Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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tcllvticd ty Carrier to any partof the City
llni'nots Office
rrrt ri'ttovrsJ
71 LEI HONES } NRlt | i : < Htor
N V. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Ctafl's chattel loans. 204 Sapp bloc * .
Steve nnd cord wood dry. For sale- nt
Thatcher's , 10 Main street.
Btorogo , Hates reasonable. Inquire 22 ,
2-1 nndM I'carl street. J. It. Bnyder.
Tbo funeral of the late Prof. A. Hart will
occur this morning nt 10 o'clock from his late
residence , Olfi South ICIghth street.
A marriage license was Issued yostordny
1b William L. Hcol ot Missouri Vnlloy and
itllia Httclton of Pottawattamlu county.
J. C. Blxby has boon awarded tbo contract
Jcr putting up four gas lamps on the top ; of
the government building , ono nn each ot the
fcur abutments.
T'no partnership of S. Barter nnd J. C.
Cole In the Ugdcn livery barn has been dis
solved. The business will bo curried on In
the future by Air. Colo.
Charles Stan Hold was given thirty days In
the county ] all yesterday morning in police
court for i-oininltting nn assault and battery
on Birdlo i-ootnls , his housekeeper. '
The Ladles Aid society of , St. John's
Kngllsh Lutheran church will meet tomor
row afternoon nlJ o'clock nt the resilience of
Mrs. G. W. Snyder , MM Kast Pierce street.
All Uoynl Neighbors who nro desirous of
attending the Woodman party ol camp No.
I''O , Omaha , this evening will meet tit the
corner of Broadway and Po.irl bttccltogo
on the T0 : ! motor.
The lowu branch of the American Educa
tional association will hold its mi mini mcot-
IIIK in DCB Moines May 21. Hov. G.V. .
Crofts of this city has been Invited to bo
present nnd deliver n poem.
Pottnwattamlo trlbo No. 21 , Improved
Order of Ked Men , will meet this evening In
tegular council In their wigwam , corner of
Broadway and Main street , nt the eighth run.
Visiting chiefs nro welcome.
Little May , the daughter of Mr. nnd Mr .
II. Kingston , died yesterday noon , aged 'J
vrars. 1'ho funeral will occur tomorrow
niton , eon nt 2 o'clock Irom the family resi
dence on Madison street , Kev. K. J. Buucock
Camp No. S , Union Veteran Legion , will
hold their regular meeting this evening at
Knights of Pythias hall. Luilies' auxiliary
No. IT , will meet , at the samu tlmu and place.
W. B. Hlco , commander ; Blanche C. Loveland -
land , president.
Members of St. Albans lodge No. 17 ,
Knights of Pythlns , will meet at I o'clock
this afternoon at their hall to attend the
tuncral of Brother B. D. Merrill. All other
Knights In the city are requested to attend.
By order of the chancellor commander.
The funeral of the late Sylvester D. Mor-
rltt will occur this afternoon nt 2 o'clock
Ironi the Congregational church , Kov. G. W ,
tlrofts olllclntlng. It will bo unuer the aus
pices of the Miisonlc fraternity , of which Mio
deceased was a thirty-second degree mem
Miss Mabel ( ilbson was given a
surprise , party last Monday evening by
a "number of her young friends
In honor of her tenth birthday. About
twenty little folks wcro present nnd
the evening was spent pleasantly in dancing ,
music and games.
The members of Bluff City loduo No. 71
nnd Excelsior lodge No. 2.VJ , Ancient Free
nnd Accepted Alasona , nro requested lo
mcot at Masonic hall nt I o'clock this after
noon to pay our last sad tribute to our de
ceased brother , Sylvester D. Merritt.
order worshipful master.
0Yco Slug , the Oriental who allowed a
couple of Chief Bcaulnn's special policemen
to "hltteo the pipe" Saturday night , was
granted u continuance until Thursday morn
Ing , nnd In the tucnntimo bo Is out on bail ,
the sum of $ .10 having been put up for his up-
pcnrnnco by his attorney. John Lindt ,
The second meeting of the Dodge Light
Guard since its reorganization was held Mon
day evening in Hughes' hall. Forty-two
men wcro in line and the drill was conducted
ny Captain Schnrff. Tlio prospects for the
compuny becoming ono of the best in the
state are better now than they have been tor
many months.
Oscar Jones , the colored man who created
D disturbance n few days ago by trying to
Mug several policemen with a Imtcliet , wns
j'lvcn thirty du.vs in the county Jail yester
day for disturbing the peace. The charge of
resisting an oftlccr will probably not bo
pushed against him , as tbo police nro of thu
opinion that n thirty-day term ! n ] ail and thu
memory of his bruises will be sulllcicat to
give him n moro adequate idea of the solonv
nity of thu law nnd the weight of a police
roan's club than ho has ever hud before.
Pat Haniphan , a well known charactci
who lives a short distance cast of the city ,
appeared before Justice Hammer nnd had n
warrant issued for the arrest of J. O'Con
ticll , a young man who works for him
on his farm , and who ho claims hail
beaten a tattoo on his fnco with
lih lists. In order to qulot
Hnnlphan a mock warrant was issued .uid It
was given to him to servo , Haniphan imme
diately went lo the nearest saloon nnd read
it to the proprietor , William White. Whlto
Fol/.cd the warrant and kept it , while Pat's
profanity cruckcd a number of the globe * on
the chandeliers in the place. Ho loft the sa
loon to get n warrant for the ntrcst of Whlto
but at last accounts had not returned.
