Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha's Citizens Assemble rind Do Honor to
the Memory of Augustus Kounlza.
loKlo * I'ronoiiiiccil I'pnn Illin by .Mm
Who Knr\v nnd l.iixnl Him fur III *
Worth ItCMilutlnn * ol fun-
tlolt'licu mill I
In cotnmomorntlon of the death of Augus
tus Kounlro , the prct\t llnanclcr , whoso
dcmlso occurred Snturilay cvculiiR m New
York City , 11 largely nUontlcil mass mcctliiR
of business man wns liclil yostorclny nftur-
uoon In the exchange hall of the Clminbcr of
Commerce builtllntr. Kosolullous of ccnilol-
cnco nnd sympathy for lua family ntid rela
tives were ntlootcd. Fervent speeches
lamenting his death wcro tnndo , nnd the
walls of the building rovorboratcd with the
words Hint iio was a man a mnnrovorod , re
spected nnd loved for tlio excellent Qualities
Iio possessed ,
Judtro Donno was called upon to preside
over the nssomblago. On taking the chair
Iio said that the gathering was lor the pur-
jioso of taking steps to appropriately do
honor to the memory of Mr. Kountzo. His
dcmlso was sincerely regretted , for ho was a
( nan well known to nil old settlers of Omaha
J lo laid the foundation to Oniahn when the
plnco was nothing raoro or loss than a ham
let Thcro was not a pioneer who did not
receive the announcement of Mr. ICountzo's
death as u shock , although It was not alto
gether uncxDcctcd. Ills relatives and others
deeply felt the loss of this great man. Ills
death was u loss to the world , especially to
the lluanciul world.
At the conclusion of Judge Doano's ro-
manes , 15. M. Hitchcock was chosen secre
tary of the meeting , after which a committee
of five was appointed by the chairman to
prepare su'tabio resolutions. The committee
ns appointed comprised Dr. Oeorpo L.
Miller , Mr. Edward Hoaowator , JiUJor U. 11.
Wheeler , Mr. 11.V. . Yutos nnd Mr. .John
The resolutions to the memory of Mr.
Kounlzo were unanimously adoutcd Dy a
rising vote , nndaru as follows :
Hi'Hciliillons Ailoptrcl ,
Whotpiii , It has plc.isod Almlphty Ooil to ro-
innvo from this lifo our furiuur tonnmnun ,
Augustus Koiinlre , tint citizens of Unmhii , In
mans tneotlnK assomhlod , jl\o expression to
tliolr profound sorrow and their sense of loss
tit Ills do. ilh.
Augustus Kount/o was atnoiiR Omuha's ear
liest cltl/oiH and chief founders , wlio by his
public Hplrit , foreslnht nnd nitgrii slvu
enterprise pro\ed lilinsolf uno of the most Im
portant fnctors In her aiUuncomcnt from n ; nnd
IndtiHliIal center. Tliosouhoere associated
with him In Iho ourlv HliiiKKlcs of Nebraska's
Infancy us n coinmouucailh can triithfiilly testimony to his character as n man. his
loynltv us a friend unil neighbor , his untiring
( lovollon to the Interests of the people In
whose niltl t ho spunt the host yo.irs of his
jnanhood life , his Inilomltnblo coiingo anil
persovoraiico In periods of Oimilni's
early hlslorv , nnd his nnll.iUKlnj ; Inleiest In
licrsrowtli mid prosperity.
As one ot the fotimlei.f of our b.tnkln ? sys
tem. by his services In 2onnectlon with the
locution of thi ) o.ibturn terminus of the 1'aclllc
r illtii id and thusottlunionl of all qne.-tlons
In ronnectlon ulth the Union 1'acllln brldco
nud eoiupuet for thu petmnnent location of bliopn and liuadiiu.irturs In Omaha ,
ll s successful efforts to maUo Uiiuili.i the
military heatlrjuartois and supply dcp-irt-
inent , for ( lie army In this part of the \\est , his
uctlru Intcicst In our cducitlonal , religious
nnd benevolent Institutions entitle him to
cr.iteful reriioinbr.inco by all our people. I'nl-
MJr ally cst coined as a , oil 7enof hlKheliatactet
unbuilding lutcgrl'y us : i biiblnu-s man , hon
ored and respected In the foiomost fln.incUl
circles of th s country , the c.ncer of Augustus
Kounuo iilTonls anothorconspliMiotib ovimplo
of the possibilities of Ammlc.i's sell-m.tilo
men.Wo proffer onr ilneoro sympathy and con
dolence to his beieuvetl widow and klndicd
who mourn at h.s
, ) < > lin I. Iti'dlck'H Tribute.
In Blowing words John I Kediclc naid
tribute to the memory of the dere.isuu. " Iio
tald that when ho ct-mo to O'nahii Mr.
Kountzo was i-oiiductin-r n little bank on
Karnam street. Ho
inuilo his acquaint nuco
nnd found him to bo an excellent business
jiuin and a peed man to do business with.
Mr. Kountze , no said , ran the bank until the
present time where tlio First National now
stands ns n solid institution. In the early
days when money was scarce Mr. Kountzo
protected many men In a financial way. Ho
was willing to loan money ( it a reasonable
rnto of interest. Ho "did not charge
CO per cent for his money. There were
many well-to-do men in Omaha today whoso
btart and success in lifo wore duo to Mr.
