THE OMAHA DAILY IJI2K : Tl'ESDAY Al'lUL 2i. ( 8PEG1RL NOTICES. ADVKirmV.MEVTI VOIt TIIl'IK COI t'MN'S will 1,0 tnken until U 9) ) p m for the evening ki nnd null ) 9 10 p m for the morning or funds. ! edi tion All nrtvrrtl'pmonli In the n eo'nmna 1 cents n word fortirstInsertion nnd Iccntnwnnl thereafter or Mi or line per month No advrrlUcmcnl tnkcn for If * * , Ihnn 25 cent * , for the Oral Insertion Terms , cnnri In advanceIrllUln figures rtnihol < etc each f r.nrit n n word All fwlvrrllffmM < most run ron K-u lively Advertisers Ly rp > | nr tlnE numbered check can Imvo thn Ifttcn nddre ed to n nnm liircil toiler In cnrnof Tin : lllK Anuwcrs so nd IrcMPd will bo delivered on presentation of the check VOl'SH LADY AS STKVCX1 raphrr find typewriter , /rill / work for snmll Ml iirr AliHVI7 llco _ Mlii.g _ YOl'Nd StAN WILL | \M" < T KXHM AND tcrvlccs In ullnt > lo buslncm Address W'J'l ' lice MM I a * "I WANTKD IWITIOV AHlVi-KW lUTKIl ANII .A a 1 tsnt bookkeeper hv toting lady will fnr machlnp Address W 2 * nee tjl * _ _ \ LLr'-ioit siiTi'i'i.Mt on OKNKUAL A onireclerk , eMx-rli'iicr-d A No IHty refcrcncm , ran Kl o sicurltr nl o fu nlsh horco nnd baggr If desired for collecting Addrc'ss W U He" " 7 \ \ \STKI ) \VOUM1 MAN HI ( US ! KHKII .Ain Sctirmkii pi sltlon til drue clerk , Address , I ) l. iik MoxJI , Hartley , Neb M 2C * _ "IANTKt7 POM IIIIN ion HKIIMAN MAN Anmiwifn no clillilri'n In prlvnto family , rnncli or milk dnlrv , tnnn llrst clnM milker Umnlin Km ployment llurenu 119N irtli > t T.H2J * ASrKNOdUAI'lIIIlt , KM'KIHKNt'KII. AOL'MJ innn doslrr" position , cm furnish mnehlno , Addn M W n , Hoc M183 ft. ' " 7 wANTrn. POSITION HV YOUNO MAN , noon -Apuntnan , fnlr knowledge of business , cxcnltont roferentea Idilmn Vftfl , lloo 4JJ5V WANTED -MALE UEL1 . -WANTKISALKHMKN ) ON SAl.AHV Olt COM JJnilsslon to Imnillo tlio now pntmil chemical Ink rnilnupencil The erpnlrnt foiling novelty ever Iiroiltinil i-rntipi Ink thoroughly In two seconds --.0 iihrnslnn of pnpcr 'Ml to tal per cent prullt , nno Kent s mlcs nmounlPil to KM In six dur . nnothur 1,12 In two hour * * Aownnt one general ngcnt In rnrh Mntn nnd territory H > r termnnd full par ticulars nddress Moliroo Krasor Slfg Co , l.n Cro 8 , m \ J. 271 I ) UAN1KD 110011 CITY CANVAbSKItS 1 Oil I'\Mi cler A W'1-.on ' Sowing Machines r > fy and Camp A ( .o I'lanoi nnd Organs 11 bo II Hint .M 72ini9 | > > \LAUY 1'AIDWKKKI Y TO ( .0011 UH'.N'rS lJexierloncounnccc8 nry SltiKerotllce Ijld Douglas 8JMI1U p-AlCIDKNTINS. l 11HK lll.DO MIUJ I ) -\VASTII : ) . i.Aitour.its ion it it WOIIK IN J \ \ rumliiK nnd South Dnkotn , uooil HIICLM , free sa , Albrlvht Lubor Olllcu , II .1J Inrnnm I rein t \\ANTKU. A MUSI CLA S niiAi'i'.iiY AND Jshadu man Slorso Dry ( iouda I o , Ith tloorMll'l Mll'l 1 > WANIKI ) . A < ,0D. " -OllKll INDUS TIllOlS J'mnn to work about the hou o , whlto limn pro 1 erred. Apply IDS N 'Jill nlrtot- M-1 ' T > w AVI ID , A i iii-ji i LASS > -i ruin1 IIIM : ? Jl'lltliil order dcslrei to seniron Bpoclal supreme deputy to orcanlio lodges In Omaha and < nrtern Nobrnnkn lo thu proper person liberal terms " 111 to named Address D i : Utuvcns , Columbus O ,01 V5 t > 1 NlilNKKHS AND ! llll'.MKN TO I'ltOCUUIS J JIlci use- should get n copy of "btcpliotnon II- luMrntcd 1'r.iitlcnl re-si cnntnlni Intent ntaiillnn tlona by mall , IIHU , ngonts wanted \\nllir ( .1 Krafl publisher , 70 l.nnllu st , Chicago. M3i3 .0 * II ' -ALl--MKN NOVKLTTi OLASS WAMI1IOAIID l ) . pli'illld 1.1(1(1 line entirely new sells on ( tight Hood Kimnilnxlon , cxclutltu territory no coin poll- lion mil line tine hoards Address Nclllivlllu Isotilt ) MnfgCo , Nclllsvlllo , WIs. S1I2I89 * frNTF.D , llllbTCLA'-S CAlll'KT LAYKH .DCuinicll Illutls ( nrputeoiupnii ) SHU 2u 1 } AT ONCK , A ( . \\AlCIIMUvKll ) , WHO _ / ' 'can ciikruvu aiiiixtnmoil to riitull Jcwerlr biil i/HC's K. ! King Deailwouil , S D. S14IO Jo * A' 7 } ( iLItnollS Sil.VUY ANIV COM I'MO f JJAiiicrlcnn Wringer lo IlXM Howard "i Ml * EANPKII , MKN lOKSlUNKQUAIIIIY Al' ply ntuui 1'axton block , an Court & Hood 1 > : ! MN TO l > < iuniiles und circulars , rufcreuccs Address W 67 , lleo 411 . ' 7' > WANPKII , 1III3P CLASS COOIC AND ONK 'waiter ut once ut JirJ3 CumliiK street. 412 ' . ' 7 * 1 > \ \ \NTKD SIIDDLK AOKII MAN 1 OKOHK . abuut yard und barn Address W t > J lice T > WANTFI'IWKNT\ I 1VK CANVASlKlf * TO J 'sell the fusleit Helling artlclo on earth L C Tuylor Slutropolltan hold Sllia 27 * _ > \\T\N TUD bIi.NO.UAI'HKIl WHO CAN J'nilJUKt tri'wrltcr8 , olio n Ith knowledgn of ollico work piefcrrcd , give lofercncca W l > 5 , llei < otllre sum -7 * -WA.NTK1 > , A lll > \ A'F J. H MCDONALD , 817 JJH IMIi bt. SII57 20 1 > WANTLD-OOD SALl'SMKN IN OMAHA 'IO J'l-cll ndvertlsliiK cards , ( aim nnd calendars on commission , direct from mnnufiicturtr toucan jnakul 0 per week Audross Advertising ' piclnlty Co , ItulTalo , N Y SI4'5 JO * HI WNTKI ) TODAY , YOTNJ | .MAN HKCK1VK Jjliintructlons , keep books ; $15 J II Smith W3 ewiirk Life M472JO * TTdMl.THlNfi NKW AOK.NIb Oil OTHKItb Jjtopieuro the monopol ) In till acctlonH , of thu pale ul our perfection Bdjiictable shno ( recently pnlcnud ) UMT 1UI atontii are making from JU ) to 75 pi r wiok Addrcns with 'c stamp , Consolidated bhoi lo Lynn Slaat SI45I Sb * ii u7aiN TKAMS 'IO I1AI L CLVAfJKS I > tl > o puiiients II th and Jd Of month promptly lob l \ \ blattcry oontructor bouth Oniiihn M407 M * . li OUUS01UC AT YOtm IIOM KSi i > y und Inturcbtllii ; , dny or uvoulnK , no oiior | no rnnvarslnK. Kood pnjr Addrem with Btmiui , 1'OKton Aquiircllo Art Co , 19Vlntpr street , lloaton Mum C-WANTKI ) , OIIIL KOll ( JliNKllAI. HOUSK- norkMrs llrltcr , 4113 Chnrlca Bt -.NMSAT ( JKIIMAN UlllLTO DO hl'CON'I ) WOltK ( C und tnkc care of child 1 jours old , uUOl 1 nrnam at I9J ) ( SIHL'IOUOIIK IN KITCIHIN AT CUANTKI Doriin home , tn B Ibth ulrvut , ono block nontli of court huuao " 1 WANIKIl. ( iOODOIllL IN HMALL 1-AMIIA * stHi * lOthstrmt M4W.1i" - 1O TAKK c'HAlK.K OK O ] H < KS C-LAD1KS outildo uf Omuhn , larvo protltn mint haw $1500 ciipltiil , only the BO incimlni : buslnpra need apply Aildrona W 41 , lleo S."J 2j * WANTK1I OOOD (1I1IL 1O11 GKNKI1AI , ) honionork B17Ho loth n , * V 'uiporloiHo nnd Bnlary denliod Addrosa Com- niU.liin WLiIKuollleo \ / WANT nil. IJIUL I Olt Gli.NKltAL 1IOI > K Uwurk _ * 7inj ) * : nrii .t 451 I ! ' f\-'l\\O KM'Kltll'NrKII LADY r-OLHTloitb TO v t ktt orders from coimnuvra llufcrrncn Ad Uro W M , lie o. 411) ) 27 * _ -WAM'Kl ) , UIIIL IN h'lOUK AI'l'LV IIK twucn I und 2o clock fct Jlitry' uve HuttcT'-toro - \NTK1) . ( IIIIL Hill (1KNK11AL 1IOUSK C-W\N wur * In small Imnlly HOHuulli6th uvcnnu 417 71' I C-WAN1KD , A ( illlL , 4 IN FAMILY : I.KH1T I / ' huniii'work. Mill j-mvnrd M SUM Ja i pAN . ) A VOUnli UAIIY IIOU KKKLI'KIt , 1 V mu > l bo unlucuuiburud and attractive. Addrusa -4 i4 ' ' . J7 * - > - jie- - j d AMKI1 AH K.M'KHIK.NCKD TTiltT1011 housework sirs. Ludluglou .VHK Hurt true ) SlUn ! Jo * FOR KENT-HOUSES. -TlTlTbKiTAND Ai'AlVT\rK.VlrlTN liSi'TlKsV dencu block lu city bluriJd etrcot. 