Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Combination Sale , Three Biggast Pur
chases Ever Made , Rolled Into One ,
A Cninlilimtlon Snlo of tlio ( Irnnitcit Values ,
FlnoU I'.ittcnn , l.atnst Style * nml Low
est 1'rlron Uvor Nninoil Treiiipnitous
nil Tomorrow.
I case double fold plnid suitings 5c n
yard , worth 2oc.
Immense lot double fold Invisible
plaid brllllnntlnes in 22 different shades
Uc , worth < 10c.
38 inch very dno English honrlottas ,
nil shades nnd black , 15c , worth . ' 15a.
10 in. plaid wool Burgos lie. worth
10 in. silk finish hctirlottas , all shades ,
JJoc , worth -ICc.
All wool imported Scotch chovlotfl , in
beautiful light plaids , suitable for trav
eling dresses , suits and capos , tit 3-3c ,
worth 75c.
12-inch nil wool French nnd Gorman
Borgcs and silk finish honriotlas in now
greens , reds , tans , grays , wood browns ,
modes nnd blacks. This Is the greatest
bargain ever oIToro.l by us. Only 50o ,
vrorih 85c.
Our Illicit grade of $1.00 nnd 81.23
Bedford cord and Windsor cord , twilh
nnd whip cords go at 75o tomorrow.
The very linest$1.3.j nnd $1.50 Langs-
downo and Gloria silks , -10 nnd 50 in.
wide , In tans , blues , grays , reds , greens
and old rose , go at $1.00 a vard.
50 pieces plain black Indian and China
Bilks from 22 to 32 In. wide , divided In
four lots , at 35e , 50c , 5c ! ) nnd 75c. They
nro worth from 75c to $1.60 a yard.
Wash silks and figured china .silks tit
C9c , worth $1.00.
All Hllk , surahs and satins , at 25c ,
worth 50c.
20 in. all silk figured china silks at 38c ,
worth 75c.
Fine all linen crash towolIiigSoayard ,
worth 80.
Wide cotton crash , bleached and un-
blenched , 'tic a yard.
Extra heavy , all-linen toweling , Co a
Fine glass toweling 7c a yard.
Heavy roller towels at 8c } , Oe , lOc and
12c a ynrd.
All linen unbleached dam as I : , ' ! 'Jc ,
worth Goo. *
Extra line bleached damask nt85c , 95c
nnd $1.25 nor yard.
Fast color , Scotch red table linen at
1'Jc , 25c , Hoc and 50c per yard.
Heavy loom damask towels 7c.
Extra , largo size , all linen , huck towels
nnd flno knotted fringe damask towels
Elegant double warp Ingrain cut-pots ,
eplondld patterns , at 25c , o5c , 39c , 40o a
Extra super wool filling ingrain carpets -
pots , very rich olTccts , handsome do-
Bigns , 5lc ! a ynrd.
Palisade tapestry brussels carpets ,
ono of the best wearing carpets made , at
" 69o ' G9c and 75o a yard.
Beautiful patterns Nottingham lace
curtains , full size , 85c and 98ca pair.
Extra heavy line Nottingham lace
curtains , $1.25 and $1.50.
Very dulnty imported lace curtains at
50' dilTorcnt designs of elegant high
grndo IHCO curtains at $2.50 a pair. None
worth less than $5.00.
An immense lot Inco curtains nt 53.50
a pair , comprising about 35 difl'oront de
signs in light lace , Swiss and Iribh ,
point , all worth double the money
200 of the very finest imported Irish
point.Tambour Swiss and real guipure
lace curtains , in fact Iho finest line over
Bhown in Omaha at $3.98 , $1.50 , $0.60 ,
* 7.50 , $8.75 and $9.50 , worth up to $25.00
a pair.
All Iho fine chenille curtains in this
stock nt $3.98 a pair , none worth less
than $7.50.
Wo will place on sale tomorrow the
largest line of dotted Swiss sush muslins
nnd 'Jnmbour Swisses In the most beau
tiful goods. In white and all colors of
figures at 15c , I Do and 25c a yard.
N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas Sta.
In addition to our regular line of our
own mnko of work wo have a number
of custom novelties which wo would be
pleased to show.
Wo have the lightest extension top ,
cut under , carrlago for ono horse , ever
Bhown in the city , it is our own niako.
3l3jind 315 S. 10th st.
Take now motor line to Dundco Placo.
We return thanks to our many friends
nml neighbors who assisted us in our
Into bereavement.
Samuel Burns wants to supplement
his donation to the Mothodlst confer
ence by selling 30 dinner sots at reduced
nrlccn " for their entertainment. 10
"English decorated sols , 100 pieces.
* 10.00 , formerly $15.00 ; 10 hand-painted
sets , 100 pieces , $16,00 , formerly $22.00 ;
nnd 10 Ilavllnnd's sots , $35.00 , formorlv
Take now motor line to Dundee Placo.
Ideal ladios' hairdrcsslng parlors.halr
goods , toilet articles , 209 S I5tn,3d lloor.
Hamilton Wnrron , M. D. , oolootlo and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , disotisosi of women and children ,
HON. lUth stroot. Telephone U8i
Lost at 22d and Lnku streets , a black
leather bound book containing motor
readings. Finder will receive reward
by leaving snmo at olllco of The Ameri
can Water Works company.
MimiowsT ai-.viu.vL ; UDM'KKK.VGI :
At Oiimlm , Mny , ISO'J.
For the accommodation of thoao desir
ing to visit at polnU east of , in the vi
cinity of or nt Omaha , during May , tlio
Union Paeiflo will poll tickets at ono
faro for the round trip. Tickets on snlo
April 28 to 30 Inclusive , limited to Juno
1 , 1892.
For tickets or additional information
nnply to your nearest agent Union Pa-
cilia system.
Gorman baking powder is equal to
any without exception und manufactured
in Omaha.
Ono Furo for the Itmiml Trip.
For the Accommodation of those desir
ing to visit at points cast of , in the vi
cinity of , or ut Omalm in Mny during
the .session of the Mothodlst Gonoriu
Conference , the Union Pacific will sell
tlokot-3 to Omaha nnd return at ono faro
for tlio round trip. Tickets on sale
April US to 80 inclusive ) , limited to Juno
J , 1892.
Fur any additional information apply
to your nearest ujoiit U , P. system.
Greatest Out Price Sale on Record Wo
Begin it Monday.
SlntiRlitoroil Tlio IMncst ootl
In America All I'nt In till * Siilo
to Go ill tlio Cut
1 caoo ftG-lncli Lonsdalo bleached
muslin , 7c u yard.