Southwestern lowu will bo well rcpro
ccntcd nt the democratic : state convention ,
which meets hero May 11 , Fremont county
expects to send n delegation of 200 , headcil
liy n band. Mills , Shelby and Harrison
counties promise nbout the same number ,
the latter also furni-ihing n band. Louisa
county , In the eastern part of the stnto , son
tvord yesterday that n double dolegatiot
bad been elected from that county am
that u contest might bo expected
At ttio snmo time Omaha will be
entertaining the conference nnd hot )
titles vyill probably bo overflowing wlthdom
emits und Methodists. It is expected that
Council Bluffs , during that week , will bo
Visited by at least 2. ) ,000 strangers and It Is
feopod that the city will have on its holiday
Attire In order thai It may leave as good at
Impression on the visitors as possible.
I' , I''nS.
- 3. M , Lane of the Milwaukee Is In Chicago
> * / .
- Mrs. W. S. Williams returned yesterday
from California , where she has been visiting
the last live months ,
Ed F. Cogley completed on cigh
months' engagement wltn the "Llttlo Nug.
el" company last Saturday night at Dayton
8 , nnd arrived In thoclty yesterday tosponi
ft vacation. Ha has passed u very success lu
tcuson nnd Is armed with a book full of favorable
vorablo ninvcpapor criticisms in which ho
divides the honors with the star. Ho will go
on the roud again in the fall.
Roller , thotailor , ! UO Broruhvay , haa
ll the latest stylus and uowost yooiU
{ Satisfaction uarantocd.
11 II. Shcafo has inonoy to loan on real
slate and chattels , Broadway and Main.
Slop ! In a Hum.
A rather comical experience was that of a
couple of Omaha maidens who attended a
dance Hiinduy night In company with two
Council 1 1 iffs young tnon. When they
reached their home they could not got into
tbo house and the young men suggested that
they come to this kldo of the river ant ! they
would see that they hud u place to stop
When they reached the Bluffs loth tbo
young miio wcro "broke" nnd neither bai
ny credit. Ono of them was un employe o
: niddlo Broadway butcher , however , mm
AS tui-h had free access to the stable con
nccted with the establishment. Tbo two
girls accordingly had to pass tbo night there
or notvhero. Ai they were leaving the bun
early in the morning they happened to bo
seen by the poitco und wore arrested on tbo
charge of vagrancy. At the police Mutloi
they said they were decent oven thnugti thoj
had been caught In a rather compromising
position. It was afterwards ascertains
that they wcro the daughters of respectable
parents who live In Omaha , and that they
had merely been off on a little lar * without
iho knowledge of the old folk * .
Trouble Over the Disbursement of Political
lie Contributed Monry to Help IIU I'nrly
In tlio Itcrcnt Elections lint AsorrU
Tliut It tt'iw .Secured In an If
regular Munncr.
Another sequel to the recent city elec
tion cropped out ycstcrilny In the
stiapo of a lawsuit which was com-
mciiccd in Justice Cones' court by
Dan Cnrrjpg against Major Ocorgo II ,
Richmond , the democratic candidate ( or city
surveyor. According to Cnrnpg's statement ,
on tno day before election Richmond
npproachoJ him ntul asKcd him for
MO to USD In some wny or other to fur
ther the causa of the democratic party
when It should come up to ttio polls , snylug
W. H. Knophcr had given him authority to
draw on CurrlRB for Hint amount. Kuephcr
was out of the city at the tlmo , but CnrrlKp
took Richmond's word for It mid
KOVO him llm amount ho nskcd for ,
which was used In pitying men for worklni ;
nt the pulls nnd other thiucs. Later on.
CurrltfK uluiius , ho found that Kticpher had
tflvon Richmond no authority whatever to
draw on Uurrlu's for the amount , nnd when
lie asked Richmond about It ho ad
mitted that ho had been mistaken when ha
naked for it in Kr.opher's name. As ho had
lcen defeated In the contest , however ,
ho did not feel particularly like pnylna for
any of his dead horse ; , and therefore begged
oil from paying the mnoutit claimed to hnvo
been wrongfully obtal.ned. Carries llnally
commenced suit for tho'umount , nnd It is sot
for hoarlng ne\t Monday morning nt 0
o'clock before Justice Cones.
SPKCIAI , iitiss : ( loons s.Y
j\t tint lliiiloii Stun ; for Tills Week.
Owlnp to tlio inlFci'tiblo spring weather
the iKilronngo atourdrebs jjoods couiiloi-
has not beou up to our expectations.
In order to raluco our present stock
before the warm weather and make room
for our line of liner urade of wash ( joods ,
summer dress ijoodri , etc. , wo will
place on sale at our dress goods
counter the following numbers at special
sale prices. Wo want it distinctly un-
Corstood that the following prices only
last during the dress goods sale , and
after stlo : customers wanting moro itui-
torlal will please understand that gooda
are not at sale prices. This wo mention
to avoid any trouble that mav arise ,
Lot 1 , 17 shades of William P. Read's
celebrated Lansdowno. This wo cuiir-
nnteo the genuine article , the manufac
turer's name stamped on selvage every
live yards. The universal price 81.25 ;
our price during Bale , OSc ( colors only ) .
Lot 2 , all wool French sorgo-10 inches
wide , full range _ of spring colors , sold
for 75c , to go during sale at o } e a yard.