'lul 17JX 274 "H-l "U IH'.NT , A1UIYK.NOS l AND IBO bOU fll .1-Miiih "tri'rt..i room tint , every modern comen- lenci liHludliigInrm kltiheu rnnuu Apply \\lnd- > or , hiniip A Co .Ul N \ l.llo bldg. tu7ol IV1"0 * * iMMt'K : NKWLY lUUNIMim ) l-'ruoma , 6JJ N 19th llrennua Hats " " B-IOI1 HK.NT. HOUril.S , 700 l'1'.U MONTH AND upwards 'IhoO F Datls Co. , 1W3 liirnam st T.-IoiTitKNT not K ni ; N Kill si'MVUtooM-T .l-'tinth i to. . fJJ per month. F. \\oodruw.Nub Nnl bank building 143 _ IU IIOOM 1101 SK , ALL LO.N\KNIL.NCFai. Ml.wl A < lby. 5J4 Hoard of Trade UW -FOIt IIKNT M\-IUM\I MODKltN COTl'ACH vjuj ; Lnllfurnla > t , Ils per mouth IU D-rL\TOFSlUOM8 INyl HIK WIlll I tiiio.V a. llaldull , loth und Cupltul u\cuuo -ISIKXJM HOL'hK AND 1IA11N , SOI8 DAYF.N- port striMjl , nil uu > derii coutrnlinios. Including itomii hi'Ht , set bowls und laundry south front overlooking lilgh K.houl grounds , newly \ i ulntfd and papered throughout. Thus Hall , UI ) I'.i o n tdtu k UU D-IIOUSKS , H.AItt 4 br < ) ltl > , LAHIJKM' Llr , lonesl prices , ti.00 up , I'srrolte.ll.-J , Douglas blk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nil M 13 T1 HAVKAM-WSltOOM UIHCK AND blXIIlK J 'IIUUKU In north part of city , will rent cheap to nvfmuticnt tenant. Apply tu F F Williams. Klrst . fvnllunal bank building Slliil Ftll ) IIKNT , & IIOOM COTTAUK III'Y Al Tl cUlurn water , 3.JJ7 1'srkor blriM'L , II.VUJ Slight Uku pulntlngor cnrpenter work lor C tuonths uao. JUN. \ 11. Johnson. SIJOJ -VOIl IIKNT , I UOOM FLAT , 11LOCK Ulll ntid Jacksou ts tfO M \ FOU 11K.NT. ID UfKIM HOIHB WITH ALL 'modern Improvement , | U4 buuth mtb it FOR nEKT-nOUSEB. ( nnUnnnl DfOU HKNT , tin TCt.A-i TKV IIOHV IIBS1 dfnce * lth nil moilorn lmpro pnipnt Rnd con trullf located Inquire of O IIosi , M7 l t Nftt bank bMir , Oinnha , .Scb _ WH _ - NOT "i AH. T"oT < KK AT"TIII : HUOOM D-no . 2101 OouKlim t Unp nclchliorhoort unil nil modern Improrpniont" ppakltif ( t be < laundry. Imth PIP Him minuter nalk from hui > lnc s cen ter We tike plemtirp In showing this property Moilarntn rent. Call 'VW lleo Itldn U2 K DHll HKNT iiKsiltA iltTrf I1UL3IS , 8 AND S rooms. Inquire : clS Capitol nve SM 3 * I1-8-1IOOM CO1TAIJK. HOT \VATKII. HATH , X/cloct , furnace , bpautlful lario lawn , Mmdo , etc Star Ixi n A Tru.t Co JIS J 27 _ tnn IUNT , 10 IUXJM MUDKII.V iiofSB m 4 J tli ( ivn . one of HIP nio t I'lcTnnt locitlons In city , fJUjicr month Inquire , O3N \ LIfa bliltf 27323 * _ D-8-KOOM MODK11N HOfSi : , HOOK LOCATION only fM per month also 21U ileslrablo homos 11 K Cole , b continental M17U yj * KOll HUNT , W 3 IIOOM IIOt'SK , tarn Apply next door cut , itt ) Douglas t -Kill IlKST. ONK OK Till ! I'LKASA NT B-iT homes In omahn orcrlooklni ; the city nt Hans com Park , bnrn nnd larnolot. cheap to enoil tenant Knqutro "I'.i Now \ ork Life Imuiidlato po c' lon * n-8 HOOM HOISK WITH ALlMOIiitN : fO\ J-'conTiiileticp , In i oed loritlon with furniture complelo for to per month Co operative Land nnd Lot to ,20SN liith Bt < M87 _ -FOIl IlKST. A ( , ( XD 10 IIOOM IIOrSK. modern , plevant locitlon , 2Uh nnd Douiro NA Unhn , IMh nnd Doimli" ? > ' < M IlKbT SUMMKH FLATS IN THK CITY D Iliard block 23d and Davenport street 501 2S * r.-FOH IIKNT , ONI ! 2 3TOUY HOUSB , 1100M3 , J-JjIM fownrd street , south front. SI3CS W * 7v"ltOOM COTTAHKA1 8J3 S. I8TIIST . $2000 D Inquire at SMS 19th at. SI4J7 27 -ULAIUIK UOOM HOUSK UOOII OUDKlt 831 So 21st street 133 1 * I-J-KI OF I ItOOMS , S W COIINIMI LKAVKN- 1-/WOI nnd 10th streets 411 23 * -AN KLKOANT NKW 10 II IIOUSK,91'KAKINO tubes , electric belli , laundry asphalt pavi'inent. Hanscom 1'Hcu Sload Invst Co , 4U lleo bldg 115 1) IV AM. I'AUTSOl'Tltncm rOH rent ( ! eoV I' Conies Midi FOH HENT-rUKNISHEIMlOOMS. Tf-Ml-K IIOOMS , ALL CON\'iMT.NCNS : , T733 I Davenport 8U gl _ 1KOll HUNT ONi : LAlUill UtONT Oil TWO Ijlmok farnlsbed cr unfurnished rooms IVi Houth 2Ilh street bM -M\VLY i riiNtsnnn i HOST I K > MS iv : sultoor single for Ki-ntleuien .1110 Davenport nt. 105 1-1 I liM HKI ) AM ) UMLUMSllUII HOOMS. -1 JlfilH Doclito slreet M il JO * E-osi : LAiioi : nio.s'r IIOOM u.SQriui : it ! N 17th strea 17-MCKI.V 1 1 HMMIKII I HUNT IIOOMMT IJnll convenlencoi JiUS Douulas street MI71 AND BO AUTJ. L vui t MM H8 DM bT 1 1 K A ST HIONT J room with nlco\o nnd bay window , nil modern conveniences , prlvato fuiully , board If desired ifl h ailiel 3II2C * _ -lTjllNISIlHD IIOOM , .SUlTAllLi : KOll ON1I i. or twoKuntltmcn modern conveniences , cholco locution VU7 N 3Uth t > t 303 2J * 1-HJIINISHK IIOOM AND I1OAHI ) 2011 DOt'G- -I las elrcet M373 m7 -IISIIIA1IL1 < : ! HUM' AND SKCOND Fl OOK > - rooms nnd board rho ( renter Ilu .S J.'th ht. M313 JO * 17-HANI1SOMK LITK HOOM9 , llllsT CLASS J board IS.'i Uilcauo street M"J4 .V > -A 1 K\V llOAIU iUS : WHO Alii : WILLIM. TO iiA pay n fair prlcu for tlio bott of nccommod illonn , hnvo ono of the tlnost rooms In tlio clt } Atldrocs O.-U > 2Jd street illij O _ " FOR KENT-UNFUKNISHED ROOMS. O-S UNhUllNlbllKD CHAMllhllS 1 olt vlkccplng to man and wife No children 31J N. 17lh Jll - 11OOMS KN&UIIK AND 2 blNULK 1100S1S G-3 Aiailuuiilasat o03 25 * 1-U.N1 HL'.NIMIKD FIIO.NT 110OMS 1 Oil IIKNT , > 2JO Ix-nvenworlh street M-PH So * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES I KOUUII.M' , 'IHU4STOIIV IlllICK Itl'ILDINC ! > ] lil'arnam street. 'Iho biillillni ; has n lire proof cement basement complete stenm houttn llvturcs , water on nil the lloors , KUS , etc. Apply at the olltco of Iho lleo 13 r ion HUM' , I'AitT OK otni FIVK STOHV JLbrlck warehouse Omaha Warehouse und btoriizo Co , 1213 nnd 1JIS Lcnvcnworth street M2oJ S FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. T-TO IIOOM HOTKL , DKSIIIAIILK I.OCAT1OV , ' all modem , Apply to I'V. . Uart , Jr , Missouri Valley , In Mu. > .i A iO WANTED-TO RENT. - COITACiK MODHHN CONVBN- K-OOH7HOOM lenees , between Ix.'avenworth and Webster loth nnduUth state price Address W' &i , lleo S035 * K WA.Nir.IIATONCK A HJHNISlIHD IIOU81 : with about 10 room' ) and Kood jurd west or Bouthweat of postolllcc Addrens , htatlni ; terms W 01 care llcoolllco 4J7 27 K-W'AMhl ) , ItOOM A.MIIIOAHDKOIIOII.N'ILE. man wlfeand baby lu private family Address , W U. Woodburrand botul , Council Illuili MIM. 27 * RENTAL AGENCIES. ' -E C. ( JAIIVIN A. CO , 203 S1IKKLY 11LOCK STOKAOE. INIOLDIIir. . CHKAI'KST A.NM ) lllIST &TOUAOB house In the city \ \ llllnma A Cross.1211 Humpy . 