Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY NEE : MONDAY , MAY 1(1 ( 1892 ,
\Jrgout Necessity for Checking Outlawry in
ScrlniM Tlmm In tlin r.inlmniilo of tclnlin
Tin Dnrnlnpmmit In the Hlnrk Hills
( Jmitennliils nti tlin Const
Nuwftoftho Nort Invest.
The laxv-abldlng people of Wyoming nro
T > ClnnlnK to ro.iUzo that a continuance of the
present strife endangers Ufa nnil property
nncl Borlously damages the ronuUtlon of tbo
slate. Order and obodtonco to iho law is a *
cssontlfil to Iho reputation of the state as to
the Individual. Disorder nmt outlawry In u
young s IT to seeking capital anil settlers will
undoubtedly check the Influx of both. Net'
thcr rich nor poor care to cast their moans
or their lot In n stnto where llfo and property
- are Imtxirllod.
Putting aslclo the causoi lending up to the
present deplorable state of affairs , the people
of Wyoming nnd the authorities ought to
know that n condition approaching anarchy
cannot lone exist without dolnp injury to the
xnatortnl welfare of the ( Into that will ra
quire years of labor to overcome. The con
tending elements each claim to be the a
grieved. In tho1 eyes of the so-called rust
lers the cattlemen nro domineering roboors.
On the other hand the cattleman look upon the
rustlers as an aggregation of hlchivayraon
fattening on stolen goods , in this light
both factions occupy dangerous ground , and
their determination to srjuaro accounts with
arms but faintly Indicates tno breadth and
depth of the feud.
hi nro thu capture and Imprisonment of the
Invodcrs , fuel has been added to the Humes
by the spiriting nwny of the chief witnesses
against the murderers of Champion and Kay.
Tills was followed by thu assassination of
I'orotnun Wollman In Johnson county
Whether one crime provoked the othur it
not material. That criminal reprisals will
follow tlio present ncu'.o disorder is inuv it-
nblo , The pregnant fact to ho considered by
the ncoplo of Wyoming is that the welfare
of iho ntnto demands u prompt settlement of
the diniuultlos.
Tbu proks is aroused to n sense of the
Increasing dangers , and an effort Is being
inauc to bring about n compromise , Thu
Che ) enno Loader calmly reviews the situation
nnd says : "Tho citizens \\yorning may
\ vcnauso \ ni tlio brink and soberly calculate
the cost. Thcro is even yet time for a peace
fill and icgul settlement of existing dlnicul-
lios. The situation rerjuiios tact , modera
tion and fairness on both sides. The good
name of the state Is already seriously In
volved , but it is not utterly disgraced
Abroad there Is rapidly growing up an im
pression thai this is a state of lawlessness in
which crime runs riot and human life and
property aio In constant Imminent danger
a state of such Inherent weakness that it is
unequal to tbo responsibilities of govern
ment. " The llrst grc'at stop , the Lcadorcon-
tinuo-i. "is to got b.ick within the law. " To
this end It urges all good citizens to unite to
"secuto peace , so that order may bo evolved
out of existing chaus and the state bo per
mitted to continue Its peaceful journey
toward the legitimate coal alined tit by every
law abiding cilizcu in thestntoof Wyoming. "
The Cheyenne Sun supplements this ap
peal by urging that "a council of the loading
nion ot iho state upon Jtho urosont conuitlou
of affuirn bo bold at the earliest opportunity
Both political pantos should bo represented
in the conclave , and so far as convenient
there ought to bo men in the conference from
different parts of thu stato. ThU is quite
important , as the situation is growing moro
serious each week. "
Serious l.uhor Troubles.
A serious state of alTalrs prevails In th1
Couor u' Aleno region between the minors
nnd mine owners. Early in the year tin
association of m'.no ' owners decided to shu
down , giving as an excuse that the advanced
freight rates made the mines unprofitable ,
Within six weeks they decided to resunio on
April 1 , coupling the announcement with a
reduction of miners' wngos from 1.50 to $
per dav. The minors refused to accept th
reduction in-.d A bitter contest is now raging.
It was Impossible to secure work'
men In the northwest , but efforts hav
boon inada to imoort a num
tocr from eastern states. Several car
loads uro on the wny To prevent the union
miners fioni Interfering xxith the importer
men , a force of I'lnkortons has been
employed , nnil injunctions have been
obtained from the federal court at linU
restraining the Illinois and their sympa
thi/ers. When sorrcd the Injunction will
nruuilcully proclaim martial law in th
county , and any persons interfering with th
non-union men will bo arrested for contemn
nf court nnd taken to Boise , where they ml
bo tried before the United States dtstric
court. The central committee of the Minors
union baa been in communication with tb
Ilutto union , and has decided to omploi
nblo counsel at once and ondoavo ;
to raUo the injunction , which the ;
claim was secured by a lalso representation
f of fncts. The sheriff of the county is said I
Imvo the power to deputize the o'ntiro com
munity to arrest all Invaders on tntorferin.
Mtli thi ) duo processor circuit law. Thl
-course may bo pursued. Tbo union men ui
firm In their demands , nnd will try by over ;
possible means to prevent the outsiders fron
working the mines. The outlook for n set
tlement is growing darker , and it is feared
Unit the attempt to imnort non-union miners
uill bo followed bv bloodshed. Uroat excite-
inont prevails In Wallace nnd crowds of people
ple staiiii on the street corners anxiously dis
cussing the situation.
Ontrlinlul Coli-liriitlons.
Towns on the extremity of 1'ugct bound
and Astoria , at the mouth of Iho Columbia ,
lust week celebrated the lOdth anniversary
of the discovery of both regions by whlto
men. A wonderful oil mi go has resulted since
the days when a few savages inhabited this
"forest primeval" and roamed unrestrained
svor fertile lands , or elided over rivers and
nlet-s which tcemca with llsh. Now everywhere -
where are largo towns and cities , with com
mercial opportunities that have developed
mil broadened until a maritime bulwark Is
presented that welcomes the visitation of
tha sea's largest traders , In the Gray's har
bor towns the anniversary cciomouies word
ommonccit on tbo 7th and continued two
ir.js. They proved an uttraotion for tliou *
muds of people from all parts of thu state ,
ft was a gain occasion in every sense of the
word , liruy's harbor takes Its name fiom
vCuptalu Crny ! , thu Hoston navigator , who ex
plored mat region In 17'.c. The Columbia
liver took its name from the ship
ho commanded. Astoria takes its
name Irani the original John Jacob
Astor. Aster's connection with a mammoth
SLhctno for buying up the country was a dis-
mul failure , but was of sufllcleiit interest tn
bo woven into a charming s'ory by Wash-
liictnn Irving. U wus an odd colncicieiii-o
that on the lust day of the celebration at
Astoria the lody ofSllluun Astor , the
grandson of thn first Astor In America , was
put uxvivy. While the Astor family was in
mourning for the lute William Aster In Now
York , iho town on the 1'ncilie i > lee | , which
m porhbps the srentoit intuiorlalto the Astor
numo , wus gay with tlags and buuting and
A llenr Stiiry.
