THR OMAHA DAILY HTCKt FRIDAY. APRIL 22. IftO'A 8PEG1RL NOTICES. ADVKItTIPKMnNTB KOU THKSK COMIM.NS will 1)0 tnkcn until 12:3) p. m. tor the ercntng unrt until 3..TO i > . m. for tbc morning or Uundat edi tion. tion.All All ( ulrcMlipmcnU In ttioo colnmnn 2 c < < nt > a wnrrt for nret Inncrtlon.anil I cent n won ! thereafter , or J3 per linn | > pr month. No nilrcrtliPmcnt taken lor lo than iiccnu forth * nrnt In srtlon. Tctm , en nil In mlvanro , IntllnlB , tliiirc . Kjmtioln , Ftc.oarh count a a word. All lulTerttucnicts mnit runcontpru tlrolr. Adrcrthcra , br rcquc lln n numbercil check , ran haTO the letters nrtrtrc * oert to n num. tiered letter In earn of Tnr nr.K. An wcri o il- ironffrt will bo ilollTcrcd on t > re cntatlen of tlio check , _ - ' ' I.ADV AS STKNOfl rniliernnil | cnMlcrrill work for small jal- arr. Addrtss WIT , lice. MUIM A-WANTl'.l ) . 11V A M1IHIJ.K AMKI ) I.ADV OK Vi | inrloni-ciiltiiatlon at chilli's nurno t"RO""t' Adilrri W M , lleo. " -VOMXO MAN WIU. INVKST fflOOOO AND orTlce linullablolii lne . Address ' - WANTKD. I-OSITIO.V AH TVPKWIUTHIf AND AaMl | hjr yonng ladr ! wJHfjjr nmclilno. Aililrcss W a , lleo. Kl y , ' _ Ai-Atf COLLKCTOH , HIIIPPINU OH 41KNKHAL TV nlllcoclerk , experienced ! A No. 1 rlty references ! can Klvn security , also fii'nlsh hnr o and bunny If desired for collecting , Address W 'ft , Hen.M2r,2 M2r,2 M * WANTED-MALE HELP. 1-WANTB1 , HAIK8MKN ON 8A1.AUY Oil COM- JDmlnslon tn Imnillo the new | mtcnt choralcnl Ink crimingimncll , The Krentest felling novoltr over prnilurcd ! rrnnci Ink thorointhlr In two neronits ! no abrasion of paper : SUM to WO per cent prollt : ono Bonfn nlcs atnannliMt to IfiW In sltil.irs. nnother liSI In two IIOIIM. We wnnt ono gcnurnl niicnl In rarh flnlonnil tprrltorjr. Kor lornu annfullpnr- ili'ulnr * uilUrusn.Monroo Krnsor Mf . Co.l.n Cro o , Win. , X : w. Z7 fV-HOl.HMTOHS. BA1.AUV AND COM. JiAincrlcnn WrlnKor Co. . I M llownnl. 6S "IJ-AdKNTS TO IIANDLB TIIK VAN DOUKN Jlslmpmied account file. Call on or address Jamei F. Harms. Jennlnit hotel , Omaha. an 81 * TJ WANTKD OOOD CITV OANVASSKH3 1'OH JiwiieelerA W'lion ' Rowing Machines. Ksloy nnd Camp it Co. . Planui nnJ Oritans. fill So. luih st. M 723 1J-WANTI1D AT ONCK-TWO HOOD CI.OSI'.llH. .1'Wheeler AUVllson Sowing Mnchlno otUco , Ml So. ICth l. M TVS - . 1'AID WBBICI.Y TO HOOD AHr.NTS : B-SA1.AHV oxpcrlunco'unncccssarjr.Sliii'eroincc,15in llouglai B.1&-inl2 B-ACCIDUNT INS. SOMClTOItS. 214 11KK 111,11(1 ( Mlir.i 11-WANT.KD. TjAIIOKHItS TOIl It. It. WOUK IN J > Wr"niln nnd South Dakota , good wngoi , fn-o pnsa. Albright Labor Olllco , HW Knrnnm atrnct. 1 M H2-M 17. > -WANTKI ) , A FIIIST CLASS DUAl'KUY AND liiiiii. Mormi Dry Heeds Co. , Ith lloor.MIKt MIKt B-WANTKD , TWO nilST-ChASS. KXXKII1- cnceil hunlwaro nalosmen to travel In Colorado hud New Mojrlco.