Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1892, Image 1

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Tlia Ilonso Characterized as a Laughing
Stock for Gods and Men.
Spendthrifts of TlinnTvrelro Itepreacntn-
lite * Called tit the llur fur Contempt
_ lli > cl | > llMii it I'nrrr I'.lll to
Dock AliDcntcc ) .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 29. More waste
of time Is today's record of the homo of rep
resentatives. No business ot Importance
was transacted , and ex Speaker Rccd , dur
ing n colloquy xvlth Representative Bailey of
Toxos , declared Iho present house a laugh
ing stock for gods und men.
Speaker Crisp nctod as police Justice and
the dignified representatives of the people
torvod In the capacity of Jurors. Before this
nugust tribunal twelve offenders were ar
raigned by the sorgeaut-at-arms , charged
with having been absent xvllhout lenvo
yesterday and thereby being In contempt.
They looked upon their trial as tx farce and
Joked xvith the Jurors xvhllo nxvaltlng the
verdict. Nor xvero they in error as to tbo
outcome. The jurors were lenient and tha
prisoners xvoto all acquitted ,
Member * Charged With Contempt.
Tbo spoiikor called attention to tbo fact
that at the time of adjournment yesterday
tha scrgcant-at-arms had been given xvarrants
for tbo arrest of absentee members and
called on that officer for a icport.
The surgeant-al-arms said that nineteen
xvnrrants had been placed In his bands ; that
i.oven of the members against whom they
had been Issued ho had been unable to find ,
mid that tbo other twelve bad promised to bo
' ' 'he speaker stated that the action nlloxving
member * to glvo their parole to appear bail
been taken in accordance xvith bis own in
structions to the sergeant-nt-arms.
The delinquent members xvero then sum
moned to the bur of the house to present
their excuses.
Cilino of llclni ; ( 'might.
Boxvor * of California appeared and
raid bis chief o if en so consisted In being
caught. He xvent homo yesterday to an&xver
the letters of persons xvanling pensions or
postofllecs , or persona xvho did not want
notncbody clso appointed postmaster. Ho
had no Intention of breaking tbo rules of the
A motion xvns made to excuse Dowers , but
many believing the arrest of members for
neglect of duty was not mcro child's play ,
demanded the veas and nays.
Crisp Couldn't See It That Wuy.
Before the vote xvas announced tbo point
of order xvas mndo that members under nr-
re > st hnvo no right to voto. Alter considor-
nblo sparring betxveon democrats and repub
licans the speaker overruled the point of
order on the ground that ho bud no rigbt to
order the members' names eliminated from
the roll.
Boxx-ers xvas excused by a vote of 130 to 65.
The remainder of the delinquents wore
then excused on more or less frivolous
grounds , and after touching some unimpor
tant matters the house xvent into rommitteo
of the xvhola on the private ti'ls calendar.
The Siblcy tent bill , xvhich has been elog-
Eintr the xvheols of private legislation for the
just two months , xvus finally laid aside xvith
o favorable rccon.mcudatiou after having
been amended so as to refer the claim to the
court of claims for adjudication.
The Hiram Johnson bill , a Tenneseo xvnr
'cliiiin xvblch has been receiving the attention
Tot- many congresso- ? , was debated for the
remainoer of the day without roiuit. The
liouso then , xvlthout disposing of the SIbloy
bill , took a recess until 8 o'clocK.
Representative ] Balloy of Texas has pre
pared and introduced in the house an amend
ment to iho rules which , if adopted , xvill
nssuro a largo attendance of members at Iho
day sessions of the house , and relieve the
Jiouso from the embarrassment xvhich it has
suffered from lately. The bill directs tbo
tcrgcaut-at-arms to withhold at tbo end of
each month the pay of a member until hu
liles xvith the scrgcant-at-arms a statement
that ho has not been absent during tbo pre
ceding month. If a member has been absent
and such absence xvas not necessary on ac
count of sickness ( the statement to set forth
the exact number of days of absence occas
ioned by otber than the ubovo cause ) , the
sergcant-at-artns is to deduct tbc salary lor
the days of absence occasioned by 'other
ttiun tboabovo cause , as provided in 'section
40 , R. S. Any violation of this rule by the
Ntorgcant-at-arms shall make him liableon
his bond for nil payments made contrary ta
the provisions of section 40.
The house did nothing at tbo ex-enlug
1-teey Continues Ills Story Lucas I'lirnUhci
the Collateral fur the Iteiiilluj ; Dim ) .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 29. Tbo Key
ttono National bank Investigation xvas con
ttnucd today and Comptroller Lacov
went on xvith hU story. A letter fron
Examiner Droxv to Mr. Lacey , re
ceived April 20 , 1S91 , xvas read. Ii
this letter ho said bo had further examinee
the oank's aftolrs and that it xvould t&ko i
loner time to find out the methods by xvhlcl
uch laree abstractions of its funds had beoi
made without his knoxvlego. The letter alsi
tatod that ho ( Urexv ) xvus beginning to SUB
poet President Marsh.
H appeared from the reports of Examlnci
Drew that certain liabilities iu th
chape of clearing bouso loan cor
titlcales , aggregating about $554 , ( > 00
were oraittcu in the January report
1891. Liabilities of this nature xvcre reportoi
In rcr.orts of April 20 end 21 , although the !
aggregate xvcro loss than nt the lime of tb
January report.
On March 10 , Mr , Lncey said Proslden
Marsh came to Washington , called upon bin
and told him there xvns a certain ever Issui
of 2,500 tharcs of stock of the Kovbtoui
National bank in oxUUnca. Mr , Marsli
laid that Mr. Lucas , formerly president o
the bank , bad been Interested xvill
Mr. Wanamatter In a deal In thi
Reading railroad. In order to suppl ;
money Mr. Lucas had furnished iho bharo
of stock to Mr. Wanaraaker , xvho bad uset
them as collateral and borrowed money ti
carry out Mr , Lucas' part of the deal , Mr
Marsh explained that it xvould not ba well tc
attempt to rtisuscltato tbo bank xvhllo thi
stock xvas. In existence , or until sorueof it xva
retired. Mr. Wannmakor , Mr. Marsh said , bai
refused to surrender the stock , though th
only reason xvny ho should do no xvas bccaui
lie had been a patrun and friend of the banl
Mr. Marsh said ho had made an nrranfenier
with Mr , Wanaraaker whereby he xvas 1
surrender tbo stock , but Mr. Want
maker had notified him ( .Marabj ttu
ho could not carry out the arrangcmen
i Mr. Marsh then came to him ( Mr. Lacoy.