Laramlo garner * importance from the
itory ILuv u cituon , I ) . H. Van Ortmlak , re-
tently bleU to the mountains and bagged six
soar. The achievement throws in the sludo
> ho prowess o'f O'Hoarno and Wurthello ,
ivho , it in rotated , mistook a dead cat tied to
* switch for A bear cub nnd promptly brought
It down. Vuu OrtwIcK blow in eighteen
bullets , or three to cacu bear. Of course ho
oarrowly escaped a hugging match. When
ivlthln thirty yard * of thu animals , tha inalo
boar inado a daih for him. Hut lot the
hunter detail the subsequent ovouts : "Ho
came as though I had never touched uim. I
itood with my gun poised decided to wait
until ho came close nnd then take my chances
on rapid close worn. Ho looked a * ugly as
anYlhlnc I over saw , with his mouth open
and omitting howls. ' .My kingdom for a
lior&o , ' I ihouEbt. When within about
twelve foot of wo I let him fcavo It right In
tba bead ana It was a fatal shot. The
ftulmal fell dead scarcely six feet from me.
Ho wai a big yenrliuo : and 1 cau thank my
stars that I dlil not hate a hand to hand con
flict with him , A man would have boon no
match lor him. "
Another Tin I'liint.
The DoaawooJ Times reports that the own *
ors of the Hoar gulch tin ralnos have Rtvon
options on the property to Messrs. W. H. H.
Hewers nnd Dr. Scott , who represent vast
capital , Mr , Mowers Is at present making
estimates of the cost of n mill largo enough
to reduce 500 tons of ere per day , with con
centrators , etc. , to save tha cassltorito. nnd
furnaces for smelting. Uosidoo this there
will bo thrco monster hoist * , capable of rals-
hie ere 2,500 foot , und other machinery nec
essary for working the oro. The xvholo
thing will Involve the oxpondlturo of close
onto (1,000,000. U Is said that as soon ns the
preliminaries of this scheme nro concluded ,
the B. & M. railroad will commence work on
nn extension to Boar gulch over the line ot
survey made last winter.
The now flux for reducing the cassitorito
sod by Mr. Boxvers Is something now in tnls
ountry , although It ba& been In use for a
timber of years in N'ovv South Wales. H is
ory ofToctlvo and cheap , nil thn materials
ocessary being found on the ground where
ho lodes nro. When these worits are com *
letod , which will bo as soon as men and
nonoy can do it , an annual output of txvonty
ons of motalllo tin per day xvlll bo the
osult. This is great news for Boar qulch
nd the Ulack Hills.
IMltnrliil Ammiltlns.
Thomas J. Bouton has sold the Buffalo
Wyo. ) Echo to O. H. Flag * . Flag. : Is ono
f the rustlers of Johnson county xvho nar-
oxvly escaped being shot lull of holes by the
nvadora xvhllo on his wnv to the stnto domo-
ratio convention. Mr. Bouton's valedictory
s directed chlotly ut hu envious contompo *
arv , xvhom ho paints in the lurid colors nf
ho'border. Ho Insinuates that nis osteotnod
idvursnry is "a contomptlbln xvholp , " and
visorts xvith enthusiasm that ho is a
character assassin"vho "thrust himself
in a suffering community years ago , "
chloved "notoriety by stealing n calf , " ut-
orly Ignorant of the sign 111 can eo of "prln-
iplo" nnd xvlth a conscience constantly ro-
nlndliig him that ho truckles slyly "from
bo ground up. "
The ngitition oftho ] Echo-less < tor ls pain-
ully morbid , but noxv that ho hat struck his
'lagg , coupled xvith n chnnco of scouo , xvlll
loubtloss have : soothlntr effect on his
erapor. Mennxvhllo tils esteemed opponent ,
r ho values longevity , should bo cautious
about touchlni ! lh > ) Bouton.
Sioux county o\vn about 20,000 sheep.
Aurora has but ouo saloon under Jl.oOO
Blair sports spend their time rathunting
with dogs.
Stella has organized a Business Men's
Alllnnco has r.uiod her saloon license from
: J50 to $500.
The 1'lninvlow opera house was dedicated
Friday nicnt.
Iniilnnola will bultd six miles of now sldo-
ivalk this summer.
W. H. Ferris will hereafter issue his Har-
blno Hustler at homo.
An anti-slang club has boon organized nt
iVuburn by school girls.
'Tuo Star of Kmpiro" is a new monthly
boom paper nt Kearney.
A now republican club was organized [ at
Fremont Saturday night.
Fremont has a chestnut social belonging to
the Congregational church. '
The republicans of Nebraskaj(7ity have
formed n largo republican club.
The marshal of Chadron has resigned to
shave nnd cut hair in Wyoming.
Gaeo nnd Johnson counties are trying to
unite and build a normal school.
Fremont is trying to organize a republican
club , but internal dissensions prevent.
The Philharmonic society of Lirand Island
recently gave a very successful couLert ,
Scotia republicans have formed a club of
fifty-two members. D. Moore is president.
Bishop New man of Omaha will bo ono of
the speakers at thu Beatrice Chautauqua
cbis year.
MM. George Agnew of Pnwnoo Cltv was
suddenly seized with convulsions aud died in
a few hours.
The frame of the McGoflin fashion
theater in Covmgton was destroyed by high
wind last week.
company of Sioux City capitalists Is
contemplating the erection of a big distillery
near Crystal Lake
Grand Island ii making croat preparations
to ontortaiu the Nebraska Pharmaceutical
association in Juno.
The editor of the Holdrogo Nugtiot is list
ing bis corn nnd adds "that is the way to
plant corn you bet. "
Superior people hear of a rumor that the
old Omaha , Superior & Kansas Central
scheme has been revived.
