Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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ro3LisiTiii ) "EVEUY MORNING.
Hnlly Pro ( without Smuljiy ) Ono Venr..f 8 fO
Iinllr nnil Sunday , Ono Your. . 10 00
Fix Month * . BOO
Thri'OMontln . JM
f.nnilnjr Hi < * . Onn Your. . } W
iintiinfny Hcc. Ono Year . > " 2
IVecklyllto. OnoYonr. . " *
Omntit. T lie Ileo Ilnllcllne.
PonthOninhri , corner N nnil Sfith StrpoU.
Council IllnlT. * . 12 I'otirl Street.
tihlcncoUfllro. , li7 ( hiitnl.ernf Cotnincrce.
New Yntk.Hiioii'SlM4nnili : > .TrlltinollulUlln ?
Wuthltm'ton , M3 Fourteenth fetieot.
All cnriiniimlcntloin rolntlnc to newt nnd
editorial n-ntlcr should l > o nddroasod to tlio
LdltpriM DopnrlniotiL
nrsisnsa I.ETTEK&
All Imilni'M letters nml romlluincM nhontd
trnililrcsn-d ttiThollt'o I'liMMilnc Company.
Otnnha. Uraft * . chocks nnrt piwtonico ortlori
1oia \ nmOo payable to tlio orilorot the com
jllcBcc jWlishing Company. . Proprietor
Btntnof Ncbrnska , I , , , .
County nfDonelns. f
OrnrRii II. Tmrhuck. porrotary of Tlio Hen
I'ubllfthliiJ rotnpany. docs soluinnlv
thnt the nc'ttnil clrciiliitlnn of TUB IUH.V IIKK
for thnwruU ending April 30 , ItOA was ns fol
lows !
Hnmtny. April SI . gUM
Mondnv. AprlllS . - ' '
Tuesday. April SO'S ' .
Wcdtips'lnv. April 27 . 21,10.
Thnrsdav."Aprll2S . 2.UWj
April . - > ' .
Vrldny. 2 ! >
Saturday. April 30 . -1-88'
Avernso . 3I.B10
eir.onoi : n. T/.SOHUOK.
Sworn to lioforo ino : inil subscribed In my
rrppcnco this JOtli dny of April , A. I ) , , ISO1.1.
bKAi. N. I1. Knit
Notary I'libllo.
Atonic" Circulation l r .Muroli ,'JU ,
IK TUB iippropriiiUoii oreilrmnoo hud
been published before , It was sltrnod bj
the mayor the Squires bill of over $7,000
would not hiivo slipped through without
notice. _
MoiiTf JAOKS released in Adams county ,
thin state , for the past year exceed ir
nmount by $118,000 mortfrugos lllcd.
Adams is an iivornyo Nobrtwlcn county ,
txnd her oxpcrion o is by no means ox
ccDtional ,
ONTAHIO , Canada , has passed a law
Imnosinp a line of $10 upon any voter it
the province who negligently fulls to
exorcise his franohiso. Just such n \i\\\ \
Is necdnd on this siilo tbo line to stimu
late patriotism.
Kxi'i.ouKit STANijKY says tliat the
Australians more closely resemble tlu
Americans than the Uritish. Australir
Is exporting rathe- too many pugilists
to this country , but in other respect :
she is tv sister to bo proud of.
AJ..MY , the Now EniflnnJ murderer ,
who killed his sweetheart in such cold
blood about t > vo yot\rs ago , has finally
boon sentenced to hang on the third
Tuesday in May , 18'l. ! ) There is matter
in the above sentence for an essay on
the law's delays.
Oint friends , the enemy , should noli
the signillcant fact that in the slate con
volitions hold by republicans in Gall
fornla. Wyoming , Connecticut , Illinois
Tonnossou and North Dakota tlio ulmos
harmony prevailed upon all national
topics. The republican party goes int (
the coining campaign united.
GKNIOHAL MILKS' map showing oui
defenseless coabt lines will bo interest
ing In the next congress , which will bi
republican. It is of no use at present
however. So long as Helm m and Par
Himony lead the democracy of the lower
house it is not worth while to explaii
our public necessities anywhere.
Tun State Hoard of Transportatioi
rxcted wisely in cutting down the forci
in the woighmtutor'd department ir
Omaha. It would have been still wiser
however , to have dispensed with tin
chief woighmastor entirely and turnoi
the business of his olllco over to thi
chief inspector , as has been done ii
VISITING clergymen and laymen nl
unite in praising the Linlngor art gallery
lory , which its owner has so ( jonorousl ,
thrown open to the public during thi
general conference. Nothing goes s
far to olTbot the misery of these murk ;
flays when .Tupllor 1'luvius holds ful
Bwayns the public and private hospl
tallty extended to the visitors fron
IF TIIK ilctnorrats of congress wore nc
more intent upon manufacturing poiil
leal capital than in reducing the so
called burden of taxation , they woul
Boi/o upon the present favorable oppoi
lunity for placing relincd sugar upon th
free list. Tlio movements of tlio suja ;
trust have made both parties ontirol
willing to remove the tariff from re
fined Biigar.
THE talk about the Hill and Cleveland
land factions in Now York comproinis
Ing upon ox-Secretary William C
Whitney is decidedly humorous. Th
11111 men would take to Mr. Cleveland' '
bosom friend Whitney with an or
thusinsni that could only bo equalled b ;
thn devotion with which the Clovolan
men would rally around Dlcir. Crokor o
Hugh McLaughlin.
