8 THE OMAHA DAILY JWE5 FRIDAY , MAY 1H , 1802. PRINTERS' HOME DEDICATED Notable Qathcring of Members of the Craft nnd Distinguished People. OPENED WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES Nestling llmentli tlio .Monntnlii Crn s It It an Kniliirltii ; 1'ronf of tlio ( Inoil Thnt M In thn lltiiiinii lli'iirt. Coi.onuio Si'iiis-n , Colo. , May 12. The Child * Drexel Homo for Printer * was dedi cated hero today with appropriate cere monies. Tlio building U located ono mlle from the city on an elevation which over looks thn Oardon of the Gods , Pllto's Peak. Manltou and Choycnno canon. It 1 built of white lava stone with red sandstone trim- tniiiKS , Is four stories hlKh , 144x40 foot , with all modern conveulcncos. The cost was r&o.ooo. How tlm I'timl Wns Itnlnoil. The lund which was used for the construc tion of the homo was started In 1SS ( ! by ( Jeer o W. Childs nnd A. J. Drcxol of Phila delphia , who , through Mr. James J. llalloy , presented the ItitcrmiUonnl Typographical union a check for ? IOCUO , the Joint gift of the two gentlemen nbovo named. The gift was unconditional , nnd the disposal of the money was loft to the International body. The fund was designated as the Chllds-Orcxcl fund , to bo added to until a sufllclcnt amount lind ac cumulated to warrant tlio buildinc of u homo Tor superannuated prlntcri. Various ways were devised to increase this fund , nnd , ns a result of tnnny delibera tions , it was decided thnt on the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Chtlds , each printer working in olllces cast of the Mississippi Hhould contribute the prlco of 1,000 o.ns of composition toward the fund , and that on September ll ! of each year , the anniversary of the birth of Mr. IJrcxel , the compositors nt work in onices west of the rlvor named nhould make n like contiibution to the lund. The fund was placed In the hands of special trustees , nnd in the course of tlmo it grow to such an extent that they felt warranted in tha building of the homo. The rooms in the oulldlng nro furnished by unions In St. Louis , Chicago , San Francisco , Now York , and ono by the Chicago Inter Ocean , The gathering of n fine library was begun nt the dedication today , Hon. lraJ. ( Sprague , the mayor of Colorado Springs , delivered an adilress of welcome on behalf of the city , in which ho spoke in eulogy of printers nnd the pi inline trade , iiiRtnnolng many Illustrious men , beginning with Hornco Grecloy , who had been printers. James McICct.nn , vlco president of tlio International T ) pogrnphical union , replied in on appropriate bpooch to the mayor's welcome - come , thanking Messrs. ChliUs nnd Uroxol nnd till these who had contributed to the building of the homo. Governor John L. Houtt delivered an address - dross of welcome on behalf of the state , con gratulating Colorado on being honored by the donors as the situ for iho building nnd ihe donors for selecting tbo most suitubla in iho country. Hon. Ucorgo . Childs was introduced nnd bald : Mr. Chillis' icmirl < H. "Gontloincn and Ladles : I am not unnatur ally t'liiluiinissod In uddrussliii : nuompany of Mirh a distinguished anil dlvuislllud ruprt'sun- tutlvo fliuiuctui. 1 c.immt oxptess thu deup H'lisu of my appreciation of the honor such u reception uonfi rs on n e. I am piofotin ily Im- jiressud bv thu Runoroiis nulcomii of tlm chief iniiKlstrutu of tins votinc , wealthy and vljior- tnih fomiiinnwuulthi of the cliluf magistrate ot this nllni nt and beautiful city , lie iiuvo put uMilo thu uni\o uiralrsnf stale anil innnl- rlp.illtv and the exactions of liuslnt's to glvo greeting In us who li.nc conin fioni a dlstanco to assist In the dedication of this home. It as forty-one years ngo thnt thu Intetimtlonul Typographical union \VVH ustabllsht'd l > y thu ineiiilior-iof that honorulili i-r.ift , nhoso liitiit- llKcnl minds and hklllfnl liunds Imvo dls- homlnuliid humin Ihoii ht throughout the \\orld. Thu printers' unions hu\u not only t.proid thu ll lit of education and rullgioh oor this vast continent , bill tnuy ha\o lvun to labor u hlghui inanity , a broader Imlepond- cnco und all tlmto qualltlos uhlch render It of Kreatost worth. "I i om boy hood I Imvo uoen moro or less In- tliimtuly associated \vlth thu mumburiof thu cr.ift and , linottlni : It so loim and u ell. 1 have natuially syinpathl/c'd It anil what lit tle I lm\o been abtu to do to G\pii > ss my ad- mil.itlon nml allection for It lius honored mo moro for thu doing of it than the craft In ru- ecpllon of It. Ills not thu pi inters who ewe me gratitude. The InduhtudiiusM Is mine. I rcgrut that my tloni frlund and associate. .Mr. Diu.vul , Is not hciu today In person to shaio with mu the friendly warmth of yonrpuner- ous Kii.elini : . 