until her children were
nearly crown.
"Tlio family removed from the form to
town in 1S" > " , so ns lo bo nearer tbo schools ,
and went oack in 1UOO , wlioro they ronminnd
until the iloath of Mujor DJ Pui , which toolc
plftoo in ISli'.l. ' Four year * later Mri. Do i'ul
wont woat to llvo with her dauphter. Mrs.
Nichols , whoso devotion to her mother nil
j these years wai soraothine Beautiful to wit-
I noss.
"It is n singular fact that Major vine Oo
1'ul'v. death wns the only ono Unit occurred
in that old house during'iti occupancy forOt
voara by the Dd I'm fRinlly. "
A riciiHiiiit Card I'm tv.
The card party given DV the Cntholic Mu
tual liQiioitl astoclntlon Motiuay evening , at
tliuir elegantly furntshoj rooms in tuo Ar
lington ijlnolt piovcd a brilliant event , not-
witlistandmp the very dlsagrouablo woathor.
The rooms were tastily ducoratoJ for the
oeiv.sloi ] , und delicious rorroshmcnts were
korvi'd durlu'g thu ovoumi ; . The prizes svore
awarded to Miss Pearl Miller and Mr * . M.A.
Dillon , Mr. Uroreo Paul and Mr. Augustus
Coopur , uftor the toutu game bad bcou
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. It.
Wuison. Mr. und Mrs. M. A. Dillon , Mr. nnd
jVrs. F. J. MrArJln , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. J.
O'Mrlun , Misses Daily , Pourl Miller. Lulu
McShanP , Mao Mulcno , Burltloy , HurUhard ,
Duncan , WhltP , Tnpcart , Hrndloy , MnuU
P.iul. Sualo UiiKJloy , O'Uoolf and Primoau
and Messrs. Mullen , ICocjtors , MoMabon ,
Cooper , Vi iton , Heaton , Uurkloy , Murphv ,
J.iultson , O'ShauchnosHV , Harrv and M. D.
Hiifsh' , Uibdnns , White , Paul ,
K 11 tit rind
iti lluriiiin ITIiaro ,
Mr. ana Mrs. Victor Caldwell have re.
turned. „
( J.iptuin CrowdcJias } voturnoil from St.
Joseph. jiu
Mr. iJonJaniln' Kuiith spint Monday in
c-hicaBo. ; ;
Mri. Andrews it the gurst of Captain and
MM. Ayres , j „
Mr.i. Hnrv Eatadrook roiurnoiljfrom Hot
Sprmi Frui.iy. , u
Mr. llormin Ivb-JIUzo roturncd from the
oust on Tuesday. " *
Mr. J. P. licckoK , will spend Sunday with
frlt-ndi in
iv. Mr. and Mr Frank MiiUpauirh have
lelurnod to Mliino.uiolls ,
Mr. John \Vjl.iuras | left for CblcORO yes
terday for a fowSiuVs ,
Mr. and Mr . V O. tiirlcktor have roturnou
from their wedding trip.
The Monduv uftornoon card club will moot
nt MM. Wordjn's rO'.idonco.
Mr. and Mr . Percy Pord leave this wceit
j for a summer on the cotltim-nU
! Mr , aud Mf. ' . Hnn&twn and MUs Hauscom
I are ajrain domiciled at the Puxton.
Mrs , O , 13. ForJ and mother have ROIIO lo
Dorclii'ster , Nou. , to spnnd Sundav ,
Mr. und Mr < , Uoorgo U. KJdv are happy
over thu birth of u daughter Tuesday ,
! Mr. U. U. hilly and finillv loll \Vodnos.
, duv for San IVauuUuo , their fiuuro home.
' Mr < . K.V LSD loft \Vcnuesday for
, Uandolph , N. V. , atneut all summer.
Ilov. ui.d Mr A W. Macsiab liuvo Mon-
dav for Toronto , to bo nbicnt about llvo
Mr. ami Mrs U P. PecK onteitalued nt
dlnnur Friday uveiilnf lu ho.ior ol Mri.
Ku ? los.
. Mr. aud MM. H. L. Miller will leave thli
inoriiinp for u few days' visit with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grcou will return to
morrow rrom Washington and New Yorlc.
Mr. ana MM. John MeCormiek loft on
Thursday for their now homo in southern
Ore nn.
