Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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I ci'tticd Iy Cnrrltrtonny pnttof the City
71 ' LIMIOM > J " " * nf Offlco No
lMKlit Killtor
N Y. Plumblnp Co.
I ourcll BlulTs Lumber Co. , cofiV.
Craft's cbnttcl loans. 204 S pp blocfe.
Steve nnd cordvvoot ) , dry , for ale nt
Thntcbcr'8 , 10 Main strcot.
Tbo stockholder * of tbo Dodpo Light
guards will moot this evening nt the armory
In Hughes' ball.
The infant ton of Mr and Mrs. Peter JauljJ
\ don died yesterday mornlnjr nt fi o'clock. The
funeral cervices will tie bcld at 2 o clock this
nftcrnoon from tbo family residence , 101(3 (
Houlh 1'lnhtti street.
Manager Loin en of the Christian Homo
contemplates making a parK In fiont of tbo
home on which trees nro to bo set out , shrubs
nnd Cowers planted , nnd which Is to bo
bcautitlcd In oilier ways
.1 K Hughes It under arrest on n charge
of committing assault and battery. A r hltr-
bath , who keeps a bottlltiR works on Upper
llrohdvvav , Is the complainant. Hughes vvlll
have u t rid this morning bcforo JudgoMc-
There will bo n regular meeting of St. Al-
banr lodge. No. 17 , nt Knights ol Pythias
halt this muiiing. V'ork in the several de
grees All members and till knights mo cor-
Iiullj Invited to bo present. 15y order of the
rh-imellor commander.
A pinto of American tin night feel long and
fout feet wide , Is one of the latest arrivals at
Miugatt's hatdwnro store. It is nn outjut
of an Indiana factory , nnd is only ono of iho
hundreds of similar arguments in favor of
tbo Mi Kinlcy bill that are being distributed
over tbo country.
A party for children win given in Chnra-
bcrr , ' dancing readonly in the I loyal Ar
canum parlors Saturday nicht. A largo
nun.'ernf children vvcro present. Prizes
for graceful iln tin tie were awarded to Marion
Tvlcr. Clara Troutman , Gertie Hei.nott ,
Ned U'lrt , Aaron Lvmoa , Ogle Hulls nnd
Dick btewart.
An orpan concert vlll Do given this even
ing in the First Prosnvtorian church under
the auspices of the King's Daughters , the
proceeds to go to assist the Woman's
C hrl tlan association bospitr.1. Prof. H. 1) ,
Honey , tbo well known organist of Grace
J'mscopal church of Chicago , Mrs J. T.
Clark , soprano , and Miss May Agrcs Clark ,
rcidcr , will render a magnificent program.
Tbe advance sain of tickets ha * been latgo
and a line entertainment is in store- for these
\ \ ho attoud.
I have had to give up my business for days
nt a tlmo on account of severe ncadachcs.
Jirndjcrotine has noucr vet failed to relieve
me , and 1 now seldom have them. P. J.
Benne ) , Port Jarvis , N. Y.
Attend the organ concert nt the First
Ptvfebyteriun church this e\cnuig.
An Attiie-tltr Art S.ilr.
Messrs Hile.anil . .Sherraden , the nrt-
Ihts , ha\e puichnsed the C'liapman art
htoro and afti r June Ibt will remove it
to I ft Main httect , under their photo-
j.raph gallery. Until that date , for the
purpose of saving cost of moving , rut
gooilh will bo slid at actual cost and
Iran.ip at u heavier discount thaiint any
( f Chapman's special sales. This will
iifTord ii bplendid opportunity for art
lo\ers to becuie bargains.
Jarvis 1ST" brandy , purest , safest , best.
Are you going to paint ? And did you
know that jou run BIIVO money and get
better paints at Uavia' than any other
place in the city1 That's a fact
Stvanson Miulc Co. , M isonio tamplo.
M-s. J. C. Bonuell of Chicago Is tbo guest
of her sister , Mrs. U. M. Osborno.
Miss Angle Rockwell leaves in n few days
for n viblt with friends in Chicago.
J. L. Paxton und J N. Uowman spent Sun
day nt Nebraska City visiting friends.
Hon. Thomas Dowmin airivod homo from
Wcshlncton jesterduy for a sbort visit.
Miss Mamo IJexol. who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. C. H. Juc-'son. at Chleaco , for
the past month , is expected home early this
Mr. and Mrs. Beers and children of St.
Paul arc the guests of Mr mid Mrs. Liuas
li.ildwln , corner of Willow avenue and Sixth
I. G. I-oomis , a prominent music dealer of
LaCrosse , \Vs. ! . is in the cit } visiting his
brother , \V. \ \ . Loorals , on South bixth
Mrs. Charles B. Swan , wbo has been visit
ing relatives nnd friends In Jnnosvlllc , WIs. ,
is spending n few dnj s here , the guest of Mrs
H. W. Tilton. Sne will visit her old home in
I'reuiont , Neb , before rcturnitic to Cedar
Hapids , Ja , wheie sbo nnd her husband
expect to take up a residence. .Mr Swan
bavlnc sold his business in riemout , is now
traveling in the interests of a Cnlcago bouse.
Ifou feel weal. , tired , ana run down
Hcod'B Sarsnp.uilla is Just what jou neidto
build up strength and parity jour bio d.
Heitor , thctailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest stylej and novvodt tjoods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
llavinc sold my business , I would rc-
quest that all persons ovviiif , ' ti'-counts
and limingpictuie ? , etc. , framed and
Etill in inj possession , would j-lcaso cull
and eottlo buino at the old stand , 15
Pearl St. W. W. CHAPMAN.
I.nlil Auiiy tu Host.
The funeral services over the body of the
Into Judge J. P. CasaJy occurred yesterday
afternoon lit the family residence on Wash-
inpton avenue. The liouso was crowded
with friends of the deceased. The services
were conducted by IJr. T. H Cleland o !
Springfield. Mo. , nnd Dr. Stephen Phelps of
thin city. The lioral dealers were very line.
