Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Peculiar Accident Which Bofol Jockey
Britton nt St. Louis.
I ; < 1 Hell , lion ever , ( lot 1'lnro at tlio Nnsh-
tllln Ori'iit i\i-nt : I.cxIiiRtoi Ontten-
UeiuiliiBS Wrll I'litron-
Irrd H.isn Mull Oiuiiri.
ST. I ouis , Mo. , Mar 3. The weather threat
ened , but 0,000 turf lovtrs collected at the
fair grounds to witness the sport of the dny.
Thcro was an accident in thotblrdraco which
may cause the death of a horso. Hrltton at
tempted to take Mike Watson through the
bunch at the stable turn. There was a
Jostling and Mike Watson went down , Injur
ing his opine so badly that he could not re
gain bis fcot. Ilrltton escaped with a gen
eral shaking up.
Hugh Penny and Kasly were fined $100
each for lighting Inthe scale room directly
after the fourth rare.
I'lrst rncp , soiling , five furlnnirs , nlnu start
ers' Iris ' lo n , won , Hiicramcnto , (3 to 1) ) ,
HsuonU , Myrn. (8 ( toll , thlrJ. Tlmo : 1OIU. :
Socotiil for 2-ycar-uhls four mid ono-
half furlonss , six sturtcrs : Minnie M. . ( lu to
1) ) . won , .liiuk MullliiB (4 ( to I ) , second , Tominlo
II. . (8 ( toll , tlilnl. Tlino : f.UU.
Tiilril riico. solllii ) . ' , llvo furlotiRs. ten start
ers : J ml no Arkull. (8 ( to It. won , Hiii-Kliouml ,
(7 ( to ) , secomloodfonl. . ( IU to 1) ) , third.
Jllko Watson full. Tlmu : lfl. : > .
I'oiirth rare. olllii ( ? , six fiirlonzs , eleven
tnrtcrs : , lim Murphy , (5 ( to 1) ) won , Olio. (0 ( to
1) ) , second. X.oko Hardy , ( C to I ) , third , Tlmo :
rift'b race , soiling , six furlonpi , ton start-
on * : Uatilan. ( A to 1) ) , won , Miss 1'lckwloK , (2 ( to
I ) , secoiul. Tliim : l'i. : \ .
Six nice , handicap , suvuii fiirlonRS , six start-
orH ! Itav S. cs to fii , won. ( lovurnor Hess , fS to
1) ) , second , Duucon , (5 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1JO. :
nly ( lot 1'litrn ,
NA.SIIVII.LB , Tonn. , May U. The weather
today was beautiful , tbo crowd largo and the
betting brisk. The race for the Llncks hotel
handicap was tbo bostof tbo meeting thus far.
I'lrst race , soiling , flvo ftirlonas. Twelve
itiirtors : Mttlo Crete (20 ( to 1) ) won , Uiimien (10 (
1) ) second , Hob Jacobs (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
'Second race , soiling , ono mile. Nine starters -
ors : Knscnlt ) (0 ( lo 1) ) won , ( llcmllve (10 ( to II sec
ond. Koxlmlt ( I tn I ) third. Tlmu : 1:11 :
Third nice. UnoUs lioti-I linndlanp for 3-
yoar-ohls and up , * : > on , ono mllu imd seventy
yards , I'ou stuiturs : Hob 1'onytho ( to to 1 , ,
llrazoa ( I In Si , Ed Hell ( IU to 1) ) , I'rlnoo I'onso
( 'JS to I. ) Kra/os won by a Innelb , Kd Hell second
end , Hob rorsytho third. Tlmo : l:48'i. :
Fourth nice , broodmaiosuuupitakes , for 2-
ynar olds , } lu/0 added , ono-li.ilf mllu. Tboro
were only two stsirtors : l.iuma K ( I to R ) and
1'rliiKO ( II to 10) ) . Fringe won easily by eight
lengths. Time : nij ! ,
I'lfth niuo , hullln ; , four and one-half fur-
lonus. i-iivon Htartets : Interior ( 'J to 1) ) won ,
Oniniiy Whlto C > to 1) ) second , John ( - to : i )
third. Tlmo : 6S.
Sixth race , soiling , five fnrloiiKs. Tlilrtcen
( tnrturs : Tom D.trllne (4 ( to 1) ) won , OyrenaH (
to 1) ) socoiul , MiiKKio U ( < i to 1) ) third. Time :
HoiiiilngH DnnvlllK Well.
WASIIINIJTOX , D. C. , May 3.Tho Don-
nlngs course was visited by a largo crowd
today. The weather was line , the track fast
iiul the raclncoxcollont.
I'lrst nice , six fiirlonus : Diilsyrlim won ,
Bt. Mark seciitul , Forolgncr third. Time :
l:15i : ; .
Second raco. six furlongs : Ilninut won ,
Nooktlo MioondVnndoror II third. Time :
1:1. : ' , .
Third nice , ono mile and a furlong : Lo-
pnnto won , I'loiuunuo bcuond , Itulluvuo third.
Time : l.VHi.
roiirth race , one mlle : Jjarclnnoiit won ,
Krlo second , Mr. Hass tblrd. Time : 1:4.1 :
Fifth nice , tteeploclmsc , two and ouo-hnlf
mlles : l''utiirlty ' won , I'at Otikloy second , Os-
born third. Tlrio : 4:10. :
doing til Oiitteiiliitrf ; .
QDTTRN'ni'ito , N. J. , May 3. The track
eras In fair condition today. The attendance
jvas large. t ,
First , nice , al.x fnrlomrs : lllppona won ,
Iniuostown second. Criterion third. Time :
1IU& .
Second nice , live furlongs : Little Fred won ,
Porvltor second , McKeevor third. Tinio :
l:02U. :
Third nice , ono mile and n furlong : Karly
Dawn won. John lllcKoy second , Ilurrlsou
third. Time : ULOy. :
Fourth race , seen furlongs : Deranzo won ,
Iliult'o bocond , I.estor third. Tlino : 1JW.
Fifth nice , six furlongs : Uloiuior won , Forty
hoeond , Moliaininod third. Tlino : 51.
Sixth race , tlvu fnrloiiRs : Deer Ledge won ,
( jornidiiio bucond , Shoiover third , Tlmu :
llennltH at l.nxl iKlon.
LBXINOTON" , Ky. , May 3. Following are
the results of tbo races today :
First race. Ihroa-quurtors of a mile : Too
Mlko won. Major Tom second , Salvation tblrd.
Time : ttili.
Second nice , flvo and one-half furlongs :
1'iillsado won , liouln.i ecuoml , Ilia tblrd.
Tlmo : liH' ; .
Tblrd nice , ono mile : Unndlln won , Natalie
Eoeund , M.ind Howard tbhd. Tlino : 1:13. :
l''otirth ' race , onu mlle : Irish Chief won , The
Kulsor second. Forerunner third Tlmo : ll.i. : ;
Flfll ; nice' , four and ahulf furlong's : Co-
quottii won , Susiu Nell second , Queen of
lllondos third. Tlino : f > 5 .
