FHE OMAHA TWENTY-FIRST YEAH OMAHA , THURSDAY MOKNLNG , MVY 5 , lh92 TWKLVE 1'AGES. NUMBER 322. S1RIRL A BUSINESS GAIT Greit Methodist Conference Begins to Swing Along Quite Lively. HEARD THE BISHOPS' ADDRESS READ Tlinn nn Memoirs I.ttnltpil Conference OlnlniK DUciissril St.uiilliiK Commit tee * CniiHriniMl ntul Orgiinlrcil ol 'Mcinbtri. About three-fourths of the delegates were present joitcrdny morning In the Methodist conference when Bishop Warren rapped the gathering to order. Hev. Dr. Mlloy of Central Now York led In dovotlor.nl oxotclscs. After a scripture lesson bad been read the conference Joined In singing l ho hymn , "God Moves lu n M } stcrl oui Way HU Wonders to Perform. " Secretary Monroe then tead the minutes of the previous day. Ho stated that there wore tbrco delegates named Whltlock and no \VMnotsurothathobnd the proper initials pfHxod to the three names The confusion of initials vvns finally straightened out nnd the reading of tbo minutes proceeded. It wa evident that the conference was settling down to business lns\stcmaticoider as thoto wcto towei corrections suggested to the min utes. utes.Dr. . C. P Crciphlon moved that some of the mii-or motions pertaining to the seating of delegates and other preliminary matters of nu unimportant nature be stricken from the record before H was published. Dr. Ncely of Philadelphia opposed the mo tion. Ho wanted all the actions of the conference once reported in the published minutes. Dr Crelghton's motion was tabled. Dr Belt of Ohio , who sits near the south door , nioso here and sa > d that something hid to bo done to piotcct the delegates in lhat imrt of tuo house from the cold air and tne Lum and clatter of conversation aud the noise of foot that carao lloatlng in from the lobbv just Inside of tbo south door Ho moved that the door ba locked The conference agreed with him and the south enttauco was ordered closed duilng the session. Tbo minutes of the aftcraoon session were then read by the secretary. Limiting the tlmo on Memoirs. Dr. Sanford Hunt moved that n commit tee on memoirs be appointed It w.u carried. Dr Buckle } spoke upon the subject hold ing that some restrictions Miould bo placed upon the tlmo and space allotted to all writ ten ihciiiDirs He said that the matter of producing memoirs had ut so-no of the previ ous confcienccs become a sort of boio , ull out of tiioportlon nnd entirely inconsistent with the object , Tno momoira should not bo blogiaphios. Ha therefore moved that fif teen minutes , and 110 moie , bo allowed for presentation of memoirs for each of the dis tlneulshcd dead. Dr Leonaul moved that the time bo ex tended to twoat } tUnutcs.but bo received no eocond. lie believed that it would be shame ful to allow onlv fifteen minutes foi the pie sentation of tuo memoirs of the illustrious ofllcials of thu chuicn who had passed awav llo thoupht that fifteen minutes would not bo enough for u memoir of Di. Bucklov himself. The fifteen-minute limit for memoirs was finally adopted The following names were announced as bavlne been placed upon the standing com mittee on rules C C Carpenter , Iowa , Dr J. M Buckley , Isow York , Dr T. IJ Ncclv. Philadelphia , H. 1C Hames. Minnesota , William Liwrcnco , Onio. Earl Cranston. Colorado , nud E. W Cunningham , Kansas 1 he I'lilscopU AelilruHS. The bout of 10 o'clock havinc arrived the conference decided 10 proceed with the ordei of tbo day which was the hearing of the episcopal uddresb to be delivered b } BUhoi Foster. Thu gallcrie > s were well filled and Bishof Warren admonished ever } body present , del epates and all , to keep perfect silence so tha ever } word of the important message couli bo hcaid bv ell. Blfhop Fostei said that his voice wouh not bo v ei } clear or stiong lor a few minute : but it would improve as ho went on The readinir of the repoit was nttcndci tlobcl } b } the delegates and the visitor It intense interest to the church workers nm members was attested by the deep attentioi piven , and many notes were made as particu larlv impouant points or timely suggestion wore made. On the tenth page of this morn ing's paper will be found the full text of tbi impoituut document. Ill Miming IContlne AV orlt. A lengthy discussion ensued on tbo ques tlon of how man } copies of the bishop's ud dress should be punted. It was llnall. ordered printed in the Dail } Christian Ad \ocato and ot her oftlcia ) pipers of the chuich nnd M.OOU copies were ordered printed ii pamphlet form , each dolcgato to nave fiv for distribution among his friends At this juncture the chairman called th attention of the conference to the mattct o D committee on deaconess work , which wa not decided Tuesday The oiiglmi motion was that the couuniltci consist of n minister and ; lavman from each conference dis trict and ono moinber at largo A substitute tuto provided that natters pertaining to th deaconess work be loft to thu committee 01 state of tbo church. When the matte was biought up Dr. Pearson move us nn amendment that tbo commit tee consist of ono member fini each conference district and fivoatlatgc On motion of Dr ljueal the latter was laido the table nnd after coribideiabio ducussio tbooiicitml motion prevailed 0r. Kdwards of Michigan offered n resoh lion piovidlug for the appointment by tb chair of a special committco on coufeti'nc claimants to cousibt of six inlaistuis an tin eo lav men. Mr. Twindells thought that these matter should ba referred to thu committee on teir poral economy Dr. Hammond of California vvns c the opinion that tbo matter wti of exceptional Importance aud shoul bo considered by n comnilllr on which all conferences wort' icprosontoc Ho offered ns a substitute a motion that tb special eo'umitte'o consist of two delegate flora each coufereuco district aud onu c large. Hi re VVtis Mint for Argument * The repoit of the board on confcronc claimants , a length } punted document , we road bv the secretary , aud the question c what should uo done with it was again i turned. The miik of the cocoanut , so tar ns the inattci is concerned. Is right hero Some e the confercncii distucts are rich and have largo fund on luuid with which to care fc superannuated aud worn out pteacbers On tha other band some of the conference are poor nnd the oxhorte-rs who at o worn ot in the cause tlnd It prettv rocK } kieddlng , r thcro Is little money on band \\itn which 1 help them It Is the proposed plan to thro till tlioconfoioni.es tozother in thU matter nu make all chip in to a common fun Thai's whoio Iho rub comes in The ric conferences don't propose that tl motior that thov have sured up fi their own shall be peddled all over tbo fai of tbo elol'c , not if they can help it Tl poor follib thinli it would hi a snap and course ) thov are after it. Th is why tliero was so much di tmsslon about it aud it isn't over } ( The f i lends ot the Cia-sus conferences vvai it all ref cried to tbo committee on temp.ir cconoim , but the other fellow s protest tb In th t ca < > Q string with a s\"iio at tha sr. would bo tied mound its netlc nnd itwou ncv er onino to Iho surface ) They insist on kpecinl eoimnlttco , without which they clal the } will have no share. 