Among those who were present were IfeU
members of the Oild Kohows' fratcrulty.who
innrchcd in u line behind the remains to tbo
cemetery and conducted the exorcises at tbo
pravo. The following KPntlcmen oftlciatcd
us pall bearers ; Dr Uonnld Macrae , Lewis
Hammer , W H. M. Pusev , U. I ) . Dowinan ,
Spencer Smith , bamuel Haas , P. C. Uovol ,
John 1' . Stewart.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Hobertson
nlso took nlaco yo tordav afternoon from the
ro-ldenco of her daughter , Mrs. John Ilcno ,
V.O Kust Plerco street. A largo audlenco
was present , and tbu toivlco wa conducted
by Ur , Pholpn. Tncro were many beautiful
lioral emblems. The following wcio tbo pall
bearer * ; H. H. Field , W. A. Wood , A C
Cr.iliAiu , Spencer Smith , J. T. Oliver P C
DeWltt's Sar aparllla destroy * such col-
aons as scrofula , skin dUoase , eczi-ma , ibuu-
ir.utitui. Its timely uienxves nmnj lives.
Tlio Hercules lawn mower , with 30-
Inch wheele , will ciu hl'ti ( , praxs nnd
work eubler than any other mower
in rale. Wo keep also the genuine 1'hil-
ndulphia ino\\er and se\ural other inn.
cliincs tlial ue can sell cheaper Umn the
cheapest. Now icfriporatorB , c.irioiul
just received. Dauntless nnd Warwick
oio.velea. 11 Main btn et. bhugnrt &
Son. Heoollecl tliut the new Unnjlor
Surprise it > only jiiisollno stove
os every quality of n pus btoio.
Veti'runi , Attvlitlnn.
On the occasion of the department en-
eampmcnt of tlio G. A. R , to bo hold at
CHUmiwn , coinincnoiiiK Mnv 10 , the C. ,
H. & Q. will sell tickets at onu furo for
lUo round trii > . For pnrticulars call on
O. M. Drown ,
TicUt A > ; ciit , 617 Broadway.
Jur\is' wild bluckborry is the best.
Firemen Confused by Alarms at an Early
Morning Blnza.
.Now * from tlio Cliiirchct Arro tril for
ObtiilnltiR Alonpy Utiilrr I'.iUc PrrtPiuct
rrocr.iin of tlir IllejclUH tor
the Month of .Miiy.
The firemen were considcrablo confused at
about 2 o'clock jestcrday morning by an
alarm of flro whl.'h como almost slmultan-
o ius"v from box 2.T , near the corner of UrooJ
way and First street , anrt 35 , at the Hurllnc-
ton depot on South Main street , The fire
which caused tbo alarm was at
n building on Seventh sttect between
Hlclith and Ninth avenues , owned by Dr. E.
I. Woodbury. U was undoubtedly caused by
an Inrendlarv and the confusion caused by
tbo conflicting alarms , neither of which was
turned In from a place \ory near the flu1 ,
und the consequent delay In reaching the
eceno gave tbo llamcs such a start that about
all the llrcmen coulo do was to prevent
them fiom setting tbo ' .clBhboring
bouses on fire. The building was
ont.rely destro\cd. It bad been empty for n
long llmo and there wns no insuiance.
Hod it not been for thu ignorance of a
night watchman nt Hoaglund's lumberyard
on M iln street a third alarm would have
been sent In and it Is doubtful if tbn firemen
would tm-o gotten the tangle unraveled
bcfcro moinlng.Vbcn Chief Lex In
arrived nt box 34 in No. I engine
house on Main street after the
lire had been extinguished ho found the
watchman standing with the box door open
waiting pntientlv for the bell to rinp. Ho
cUdontly thoucbt that If ho opened the door
the button would do the real , nnd so bo had
neglected to prc s the button. Under the
circumstances , however , It was ns well ho
did not.
Tbo destroyed building wai one
of the old landmarks. It stood
on Pearl street near tbo i-orner of Tiist
avenue until aboil a year ago , when It was
removed to make mom for tbc Woodoury
block. It was occunlca fifteen or twenty
years ago as on cfllro br the law firm of
Baldwin , \Vriglit & Rising.
Dr. J. ll. Moore Mv Dear Sir 1 hnvu
been sutjcct to sick headache all rev life.
Over two years ago 1 began using "Moore's
Tree of Life" for it and never had a case of
sick lioaducbo sinio , except when tbo
mcdlclno wns at one end of tbo road and I at
the other. Ills worth more than monev to
mo. I henrtllv recommend It to nil sufferers
ef f 10 Vhoadacho. Very trulv yours ,
Pastor First Baptist Chure.b ,
For sale by all druggists.
A Spli'iulli ! Uiulnriomcnt.
Everybody in Council Blulls knows
George II. Icfechendorf. He is one of
our most enterprising business men nnd
a very successful ono at that. Mr. Mes-
chendorf. like all human boin , is not
without his faults and his greate-il ono
is drinking. To a reporter yesterday
ho recited the facts which coroborato
his statcmont pi von below , as follo\\s :
CofNUi. Bun rs , April 21) ) , lfe'J2. I ,
tlie undersigned , am engafjed in the market , business in which I am
quite c.\toiiM\cly interested in Council
Bluffs and Omuha and ha\o been for the twenty-six years. 1 finally con
tracted the liquor habit , so much so that
nothing less than from five to thirty
glasses a day would satisfy me. Feeling
it was injurious to myself , my familj
and my business I sought the aid of the
Blanchard Gold Cure. After treating
for the twenty days am thoroughly
satisfied that I am absolutely cured of
the worst habit that man can acquire.
The treatment left mo robust and in the
best of health and today liquor is dis
tasteful to mo. Therefore , I cheerfully
iccomtnend the Blanchard institue , 555J
Broadway , Council BlulTs , to my many
friends of thi- , city and Omaha.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. ,
will open their annual May sale Wednes
day , Maj I. Bargains in store for every
body. Fothoringhara , WhiteKiw & Co. ,
Council BlulTs , la.
I'olritH ' .
on 1'loty.
Dr. T. II. ClellanJ. a former pastor of the
First Presbyterian chuicb , occupied his old
pulpit jesterday morning , to the delight of
nis many friends in tbo city. Ho preached
on eloquent discourse and was listened to
with the closest attention. Ho Is now
located at Springfield , Mo. , where ho is
pastor of a very prosperous church. Ho
came to tbo city to attend the funeral of his
former parishioner , Judge Casadv ,
Kev. P r Bre/eo occupied the pulpit at
the rifth Avenue Methodist church in the
morning. Dr. Brezeo was twice pastor of
tno Broadwav church in this citv , and
during his administration the church became
cio : of tbo leading religious organizations
Ho Is now locn'ed at L.OS Angeles , Cal , and
although bo bus not visited Council Blulls
since bis departure for the west , nearly ten
\eats ao , both bo and his friends in the city
still feel an alsorbin" Interest in each other's
wrlfnre. In the evening Kv. Wilmtt
Wbltileld , chancellor of tbo Northwest
university of Sioux Citv. preached.