Tips lor Todiy.
Hero are some good horses and ones likely
to win some good races on today's card :
1. Dot Kl Itay-Kllii Slilpman.
HoltorHkoltor Fanidny.
.I Tullu ll.aukbiirn IHhol ,
4. Vulo 01 llolon N.
6. UalhoUD Uoslyn.
1. Morollo Illrniu.
' ' . lloloro luiiao i > owls.
ik llosu H.--'ldeHo. [
4. Hands Oir llliio
0. Hurdy Fo\--l'uz/.lo.
C. Arab"Alllinio. ! :
All UninoK Selieiluleil for Yestpnliiy I'ogt-
IIOIIIM ! l > y tlio AVvntliiir ,
The Milwaukoos arrived yesterday morn
ing In line trim but keenly nettled over hav
ing dumped their last gama In Kansas City ,
nftur having outplayed the Cowboys at all
points. Captain Twltcholl says they will take
their revenge out on Omaha , but whut Cap
tain Twltchell says don't most , always some
times go. The Kustlors must have tbo gauiu
today. There was no game yesterday on ac
count of wet grounds , but fair wouthor Is
promised todav and a big ciowii will proba
bly turn out nnd see the battle. The loams
are ;
Omaha. Positions. Milwaukee
IIiiiidllioo Pitch llurvoll
] luy03 Uatvh I.nko
( llllfH Middle Henry
Kelly Left 'iwltcholl
Collooy Third Hout
Ciunp UlKht llamliurir
I'lliKt'ruUl Second \Viuil
hholbook bbort Ward
Itowe First Karlo
( Jamo called attUO. : :
KANSIH CITY , Mo. , May ! ) . Kansas City
Indianapolis ; no game ; wet grounds.
ST. PAUI , Mum , , May 3. bt. Paul-Toledo
gnino postponed ; rain ,
MiNNUAi' , Minn. , May 3. MlnuoapolU-
Columbus game postponed' ; r.iln.
( ] IIMIOS Today.
MlhvaiiKcoat Omaha.
ludlauapolls nt Kansas City.
Columbus at Minneapolis.
Toledo at St. Paul.
Uniting * Narrowly j ; cuptf < n . - > ltut Out Up
lit I'rumont ,
FHEMONT , Nob. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to THK UKB.J The League season was opened
in Fremont this afternoon by u game be
tween Dakar's Colu and the Hasting ! ) team
and it was us pr tty a contest from start to
finish as hoj ever boon seen In thu city. Tbo
folding was superb aud the battery
tor the bomii team was very of-
foctlvo. The Colts were also strong
t the bat and poundud tbo pltcliurj
no freely that It became ncce ary for Uniting -
ingn \ rotate- Fuller , Johnson and Packard
in thn box. The visitors found Kimmol for
two runs In the sovoutb , but draw blank * for
the rotft of tbo Innings. The features of the
frame were tbo running catches of Jollon and
Clark Iu the Hold. Score ;
Fremont 0 00211000-4
lliintlug * 0 00000 S 0 0 S
Ilatt-arlus : Kimmol and Palmer ! Johnson ,
raoknrd , Olillds. Errors ; Krtsnumt , U ; Must-
tug * , 4. Btruakuut ; Hy Klmuiol , 5 ; by Jolm-
son , 1 ; by I'ncltsrd , 2. Tnssod balls : I'Almor ,
3 ; I'hi id * , I , Time of game : Ono hour nnd
fortr-dra inlnutus , I'mplroi Fulmar ,
riiittmunutli Loses Anotbrr.
1'i.iTTsMooTH. Neb , , May 3. ( Special
Toloffrnm to Tun BKK. | Plattsmoulh was
again plunged Into the soup today. This
tlmo Beatrice was tbo guilty party. The
game was ono of the best scon hero for some
tlmo and abounded In brilliant playing.
Myors started In to pitch for the locais , but
owing to bisvlldnoss was toott retired.
Yapp took his place and pitched
a fairly good game. Myers' wildness -
ness lost tbo game. Slaslo pitched
a line game lor Heatrico. Hooves and
J. Patterson led in batting for the homo loam
and Holllhan and Single for the visitors ,
both scoring homo runs. There was a fair
attendance , although the weather was
threatening when the game began , but soon
cleared off. Uatowood was flncd $ o for back
talk to Iho umpire. The &amo clubs will
play tomorrow and on Immense crowd will
sco thorn. The score :
Iloatrlcn 200221020-0
I'lntisnioiith a o o i o 2 o i o-n
Karnod runs : lloutrlco , ,1 ; PlalUniotitli. 4.
Hrrors : llontrlce , 7 ; Plattsmontli , 8. lilts :
Hoatrk-o , 11 ; Plattsinouth. U. Umpire : Urousel
Not I'p to the Murk.
OHANOlsMSM ) , Noo. , May3. [ Special to
Tin : DKK. ] Grand Island's outlloldcr , Has-
kcll , has been given his release by Manager
Uouruo. His work was very unsatisfactory.
.Standing ol tbn Tennis.
Played. Won. Lost. Percent.
Lincoln 1 1 0 I.UJU
Fremont 1 1 0 1.0 0
lloatileo 1 1 0 1.00)
lliiHllniM a 1 1 -MO
Pliittsinotitii a u a o.uoi
Uraml Island 1 0 1 0.000
Stutoy Adds 'Morn ( iruy Hairs to Undo
AIISD'H Already lilt ; I.onil ,
Cinc.uio , III. , May 3. Staloy pitched n
good game today and received perfect sup
port , shutting out the Colts without a ifbost
ot a chance to score. Only six of Captain
Alison's men reached llrst. Weather threat
ening. Attendance 1,100. Score :
Chicago 0 0000000 0 0
lloston 1 1000010-3
Hits : ChlonRO. 3 : lloston , 0. Errors : Ohl-
oiiKo. : i ; lloston. 3. Karnod runs : lloston , 1
liiiltorlos : llutclilnsonand Kittrcdgo ; Staley
and Oaiiul.
Inks | g-Doing Nlcoly.
PITTSIIUHO , Po. , May 3. Ward consented
to play two games today with tbo under
standing that the llrst would bo protested
ui.dor President Young's ruling on section
15 of tbo constitution. Plttsburg won the
first after a close tusslo. In the second Inks
allowed them only ono hit. Galvln retired
after the fourth inning , llain stopped the
game at the uad of the eighth liming. At
tendance , 3,900. Score :
Plttsbnrg u 0 1 10200 0 t
Brooklyn. . . „ 1 , ' !
Hits : I'lttsburg. (1 ( ; Brooklyn. T. KrroH :
Pittsbiiri. II : Brooklyn. 4 , Earned Kuns : PlUs-
burK. 1 ; Brooklyn , 1. Butteries : Baldwin and
Muck ; Hurt and Duly.