Lot3loinch black Henrietta , ( war
ranted all wool ) French dyes , beautiful
llnish , sold for 7oc , price lor this sale ,
55)0. )
Lot 4 , case of 40 pieces 38-in. colored
mohnirs ( also creams ) never sold loss
than 5lc ) , same goods cost 42 o to im
port , for sale at our dress goods counter
tit 2e. ! )
Lot 5 , over 2-i different styles of spring
suitings in now etTects , including checks ,
diagonals , stripes and mixtures ; this is
certainly the best value on the market
at oOc a yard.
Lot G , just received , another new line
of Kocchlin , Uaumgartner it Co. all
wool challics , making an assortment of
over 40 pieces of all the latest chlnlK
coloring and newest designs in the
American market , sold everywhere for
Me ; our price , as usual the lowest , 69c a
Wo show a complete assortment of
creams and tints in the following
weaves : Wool crepes , bedford cords ,
henriettas , bcngi llncs and lansdowncs
at remarkably low prices.
Don't miss this special drcsb goods
Council Bluffs , la.
Highwaymen Captured.
Early yesterday morning the police wore
notified that two men were In the bunds of
the Omaha police on the charge of commit
ting tuo robbery at the east toll gate of the
motor bridge , of which mention was made in
yesterday's Bin : . Oflieor Wyatt nnd the pa
trol wagon immediately loft for the other
sldo ot the river nnd In it couple of hours
Diclc Urundon nnd Sober Hums reclined on
the velvet cushions of the steel cell in the
Council Bluffs city jail. They could have
stayed on Nebraska soli for n few days had
they boon disposed to stand upon their rights
nnd demand requisition papers , but they
had evidently been there before nnd know
that such a move would only postpone mat
ters i day or two nt most.
Cicorgo Stephens , the employe of the motor
company who was robucd , went to the ofllco
ol' the city cleric and tiled an information
charging them with robbery , the articles
xnlten being $11) ) in money belonging to the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge company
and a silver watch nnd pistol of his owii.
There Is about us clear a ease ngnlnst
the two men us Is often ob
tained. Uhcn they wore arrested they
throw away a bundle when they supposed
the ofllcors wcro not looking , but It wus tukcn
In charge b.v the oftlccrs and found to contain
the stolen property , which was afterwards
Iilcntillcd by the owner. Both men Htatod
yesterday that they would waive examina
tion nnd submit to bolng bound over to the
grand jury without going through the usual
preliminaries. Orandon Is well known to
the police ot this city , bavin ? bean In jail
before for various offenses and is considered
an all around tough citizen. Burns has no
previous jail record hero so far as known.
The Hercules lawn mower , with 10-
inch wheels , will cut , high grass and
work easier than any other mower
made. Wo keep also the genuine Phil
adelphia mower and several other ma
chines that we can sell cheaper than the
cheapest. Now refrigerators ; carload
just received. Dauntless and Warwick
oicyclcs. 11 Main street. Shugart &
Son. Recollect that tlio new Dangler
Surprise is only gasollno Btovo that
possesses every quality of a gas stove.
Wo have our own vineyards in C.iUfo.
nla. Jnrvis Wino company , ( Jj. Blulli
Ate Hunch on Knti ,
A 2-yoar-old child of Fred Johnson , who
lives on the corner of Avenue I
nnd Twenty-ninth street , found a
box of rough on rati yesterday
afternoon lying about the house anil
concluded It would bo good to oat. It poured
the contents of the box Into a basin of water
ut.u men proceeded to drink the water. Bo
fore long the parents of the child noticed that
something had happened , nnd seeing the
empty box In such close proximity to the basin
of wutor , called Dr. M. J , Bellinger to put
the Internal anatomy to the child to rights.
It was suffering severely when ho arrived on
the kcetie , but after a course of heroic treat
ment It passed the danger point and is now
resting oanily , _
Thomas Tostevln. civil onpin w and
burvoyor , over DoVolV , 51) ) 1 Brjadway
_ Crnduatlui ; Clnii.
There nro'thirteen young pecj lo who are
anxiously looking forward to the early part
of Juno as tbo harvest tlmo of all tLoir hopes.
For that U the tlmo when they will dress up
in their best clothes and stand up in a row
on the opera house platform to re-
ccivo their Hula ibceinkm tlgul-
fylnjj that they have passed the tinal school
examinations and nro lo be dropocd out into
the cold world with a thud moro orl dull.
As usual , the class n % It uo\t stands consists
ot ono tmrt of boy to twelve of K\TI \ ,
The names of the clas * nro
M follows ! Helen Donahny , Nclllo
Hopford , Kntlo Sheplor , Sadlo Davis , Hut Up
Oronowcp , Anna Uo ( lioat. Christine Nel
son. Belli ? Fletcher , Mattlo darn , Bcrtlo
Marsh , Julio Bolts , Kannlo Mans-
Hold and Charles Walto. The ex
act , tlmo of the graduating exercises
nr their nature has not been yet determined
upon. It was decided several month * ago to
close school Juno 3 , In order to release the
pupils before the warm weather should get
much of a hold. But winter has shown such
a disposition to linger where It has no busi
ness to that some of the members of the
board have thought It best to add ono week
rnoro of school than wai at tirst Intended. It
is probnblo that the exercises will bo of the
regulation sort , with orations and essays by
the various members of the clais , inter
spersed with muMo and ending with the pre
sentation of diplomas by the superintendent ,
The details of the program will bo arranged
within the next two weeks.
Jarvis' wild olackberry is the host.
Arc you going to paint ? And did you
know that you can save money and get
better paints at Davis' than any other
place in the city ? That's a fact.
AVmit the liifiurniiro Men's Aid.
