Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1892, Image 1

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    r I
Methodist Delegates Spend tbo Horning
Hour in Getting Seated ,
Lively Afternoon Session nt Which n Iteport
ITOIII Iho Ciimiiilnslon on Constitution
resented Arrangements for To-
< ! , > } ' Session-lint Notes ,
Dr. Hortzell of Cincinnati conducted the
dovotloual cxorclsos yesterday morning ut the
opening hour of the conference.
After reading a scriptural lesson the audl-
cnco Joined in singing , "All Hall the Power
of Jesus' Name , " after which Dr. Hartzell
offered prayer.
Bishop Merrill again presided and stated
nt the opening of the soislon that It was not
customary for a bishop to preside two days
In succession , but ns HMiop Foster , who
should have presided today , was busy preparing -
paring the quadrennial address , he had been
requested to preside during the morning
Secretary Monroe read the minutes of the
preceding day.
In accordance with the authority vested in
him by the conference , Secretary Monroe
has appointed M. S. Hard of vVyomlng ,
C5. G , Hudson , Worth Indiana , Dr. Coggswoll
of Michigan and Dr. Mills of the Central
New York conference us his assistants.
Doctoring the Olllelnl Record ,
Several corrections were made In the min-
utcb of tbo first day. Some ot the delccates
claimed that they had boon recorded incor
rectly upon tno" separate seating question
and they wanted to besot right. The list , of
nye and no votes appeared in the Dally
Christian Advocate and created considerable
dissatisfaction on account of alleged inaccu
The complaints were numerous , but it was
soon discovered that the minutes of the
secretory wcro correct and that the errors
wcro chargeable to the Advocate's report.
The minutes were finally approved.
Mr. Palmer of the conference commission
created n great laugh by stating that one of
the lay delegates who look a seat with the
separate lay delegation bad lost his pocketbook -
book containing 5200 nnd u railroad ticket.
Ilo requested any- person who might bavo
found the wallet to hand it to the secretary.
Mr. Palmer also explained that the buildIng -
Ing committee and the commission had
labored nearly nil night In trying to got the
seating of the hull In order.
The selection of scats for the delegate ! ) who
had not drawn prizes in the lirst distribution
was taken up. it was nn all day's Job. Much
that hud been done on Monony was gene over
again. Dolcgutes stood on their feet and
foucht like politicians for n good location in
tuc hall. Several times during the meeting
the presiding bishop gave up in dismay or
from exhaustion , and confusion reigned
supreme. Finally , after nearly three hours
of the meeting had been consumed , a motion
was carried that nil luturo differences in
regard to scats bo left to the commission for
1'rovidinK for Committees.
A resolution was offered by Dr. Nccly and
Dr. Queal , providing for tbo appointment of
the tallowing twelve standing committees :
Episcopacy , itinerants , boundaries , revlsals ,
temporal economy , aid of the church , book
concerns , missions , education , church exten
sion , Sunday schools nnd tracts , froedmcn's
aid aud work in the south. The resolution
further provided that the first six named
committees meet Mondays , Wednesdays and
Fridays , nnd the second six meet Tuesdays ,
Thursdava nud Saturdays.
The resolution also provided that a com-
rnittoo of fourteen be appointed , consisting
of ono member from each conference district ,
to bo Uiiown as u Judiciary committee , to
which all appeals from conferences and individuals
dividuals , n's well as other questions of law ,
should bo referred for settlement.
Dr. Moore , editor of the Western Christian
Advocate , moved that the appointment ol u
Judiciary committee bo postponed until to
day and that no bbhops bo members of
that committee. The suggestion was adopted
without voting.
Dr. Hunt objected to a clause in ttio reso
lution fixing the titpo of meeting of the
committees. Ho thought that they should
have power to meet when It was mostconven-
icnt. An amendment was offered covering
this point und the resolutions wcro adopted
as amended.
Mr. Cody of the Hock Hivor conference
was seated as a dolcgato in tbo ubscuco of
Hov. Mr. Hldgowny.
Dr. Kynott moved that the chairmen of
delegations hand ttio names of their nomina
tions for places on the committees to the
Roc-rotary as soon as possible in
order to facilitate iho organizatlo n
of tbo committees. Tno motion was carried.
Lieutenant Governor Richards of Montana
was given permission to take a chair and sit
where ho pleased.
Ijliicolu'gMiivltiitloii to thu Conference.
A communication from the city of Lincoln ,
Elgnca by the mayor and ofllcors of the Board
of Trade , Heal Estate exchange and the
Mcthodf&t churches , wus Introduced by thu
chancellor of the Wosloynn university of
ttu.t city. Inviting the conference delegates
to visit Lincoln Saturday , May M , und be
the guests of the city for n day.
The chancellor stated that a special train
would leave Omaha at U o'clccicon , that
morning If they accepted the invitation ,
and that their trip would not cost them a
cont. They would bo royally entertained ,
and their visit would also do tbo causool
western Methodism much cood.
Dr. Uuckloy was iu favor of going. Ilo
eald that the Methodist conference was the
only bodv that pretended ornltmnptcd to do
business for a month without any real inter
mission , and his experience had satisfied him
that n day of recreation would bo bonollclal
in every way.
It was decided to accept the Invitation
with thiuiks , and the delegates will visit the
capitnl city In a body.
A resolution thanking tha mayor , city
council and all others assisting in the rocop-
tlon tendered and praying that iho richest
hlciMngs of God might over rest on
this commonwealth was introduced by
nu Alabama delegate and unanimously
adopted. '
MlSC'iiI.ANl : : < ) tS ! ItUSlNKSS.
Afternoon Devoted to Consideration of
Vurloiu ( Jonfereiieu Topleii.
The afternoon meeting ut ths First
Methodist church was called to order by
Ulshop Foss. Hov. S. O , Henton of the
Now England Southern conference led In
devotional exercises.
Bishop Merrill called up tha report of tbo
commission appointed four years ago , to
consider changes In the constitution of the
conference and the discipline of the church.
Dr , Lanohan moved that the report of the
commission bo printed in the Advocate ,
A brother arose here ana asked that the
report bo read before it was printed , on
account of the fact that a great many error :
usually crept Into printed reports , and bj
having the report read ilrst the errors wouk
bo noted by the delegates ,
U was decided to have the report read.
F. A. Hlgser moved that whore delegates
vcrated their places to be filled by reserve !
the general conference pay only the oxpcnsi
of onu delegate Instead of both that of the
delegate and the reserve. An amendment
was offered to except cases of sickness on
the part of the delegates where the sulistl
tutcs hod to tuko their places.