A number of families at Dawitt ware 'poi
soned by eating head cheese bought of a
local butcher. All recovered ,
Madison county's fair will bo hold Sep
tember 20 , 21 , 22 and 23. Liberal trotting und
running purses will bo offered.
Walter Whitman , working on a ranch
near Whitman , was Killed by the caving in
of earth whllo digging out some wolves.
The Northeastern Nebraska Prcts associa
tion will bold a meeting at Norfolu Mnv 21) ) ,
which members bopo to make a great suc
Heal estate and noxvspaper men of Hitch
cock , Huyos , Chnso and Dundy counties pro
pose a meeting to form an immigration asso
The stockholders of the Nomaha Valley
district fair have decided to rebuild their
buildings and to olaeo liOO moro shares of
stock on the market.
Ansloy's defeated candidates for villauo
trustees , although in favor ot saloon)1 ) , bo-
ctimo indignant at dofeal and succeeded in
preventing licenses to saloons. Tbo matter
it In court.
David Furst of Ashland was a miser for
years. A few tscoks before his death n
widow took him in and washed and fed him.
Ho died last , veou nnd loft his fortune , about
$ ; W,000 , nil to the widow.
A follow calling himself G. M. Hoffman ,
from the Rhino country in Gormnnv , uro-
( ended to bo paralyzed and worked Beatrice
poonle to the extent of a ticket to Sioux City
with n litllo pocKol money.
Uov. W. V. Chanin , formerly pastor of
the Presbyterian churches ut Ansley and
hltchtleld , has btcomo insane and U in an
asylum at Wmnobago , WU , Brain fever ,
preceded by watching at his aistar'a bed-
gldo , Is the cause.
Articles of Incorporation have boon filed
of a company for the erection of a brewery ,
and to transact the real estate business in
South Sioux City. Tbo canltal stock is
$100.000. It may turn out nil wind , but is
moro probably business.
A " - > oar-old boy of P. C. Cbrlstenson , near
Curtis , discovered a prairie llro approaching.
There was no tlmu to give I no alarm , aud ho
took off llrst cap , than coat , voit und pants
and fought tbo lire. Before help arrived the
boy wus badly burned , but still lighting ,
jlohn Friend , who committed suicide near
Syracuse , was the victim of a practice
Joliu , Ho was ontriigcd to u young lady , and
received n bogus letter from her saying that
she cared tor him no longer and that she
wished lilin not to speak to her again , The
letter was written by sotnu of the boys for
fun. Ilu took it seriously and hanged him
F. H. Scott , who was recently elected
president of the Century company of New
York owing to the death of Koswell Smith ,
is the BOH of an Ashland citlzon , W U. Scott ,
8r. Twenty yours ago Mr. Scott wont to
New York in quest of employment and on-
tared the sorvlco of the Scnbnor company at
$13 a week. By faithfulness to business ho
advanced until , when tbo Century company
was organized Mr. Soatt was elected trcni
urer and now holds the responsible position
of president.
Work hai commenced on the Kpiscopa
cathedral In Larumlo.
Cheyenne merchants huvo organized an
anti-trust society. Cash goes.
The city council of Laramie repaaled the
Sunday clo lng and anti-gambling laws
Four huudrou and sixty thousand \onng
fish will bo planted In Wvomlug Htroams tbi
Tbo 13-yoar-old son of U H. Meyer of Car
bon wat drowned lu a spring uoar ttia cit >
last weak.
The Jack Creole Mining company , bead
quariors at Arlington , Nab. , has begun oper
alien * on the digging * in Castle gulch , acres
tbo Continental divide.
Uarvlins U * ald to ba doing batter than
holding her own. The itono qttarrlea , la.
mous throughout the west , nro to bo operated
on n larger scnio than ovor. The wool Inter
est is ntsumlng wonderful proportions nnd
owner * of sheep will make moro money thitn
over thn year. Prospecting parties nro out
fitting daily at Uawltni.
South Dnkntn.
The Hnrnoy Peak tin mill will bestn opera
tions in Juno.
The Mineral Hill company proposes to erect
a stamp mill.
It Is reported the richest vein yet struck
on the Ilomostako was uncovered on the 000-
foot level.
Spring Crook ralno , near Hill City , Is de
veloping handsomely. Somn of the ere
hews joOu to the ton.
The two young son * of Thomas Curnsoy of
lello Fourcho were drowned in the rlvor
oar town , The boys were playlrc on the
banks ot the river and fell in.
Miss Loulia Wolcount , daughter of a
voalthy stockman In Stanlny county , has
brought suit for $10.000 against Billy Ben-
vny , a half-breed Indian , for a breach of
nromlso to marry hor.
Thirty dollar ere was uncovered In the
tuby Boll mlno , Tbo ere Ho * alongside n
'ortlcnl ' porphyry wall , and as far as dovol-
ipod looks to bo extensive. This demon-
tralos the theory hold by many that paying
ere exists below the present contact and
gives an increased value to nil the mines
vlthln the refractory bolt.
The republicans captured .Mltos City.
Sllvor clubs are multiply ng In the stato.
Reports como from the Okan.ieon country
hat mining operations are livelier than ever
n that section. The bills swarm xvith pros *
lectors and many promising loads are ro-
lortod , The big properties nro all working
nil forces , nnd. several now mills are being
put up In that section.
John T. Kcoco of Helena secured tbo larg
est verdict for damages ever clvon in Mon-
"nna It xvas a suit against the Union Pacific
tntlroad company for Injuries received nt
Cheyenne , Wyo. , in 1337. Ho was boarding
n train xvhon It started , throxving him doxvn.
His arm xvas so badly fractured that It xvas
amputated. The Jury brought in u verdict
n his favor of $ .T > ,000.
What promises to bo a strike of unusual
promise has boon rnado In the Umatllla load ,
xvhlch Is located on Granite Guicb , oipht
miles xvest of Helena. A shaft has boon sunk
llfty feet and a level run txx-onty-fivo feet , tbo
last txvolvo foot being in a streak of free mill
ing gold ere willed has assayed as high as
ilnotcon ounces of gold a ton. The pay
streak Is ono and one-half foot vvldo.