At atJohn's English Lutheran church n
number of new members were received , the
sacrament of I'unti&m being administered bv
Dr G. W. Snvdcr. Mr. Snjder ha * bce'u
pastor of tbo church onlv a year , but In that
tlmo ho bus built up u llouiisbmp organiza
tion by his acgrcsslvc end unceasing labors
and about thirty additions have been made
to tbo church. Steus ore being taken to put
up a church building duiing the coming
Tbo meeting at the Younir Men's Christian
association looms In theaftornoou was largely
attended. Kev. Henry Dcioni ; was th'o
loader and tbo interest was augmented by
tbo piotouco nnd shoit talks of Kev. P. F.
Brcrce , Pr.-s ! lin ? Klder W. S. Hooker nnd a
number of other geutleme-n wbo have como
to Council Bluffs to attend tbo Methodist
boveral members were received Into tbo
Congregational church t'urlng ' tbo communion
exriciscs at the cloio of the morulns sorice. .
Kev. 11. A. Smith of Audubon in cached in
tbo morning at tbo First Baptist church und
in the ovoninp lit the liorean church.
At tboTilnitj Methodist church Kev. T.
J. Movers , D.D. , of Mr. Pleasant , occupied
tbo pulpit in tbo moining nnd Kev. J , H.
Clsscll , D D. , of La Porte , Ind. , In the e\en-
ing. Both services were well attended.
Kldcr Columbus Scott , wbo has just been
appointed jastor of the Lat'cr IJuy Saints
chuicb , pruochcd for tbo llrfct tlmo yesterday
morning nt the church , corner of Pierce
street and ( ilen avonuo.
At the Broadway Methodist church Dr ,
A. J Kvuctt , secretary of the Board of
Church Extension , preached ID tbo morning ,
in.d Dr J C Jnck ou of Columbus , Oin
the evening. Tlio now Methodist church nt
tbo head of Broadway U to bo dedicated a
week from next Sunday , and ttio occasion
will , no doubt , boa great one among tno
Methodists of this city. The i o\ organ Is
now on tbo road , and U expected to urrivo
this week The dedicatory services will bo
attended by a largo number of the clergy
men wbo are attending tbo conference , and
Bishops Joyce und Vincent are onions tboso
who will tuko part.
In the evening a union mcetlntr was held in
the First Prcsbjtc-ilan bv the jouug pcopln's
societies of thu variou * chuicbes. The larce
auditorium was crowded and tbo exercises ,
although long , were Interesting. Vue object
was to discuss the
plan of forming a perma
nent union of tbo Societies of Christian
F.ndcavor U U Jones of Omaha read a paper
describing the work of the union in that
city. Kev O. W. Cooftcr , Kev. A. H Carter
and Dr. Stephen Pbclpsmndesbort adaresica
on the subject , "U but is ibo Vnung People s
feoclaty of Christian Ki deavor Doiie to Help
Mel" The adare se \ ere inters erspdwlth
selections by the Vouutr Mui.'s Journal quar
tette of Omutn , and songs uv the congrega
tion , led by Ibe combined choirs of the Pres
byterian and Congiegallonal diuretics.
At the close It was decided to form a
union to take In not only the
Young People's Societies of Christian
Endeavor , but the Epworth loneurs of tbo
Methodist find the j cmng people's societies of
the Baptist cburcbas , provided they would
change their names nnd como In under t o
Christian Endeavor flap. To effect an or
ganization u committee wa appointed con
sisting of tbrco delegates from each of tbo
societies These delegates will be appointed
by their respective societies and will meet to
organize a week fiom Thursday evening In
the Young Men's Christian association
Dlviaso nnvor successfully attacKS a svs-
torn with ptiro blood. DoWltt's fearsapurilln
makes purn , now blood find onrlchci the old.
11 H. Shenfo has money to loan on real
estate and chattels , Drotidwpy and Main.
Lirgeit stock of Japanese and Chinese
mattings , the newest and Intent designs ,
nt lowest prices ever shown in Council
Bluffs or offered the tr.ido in the Mis
souri valley. Council BlulTs Carpet
company. _
Couldn't Ki-sNt Temptation ,
Ed Burke , a well known colored man , was
arrested yoslcrdnv charged with obtaining
money under false pretenses. Agues Don
nelley , o vouiiu lady w to wns jailed the other
dav for committing Indiscretions common to
people of her class , was lined In pollre court ,
She thought that In Burk she had found n
friend In need and er.ive him ? . " > , ho agreeing
to ruttlo around and get the balance
required to pay her line and allow her to
sniff freedom s Mr once more. Burk disap
peared In tbo shape of a black itrcak atound
tbo corner and was not seen any more. Ibo
woman filed an information In tbo superior
court charging Burk with cheating by falsa
prntcnse' , and ho was nicked up In Omaha
nnd brought to this tldo of tbo river for a
Wnll Paper.
Thn newest designs , the largest stocu
nnd bv' far the lowest prices is at the
I3O.STON STOlli : . Intimates furnished
for papering. Nothing but the best
paperhangora employed. Everything
guaranteed. Figure with us when you
want papering done.BOSTON
Council Blutfs , la.
The Boston Store , Council BlulTs. la ,
will open their annual Maj sale Wcdnes ,
day , May I. Bargains in store for ov cry-
body. Fotheringham , Whitclaw & Co.- ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Nut Itc.ul.v to Appoint.
The council will hold Its regular monthy
meeting this evening , and a lar c number
will probably bo present of those who expect
to see n row. But there will bo no row , so
the aldermen say , as any effort that may DO
mode to appoint a city clorl : or fire chief
w 111 result as all previous efforts have re
sulted. Nona of tbo aldermen have changed
front , and an agreement or compromise
Is apparently no nearer today than it was
two months aco. The men now holding tbc
ofllces which are to be filled some day bv the
council have settled back and prepared to
bold on until the aldormanlc contest In the
Fifth watd is settled , which will be somu-
time , in tbo next tbrco months.
Mrs. L , K. 1'atton , Koc rord , 111. , writes :
"Fiom porsonai cxpericnco I can recommoad
DoWltt's Sarsapanlla. a euro for linpuro
blood und general debility. "
Hotel Gordon , 3IiO Broadway , has re
cently changed hand * , nnd is being thor
oughly renovated. Clean b.-ds ; prompt
service ; table first class.
Wo have our own vineyards in C.ilifo.
nia. Jarvis Wino corapvny , Co. Blula
TjpcnMi'i't. .