Ho suggested to Marsh tbat he go to M
WanamaUer's house and Inform him of It
ovcr-issuu of stock. Moantlinn ho ( M
Lacey ) xvent to Solicitor General Taft an
\ told him that Ma rib. xvas in WasUini
ton and could bo crrested before I
left the city , Mr. Taft did not <
' lavnrnbly on thu suggestion , Later lu tt
* * * evening bu ( Mr. Lacey ) a\v Mursh , xv | :
t tavo him to understand that Mr , Want
maker had uot rlwn hi in any encoiiragcmei
In thu matter of Iho surrender of tha stncl
This closed their in tarviaw and tbc nosada
the bank was closed. Adjourned.
\ , Iolm Mutt Have IIU CVrtlllrnlr.
WASHINGTON , D. O. , April 29. Tha seen
tary of the treasury has written a letter to tt
lecrotary of slate commoudlng tha action c
the United States consul at Victoria , ( I. C
In refusing to verify Iho jiabspoi
issued by Canada ia the case of Ma
( . 'bung , a former resident cf tbe Unite
btolc i who bM recently teeu ci
gaged in smuggling Cblnamen from Canadn.
The secretary says : ' -In reply to requests
xvblch have been' received from customs offi
cers for Instructions for their guidance In
c.ises xvhcro applications for admission to
the United States have been made by
Cblncio persons holding naturalization
papers Issued by Cnn.ida , their atten
tion has been called to the require
ments of the exclusion act , that Chinese , not
laborer * , shall present on original entrance
Iho certificate provided for by said not and
to refuse mlnl : son ! to Chinese xvho don't
present such certificate xvlthout reference to
the question xvhuthor or not they arn citizens
of any other country than China.1
.v orrici : IXVKSTMJATION.
Judge nreeinvult Admits Turn Mi I rig Mor
gan xtlth Money to Send to Cooper.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 20. Commis
sioner Riutn xvas not present at the pension
office Investigation today , though tt xvas
understood ho xvould again appear.
Judge Greonxvalt , the special office exam
iner xvho led the investigation which re
sulted In Commissioner Itaum's pronouncing
Iho chnrgo ngalust Reorosontatlvo Cooper ,
xvns asked If ho furnished the * /J,503 to Mor
gan xvhich ReDreicntntlx'o Coapar refused to
accnpt and returned. Ilo declined to ansxvor
on the ground that In an Interview Mr.
Coopsr had said ho Intended to prosecute In
court the parties to tbo nflatr.
Mr. Cooper said ho xvould , If necessary to
got the xvholo truth of the matter , relieve
the xvfness himself of fear.
Mr. Er.loo nskcd If the witness declined to
nnsxvcr on the ground that it might Incrimi
nate h'm. '
The witness replied tbat ho made tbo in
vestigation as a subordinate and
had instructions to do anything ho
might think necessary to elicit every
thing connected xvith the transaction.
Witness did not xvant to maito a further
ansxver because It might furnish Mr. Cooper
xxith information ho could ute in the prose
cution of others. Finally , uoxvover , ho ad
mitted that ho had furnished Morgan the $ i"
to send to Mr. Cooper in order to draw out
the Information. Ho had paid this in
good faith , beliuvitig the Morgan statement.
Ttio jndgo had told witness ho should
not suffer pecuniary losi through the pay
ment of money togot information. Witness
understood Mr. Raum xvould reimburse him
out of hU own nocket If necessary , for vvlt-
ness knew it could not bo paid from the cub-
He funds. vYitncjs xvas still out the $35 , ns
Mr. Morgan had not returned the $25 after
Mr. Cooper had declined to accept It. Ho
supposed Morzan had it yet , in Capitol Corridor : * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J Mr. Vv'ilcox ,
chairman of the house census coin ,
mlttco , xvill brine up in the house his
resolution to investigate the census nt the
first opportunity , and if an opportunity does
not occur soon , tha speaker xvill bring in a
rule from the rules committee making It a
special order.
Mr. Harrison , xvho xva < * honorary presi
dent ot the National League of Mineral
Painters , has xvithdrnxvu entirely from mem
bership iu tbat organization.
s Tiiou.s.ixn JIUUSLN II
Disastrous Cotill.igr.itlim In the Japanese
rapltut Heavy Loss fit' I.Hi' .
SXN FHVNCISCO , Cal. , April 29. The steam
ship Bclgic arrived today. She brines details -
tails of a great flro at Toulo , Japan , April 10.
The lire started early in the morning in
the house of a small restaurant keeper from
a candle left burning , and spread in three
directions through densely populated dis
tricts. The tire xvas extinguished by noon
after consuming 5,000 houses on twenty
streets , Including forty xvarchousos , police
stations , panorama buildings , schools , Tokio
iuglisb schools und residences of Viscount
Foda , Admiral Akamtso , Count Karastumaru
and Marquis Tokudiaji.
Details of the loss of life are not known. It
s variously estimated that seven toorty -
live persons perished.
The steamer Raiden Mam xvas sunk by
floating ice in Kushiro harbor and forty
i > iin..iiii.i'ii i.i's
ISndy , Supposed to Ito Tluit of Thomag
Lorellii , Uncovered This Morning ; .
Pini.AiiEi.rniA , Pa. , April DO. At 1 o'clock
this morning the xx-orkmen uncovered the
charred body ot a man lying upon his face
xvith hair and clothiair entirely gone. The
man is supposed to bo Thomas Corolla , xvho
ran bacic into lha theater after ho had
escanod to sa\o bis xvife.
A loxv minutes after bis body was un
covered auotner xvas discovered just behind
Early last evening several particles of
flesh and u pinco of skull xvitb thu hair intact ,
xvere unfcarthed , xvhilo near by a diamond
bracelet , xvhich had scarcely a scratch , xx-ns
found. This xvas identified as having be-
longud to Mrs. Lorella.
Killed ut it .Street Crossing.
MonOANViu.K , Kan. , April 20. [ Special to
THE BEK.J As'tbo Rock Island train pulled
in to Clifton yesterday a Mrs. Adams
and her sister xvere wheeling a
baby cab , and in attempting to
cross the track in front of the Incoming train
the cab caught on something and the two
ladles were struck by tbo engine. Mrs.
Adams had both legs and arms broken and
died In a short time. Her sister xvas hurt
x-cry bsdly internally and may dlo. The child
in the cab xvas not hurt.
Steamship Arrivals.
NF.XV YOHK , April 20. Arrlx-ed.Fuorst Bismarck -
marck , Hamburg ; Bothnia , Liverpool ; Can
ada. London.
At Lizard Passed. Friosland , Noxv York ,
for Antxvorp.
At Liverpool Runic , Noxv York.
At Hamburg Normandla. Nexv York.
At Brow Mead PassedElruriu , from Nexv
York for Liverpool.