Second gamo'
Plltsbnrs 0000000 0-0
Brooklyn It 1 0 2 0 2 0 0--S
Hits : I'lttsbiirR , 1 : Brooklyn , 10. Errors :
Pltlsbnr. , 7 ; Brooklyn : i. Karnod Kuns :
Brooklyn , 4. Butteries : fascy , Uulvln and
Earl ; Inks ami IJurliy.
Orioles Mill Iloodoood.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. . May 3. Straiten was
very effective against Baltimore today , let-
tine thorn down with four hits. Tno homo
team bit Buftlnton when hits meant runs.
Several bard showers during the day put the
grounds in n bad condition and kapt the at
tendance down to 1,100. Score :
Louisville 4
lliiltlnioro 000000000 0
Hits : Louisville. 12 ; Baltimore , 4. Errors :
Louisville. . 1 ; Baltimore. 1. Earned rims :
Louisville , 2. : Stratton mid IJowso ;
Btilllnton and UoUlnson.
< ! : uiie < < Postponed.
CLKVELAXD. O. , May 3. Cleveland-Phila
delphia giimo postponed wet grounds.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 3. The game today
was called at the end of the second inning on
account ot rain. The score then stood : Now
York , 4 ; Cincinnati , 0.
.Standing of tlio Ttmius.
I'layod. Won , Lost. PerCt.
Boston 15 12 : t .800
Louisvlllo 14 11 3 .781)
Brooklyn 14 10 4 .714
PIltsburK 15 10 5 .GOT
Oinulniiatl 16 10 G , fi2. >
Now York. , , 12 7 G .ftSI
Cleveland 13 7 0 .5JS
Philadelphia 14 0 8 .420
Washington 13 4 9 M
ChluuL'O IU 4 12 .MO
St. Louis 14 3 11 .214
Baltimore 10 I 15 .003
( luines Tocl.iy.
Boston nt Louisville.-
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Now York at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Pittsbur ? .
Baltimore at Ctilcaco.
Washington at Cleveland.
b Or Hl'OIST.
I'rltelmrd Will I'lRlit I'lt/siininons.
Nr.w OHI.KANS , La , , May 3. Several dayu
since the Olympic club , finding there was
no prospect of brinclngabout a light between
Jim Hall and Bob Fltzsimmons in September ,
cabled Ted Pritctwrd , thocnampion middle
weight of Kngland , nn offer of a purse of
Jl'.OOO to moot Fitzsimmons during vbo first
week in September. President Noel has re
ceived a reply accepting the offer. The
fight will occur on September 15.
Komicl Club AlValra.
At a special mooting of tbo Omaha Kennel
club held last evening at Dr. Whlnr.ory's '
ofllcc , E. L. Marston was elected permanent
secretary to succeed W. F. Cadagan who re
cently resigned. A meeting of the board
will oo held May 17 for the election of a
director to 1111 a vacancy.
A , C. Shollonbergor of Alma , Nob. , nnd
Potcr F. Fronzor of Ibis city were added to
the list of active member. ,
A Game lit Hut I'ort.
Tbo opening pamo of ball ou tbo Fort
Oir.aha grounds was between tbo Athletics
and the Second infantry team , the latter
winning by a score of 3 to 1. Tbo Athletics
uro verv strong and counted on a sure vic
tory. Butteries : Infantry , Coady and Cor
nell ; Athletics , Sago and Spoomy.
Wants n Cauin tilth .SURII.
Manager Patrick of tbo Glonwoods of
Ulonwood , la. , would like to moot Manager
Sngo of the Athletics at Bundle's this after
noon at half-past v ! o'clock.
O.U.I 11.1.
Opposed to Too Jinny Trunk * .
If the Metropolitan Street Hallway com
pany attempts to lay tracks on Twonty-fourth ,
between N and O streets , it will encounter a
full-sl/ed Injunction , at loust that Is what
the property owners on that thorouchfaro
say. Ono ot the most interested In spanning
of the mutter said : "Wo nro not opposed to
puollu improvements , nor do wo desire to
throw obbtuoltM lu the way of socurlng Increased -
creased street railway facilities , but wo must
protect the city and our property. Tbo com
pany proposes to put down two tracks on
the struct. If they are permitted
to do so that will make four
tracks upon the street , which Is
altogether too narrow for such a number. If
tbo tracks are laid the dlstnncu between the
outer rail and the curbstone will bo but a
trlllo ever four foot.
"This space will barely permit of a voblclo
and car passing. The tralllo would neces
sarily bo drlvpn from the street and wo
would bo the loser * thereby , Tbo company
can at a smaller cost to Itself construct the
Hue on Tuouty-titth or Twenty-sixth street
as tboio ntrouts nro at present unoccupied.
II the Mntropolltan undertakes to put down
the tracks wo will bo compelled to take the
matter into the courts on nn Injunction. "
The city attorney has been instructed to
dr.itt an ordinance prohibiting nioro than
two street railway tracks upon any ono
street In tbo city , and Iho council will pass It
next Monday evening , The Metropolitan
company is at present putting In a line on N
street , branching ott onto North Twontv-
sixth strnot.
llelluveil t lluvo lloeti Murdered.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Thorait * Kelly
held a post mortem examination ever the
remains of the infant found lu tno sewer
near the Kxcbango building. The oxamlua-
tlon showed that tbo child was alive when
born and bad been murdered , presumably by
, ' ? ! - , ? ' Kelly Is of thu opinion that the
child had boon dead not to oxcoad two day *
wbon found. Tuo police are working oa tno
case , but b.ivo secured no clew which will
lead to establishing the Identity of the
guilty ones , _ _ _
llonorliiK the ring.
The now Ilag'wlll bo railed on the Ilteh
school building Friday ovonlng. The mem-
bets of the Board of Education wilt be tn
charge , assisted by Kooort "H. Livingston
post. Grand Army of the Republic , tbo
Women's Kellof corps and K. 1C. Wells camp ,
Sons of Veterans. The services will tuKo
place at ( ! o'clock In the evening nnd an ox-
ccllont program has boon arranged. The
scholars from all the .schools In the city will
form a grand chorus and sing "America. "
Itonily For Duty.
Mayor Milter has appointed the following
gentlemen to positions on the police force .
A. P. Lar.sen , Martin Anderson , Ivor
Thomas and .lobn Van Wlo. These gentle
men will succeed Larry O'ICoofo , Mlko
Uiinscn , J , Tangeman , removed , and J. V.
Hnurigan , resigned.
The muvor has also appointed J. M. Tobias
street commissioner.
Tbo appointments have been confirmed by
the council , and the now mon entered upon
their duties.
Ineremed thn McmbrrsUlii IVo ,
A meeting of the Llvo Stock exchange
was hold yesterday afternoon nt 4 o'clock.
The Hrst business transacted was the ad
mitting of nearly TO new members. Tbo
proposition to ralso the membership fco
from $20 to WOO was aarried , although considerable -
sidorablo opposition was manifested.
Coiiiiellnmii Haley's Homo Itnrnnil.
A bout 2 o'clocK this morning ilro was dis
covered In the homo of Councilman Haley at
Twentieth and Brown streets. Tuo building
nud contents , together with acottagojust
north , ware burned. Loss between W,000
ntid $0,000 , fully Insured.