1'or him , who Is huro In splilt with me , ho whoso syniiathy ] for nil that Is peed and noble N so threat , as well as for my- tc\t. \ I heartily , eirnestly thankyou. It Is not ( jiir dcsoivliig. but your generosity which Ims madoyour wulconie so Imuroslvu ami gratu- ful. " August Dnnath ol Washington , D. C. , fol low od Mr. Childs with u brief history of the Chllds-Uroxol homo. ht'imtor ( ; iillliii'r'n Sjiopoli , Wbon Mr Danath had ceased speaking Senator Gnllingor of Now Hampshire was introduced and delivered the valedictory oration. It was a brilliant effort , abounding in lofty thought , beautiful similes nnd well rounded peuods , Ilo reviewed the history of printing from its first inception until the present day and spoke of the benefit it had been to the world nnd Its services In the cause of justlco nnd humanity. The honored members of the craft , the truly gioat men who hnvo been tellers in the profession , Vtoro recalled and their memory and deeds eulogized In plowing language. "Tho print er's case , " said the syeakcr , "has been , nnd is , a stepplng-stono to positions of honor and trust. Krom it have sprung statesmen , phllnsophorn , writers , thinkers , scholars patriots nnd p'lilanihiopists. It has made itself lelt in business affairs , in state craft and in diplomacy through Its graduates. They hnvo moved the world nt homo , and they hnvo not been without their Inllnonco nbronn. The Franklins , iho Gieeloys nml the Plumbs have abounded in the history of our country. Surpass thoin , if you can , in tlio product of your universi ties and in the ovorllow of your colleges. Solf.mado men , all of them , whose ambition was llrst liicii nt the rnso as they sot in tvpo thu thoughts of others. What blows they dealt In contravortv ! What strength they hud ! Whnt force of expression I What sturdy ndhuronco to principle ! Nothing an- palled them. Their character was not the rollection of n tutor or of n college. 1'hov were possessed of individuality , original anil striking. They carved out their own way in llfonnd tholr own fortunes. They livoIntlio * present lu acts und deeds which survive tholr mortality. " President . S. Capollur of the National Editorial association rospoiulod gracefully to the address. In Uio absence of EUBOIIO II. Murray , who was dotmnca by sickness lu Philadelphia , n poem from his pen was road by Lou Iliu-ti- gan of ( Jreodo. The rouorablo Bishop McLaren of Chicago , the old'tima friend of Mr. ( Jlilhls , responded to an invitation to speak andmauo some very pleasing remarks. Hov. A , U. KllTer cloned the exorcises with n bonedictlon. Mr. Childs1 party will remain In Colorado Springs until Saturday morning. Frlduy will bo dovotcd to a drlvo toManitou and the ( iardon of the Uoits , Their tiaiu will leave Colorado Springs Saturday forenoon on the Itlo Urantlo , arriving at Hullila In thoaftor- iioon. The night will bo spoilt at Saliua and Sunday morning the trip will bo resumed to Loadvlllo and Ulonwood , "Late to boa and early to rise , will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. " Hut early to bed and n "Little Uaily Hisor , " tlio pill thai makes llfo longer and bolter and wiser. Dr. Culllraoro. oculist. UajbulUUns The I'niHiliir Jtonto forSiiiiiiiiprTonrUtii , In Rolny to the inounttiln or oconn ro- Forts of the oust you nro euro of tt tilotis- nnt journq.v if your tlckot ' rends vm tlio I'cniihylvnniii'linos from 'Chicago. Di rect route to lu'lnulpal plucos of suminor Hojotini tilong the Atlantic , in the Alto- phunioB , Adiroiulncks und the Culskills For dotnlls uOdrosH Goorro ( Jenkins , trnvolinepasfcciiKor ngont , Dttbuquo , la. Dentil of u Tru\iliiStIr | | iiinii , I ) , S. Solti , a travullnu salesman for tno Jilijiutrick-lCoct Dry Qooan company died at the residence of O. Mnrtv , 2VS ( ) Httrney direct , Wednesday nt noon. Mr. Soltz wns nn exemplary man , iV > yearn of ago nnd Lns boon with the KllpatricK-lCooh tpooplo since iho orgnnlatlon of the llrro. Mr. Alton Koch ac companies the retrmlns to the homo of his brothers In Hnmotown , Pn , The deceased wns unmarried. _ _ Ilr. nirnov's Catarrh Powder cures catarrh. For sale by nil druggists. 