The members of the lire department \vero
considerably interested in reading the state
ment made In Tns Bcc yos'.crday that
n movement was on foot to cut down
the department by decapitating oi.o man
nt each house. Such an announcement
was not wholly unlocked for. however , na
the men have been expecting that ; the now
idtnlnlstration , with its rotreuchmont doc
trine , would skip the lira departments in Us
rounds with Us little nxo. It was bad
enough , thev thought , when the edict went
forth that the salaries should be cut down nil
tirouml , but now uhon it Is said that four 6f
the number are not to bo allowed anything
rtt nil for their sorv cos , It Is worse nnd moro
of it , and the blissful uncertainty us to which
of them Is to bo called upon to servo the city
for nothing or seek now pastures has
aroused anticipation nil along the lino.
Tlio members of the department have de
termined to invoke the assistance of the In
surance men of the city and , with this end in
view , are drawing upu paper which Is to bo
signed bv the Insurance agents , agroeliic
that If the lire department is cut down the
rules of insurance shall bo shoved up on
tuo ground that the lire protection
would bo inadequate to the needs of the city.
The dromon reason that the quickest way to
put u stop to excessive "retrenchment and
reform" Is by an appeal to the pockets of
the citizens nt largo. Some of the insurance
men are known to be favorable to ttio cause
of the dissatisfied men , while nil are agreed
In saying that an Inadequate flro department
would undoubtedly moan un early rise In the
lire Insurance rato.
Patronize blue ice wagons for Mo. river
channel ice. Mulholland & Co. Tel. 102.
Hotel Gordon , 3UG Broadway , lias re
cently changed hands , and is being thor-
ough'ly renovated. Clean bads ; prompt
Borvico ; table first class.
Binding Out Pauper Children.
Attorney General John Y. Stone rendered
a decision yesterday in reply to n question
asucd of him by County Attorney Edgar Bu
chanan of Ida Grove , with reference
to tbo binding out of children who
are dependent upon the county for their
support. Mr. BucLanan states that in Ida
county there is no poor houjo , and It is do-
slrablo that the children of a woman who is
supported bv the county should Uo bound
out. Ho wants to know whether the right to
do this is with the county board of
supervisors. The attorney general holds
that the statutes provide that the Board of
Supervisors may bind out such children of
the poor house as may seem likely to ba n
permanent charge upon the county , but In
counties whore thcro is no poor house ho
thinks it would not huvo the power.
According to another provision of the
statutes , however , the clerk of the dis
trict court may bind out a pauper chili ! until
the ago of majority Is reached , without the
assent of the child or its parents , and ho
knows of no provision against binding it out
in n different county from its residence. Ho
also holds that the mayor of the city whore a
"homo for the friendless" is located may
bind out n child to such homo , In case of tbo
death or incapacity of its parents.
_ _ > MM *
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best ,
Wnll Paper.
The newest designs , the largest stocic
and by far the lowest prices is at the
BOSTON STORE. Estimates furnished
for papering. Nothing but the best
paperhangcrs employed. Everything
guaranteed. Figure with us when you
want capering done.
Council Blulls , in.
AVcin Honorx at Harvard.
John L. Dodge , a Council Bluffs boy , son
of N , P. Dodge , has been winning still
further honors at iiarvurd. Ho was made
president of Harvard's republican club , and
wus ono of the speakers nt the recent repub
lican banquet at Boston. Among many com
plimentary notices ho received in the Boston
papers is the following from the Herald of
that city :
.Tohn I- . Dodge , the youthful , beardless
picsldeiitof Iliu-Tiird's Kopiibllcun club , the
next speaker , made u deuliled hit. lie ro-
culvud tlie throe Hint's throe yell of his fel
low nlmloiits and was applauded rapturously
as clean cut scntuiicus rolled ntriils tonguu
with nil the tirtlllces or u practiced orator.
lllsclmnietorl/.alloii of Harvard's Hoforni
club In ulllancu wltliTaiiiiuuny mid tliu slums
wis ; received with roars of laughter and iip-
loarlous upplaiibo followed hi * statement
thai , the record showed Unit from Mil to
III nor cent ot Harvard men wore democrats
anil (0 ( pur cent republicans. Ills mention of
Melvlnley's name. wliuiHn ho quoted from
Ills hpoueh In llouton lust fall the sfiluniont
tliut every word In the tarllT bill was Ameri
can and ovary PUKO patriotic. rtUud the
echoes. Cheers wnro drawn on rufurenio to
Koosovnlt lib the clmmpum of civil bci-vlcu re
form , Henry ( Jabot Lodge us Harvard's
scholar statesman , Jllulnu nstho ciealent of
btatehtm-n and President Harrison as u cou-
bcrvatlvo administrator.
Swanson Miulc Co. , Misonio tomplo.
Genuine Rock Springs coal at
Thatcher's. 10 Main street , always on
Kallrond Attorneys In Court.
It was n collossal aggregation of legal
talent that greeted Judge Deomor yesterday
morning when bo opened district court.
There wcro nine cases commenced by the
railway commissioners to compel certain rail
way companies to furnish bettor facilities to
their patrons along their lines. A motion
for a moro spccllto statement had been lileil
by the defendants and In each case , and the
whole nine wore lumped together and the
arguments of the attorneys were made as II
they were nil Interested In the snmo case.
Besides half a dozen uttornays from this
city , there were Thomas S. Wright of Chicago
cage , general attorney for the Chicago , Kock
Iblund ft 1'aclllo ; General Attorney Fish ol
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , J. " W.
.lilytbo , general solicitor of the Northwest
ern , and \V. B. Alnsworth of Des Molnos ,
secretary of the railway commission.