2SU M-CI.rAN , IIHV AND I'llIVATKLV faTOHKD furniture llvntlni ; stoves stored over anmaicT 107 Douifhii at Onittliu fctovo ItcDalr works Olt M vrOKAOK , LOW KATiiT : , OMAIA WAHK. house and falorniii ) Co , 12U and l.'U I onvrn wurlh .MJiSa VvANTEr-Td ) B U Y ! ui : IIOUUUT. bOLD , 1111 liirmiinat " \T-\\A.N'ir.l ) SOMKLOW I'ltlClIDCLrA J-'ns tlrat pnnint on n nlca honso nnd lotMll built to unit und null on monthly pi > mont \Miy pay rent ? bvoX A Kuhn I'th and UuuKlia. 7ltl m3 f-WAVJK1l TO IlL'V , IIIOIIT Oil TKV UOOM ihouno nlth modern tiuprovumunU mil food rlzed ) ut , luuitod within ono nitlu of the poslottlce btutoprlcn. slzo of house nnd lot and full parltcu Inrs by uddrc'sidnK a 17 Ilou oitlco 712 \T-TO IILVCLVIMS AGAI.Nsl ItAILltOAII KM- -liploves Wc'beter Cullcctlon Ai'iic-slour City la SO ! mil AT IIKlllK&rl'ltll KS PAID foil JI ) HAM ) { UK 1 > nlturo Oiunhii 1 urnlturo Co , Juatopcnml , nil N ICth 2/J m V. XT-W. NTKI ) , A SKT OP ( JOOI ) bALOON HK- l > turo AddrcHB W07 , Ilee JII7027 * FOU SALE-FURNITURE. 0-10 SALK CIIHAl' , IIUDItOOM BKT AN olhcT houKohold tfooils. nl o hetillu und k'uao * llnu tor .No S'.M --oiitli I''tli utreet 0u Si , ' 0 - SAL1 ! Of 1 UUNlTUlli : . 113 N nth. sini FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. JV-HJII 'sAlVic" LAItUi : HN1l""YoDjiG'lOKSK ! -1 and delUcrr nairnn , horse gentle and wagon Hourly now , furaulocheap Inuulru at 1UIU ttirnum 1VObALK \ , 1 -HIHIIKY. IIUIL'I IIY SIMl' . > ON -I 1 phaeton by Driinimond , both tlrat class , good as new L H Korlr JIM I'oppleton & 8J IV O.NI ! OF 'IHK rlM T HIIKPLVMI 8 rIr - J llona In Iowa for sale , 40 Inches high nt'li.lis 4Ud poundk jet blnrk Fngllshonk cart light colored huriuua rrank AnnhuK , bhennndoah , lownill ill ) IS * ll-'J MIL .NO IIOIfKS.AfiDN AMI HA11.N1 > 5. J together or'opuratuly on tlmo. to optrnllvu Land uiiil 1.01 Lo JOi .N inth t li.l-27 FOR SALE'-MIBCELLANEOUS Klmball piano Address 1 SI btroot , JO.U Dodge mrcet. ll'JJJ . ' 7 * -FOU BAKU A HH > H SIILC1I COW AM ) culf Inquire at 'JO 1 1 Charles street SI3182 ; * A HKAUTIFUI. LII'IKH Or bred Irish setters far tulo t Gulslcr'o bird tonl , 40u North Ibth itre-et S131I M- Q -HKsTAfllAN'l AND CHOI' UOUbK lA'inoDworth street ADVEHTISKXIKNT OK DAYID II KM- IJI 77 * MISCELLANEOUS. J-HAY rXH SALK. 1HK bTAMIAUD CATTK VCo otfur 1,000 tons aeluucd , tarn stored liar for on track , Atuea , Nubra Vj. II CANADIAN KMI'LOYSIK.NT KICK'IWJ FA U iinaui , upitilrs ; uiilo und fuuialcli vlu Tel cat va I'A I'll , LION 1)111 VI.NU I'Altlv. R. a trainer nud driver. Slakes a specialty of break Ing. nnd training coiti Slakes a specially of treat lug horefi that are sore , from hard roads and bad feet , llvatoukbltt charges. Ikinrdltu horses U tbo uionth. MSU \ * _ _ * Ti-BKK AUVKItllbhilKNT OF IIAVIll H h/t XXuieU J Jl MISCELLANEOTJS. _ Cniifintiil. 1 > WANTKII. HOHSr.S AND CATTt.l' I Oil I'A * I v lure Itunnlnc water nnd tnmn grn < Call or address , I'hllllp Ste'cr , CoRmnn station M I3 SO * Vj-WANTKI ) . fl 100 ON' HOOD Hll-JT MOHT > XKHgant7 per cent.SIII pur oxpcn cs hut no commission Address WGJ Uro 4l > ! * CL AIKVOY ANTS. C-MIIS K < ! HAWTIIOUN. HI NOIITII I4TII Jslrcct , having had yenrs of oipprlonce , will give readings of past present nnd future billing tu Indies only , M ccnti 10 a. in to 8p m italic , Sun dntsoxccpteJ Ab.nnt 3illi aad Mill M7II 30 * - NA.NN1K V WAUHKN CLAIUVOVANT S-MUS reliable business medium. Ulth fear at IU N. ICth I2SJ S-MAII AMRFIHT7 , 2370 CUMINO STIIKKT clnlrvoy ant and trance medium ! tndepondo voices tells past nnd future uHMT'n SAHIHVAL F.XTIIAOIIMINAHY. WOS'Iltilll- . revel-Ulon * Lhnllengoi the world. MM lr M tx grate ( lend franco rlilrvojnnt , nstrologlsl palmlM nnd Itro render , tolls your Ufa from the erndlo to grave iinltoMho sopirUiM cnn-e mnr rl igo with the one jou love tolls wheruyoti will li - d nnd In what IniMnco boot adapted for hns the colebmted I'ujptlnn breastplate fur luck nnd to destroy hnd Inlluenccs cures tits Intompornnco nnd all pilvato complaints with manage bath * , nnd alcohol treatment bend fJOO , luck of hair tmmonnddate of hlrth nnd receive nccurntnllfo chnrt 2 cents In slnmp * for circular elvo Inllluli of one you will mnrry nl o pholosof snmo Oflleo 10U7 ' onlh llth alrcc't , tlrt lloor , hours , tin m loll p m ( oino one , coiuo nit , and bo convinced of this wonderful orncle SU7I 2 * MASSAGrE , BATHS , 'P-MAIIAMK SMITH 1121 IMIfCi -L room 7. M tloor Alcohol , sulphur and sea biths Sisal ? > rP MASSAOi : TIIKATSIKNT , hLKCTHO TIIKU J run ) bntha scalp and hair treatment , ronnlcuro nnd chiropodist. Sirs Fost,31B > iS Ulh.nilhnell hlk a'-MADAMK LA HUM , MS A(1K , 416 SOUTH l' > tli St. . 3rd Moor. Hat 4 , assistant S17i'J/9 * M'-MlfrS bTOWK. MASsKUdK KLECTIltCIAN. -I 3J2 llnmge block Sl'JM 2 * PERSONAL. - man ) thut llTinlillth and reward st. or any ono knowing hi * whereabouts ploasu nrlto Heed .t fcolby , i Uoard Trndu U3I \v jrsT Hnt'iiMi ) , 6 r MVILI. . close contract with you between May 1st nnd lUth Delay nmtluri until that tlato If porslblo. Answer by return mull Dto ' > H782j' " " " " "MUS i lO KT VND LANOIT A OE. V um-onr. Ai'iANorAASiis'i : Tin : I new scale Klniball piano A llosiio , IjlJDouitlns Jj _ V-UKTOHK nrviNO A IMANO I\-AMINKTIII : > new scale Klmball piano A llospo , 13U Douulni. n&5 "V'CHOOL OP LANU VOK3 AMI fcOCIAL i science , 2IJ , 514 McCnuuo bullillUB Special courses In dermali MnV , .luno ilUUO M5I1 f ! ' ri'LLiNiiiciv : : , UANJO ' with lloipp or6HN Inth st Ul. TO LOAN-ltEAL ESTATE \ \ - rrnvos iMruovui ) AND * > clt ) property I-UJU ) and upwards ft to S percent No delays \V Inrnnmbmlth.V Co , 13th nnd llurnoy _ 331 _ \V "MOVKV , MONKV , MONKV JIO'J.OOJ TO LOAN ' ' In sums of Sf.W to } 30UOon Improveil or unlm- pro\od roaldento business property In tlio city of Omaha No delay In closing loans as money Is on lutnd No dealing with eastern parties nil bustnoss trnnsicteJ hero nnd Interest payable hero and not In tlio east , also make buliain * loans on most favorable terms. " 1 Idellty Urust Co , 1UII tnrnnm. CIJ _ \\r-ANTHONV LOAN AND TIIUST CO , 313 S' V ' Life lends nt low rites for choice security on Nebraska or lown farms or Omaha clt > property \T I'HtVATi : MONKY 1ST AND 21) ' loans , lun rates. Alex Sluoru , 401 lieu building MJU \ r-LOANs , O. G WALLACK , 312 11IIOWN HLK \ \ -LOANS , W.M UAllIlls , K M rilKN Vr IN UllANCKMOMIV TO LOAN. Al'l'lA TO J L.Lo\ott. 330 b llth All AW LOAN IlttAL KsTATKAMl IIIIMAL AOIIX- * i cy l'.irtles ha > ln ctt } houses tj rent and fnrms to sell should list them nt once bplemlld farms In Lou'ftn Vulle } , Neb for sale I n torn money furnished Uoo. W r Coatus , Keji loll 1 