TIIK Apollo club of Omaha deserve
the enthusiastic support which it hn
received from our citizens. It is a fetron
organization devoted to iiiusio and hi
done n vast amount of good in the coir
munity. The members , many of whoi
are skilled vocalists , give their time an
their voices to the club without romtii
oration , merely to aid In cultivating tli
tauto of the loss cifted members and tli
citizens gonomlly for high grade intiaii
OUR amiable contemporarythe U'orfc
Herald , was disgusted with itself who
it discovered that TIIK BKK favored th
Nebraska Central onturprise. Tb
W.'H. has no settled purpose In life e >
copt to oppose whnt Tun HKB favors. .
has oyor since its discovery been BOO !
ing an excuse-for antagonizing the pn
posed issue of bonds. As any excuse :
bolter than none , it takes up Majc
Paddock's insincere position and ai
uouncoa that unless a maximum bridg
tariff is included in the bond propoa
Una it will oppose the bonds.
Reports of combinations to defeat the
ronominatlon of President Harrison are
etlll rife , They come from Washington
and other political centers , and boar
Hiicli evidences of authenticity as to
glvo them a claim to attention. It is
stated from Washington that ox-
Spcakor Kccd and Senators Teller ,
Quay and Stewart have gone so far as
lo prepare an appeal to the republican
voters of the country urging them not
to ronominalo Harrison. A Philadel
phia paper makes the statement , on the
authority of a delegate from that city
to the Minneapolis convention , that a
combination of politicians unfriendly to
the president Is being formed , and that
it includes Quay and Cameron of Penn
sylvania , Miller and Plait of Now York ,
the friends of Algor in Michigan , Blalno
men in Maine , and the Colorado sena
There is no intimation as to whom the
promoters of this allcgo.l combination
prefer as a presidential candidate , or
whether It Is organized in the interest
of any particular man. It was staled n
few days ago that Secretary Husk had
been asked to become a candidate , but
ho firmly declined to permit his name to
bo used In that connection. Ho is loyal
to the president. Senator Sherman , it
was reported recently , had also been
discussed as an available man , but the
senator has several times said that ho is
not a candidate , and ho knows that his
republican constituents in Ohio are very
generally favorable to the ronomlnallon
of the president. Governor McKinlov
has been spoken of as a possible candi
date , but ho has distinctly avowed him-
Holf for Harrison and will go to Minne
apolis with the purpose lo earnestly sup'
port the ronominatlon of the president ,
Ex-Speaker Heed would not reject the
nominalion and General Alger may still
have a lingering hope that it will come
his way. It is quite probable , however ,
Unit the opponents of the president have
no particular man in view , and that in
order to defeat the rononiinalion of Harrison
risen almost anybody would bo accepta
ble lo them. They would jeopardize
party success and imperil the public
wolf are in order to gratify tlioir per
sonal hostility to Iho president. The
policy of the opponents of the president
appears to bo to got into the field as
many candidates as can be found , trust
ing to prevent nomination on the llrsl
ballot and by scattering votes prepare
the way for concentration. Can the op
position lo Iho president get together !
It Is extremely doubtful.
Meantime the miisdesof the party con
tinue to manifest si hearty desirn for the
rciiomination" President Harrison
Fourteen states , with a representation
in Hie national convention of 8015 , have
instructed for the president , and safi
estimates from other stales give him r
jiilllcicnt number of delegates to insure
nomination on the first b.illot by a large
majority , assuming that the instruction ;
of stale and district convonlions will be
obeyed. The strongest loaders in the
party are committed in favor of his
rcnomination. Such being the silu
alien it would scorn that no grca
danger is to bo apprehended from tin
roportoel conspiracies lo defeat Ihe evident
dent wish of the largo majority of re
publicans that Benjamin Harrison shuV
again bo the standard bearer of the
party. It is hardly possible that the
malconlcnls will bo able to exert an )
considerable inllunnco in the nationa
convention against the woll-unelerstooi
desire of the great body of ropublicai
The senate will undoubtedly insist ot
a larger appropriation for the construe
lion of war vessels thtiii is provided ii
the house bill , and n compromise wil
wrobably bo made by which more than i
single cruiser will bo added to the nav ;
before the meeting of Iho next congress
A elomocratic senator has offered at
amendment to the house bill providing
for the construction of a battle ship am
torpedo boats , and while it is not prob
able that the recommendations of the secretary
rotary of Iho navy will bo fully complioi
with , there is every reason to oxpcc
that congress will go considerably ba
yotul the promise of the house legislation
That this would bo approved by tin
intelligent judgment of the countr ;
there can bo no doubt. The genera
sentiment is favorable lo the construe
lion of a navy that will bo adequate fo
protection and defense , and ua such , !
safeguard against war. As was re
conlly salel on the lloor of the house , ii
the course of the discussion of this matter
tor , the truest economy on the part c
any nation is not to delay propuratioi
until it is involved in war. It probabl' '
will not bo questioned that the fact c
the United States being prepared t
fighl had a very great deal to do will
averting war witli Chili. Wo wore ii
a position to send a number of ship ;
into South American waters as an assurance
suranco to iho Chilians that wo wer
both able and ready to enforce our jus
demands , and the inlluence of tha
demonstration was worth volumosof dip
lonmtic correspondence. Had a simlia
trouble happened a few yearn ago thi
demands of this government would hav
been treated with contempt and its tilt !
matum scornfully disregarded. Withou
a naval force capable of defending on
own ports , lo say nothing of Ihrualunin ;
Iho ports of an enemy , wo should b
compelled to boar whalovor insult
and injuries wore put upon us , ovei
from such a power as Chili , or take th
rUU of a costly war when all peaceful o ,
furls to aoeuro a just recognition of ou
rights had failed. It is not at all In
probable , also , that our being prepare
to defend ourselves had more or .loss t
do with preventing a warlike demon
stratlon em the part of Italy over th
Now Orleans affair , and our ability I
Bond n Hoot into Horing sea that coul
ssvoop British sealers from those waler
it is safe to assume was not lost sight c
In Lord Salisbury's consideration of th
proposal for renewing the moJus vl
vend ! .