'i'ho debate \vaxocl 'ing and loud , and tl hour of udjouinmeut tboppod it lu two iu l ! middle. Mluor llmlle * VMilihVVill I'lt-puro 1'ood f thuMiol < - The afternoon session was held at f MotuodUt church , with BUbop Nm in the chair. The opening exercises were in charge of Dr Sprague , president ot the Wyoming conference seminary. The first rccular business was the organization of the standing committees Some of tbe delegates favored organlzinp several committees nt once , and n motion wa uiado to that effect Others maintained that only ono committee should be 01 panizod at n tune , slnco by the former course delegates who vveie on several committees would not ba nulo to take part In the organization of mote than ono 1 ho lat ter Idea prevailed and the committco on epis copacy was appointed first After nu hour had passed and the first committco bad not returned the motion to organize but ono committee at a , tlmo was reconsidered , and In oruor to conclude the business of organization as quickly ns possi bio It was decided to organize four commit tees at H tlmo The committees wcro all appointed and confirmed and nearly all of them were organ ized. The rcunlnder will organizetoday. . The organization was perfected as follows : Chilrmen and Secretaries , Book Concerns Presidotlt , AmoJ Sblnkle , Kentucky confercnco , secretary , Hev John D Hammond , California conference. Educallon President , Dr. Charles H Pa } no , Cincinnati confeience , secretary , Rev E J. Gray , Central Pennsylvania con ference Eplscopaey Chairman , Dr..I M Bucu'.ey , editor Chil tlan | Advocate , East New Yorlt conference , secretary , Hev. Chnilcs N Grandlson , president Bennett college , North Carolina conference Temporal Economv-Piesldcnt. William Lawrence , Central Ohio conference , secre tary , Hov Soron L Stewart , West Virginia conference JJovisals President , Rav. J. B draw , Now Jersov conference , secretniv , Hav. Honrv C Jennings , Minnesota conference State of the Chuich Piesident , John Mitchell , Noith Ohio conterence , secrotniv , Rev Joseph F Berrv , editor Epwoith Hci- ald , Detroit conference bunda } Schools and Tracts Pie ident , Dr A B LeonardCmcinnnli conference , ca ictary , Hov William P Bignell , Erie con ference. Itinerancy President , Hev. Arthur Ed wards , editor Northwestern Christian Advo cntc , Detroit confeience , societal } . Hov. John R CrclghtonWisconsin confeienco , ns sistant socrotarv , Rev. D W. Hays , East Tennessee confeienco Freedmen's Aid nnd Southern Education President. Dr. William Tivindells , Hock River conference , secretary. Rev. L H Hav good , Lexington eonfeieuco The standing committees as appointed and con tinned by the conference uio coastitutod us follows : Temperance and Prohibition of the I.liiuur Tiulllc. J H. McCleakey , W. J. A'elson , David Gav , James E Ingram , Frank W. Wnrue , T W Matncy. C V. Anthony , August Klabei , H J Liebbart , J. G Evans , H E. Gillum , E M Mills. E D Whitlock , Robert L bhctter , C H Maynaid , A B Leonnid , John Evans , G. M Booth , J H. White , Emorv Miller. Matthew C Hawks , George Abele , G G Winslow , R A Howard , J T Edwards , A H Jones , U J Plumb , Robert 1' 'lhomp on , A. .1 Bruncr , H. K rimes , W. A buiith. John H. Ketchum , C G Stafford , S E Pctidletop , J b Jones. G L Knox , W R R Duncan , J F Patt } . E S Crosby. Samuel Dickie , Hcnrj Beemot , Simon L Jones , .1 J Bcntloy , F A Ricgm , J F. Dodd , L E Hitchcock , Ebon Tirrill , b. C. Kceler. Jacob B Grand , John Neele } , E. J. Hill , C H Grandison , J. A. Hov is , T B Shep herd , W F Finke , H M Daniels , Norman Becklcy. John Dale , W F Whitlock , H A. balzer , H A Goain , \ \ ilmot Whithold , M M Stolz. Fletcher S Coultron , S P. Wilson William Twindulls , J A Lane , D T. Denny , William H. Burnes , James Aimsttone , Wil liam Jones , J. L , J. Barth , G M Dunton , James A bii ent , E W. Caswoll , O H. Clarke. J. E. Hobinson. Hugh McBlrne } , James T. Haaua , Karl A. Johnson , H. B Smith , A. J. Kvnett , Warren McDonald , R L Bruce. Charles Ott , O. R Bcebn , Harry Swan , C. S. Likm , M B. Balch , Alfred Smith , Thomas llatioun. .Missions. W T Hozan , G E. Ackerman , M L Curl , George E Nics , J F Goucher. Frank W. \\BIUO , W. R Gober , August Klahor , B E Scrjpgs , Jicob Rothvvoiler , M A Hend , R. E Gillum , U S Beobe , Ellas D. Whitlock , M K , Foster , J M Carter. Charles Iwert , John P. arson , Eail Cranston , H Kasinus , A. W. Atkinson , William H. Coffev , L M Mann , W H Shier , E J. Eiselo. A. F. Chose , J H Keycs , D W Hav s , T B. Col lins B. Dillworlb , M. J Plumb , John E Williams , R E 'ihorapson , E Gebhaitt , A J Bruuor , I. N Sanders , W. A Smith. John A Ward , T. ( J Me } ars , WilliamBurt , Julius Sopor , G T Dcarbom , A Boremg , E W. S. Hammond , J. M , Case , P. Laudrr , J B Lapha-n , C. A. Gamboa , Georee S HicUe } , G H Bndgmitn. Simon L Jones , T A Cauady. Franc-is A Higtjins , Samuel P Hammond , G S Chadbourno , S O Benton , J. M Duirell , Geoice B. W iptit , C C McCabe , J O. Peck. R Baxter Me Rorv , J. A Hav is , T B Shonherd , J G Bauci , E W Parkei , A W Limporl , J B Maxfleld. .1 Mitchell , Adopth DullUS 15 Town , WilmotWnltUeld , M M. btalz. Al fred Anderson , A Olsen , .1. H .lohuson , John C Ai buckle , S. \\ilson.J H Har rls , F. H Woodiing , P. J Ma sov , John M Caldwcll , Jamea Armstrong William Jone-s , Charles Heidel , C. O Fisher. E J. Saw } or , James A. Sargoant , E W Caswoll , G. Dosdalo , J. D Gillbain J. E Robinson , Hugh McBiinoy. Thomas S Hodgson , Cuil A Jonsson , T W Johnson EdwaidLoe , W 11 Hughes , T. E Fleming , J E Eokles , J O Shcrburn. G P. Moore , H A Carroll , J G Lust. O. R. Beebo , B .1 Henry , William P. Hihelbaffei , G. W. Case W L S Murray , H. W. Bosworth , A. J Van Cleft. rieeiliiu'ii's and Soiithein K < lucitlon : F C Freeman , G E. AcKerman , M. L Curl , George E Nles , S. S. Henklo , Franl W. Wnino. C V Anthony , August Idaho , A W McKinnov , Honiv J Liobhatt , B. F. Tallmin , R E Gillum , E J , Hermans , Lero < A Beit , B B Hamlln. J. M Car tcr , Charles Iwert , N. W Wilson , b W Thornton , G. M Booth , E T L.nnglev John E Gunby , W. U Hamsev , Jesse Kit patrlck. E J Eiselo , E M TlboitU. W. H Slider , D. W Hnvs , W P Bignell , B. Dill worth , N J Plumb , b McGnralu , L D Elllngtor , .1 F Spence , H 1C Huus , J. B i'oung , J F. Meis , Llngi Mando , Jullui Gopher , G b Dearborn , A. Shinicle , L M Hacood , J. M , Cox , J. C. Hartzell , E S Crosby , C. A