ar- nam _ 5s" \ \ rcv ' itAivnv. SISOMAHA NAT , IVK IILDG Clt ) iiiortk-riKOS. Lowist rntcs Money on linnd \ \ T MONKY IO IX3AN ON IMl'UOVKD CITY ' ' property , low rate A. ( J. hrost , Douglas blk \ T StOVFY no LOAN ON HKAL KST TB ' 1JIK O F. Davis Co , ISO ) lurnnm st 601 \\r-IlKAI. KbTATU LOANS , OTO7 I'KH CK.NT , < > no additional charges for commission orattoi- ncy s fees W 1) . Slolkle , Mrat National bank bhU J3J A\r CLNTIIAL LOAN A , TUUsT CO. UKB 11LDO. \\r-OMAHA SAV1MO4 HANK MAKKS LOANS i on real estate nt lowest market rates Loans made In small or lurgu sum nnd for short or long time No commlsslun Is charged und the lo ins aie nut sold In the cist , but cnn nlnns bo lound r.t the bank on the corner of Uth and Douglas streets streetsSM SM \\T-0 PKIl CK.NT SIONHY. I'HILADKLI'HIA > l Stortgage nnd Trim Co Thouns lllcnnnn.V Co representatives , J17 Knrbnch block 17JuJJ \V-UAblHlN S10NKY LOANLD OKO W 1' > > Coates rep M4T4 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONBV ? If so do not fall to got our rates before bor rowlnc \Yuiimkclonn9wlthout removal or publicity , on furniture pianos , horiuj , nations , etc , lit the low- esl possible rnto 'lluiro Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the mono ) on the same day you nsk for It Wo will carry the loanasIonK as you dcslro Klvinejou the privilege of piylcv It In full or In part ut any tluio to suit your convenience , nnd nny purt paid reduces thu cost of carrying tlio loan In proportion to the amount paid 'Ihero nro no chHrxes of any kind to be paid In advance but you ect tbo full amount of the loan Ourotllees are centrally located nnd uro so ar ranged that parties tnllln on us can bo wnltod on qukkly nnd tortuously , Ifyouhavo n lonn with ether partlot or hnvo bought n piano or other f urnlturo on tlmo und lln 1 the p > > mints a llttlo larger than s on can inont ronvenlentl ) a " 111 pay It for you and carry the loan nn lon us you doslre It will bo to your advantage to sea us bofora so- curlnit-a loan OMAHA MOUTOARl ! LOAN CO . i lloom II , LrelKhton Block , 15th bt , south of t'oilotllco . I'll ) XMOMSYIOLOAN. . FIDELTY LOAN GUAIIANTKB CO On Iiouvoholil Roods , plnnos , orRana horses. mules , Hncons c-tc , at the lowest posslblu rntuj without publicity , removal uf property or cbank'O Of pOhBCBBiOII 'llmo arraiiKOd to salt the borrower I'nynienta uf nny ttmount cnn bo mndo at nny tlmu rpduclni ; both principal nnd Interest , thus ulv lint | ntrons ull the benulltsof tbo partial payment plan Lnll nnd 900 us when you wnnta loan Monuynlwaj-h on liuiHl , nu dulay , no publicity ; Ion cut rates , bntlnc'ssconlldonthil. 1 IDKLII VLOA.NM.UAKANTKK CO , II I' Masters old stand , It 4\Vllhuull hlk 15th and Hurnuy iw "V-WILL WAN MO.N-KY 0V ANV KIN OF security , strletlr conlldentlal. A , 1C Harris , room 1 , Luntlnimtnl block Ml Y-UOHT I'linciiAiti ) , ii s.wiriiNLLL HLK. f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MS VWJIKNOIMAM' A ( MIATTKL IXJAS SKB J\W U I uvls room * ) , Coiillnontal block Mi V -130,00) ) TO LOAN ON CHATTKI. bKCUIUTY vbualncss conildontlal. lloom IUJ Knrb ich block. ilJM AVJ" _ _ _ _ X LIVK IN-iUHANCK I'OLICIKs LOANKII O.N Oil bouitht U F Jluuts , .Mass blUj ; , Kansas Cll ) Mo 4 ij 1IJ * _ _ _ _ "V-MONhn TI'O LOAN CHATIKI. MOIUC.ACH vjo , ( jO .u iiujri on fnrnlluro planon.lllvo slock , pte without publicity or re-moral of prop'rty. nt lliu lOHUntratc'k and the cntlot paymuntt N'o doiuj Cuah on build Dull Urcen , U b'J , llurkur blk B U SINESS OH AN OES. Y-UAHIY 1 Oil S AL Ii JK HOC1L A 31FS A Y K. 1. 3. .0.10 * -A I7.JUOGI ) IO M.UOOtxl 810CK OK ( JK.NKUAL nic'rchandli > e , coniltttnii of dry woods , boots , shoes und groceries , clc'uu unit well ei'lcctcd stock U III ejclmn.'O lor land to the value ut il. ' J OJ und tbu rest cash or coed notoi i-tock | j In a lo n of IUJ pi'uidu undhns u llnu Irade Liberal dlicount for nil cash Addrcu I1 o lloxNo 'JJJ or .No dvl , \ork , > ubVrlto for particularIMIMS Y-J OlbALK. aitoKMUAk IIIIUU oTOKK , Llivnuva Neb ttockund fixtures linolco HOWUO boles IbUl , 110 IXU.OI. licit estiiblUbud trade In clt / llDroihancu lor rlthl purty T ro third * cash onojior Addrrsn box JJu , I.L'IIJVII , .Nob V -TO LKT , SAIGON AND ItKSI'A'lillA.NT AND J- nil other rufrt'thmrnt prlvlli k'c.i nt thu Laku bliore tuuipuny irtouiuli at Ijiku I ontrury , lour nille > south of thu city , to let tor lliu season of Ib'.r. urluuKc-r This In thu bctt and nUetl euburbuiire irt ) In the wi'tivrn country Him tlshlnifand bout IIIB , alcKsnt tro\c und lawns , nnu | , Uulc and base ball grounds , utc , 'Ihuroupany prvfcr * to rent all the privileges to oua party , IncluilInKthri'o houses the Windsor the Diuilord anil Clubhouse I'utscs slon Blvwn at once r or particulars ipplytn R ! lUrtwIv. tr asururlJiko huru cuai > auy,2l2 Kjuth Third ttrot't , at. Joseph , Mo. 215 2it - * OK SALK. C11KA1' fOlt CASH , 1IAK KH\ loutdl complete. In llru to WD , dolug good bu > ' css Addicts W U ) lli > , * JS tit" BUSINESS OKA.NCES. PMV MKAT MMIKKT. IN TOWN OK J Hi ) Inlial Itnnts In central ebrn .l.n : bnlldlna IB i > ; nnrt future * , corner lol.on ( lip nmln t , ilntll InKhouro pitll on rear on l ( f 1 < , good ! > lniiKhtcr jion c nnd ford ynfrt' no r Iftthouxi 1'rlco nnd trrm rpnoonntilc Addroi luliier A Her > ner , Vrcmont. Neb _ ! U Ml _ _ Y "STTrnK IIOOM TO Ki r , OH IIKNT MATT , 1 i tntion In line fnrinlnif Toinmumiy Only one ninnll stock In the plnres crt-nt need ofn KI nprnl Block of Mnplo , dry need urtiicrle' hsnlwnrp nnd drucfll north looking up S. J Illop liar vnrd Ni-b . Y-HO1 KIi IN OMAHA , OWNI.U LK WIND CITY -Lcn | j nnd fnrnlturp for aalo Kteat bnrcAln Alet Moore 401 lloo bullillng \\v \ > ; t\ \ _ V -TOH HAI.K , ( ! HCCKItFTOlir AT ll M"li7 I Itnrr nvp.nearalmit Ulll school fplxndld country trade her particulars vniiilro | nt prcm lso M * _ _ V-WANTIUI , A imilbTKIIKD PHAHMACIST I to take hnlf lntcri"t In n rctnll druc * lorp flood lorittlon Coed trade Address II. , Ulnvir llolul. Umalm Ne-h .M 37021. * _ _ Y A (1OOII ( 1'AIITY CAN BKtfltK AN ACTIVK -I Interest In n tonn nnd Irii'l company hy Invojt- lnuflOUiOtofitA < ( l Al oran "cctirc prn.ldoncy of wiiod tmnklnii housu by Inrcstlnit 114 IWJ Address M lice _ _ Mlllt-Ji. Y -rOUSALIC-ONIA IIOTKL IN ( , OOI ) TOWN' J. Hot 871. jjhonamloiili. In VIIH 27 * _ Y-WAT MA11KKT rOH SALK CHKM' , 142J J .North 21th Mri-cl .Mlli027 * AN ACTIVK m f tnnlnc" In Omahn to take nt lenat ? ! , WJlnt nml ill ! altimtlon parlnK fl'JJ rnlarr Capital now cmplojcd tMUUU Address \ \ f > ii , Hoc MICVTJ * FOR EXOHANQE. V FOUTItAIlK NKW 3 STOIIY IIHICK H.VT /JbulldliiR , modern A 1 location , renH rviilllr Clo eil Invi'stlisnllon Invited , price $ Ji OCO 1 rado equity for unlnctimberod vacant lota Amoi llnal Kslato Agency. 