The total amount of dividends paia by tbo
ninine companies of the United States dur-
ng April was $1.2S72SO ! , and since Jnnunrv
1 , fl,701STO. Montana mines paid of the
first amount J3Ui,000 nnd of the second ? < i75-
)00. ) Per the llrat limn in a number of years
ts greatest divldond-oayer , the Granite
Mountain , passed Its dlrldond. ivhllo other
mines that have heretofore boon largo pro
ducers have either curtailed their output or
closed doxvn entirely oxving to the low price
of silver ,
Black foot votes bonds for a brick school
Mountain Homo is boomlne irrigation for
all His worth. A convention was hold Sat
urday and n How of oratory indulged in.
The Kuth mlno at , Sllvor City , if reports
nro true , bags the bun. Tno are is said to
assay $15,000 in gold and fo.OOO In silver to
the ton.
A largo bodv of ere xvorth ? JOO per ton has
been found in the Highland Alary , on Warm
Springs crooit , near Kotohum. The first day
it xvas struck the lucky discoverers extracted
nearly n ton.
There is considerable oxcltomont in Oxvxf-
heo county ox'or the discovery of gold and
silver quartz mines of fabulous richness on
Louse creek. It is said that much of the ere
will yield from $2,000 to $4,000 per ton.
During the past winter tbo main shaft at
the Sllvor King mine at Sirwtooth , Alturas
county , has been sunk 300 loot ncoper , mak
ing 000 in all. All the xvay doxvn the ere is
high grade in silver , and machinery for con
centrating it so thut the concentrates will
yield ut least $1,000 per ton has boon or-
-\IOIIK the
A largo coal vein has been tapped on Brush
creek , near Colvillo , Wash.
The Spokane & Couor d'Alone Railway
company proposes to connect the txvo points
with an electric road.
A genteel fcotel nt Colfnx , Wash. , announces -
nouncos : "Gentlemen with mustaches fur
nished napkins free of charge. "
A mountain lion measuring ever seven feet
from the tip of tbo 11030 to the end of the tall
xvas shot near Uualala , Cal.
A now railroad Is being built botxveon
Tacoma and the Mineral Creult district , a
distance of eighty miles ana xvill cost tl.OOO-
The Grand Rondo Lumber company at La
Grande , Ore. , started operations last week.
Toe dallr product of tbo mill xvill soon ex
ceed 100,000 feet of lumber.
A Shasta Indian broUo the egg eating rec
ord bv devouring thirty-two raw eggs at ono
sitting. He would put an egg in his mouth ,
crunch it and swallow it , shell and all.
Oregon bus by moro tnan $300,000 the
smallest indebtedness of any other state in
the union. Oregon's indebtedness In 1S90 Is
given as J1.GS3 , as against fJOO.OOu for Wash-
Panthers nro again becoming nuito bold
in the Greenhorn .section , near Yreka. A
foxv nights ago a full grown horse owned by
n Portuguese xvas literally torn to pieces by
these ferocious boasts.
The lirst message xx-ns sent over the xviros
Fridaj fiom Ocosta , Wash. , xvhlch Is tbo
most xvestcrly telegraph station in the United
States. Ocosta naturally fools quite jubilant
over its electrical connection xvith tbo outside -
side xvorld.
Caioful reports from all parts of Califor
nia sboxv that while tbo grain anil fruit
crops will not bo heax'y. yet n fine quality
will insure good . .returns. Fruit has never
been bettor than this yoir , and canners are
already making contracts at higher rates
than last year.
A bill xvill bo Introduced In tbo next Cali
fornia legislature to prohibit the false
branding of fruit. The orange nnd lemon
growers of Los Angolas and San Bernardino
counties bavo suffered severely irom this
practice , as the guerilla dealers have used
brands of orchards of high reputation on
boxes of inferior fruit. Tbo injury done is
great , und under tbo present laxv thcro is no
In the xvilds of Deep crook , a Washington
tributary of the Lower Columbia , HvoJ a
family man , xvlfo and two children , aged 11
and 'J. Man abusive ; xvife loft homo and
xvont to Astoria , taking children. Man fol
lowed and took children home , und contin
ued to treat them badly. Then there vvuj a
youthfulresolx'o. Soeretly , xvhho juttier xvas
away , thay built n raft , and ono night xvhon
ho tnougbt thuy were asleep tboy Hoard oil It ,
and , xvilhout oars or sails , floated down Into
tbo Columbia , there seven or eight miles
wldo. Thuy xvero rescued when almost per-
Uhlng xvith cold and whllo they xvoro fait
drifting out to soa.
' Lute to bed and earlv to rise xvill shorten
thu road lo your homo in tbo sides. " Hut
early to bed and a "Llttlo Early UUo'V1 the
pill that mauos life longer and bolter aud
wiser ,
I ) * ll Ik > IIIJII
A disease , treated us such and
nontly cured. No publicity. No'infirm
ary. Homo treatment. Hi.nnlca-i and
olToctiml. llofor by permission to Hur
lington Hawkoyo. Bond Uc btump for
pamphletSholcoquon Chemical Co. .
Burlington , In.
/ ITTI P I J hnd thrco 1Iul ° Sir's '
t-l I I t-C _ | who were uttackwl w Ith
obstinate ECZEMA or
Hoe | < i
at llrst re&cinblcd heat , but BOOH gruw to
yellow blisteni , some of them quite large.
Ono of the children died from the effects
of it , but we got Swift's 8j > eciflc and
gave to the other two and tbuy soon got
well. S. 8. 8. forced out the poison
promptly. The euro was wonderful.
J. 1) . K.UNB , JIurtlmville , Lu.
has no equal for Children. It
it'lieves the system promptly ,
and usdisis ) uaturcindevcloplngthccliild's
health. Our Treatise mailed free.
Tremendous Administrator's
: Slaughter Sale
of the old reliable
Hellman Clothing
Hats and Furnishing Goods Stock
At times overreaches itself.
That has been our experience in this
Inasmuch as we have been unable to employ enough competent help
to wait on the public with promptness and dispatch. But we have at
last succeeded in obtaining the necessary help , and we are now
Ready for the
Largest Kind of a Fray.
Our time is limited and we will throw a boomerang into the midst of
the clothing field that will scatter bargains far and wide.
We have lumped all of our $7.50 suits into one lot
and they are good enough for any merchant or
iv. * r 1i'irnr'itirl \ _ t-lir-v rrn nt Includosnll of the $7.50suits in
1IIOl 1 Icll 11vIjell 1 Vl LllWV iik- ' * -t L the house
Then comes the $12 line.
They go at - - - -
Includes all the $12 suits in the
We will next make a counter of choice business and
dress suits at
And close by giving you as fine a line of suits as
you can buy in any store in the city for
All our hats and furnishing goods going in the same proportion.