Notes neil Personal * .
All Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs , Wil
liam Manean Is dangerously 111 ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Maddox of Auburn nro
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Loo.
The teachers' examination will bo held 111
the High school building Juno 'JS and U'J. '
Tuunday ovonlng the Ladles' Aid society
of the First Presbyterian church will give a
dlino sociable nt the church.
Miss Nlua Woppnor of Buffalo. N. Y. , Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weppner of
South Twenty-eighth strcot.
Judge H.V. . Koyes and wife of Indlanola ,
this state , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter
llanoy. Nineteenth and I stroots.
Friday ovonlng tbo Junior Koworth league
will glvu n social and entertainment at tbo
First Methodist Episcopal ctiurch.
Mrs. W. J. Tomnlo Is enjoying n visit from
her mother , Mrs. J. W. Klmbiill , and her
aunt , Mrs. E. McCollum , of Chicago.
Jnmos Vlles , Jr. , secretary or the Omaha
Pocltlng company , arrived In tbo city yester
day from Chicago , where hois now located.
Thomas Emory , a popular South Omaha
gentleman , has been remembered bv bis
Irionds nnd presented with a line gold watch
chain ,
The Athletic Base Ball club hereby chal
lenges the Omaha Sixteenth Strojt Stan tea
a game of bull , to tuko place on the former's
trrounds lu this city at SI a. m. next Sunday.
George Cooper was identified by Frank
Dolezol as ono of the highwaymen who at
tempted to rob him a few evenings ago.
Police Judge Fowler heard the case aud dis
charged Cooper.
Mrs. Fannie Schubert , an aced lady living
at Eighteontb and Q. streets , folldownallignt
of stairs and sustained serious and painful
injuries , dislocating her right shoulder and
fracturing her collar bone. Mrs. Schubert
is 37 years of ago.
News has been received hero of the death
of U. D. Fowler , a pioneer in the packing
business , who was formerly qulto exten
sively interested in the packing industry of
south Omaha. Mr. Fowler's death occurred
in Europe , where ho nas boon for some tlmo.
X.ll. r.lltAUJt.ll'HS.
Charles T. Neal of Lincoln Is at the Mur
Friends of Miss Imogono llor will bo starry
to learn of her illness. t
Mr. S.V. . Ferguson , who has been doing
Montana and especially Great Falls , has re
turned to Omaha.
Councilman Sol. Prince Is the father of n
now ten-pound boy which"was born to bis
wife at 5 o'clock yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hogors are
receiving the congratulations ot friends
over tbo birth of a daughter Monday even
Mr. John Francis is at Hot Sprinrs , Arit. ,
attending a meeting of the Trausmlssouri
Captain W. F. Tibblts , the veteran travel
ing passenger agent of the Denver & Ulo
Grande railroad , is in the city attending the
llov. Frank H. Millspaugh , rector of St.
Paul's , Minneapolis , Minn. , formerly dean of
Trinity , is visiting with his wife at Mrs.
Bishop Clarkson's.
Misses lonaand Alice White , daughters of
United States Marshal White of West.
Virginia , are the guests ot their cousin ,
Charles E. Henaon , ! i510 Davenport.
Kov. James A. Lane of Johcstown , Pa. , is
a lay dclogato to the general conference and
Is quartered at the Millard. There are a
number of Johnstown people In Omaha who
will lomembor Mr. Lauo and ho would be
glad to see them.
Colonel Champion S. Chase attended the
laying of the corner stone of the Grant mon
ument , also the annual congress of the Sons
of the American Revolution and the banquet
at Dolmonlco's , presided over by Cbauncov
M..Dopew , held in .how York City.
Seven minor permits aggregating $1,800
were issued by the superintendent of build
ings yesterday.
Tno case of W. J. Byrnes , charged with
libel , was called up for trial In polli-o court
and was continued until 2 p. m. Friday.
A complaint was tiled against Henry
Smith , who Is now in the county Jail ,
charging him with horse stealing. It is lU-
lugcd that Smith drove away a borio be
longing to Hulda Carlson.
Jack Murrav , the notorious burglar and
siifo blower who was shot Iu the log by u
policomdujabout ton days ago being able to bo
moved wustakon to the county Jail. Murray
will not huvo bis preliminary examination
until bis wound is batter.
Mr. Fred McConnell will read a paper
before the Llvo Issue club Wednesday evenIng -
Ing at the Llnhifior gallery upon the
Mormon question , n suojcct which"Mr. . Mc-
Conncll is capable of handling , having lived
among them lor flvo years ,
After hustling about considerable for the
last weclc the police located aud urrostml
Loin : See , a Mongolian who Is wanted for
perjury. The complaining wltxess is not
anxious to prosecute now and See was
allowed to sign bis own bond for uppearaiico
in police court Wednesday.
Rev. S. A. Kotfii , D.1J , , who Is conducting
the pentecostal services In connection with
the general conference , will conduct a
service at tlio Sowurd Street Methodist
church , corner Howard and Twenty-second
streets , Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Everybody Invited.
The evangelical service conducted at tbo
First Baptist church at I o'clock yesterday
afternoon by Dr. King of Chicago was
largely attended. Tbo evangelist made nn
earnest pica , urging Christians and sinners
alike to USK to bo Illlea with tlio Holy Spirit
and assuring them ol a speedy aud 'blessed
Police Ofllcor Cox rescued a 13-year-old
girl from the clutches of uTonth street chop
house koopor. The girl was u foreigner and
wanted to leave the umplov of the rostau-
rautour , but Do would not release her. llor
folks secured the assistance of the ofllcor ,
and when they wont Into tbo placa to gut the
girl there was quits u disturbance raised.
Mrs. Davis , who was charged with assault
ing the child of M , Cabill , was discharged in
poll co court Monday afternoon. Mr , Cabill
feels very much aggrieved at the outcome
aud lays tbo blame ou an IndllToront prosecu
tion. Ho-says the county attorney promised
to attend o tbo case , but sent Instead a sub-
Htltuto , who made no otTort to push tbo case.
Last July May Conovor , who then lived at
1118 Harno.v si root , had a silk dress stolen
aud _ tlio other day she caused tbn arrest of
Olllo Uresbam , whom she claimed committed
the crime. The detectives found the dross
in a Council Bluffs aye shop. The woman
bad her trial and was discharged
and was allowed to keep tbo dress. MIAS
Gresham claimed that the Conovor woman
gave her tbo dress as lecurty for mouoy
Mr. Specht Uip > Mcionsly Starts n Wordy
Wnr at JMrOonncil Meeting.
Nohrmlm Cent rut Mutter * , 1'nrk ItnniN , Ap
point mciilft I'lui'lltimiMitU from Olllco
Hiul the < > lli r ItnxllK'li Tluit Took
i Time.