15U7 1-nrnum street Sii /-IP YOUIIAVK AIOOI ) UI'llttJHT IMANO TO A/trndo / for lot tb. block 1 , Armour IMaco , youth Omaha ; clear of all liicumbranoa Address N H , lleo olllcc MJ.I1 y-KAIIMS AND UANCI1K3 ANIITtKlII liTlKD * Jhor es for sslo cheap or cxchnncc for Omahn property. I ) . J Kendall , 403 llrowa UldirMOIO MOIO MIA r/-lXU ) K\C1IANJK-FIVK HKSIDKNCK , NKW , /J13 room . modern Improvement , , , ull motor UUP , 1 mlle from pnstonlcelil exchange for Kood business lot or farm lands W , I' O , box m > 3 , Omaha 977 r/-IOIt TIIADK , f70ffJOOIITII OK f.N'INCUM /Jbcred city property to Undo for farm Inndj within IM ) nillci of Omahn Ames Itcnl K tnlo AgcncT , 1M7 K-irnnm 33J y-tKMIIAL NKIIIIA'-KA \MH. . Cs"ll AND /-Mown property to trade for stock of merchnndl'o from Jl.UOU to $ . ' ,000 dollars , C L. l.rvlu , Loxlnklon Neb _ _ SJ ) JJ * rl.OOll llltlCK I1LOCK IMLACO , \K1I , > jrcntcil for17."i permonlh , price iJ2 rue cncnni hcred 57 'OJ enulty for coed larm In nestern Iowa 1 Illlnifer. . lll'J 1 arnam M33J tu _ rCHOICi : IMl'UOVKD I'llOl'KIl I V HOll LAND AiaHo hu lne s propcrl ) for \atant , lurvolht : 11 K. Cole , No u Continental Mj')2i { ( ) * rLAN'IIS IN IIAUUNUS TIIOHAb AND OOV1J /-Jcountlos for stock boots und shues bam l rooks. Clarlndn In MI3I Jj * V nXCHANQBOtIll 1'IIOPKIITY , I1IU Llsr / call or wrllo Alex Moore 401 Uee bldi ; lj ) ( > -WANTKD , PA III IKS THAT HAVE ( ! OOI ) property thnt la tnettmhered to list It for t'x. chanKO for land and cash K. F Hlnuer MJJ" * Ju * r/-l STOHY IIUICK910IIK. LOT 2-JxlU. ON r AH /Jim in ; i'iXX ( ) , mortgage $11 UOO , upur ce'nt , for iiond Omaha property und a llttlo cnih K F lllngcr , 15111 1 alliam MiWSt , ' y-CLHAN STOCK OK eiK.NKHALM I ) s K VII I. /-'lake real cstalo A money lloxffjj. 1 runkfort Ind /-WANT EII. TO nuon i\cn : ANGK 4 "nousi : / enKlne and holler In KOuil condition for Kood TMitor motor BIIUIU cupuclt ) . Address Norfolk lle r nld Norfolk , Neb MUI Jij r/ i on I\CIIA.NOI : : uK'irVi.oiiUM , AND * furnlshlnir Roods stock ccarh all new . \\IIIliko clear land and i ash. ntuck Mill Inxolco f I 0X1 to S-j.lOJ Address J M , Llndsav , Auburn , Neb 41127 * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. llALCro.V HKIC.IIT3. Acres , half acres nnd lola on electric motor rend Also houses and lot * lu Ilnxyoi Jlelehts OMAHA 1 IliAUTIULSUllUini ( Only thirty minutes ride from center of city Kasy payments low raid of Interest -Now la the tlmu losccurohhnmc' WllllumilLCrnry. Mi NdwTork Ufa Hide MlB3 M19 OMIM FOU SALE Til Kite IS NO DOUI1T II UT that wa have tlio moil autlsfactorr Hat of renlly deslriiblocottauei to bo found In the city 1'rlcei runuo from iJ.UUJ up , nnd terms are ex ceedingly liberal Wo have sold alx during the mat month and the bent of our list will -oon hoBolecied Wo cnn recommend the following 7 houses within two blocks Han com 1'nrk , } J WO rt It model , new I'upplcton 1'iirl. , KOOJ7 lib front , full lot , barn , etc , Onn'ia Vlow f40007 room h front , nniv and complete Titli at tiUOd La Pa ) otto I'lneo , linostln city , haj the n Ollico open Mitnrd iy nights lldcllt ) IrustLumpin ) , loll Farnim street Ji.J-q-1 ] ' 1'LACK 1SLOCA1KI ) BKALTIII'LLAFAYHITK on Nulfon street , ono block west of Loueuvo Six nc\v elegant modern dnolllng * . of 7 to' ) rooms each of which four uro fctlll for sale You cinnot udiio of the bointy of this torraro , or the co-u- plotcnossor the cotlngis without Rcolng thorn Open lur Inspection 1'rlcci rciaonublo nnd easy terms Lull nt our olllco nnd wo will show them nt nn ) time whether you wlsti to t > m or not On nod und lor sale hy 1 Idellty 'lru t ( ompan ) , 1141 ( arnam slrect UI7 FOHSAI.i : 400 ACIin KAIIM IN 11LUK UIVKIl valloj. Thayer county 10 miles nest of Hebron Ono of the very be-.t furmi In the county oed house1 , barn grnnarlcs , cribs etc.andanabnndnnco of fruit timber nnd running wilier Also lor siilo orexchnngo for good lands or city property , 11 brick pork pucklm ; house and fixtures In Hubrou , Thnyor county , near II A K depot her particulars In qucro of nny real estate agent In Hebron JIO ATIIAL1 VALUK. IXI"AC1HN 1IOMKS , DUal /LIIUHS property Alex Moore , 401 lleo bid i 1'57 ' \\niY SIIOLLI ) 'iOU 1'VY UI3M' AN'I ) AT 1'IIK * v same tlmo own a vuiant lot wien tholldllty Trust I o "III soil you n beautiful cottnge homo In 1 n rnjetto place and perhaps take > our -acint lot as part pnnnonU Coma and soj us und lot us show jou the cottnkus f 17 \ \ K 11AVB A LAllfJK LIST OP DKhlltAIILK * > tioulh Omaha pruporty for mile I'olter A u Co , S \ \ corner loth and Farnum _ m MIC T AChY S.\DI > iriON'TOOMAHV.JUSTI'LVTTKD J-JIt is cist of IScnson un electric motor line l.ois SAW to MiJ Terms M caMi , balance In threa e'inal piymenH due In J I , U ) o irj und 7 per cent IntoriHt I'ottT A. eieorja Co , a w corner lith ami 1 arntiin UHM' ) IJ'Olt bAI.K , 1IOMK5 ANY 1'IIICK HM , tl.JjO HI' easy terms , tnko clear property ns ilrst pit ) ineiit U Ii Wallace llrortii blocU , lull und Iiougius > 03 TV K tOIINKIl Sn'H ANII IIICICOItY MVFiO l > .feot u bargain fora few days only F K Dar- link' , Marker block .W 170R bAI.K ATA IIAltr.ALV , LOT 15 IiLOCIC 1 JV L > ! clhy Hrst addltlijn lo South Omaln. Muall payment duwn hilunci ) monthly If desired. Inqnlroii II l < schuck , Omahn lloo > ) ! 17011 BALK-ON MONTHLY 1'AYMKNIfl S -I huus-is A lots 'Iho O F DuvU Co , HJj 1arnam st. SOI _ MONMOUTH I'AIIIC HAS THK MOTOIl. CITY ntur Krndod streets bldoualk tchool ho Mill fill locution -overythlnu to unko It ntlrnctUo 1 or lots or hutnoi la tliu heaatltul uddlttnn on easy terms see d ( i Wulluco , trusted , JIJ llrjwn block , loth and Douglas JOi Q1JM103 1O LOANH o Voun plnco loans nn any limldj'lmproved ' iiroporty louny umoiint where \aluo hiuk uf the loan Auica Heal F.aliuo Agency , I'tifVjirn un bt 1S3 \\rl' WILL CONSIDKIl A ( lift ill VACANT U > T > ' as part payment tuwurdt ttliouiatn Lafayette 1'lucu " ' C17 _ _ \VIIY I > AV HK.NT WIIH.N VOIK'AN I1UY ONK OK I' Iho finest modern cottages Invor built on easy terms In Ltfi ) otto 1'lacoT 1 > l K C17 ' T HAYKAFKW WKLL I 'IUII I.OTS. WILl ( -I hullil housoa to suit you aii Ji ell ou aay terms J II y.lltlo. llrowa block , 7 _ & < J 1 'Oil ' HAI.K 5-IIOOM COMVMK fONLYI fal PU J atcdliill l < ardatroet CBilim'A Ilonpojr M3 T\TlIVK OUT AND bKK LA FAVKI'TK I'LACK CKK LA rAIKTTK I'LAOK'JilUOllK IHJYl.NIJ Oahomo Oil M AKK MK AN 61 M'.ll ON'Tioiri.lO A.ND7I HLOCK twu In Saundera Jk HlUlUingli a addition to Wnbiiit HIM"An ) thing KOCj > .i ( . "x-arOroshuil Mil Lukotlty I'tnh. , 1 7 m la * C HOICK ACltKS ON1VKM' IMIXiK sultublofur gnrdunlni : or homos , $10 } per ucru B , 10 