As space is too valuable to quote prices we simply ask you to call
and look for. yourself.
What isr.your gain is the estate's loss.
HELLMAN'S &SSS ? 13th andFarnam
Do Not Be Deceived.
Persons with weak lungs those who are
constantly catching cold should wear an
Allcock's Porous Piaster over the chest
and another between the shoulder blades dur
ing the cold weather. Remember it always
strengthens and never weakens the part to which
it is applied. Do not be deceived by imagining
any other plasters like it they are not
may look it , but looks deceive. Insist always
on having Allcock'S , the only reliable plaster
ever produced.
t ( intlr stop * the moit OTcruclntlnz pains ; never foil * toulvoeaio tci tlio stiffen ) !
For sprains , brulsoi , Ineknelie , pain in tlio diest or .side * , hi'i ; luc'ic. lonthac'ia ,
or any external pain , a few applications , rubood on by hand , act lilco um ic , cruising
ing- the pain to Instantly stop. For cnnifiSsHiiin , infi uirn itiiin , rlieu n itUm , no i-
rulgla , liiinhiiiri ) , sci itica , pains in tlio smiil of the luc'f , mo-o oxtomlod nnd ro
pouted applications are nocossury : All pilns , dlurrh'joi , dvsoit : in'i ci > li < ; ,
spn-mis , imuscn , ( nlnthi ; ' spoils , nerroiisiiOH , .slo ojilaisiios , nro relieved instantly
nnd quickly cured by taking inwardly 20 toOO ilroiu in half n tumbler of water.
Socont * a bottle ; sold by druggists. With RAD WAY'S PILLS there is no bettor
cure or prcrentlTO of 1'cvcr and Asue.
or TUB
UlSoutUUth fit rout.
Next to I'ostoflioo , Omalij.
Practical Opticians
And branch of world r nownnd option ) itabllih
menof A. B. Atoo A Co. 6L Louli. Our melbod It
loixjrlor to oil olher i ojr lentil are tuperlor ; will
Dot weary or ltr tha oj . To * fiimei propeil/ *
luttcd to the foe * .
Eyas Testae ! Free of Charffo.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
Xutlt'o js huroliy irlvun tn tlio owner or nirn-
rrof the following roil estate In the oily of
Otuiihii , to lay purnmiiriit. slluwilki ( In fiont
of urul adjoliifn tliolr property within flvo O )
iluyn from the JUtli day of M.iy. lr\ri \ , Snuli
MilmvulUrt to bo ( . onstrtK'ln I of Irick or tlllnc ,
iinil lulil In ncconJnnt" ) with plain mul Kpoc'lfl-
ratlunsnii file In tlioollice of tliu lie ml of pulj-
Ifii works , uiiil In acuoidanco with rosolutlnm
udnptoil by the ally council , vk.
\Voit Hlilu of lOtli ht. all of bloukllS i : Uo ; .
crs' uililliliin , permanent Kradu , U ft wldo
West aide of IDlli st. Intt l-- -VT block 1
Koiintro'a 4th udillllon , permununl grade , li ft
Cast sliloof lOthst. tavlotTsno 27-13-K1 , pcr >
iniinont Krado. ' ! ft wldo.
i.i8tsldoof : 7th st or I'ark Wllil iivo , lot (0 (
Kcuiiilzo's A ild , pornianunt crado , 5 f l wide.
Kast Hkluof 7th st or I'.irk Wild itvo. lots 111-
Vt Koiiiit/c's A add , permiuiunt Kradu , 5 ft
West aldo nf Till at or I'nrl ; Wild ; ivo. lots 13-
3 ! ) KounUo's A add , uurin.inuiit ) ; rnao , & ft
Wuitsiiio of 20th st.lot 1 block LHV.i city , per *
manunt Kiudu. Oft wlda
Kant hlUo of 'JOtli st , lot i block 20li ! oily , par-
lii.inont cr.iUt , I , ft wide.
WimslJouf 'JUtti at , lots i nnd 8 block 10IH
cltv , piirinniiont Krade , U ft wldu.
North nldo of Ohlc.iiu ; s.t. Ion 5-0-7-3 block 4
city , permanent xr.ido , 6 ft wldo.
fauuth xlduof CliledHOfit. lot * ! --3-4 bleaK M
city , ponnnnent zr.ulu , n ft wldo.
North lilo of Oavonuort st , lota 7-S block M
cltv , porniaiionl xruile. 0 ft wldo.
\Vt-at sldo of 2Uth 4t. loK block IbIKi cityper-
niaiiont lirinlc. G f t n Ido.
East nldu of Wth si , lot S block I0. ' > ! i city.p r-
mnnont irradc , 0 ft wide.
North sldo of I'urnani st , lots 10-11 block 4 ,
Bummlt i'laco , uormaucut urado , U ft wldu.
North side of I'nrnam st , lots 14 to 19 Inclu-
whf' 1' " " ' lon"l"ollt ! Krnile. 0 ft
„ North sldo of rnrnain st , lots 1411G block 111
> \ est l.nd. permanent sr.ulo , ( i ft wldo.
North sldo of P.irnatu st , lots 10-11 hlock 10
\\cst nnd , pcrniancnt Kr.ido , li ft wldo.
North s do of Kvrnam tt. lots 1M.1-14 block G
AUuio I1 .p i. porniancnt idc. G ft wldu.
North sldo of ( . 'lilc.iiro si , Iotso-7-s block i >
city , poimanont crado , G ft wldo.
biiuthsldoof Uhlcauo st lots
, 1-2-3-4 blodk
f5 city , pcrmandnt sr.nlo. o ftvId. . ) .
North side of Clilc.tsoM , lot S block 44 city ,
pormnnont jr.iilc , G ft wide1.
fconth sldo of > > Uots 2-1 block 31 city
poriu tnont Krado , n ft wldo.
North sldoof IJ.ivonport st. lots l--IM block
iSclty. permanent grade. 8 foot vrldo
West sldo of 20ih st. lot 8 block UH city , poi-
mancnt prado , G ft wldo.
East sldo of SJthst , lot 3 block 310 city , per
manent grado. G ft wldo.
South sldo of Uupltol ave , lots 12block : ! 81
city , pei m-uiL'iit grade , 0 ft wldo.
fcouthldo of Uapltol ave. lots 2-ablockSi
city , permanent srado. U ft wldo.
South sldo of Davenport st , lots l--n block
.8 city , permanent crade. 0 ft wldo.
