8 THE OMAHA DAILY HER'THURSDAY : , MAY 12 , 1892. SOT GUILTY OF MURDER Ocorgo Wilkinson Killed OaptaSn Dodge in Self Defense. CONCLUSION OF BOYD COUNTY'S ' BIG TRIAL Aftrr IIMiiR Out r irty.ii : ht Hour , llto Jury Dcclilex til" CHIP Two Acci dents f TnhimKO-CliPJcniio County's nockit Clear. O'Nr-u.t Nob. , May It. [ Special Tolo- Rram to Tin : Hr.i : . ) News has Just ranched hero or iho acitilttal | of George W. Willdn- son nt lluttc , Hoyd county , for killing Cap- tnm Uodeo nt DOJRO'S foiry. The Jury was out forty-eight hours. TUo pica of self dc- fonso win advanced by Wilkinson. The quarrel which lea to the suootlnt ; was over tbo tltlo to a plcco of land. MNCOI.V.I SUIISIDINO. No I'urllior DiimnKrs from the High Water Ciiilliil | City News. LINTOI.V , Nob. , May 11. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HI.K. ] The Hilt Creole llooU has been subtitling rapidly nil tiny nnd unless rainy weather sets in no further trouble is anticipated. The worat thing In prospect now Is the probable sickness that will ensue nftor tbo llootlcd dlstilct Is inado hnbltnblo by the subsiding of the water. As the water recedes the accumulation of garbacc , tilth , dead animals , etc. , covers the ground und al ready the stanch Is almost unbearable. What it wl'll bo when iho sun comes out can bolter be conceived Ihnn Elated. The school houses still furnish .shatter for the homeless people , nil of whom nro being fed by the city authorities. It Is becoming imlnfully evident that tlin people huddled to gether In the school house * hnvo but llttlo regard for health or cleanliness. Ills Tit luit Wax llFlcctlvo. Ellas J. Miller endeavored to convince the Jurv In Judg ) Tlbbott's court todny that ho Is entitlcu to receive $5,000 from the U. & M. for damages received nom tbo hands of em ployes' of that coinpanv . Ho claims that ho was wrongfully ejected from the defendant's cr.rs after ho had purchased n ticUot. The Ucfouso alleges tli.it MlPer presented no ticket but simply ottered the stul o ( u coupon \\lllithopaiLcoMtnliiinj , ' the contract , dnto of expiration unit class torn off. The case will go to the Jury tomorrow. Itreovmed Ills Cliltil. Wllllnm Huchanan , whoso llttlo 7-yoar-old BOH was kidnaped by his divorced wife some weeks ago , has rcluniod to Lincoln after n successful search for the boy. Diicltanan was divorced from his wlfo some tlmo ngo nnd the court awarded him the custody of the boy. Ho has bcou employed In a meat. m.irlcet hero. Onu week ago last Saturday Mr * . Buchanan eamo to Lincoln , and by nld of nr. ox-pollco oniecr enticed the boy into a carriage. In spite of the bo > 's cries the car riage vvas driven to the Union 1'aelllc depot , \vhoro the tram was tnttcn for Denver. Uuclianati nt , once started in pursuit. Last Saturday the little fellow was sent on an " errand "by bis mother , but friends of his lather wcro watching , and no was returned to Lincoln. The llttlo fellow says ho is glad to get back. _ Clny Center NOUH Notes. CIAY CcvTKii. Nob. , May 11. [ Special to Tun Urn. I Three suspicious characters were nrroitcd hero Monday sovoninc with n lot of gold rings in their posses sion. The warrant wus issued at Fail-Hold , where they bad been trying to dispose of the Jovvolrv. They will bo taken there lor trial. Mrs. .1. II. Wright died Sunday tit noon end was burled hero Mondav. She was one ot the pioneer settlers anil was highly re spected. She was 7i : year * old. The rainy weather continues nnd farmers arc somowhnt discouraged. Soinu corn has bcon planted and with fuvor.iolo weather from now on would cnnhlo most farmer * to got their corn in be fora Juno. Grabs and nil Email grains ni o doing line , nnd an unusual acreage of winter wheat has been sown. Tvv < > Ai'ciileiitH lit Talin.it ; ! ' . TAI.MAOI : , Neb. , May 11. [ Special Tolo- grom to TUB Uii.J : : A young man who ro- iuscs to give his name but says tils homo is at Crete , who was doing extra work on the Mls ouil I'ncl'Jo railroad , was this after noon moving freight cars hero. Ho caught bold of n brake beam nnd was dragcud a considerable distance. His right foot was badly bruised. Ho is also hurt about the breast and shoulder. ! but probibly not ser iously. Ho was taken to C'reto on the regu lar train. A few minutes nftor this accident a couple ol freight cars , ono loaded uith murchnndiso , jumped the iractt in the yards whllo being switched , the loaded car being ditched. 1'httti } Ceiitei's Concert. PJ.ATTU CUNTIIII , Nob. , May 11. [ Special to Tin : Hcu. | A grand musical concert was given hero last night. Captain Kluzlo nnd Jules Lombard of Omaha , Mrs. Uarlow of Columbus , Miss Hays , Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Kchoo of 1'liittc Center nnd Mr. McOill of Humphreys were the participants. A special trnm from Columbus Drought a largo crowd ol people from that city. Ilumphrev , Madi son and Newman's Grove weio well repro- tented. It was a success In avery particular. Cheyenne Count } 's Docket Clrnr. Sinsi'.v , Nob. , May 11. [ Special to THE IlKU.J When District Judge Neville opened court hero Monday ho admonished the at torneys to hnvo their cases ready for trial nuil deposition. The result was that ho tins Ifivou tuo docket n good cleaning nnd Cheyenne - onno county feels indebted to Ins honor. Court adjourned thin afternoon. "Mj wife finds Itradycrotlnc the best thing Bhoovcrusod for hcaducho. " W. E. ( Jrlfllu , Clurcmont , N. U. The \V. A. Pttffo Soap Co. nro publish ing ouuh wcok u ( lilloroiit list of ton inuruhnntd who boll Union soup. Wntuh for your yroeor's iwtno. u 31.HI.I. J. (1. Preston JleeulU the llnrly Days Inn Number or Interesting Aneediitert. J. t ! . 1'roston of Oakland was on the mar ket yesterday with Block. Mr. Preston was ono of the llrst patror.s of the riouth Omaha yards , nnd shipped stock hero when bubiuoss was transacted in the old fntino oxslmngo building. Hoiolated several amusing and interesting Incidents which happened in these days. On ono occasion Mr. 1'roston brought In a bunch of ciilllo und nftor remaining for over n weelc was uiiublo to dispose of tliom. Ho concluded to try It again later on und re loaded the stock and took thorn home. After feeding the slock for .sixty days ho brought them back , disposed of thorn and made ever fWO by iho delay. Mr. Proslon was always a firm believer In the luturo succjss of the South Omaha mar- fcet , und today Is glad to know that the furmois of Nebraska have us good u market bore ns Is to bo found in the country. Ho also believes that South Omaha has u sure thing ou second place in thu near ( muni. Itetiirncd .stolen l'roicrty. | Nearly thrco weeks ago T. L. Porrlno's rosldcnco , at Twenty-fourth and J streets was burglnrl/od In daylight , and a pursocon taining u small sum of money , a gold watch nnd a diamond ring were tnkon. No cltto to establish the Identity of the robber * was secured - cured nnd the ro'jborv romnlr.o.1 n mvstery. Todny when MM. Porrlno vliited the collar she found nn envelope containing the wntch nnd diamond rlnp. Tboenrclopo wa * n plain whllo ono and there was no mark or writing of nnv kind to show fiom whenca It came. The w'ntch and ring nro valued nt $125 , and their return proves that the robbery was the work of n gtnen hand , nnd not nn experi enced burglar , who would have profitably disposed of the valuables. Iterrnteil I'lirents. Mr. and Mrs. William McCauley nro called upon to mourn the death of Ihelr younp daughter Annie , whoso death occurred yesterday nt the family residence nt Twenty , second and U streets. This is the second child of theirs to bo carried nwny within the past four days. The funeral occurs ut 10 o'clock today. The Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henrv Hurt/ . Seventeenth nnd Drown streets , dlcit ycstcrdny. The funeral takes place nt 10 o'clock todny. Harry , ngotl 1 venr. Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Nelson , dlol yojtorday from nn attack of bronchitis. Interment will bo at 2 o'clock today u . Laurel Hill cemetery. 1'rpnly terlmm Meet. At the meeting of tno Prtsbytorlan church nnd congregation last evening Alexander Lackey presided nnd D. S. Plnnoy noted ns secretary. The following gentlemen wcro elected trustees : W. II. Hoberts , W. II. CJoodman , C. M. Hlch , A. A. Monroe , Charles L. Mullen and George F. Klscr. The moot ing adjourned until Mondnv cvoninir , Mny SJ-j. when the pastor for the ensuing term will bo selected. The question of renting the pews for the ensuing vour was voted down by a vote of 131 to ' . ' 0. Stock Yards MntlHtlcs. The receipts at the Union stock yards from January 1 to date are U3 ,3Sl head of cattle , M. , ! ) ! " hogs , 71,701) ) sheep and 1,507 horses nnd mulos. These Hguros show n gain over the same period of last year of r > U , < > lr ) > cattlp , a loss of l.VJTS hogs , a gain of U,5''T sheep and n gain of ( HI horses , alto gether n very lluttorliig showing. Ueforo the summer shipment of hogs Is ever the loss will ba muro than made up and a largo gain will ho chronicled. I'oUoiuid liy I ittlut ; Canned Corn. Mrs. John Wclmcr und two children were poisoned last evening by eating corn taken from u "swelled" can purchased at a cheap store in Omaha. The familv resides at Fif teenth nnd C streets , Albright. Soon after eating the corn Mrs. Weimar and children were taken very ill nnd n physician was called , who administered emetics , and soon had the oolsoncd onus rescued from danger. They will all recover. Note * und lersonils. : Bruno Strathman has returned from a trip to Wisconsin , Charles 13. Moore of Oskaloosa , la. , Is the guest of T. F. Elliott. bol. Arthuincr of Chlcaeo was the guest yoiterday of Tom lloclt. Saturday evening the Uohomlan Turners will give a ball ut lilum's hall. Jiimes Greene of Nora Springs , la. , is the guest of bis hrothor-ln-luiv , D. P. Kolh. J. W. Sipo has lolurnod from DCS Molncs , Iti. , whole helms boon for several days. Andy Kerr arrived in the city yostonlay from Lioutnca and will remain a low days. Mrs. Judge Foxworthy of Lincoln is visit ing heriiatents , Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hunt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Doc. Wright have returned from Lincoln , where they have been visiting. L. S. Gosnoy of Otlutnwa , la. , is visiting his brother , Sum Gosnoy , s. wcil known com- inlsbion iniui. T. Norton , superintendent of the pork de partment of Swift iSs Co.'b establlsbmeut at Chicago , is in the city. \V. J. Hieknrd tins been irrantett a permit by Building Inspector Mnyllold to erect u dwelling ut Twonty-thiid and 1 streets. Missus Miniuu and Eva Lu Cox and W. II. Wilson , who huvo boon visiting Miss Minnie 131uir , rctutnod yosterduy to Shenaiiuoah , la. The lire iloparttnout turned out last night and llusued N street , cleaning that thor- oughfuro and malting it look quito prosunt- ii bio. bio.A. A. T. Gamble , cashier of the Buffalo County National bank , and John G. Lowe ol the First National banlc of Kearney , were in South Omaha yesterday. At the meeting of the South Omaha Clgar- maUers union held last evening William F. Meyer was elected treasurer and John G.il- InghorainoinDar of the board ot trustees and linance committee. James McKcynolds , assistant under Post master Glasgow , has tendered his resigna tion to tuko effect Sunday. W. S. Kose- crntiz , a clerk in the olllce , has been nn- polnted to 1111 the position. Colonel Hoot , formerly a South Omaha newspaper man , is onrouto homo from Lab rador. About two months ngo Colonel Hoot was shipwrecked off the coast of ttmt province and eamo near being drowned , but luckily escaped. City Engineer W. S. King , who was reappointed - pointed by Mayor Miller Mondav evening , has appointed George McBride us his assist ant. Frank King , formerly assistant engin eer , is transferred to the Union stock yards corps of engineers , \V. P. Atkins remains on the city force as lielu engineer. The ar rangement gives satisfaction. Doctors ? Pbhawl TakeBeocham's Pills. Spectacles , ! ) ? . CuUnnoro,22lBeo bldtf Mrs. R. A. Smith bolls Union Soap. Country MorcliunU Who nro cash buyers should not fail to tnlco ndviinttigo of the Ilollrmin's admin istrator's sulo to secure some wonderful bargains for tholr full ti-nlo. Address UELLMAN'S ADMINIST11ATOB , lath and JAii-nam , Omahu. JACK Tira 'SMASHER. Sensational Trip Down Street of nu Ablu Jlodleit Hrulsur. Another titled Jack has boon discovered. This tlmo It Is "Jack the Smasher. " Unlike tbo Klppira , Kissers and Huggers of history the Smasher operates In the broad glare ot day and treats male ana female impartially. Ho was arrested ut Thirteenth and Farnani after playing u very successful engagement , teaching ever several blocks. As John Smith alias John Dot ) Mo. I ho appeared in the pa- lice court and was confronted bv a cloud of witnesses. Ho had t&kon n promenade down Farnam street. Ho llrst mot n lady who did not look balllgeront nnd promptly surprised her with n stinging backhander on the cheek. This i of resiled him nnd ho got down to business. He mot all sorts of people , young nnd old , and delivered loft handers. right banders , under cuts , ever cuts and ail ports of plain and ornamental smashes above nnd below the belt. belt.No No ono showed fight. They were too much surprised and simply swallowed tholr medicine - cine , caught tholr breath and turned round to stare. Mr. Smith's short but trip was , sensa tional , unit ho succeeded in doubling up about n scorn of podustrlaus before ho ran Into u potlco ofllcur. Ho was lined $ 100 and costs. For strengthening nnd clearing the voice , use "Brown's Bronchial 'I niches. " "I have commended thorn to friends who were pub- Ho speakers und they huvo proved extremely sorvlceablo. " Kov. Henry Ward Bcechcr. Win. Stein soils Union Soup. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder PURE FROM NOW TO JANUARIY , 1393 , EIGHT MONTHS , THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR , YOU CAN GET And the Famous "Whito House Cooking Chart" for 300,000 1,000,000 , , , , And tMi offer mutt bring about the desired result The " Homo Migitine , " as conducted by Mrs. John A , Login , is undoubtedly to-day tlio stituhnl family1 magazine. The famous White House Coo'ilng Chart alone Is worth many times this j rice of subscription , but la order to Increase the circulation to 1,000,000 copies , we vvlll give to anyone sending us 2fl cents In stumps or silver , tlio "llomo Mnpizlno" from now until January 1 , 180.1 , nml tlio r.imnti * Whlta House Cooking Chart nbso- ODD EDITOR , MRS. JOHN A. LOG All. . lutrly free. No paper 1 better Illustrated or so finely or artistically printed as tlio "HomeMapatlne. " from Its first Issue It has been phenomenally a success. Il was started In November , iBSS. and lias , at the present chte , an acttul paid clrculitlon of over 30II.OUO Cojilcm therefore. It lias to-day n Brand army of fully 1BOO , < )00 ) rrf/n/ur reader * . It coca to every State and Territory la the Union , and Is cquil la quality and quantity to any oi the uirec-dollar publications. OUR CONTRIBUTORS. To give our readers some Iclci of the quality and quantity ot contributors , the pilaxy of li'gh ' talent which the " Home Magazine " gives to each reader each month , we will quota herewith a few of the names i I ta contributors Include , In addition to Its editor , ' . Jnliii A. Lognn. Mnrqulso nnzn. Mmlnnio Tlntnoro , Mrn.Stcplicn I ) . Klhlna , Itono Terry Cooko. Wife of the Mexican Minister. Wife of the Secretary of War. Mrs. Ixjw AVnllaco Din ) . Itolmnn , Mrs. nilllor. IlUImp Hurst. Wife of Representative Holman. Wife cf the Attorney General. .Tilllot Corpon. Harriet 1'rcBcottKimfforil. BImlnmo nicndoncn , IMiirlu 1'nrlon. JnincflAVliltcoinh Kllcy. Wife of the Uratlllan Minister tVIll Cnrlcton. linn. John J. Incullft. Mrs. Stanley Mutthows. Itobcrt lliirdclto. TboniDB Nelson 1'ugo. ItlFlmp Vincent. And many others whoso Dimes nro household words In new world literature , science , diplomacy , statccrif t , and society. Wives of prominent cabinet officials , diplomats , senator * , representatives , nnd army and navy officers , furnnh articles on social and household topics ; sketches of lite in ctca part of the globe , and nutters of society. In coming numbers , Mrs. Loan , In her " Personal Recollections. " will give , with specially cngrived portraits , a personal sketch of Mrs. U. U. Grnut , entitled " Itlra. Gruut lu tlio Wilto IIiiuio. This splendid White House CooklnR Chart poea free with e\ery name scntus accompanied by twenty-five cents , which will also pay for the "llome MaRatine" from now untiljanuary f , 1893. GREAT If yon will send ns 25 cts immediately THAHKSGIVIHD AND CHRISTMAS nlso iisjroo to show thH udvurtlsi'munt tea KUMUEUS. a filoml and mention In what paper yon saw It , wo will sand you , lu addition to Superbly illustrated and embellished , tlila liberal olTor , our now , Imnilsonio included are in this offer. Uicssumklng Chart , absolutely free. The Homo Mngiizlno Drossmnltlni ? Hem nbor otirWhlto Homo Cooltlng Clmrt contnlns the latest fashions for tlio Cliart fruo to every ono who eenda 23 cts. Bummer of IbtW. Is fullyilliistratcdwltli now , nnd they will get Eight Months' plutos nnd illiiKrains.miiltliiff cnttlntr and llttlng pluln to the inostltiuxpurloncort of Ksuoof the "Homo Magazine. " Stamps homo ilressmaltew , nml li uccompnnlcd or silver taken. Wrllo to-Uay. ? liya Pattern bhcct containing tlio j > at- torus of 7 of the costumes aud various garments described. Onod value. Money refunded 1C not perfectly satisfactory. WASHINGTON , D. C. ' Don'task for It unless you wrlto Im mediately. 0 Stentlon this Taper. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent specialist In nervous , chronic , prlvnto. bloot , eklnnnrt unnnry rtlicnfos. A rojnlir nnd roBlsIrrcil grndunto In misilclno , ns Ulplomna nnd certtnintc's ihnw. Is still troitliiK with tlio pro itest succuss cntnrrli , spurumlorrhocs , lost mimliooJ , somlnnl wcnknosi , nl ht los cs , Impotuncy , B/phllls. stricture , ton- orrlmca , iilCL't , vnrlcocclc.cto. No mercury used. Novr trontmont foflost of vltnl imwcr. rartles uimblo to visit mo may botrijiitol at liomo by eorrespoiulonco. McilUhie or Inftrutnenta punt D. * mull nroxprvs sa- curelypackod.no marks to Indicate contents orsuniler. Ono pcrsomil Interview prcfurrud. Consulmtlou free. Corroiponileiifu strictly prlvnto. Hook IMyatertya of Life ) aont Iroe. OQlcu noursUm. in. to'J p. m. Bundurs 11) ) u. in. to 12 m. Send stump lot reply. Worth of rare , valuable informnllon sent to any address FOR l OUR (4) ( ) CENTS This wealth of knowledge , Oils golden treasure of helps lo health is contained in n now , ably written atitl handsomely illus trated BOOK OF 120 PAGES which has just been issued for the benefit of sulTcnnt ; humanity , by those eminently successful and popular plusicians and burgeons.thoso JClNGb OF SPECIALISTS , Drs. Betts & Betts With the aid of this valnnblo nnd inter- estliiK work , entitled "Know Th ) elf , " its readers nro enabled to adopt the best , safest and surest methods for the preservation ot their health : or , in case they nro allllctcd , they aio fully informed as to tlio nature and symptoms of every disease. They can at once decide what particular form ot Nervous , Chronic or Private Disease their malady has assumed , whether it ho ri//illl | / ) / . uonorr/iocd / , Ulcct , Stricture , Jlliilrocclo , Vnrlcnccle , 1'ilcs , Jilowl or Sliln Diseases , Liver , KMnev < > r Urlnnry Ttonlilf , or nny of the Uiottsand ills of u kindred nature. Kverv man nnd every woman chonld read this book , which to the allllctcil is \\orth its welKht In uoltl , and sent to any vddu > i > s for FOUll CUNTS. Call upon or address " Drs. Betts & BettGr 110 South llth St. N.'E. Corner 14th and Dou la * Sti Omaha , Neb. lauvnsoi. Tbo following marriazo lloansai were U sued by Judijo Kllor yoitorJayi Nnmo and Address Ago. I Hlvhurd 1'aul , Omuhn . VM 1 Kniiiia ll.inlwoll , Uniuha . 1U I O. 0. llouvli. Counoll UlulTa . 0 1 Ellu Smith , Council Illiills . t'5 j John ChlotKitird , Oinnlm . " 3 I Auiilo Kowllsky , Onihua . 1U Axel llolRron , Omaha . . . . . . " - ' I Uurolmu llcrcquist , Oniulia . . . . . . 1 ! ) TUo great reason for tuo success of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found in posltivo merit. It euros wuoro other preparations fail. Weleh & Bro. soil Uuiou Sonp. Notice ul the .Slttlnff or the City Cutuicll us n Itimnl of Kqimliziitlnii. To thoowners of the lots.pirts of lots nnd roil : estate ( limiting on or adjnciint to the fatrcot , tilluys oriiveiines horulu named orsltuatu 1 In uliolo or In ] iurtltlila any ot the districts hoiuln spuellled : Yon and each of von nro hereby notified that the city council of the city ot Oinnh i will t.it IIH : i hour 1 of umiall/utlon : it the ollleo of tlio cltv clerk , In tlio city hall , Omaha. Neb. , un Thursday , the 1'Jth ' iltiy of Mny , IMtt. fiom U o'clock ( i. iii. to . " > o'clock p. in. , for tlio ptir- pose of considering nnd iMiimllrtn ; ; the nro- posed levy of snociiil taxes and assessments , us shown by " 1'roposod IMans of Assessmenl" now on Illo In thu ollleo of sild city clerk , and correetliiB any errors therein , ana of hearing all complaints that the ouncrs of projicrty to ho abscssvd und ti\cd : may make : s ild spe cial ta\rs anil assessments proio-.od | to ho levied helnj ; nuccs-tiiy to cover the cost of the huvoral improvements duly antlioil/.cil to bo inailoatid now completed , an follows : Damages for ch.ur.iln , ; the grailo ot Arbor street. llth street and 1-th Htreet. amouiitliis to the sum of t--7.CO. which said bum It Is proposed by a iciiort duly adopted by the city council In assess on the lots und real citato to the depth of center of hlook on both aides ; of Aibor fiticct from 10th to 13th street , llth street from 173 foot south of Arbor street to C.istellur street , ivth street from Vlnton street to Castellar street. Judgment In favor of Mlehaol Donnelly for ilaina os for chunio of Krado of Davenport btiuct from Oth to llltli btrent , amonntliiK to tno stun of { ( W.U ! , which sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to assess on tha lots and ro.il estate to the depth of I'M feet on both sides of said Davenport street from Uth to 10th street. Damages , for traOlnc the alloy In block P. Kount/oA ; Ruth's addition , amounting to the sum of JI7i ( 01 , u hlch suld sum It is proposed by a report duly adopted by the cltv council to absobS on the lots and real estate to the depth of ono lot on both slilesof s'lld alley In block P , Kotint/o & Utith'H addition. UhanIiiB the wrado of Dniiplas street from IGth to ' . 