On motion of Dr. Queal of New York the
whole matter was referred lo a committed ol
ulue , to bo reported to the conference ,
Keporl of the CommUnlon.
Dr. T. V. Neelv of Philadelphia then read
the report from iho constitution commistlon
This commisjlon was appointed In ISSS tc
consider changes In the constitutiou and In
the form of tha discipline. The commission
U composed of William P. UlllinBham , ex-pov-
UBOIot Vermont ; Uov. John Miloy of Drew
riioologlcal seminary. Francis M. Hoot of
Juftalo , Huv. Thomas U. Noely , D.D. , of
hlladelphla. Hon. Hiram Slblov of Ohio ,
{ ov. Jaoob Todd , D.D. , of Delaware , Colonel
John W. Hay of Indiana. Hov. LUKO Hitch
cock , D.D. . of Chicago , Hov. A. 1C. Kynett ,
D.D. , LUD. . of Now York , Judge S. H.
Ktbcrt of Denver , Hov. Charles L. Madison
of Texas , Mr. T. B , Swcot of Topeka , HeV.
Jacob Hothwcllor , D.D. , of Kentucky , Hon.
It. M , Wldnoy of California , and Bishops
Merrill , Foss nnd Nindo.
The report said that the commission had
mot once at Cbautauqua , at Ocean Urovo
und other places. Numerous changes in cer
tain paragraphs of the discipline wcro dis
cussed and recommended.
In considering the question ns tc what was
the constitution of thn general cnntcrciico
tha report said that changes had occurred
from tlmu'to time. Prior to 1SOS all ministers -
tors who had been four years in tha travel
ing connection wcro members of the general
conference. Tno general conference of 1803
decided to make the general conference n
dclcgatod body. Those articles creating n
delegated confnrencii became tbo constitution.
From 1S03 until 1373 only ministers were
eligible to membership in the general confer
ence. In 1STJ the conference decided to ad
mit lay delegates.
Cluingns In the Constitution.
The report recommended a change in the
arrangement of the discipline , but no vital
change in the matter.
A change In the date of mooting of the gen
eral conference was recommended. It pro
vides that thn general conference shall meet
on the Ilrst Wednesday in May at 10 o'clock
Instead of on the Ilrst day of May. The report
also provides for the calling of special ses
sions of the general conferonco. Special ses
sions shall bo composed of the members of
the preceding regular session of the general
conferenceH provides that two-thirds
of all the members of the general
conference shall constitute a quorum. Ministerial
isterial nnd lav delegates shall'voto tosjotner
excepting upon questions looking to the
changing of the discipline , then they shall
vote separately. Ts'o annual conference
shall bo organized with less limn thirty trav
eling ministers. The concurrent vote of
thrdu-fourths of nil the members of all the
annual conferences present nnd voting shall
ho sunielcnt to authorize n change In the dis
cipline or the organic law of the church.
When Dr. Noely hod completed the reading -
ing ho moved that the report bo made n
special order for Thursday morning at 10
o'clock. Buforo the motion was put ho an
nounced that there was a minority report
prepared by Colonel J. W. Hay. The minor
ity report was then road. It contained same
unique suggestions.
Dr. Swindells of Philadelphia thought the
paper should not bo taken up so soon ns
Thursday. It rcqalred morn lime , ho
thought'for the delegates to get a proper
knowledge of the report.
Dr. Shoir of Minnesota , Hov. Mr , Smith of
Pittsburg nnd Dr. Pnynu of Now York were
of Iho same opinion , nnd the consideration of
this report was finally made a special order
for Tuesday next at 10 o'clock.
Dr. McElroy moved that the minority re
port bo printed in the Advocate and the mo
tion was favorably considered.
CommltteeH and Confereneo ! ) .
On motion of Dr. Hunt the conforcnco de
cided to pay the traveling expenses of the
constitutional commission ,
Dr. Leonard moved that n committee of
seven members on rules of order be ap
pointed by the chair. The motion was car
ried but the appointment of the committee
was postponed.
On motion of Dr. King of New York it was
decided to appoint a committee of llvo to con
sider necessary action regarding ths second
ecumenical conference.
Dr. J. D. Hammond of California then
moved that tbo roll of conferences bo called
and the delegates send up a list of their
uatnos for standing committees.
The sect etnry stated that the twelve stand
ing committees would meet as follows' : On
Monday , Wednesday and Friday abe com
mittees on episcopacy , itineracy , boundaries ,
revisal , temporal economy , and stnto of the
church. On Tuesday , Thursday and Satur
day the following committees will meet :
Book concern , missionary , education , church
extension , Sunday school and tracts , freed-
men's aid.
Thotoiumittecs will probably be announced
today. They are to bo appointed by the
A committee of five was appointed to take
action on the World's fair.
Dr. Pearson of Cincinnati presented a resolution
elution calling for three copies ol the Dally
Advocate for each delegate during iho con
A motion of Dr. Hartzoll that a committee
of live bo appointed to receive fraternal del
egates was carried.
rrohihltloti Conies Up.
Dr. Leonard moved that a committee con
sisting of two mcmoors from each conference
dihtrict and llvo ut lurge bo appointed on
temperance and Iho prohibition of the liquor
trnrllc. Dr. Bolt offered a substitute that
this committee ho made a standing committee
and each an mini conference be equally rep
resented. Dr. Leonard explained that two
inombors from each conference district wore
sufficient to give a fuir expression of the sentiments -
timonts of all nnd tbo committee would b3
moro offcctivo than If composed of one from
each annual conferonco.
A number of delegates participated In the
discussion thai ( allowed. It wus generally
asserted thai this was ono of the most Im
portant questions to claim the attention of
the conference , and tnal it WAS essential that
uvury conference should have a voice in the
action of the committee.
Dr. Masters of Michigan thought that the
importance of tha matter was sufficient
reason why it should not bo intrusted to a
largo and unwieldy commitleo.
Hev. Knox of Kentucky stated that no
committeocouhl bo too largo to combat the
monster evil of intemperance. It should ba
n standing committee , because intemperance
was n standing evil nil Iho time.
The previous question was ordered and the
vote was taken on Dr. Bolt's substitute ,
which was declared adopted. The commit
tee will therefore consist of ono delegate
from each annual conference.