North sldoot Davenport . loU
nt. 6-7-8. block
5V'ly ' < P ° /miinent grade. 0 ft wldo.
\ \ et sidoof 18th st. lot 8 block 21 city , per
manent grado. G ft wide.
IJist. sldo or ISthst , Iots4-5bloik44elty , por-
mimt srado , ( l ft wldo.
West sldo of 17th st , lots 1-3 block 73 clty.per-
nionontsrade. G ft wldo.
West sldo of 17lh st. - < oiitli7r. ft of lot 8 block
Sicily , permanent trade , n ft wide.
South sldo of Davenport st , lots 3-1 block 79
city , permanent irud ( > . G ft wldo
South sldoof Davonportsl , lot2 block80city
permanent jr ule. G ft wide.
Kast sldo of 10th st. lot 4 block 4'i city , per
manent grradn , G ft wide.
U'oitsldoof What , lot 1 block Klcity , per
manent rude , (1ft ( wide.
\VVstsldo of 10th st. lots block 310 city , per
manent crado. G ft wldo.
North sldoof rainuin ht. lots 12-1 Ml block G
Alan.o I'Ju/a , permanent urade , G ft w ( tin.
Npith sldoot farnum st , lots 14-n-10-l7block
5 Alamo l > lu/a. nermancnt grade , G ft wide.
North sldo of st. lots ll-l.-l 1 block I
Alamo I'ln/a , linrmanerit grade , G ft wldo.
Norlh bldoof I'ainambt , lots 11 to 17 Incite
slvo blocu 0 Joiotno 1'ark , permanent grade , G
ft wide.
North sldo of 1'nrnani st , lots 1-2-4-7 block 8
.lorntno 1'ark. pcniiiinont grade. 0 ft wido.
North .sidoof I'unium st. lots 1 to7 incliihivo
Wnnlf 7 Jerome I'ark , pcrmanont grade , u ft
North sldo of Parnam st , lots II to ID Inclii-
HHO block 12 Wc t Knil. perntanont grade , 0 ft
North sldo of Knrnam st , lots 14-15-10 block
I.I West nnd , porniitnent grade , G ft wldi > .
North side of Karniim st. lol 10-11 block 10
Wnst l.nd. pcrmanont grade , G ft wldo.
L.tM sldo of anh avo. lots 1.1 IG-17-18 block 1
Ihuiscom I'Uci' , permanent grade , U ft wldo.
West side of artli st , south 217 ftlotU : ! I
Iledlrk's add. permanent grade. G ft wldo.
West nlilp of 27th st , north 215 ftlotMJ I
Ili'fllrh's mill , permanent itr.irtn. II ft wide.
i.istsldo : of 14th st , lota 4-5 blouu & . ! oltr
permanent grade , G ft wldu.
North bide of Kamam st. lots 10-11 block 4
.Summit I'laco. permanent trade. G ft wldo.
Kast sldo of . ' 1th st , lot I block 1 Godfrey's
nuil , perm inont grade , ti ft wldi > .
West Hide of 21th si , lot II block 1 bhlnn'x
add , permanent grade , H ft wide.
I > idl side of 21th lols .
st , 2-J-I-.VO-8 block 8 13
> Mnltli's add , permanent grid < > , ti ft whlo.
jastNliloof2llh : Hi. lot ID Idluwlld , iurma-
neiit grade , A ft wldo
WostMldoof : lih st. tax lot 31 bCoO-15-inor- : :
inanont urado , H fl wldo.
Uaatsltle of 24th st , lots block lUIii
cltv , pert.i.inent grade ri ft wldo.
I.anl Hide of 'Itli st.lots 2-J-4-5 b'.o MsT1 city
poriiuiiifiit grade , b ft wldu
Il.nlstdoof 21tli st. lots 7-s-O-lO bJock I87 > i
city , poimanont gradii. 8 ft wldo.
i : ibt side of 2ith it. toU 1 to r > Incliislvo hlock
1 hoi bach's .Jnl add , perinanciU grado. B ft
West sldoof 24th st , lots 7 tn 1'J Incliittvo
block I Armstrong's 1st udd , pormunrtit grade ,
Woatslduof2lth st , lots 1-2 block 3bhlmi' *
add , jiurni inent grudo , 8 ft wldo.
West aldo of 21th jt , lota 2-11-1. block G
nhlnn's add , permanent gr.tdo , H foot wide.
rionth sldoof Davenport Ht , adjoining High
school irronii I betnocn'Jtli anu . 'nd H , por-
niHnentgrailo. 8 font wldu.
Bistslilo of 22ml nt , adjoining IIIsh'Hjhool
ground bctucon Dodge anil Djvonporl sti ,
permanent grade , 8 ft wldo.
Cj8t nldoofjUtliHt. lots block I'Ji'/i clty.pur-
iiniiient vriidu. a ft wldo ,
West * lcliiof 2UUi st. lot 4 block 18IH city , ptr-
inxiient grade , U ft wldo.
Wiut sidoof 2Hint , lot I block 205 clty.por-
m anon t grade. Oft wldo.
Kast sliluor2 < lthiit , jot I block 20151 city , per
manent - rado , G ft wldu ,
Westtldoof 2Jlh st , lots J-8 block 1U4H cltr ,
pornianLiit crado , 0 ft wldo.
North filduot Wool worth ave , lots 0-10 block
U llanni-oin 1'lacM. pormtnunt gradu 0 ft wide.
North bldoof Woolworth ave , lots 12-14 block
0 lianscom 1'luuu. permunont 0 ft wide.
Kai > tldeof 2-Hli st , lotlUMA lla oall' bUb ,
purniunont grade , G f l wldu.
Umulia. Nub. , Mity 14th. 14U2
Chairman llo.inl of I'libllo Works
hcrol y KIVOH to tlic owner nr iwn-
PM of the fi'llowinir ri iU c < t it1 In the r tv of
DmnhA. to Injr nml n-pnlMidpwntm.n fumt of
nnd ndlomlni ! thnir propony with.n fi\n
( M dnr fr.'intho inth il-iynf May lr .Mali
* ldow\llis ( to booonstrnclfd nnd rcp-Utr I | ih
whlto Pine nml litlit In ni ordaii , o v th iilntn
nti'l ' in clflott'oin ' on fllo In thooni'oiit tha
Itunnl of I'nlilli'orkv nnd In ar-onlnn'n
with roiulut'oiH ' ndoptoil by iho city to UK.I ,
\\f \
North ship of l.tifnvotto strort lots .1 to S In *
rimUo. bl'xk'W.IMN1 sub ( n ttuliuit Hill , I
fiwt wldo r | jil > lt < h ( > d erjilo.