ICountzo's pfforts. Ho was tno making of
them. Mr. Hedlclc never know him to do a
dishonorable act. Ho was a good mau and
ns a llnnnciorho had no equal. Ho was the
main nnd foremost man In Omaha and helped
build the enterprises of the city. Now ho
was dead. This was a lesson to all of the
old gray-hnired fellows , ho said , nnd ns nil
had to follow him , it was wise not to rush
nround too much. Wealth cannot be taken
nivay with you and it was little
satis ruction to these who had treasured and
ho.irdod It when the time came for them to
lenvo this earth. In the death of Mr.
Kounlzo Omahu had not only lost n great
financier , but a good man as well. Ho was
nu exemplary man. Ho loved his family nnd
had a fraternal brothoily fooling for all the
Kountzo family. Ho lovcu his brothers , like
brothers should love each other , nnd by
working together they unmssed fortunes.
Honored Ity Dr. .Miller.
lr. ) Miller next did honor to the dead. Ho
Bald It was n hiibjcct that snduoncd him nnd
everybody that knew Mr. Kountzo , for
his death was a personal loss.
Ills demise cnmo as a griof. It
meant u separation : a removal foravcr ,
Dr. Miller spoke of his association and con
nection with the lamented J\lr. Kount/o ,
which commenced thirty-six years ago. llo
tallied of the deceased's peed qualities In
working to protect the people intLo earlier
days. Ho had never known Mr. Kount/o to
licbtuto to net and summon every ennrpy for
the interests that hid tnndo Omaha what it
Is. Ho know Mr. Kountzo when ho was a
youue man and when ho was conducting the
little Fnrnnm .street bank. Ho made nstiong
point on Mr. Kountzo being a sclt-mado man ,
In ttio long years ago , when there was
ucareely any money nore , Mr , Kountzo ,
In ono Instance , was obliged to gut
out nnd struggle for u loan of . ' 50 with
which to buy gold dust from n party who
wanted monoy. His death , the doctor nalu ,
was duo to having been overtaxed in Now
Vorlr. Literally speaking , Dr. Miller sold
ho had icon Mr , Kountzo tnko tils coat olT
nnd go to worn to procure the location of the
fort and army headquarters hero. Than ,
whllo Omnhn was a village , this mount a
prent deal. Hu bad trials and failures , but
the doctor had suon him faca them. After
fnlluics Mr. Kountzo wont to Now York and
Hoston nnd tried ngaln. Ho was persistent ,
and after bis trials and failures ho tri
umphed. In tbo midst of dissension nnd
opposition his persistence nnd willingness
iccompHshcd what wo are onjovlng today ,
In conclusion Dr. Miller stated that ho was
ready to lay the garland of his grutituda at
Iho grnvo of the deceased , as ho was nu
honor to the city and the stnto ,
CJovcrnor Hoya was expected to bo pres-
tnt , but could not attend. Ho sent Dr. Mil
ler the following explanatory telegram :
Greatly to my rosret olllclal duties will pre
vent my boln ; ; prcnont at the meeting to o\-
iiit'hH the bentlmcnt of Oimihu citizens over
ihoilemli-o of lion , Augustus Kountzo , but I
rannot refrain from uxprcshlnB thu duou HUIISQ
of loss which 1 , with others of thu oUioreltl-
rens of Omaha , huvo sustained In the death
( if this man who was ever our friend In thu
pioneer days of KIIUKKIU and ulfort to rear a
Front city where only a vllliiRO stood , und who ,
tthun called to ihu IlnuiicliU center of the
nation , remained ever steadfast , to the Inter-
rsts of Omaha and the friendship of hU earli
er days.
KilloKliril by Mr , Jtoicuater.
Mr. Edward Hosowator , In paying tribute
to tbo deceased , said that It was now twenty-
nlno years slncu ho had made the acquaintance -
anco of Mr , Kountzo. During the first eight
or ten years of hU resldouuo in Omaha ha
caino In contact with Mr. Kountzo nearly
every day. Mr. Hosowater said that the
deceased was not only a bunker , a bushiest
man of real estate speculations , of trans
portation of ( upollef through the western
country , and every other upeclcs of enter-
prlio , but also a special benefactor to the
JvoUaro ud growth of ( be city. Mr.
Kountu possessed qualities of endurance
nnd courage , Ho hid unyielding loyalty at
nil times ; was AS trim ns steel to bis friends
nnd ns hard us Hint to the support of any
proposition or project started in the Intcrosts
of Ills inu nfTort was the under
taking of clviog Omaha a hotel the Grand
Central , where the I'n.xton now stands. To
this enterprise ho gnvo Lia personal sup
port , Ho wont through f l U'oi and suc
cesses ns ho bad Implicit confidence
In the growth of Omnbn. Asluo
from doing n banking and commercial busi
ness , no took n deep Interest In the preser
vation of the union In ftco nnd political Insti
tutions. Ho was willing to do chr.rltnblo
work and assist the poor when they needed
Other Speakers Trll of Ills Worth.
ll. T. Clark said tnat his success in this
city was duo to a great degree to the nsslst-
nncoofMr Kountzo. It was n pleasure to
him to push forward with such a man. Ho
fancied ho could sou the fnco of Mr. Kountzo
with Iho furrows across his brow at the
present timo. Ho had felt the pownr of Mr.