The United States does , not require
navy for any aggressive purpose
Neither Is it desirable to create a nav ;
with a view to rivaling any other powoi
What la wanted Is only such a iiuvi
force as will insure the protection of 01
commerce on the seas , the defense of 01
seaports , a proper rospuct for our righi
in all lands , and our security and poaci
The policy that way instituted by the n
: ntbllcan parly of giving the country
luch a navy has been vindicated by
events , and the attempt of the domo-
crnts to have it abandoned when the
purpose Is not more than half atlalncd
will bo condemned by the Intelligent
opinion of the country.
It becomes more apparent from day to
day , both from the drift of sentiment
manifested in Its conventions and from
the tone of Us press , that the democratic
purty is being forced Inlo a position In
which It will line ! Itself face to face with
a jrrnvo problem when the national con
vention moots at Chicago. There ap
pears to be a lusty vigor in the Cleveland -
land element of the party that was
scarcely exported a few weeks ago , and
[ t is thrusting ilsolf upon the attention
of the country on all occasions In a
manner that at least proves the con
stancy of the ox-prosldont's followers
and Iho vitality of a bnom that was
.started directly upon the heels of defeat
four years since.
The elllemnux into which Iho demo
cracy is drifting arises chiolly from the
complicated situation In the slate of
Now York. While there is no longer any
probability whatever that Senator Hill
will have n formidable following al
Chicago , his candidacy , nevertheless ,
has an important bearing upon the
question of Iho integrity of the party in
New York , which is considered tobeol
Iho utmost consequence. Senator Hill's
New York followers are not lo ba depended -
ponded upon with absolute certainty lo
glvo an effective support to any other
candidate , but nnthini : could bo more
certain than that they will not earnestly
support Mr. Cleveland.
The Hill men lay great stress upon the
statement that their candidate can carry
his own state , and upon tills argument
they babe all their hopes of succors in
Iho convention. They assume that a
promise to del Ivor the electoral vote of
Now York will have great weight , as in
deed it would have if it were sure of
fulfillment ; but no person acquainted
with iho present temper of the factions
there will place any faith in such n
promise. There is a largo and powerful
clement in the democratic party of the
Empire stale whoso inlluonco is little
felt in the councils of the organization
and whoso very existence Booms to be
ignored by the leaders until the rural
districts are heard from on election day.
The town elections in that state Ibis
spring , resulting in the most remarkable
series of republican triumphs known
there in many years , may fairly bo taken
as an indication of the attituelu of llu
country democracy lowni-d the policy o
Senator Hill and his lieutenants. The
Cleveland sontimenl , weak and timid ii
the great centers of population , is correspondingly -
spondingly strong in Iho rural com
The problem al Chicago will not lie ir
the choice between Cleveland and Hill ,
but rather in the choice between Cleveland -
land and some oilier candidate whollj
free from entangling alliances witli
jithor. It is not likely that a selection
can bo made that will bo satisfactory It
both factions , and it is to bo expectci
thai there will bo a sound of Iho sharp
ening of knives in Iho Empire state be
fore Iho delegates have reached thoti
It is no use looting iho Darn after Ihe
horse has boon stolen. The foglliiil
envelops the 'Squires appropriation fet
street sweeping ana the issue of a , war
rant for the same eills ; for it reform ol
tlio slipshod methods Unit permeate oui
municipal machinery. Appropriation !
are bunched and railroaded through the
council under suspension of the rules
without oven being read and member !
go on record in favor of jobs and extra v- -
agent expenditures without even know
ing that they have voted for them. Under
dor pretense of economy the appropria
tion ordinances am not given publicity
and the taxpayers are kept in ignorance
as to where their money goes to am
how il has boon squandered.
TIIK BKK has time and again calloe
Attention to the fact that publicity i
the most effective safeguard against jobbery
bory and extravagance in municipal ox
pondUuros. The expense of publishing
the appropriation ordinances is a men
trifle when wo take into accotrit tin
check which such publicity would af
ford against lawless raids upon the
treasury or gross mistakes in allowance
to con tractors and claimants.
Only a few weeks ago an item of S",00i
was inserted In iho appropriation ordi
nnnco as part payment for the lot adja
cent lo Iho Heed library nito. Thi
amount was taken out of the genera
fund when it should have been paid ou
ot the library fund. Manifestly Ihi
council had no right lo ttvlco $7,000 ou
of the general fund which will bo mon
than exhausted in paying for grading
and street work.
This is , however , only ono out o
scores of irregular and unlawful appro
prinllons engineered through the coun
cil without publie1 notice and kept fron
tlio iaxpiyer.-j : by Iho iionpublieation o
appropriation ordinance ; } . \Vo do no
contend that the salary list should hi
published monthly , although such pub
Unity at least once in throe month
would keep the taxpayers informed as t
Ihe number of oily employes and the expense
penso of running Ihe various depart
The essential llilng lo provcnl a re
uniTonco of the Squires incident wotil
be to rcqulro separate - nppropriatio
ordinances ( or each of the department
and separate ordinances for each con
tractor. When the bunching of a |
proprlatlons 'n ono ordinance is don
away with and each ordinance is road I
full at least once before Its pasangi
there will be no occasion for blind vol
ing and pleading the baby act on th
part of conncllmen.