00 cents. Dnctorn Conrliido n Vrry Intrrstlni : Hcsulnn of Their Sorlt'ty. The physicians of the stnto who Imvo boon In attcndanco at the twenty-fourth annual convention of the Nebraska btato Medical society hnvo quit expounding on modlclno , professional ethics nnd the like , The society has adjourned. It concluded its three days' session yesterday , and the visiting doctors have returned to their respective places of abode. The convention , from n profcsslonil stand point , wns an ititcrcsllng ono , In which the dirferohtdlsclDloJ ot , Ksculapius exchanged views on thoprnctlce of medicine , discussed the needs of essential medical legislation , and in the languao uf First Vice President Dr. V'jn Mansfcldo of Ashland was ono of the most important conventions of its kind over held in the stato. Atycsterdny morning's session the election of ortlcors was proceeded with , Ur , A. S. Von Mnnsfcldo of Ashland wns elected lint vice ( resident , Dr. Harold GIlTord of Omaha seo- > nd vlco president , Dr. George Wilkinson of Omaha recording secretary , Dr. U. U. Davis of McCook corresponding secretary , Dr. W. M. ICtiapp of Lincoln treasurer. Nobrasita City was selected ns the plnco or holding the next annual meeting , on invl- ion of the physicians of lhat city. Chloroform Chou liody Illow. Dr. J. K Garner of Ponder road the first laperon "Docs Your Paticmt Weed Glasses , ) oclor ? " after which there wns a heated dis cussion on Dr. Von Mnnsfoldo's report on Progress in Surgery" nnd the use of chloroform in surgical operations. Dr. ColTmati denounced the lisa of the opialo and mid it wns good only for Inking the Ufa of nan. Ho was ot the opinion that it phvsirinn using It should bo prosecuted for malprac- Ico. His nntunhclie was ether. Dr. Po-ibouy tnouuht morphine wns moro langorous than chloroform. Ho had ud- nlnistciod the drug for thlrtv-two years nnd md never killed anybody with It. Ho beloved - loved all remedies woio good when properly ulministored , nnd did not think nny of the drugs should bo discarded. Dr. Inches scored the gentlemen nnd said 10 felt like knocking together their heads 'ordllTeilng so widely upon a subject so thoroughly discussed in medical puMlc.Uions. This was followed by a general discussion juo and con ns to the usoof chloroform. Dr. Dcniso said ho used chloroform nnd thought i was safe , but did not want to overtake the drug himself. Dr. Von Mansfolno closed the argument by saying that morphine had killed more peonlo ; han nny other drug. Ho snitl that if Dr. Coffman wns in n position to undergo the agonies of child birth ho would Do glad to take chloroform. Dr. W. O. llcnrv of Omaha road a paper on "Atlo-Axoid Disease. " Shot 'Iluoiigli ttiu Iti'iirt anil I.lvcf ) . The attendance nt tlio nttornoon session wns light. The llrst papur road was on "Splnn Biflda Occultn , " by Dr. A. Bowcn of Nebraska City. The paper was referred to the committee ; on publication , and Dr. G U. Peebles of Lincoln load .1 paper on "A Pia- tnl Shot Wound of the Heart The Re covery , " and u report of a c.iso which ho treated. Thu case was thnt of a woman. The author of the paper ascribed her wonderful recovery to her marvelous and strong will power. Dr. B. B , D.ivls of McCook road an inter esting paper on "Tliroo Cnsos of Tracheot omy" und Dr. P L. Hall of .Mead reported a. case of uterine overs-ion. Dr. E , W. Martin of Fremont gave the his tory of n case of a woman with twin pregnancy , ono fcutus in utero nnd the other in Ok.trn-utcrino. Tno physicians thought it WHS n very peculiar case and \\as diflicult to diagnose. The woman died. Dr. B. F. Crummor treated the subject of "Pelvic Inllamatlon in Women. " Ho said many of tlio cases were suparinduced by , in fluenza , nud cited instances of numerous cases with