Kountzo as no nun had felt It nnd rovcrod
him for his Integrity nnd good qualities.
ludgo U. W. Ambrose commemorated his
death by saving that ho had been associated
with Mr. Kountzo for n quarter ot n century.
Ho llrst mothlmMny'J.lfeOO. Ho remembered
the dav well , ns ho made n small deposit In
Mr. ICountzo's little bank. Ho recollected
him for his smllo nud his profcrod hand
when ho ( Ambrose ) was n stranger In the
village , ills cotdtul greeting would never
bo forgotten.
Hov. Dr. Kuhns was glad to sco so many
familiar faces assembled to do honor to a
man whom nil had loved nisd respected. It
was his pleasure to krow Mr , Kountzo
not onlv ns n business man but
ns n Christian. The reverend gentleman
talked of Mr. ICountzo's religious lifo , of his
good nnturo nnd disposition. Ho < mld the
deceased was as true as steel nnd ho never
know him to be guilty of a dishonorable net.
Ho had not a brother whom ho cstocmcd
more than ho did Mr. Kountzo. Ho had done
more than any brother had done , bccauso
first ho was able and had the opportunity
whllo his brother had not. Ho was glad tnat
the nnmo of Mr. Kountzo was on the step of
thu Hlph school building. There was not a
slngto Interest In Omaha that ho would not
put his Hand to. Ho was willing to load and
others were \\llllnp to follow.
In spoalclng of the homo of Mr. Kountzo In
the earlier days , the speaker said that ho dis
tinctly lomctnborcd his little throe-room
house on the hill. Dr. Kuhns spent his first
night in Omaha in that houso. Mr , Kountzo
shared his bed with him. Little things mndo
him great. Ho helped the poor nnd would
sou no o.iOEUlTcr. The ovldcticcsof his creat-
i < o s were in llunncinl mid other enterprises ,
nnd among other thlngii ho was n constant
church-goor. Ho was novcr ashamed to pick
up ragged urchins nnd tnko them to church
and tench them the word of God.
Colonel John Ritchie .said ho lirst made the
acquaintance of Mr. Kountzo In ihu little
bank , nnd talked at length of his religious
principles before the people got to wor
shiping God bv machinery , ns ho termed It.
Hcniy W. Yntcs of the iron bank spokoof
the early day banning business , nnd said Mr.
Kountzo was ono of the best men ho over
knew. Ho was In nil public spirited move
ments. His motto WPS not to lot well alone
for ho thoupht it could bo bettered.
The basis of his popularity was the hon
esty nnd conlidenco the people had in him.
Above all things his woid was as good as a
bond. Mr. Yntos concluded Ins remarks by
stating that n monument to his memory
should bo erected In some of the now parks.
Ily his many good deeds bis memory would
ha Itept green.
Clement Ctinso said ho had known Mr.
Kount/o as a man who was kind and cor
dial to young mon , who nlwnys received
good and timely ndvico from him" .
Mr. Uosowntor offered a resolution to the
effect that copies of the icsolutions bo sent
to the relatives of Mr. Kountzo In Now
York , Denver and hero , after which the
meeting adjourned ,
Adopted ) > } the Church ,
At a reculnr meotlnjr of the council of the
Kountzo Memorial Lutheran chuich , held in
the postoi's study on Monday ovenincr , May
a , the following resolutions wcro adopted : , \\oh.iM ! olllclully learned the sad
nous of thu death of our much buloxcd
brother , Augustus Kount/.i' , who died In New
VoiU city on the .ifturnoon of April M. 1SMJ.
Whereat , lie was ono of the or ani crs of
out congiu' atlou , and so long > > ho remained
In the elty onu of Us most actho and consci
entious members , ictulnli > his membership ,
contributing Kirgulv to the support and
tukiii' ' a deep Interest In the .successor the
chinch until 10 noveU by doath.
Whereas , Wo are Indebted to our Into
Hrother Augustus Kountzo in : i crcat nioii-
snro under Uod , for the he.ititifnl and commo
dious church building uhloho now occupy ,
who by his liberality made It possible for us
lisa eoiiRrcKiit'oti ' to ereet and fuinlsh this
temple dedicated to thu worship of the Trluuo
Uod , therefore
Hesohed , That \\o bow with humble sub
mission to thu will of God , who docth all
things woll.
Kesohud , That wo hold appropriate memor
ial ser\ lees In oiirchureh on biinday moinlug ,
Mny 13. ut I0i : ) .
Uesolxed. That the nudlcnco room of the
chinch bo apinopiiatoly draped In uioiiin'ng
fora puilod of th ity days.
UosoUed , That u member of the church
council bodepiitl/cd to attend the In
Now Vork i-Iiy on the 4th inst. convoying to
the bcio'ixud family our he.irtfolt sympath
ies , and present an appropriate Moral olTerln ? .
Kcsohed. That n ( opyof thesu resolutions
bo sent to thu family , spread upon our church
records and published In thu dally papers of
the city.
Hirned by the couuull of ICount/o Memorial
Lutheran chuich. Omaha , Neb
HiV. : A. .1. TURKU : , pabtor ,
i' . y. uisrNKiNG ,
II. J. I'KNRlM ) .
1) . G. UHO.UMCS.