or JO ucro tracts \\rUht A Lusburr , loth nnd Hciwnrd Mreets MSI1 K H UT 4 IILOCK II IIKKD a IsT addition JUI'J Davenport st .Srooui coltago 'Iho 0 F Davis Co , IWJ Kurnam st , ' W SI14 } fOU bALK-IIOMKd IN OUAMS1KIICY I'AUK 1 built lo suit cuitomors , flu ) down balance monthly ( , o in on thu 'round tloor and cet cholcu uf lots A I' 'lukvy MVU l0ll HALII-KJUH OU HVK IJOOll COlTAfiKS 1 lu Cllf.on lllll on.'a.y paymouls , fUWJ to t J.tWJ fuch Will tnko i liar lot north from ( JO-J ID ilfj at Urtt | > uynint A I' Uuko/ , bib Nuwoik Life bldt. _ _ M'HI N .MONTHLY I'AYSlKMd. MW < eyn'\l. Us , Iot . " 0xl3u. only I und 2 blocks from motor , tl Sojuo tu SJWJyJ huiall cash pa > mcnt , bulnnru monllil ) Cli-nr lots from lWOJ to II.U'HM taken c > part pamcnt r | ll build houses to suit > ou 1 , F Illntcr 1MJ Hirnniii MJ3I A * _ " \\T A.VII.'I ) , IH INKsS AMI IlKSHUtN CK I 'l proved or unimproved , piopcrly listed Have sonio casiura bu > er for bargains , ulso want aero properly h. t ItlnKcr , 1SU F rni u. J1JW Ju * _ FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. _ I 13 LOT * IN lllllKlt.U HKItA IIU Ml.Ift I'HI I tl lon of * olomon addition Omnhn n tmrenln Jo fph I'ollnrd \\mhlngton lows V > V ONK OK VINKST LOT * . KAiT > KOS IN ON < icor rln arc nt n eriit birgaln , $ i li for i hort Hnin HiilclilnMin A \ \ end. 1SJ4 Dotigln * Wo 3 , \\i : IHI A HKNFUAiTTtKAI. STATK iC ' 'chnngo lm lno \\hit hsvo roll to ortrr \\cstern Ktchnngrlo , lolumtit. , Nolv M4WI7 * ' ' " l AitiiI : T < rCKiN ) KNI \ \ - * r'v'tIK"V p Jrlcnl wlK inl benrds a spejUltrH \ Dill firltchp , tnlr o'inlns , etc 'nl for citil'ji ) Mall orders solicited lUtlci , III s. litb st Omtit . ij CWIfCIIKS f3 t'P WOltTH Dot DLK UT ' 'prices for shnrttlnip Frof Monholt hnlr dresser or nndliianlriiio UIS Diuglas lei 10.11 M4CI M25 DRESSMAK ] NO. STS TO DO IIHVSi \KINJ IS J-Tainlllcs solicited Miss Slurd ) 3W S JMh t ir.mir * MANUrACTUniNO JEWELEn . _ f 1A91I PAID KillOLDdOLli. ( TAUsON A livNKI v-'ioom ,10 Ilarknr block , ( .nnihn. HI I LOST -lit IIOI KKI'LKASK UKTFIIN TO 2 Inrnnm nt M4t)2i * IJMIKD SI01ILK , OIFICK 15IH FAItNAM ST 111 C SNYDKll'S LOAN OFUCK , 1510 DOIXiK ST. * 3 * MOI1 nil ) * fit All our syringes nt-o iniido in OMAHA. "FISH BRAN D" FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Kach ono hni HIT him runber plpon In wooden box lie sure the trade mirk H-Il nit \ Ml Is on each one , take no cither A k > our ilru lit for hem or Oiiiahi lluhber Co 1 iJJ t'arn iiu st Corner tth Lady /clork In ultcndincc RECiVJ I N TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Street , OMAHA RHILWAYTIMEGRRD Leaves ICIIICAI.O , MIL A al. I'AULIArnvo rOmahnl U 1' depot nnd Mnr'y Ms | OmThi f JO p ri . . . Uilrigo Kvpruji . . . IJ Ii a m 1 00 p m . . . . Chlcigo Kxpresi . I i l'i p m Lent os I 1OIIX < Il'VA. I'AllHi. I Arrives Oinuhfxi Pfpot 10th nnrt Miiey St * I ( i nihi f3i B iiT | . . Slonx ( Ity I'nssen d' ' SJ5 p m | . . . . M. I'll ut ivirea3 | Leaves I SIOUX t IFV A I'ALItH Oinnha ) Depot. 15th P.mlVfhator n Omaha p nil st I'n 111 Llmltc'il 11 . ! . > n m leaves I OMAHA A. SI. IXJl'lS \rrlvi I OnmhnllT 1' ( lopol IDtli nnd Miirey St 'Onnrm ' 4 ID p m | M Louli Cannon llill [ l.M.ii'iu l.nvoj I MlSaOIJIll I'M'IHC lArrlvoi Oiinhnl Hoot | l'tli an I Webster 'Ui U lU Tm ! bt I.ouU l.xprosi Ttl V ) a m ! ' iu pm | ht Louis Kxprcsi I 5 IJ pui I raves t IHcAliO II I A I'ACIl IU Arrlvn ' 1 ranafwr Union Depot Council lllulH. lnnsr > r l , it ) p m . Mght Kxprosi . . ! i JU a m 10 'J a m Atluntlc Kxpr as. . . , p m 4 JO p m Vestibule limited . . Ixiavos K C.bl1 JOK A C II I Arrive * Transfer Union Depot , Council Illiny. I Irinttor 1000 a ill . . . .Kansis city Ilijr Mtpron 5 JI p m 10 15 p m ICaiual ( Itr NUlit I'xprJii ( IJJ a m I u es I Ulll Ai.O IIUIU. N A gUINCYrr vii 'J rans for j I ii Ion Depot , Council Mlu Us I Ira iif i "TvTa nT ( hlcazo l.'xpr si ! , 40 p m 10 OJ p m . Chicago Kxprei ) 'U i a in 7U'i p 111 I rcston Local . T\\ \ u in ) caves I n > ! TifA8r TUj73"ArrlTo ( | 'Iransff * ) Union Depot , Council illulli 11 runafor 4 4U 11111 ft LoiiTa Cansn llall , . jlj Ii p in Unves I hlOtJX Cl fV. . I'ACIl 1C I ArrlVeT" Transfer Union Depot. Council lllulM rlranafor 7 15 u m | Bluux ( II ) Accommodutloii IIOUU p in 6'd p ml , . . .bt I'aiilKxprsss . , . | U 40 u m 1 caves I ClllCAdOA NOItTHWKirKHVArrlviM Transfer I Union Doput , ( ouncll Ilium [ Tranifor 1201 p in ( hltiigo rxprias I i W p m 615pm . Yostlbulo Limited J 10 n m 1DOO p ml l.nstc'rn ricr 1 IJ p m buo ii m ( K\ bat ) AtMntle Mall ( Kx MOID 7JJ. i m 7.IJ u m tnrroll l'ui > scni.'er 10 U ) | ) m I'ropntnU lor Illstrli t ( ii.ulliifr llomlf , hoaloil bids in irlccil "I'ropoa ils for UNtrlct cratllns boniK" \ \ 111 bo jocuh od at thu ollloo of tlio olty trixsuror Omah i , Nub , on to 1 ! o'clock noon of tbo Jltb iluy of Apid , 19' ) . ' , or tbopuroliubuof * llJUWdi ( trlot r.illiiJboiiiN ( of HID illy of Oinalin , N'olj Mil Doinls ire ( lute'il Miy 1st , pi..1 , and ire piv iblu from ono to nliioyo.irs aftord uothoicof , in dunomlii i- tlonsof JlOOOJaiid fon.oj o lob , with tliu r.ilu of 5 pui cent per H.IIIIIIII. ptytblo boinl-.inniiitlly. I1 MI Ii ) il unit Inturust p iy- ublo at Kount/o Ilros . Now York. MMMJOJof niddliiu'UUtrlot.Vo , Ii J , ' . 00) of Undid , ' DUflct No H. TlXMMof ( irullii'4 district No. K 20,00j.uiof ( i rail InDNirlet No 3 ! . l acli bill tniut ntute price aiul amount vouKht for nntl Inclmlo .u'cruoil lnt ruit to datoof dollxi > ry at ( Jniithu. Neb ' ' itnurtud lo loJe'Ct any anil all - unaercluirtor pgwor of cities of the niutropolltnn clnsii a ml Ordln.tnuu No "Jli. uupro\ cit March Uth , lo'J. 1IF.NHV IIOLI.N , Mcli'.v.iUltio. Olty I ro i Notice , Tlio uiinnal incctlni : of stooubotilcrsnf the rrciuont , KlUliorn A. Mhxmrl Valley Htllroad company will bo bole ) .it tbo ofllou of thu com pany In Oiiiuh i , .Nob. on I'riduy. .May - ' , Ibj , ' . al'Jo'clock p m , for tliu u'uut'on ' of di rectors and for the trin-.iclloil of siifli other bii lnen > ui mny tonm lnforo tbo inocllii- . J II. ItEUnu-u , fcutriitury , llatcd April It , IfJ-J. utidJUM OXYOEN OXYSEN ! ! OYYGEN IS LIFE ITSELF I OVJRPII liovlt.ill/ro HIP Nentsi < ) \gon I'nrlllrs tlio lllnod t SPECIFIC OXYGEN POSITIVELY CURES Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Consump- tlon' Deafness , Headache Hikornemnn Dysoepsia , Nervous Prostration. FREE TRIAL INHALATIONS. "Oxygon Bfok" and ailvica free , ill on 01 nilto tn The Sl'KCiriU 0\Y(5i\ ( : . , Sulto 110 ShePly Hull line , ciir I'th ami Howard directs , Otunha , Nebraska Many a life has been lost because of the taste of cod- liver oil. If Scott's Emulsion did nothing more than take that taste away , it would save