Ifi TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APRIL 24 , 1802-TWENTY PAGES. Animal Mail Order Business , $100,000 Remember so 1 goods on our partial payment plan nnvwhoro tills st.lo llio I'aelflo Oconn. Write for 128-jmco Illustrnlejl Cut.iloRUO . , just issued. It is tl.o . ll.iest . rntnluRiio of llouio lAiriiishing Goods ovoi- Issued in the United States , and contains completeillus - trillions of FnniUuro , C'arimlo.Stoves , Clocks , Silvorwiu-o , &e. , size of ciiluloffuo 11x10 sent upon rccolpl of 10 cents to cover post.igo. ' Page two ot this rrou catalogue is made up entirely of letters received from our out. or-town patrons iiml by permission wo roprodimo these few out of n , great many reoalvo-J. showing how roll pleased our mail order patrons are. . . ) please fliul money order for fur- ' Carpets arrived an-1 nro Inycd. I ns- ENCI.OSl.I bought of jrm last week. Allow Ol'K \ on they iiro lovely Please llnil on- mo to siv that 1 fully appreciate your 'liuu < l * l ( a for ' , ' > i vardsof oupulllko business course towiirif mo during the thoonowo bought itrspectfullv. pistye-ir , ntul cm s-iyth it my tre itmcnt tins ChcjonnoVyo. . MIIS. I , . CAIM'ENTEIJ. nlwajs Leon thu best and your lm\o . people \ .il- w lys shown thodlspossllon to do wli it Is Just iVo enl thU lady simples of O.irncts four nun right. tines The fourth tlino wo cot the older. Shelby , la. a II KINK. \\nsshofU3sv ? No , ihn was not. She knew "bjit.-bo wanted ntul Insisted on haxlnglt. I his Is just the kind of oustoinurs wo want. \\lion woonuo plu.ixo thoiii , they nro ours for all time. VINO your mode of sowing cirpets , tint I I was klckln ; about , looks tunl well when down. SI US. 11. OAUl'ENl'KK. IJulto City , Mont. WISH to acknowledge the lecelpt of your I chock for fll til for freight allowance . ' ThouootU arrlxcd In good order. . MOIIAI. Don't kick at ovary old lint you 100 Lvury. 111 your path ; you might Hud onu ullli a brick thhiij Is entirely satisfactory. In It some tlinu. Yours truly , uuu. it. icp.Mi' Tort Ilohlnsnn , Neb. fccigt. V 8 A. OOPS arrived In coed shapoj they are much nlcei than antlclpited. 1 express this , OODSarrUed yostor.lav all In KOOlarder , you day burlaps propild , also ex pense bill , forJVJfl freight , to bo refund and e\erjtliltiK was found fully H.itlsfac- ed. I shall bo plo.ibcd to recommona your toiy , and will aiytlmtn.il of my tiadugoag iiiiinnor of doing business , to all tuv friends , to 3 on Hcspectfully your- ! , etc , lort Koblnson , Neb. It. bEY.MOUK. llawllusVyo. . J. JIJ.s'SKN , Wardrobes former price $12 OO , thli week on ly $ O Go Ingrain Carpats , former price $ 4Oc , this week only 24o Bureaus former , prioo 1O 5O , this week only 6 25 RagCarpsts , former piIco 5Oc , , this week only 29o HAVE received your rntnlozno , and after I I.I'ASl Slnro ! my send icmovul mo your from rmnlttire Dmalm ( a . 'atalogno , ) In7o\.iinlned it tlmrmulily tal rourugo Oheffoniers , formsr price 12 OO , this wo3k only 7 75 Matting , former prioo 35c , this week only 18o Pluto In s iyln.5 I hii that It Is the lineal anil > o pleasure most but 1 lii\o llnd been iiollnnu depending Aiuls | on the vtall 1'ojplos' fiirultiiro after , com . Revolving Omco Onalrs , former prlco 7 6O , this week only 3 75 Stair Carpet , former prlco 3Oc , this week only I7o Uruuu Iblaml , Nob. to ever seen. C. rCOOM119. all. You Yours may truly expect , an order J | . 