O. A. HltlMMbU
II U.lliai , .
Dr. Birnoy's Catarrh Powder , all druggists
Iliirllneton Enterprise.
The Burlington will take charge of the
special car "lolantho" when It reaches Kan
sas City , having on board Mr. George W.
Chllds of the Philadelphia Lodger nnd party
en rout o to the dedication of the Chllds-
Drexel Homo for Union Printers at Colorado
Sin Ings , May 1'J. From Colorado Sprint's
the party will po to the Pncillo coast , re-
tmning vi.i Portland nud St. Paul.
Alive to the occasion , the 13 , & M. has
established a bureau of Information nt the
Exposition building during the mcotlnp of
conference ) .
Dr.Ulrnoy's catarrh powder forcold In head
Mi rill ; , " " l.iri-nsot ,
The following mirriajo liojnsaj wora U
sued by Judge Kllor yesterday :
Nnmo anil Address. Ago ,
I I < . W. Nelson , Omaha 31
I Kdnn M , Nelson , Omahu 4.
I JimnO. Uulncs , iik : City 22
I Inicy J. llryant , Elk City 18
Mrs. Li H. Palton , IlockforJ , II ! . , writes :
"Fiom porsonat oxparlonca I cat rocominond
DoWitt's Saraaparllln. u euro for impura
blood und general doblllty. "
Sam Hrtgerman Makes Serious Charges
Against Alleged Faith Ouro Healers ,
Dcnlli of n \ VonmnVlio AVm l > y 1'nltli
to Defy the iiloctB : at Cold mid 111 *
jionure The lliisbnnd'i
Story ,
There is crape hanging to the door at n'J2
North Elchtcenth street , nnd Inslito Sam
Hnsormnn nud his sons nud daughters nnd
Irlcnds are mourning over the coftlncd body
of wlfo and mother.
"Christian science killed her , " declares the
husband bitterly. "Sho was getting along
nil right anil would have boon allvo now If
these paopla had not takoti her nway and
killed her with neglect. "
Mrs. HnKormnn was nu Intensely devout
and religious woman and an easy victim for
some alleged faith euro fanatics. Some
months nco she underwent n surgical opera
tion nnd n cancer was removed from her
breast. From tbo effects of this she was
rapidly recovering and was able to accom
pany her husband to the People's church
sometimes twlco on a Sunday.
Then she fell In with n party of alleged
Christian scientists , who persuaded her that
her rccovcrv would ba Just ns speedy nnd far
more in accordance with dtvino methods If
she would oxorclso her faith and lot physio
go. She was easily persuaded and allowed
herself to bo treated by n Mrs. French , who
lives out near Fort Omaha.
.Mesmcilsm Inn tend ( of 1'rnjcr ,
Mrs. French adopted the usual systom.
The doctors nnd their prescriptions nnd bottles
tles were banished and the sufferer given
a text of scrlpturo to cling to.
Since Mr. Hagerman's death her daughter
has explained that Mrs. French was nccus-
touiod to throw her mother into nn hypnotic
trance nud had once said to her :
"This Is not Christian sclonco , It Is mes
merism , but you need uot say anything ubout
It to any one.1
Her husband never know till after her
death that mesmerism was a part of tha
Mrs. French continued her treatment for
about six weeks with the patient growing
dally feebler. Then she suddenly abandoned
her patient nnd went east. The lunband
feels posltUo that the faith euro doctor bad
become convinced that his wife would die
nnd loft the city in four of unpleasant conso-
qucnces to herself. She has slnco returned ,
however , and says she went to treat a sister
who was ill nnd hod sent for her.
During Mrs. French's mummeries the sick
woman had been frequently visited by u
Mrs. Bray , who lives near Nineteenth nud
Spruce sticets and who claimed to bo a liv
ing example ot the ofllcaoy of the faith euro.
She had boon at death's door ; doctors hid
done their best and had taken themselves off ,
leaving her to dio. But Mr * . French c.imo
and by faith she was snatched from the
jaws of death nnd pormlttod to preach the
miracle. A Mr. Broaduurst also came and
corroborated her story.
AIo\od to Her Death.
Two wcolcs ago Mr. Hagormati moved to
his present residence and his wife , who had
bj' this time contracted what Is known ns
creeping or walking pneumonia , a disease
which creeps upon its victim very slowly
nnd which the doctors say Is comparatively
easy to euro , went to stnv with Mrs. Bray.
"This woman , " said Mr. Hagermau , "Is
ono of the most extravagant of tno faith
euro cranKs nnd would encourage
her patient to fly right in
the teeth of danger In order that the triumph
of her fnlth mlcht bo the moro complete. If
she was afraid of catching cold sbo was ad
vised to open the window and sit in the
draught nnd ecu orally to do Just these
things which common sense of the most
rudimentary character would pionouuco
foolish nnd suicidal.
"This policy was not Jong in havine its
effect hnd the deluded victim wont step by
step toher grnvo whllo the 'alth euro opoia-
tors sat bv and wntchedber die like a rat in
a holo. "
Mr. Hagorman went often to bring his
wife home , but the operator refused to let
her go and had the victim so worked upon
that she saw no salvation except in her faith.