\\ost slili'of l.'nd strpot. lnl Si ) block SI
nut 11111,0 foot wldo , present srndc ,
Wo t sldo of 41 < t - < iroot. north ' Mrt"k II
Wnlnut Hlll.R foot wldu. nstnblUtiod cni lu
Kast s'do of SiMli utrotu. lot iiiooK BSwoc/y'i
ndilltlon. 0 foot wide , potnlillilii' ' ! lirulo
South sldo of IVntor stroot. lot 1 nnd HilooU
381irUor I'liH'o. I feet wldo. ostatillslu-d Knida
Mintli side of C'ontor strool. lot * 1 nnd SX
block 4 , Hirlvor I'laco , 4 foot wide , olt'tbllshoil
South sldo nf ( 'outer street all of block 2 ,
Aokormnn I'laco. 4 feet wldo , o talillshoil
South sldoof Centerslrcot , lols 1 toGIno 11-
slvo block ,1 Arkorinin 1'lnot * . 4 foot wide. 0.1-
tabllshcil grade.
South sldoof ( 'enter street , lots I to 0 Inclu
sive , block 4. Ai'korinan I'laco , 4 foot wulo ,
established grade.
South side of Center street , school lot block
S AoKorman I'laco , 4 feet wldo , ostiiblNhoil
South ildo ot Ccnlorstreol. lots I toO lnou-
R\O | block : tl. Ambler I'laco , 4 feet whlo , ) .
llshoil Rrula
boiitli side of Cnntcrstreet , lots t ton Inclu
sive blook 40 Ambler I'lnco. 4 foot wldo.proienl
South shloof Center it rout , lols t toG Inclu
sive block 41 Amhior I'lnco , I feet \\lde , ost.ib *
Ishod crado.
Soulh sldo of renter slreol. sei'013IH , between -
tweon Ambler and ShrUor I'lncos , 4 fcotwldtx
established grulc.
South sldo of Oilier Mreol. lols 1 mi ) 2J
block 1 Shrlvor Place , 4 foot whlo , ostabilshod
Sonlli sldoof Center street , lots 1 nnil 3 ]
block 2 Shrlvor I'lace. 4 feet wldo , established
South sldoof 1'npplcton IIMMIUO. lots I to li
tnulnsbo block 15cst bide , 4 foot wide , tem
porary grulo
Sonih side of 1'opplelon nxonno , lolsl , 2 , n.
block 10 Wosl sldo , 4 foot , lompor.iry
Norlhsldoof I'opplolon n venue , lols 7 to 13
Inclnshe block \\cstSlilu , 4 feet wide , loin-
por.iry grade.
North sldo of 1'opplelon a\onue. lols 11 to 2) )
IncIuMxo blook 11ost sldo , 4 feel wide , tem
porary grade
North-idoof I'onplolon nvcnno. ii > e .Ifl-l'i-ll ,
ni'ross the right-of-way of .Missouri I'aellleor
Holt lilno It it , I feet wide , temporary grade.
Kast side of I Jml street , InN u and ID block 5
llllchcock's 1st addition , h feet wide , eslab-
Ilsht'il grade
Tasl side of 4.'nd stioel , lots 0 iiul 10 block it
Illtclu'ook's 1st addition , G foot wide , ostab-
llsheil grade.
Not Ih side of rrnnUUn street , lots I to " , ) In-
cliislxo block 11 On-hard Ulll , G feet wide ,
present giade.
\\ostsidoof4lst nxonno , loll b'ork t. Pop *
plolon Park. G font w ulo. present grade
I'.tst sldo of .list htreet , lots 11 io2l Inclu
sive block O.I. I. Itodu-k's sub , G feet wldo. es-
Inbllshi'd grade.
Kast sldeof.ilsl street , ta\ lot IIIsee 2I-I.--I1
Gfeot wide , established grade.
West sldoof Mth street. 'os ' Hand 45 HU-k-
ory I'lnco. G feet wide , niesent grade
.south shlo of Plorco street , lots I , s , I , 4 block
2. > 7 elty , l > feet ulilu. preient graile.
.south sldo of Center stieet. lots , K ) anil .11.
Windsor Plaue. exleuil slilewalks lo eurb line.
KaslsldoofJsth avenue , lots IJand 1.1. bloek
1. t'larendon. raise xxnlU aboxe gride
West side ot , " > th street , lots 1 tn7 Inclusive ,
Alnsflelil nddlllon. I feet ulilo. pr > * snnt urado ,
Wesl sldoof."ith street , lots 40 to 71 InclnslVL ,
Iv ispai'saildltlon,4 feet wide , present grade.
Ilnsl sldo of 1th slteot. lots s to II Inolusixe.
Alnsllold additmn. 4 fool wide , piescnt giailo.
Kast sldoof .Mh street , lots > mid (7 , Kas *
oat's addition , t feet wide , present irradu
North sldo of Hurt street , lots 4 and . " > , block
1. O'Nollssubdivision.
N Jith sldoof Ilurlhtrcot. tiv lot 10 , section
North side nf Hurt street , tax lot 12 , section
South side of C'aldwoll street , lot ' > , block 13 ,
Shlnirs addition
West side nf 2ird : stieetlots 7 lo 12 Inclusive ,
block 1. Hoi bach's ilil addlllon
Cast sldo of : utli street , lot II. block 8 ,
Drake's addition.
East sldoof 2flth street , lotO , block \ Swoo-
sy's adilltlon.
Kast sldo of Mill slrcet. lot : r > , Snnuysldo ad
West sltfu of 20lh street , lots2 and 25 , Sunny-
sldo addition.
Kustsldc of : i th btreet , lols 1.1 ami 11 , Sunny-
sulouddlt on.
OMAHA , Nob. . May 12. iso. .
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
May 1114 1G I ? Id It )
Notion Is hereby glxen to the owner or own
ers of tlio following real oslato. In thooUyol
Uniaha , to lay sldevxatks In fioni ot and ad
joining their pioperty within live iM day )
from IlioSith tluy of .May. lt-V. fin b slUevvalKi
to bo constructed of stone or artillcl-il stone
and laid In accordance with plan" an I Spool-
llcuituns on Illo In the olllco of iho board ol
pnnlie works and In ac ordiinco.itli icsoln-
lions adopted by the city round ) , v I/
West sldo of Uith si . lots : i and I. hlock G ,
Ivoiint o.V Huth's addition , permanent grade ,
a foot wlile.