which he was familiar. Dr. L. A. Moriiam read n treatise on "Dosage , " how to administer medicine , the quantity nnd wisdom ol givini : it. Ilo talked of the system and its capabilities of ab sorbing medicine , and said that within the next twenty-live jcars medicine nccuratcly weighed and measured would oo used ex clusively. His piper was the subject of much discussion after which its publication , tocethor with all others read , wns ordered. W. H. Christie of this eitv cloicd the read ings of papers by giving n treatise on "Diu'i- talis , its use nnd abuse. " An adjournment was then taken. Orun'cc inu H. A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. No inlirm- nry. Homo treatment. Harmless and allecttml. Refer by permission to Bur lington Iliiwlceyo. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet Shokoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la , CHAKACTERS NEW TO THE COURT. Frost Touched llciids Uu\\llllut Culprits llclorn .luilgo Hi-rUii. Three bowed pray heads looked very much out of place in the front row of the group of prisoners which faced Judge Barkn yesterday morning nnd even the hardened nudionco which lounges out- sldo the rail pitied thorn. There was the usual unkempt , unwashed medley behind them , the usual half do/en of brazen faced , slatternly , blear-oyed women from the Ninth street slums ; the usual bull-dog representatives of toughdom with their btUtling hair and stubby beards ; the usunl tin horn sharps with their accompaniment of. cheap John lluory. These nro nn old story and do not interest even the spectacled patriarch who has occupied iho simo seat amoug the spectators every day , rain or shine , thoruhns beou a police court. But tlio tliroo time- whiloncd heads , tbu three wrinkled and anx ious faces , iho Ihrco feeble frames loitering down to their graves were now and a wa/o of inturosi passed over the room ns their ensos were called. It was nothing , They had boon drunk. Two or three glasses of boor wcro enough to send them reolmg into the arms of n policonmn who had locked thorn up Yes , they had families , graud- children , too , nnd they were old enough to know belter , but Judge Borkn discharged thorn , . Sergeant Dailv had boon drunk again , Ho had br.iced-up and br.icod-up , but it was no HBO , Horc ho was again , tattered nnd muddy. Judge , give mo any sentence you wish but please do this for mo once moro ; Sus pend it for ono hour nnd you will not see my face again till I am respectable. " "All right , go ! " "So long , boys , " shouted the sergeant ns ho loft the room. "X am going to walk straight to Blair. " Liuvr.NwiiitTii , 1C , Juno 15 , ' 90. Dr. J. U , Moore : My Dear Sir 1 hnvo boon suVJcct to sick hoadncho all my llfo. Over two years ago I began using "Macro's Mreo of Llfo" for it and never had a case of sick hoadncho since , except when the medicine was at ono end of the road 'and I at luu other. It Is , worth moro than monov lo mo I hoiirlily recommend it to nil sufferers oft headache. Very truly youi-s , W" . B , LIIK , Pastor First Baptist Church. I'or sale by nil diupgtsts. COUNTY HOSPITAL WRECKED North Wing of the Institution Sinks , Gain ing Great Damage. CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE DISASTE liupcotor Tilly Ol o 111 * Vlcw of the Poortjunllty of Mntcrlnl l' ' oil Tn ciity.ru o TIiiiiiiiiiul llnllura Not llcpiilr the llullilliii ; . The county hospital Is n wrcolc , and by Superintendent Tilly , Inscoctor of buildings , nil thnt portion north of the mnln entrance hni boon ofllclnllv tlocl.irud unsnfo una ll.iulo to fall at nny moment , 'I hoVieclt Ilrpnrtrit. At an early hour yesterday Superintend ent Mnhonoy nrrlvcd In the city nml re ported that tuo butldins was sottllng at n rnpld rate. In comunny with CommUsloners Stonborg , Von Cnrap and Inspector Tilly , a Htr. : reporter - porter visited the scone , to Und that the statement of buperlntundont Mahoney was only too true. The trouble llns In the north wing of the structure , which Is ICO tuot long and three stories high , Hounili'il I. Ike the Iti'porl of 11 Ciuinnii. Just niter mldnlRht Wednesday nliiht , Su perintendent Mahoney nnd his family worn uwnlienod by n loud sound HUe unto the re port