Gamuoa , M M. Collcn , C M Head , J. M. bbumpcrt , J J Benllcv , Join E Rlchaid. A. F Coon. William H. Mur ph } , W. It Clark , R. S Douglass. S C Kceler , James Moore , J M King. Josopl Pullman , C. U Grandebon , J A. Ilovis , Got don Moore. W F Fink , W. H. Daniels James O'Brien , J.v. . Shank , A. M Mattisou , Henry A. SoUer , Olive Gaid , W Ilmot Whitfleld , M M Stalz , J. H. Lindgren , O Olsen P O. Magnuse-n. J. W. Dillon. J O Booth William Twindolls , A L. Pott } , D T Dom ing , Lewis Curls James Aunstroug , U W Huphe.v , J. L J Baith , W P. Thullold , L M Dnntou , Knoch H Wood , P M Green H Wollraan. J D Gllltlm. J E Robinson H W Cunffoe , T ft > Hoi's&on , Atipus Flink , C B. Wilson. W H. Loh-an , J. H Guild , b W. Heald. Wairen MucDonnld , li L Biuce , W T bchoole } , livinG Polio , C Fnck , U. L Robinson , Ifurv bwann , Lorci L Stewart , J W. I'asci , H H Adams , J. 1 ! Croltjhton , Thomas Harroun. o W T. Hopan , G. E Aciserrain. M .1. Curl , David Gav , John Lanabau , Frank W t Wuino , T. Baxter White. C. V Anthony , t H Aftlerbuch , A vN McKmnoy , Henr } J Liebhurt , C. O McCulloch. H E Gillum I. C t > uoal , Leiov A. Belt , M K rosier , J. M Carter , Charles Hodle-i , A U Leonard , Eai Cranston , G M Booth , A W AdUlnson , W . . . * .4f tt v > ' n.WtlUIUl * Ut * * * J | JUt. | WW A i 1C. HlDSs , ta H Whitloci , William R HH Stead , T. J. Mecrs , William Uuit. Jullu boper , G. b Daarborn. A Borelng. E , W. " ; J S. Voumans , R. A Howard , T B Colllu A. H. Jones. N J Plumb , S Hunt , H , 1 Thompson , W. A Galbratth , J. N. bander J. C. Vandowutcr. M Simpson , J , B. Youni LulplMatdo , Julius Souor b E Penoletoi J S. Jones , J M Peici * , W. R. H. Duncii HauiuioDd.U H. Duncan , J U. Har zcll. J B Lap'iam , A. Cabrera Jivmes H Potts. J r Cbaffee , James M Hurapert. O S Mldd'eton. ' John E. Hlckards. C F. CrclRhton. Henrv A Buttz , William IL Clark , b O Benton , b C Kceler , Thomas Hanloti. James M King , J W Buckley , C. U. Grandlson , .1 A Hovls , D T Pierce , J. O Bauer , 11 Monsell. A. E , Mohin , J B Maxfiold , J W Mendenhall , Adolph Dulltz , L J. Sm th , O W Pratt , W H bv\eet , Alfred Annerson , A Olesen , J H Johnson , David H Moore , S P. Wilson , T. B NVolv , C. W Smith , A J Hanson , Frank M. Bristol , E B fiayder O. M. Stewart , Will iam Koencke , C. b Fisher , Joshua E Wil son , John B D.John , P. F. Breezer , H Well- man , P. H Clark , J. E. Hobinson , Hugh McBlrnoy , Jnraes C Hall , K A. Jansen , H. J Breltor. C. B. Wilson , I B Scott , John H. Coloman. J. O. Mapea , J C Eccles , R L Bruce , (3. P. Moore , Uonji-nln Brown , J G. Leht , C. A Mastln , Harry bwunnV. . G HiheldofTer , George \V. Case. W. L. S. Murray , W. P. Stowc , Manloy S. Hard. Temporal Kcoim.ii } . F C. Freeman , J H. McClosky , W. J. Wilson , George E Ntes. S s > Houklo , FiauU W Worne , T Uaxtcr White , C B. Perkins , C H Afllarbach , 7. E Scruggs , Gottlieb J Golden , T. J. Hobinson , R E Gillum , George A. Gurnsoy , A O Williams. N K Foster , C H. Mavnaid , G A. beofelu , Janies N. Ga-nblc , H J. DzLonp , J. P barcent , D W Dipcs , I rod Nichols , L M Shaw , G. W. Hobinson , Ed J Eisolo. N P C Withers , P Luudry. b. S Crosby , A Cabrcr-i , H E Staples , H R. Brill. James M Shtuupcrt , S. H Prathcr , F. A Rigcln , A F. Coon , L E Hitchcock , H b Dauplass. Cbarlra H Hail well , Edmund Hewitt , William M Nelson , E J Hill , H. Baxtei , M Hary , J A Hovl , W H Filch , W F. Fmkc. H Mansoll , Nor man BecUev , J. B Maxlield , M M Hester , Adolph Dulltz , W M Kendall , Eurcnc Secor , E W Voorhos , J H Lindcron. 1C Androos- jen , P. O Mogusen , John H libblos , S. P. Wilson , John Field. J W Miles , F S Wil liams , B F. bhcots , E B Snvder , O M. Stow nit , H H Jacoby , T A Fortson , E J. Sw.ver , Will F Stevens , P M. Gioen , H. Wellmann , M A Smith , W B Wright. Edwin W. Cunningham , James T Hnnna , Augusl Fllnk , J W Johnson , H D. Pern- bet ion , C D Hammond , Calvin Yoian , P E Tubbs , W. P. Dilllnphnm , W. T. Scboolev , II A Carroll , C Fnck , C. A " Mistln. Henrv Swan , Louu A. Martin , James Spouslov , H McMillen , Joseph Pyle , Marcus W Scott Chureh K\leii8lon. F. C. Freeman , J. H McClosky , W J Ncl- on , GeoipeE Nols.James E Ingram Frank .V . Wane. 1 W Matnov , E. W Plavtod. August Klahn. B E Sciupps , Gottlelb J. Jolder , John M Arbuciclc , C O McCulloch , salati H Henderson , Robert L Shelter , C 1. Mavnaid G A. ieefeld , Thomas H 'cancc , Eiil Cranston , G M Booth , C B : iark , J H U bite , L M. Shaw. A R Birt- ott , Ed J. Elsele. G G. Wmslow , b J. Williams , R A. Howard. A. WhoMer , B Dilhvorth , N J. Plumb , G Chapman Jones , TJ ; F. Thompson , W A. Galbraitb. I N. iaundcis , W H. Musgro.o , John H. iCotchum , M. Simpson , Luigl Mindo , lulius Sopor , D C Isowcorab A S. Hinltlo , j M liagood , J. M. CoJ F. Patty , E S 2iosby , , C A Gamboa , L Mastei , H 3eemer , A D. Pane , S H Pralher , F A. Jigcnus , D II Lowrie. J W Hamilton , E Terrell , J M Emoiv , E W Hewitt , A J. Palmer , G H Mams , R P MeR-ir } , F J. Young , W U Fitch , W J Finke , E W. arker , J. O'Buen , A. J Anderson. G A. lup.hos , H A Solzer. b B. Town , E Secor , I C. Postlowuite , A. Andetson , A Olsen , J H Johnson. J C Jackson , J O Booth , T. B Noel } , J. W. Miles , D T Denny , F , M. Bristol , J. Armsttong , M. (5 McGregor , C Heidel , I. G Greenwood , L M. Dunton , W F Fieidlev. " P F. Brezcr. D. Dosdoll , F M. Vnndteese" W B. Wngbt , C. H. Rice , II. White , A. Fllnk , J. W. Johnson , E Leo , G A. Barrett , A J K\nett , 1' E Tubbs , J. O Sherbuin , W. T. tachooly , B Brown , J. S Kleinschmldt , C A. Mastin , B J Henry , L A. Mnrlin , M. B. Balch , A. Smilh , W. P. Slowc , I. H. Dale. Ktliic.itlon. S F. Uphnvn , F. D Blakesleo , J. U. Dur- rell , T. Hanlon , A Coons , C S. Wing , R B. Mcllay , P J Younr , C .1. Little , W F. Finke. H. Mnuscll , B A Kemp , A J. Ander son.V. . 