-AdUreBS llox 2.6IU , Denver , Coln.i ) ) -HOV3 AND (1IHLS WANTKD AT MUUPIIY , > Wns T ACo's. chair faclory. M223 23' 13-.A WU.IT13 IIAIIMKIl WANTBD AT ONCB. JJgnod wages nnd ntuiuly Job ; must bo n good workman , J. B , Dennis , i'uncn , Noli. 2. ° > ii2l * > -ONK I'ICIISON TO HKCKIVK INSTHUCTION3 ikoop books , f 15. IU3 Now York Llfo bulldlne , . ( > ACTIVK , HtCLlAHLK HOV WANTKD toll A > few hours ilally. Apply 214 McCuuuo Hldis. B WANTKD. YOIINO MAN. PUACT1CAL I1OOIC keeper nnd make himself generally useful In to tincco store. Address W 31 , lice. M257 22- WANTED-FEMALE HELP. C-LAD1KS.DOOUU WOIHC AT YOUll HOMKS ! easy and IntoreitltiKi day or evening : no exper ience ; no canvassing : Rood pay. Adrtrcsn with stamp , Huston Aquarelle Art Co. , 49 Winter strcel , Hpstun.'Miiss. MU70 Mil ! ' C WAIST FINISIIKIIS AND KllllAN I > OIUL Mrs. A. Illce , lloom li , Uushuiin : blk. M1CG 2j * - . HIUL FOll KKNKKAL HOUSK- 0-WANTKD. Heller , 4343 Charles st. 181-21 ! ' - UKIIMAN ( HIIL TO DO SKCONI ) WOUK C-NKAT and take care uf child 2 years old , SOU4 Farunm st. 18.J - ) ( HIIL FOll CKNKIIAL HOUSKWOIIK G-OOOI strcc , 1st liouso west 25th ave. and Dodge. 177 21 1-0111L TO DO PLAIN COOKING AND LAUN- JArr work , where second girl Is kept. Il'l4 Locust , 'i/l-WANTKD , < ! OOD UlllL FOU GKNKlUr I Ohoiisework-atSlSN. ISlh. 110 SI * 1-WANTKD , GI11I , FOil HOUSKWOIIIC IN Voniall family. Apply at once 2U25 Charlo.i st. M2W2J - GIUL FOIt UKNKIIAL HOUSKWOUK IN small family. Apply 1511 Sherman nvc. Wf-22' - , A GOOD GIUL FOK GKNKHAI C-WANTKD Inqulro 2415 Jones st. 212-VJ -WANTKD , COMPKTKNTOIHLFOIKJKNKHAI ! CiWANTKD Mrs. C. It- Scott , 20J3 Uodgo si. C-WANTKD. HAPQUK FINISIIKIIS AND FOHK lady lo take charge of hnsiruo work. Slorso Dry Goods Co. 211 22 - . OIHL TO WOUK IN KITC11KN A'l Doraii house , 421 H. 18th street , ouo block soul ) ; of court lionsu. 220 -WANTKD. T11UKK HKFINKD LADIK8 AT onco. Coed pny. 40V Hcu hldg. ' M231 22 t-WANTKD , GIHL , OKNKUAL HOUSKWOHIC - 3047 Popplelon nvcnuo. 248-23 * CWAlTHKS3 AT WOMAN'S KXC11ANIJK IN lieu building. Apply at Kxcuiiniro. -WANTKD. AT PAXTON HOTKl , 1MS1K dlulclr , two chambermaids and ouo parlor maid M2GO 23 C-WANTKD , HUBINKHS WOMAN WITH t75.0r lo lukoclinrguof an olllco paying from 110.00 to 115.00 per day. Onlythoso wllh money and mean tiuslni-ss need npply. Address W S > ) , Hcu. M2tll 24 FOB RENT-HOUSES. IV-1IOUSKS AND APA11TMKNTS IN 111WT IlIWi JL/denco block In city. 810 ti. r.'d street. Tel. 17U ! 