On Saturday the patlont grew so much
worse that Mrs. Brny bccamo alarmed ana
sent for Hngcrman , and insisted that ho
should take her away for the snko of Christ
ian science , which would got the blame if
she died ivhero she was.
"Chtistinn science will got the blame , no
matter where she dies , " responded Mr.
Hagcnnan. "You have brought her to
death's door , und I do not wisu to remove
her In her present weak state. '
Mrs. Bray insisted , and Hngerman took his
wife home. Ills physician , Dr. Council , was
called In , but it was too late , and Monday
nlcht Mrs. Klhabeth Hagarmnn died.
"Christian science killed her , " says the
husoand ; "Medical care and attention'wo Jld
have saved her. " says Dr. Council.
It Is not what its proprietors say , but what
Hood's Sarsapnrllla docs , that makes it sell ,
and wins the confidence of the people.
Dr Culliraore. ooiim. Bjjbuillln ?
Paint your buildings with strictly
nuro "Old Dutch Process" white loud.
"Red Soul , " "Collier , " "boiithorn , "
hnvo stood the test of years. Specify ono
of these brands ivnd bo sure you got it.
Country Merchants
Who are cash buyers should not fail to
take lulviintugo of the Hollmun'H admin-
Jstrator'.s sale lo secure eotno wonderful
bargains for their fall trado. Address
13th and Fur n am , Omaha.
Mr. George W. Hall lias taken the
management of the Omaha olllco of the
Standard Accident Insurance Co. of De
troit , Mich. Mr. Hull lias lilted up ele
gant olliccs in rooms 811 and , ' ! 10I5oo
building and takes possession today.
The Oratorio nt KliJ.ili.
This fraud wont will bo given by the
Apollo club chorus of 123 voices nt Boyd's
theater Thursday evening noxt. Tno club
will bo assisted by Mra. Torrons , Mrs. Fiik.
Mr , Holmes , Mr. Troynor , Mr. Milkins nnd
n grand orchestra of twenty-four men nnd
organ. The cullory will ba open to the pub
lic. Admission tickets will bo sold for & 0o
each ,
'Lato ' to bed and early to rise will shorten
the road ( o your homo in tbo skies , " But
ourl.v to bed and a "Littlo Kurly Uisor , " the
pill that mukoj. Ufa longer and batter and
The United States Government
Both Endorses and Uses
Royal Baking Powder.
Last year the Royal Baking Powder Co.
sold to the United States Government
over 80,000 pounds of baking powder
enough to supply both army and navy.
The last United States Government report -
. port shows Royal Baking Powder to
be a ci'eam of tartar powder superior
to all others in purity and strength.
This purchase and this endorsement were made by
the United States Government upon competitive tests
of the various baking powders of the market.
Kept iprenil'ng ' until Ills fno ni n raw
fcore. He scnvUilird until Itlooil ran ,
Host Physicians Sniil No Cure Whlto
Teething. . Hof Was Cured Promptly
liy .Citlrur.i. :
Somotlilnc over two jcnrs ntto , our t > or , then tcsj
thnn mm ycnrolil. troubled with nn eruption
on tdelicml , | > rononnco < l by our bent i > lijr lclnns to
bo n CASC of "mint : rriinl or Infanlllo ocremn. "
Ilicynho lil that llwoilldbo Impossible to euro
It until lifter lie timl tlnMieil teetldnu. This mnliuly
Kcit | > prcnilhiK until Ids fnco win n raw core , nnd
every foir dnys Iio woiilil ilr.iw Ids linger nnlls ilown
on both chocks , removing the scabs , nml Ilio blood
runnliiK down on Ids cMn inmlo Mm present n
Klm < tly lilit wo commenced mint ; tlio Cl'Tirfll V
HLMtincs , nml In two weeks wo nollccil n wonderful -
ful Improvement , nml In tivo months Ills fnco win
froth nnd fair , nnd Inn boon purfuctly well ever Mnc3
Wo unlicstltliiRly BTO | nil cro III to CfTH I'll A
0 U WU.UAMS , I'ort DoiUa , lo.rn.
Scaly Humor 17 years
I wnsnilllctpil for .ovcntcen yearn with n ncilys
nml I'lnuli y inmior ever my ontlro tire nt At Minus
I Moulil scrntrh nil Sorom-ss compelled mo to cense ,
After rending your ndvcrtlnoinont" nl illlTeront
times , I concluded tnplTol'L'THl HA ntrlnl.nml to
my nMoiilHlmient ns well ni inllsfnUlon I wni
cured with OHO oet uf CUfirnu ltiMiiiG : : , In
nhoiit tire nnl n hilf wcc'ti Thai lin ( iron nouly
two ) cars since , nud no ryinptomii of return.
JACOII SToncKi.i : ,
SGIO IVdm Street. St l.ouls , > lo.
Cuticura Resolvent
The new Itlooil 1'iirltler , Inlcrnnlly ( to doin'o the
iiiooil of nil Impurltlri und poisonous tU'iiiciitinnd
thus rt'iumi' the cntnc ) , ninl ( 'nllcnrn , the prent Skin
rurr , unit Cutlcutn-'iiBp , nn oxnuldllo Skin lleniillller ,
cilrriinll- ( clear the ktn ntU tnlp , nnd loilnro
tlio imiri , euro ovcrjHenso nnd humur of thu skin
and blood , from pimples lo ccrof uln.
goldoTcrywhcrr. t'rlcc , CtJTtri'lU.Mo ! OAP , 5. ' > C !
lltooi.VKNT , fi. 1'rcpnreilby the rorrtn lUUIAM )
CIIKMICAI. CoinnilTION , llo'ton.
tr"fond for "llow to Cnro Skin Dl'onscs , " Cl
PIIKC , ta IHiistnUtoiK. nnl KIJ leatliuonlnla.