West sldo of liith st. . lots 7. 8 und 0 , block 0.
Knunt/o A. Itutb's addition , permanent grado.
II foul \x Ido.
West sldo of Ifithst. , lot III and n ' of lot II ,
blooK G. Kount/o & . Knth's audition , poima
nont grado. II foot wldo.
West sldo of I.lth sU , lotsl to2l Ini'Iuslvo ,
bloek ' ) , Kounlro's Mtl addition , pormanunt
grade , 20 feet vv Ide.
West sldo nf I.lth St. , lots 1 to 1) Inclusive ,
bloek 12'KounUo's.Id addition.
Knst bldoof llth st. , lot 5. b.ock 1GI , eltyper-
m.uient grade. 10 feet wldo.
North aide of Jackson st , . lots 5 und n. block
1G4. city , permanent grade , 2) ) teet whlo
West sldo of 2Jthst , lot H. block 2J'i'i , city ,
permanent grade , G feet wide.
Last sldoof 'Jith st. . lot f > , block 2WS. clly ,
permanent cr.ido , G foot tvlde.
West sldo of 2Jthst. lot 8. block SOa'i , city ,
permanent grade , i > foot uldo
Kast sldo of 20ln St. , lot ! > , block 201'J , city ,
permanent grade , Gfeet wide.
Wostslduof 2ith st. . lot I , block 211' } . city ,
permanent gr.ulo. ( Ifoet wldo.
South sldoof Davenport st. , lots I , 2 and ,1 ,
block 77 , city , pcrmancut cratln , fj foot wldo
North sldo of C'hlcagn st , loin 7 and h , block
4 I. city , pel manent grade , G feet wldo.
South sldo of Chicago st. . lols 2 und 'I , block
5tl. city , pormnnont grade , Gfool wide.
West sldo of 2Jtli st. s GO foot of s V , nf 1 of lot
0 , Capitol addition , permanent glade , S fuel
Kast side of 2-Uli Ht. . lots 4 anil ! > , block III ,
eltv , permanent grade , G foot vvldo.
North side of Daxonpoi'/ . lots 7 nnd S ,
block .V ) , city , permanent grade , o fuel vvldo
Kast sldoofith st , , lot I. block 214'- . city ,
periiiununt grade. G feet u Idc
West sl < Io of 1'Jth ' st. . lot I. block 212'j , clly ,
permanent grade. G feel xrlde.
Kast sldo of I'Jth sU,1ot4 , block 2I3'J ' , city ,
permanent grade , G foot uldn.
Kast sldoof 17thhi. , ni of n " , 0/1018. / blouk
SG. elty , purnianentgradu. G fool wide.
I'.ast side of 17th bt , lols t and 3 , blook 10 ,
clly , pormanunt grade , G foot wide.
Kast sldo of 17th si. , lots 4 and . " , block 351 ,
city , permanent grade. G foot wide ,
Kast aldo of 17th ! . . lot , ' . , b.oek , t7 , clty.Der-
ninnt grade , G feet w Ido.
West sldo of IHth st , , lotx 1 and B , block 142 ,
cltv , permitnont nr.icle , jo foot wldu
Kast Hldo o [ 17th st. , lot I. block 11) , clty.per-
manent grade. 2 ! ) foot wide.
North slilu of llarnoy st , , lots S , Gnnil 7h'.ocb
I'M. city , poimani'iit grade. 12 feet xvl.le.
OMAIM , Nub. Miv : llth , 1 02.
Chairman Hoard of I'ubllaVorUs. .
m 14 10 17 IH 1'J ' .M
L lumber , ote : IT. K Indian K-rueo , Kosu-
Iniil Aioniiy , h. I ) . , May . ' , IS'Ji Simlod propoi-
af | , endorsed "Proposals for lumber , bunding
material , ulo. " , ns the case may be , and ail-
arcssod to thu uiulurril-'neil at Kosohud
aguney. H I ) . , via Valentine , Nub , , will bo ro-
rolxon at this agunuy until I o'ulocK p in of
Tniwduy , Mny 24 , isr , ' , for furnlsliln : and du-
llxorlng at Valunllno. Nob. , or at points i.n
the Uoiobiiil Indian reservation to lie do-i g.
naled by thu un-lorslgneil , about 2OOJ foot
of nsiortiid lumber. 14\OJO shln/los , 6",0iu
laths , brick , llini * . hardwaru , doors , windows ,
pilnlK. oils , olo. , a full do uripUon of winch ,
together with Information as to polnm of du *
llvory , will bo furnished upon application
IllddoM will bn iuiilrcd | to talu Npuulfl-
eully In their hlds thu Proposed prlco of
each urtlolo olleiccl for delivery under a
oonlr.iot , and thu po nt or points It U pro *
posed to delh or the articles , Thu rUht U r *
served to rejuct an v or all blcln , or any part of
any bid , If doornail for the beat Interest nf the
sorvlco ( JiiiiTiriKii < IIKCK- Kurt ) bid must bi >
ucconipanled by a certified cliuul. or draft
nponsomo United Males depository or HO ! vent
National In the vluJnltv of the rusldiincu
of the bidder , made payable to 110 order of
the rommliHloiicr of Indlun alTatr < , for ut
east A pur cunt of thu amount of thu proposal ,
which cheek or draft will " > o forfultol lo tlin
I'nllcd Statci In eifio any bidder or niddur *
receiving an award shall fall lo promptly ex
ecute u contract with good and sulllulont
Hiiretl-1 * . otberwlso lo be returned U > tlio lilil-
ilnr. llldn accompanied by In Hull ofv
certified will not be considered Tor
further Information apply to J. ( luurgu
Wright , United titatoi Indlun Ageou
Not Ire.
Tlio annual meeting o'f stooxholdcn of tha
I'reiuont , Klkhorn fi MUsourl V'ullor Uailroad
oompuny will hu hold ut the ollleu of thu com
pany In Omaha , Nub. , on I'ruluy. May \
Ib/J , at2o' lock p m. , for the oluul'.on of di
rectors and for thu transaction of sufhothor
biiilnux as tuny coiiin boforu the ineutln. .
J. U. ItEuriKl.u ,
DutoJ Aprllia , HM