In addition to this precaution , cvon
appropriation ordinance , except possltil ,
the monthly salary list , should bo pub
lialied in full , and wo believe It would b
economy to print 100 copies of every aj
propriatlon ordlnnnco fordistribution ti
couneilmon nnd information o
the publie before its llnal pas.siigo. Sun
printing and publicity would glvo tax
payers a chance to romonstraU ) bofor
llnul notion is taken by thu mayor un
SiccitKTAKY No m.K declined to fui
nlsh the congressional investigating
committee thaf papers relating to cer
tain dismissals YA the pension office on
the ground thiJUvongross had no consti
tutional right toi the docnmonU The
natter may bcf etorroel to congress by
ho commltica-i The position of the
ecrotnry is untenable. The right of
ongresa to luqijlfo into the conduct ol
uiyoxocutlvooincor of the government
ought to bo conceded though the
expediency of" * iin : > king such inquiry
except upon prirna facto evidence of
some grave Offcmso against the laws
nay bo doubted. ' Secretary Noble will
> robably Ilnd It necessary to submit the
mpors in question to the inspection ol
.hocommlttoo. .
Tim federal authorities Imvo Insti
tuted proceedings at Philadelphia
against tlio American Sugar Hollnlng
company , familiar to the country as thu
sugar trust. The action Is brought
under the anil-trust law enacted by the
ast congress , and it will afford as com
plete a test of the act as it is perhaps
> osslblo to secure. The Sugar Refining
: ompuny Is organized under the laws of
tfow Jersey , and olalmi to bo not. ti
; rust , but a corporation of that state ,
having the right to own property ir
other states , to trade and manufacture
in them , and to engage in intcrsttile
commerce. The intent of the antl-trusl
law Is to exclude from Interstate trade
corporations which enter into combina
tions to monopolize any pat-lot the trade
or commerce among the several states
or with foreign nations. It would soon
to bo entirely plain that the law is ap
plicable to Ihe sugar Irust , which is un
deniably monopolistic in its purpose ,
The proceedings in this case will be re
garden ! with universal interest. The
government should next eiiroct Its at
icntion lo the anthracite coal combine
which is quite as much a monopoly as
the sugar trust and is perhaps capaulo o
oven metro serious exactions. The ad
ministration is doing well in its efforts
lo enforce the act passed by n ropublicai
congress and approved by Prenldo'i
Hart ison for the suppression of trust ;
and like combinations , and an attack or
the coal combine will still further com
mend its labors in this direction t <
popular approval.
B. CLAUK WIIKKI.HU. who is not un
jnown in Omaha , having in years goni
by been connected with the Gibson
Miller & Utchardson job printing cstnb
lishmont. mnelc his voice heard in the
Color.ido republican stale convontioi
with the sentiment : "On lo Miunoapo
its , then lo Chicago , and then , if wo are
driven lo it , on toOmaha. " The sentiment
ment in favor of free coinage wa
cheered but when the votes were talliei
Mr Wheeler fell outside the breast
works and four other gentlemen wen
selected as duldgaios-al-largo from Cole
rado. .
e.lvr I'tfiUy ol Kopu.
Mliiii'tiv'ills Tribune.
Henry WiUtcrsomsays the nomination o
Cleveland would Da suicidnl. Well , tionostl ;
now , isn't 11 about itiila' for the useless eli
party to smilllo o'ff !
CoinKti'iiry u l.nsl .Jewel.
( Hnhr-ntiniicrttt.
The cry of the Colorado con
ventton for "RUino or n frco silver riiiiti" i
ono of the humors of Iho canvass. Hhilr.n i :
oven moro of nn ami-silver man than liar
rtson is.
Without : i Cnmn'UIor. |
llnnloH .iilrcidaer.
There is no other cunmuato Ihnn Prasidon' '
Harrison In Ihu liolJ , and ho is likely to b
ronornlnatcd. The fcolintr against him I
Dasod chiefly upon complaints ever his ap
The Nnro of Ilcinixirncy.
I'liiliiil'liihln 7'i'mrv.
N ro fiddled while Homo was bisming
And a suspicion is abroad Hill is disposed t
see Iho national democracy where they'd h
in similar danger , ralhor tuan nlay secom
fludla to anybody.
The lioifcm Combination.
ISnstnn ( Italic.
Boios is unquestionably the fnvorito son o
Iho Iowa democracy. A great array of club
will go to Chicago to olioor for the gallan
democratic governor. Notono of them , however
over , would bo a whit los enthusiastic o
loss hopeful of .success if tlio ticket shouli
read Kussoll and Doles.
All MinimIn Imvu.
Xciv } 'i 1 ; Kim.
The farmer * and millers of Iowa doiorvi
credit for tholr goiioro-iity In contributing i
carjto of grain for the rollof of tbo slarvln ,
peasants of Uussia. The sliip boanns th
Brain loft this port .veitnnlay , find H will b ;
In the Russian port of Kiija before the end o
the month If wind and wo.Hhor are favorable
All honor to the kind-hoarlcd people of lowi
Itnyonil tlm I'.ilo of Ili'i'lprocUy.
A'cic York Itcconltr.
Tbo pro3tdent's reciprocity trcnty wit !
Honduras m.iicos no provision for tba rolur
of ox-Trousurov Hurlco , who must by till
time have ininod alrnott onougb gold in tb
Honduran mounlnina lo pjy back llio fund
which disappeared from il > o treasury e
Louisiana tibout tbo sumo tioio that the gal
lant major made bis exit. There nro n goo
many nrtlclos of use to Honduras which No\
Orleans inlabt swap for him. Ho might L
worth bis weight in Porlquo tobacco , tbouij
thai is pulling a htUjVy estimate on him ,
. C/iicf/iiiittl / Ciiminerctnl.
There are reports floating nround In in
newspapers Unit Sotfntor John Sherman pn
poses to resign hU'tiosltlon as United State
honator and roliro' tit private ) llfo. There :
an excuse offered fp , this , ns Ihoro U nlwu )
nn excuse for such reports. Ho wants I
wrltn the momolrjJ'oT h'.s brotnur. ( inner.