Mr. und Mrs. Thomas ICilnatriok loft on
Friday for New York , whore they sail for
Eurouoon the i"ith.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans nro planning for .
their usual summer tour , which takes place j
early in the season. '
Miss Board man , the guest of Colonel and
MM. IMrko , will leave lor her homo , Lynn ,
Mass. , next Thursday.
Mn. Em urn Thompson and her daughter
leave \Vusblnijtoii thU week to remain
un indolluilo length of lime.
Mrs. K. A. Tluvur of Salida , Colo. , will
spend a few \\ci3lcs in Omaha , iho guest of
heritor , Mr . U. F. CiHlln.
Miss McUuguo , who is now at Swissvlllo ,
near I'ittsbtirg , will spend Ibo summer
mouths In Kontucuy ami Ohio.
Tuesday evening the young ladies of Sura-
topra will give a Leap year May parly at
Lycouni hall , North Twouty-fourtb street ,
Mr. and MM. Diek Uarlcalow arrived from
Denver Thursday and will visit mr. and
Mrs. 8. O , Ijarknlow during their stay here.
Mr. Wallace Brontch was the guc&t at
y.ilo week DO fore last of Mr , Morns Boal.
Ho returned to his homo in this city \Vodnos-
Miss Maud McClure , formerly of Omaha ,
now rcaiumg in San Francisco , has been very
seriously ill , her ( Heads here will ba sorry to
Mr. O. M. Carter Inft Thursday for Uos-
ton and the rnstcrn cities , returning via
Texas nnd Iho Huuth , He will bo absent
about two months
MIsb Stella Ktcphousnn of Lincoln is a
guest in the city over .Sunday , boini ; a vi < -
nor with Mr. and Mr& J , J , Cobry , 'Uti
F.mmot Bttvot , Kounuj [ > lacu.
The funeral of tbo little son of Mr. and
Alri > F. P. ICirkcndall , wno died on Wodiic--
day of scurlei fever , complicatiid with ilium-
in.iiR'Dtis croup , took place Friday ,
The Central Penniylvnnla dolejatos to the
gont-'ral confcrcnco were L-ntertninoit al lunch
Wednesday of ink weeic by MM. M. I.
QulKglo , JJS St. Mary's avenue.
After tlm porforinanco of "Tulu" nt ( Jar-
inni.ia hull luit avunlngMivi. James McICciina
onlertuluud Ihu meniboM ol iho cast and a
few trluuus at her homo on North Twentieth
Thu Live Issue club at its regular mooting
decided to bold its annual banquet Thuricl" '
oveiiiug , Juno 'J , prouahly at tbu Millaid ,
Air. Frank Fitzpatrlck will utllclato us toast-
The luncheons served by tbo ladles of Trin-
lly in the urypt of the cutludrul during the
Ho'ssions of the diocesan council meritoJ the
vote of thank j accorded the churohwomon by
the council.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Daly bay i re
turned from their trip through the south and
wil1 boat homo to their friends ut their rosl-
dunce , ISsJ ISorth Utgbtooalh straot , on ana
after May IM.
(3oqoril aud MM. Wheaten were given a
faiowell dinner on Thursday by Cenorul and
Mrs Hrooko. Tbo guoits were ( ionoral and
MM. Wht'aton. Judpo nnd Mrs. Wakeloy ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. il. PatricU.
Announceiimni is made of the marriage of
M ? . Cvrus UlnreuciiVuriiian and Miss
Myrtio Mane Jones , Tuesday. May 17 , at
Denver , Colo. After Juno 15 , Mr. and Mrs ,
Wurman will bo ut home at Crcede , Cole ,
On Wednesday evening , Mav IS , Mr. and
Mrs. HlcharJ C. Pattowon of Dundeu Place
outertuincd al tea Hav , Dr. B. 13. Hainllu ,
Hev. Dr. Jesse Bowman oung , Kev. Dr. O.
M. Stewart and Hov. Dr. H , N. McKaip ,
dclcoratos to tbo general conference.
Tbo marriage of Mr. Fred C. Matthews ,
traveling passenger agent of the B. & M. ,
aud Miss Nolla Mover Was solemnized at the
homo of tbo brldo in this citv Wednesday.