the lives of some at least of those that put off too long the means of recovery. It does more. It is half- digested already. It slips through the stomach as if by stealth. It goes to make strength when cod-liver oil would be a burden. ' SCOTT ft BmvNB , Cher-mis , 111 South 5th Avenue , New York. leep < Scott's Hmulilon of cod lirer oil * ll druggists everywhere tto | i. 4 Beer ? BOLD AND LNJOYED UVERYWHERE. It U fur the euro nf'U "iirpsln nml Its Uitti-iiihints pit l-li ( uil.ichf , < .on.tli > .l- { t loll anil jillcs , that rlmvo gentlj , rtlthuut jjrlplnjr nr nausea. JOe jou Itnoivllint a Jittlo CougliS In a danceroUN thing 1 : | DOCTOR 5 'Will Stop a CoujjU at any time : and Cure tbo worst Cold in : ; twelve houru. A 25 Cent bottle Imay save you $100 in Doctor'o : I bills-may nave your life. ASH- YOUR DflUGGIST FOR IT. IT 'JC'A.ST333 GOOI > . : Dr. Ackor's English Pills ; : CIDI1K SNDIGJv JTION. ' . MmnlL idcupfint , Ji fitvnrllD with the Inillcii. o W II. HOOlJEll & C J tt tett P'oaawuy , 1 , Y. ; o" silo1) 'K fin > "i " O ai13iirm an McConnell. Omaln. PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. ' olio I pr ) po-iH 111 bo i > t > r > l\oil Iiy tlio nri- 'lorsljiica until 1 u u MI M ly llth lbi. for cnrbliu with wlilto Oo'oriOo ' s itidstono , red Color ulo s in Istono mil Iloin i s tn Nt'iiio ni- cnnlliu to spi'ulll itluiH. pills of citrtiln slrpot In III' ) iltv of ( inrili i. u > iiiirl-ini | | in stipot lronio\oinoiit dUtrlolh , iitinrioii'il im I di'-i'i Hied is folio \ - , tn-'s If N > l\"t \ I/.ird itruot fn u IStli slruotloJIrd sltpot N i I d-TIrl straPt from the north line of Cumins blrcot to HID north HMD of Mlclil .tti btlc'Pt No I 'i M'eliUm stro'jt from ll slrcot to ' . ' ( III st ( ( I I" ic-ii I ) ( I lo poilfy a jirleo per llnoil font foi tliuciirhliiTLii ni | iitu on ii.ioli striiot , sop- iii itoly. In stld ImpriivointMit illstrlolt Woiktolio ilonu in tiocorliiie" with nlins nnd hi'clli | itoils ( in Illu In lliu ollloii of tlio IHI ml of public uorKs I'ropoiiN to bo in tiki nn prlntod lilinUl sliiMl bv the lie ir I nml lln-su 111 o up inlrd : t cnrtiflpil Pli0 ( i. In tin MUD of } * > ) > , | iiy- to tliu clly of Om.ili i , as nn ovldciico of ( -noil f.illh Tlio I ounl ro prxpstlio rl lit to awiirl tlio oonlr IP ! on nil then ill dlstr'cts ' IO.TUUICT oren on ii idi d'l'rlo' ' i np ir.ilcly for the illllcro no l.lnds of Hiihjcut to the lOlcut o i , of tin1 Hintiriill : by thp iiiu\or : in'l ' nlty < nun 'l | U ) rojcct inv or all bids. ,1111 ! lo w > , \c dnfruli I1 W IIHllCIIAIiCIt. . C'li ilrninn lln ml of I'nhllc Wet Us. Omnlin. Neb . April -i is'll a."J- . ' ! - . ' ) W I'rnpiiHiiN for riilillr l.llir.iry HiillilliiK' DiniilK bt'.ili d Inih n .irknu prouo-iU for pnb.lo llbiary linililliu lonrU ulll bo renihcd , it tliu olIlKi nf tbiicily tr.ii9tiror. Out ilia , N'eb , up to 12o'vlocU noon of tin ) . ' "illi day of April , K > . ' . for Iho pitreli i o of ildi.iui iO pulillu llur.iry biilldliij boii'Js of Iho city of Uui ilia. Nub , ( luteil Muy Ut , IS. ) . ' , nnd p iy iblo , ' ) yu ir < nflnr ( lute Inturuxt it HUM UP of i ppr ecnt put an num , pny.iblc soiiii-annu.illy frindpil und inluri - > t p iv i'o ' | it Koiint/o lln 9 , .Nuw Voi ! ( I in Ii oid must flute prlcu und amount t.ou.'lit foi mil Inoludu ao'iuoj mtcu'si to diilonf dulh'Tj < t > Oinalin , Nub Tlio rin'lit ! > reauuc'U to rojoot unj1 mill all bids I MIIM ! under cliiirtiir Donor of dtlosof llici metropolitan ( tuni , nnd oidln.inci ) Nu iiui approved M.ircli lltli. Hi ; IlKMtY IIUIJ.N , iii'.T.dlltM Citj Iruusuror fur M > rcplni ; .mil I'aveil Eo.ilud proposals ulll lui icvulvod by tlio tin- < lai-- > I'iii'l until I.I ) o'clock p in. M.iy ( Hb , is1) ) ' , fortlm b uplns nnd I'lpiinliuof niiub p i\u < l htrcc'liiltliiir IKIW llnUhuil oi that miylipro- uflpr bo llnUhud , ( luring tbo llmo Hi it tliu oontracic runs , asm iy bo ordered Mich H < t 111- IIM und SHdipIn l < i bu ilono In in cord. UK o with sii4illutlniii | ! ! on Illo In tliu olllcoof tlio board o ( ptiblli norUa llliU to ID mudii for it contr ict running from thoduta of itLc'opt ini'O of bids lo July I , I' MIC 1 1 lilJ > to bo .ic-unmp mluit b > , i cliuck In ttio sum of jI.uj'Miu ' piy.ibict t > time It v of Uninb.i , us lik'iiio < i ( jooit f tlili llldswlll bo Hindi ) on printed lilnnkM furn lied by tlio Iio.ird , untl nuut itutu tliu urlcu pur in Iiu. Tlio bo.ud ri'ior.os tlio ilu'lit to reject any or till blilb , unU to ivalvo dofu 'H I * W IIIIIKIIAfbKH , Clialriiinndf lioaid of I'ubll" Works. Uinulia , April .llat , Mi. a.-J-.M 'JJU DIXON'S RKSPITK. ! l < lniiftitrr llrrrl\p < tlio ( Ifrlrlil Ilitriiinrut * Iroin HIP Prr tilrnt. t'tiltcii Sinter Mnr < hnl Slaughter hni ro- oolvcit the onicinl document reiltlru | : Dixon , tnnl contnlnlni ? tlio form il warrant of tl.o chief cxccuilvo of the Unltotl Struct onlor- IIIR the execution of Iho soldier tmirdoror on the .Mill of May It c.imo In nn oftlclnl SxlO onvplopo nnd rends n't followv lcniiiilii ! ] HurrHott , ProilOciit of thn Untied States To nil to whom thnso Vrc onU shnll como , Krcotltiif : Whereas , Clinton U P'xon , In the United States tlhtnct court for the district of N'obrAikn , nt the Novonibor term. ivi | , of snUl court , as Indicted clinrpodlth the crliuu of innrdcr , timlVAS In thu Uiilloil Sinter circuit court of snhl district co a si i1 unl thereof on Urn 10 Hi dny of December following , ntul on thu I'.Hti tiny of salil lost nnniod inonili u.n ci toncod to ua committed to the ctistoilj of tlio United State * nvirshnl for the dMtrlot of Nobrnvkn , to bo conllncd In Iho county Jill of DoiiKti" count v , In sniil ntate , until tlio 'J.'d dny of A\uil \ , ls'.U , nthlch tlmo , between Iho IIOUM of 10 o'oloc.t n m , nml I o'clock p in , of 1:1 : hi day , nnd In the snld county nnd state nml by the snlJ inr.rsha'l to bo hanged bv the nock until dc.tJ : nndlioicis , tlio United Suites marshal of snlcl dlstilct roptcsenti Hint the couitnlMou- cr ot DoiiKlni county hnvo , by i evolution , notltlud him that they ulll not consent to tlio execution of said Dlxon within the products of the court lion so and Jnll of snld countv ; No , thcrofoto , bo It known that 1 , Honjti * inlii llntrl on , presitloiit of the Unltoi1. Stntos oi A merion , In consideration of Iho promises , ( Mvct-i uthor peed nnd suftlclcnt reasons mo tticronnto inovlnp , do hero by | ? rantn icsplta of the execution of tlio scntonco of Urn said Clinton i : Dlxon until rridnv , Mar ' . ' 0 , 1S9J , Liotuccn the hours nntnad In the son'.ouco. In tcsllmoiiy whereof , I huvo hcrannlo signed tuv ntia cnusod the seal ot the United States to bo afllvcd Done nt Iho city of Wnshlncton , this 20th dav of April , A 1) ls > lW , nnd of tholndcnond- cncp of the United Stntcs the ono hundred nnd sixt cnth , lit N.I HAIIIIIIOV. By the ptcflJcnt : .1 OH * tt. Bi MNt , Sicrotnry of Stale. Mis 1" . M. Lc\\M , Uxnnnn , Al.1. , writes ! 