Dr , Hunt's motion that n committee of llvo
bo appointed to consider and report on a
plan for the revision ot the discipline was
Or , IlnrUoU moved that arrangements bo
made for tbo publication of the usual confer
cnco manual , Including rules of order , standIng -
Ing committee ! ) , etc. Tno motion was cur
ried with Iho understanding thai iho mailer
published should not include Iho episcopal
address ,
Hev. James M. Shutnpcrt of Mississippi
moved thai Bishop Merrill bo authorized to
edit the publication , with J > ucb nssistancnas
ho might require. Dr. Buckley of Now
York wished to postpone tbo whole mailer
until the committee , on revision of iho disci
pline should report. His Mibstituto was
adopted by the conferonco.
Will Consider tlio League.
Dr , Pendlcton of Kansas moved that a
committee of two from each conference dis
trict bo appointed on Kpworth League. An
amendment was offered mailing the Epworlh
League committee n standing committeo.
The substitute was discussed at loiitrlh and
u great many of the prominent delegates
favored the idea of glvlne the Kpworth
League a very full and complete considera
tion , The conference decided to appoint n
largo commliter , consisting of a minister
and a luvmau from each ronfcrenco , nnd four
at large , to consider Iho great Ep.vorth
League movement.
Dr. Arthur Kdwards of Chicago moved
that u committee of three bo appointed 10
prepare a mlnato for ihe journal with refer
ence to thu municipal reception given the
confeicuco In Exposition ball Monday night ,
llosnlulluas n maifulricent affair and the
conference wanted to see that It was properly
rccogr.ued. It was unaiuuiouilv carried.
Dr. ChntTeo moved that the biidiops appoint
n judiciary committee consisting of one mem
ber from I'ocli district conference and cno at
larpo. U his was the matter that was taken
up during the forenoon and postponed with
out action. On motion it was laid on the
table ,
Hev. J. J. Beatloy of Lexington conference
moved that a commit ted be appointed to con
sider all matter pertaining to fraternity and
orgmilu union , said committee to consist of
two members from each district conference
and five at lurge. Hev , Mr. WhltlocU of
Report of the Conference Committee
Adopted by the Senate.
O'Neill of.Missouri Aslis the Homo to Put n
Stop to Its rue-Cent Way of
Doing lltulm- Washington
News nnd Notes.
\VAstiiNOTON , D. C. , May 3. In the senate ,
Mr. Morgan called up the president's mes
sage on nn International conference as to sil
ver colnago ana Mr. Kyle proceeded to ad
dress the senate In favor of frco colnago.
At the close of Kyle's speech Ibo message
was again laid on the table , Morgan giving
notice that ha wanted to speak oti it.
The conference report on the Chinese ex
clusion bill was tbon laid before tha sonato.
As soon as it was read Sherman stated that
though n member of the conference com
mittee ho had not boon nblo to sign it. Ho
was very willing to provide any necessary
legislation for tlio restriction of Chinese
labor , but thought the conato bill had done
so very effectively. It had proposed to
continue in service the existing laws with
penalties for their violations by Chinamuu
coming into the United States , especially
through Canada. Ho looked unon the intro
duction of Chinese laborers through Canada
as nu Insult to tbo United States. They wcro
allowed to outer Canada on payment of a
charge of $50 a head , and with the privilege
of entering tbo United States in violation of
the law. That was not courteous treatment
on the part of Canada , It was Just Incidents
lllto that which tcndo.l to create excitement
and Irritation along the border , nnd which
would Eotno day bo the uauso of dlftlculty ,
These wno believed that tbo United States
hud a right , to trample on the treaty and to
disregard it might vote for the conference
report without compunction , but for his part
ho did not foul at liberty to do BO.
Defended by Dolph.
Mr. Dolph another ono of the conferees
defended the roport.
Mr. Dawcs oppoicd the conference report
as being In violation of the treaty.
Mr. Vest sulu that ho had no disposition to
violate treaties , butsolf-proaorvation was the
lirst law of nations ns well as of individuals.
Mr. Fryo spoke of n vlbit which ho had
made to Kock Springs , whuro ho had seen
about 100 Chinamen peaceable , quiet , well
behaved and cleanly. There were also two
companies of Infantry , and when ho Inuuirod
of their commandine olllcor why the troops
wcro there ho was told that their presence
was necessary in order to protect the lives of
tnoso quiet , unoffending Chinamen from a
horde of uunatunillzod Poles and Hungarians
who worked In the mines.
Air. Palmer said that there were two
reasons why ho could not vote for the con
ference report. Ono was that n Chinaman
booking to como into thn United States was
not to bo admitted to bail. That was
nn unnecessarily harsh provision ono
not consistent with thn fundamental
principles of Justice that existed in
China and America and everywhere
God rcicucd. The o.her reason was the pro
vision for the arrest of Chinamen not pro
vided with certificates. " Ho sympathized
with the gentlemen from the Pacilio coast
and would do anything to help thorn except
what ho bollovtd to bo essentially wrong
auu unjust.
How They Voted.
The vote was then-taken and the confer
ence report was agreed to yeas , 30 ; nays , 15
as follows : Yens Alessrs. Allen. Allison
Ch&tidlor , Cockroll , Cullotn , Dolph. Felton )
Gallinger , Gorman , Hansbrough , HarrisHis.
cock , Jones of Arkansas. McPherson , Mitch ,
ell , Morgan , PoiTer , Perlilns. Power. Han.
som , Sanders. Slioup. Squlro , Stauford.Stew ,
art , btoekbridge , Vest , WiilthallVarron
White 30.
Nays Messrs. Date , Call , Colquitt , Dawcs ,
Dixoii , Fryo , Georce , Gray. Higgins , Kyle ,
Palmer. Plait , 1'ugh , Sherman. Wilson 15.
The house bill placing binding twine on the
free list was laid before the senate and re
ferred to the finance committee.
Alter nn executive session the senate ad
Diplomatic and Consular Appropriation Hill
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 3--Tho house ,
after routine business , went into committee
of the whole on the diplomatic and consular
appropriation bill.
'Tho consideration of the consular portion
of the bill having boon completed without
material change , the committee reverted to
the amendment offered several days ago by
Mr. Chlpman of Michigan , providing that no
part of the emergency fund shall be paid to
any foreign government In settlement of any
claim against the United States. Adopted.
Intercontinental Hallway Survey.
Mr. IJloutit of Georgia , in charge of the
bill , moved to strikeout the appropriation of
fiV > ,000 to continue the preliminary survey
for an intercontinental railway. It may bo
advanced as an argument in favor of the
appropriation , ho said , that the United
States had already appropriated $130,000 to
carry out this work , but this was the ilrst
opportunity presented to oppose a schema
which would connect this government with
a rniiroad in South America mid which
might Implicate us in n war of conquest. Ho
believed that if this proposition were en
acted into law the United States would bo
pledged to the construction of n railroad ,
and , If required , to furnish a subsidy to
do so.