The Typograpical union held Us regular
monthv ! meeting je tcrday afternoon In the
patrolmen's room at police headquarters.
After tbo usual business had been transacted
S C. N'oblo , who has returnee after n stay
of over aear in the west , marto a speech in
which ho described the new home for indi
gent printers which has just bean opened in
Colorado Springs. It is bulltand maintained
by the National Typographical union , and
will bo used bolely for printers wbo nrc rco-
dorea unable to work by ago or physical in-
Uowitt's Sarsapanlli clcinscs the blool ,
Prof. H. B. Roney , who appears at the
pipe organ concert this evening at the
First PVesb.v terian church , ia well
known all oor the country as the man
who brought Blatehfotd Kavanaugh ,
the famous boy singer , before the pub
lic a few jours ago.
Genuine Rock Springs coal at
Thatcher's , 1U Main street , always on
hand. _
WhfPl Club Ituns.
The Council Blufls Wheel club has made
arrangements to take two tuns each week
during Alay , provided thu weather is pleas-
ant. They wilistnrt from the Grand hotel ,
and the following is a list ol tbo runs to be
maue , with tbo time of departure and the
lonptli of tuo trip :
Wednesday , May 4 , 7 oO p. in. , Lake Man-
nwa , nioouligut run , eight miles.
Sunday , May b , b.:30 : a. in. , Glenwood , forty
Wednesday , May 11 , : ; ! 0 p. m. , Florence ,
Xoo , moonliclt run , twenty-two miles.
Sunday , May 15 , b:3U : a. m. , Missouri Val
ley , liftv miles.
Wednesday , May IS , 7:30 : p. m. , South
Omaha , eighteen mitt's.
Sunday , May J. , t5-30a. m. , Neola , forty-
five miles.
Wednesday , May 25 , 7:30 p. m. , Poney
Creek , ton miles.
Sunday , May 29 , b.30 a. m , Blair , Neb. ,
sixty miles.
Mr ? . Winslovv's Soothing Svruo for chil
dren teethini ? cure wind colic , diaribccaetc
5 cents a battle.
The Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. ,
will opoti their annual Maysnlo Wednes
day , May 4. Bargains in store for every
body. Fothoringbam , Whitelaw & Co ,
Council Blufis , la.
Patronlo blue ice wagonsfor Mo. river
channel ice Mulholland & Co. Tel. lOi
CO.V/ > /I/O.V.S.
JlcjiorU from Illinois anil Arktni : > : ii Ui | to
Coinr.v , Ark. , Mav 1. Continued wet
weather has discouraged tbo farmers of this
section and hundreds of acres of corn lar.n
will bo planted In cotton. Farmcra all over
the state nru discouraged at tbo poor prospect
for a decent corn crop.
Sniisnnim : , 111. , May 1. The Illinois
weather service bulletin report for the past
week suvs : Tbo temperature bus been below
normal. In tbo southern counties tbo ruin-
fall was consldciably above the average ,
wbilo in most other counties it was uelKIcnt.
The Into sprlne has retarded farm work.
Wheat , except In very low lands , is doinu
oiceplloually well.
DrmiilUhtMl \ ) u C'j clone.
Ei.Doiuiio , Kan , May I. News has just
reae'ipa hero of a cyclone which struck the
village of Burns , nineteen miles north of
here , this morning. It Is lmpo < isiblo to learn
tbo amount of dunmgo done , although It Is
known that no one was killed. Four bouses
and a school bouse were demolished.
A meeting of the Harrison club of Douglas
county will bo held at Waterloo on May
Ib'X1 , at' ' o'clock , p. m ,
JOIIN V. McAnni r , Secretary.
. \riiilltfil | o | I InChare' .
LEXINOTOS , Mo. , May 1 Isaao Poltz ,
charged witb murdcrincr Agarah Hit-Kins ,
was acquitted. Tbe jury took twelve bouu
to reach an agreement.
A disease , treated as such nnd poriniv
nontly cured. No jiublic-lty. No infirm-
HIT. Homo treatment. Harmless and
cliectual. Hefer by permission to Uur-
Hngton HuvvUeye. Send "o stamp for
inmpblet. Shokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , lu.
Ihcivc bought the finest lot of Spring and SummcrShocs that have ever been offered to the
Council Bluffs and Omaha trade. Everything new and the styles the very latest. The weather
has been against us , but if prices will be any inducement to you I will dress your feet in the very
best for the same price that you can buy ordinary and cheap shoes for elsewhere.
Ladies' Shoes , plain , tipped , kid top , cloth top , patent trim , lace or button , on any last , all
widths and sizes , goods that haven't been out of the factory over two weeks , in prices ranging
from $2.00 to $5,00 , and I challenge any one to duplicate my prices on same quality of goods.
In Oxfords I have almost anything in vesting , cloth , or dongola tops , patent tips or plain ,
southern ties , bootees , princess and numbers of others. Prices on these will be cut to $1.25 to
$3.50 , These are goods that would be hard to duplicate in either city for less than $2.00 to $5.00.
I have plenty of goods and they must go at some price. Remember , I never advertise a
fake , and that my motto is :
FIIOM rinst
police station and in the town ball. No damage -
ago was dono.
A dispatch from Toulon stutos that tbo po-
llco of the city today arrested Ave militant
anarchists. No disturbances have occurred
at Toulon.
A disnatch from Chartres , capital of the
department ot Euro ct-Loire , states that a
panic was caused among tbo people who at
tended the services at the cathedral there
today , by an explosion that occurred in tbo
nnvo of the building. For a tlmo it was
thought that it was an anarchist attempt to
blow up tno cathedral , but the confusion
abated when it was found that tbo noise
was caused by the explosion of a squib that
hod been placed In tbc nave by a mischiev
ous urchin. ,
I'eaco nnd Good Ordrr Prevailed Monster
Lovnov. May 1. The expected aud long
prepared for labor demonstrations were hold
today in most of the largo cities on the
continent , and ia various manufacturing und
mining districts. In many places the au
thorities had forbidden the holding of pro
cessions nnd tbo workingmea observed the
holiday by taking their families to suburban
resorts aud passing Ibo day In a quiet
In view of the many outragqs perpetrated
by anarchists durlntt thu past few months ,
and the many threats that have boon made to
make the day memorable for Its disorders ,
tno authorities in all continental cities
adopted the most stringent precautions to
prevent or suppress any outbreak.