of a cannon. Hastily dressing himself , Mr. Mnhonoy procured n light and wont on n tour of inspection. Nothing wrong was ills- covered and ueruu ho souuut hU bod. Ycs- tcruiiy inoniinp , bright nnd early , ho n am started out on n search and cro lonp discovered that tbo unoccupied north wing of the building had settled during the night , nnd that the inter ior nnd exterior walls were full of craoKs from two to six inches In width and extend ing from the foundation to the roof. \Vhnu Superintendent Tilly made his In spection ho at once ordered nil of the in mates out of that portion of the building , Instructing Superintendent Mahoney to lock the doors. littont or the Damage. What it will cost to repair the building nnd make It safe for occunnnoy can only bo esti mated , out il is sr.fo to sny that the amount that will hnvo to bo expended Will not fall short of $ 'i5OUO. Beginning In the basement story , the coiling has settled tully six Inclioi. In the corridor above , tha walls Imvo sprung out , thus allowing the lloor to sag nt least ono foot. Above this the cross beams uavo pulled out from their moorings In the bilck walls , nnd tha lloor has dropped down six Inches. The slate roof has cracked , while the girders and rafters have warped nil out of shape. In the three corridor * there is nothing to support the floors , which nro liable to fall without a tno incut's wnrnmg. Should ttioy fall in , Superin tendent Tilly is of the opinion that the whole wing will collapsn , converting that portion of the building Into a complete wreck. Should this happen the damni'O would bo not less thnn S'JU.OOO , as it is estimated that that amount wai the cost of the wing. llmv the Itulldlnt ; May Ito Saved. If n row of Iron columns nro at once placed through the corridor's Supervisor Tllloy thinks that the building may oossluly bo saved , but if this is not dona during the next twenty-four hours bo is of the opinion thnt the entire wins , which is bUxltiO leet , wilt go to the ground. How to meet the expenses of milking the re pairs is a ( jucstion thut is troubling .ho com missioners. Architect Meyeis , who planned the building , has been p.ud in full , the last payment , 51,000 , having boon made two months ago. Hyan & Wnlsh , the contractors who have n claim of $ y , OUO , Imvo been or dered paid , the district court having issued the order a few days since. \Vhcro the Jlnncy Is to Coino from. The hospital fund is exhausted , nnd no money can possibly bo available until July 1 , IS'U ' , and in addition to this , parties who purchased lots in Douglas addition hnvo in stituted suits , amounting in the .u.vroeato to moro than $1UO,000 , which if decided against the county will moro thnn exhaust the levy for poor farm expense. Tno gum'ral fund is in n depleted condition , as are nil of tno other funds , with the possible exception og the bridge fund. This cond'ition of ullairs has put the commissioners at tholr wits' end , so that they nardly know whether to tepair the hospital or let it fall to the gtound. After the grip Hood's Sarsaparilla will restore - store your strength and health and expo every trace of poison from the blood. An i\trnrt : Iriiin Ills Letter , Dear Denver Fust Mall : " \Vc arc nil so delighted with our trip over hero that I cannot refrain from ? ayitir } Unit the Union Pacific Den ver Fast Mail is perfect in every dot-til and the uniiuimous opinion of our party is that it is the iincit train wo over rode upon ; and you certainly should feel jirotid of your vic tory over other roads in having1 the fastest train west of the Missouri river. Notwithstanding the very heavy rains tlutt had fallen the track was in good condition and the train glided over the plains lilco a greyhound. Hoforo start ing there was a question between us ns to what \yo should do for supper , but our misgivings soon gave way find wo all agreed that the sleeper hud the best equipped "bullet" wo had over enjoyed. \Vihhlng you unlimited success" This is a single sample from hundreds of letters received by the passenger de partment of the Union 1'acific system. Tr.ilns. The so called "legitimate train" of the 13. & .M. loaves Omaha at 1MU p. m arrives Denver 7:00 : a. in. , a run of 15 