1 ease fttncy strlpo outing flannels , 5c n
1 ctiBo wide chnlllcs , largo patterns j
makes very rich wnippors ; also nobby
for comforts ; they uro worth 12Jc ; they
go Monday at 81e a ycird.
f > 0 gross fancy silk ornaments , nit
colors , to close Monday , ic ) a dozen.
Tito price , ! ) c a do/un , Is not , half mnnu-
laclurors cost.
100 pieces fancy challtcs Monday" only
Ic n yard.
CO pieces figured China silk Monday
at Il."e a yard.
A lot of fancy silk Monday , In evening -
ing shades , 2oc n yard.
Large line now wide embroideries ,
lOo a yard.
Largo llho dross goods on special sale
Monday. Come in and see them.
Great sale Monday In our carpet do
parltncnt. Wo tire cutting the lifo out
of carpets of hll kinds ; now If you need
a carpet do not fail to coir.o in and gnl
our prices. Wo have just received 100
pairs of those chcnillo portlcro curtains ,
dado on both ends , also fringed on both
ends , all colors , only So.00 pair , and you
cannot match them anywhere for less
than $8.60 ; also a , largo line of cheap ,
medium and fine lace curtains on sale
Monday from 75e per pair up to S20.00.
Wo will give you a bcnellt on curtains if
you will come in Monday.Vo will also
olTcr COO Holland window shades , all
made up complete on best spring fix
tures , only 25conch ; a linoopaquo shade ,
all made up complete , only 45o each.
Largo line China mattings from 20e
yard up.
Wo are cutting the prices on cloaks.
Some great bargains for Monday.
Ladies'black silk lace shoulder capes ,
formerly selling at S8.60 , Monday 83.50
Ladies'cloth capos in black , tan and
gray , -10 inch long , nlcoly embroidered ,
atSo.CO , SO 00 , $0.60 , $7.60 , $8.50 and
$10.00 each , worth $0.60 to $15.00.
Greater bargains than over in ladies'
roofer jackets , ; iO Inches long , in black , tan
and gray , at SH.50 , SI.50 , S5.00 , $0.50 and
$8.00 each , they formerly sold at So.00 to
Big line of misses' and chil
dren's reefer jackets at $2.00 , Sli.OO , $3.50
and $5.00 each , in light tan and fancy
mixtures. Wo are overloaded on in
fants' long cashmere cloaks ; down go
tlio prices at $1.50 , $2.0 ! > , $2.50 , 83.00
ana $8.60 ouch , reduced from $2.00 to
$ o.OO in cream nnu tan.
Special sale baby carriages. Como to
us we can save you money. Baby c-.r- :
riugcs at $4.50 , $4.08. 5G.00 , $0.48 , $0.98
and up to $25.00 , worth just double.
Great corset sale still continues. Buy
your corsets of us during this salo. Our
regular $1.00 quality corsets Monday
68e pair ; our 76o corsets Monday only
50c , in white , ecru and black. Remember -
bor wo are headquarters on corsets in
Joyce -Millinery Opening.
Joyce's second opening of imported
millinery will take place upon Friday
ana Saturday , April 20 and 'M , day and
evening , 100'J ' Douglas street.
Beautiful residence lots for sale in
Dundco Place. Full commission to
45 .Minutes Xcnrcr Chicago.
Effective-April 21 the '
- , Burlington's
No. 2 will leave Omaha 4:45 : p. in. and
arrive Chicago 8 a..m. No. 2 is the finest
train that rolls out'of the union depot
Ticket ofilco 1223 Farnam street.
Lovely Homes fur Snlo
In Dundee Place. Full commission to
"tt'o Kim Trains , Wo Do , "
The Burlington Routo'on Sunday ,
April 24 , puts into effect a new schedule ,
whereby increased facilities for reach
ing both Chicago and Denver are at the
disposal of the traveling public. For
details BCO the time table in another col
umn or call at 1223 Farnam street.
The lady that stole the ornament from
Mrs. R , If. Uavios' millinery store Sat
urday will please return or will bo ex
posed Monday.
Beautiful residence lots for sale in
Dundee Place. Full commission to
Auction Snip Driijr Stock ,
Consisting drugs , druggists sundries ,
desk top , pair scales , iron mill , paper
trimmer , 0 boxes glass , 2 boxes Diamond
dyes , 1 small safe , 3 show cases , 2 oil
cans , 7 boxes shot , oil stove , top to show
case , 2 scale scoops , ! 5 largo oil cans , 2
barrels coal oil , 2 square show cases ,
etc. , etc. , Monday , April 25 , at 10:30 : a.
in. , N. 13. corner loth and Capitol
3 IVclul.
Now scale Kiraball piano. Go and
scot It at A. Hospo's.
I.ovi'ly HOIMOA for .Snlo
In Dundee Place. Full commission to
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages.
Carload Hothesdarator.just received ,
Sherman & McConnoll. 1/513 / Dodge.
Drink "Perfection" Java and Mocha ,
roasted fresh every day in Omaha.
Gorman yeast is superior to nil ; made
frcah every day In Omaha.
Beautiful residence lots for sale in
Dundee Place. Full commission to
You have Boon California frequently
mentioned In newspapers and magazines
Perhaps a friend has been there and
writes enthusiastic letters baclc homo
about the climate and the fruits. It
makes you anxious to see the country
for yourself.
Tlio best time to go Is In the fall and
winter. Then work hero is least press
ing and California climate Is now pleas-
Ing. Tlio way to go is via Santa Fo
route , on ono of that lino's popular , per-
Bonally conducted parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday evening , nnd leav
ing KtuiBus City every Sunday morning.
Special agents and porters In attend
ance. Pullman tourist Bloopers are
uaod , furnished with bedding , mat-
troseos , toilet articles , etc. Second
claw tickets honored , Wrlto to E. L.
Palmer , passenger agent Santa Fo
route , 1310 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb.
nml ' 'llennclt's Pointer * "
Scorn to have boon appreciated by the
public In general. As our trade hits
materially Increased In the past week.
Now faces are scon at our stores daily ,
which goes to provo without a doubt
that "tho people'1 like to bo told facts
or things as they really arc.
"Auction made" boots and shoos nro
frequently sold for Omalm manufac
tured. "They are put In boxus lablcd
"Omaha made " not
, but they are
12 ounce cans of Price and Royal
Bilking powder nro sold repeatedly for
10 ounce cans. You would not notice It
unless you saw the cans side by side.