'Oth ' street and certain IntordoctliiR streets amountliu to the sum of J.l.,0."i7 , which said Hum It In proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to ami-si on the lots and 10:11 : estate to the depth of II- foot on both sides of snld Douglas htreet from Dili btreet to.Mth street , as follows- Troni Uth to lUth ht , , ' 5 cts. per foot f rontaRO. I'rom lUth to llth St. , JI.W per font fronl.iuo. 1'roin llth to l'MSi \ , f l.r : > per foot fionta o I'rom 1-th to Mill St , , # l.7.'i pur font fionttuo. I'roin Kith to 14th .St. , * J OU our fool frontauo. 1'roin IHh to Ifith St. . i.'SJ per foot frontiKe. 1'iom IStli to KHh fct. , if iuo per foot frontaxc. Kiom - ' Jit fct. on north ldo to weal line , lot 2 liouBel'ssnl ) , , from -Oth Ht. on south sldo to west line. suh. 18 , lot" . Capitol add. , at 8J.IOU per foot front litre. On north hide from west line lots , Hotisol'H sub. \\estllne sub. H , lotU' , Capitol add. . On houtb fildo from west line Mil ) , 18 , lot " , Uanltol add. , to west line lot U , llotisul's nub. nt 1.1.01 per fool frontline. On north Mill ) fiom west line sub. B , lot ! , Canltol uUd. to west Iliioaub. a , lot II. L/'aiiltol add. , On south side from nest Htm lot tt llousol.Vhub. to wuit line sub. 1' ' , lotU , C'apltol add , at J..uo per f Mit frontii''c. On north hide from west line sub. . ' ) . lotH , Oiipltol add. to'Jlth M. . On south sldo from west line .snh. l ldt.'l , Capitol add. to " 1th fat. , at JiO ) per foot front'iuo. .Mill Bt. on wostkldo from north line of lot I ) to south line lot It In Kollom's 1st ad 1 , nt Jl b3 lier foot f ronttiKO- Douglas Btiect from IGth to 20th at U7J per foot front.IKC. lith t-t. from allev north of rarnam St. to Doduu St. at fL7J PIT foot fiont ico. Ihth fct. from llainuin to Dodn'oSts. at 5J.70 per foot frontage. lUth tt. from rjirnatn toDoJeoSU. at $3.70 per font fronta'-'O. 1'ortliot'ostof pradlns4th A\o. from firaml- vlew to llancrufttits , , amounting to JilI7K..U ) , which nald sum It Is proposed l > y n rcpoitdnly adopted by the oily council to a&auss on the lots and real ostatu to the depth of alley on both uldc4 of 4thVvo. . fromdr.indvlow to Hun- croft Hts. Huto per front foota uiLM''ITU. Chanslnu thoeruilo oflth fau fiom hoavcn- worth bt , \\ooiirorili Ave , amoitntliiK to the Hum of fl.ail.UO , which mild sum It is pro posed to assebion thu lots and real estate ) to the depth of the center of block not excecdlii- feet on both sides of sild l'4th hi. from 1-eav- pnuorth St. to IllcKory M. Itato per foot frnntttirufJ.'JIKIV DinitiKi'M for KrndliiK certain fit rents and alloys In Mutsh's addition , umonntlni : to the sum of ? 8 < 4.UJ. which sild sum It Is projiosed uy a report duly adopted by tlio city council to assess on the lots adjoining the streets und alloys , to-ivlt ; Mjioy street from JiSth to 27th streets. Miihon street from "Mil to-7th street" . -Jth axetuio from J.navcnworth street to Hickory pluce. .5th slroutrom I.eavenworth street to Hickory place , and tha alleys In Mursh's ad dition , rciually on the several lots In blocks 1 to n Inclusive , In Marsh's addition , on each lot tl.til. DnmuRCs for rndlnK Onstollar etiect from 13ti ! to'Jail streets amounting to the sum of JJfiJ.Wi.hiuh N ild HIIIII It Is proposed Ijy a re port duly adopted by the city council to assess on thu lotK and real estate to the depth of the alley or thnueiithof tin cop lots and In tax lotto the depth of 150 feet , on both bides of Castellur stiect from IMh to Vtlth streets. Unto per foot frontiuo , I.OSIMW , Damages fur cradlu 1'aclUo street from Sltb toSTth streets , anionntlnz to the i which Anld su > n It Is proposed by u report duly adopted bv the cltv council to iisic ou the lots and real rst.itu to the depth to the center of block , and the depth onlv of lots ) , : i7 and M In Hickory plnco. tin Vioth sides of I'nclllotrcot fromlltth to"7thstreets. Itato per foot frontnsc , $ I.5.V.M. Damaues for urulini ; Hupont street and Itleo itre'ot In Dtipont place , aniountlnir to the MI in of Hsi.0' , which ald sum u la propose I bv a roportdtily adopto I bv the city council , to assess on the lots nnd real i-stnto to tbo depth of 1:5 feet on both sides of said streets ns follows ! Diijiontstrcpt from past line to west line of Dtipont placo. Klro street from cast line to west llnoof I'upont place , at r.itoof JO.Wi per foot frontasc. DainaBi'S for chnnpn of crailo of 4ml street , l.nfnycttc , mill otlu-r stieots In Waltiut Kill addition , ntnotintlni ; to the sum of } . ' 77UO , whlcli aiild linn It Is proposed bv u report duly udopled by thoolty council to nssi-ss on the lots and real cst-ito to the depth of l."O fret on boll , sides of < ' 'nd street from Hamil ton to Nicholas slteet : I.nfayutto aventto fiiiin l.'iO fret west of 4.'nd ' stroct to 41st street. H to per foot frontiiKo M.I1D ! < , Daiinisos fnrcradlnj ! tSth strcot from Tar- iKini to Hurt sticot , amounting to the sum of $ .1 HMO. which said sum It Is nropiwd by u re port duly adopted by the city council to as- hpsson the lots i ml real estate to the depth of llrst alley ni ir.o . feet on loth sides of ilMh sttci't frotii rartntu strcot to Hurt street. Hutu per foot ftontauo t ucu. ChansliiK the nr.nlu of lliiml ton strcot from " 4th street to 41tn street and certain Intor- pctlnu streets , iitnountliii to the sum of Jll.- LVWOl , uhlchs.iiil sum It Is propound bvaicport duly tidopti'd by tl-o city council to assess on the lots and ical estate to the depth ol center of block or the llrst alloy , nnd prop'-rty ' not sub-divided IT. ) feet on both sides of the fol low IIIK streets ! Hamilton street from 21th to 41th street. H.'ith street from C'hurles to t'ahhsell street , "Till stteet fromalley South of Hamilton lo Charles , street. I'SHi ' street from Hamilton ( o Diaries street. ' 'Hth street fiom Indlairi to Chailes street. Jllst street fiom Hiimllton to Oliarlos street , : ilrd stiect from Myrtle a\cnnu to Charles street. IITilh stroct from Lnfayotto avcnuo to Charles street. linth street f rom Tiatayottoavcnua to Charles street , llato per foot frontage. $30'IJ,7n I'tlllns certain lots ainiuintlni ; to the sum of $ U.i.ll ) . which tiild sum It Is proposed by a ro- portdttly adopted by tbo cily council to as sess on the lots and real I'stato as follows : Lot U. block 4 , Dr.iUo's addition , $ n.iu. To cover the cost of slop'nir certain lots , nmotintlnir to the sum of $ U0.4u wnlch suld sum It Is pioposcd by a repoit duly adoited | by the city council to assess on the lots and leal csl ito as follows : I Ml 18 , block 10 , Aniblelt'laio , II.Kl