0. HIIL'MIUT. soon. Offlco Desks , former price 9 50 , this week only O 50 Brussals Carpet , former prlco OOo , this week only 62o Wavorly , Neb Uolp rnph Operator. Roll Top OmoD Desks , former prloa 3O OO , thla week only 19 60 I Velvet Carpst , former price 1 50 , this week on'y 90o L'noloums , former pr co 75c , this week only 48o ' this week only 1 75 Iin 3 OO arrived Oradloe former pr'co , 1 carpets and are laid : they nro , Pillows , former price 75r , this week only 38o perfectly Kraiul. and are good value for nn the fiirnlturoyeslcrtlay : allow ' 50 Whatnots , former pr'.oo 6 OO , th's week only 3 I Comfort' , former prioo 1 5O , this waok only OOo the money. 1 wlllstalo that Inoxorpild me to thank you for the m iimei 'n which 65o - iiny money out with more b.itlsfaction. 1 JCHI bmilled my orJcr I uxpio- bnrlnpj Ohlldren'o Roofers , former prioo 1 25 , this week only Comforts , former prlco 2 5O , t'.iis week only 1 4O shall speak , i rood woul for > ou In my town , to-day pron.iid. C. K , MiiHA.M. : : Children's Folding Beds , former pries 7 5O , this week only 4 GO Sp-oads , former pr co 1 75 , thii week only 90o fcoulh Head. Nob. MKs. W. 1 > . lllhlj. 1'otersburjr , Nob. Brass EocUtoadB. former prlco 6O OO , this week only 34 GO Laoo Curtains , former ptio3 2 OO , this waok only OOo Parlor Su'.ts former price 4O OO , th'.s week only 24 GO Laoa Curtains.formor price 3 25 , th's week only 1 75 , nn the foldlns bed. wife Is Portieres , former pride 6 5O , this wosk on y 3 GO My ) Famplos of Carpets , both IiiRralnand 31 60 with Parlor Suits former prlco 5O OO , thla W3ok only Bro illy dolUhtol it , and everyone ltrus--olc , at . 1 . , Irish Point Lao 3 Curtains , former prioo. . . . 8 5O , tills week on y 4 75 who seeIt h is declared It to bo the wry SHM IS - months once. whlcli bought ar.irpetof 15 OO this week only 8 75 best and most elogunt folding bed jon ace wore > eivwull former prioa , they Plush Parlor Rockore , Tapestry Tabla Covers , lormor prioe 3 5O , this week only 1 9O OAarsaw. A. A. IIKOWN , and'Jciilio the sumo ijuallty for a front Plush Divans , farmer pr'.oa 12 6O , this waok only 6 5O Table Scarfs , former price 1 GO , fals week o-ly 90c Kawllns , Wyo. I'hotojiauuor. loom Dubiiqiio , , Iowa. I. COOK. Single Lounges , former prioo 8 5O , this weak only 4 9O Window Shades , former price 1 OO , this week on y 27o Bed Lounge : ? , former price IB OO , this wo 'k only 8 75 | Door Mntts , former price 75c , this week only 30o furnltnro I bought of rived last Oont3r Tab'03 , former p ice 1O OO , this week only 6 60 Easel' , former price 1 75. Hi's week ojly 1 00 TIIH In splendid oiner you and ai I am well ' of recent date receh cd. I have this pluiseil innch pr.ilso Is duo for the day paid draft ofiGM ) tliroiuh bank. 4O ; ' Screens , former prioo 4 OO , this week only 2 you YOt'HS my Center Tablo3 , former price 4 OO , th's week only 1 90 oirj and attention ilen to p.iclvlns and ' 1 he entire oiderlias been sit sfiictory , Chamber Suits former price 27 GO this week o ily 16 GO the , notl.lnz nnd bhall . c.ill 8 , , shlppine same as was marred In we bo plc.iscd to on you Library Tab'os , former prlco 10 OO , this week only 50 Chamber Sul's former price 19 6O this week only 12 SO the Joint. UCV. rATHCK McGltATlI. again. J. M. l'lli : . " , , Hancioft , Neb. Wayiio , Neb. 1'rcs Noim.il Collejo. 1 5O this week only 49c Bib'.o Stand , former "price , Bedsteads , former pries..v 3 GO , thia week only 1 65 Butlers Trays , former prlco 1O 5O , this week only 6 6O Mattresses , foimor prico.P. 3 OO , thl < 3 week only 1 75 Hall Racks , former prlco 12 5O , tbis waok on'y 5 75 Springs , former pries 3 OO , thi 3 weak only 1 4O . ' HE goods imo Jn flno condition , nothing I"NCr.OSnn iiloaso find nastofllcn money Cheval Mirrors , former price . . . 