After the ceremony Mr. and Sirs. Matthews
left on their wedding Journey for Chicago ,
Mrs. Dr. B. F. Crummer , in honor of her
Kl-,1 or , Mrs. Malhcson of Joliet. III. , gave u
delightfully pleasant lunchocn yesterday at
her ) homo in Kounto place. There were
present Mesdames Colo. Tbomnson , Keller ,
J. i' . Williams , Hamlin nnd Miss Crummor.
General Secretary Oner of the Young
Mon's Christian association will bo married
to Miss Emily 1C. Knott of Wnkoliold , Mass. ,
June 11 , at the liomc of the bride. After u
short wedding ti ip through the Now England
states Mr. and Mrs. Obor will take UP their
residence in Omaha.
At the Saratoga hotel in this city last
Wednesday evening Frank H. Brubaker nnd
MI * * Anna Bnyorsdorfor , both of this city ,
woia united in marriage. Many friends of
the contracting parties were present , includ
ing all the employes of Ibo Omaha Rubber
company , the groom boiug a trusted employe
of this Irm. !
Amy Willis , the Infant dauchtor of liny.
John Willis , and the late Amy Graves Ohl
of Salida , Colo. , way brought to Omaha for
btirml on Wednesday lost , accompanied by
her grandparents , Mr. and Ms , E. A ,
Tliayor , Mrs. C. F. Catlln nnd little Emma
H. T. Ohl. The Interment was made In
Prospect Hill cemetery , Hov. John Williams
The Leap Year club hold ttioir last party
at tlu < homo of the Mixses Baumnn Tuosaay
ovoning. Cnrds nnd dancing were imiulgou
in during the nvoning. Those present were ;
Misses GlblH , Bullov , Bnuinnn , O. Baumnn ,
Collott , Hicb , N. Hli-h , ( Jlacomlni , Cnrrio
Onco.nlni , llusltell ; Messrs. Miller , Beach ,
I'ulm.itier. Woodward , Knouso , Meyers ,
Boss , Buuman , B'irrett , Miithows.
The ladloa of U. S. Grant Woman's Hollof
corps gave their littlu st-crotnry , Miss Muscle
CollliiH , a beautiful send-off on the occasion
of departure for Kuropo , on the lUih
Insl , bv all mooting her at the depot nnd
invsentini : her wllh an elegant basket of
( lowers. Mi s Maggie is ono of tnuir most ,
populnr mornborsand will bo missed from
their moiitings.
In oompllmnnlof MM. Kavlos and Mrs ,
Lyimn , the guests of Mrs. Yost , MM. Mor > -
mnii enlortoinoii at luncheon on 'J uesday.
The table was arranged in plnlf , crossed by
broad band * nf satin ribbon of the siinm tint
over which delicate fern loaves were seat ,
toroii. Two standing Venetian va es were
tlllod with La Franco roses. These presnnl
were : Mrs. Saylos , Mrs. haunders , Mrs > .
Yost. Mrs. Lyraan , Mrs. Ud Peek , MM. Bar-
toil , Mrs , Coutant , Mr . Morsman.
The Indies of St. Cccolla'.s parish will glvo
a lawn noclahlo and May polo festival , on
Tnggart's lawn , Forty-lirst ami llamlllon
sticuts , next Tuesday ovonliiL' . May 21. The
grounds will bu brilllanlly lighted and thn
May polodanco by young ladles witl be ono
of the many pleasing features. Hhonld the
weather prove unfavorable thu entertain-
inont will bo postponed until the following
Tuesday. ' 1 he prlco of admission for adults
will bol.r ! o and for children Ifio , Including
refreshments , Como und see the May pole
dance ,
Ono of the most delightful of the many
entertainments glvon In honor of Mrs. Savloi
was Mr. Josenh Lobmor's Informal kenklag-
ton on Wednesday. Hofroshmonts were
served from n daintily deeUud taolo. A lace
odced oinbrolJerod piece covered the center
upon whlcti stood a high v filled with
lilacs. The guests were MM. hayies. MM.
YoH , Mrs. HaumloM , MM. Morsman. MM.
Hunscom , Miss Hauscom , Ml io > t , Mr .
Wood , Mrs. Cooley , Mrs. W. V. Morse , Mrs.
Congdon , Mrs. George Paterson , MM. 1. H.
Congdou , Mrs. Boyd.
The furowpll diunor tendered Mr. H. T.