Sherman. There I * nothing in tbo star ;
Glad-stono , wbo Isrtnoro limn ton years olde
than John Sborm&iii is tbo loader in the Hi
gllsb parliament.o U well preserved , t
U Hbormr n. Intellectually and physlcnll
Iho latter is in tbpj/rimo of llfo. Ho Is di
vutoil to his countrynnd no man living ca
servo it boiler li&h ho. It U safe lo sa ;
therefore , that | { ) never thought of n
signing , llo Is not-a < candidate for any o
Ilco. Ho Is a supporter of President Han
son for. re-otccilon , nnd lhat wilbout nu
"ifs" oibuts. . "
Will UK liivlnrliilo.
.Sfiranl lllaile.
Thcro Is some nbjuciion to the rccominci
dntlon of K. Uoiowator by tbo state uonvoi
tion for national commlliocman , madomostl
by men wbo bavo not always supporte > d tl
republican ticket. Mr. Hosownter will I
nn active , aggressive member of thu uoniinl
tee. This is H year when wo need such me
on the county , district and t > tate committee ;
as well as the national committee. Tin : Hi
has suppDrted republican candidates about !
often ns tboio who object to his nppolntmui
on the national i-ommilico , and Ihero is i ;
it'Mivlng tbo fact that TIIK UMMIA Hi
wieiJi a eroat lullucuco in ebaping tbo poll
ties In Nobrnskn , nnil the rocommcndntlon
la n Just recognition of Mr , Uosowatcr'.i ser
vices.Vo all wnut to see everything hnr-
monlous In our ranks lids year , mid If wo lay
nsldo nil our projueilcos nnd work togothoi
for the succnss of our whole ticket iho republican <
publican party of ihU stnto will bo in
vincible In November next nnd score ono elI
I Is old'ltmo victories.
How TlicjSnw It.
ThoKoarnoy convention that rocomtnoneloi' '
Uosowator for national commluocman illd not
tnko time to discuss the ethics of prlvntc
grudges. There were blttor enemies ot the
Omnhn editor there , man who could hnta
oven when g rail II oil rovonso was hopeless.
They saw in Hosowator n personality that
typified thoprlnclnlo that dotonteil Ulohards.
1'crhnps ho eild not do It himself , but whoii
Ulclnrds wrapooa the mnntlo of individual
right about him nnil refused lo doolnro for
or against on the prohibition question
Omaha turned against him on principle
nnd olthor voloJ contrary or prayed foi
his dofoat. The massed convention didn't
tnko llino to sift Iho mntlor nnd Ilnd out
whether Ulchnrds was itofontod by Omaha
Hosowntor or contributory nodllponco. Tnoj
saw the magnlllcont efforts TIIK Her. hn :
made In iho past , the ItUon bolng last fall ,
nnd they saw in Kosowalor ono of the bos
equipped men In the state to Illl the arduous
position of national commlttooman in n yoai
when good Judgment and hard tlghtlni
are necessities , nnd they rocommonJoJ hi :
appointment with n swooping voto. That he
will bo appointed there Is lltllo doubt , nnd wi
bollovo ihnt ho will do ns much or moco Ihnr
could bo done by any other man In Nobraskn
in that responsible position.
Properly Si/mi Up.
Ai'/ir.tsta / citu I'rcia.
Tnat ilttlo newspaper man. Hushncll , wni
writes for tlio Lincoln Call , and n striullti )
heeler of his , named Daubach , are trying ti
sllr up n fnss in Iho republican ranks , it
which confusion they may parcimtico purloli
a rich pluin. 'J.'hoy give their movement !
Ilttlo tony. One coula not bo olactod n
cleaner of cnspidoros In the capttol , the
olher was never board of until Inst wcolc.
r ox run COXFKHKXCE.
Kansas City .lournnl : The Christian chuvct
Is no place to draw the color lino. Tin
Mothodisu have sot a good oxnmulo a
Chicago News : From the interesting facl
that tho'pro-ddlng olllcor at the Mettioulsts
conforcnco in O in aim has thus far used ti {
two gavels and Is rapidly splintering n third
it is reasonable to infer thnt the deiogatos di
not slumber in their xcaisdudna llie sossioiu
of that important body.
Now York Tribune : In Omaha , when
the Melbndist general conference is holding
its sessions , thuro are sixtoi-'ii llourlshiiif
Methodist churches nnd three ) missions. 1
Is also the homo of Uishop .1. P. Newman
who Is said to bo so popular that when ho I.
announced to speak no church will hold tbosi
who desire to hear him.
St. I'nul Cilolm : His a noteworthy fac
that the present so.wion of the Moihodis
Episcopal punoral eonforonco ut Omaha I
tlie llrst that has over boon hold \\vst of Chi
> : ago , iiiul the Lake city has had 11 but once
In Iho hundred years or more of Iho dcnom
( nation in this country , there have bcoi
twenty-six of thuso general gatherings
nearly all of winch have been in oasteri
cities. Unltimore has had it eleven times
New Vork three. Omaha will ontertalu ii
so hflndsonifllv Unit it will bo ant to hold tin
next session in the west. Cleveland am
several other cities are sending committee ;
and making efforts for It. While It is not si
big a thing as a national convention
It is regarded as n nice plum for any city
The membership of the body U but'u sinal
part of the crowd it brings. H attract :
thousands of very Intelligent people and re
mains in session nboiit a month. While llu
location of the session In IS'Jii is unelur con
sideration St. Paul should not bo overlooked
Tins city would malco the brethren of an ;
religiour persuasion feel that it is an Idea
location for their great conventions.