Every city has Its contingent of socialists
and anarchists and M y day was tno ap
pointed tlmo nt which they were to show
themselves in force and to give proof of
their power. Thus far advices recahod hero
show that In most places the day passed
harmlessly , if not , quietly. There were as
semblies of workmen where speeches of n
somewhat Inflammatory character were
made , but the police were ecnerally on the
alert , and good order , it It was not abso
lutely preserved , was very ea ily restored
where breaches of the peace did occur.
round lu n lllarU Dug.
A black bag was found today In a secluded
street beside the Woolwich arsenal contain
ing gun. cotton , dvnamito , nnd gunpowder.
In it was also found a belt lllled with cart
ridges and several documents written in a
foreign language , recogi ized to be the wont
of n person whom tbo police nro now track
ing. Tbo oolico refuse to divulge the name
of this individual. No fuse was attached to
the explosives and It does not appeur that
any attempt was made to cause nn explosion.
Tno bac was taken to an isolated maga/mo
located on tbo Woolwich marshes.
1'ho day was observed here quietly. A
largo procession inarched to Hyde park ,
where monster meetings were held. A largo
number of speakers addressed the crowd ,
mcluuing Cunningham E. Gr.ihnm , tbo
socialist member of the HOUEO of Commons ,
Tom Mann and Ben Tillot , tbo labor leaders ,
and Stepnlak , the Husslan nihilist. Resolu
tions were adopted favoring an eight-hour
dav and calling upon Furlloraent to pass an
eight hour bill. Tboro was no dis turban : e.
Perfect Onlor 1'rct.iileil.
The meeting was the largest demonstra
tion of worklngmen over organized in this
city. They began to assemble on tlio banks
of 'tho Thames at 10 o'clock In the morning.
Each contingent was beaded by a band of
music , nnd every band of paraders carried
banners , while the men were bedecked with
rosettes and flowers. Altogether , the pro
cession made a bright spectacle , and
applause wus frequent as tbo laborers
marched along In pcifect order.
An Idea may be ulycn of Ibo magnitude
ol tno demonstration when it Is stated that
tbo procession occupied nearly tbreq Hours
entering Hyde park , , 'J.'ho number of per
sons taking part IjjV.nilouMv estimated at
from 300.00J to 500,000 , The speeches made
nnd tbo proceedings' generally wore In ac
cordance with the prtsram. A largo force
of police and auibulaqc s were present. The
assemblage disporiedjqulotly
Tbe Woman's Tradp , } union passed a reso
lution in favor ufi < cp operation to sccuro
fewer working hours i
Demonstrations w < np held in Dublin , Mnn-
o heater , OUsgow ap > l most of the largo
towns of Grout Britain and Ireland. They
were modeled after tno Hyde park meeting ,
but on u smaller scale , w There wus no dis
order. _ i _
Nu Colllslr ) " "t Mennn.
ICopj/rfo'iffl ' 'W buJa-ntt Gunlai Ufiinttt 1
VIEN.N * , May i. [ New York Herald Cable
-Special to Tun HEBJ Tbe prater waj
thronged with thousands of worklngmcn
and their wives and children decently
dressed. Tbo majorttv wore socialist badges
with mottoes demanding eight bou work
unu universal suffrage. There weio no
trcrips in sight. The military music
which usually plays three capes was
replaced by civil bands. There weio
two maellL s. These wore dissolved by the
CJimnltiaiy for violent speeches. Tbo out
of town meetings were largely attended , but
thcro was no disturbance. This evening all
the worliingmen's societies united and
marched down the prater cheering and
shouting their party cries , but the nolico did
not interfere1 , and tbcro was no collision nor
no arrests. The ofllces of thu i-onscrvatlvo
JournaU were guaided nil day by the police.
lliil ) WiiNot iTutiirbcit ,
ICopvrt'jMat Itaibj Jima Kordo /JtJni/U.1
ri.oiiE.Me , Italy , May 1. [ New York
Hcrild Cablo-SpocUl to THE Brn
There was perfoet or.lar hero. The theaters
were ciowded. Tboro has been no anar hta !
demonstrations or mcetinz * .
sii/iu AN A item's
Chicago I'ollci-1 ear Tin-in from the llnnils
of I'iir.itli < r \ Onlrt
CHICAGO. Ill , May 1.A highly sensa
tional lucidont occurred in the May day cele
bration hero todav. H was none other than
the seizure of thrco sanguiuarv cmblcmi
which were cariied by three paraders in the
Immense procession , w bicb was the feature
of today's celebration. Thu police had issued
strict orders for the regulation of the demon
stration , among which was ono that no red
flacs or other atiaichlsttc draperies would be
permitted In the parade.and tr.ey evidently
meant what they said.
At the head of two dozen men from the
ArLciterCoining onlco n flaming red ( lag was
carried. It hud been prepared for the occa
sion , as a strip oi bunting covered with stars
had been fastened to the staff and fell among
thefoids of the emblem Another little bunch
of red-- , Known as Debating Clubs Nos 1 nnd
2 , carried Hags which worn so led that thev
drew the disapproval ol bupenutcndcnt
After watching the procession for some
tlmo the divisions carrvSnc anarchistic
emblems caught the eye of Supeuntendent
Huobard , wbo immediately ic olved to capture -
turo them at all hazard * . A hurtled consultation -
tation was held between Inspectors Marsh
and Fltzpatrlck , Captain Shea nnd Superin
tendent Hubbard , after which there" was
considerable of a commotion around head
As the procession approached Madison
street , near Clark. Captain Shea and a do/en
others forced tbeir way through the immense
crowd which lined tbo sticcls , and accom
panied bv a dozen officers in uniform , took
positions at the corner of Madison and Clark
streets. As tbo debatingciubs came up with
their fiery flags Moating in the breeze , Inspector
specter .Marsh nodded bis head and in a
twinkling tnc ofllcers broKe into tbc ranks
and soize'd tbo men Ibo fet bidden
flags. The crowd fell back to allow the
ofilcers and their prisoners passage , nnd the
latter were unccieuioniouslv butricd Into
waiting patrol wagons. Tuo crowd which
lined the streets cheered
A few minutes later the ArbeitorCeitung
employes reached the corner. Another nod
by Inspector Marsh and thoofflccis qulcklv
seized tbu bearer of the led banner Ho
made a lltlla show of resistance , but was
quickly and forcibly placed into tbo waiting
patrol wagon.