Another Drinker Cured.
The Blanchard institute , ntfioVSHrotul
way , Council Blull's , has never failed to
cure quickly and permanently every
case of alcoholism treated. Rend what
another Council BlulTs citizen bays ol
the treatment :
COUNCIL BLUKFS , la. , April i. To
My Many Frionus and the Public Gen
erally : For tlio past -10 years I have been
n hard drinking man. I began taking
treatment at tlio Blanchard Gold Cure
institute on the llth of April and am
now satisfied that my days of intoxica
tion are over , for all appetite for whisky
is entirely destroyed , i am satlHlled 'l
urn cured of the curse , and 1 cheerfully
recommend tlio treatment to my friends.
I have it better appetite and sleep better
than I have for many years.
llKlt.MAN DltOQU.
Ihavc bought the finest lot of Spring and Summer Shoes that have ever been offered to th
Council Bluffs and Omaha trade. Everything new and the styles the very latest. The weather
has been against us , but it prices will be any inducement to you I will dress your feet in the very
best for the same price that you can buy ordinary and cheap shoes for elsewhere.
Ladies' Shoes , plain , tipped , kid top , cloth top , patent trim , lace or button , on any last , all
widths and sizes , goods that haven't been out of the factory over two weeks , in prices ranging
om $2.00 to $5,00 , and I challenge any one to duplicate my prices on same quality of goods.
In Oxfords I have almost anything in vesting , cloth , or dongola tops , patent tips or plain ,
outhcrn ties , bootees , princess and numbers of others. Prices on these will be cut to $1.25 to
$3.50. These arc goods that would be hard to duplicate in cither city for less than $2.00 to $5.00.
I have plenty of goods and they must go at some price. Remember , I never advertise a
fake , and that my motto is :
J. Sterling Morton Ascribas Froa Silver's '
Downfall to Popular Education.
"Ncbrmkn's Foremost Democrat" Tells of
the Scrip IASUO of Michigan and IIo\r
the Dutch Cot Along Wltli
Porriwlnklu Currency.
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , April 20. [ Special to
TIIK BED ] . "It Is Improbable that a great
money craze was evur so soon squelched us
has boon the free silver movement , " sa'.d
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , Nebraska's strong
est democrat , to your corro spondont the
other day. Governor Norton is recognized
throughout the east as the best posted demo
crat in the west , especially upon financial
"For a time In the last congress It looked
as though the bill providing for the free
coinage of silver could not bo uopt uwuy
from the president , " continued the governor ,
"but did you over notice the luck of the re
publican party in warJlfg off vicious legisla
tion , oven within its own party ! Ot course
the president would have vetoed the bill , but
he was saved the troubio and the conn try luo
consequent deleterious .effects by having a
speaker who had tbo nerve as well as the
tuct to prevent the culmination at the
while houso. Now the free silver
craze Is almost in the past. I don't
think there Is the least possible chauco for
the bill now , and by the time Iho next con
gress is installed the fever will have died
out. At one tlmo it was moro formidable
and menacing than the wildest greenback
craze , moro threatening than the worst Infla
tion wo have hud since the war , and it took
a long time lo got rid ot some of the move
ments which have in the past wrecked par
ties and disturbed commerce. "
Kducntloii Uid the
"To what do .YOU attribute this decadence
of the free coinage movement , governor ! "
was nskcd.
"Solely to education , Intclligoncn , " was the
quick reply. "When the greenback craze of
tno ' 70j swept the country Iho farmers and
mechanics , who were curried away with It
most , read comparatively littlo. Now they
all read and think for themselves. They
saw Iho direct result of free coinage and re
fused lo be misled. U takes the farmer ,
mechanic , laborer or other man but a few
hours to reach an Intelligent conclusion upon
an is.-uio these days. They rofnso to
lake us gospel the mere statements of dema
gogues who want to use them lor political
purposes. The movement for free colnago
reminds mo very forcibly of some Incidents
within my own knowledge. It Is simply
history repeating itself , and if wo were to
adopt f rco coinage it would bo the federal
government resuming on the largest possible
sculo the wildcat schemes of stuto banks a
quarter of a century almost before the war.
It would bo every whit as bad ns the issue of
state scrip In the " 50s. The states wero-com-
purativcly us able to Issue mid redeem scrip
tor their own people as is Ihc federal govern
ment to issue an inferior dollar for Iho whole
country , yes the ctitiro world.
Michigan' * Scrip Issuo.
"I recall as if it were yesterday my Hrst
experience in legislation. 1 was Just past my
majority In my nnllvo state , Michigan , and
was upon my iirst term in the Iccislaturo at
thu head of the corannttoo on Judiciary when
u state scrip bill before mo. I bitterly
opposed it ns a species of wildcatism which
would como homo to roost. U'ncn wo wcro
about to vote upon its Html adoption
In committee I insisted that those woids
should bo printed across the face of the
scrip : 'Bill Holders Individually Liable. ' I
Insisted that the scrip should not bo circu
lated under falsa pretenses , for I knew tbo
state had nothing but its honor to make its
obligations good , the same us is true of the
federal government at this tlmo with silver ,
and further that honor is changeable in its
standard of party advantage ; and 1 further
know that thu stuto was about to take upon
luelf more obligations than it could over
meet nt face vulue < I engendered a great
deal of 111 fouling and made myself unpopular
for thr position 1 tdok , but Dually public
opinion changed , and it lias upon tbo ques
tion of free coinage1' ' the- t
during thepa : > few
years , and tlio mon'who ' stood out for honest
money wcro tbo statesmen of the period.