Lot 111. block 10 , Ambler 1'lace , fl-V" . Lot .U block 10 , Ambler I'hice , J.'s.lH West IW feet of so 'i of nw ! i section " 0-15-13 , M5.M. DamaRCS for crndltiR SGth street from I'ar- nam street to II.irnev street , and alley from "Oth street to " 7th avenue , amountltu to the sum of $ 1.50 ! ) 01 , which said sum II Is proposed by a looortduly adopted by thu city council , to assess on the lots nnd icalcdtutn to the depth of l.U feet on cast sldo and in ) feet on west side of said "lith street from 1'arnntn to Hartley streets. Itato per foot front.igo , J..hlJX Damases for chnnKlnR the Rrailo of Dodge stri'ol fio'n Lowu avenno to Holt r.tllwav. amonntlUK to the sum of $ .110.00 , which s.iid sum It Is proposed by a report duly Jidopted by the cltv council to assess on the lots nnd real estate to the depth of thrco lots , or the Ilisttilloy , on both Hides of said street from Lowe avenno to Ito.t railway , Itato per foot f rnntnsc f.Osuw. Hy reason of oponlnt ; 27th street from Iltlg- tolslieot to Keulek park , amounting to the sum of { l.VJJ.oi. which s.ild sum It Is proposed by a ri'pmtdiilv udoptod by the city council to assess on the lots and real estate on both sides of suld 'J7th street from Bristol street to 1'nxton street , as follows : To lo tif-ses'cd on the balance of lot 10 , Hawcs nddltion , J.'iOO OJ. ' 1 o bo a ssessed on the east 01 fctt of sub-lot II. tax lot No. .I. f.MO.0) ) . 1'rom the couth line of Itodlok pirlc to 1'ratt strcot nt the into of JO.'J7. > per foot fiontapo in denlh to center of block. I'rom I'r.ittHtri'ot to 1'axton sticot nt the rate of 10.KI7 per foot fionlago In depth to center tor of block Von tire further notified that said "propo led p'.ansof assessment" tuo now sullied to iho Inspection and examination of nny of the owneis of said lots , parts of lots 01 pieces of retil estate , or the Inspection or examination of any other person Interested In s ild pro- poseifassessments , at the ollleo ofs'ildcltv clerk , and tluc by a report of a committee of said council duly adoptoJ , It Is pioposu 1 that unless for KOUI ! and sulllclent c.ui o It m ly bo otherwise ordered and determined , tint the cost of said improvements respectively bo as- feetted on ilirovci.il lots , p.irts of lots nnd pieces of ro l estate as shown by bald pio- poso.l plans o' assessment. Von and each of yon are hernby notified to appc.ir before said Ho.ud of niiuall/atlon .it the tlmo and place above spocilied to make any complaint , statement , or objection you doslro eonccrnlns any of said proposed levies and assessments of special taxes. Jon.v OIIOVFS. City Clerk. Omaha. Nob. , May 10,1E02. may 11 d7t PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE. I , Ocorgo P. Ilcmis , mayor of the City of Omaha , do issue this , my proclamation , and by virtue of the authority vested In mo as mayor of s-iid eltv. nnd In compliance with the direction of the city council of said city by nn oidlnancoof said city entitled : "An oidlnanco e.illin a special election to vote upon the accoutanco of the proposition of the Nebraska Cciilr.il K.iilwuy company nnd tlio Issniinco of coupon bonds of the City of Omaha In the sum of J..Vl.OU I.M ) to aid the Nebraska Central Kullway compiny In ac- qulrlnz depot mounds , In the construction of a union railway and passenger depot ana of other railway Improvements upon .said croiimls. and to atitliorl/e n tax for the pay ment of the Interest upon s.ild bonds and to create a sinking fund for the p lymont of the prlnclnal thereof , " Approved May 10 , IS' ) ! , do hereby proclaim and t-'ho public notice unto the electors of Halt ! city of Omaha lh.it a special election will bo held In said city at the respective places herolii'iftor designated on Tuesday , tho.'llsl of IB'for ) the day May , - , purpose of snbmlt- tlni ; to the electors of s.ild city the question of accepting or refusing to accept the followln. pioposlllon of the Nebraska Central Knllvvay conip my hcielnaftcr set forth at lonuth. and of lovylnc taxes to meet the prlnolp il and In- teicstof the bonds named In said proposition : The said proposition anil the s.ild question as to tax levies shall bo regarded as ono question nud shall bo submitted to sal.l voters and voted upon In the form and man ner following : Shall the following proposition of the Nebraska Central Itallway compiny bo ac cepted ny the city of Omaha , and shall nn annual tax In addition to the usual and nil other ta.xes bo levied upon iho taxable prop erty of thoclty of Omaha sulllclent tojuy the Interest on said bonds as It becomes due : anil , at the tlmo of levying the annual tlty ta.xes , commencing the tenth yo.ir prior to iho ma turity of s ild bonds , shall a tax , In addition to all other taxes , bo levied upon tlio taxable property of said city of Omahi. : und coi- llntied annually thereafter , from yeir to vcar , until Ihcruby a sinking ( und shall have been obtained Miifliciont to p ty said bonds at thematuilty thereof ? 1'iopuslllon of the Nebraska Central Hallway company to the city of Om.ih.i , Neb , To the Mayor and City Council of the city of Omaha , Nob. : The undersigned , the Nebraska Central Hallvvny company , pioposes lo ncqiihu nnd lake possession of , for lallway put po-.es , that ceitain tiactof land located within the dis trict bounded bv Fifteenth stieet , Chicago stieet , Kleventh stieut , Cillfornla stieet. und therlxhlof way of the Oiiiaha Holt Railway company , ( except the south half of block Its , lotsI and I , blouU v- , lot I , und north one-half of lots nniKI , block'71 ; and to erect , thereon n union passenger depot on the corner of t'lf- tnenlh und Chicago streets , to cost. Including the other railway tmpiiiveinents on sal ; ! grounds , not loss than four hundred thoiisanl del iusl ( 0,0it ) ) ! I'rovlui'd. the city of Omaha , In Douglas county , .Nebraska , will donate to the s.ild Ne braska Central Hallway comp'uiy two hun- died and lltty thousand dollars tf-Ju/i ! ! ) of Its four ( I ) per cent boniU , dated July J , Ib'i- ' , due and payable twenty l.'J ) yeirs from January I. IK.ll , with Interest pay able seml-annually from the last above date , all payable ul Iho 1'lseul Aueney of the btatu ot Nebraska In the oily of Now \ ork. bald bonds to ho of tlio denoinln itlon of ono thousand dolluia ( tl.UO ) ouch , and each theie- of to recite ; This bund Is one of u serins of two hundred and liny < - . ' > < ) ) bonds of IIUo amount and tenor , which aio isitied by the oily of Oniii in , In Douglas count v , NebrasUa , to tlio Nobr.iuU i Central railway company.tiiald It In.ii'iiiililn- ; land In the city of om ilia f"r iiiilon dupoi und terminal purpose. . , and In the construction of a union lallwuy passeii-'cr depot upon bid giotu.d , nn I Its railway ti.icks. sldo traelij , tiiinou H , swltcliu * anil uppriiafiiui leadlrg thereto , and other railway impiuve- inents thuienlth 1'niini'CtoJ. " bald bonds to bo exeuutfd und re lstored on thollistduy of July , Jstri and tiiiiiiudlutiily thi-roafier dnlheioi to the I list National llaiikofUmati.1 , N'eb . tnistci' , t j bo hold In trnsl for delivery to the Nobraski Centrii Hullwav fOiniiiiiy , 1U biiri-osiora or asslcna , by said tiualce , In instullmeiits us heielnaftcr ' " ' "TIIH slil'd Nobrnsku Cor.ir.il Hallway com- iiany pluns to construct , or causa