1' Whitlock. A. Dulltz , H. A. Gobin , W. Whittlold , W. H Sweet , J. R Liudgien , * K. Andreason , P. O. Magnuson , F S Coultrap , M. C Wiie , b W Thomas , C W smiith , T J Massey , H B Ridgeway , W. L. Hagan. G. E Ackcimac , M b. t url , David Gav , W.S Edwnids , F W Warne , T W. Matnov. J. N. Beaid. C. Holier bach A W McKinney , J. F Schaal , J G. Evans , R. E Gllum , A. B Blodgctt , A C Barnes , E J. Gray , J. M. Cartel , Chailes Hedler. C. H. Payne , John Evans. H. J. Co/mo , C. B. Clark , Fred Mchols , W. S Hooker , E R Fibkc , J. George Abele , A. I1 Chase , Lewis Miller , E B bnyder , G W Iluqhov , William Kooneke , T A t'ortson , M H Gasavvav , J P D St. John , \V. b. Matthew , H. Well- man , A G Jep-on , W B. Wright , D b Elliott , T. C Thobuin , J. P Lar-on , C. H. \\ilson.ll B Pcrabsiton , C F Dantoa , J H Hbao , J Williams , W P Dillingham. G P Moore , J H Guffln , C Oil , J W Dryncu , H Swann , L H Gordan , b. S Benedict , A E budloj , G \ \ Gallagher , L L Sprague , H A iloward , J T. Edwards , A H Jones , A. J. Plumb , b. E Bills , R. F. Thompson , A J Bruner , H 1C Hmcs. H C. DeMotto , N T DoPauw , C. S Stafford , Buitri Mando , Y Ninsmiyn , J W.ldcrman , E ri Sbovaid , S M Ilacood , W H. H Duncan , J. F. Patty , J. B. Laphnm , A Cabiorn , S Dicnio , G. H. Brldgoman , J. H , 15ioo.s. T A Canadv , J E Richards C. F. Creighton , H. A Butts. lioutiilarlefi. W. lHopan , J. H. McClosky. W. J Nelson , David ( .ay , J. F. Goucher , F W , Warne , J. D. Hammond , C Hafferbacb , B , E Scruggs , J G. School , B F Tullmnn , J , W. Arbucklo. A H Arbucklo , J. R Hen deison , B. B Hatnlin. C H. Maynard , Charles L Garner , W. W Wilson , H T. Delong. H. Rasmus , C B ClnrK , O. H Cof fey , \Vf C. .Martin. A. H. Bartlett , E J , Eislee , M. P C. Withers , O. C. Titus , S. C. ICeeler , James Moore , A M Mlcklo , J , Pullman , C N. Grundlser , F A. Huins , E , A. Hedboid. J G Bancr , W. H. Daniels , B. C , Vioolpot , A J Audnrson. W 1- Whitlock , Adolpb Dulitz , W. M Kendall , C C Cnipentoi , J. C Ponlowalto , A. An derson , A Olson , J. H. Johnson , Joe Dlllou , J. O. Booth , J H Har piss , J. A. Lime , D. F Donn } , J. R Kovs , H A Howard , A Wheeler , A H. Jones , X J Plumb , J. i : Brlggs , B. F Thompson , E Gobuurdi , , T C. Carter , H K Hlnes , M. W. Everhnrt , William Halsteud , M. Simpson , Linlgi Mando , Julius boper , T B bvvcot , J b. Jones , E W. S Ham moud , W H R. Duncan. P Landrv , T H , Boale , A Cobrera , N L Bray , William Me Klnloy , J H Brooks. K M. Tracy , T A Hlgcln , D. Stevens , J. T Dodd , George F Eaton , J. M. C'aldwell , E. B. bnyder. W G McGrepor.Clmrloj He'eiol ' , F. F Greenwood , M M. Grassoway , W T l-riedloJ E Me Comas , A Wellman. T H. Van Trees , J E Hobinson , II W Chattee , T. S Hodgson , J T. Lnr en. C. B Wilson , J. fl Scott , J H Guild , T E Dcmlnp. \ \ McDonald , J. O Shorburne , W T. bchoolev , H A. Carroll J b Klolabchtnldt , P S Robinson , H Swann , L L Stewart , James Spenselov. A ' E budlcr , R W. Bosvvoith , A J.'Vat Cleft. Mimln } SelionU anil Irnett , F. C Freeman , J. C. MrClesKoy , W. J Nelson , D Gov , J. St Cluir Neal. F. W Wmne , T. B White. C B. Perkins , C Hotflieibacu , H E bciugps , G .1 Golder T Dovev , J M ArbacKle , J. A. Guertibo } , A G W'illlams , T H Murray , C. A. Mavnard C. L Gnmer , A. B Leonard H T Do Lone H. J Cozlvo. D W. Dipgs , F. Nichols , S M Mann , J Kilpatriek , G Abele , A C Titus O S Bakatol. J B Graw , A. Coons , C. N Grnndibnn , F J. Young , S Call , J. G. Bauer J. W Waugb. N BecKlev. J. Dale , N M Hester , A. DulltO Card , C. O Cat pentor , E , W Voorhls , J. R Slnd Bien. If Andloason. P O. Magunson J. C. Jackson , G W. btaver , b. W Gehiott. S W. Hamilton , F S Williams M P ( J. Withers , H M , Freshwater , U A Howoid , F. H. BccV. A R Jones , A J Plumb , J. T. Canhcld. R. F , Tbbinnson. Vi A , Galbralth. 1. N. S&dors , M. W. Evei bar J B. Young , H. n Williams , Williat Burt , N Nlnotrivj , T. B Sweet , J S Jones J M Potori.W H R Duncan , A G Mlllei F H Beaie , A. Cubiera , H E Staple * , J t , S L Jonc . O S Middlctcu , J L , CO\T. SiI-U O.N bKCOMI 1AC.E. I Oonventions Now in Scssioa in Tire States of tbe Union , ENTHUSIASTIC ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS DclrRntr * Mitt Ho Instructed Tnr liar- rlson Trcmhlo llrenlng Among Mlclilctu Democrats ( ) \er Sit * cr Wlscomln Itoiirbons. : p. 111. . May 4 , Ai n Isto hour tonight tlie committee on resolutions , by a vote of IS to 0 , decided to ndd a resolution to the platform endorsing in the warmest terms the administration of President Harrison nnd instructing the state jldlegntlon to vote ns a unit for his rcnomlaatlon at tbo nitlonal convention The largest convention lu the history of Illinois assembled this afternoon. The hall of the house of representatives was entirely In adequate for the accommodation of the per sons In attendance. Every seat on the Hoer and all the available standing room was oc cupied , jet the dulx > accrcdlted delegates were utioblo to secure places Governor i ifer still hblds easy lead for re- nominniton 1 ho friends of Lloutennnt Gov- 01 nor Hay were somsvvhat anxious this morning ov or olToi is In certain quarters to bootn 11 H. Stasson , ft Gorman Lutheran , for the lieutenant governorship , ns it ap appeared that Stassca could cot defeat Pavey foruuuitor , andU was deo'ced neces sary to have a Gorman Lutheran on the ticket. Hay himself , however , was quito confident of ronomlnotion. For socrotar.v , I N. Patson , the present incumbent , bad no opposition Heits lo v" some ground for the tieasureishlp owing to the failure of certain tiadcs sought to bo effected } cstcrdav , and ino pledge of his competitor , Mark Bassott of Puoria , not to take interest on public funds now being used with effect nealnst nm , ns Hettz w as slloi.l on that point. The gut fet the attorney iF cralshlp is close bo- ween Geor.ro Prince of Galesburg and J. M. 'rultt of Hillsboro. , Ueorpo S Willetts of Chicago , Senator Charles Fuller of Belvl- cie , General John | Hlnnker , Cicero Dale -indie } of Bond , ox-prcsidentof the Farmers ilutual Benefit association , and youus { ichard Yalcs of Jacksonville are manlnea ivelv candidacy for oongressman-at-laigo. heio is liable to bo SDroo tiouble , when tbu > art of the ticket is teichod The conpicBbional district conventions this morning selected the members of the state leuttal committco. Kcnmilv.5 lij tlicTcnj > oriry Clintrmnn. Shortly after 2 o'clock the convention was : allod to order by-Hrm. JV M Jones , chair man of the state central committee whoin- loduced Cougiessman A. J Hopkins of Aa- era as temporary cbilrman Hopkins was > leas.antl.v received by the convention Having thanked tUs delegate * for his oloc- ion as chairman , and alluded in eulogistic orms to thu part which the state bas played n the gloat political contests of the countiy , 10 incidentally rofcrrod to the nomination of Altpeld for governorjy ) Iho demociatic con- enlion. Not content with denouncing the republican p..rty for its great woik in maln- aiuing the unity of the states and tha finan cial bonds of the couutrv , tno convention vent ono step further initsbraren cflrontcr } and took issue with I'rovidenco by placing n nomination for govjmor a man who had to furnish the delegates assembled with his autobiography , so that , they might u = suio the lemocrats of thostatu on their return to their several homes that t\ic unknown man was eligible to the oflles o which his barrel aspired. v -v ' Dealing with tiLi ! > ' ' ' - naLiissues , . of the campaign , ho declared they would be largely a repetition of those of ISsb The republican pirty was irrevocably commuted to u policy ) f protection of the industrial , manufactur np and labeling classes of the country , and amended to that thev would hive the ques- .lon of maintaining the financial integiny of , bo countrv , and insisting that the stumn of .ho government upon the com of tbo country shall be maintained In all its integiit } nnd that ever } dollar of white metal which has he stamp of the government upon it shall bo the equivalent of 10J cents In the coin of any ountry wi'h w bleb we htvo commercial jo- ations. 