IT.KS , black-hcftl * , rctl , rough , clinpped nnd
oily skin cured by CUT1CUUA SOAP.
Hack Ache , Kidney 1'iilin , mid Wenknr i 9
Soreness , I imcne9 , Strnlus , unit i'nu |
rellmollii ( mo inlnuto by the CL'TICUHA
A Wrltton Gunrnntoo
to Cure Kvory Cnso or
Money Hofundad.
Our euro Is permanent imd not n pntoMij up. Ctsos
treated seven ycnri ago haronoTor eon n symptom
since. Hy < lc crlbii.icaso ! fully wo can tr < Mt you by
ninll , and wo KlTO the snma strong Ktmrantoo to euro
or refund all money. These who prefer to corno hero
fortrcntmentcnn tlosoanl wo will piy rr.llroa I fnra
both way * nud hotel bills whllo hero , If wo fall to euro ,
Wo chnllenxe the world for n casa that our Mau'lo
Remedy will not cure , wrltofor particulars anJ net
thcovldcnco. In our seven years practice Kith the
Manic Itemady It has been mo'l dinicult to o\orcorao
the prejudices against ocalled itpeclllcs. Uutunlcr
ourftroNK Rinrnnteo thousands nra tr > lns It nnd bo
InKcurcd. Wecuaranteo to euro or rotund every
dollar , nnd as wo have a rcputntlon to protect , also
financial bucking of } 530OJOU Is perfectly s ifo to all
who will try Iho treatment , Heretofore you have
puttlimup nud payhuout your money for dllferent
treatments , and atthoiinh you are not yet curd.1 n3
one has paltl buck yonr monoy. Wo will positively
cure you , Oldchronl2 deepsontoJ caios cure 1 In D )
to'JJdays. lnvojtlnta > our flnanclal BtinJIn ; , our
reputation ns buslnesjtraen , Wrlto us for nnmos an 1
nddreescs of these wolinva curuJ who have Klven
permission to refer to tbom. It costs you only post-
ace lo iio thl . If ycrar symptoms are nero t'iroit ,
mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nni
Joints , hair fnlllnxont , eruptions on any pirt of the
tody , feeling of general depression , pains In heal or
lonc . Vou have no time to na to. Tnoao who nro
constantly taking mercury nnJ potash , should dlt-
continuelt. Constant u o of these Uruijs will surely
bring sores nnd eatlns ulcers In the on I. Don't full to
write. All corre pondonco sent Beale 1 In plain en-
vuiopo. Wo tlio most rlgU liucstl atlo i nud
will do all Inourpowcrto nU you la 1U Addrusi ,
COOK RHMRDY CO . - Omnhn , Noh
WfiOUr.fcyr a cnno of Lorr'orBsuiiNa MAS
noon , Ounpral or N-uvoua UunlMrr. woak-
ncsauf Lody nrinlnd. the clVcutsof ul-ror < orox-
ccssoulu ohl or yoiin'4 tlint\vocinnOtcnro. Wo
( runrantcoovory ciiso orrnfnnd ovi > ry dollir.
Five dnystrlnl trontniont Wl , full conrso W5.
Porcoptlblo benollts ro illzo.l In three days.
Dy mull , securely p toke I from obi-rvatlon.
ll.Oiri FlJjr.VnCItIXSUriA.TOIl.Safo nnl
IllnUlU Certain to a day or mriiu-y rcfundoj
By mail 8. . Soouroly BO iio I fro-n oljsurvu
tlon. COOK UliJIEUX Ct. . Oin.ih v. Neb
Worth of rare , valuable Information sent
to any address
This wealth of Unowlcilpo , this golden
treasure of helps to health is contained in
a new , ably written and handsomely illus
which has just been issued for the benefit
of guttering htimnnily. by those eminently
Buccesslul and popular physicians aim
burgeonathose KINGS OF ai'EUl ALISTS ,
Drs. Belts & Belts
With the nldoJI this valunbln and intor-
estiiif , ' work , entitled "Know Thyself , " its
reader : * are enabltid to adopt the beat , safest
and surest methods for thu preservation ot
their health : or , ! In case they iiro allllcted ,
Ihey n ru fully informed as to the nuttiru
anil hyniiiloias ofbveiy disease. They van
at oncu decidu what particular form ot
Nervous , Chronic or Private Disease
their miilady has assumed , whether it bo
a'i/p/iHla / , unnorrhoen , ( licet , Stricture ,
Jlydrocclo , I'drlcoccle , 1'ilcs , Jllouil or
SMn llncis(8 , Liver , Itlilncv or Urinary
'J'rmilile , or any of the thousand ills of u
kmdrt'd nature.