Mr. McCreary supported the motion. The
only gentleman on the foreign affairs com
mittee who ooposed the appropriation , ho
said , was the chairman , who had reported
the bill. That gentleman stood In the uttl-
tuuo of asking the house to strike from the
bill , which ho had himself reported , one of
its most important features. It was not a
proportion to build a railroad. It was sim
ply a proposition that the United States
should furnish (4)5,000 ) to complete a survey
which was already two-thirds accomplished ,
There was nothing In the clause that pledged
the United States to furnish ? l for the con
struction of the road.
Mr. Patterson of Tennessee spoke in favor
of tbo motion , as did also Mr. Holmau of
rive-Cent Way of Doing Ilnsliii'js.
Mr , O'Neill of Missouri , in his good natural
style , which is always appreciated , expressed
his opinion , which was that llio appropria
tion should bo made. His appeal to tbo
hoiuo , that it should put a stop to this poor ,
Ti-cont way of doing buslnea * elicited ap
plause , and cull d from Mr. Hoed ot Maine
the remark that tno statement was very
beautiful , but not acllcato.
T'JO ' motion was agreed to 112 to 71 , Mr.
Dlount thus triumphing over the otherwise
unanimous voU of his committee.
The committee rose and reported the hill as
amended to the house.
Mr. Hoaxer of Mississippi demanded n
separate vote on the amendment striking out
tbo $05,000 appropriation for tbo Interconti
nental railway survey and it was agreed to
yeas , 145 ; nays , B4. The bill then passed.
On motion of Mr. Outhwalto of Ohio , the
bonato amendments to the army appropria
tion bill wcro non-concurred in , and n con
ference ordered.
The house then adjourned ,
Claims That the J'renent TarllV Works an
Injury to American Mmcltern.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 3. Hepresonta-
live Whiting of Michigan has prepared and
will submit to the house the report of the
majority of the ways and means committee
recommending the passage of the bill to
place on the free lUt silver-load ores when
the silver exceeds tlio lead in value. After
calling the attention tb ho rulings of the
Treasury department , ltii\t metal of pre
dominating value determined tno dutiable
character bl ores , the joport says the McKln-
loy law changed this by ( Imposing a duty of
1'S cents a pound on the load In silver ores ,
"with result * of Incroused aid : increasing
injury to American smelters ni.d all Inter
ests connected tnoro-vlth. The USD ot sil
ver-lead ores lor smolllng the dry silver ores
mined in the United States is nn Imperative
necessity , nna lhcy.1ilo not only required ns
the raw material of snu'lttng , but are
essential to the 'industry. ' The American
smelter must secure this ore , and as the do
mestic supply dooa not moot the demand ,
heavy importations of Mexican ores have
been made , Now , liowovrr , new conditions
confront the siheltlttg interests of this coun
try , nnd threaten , unless the relief proposed
is granted , the qutclc transfer across the
Mexican border of n Inrgo proportion of the
smelting industry , to the great Injury of
American labor end of the railroads and
other kindred pursuits , The results of ttio
McKlnloy act upon this Industry demon
strate that it hat led to direct and Increasing
injury to American labor , capital and market
without corresponding bcnctlt to any homo
industry. The solo benefits have been to
foreign Interests and the solo injury to our
own people , and unless quickly remedied ,
Injurious results will bo past nil cure. "
In conclusion , the robert says that while
the bill will not curb the cylls whtnh the
present law has croa' promptly adopted ,
it will modify Its injurious otlects upon our
homo industries.
The foreign affairs committee has suggested
that this concession will probably bo of
mutual advantage In securing reciprocity
with Mexico. Tbo Imposition of u duty upon
silver , load ores was regarded by Mexico as
an unfriendly act , urtd the Mexican govern
ment at once retaliated by increasing her
duties upon our agricultural products while
our sister republic has really been the only
ono benefited by the duty as she realizes
that In passing the law It was of a purpoao
to injure her aud acts accordingly.
Land ( Jrunt mid KubjIdUed KouiU Object
to u Hedueed Compensation * .
WASHINGTON , D. C.\ \ May 3. The proposi
tion made by the house committee on the
postal appropriation bill to reduce the com
pensation of land grant and subsidized rail
roads to/carrying tuo mails from SD per can't
of the rate allowed nonaldod railroads , as
the law ut present provide ? , to 50 per cent
has received vigorous opposition from the
land grant railroads , and they nro protosling
ngnlnst the proposed legislation ns unjust
and unreasonable. Today representatives of
n number of thcso ratlroiids nppsnrod before
the committee and stated the reasons for
their opposition. *
E. 13. Stahlman of the LouUvilla & Nash-
villa railroad spoke for roads In the south ,
including the line in which ho Is nn onleer.
The present compensation for carrying the
mails , ho said , was i.ot equal to the nmoun
the company would receive If it collectui !
faro from u single imul , musengor ut the rate
of 3 cents n mile. Tbo , Louisville & Nashville -
villo at present lost 'by moan * of the reduction
tion o'f 20 per cent , niado'undor the existing
law , between ? l'pOO'and ? 15,000 per year ,
whlcti was equal to 1 per cent on lha amount
the roaa had rccoiyod'by reason of the gov
ernment land grant ;
DUcrliiiliiatliit ; AguliiHt Aided Hoadx.
Mr. O'M. Spencer , 'reprosoutinp the Han
nibal & St. Josiph and the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy railroatls , said ho did not
question the right of congress to tix the rate
of componsatioir bii'V.lhq rate lixcd must bo
reasonable , which tuoj proposcd-componsa-
tion was not. tWbcn cungreSa fifty years ago
made the grant to tlio Hiiunibal & St. Joseph
road it bad no intention that the road should
accept and return UJithlaj-qyorntcent dollar
for dollar by moan's-\jf lower , 'conipcr.sotion '
for carrying the mails nil that it
had received from the govern
ment. A grant ' was as sacred as
n contract and thero" was no Intention on the
nurt of congress to give the lands and then
exact payment for them. Tnero was neither
public nor private demand for the reduction
proposed. Ho took it that the solo reason for
coniinitteu's action was retrenchment
ami economy , but economy would not be
effected , for the land grant railroads could
not , unucr the bill , compete with nonaided
roads receiving full rates for carrying- mails
and the consequence would bo that the eov-
ernmont would lind Itself paying 100 cents
instead of 80 cents for carrying the malls
and It would operate as a discrimination
against roads which had received grants.