hour. * , 20 minutes actual runninir time. The Denver Fast Mail of tho" Union Pacific loaves Omaha tit 0li5 : p. in , antl arrives Denver at 7:10 : a. in. , a run of 1 i hours and 25 minutes actual running time , a faster run by f > 3 minutes than the eo called "legitimate train. " In addition to thin saving1 in time , the Omaha patrons of the Union Pacific Denver fast mall can leave one hour and thirty-live minutes later , got supper at homo , an elegant lunch if desired , be fore going to bed , on the superb Pullman bulTot sleeper attached to this fast train and reach Denver in lime for btoakfast. The run of the Union Liiclflo Denver fast mail is fifty-live minutes quicken than the so-called "legitimate train" and it is so far the popular train from Omaha to Donvor. With those facts be fore thoin the nubile can draw their own inferences as to which of the trains is a "logitimato" ono. When you go to Denver ilo not fall to tttho the Union Pacific Denver fast mail and call on Harry P. Douol , 1302 Far- niiin street , tor tickets and sleeping cat accommodations , in\ \ fin , . Ntittcwnf A s ( | < irlc uwlcrthtt ecnta ; cuck mt lit tnnal line leu cents , BTOKKS Uhurlos 1' . , uiod W yours. Kunuri from reMUuuuu , No , M4 North Nineteen ! btroet , du. in , baturduy. Imminent at Uullu vno- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. PURE NasalQCJatarrli. I was nfllictial from Infancy with j a Cnlnrrli.nnd fonlenyears with eruptions 5 on my face. I Svns Attended by the best I physician * , nnd auod n number of Blood j remedies with no > i > crmntienl relief. LIFE IVHS A BURDEN My life became n burden to me , for I my case was tlwJlaretl incurable. I SAW IS. S. S. advertised , nntl took eight bet > J ties , which curctt'ino entirely , and I feel like a new person. Miss Josm OWIIN , MOSTPKUEII , OHIO. A Written Gunrnntoo to Cure Kvory Ca o or Money Hofundod. Our euro is permanent iitnl not n pitehln "PCMO ri'Moit fcven yenrj HBO liftvo never cen ft symptom ilnci' . llf doirrlblngrnjo fullywo can troit you bf mull , ml wo Rtvo the * nmo itronir gimmitoo to euro or refund nil nionoy. Tlioto who prefer to eomo hero fortrentmentcimilosoMilwo wllltur rullroivt f ra ioth wnj-anndlioicl bllli whllolioro , If wo full to euro Ve clmllonactho world fora e o thnt our Miub Itcmctlr will not euro , wrllofor pfirtlcaliirs tint not lieeTldeneo. In our seven years practice with the ilnt'lc Homer \ It Im been mo t ilinicult to OTcrcomo ho prejudice * npunst socAllert pocllcs. ! Hut un lor ouretronx EUirantco thousands nro trylns Itnntl to riR cured. WoRimrantoo to euro or rotund every lollnr.nnd aswoliiwj a reputation to pro toot , nlso lnnncliUtuickln offMJOIt ) ! ) Is pcrfectlr afo lo oil n\\a \ \ wlli try the treatment , Heretofore you Imvo nittliiRupnnd pnylnzoutyour manor for dllTcrant rcntmcnt' . nnd nlltiough you nro not yet curoJ no ono 1ms p ! dbi k your money. Wo will positively uroyou , old , chronic , deep sontoi caioa cure I In 0) olUdiyj. lave < tuio our financial standing , our reputation as buslncis men. Wrlto ui for namot nnd utdre'sosof thoioMohnre curol vrbo have given pcrmls lontoruforto tbom. It cosU you only post- ncctodo this. If your symptoms nro toro ttiro.it , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnd olnts , hnlr fnlllnit out , eruptions on nny pirt of the jody , fcoltrif ! of Kt-'nonvl depression , pains In lioal or bones. You hnvo no tlmo to vrasto. Tnoso who are constantly Inking mercury nnd potash , should dli- rontmuolt. Constant use of thcso drujs will Biiroly trim sores and entlnj ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain on * vclopn. Wo Inv.to theme t rlitU Invoslluutloa and 111 do all In our powertu old you In 1U Addros ) , ! OOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha. Neb " FoOilii ONLY snoo for ; i case of I.o T or l''ui.tv < i .MA.v teen , Gunnnil or NMIVOUI Dsu t.trr , woalc- ics otbody orinlnd , tlio olluotsof oirorior o-c- cessosln elder yotini ? thnt wocniinotoure. Wo en.ir.mteoovory o\so or rnfnnd ovnry doll ir 'Ivo dnvitrlnl troatincnt SI , full i-onr-in " ! . " 'orcoptlblo bunolits roillzod In tliroo dayi ly mull. cocuroly picket from obi.rvntlon , Co. OMAHA. Nr.u LADIES ONLY pin l-KMAI.U