'Tor twcntv je.trs I hnvo sntTorodlth hqitlnchPM without roliuf fro u tlio many romedles and tiled Jutlui ; th it pctioil. Dr.uhciotluo piodnees the most EUUsfjctorlosiilts It is utmost ns hulls- peiunblo to iny comfort ns my food. " OMAHA AM > ltl.ll ItV. ( lint I an1 foi tbp Kouiid I rip. Tor the lU'coniinodnlion of thosu tloalr- ins : toisit nt poinls east of , in tlio % i- c'initof , or nt Oinnlin in May dining1 tlio so-sion of the Method idt Confoi once , the Union Pnuillo will soil ticlcoN toOniihiv nml rotnrn ni ono f.iro for the i omul trip. TieKota on sale April 28 to oO inuluslvo , llinitod to Juno 1 , 1M)2. ) For any nduitional Information apply to } our nuntobt ugont U. P. system. < .JMII\L : At Oinilin , l.Hlr. . For the nucomimxlntion of thoao dcsir- iny to visit nt points oust of , in the vi cinity of or at Omahn , during Miy : , the Union Pni'ilie will s-cll tiokcts at ono fare for the louinl trip. Tickets on nlo Apiil lit ) to 30 inchibivo , limited to Juno 1 , 1VIL' . Foi tickets or ndditionnl informntion npplj to jour no.ncdt ngont Union Pa- eilic sjHtein. _ _ i 111 : u\ii : : i ti.vuicKr. rNSTUUMUNTd uUoe.l on rosorJ April w tun INT ! " DKCIH A T llniiipoin , iud \\lfo to .1 S JlcCor- inncK , s ' of w 'i lot M block lit , nnd Interest In U-foot strip elf \v sMu n ii e i hi lot . . . . r I.oomls nnd wlfo to M I ) llurtur , be- iliiiiiU ! nt point M ) fcot s nnd " ! . ' fi'ct o of o cormr fr blocU HI , Olll ill I HlC'MCO S l"1 ] fcOt , t ) , 'lS l.i fuot. n I'-11 ! fc'ut , w ii I ! foci. . . 1I.OM Leu i Morrison nnd litishiml to I A llov- or'\ ' , lot . ' . MoirNon'a ulil . . . . U'.OJO I * 1 Lyui Ii ind wlfn to John Lynch , lot . - - ' .1 I ICidkK , J.I idd . . 4.300 S iinu to s UUP , lots 4 and 5 , block ' . ' , Smll'Midd J\0(0 ( A 114 ' i n lint s nnd wife lo.loliu Uln.Mot ' . ' ) blocl , IIVost Albil 'lit . ,10 1 i , ink Moss indvlfo to M u v Knsn tr , s 'ilut M. block ( > . Koiint/o'sud add 'J. 01 I'luiioi'i To MI Mtn oonip nu to Henry Mm.iiiMHi lot 1 ' . b d Bonn 1171011 . . I ' ) J II Humlo M 1 ! ride-nun , lot II. block 4 Sliilvui | ) l ice . . . . . . 40U ij n r n. vi i n ! { > * L It Ilnttkpnnd wlfo to Vt Pson Itoy- nolds s 'i lie - ' -l i-l . 1 John HI OM in and wlfo to I ) II II i.'y , o . ' ) 1'J fc'ut of s ' , lot 14 block J. C tpltol add 'J J i ) I'rpM-ott mil wlfi toV II Mill ml. u .0 foi't of w fill otl 'ol "i , n 'M foci lot , 7. n .1 f 1 1 tand n Ji feut lot ( ! , .ill In block 1. I'upo plncp . . . . L'.IUO J S McN ill > and ulfi ; to , I A TiompMn. ) lot T , l'o ' n 4 , ImproNoinont i > > sociallon .id , . . 1 .1 11 Thompson to ( ' A Thompson , snmo I \ 1 liompion to 11 It llnNin in , und ' , ' , ii imo . . . i : li llli < runnoriioii ( | il mlmliiMi itoi ) to Lni-liKl l Knnf.o pli , lot lu , I'ruyii'H MIU In I'niiNcn'-i ulil . . . . . . . 1,075 O V Itc'lttiltislionll ) to . iniiiol I'MIJU , lot r > ) ! ( I. JI , W iliiut hi 1 . 400 fa.iiiu' to J II 'Mlli.ird. iriiitoi' . i'i foot , lotst. mil 7 , blooK 1 , I'opu plae'C ' ) ' " > Total amount of trin-'fcrs Jl.ll.ij" PROPOSALS FOU PAVING. epipr | | iirdjiii- , il- , will lu rt'c'ulvod by tbo niulirslziic'd unlil : > l o'c'o U p m , Ma > fitn , ni ; . fdi tbo foili inn' kinds of p.ulnx niato- rl il , \I- lioot aijili tltuiii niti Y r itlsoi otbnr ir inlto. AilnlPf iluiHilo i iml-itoiio. Ked Color ido s iniUiiMio. Wooui ulV , hum it. sljiiQ Vllilllpil hik'k Anil brio' , blocks , all .u-corlln ; ; tnspcoluua- llons. 1'or p iv Iris p irt of Iho follow 114 streets ind alloys in HID olty of Oia ihit , lompriMHl In Miect liiiirM'iiuint | dlitrcls .Nns IV , 4 > l 4i' > , IV , .mil I ii , 01 In od Iniprotcd by Orlinin PS .Nojx : | , j.'i ) mil mill , nml mom partluu inly di , ( i bed ns fullous , t ! / : No. Id I7tli strott fiom llnrnoaliect to bt. M.iry's IHPIIIIP. St. Ii4 'I Im alluv from ' . ' 'ml stieol to iltli Etrcpl In I'uiilsnn's addit on .No lil-lnli sucel. frjm Par 11,111 street to II iinoy si rout. .No 4 1 1 > t'i ' street fro u tlio south line of 1'oppU'ton txuiiuc lo nuith line of Woouvoitli nxoiino iNo I 7-la\enpoit Klrool from -Jlth htroot to CTilh Miot. ail In tin * oh"1of Um tb i. I. , all bid tosnculfy n prku pur Hipiaro ytml for the pivliu- complete * In ibu sirooti and alloy \\oil , to bo don ) In ucpord men with nlani and hppclrlcal oas on Illo In tbo ollico of tbo bo td of iiubllporkb rn Ii propos il lo no nrido on prlnlud blanks fuinlsliDl ny HID bixrl , and lo bo n coin- p mind by a cortllltd oliook In tin ) MINI of 1 id ) , p lynliio to Iho clly of Um ill i , .is un Idiuico of L'ood f u Ith Tlioboird will art ird tbo contr let for Iho illllprcMit kludh of material Miibjuiit tolhoh'j- Iputlon of thn ni'itprl u by tbo piopurty own ers 01 mayor nnd oily < nuiu II. TLo lininl rff-uixcs the rblit to rfjuit any or at I bl is and to ' \ ilvo dufoois. I' W IIIIMCIIAII'iit , ( b ilrnian of the Ho inl of I'ublU Works Oi ah i , Ncii , April I'Uli. In'i * al'i-'u ' 'i > -7 Mi.ilu I olds 111 irk.'d prnpitils for l.oudH uill I o ri ) 'ohod it tbo ollloo of tbo oily tiothiirir ol Um ib i , Neb , up U > I. o'ulo K noon of thnith d iy of April , IbJ. . for tliu puridiiisc1 of t CvjOHVj p n Inhonils of I Iiu city of Oni ih.i. .Neb , d iliii ) Miy l.iHl. , piyablu lo > i'ir ( afloi d.ilo. Intonut 'i | ior eont pur annum , p.iy.ihli 4umiiiiiu.illy { ; prlncip it and liiturost pay iliio it Ko int/o llroi , Now Vork Denomination of bomU. (1 , 4)1 lij o tub Kicli bid iiiiiai utalo prloo an 1 ilmoiinl soiuht for nnd liiuliuli ) icoiiioi | liuoro > t to dntnof dollv- ury atomah.i. Noli The r 4)11 ) In roiumxl 10 reject any nnd nil bljv Ibsuud under cb irtor power of pitli s t.f metropolitan class and ordin.inci ) No t i , .ippruvnd MitnliV:1 : , IMi'i III MCV IIUJ.I.N. M.'OUltM Oily Iru.iaiiror. PJIOPOSALS FOU tJUAUlNG. So tied proposals will bu rpioUu.l by the mi- dii ! Unii | until l.U u'olndi p m , .M iy iitti , li'j. , for .Tudliu l > iku struut , iiom l.'ad a L rout to IMIi ilr > ct , tn the oily of Um ill i , lu aceoid- uiiie v IKi plnntt md kpocilUutloiis on tile la thlt , i.llao of the boird of , iublk < norkM. Hidto bo m.ido on pi luted blanks furnUhoit by tlio In aril , and to ho necomp tilled uy n cer- tflii d chpox In theniiii of tM. p.iyab'u to thu city of Um. ill. i , nn nn iix ide-iieo of COIK ! faith Tlioboiril nn r\o < lliu rl Jht to reject any or all bulH and to unlvi ) defiirt * I'V ItlltlCIIAUhF.I ! , ( hulrmnn Hoard of Public Work * Oniiiha , A pi II I'jtb , IbJi