.if , n < ; ui nv.i/
Columbus I'ost : 'Iho mlmir l.s aolr
cnmspuL-l man. Ho always "piekV his \vny.
Washington Star : "That's a vury neat turn
out , " H. ilil HID yoiinz woman's falhor a * An
gustus spnd from the door.
Now VoiU lluraldI : think
my iiamo ti Solomon ami xvrllo provurl- , , '
said MIIW-IOII , "Howls this for ono. "llultu
1 o bent. imocoiiomy than Ijroko on uxtrava-
Smith , e.rav .t Co..s Monthly : Ilorlilmcrst.-
Thut was sad about Cliarllu .Maiuvan ; . win
died from over oxutllon while tyliii his uri-
vntii few diiysaqu Do you know what hi :
last words woroV
Toinkln-Sparki ) . No ; what were they ?
Ilerklmerst. I'm gnlii ; homo to tlo no moro
I wish how Idlu tlioujlitsevpandl
What pIctiin-H fancy triicus.
I wish that I had hi'lil liur hand
Tor It contulnoil four acus ,
"Natnro Is gnttlni ! voislfcron * ,
The trous ui'u out on a laik :
If you listen you'll hi > utliu crow-cuss
Anil Ihu bcaiulfnl dogwood bark.
National llurliur : U'lren HID regular pntroi
SODS to tlio bai-bor. shop ho can sou his owi
mug wilhoul looking In the minor.
I'hllalolphla Times : At a clrom race , m
matter If thuro Is a. suspicion of liipiioilrom-
Ing. noopli ! at least have a show for thul
Yonkur'.s Statosmnn : TIn > man who IH suil
donly thrown iipun the wnrlil finds It lian
work to support lilmvjlf. Tills Is u iiiidally si
of thu auronaut who fulls out of Ills balloon
The man lias "moro than a dish to wash. "
Win ) Is try in. ; to look h'.s bust.
With a this year's pullof trousor.s on ,
And a last .veer's uoat and vest ,
Philadelphia Kociml : Wimloy culls thu bac
I'lgaw that Dnbluy buys "tho cu'n ' culluutor'
prldu , " bccauso of tlm curious st'onts thu
they jiroilucu whllu being siimkod.
Illnghamton KiMiulillcan : Thn yiiun
woman who marries : i illsslpatud vonnt : ma :
with tbi ) Ideuitif lufoniiliii ; liim Is llab'.o t
have hur hamU full as wo ! I as hur luiHli.inil.
llirvanl Lampoon : "Oh , yrs , oiu.s [ , a. ban
business , " Niild thu ilii'ssmakor. "lf snl
und tifck with us all thu liinu , you know , "
I'hl nOulpliln Times : Grasshopper soup ha
liouu vonuliiiil for as ovi-ollunt by aViifliln. .
ton t-bluf. It should hoBurvud as "Coiisomm
a Sprlntfur. "
Shu was viii-y thin.
lint 1 very soon found
When I slopped on her dross
That I made hrrloiiK round.
Columbus I'ost : Thu purchaser nf "fresh
UXRS l.s roallv sometimes uii'iuled ' to "coin
hluohlckuns before they am hatehud. "
Nuw York lliiralil : " .Maria. I wish yo
won M us I ; my inothi-r to tcai-h yon how I
miiUi ) plii. Do you i-iill this uriislf"
"No , 1 don't , but I thought you would pru
vldu thu cnistlnuss fur thu occasion. "
Van Arndt 1 Ilko a wnriKin 1 can loolcuptr
.Smllor l.s that why you alway * sit In th
front row at the themurV
Altl'HlK TO HI'lllNd.
( 'omo , zontlu Hprlng , now come ,
Don't uc.t so pesky Mv ,
Von'vo hold old winter In your lap tooloni
You'ro isottniK vury nlnlly ,
filvo Buiiiiner now n chanca.
Hut don't you xol cnnuuliod
And liolil hur In your lap too Ions.
You may nut overheated ,
nivu'us o'd-fashlonod , balmy spring ,
Ont'o calleil "ethereal IIIIJIII | | < H , "
Not aouthorn ciinii und bllsturbiK huat ,
Nureiasturn "blizzard wlluiiiis * . '
What wo want of you. dear sprlns ,
IM iivoriwn vunml wo.itliur ,
Not winter's void and summer s beat
.lummoil rlslit up close lonothor
IIiintliiKtoii lluy it Null Hill lloilitr.
HAN KiuNCweo , Cal. , May fi. Tbo put
lishod statement Is made hero that the haso
some rosldonco on Neb Hill of tbo late Gor
oral Coltou , ono ol iho promoters of the Cui ,
tral Paclllc , ha boon purchased by U. 1 ;
Huntlngtou for .VJ.OOQ.
Hiii-i't > H liil3 HI 1(0 la Cunudii.
OrTAWA , Ont. , May S. The BtriUo of lun ;
bor mill hsnds , undorlnkcn In on effort to
gnin pormlsslon to quit worx nt
I t > . ra. on Saturday -without ito-
crcasoof pay , has boon successful . Aflor
the victory the tnon hold n moating and re
turned thanks to their employers ,
Ilclcluin 1'ollro Mnkn nn Impnrtntit Ar-
.rr t Attempt to Illcnr t'p it llin o.
UHI-SSEI.S May , * . . The pillco nt nil the
industrial centers In Hoielum have not In the
least relaxed ihclr vigilance in the search
for anarchists. The detectives nro nt work
nmong the miners nnd factory operatives ,
nr.d nt Mons n innti who Inducreolly divulged
to ono of his follow workmen , ptoiiimably a
ellsgulsoil dotocllvo , Unit ho wns concoriiod
in nn nnnrchlst plot , found himself shortly
afterwards In the ha mis of tno poltco.