12 5O , this week only 7 60 Kitchen Safes , former price 5 OO , tals week onUC 3 4O biokunot e iiiaircii , and woare well pleased 1 _ oilier fet fJX ) for which ] > Ieaso send mo 8 5O this week c n y 4 50 with them. f lecelulln full ; accept my Ui.uiKs foiour Mirrors , former prlco , , Kitokon Tables , former prlo3 2 OO , this week only 90o DU. D. T. SIcGEE. > ea slr.iUhtnuss In dealing , Mirrors , former price 1 25 , this week 011 y 660 Dining Tables , former price 3 GO , this weak only 1 9O bidncy , Nob. MKS. II. O. T.VYLOU. Work Stand , former p ice 5 OO , this week only 2 76 Extension Table' , former price 7 6O , tiis week only 4 25 llox 2.10 , York. Nob. Plush Wor't Basko's , fomr p.ice 3 50 , this wo 3k only 1 76 Sideboard ? , former price 18 5O , th's w < 3o' < only 1O 50 Parlor Cabinets , former pric3 45 00 , th's week only 22 6O Ohlra Olosats , former prioo 3O oO , this week ciily 17 50 f NOI.OSHD llnd Jl 00 o\press order , nmouut . tin cooitins outntill ri ht. Pic uros , fjrmor price 2 5O , this week only 1 25 Folding Beds , former prlcfl 12 5O. this week only 8 GO of p ij ment due. 1 am well s itlsllcd th it My wife Is well pie ibod with the stme. It Pictures , f rmor p-ico 5 OO , this week only 2 GO Poldicg Beds , former price 19 5O , thla week only 12 GO yoni pirtiil p lynient system Is .1 most worUs IIUo a chirm In o\ery way I enclose adv inta cous plan of puicbasln with close cheek for this moniliN ' you my pay Bookcases , former prlco O 5O , ill's week only 3 GO Chamber ul s , former price 37 GO , this wcolc only 26 00 limited means. ment. C.V. . MllUUEM * Ladles'Dosksfoimer price O 5O , th's week ou'y 5 60 Cha'rs , formorpriuo 5Oc , tlila week ely 2Bo Council lIlnlTi , . la. W.M. HIM/ . I'.ioIIIc Junction , Iowa. Secretaries , f rniT price 27 50 , this waok ojly 17 50 Counter StDCls , former p.ico 1 OO , this week oaly 65o Combination Library Cases , former prico. . 17 5O , th's week only 1O 5O Cook Stoves , former piico 13 GO , this week only 8 5 ' Plush Rockers , former p ice 4 5O , this week oaly 2 45 Ranges , former pr 03. . . 35 OO , this weak only 2O OO pfcljAn to report that In undoing tlio Inr er IIH ninnorSet and Imnps arrived In coed former . . 7 50 th's week 4 25 ino - 0 OO tiia waek 3 6O j " piece of carpel , fo mil the iiKslngcut t iln older. 1 linil your p irt p lyment plan to Largo Plush Arm Rocko s , prlco. , ojly | Gaso Stovolormr price , only l < ] pole. etc. . complete. Th inUs for yum 1111- bourv s.alsfautoiy. I oipeut to call en Cano Rocker , former prioo 2 5O , this wo k only 1 25 Qaso ino Ovens , formar price 3 OO , this week only 1 9O iy coiiiplalniiu leadlncss losupp'y ' another. you Mien and in.iuo auotlierHclei'tlon. . . , . J. fcUOIT. Oarpot Rookors , former price 3 5O , this wo k only 1 9O I Baby Carriages , formsr prlco 4 5O , this week O-ly 2 5O Kearney , Nob. Gio : WUIOHT. Kearney , Nob. ' Parlor Pedestals , former price 15 OO , this week only 7 GO Baby Carriages , former price 7 GO , this week only 4 50 Music Cabinets , former pr'oa 15 OO , th's ' week only 9 60 Rsfrigoratore , formsr price 14 5O , this week only 9 5O Reed Rookors , former price 2,50 , this week ohly 1 6O Ice Boxes , former prlo3 7 5O , this wee c on'y 4 76 IH o\ery furniture tiling NO. came K. to I hend wills promptly ly we are , \vrv and much ohllied to yon for your kindness , .Rattan Rookors , former prioo 7 BO , tjis week only 4 GO Wash Bo'.lera , former price , 1 5O , tula wo k on y 76o much pleased , and rest assured you . will and s itisfjiLtorr assure you In that this exerythln deal , and ? you has been will Stool Engravlnps , former prioo 6 OO , this wxok only 3 60 Tubs , former price 75o , th'a wosk on y 49o send gptnnotlmi freight bill order with next from mall. \eiysoon. Will piobahly hear from me again , In reference E ohhus , fjrmor prlco 15 OO , thla wjck only 7 GO Dinner Sets , former prlco 1O OO , th s waok only 6 5O Grceloy. Neb.ltb Cltl/oiibbt .M..i. NUGENT. itell'ink. to Wausa cutting , Nob. some more furniture U. 1) ) . LUNOGUEN' soon. . Clocksformer pr.co 2 OO , tils week only 9Oo Tea S-ts , former prlco 6 6O , this wsok only 3 to Clocks , former prlco 5 OO , this week cn'y 2 60 Toilet sots , former price 3 OO. this waek only 1 75 Sllvor-ri itod Caitore , former prlco 6 5O , this week only 3 25 Hang'ng Lamps , lormor prlco 3 OO , this week only 1 75 AM wall with the dailr , and it Is a HE I . from Inst fall Silvor-Platod Tea , Spoons , former prico. . . . 1 OO , th's week cn'y 40o Hat R. oks , former price 26o , t'als wo > k only 80 liner pleio ploised of worlc than one could hardly provril CarrlnRo iniiru purch.ised thiin satisfactory. vou Kindly Wash Stands , fo mor prioo 1 75 , t is week only 90o Braes Parlor Stands , former pr co 6 5O , this week oaly 2 75 I o\pcet for the money. II. UL)1LI > . bend me jour now cataloguoof L. II. furnliurn. GATES. Cots , former prlo2 1 75 , this week only OOo Gilt Chair/ , former p. Ice 6 GO , this weak only 2 76 TopeKa , Kna. Central City. Nub. Curtain Poles , former prico. . . 35c , th's week only 16o Ha 1 Ohalrp , former prlco 6 GO , this week only 3 5O Clock Shelves , former prioo 75o , this week only 35o Modloino Cabinet" , former prlco , . . 3 OO , this wosU only 1 9O ease came the day after I Kent my lot- have conin to hniid all right , and I tor. I nin tniy ninth pleased with It. I am pleased with them IflBhonld need THE you the burlaps by \pieis today. GOODS more , wilt bear vou In mind , C. K. ( JObSNEsb. Yours truly , Lincoln , Neb. Uoatrlcc , Neb. MllS. P. ri51IT/I. ENCLOSE Ml OD. balance duo on contract- nro much pleased with tlia Roods Now any fa\ors I can do vou In the future WE I/ought of yon , I'loiiscd with your way I I blmll ho glnd to do In lotiiin for the kind- of doing business , plonhcu with jour nes < I hue racolved fiom the 1'toples prices , and take nhiamiro In cndoisliiK ll.uiiinolh liibtallmont lloine. yourhonso. ItKV.Il It. UOTl'ON. Illalr , Nob. J. O. NELSON. Itlchland , Col fat Co , Nob. Write for 128-page Catalogue just issued. Write for'Special Daby Carriage Ctitnlofjuo. Write for Spso/n / 1 Refrigerator Catalogue. Write for Samples of Carpets. Write for Spaelal Photographs EASY TERMS. JUST CLAIMS ALLOWED , COMPLAINTS HEEDED , So that everybody can attend this great Jorccd salt whether they have the COURTEOUS TREATMENT. ready cash or not , \ve sell all goods on easy payments without extra or interest. NO MISREPRESENTATION , $ fo worth of goods $ i per week or $4 per month. BED ROCK PRJCES , $25 worth of goods $1.50 per week or $6 per month. EASY PA YMENTS , $50 worth of goods $2 per week or $8 per month. ENORMOUS BUSINESS. $75 worth of goods $2.50 per week or $10 per month. , - " . * k SMALL PROFITS , $100 wjrth of goods $3 per week or $12 per month. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , $200 worth of goods $5 per week or $20 per month. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS , We sell and deliver daily to South Omaha and Council Bluffs also on NO INl EREST CHARGED , these terms. > CASH OR CREDIT. ? eoDle's ' Mammoth Installmen nouse , / Cheapest Furniture House in America , 131S-131Y FARM AM ST- > We close evenings at 6:30 : ; Monday and Saturday evenings excepted.