Diciiii ) AN OLD CASK.
Important Supreme Court Declxlons News
Notes Front Washington.
WASHINGTON , D. ' fj. , May 3. In 1S50 , H.
L. Opio sold lor f llfoo ( a largo tract of farm
land in Jefferson county , ttien Virginia , and
now West Virginia , to Henry Castleman , n
part of the payment being In cash and the
rest in notes. TboaV payments which foil
duo between 1S01 nndrlSli ! Caslleman paid to
Mrs. Opio in confederate money nnd Vir
ginia bank notes , boh of which were depre
ciated currency. Mrs. Opio's sons were in
the confederate army , and she accepted the
money which was divided among the mem
bers of the fumltv , and in ISG.j at her request
the trustees executed a deed of release.
About llftoen yoarj afterwards suit was
brought against Castloman , ind the point
mada that payment in confederate money
did not constitute a paymant in lawful
money as required by the terms of salo.
The United States district court of West
Vinnnia gave Judgtnuut against Castlomau ,
but llio United States supreme court , in an
opinion by Justice ; .Harlan , reversed that
Judgment , holding that the action on the
part ' iho Opios came too lato.
One .Section of the 1'roposed Tariff iteforni
Objected to by Demoerats ,
WASHINGTON , D , C. , May 3. The dem
ocratic members of the ways and means
committee afforded an opportunity this
afternoon to get the inombors of the house
to privately express vtthoir vlows on the
tariff. It was taado'tolain that there are
quite a number of dofuncratlc members who
are not in favor of the free lumber bill at
this session of copg'rp&a , and at least one
member opposed to a re'ducllon in the duty
on barley , proposed ; _ by Hopresontntlvo
ckwoodof Niity , Yorlf. , ' The opposition to
the lumber bill caraafrom ; North Carolina
and the great laltg itattss in the northwest ,
and was on the ground that the duty should
not bo taken off unjcss compensatory
benctlts wcro given ! ' by a general tan It
reduction bill. Mrtjtout of Michigan
urged the committee to place refined sugar
on the free list , nnd'alao asked for lower
duties on thread and -steel rails.
Washington' NoU ,
WASHINGTON , D , C , , May 3. By a mis
take in placing a parenthesis In the Mc-
Klnley tariff act ' 'sweetened chocolate"
was made dutiable us chocolate con ]
fectlonery. With ajvfew to remedying
the mistake the way fund means committee
of the house today agreed to rep rt Mr.
Cockran's bill changfng the positio.i of the
parenthesis so as to cut sweetened chocolate
on the dutiable list at 2 cents par pound , as
originally Intended.
An amendment to iho senate 'naval appro
priation bill was toJivy reported from thu
tenoto committee on military affairs author
izing the secretary ot war ( o establish n Jt to
exceed two military posts nt points on the
northern frontier wboro ho may , in bis judg
ment , deem li for Iba public good ,
In tbo Keystone investigation today Comp
troller La coy testified that one of the appli
cants for the receivership of the batik was
endorsed by Thomas Wanamakor. Nothing
further of interest was elicited ,
Another lidlsoii Invention Knapped Up ,
WASHINGTON. D.-C. , M'ay 3 , Three pat-
cnts weraissusd today to Thomas A. KdUon
assignor to Ibo Western Union Telegraph
company , covering features of the speaking
telephone. The crlgluBl application wus
Ho Already Hns Enough Delegates Pledged
to Insure His Rcnomiuation.
\Vhrro the President's Strength I.Irs The
rigureft Demoeriitlo ami Itepiihllcnii
CiimcntloiiK In Various Parts ( it the
Country 1'olltleal Pointer * .
NEW YOIIK , May a. The Mall and Ex
press today admits that President Harri
son's rcnomlimtloti.ot Minneapolis n an as
sured fact. In support of this statement it
prints the following table ot Instructed
delegates from compilations of ilgurcs
received from state and district conventions
already held nil over the country : Alabama ,
23 ; Antansus , 10 ; California , 2 ; Florida , 8 ;
Illinois , ( ' , ; 1ml I a mi , HO ; Kansas , S ; Kentucky ,
'JO ; Marylana , 4 ; Michigan , 4 ; Mississippi ,
IS ; Missouri , ai ; Nebraska , 10 ; Now York ,
' . ' 0 : Ohio , 0 ; South Carolina , 18 ; South
Dakota , 8 ; Tennessee , 2 ; Texas , 30 ; Virginia ,
8 ; Wisconsin , 10. Total , SOU.
The oaper continues as follows : "Private
Information has been received from others
who have olthor been chosen delegates or
will bo , and in the absence of instructions
can vote M they wish , that .ill have already
put themselves on record as intending to
vote for Harrison. These dologutos are
absolutely accurately recorded. "
No UNO In Dooming Him for the 'residential
WASIIIXOTON' , D. C. , May 3. | SnocIal
Telegram to Tin : Bee. ] The latest feature
ot'tho anti-Harrison combination to develop
itself was the renewed I'npotus given to the
presidential boomlet of Uncle Jerry Husk.
The senators who nro most emphatic in their
opposition to Mr. Harrison's rouomiiiation
urged that Husk could not only carry Wis
consin for a certainty , but lie could also
bring to his support so nany farmers in the
northwest that the farmers alliance move
ment would bn broken , so far as it aftectoa
the republican party. Uut in opposition to
the Husk boom attention was called to tlio
fact that during a riotous demonstration in
Milwaukee , when ovorai thousand Hungar
ians and Poles thr iatoned dopredntians.Uo-
crnor Husk called out the militia and was
said to have instructed the soldiers to lira
on the rioters in case they became too turbu
lent. The orders were obeyed by the sol
diery , and as n result seven po-sons wcro
Killed and a great many wounded before
order was restored. It Is urged that whether
right or wrong in his action the labor ele
ment would bo against Husk in case ho was
When your correspondent mentioned the
presidential nomination to Secretary Husk ,
ho replied promptly :
"It Is too late for that now. Four years
ago I'd have listened to vou. "
iN.sicitir : SHSSION.
Alliance l.tuclnr * Perfecting Their Plans
lor the ( 'omlni ; CampalKii.
BIUMIS-OIIAM , Ala. , May 3. The southern
alliance presidents and cxpculfvo boards
have been in conference hero alt day and are sosslou tonight , .but. boyona the fact
that all the southern states and Oklahoma
are represented , little or nothing is known of
the proceedings. Members of the confer
ence smllo and talk pleasantly , but tell noth
ing. It is given out , however , that Colonel
Polk is presiding and W. F. Gwynn of Ten
nessee is secretary.