The prisoner had made nrrnngomonU to
blow up tlio houses of Uuiillor nnd
Holloyo nt Mons , nnd also Iho residences of
other leading citizens of tbo place. H was
found thnt the prisoner had In his posse-salon
11 vo powerful dynninlto cartridges , and it is
boltovod that If ho had not talkou so freely
Mons would In n short time have been
startled by a sones of disastrous explo
sions. U is expected that , the otuor tour men
will bo shortly nrrostcd.
A elynnmlto catlrldno bound with stout
wlro was found on n window sill of n
honso In Warroiiimo , n smnll town thlitccn
miles west of Liuge. The nttonllou of n
passer-by was attracted by n thin curl of
smouu ho snw nscondlng from the window
sill , ami upon approaching closer ho found
thnt tha smoke caino from u burning ftiso
attached to the cartridge. Ho nt once
quenched the lire nnil notified the police ) of
itio attempted outrnac. Forty bouses wcro
searched yesterday.
nyimmllr nnil Dynamiter * .
P.lw * , May 5. The newspaper , Lo Paris ,
says H has boon Informed lhat Plnta , the alleged -
logod author of the explosion In M. Vory's
restaurant in the boulovnnl Mngontn , Is still
in prison at the French penal seillomont In
Cayenne , lo which place ho was sent u cou-
sldorablo time ago for his crimes. Several
iM-oncu paper * have published what pur
ported to bo intorvlows with Plntii , but ns
lie Is sllll serving his sentence It Is hnrdly
necessary to atnto thnt thoao lulcrviows are
what are tanned , in newspaper parlance ,
"fllKOS. "
M. Vlollo , mlnl.stor of public woncs , has
Issued n circular to tno various prefects di
recting them to mi visa tbo owners of the
mines nnd quarries to Hoop a vigorous wntch
on the dynnmlto cartridges used at tlioir
works. It is thouirhl the anarchists obtain
n part of their supply of oxploslvo.s Irom
minors nnd quarry men , who steal cartridges
from their employers und sell them lo an
archists. It was this dlseovory that led lethe
the issuing of Iho circular to the' pro feels.
rnmlnii-ICiisslan AMIiinci' .
ITopi/KyMfil / ISIJ liil Jiliiifg CiiHti/m IttnnM. }
Ili'.iu.iN , May ii. [ Now York lleralu Cable
Special to Tun Hii ; : . | In court circles It
is whispered thnt the expected visit of the
c/ar is connected with Iho project of the bo-
trolhal of Princess Margaret of Prussia to n
mum bar of the Russian imperial family. The
czar , however , has not yet made up his mind
to assent lo Ilia alliance.
The Horlmar Loknl Anzolgor , ono of Iho
most widely read papers in Germany , said
lust night tlmt tno rovelutiou.s of tho'Horald
regarding Italian affairs bnvo elrlerminod
Kudini to abandon bis projected Journov to
Berlin , nnd adds that the Italian premier Is
anxious to avoid couilrmlng the report that
King Humbert's visit to Merlin u prompted
by llnanciul and diplomatic motives.
Illnni ) Wlthilrnivs Ills Motion. , May 5. i'ho Independent , the
Parnollilc organ , says that IJlano , Pnruollito
member of Commons , has withdrawn his mo
tion declaring that the time has now arrived
for the establishment of un Irish parliament
at Dublin , The proposal of Mr. Hlane to in
troduce this motion was taken by the IloornU
ns nn indication of the Pnrnclliles1 Intcnltou
to force Mr. Gladstone's hand.
Tlintilliy Siilllvitii DfiimliiciM Viirnollllcs.
Dfm.i.v , May 5. At n regular meeting of
the National Educational society bold in this
city , Mr. Timothy Sullivan declared that
every village in the land was the scene of
strife nnd fond. The Parnellitcs , ho said ,
had exuaustod the National league re
sources , disheartened the friends of homo
rule , cncoiirocea its enemies , revived land
grabbing nnd led to endless litigation.
SiMitooroil I'm- Killing Italucs.
ST. PnTiit Jitio : , May 5. At Vilna six
.lows and Jewesses were convicted of mur
dering babies that had boon intrusted to
their charge and were sentonceil from six to
twenty ycaiV penal servitude.
Count Ilitrlii > r ( ItNinarvIt HiigaxRil.
VIIXXA : , May 5. The engagement of Count
Herbert bUiunrulf and Counass Margaret
iloyus is announced from Kiuino. The
countess is the Brnuddnuglitor of Kobort
\Vlntebcad , inventor of the Whltchoad tor
pedo. _
, In , ) nll.
Dum.ix , May . " ) . Mrs. Robert Montnguo ,
who is undergoing ono year's imprisonment
for causing the death of her . ' 1-year-old
daughter , has been con fin eel to the hospital
of the Londonderry j.iil for thu nast week.
Jersey Cut Mi , : iiul thn liir. .
Nnw Yniitc , Muy T . The convoution of the
cnttlo club , composed of the owners of Jer
sey cuttlo in six states , yesterday decided
tlmt $10.000 Miould bo voted for the purpose
of securing u proper exhibition nt the Chica
go exhibition.
Oouncilninn Jncobaon Explains His Oonnoo-
tion with the Squires Olniiu Mnttor.
Clmlrinnti of tlio I'ltmiu'o eiotniulttro IK.
od thn Itrport ItrriiiniiK'
yiupiit llrcniM < < thn < ! oinptrol-
lor S.ilil . 11 Was All lllght.
Councilman Jacobson , chairman of the
II n an co cotumltteo , called nt Tin : lHi : : onico
Inst night to explain hU conuoctlon wild the
Squlros bill for S,1 I5 lhat unbeknown to
any councilman slipped through tbo counrll
In the approprliition ordinance.