\u.uuttt \
O.XIAIU , April 29. i
A storm Is developing in the middle Hock }
mountain region and our present ploasaui
fair weather period is likely soon to como tc
an end.
Cloudiness is increasing in iho upcor Mis
souri valley and mountain regions.
Temperature has risen decidedly fron
Arizona northeastward to South Dakota , bu
along the northern borders of iho country i
Is near Iho freezing point and enoxv is fallini
in xvustcrn Montana. Fair weather has con
tinned in tbo lower Missouri valley and the
A year ngo today the tempsraturo a
Omaha rose to 00 = .
For Eastern Nebraska , Omaba and Vicln <
liy Warmer , lair to cloudy weather ; in
creasing southerly xvlnds , probably xvil !
WABIIIMITOX , D. C. , April 20. An area o
low pressure extends from Colorado to tin
nor'h Pacific ocean. Rain on tuo middle am
north 1'ucitlo coast and an area of high pros
uurc causing rainfalls on Pacific coast. Tni
area of high pressure ) extending Irom Kansa
to Manitoba has moved slowly euitnad ex
tends from the gulf to Lake Superior ,
For Nebraska Sboxvers , slightly coolci
xx'cit ; boutbcabi gales , xvitb possible sever
local storms In oxtruma southeast Saturda ]
afternoon ,
For North and South Dakota-Shoxvera
northeast Ku'oti ' sllgbtly colder in Soutl
For Iowa Fair followed by anoxver * xvest
tlicbtly warmer ; soutnousl gales.
For Missouri Fair ; xvarmor ; south xvinds
For Kansas Fair , followed by showers
xvarmor north galas.
For Colorado-Fair , followed in tbo after
noon or uigbt by light ihoxvers ; vuriabl
They Are Expected to Cause Trouble at
Hyde Park Sunday.
Entire force of the City Will lie Assigned
to Hilly In Order to Suppress Any
DcinoiKtr.ttlon nf n Danger
ous diameter.
1331 tij Mint Ror.hi ntni'll. I
LONDON- , April 29. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE Unc.j "No God I No
laws ! No property 1 Remember Chlca ol"
will bo the cry of the nuarohlsU at Hyde
oaric oa Sunday next. Half a dozen roughly
printed posters with these worJt In bold , red
letters on thorn havu boon torn from the
walls by tbo police In the east cud and futile
efforts made to find tno authors of the law
less moitoo ! . Scotland Yard ofUclala arc
itoopod ever heads In the work of ast-lgnlng
various bodies of police to duty for Sunday
and scattering men In citizen's clothes among
the thousands upon thousands of people who
will bo In and around tbo park to listen to
the in favor of the olpb.t-b.our law.
Orders bnvo bcon issued to hnvo all the
troopi stationed in London ready for nnv
emergency , which moans that the entire
force of guards will bo kept uudor arms ail
day.The London rioter has little consideration
for the police , who dare not draw their
batons snvo under exceptional circumstances ,
but ho taKcs to his bcols at stgnt of the sol
diers , for whom ho has a wholesome 'espoct.
The police Inspector said to ma this evening :
TIu-.v 1'fitr foreign Anarchists.
"Tho only canso for apprehension that wo
have Is that the 400 orfi'JO ' foreign anarcnlsts
who have sought refuge on English shores
may Incite thair British brethren to attempt
deeds of violence and it will take but little
to maua other paoplo follow suit. If the day
bd fine there will bo over WJ.OOO people in
tbo park , but the police have tho'ir orders
and expect to carry thorn out to the loiter.
If any speaker makes the slightest attempt
at anything approaching it revolutionary ut-
tcranco no will bo torn from tbo platform
without coremony. "
The city pollen , which is a distinct body
from the metropolitan force , Is also very
active , although the ofllcials bcllcvo the au-
archlsts wll confine themselves toavlng
red Hags and shouting "Vivo 1'anarche , " in
which pastime they will bo permitted to in
dulge. The police ere keeping a close eve on
the foreign cutthroats now in London , in the
hope of entrapping them in overt acts before
Sunday , so as to pu' thorn out of harm's way.
Louise Michel , who has been teaching school
at Tottenham Court road , has excelled other
communists and incidentally sprocd the
propaganda , is said to be chalinz to como out
Sunday and say something wild , but If she
knows what Is good for herself sbo will re
main at homo and keep her tongue in her
Monster Anti-Homo Kulo Demonstration
Sensational Speeclies liy Leaders.
[ Cnpl/J'i'nftfttl / & > ? by A'eo l u I ; .lnnclils.1 l'rcn.1
LONDON , April 29. May day in England
promises to bo peacefully ooserved. The
celebration of the day will bo confined to a
demonstration in Hyde park , under the aus
pices of the London Trades council. This
demonstration will probably be confined to
speeches. It has already boon arranged that
sixteen platforms shall ba ercetoJ , , from
which relays of speakers will address the
crowd. The list includes the names of
Cuninghame , Graham , the socialist , who
represents the northwest division of Lanark
shire in the commons ; Tom Mann and Bon
Ttllet. the labor leaders , and Stopniak and
Yolcnowsky , the exile Russian nihilists.
The action of tbo authorities in arresting
the editor and publisher of the anarchist
paper , the Commercial , is likely to exercise a
wholesome restraint on tboio inclined to bo
turbulent. The authorities predict that
everything will be quiet.
\Vunt an -lit-llonr I.nv. :
Resolutions will bo adopted at each of thi
Hyde park meetings dcciaringthat tha estab
lishment of an intOi-nationul cignt-hour labor
day will bo the most important step tow-in !
tbo ultimate fiecdom of the worulngmen and
urging Parliament to pass tbo eight-hour
Nearly 100 foreign anarchists are said to
have arrived in London duiing the past
week , but the revolutionists declare that the
greater portion of them arc sham anarchists
sent oy thu continental nolico to wntcn and
report the doings of rofuijees in London.
A mysterious incident , which many per
sons connect with the anarchists mid their
preparations for May day , occurred at Pleot-
wood Tuesday night. A sentry who was on
guard at the magazine there was attacked
by two men , who knocued him down and en
deavored to take his rlfio from him. During
the struggle the sentry managed to touch
the electric bell connectlni ; with the guard
room. The men evidently heard the soldiers ,
who ran from tbo guardroom to see what the
occasion was for the ringlnir of the bell ,
whereupon the sentry's assailants fled.
Hound to Draw ( ilaiNtonc.