Holland' * rortju'lnulo Currency.
"The proposition for free colnago reminds
mo also of a bit of.i history from Holland.
During the reign of William thu Tasty there
wus an uprising tor , Inflation. The people
demanded a Hood of currency , and there was
llnally an Issue of porrlwlnklo currency
wbioh for awhilu made times so easy that ,
among themselves , , the Dutch bccamo rich
beyond measure. TJljo government Just Issued
perriwinklo to its kiibjocis till everybody's
clothes were lined whh it. Things wont along
smoothly , swimmingly , ns all the trading was
among tuo Dutch'edlonio * directly under
William tbo Tevty , Cheeses and sauer
Kraut brought high prices. Labor was paid
In urmsful of perriwinklo scrip. It bore the
Dutch pledge nnd the Dutch took it as read
ily as gold , The Hollanders wcro dellchted ,
They had paid their debts und were fairly
loaded uown with monoy. Kverything com-
maiidod a high urico and everybody had cash
for obligations. But Nemesis wus lying la
It Wouldn't liny Onions.
"Ono day tha Hollanders concluded they
wanted tn ship a load of onions and they took
a cargo of perriwinklo and wont down to
Welhorslicld for the odoriferous vegetable.
The ship was loaded and the crew had
boarded tbo vessel re.idy to sot Kail for Ilol-
lauu. The porriwlnklo was brought forth
for payment. To the amazement of the
Dutch , perriwinklo was not a loirul tender In
that province. In fact the Woibcrsllcld folks
refused to take the stuff for any value. With
humiliation heaped upon disappointment
the Dutch unloaded their onions tnd
sailed home. Their perriwinklo. was as
good uway from their owu shore * us to much
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a CVKATIVK
and HF.Ai.isrr APPLICATIONIt has been
used over 40 years , and always affords
relief and always gives satisfaction.
For Piles External or Internal , lllinil
or Dlccding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or
UlecdiiiR of the Kcctum. The iclicf is
immediate the cure certain.
For Hums , Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Hum1 ; . The relief is instant
the healing wonderful and uncqualcd.
For lioilslot Tumors , Ulcers. Fistulas ,
Old Sores , Itching Eruptions , Chafing or
Scald 11 eail. It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Kipplcs. It is invaluable.
Price , 50 Cents. Trial size. 25 Cents.
6nM l > y PriiCfiUlK , f'T cent pnM-pnlil fin U'rrl ] t cf plrf.
x' JIUMO. , 11 u 11.1 Minium si. , MTUIIK. : .
paper only. .Hist so H would bo with the
United States if we had universal free coin
age. It would go , nt some price , for a while ;
then It would go only at home , and Dually it
would not go anywhere , even in a silver-pro
ducing state. Europe would como over hero
and buy nil xvo hnd lo sell , pay us in silver ,
talto away our gold for what they sold us.
nnd soon we would bo loading our ships
abroad with our own currency und linmiliat-
ingiy hauling it back for self repudiation. "
AVill Sliniily Do Nothing.
Thcro will bo no silver , tariff , national
bank , public land or any other concrnl legis
lation at tha bauds of congress , in this ses
sion nt least. This much is now conceded
upon both sides.
The wild schemes of the democrats
in the house would never bo accepted by
a republican senate , und the progressive
legislation of the republican senate docs
not meet the approval of the demo
crats , if for no other reason , bccnuso It is in
the line of enterprise. Generally the repub
licans strike 1'or legislation .to develop the
country , to put now interests upon their
foot nud look after not only the interests of
individuals , but ttio government. This
mcuns expenditures , in some instances , and
In others experiments. The democrats have
determined , as they did in thn two past con
gresses , to simply create doMcier.cies in car
rying forward the postoflico and other inter
ests of the nnd " " .
people , "saving" moiioy. They
have , as they nro Donating , passed tewor pri
vate pension bills than have been passed
since the ' 70s. When there is another sur
plus piled up in tlio treasury , nt the expense
of the soldiers and cill/.cnb generally , and
enterprise has been at u standstill tor n low
years , the democtats will aguln make a dash
for absolute free trade nnd point as nn argu
ment for It to tno "surplus" which has boon
"saved" by them. A surplus is as n scab
upon an old sore : They itch to pick it off ,
and they want to do it bv frco trade.P.
P. P. H.
J .V. % O UA (111.11 > i.V I'i.
Messrs. Kosonquntt & Arthur's magnifi
cent production of "Blue Jeans , " which en
joyed u run of U'JO ' nights nt the Fourteenth
street theatre , Now York , this great suc
cess is described as u sensational comedy
drama , with elaborate nnd realistic scenes
nnd o ( Torts is in four acts and
olpht scenes. And depicts a typo of people
who live In whut Is known as the Blue .loans
dUtrictof Indiana. The play was written
by Joseph Arthur , the clover young author.
The novel feature's introduced will iiicludo
nu old village brass band called the Kising
Bun Hourors , headed b.v a champion drum
major , the little bull , called .ho Black \ Vender -
dor , the great Barbecue sccno und the Baw
Mill in full operation. "Blue Jeuns" opens
ul Boyd's Now theater on Thursday owning
next for throe nights. The sale ot beats
opens tomorrow morning.
That eminent comedian , Lew Dockstndcr ,
nnd his merry minstrels will ho nt Boyd's
New i'hc'itdr on Sunday ovoninc next.
Uockstader has a now bong entitled , "I
Asked to Bo Excused , " which i.s the best ho
has yet sung on the minstrel stugo.