1 out htil on the T.irrlll. Touching upon the tariff question bo quoted f torn vauous sourceto support bis assertion that efery lover of hu countr } should give his endorsement to protection. The speaker compa'icd the condition of Philadelphia with that of Leeds , England , in couthmalion of his denunciation of fiee trade principles. Id Leeds , with a popula tion of J-'O.OIW , not ono laborer or mechanic owned his home , In Philadelphia 170.UOJ liomes wereowueu nnd occupied bv working people. Out of the population of the United states , over .000,0 )0 ) they had enl } 7t,04. > public paupeis Engjand , with her HT.OOii.OUO , bad 1)74,411 ) public ipaupeis , demonstrating what ho described.as the blessings of the McKinlev bill Ho jstated that theio was no article on the dutiable list w hich could not today be purehasecj ( is cheunlv in the mar kets as before tbe passaeo of the act , and with the gioat mass of dutiable articles they came to tbo consumer much cheaper than before the onactmenf of the measure. Not only this , but It hjid mot thu democratic charge thatnptotecKVO tariff interfered with foreign commerce , rfor foreign commerce showed an Increase in the llrsttvvelve months of more than flOJ,00uua. Ithad established reciptoc il relations with many of the booth Ametlcan states and had forced German v to open her ports to tbo products of Iho Ameri can farmer. I Ho denounced as eDsbonest and fraudulent the molaods lOsorteJ to by the domociatlo party Noufithstatfdlng tha abuse of the Mclvinlov net vvhenj tnu democratic house was organised in December , the great apostle of free traao , Mr , ' Mills of Texas , was stricken down in tha noise of bis friends at Iho behest of the New York Tammany tiger , and instead of regarding the MclCin- le } bill us straightforward men , tha loaders In the puitv had organized a sot 01 distinct and separata .neasures and by those bud ht- templod to fool the people , l'ie 'Iimln Propositions llvnoiiiieeil. The proposal toput wool on tbo free list was no\t denounced as something which would strike down -iOJJ.OJJ fiumera inter ested in the wool trudo bv compelling them lo put their product m competition with thu cheap wools of South Ametica and Aus tralia , u competition which incs \ than live years would destroy the Industry in thi' country In tha same measure the farmer. : were required U ) payJIO per cent upon the cloth manufactured , from these woaU , a fat illustrative of dumbcratio inconsistency Tbo bill relating to tuo cotton ties bo uo clurcd to bo one of thu most anomalous piece ; of legislation ever presented to a legislative bed } mid to buvo been promoted lu the In terest of a fovv cotton , planters of tbo south Finally Mr Hopknjs predlcloa a woonine republican victory , spoke of tbo diplomatic genius of Blaine , acd , declared tnat whoevoi was named at Minneapolis would bo the nox piesidont of thu nstlqa. Cbaiimau Hopklusjpoech was loudly op pioudcd at ftequu.1. intervals , particular when ho alluded lu ( ? o\ornor Fifer , PICSI dent Harrison aud becroian Biuine Whei ho eulogi/od the adinlnistiaiion of Hanlsot and Blaluo the friends of tboco two loader manifested tbo wildest enthusiasm Blaln como in for the lion's share of the ova tlon and hats , coats and umbrellas won trovvu into the air as the delegates .veiled re peatedlys "What's Iho matter with BlatueC Knlluilhutli ) I'oilllnliip. . WUPn tbo chairman predicted that tb. candidate nomluittod at Minneapolis vvoult be elected , tnete were loud C-ITJS of "and ul T'K fs so w nuen iaihe bonk of fate , " sail the chairman , qontlnulup his spofch ; bu the delegates Interpreted it at meaning at endorsement of their augge tloa of Blalno1 nomination , and again that popular loade was loudly cheered. At the conclusion of his speech Chalima Hopkins road a telegram ju t receive. ! froi SenatorCullom , In which the senator ai the roople of the nation will continue the n publican party in power in all tea uranchc of the government , nnd nnko sure nnd per manent the cause of a free ballot , honeit money , n protective tariff system and nn on- ercctlo ndmlnlstrntlon of local and foreign affairs. At the same tlmo tbo people of Illi nois will pivo to the republicans a victory , both for the state and national ticket ns glorious ns that won bv ttiotn In ISSb. "I trust,1' concluded the senator , "that the con vention will bo wise in reflecting the wishes nnd view sot the partv In all that muy bo done. " The remaiolnp temporary officers wcro then selected ns tollovvs J D Puterbiuph ot Peoria , socretar } , W L Eaton of Wlnno- bngo nnd G W Harper of Craw ford , assist ant secretaries Various committees were selected and It was decided to infer ill resolutions nnd com munications nffoctinp the platform to the committee without reading A Inreo num ber of thorn were referred A resolution was then adopted for an adjournment until 10 o'clock tomorrow and tno session ended. Committee Al .tlnp. The committee on permanent organisation this evening agreed to maUo the temporary orpanl/ntion permanent As soon as the committee wont Into session this afternoon .I , A Crawford , piesnlont of the United Mine Workers of America , was given n honrlup. Ho urpod a plnnic favoring the abolition of the truck store sj btom , weights nnd meiisutes and cash pnraotit of wages each week. Seveial other arguments on different poluta wore heard Jesse Baldwin of Chicago cage presented resolutions urplnp tbo ndop- tlon of a plank lor n law compelling the fctnto treasurer to turn over nil interest on funds , niso that nominee of the present con vention be nominated with the ex pi ess un dcrstanding that ho agiee to tins pioposition. Then the vexed compulsory education question came up Lcnethv arpumcnti for Its repeal nnd for an amendment of the present Invv were hoard , and icsolations ndopted by the state camp of llliuois of the Patriotic Order ol Sons of America opposing any attempt to tepo.il the law wore spread before the committee. The committee w cut Into c\crutlv o session About half of the members expressed them selves on the question. All these favoted n repeal ot the IHW , and most of .them favored the to cnactiucnt of a law which will embody the eoifipulsorv principle , but nt the same time protect public nnd prlv ate schools from Interfererca by local authorities Fmallv , by a vole of is to 'J , it was decided to favor the rope il of the