The liberals in Parliament have been con
gratulating themselves lor a few days past
upon a report thai tbo speaker would nol
allow Mr. Bluno to make his proposed mo
tlon , that the time nas not arrived to grant
homo rule to Ireland and that Mr. Ulacv
stono's ingenuity would not bo taxed In rnak.
ing a reply to the motion , which , it Is consid'
erod , U nothing moro or less than on attempt
to force from Mr. Gladstone a declaration ol
what his homo rule bill will be. The libarah
contend that Mr. Blanc's motion could not be
heard on Friday week , ns it hail
been forestalled by Dr. Clarke , who
gave notice of his Intention to raise
the question of legislation regarding
the local affairs in Great Britalc
and Ireland today and , according to the lib
eral interpretation of the rules , a question
having been debated and disposea of cannel
bo discussed at a subsequent dato. But tbU
afternoon , when Mr. McCarthy askei !
wbotnertbo discussion of Dr. Clark's motion
would not prejudice Mr , Blane's motion , tbo
speaker gave a cold chill to the liberals ani
McCarlbyltes by announcing that discussion
would In no way prejudice or Interfcro wilt
Mr. Blanc's motion.
To Instruct the nnglUh Voter.
Tbo unionists continue to make every prop
oration for their mammoth anti-homo ruli
demonstration in Ulster. The seriousness o :
the movement can bo judged from a speech
made by the marquis of Londonderry at Dub
tin last nlrftit when ho said that It was th <
duty of tbo Irish unlonlsu to biing bofon
the English voter the fact that within twonM
milii.s of his shore ho might bavo a hostile
parliament and a hostile country. U wouk
be impossible , ho declared , to exaggerate tin
danger this would bi * to England iu ctisu of i
foreign war. Tru ; unionist convo'itlon to b <
held In Juno must provo to thn English tha
the Ulbtorltos are determined to resist hi
every me.-tns In their power nny attempt t'l
repeal the union of Great Britain and Ireland
Thu marquis added :
"If homo rule Is cirrloj there must borivi
war in Ireland. " This statement produce ;
tremendous cheering and cries of "Ulste
will Jlgnt. " "Ulster men cannot bo hatidui
over to tbo dictates ol an Irish parliament , '
continued the marquis , "a majority of when
tboy knew to bo men whoso actions am
words prove them a dlsgraca to anr civilize !
country. "
Their * the Itlzlit of Hi'.intaarp.
Earllin1 In the week the duke of Devon
shire ( Lord Hartinirtonj apoko at Derby
This was iho llrst time ho had aJdrasioa'i
political meeting stuco his elevation to th
liouso of Lords. In his speeci bo dixnv
parallel between the condition of iiffdlrs a
tne lime of thn great revolution and thubtut
ol uOairi thutyjiu DC cicatcd by pajsiiij
any homo rule moa-suM that would bo
approximately unsatlsfaotory to the nation
alists. Ho declared , tbnt In the event
of the adoption of such a homo rule mo.isuro
ho Protestant minority of Ulster would bo
subject to the tyranny , not of n kioff but of
a majority dominated by the same alien
creed In tha mott Intolerable form. Ho
maintained that the nsht of resistance
.vhlch . belonged to their forefathers nlso be-
oncid to their contemporaries , although
hay must avail themselves ot tbo nchl at
their own risk and stand ready to bo praised
or condemned according as they succeeded
or the reverso.
Tbo endorsement , of the Ulster movement
> r two such men ns the nnrquls of London
derry and the duke of Devonshire has caused
a sensation sod has showed bow deeply
serious the movement Is.
9mnt from n "lllnstnl i : . r. "
The newspaper Mo-Jorn Society , comment
ing upon Lady Somerset's praiso"of Ameri
can women , lakes occasion to make n most
vile and despicable attack upon Americans.
The wrltor , who presumably knows ns much
about the subject of American women at ho
does of any other , says that the horrible Im
purity of the most fashionable girls In the
larger cities of tbti union Is woli Known.
' The Daacon marriage minus the olstol
shot , " ho adds , "l the typical Amorloin
tnenogo. The truth U that London society
Is Impure [ hero Auicrlcans will be apt to
admit that tbc writer speaks from knowl
edge ] , l.hough , maybe , after all U said and
done , It Is leas so ttiau the socletv of New
York. "
The private view nt the Academy at
tracted the usual crowd of celebrities.
Among the visitors were the archbishop of
Canterbury , Archdeacon Farrar , Mr. and
Mrs. Gladstone , Mr. BnlfourandSlr William
Vernon Harcourt.
The Whlto Star steamer Teutonic , which
sailed for New York on Thursday , had on
board a passenger list of creot dlstlr.ctlon ,
including ttio duke of Newcastle , Charles
Emory Smith , tno American minister to
Mr. Charles B. Farwell aud Mr. and Mrs.
Poultnoy Blgelow armed from Now Yon :
only A few days ago. They were called back
by the death of Mrs. Blgelow's father , Mr.
L. S. Jeffrey.
The artist Whistler U so well ploasca at the
treatment accorded h'.s ' art by tbo French
people that bo has decided to make Paris bis
aonie. Ho has Just rented largo apartments
in the French capital.
Approach of May Day Vlcunl With Lively
Apprehension Throughout I'rance.
PAHIS , April 29. Though the nuthoritlo
have repeatedly said that no trouble is an
ticipated lu this city , tbey are nevertheless
taking most extensive precautions to repress
disorders oa May day. At the municipal
elections throughout Franco , outside
of Paris , it Is feared the crowds ,
excited by partisan feeling , may fall an easy
prey to the anarchist agitators , In Paris the
troubles will not be political , as there will bo
no election , but It Is feared the anarchists
will try to inclto workmen to riot. A largo
military force will bo in readiness to sup
press violent demonstrations. The garrison
has been reinforced by two regiments of
cavalry and six moro regiments ara stationed
within easy distance , aud horses wilt be
kept ready saddled.
The police have made nnotbor raid on the
anarchists managers * ' Largo Enolish and
American shops near tup .Grand opera house
have received threatening loiters declaring
that every house uot French will ba
blown up. (
A paper publishes what purports to Bo an
Interviejv with the npiirchists who caused
the explosion at Vnrvr's restaurant , They
say the explosions will begin again in a fort
night. Ati attempt wllTbc made to blow up
the town hall at
Worlitiicu'4 Clulis lit Madrid Closeil by I'o-
Ilcp Mny Day 1'eareil ,
Minnm , April 29. AS a result of the is
suance ot a violent anarchist manifesto
the police today surrounded every
wnrklngman's club In the city and
captured a largo number of nnarcbists , who
will bo held In custody iinlll after May day.
The police allepo that they had been ad
vised that the workmginen bad conspired to
overthrow the government , and that May
day bud been selected as the time of the
plot's fruition.