Colonel Polu mailo a speech in opening the
proceedings and then general reports from
all thostatos were made. It is gathered that
practically everybody In attendance Is
tor a people's party. Tbcro is no
opposition to making the issue
locally and it is probable that
this policy will prevail. There were
prominent members last night who were
opposing any support of the nconle's party
in any form , but it is openly announced
today that they have been brouaht around ,
and that the body is practically unanimous
now on the proposition that the | alllnnco
men should support the ticket of the Omaha
convention. Whether any formal action has
boon , or will bo , taken on this subject is
what cannot bo learned.
Illinois Itopnlillciiii UoHts Catherine : .
SrinxoriEi.i ) , 111. , May 3. The delegates to
the icpublican state convention are
arriving in lurgo numbers. Tlio
candidates for the various state
ofllcors are very active soliciting the
votes of country delegations. There has boon
no significant change in the relative strenth
of the candidates , Fifer'u nomination lor
governor is practically assured. Hay for
lieutenant governor , Pierson for secretary of
state , Hortzo for treasurer mid Priuco for
attorney general are almost suro. Tbero it
a lively contest over the nuditorship. Gen
eral Pavy , the present incumbent , is
antagonized by the Ctiicago nnd
northern Illinois dologatlonf. II. II. S'.ussen
of Jollet , is Pav.v'a utrongost competitor ,
basing bis claims on nationality and religion.
It is generally conceded thataUonnan Luth
erans should bo on the ticket to reclaim that
element of the party. Charles A. Allen , Vermillion -
million , and A. M. I3eaupro of ICano arc also
In the race. ( Jcorgo J. Wlllits of CUlcago
end General I. N. Hlncakor of Carlinvilla are
the lavoritcs forconirressmon-at-largo ,
I.Mthi'niliH In 1'olltlcn.
CIIICAOO , III. , May 3. The Illinois confer
ence of the Gorman Lutheran mission synod
today took imnor ant action on the com
pulsory school law question , and resolutions
were adopted demandlngtho unconditional re
peal of thu Illinois law. The resolutions declare
Whcreati , Wo cannot obtain this end with
out the aid of out'of the twn great , political
purtloi , but miiBt nnlto all our forces , even as
one man. with mm of thcso parties , to form a
power , which tint election of Henry Itiuil ) ai
htato hiipurlnttiiiilont of schools shown , con
trols Ibo wlmlo Htatu situation.
Kciolvt'dVo shall unanimously support
that inrty and Its representative candidates
who unreservedly snstaluH us as to school I iw
the right prlnc pics and furnishes us In ro/iird
to the patt us well IIH ( ho fntiiro Urn bent
guarantee for the maintenance of the aamo.
The hchool committee , In accord with thuso
resolution * . Mmll uxainlno Into the platform *
nnd stalu of nlfalrsof both uo.Ideal parties
and duturmliiu accorJIngly with which party
wo shall vote ,
California Itcpuhllcan * ,
STOCKTON' , Cal , , May 3. The republican
state convention , to select delegates to thu
Minneapolis convention , mot this afternoon.
Among these prominently mentioned for
dek'giitos-at-hii't'O am Senator Folton , M. M.
Kbteo and M , II. Da Young , all of whom
were prominent In the la-it senatorial tight.
James H. NelT of Placer county was chosen
temporary chairman , and nf'.cr the selection
of committee" ) the convention adjourned
until this evening.
The platform endorses President Har
rison's administration , the election of United
States senators by popular vote la endorsed ,
and declares against the free coinage of sil
ver and favors tbo restriction ot coinage to
tbo product of American mines.
.Mil I in ? liulrpumleiiti Meet.
G.uu > ixiu , Mo , May 3. The people's
party state convention mot hero today.
Many prominent labor men arc prosont.
Practically the meeting is for organization.
A. A. Beaten ot Hockland Is temporary chair
man. Committees oil resolutions , etc. , were
l.ymi County I'uvurn Ilolug ,
CiiAii : IUru > 9 , la. , May 3. | Spocinl Tele
gram to Tun HER. ] The Ljnn county demo
cratic convention to select delegates to the
state couvoutiou wa Uold at Marion today.
The mcoling \ _ I enthusiastic one. The
following dele. Ij the slate convention
Were chosen : - ' rnouffor , , T. U. Cherry ,
Henry F. Ml a I'ohn M. Tcrnp , W. T.
Daniel * , Atcxa s linrloj , John I'otlovNky ,
A. T. Schmnlci itttnar , 0. 11. Jones , M.
L. Inir , A. J , 1 < 1 lister , John Mitchull ,
Jr. , C. C. Muntii I Hunting. James Mor
rison. C. C. ( .511 1 D. U. Long , A. T.
Sbanklln , U , M , , lr and Henry Kllcn.
The following | 'lion ' was unanimously
adopted : I
llrsolvcid , That' - linvcntlon most heart-
llv oiidiiroi-s thu ci..iii. olllclent an I capibo
administration of our hoiuiri'd cotornor , Horace
ace llolf , and tinnoiitico4 the firm conviction
of the democrat' * of this county that hU
inline , supported bv his record as a puulti !
ollli't-r. win bo u uniiranty of thn party In the
management ot thu public ulfalr.A.
NilrUolU County Imlrpi'iulriiH Meet.
Nr.Lsus , Nob. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : DKB. | The nlllanco county conven
tion of Nucicolls county was hold here
today. Delegate * were elected to the state
convention at Lincoln , congressional at
Holdrcdgo nnd Kearney congressional.
The delegates were Instructed for
MclCclghan. Thn convention expressed a
preference for Weaver for president , 1'olK
for vlco president , Powers for govort.or ,
declared for the free coinage of silver , nnd
denounced reciprocity.
South Carolina Wmita Hill.
Cou'MiitA , S. C. , May 3. A test of the
sentiment , of the state regarding the demo
cratic presidential nominee was furnished by
the county conventions held yesterday to
elect delegates to the state convention.
Cleveland was endorsed in ono county. In
every other where any attempt was mndo to
endorse him It failed. Hill was endorsed by
several counties. Tlio general sentiment
seems to bo in favor of n western man. The
dolcgatos to Chicago will not bo instructed ,
Cleveland Men \VorKlng tor I'uller ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May ! 1. Tno corre
spondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer tele
graphed his paper that , with Cleveland's
consent , Vilns mid Dun Dickinson are trying
to secure the presidential nomination for
Chief Justice Fuller on the ground that
Cleveland coulu not got the necessary west
crn support. The only stumbling block in
the way so far is th'j opposition of tlio Cleve
land men in Now York.