K\erv man nnd every womrtn should
read Ibis book , which to the allllcted is
worth its wcfubt in gold , nnd sent to uny
address for l-'OUJl CKXTS ,
Call upon or
Drs. Itetts & Betts ,
19 South llth St , N. M Cornop 14th
and Douf'lsn Sta
Omaha , Neb.
U Frequer ntly want
a now
Address suddenly , without notice ,
Oinaltn Ailiatlilna Jliirmii. A' . V , f.lft.
looking Backward" over the past At $2,75
four months KETEE PANT SUITS'
and comparing them with corresponding Tor boys from 4 to 14 yont's old ,
months in previous years , we have every mndo of very handsome nil svool
fancyonsslmores. The cents hnvo
reason to feel gratified at the marked in five corded plnits down each sfdo
crease in business in every department of in front nnl eleven down the
our vast establishment. Nothing seems to
check the growth of "The Nebraska. " At $3,90
Even with the days so cold that we still JUNIOR SUITS
hear the mournful sound of the "Patti"
for boys up to ton yonrs old.
coal wagon on it's "positively last farewell These suits are mndo of very fine
tour " ' nil \vool cnssimeroq , with cent ,
; with beds of ice where you'd look
vest , nnd knee pants ,
for pansy blossoms ; rain , shine , snow or the ontira suit being henvily
mud ; it's all the same our business grows brnided.
with the days. Of all our numerous de At $3,90
partments not one has quite kept pace
with the boys' room. " Truly the growth ,
for boys from 4 to 14 yenrs old :
here has been something phenomenal. These suits nro ns tonsy Onl *
ments ns were ever mndo. They
nro mndo in light nnd medium
shades of fine nil wool cnssi-
mores. They cnn be had in
LQQKINGFQRWARD t08l plain , mixtures or plaids. They
e cnn be had In nil the new shapes.
They nro mnde with flnt
activity more business in this
department box bneks corded plaits raised
as the days grow warmer , we have made scams or foiled scams. The cents
nro nil mnde with four
extensive purchases of several hundred
pockets nnd the pnnts hnvo
Boys' Suits in very fine goods , in junior , three pockets not ono too many
for n boy.
knee pant and long pant Suits which we
place on sale to-day for the first time. At $7.50 "
These suits are gotten up in very handsome IsONG PANT SUITS ,
shapes , many of them being productions ( Cent , Vest nnd Pants )
by leading designers in April and are much for boys from 14 to 19 years old.
handsomer styles than the earlier ones. A Choice ol two styles nn elegant
all wool fancy cnssimero , or an
better class of clothing for boys was never nil wool blnck cheviot. These
suits would just laugh fet a ten
offered at sale.
special . dollar bill in most stores.
"A Corner on Boys ClotLing'Our Corner Windoiv.
MmiM I-TOW N , O . June 11,1EOI.
\Vchmo ufioil > onr Ath lo pt.o IDS nml rec
ommend It Tory highly M > nioihei used It for
ilieiinmtism nml my lather nti'U U for nournl-
Klu unU Ithclpcil thuin buth hen nothing clue
wouiu. MI.I.H : : ot-KAMi1 ,
lit iii.t'Ililrditrcet. :
fl per bottle , (1 ( for $ ' > . AlldniKglsts De.intl-
fid picture free , poitimld , to auj one who lll
willc for It
NAGIIVIIli : , Tor Voing 1-urtlos.
TIJNN , 3 tiiilhlliiKH , SU olliccrs 7 Vnnderbllt
COI.I.KCi : . l'ni\L'r Uy l.ccturen ,
II'I miplls from JO Btnli"t Art , Music , ( iyinnasluni.
llcv. GKUKUi : W f. THICK , 1) D.l'rest.
There Is no
lno\Mi rcmcily
that equals
impro\cmctit on or.
'Unary poiotis plas-
ten. , It is a revolution
in plastcis , Wood's Is the only plaster
liavmx power to dilate the ports anil
penetrate to thu beat of pain.
N Y. Depot , 93 William St ,
In diseases such n ? Consuinptlon , Heart Fail
ure , I.i : Cirlppn anil Its alter eHecU , uhero Mlinu-
Idiitsuro Indicated us inodlclnnl ngent.s , the best
results tiroobtaliiabloljj'usliii ; " Cream I'urollje"
This \\hlsko- has no equal In purity or mcllonness
nnd.bocauso . It Is illstllleil from ri > , ( the nu
tritious of all ( jraln.s ) , and ilonbly nmturoil , Is
u > ry uliolcsonuuiba lie\cr.iKo. Tor nil purposes
It Is fnr superior to corn wlilsklos ( l < nown as i.'our-
bens ) , Furfnlont nil llrM-flues drlnklni ; places
anil ilniK stores Call lor "Cream 1'ure llyc" and
Tnko no other. You may know It by Its ilellclous
tlator and the proprietary uottlo In hU'h It U
er\ej. > 7 DALLEMAND A. CO. , CUilcaijc
ff fur l.dlt , M return
1O IMIU TnltiuooUU JfamtV > p r ,
Ilcllcvp * Headaches In ono minute
nmlrlll euro
Jlrriiin , feicr nnd Aijiir ,
Jtlu-tiiiitithtn , Jlilijtit'i nisoiisc ,
Hunt Hliiiise. M. I ilii'i D.utcf ,
2'jOlllJIMM .III I ,
Jniltijfftlon , l\innilfila ,
J.aina Jliicl : , tiri'ofiua ,
Colil y < rt , 1'iti't ,
llfiiilnrlir , J'lts , I'otsntilng , J011 of Jlanliooif ,
Lou of I'ittllltll , llimtlli ! ( II rnlnrat ,
Jiirl : of Keren foireanil I'/j/or ,
litiliii'anil f.lier Coinpliiln ! ,
AVrriiiMiKm < im ( alt Illieiiin ic/icr *
there in a l.aelt o ; 1'ropcr Action
Ilullerle * nro tCiikll } ' Itpiieivcd nil it
Clentictl uiidvill ln t Tor Yearn.