Among the prisoners ave Vincent Lorenzo ,
an intimate frioud ofvRavachol , the Paris
anarchist leader
The clubs closed will not bo p&rmltted to
The police also captured a larce quantity
of anarchist literature , together witu rifles ,
revolvers , Hags and banners.
The prisoners when arraigned delivered
violent narragues , predicting the triumph ot
Story of Ills Confession Declared rulse De
fended by Ills Ilrother.
PJIILAIIEU-HIA , Pu. , April 29. Dr. R. A.
Penroso , n brother ofDr. . Charles Blnghum
Ponrose , who was captured by Wyoming
rustlers , arrived hero from Cheyenne
today and denies the imputations
made against his brother and the
narty of stockmen whom ho accompanied.
Outsldo of Governor Barber , young Penrose ,
ho says , was the only reliable surgeon In tbo
state at tbe time the expedition started und
be was induced to accompany it at
the earnest requert of his friends
who organized to protect their cut-
tlo acalnst ' a contemplated rund-up to
bo mn'do by the rustlers two months before
the time fixed by the state laws. The young
surgeon became separated from bis
party , which bo was following n
day'behind when no was captured , owing
to the poor condition of his horse. The
story of his nrreit and cubsequcnt
release by tbo United States authorities
Is well known , and up to this time , his
brother declares , no churgo or indictment
of anv kind has boon preferred against him.
Dr. Penroso U now practically oa trial
awaiting a hoarlng next month , after which
ho is expected to roturp bore. The story of
his confession Is pronounced false.
Conductor * Ask ] Hotter Wagci ,
WitKKMUKiin , Pa. , April 29. Grand Chlol
Conductor E , B. Claw of the Order of Kali-
rosd Conductor * badtajconferonro with Gen.
eral Manager flalstead of the Delaware ,
Lackawauna & Western railroad at Scran ,
ton. He asked for im.Increase in wages foi
the conductors of 10 per cent , their wage ;
having been reduced.that amount some time
ago and never restored. ' Manager Hulsteatl
Informed him that ba would confer with the
bead ofllcials of thcr ixmd and render a decision
cision in a few days.
Itallnmil Lnhn'rem Strike ,
DEADWOOD , S. D. ' , April 20 , f.Spccta
Telegram to Tip : BBS. ] All the graders
employed 0:1 : tbo Burllngtoa railroad's ex.
tensions to tbo .Bald Mountain mining dis
trict struck today for "higher wages. The
men have bcn receiving f 1,75 per day ant
demand * 'J. Work ( s temporally suspended
The contractor ! state tnat forces will b <
supplied from Omaha within a day or two
The strikers arc peaceful ut present but ai
whisky Is in tho' vicinity of the camp trou
ble will occur ,
Couldn't * lu HUgrare.
MIMVAIKEC. V.'ii. , AprilJO.Tho body oi
Peter Rupp , a urotulaaut young attorney
who came near election a * Jude of the supreme
promo court , was found in tbo nvor tb'.i
morning. As the guardian of u minor chili
ho was an embezzler and it U fuppiiod ml
cided through shutn .
Verdict fop J'attor UQITIII.
BOSTOV , Mas * , , April ' "J. Ksv.V - W ,
Downs has recovered $10 , < XX > on bis lamou
suit for $50,003 for slander , acalust tavern
mcmb.-i-d of tbe Bowdola Square Bap Us
Venezuela's Insurgents Prepared to T.ike
President Palacio's Stronghold.
( tencral Tre'po Declares Tlint the Dictator
Shnlt SitlTcr Terribly If the Rotolif
tlonlst'x Son U Injured \YhU :
thu Situation I'rumucs.
(7on ! < > : t Denntlt.
HA , Colombia , ( via Galvolon ,
Tex. ) , April 20. [ By Mexican Cable
to the Now York Herald Special to
Tun BEI : . | Dispatches from Caracas say
that twenty days longer ls the period set
down for the further duration of the Vdn-
czuelan revolution. General Crespo com
municated with friends at the island of
Caracas three or four days ago that ho would
meet thorn nt Caracas on or before May Is.
Casanas Is not n prisoner as was at first
supposed , but ho Is held at bay on the
prairies In the district about the headwaters
of the Guarla river. Between him and Car
acas arc many miles of country swarming
with unattached rebels , a barrier of moun
tain chains and the organized forces of Gen
erals Guerre and E. Rodriguez whoso
rear Is protected by n wing of General
' of Casana * ' aides
Crospo'a army. It was one
and a strong body guard who wore driven
Into Valenica lately and surrounded there
together \\lth Ybarra , whoo defeat may bu
beard of ID the next news from the front.
Crespo ordered Mora to attack him Just as
soon as he received expected reinforcements
from Los Andes. Casanas has sent an aid
from Sombrero to notify Yburni of hi. * per
ilous position. General Allayon thought that
the mounted party of government troops
working up toward Valencia was General
Casanas making his escape and the party
was followed with skirmishes at Ortiz , Tina-
qulllo and outside of Valencia.
.Siriuiidcd liy Insurgent * .
Casanas Is entrenched In a camp and the
insurgents nro closing uoon him. Ills posi
tive that he has not yet been tnlteii. General
Crespo's sou was made a prisoner ten days
ago.It is not believed that the dictator will
carry cut Ms threat of excuting
the young man if his father ad
vances upon Caracas. Palacio's fate
will bo n terrible ono if the lad Is madn to
suffer but Palacio , while a dictator , is not
considered an inhuman person. Leaders of
the revolution and interested paoplo at Cara
cas say that while Palario may in reman to
kill Crespo's son ho is not brutal enouab to
do it or order It dono.
Dr. Rojas Paul Is In communication with
influential Venezuelans in Caracas and Now
York looking to the recognition of the
insurgents' party and tbo banishment
or Pa'.acio. I will give you details
vnry sooa. The railway telegraph from
Tucaca- and Barquasimeto Is still Inter
rupted and it Is impossible to get messages
through that way.
The leader of the Los Togucs affair. Gen
eral Potcz , was a brother-in-law of General
Quevedo , who was killed there. The nation
alists coming in by way of the Maracaibo
are gradually taking possession of tbo west-
ore states , while General Crespo and his
forces uro marching eesrward toward tbo
Ex-Jretident Rnjas Paul has cnno to
Curacoa from Trinidad. Ho detilos that ho
bas made overtures to the British , promis
ing them if ho is successful in goltiui ; con-
trolof , the government through their aid , to
give thorn the territory which is in dispute.
Trouble Over the C'niutl.
PANAMA , ( via Galveston. Tex. ) . April 20.