The crowd nz < iln cheered loudlv , and a
young man who was decorated with a bright
Vnmson sash made insulting remarks end
quickly joined his. comrades in the patrol
w a iron"
When the m n and flags were tuk n from
the rank n did not causa niiv particulai
commotion In the procession , tbo marcher
103 feet ahead being oblivious of the prn-
ceedinc1' . The men and their fierrv draperies
were taken to Chiet MtLaughev's oflicc
where the latter reaa them a soveie lectue
ana informed them that it was not his
purpose to prosecato them , but
ho informed them that tbo laws mjst
bo obeyed , and police regulations strictlv
lived up to The mrn stated that they were
innocent of wrongdoing. They only read tbf
Arbeitcr Zeitung , nnd did not Know thej
were violating the law or disobeying police
orders. They were selected , they taid , ov
tbulr organizations to carry tbo Ila s and aid
not intend to defv the police.
There wns not tbo least hint of disorder on
the lake front , where speeches were mr.dc ,
and the revolutionary "spirit , If theio was
any , was carefully concealeJ.
oiilt-t at M. l.onls.
Sr Lori" , Mo , May 1. May Oay was oo-
seived hero by about li.OOO men , members of
trade and labor unions , and of tbo German
Arbeitcr Vorbuad. Tbe celebration took
place at Concordia park. No disturbance oc
LcWlU'sbarsaparnia is roiuub.
I was the victim of the worst case of
Catiirrh that I e\cr hcatd of. I was
entirely deaf in one car , nrnl nil the in-
siile of my nose , including i"rt of the
bone sloughed off. No sort o ( treat
ment bcncfittcd me , anil physicians said ,
"I would never be any better. " As a
last resort I took Swift s Specific , and it
entirely cured me and restored my hear
ing. 1 have been well for years , aud
no sign of return of the disease. Mrs
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liver nnd ratom.ieh , restoring the
constipated o pans to healthy activity ,
und arc n POSITIVE and PHUracTLY
ACHi : , BILtOUSNKSrf , nnd all other
ciibcnscs iifibitiL ; from a ditordcred con
dition of thu Liver and Stomtieh.
They are the Only Itc-Ulilo Vegetable Mvcr
I'll ) bold : They nre I'cifuvtly ll-irtuiunj ; They
H 1 nn 1) Yicutublu ! Try The'in ,
DH. SelicncU' * llooU on L'onsuinpttou , l.lver
Complaint anil I ) } tpeptU t'ent I'rcu ,
U. J. U. fcCUENCIC i SON , 1'hllttdclphln. I1 *
A Written Ciinrantoo
to Cure V.very Case or
Money KofundoJ.
lurruro l pcrmanpiil iinl t ot h pnl''il ' ij up. C 'cs
Hi Hti'd seven roir < v"l' ' > v never spcn frmpt-'m
f IOP llrdi' nb n < Pi s full * irsciiii tr > it yo i tij
Lull Bnlneiiir the am ttrotu KiinrinltM lonir.i
cr re-fund nil mo irjr 1 ho o win , prrfe'r to ronii" licru
firtrcntmi-'nlcun ilo < " n I we till pij railroil firi
IM tb nnr'&iidho'ol t > II ! will o Ite'-e. If v\o I fill lo euro
We clullpnacllo worllf'ira c , j fint our Miil'
Henirily will not euro \v-Ucfor pnrtlcjlir * HH 1 tfet
tliecTlilciiCf lu cur tote > jrcirs prncllce will tlio
Maele Itcmo Ir It lia < liecn mo t difficult to ore-rcomo
tbp prpju Hie" n nlns ; socnllc.l p cllli ; < Hut un Icr
our "Irons Fimrontee thomnti Ii lira trvlns It nnd lie
InpiureJ VVcjjuarantJO to C.IM or rcfmJ OTIT/
dollir , nn 1 as we have repu 'loi topnn ct ni'a
rnanclii bucking of { SO.JJOU U perfccllr sifo to nil
wlio llltrj fie trcilment , llervtofora yo i IIRTO
puttlnRUp and pnr'n ' out > our raoTcr lor dlferjn1
lre tmcnt RtiJ ulllionuli you nra not ri't cur-1 nJ
ono Las t nUl back your money VVu will po lllvj j
cure you , OM , chronic , deep sea'e I en cure ! Ii > l
u > .iiilay * lnvellia our flnincUt ftinlli ; , oir
rci utntlon fnbmlm.31 iae-i. Write u for ttiinci nn I
nililrcnc of Ilio'e v > olnTo curiM wao lia o Uren
r < Ttn1"lon lo refer to tlio-n It co t you only umt-
ore to do ihl 11oiir fmptim < nro o-is fin t.
DUIOUI patches In mouth rhenimiiil ii IT bnnpt nnJ
jutiid. balr falling out cruntlons OT any put of 1112
tody , fee Inz of KC icr il depreiMon , pi1 i' In hei 1 or
tone * You have no time t > wa to ItiO'o vvlu are
constantly taking mir'nry anl poll * ' ! , rhjuMilt.
continuclt. Constant U D of ttie o * lru < will surely
trirg ores and cilln ; ulcer * In the en 1 I > o 1 1 fill I )
write. Alleorreipun ' .en"i snt siMileJ In pliln en
velope We Inr to thoni i t rU-i 1 lnvc-lliatloJ and
n 111 do all In our powcrtu ul 1 > ou In lt >
COOK REMEDY CO . - Omaha. Neb
OX'.Y '
S500 for i ciso of I.o T nr Tvii-tST Mv
1100:1 , Oi'iiorilor N IIVOLM 1) u L rr. weik-
ncs9of i o1y < rmlml. tlis etfert , of errors or ex
cesses n elder voun ; tli it wee-innoti-urt ) Wo intcoovery < .iso or r.-fmi I every ilollir
rive d tro itni"iit * ! , full cour-.n * * .
I'crceptlb o benolli * roilirol In three div <
Hy in ul , cocnrjiy jiirkol frJm ous.rv.itlon.
LOOK I'.iMtii Co. in MI A. NLII
MARIf1 I'HMAI.i : KIX.l'I.ATOII , = 'ifo
ITinUll ) Can iln to a d iy or m inoy retitti le-1
Hy in-ill } . ' . Soouroly ; o ilo 1 fro n obsurva
tlon CtlHi IttZJlltn i' Ct. ! . O n ihu .Noi
j WHY'io'YOU"GOUal ? 1
Do jou know lltat a llltlo CoUgU ;
1 a daiiucrotis thln ? :
j BOCTO ? ? 1
Will Stop a Cough at any time :
and Cure the worst Cold ii :
; twelve houra. A 23 Cent bottle
: may save you $100 in Doctor's :
I bills-may save your life. ASS :
iDr. Acker's English Pills :
* Prn&ll , i lru anl. a rivnrlto nlth Itie laAIca Z
" \ . 11 IIOOKEHAl ) 5 . tt Troadway , ) , \ ;
k. . . . . t.i . . .r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.----
Fnr silo bv Ku'in ' .t Co. nnd Sherman
& . ,
tt btuumitl llrcriinc wiwiln , i url I
f ) th" tilou l , ur- wife unil ( tTittunljT
tHfH cciitUliutlon. d > lKirln fnul
bri.ith hiatlftdie , hcnrtlmrn , ] < * ( f i
iun , | 4.1nfulo
> Ai'iitiAi : , .