The city council indulged In ono of Its old-
tlino rows last night , and for nu hour or
inoro the slxtoou members who were In nt-
tondanco haa a rcgulat varrot nnd monkey
tlino. ' *
The trouble all started when the regular
mouthly appropriation' Vas road the third
Most all of the members voted to pnis the
ordinance , but before the clerk announced
the vote some member discovered that the
old sweeping bill of Charles Squlros was In
cluded. This was the rocl ( upon which the
council wont to pieces. Ono member
chanped his vote trom "yes" to "no. " and
then the ethers followed line n Hock of
sheep golntr through n bramble bush.
Mr. lid words was In the canlr , President
Davis having taken n scat on the floor of the
house In order to get a few moments of
needed rest.
Mr , Lowry nnd Mr. Spocht got nn Idea
that they wanted to do a little mouth work.
Uoth gentlemen olntnored for recognition
but Mr. Edwards happened to' catch Mr.
Lowry's eve and that gentleman got his
inning llrst. While ho was miking , In an
undertone Mr. Spocht dnmnnd seine one , but
who It was will never bo known.
fllr. ljutvry Tlimiglit Spocht Mount Him.
Mr. Lowry had an Idea that ho was the
man who had been damned , and then fol
lowed a scene that made many of the mom-
bora of the lobby turn palo , for they thought ,
that they smelted blood. Tlio members of
the council were not scared , because they
had been present many tlmis before when
such farces had been enacted Mr. Lowry
stopped short , and casting n glunco of with
ering scorn over toward Mr. Spocht's desk ,
remarked , "You have publicly daniuod mo ,
and 1 now demand nu apology. "
Then Mr. Chaffeo , fearing that Mr. Spooht
might have damned htm , demanded the sama
apology that Mr. Lo'wry had nskod for.
Mr. Spucht saw that ho was getting Into
dean water uud felt sorry that ho had said
the cuss word.
"Analogy , apology , " demanded several
Tlioii Mr. Specht made his pence by oatlnp
his own words. Ho said that ho did damn ,
but bo had damned tilnisolf.
' Does that satisfy tuo goutloinonl" as/cod
Mr. Edwards.
The members who felt bad said tbo apology
was acceptable.
For n time there ivas harmony , but the
wnvo ot trouble rolled again when the bill of
the Metropolitan Street Lighting company
was reached. Jtf34 '
Then It was "ehnVgoa that Mr. Brunor ,
chairman of the ibmmUtoo on pas nnd oleo-
tno llguts , was not lotlng fair. Ho had slip
ped this bill without the knowledge of the
other members ot.ftiocommittee.
Mr. ChnlToo mo od the appointment of a
special coininittcpaainvestlgato nnd report
the lludings to ttjqiffluncil.
Tne motion prev'afied and this Is the coin-
inltteo : Messrs. Chafloo , Lowry , McLoario
and City Cleric Grpves.
Aid for tluj Nu bra Him Central.
Mr. Prlnco , chairman of the committee on
viaducts and railwaysi Introduced nn ordl-
dance calling a special olootiou to bo.huld on
May 31 , to void ; ilp'pp. 'tho question of voting
ing aid iu the sJOD.o ) ot $23u , < XMoT twentv-
year bones , drawing interest at" fuo rate of
% nor cent , to thv Nebraska Central ttail-
road company. JIOTib , Ordinance oajbodios
all of , ; the tonics aud agreements
that11 werifc contained In the proposition
agreed up.on botrfaen the company a'nd the
board 01 county commissioners. In the
agreement accompanying the ordinance the
railway company agrees to build n pas
senger dnpot on tlio ground , Abounded by
Chicago , California , Eleventh and" Fifteenth
streets , which shall cost not less than f 1UU.OOO
aud shall bo open to U railroads that may
oesiro to use the same. The ordinance is
made the special order for Friday night.
The mayor appointed Councilman Prince ,
T. C. Brunor and Ooorgo J. Paul as city
appraisers. The appointments vfaia con-
In addition to this the mayor served notice
upon the council that ho had approved the
ordinance providing ; ' lor the sale of $ JOOUJO
of park bonds , the ordinance creating the
odlco of city electrician and other ordinances
of loss importance.
Tno names of the mon who were appointed
by the Board of Public Works as inspectors
of public works were road.
Mr. Muuro moved that of the twenty-two
appointee ? , L. II. Parker , Ed A. Nelson , D.
J. Uurgebs , Charles Kassmusson , M , H. Ish ,
tt'illlauj Nelson , Theodore Hotcukiss F. G.
Patrick. Alvln U. Honsel and J. F , Hoyt be
Tuo matter was referred to the committee
ou sewerage , nnd the committee ou paving ,
curbing and guttering.
VniigJiu'R MmlfHt
J. M. Vaughn asked to bo allowed a salary
of S1UU per month us hcouso inspector , pro
viding the council thought the services were
worth that amount of monoy.
A number of parties nskea that Moses
Johnson bo appointed Janitor of the city hall.
This was referred to the mayor.
Some of the people in the north paftof the
city protested against the paving of Sher
man avenue trom Grand aveiiuo to Fort
The comptroller was Instructed to adver
tise lor bids on iron gates to bo placed be
tween the now city hall nnd TIIK UKI : build
Martin Hnor , who fenced up a street lu
the southwesterly part of the city , will bo
prosecuted unless the Obstruction Is removed
at on co.
The city attorney was Instructed to report
an opinion as to what course the city should
pursue to compel the county to disgorge the
city's sharq of the rood fund.
Mr. Muuro offered a resolution providing
for an overseer to take charge of the
prisoners worked upon the street , the salary
tn bo at the rate of SOU per moiitb. Adopted.
The council decided to sit ns a 'board of
equalization on May 19 , to assess damages in
oases where streotsjhava been ordered paveo.
H. E. 'Duncan , superintendent of plumb
ing , asked for ailpthor inspector , and his
request was roferred.
Hereafter who/i Jwrtlcs petition to have
grading donouncU/5ho / ( threo-llfths clnuso ,
thu appraiser's fees will bo paid from the
general fund. ' ' > < >
Friday night ttfb" bouncil will moot us a
committee of ttiovuiolo tor the purpose of
deciding when , whcxo and how the proposed
now gasoline lauifrisJhairbo locatod.
An ordlnauco pttrtilbitlng retail fruit and
vocctablo dealers. from peddling without
lirst taking out llcbfiko , was introduced aud
The ordluuuco oreytlng the ofllco of license
inspector and lixliifj tlio salary ot ? 1UO per
month was passedliud now goes totho mayor
for his approval , i
An ordinance ordqvmirUio change of crade
of Douglas strcot Trim Sixteenth to Twen
tieth street was ifvMid by u unanimous voto.
Tboia was nnirHnanco | to nbolUh thu office -
fico of assistant kftiWr inspector. President
Davis said the mijj \ \ d not work two hours
per day aud the oiviiil | ( no uioro use for him
than a dog bad for t4wo tails , The ordinance
was passed , and when H is signed ono city
ofllcial will bo out lu the cold world.
Frank ] > C > IIO\IIII'H Clillilrun HOR u Ciiod
Living Tor Iho I'umlly.