[ By Mexican Cable to the New Yorir
Herald Special to Tnc BEE. | A committee
of the Chamber of Commerce .called on tno
governor of tbo state today to protest again
the closing of thn canal as prejudicial to the
interests of industry and commerce. They
afllrmcd that citizens should bo protected
against the unjustifiable tyranny of tbo
monopolists which the canal and the rail
roads support. The governor admitted the
gravitv of the situation and expressed the
hope that a satisfactory solution of the diffi
culty would bo reached before long.
Another Duel ItcaiilH from the Ilorrowc-
I-'ox Fake.
[ Cori/rfflJifcd lKKhii.fnmjini-dfi litnntU. }
Bitfs-n.9 , April 29. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEE.- ] duel took
place yesterday afternoon two miles from
Ostcnd between Mr. Harry Vuno Milbanlt
and a Frenchman whoso name as j-ot is un
known. The duel was with pistols at txvelvo
paces. The Frenchman was wounded in
tno hip mid was at cnco convoyed
to a yacht , which immediately disappeared.
The cause of the duet is said to have been
curtain iusultinir language on tbo part of tuo
Frenchman about England In a restaurant.
Among tbe seconds were M. Lcstrango and
M. Fournier , ono of whom was also a second
In the recent duel afNlcuporto botwcen
Messrs. . Fox and Borrowo , about which I
cabled you the other day.
LONDON , April 'J'J. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEK. | The iron who
was wounded in the duel with Mr. Harry
Vane Milbank near Ostend last night was
not the Duo do Morny , but a Frenchman ,
who is still unidentified. The rcusou for
supposing that he was the duke was because
ho aud Mr. Mllbank had a violent
lent quarrel at Brussels on Tues
day and Mr. Mllbank telegraphed to a
friend that he would light do Morny at tbo
earliest opportunity. His reason lor quar
reling with a stranger bas not yet been fully
given. Mr. Mllbank tcloqiaphed this even
ing from Brussels that ho would bo here to
morrow. He seems to bet nblo to remain in
Belgium iu defiance of the police and the
laws , This is probably duo to the fact that
ho enjoys tbo friendship of the minister , who
I bellovo promised last wccic Mr. lion-owe
and him as much help as it was possible to
glvo In tbo case any serious results fol'
lowed the Fox-Borrowe duel.
Americans ScUo an Alleged Criminal a nil
Carry Him Aero * * the Line.
ANDovnit. N. B. , April 20. Word has
reached hero that nenr midnight last Tnurs
day three United BUtes citizens drove tc
Tillsoy settlement , Victoria county , seized u
negro named Benjamin Robeitson , suspected
of firing buildings in Aroostook county
Maine , and carried him forcibly across the
International line into Maine. Aftenvari :
tha kidnaped man was sent to Jloulton Jail
It is said that the kidnaping party bad n <
papers , either American or Canadian , to war
rant the arrest. No examination was nac
j and when ouo Canadian asked the invader
for their authority they exhibited loaded re
volvcrs and demanded to know if that was nol
sufficient. Tbo facts have been laid before
the minister of Justice ut Ottawa mid he hu :
been asked to demand tbo return of the man
TroRren * of Deruiiuc'n Trial.
Mm.mjfltNK , Australia , April 29. Thi
trial of Deeming , alias Williams , for thi
mu-dcr ofhU wife , continued today. Tin
court room was crowded , Thu pi Is
oner was Mlent uud downca.t. Several
oral witnesses testified to the quarre
between Deeming and bis wife. Mis :
Kountcvlllo , whom Deeming , under thi
name ol Swanton , hcd agreed to marry , toll
the story ot the courtship us already rdatci
in these dispatches and identified a numbc
of love lutters from him. Sbo said Deemlni
was always courteous and kind to her.
Staiilej NtniuU lor
LONPON , April 30. Hoary M , Stanley ba :
consented to stand as u c.indl'Jatu In thi
union intercut for n seat in parliament.
riltecn I ijuri- I at u I'irc.
HAVAX.I , April ' "J. - A bakery belonging ti
1'chx Fuuulvs cautjht tlcoliul night and sou :
burned to the ground. Fifteen
njurcd during thn lire and there were n
) or of nnrtow oicApcs from death.
Umea quickly sprand to nn adjoining ho , s > ; , j
vhlch was nlso totally destroyed.V
greatest oxeitcinot.t prevailed aa It was \g-A
laved that the tire was the work of nn "T
ccndlary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itnheinbtit SuiMr Milker PiilM. '
BEUI.IV , April2i. ! Slcfrlod Elboocn. pro-
irlotor of the sugar lotlnory ntSchonprlosen ,
ho larccst in Bohemia , has failed. > .vi.v rusnr ,
Contest for Territory nl LehtgU Cnme Seri
ous Trouble.
FoRTDonoK , In. , April 53. ( Special Tele-
ram to 1'iiu BBC. | A railway war is on Rt
.oblgh betwcon tbo Mason Cltv & Fort
Dodge and Crooked Crook rnllxvnys. Uoth
roads claim the right or way over a portion
of the sixmo territory for sidetracks.
The Crooked Creels people got their
track dawn first and. blockaded the
rack with coal CAM xvhora the rival wished
o pass. The Mason City track layer * built
ho lr track as far as they could and then
Darken a loaded coin c r througl' the ob
struction and cleared the track. "Tho other
road employed men to hinder the progress of
ho onglno by piling dirt on the truck. KoaiN
naster Crelijar of the Mason City road xvas
hit on the head with a club and badly hurt.
A Crooked Crook freight train that came up
during the squabble was ditched. Traffic is
at a standstill until the right of the ciiso can
bo ascertained. _
ronght Over it XVItne < .
Dr. * MotNcs , la. , April ' . ' 0. ; Special Tele
gram to TIID BCK. ] Tnero were some sensa-
ionnl developments in the Fink-Bclvtfl case
on trial nt Bedford In this city today. Deputy
Sheriff Long of Taylor county has been In
the city several days attempting to sub-
icena witnesses wanted In the case.
Jno person In particular , Miss Jessie
3corge , ho bad badly wanted , but shn bad
jecn kept secreted by Attorney llasklns ,
counsel for Delve ! , and tbo deputy sheriff
xvas not able to locate bor until today. Ho
got her into n carriage and xvas taking her to
the depot , when they \vero Intercepted by
llaskins and a llx-ely fight occurred bo-
txveen Hasklns and Long. There xvas
jut ono round , xvhen a big pallcemao
separated the combatants and took them to
ho police station and an information filed
ntralnst them for disturbing the publio quiet.
flioy gave bail for appearance later and re
sumed tholr contest for the girl. Later
[ laskins succeeded In gelling her to a train
and loft xvlth her for soma destination at
iroscnt unknown. The girl U said to ba
Uolvol's ' chief xvltncss la the case ngalust
Iowa Crop I'mspccli.