piescnt law nnd declare lu favor 01 the enactment of a new law provid ing for compulsion , but pioteclinp parents and private nnd parochial schools from unnecessar } official interference It shall embody the principles of compulsory educa tion in English I ) < It Uo , .uid Mtcrnnli > < M U cleil The committee to select dolopntes and al- ternates-at-l&rpo to the national convention and presidential elcctois-at-larcongieedupon Iho following names Delegates Senator Cullom , ox-Govetnor Oglesby , evCongress- man Cannon , Joseph Hobbms of Quincy , and James R Gilbert , Sam B Raymond , George B. Swift and Miles Kehoe of Chicago Al ternates Thomas Vrrnon , S F Wblttmn , B O Jones , R M Skinner , William Kent , Niels Juul aud E B. Gould Electovo-at Lirgo J. W E Thomas. Chicago cage , William Garrett , Joliet , W. C. ICuef- ucr , Bollville , the fourth man to bo selected by Iho Cook county mombeis tomoirow. The session of the committco wus a long aud belted one. The colored men demanded that ono of their number bo placed among the delegates , but the co'mmitteo finally compromised by making Thomas an clector-at large. Some of the colored men are dissatlsued with this. George Hill uf Bloominpton says tbat the cjlorod people are not getting'tho recogni tion they should have. cnii.uii ) rou GICOVUK. The Man of Dcstinj in It Deep Vp in Wls. , May 4 A wild choei for Grovcr Cleveland wont up before the demociatic state convention \Visconsir bad been in session si\ty seconds. It was ai the beginning of the speech of Tempoiarj Chairman KobeitLeos in opening the con vention. So enthusiastic vveio the delegate ; and so anxious to inaugurate a Clcvulanc boom that the custom of piofacmp tbo pio- cccdincs with a prayer was overlooked. It vvns a biilliaut scene in the Pabstopere boubo when the hundreds of delegates unc spcctatois met under mvriads ot incanuo sc.-nt lichts and the led , while and blue stieamers tnat formed the bulk of tbo deco rations The speech of Chan man Lee was waimlv received and evciy reference tc Cleveland seemed to touch ofl nn earthquake ol cheering T injiiir irj Chairman Let's Speech. Tempoiarv Chairman Lses on assuming the gavel , suid "ft is psihaps not too much to sa } that no demociatic convention was ' over 'held in \ \ isconsm that had moro serious duties to pei form than the o devolving on .vou. nor one whoso actions were moro closelv cnticised than } outs aia to be Tueruloto , upon n Just and'foaile5perfornnnco of those duties depend not out } the vvclfatc of the pan ? but also in a gioat measuio the hnppi ness and prosperitv of the people You , ii" representatives of vVisconsiu uemocracx , be llevo in the truth of democ-racx as onuneiatei by . 'eiTorion. piacticed by Jarkson , ex pounacd by Tilden , illustrated bv the act ! and public services ol tbo last but uin means tbo least of a long line ol eminent statesmen whom the demo ciatic nartv has lownrded with tin presidency Grover Clov eland. You will pro ceed in no unceitam manner to lealltrm voui faith i.i the principles of self government the bed rock of democrae-v. Had Hamiltoi lived he would have iound lov.il followers U the Hoards , Houblus , Teliters and Ifaymcii of this state , nnd would have icjolccd to lea ; them in their attack on personal liberty u support of the Bennett law. un act ns need loss'and intolerant as unjust and arbitrary 'Tno conflict , " he continued , "which origin a ted with Jelfoison and Hamilton , ropiescnt ing progi ess and freedom on tbe one side , am rctrogiussion and ficmtudo on the other continues lo this day. It is neodlesb to asl which side is juitand in the cud will prevail fodoialism , disguised not concealet ) , b.v tin euphonious term 'republicanism , ' or Its onpos He , 'dumocintv. ' " 1 he speaker then turnrd his attention t the billion-dollir congress and the rcpuli lican taiiff Ho aeolaiod tbe tantf ta : sboula bo icducod to the lowest possibli limit Ho declared that the icpublican party oorruptbi lone continuance in poiver , wouli lesort to force , fraud or tieachery to main tain itselt In power Its standard of leaaor shin had fallen gradual ! } fiom Garrison Lincoln , Suwnul and Chiso until it icsu It nope on ( JunjVi.naniakcr , Kood and Har rison. Cnaiimai Lees dopiecated the ten duncy In the icpublicau party to paternalist and the interfetoncfl of the. national govern ment with tha rights of states Coutluum , ho said "Should the bilvcr men ever got the ! views adopted by tno people of Iho Unlic Slaters , no reaionablo man car. doubt our ex penenco would bo n repetition of tbo comnio experience of all nations which have at tempted to crcato value by virtue ol laws 1 trust your jesolutions on this bubjoctwi ; have no' equivocal rnoamnt ; nnd will bel place the demonacv of this state in th vanguard , not only for honest money , bu honest measures , honest government , nn for tbathopo and pride of holiest democrat ! Grover Cleveland " Lees closed his remarks vvltb a compll mcntary allusion to Go vet nor Pock and u apology for the late perrvmandcring of th state , claiming the domociats inerelv fo lowed the example of tncir repuulica brethren Som oftlio I'latlorm. Tbo platform begins b.v declaring allcgianc to tbo fundamental principles of the detni ciatic luith It believes that In tbe patriotic and wlsuotn of tbo whole people 01 bts the best guarantee of good go ; ornment , declares that a public trust : for public vveltaro , not for thoprivato boupf of the Incumbent or his political party , tnt unnecessary taxation U unjust , thorcfoi there should bei no tariff taxation except fc revanuo ; denounces the Infamous lejfUlallc of the last republican oonprets , Jncreokln the burden of taxation 10 enhance the boui ties of a fuvored few i opposea sumptuui laws as unncoestary and an unjust interfe enco wnb individual liberty Od the caiienc } question the plutfor THE BEE = . IIVilHirr for Om t7 l in' t ( ( / / > > > fii. ) > i n , ? fiiiniin ; f" Jnoir. ' 1'AQKZ t * Strike u tlii l * * > lt. Urportx from stnte 1'olHt' tjgoiiM inlon . * CliUt Mtuileritl. PAGE II. Speed Itlni ; nnd ltu i' Hull N < | Oeneril I'lilltleil News Contltt ] st Confereme Cnntlnueil , PAQE1II. Council lllufT * 1.01 ill Nru , PAGE IV. IMItorlil Mutter mill Ciiinment. PAGE V. innki CongrcsimH'ii NeRlertliii ; Their Dut ) . Keeping Out the Clilnenc ( IcnctalVu lt- Ingtiin .Ncu . .Ittle 'Mime } In the Work. Nchrasliu stiitc News , PAGE VI. ( iraln , Alone } , Provision nnd 1.1 MI Murk Markets , PAGE VII. Omilii l.oinl New * . PAGE VIII. HUM Clinrle } qiiires rooli-il the Coiltii II , loua I'eoplo I'c.