Two or tliruo weeks ago a ragged , dirty
little girl was plotted up on north Twciity-
lourtli strcot by a policeman and sent to the
city Jail for bogging ou the street. The child
gave her name as Alice Donovan and said
that she lived at the uorthuuit corner of
Twenty-fourth and Grace streets.
The polled laveitlgatod and , supposing tbo
family worthy , directed the father to tbo poor
master , Sluco then Chief Seavey has boon
receiving letters from people in that
locality complaining about the Donovan
children going from house to house tolling a
pitiful tale aud uskmc for food. A day or
two ago the same ragged child who bad
spent a night In Jail called at the chtcf'i residence -
donco on North Twenty-second street and
asked for n little monny. MM. Scnva.v , al
ways ready to help tno needy , cave the
money and also aont n basket of provisions.
Yesterday another t-hllil belonging to the
same family called at Mr. Soavoy's house
and presented a note askinc for
a dollar. The matter was referred
to the chief who sent Sergeant
Ormsby out to look Into the case , Ormsby
talked to the woman and ho claimed that
her llvo children ana herself were suffer
ing from hunger. Mrs. Donovan also stated
that her husband was n worthless man and
bad been out of work forsomo time.
Last evening Chluf Seavoy and n HSR re
porter visited the houso. On the wnv out
the chief stopped at a store and purchased n
lot of provisions for the family and toolt
tboro with him.
On entering Iho little house tbo visitors
were shown n to n neatly carpetiul and fur
nished room containing , among other thlncs ,
an organ and sowing machine. Mrs. Donovan
van was called and asked about her circum
"Don't speak so louil. 1 have a lady visitor
to supper , " said the woman , nnd thun she
went on to tell her long tale of woo. She ad
mitted Having lot her children bog beo.iuso
her husband was out of work and had con
tributed only 1ft cents toward supporting his
family in the past two weeks.
The chief gave her to understand that she
must not lot bar children run In the streets
at all times of tbo day and night bogging for
money or food. In conclusion Mr. Seavoy
told tbo woman tn send her husband to his
ofllco today and work would bo provided for
him.Upon Inquiry among the neighbors It was
found that Frank Donovan the husband
wears coed clothes , sports a watch nud chain
and spends a good slinro of his time around
the saloons. The neighbors say that tbo
family are not deserving ot an.v help and
that the parents lot their children beg In
order not to have to work themselves.
isi CM
A York Comity , XnliriiHku , Mini .Moots Death
In Oklahoma.
YOHK. Nob. , May ! ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tim HKK. I News was recnlvod from Okla
homa this morning that in a cyclone which
occurred there yesterday , Gcorgo Htdwcll
was killed and his father , F. A. Hldwell ,
seriously injured. Mr. Hldwell was ono of
the old residents of this county. Ho sold his
property hero a tow weeks ago and left for
Oklahoma , where ho was to mike his future
homo. His wlfo was to follow him today.
She and herduuuhlur Nettie loft this morn
ing to attend the lunoral of the son nnd
bi other and perhaps of u husband and father.
They were highly respected , and the sympa
thy of all goes out to the mother aud daugh
ter hi this their bereavement.
rrciiuont'ft Hoard of Trnitc.
FUKMOST , Nob. , May a. [ Special to Tun
BEK.J The regular annual meeting of the
Fremont Board of Trade was hold lost night
and oftlcors elected for the comlne year nb
follows : President , William Frtod ; vice
president , E. N. Morse ; secretary. J. C.
Cloland ; treasurer , E. H. Barnard , execu
tive committee , J. F. Hanson , John Dorn , L.
P. Larson , A. C. Hull , George W. E. Dorsov ,
L. D. Richards , C. D. Marr. II. J. Lee , .lolin
Knechtel , E. T. Staples. The report of the
secretory showed that the Board of Trade
during the past year has done a great deal of
good for the city In the way of promoting
new enterprises nnd public" improvements.
During this tlmo It has assisted in the or
ganization of new manufacturing ontorpriscs
with a combined capital of $150UOO and with
a prospective output of fltoO.HUO per year.
The report alno showed how largely Fromout
Is dependent upon manufacturing. There
have boon in opqratlon tbo past year seven
teen factories with an aggregate capital of
! ' .l3,7r > ( ) and an annual production of 038-
500 ; those factories employ 3(1' ( ) people with
a yearly pay roll of $ ' 218,0(10. ( From this ox-
hlbit it appears that about one-fourth of the
population of Fremont is dependent upon
manufacturing industries.
Ciiuscil Women to Ho Insnltoil.
KisAuxiiv , Neb. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. | The city council hold
aa adjourned meeting this afternoon to hoar
remonstrances Hied neait'st granting saloon
licenses on Central nvenuo south of the rail
roads. It was maintained by tbo reraonstra-
tors that the saloons on the south
side were not conducted properly and
that crowds were in the habit of
collecting on the sidewalk outside of tboso
placai and women In passing were subject to
insults. Central avenue Is the main thoroughfare -
faro for persons living on tbo south side and
they stoutly protested against a continuation
of the saloon business on that street. The
council did not grant the licenses and two
places are closed In consequence. It was
decided that no saloons must operate within
i.lnoty feet of Central avuuuo.
Thought lh Itill Toil I.iirgp.
EI.M\VOOD. Nob. , May 15. [ Special to Tin ;
BKU.J A lew weeks ago Dr. A. P. Barnes ,
a veterinary surgeon of Fremont , located in
this place and enjoyed a very good practice.
Ho had two very bad cases of Mr. A. Bick-
crt , a farmer. Both horses died and Bickcrt
como to town to settle tbo account and they
got into a dispute , Bickert claiming that the
doctor charged bun fit too much Mr. Bick
er ! caused n letter to bo published on tlio
subjpct. This notice caused Dr. A. P.
Barnes to enter suit in the district court for
tbo sum of fo.OOO acatnst Mr. Bickert , It
will como up in the next term of Iho district
Hold ItnrglarH at AHliInnil ,
ASHLAND , Neb. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BBH.J A thlof entered the
chamber of Squire Butler , a farmer about
80 years o'd ' last night , and took from his
pocket f")0. Entrance was gained by an open
window. A lamp was burning in tbo room.
W. .1 Danlcy lost n line riding here last
nit-lit , and it Is supposed that the thief made
his escape by tills means. There has been a
gang ol suspicious looking fellows around
town for tho'past two or three days.
Storm ImniHKii ill 'inlmiii > .
TALMtcn : , Neb. , May 3. [ Special to Tin :
BKK.I During tbo heavy rain storm that
prevailed bom Saturday ovonlng a barn be
longing to John J. Bruns was struck by
lightning and burned and n horse , for which
ho was ollercd several hundred dollars a few
days ago , pcrisnod. Yesterday ufternoop
the Little Nomaha ucgan toovorllow its banks
and several thousand acrosof small grain are
two and three fuot under water.
trt lculi ; by III * Team.