Lally at the Omaha club last Saturday ovon-
inp , prior to ins departure forSaii Francisco , -
was a most onjoynhlo affair. Thote present -fl
wcio : J. M. Thurston , Henry D. EstaJf f
broolt , Joseph Gnrnoau , jr. , J. 1C. Chambers , S
W. H. McCord , Franlc Colpot/or , W. C. - /
man , John A. McShano , L. A. ( Junior , Cap
tain John ICm/lo , Pierre Garnoau , 1C. C. Bar
ton , W. T. Wymnn , Charles L , Saunders ,
John E. Wilbur , J. J. Dickey , Daniel Far.
r"ll , Jr. , E. V. Lewis. The tublo was sot In
excellent form and at each pi ntu wasplucod
a souvenir menu , engraved in heavy f.cript.
Mrs. Samuel Burns and son Hobcrl louva
next Tuesday for Mount Auburn seminary ,
Cincinnati , lo intend the graduation exercises -
cisos of the class of ' 92 , of which MNs
Burns is ono of tlio brlghtcsl mombcis.
Later , MM. Bums , Miss Burns and 1 loner t
will return to Chicago , whnro they will as
sist ia installing Mrs. Nelllo Burns Easlman
in her now home , returning lo Omaha auoul
Juno \ ! > . Apropos of Miss Burns' graduation
iho following will show what school girls _ *
will think of : "A very umquo hotel banquet
was given by iho graduating class of Mount
Auburu institute , near Cincinnati , Friday
The hail of the Young Man's inxlituto hnd
only space enough to contain the happy
assemblage who were present to enjoy them
selves nl thuovent of the third spring socin-
blo of 1BSW , They fully domonstraled the
fact thai every succeeding entertainment
under tlio nupices of the Young Mon's Insll-
lute raises thocsloom ton higher plane of
popularity. To doscrlbo the merits of the
sociable it can only bo expressed liy the volco
and sentiment of these present , which would
bo the unanimous assent to the question that
for mirth , merriment and enjoyment the
Young Moil's institute Is unsurpassed. The
Young Mon's ' Institute is increasing in mem
bers vorv rapidly , and If tbo present pro- , -
nods urn 11 forerunner of tbo future , it wm
hnvo .10(1 ( members on its roll by fall. Young
Meu'u lusiltuto Atlilotlo club has alnudy
bought swinging rings , climbing roue , strik
ing b.ig for boxing oxoroibos and ether jnra-
phcrnnlia lo complotolhoircyninasiumoutfit.
Considerable Intoro t is manifested by tlio
members In athletic sports , und In judgment
of the progress they nro making , It is per
fectly in order to say that Homo of the best
nthlo'tos of tlio city will ba iho result of their
energy nnd painstaking.
Miss You , In honor of Miss Markham , .
gave a decidedly novel function Friday t
evening , In the dressing looms ropaxod
Inrgo imuor bugs , which \\ora found to con-
lulu , wlion opened boluw Htnlrs , iintriminoa
hats In the o carried by thn men and silk
with which lo fubrli'ulu nocktlus In these of
the girl * Tlm tllnlnir loom was transformed
Into n tompornif mlllinury ntiop , with huts ,
Mower * , illk , ohi , whlln walls hung with the
latest 1'ill Ulan phUtis mrt the eyes , and then
thn fair liontnm iiiudo known that the sewing
ability of tlm company wa to bo tested before -
fore a luvnro tribunal , With moro energy
than ililll the men trimmed lints while tlio
girls made noeUtlci. Dainty prl/os worn
awarded lo the most nurcosiful , and after
thn imul delicious of rofioihmonU a vrry
unique and oajoynblo eveiniiK was brought tea
a closo. Tlioxi present were Mis * Marknnin.
MUsMiirvPopplatoii , Ml" Hoaglaiid , Miss
Laura Hoaglftud. Miss Na.h. Mis * Brown ,
MISH Sherwood. Mr. Hall , Mr. HomllUm ,
Mr , ( Iminiilt. Mr. Sherwood , Mr. H. W.
Patrick , Mr. John PntrloK , Mr , OauU , Mr.
Drake , Mr. Henry Wynmn. .
Dr. Jllrnoy'i Catarrh Powder for cold In
head. For sale by all druggists. 50 cents.
No man over backslides nncauso ho llndi
out that ho is wouk , but multitudes are loil
bocausa they tuluU they are strouif.