Leon H , Vincent , whoso name is famous
among Chauiauijua workers and a finished
scholar in hnglish literature , will deliver a
series of four lectures at the Llnlnger art gal
lery , commencing Wednesday evenlnt' , under
tlio auspices of the Clcotun , ttio organization
of women , presided over by Mrs. W , II.
Hunchctl. Mr. Vincent lectured ut the
Omaha and Council Bluffs ( 'hautauijua last
sensor , nnd created enthusiasm among ttio
hundreds who heard this representative
I'hlladelphlan. "Mr. Vincent's lectures are
never dull , " says Kmily liuntingion Miller ,
"either in manor or manner , and while they
ara specially valuable to students of Kngllsh
literature , they hnvo also a huppy adaptation
to popular audiences. " Lovers of Dlclicns ,
und who is not n lover of I hat greatly gifted
gonlus , will have an opportulty of renewing
their acquaintance with thu English novelist
Wednesday evening , for that is the lecture
chosen to inaugurate Mr. Vincent's series ,
' ( jeorgo ICIiot'1 will bo tbo theme on Thurs
day ovcntng. Friday evening "Nathaniel
Huwthornc , " our own American novelist ,
will be talked ubout ; while for Saturday
evening fie American CarlylcV. ! . Kmor-
son , " will attract hundreds of KnuTaon fol
Czar , the horse with the mane slxty-throo
Ini'bei long ; Ruth , the dancing Quakeress ;
Tlrnoy , tlio cabinet uct of Wnlto A > Son ami
thu Coney Island life saver ; Lane nnd
Verona , bicyclists , and tbo vote for the most
popular policeman , Is pau'.dng ' the Wonder-
liihil this wool : .
ArrKcd in NtMr Yurk.
Nr.w YOIIK , April ' . ' ( ) . ' 1 ho presidential
party urrlvt-d nt Jersey Uiy nt ! i p. m. They
were mot at the I'entisylviti.ia depot by ( Jon-
ornis 1'orter and Uodgo. In carriages , pro
vided by the Union League club , the party
wcro dnvcu to the Fifth Avcnuo hotel.
lira Original and Genuine
TI.EMAN at Msd.
ras to his tirothnr risii ,
May , 1861. HOT iV COLO
LEA & niKATS ,
thai their P.IIKU is
tilk-hly esteemed In GAME ,
liulla. und IP Ic iiiy
opinion , ttie iiioe * . WELSH-
j-nlMablo , an well
BH the incut wbolo.
porno o.iuco that la
Beware of Imitations ;
aCTCTrauui r vamlCTTH-
eee that you get Lea & Peirins' '
Blmuturo on every liott'.onf Oriidna ! & Ocmilna.
| WHY 00 YOy GOUGH ?
Do you Iciiow Ihnt a little CougU
Is a ( laiiBcrotiN thlug ?
| Will Stop a Cough at any tlmo
and Cure the worst Cold ia
; twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle
! may save you 0100 In Doctor'o
! bills-nay save your life. ASK
I Dr. Acker's English Pills
flmntl , iileuiiuiit , 11 ( ' . .ivorllevllhllio Inillcn.
W. H. JIOOKEIl .V CO , H V.\et Droailwaj- . V.
Fo- silo C * ; . 111-31
i i 11 o i. j nn n
& McC/'onncIl , Omaha.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on tlio Liver und Stottmuh , rostoriiiL'tho
coiiBtipatnd o ; trims to healthy activity ,
and are u POSITIVE und PK/HKHCTIA'
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other
( 'liscaHcs iirihinfi from n disordered con
dition of the Liver and Stomach.
They nro tlio Only liellhlo VcRntiililo I.lvor
I'll ! Hold ; Thuy are I'oifoi-tly llarinlurisj They
I'uii'ly ViiKotulilo ; Try Them.
1)1 ! . Hclicnulv's liooli on Consiiiiiptloii , I.Ivor
Complaint and Dyt-ponsla .uont I'rot- .
H. J , II. KC'IIENl'lv & SON , 1'hllHiluIpliIn , I'.i
11. llrrlseditpr ,
FtevciiB' 1'olnt ,
WIs. , Buderi-il for
25 ycare of Ner
vous 1'roetratlon ,
'inoiu ' than tonsiiiD
can tell. 1'hynlcl-
ana availed noth
ing , ono kottluo !
brought Idin rt-st , lip and mndo Idm ff-el like anew
now man. Dr. .Iiillan t1. UnderwouJ , Memphis ,
Tcnn. , BtilTt'rcd ' from periodical nertoua attack * ,
hut found effect utter u IUK onn lioltlu ot Mervlnu.
Trial liottlu and clufaut hookPHKK ut ( Jtufylele.
DR. MILKS MEDIOAI. Oo.Elldiart , Ind ,
1'or Salu by Knliii .V Co. , ISth nnd Donu'lasSti.
ipwUlufur llfitarli , IHxiRsii , riti , Nj i-
rulgln , llu.i < l.icli , Nt-rrum 1'ruilrutiuu oaunal or : il-
tuliul urtubuccu , Wiikufulnuu , IMiiuiUi ;
buflcnUU tit l'i ' llralri. oinlilf I'liirliy u\i \ rf
cliciy : , < lunil , 1'i-irnituri OIJ A o. H.irr < nuiiii , 1-ti'i
ufl'owur lin'IMior tut. luiu'iluacr , l.'i icorrlioot .tat
cHremnlu'u.ikno iu < , liivulunl-ir/ I IKOI , J'DJ.--
aia tcrrU o.ic.iuju. | Lf tm-r-uxu'llu.-i of tlio Ur.-dn.