Always look on the top of your cans and
see whether they tire branded 12 ounce
or 10 ounce.
Tlio same is true of the 0 and 8 ounce
cans. Sixes are sold for eighths.
It's all right to sell short weight
goods , but the clerk should explain to
the customer that they nro short weights
and make his price accordingly.
Clerks are not to ultimo always for not
explaining this matter of short weights.
They receive Instructions from the pro
prietors and are expected to carry thorn
out If they liopo to hold tholr positions.
\Vo would
Let a clerk out as quickly for misrep
resenting or giving short weights or
counts or measures , as wo would if ho
wore dishonest.
Wo know wo are studying our own in
terests when wo instruct them to servo
customers , old or young , rich or poor ,
fairly and squarely and alike.
When it comes to rubber hose , lawn
mowers , rakes or garden tools , coma and
see ; not our prices.
The same with washing machines ,
wringers , etc. Come and sco us. On
everything wo will explain to you all
the good points ( which every merchant
will do ) and all the defects ( which every
merchant will not do ) .
Sales are increasing every day. Why ?
Because ' people have gotten very tired
of'paying high prices for goods that
ought to bo sold on as close a margin of
profit as any other line of merchandise.
Wo tire making cuts all along tl'O
Our new annex will bo completed in a
week or so and there are many things in
our fu.'nituro department wo wish to sell
to save moving.
In this line of goods there is great de
ception practiced. Stained soft wood is
sold for solid oak.
"Season cracks" are filled with putty
and stained over , eletc. .
Got our prices and look over our
In hardware wo carry nearly every
thing. All good goods and prices cheap.
Consult your own interests and visit
Bennett's before purchasing.
1508-10-12 Capitol avenue.
There will bo an adjourned mooting of
the Omaha Gentlemen's Roadsters club
hold at the Mlllard hotel Monday eve ,
Apl 2oth , at 8 p. m. sharp. A full at
tendance is requested as business of the
utmost importance to the club will bo
The Bricklayers , Plasterers and Stone
Mason Tenders Assembly No. 72 ! ) will
hold an open inoetiucr at their hall , KiOl
Douglas street , Monday , April 25. All
mason tenders are invited to attend.
Michael NoUon , R.J3.
Wo sell
all millinery goods
Wo guarantee our prices to bo as low
as the lowest.
111 So. loth , opposite postolllco.
Visit the well known ilorist , B. flans ,
1813 Vinton street , and see his beautiful
flowers and plants.
Dr. Cullirnoro. oculist. I3oa building
The I'alaco Stables , Omalm.
Tlio largest livery stock in the United
States ; nearly one hundred thousand
dollars invested in horses , carriages and
equipment. Doing a business of sixty
thousand a year. The owner being un
able to attend to it will sell tit a great
sacrifice. This is the best opportunity
cvor offered to make an advantageous
deal. Would exchange for a largo
Also two brick blocks of residence
property , throe houses in each bloclc ,
for sale ; good location. Address Palace
stables , 17lh and Davenport , Omaha ,
I.ovoly Homes fur Snlo
In Dundee Place Full commission to
Wall paper cleaned good as now. T.
W. Rccs , 023 N. 10th , second floor.
Will bo on exhibition for ono week
commencing April 2.3th , the finest line
every exhibited in this country of
Roman floss work , thread painting ,
Mexican drawn work , hem stitching ,
thread lace work , needlework penman
ship , couching and all the latest fancy
stitches of entorest to the ladies. All
work done on the now No. ! ) Wheeler &
Wilson sowing machine. Goo. W. Lan
caster & Co. , agents , 514 So. 10th fatrcot.
Take now motor line to Dundee Place.
There are soaps made outside of Ne
braska which pretend to employ Ne
braska labor. Do not Do deceived.
Union soap is the Nebraska tirnnd.
Union soap is the Icing of soaps !
Take new motor line to Dundee Place.
Union soap employs nearly fifty per
sons , all Nebraska labor. Other soaps
which advertise to employ Nebraska
labor , employ only ono man a salesman.
Which deserves Nebraska patronage ?
Union soap excels all others.
B. R. Patten , dentist , Boa building
Beautiful residence lots 'for sale in
Dundee Place. Full commission to
agents. _
QuickTime to the Knit
Under the schedule , whloh recently
wont Into effect on the Chicago & North
western Ry. , passengers can leave the
Union Pacific depot , Omaha , daily at
0:15 : j ) . m. and arrive at Chicago at 11:59 :
o'clock the next morning.
This arrangement- reduces the limo to
Chicago two hours , and also affords con
nection with all of the fast limited trains
for the east , and the journey to Now
York , Boston and other eastern cities
may now bo made in several houra
quicker than over before.
In addition to this service the after
noon "liver" via -the Chicago & North
western Ry. loaves the U. P. depot daily
at 5 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 8:15 :
the next morning.
Both of the above mentioned tfains
are vostibulod throughout and nro
equipped with Wagner and Pullman
sleepers , free redlining chair cars and
"Northwostorn'Mlning ears.
Bngerngo checked from residence nnd
through sleeping car berths reserved.
City olllco , 1401 Farnotn street.
it R. Rrreiiiu , General A .rent.
G. F.VlST , O. P. & T. A.
: N nuos.
The consignment of clothing from
Schunb Clothing Co. to bo sold by us is
over 35-5,000. OO..I
Monday morning bright nnd tnr\y \ our
clothing dopai ttnont will bo ready for
the day's greatJrush. Saturday custom
ers could not bo waited on ; wo have
extra help now , wo can wait on all.
Every dollnr'wworth of clothing sold
Saturday will brlng customers for Mon
day. Such grand honest bargains wcro
never put before the people. Wo are
selling men's mid boys' clo'thing 76 per
cent cheaper than any clothing store in
Rend these prices for Monday's great
clothing sales.
2,000 children's knco suits , 81. 50 , worth
S3.50 , as fine made clothing as tiny cloth
ing house asks 85,00 for.
Suits from 7-jc to 810.00.
Men's $22.00 suits , 810.00.
Men's $18.00 suits , $5.05.
Men's Clay worsted coats and vests ,
imported , worth $2.3.00 , for $12.00.
Thousands of all wool knee pants 60c ,
worth $1.2.3.
75c overalls , flOc.
$3.00 men's all wool pants , $1.60.
Remember what wo toll you. on Sun
day the great [ clothing sale will bo.
Clothing department.