IninliiT e-ti- I tInill in bcrvleo , Ho c-
liutl A CMII.V i- I ) . , Slay . ' IMK. ' iinle-d | iioios- |
: uniluibud ! "rroiujils | for luiubor , Imiidur-
inatriiiil etc- " a1i'ie ' ci , eimy le nn-l ml-
clieb > c-tl to theniielcixl iii-u nt KnM'Inid
.iscne-y , w 1) . vl i Va'eiitlni ' * , Nib. , vvlll bo re--
c-e ivcil at th s lu'ency until 1 o'ciiu n p in of
Ti.rsiluy , M.i > 'J , l-'r.1 , for fiiniNbln : HIII ! do-
ilvi'ilnzut Valiiitlno Nol > , , orit polntR oil
Iliu Ito.eliud In ll.iii rihirvutlon to bo do-'K- '
11 it ui ! by tliu un JiTilk'iR'il , nlaint 'Ji',00) fri I
uf -vii lid IninliiT. 14\0 U t-li n lis 0'im ,
I , iliu lir i ! > . linn' . I ir > lv\uii ) , iloois , 'tlnclovvi. ,
d t nts. o ! ' . etcu full deerltion | of
t d ilicr vMih itifiiruintlon 111 to tiulniH of ilc-
lirorv. Mill to furnlhlifil upon iiiplli-iitliiii |
lllildi'is mil 1 1 > iiiiilrid | lo tl.ilii bice-ll- |
cuil ) In their bidtliu lirojioxiil in Ice uf
cin-li uillclu odeied for diillve-ry utiilur n
c intriii , unit tuo pout or points 111uro -
Dused tudullvur tbu urlluluo. I'lio nslil Is ro
se r Mil to n-jn t .inv or ill blilx , or un > p.irt of
tiny bid. if deicinncl for the In t Interest of tin-
eorvlec ( LIITIHI.JI < in i h- Knell bill must be
iti' iiri.n.iiilcil by A cirllllc'l I'lioe-K or ilrufi
upon bun o I'nlli'iltan Hiti'iiuBlKiry ur sulvi nt
nutlonal K.iiiU in thu vle.nllv uf thu rchldencc
of tiu | bidder iiMilo 1115 able to I uotdrt of
thu coiiiiiils-loni'r of Itiillm iiirnli < . fui nt * > | icr mitt of ti c iiiiiiiunt uf tliH pr pi ' .i' ,
vvlile-h ebic-U drift ulll '
01 ei forfulle l to tlio
I'nlled Mates 'n r siimy bldili r or I'l.liium
re-e-o v In : un uwurd hh.ill full to iitomptly ex
ec-ulu si cniitriu-t vtlth nooil and snllli-k-iil
bure-ti ' . othi rwl o in bo reliirncd t'i this bid
der. Illdb nii-oiup < nled by r.isli In lluu of a
U'ltlliod i-ht i-c ! will tiot conslilpK d I'ur
fiilthc'r liiforinulluii i < | ipl > lo J ( jeoriro
vVrlb'bt , L'nite-d ? tjte-b liullin A/ent ,
Nutli ol sill- .
Of I'lr-t Nnllun il bunk biillilln. .
UliU vvlll bu r > e-e-und at thu ullliu of ihu rt-
ee-iverof tbu I'lr-l Nut onul binU , HIM ! Cloud ,
Nub , until U'o'ei | > i-k noon , M iy S , IH/ ' . fur thu
bun , In : build u f , futii turo und lUtiirut. ,
therrln contnlneil ultuituun lot 10. blovk 'M ,
o t > < if HuJ Cloud Wubktcr eounty , Nub. 'I he *
bu I Hny U a KOOI | * > kloiy Ir UK llnl .ii'l ( In
bti In. w tli I renuh platu uia > 4 front , tl u floor ,
Kood vuuith , fiirn khud wlib unlnut be-vul
platu Klas , buin coiinti'is ollk-on d v Irtoil
vvlih bioii/i' vvlru uarlltloiu onu Kuuel Vulit
time lock , bur.'lir ptoof site ; iilco iio
clnilrs , lllu < . ciu. , ro.uly for biiikln.- .
ru-rrviMl to rejout uriy or 1 b ( l in prov lilo 1
for Inorde-r fnini tbu e-ourl toi-ull. O ( J Hull ,
revolver I'll at .National bank , Ucd Ciouil. Nxb.
I Eye & Ear
Ilr l fixities , npmriUH mid Unnolloi
for nic'"mut irj.iiineiit of nrery firm
of dHo.i > o roqulrlii r modle.U or
sur luil tro itmtMit ,
M fur patients , bo i rd nnJ uttondin-a ,
lle'.t aii emulations In the west.
Wrte fir ilriiilirs tin deform. t i * uiU
br uos , triissi-s , club fout , O'lrv ituroi of stilna ,
iil'i'S ' tun or * eineer , oil irrli. troiieh t s , ln
h ilHilon.c' c'Ctrlrlty. .
pir.ilysli , i-nile-nsy , kld
IK i 1) .1 Kier ej e , o ir. > .UIn an 1 blooJ an 1 all
sur , : ! U on r it ions.
Women I KKi : . U'o luivulutoly nil li'd i lyui-t-
! n < 'op ' irttiiunt f < r women during coillnoincnU
Mrli-tlv l > r itc1 1 ( In v Kmlalilo Medical In-
htitutc iniklii ? .1 peel iltv D :
Al Hood I'Kuisos sui'cossfuily troitol.