DBS MOINCS , la. , April " -Scattering re-
.urns received by the Iowa crop bureau shoxv
that the season on un average xvill be two to
three xveeks late. Reports from Sioux
county , Dacatur , Louisa. Fnyette , Story atul
other counties in the central part of the
state nil agree that the present outlook is
serious. Grass ia doing xvell and so H
that has boon sown. The acrongo of oats
xvill be. small. Ploxviuy for corn is hardly
begun and rain Is Interfering xvith its prog
Musentlno I'rcithyturlaiM I cli-bnttp.
CCIUR fixrin * , la. , April 'JO. [ Special
Telegram toTiiE BEE. 1 The somi-cenlcnnial
anniversary ot tbo First Presbyterian ohurob
of Muscauno Is baing celebrated. The ser
vices xvili DO concluded Sunday ovonii.g.
Minisox , la. , April 29. A stranijo horse
disease has developed In this county. This
morning six blooded horses hero dropped
dead. The nature of tha disease is un-
itnoivn. _ _
C.ILIFOHXJ.1 S//.l/t/.V .li/.l/.V.
Vibrations Savors , Hut Little Dntuago K im
ported One Mitu Injured.
Sx Fuxxctsco , Cal. . April 20. An earth
quake shock occurred hero at1 :07 : p. m.
today. The vibrations were north and south.
A shock is reported a * having occurred
at Vacaville , E'.parito und Winters shortly
after 4 o'clock this afternoon.
The shock xvu3 strong at Vacavillo , but no
dainago is reported yet.
The vibrations worn sox-ero nt Esparito ,
but no damage xvas done beyond the fall of
some scaffolding.
Some bricks arj reported to have fallen at
Wiatcrs and a man is said to have been in
jured. _
Cattlemen In Conference at
OOIIBN , U. T. , April 29. Tbo cattlemen's
conference convened in the Grand opera
house xvlth 150 delegates present ,
representing Utah , Wyoming ; Colorado ,
Idaho , Navndu , North Dakota , South
Dakota , Nebraska , Kansas , Arizona and Noxv
Mexico. Permanent organization xvas
effected and Governor Thomas delivered in
cloqunnt and appropriate address of xvalcotna
on babalf of ihn territory , .ludgo J. II.
McMillan then xvolcoraod the visitors to
Ogden and after responses by promlnunt cat
tlemen the convention adjourned until to-
morroxv and ths delegates were taken to the
Hot Springs to spend the afternoon nt the
baths. Prominent * tookmon arc hero from
Omaha , Kansas City , Denver and Cneyonne.
Chicago Iteiii
CHICAGO , III. , April 20. The republican
convttntlon of this ( Cook ) countybeld today ,
instructed its delegates to the state conven
tion to vote fortberanoininntion of Got'ornor
Fifor : for Henry L. Hertz of Chicago for
state treasurer and for George S. Willetts
for conuressuan-at-largo. Resolutions
xvcre also adopted favoring thn
insertion o ! a plank in the state
platform recommending tbo repeal of the
compulsory education laxv , endorsing the
administration of President Harrison and
calling on the republican national convention
to incorporate a plunk in tbo national plat
form iu favor of an right-hour day , and the
creation of a secretary of labor , to bavo o
position in the cabinet.
Ilp cliut7. Defeats ShntvnUer.
Nsw Yoitu , April 2 ! ) . The fifth game ol
the chess match botxvcoc Llpschulz am
Showaltcr xvas played ut the Munhattai
chess club. Tbo forinor defeated the Sicll
Ian and won tbo cnmu after sixty-ono move ;
In consequence of un unsound combluatloi
on tbe part of his opponent , Score ; Lip
scbutz , 2 ; Sbowaltcr , u ; drawn , li.
I'lrei Keeord ,
LITTI.C ROCK , Arir. , April 29 , A blaze xva :
discovered in Richard Fletcher's cotton sbct
tonight and ball a block of cotton xvarc
houses aud felicds xvcru burned. Tha losse
aggregate $5tllXR j insurance , 30OOJ. W. K
Evans , a bystander , xvas struck by a baloo
cotton aud had tils back broken , ana it I
feared ho xvill die.
.11 ere Itodic * I iicnvi-rrcl ,
Piiii.imi.riM : , P.a. , April 20. Siarcl
ninong tUu ruin.s of Ihu Central theater thi
morning brought 'o ' light moro badly nharroi
bodies. One of them xva.i idc'iitilloJ as tbi :
of Mrs. Flora Lorella. George H. Slather
who ucs repoilucl missing , has ruiuruci
home. ' .
nd inn )
Ark. , April 2A xx'cll to d
farmer namoJ Wetborton and his xvlfo xx'cr
mysteriously a&saisinatod whllo asleep a
the house of relatives near Amity Tuesda
night. The asastn shot thorn to death ani
escaped undlscuvcrod.
Ill u ICevHtKr' * ll.tniU.
Rii-Hi. " , Mien. , April ' - ( . A rt
ceiver has b'oou ujipointuU for thu CJran
Rapida & Detroit rat.road utidur
bucufcd jy thu cu
Missouri Pacific's Platte River Briilgo
Fiunlly Completed ,
Sudden Death nf Henry \ \ ' . Hlirpprnl at
Heatrler MrCattk' * Oper\ Company
Cline tltn Season Walking
AeroM fluContinent. .
i ? , Neb , , April 29. iSneclil to
Tin : Utn.J The rtnnl span of the noxv Platte
river bridge on thu Missouri Pacific railroad ,
north of tins cily , has boon placed In posi
tion niul bv the middle of next week It is ex
pected that trains xvill bo running over the
now road. A new tltno caret ha ? been adopted ,
under xvhich the noon passenger south will
wait nl this point twenty minutes for dinner.
Ail heavy freights will run by way of this
line mill avoid ttio heavy armies on their
present route. The now roul : Is making a
strong bltl for the Burlington's patrona o.
Mr . Wltu'liU t Her Dlvoree.
PtATTSMoi Til , Nob. , April -ill. ( Special to
Tut : BCK.I Last year Siith F. Winch began
n suit for dlvorco from Sarah M. vVinch , his
wlfo , on the prounil of desertion. Winch was
a rcstuont of Douglas county. UU wlfovas
a resident of Providence , K. I. J. M. lluldc-
inan , an altornoy at Weeping Water , this
cojnty , discovered the pendency of the suit
mil ) at otico communicated the fact to Mrs.
Winch. She employed him mid aho
secured the services of A. N. Sul
livan of this city and B. 1' .