Police Como Out llcst In n Shooting Mntclt
with I'rowlcrni
V'hoa Ofilccrs Hnzo ami Hudson mot at
Thirteenth and William streets nt2:30 : yes
terday morning tuo.v merely observed Hint the
night was line , that they were glad of n llttlo
relief from the woury tramping through the
cold and drizzle of the past week nnd that It
was pleasant to find some ono to speak to
The fusillade which followed , terrify
ing the slumbering inhabitants nnd
echoing through the deserted streets
HUe the roar of artillery , was entirely un
Whllo they were qulotly talking , ono of
iho ofllccrs nottcnd some black shadows
skulking suspiciously along the shady stdo
of nn adjacent alloy , and sang out , "Haiti'1
A volly of pistol shoti was his answer , and
tour man sprang from the wall nnd broke
away down the street on u run , rapidly Bring
their pistols as they ran. The ofllcors returned -
turned the compliment , and for n few min
utes the usually slumbrous preclnots of
South Thirteenth street echoed the tumult
of n young Ucttysburjr.
Tlio fugitives disappeared in the darkness.
and the doicctivcs wcro left lamenting.
Not for lonp. However , for n trail of blood
which they discovered along the sldowalk ,
told them lunt some ono hud been hit , and
they followed the scent. A short distance
down the street n pool of blood showed
where the wounded man had sat down to
rest. Under the stuowalk hero the ofllcors
found a line revolver nr.d a burglar's quill
and drill. A llttlo further cm they halted a
man who gave the name of Sehultz and who
came tearing down the street Itko
a race horso. Ho said ho
bad been awakened by the groans
of a man whom ho found lying on his door
stop and who said ho had been injured in a
fall from a train nnd wanted a carriage to
take him to a hospital. Reinforcements had
by this time arrived from the police station
and the pollco went homo with Mr. Sehultz
to look after tho.wounded man.
It was Jack Murray , nn oxpertsafo blower.
train robber nndiall-round thief. Ho had a
bullet through his leg nnd was carried to luo
station groaning on u stretcher , whllo night-
canpcd heads of the sleepers roused by the
shooting : protruded from the windows and
The bullet had passed completely through
the man's leg , sphntorlng the bono , and no
suffered intensely during the examination
nnd afterwards.
Mtifriry oiid bis gang ncatto strangers to
the pollco of Omaha1. Ho hasi served time in
the penitentiary nt Jefferson City , Mo. A
few wcoks ago , on North Sixteenth street , ho
tired In the face of OfUcor Cory nnd made his
oscapo. Six years ago ho was with what is
known aa the Cook gang , and during a brush
with the oollco a bullet from his ready re
volver passed through Captain Cormack's
The city Is bolcg scoured for his pals ,
of whom ho refuses to say a word ,
thoughtwlth all the shots . .which wcro tired
the olllcei-3 think that some of them must bo
carrying leaden mementoes of 'their escapade.
Disease novorisuccosslully attacks n sys
tem with pure blood DoWltt's Sarsaparllla
malieu pure , now blood and onnchos the old.
Among the Grrnuin SocIotlcH.
A leap year party was given Thursday
night at Gennania hall l > y the ladles of the
Uomuothlichiccll society. It was the swell
German affair of the soasou. and many of the
ladies were elegant toilets. All the late
figures , Including a pretty minuet , were
danced. There were thlrty-flvo couples m
attendance , and among those prominent
were :
Messrs. Ackormann , Kuenno , Rosenzwelg ,
Rosenberg , Frahra , L'icko. Urlan , Strath-
mann , Sboelau , Wlmlhelro. bchwab.Fostner ,
Aiitlroson and wlfo , nnd tbo Misses tiroldcn-
beckcr , Grossnarth , Schultz , Honscron , Fruehauf -
hauf , Englor , Rolf , Mittaucr , .lahn. Waro-
heon , Wooer. W. Frahm. Dloodol , Schurig ,
Fruehauf , Hooker , Epor.otor. Windholm ,
Rolfs , Rlx , Engler , Saulz , Kaiser , Tuscb ,
Honnlcgcr and Hunp.
The "Bear" ' class of the tumors celebrated
the birthday anniversary of two members
Wednesday night at Oiermania ball , in honor
of August loyic ) and William Oloodol. After
the exorcises , which consisted of muslo nnd
singing , the Dears had refreshments In the
"boars' don" In the basement of the hall.
Mr. Julius Fcstnor , the new manager of the
Germon Tribune , announces that his paper ,
after May 1 , will bo nn eight-page dally In
stead of a folio.
William Colin , general inspector of the
Gornianla Lifo Insurance comp.iny , with
headquarters at New York , is In the city
visiting a numDcr of Gorman friends.
IJowiU's Sarsaparllla cioansoi the bliod ,
Upright pianos che4p , good makes.
A. Weber Turner , 2(122 ( Caldwell street.
Don't Mil li > n Mlptukn.
The Houston Cure Institute Is in the
Sheoly block. Olllce , room 212. This
is the only treatment for the liquor
habit under which the patient can con
tinue his usunlwication and at the mime
time find a safe < -nnd sure remedy.
Dr. L. P. MoKonna , who has spent
the winter In Florida and Cuba , returns
very much bonotlttod in health.
Omaha Athlutlc club. Monday evening ,
8 o'clock , catuhtns-catch-cnn , best two in
three falls , bdttroon Glllott , champion
heavyweight > df Indiana and Illinois ,
and Gallotain , champion heavyweight
of the north v/oflt I'urso offered by the
club. Also Danny Daly nnd Ted Galla
gher , four good rounds. Admission ,
$1.00. Mombons'froo. '
Great reductions on Turkish baths for
the next thirty days at Mine. Post's ,
8105 South 16th Street.
I.ovoly llDinim lor Siilo
In Dundee Place , Full commission to
The Clilcniu.Sievlnl" |
Is the name of the now fast train
which the Burlington Route Inaugurates
on Sunday , April 24.
The "Chicago Special" loaves Omaha
daily at 11:60 : p. in. nnd roaches Chicago
at 2:15 : the following afternoon , being
less than fourteen and n half hours on
tie ! road.
The "Chicago Special" is away nnd
ahead the fastest train connecting the
Missouri river with the World's fair
city , le composed of now and elegant
equipment nnd connects In Chicago with
all fast afternoon express trains for Now
York , Boston , Philadelphia , Washing
ton and eastern points.
City ticket ollico 1223 Farnani ttrcet.
The Itoll.
Ladies' line silk mitts 2c ; ! ,
Ladles' llnor silk mitts nnd gloves 35c.