HIXiirriATOIt , Snfo nnl iiiMUlU Certain to a day or money icfundoJ Ily in nil H. OSoouroly soilol from obsurva tlon. t'MOK ItUJlGUV Clt. , Umnhi. No i IlPiidaclicK.ill ) ono minute nn < l will cure llrrnln , Fpicr anil A/ttef llhrmiintiAni , Jirf//i ; < ' llt > aiso , Jlenrt lltscn.if , ttl. fitim Dance , l'ioliti > sn Anl , l'nral/iii ! , Nlitiutl .tjltctlons , li \ ! > i > ci > ' < { a , J.aniv Uncle , Arro/nfa fold rut , J'lltH , llctuluchr , Fill , L lil I'olvolthlfJ , I , ,11 of Lost of rtliilitii , Ltich of Serve Foiccanil t t\i \ r , liiiliii'H iic ( Liter Cuini > litlnl , XrrmimHeit nml till /J/MIIICS / u'licrt tliera Is it Lack ot J'roirr . ! ( Ion ItutlrrirH nro ICiisil ) ' llcncivoil nml Cleiinoil and \vlll ln ( f < ir Vcurn. Call antl examine them. JUDDELECTRIC CO. 1506 Doiifilas St. , Omaha , M. Worth of rare , \nlnalilo information sent to any addiess FOR FOUR (4) ( ) CENTS This wealth of Icnowlcilpo , this golden treasure ( if hcliia lo health is contained in it now , nblyvritlcii nnd handsomely illus trated BOOK OF 120 PAGES which has just boon Issued for Iho benefit of MilTeriiif , ' Immunity , by those eminently succusslul and iiontititr phjali'liins ahil & Betts With the nld of this valuable , nntl inter esting work , untrtled "Know 'Ihyself , " its readers tire entiblwl tn mloit [ tlio best , safest mid surest methods for the prcsenution of thi'ir hu.illh : or , in mo they nro tilllicteil , Iheyuro fully Informed * to the iiaturo iiiuf sj aiiitoins of every Uisense. 1 hey unii ut once deeitlo what jiartlcular form of Nervous , Chronic or Private Disease their inalmly Ima assumed , whether It ho l/p/iJMs / , Uonorrliocn , ( licet , Stricture , llvdrorclc , Vurlcoccte. files , Illaud or Skin Diseases , Liver , Khlnt'V < > r Urlntirv TiouMe , or miy of the thousand ills of u kindred nature. , , , J5vcrv man and every woman should read this book , which to the iilllifted is worth its wfiuht in Kold. nud bent to uny Hildri'ssforFOUU OK.NTS. , Call upon or address ' Drs , Betts & Betts. 110 South Hth St. N. B. Corner Hth und Doujjltw Sts. Omalia , Neb. 2OOO SUITS f / Every year , as regularly ns the month of Msiy puts in its appear ance , we hold a special sale of Men's Suits. These sales are looked forward to by the majority of our patrons with unusual interest , they having found by past experience that nowhere in this \vido damp world do they get such extraordinary values as these sales put forth. Our MaY Sale for " 92" begins today. Wo have cleared all our front tables of their usual loads , and placed on them about eight hundred special suits. As fast as the assortment gets broken- will bs replen ished from the third floor , where great piles of the same sorts of suits are waiting to be led to the slaughter. They're made in They c omc in . . i ap MM.Bm. All wool cheviots , Square cut sacks , All wool flannels , Round corner sacks , Allwool cassimcrcs , Frocks , All wool homespuns. Cutaways. There are dark colors , light color's , medium colors. There are plaids , there are checks , there are pin heads , there are plain colors. There are suits for young men , micldle-aged men , old men. There are suits for rich men , suits for poor men. There are suits for men in every station in life from a railway station to a police station. In this grand offering are suits positively worth fifteen and sixteen dollars ; the majority of them are worth thirteen and fourteen dollars , while not a single solitary suit in the entire lot was ever intended to be sold for less than twelve dollars and fifty cents. No matter how we bougnt them or what tlley. . jjsLVnOU , can walk into our sto're""any time between now and ten H'ciock Saturday night and take your choice of the entire grand assortment fo j yj dollars and fifty cents. Included in this sale will be about three hundred b 1 neTTm "i 1 o r m""lTu its , for G. A. R. or railroad men , made of the very bestjajl wool indigo blue flannel , colors guaranteed absolutely fast , coats cut either single or double breasted with either G. A. R. or buttons to match , at the same price. took QQOards of goodsto _ make these suits , and there's of cotton in. the entire S6OOO feet..jg3 e flrnde flnrk. ) & The above brands of