Mr. Jacobson most emphatically denied
thai ho received the cortlllod copies of the
Hoard of Public Works' resolution , the city
ntiornny'fl opinion mid the commlllou report
from Siulro.s ] nnd took them to Comptroller
Olson to bo inserted la the appropriation
Then ho told what bo know nbout Iho matter -
tor nnd It wns line this : Squires took the
papori to Mr. Jueobson's onico , but ns thnt
gentleman wns absent they wcro not loft
"Squires then took the papers to Olson , "
snld Mr , Jncobson , "and that's all 1 Know
nbout thorn , 1 never snw the eertlllpd copio.s
and never hnd thorn In my possession. I'lio
night when Iho npproprlntioii ordlnnnco
passed Comnlrollcr Olson told mo ihni it wns
nil right , nnd on thu strcngih of his gtata-
itont 1 signed the report recommending thu
passage of the ordlnnnco. Klght bore 1 want
to say thnt It wns rallro.idcd through tbo
council. If It bud oven been roforrcd to my
committee I would hnvo discovered thnt tno
Horn wns Inserted nnd would have stricken
it out , ns 1 know Hint iho claim nnd nil of Iho
papers conucclod with It had been placed on
" 1 can't see how I can bo blamed in this
matter , nnd If there wns nny blnmo to bo nt-
tachud , It would bnvo to bo shared equally
by Iho other members of the committee , ns
there is as much responsibility rostliig upon
thorn as upon iho chmrmnu. "
Continuing , Mr. Jneomon snld thnl bethought
thought Squlios wns entitled to his money ,
but did not approve , of the motnods which ho
employed to secure tbo warrant from Comp
troller Olson.
rri'Nliylorliin Hospital.
Articles of Incorporation of the Presbyter.
Ian hospital , located In liountao place , were
fllod in the ollli-o of Iho county clone ycstor-
diiy. The Incorpor.itors nro Jacob C. Oonisp ,
C. A. Starr , S. M.Varo. . Kobort McClelland ,
W. It. Drunimond nnd CV. ! . Hervoy.
The terms of the articles provide that min
isters of Kvangolical churches who contri
bute f-JO per year and all other persons who
contribute $ .101) ) at any ono time shall become
lifn members. Pel-sons who contribute. ? IO
pur your shall bo known ns oonlrlbultug
members. The hospital Is for the purpose
of olToring mo'Jical or surgical aid and nur-i-
ing to the sick or disabloJ of any creed , na
tionality or color.
Sail I'nioof Tivo l.ltllo eilrls.
KxoiixiSTii : ! , Mo.Mny n. Jennie Mitchell ,
ngcd 8. nnd Sylvia Uuylhon , ngod , mpl n her
i-lblo fate hero yesterday. They started to cross
Iho trade of llie Missouri Pacillo road when
pnsionccr train No. 2 , nt full spoon , struck
nnd throw them many foot. The Mitchell
girl was killed nnd the Gnython girl fatally
hurt. .Mrs. Mitchell was stnmllni ; in bar
doorway nnd saw her daughter killed.
All-Iran MrtlioiINt e'oiilVrrliro.
Piuniii.i'iin ) : , I'a. , May 3.At yesterday's
session of the general conference of tlio
African Methodist Ijplscopnl cburcli n reso
lution wns adopted requesting the bishops to
appoint n suitnblo number of representatives
and to doslcnnto those to prepare papers to
roprcso'it the African Mothodlst Kpiscopal
church ni liio world's parliament of religion
nt the Chicago World's fair.
No\v 1'roN'srtor for Diirvaril.
UOSTOX , Mass. , May B. lingo Monster-
burp , M. D. , Ph. IX , of Freiburg , Germany ,
has boon elected to a professorship In phil
osophy at Harvard college. Ho will have
chat-go of tbo experiments in psychological
research for advanced student.s. The ap
pointment generally is rccardod as ono of the
best and most important , in Harvard for
1'aliitlngs for llu , liminn.
WASHINGTON" , 1) . C. , May fi. At hist oven-
ing'H session of tlio medical suporintondunts
of the American Instltullons for the insane ,
the announcement wns made that the artist.
( i. P. A. Healy , had donated his paintings to
tlio asylum nt KnnltnUeo , 111. , in the hope
that they may provo of bcnollt to inmiUos.
- IVmilty for InllniliUtlon.
IJosroN'Mass. , May 3 , TUo house has
passed a bill providing a penalty ot JIO.UUO' '
for Intimidating laborers , citbcioy urn ploy-
era or omployos.
Two .Moro Tluuitcr l''iro VlRtlnm.
Piiii.tiii'.M'iiM , Pa. , May B. Two moro of
the Injured nt the Pennsylvania hospital have
died from the olTocts of their burnn.
. . W. t'onur 1511 8 a.ii GO. O
Making &
A Home Run
We've put nearly 400 suits on the *
r front counter , selected
from 30 or more different
lots in the stock which 9
we'll close out this week , 51
* < )
some of them at $7.50 , i
some at $8.50 , others at 1
$10 and still others at $12.50. They're fs
all our own make , nicely trimmed , in $
light and dark colors ; plain or mixed
cassimeres , with choice of either sack or j #
cutaway. You'll acknowledge they're ; / ?
worth a good deal more when you see if
them , but our excuse is a backward sea 1
son. We'll guarantee the fit to be per
fect and the styles the very latest. Noth
ing the matter with them but the price.
As long as they last we'll fill mail orders.
In Browning , King &Co
' " . . 'aTKS'Spi''liWlTi.Ti1" ' ' ' I S.W. Cor lalli S lloiilas SK