275 B-FOH HKNT. ABOVK NOS. 021 AND KtO BOUTH IClti Btrc'i't. v-room tint , uvcry modern conven ience. Including largo kllchen rungo. Apply Wlnd- per , Kmup A Cu.,203 N. V. 1.1 fu bldg. m7ii ; T TOIl HKNT. NICK NKWLY FUUNISHKD -L/rooms , t > fi N. lUlh , Ilrennan Hats. MUM D-FOH HUNT , HOUiiKd , J7.00 PKH MONTH AND llliwnrJa. Thu O. F. Duvls Co. , 150J Farnam ot. ot.Ml _ T\--FOH UKNT. 110USK 1847 N. 17TH ST. , U IIOOM A-'bnthclo. , 120 per uiunth F , II. Woodrow , Neb Nut. bunk bulhllni ; . lid D - - HOUHK. ALL CON VK.N1KNCKM , ItwU A gelby , MJ Heard uf Trade. U.W D -HOIWK8 , STOHKH AND FLATS. A. C. FUUdT ' room J , Douiilaii liluulc , luth nnd Dodio. ' D-FOIt HUNT-SIX-HOO.M MODKUN COITAOI' .WIT Cullfiirnla st. , ( IS per month , 411) ITV-FIJVTOFiHOOMH. 1NQUIHK WITH HKFKIt. J cneo. W. d. IlaldutT , lOlh and Capitol uvunuo , B-15-lioo.M HOlIHi : AND IIAUN , 2013 DAVKN- port street , all modern conveniences. Including team lientT * ctcbo ls nnd laundry , south fiont. overjuoklne.lilsh nohool urounila , nuwly painted nu papered throuiihoiil , ' 4hos , F , Hall , C07 Pax , On block , .t ! liSU 10-HOO.M HOUHK. CHKAPTOJIK- li-njint , 2.M5Cnliroriilnitrcct. RU2I * . . FLATS A HTOIIKH , LAIUiKMT LIST , /louost prices ; I5.UO up , Parrolto.U&.Donitlas . hlk ; M MIS V FOH Hl.'NT , S-HOOM COTTAUK , LAIKJK /yard , barn. Inqulro next door 2i-M Douulas st. T-\-iI HAVi : A NKW 8-HOOM H1IICK AND HTOI1K- l/liounu III mirth part uf city , "ill rent cheap tu iHiriimnunt tenant. Apply to F , F. Williams , Flr t S'alloiial baMk liulldlni : . 311(14 ( T\-FOll UKNT. 5-HOOM cmTTAOK. CITY AND -I'cUti-ni water,3J07 Parker > ln > ct , II.MU Mluht take palnllnuur carpenter work for 0 mouths' n > e. f fcl'.N. Y. J.lliJ. . )1 ) , JohliBOn. .MWI r7 'Ti-lXfN IIBNT , S1ODKHN 14 HOOM HOUHK AND J-'Uiin. Boflcllocation , line larvu la u , only fit , tilqbol.oaii A. Tniit Co. 1VJ21 1 nFOHTHKNT. . FIHHT CLAIJS TKN-HOOM HKHI- , J-'ilenco , lih ull modern Improvements nnd cen trally located. Inqulro uf U. U. Yosi , S07 IstNal. liauk bldtr , Omaha , Nob. IV725 D-llo" NOT FAII , 'tw IMOK AT TIIK 13-HOOM bilck , 210.1 puiiKlns st. Flue miliihhorhnea nnd all modern liuprovemenu.speaklnu tubes , laundry , hath , lu. Klvo mlnului walk from biulnios ren- er. Wnluko plenture In shuwlug thli property , Moilomui.reiil. Call M ) lloo llldu. ! IL/mulnr Hue , near Haiiseoin Park , modem'cou- TOlili'ucui , I4KJO. lllckl , 30J N , Y , Llfo llld * . ' _ _ 21T-24 K n-6-HOOM COlTAtiK , HOT WATKH , HATH. . . J./closet , furnace , beautiful larfo lawnL shade. . , Ho , blur Loan A Tru t Co. il''W'/7 -HKVKUALSMALLHOUSKH UKAUOF HANS- compurki one ulthtarn ; price M to IU. nicks , N , Y. LI to bulUllntr. 53 II a /I'ftU HK.NT , 10 tlOOM HOUSU WITH ALL 'wudvtn liupiovcuicuu , at tiD touth IVlu it. it.MIC4 MIC4 j-Vbll UKNT.C-nOOllCOlTAUK , NKXTTrXU , /40 uiv rt idcnco ; .115.00. | je owner , HJ1 Pint on block , MftiJW ) - J'OU UKNT. DKttlllAIlI.K HOUdKS , C AND S rumus. ImiulruiUHICupllol nva. BUi * j ' FOB RENT-KURNISHKD ROD HIS. If KICK UOOMi , ALL CONVKNIENCNS. "l7J4 wDavcupurt. (11 li1 ROOMS. Cnnttnuttl -KOlMIKNT , 6.NK LAIKIK FHONT OH TWO back farolibcd cr unfurnlshod room * . 122 south 5th street. 