plo\c9 lor sale by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas Sts. Omaha. SAYEl'OUREYfiSIGHf ' OPTICAL HOUSE OF THIS ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , ItlSo ithlHh Flroot , Kc\l to I'uatolllco , Omaha. Practical opticians And branch of world ronn ni < l optical eitnbllil ; oivntof A. H. Aloe , V Co. Ht Joul Our mollioiUi uperlor to ll ether ; ojr li-n s nre > uprrlon wll ! eel wenry or tlra Ihu ojoi. Tbo fiamca properly ad- I an ted to Iho face Eyes Touted Free of Charpro. Prices Low for First-class Goods. TilB'SIIORTBSr LINE 10 ClllCAl ( ; ) is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m , City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. JOSEPH GILLOIT1 STEEL FENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. U Freq ntly now IDEA IN ADVERTISING , Address huddcnly , without notice , Omaha Atlterllslitii llureuii , .V. V. I.lfe- _ i'iuMA\i\rivri'urioii : : NO pvv NT Di-riA no.N i UOM ui'MMNiv ui : ; nt YOU TO DVHIt l.-Oi I'AI'IK.N'PInvcsliir ito out method. Wrltton en irinti > i > t i aliialiitnlv onto all K nils uf KUlTlJIti : of lioth - > o\JS , \vlthout tlm USD of kiilfu or byilnxu. no in u- tut of huvv lout ; ht.indliiT. EXAMINATION FREE The 0 , E. Miller Coupaiiy , 307-30S N. V. Ule lliiililin. ' , flioiiia , Xc ! ) . Ofilcrs Drnvor , t'n'o ' ; C'lili'ii o. 1,1. : t Louis. Mil , Hc'tiiilt. Jl.c'i j Milw I'llio1 ' , WH DCS Mnlnor , la : S-ilt : I , IKO Oily , 1'liu , I'oiC - land. OIL- . , Unite , Mont. , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent | iotlill ' In nurvciin , chronic , prluKo bloot , pklii mill unrnrr ill < pni'i'8 A rp ill ir and reclitc red Rriuluntuln inuilclni ) , in illi > Uiinn > inil cunltl iti > n RI iw UMill trciillnf willi the ere uc l < i osj CHtHrrh , iipuriiiiitnrrhaca. toil inniihunl , leinlnnl wi > nkna , nUht lom'i. luiiutincjr. | i/plilll- * rli lu iuun - orrlioeii. k'lcpt , Mirltnculo.ctc Iso nn'rrury e I. .Ni"t IrctitiniMit Curlew of vlliil powir , I'rtiile" un ibli > ta Tlslt mo in ly hu tr'iitoit at lioiuu by corruipumlenri > . Mutliino or liilruiui > nti tent lit in HI urutpn n * * curcly pickotl , nu marks to tndlentu runlunt * or st'inlor. Duo luTcoinil Intorvluw pri'ferrful. ConKiiltuitnti Iran , i orre < pniiilvii < < e strictly privnto Hook ( UyalerlOJ or UfoJ luut fruu. Olllco UuunVu m. to J p 10. Bunduya lu a. lu.to 12m. Bund > tnm | > Iur tuv\r. \ "Norvo Sends , " B the wonderful reniod/ 1 sold with a writ ten Btmrnntro to cura nil nervous * ell cafipji. inch in Wial. Memory. lo fl of llrnln I'uwtT. Ilcnilneho. Wakofiilno" ' , I.0ht Miuihood .SlKlitlv jm ! plona , Nurvoii'MCSs. I-fiflslliHlc.nlldmlni and lost of power of tljc' ' IlCrOUB iKDAFTEItt'SINO Fot- sale in Omaha by Shorinnn & MeC'onnoll lulit Doilfro-st. AMUS1SMRNT3. NEW THEATER. Friday and Saturday , May IS-HT. TOMOJIUOW A I TJJl.NOUV. AND COMPANY , ] n tliu Modern THE mm MONARCH. You must net your tickets < juik if ysu want to see the Mirry Monarch. Farnam St , Theatre , Tliruo Muliti coniumiMliiK'Hiiirmliiy May M , .Mull- iico Siiturdny DAN MCCARTHY. LAWN . Hut ono trnllrt. Prc-M ami i public my Tlio lull lutt mm fcrlUitortot nil Iriali I unioilii.ii Farnam St , Tluatra .Miiy | j Siiinliiy .Mntlnoi ) nnd NlKht ami un tlio THE TWO JOHNS THE SERPENTINE DANCE. M.iUuats Welno-ida ' ncl Sanudny. WONDERLAND GRAND OPERA HOUSE. HTH AND C'Al'lTOI , AVKSUU \VKKK OF MAY iil'II COFFEE DUDE SKELETON. w n j s T r , UN o p A r T r. SHERMAN MAHN WILLIAMS. ULHAbONS UlU-lri IIALI'IN 2 IIIU ' - ' HIIO .S ' - ' ltCKl\ter il ircatmenls > HM . 'or Bi-efiimt'ofrliiia ' , Viirlcuccif. JIUclitirKV * " ' "I I.inlniiom uixl rolorlnu I.i ( > l or. ( uru ' ' jTr't tr utinint ic > t 1 r - to IBS CBIMWAI. Ill OJlTlMti'cO ' , , C1HCIMMATJ , 0 , To promote healtli , pi eserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the- stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and icpair the waste tibbtii'3 of thu lungs , nothing sin passes an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of i idlest qual ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it- will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. I1 3 * sale only at high class liquor WiJ C''lg SU'KS. DAI.U MAM ) & t'O ' ( hea.ro.