to hu con btructed. n line ot lallway In Iho Mute of Iowa not lost than 10(1 ( miles lu extent , from the east approach of a bridge , which the x.ild Nebraska t.ontr il Itallway company bus also planned to construct ever the Missouri river. , Intersoctlnx or connecting with , or reaching the lines of two or moroof the fullo.vlnt ; rail- wiiv corporations , vU : The Illinois Central Hallway company , the \\lnona .V Houlhwostoin Hallway company , tho.MlnneapoilbXht. Louis Kullway cnmniiny , the Chicago , fat. I'aul tt K'ansas City Hallway companv , the Chicago , 1'ort , Madison ft Hut Molnes Itallwuv' I'omp'iny , the Atchson , Topeka - peka fi Santa I'o Hallway company , the Haiti- more & Ohio Itallway company , the Ohio A. MUslsjIppI Hallway company , thu Kcoluik & U'eituru lUilwuy cuuipuuy , thu Uulnoy , ty lla . . . the lown t'entnil Hnllvviiy companv i Ono hundred thousand doll irs of sild bonds ' sh-ill bo dollvcrod by i vlil trustOo to mid N'e- i braskn Central Itallwny ( Ompiiny , Its mc- cocs ors or assigns , when Itorthi'V shill have | i ncqulrod and taken pixscsslon of lluit cert tin tract of land located within the district ' bounded by I'lftrcnth street , Chicago strcot , I Hhivcnth street , California street and the I rlghl of way oflho Omaha Hjlt It i Iwnv com- I inny , ( except tlio south half of hihck 'i , lot : i j und 4. block ? * , lot I , nnd tlo north halt ot loU'J ami < ! , block V7i : Provided , that tbo said onn hundred limit * siind dollars [ } lnoifll ) of s.ntl bonds shall not ! > o delivered until utter the o.ild Nebraska I Central Kullway companv , Its successors or ussliilis , slnill hti\e I'onstrticto t the stld line of railway In thu st tie of Iowa. One bundled nnd llfty thousand dollars IJl.Vi.ouOl of itilil bonds shall bo dolhennl by bald trustee to said Nebraska Central Kallway company. Its SUCCCSSHM or assigns , w hen It or they shall have completed tno election nt a union pas eiucroopot upon suld tract of land abov o described , to cost. Incltillng the other railway Impioveinontson vild grounds , not Irss than four hundred limits mil dollars ( $110001) ) ; proof of such cost to he madn by the sworn stutement of the president and irons- uierof said r'lllvviy comp inv , Hied with the c tvcleikot Omaha , aecomp iiilcd by eortlll- cnte , slsiied by the eitv attorney ami elt v en gineer , thai In their opinion such amount has aetutillv been expanded. I'lovldcd. thai If the said NYhriskn Contr.il Kallwuy oompuuv , lis successors or assigns , blnill fall to ucqu.io and tit'vo possosslon of silit land , ttshall not bo entitled to m-clve nny part of said ono hundred Ihonsaml dollars ( JIOJ.iuiii Installment ot bonds ; and. ftiilher tiiovlded , that notio nf said ono hundted nnd llfty thotisuiid noilaisM ( * > 0Ooni Installment of bonds shall be dell vei oil until at least ono rail way company lu addition to the Nebraska Central Itailvviy company shall bo actually using s ltd union depot ; and , Provided further.1 h it the mayor and the city council shall , by tosolutlon , upon the full performance of the nmlertukln.'s on the part of said lallway compiny herein contained , order the doil\cry of said bonds at the tunes aforesaid ; und , 1'rovldcd fiuther , That all matured coupons bull bo removed anil canci-tlcd bv said trustee beloio delivery nf the bonds to which tliny are attached ; nnd. Provided further , Th it the mayor anil city council of the city of Omaha shall cans t to bo levied on Iho tuxub'o piopurty of suld elt v un aniiitul t.ix Htilllelenl for the payment of the Interest on s-iiil coupon bonds as It huromos duo. nnd after the expiration of ten ( I'll jeuis from the date of sild bonds the mayor and city council of s'lld cliy shall canso to bo levied lu addition to all other taxes on the t i.xable property of suld i-lty anainnunlof tax sulllclcut to create a slnkln ; bond for the puytuent at maturity of s-ild bonds , ( thu amount of tax to ho levied for s.ild slnKIn ; fund not to exceed twenty-live thousand dol- luis (5 ( 1,0M.UU ) In nny ono year ) ; suld tux to bj continued ftom yoir to ye.ir until Iho said bonds nro fully paid. The niquliement of the s ild lands und Im provements herein contemplated Ineltidltu the said mtlio'i'l In Iowa , shall bo bo'nn within ono yout1 from May 1. is.1 ) , and be pushed to completion without nnncci'ssury delay ; and shall bo eo'iinleted within three years from Iho 1st day i.f July , Ih'U. ' In cuse .inv of the teims , limit ttlons , eon II- tlons or jiiov Is nnstuoposo 1 herein lelutliu tn the beginning , progress ami completion of suld Impiovoments aio not compiled w Hi , ( unless delay Is directly und necess.ully caused bv injunction or other judicial pio- ct'idliuts , or by unavoidable accident or ui't of Piovldence ) , the said comptiny shall not bo entitled to receive s ild bonds or tiny thereof , oven though the electors of s ild elt ) of Omaha shall have by their vote authori/o I thn Is suance of said bonds ; but ullilghl tosald bonds shall by such default and without any judicial iletei mlirition become forl'c ted , I'lovlded. however , tlrit If the bcglnnln' , process or completion of bald Improvements shall I'e delaj i'd orobstriicled by any of the aforesaid C'litscs , the times herein al owed fur the iiro-'icss anil completion of said Impiove- metits shall bit extended to the extent ot such delay Or obstruction ; and should a dispute urlso between the suld city nf Omulia and the said Nebraska Centrii Killwuy compiny with resuect to Ilia cause or ex tent of anv such delay , the B imu ul the election ot said Ne ll. isKa Cuiitr il Killwuy comp iivv , slull be referred for detenu irtlhm to iinoird of ar- bltratots , to bo appointed us boieiiiafter pro \ldcd. In consldoritlon of rocolvlnj tha proposed subsidy the Nohiasicti Central Kal Way cotn- D'lnv a roes to allow all ruilvvay companies the following rljlits : The rk-hl to 1.111 their locomotives pitsengei and ftoU'liltr.tins over Its main and p is Itig tracts within the city of Omaha ; unit ovei Its proposed bnJguund approaches preaches , the rlht to use such poitlon of Its tot initial groundsdepots and facult os us may bo necessary und proper for the conduct of the business of such ro.ids ; the right to have their c irs switched und dollvoio.l by the No- br.isk.i CentiMl K illwuy en nji my upon all of Its switch tricks : the right to connect , their roads nt any point within ono bundled dud ) miles of suld oily of Otmih i with any line of ralhvuv wnlch the Nebraska Central Kallwuv compiny. or Its SUCCCSMIIS of assigns may 101.struct or cuuso to bo constructed oistof the Ml-serul river , and to inn theirlocomo- lives , jiasconger und frelghl lialns over thu main und passing tracks ot suld lallroul ; It boln , ; hereby uciecd tint In case tbo Nebraska Central Kiillwny com pany sh ill construct Its piotiosed line oust of the Missouri river , thrnu h Iho agency of any other corpoi.ition or nitty. It will cause such eorpor.illon or pirty to execute and deliver to the city of Omaha a good and sulllclent Instrument blndliu H or him to abide by tlio terms , totidltlons und provisions nf this pioposltlon , tlio same us the said NobraHk.t Conlr.il Itailwiy eompinv would have been hound If it had built tlio same. 1 oforo dellveiy of thotiforcsald one httnilied thousind dollura ( flUO.UJj ) Installment ot bonds. Piovlded , thai Iho use and enjoyment by such railway companies of o ich and every of bald rlshts shall be upon just uudcqti il terms an I the p tyment of just and fair compens i- tlon to the Nebraslta Centrii Killwuy con- pany. Its successors or assigns , und suu'o-t ' to such operating rules md icgiiialloiH of the Nebraska Central Kulhvuv I'ompinv , lis sttc- ccssnisornbslgns , tis shall bo necessary and pioper , jusl und reasonable. And Iho sahl Nobrask i Central Kallw iv compiny wl I submit any dispute ailslnj be tween ft und such other company or com mutes us to thu use and enjoyment of anv rights' under this propjsltlou. or us to t'io ' terms , eonipens ition , operating lilies und regulations , relating theioto. to aboard of urbliiatots. tn bj niadi up of three pel sons whoarc judpiM of Iho state district court , or Its siiccessot , of thu district embracing the county of Douglas , to bo .selected by u iwo- tlilrds vote of all the poisons who tire district judges of said lotirl. Piovlded tint uny such railway coinniny other than s-ild NobrusUa Central K ill way comp my. Its successors or assigns , shall h ivo the election to suhm.t any such dispute to arbitration or to pursue uny other remedy. Wherever urhltiation Is provided for by Hits pioposlllon , the p.u ty deslrlni to submit any inutter to uibltrutlon shall c.iuso to bo serve I upon the other party u , written notlco which shall sol out Iho matter In dispute to bo submitted , und thu tlmo proposed for the heailng , whlcli shall not be less than thlity ( .11) ) days after Iho time of service ; und llieie- npon the adverse pirty shall within twenty C.'U ) days after such sci vleo upon II. servo Its answer , If uny II have , up in iho p irty do- mundlng the at Miration. Thu Hoard ofrbltr Uors , when orziinl/od , shall have povvor lo lix the tlnni of hairing nml to adjourn the same fi nn time lo lime , and to make till no 'Oi3 iry niliM an 1 regula tions for the pioilnetlon nf testimony In the possession of either p irty , and otherwise to coiiux'llu falrjr.nd speedy til.U ; Iho devlsl.ni of u majoiliy of the Lii ml shall control und the llnal ( letormliiiitlon of the board sh ill he llnal and conclusive upon the parties , of all matters - tors submitted und deoldoil. "iVhoiover arbitral on shall bo resound to such arbitral Ion shall bothuoxoliislveiemi'dy of thu p'irtlos ( except as herein elsi-whoio pni- v died ) , us to thu m liters and things Involved an I docldod lliuroln. Said NebrasUu Cent ral Hillw ly eompunv. Its sticcessois and assigns sh ill transport , freight ( Including transfer of friilghl and all chaws Incidental to sild transportation ) ovoi any hrldgo nnd apiiroai'lius. us well us over any railway iltilnll coiistruul within nnu hiindr id ll'JO ' ) inllcs of thu Missouri river within iho stall ) of Nebraska , for jiml and leisoniblo rates or chiugo-i , und In c isu of dlllcroncui as to what eoiistltutos just and u'asonihlu churgiH undDr this puruiraph. the mayor und o.tv eounoll or H ild railway oomiriny may Hiibmlt the H inio to urbltiallon In thu iiiiiniinr and to thu arbitrators ubovu provided fin. bill this piiagruph luspucllng fielght ehue < hh ill not bet Dine opotallvo 01 In force until H \oyoaiitf mm tlio ( lain of I hu delivery of the lastlnstullmcnt of iho bunds huiulnboforo re- ' 'l t Is fnithor proposed that said bomls shall hi ) delivered lo the NchraKku Central lallway romp my. lis iuco son or assigns , only upon tlio execution by the sild Nubriiki Central nllwny companv in Its success JM. und deliv ery lo the flty of Omaha of an uudei takln ; In urltln ; lo the ulluel that thu pilnulpul depot of h till ralhvtiy com p-iny , I Is general ulllcos and principal machine shuiH when built , hluill bo located and mitntalnul within the corporate llml'.s of thu ully of Omaha , an I th it a viola tion of thu terms of bald undertaking by thu s.ild Nebraska Central railway eompunv or Its Biiecussorsiir assigns , bhnll lender the h-ild N'obrasKa Central railway comnany. or Its sticcessois. indebted to thuoil I city of Oinah i In thu full amount of s.U'J buntls , und Intuiest thereon. 'I'llis proposition shall , after being duly iiu'diowleiUed ' by the NubrasicaCuiitr.il Kull way comp my , hu recorded In thu olllce of the ruglkturof deeds of DDUzlnfcUOHMty.Nubraska , and fur a purlo 1 of twenty ( -M yuan fiom and after this date , bh ill hu luferrud to by glv iiu thobirik and pugo vvheiuln Ihu samuU iu- curdud li , uny niuiUagu.dco 1 of trust , deed of cohsvvuuco , or liuihu uf suld depot and depot JlounclH. with the blati iiiiint that thu u ild .No- braska Central railway comniny , Its tuiei'u < - bora and nisi ns. aio bound by t'l" ' turnis' llml- tulloin. ptovlklon * and conditions tit tnlj pinposltion which are hereby mitdu Its covu- iiunH that att.ich to and run with thu said property Into whu > outvr hands II may cinnu. J'rovlUod , that the city conn ! ! uf tin ) city of Onmha , ( thu major uppnwnig in dun form ) bhull entiot a ourliun oulliinii' > o ivvluui ul th' < dutu hereof Is pending c ins duration bcfino laid council ) , uiilUluU , 'An orJinunco grant Ine tiormlislon and authority to the X Con tnil IS'ilhvar roinpanv , its successors' and assigns , to ( . ( instruct raflroad tracks it'oiic ' , norms , ever nnd under certain Mfoots and nl loys In the cltv ofDinalia. sitbjoet to certain condition * , nnd to vnc.itii p-irt * of ccrliln street * and nliovs In the city of Omnhn , upon . - compliance with certain other condition * . f Anl Il It also prntrldod , That If mild No. / braika Contr/il Uallwny i-oiupanv sh ill not. * within fiirtv-tlx i (4V ( days of bolnjj nolllloil by thooltvoiorl ; of the adoption nf this proiiinl- tlon at thu elect Inn hold to vote upon the ( .aim ; , tlio with the said city dork It , writ "n r.itlllcaticni of thl * proposition nniler Its cor porate soul , none of s ild bomls1 shall bo Issiioil , and all thu'terms ' and prov islon.sof this propo- Billon slrill ho hold for naught The Nebraska Contr.il llnltvvay company nircos heforo nn election bpln , { o Uloil to sub mit to thu voters of thu city of Otii'ilm thu liriuiosltIan. that It will oxoruto unit deliver to sild oltv a bond with Koo.l ami sutllelonl stitollos In the sum ( if llvo tiiotiHatut dollari ( HoiU ) . ind llvo thousand dollars } v , > o > t , lsi | t'litrlltloned upon the payment of thu o\ ponies nf laid olei'tlon. This proposition nml the aceotitancn there of by lin < c-lt v of tin-aba , and the ratification of this proposition hv- said Nebraska Central rtillvvav cinnitny. | or its snecosjors or assigns , as herein provided , shall Do oonstriiod aii'l ' undi'r.stind to oonstltulo a vontru't botvvoon the sild Nobrasu i Contril railway company , Itssiici'os.oiaor nssUns. and the said oltv ol Oinilri , and all of the toriiircondltlons , name- ments ami nrovlslons made on the pirt of tha Nuhr is ) , i ( .cntr il irxllvvay oomp > iiy in thli proposition cunt ilued are heruny made the coveirints of the said NuhrisKu tViilr.il I ill- > jiy oi'tnpiity. ' In suceosiors mil assigns , \shlcb snail attach to am ) run with all of III sild propel ty and binding upon tiny partj Into whoso humU It or any of U may eonio. YIS : M ) . All ballots of the Instil voters east at snli oH'etlnn ooiitilnliiR the iibovn priipinllhm