Ladles' linen heel nnd too hose 3-5i % ,
Ladles' Lisle finish , silk neck , vust25c.
Men's largo all silk scarfs ICic.
Mon's outing flannel shirts ! 7c. }
French br.lbriggan shirts and drawers
Linen heel and too socks 2oc.
For Monday only.
8 Ib. can tomatoes per can 8c , worth
Corn per can , Sc , worth 12jc.
Boneless ham No. l,7je Ib.
Sugar cured hams , No. 1 grade , lOo
Homo soap , -10 bars for $1.00.
Pineapple hearts for ice creams ,
pudding mill summer drinks ; nothing
over brought to Omaha to equal It ; per
Ib.10c. .
Perfectly cleaned currants , ready for
immediate use , in ono Ib. boxes , per box ,
Lard , 3 Ib. pail , 28c.
Best bolted corn meal per sack , 13c.
N. E. cor. Dodge and loth sts.
How They Will lie rillpil Toilny-Tonlps for
Imtnanuol Baptist church , corner Twenty-
fourth and Ulnnoy streets , Kountzo Placo.
Frank W. Foster , pastor. Regular services ,
10:30 : n. m. nnd : 'M p.m. Morning thcmo
by the pastor , "Tho Rich Fool , " being the
Inst in tbo course of "iiusluoss Sermons from
the Pnrnulod of the Lord. " In the evening n
Sunday school concert , postponed from last
Sunday evening. Young people's meeting at
0:45 : p. m.
Trinity Cathedral , Eighteenth street nnd
Cnpltol nvonuo The Very Rov. C. II , Gard
ner , deon. Holy communion , 8 a. m. ; Sun
day Rchnol , 10 n. m. ; morning prayer , litany
nnd sermon , U n. m. ; evening prayer nn'd
sermon , TtfO p. m.
Rov. J. M. Wilson of the Cnstcllar street
church , Sixteenth and Cnstollar streets , will
preach upon the topic , "Tho Christian Ver
sus the Jewish Temple ; " in the evening on
"Tho Wnldcnsos , the Pro-Roforinatlon Prot
estants. "
HllUido Congregational church , cor
ner Thirtieth nnd Ohio streets , A.
H. Ross , pastor Morning service , 10u. : ;
Uov. M. U. Butler of St. Louis will nroauh.
Sunday school nt noon. Young Pcoplc'f > SooIoty
otChristlnnEndoavorOM5. Vespers , 8:00 : p.
ni. The Young Men's Christian nssocialion
will take charge of the evening strvlco.
St. John's Eplscoual Church , corner of
Twenty-sixth and Fran'tlln streets Rov. J.
O. Ferris , rector. Fiwt Sunday after
Easter. Holy Eucharist at S n. m. Sunday
school nt 045 n. in. Morning prayers , litany
nnd sermon nt 11 n. in. Evening pruyor and
sermon at 7:43. :
First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth nnd
Davenport stroots. llav. Marsona Stone
will supply the pulpit morning nnd ovonincr.
Services nt 10 : 0 a. in. and 7iJ : : p. m. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday nnd Friday evenings.
Sunday school at 1m and U p. m. All seats
nro free.
AtthoContralUnilod Presbyterian church ,
Seventeenth street , between Capitol avenue
and Dodge Rov. John Williamson , D.D. ,
pastor. Preaching tomorrow at 10:110 : n. m.
Subject , "Abraham's Lengthened Vision. "
A 8 p. m , our young people will occupy the
hour of survlco with a varied programme * , to
the enjoyment of which nil are invited. Sun
day school at 1in. .
Clifton Hill Mission , corner of Grant
street nnd Military nvonuo ( terminus of
Walnut Hill motor line ) Sunday school
every Sundav at 3 p. m. , with bU'lo class for
ndults. Preaching service at 4 p. m. The
Rev. Mr. Pock of the Baptist Mission will
preach on Sunday lirst. A cordial Invitation
is extended to all.
Westminster Presbyterian church , Twenty-
ninth nnd Mason stroots. The pastor , Rov.
John Gordon. D.D. , will preach at 10:110 : a.
m. on "Tho Companionshin of Christ , " nnd
at S p. m. the fourth sermon on miracles.
Subject , "Tho Tomule. " Sunday school nt
l'J:15. : Meeting of Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. in.
First Congregational church , Nineteenth
and Davenport streets. Dr. J. T. Duryca ,
pastor. Sunday morning services nt 10:30. :
immediately followed by Sunday school.
Evening services nt 8. Prayer and in-niio
mooting , \Vcducsuy evening at S. .All are
All Saints' church , corner Twontv-sixth
and Howard streets T. J. Mackay , Rector.
Morning service 11 a.m. Evening at 8 p. m.
Sermon topic morning : "The Biassed IIopo.1
Sermon topic evening : "Tho Mystery of ton
Future Life'1 Sunday school 0:30 : a. in.
Young men always welcome.
Southwest Presbyterian church , corner
Twentieth and Loavcnworth streets Preach
ing nt 10:30 : n. in. by Rev. Albion II. Ross.
Evening service at 7:15 , preaching by Rov.
M. C. Butler. Young Peoplo's Society of
Christian Endeavor nt fi-ir : > .
Unitarian church , Seventeenth nnd Cass
streets Rov. Mowton M. Mann will preach
in the morning. Subject , "Good and Evil. "
Service at 10:30. : Sunday school at 1o'clock. .
People's church , ou Eigntoonth street ,
between California nnd Webster. Rev.
Charles W. Snvldgo , pastor. Preaching
at 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m. by the n.iitor.
Seals free. All are welcome. Sabbath
school at 'J :30 : p. in.
Cynthiu Christian church , 4313 Nicholas
street Joseph Shields , pastor. Preaching nt
10:30 : n. m. una 7:15 : p. m. Sunday school nt
12 in. The Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor at 7:00 : p. m. Morning sub
ject : "luru on the Light. " Evening subject -
joct : "A Good Consclonco Before God. " AH
seats nro free.
St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church
Services nt 10:3 : ! ) a. in. will bo conducted
by Dr. Thain of Plymouth church. Sabbath
school nt noon. Mission schools nt 3 p. * in.
Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor -
doavor mooting atil. ( : p.m. The Sabbiith
school will plvo ; an Easter service , "Tho
Risen Christ , " nt7l5p. : in.
First Presbyterian church , preaching by
the pastor , Rev. W. J. Harsha , D. D. , at
10:30 a. m. and 8 P. m.