Jlibllt.c I'nlson romovrd from the system
ulihoul in , reiirjr Now lUutor.itlva f
mc'iit fen Loss of VITAL 1'OVVKIt. I'ursons un-
nbio to v In t us uiav bo tro-ilud ill tin no by
i < irrc'-.oun nice. AH cominunlu.ilUms confi
dential Meli-lius or instrmnu-iti sent l > y
in i I orevpr.'ss , secure y picked , no m ir tend
nd tatc eontuntsor sender. One pcrsimil Inter -
ter > o prefc-rro I. C.ill an 1 consult us or send
hlMor > or j > ur case , and we will * cml In p ila
vvr.ijiucr. o ir
RnnK Tn MFN rKEn : u on Prlvito ,
auun iu incn
, i.pooal , or Xervms DH.
eises Iinpoti'ticy. S plnlls. Qlout an 1 Varlco-
ecu1. VMlhiiiu-t on list.
llricc"ppllanees for Deformities .t Trilsoi.
Only m inufauUiry inthu Wudtof tir.HI t il-
n i ii'i'i.i iic , + , iii t'.iit SA , iLt.uritio
it t Triu.s t/ > / HI. tu.
Onulia Medical anil Surgicil Inslitulc ,
20th and Broa Iway , Co moil BluTj.
Ten ininntcii lo from vunturuf Oin ill i 01
Onmlm an 1 > . inncll lllulfi olejtrlo motor Unu.
Of council llluli.
c'.iit\i | : itcc
fcurphi ! , uU Profits
NctCapIt il nn Surplili.
1 IrictorsI I ) KI nu 1 1 < > i. { . U si id f )
Glftison " . i : 1 1 in. I v.tlllir , J V 1 i i ail
nmle inrMi It Human Tr.iiisict/onei U b inlf-
iii r bus.ness. 1. ir'oi : cipltil anJ suryl Jiof
an } b.iiil. -oiu'iftebtern lo .u
TI via
J/IOK S.AM : A fresh tnllcli low \\li , t
J pirpi liter wnrK In pajtnent. Applj at
( 'like1 uf l/i on nd Everett ,
11 | uA firms fur silo. Itniro\e | I 15'a ros
in Ilirrison loiinty. t.'JOJporucro , IJj ucrei
linurmcil.'i ill ; 81 acreJli.'Ji. ' . I'or b ir.'inn
In hiua .1111 rsi'lir isku farms call on or vvntft
In lolin < on .V V iti I'itten , Counc I HluIN
IOK- UU i\eHA.MJi-nty : .ml firm
-L proper' v. I. II Miuifu. ll'wuy .nul M.iln.
I/OH Ki.X1-Dwellings : in all p irts of tiio" !
1. ilij i : II shcafo. Hroulw.iy tin I Mnin.
f/Oi : t-AL ! Aero ijo nu.irc.ty ad ipto 1 for
-L fruit anil minimi puruJsurl II ? iiuafo ,
III o id n u Vji id M mil strjctt.
_ _ _
c , < TltAfin and Co ninlhilon-gtovcs furnl-
* 'turiol' . , Nlott-d mill sold on eoin-u silim at
lowest t lies U Ivliitiohan. .tai llro nlvv iy
\\'ANTi D-Cotnputontclrl.Tv Mis J N
( Ms tly. Appyut ulllce of J I' A. J N
( as.idy ,
_ _ _
IT'Olt SM.H Ono slnslo ton bii.-irj. vv tli o
L V'lthont Iiiirncs9 , chu.-ip forc.ibh IV At *
uood , I.s ll.iiuhn Hroot.
J . . < nA ' I.K All miiiiiiurof fnri.i'blnit
ki oiU ehetp , 111 wo . ro about to , uavo tbo
illy J I' I ilbcrl , 710 1'lrst nvo.
SI'HHI.V fur s iln. nearly now , or will tra da
for | ih eion Address I. ( i Itonbain , clly
\\'AN I KU linincdlatuly , Rlrl for kitebelj
' work. Oood purmtine'iil uUeoii \ ti 7th
"ITIi Ht "AI.K ult THAIi-m-acro f.irn. . e"pe-o- )
-L Lilly ml ipio I lo frull cnlturu ; Inrx linns. ! * ,
si di u and wlndinl.l ; : i' , niiies from Cit.uiJ
luittj APP j to Leon inl I'vurott ,
You are In ri-bv nutllled tlial the fol ovMnj
deucillicil pte'inlsc's. to-irlt :
Loth i an i d in 'ill ck IUI in tbo orl linl plat
uftliiM t > , h ive lii'uii de-i ! iruil by on ) n neo
No .1'4 to IMI a mils mo t/y reason of tin
banks of o till I'Jiintlns ! tlieroon
Von art hcrulijr illrilo I to ilmto t > nid nul > -
aniu by vr idliusil I batiks ufeurtlii.ii.vii 10
il'iiut i lie CMil of tbo niimiiiniiln H iceti
vv Ililn tiilrtv d i > s ul tliii daio of t'i s mitico.
ur mill ) uuU .nco uhl bo nbaled i > > ilio cltr
nitlurtliK .ml the oxpuinu tlioreuf , tiiciil
.IH a kpi el il lax a-'auist tliu iiroperl } on wn ch.
< . 'd iinUtnco I'lUtH.
Dated Ibis ( .lit day of April. ISO * .
Cliilrninn of tlio lioird of Public V\i r. < s.
Aprll-iB-.O-J M.ii.-L
rrnpiihiiU lur ( Jan unit ICIfclrlc 1.11'lit J'lx *
turm ,
f-o ilid lildH , innrkcd "bid for combined cm
mill fleet rl > ! ; lit II x til res , for iliu i. M elty
hull , Oiniilia Nebrn.Ua. " will h nrc'C'd al
llil iilllic ut ) to 4 o'e'ojk [ I. in. Mai 1 > l't- *
Kiit'li l > ililc r to furnish liU | . m.rf anil
kiii'i'llle * illonn T he entire cost not t" uxceed
tii ! 00.IM. for furnish n nii'l p acln.1 llx-
liiri1 * A ' frt llrd c'hcoK of 4i Oli.Oi t > nrcniu-
p my o.ieli bid Tl.o rl ht Is rusi rvi d in icjut
an ) or nil bl IH. Tnro Oifct.v
a.--'J-i-.T-.tiini-l-O fouip itilli-r ,
Tlie annual niri tin. nt toOKliolder'Of tlia
rri'inoiit , l.ikltorn & . MUsoiirl Valluy Killroad
( onip my will In , huld ut the oftlco of tliu i-nrn-
pitnj In Oniiili i , Null , on I'rida ) May -J ,
bJV , at''o'eiouk u in , for Ihu uivi I n of 'II-
ructoiu mid for tliu tr.inrnctlun of hiliutln-
busliiCM at tuny coruii Lnfoni tliu mi olln.
J II I ( tout u > , tn.ri'1 ry.
Liate I April Ib. ISJi klTdJItil