nno iiuostlon In the fiiini of the ollldal hali.it < la bo proanrcd by the city cleric of said citvnl Oniniri for sahl oloctiotii with an \ t , irk fol low Iiii the word "yos , " upon sahl olllelal bat. lot shall ho oountoil In fiver of the uccopt- nnoo of sahl pioposltlon , the tssiuinco of said bonds nnd the levy of said taxes In ptiyinont nf the prluelpil thereof anil the Interest , thereon. And all Imllolsof losal voters cast at said elect Ion of the firm aforiM ild , w lth an K nnu l < follovv Ini ; thn word "no" upon s ilil olll elal bollol shall bo ootintod njalnst the ac ceptance of hiild proposition , the issuaneo ol suld bomls and tlio levy of s ilil taxes. If tvvo-thlivlsof all sild billets voted hi the lo al v ot"rs of s ild elty of Omaha at mild oloetlon shall bo o ist In fauir of the Issii- unco of said bonds am ) levy of sill ta\ei In piymeiit of the principal nnd Inter est thereon , the fonuu'n proposition shall ho held to h ivo boon nceonlud nnd adopted , and said bonds shall ho Issiietl nnd loslstoroil , and said ta\-s shall ho li-v led In iiecordiinco with Hut terms ami con ditions thereof , othoivvlso not. bald election shall ho opono I at S nVlt > "U In the imiriitiu ami will continue open until d o'clock In Iho iifteruoon of thu simo d iv ut tho. followin , : plaees In said City of Oiuah. ! , namely : VlltST WAI1D. I'lrst 1)1 Uriel SoiilhoisleortierSoventh ani jlaioy .stieots. ( eooiid Distrk't-Nortliwebt corner ni l.tb ami l.o iveiivvoi Hi streets. Third District -No. i.'is Jones street. 1'oiuth DjstiletNo. . U" ' ? south Tlilitccnth slioct. rifth DlstrlBt N'orlhoiist corner Seventh ami I'aclllc streets. HlMh lllHtiicl-iMiutlioast corner Sixth and I'tiullie stroots. .T > V onth DistrictNo. . li'l'i I'lot oust root. iUhth : Distiict-SLiiitlivvesl''oriiur Klevcnth and Center stieet s. ' r.'inth District No. IsOJHoillh SlMh stroot. Tenth Distriet Nurtnu ist eoutnr Ninth an 1 Ilaneroft stivets. Llov enth Dtstt let No. 192 : ) South Thirteenth btreel , noi Iho ist corner Arbor btioot. SliJONIVltII. . First Distriet Intersection roiirtconth anil Jones strcot. r-econd District-No. 10JI South Tlilitccntli street Third DHtrlct Intersection l lghtecath and * licaveiivvnrlh streets. roiirth D.stilcl Intersection I.eaveinvorth and I vviMitleth streets. fifth Dlstilct Intel suction Tvvenly-lh rd and Io ivenvvorth sticuls. Mxtu Distiiet InterseulloiiTvventlotli stieet ami I'npplot in avenue. J-ovcii'h Distiiet No. 14"3 Williams slrcot iUhth : Distiiet No. Ull South J'nlrtleth street ( Mot'imlllsh ) . Ninth I.strict Intersection Sixteenth anil Conttrslieots. Tenth District No ISil South Tvvontletli street ( Imolt > \Vooilinan ) . Klovenlh Distiiet InteisjcUoti Twentieth and lluneiofl streets. T vofth ! D.stilet No. 1501 Vlnton stieot ( Donovan ) . Thirteenth District IntersectionThiitcentli and Valley slrouts , vvesislilo. I'ourtuenlh I.btrlel Intersection Tnen- tleih and liou.ov.nil streets. THIItl ) VVAIIII. first District Inlerseellon Twelfth and OhleiiKO dtrcut. See , nd District No. HIT North fifteenth slieut ( Wood vv ni i hi. Thud Dlstrlut-No. 112 Sixth street ( A J. Simpson ) Inuitli Distt let No. Ill' ; Douglas slrecl tC J. C.uKin ) fifth ilstrk ) > l--Iiiturscctlon C'tipltol aventio and Tenth stiect. blxlh Dlstrlol Intersection Ilarnoy and Ninth stieels , e ist sldu , t-oventli District Intersection r.Ievcnth f urn tin stiect HI jhth Distriet No. lan Ilarnoy stioot ( .1 S , MeL'oi inick ) . Miith Dlstrlot No. Ull llurney stieet ilvll- Kenny , llr.iy.Uo ) . rouitTii WAiti ) . f list District I nterbuutlon fcovcntecnlli and I ) ivonpui t siieots. > eediid Dlstiua-Intoiacetlon Ttventy-sec- end I ) ivenporlslioen. Thlid Distiiet Intersection Tvventy-llfth and Dotlxn stioels. I oiirth District Intersection .Seventeenth and Dnilso streets i fifth Dlstrlcl No. 4j ) Fonlh f.ftceu T street. M\th Dlhtilct Intersoetlon Twentieth and Douglas streets. So veil Hi Dlsti let Intersection Tnunty-slx th btreot antl hi. Mary's a von no. Cixhlh plslilut-lnlursii'jtloii 'I woiitieth stieel and St. Marv's avenno , woslsltlo Mnth Di-itrlel No. lii.b bt , Al iry'b .iventiu ( KolO'loaux' ) ' ' . Tenth DUlrlet Intorioctloii I ljliteonth and Luavonvvorlli stieuts north s'do. iiovonlh ; Dlsirlct No. Kill Hownr.l btreot ( IliBBliib ) . FIFTH WAII1I. I'lrsllllHtricl Inlursoellon Sherman 'ivenns anil Man lurson street. bucmi'l District irllliu : bnllilliiB , west sldu Sherman avenue , between Ohio an I turby stieels. Thliil District Intersection .Sherman avo- nno and I. tl > o streot. Kuiiith D strleL jiiutlnvust eornor Sheiman avenue and ( Jraee strout. IUJ ) l.rauj struet. * fifth District No , Ul" thuimin avuniiu ( -iiatn un. lxlh Dlstrlcl No. 1151 j-hoiinin avenua ( Killln'n'i. bovunlb District IntOHOCtlon H xteontb ami I/aid sli'i'eH , 1)1.hth ) DM i lei No. fi)3 ) North bUteuntlr Blrticl ill. l < Olnrk. iiKunlj , Ninth District Intersection Uass anclTenlli htri'OlH Tunth District No. 0i : : North Slxtjunlh Hired ( Mini's , ii tinl ) . Eleventh Dlslilut Soiithvviist oorner I l.'h- tcentli and Cam stiuots , I.'iin'htuenlli ; struuu Hi.\ni VVAIIII. first District liveuiim hull , 4s.1) North Twenty-fourth sliuut t'iial. ) . t-uciind | ) isirlel-lnlor octlon Thirty slvtli btrout mil liriml nvumiu. Thlid DMrlut IntuisuctloiiMllJtaivavuiiiia ami liranl btreot. . fouitli Distrlot fntnrsustloii TvVi'jj < y. foiiilh stiool ami Man'lursoii ' stii > ut , . fifth Di.tili'l liitoisuotion 'J'nunty-fointh and \Virl \ Mruuls hivth D.stilet Intersection Thli ly-lhlril and ' I'.irUurstrouts. Mivcnth Distiiet No. 23W I/iku stu-et i\V. A. Mnsslukl. I.iKhth Dlstik't No. L'll.'i I/aUu btrcol Sal- htlDlll ) . I Nlnlh DIslrlot-No , iJlO Noith Twi-nly i founds ! tout. I 'J'uiitli Dlstnel Intorjootlon Tvvunty I'Uhtu i and fi.iiiUlln Htruotb. I J.lovonlli Dltlrlct-Iiilerseulliin Tnoiity- fiitiilh and fiaiildln Htruets. Twelfth Dlstilel-No. U > J Norlli Trtu.itlotU blieat. , BF.VUNTII WAIIII. A Klrsl District-No.'sll I. ) a veil worth H'ront.'J Hticotnl Dlslilct-lntnrsoctluii 1'ivoinv mntlia Avuiina tin 1 I'linplciiin avonii" . smith s do Third District liitcrsoelion I wonty nuitUJ struct and \Viinli\nrtli avoini" . * " nh al lo fourth DUtilul1'rtonly nliiUiunil Mc'o HUB Htll'lltS. , . fifth District -Tlilrty sceond iivunuu amtH TliomiiHim htii-ut. 1 blxth Dhtrlcl-No. 10H Twenty-ninth avoiij hiivi'iith District Intorsoctloii Thirty- j fourth and f i.inels streets. I il nnu VVAIIII. J first Dls'rltt--No ! i"ll ) Hamilton strnut 3 Mci ) id DUtrlct--'OiimliiSMlH'uU ' W Third D'strk't"lntur uutl"n T i iitlulhiiiiVl ' ' ' ' ' ' rou'it'h'ii'si'rk't No LOIftOiimliu stroot. m I Iftn iiUliH-i-No. SlUiOuinliiiJiilKiol. Jl ! blxlh DUtilut Intersuutlon Trtiinly-soconill " " ' ) liiKtrlot Intel lootlon Twuutlotln anil Casi bttuuts. < MSTII VVAIII ) , \M \ fiiHt DUtilot-luterooutluii Thlny-s"un'lB ' Hiid ( . 'iiiiiln" itriiuts. v. h'lcoml Dlstrlcl-IntoMOCllon rorttoth lilr fiimliu hlreets , noith side. Third Dlslilct Intersection fortieth anil fiirnani sltuetn. fiiurth Uisti .et Intersection Thlrty-socoiM , aviiniio an' ) D ivunport htruiil. * fifth DUtrlcl No 'JSJI I'arnam streot. slxih DUtilut No , .I1U1 l/oavonworlli strcot. Thus iliino and proclulined In thu ( Jlty ot Uiiuba thU Hth day of May , b'Ji ( iLoiiui : I' llr.Mix , Mayor of the Ulty uf Omaha.