-ir 11 I lood. PAGE X. Aildr < f < ol tlu < MetluidUt lllshoiH to the Cuiili lenrt. PAGE XI. Urlde lit SLelitnii Ciiiup. Month of Ma } on the I'll in , PAGE XII. Itoth Allies of the Kiihtlir Onrstloa. ( ooil Itepnlillcin Dodilnc. "Wo maintain that the true Intetcsts of the people demand sound , honest , Mablo mone } , composed or based on nnd redeem able in gold nnd silver coin of equal intrinsic \aluo. wo theioforo oppose the project of tuo unlimited coinngo ot silver dollars of loss commercial value than gold doli&ts as un- democintlc , dishonest and specially hurtful to farmers and the laboilng classes , the first aud most defenseless victims of unstnblo mouev uud a fluctuating curicncvVo denounce nounco republican legislation on this sub ject , more piiticulaily the fc > Ueimnn act of 1SOJ , as a cowardly makeshift , an inexcusable vvisto ofnatlonal resources m tbo putchaso and stnrairc of tons ot bullion pat 3ay and us n menace to the maintenance of n sound and stable euiioncv , wo demand the lepcal of tnat act.Vo heartilv cotnmoi d the action of these democratic repicseiitatucs In con gress from this state who have opposed a' measures foi silvei comacoon a false basis " Continuing , the platform condemns the ox- travagancoof the Hanison administration , which not only squandeitd the rev"uuo but the magnificent surplus accumulated bv the cconoirv of the preceding democratic admin- isU.Uion. Opposed lo Compiilsnr } IZdiu atlon. On the educational Question tbo platform sajs "Wo are opposed to tate interference and the rights of conscience in the education of children as an infiingcment of tbo fuuda mental democratic doctrine of the largest in dividual liberty consistent with the rights of othots to insure tnebighcsttv pa of American clti/ens nnd tbo best goveinment' ' The plntfoun ondotse the p'esent state administration nnd duccts the dele gates fiom Wisconsin to the na tional conventio. . to vote as a unit on nit subjects and candidates when and as the majoritj of the delegation miv direct. H approves the record ot th'j last dcrriociatlc national administration , admires the "presi dent whoso ability , honesty and devotion to public dutv enthroned that administration in the confidence of all peed citizens. Wo tlinrcforo desito our delegates at the national convention to use all honorable means to nominate for president the man who is in himself the embodiment and guaianteoof sound democratic principles Grover Cleve land " Which plank received the most appliuso it would bo nard tosiv , but the declantions as to the tariff and money and the coimiulsorj school law wcro behind none of the others in the bie waves of cheoiinir , Before the thunders half ceased that were emitted at the conclusion of the roadinc. the acme of Cleveland enthusiasm , Chmrmiu Lees , who nad been made the peimancnt jiresident , was on bis feet , calling for n using vote on the adoption of the platform. Opposition , if any had been contemplated , wus clcAilv out of the question , and no ob jcction was raised when the chair omitted to call tbo negative and introduced the next order , the selection of four delegates at- larpe to the national convention. Nominations lor Hi le ; iti i-nt-1. irge , "Tunt pladi itor of the v oung democrncy of Wisconsin , " \v.ib the vvav Senator Yilas v > as put m nomination for Iho Hist of tbo lout places E C Wall , chairman of the state central committee , had nn eloquent advocates in Muyoi P J Somers of Milwaukee 'J he name ot Gcnenil K h Biagc , "the comtnandor of the Old Iroi brigade1 , " its ho was affectionately lofoned to , uioughlout un apn.tlling yell trom an old vcteian In the gallei } which was taken up uythoentlir eonvcntion. A hot light for fourth plica among the dclogates-at-latgo was pteeipitatcd who John A. Knight , a manufactuiei at Aslnan. , and 'Iheodoro Kerf ton , a piominont ( lOrman- Amcrican from Chilton , Genetal Biagg's dls- tiict , were both put forward. To complicale matters , motions lo olrct Vila * and Bracg bv ncclamalion wcro lushed ihrough , loiving Wall to tnlto bis chances in a ballot with Keiiton and IvnU'hl Colonel Vilas quicl.lv naw that bad blool was arising and asked that his election bv accl.imntio-i be icconsidoied. n couiso which was Jo'lowcd ' bv General Bragir After an ugly wrancle this was done Ballotting resulted In Iho defeat of Kcra- ten , nn outcome which was picotod with hisses. The vote stood as followsVllas , ajii , Bragg , 315 , Wall , y > , Knight , 1'Jj , Kerston , 1M ) . An attempt to mollify Kersten's friends by inaUiiii ; him ono of the fo ir nlternute-s-at- largo was met by a quiet \Mthdiawal cf hi- namc , but this as not acce-ptod , and the : convention insisted on tnaklnc Kcrstcn the first alternate at laigo , and emphasised tbe honor b } civing a ununimous viva vocu vuto , Itr.iHoiio lor J'uo NominalIOIIN. A significant episode now followed. Sena to.1 Vilas tooit the Hoer and nominated Gus. lavVnolaejcr of Milwaukee to hold the list of democratic presidential electors in Wiicoiibin. "Mr Woolaeger. " bald the silver-voiced senator In his most eloquent manner , "stands toj it portion of the democratic party for whom wo oughl to foil all the conbidoiation duo to meu ulu vote and llsht on principle-tho straight foivvurd , Bincere German * of \ \ i ronf > in , am ] am desiinus. indnod , that thev bo recog nized as thov deserve Nationality as F.C ! is not lung to as creed as such is nothing tc us , but 1 urge the recognition proper to a dis tinct element of the pat tv end ask that v 01 name Hist for elcctor-at larce ono who Is i loprosontutiva Gorman , a lepiesentatUi democrat nnd a representative American ol the bi/hosl l > po " Mr Viias mentioned Incldontlv that Mr Woolaeger was in charge of exactly l.OOCi in Biiraneo aifontsnt wolk in Wisconsin. Oonsideiablo pleasantly resulted whoi lloLnrH.l McBride ot NcilUvilio was urgoc for second olectot at-larce1. "u pquallv as ex eel lent a pentlemau ns Mroilaegei , bar ring the fuel that Mr MclJndo la not u Gcr man , though no doubt existed that for dayi Mi-Brldo nas regretted not being ono , am also not bong un insurance agent. " Both Wooloeperund McBride wcrocleclcc bv utclatuntion Mr Woolaej-'f'r is prominent m J.utherai circles Mi Ixoistcn , the other German who was. made first alleroatc-al-largo , It well known Catholic ( iil < > It H I'lc | lirirlUO Mlllllllp. A plctuieiEQiio vvlndup wus given the con veution oy an ndaros * from the llcrj littl Gunuial Brak'g , now uhitu-Uhlred at can be but Impetuous as ever. Hcferrlng to tb coining national convention ul C'hicago uu tbo consideration there of the name of Mi JCOMIMLU UN PAIACIO'S ' CHIEF MURDERED General Cnsnnns Said to Hnvo Been As sassinated in His Omnp. NOTHING POSITIVE ABOUT THE REPORT It.iUnp Mulntnlm-il tllmxeUIn the I'niMnj'f Coiintrj Itir soeriil A\ < < ! ; , itiit IhotiKht lie Would llo 1'rc- | mri il lor Sui li mi Invent , > 2 t > u Jjmti ( rrtnfo'i llfnnrtt ] A , Venezuela , ( vinGalvcstmi , Tex * , Mny t > . ( By Mexican Cable to the Newr York Hornld bucclnl