Call and examine them.
1506 Douglas St. , Onialn , Xeb.
This Is ( ho .lohot Mirht Ttondstcr hlfh solli
nt * rJlM.Vu will ( .oil thiiin for Mxly duys t
firii ( ; It bus 'i inrh cushion tlicsU full Hall ,
lio.irliii.'and nil dinii for ln H. hcnt t' O 1)
on iccolpl of fin.Vo it so hull HID ( 'oliiinblu ,
lliiitfdid Mini Vlctur. Cntalo ilu frco.
mi EIJB Glasses ,
or the correction of all defect ! of vision
Solid Cold Spectacles
Irom HU ) upw.irl
Fine Steel Spectaclas
I roni SI.O ] upnaril
Proteotan I Imp-ovo yo ir eydsistit.
your eyai tostul Jraa by a praotunl
Or tician.
KitublUhuJ IbCu KAIINA.M and loth
&sszBZ&&B2ZBsawszssaaaassa 5SBI
Dr , Bailay , $ r
The Lcnaiiif * 1
Dentist "
TlurJ Floor , lUxton nlost
' 1'clciiluuio 10S" ) . KIlli nml Pannm SN.
A full tutof teeth on rubticrfor ti IVrfocl fit
TlTlli Hllliout I'lutcu ' or ri'iiiovuLilJ brlilifi ] wuri
) un lUt ) tiling fur tluifori or i'iil < ll ( , ipuakuri , nour
prup UUKII
All Oiling at reaso nablo rotei.all nork warrant
Cut thliouifor
DR. J. E. McGS-BEW ,
Is unsurpassed In the tre. it men t of all fo. . . . „ .
PRIVATE DISEASES , and all tllsoti > ? r
and debllltlei of youth and mauhio I. 17 years'
Ills resourceami fuidlltles ara
jnaetlcally nnllmllod The Doctor Is recom
mended by the pre- , and embused In tha
strongest terms by thu people fur fair trout-
men ! anil honest professional ml \ Ire Tha
most poueiful remedies Inoun to modern
science for thu successful treatment of the
foilowlm ; diseases :
GONOIIKHOEA Immediate relief. A com-
plotocnre without the loss of an hour's time
iioin business.
GLEET Onu of tlio most complete and sue-
cesfiil troatmeiits for Klcot < ind nil annnvlng
dlbelmiies yet Known to the medical piofou-
slon. Thu lesultsuro tntlv uondul fill , , I
STIUCTUKE-CJioiitcst Known icmedy for
the troatmtntof stricture , without p.iln , cut-
tliiK. or dilntlnt. , A most romni Kuble romedv.
SYPHILIS-No ti eat ment foi this ten lido
b oed disease has iner been more sn ' ( .osgful.
iiii had ' lionjior endorsements. In tlio l.chi"
of model M hcleneo thlh disease Is positively
euriblo .mil inery tiaco of the poison entirely
i ( . mm el from the blood ,
LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , nuivons-
ncss. tlmldUv. despondency nnd all wcalaies *
and dlsoidors of youth or inanhood. Relief
obtiilni d at once.
SKIN DISEASES , and all dNonM'3 of the
slnmaen , blood. User , Klmeys nnd bladder
aio Heated successfully with the idealist
knnw n lemedles for thesu illsea-ns.
Wilte for eli eu la is and ijnostlon list , free.
i Itli unit I'lli-iinin * tn. , itiii'tlinfb. .
is via the Chicago , iMilwaulceo
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nar.i St. , Omaha.
F. A. NAHII , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
MK.ST a npi-ciilo for ll/ttturln IHiiliiati , rUi Nuti ,
ml.Mu , lluuducliu , Nervoui 1'niilr.iiun ctuiuil by
ulcohoior tubaixo , Wnkofulnux , Muiilul Duuri'X
klun tjuUiiDXof tliu llrnlii cauiltulii < altr ) luUorf ,
ilcoi ) iluatli. I'romiiluru 11M Ano llitritinuii lo > i
of I'oHur In either tot , lm | > oti noy l.onourrliua mi4
ull luiiKiio WeAknoKi * * Invuluntjry Ixjuut , .Spur *
uiatiirrlirn CJiiauil by ovur ii o < tlun of tin lirnln
f-olf iihu u over IniliiU'onco A niuiitli'c trjutmunt
II ii fur IV liy in ill WejiuiriiriljoiiU hoiiu locura
| { aiu urd r lorn uotui. with ii will umt nrlttai
Kuiininti'uta rufuml If notcuraj ( iuiruntoo Unu
\ij \ < , ooJiii n UruicCo IHU r'Kriium Bt , Jmulii.