Southwestern Lutheran church , Twenty-
sixth s.reot , botwodn Wool worth nnd Pop-
plctoa nvonuos. Rov. Lutnor M. ICuhns
pastor , Services at 11 a.m. : "Salvation
Through Faith , " and 7:15 : p. m. : "Tho
Homo Land. " Young People's Society of
Christnln Endeavor ut 7 i > . m. Sunday
school nt 2:30 : p. rn.
First Unlversallst church , corner of Nine
teenth and Lothrop streets , ICounUo Placo.
On account of sickness the p.utor will bu ab'-
sent nnd there will bo nosors'lcoj tomorrow.
Sunday school r.t 12 m.
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran ohurch ,
cornorTwonty-llrat and Durdotto Htroats
The recently elected pastor , Rov. J. ri. Dot-
weilor , U.I ) . , will conduct the sorvlcos nnd
preach at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:15 : p. in , Sunday
school nt noon.
St. Philip's chnpol ( Episcopal ) Twenty-
first between Nicholas and Paul streets.
John A. Williams , priest in charge. Holy
communion 7 a. in , Sunday school 10 u. m.
Matins , holy communion and sorman 11 a. m.
Choral ovcnsong with sermon 8 p. in.
First United Presbytoriin chnrch.Twonty-
first nnd Emmet. Rov. J. M. French.
Morplngsormun at 10:30 : on "Tho True Sac-
ratnontarlanlsra" Evening sermon nt 7:30 :
on "Business Principle * m Spiritual
Tilings. " Young People's C. A. nt (1:30. ( :
Kountzo Memorial Kngllsti Lutheran
church , corner Sixteenth und Ilarncy streets
Rov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services ut
10:30 : n. m nnd 8 p. m , Subjeu for the
mornlnir , "Understanding the Tiroes. " EvenIng -
Ing , "Sins Alwnys Present. " Preach
ing both morning und evening : by the
pastor. Sunday school ut noon. Young
1'conlo's Society of Christian Endeavor at
8p."m. All nto cordially invited to these
services and receive n Christian wolcomo.
Beth Eden Baptist church Park avaauo ,
south of Lou von worth street. Pustor , E. N ,
Harris. Preaching 10:15 : n. in. Subloct ,
"Limitations of Christian Liberty. " bun-
day school 112:15 : p. in. Young people's moot
ing 0:30 : p. in. Preaching 7.30p , in. Sub
ject. "Something Hara to Understand , Hard
er Still to Practice. " Wednesday general
prayer mooting 7:45. : Saturday women's
pruyor mooting a00 ; p. m. You nro Invited
to our services. .
Church of the Good Shepherd Epls copal )
corner Twentieth nnd Ohio streets. J , P. D.
Lhvvd , rector. Morning service nnil sermon
on ' 'Absolution , " U u. m. Evening service
and termon on "Tbo Hcsurrcctiun of Self
Respect , " 7:30 : p. m. The Kastor music will
bo partially repeated at the morning ( service.
Sunday school'J ; 15 n. m. Seats free to ull.
There will bo no services In the Hanscom
PorkMothodlnEpiiCopal church tomorrow
as the church , la being removed to B uow
Judge Dnvis Gives Two Oonvictcd Prison-
era Long Terras in the Pen
iiul : of n Vinty l.lliol Suit HrrrM.ih lint-
lord Ill-ana SCM-II Vruri lor I
n Ilintlc-Ottior Court l'r < i
crcthlif ; * .
Unless the supreme court Interferes with
the Ju 'gtnont of the criminal division of tbo
district court of Pouglns county , all pnrllos
who dcslro to communicate with Ud A. Keen
during the next three years should address
their correspondence In oaro of the warden
of the Rtnto penitentiary at Lincoln , ns Keen
will bo Induced to tnko up his residence In
that Institution some time during the next
thirty days.
Keen , it will bo remembered , was nt onetime
time the Omaha correspondent of n sensa
tional sheet published ut Kaunas City , and
whllo acting ns such correspondent , caused
to bo published n series of articles rcllcotlng
upon the good imnio nnd character of Miss
Nettle Wilson , a young uuly who reside * In
this city.
Last February when the crnnd Jury con
vened , the matter wua brought to the atten
tion of that bodv , nnd ilvo indictments ,
charging Keen with criminal libel were
promptly roturned.
Some wcoks npo ono of the cases wont on
trial before Judge Davis nnd n Jurv. In the
course of time n verdict of guilty ns charged
In the Inulctmont was returned. Koon's
nttornoys fought the case with desperation ,
but the odds were against them , as they were
uunblo to produce any testimony showing n
JustKIcntlon of the publication. The next
move wns to lllo a motion for n now trial , and
this document alleged that there were
thirty reasons why ono should bo
granted. The motion alleged that the ver
dict of the jury was not sustained
by the evidence ; that the verdict
was contrary to law ; that the court erred in
charfilng the Jury and that certain Jurors
were guilty of misconduct for the rea on that
they refused to disclose the lact that they
had discussed the mo r I Us of the case prior to
the time when they were called into the Jury
Yesterday morning Judge Davis announced
that ho would pass sentence and Keen was
brought Into the court room by Deputy Sher
iff Lewis. It was nn easy matter to discover
Hint i hi young man was not in
the best of spirits. The usual ro'obud was
In his buttonhole. . Tbo motion for n
now trial wus argued. The court stated
that the charges sot out in the motion wcro
groundless nnd that there was no evidence
that n now trial should bo granted. Then n
motion for a stay of judgment was made and
this in turn was denied. There was nothing
loft for him to do but to take his modlcino
and this ho did. Ho was requested to
stand before the court. Stopping llphtly to
the front ho gnzod about the room , picked
the rosebud from his buttonhole
nnd intently looked nt it as Judge
Davis nsked , "Havo you nnythingtosay why
the sentence ol this court shall not bo pro
nounced ( "
Keen answered that ho had nothing to
say."Then , " said Judge Davis , "tho sentence
of this court is that you bu taken to the
county jail and thnt within the next thirty
days , by the sheriff of Douglas county , you
shall bo taken to the stuto penitentiary where
you will bo con lln d at hard labor , Sundays
cxcoptcd , for the period of three years , no
part of which time shall bo 'spent in
solitary conlitionicnt , nnd that you pay tbo
coits of this prosecution. "
ICoon'a lawyers turned pnlo , while their
client Hushed and resumed his scat. None
of the parties hud an Idea that the penally in
the full limit would bo Imposed. Notice of
appeal was immediately given. The court
slated that that was n right Unit every partv
had nnd the suporscdous b end was llxcd at
Keen stated that ho had notbtng to say
about the justness of the sentence , only
that he was glad that it was three- years in-
stcnaofono. Ills attorneys said that llioy
did not believe ho would ever go the peni
tentiary , but if ho did Ho would not servo
out the lull term , ns nn effort would bo nmdo
to secure n pardon.