to Tun Brr i-Tlio forces of the limit sent general , Uucrrn , nro encamped In the tilimplo foi meet bv , 1'uimeo , Tcquos nnrt Victoria , north of the last tiiunecl place. Guorra's position 1 almost on the ill- icct line between Victoria nud Caracas. Among the man } uiuorlllod rumors is ono that Dr Casanns. Pulauo's cuiof , has been Silica In bts cnmpnt Culilwo. It la nlleped that u clo70n Inrceis pie- tended to hiuo deserted Irom the insurgent army nud asked to bo enrolled under the pov- ornmont's stnndnid. They \\oro Interviewed bCn < atias and pictonded to supply infer nntiou ol the positirn of the rebels Till- XMIS on April > That sumo night thi > } mur- ilorcd Casnnns in nls hc.idqunrlcts. It loons as if thi * infoimatlon was plvoi out to strike tcrior to Pulncio , who bus been anxiously \pcrtlnp to hear sotro fmor.iblo news fiom hU com- iuandor-in chief Cnsanas is known to be brave , hut ho Is much hateil In ordi nniv mattcis he -.luowd and not likelv to bo caught oU his puaid. llo hns mnintalnod himsulf for scvci.il wcc-Us in the hunt of the enetn\ count ! } , pinned bv rebels and has notjtt boon cnptutod 'Iho mmor of his as sassination shows at least that his aim } , which is not a largo jni > , is still intact All Ni us Sonic uluiK Colon ( I. A larpe foicoof insurgents stand between him and the Oiitsido wo-ld , nnd the iutelli pence from Calaboso is us much colored to < uit the cause of the revolutionists as tlm news that loaves ( . 'aincas in the oidiuary wais colored to please tboishos of the government Another rumor curient is 'bat 'v. aloncia has boon captured by Meta and his armj of blacks. Feais mo ontortaiucd lhat 'b bair.i is a prisoner. ' 1 bis lepoil is doubtles * caused bj General Cicsuo's sudden appear ance so near Vlctona , as detailed ycstoidav. and the arm nl of Gucua to the north ot tUot citv. The revolution is surol } approach inp n crisis. The negro general , Morn who is near Valencia , and Kodi igues. \ \ ho is hold inir a position between tno puiirlo and the north , want to Join the advauco upon C ara- cas , but thov ha\o boon advised to hold their ground ana Uoep the federal troops just w hero thov are. All ether posts hold bv the KO\ eminent arc unimportant and are gutting \ory costly to maintain. Unlit i i on the \ ergo iift'lill Ar. . LM'V/ , Bolivia , ( via Gnlveston , Tex l , Mnv 4 [ Bv Mexican ( able to the Now York Herald Special to fm Bri I'ho polincil agitation is Incrcising as the presi dential election diaws neir Hi Empaicial of this citv predicts that a revolution is cer tain to icbult from the bitter strife which exists between the clericals and liberals. At Yungas a stieet light has oc curred between the partisans of these two factions. The entire icpjolic is in a state of Intense excitcmout The cloigv have excommunicated some of the most prominent , liberal loaders President Aice , with some of the members of his cabinet , intend to support Buptlsta , the clerical can didate ) The liberals anil democrats ate united for Pachcco and Comacho as against Bnptista. i 1J.I MHO. Ills Duel Cut Jinn Ai rested 1'nul mil'I Count iinil tint Color I. Inc. [ Copj/i / lolitnt l ' 1 l > u 1 1 1 > " ' ' < > ' I > " ll'n i'i > \ Lo\i > oMaj 4 [ Now York Hora'd ' Cahlo Special to Tun Hn. J The reason why llnrrv Vane Mlllbank has not returned to Puns or London from Brussels since the last duel at Osteuu , is that ho is under ar- lest in Belgium for dueling , and is out on patole Ho will piobiblv bo able to secure a conditional release bciorc Saturday Bon owe has called several times nt Tom Ocbiltroo's cmmbcis for tha put rose of finding out what the gallant Tax an mL ml wlien ho said he would huvo something mtciesting to sav ooon , but tuo colonr-1 has not been ut homo The Houbo of Lords con mittee in accept ing William Gi i. as the lighlful heir to Hie , caildom of b'amlord liaeicap"d the awful possibility of the Hottentot earl , b t Las not succeeded m ciushiug aside tbe dnwaper countess , who is n lull blooded uegross 1 ho late call ol bta-nlord , who died at LJDO of Good Hone a > cai ugo , mainou hib thud and aurxivitu pittnei atnbord , South Africa J'ho coal black dowat'er countcsb of Stamfoid is tbo daughter ol a , Hottentot named Solomon , and ilratatti acted luolmorof the late eml b actiug ni a ten ant m his household. It was the call's mulatto son bv tuis woman who sought to inherit his luthei'b title and beat in the House of Lords The dowager countess Is in London under guidance of the Cane Lawjcr , and It Is feared t > ho mnv demand to bo presented at one of tbe dravMng rooma lu'ldin the queen. Beinir a peer's widow she Is entitled to access to lojaity , r.nd it would bo interesting to oh set xo whether tbo queen would follow us lone established custom and imprint tbo im- pori'U Isiss upon tlio duskv cuuoU of tha doixngei , as bho ciocs evciy ladj of the ccci- jgo who is pi-'sentoJ. or iiir. viinit n I'lilim 'Ilu oliigii -iMiiln.il > I Iriiiu I i < h'klnit li nl ( ( introl. Nl. YCIIIK , M y 4 [ Special Toiogiam to TUP Bri. . ] Union Theolon'ical suimnarj lias cibt tbo uio which will eventually sovei it from any specific connection with the i'los byterlan church At the last moating of mo directors ot the scmUiaiy rtjjomtions wcro passed r"iUCbtinK tbe general assembly lo annul the. agreement ontcicd into at thu fublon of the now nnd old bibool branches at the Piesbytoriau chun-n This virtually amounts to cessation for it is fcaid the ugroeamnt will be annulled ttb far us t'nion Is cOiicetncdwhether the assembly is willing-or not It Is staled this morning that Pietfidcnt Hustings of L'nion had un- equivocallj dei.iod that the seminar } Lad withdrawn ( mm the Jurisdiction of thu iisstniblv Dr. HastingH l-as not denied that the directors will aslc to bo released from the agreement which tins of Into becoino so distasteful to them , it wa said toda > by a promnioi l Presbyttiian , who will go to Portland as H coniinUsionei to the assemblv. tnat 11 was piobublo that the miuost of Lnion would ba granted Dr. Bngg > hunst-lf will s'lii bo liable to tde charso * already made agovnss iiim , as ho indlMdually is a mcmuer of tha Presbuoiian church Union homlnary a a seminary undur oc leblastlcal control , IB to bo u thing of the past. Sir iinvlilji Arrli Us. At Southampton Tra\o. At BostonPrubsian , from Olaspoxv. At Morlllo Utbiopiii At ( ueonttown- Nevada , from N'ow Yorlt. At Now VorK Dubhlcaani , from Ainstur- dam. Teutonic , from Liverpool Lahn , from Breuioa ; Advunio , lioni Kio Janeiro Afrit mi MiitliiMilbllun C unli r < 'i u. PirTaiiiriiu , I'a. , , May 4 The nineteenth jroneral conJereaco of the African Mothodin /ton church bo au this luoruiiiit and will fontlnuo threu xvuouk JmportBiit cbaugei will tie made in ! ! iodUcljiliuo and four bUu ji > VM.I by olectod. j