8C8 _ D-FUUNIHIIKD UOOM3 , OAS , HATH. Ill N. Ijl.Mh street. tKH-n * _ -NKWLY FUltNlflllKD FHOXT HOOM3 KN ENKWLY E unite or single for gentlemen. 3010 Davenport su K15 _ 1,1-FHO.NT SUITB FUllNlSHKll Oil UNFUHN- ulshed roomt. Itofcrencfs. 2017 llarncy. . 22I-1I * rURNISn.ED i ROOMS AKD BOARD. ] fc HOTKL. UTIl AND DODGK. HOOM nnd board 15.00 lo 17.00 per week , MI71 2V J-IFSl AUI.r FUHNI911KD SOUTH FHONT . room * wllh board , modern conveniences. Hof- crcnccs cxchaiiROd. 21,10 llarnoy , MW5 2 ] * 1-NirKLV FIJUNISIIKI ) HOOMS , WITH OH i. ' wllhout board , 1SI2 Howard , N. K , cor. 16th. 1NlCKLV FHHNISHKD POtlTIIKAST FHONT X room with nlcovo and bay windows nil modern conveniences ; private ) family ) board If desired , fill S.WIhst. 21421- FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. n-i IINFUUNI9HKD CIIAMIIF.HS Foil HOIJSK- { 1 keeping to man nnd wlfo. No children , 31D N , 17th. 1 G-FLAT OF 4 HOO.MS , S. W. COHNKH 10TII AND l > nvcnworlh sl . . . . ' G-THHUKUNFUIlMSIIKDHOII.MSrOUHOUSK- ! Cnss st. l 24- FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES TFOH lKNT , TIIK 4.STOHV IllcK JLolO Fnrnnm street. Tint hulldliiR hai n llre-nroof cement hnspiKent. complete uti'mii-heallnullxlurps , wnler en all the tloors , gas , ute. Apply at the onico ufThoIIcc. 013 1-DKSK UOO.M Hll HKNT , tHOUND ! KLOOIt. .Lhenrt of city , all modern conveniences. Address V Cl. lleo. ' T-TWO HTOHK HOOMB ANI ) l'L\Tfl AltOVK , -1 cornerSOlh nnd Plorco. Inquire 2531 Popplelon nvu , I ) . W. Shun. II'J-ZI * " 1-FOIl UKNT , FIUSTCLASaSTOIIKHLDO.WITH 1 nlco llvo'ruoin lint nbeva. on CumlnR , near Vlstn slrcol.wcll located lor Erocery. drug morn or moat markcl. Hicks , ItOi N. Y. Life Hide. 217-21 T-FOIl HKNT : PAHT OF OUH F1VK HTOIIY -1 brick warehouse. Omnha Warehouse nnd Hlnra o Co. , 1213 nnd 1315 Lcnvcnworth stroul. FOR RENT-MI80ELLANEOUS. J WAUKlIOUdK , 1NQUIU15810SO. 15TU STUKKT , S1W8 T-TOHOOM HOTKU DF.SIIlA 111.11 LOCATION ! 'all modern. Apply lo F. W. Hart , Jr. , Missouri Valley , In. MOT AM RENTAL AGENCIES. - -1C. C. UAUVtN & CO. , 20U SHKISLY HLOCIC. .j m STORAGE. MiOLDUST. . CHKAPKSTAND HKST BTOKACK house In the city. Williams .V Cross,1241 llnrncy 2SO M-CL18AN , DHY AND 1'IUVATHLY BTOHKD furniture. Heating stoves Btoroil over summer. 1207 Doiiglnssl. Omaha Steve llODalr works. Oil M-STOVF.S 8TOUKI ) . OASOLINK STOVKS UK iialrcd , elovo repairs. Onto City Tinners , 822 N HHIi si. 240 Zf 0 M-STOUAOK'LOW IIATKS : OMAHA WAUK' house and Storage Co. , 1213 nnd 121.1 J.envcn worth. I25S WANTED-TO BUY. .T-FUUN1TUIIK BOUaUT. SOLD , STOHKD , Wells. 1111 Farnam st 281 AT WANT Kl ) , SOMK LOW PlttCKD CLKAH LOTS l ns llrst payment on n nice house nnd lot. Will built to suit nnd sell on monthly payment. Why pay rent ? Sco N A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglas. "Hi lu3 TVr WANTKD TO BUY. K1GI1T OU TKN HOOM lihonso with modern Improvement * , nnd good sized lot , located within ono mlle of the postonlco. Stnto price , sle of liniiso and lot and full particu lars by addressing S 47 lloo otllco. 