IScdforil Got Seven Yriirg.
Hoznklah Bedford was another man wtio
took tliu measure , heaping and full. This
man , with Agnes Donnelly , a woman of the
town , robbed n granger , Ausust Lioning.
The woman in the case was tried and
acquitted , hut her < partner in crime was
not so fortunat" , us the evidence was conclu
sive thnt ho took $37 and a watch from the
person of Liuning while ho was in u dive
sleeping off a drunk.
When Bedford was called baforo Judge
Davis ho remarked that ho had nothing to
say only mat ho was not guilty. The usual
motion for a now trial wns overruled nnd in
passing sentence the judge rend Bedford a
lecture that ho will remember lor sovcn
years , that being the period of
time during which ho has been
commanded to wear the prison uniform
adopted by the state.
"You uro n loafer. " said the Jmlgo. "You
claim to work , but your worn consists cinelly
of spending your time nnd money around
houses of ill fame. You nro n innrrlud man
with n wife und children , whom you have
neglected. About ull that you do is to loaf ,
drink und rob the greenhorns.
"You are a worthless vngabond and that's
what's the trouble with you ; you are no peed
to society and Iho community is bolter off
with you out of the way.
I'm uow going to send you where you will
have to work and where you cannot steal und
rob. "
Bedford was then sentenced to seven years ,
the term to date from February 2 , IS'J-i , the
dnto nn which ho robbed the unsophisticated
Oilier niHtrlrl Court
Judge Scott spent tbo morning hour listen
ing to nrgumcnlB In the unification ol'
Albert Davidson for a writ of habeas corpus.
Davidson wns urrostod In Gage county and
brought before Justice Bradley , charged
with being the father of Ll/zio B. Cruo's
unborn child. The Judge hold the man to
the district court nnd being unublo to
secure ball ho was committed. Tlio writ was
denied , notwithstanding the fact that David
son declare. ! that tbo proceedings wcro
illegal and void.
In Judge Kuysor's court the Jury returned
n verdict of iv,4 10 in tbo casu of Arnbroio A :
Duftio against John A , Kurbach. Plaintiff :
sued to recover i',500 which they claimed
was djc ns attorney fees in a suit which they
conducted for Kurbacb.
Judge Doano spent the tiny hearing mo
tions , and I hen gave r.otico that next
Wednesday ho wnuM hoar arguments on ap
plications for nuw trials In cahus that had
been disposed of before him during tbo pros-
en t term of court.
Judge Koysnr heard tbo arguments for n
now trial In the cuso of Connoycr , ns admin
istrator , ngalnst the Union Stock Yards
The East Omaha Land company has
brought u suit in ejectment against W. R.
Jacobs. The petition alleges mat the de
fendant hos obtained possession of n block of
the company grounds ; that bo claims nn In
teroat in the same and refuses to movu off.
The bearing on thn pntltlon of .Mrs. Byron
Reed , wlfo of the Into Byron Reed , for an
oqultuDlo distribution of the cetnto was
cnlloa In probnts court yesterday and con
tinued until .May t0. !
Maria Husban has asked the eourt to grant
her a divorce from her husband , Anthony , to
whom she gave her hand and fortune during
January , IblM. Kho alleges that Anthony
throw her out of the bouse , besides dninir
many other things which were unbecoming
to n good husband ,
The supremacy of Juno as the month of
brides Is thrcutcncd by the Easter season
Accounts from fasblonablo centers o the
cast agree thnt the present season has never
boon equaled In tbo number ot prominent
wedding * . This is especially true of New
York , where wedding bolls nra ringing from
"dawn to dewy ovo. " Columns of iho now-
paporn are devoted to description of the
happy pairs , church decorations , rich co > -
tumcs and the lavish display of wealth In
wedding t'lfts. As all interest Is concen
trated un brides , u few notes of tbo costumes
will provo InU'restlnj ,
. Muio. do Biirrloe , me bride of Honor d
Kodn.woro a wedding gown of croon brocaila
of the delicate eight slindo known ns npplo.
lliocorsngo of tbo green broaulawns do-
collotto. On It was a very bewitching borlho
of ctilftoti of n poltlon hue , with ribbons that
matched the gown , e.iught with omornlds
Thn elbow sleeve * were in nrtlstlo a * could
bo. Tbo cllneing front shirt was caught in t'
nn Indescribable Instilou hero nnd there r
through omornld buckles , und hul : a ttcop
bordering on the lower cdga of green crvs-
tals atul tinsel embroidery. Of coin-so there
it a very IOIIR trnln. Her colfTuro was high.
She were no Jowclry.
Mils Anna Heroin , briilo of Mr , ilohn Con
stable Moore , was In rich brocnito trimmed
with I lo 11 n cos of point Inco. Tlio high cor
sage was nlso edged with lace nml n diamond
Mar held tlio point Inco veil. She carried n
whlto prayer book bound in silver.
MM Mnbol Kirlo , tlio pretty brulo of Mr.
Hobcrt L. Crawford , Jr. , was gowned In
wlilto bcngnllno , with n broad girdle of
pearls , nnd thosUtrt trimmed with flounces
of Spanish point laco. Tlio voll , nU6 of lace ,
was caught with spray * of valley lilies nud a
largo diamond star , the bridegroom's gift *
blio carrloil n boiuinot of itllos.
MI s llclon TnUmTin , tlto brldo of Mr.
I-.rnost A. liigolow , were a gown of whlto
satin with lilcli corsage nnd long sloovoj ,
witii the skirt festooned with rare point lace ,
ino tulle voll was caught by clutters of dia
mends and she cnrrlvd n uunch of orchids
unit orange blossoms.
Five brhtesmalds atiomfod. the wedding of
Miss Anna Dunran , cousin of Kov. Dr. .lohn
Hall , to Walter Watson. Thov carried silver
horns nlled with pnlo pink roses nnd decor
ated with punt ribbon , instead of tlio con
ventional bouquets , whllo a horn of flowers
was suspended nbovo the bridal party lu
place of iho usual marriage bell.