Bulf-nbuie.urer-ln liiluunoi. A'n'iatiri tro hiunt
II , U fur I ) , bnull. . Wu li : trantui nlc l > o i u
cureK lull or > li > r for .1 liaiii , rili | irlil tun ) writ-
liu t-unr.vutt'ii u ri-Iun i If nut curji OIUIMUU o
lnut'lonl ' > \ > i A. rrliicitur , inii/Klit. > olu uueult tf.
) ; . i ( > r icth iinct Karimm < tt , Ouulia .Nub ,
( iiui miwud
Itt'M fnc-il.tit's , apparatus nnd llmnuilloi
forsueei"isful treatment of ovury form
of disease roniilrtiu inudlc.-il or
Hiir.'leal trontinunt ,
ta boils for patients ho ird mi.I nttomlinc ;
llest aecoiiiudiitions In the wosi.
\\rllo for circulars on deformlLos ntv.l
braeos , trusses , cluh feet , ourvaturos of splno.
plli'H. tumors , eaiieorcatarrh , broni'hltls , lo-
lialaihiii.o cctrlelty , panilysls. ppllepsy , Uid.
IIBV. b miller , oye. oar. kklii mid hloo.l and ult
Mtrelfiil iiperatlons. . . .
Hook on Hisoasm oC
Women l-'UKIC. Wo have -iitoly added a lylns-
lii dop-irtinunt for women durlni : eonllnetueiiU
f-lrletly nrivato. ) Only Kollublo Modlcul lu
btltuto nmKlni : u Specialty o :
A I Hood Olsuasoa succosstully troatoL
t-vphllltlo I'olsou removed from the 8y ton
without mi > rciiry. Now itcstnratlva Trout *
incut for Loss of VlTAIj I'OWIClt. 1'orsons uu-
ublo to vN.t us may bo tronlod nt homo by
( orrespou Icnco. All communications confi
dential. MudlclncB or Instruments Bent by
mail oroypresi. socnroly jiuelted , no nrirlts to
IiidlcnlurnntGiitdor ncndor. Onu personal In-'l
tcrvli'w prefcrro.l. Cull nnd consult us or .sonil
history ot your case , und wo will send In pliilit
wrapper , our
VKWUnrm ITlvnto ,
BOOK 777 F6EN , -
Spcollli lr ) Nurvous
ease" , Irnpotciiey , Svphllls , Gleet and Vurlco-
rpu ! , with question 1UU
lru-e.- ! : < , Appliances for Deformities k Trusoj.
Only manufactory In the Wcstof ItlUfUitM-
/ / i .tri'i.i'/vA , j'KJ/ , amentia
II. t T I'KJl /i.S A \ It Jl KL Y ti.
Oniiiiia Medical and Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Oojnoll Bluff *
'J'cn mliiiitn.s' ildo from center oC Oinah.i on
Oninha and Council Ulullj oluclrlo motor Una.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
New , modern , woll-appotntoil , tlior *
ou'lily ; woll-kopt , S3 si thiy
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Of Council IlhilTi.
C'nplttl stco'c . 91.1OOn
.Surplus an. 1 1'roflta . HltOHt
Not Capital nii'l Surplus . ( iVH
Director * -.1 , I ) . Kit nuijioi. | J. I , . Shujtr. ! ' J
Glanmiii , K , K. ll-irt , I. A. . Mlliir , J , V Uli
nnctciiurlm It , Unnniin. Transact sonoral h-inlf-
liiK business. lar o t capital mid surplus ot
nny bunk in Southwestern Iowa.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funrriil Director anil Uiuhtrta'ccn
811 liroitilwny , Council IJlufla
\WAN I'KII Iniinoillntoly , a coiniiutcnt zlrl
' > fur general houbawork. Mra. K. ( j. Smith ,
717 Kirxt avenue. .
iJlOU BAM ? OK TltADK-Importcd KronolJ
-L couch hlalllon. & yours old , ( lood
for selling. Addicki A IU , Moo ollloe , Uouuclll
TiiU IOWA ( amis Tor salo. Improved IOJ acrot
In llurrlsoii county , KIO.OO puruoro ; lit ; aore I
Iniprovod , i'-M-itU ; H'j ' itcrui. tl'.ul. For Ijunnnv
In Iowa nnd .Nelir.isUa farms uall on or wnto ,
lo Johiuon & Van I'utlon , Council Illiiff. * . I
T7lOK Al.ioK KXOIIANOIi-t'lty mid farm.
.1 property , K. U. Mieafe , ll'way und Mula. ]
iToll UKNT--Iwellln.'B In all pnu ; of thu
J. i-liy. K. II. Sliciifo , llruadtiay und .Muln.
I/1 OK MAIiK-AcroaKO near city uilaplo'l ' for
. frnll and t-'unlmi ir.irmiKjj. K. It , s-ueufo , (
Ilio.idway iiiid.Miiiii _ stroeu. _ '
' und I'oiiiinlislon-ritovcj. fnrnl-
KTOUAd'C stored und * old on eoniiiilujlou at'
locust rains , li. Kliitichun. XXI llromlway.
\\/ANT / . r-Conuiotuiit Blrl , liy Mrs. J. N
fas- j. Apply ut olllce of J. I' . 4 J. H
T7IUU KAI.K--OUO lnzle top hujsry. with or
.L wUhout hiiriiutK. ohoup for ua > U. U , W. At *
wood , jttUuuhuMiru6i. :