Ciulnl'hcd llarrlHon.
ST. Lori ? , Mo. . May 3. The republicans
of the Eleventh congressional district of this
city in convention this afternoon elected
Charles F. Monnokor and Clark 11. Sampson
as delegates to thu Minneapolis national
convention. The convention refused to In
struct the delegates for Harrison , but it en
dorsed lh ) Harrison administration in its
11111 tlot u I'uw Delegates.
CiiAHi.r.sTox , S. C. , May 3. All the coun
ties of llio state held their conventions yes
terday and cho5o delegates to the state con
vention to chose delegates to the national
democratic convention. A few counties
wont for Hill , but the largo majority of djlo-
gntes are uuinstructod.
California lEepnhlicuns in Convention *
STOCKTON , Cil. , May 3. The republican
state convention to chooo delegates to the
Minneapolis convention was called to order
hero this afternoon. While the platform will
cndorso the Harrison administration , it is
believed the delegates will not be instructed.
.l. 7/O/.M.S HIS C.ll'lTOL.
Venezuela's President Not Yet Overthrown
l > v thn Kuwiliitloiilsts.
| .Cni > | / > 'fy/ic / ( < l HOT' liu Jit i < M f.onfou ncnnttt. ]
BAHOII.OXA , Venezuela ( v.lf Galvcston ,
Tex. ) , May 3. [ By Mexican Cnblo to the
Now Y.ork Herald Special to Tin : Bic.J
A battle may bo expected soon between the
government troop * and the federalists south
of Caracas. Palaclo has sent nu army from
the capitnl to onsage the cnomy. At tin
latest accounts the opposing forces were get
ting very near each other and the object
of the president seems to bo to
draw the rovoluttonisti away fiom
Valencia and Calaboco , which they now sur
round , preventing communication between
the government generals , Ybarra , Aranjo
and Casanos , who are located in these towns ,
and the capital. If Palacio's forces should
prove victorious they will undoubtedly
march to the relief of the boslogeu city.
While the revolutionists are resisting their
advance an opportunity will bo offered
Ybarra , Aranjo and Casanos to escape from
the trap which has boon sot for them.
Pa'acio ' seems to have arrived at the con
clusion that ho must act aggressively or the
federalists will become so powerful that ,
they will awcoi ) all before them. Ho bus
been depending on his generals in the state
of Caraboco to put down the rebellion but be
now clearly perceives that they have utterly
failed to do so and arc so homiucd In us to bent
nt the mercy of their foes , hence this move
ment from too capital.
The body of revolutionists to the south of
Caracas is the advanced guard of Crtspo's
main body and it has been marchlngjfromhis
heaCquarters south of Larca Valencia , so as
to attack Victoria and uiovo upon Caracas as
soon as word was brought to-them that
Crcspo , Morn , Guerre and Miinzano had cap
tured Valencia and Puerto Cabello.
Government 1'orrun Oultu Weak.
The picked men of the government troops
nro ut these places. The army now on its
way to moot thu revolutionists is largely
madoup of raw recruits , conscripted peasants
and laborers , well armed , but poorly dis
ciplined. Thu government Is Just at present
well supplied with money and is anxious
to strike n decisive blow before its Htmnres
are exhausted. Crespo's selected army of
3,000 infantry and 1'JOO horses are in the
mountains between Cura and San Sebastian.
Only sevonty-IJvo kilometers nonarato the
rebel chieftain from his capital , Cura being
that distance from Caracas. Victoria lies
between Cura and Caracas nnd Jifty kilo
meters from the capital. As Crespn's men
surround Victoria , Palacio's army will como
up with revolutionists some forty or forty-
live kilometers southwest of Caracas.
It will bo seen , therefore , how near Crepe
is to Caracas and what imminent danger
ibo government is in. Victoria captured , it
will take very little tltno for the rebsls to
swarm unon Caracas. Los Tcguos , which
lion much nearer Caracas than Victoria , is
frlondlv to the fodoralUt cauto. it was here
that the villagers killed Palacio's ( 'unoral ,
Quovodo , the other day.
WHtehliif ; Political ItefugeeK.
MONTKVIDEO , Uruguay ( via Galveston ,
Tex. ) , May 3. | I y Mexican Cable to the
Now Yurie Herald -Special to TIIK HIE. : I
The pollco are watching the Argentine refu
gees at the request of the liucnos Ay res uu-
thorltloa. The military maneuvers , which
hnvojiist boon conclu cd in the Argentine
capital , show great deficiencies in the com
missary and general porsonello. The entire
army organisation is said to bo defective.
Dr. QuK'oyer , the radical leader , vlsltod
today his political friend , Dr. Alain , who is
btill a prisoner on board the cruiser Argen
tina , but v.'as not allowed to converse with
him , Tbo radicals are preparing for a dem
onstration in favor of tha political prUonurs.
Advices from Asuncion. Paraguay , stale
that tba condition of affairs in that country
is critical. President Goiualoi fears an at
tack dally , A revolution scorns imminent.
The Death Hell ,
LONDON , May 3. Count Holstclnhorg , the
eminent Danish statesman , It dead.
MONTE CAIII.O , Mav 3. Thomas ilohlcr ,
formerly a prominent Kuglish ) nora singer
who married the aowagor ductios of New
castle , is doiiit ,
Cinciuo , III. , May 3.--Hohert D. Fowler ,
of the Anglo-American Provision company ,
died this morning in London of typhoid
fever. Mr. Fowior wan born 111 the neigh
borhood of Belfast , Ireland , and was anout
53 years old , His fortune is estimated at
flr > 00,000 , and ho leaves a wife and MX
children , all ot whom live in England.
BAN Luis Omero , Cal , . May 3. Don Jose
Pico , who figured prominently in tlio curly
history of California , and ono of the most
uctlvo men of the tiojo , U dead , aued & 3.
Mniiy Livm Lost and Many People Injured
in a Kansas Oyolo-io.
DeMruetlon l.pft III llioVnlte of tlio I'
Hushing \\lnds-HoiHos Torn Into
fragment * mill Crops lliilnt'il
The Casualties.
1C\xais CITV , Mo. , May ,1. Tlio Times'
Topokn , Kan. , special saysTlio full detain
of last night' * storm In the Missouri crook
valley nro only Just beginning to bo received.
The tstormswopt regions nro In Isolated
localities anil the news comes in slowly.