Military unlformi were conspicuous nt the _
wedding of MUs Marie Clarluao Uoudcrt nnd
Lieutenant.Tohn Uollliigcr of tlio l ifth c.iv-
alr.v. The bride were n whlto corded silk
richly triiiiiiioil with drnporlo * of point lace
caught with orange blossoms. She were a
iiolnt lace vull coiillned with diamond stars.
Her bouquet was of orange blossoms nmt
llhos of thovallo.v. The bridesmaids were
Missus Koneo and Vlrglnlo Coudort. ulsters
of the brldo. They wuro nttirod in costumes
of pink mut whlto striped sillc , mndo with
high nocks and long sluovos and einoclllslioil- -
with dainty whlto laco. They carried bou
quets of pink roses nnd whlto lilncs. A
pretty feature ot the wedding was four chil
dren who held the ribbons 'o form the alslo
for the bridal party. The llttlo girls were
wlilto sillc frocks , trimmed with whlto lace
and carried baskets Illlod with pink roses.
The llttlo boys were dressed In whlto knlck-
orbockor suits , nnd were boutunnlorei ot
pin it ana whlto roses.
Miss CSortrudo Wlsnor , an attractive brunette -
notte , brldo ot Llewellyn A. It. .lonos , was
nttircd in a pretty traveling costume of navy
blue Bedford crepe , mndo In thoconvontlcnat
style with long boll shaped skirt and
linlshcd with navy blue velvet and sold cord.
A hat to accord in color with tlio dross ,
trimmed xvith white lace and gold , completed
the chic costumo.
The wedding of Miss Mary , daughter of
Commissioner Mr. M' . J. Mulqnocn ,
filled St. Patrick's to the doors. The brida
were a whlto satin gown , tlio train of which
as It swept the floor was three yards long.
Tlie boJluo was inailo high nt the nock. The
dress was ornamented with shell trimmings ,
with alternating clusters of orange blossoms.
KllccUvo festoons of the snmo ( lowers fell
lilso a cascailo along the front of the gowu.Nv
among garnitures of dueho so und old point * y
laco. The wujdtng veil was of the same . . -
rich laces , and was caught high nbovo the '
wonrur's head by a diamond star. The maids
were saffron-colored gowns under filmy cov-
CM ol white monsselllnu do soly. Their Jack-
on were in the Louis XVI. pattern , and
they had wuito Loghoni hats in yellow and
white , with long yellow streamers. Each
damsel carried a yellow straw cornucopia ,
Illled with hyncinths and iluislon , yellow r.iul
whilo. Their wedding favors worcdlamoud
sticlc pins. Tiny Miss dura CJllroy , shier of
tlio bride , was all In whlto , and carried a
nosegay of hyacinths alihost us big ns her
little self. She had on protly Dun" colored , J
slipper * of which sliu was amusingly proud ,
and she walked up the alslo uitli a dainty
" ' "
minuet stop that was
Miss Harriet Laurence Bogort , n prottv
blonde , brldo of Mr. Francis D. C.allallri ,
were a satin dress richly trimmed with ,
duchesse joint luce. Shu wcro n point
Inco veil confined with lilies of the valley ,
and curried n bouquet of the snmo dninty
blossoms. The bridesmaids were < : liirininily !
costumed in dresses of wl.ito und plulc
striped nnd ( lowered brocade , undo with
lull skirtswith busquus llnisheJ with uodlco
effect , nnd adorned with kerchiefs of whlto
mull , edged with bhucr luce. They were
whlto huts adorned with wreaths ot
pink rosoa , nnd carried baskets of pink roses.
The bridal costume ofMss ! Edith Laing ,
wedded to Mr. Charles Mndison Cannon , wns
pink silk mull , made with long full .skirt ,
ribbon-run bodicu of open work embroidery ,
linistnd with ruflllngs of point d'osprit luco
on sleeves and corsage. She were n coronet
of pink nnd curried u bouquet of La Franco V
roses , Her tulle veil wus confined with ny"
diamond rose , und she carried a bouquet SSL
whlto violets. Neither brldo or bridesnvnds
were gloves. The wedding was n pink ono ,
und the bride , u pretty blonde of the Titian
typo , mndo a lovely picture surrounded by
her attractive bevy of bridesmaids , all iu
At n recent wedding reception ( nlso the I
birthday ol the bride ) , oa Mmllson avenue , (
the bride's mother wore n gown of softest
gray silic , onibioidorod In wliito silk flowers.
Thii dress wns in nrlnco.iso form , with high
collar nnd full sleeves. A tall , fnir woman
wns attired in n dross of the palest tlmdo of
Illuo crepe do chine ever llluo fcilir. A cousin
of the : brldo , u tnll brunette , appeared in u
beautiful toilet of corn-yellow crepe do chlno
over yellow satin. Jotted nut of the finest
description formed the garniture on this
most becoming dross.
* *
One of the brldos of Easter week coos
nwav in n costume of Kiyoiino luster , shot
will ! palo blue und brown. There is with It
un eating coat of brown velvet with gold
brnld trimming , ulso a travelling cloak ot
brown cloth with .short napes und lined with
slot silk. The hat matches the cloak.
Miss \VIimnUdnuKhtorof Mr.Daniel
Wlnunt , und Mr. .Sidney Grant , both or
Brooklyn , wcro married , The brldo were a
prliii't's's gown of wiilto corded boinrullno.tho
corsage cut decollotlo und trimmed with
duchesso lace , und the shirt bordered with
the sumo to mulch. The veil was of tulle
nnd the ornaments diamonds , the gift of the ,
groom being u handsome marquise ring , sot
with diamonds and emeralds.
"At what hour
"Can a Great Actor leaves
Omaha for Denver ?
"Why , at < ! ; 40 p.m. , by tlio
Turlington's new Train , No. 3,1
you reach Denver at seven the
next morning. You dine in a
.lining car , recline in a chair car
and sleep in a sleeping car. The
ticket offcc is at 1223 Parnam
Tlu > annual mooting of utookliolrters of tlm
I'r.jiiiiinl , I'.lkliom k MUnncirl Vitlluv JtullrouU
c-onumiiy will lioliulil-nt tlio olllco of thn coni-
imiiy In Oiiiulin , .Noli. , on I'rIUur. Miof W > .
ktf , iit-iii'uK'cU li m. . for lliu oloutioii of ( II-
roctnm iintl for tlio truimuutliiii of luchotuu *
lmsno ! > . UK iniiy ennui uciforu the jiicetlinj.
J. II. ItBuriBiai , docrutiiry.