Waggoner of Atcklson , Kitn. , and ontorea
her appearance in the case. She tiled an
inswcr charging her husband with ndultory
and inaulug counter charges of desertion
\ \ inch then employed Hon. John C Cowlu
of Omaha as his attorney. The ease was.
ricu huro at the last term of the district
ourt before Judge Chapman and was hotly
contested. Sullivan xxas iittornoy
retained ! n tuo ease by Mrs. Winch and ho
and Cowiu had n very exciting scene in the
court room during the trim and narrowly
escaped coming to blows. The testimony
vas of n salacious tuituro and caused a
arge attendance. Mrs. Winch was pre-
sen' , during the trial , having coma from
rovldeiico. The couple were married In
s.V. , when Winch was n poor man. He do-
Mrrd to raovo out west , mid in l it ) ho left
ils wilein Rhode Island and moved to Wis
consin , xvbero ho accumulated property to
ho amount of several hundred thousand
lollars , Ills wife would not leave her eastern
orn bomu and como mid had not seen
tor husband until they mot in the divorce )
court , Judge Chapman tins morning granted
Mrs. Winch nor divorce and still has the
natter of alimony under advisement.
MeCook'rt Op.Mt Company.
M > COOK , NOD. , April 2) . ( Special Tele
gram to Titc Bii : : . ! The McCook Oper.t
company tonight presented "Pinafore' to
the largest house ever soon tit McC'ooU. Noxv
scenery had been secured especially for the
opera."and Us rendition was all that could Do
asKcd. The evening train brought visitors
'rom as far east as Holdrege , and from all of
, bo towns west. This closes tbo bi'iv
on. It is expected that the new
opera Mouse , which will bo erected In con-
icctlon with the Ageism Order of United
Workmen tompio , tvill bo completed and
tlrea'Jv-for ihu iticairtcal reason thu coining
Vii Wye It null Dccli itt ( intnil Ittlnuil.
Gu vx ISLAND , Nfcb. , April 'JO. [ Special
reiepram to TUB BfiC. ] William Dach and
General Van Wycit addrossoJ an audlencu
of about 200 tonight on tha issues of tuo day ,
the latter speaker especially bslng well
istcacd to. Gjneral Van Wyck'a nddress
, vas more on th-3 silver than on the tariff.
Ho made an urgent appaal to his hearciM to
voio aeainst Wall street , which had the gov
ernment bv the
Wnllclni ; Across the Continent.
IvE.inxcv , Nf > t > . , April 29. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tin : BHU.J Billy Sluis , a former
itoarnoy man who Is making n transconti
nental tramp from San Francisco to No < v
Yorir , arrived in Kearney last night. Ho Is
lacked by Richard K. Fox and will got
5UOO , if ho completes 'he trip by noon July
4. Ho Is two davs ahead o ! time and started
out in good spirits this afternoon.
Commimileiliilu cirtliA Kn'nrt * .
NsLseisv Nob. . April -.X ( Special to Tin :
Bnu.J-Gbneral C. J. DiUvortb , commander
of the Grand Army of the Rjpublio 1'or the
department of Nooraska , addressed the
soldiers and citizens of this plnco last nigh' .
bhort addresses were also made by members
of the hero. General Dilxvnnh wn nc-
companieU by Mrs.V. . A. iJilworth , who or
ganized a Woman's Relief corps uciv.
Xot CSivon HiilllcU'iit
KKAHNCV , Nob. , April at [ Special Tula-
gram to Tin : Bcu.j The coroner's Jury returned -
turned a verdict , today in the accidental
death of John Clarko. It is In snbuanc'j that
lie wai struck by a car on the Union 1'aciflo
track which was baing switchoJ by the " /ly /
ing" process and that. Insulllclont warning
was given the man , who whs at worn ahead
of the car.
Muriatic ; Arid Killed Mini.
BKATHICB , Neb. , April 40. [ .Special Tele
gram to Tnr. BCK.J Henry W. Sbepperd , ft
loading brick mid pavlug contractor , died
suddenly hero this afternoon. The cnuso of
death was an ovordosu of muriatic acid ad
ministered by himself as n remedy for bron
chial trouble. The deceased was 03 years of
ago. _
1'ut It Onln VI r.
BEU.GVI'C , Nob. , April -Special ( tiiTiiK
HUB. I Deputy Sheriff Vie McL'arly was
lined $ JO and coals today by Justice 1'ntrlrk
for assault and battery oa the pcrscu of ! ' A.
Uongholno. _
.ii/.v or mi : M'urn. Jt if/ : .
( iivcrnor .McKinli-y U Onn of Tliiini Ho-
duly in feiMtiiui at Atliintii.
ATMXTA , Ga. , April * ' , The secoi'd day
or thu bcotch-Iri&n hocioty opened with an In
creased attendance. Alter prayer by Rov.
1C , N. Barilctt , President Robert Homier in
troduced I'rof , II. A. Whlto ot Washington
nnil Iwco university , wno uc-Ilverou an aduroiv
on "Tho Three IdoaU the Puritan , the Uav-
alier and the Scotch-Irish. "
I'rof. Gaorgo W. McCloiky of Princeton
delivered n shore address on "JCvolutlou of
tbo Scotch-Irish Kuco.1
Thori followed tiroczy ton minute apoochos
by lr. Henry Qui 'i : of Georgia aim Major
if. O , Smith ( bill Arp ) ,
Mr. George li. Fryc of Hprlngtleld , O ,
will Invita tuo congress to m .oi at that ulacu
noxtyeurnnd llonry Wullucoof Dos Mollies
will ask them to go that city , Mr. Wallace
gays overv ofltcar of the Iowa htato govern
ment is oHcotcb-lrlbU'iian Including Governor
Hoirs. Mr. Fryo uffbot thU by iiiiinniuiiiiK
Governor McKinley of Ohio Irr membership
In the Scotch Irish society of America. Gov
ernor McKinley iViia , of course , unanimously
eiucteti with enthusiasm. Put Cilbouu to
night ai'arojsed the congress on the Scotch-
Irish of Georgia , showing that this ntato I *
Kcotcli-lriiih end not Auglo-.Saxou.
riittiiliilll 111 lilt ) Itlurlc IIIIU ,
ItU'iu CITV , S. U , April ' . ! . Platinum hsi
bcon discovered in the Hills at a point uboul
twenty-live tnlles we t of this ; ity. Among
seine specimens of oiu refontlj lircusht to tha
cltv , Dr. Whitney found a plcco of whllo
quartz carrying what oppoarod to bo horn
( .liver , lloatonco prououmcd It platinum
and confirmed his opinion by the usual acid
tests. As platinum U a very rare metal , and
the demand lor it In cliictrloal conxtruc'lon
has. brought the price uu to from ; ' > to fV )
per ouuce , ttio discovery Is u very iiuporluu )