Nob. , May 3 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] Marshall Spadogce , n
boy 14 years of auo , while plowing today had
his team run away , broaklng loosn from the
plow , and as ho had the lines around his
body ho was dragged to death. The team
ran until tired and stopped a mile from the
lleld. The boy was found with the lines btill
around his body.
JNuina ImlliiiiH 1'ald.
N'lomtAKA , Nob. , May ! ! . [ Special to Tnis
BHK. | Agent Helms paid the Ponca Indiana
$1.70 for head yesterday , being their semi
annual interest for the sale of the old Ponrai
reservation. They will receive , along with
the Santeos , i par head in a few wcolu us
their first payment in the snlo of the Sioux
reservation ,
Staiiton'H llotol Hnriird ,
STANTOK , Nob. , May -Special [ Telegram -
gram to Tun Ur.n.J Tbo Commercial hotel
burned hero this morning. Very little fur
nlturu was savod. The loss Is about * Ti.)0 ( ) ! ,
liitfuranco on buildings , fJ.OOO. and on stock
fl/'OO. The origin of tbo tire is unknown.
Nrliraxlta's lr tli Hull ,
WH T POINT , Nob. , May -Special [ to
TIIK Bin.J : P. H. Reynolds , a resident of
this city , dlod of la grippe this morning. Deceased -
ceased was about ( XI years old and loaves
four children. _
Kxtmidlni ; .NiilmtHka'it 'Market.
HIMITOS , Noli. , May 3. [ Special to Tin :
Bun. j Hon. Joshua Cox loft for Now York
City and Boston yesterday to make arrange
ments for a large shipment of cattle to
England ,
1 prlvatu imrtri IJOOU , it to 7 per ctmt on real on-
tale. Adilroi I' . O. box lUi. MHl &
protllatile moat uiurkel la llio wont , tloliitf fnnu
fti.UUiU to I'.WJO cuaU Lu lno8 a montUi liunk hpok.
w II Uow It ! Kilt ectjitHlj jjitetidM builnem clioncn
a year 'lea eou UnllUliitf. M 3 , lleo olllto , Council
IllulU MbuUT
Pistols and Knives Frcoly Usoil After n
Dnnco iu Iowa.
Hen tlhllii , nn i\-Coii\lrt : , ISoooUrit
Dontli Wound at tlm Hands or (111 *
lirrt Moimhan llo U
Now In .tall ,
Siootnixnr , la. , May 4. ( Special Tolo-
grnm to Tin : Hun , ] News ha * Jnrt boon re
ceived hero of a shooting nud stabbing alTray
which occurred nt the residence of Ftnlcy
Lnrmont , live miles south of HnyosvilliJ ,
iiuout ; i o'clocu Sunday morning. There had
been n d.uii'O , which closed with n light bo-
twoi'ii lien Uhlln and Columbus Motiahan.
Gilbert Moiiahan , brother of Columbus , tak
ing his purl , drew his rovo'ver and shot
Utilln , the ball entering just below the right
nlpolo , coming out nt the back on thu loft
side. Ho Is lu a very critical condition and
will dlo. Uhlln and Columbus Moimhan re
ceived sovcral knlfo stabs by unknown per
sons. Gllbort Momitiati is In Jail. Hen
Uhll'i has already served I wo terms In the
Cliirlmlit'fl MjstrrlniiK Cnsn.
CI.AIIINIU , la. , May U. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : lni ! ! , | 1'his locality has been cousld
crably excited ever the mysterious disap
pearance of W. It. Nelson , Who has boon for
somotlmo engaged In buying ami shipping
stock , llo had boupht two car loads of cat
tle to bo delivered nt Newmarket , Iho iirst
station cast of here , and last Fridnv innrn-
Ing loll homo to take the early f relglit train for
that placo. On his way to thn Hannibal depot
ho stopped nnd talked with friends , after
which he was noticed to o toward
the depot , where Iho freight train
was standing , This Is the last that is known
of his whereabouts. Ho ha lost probably
$ lf > 0 on stock shipped a few days , before , but
ttdid not spoin to trodblo him.
His accounts with his partner nnd the
bank nro nil right , so that there seems to bo
no plausible reason for him absconding. As
to foi'l play , It Is Impossible that anything
could have boon done iu open daylight and iu
the short distance between the two depots.
iN'olson is 30 years old , six foot high and
weighs about UK ) pounds , with dark hair mid
bluooyos. llo loft a wlfo and two small
child rou.
Dr. Mtmly's disc.
UES MOIXKSI , la. , May 3. [ Special Tolc-
irnim to THE But. . | A party of prominent
Appanooso county citizens were given a
hearing by Governor Boles this afternoon
iu the application for pardon of Dr. W. F.
T. Murdy of Mouiton , who is now serving a
sonlcnco of ton years in thu penitentiary
at Fort Madison for the murder of Sllus
Tiptou at Mouiton , seine years ngo. Dr.
Murdy aud Tii.ton had trouble over some
testimony the former gave iu the trial of a
woman in that county for shooting a man.
The defense In that trial attempted to prove
that the woman who did the shooting was
unchaste. On Octobers , 1SSI ! , Muidy wont
to Tipton's shop. They got. into n quarrel
nud Tlpton started lor Muray with u cattle
whip. Murdy drew a revolver and shot
Tipton , who dlod in n few days. The
shooting and the trial created great excilo-
inout. Murdy pleaded self-defense , but
was found eullty and sent to the pen
Good Fortunn ot u Colurod MUII.
Sioux Cmla. . , May a. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEK.I Iko Brooki , a colored
porter in a Sioux City hotel , has fallen heir
to real estate in Washington , D. C. , worth
$50,000 and left today to take possussiou of
it. The property is located acrobs the street
and to thu cast of Iho capltol grounds and
has a frontage on tbo street of
thirty-live. feet and n depth of
100 foot. Brooks' mother was a
free woman nnd years aso purchased the
property when it was used by the city as a
dumping ground at a very low price. Later
on she fell lu love with a slave named Crooks
and disposed of a part of the properly to
raise ? 1-00 with which to purchase his Ho-
erty so that she could marry htm. luo Is
their son. There was a daughter whose
heir survives. It Is only lately that ho him
the matter looked up and nettled.
llfiivy lowu Itiilnliill.
DVVENTOUT , la. , Mayy. ( Special Telegram
to THE Hue. I A heavy rain hero last night
did damage to bridges , terraces , retaining
walls , highways and railroads. The Hock
Island passenger train duo hero from the
east at U this morning did not arrive until
after 1. On me Burlington , Cedar Hap ds fc
Northern near Davenport a bridge was
washed out , a train being separated in the
middle after partly crossing it. The worn of
building is delayed. Cellars are Hooded and
small streams are overflowing. ru lives
were lost.
II. I * . Mirinor'rt Punonil.
Pl.ATTSMOti n , Nob. , May. ) . ( Special Toio to Tin : Bii : : . | The funeral of II. P.
Shrinor , the fireman killed In the wreck at
Crete , took place hero today. The bodv r-
rivcd ou the train Iroui the west and was
met nt the depot by a delegation of 150 mem
bers of the Ancient Order of United Work
men , who attended the body to the cemetery ,
where the final services were hold. The de
ceased was an old Plattsmouth boy.