Tlio Missouri Pacific , which Is the only road
which traverses the region , sulTorod sovornl
washouts , niul tninto Is suspended , In Mis *
sourl township , this county , the damage mid
loss of llfo sojm to IIBVO boon groatjr than
nt any other placo. The storm was a genuine
rotary cyclone , nnd It demolished everything
In its [ lath. In seine places the very baric
was pcolod from the troos. Houses worn
torn In fragments , trees uprooted nnd crops
ruined ,
VicInn ! of tlio Storm1 * 1'iiry.
The house of Jamoi Mttoholt , n farmer ,
wiis in the path of the storm , It was oc-
cunloa by Mitchell , his wife and their llvo
children when the oyclona struck it. It was
demolished. Milcholl was fatally nijurod.
Mrs. MUcholl escaped , but the children wora
nil seriously hurt and nro now In a Dying
The house of 1'hlllp Lux was demolished ,
but the family o.-icapud by taking refuge In
thi < collar.
The residence ol Charles Thrasher was
blown down nnd Thrasher was badly Kurt.
Thomas Hrooks' house was uestroyiul , and
all of tlio family wore moro or less injured ,
but none wcro Killed.
An unknown woman who had just movca
Into a house which has long been vacant
was kllleil outright when the house was de
The house of .loscph Hurd was blown
down nnd Airs. Hunt was killod.
James I'Jpxlon's house was carried from
its foundations nnd wruriccd. ana I'lnxton
was instantly killed In the lail of tlmborn.
The other members of the family escaped
with slight injuries.
Swnu Andurson , n farm hand , was work
ing in n Hold when the storm came up. Ho
was hurled ngalnst astono fcnco and killed.
Gabo Haldcrmnn , a farmer , was fatally ii.-
Jurcd in the destruction of his barn.
The other casualties in Mlsuourl township
were : Harris Anderson , fatally Injured by
falling timbers ; Mrs. Harris Anuorson , arm
broken ; their llvo children all badlj bruised.
311moiilotm Ksrajiox.
Ill Auburn township much property was
damaged , but no lives were lo t.
During the destruction ot the house of n
Mr. Drake , his younir daughter was carried
from the house to n tree n quarter of a mlle
distant , wlicro shu lodged in the branches ,
having raocivcd but a few slight injuries.
The Pleasant Vnlloy school lieu o was
demolished. A number of children had
taken refuge there from the storm , but thov
all miraculously escaped death , though EOino
received sovcro injuries.
A spaciul from McFall , Gentry county ,
Mo. , says the storm ihcro was also after tha
nature of n cyclono. The house of a farmer
iiumod Daniels , living near town , was
destroyed. Airs. Daniels was instantly
killed , An old rccluso named Sharp who
lived near town was also killed outricht and
the child of a farmer named Haird received
injuries from which it died today.
A special from Moline , Kan. , the tormlnur
of thu Howard branch of the Santa Fe road ,
says that tha cyclone there destroyed much
property. A. D. Lukin was killed In the
destruction of his house and IKS wife wa
badly hurt.
Hold U'llltrrn SiKpoeterf of Intending to
J''oroeloH on tli Proprietora.
A strike for an advance In waijes Is imml <
nont among the colored waiters of the princi
pal hotels.
Sinco'the' hotels have had a rush the past
few days by reason of the Methodist con-
ferunco delegates nnd many other
strangers bolnp.Jn the city , the waiters have
boon trying to Inaugurate a strike. The als
somlon was brought about Monday and yes
terday bv the "imported" darkey waiters
from Kansas City and other places.
Tlio lirst intimation of the contemplated
strike was thn light In which a regular
waiter nt the Paxtoti got cut with a unifo la
the hands of a co-workor for the reason that
ho rolused to sign a petition asking the man *
r.gemont of the house tor an increase la
It is thought the waiters held secret
moating somcwhero la t night and prepared
to make tholr demand today. Their scheme
is to wait until the dinner hour this evening-
or tomorrow evening when the dining rooms
will bo crowded with guests In waiting for
tholr meals. Thun the demand will bo
made , as they think the management of tbo
house will immediately be compelled to accede
or the guests will go without anything
to eat. There are botwocn forty and tifty
waiters at each of the principal hotels , as
each place has Increased its help from twenty
to twonty-llvo wallers the past woelc. The
regular hotel waiters , It Is said , wnro satis
fied until the extra help arrived nnd created
the dissension. Just what action will betaken
taken by the managers of the hotels in case
of a strike is not definitely known at prosont.
JV7.V/J Tl.lttdi A H'iXXKK ,
Sol Star Keeps Up Ills Hecord an Dead wooil'i
Miincot Aluyor.
DBAIIWOOD , S. I ) . , May U. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bun. ] At the municipal olcc-
tion hero today n total of 1211 votes ivcrocast ,
Sol Star receiving a majority of thirty-
seven and Doing oleotcd mayor for
the ninth consecutive time. His op-
poi.ont today was Dr. John A , Harding , la
whoso election ovary confidence was had
until the ballots were counted. The fight
was clearly drawn on party lines between
the republicans and independents , Star
hcaOInf the republican ticket. The indo-
pendonU olccted two of the ( our aldermen
and the republicans two. Tuis makes tha
council stand llvo republicans and three in-
dependents. The contest was the most
hoatou over witnessed at a local election.
The rirn Iteoiiril.
CAIISON , Nov. , May II. 'Iho Eureka quart *
mill on the Canon river was destroyed by
Urn yesterday. Tha loss is f lOO.lKKI. The entire -
tire milling plant and machinery were roa >
ilered worthless. A quantity of wood was
al.o destroyed , The mill , which was thu
property of the Comstock , was Insured for
JJU.OOO. > , Minn. , May ! ) . -Tho Sash
and Door Storage house , owned by J'ajn &
Co. , of Oihkosh , situated at Third avenue S.
K. nnd Tenth btroct , was totally dcstroycij
bv tire last night , Loss estimated ut $76,000j
Insured fully. _
( Iriinteil tlio Injuiictlnii ,
CIIKVBNNL' , Wyo. , May ! ( . Judge Hyn r
this morning granted a temporary Injunction
restraining the ranchman In northern Wyom
ing , especially in Johnson ojunty , from
making their round-ups.
Marshal Joe HunUlu , with a largo number
of deputies , will lenvo on the next train fotf
the HCOIIO of the troublo.
Htoumur Arrivali.
At London Sighted : Majostlc , Sldaca
und PersiOn Monarch , from New Yorlf.
At Hamburg Slavonla , from Now Yorkp
At Bremen Oldenburg , from Baltimore.
At Now * York Wcsteruland , from
At Baltimore Stuttgart , from Bremen ,