Arranging ; for thu 1C. nl I * . Grand I.oil c.
CiMKUt UAI > II > S , la. , May If. ( Special to Tun
DEI : . | Artangomeuts are beinp- made for
the annual session of the low.i grand .odgo ,
Knights ol Pythias , which will bo held in
this city In August.
OFFICE or \ ViTIIBII Buuisii ; , I
Owuu , May 3. f
The storm Is now beyond the upper lake
rozion and fair woattior , with northwest
winds , prevails throughout the Missouri vul
luy. In the ui/por Mississippi vulloy cloudi
ness continues , but the woathurthero will bo
clearing today. Low pnmuru continues
ever the far western part of thu country and
the chances uro that another storm will bo in
progress before long.
For JinsUirn Nebraska , Omaha and
Vicinity Fair wcatbor , warmer during
WASIIIM.TON , I ) . C. , May 3. For Iowa
and Nebraska Fair Wednesday ; slowly
rising tcmpcrutuic ; variable winds.
Kiittce nfflii6 HMJ nr tan tintlcrlltlt lieaitjl/tij
eeiitu ; melt iul > lttli > nal line ten tx.
p. in. , of pneumonia , nt his l.itu rc'sldoncr ,
ai.H ) Hurt siroul , ajjoila \ yo.irs , Kunoial 110-
tlcu later.
UAI-IUS , JA. , .lulySOUi , 1691. I
JtarosutTvrciI'lK'iac ] 1) frirnnumlicriifymra
vltli cjilnrrh of tlio t.tomacli nud lullam-
njallonnf tlio bladder ami nftcr buins lues-
| -.tuti' < l for biiDluusu by mi aunto nttnck
of ncnoua ; irni < trDll > juwlilchalmosttlireat-
I'lieil my rtuEon mid uot K'Colviii any
benefit froni my pbyeiclun , I wa * Inilaccil
lo K' to MiceWor Hprltis ; * , Mo , I upcnt
a inontb ilrlukinj ; tlio Suliitoballnu and
' - . waters vllh the
l' my
prompt refill ! or whut 1 Iwllcvo to Ixj a
porfcct euro of all my ailments , At cny
mto I ain now free froci till ( > uln and die-
tress , my appetite mid dlgcetlon could not
bo loiter nid ayelrcuglh U fully rcatonil.
1 canuot uy too intidi rogarilhi ! ; my con-
vlctlona aa totLo oadcrfiil bculhig jiroi- ;
crtlcs of Iho waters. Yours truly ,
It.T.Jzwiai ,
With Wl'.Kcr IroVholc5nlo Groom
Th icultri art tottleil only by tht Hxctl-
ttvr Spring * Cotnj viy at
Excelsior Springs
WSIssou i
Uicliardson Drug Co. , Agis. , Omaha , Kcb
Mr. irarrrtt J > . Wcnts
of Geneva , N. Y , ,
Tells of His Fearful Sufferings After
Gastric Fever anil His Cure by
Alt who know Mr. W. D. Wcnlz
Rive him the best of rccommcmlation.s
for honesty and intcRiity. For many
years lie has worked for Mr. D. P. Wil
son , the harness maker nnd member
of the Geneva Hoard of Health. Hcsays :
" Ias taken sick last October with Rasttlo
fever and my chnnco for con
slderod almost hopeless. After 7 weeks the
fcxcr slowly left me , but I could not cat the
simplest food without terrible dlsticss. It
teemed I had iccovcrcd fiom the fever to
' Die of Starvation
I took pepsin compounds , bismuth , charcoal ,
cod liver oil nnd malt until my physician
confessed that hU skill was about ex
hausted mul ho did not know what else to
Uy. K > cr > tlilng I took suetnod lilir. pour
ing nirlieil Irml Into my Momneh. I hap
pened to think I hud pu : I of n bottle of Hood's
Bnrsnpniilia thalhad been In tin ; house for two
or Unco ycat.s , that 1 found had bcnelltcd mo
pie\lously for dyspepsia. 1 began taking It
and soon began to feel belter. 1 have now
taken u little o\cr two bottles anil cantiuth-
fully .say 1 feel well again nnd can cat any
thing without distressing mo , even to
Pie and Cheese
which I have been unable to touch for years.
The Kugllsli langu.igo docs not contain word )
enough to permit me to express the pralss
I would like to pivo to Hood's iUrsnpnrlll.i. "
W. L ) . WKNTZ , 18J Castle St. , ( lenova , N. Y.
A Good Voucher
" 1 have known Sir. Warren D. Wonlz for
many years and can vouch for him as a man
\oiaclty mid onu well known about lime.
I have sold him several bottles of
Hood's SarsaparilSa
liming the past few months. " M. 11. TAUT-
liipr.i : , Diugglut , ( icnuvu , N , Y.
Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills
PTradu &
The above brands of gloves lor sale bv
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Doujrhis Std.
Omaha ,
This ( Wednesday ) May 4.
lust Two rorformimoos of thu Dl.itliiKiiUlicd
ArtrewH ,
ihs ! Afternoon at 2:30 :
This Evening at 8:00 : ,
RuiiCiio Hcrlhi' a lllHtnrlcul 1'lur
KlllMlliSd OK UUhbIA
I'Diinl I'rlces.
The Miller Opera Go ,
In Donnelly nnil Miller' "
NAIM'K AI , KAIlI'lCAl , OI'KllinTA ,
hondeil IlovrnVllli
Cast Inclmloa
llounlnr price-it. Hiile oin-iu 'riiurmlar , U . m
.11.1 / / . % / ; / - II Kil.Hl'tA 1.
A Tremendous Musical Event
Theodore Thomas
CoiK/iictinff the Chicago Orchestra
Tim I.uallnoiininu ( : of tlio Conn try.
Tno Moat Wonderful I'laliUt In Amurlon.
Hcservud south SI and JI.SJi Uix ( .onli * . ' .
huai-lnl prli-cs for iiullnm ) . On sail' at tmx of-
_ _ _
Una Wi-uk , euiiiuioiicrnK bmidii ) ' ilutlnoo l r l t.
Mi-.NliV lilM' ' , , .
mill lilt player * In n k'rniul iloulilii bill
Jltillm'UiiVi 1neilur ami hitur'lnf. _
Vo N u'mTiJl/CN LJ ATfTn
Grand Opera House.
Corner C'apltol Avenue nud K.lli.
VANISIIl.SU < 'IM'in- molo-rtriiuia direct
from I'urs CIlANN'nUV MAIU.ANI' ' . tlio
Cii"i pour.d fut hoy. MAKUJNI , the HiilitiiUr.-
nrtlsi. D/.AH , tlic must huiiutlfiil liors-jon
i > : irlh , mid hundred * of ntliur fiuturui.
2ai : , 4:1.1. b : < , U:3) : ) u. in - T *
Ad mission , OMi ; Ul.Mi : Chitrs , lUo