712 r TO HUY CLAIMS AGAINST UAILUOAD KM > plovcs. Webster Collodion Atency.floux Clty.ln 804-uiH N-WANTKD , BKCONIHIAND PONY CAHT OU light rend cart ; must bo In good condition nnd chonp. Apply 1511 Sherman nvo. .11922 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1)-K01l 8ALK , LAllQK FINK YOUNG HOUSIC and delivery wagon ; horoo gcnllo and wagon nearly now ; for aalo cheap. Inqulra at 1U10 Farnam. I > -FOH BALK. 1 SUIIUKY. HUU.T IIY SIMPSON : 1 phaclon , by Driimmond : both first-class , good as new. Ii. II. Korty. 253i < Poppleton. Uti P-FOIl SALK OH KXC1IANOK. I1A1K1AIN , A family horse , surrey and Indian pony. Un qulro 220 lloo building. 11424 P-ONK OF TIIK FINKST 8HKTLANI ) BTAL lions In'lown fur sale , 40 Inches hlith. wclnlis 4tW pouiidh , jot black , Knxllsli oak cart , light colored harness. Frank Anshutz , Shenandoah , lown. 210 25 * FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. -nNrp QEi TOU iMI.K , FINK WATKU SPANIKU K13 Lcavonmirtb nt. 051 'a * Q-FOUHA1.K , ANOHDHHFOIl A NKW HCALK Klmball plane. Address I. M. Street , 2OTi Dodge street. M232 27 * MISCELLANEOUS. > HAY FOll SALK. Till ! STANOAHD CATTH Co. offer 1,000 Ions fcoleclcd , harn stored hay for on track , Ames , Nebraska. M8'J2 "n LADIBS' CAUKD FOIt DUHING ( XJNFINK- -LXmcn" . MrsUurnllz , German eradualed luldwlfo , 1310 tio. 10th. 'At A2J I-CANADIAN KMPLOYMK.NT OFFICK'L'03 FAU- vnam , upstairs ; male und fomaluu clp. Tel , BSI. RPAPILLION DUIVINO PAHIC. O. C. SMITH- trainer nnd driver. Mnkus a specialty of break Ing nnd trnlnlng colts. Makes n specialty of treat ing horses that nro ou % from hard toads and bail led. Ucasonabla chatgas. Hoarding horses by the month. 50I-M3 * 1J-TIN WOHK , SPOUTINd , UOOF1NQ AND -Llgiilvanlicd chlmnoy utiicka cheap , Unto City 'J Inuors , 622 N. ICth , * 245 * ! CLAIKVOYANTS. S-ASPIHITMKDH1M OF MO.ST KXTUAOHD1N- AllY POWKHS. The worli ( renowned PKOF. J. ( ! . LKONAHD has arrived from the east and upunpd parlors al 418 K. liilh street for thn reception of the general pub lic , where laillpn unit'gontlciiien ran consult this young nnd glftr.d mrdliim on any kind of hiudneitii. When y.ou cull on 1'riif. ] jonnnl you ilon'l hnvo lo nay n Kuril lo him. Hn will call you liy your IIHIIIU nnil ti-ll you the object of your visit , nnil glvu you Information that cannot bo obtained hy any ether medium In thu country , If you hnvo u law suit ho will lull you who you have It wllh , and tell you ' whul to do In-caKO ho nei-s you n'ru enlng to losu It. If you nro going tusppoulato ho will tell you what you are going to spci-ulato In and tell yon whether It will bo prnUlalilo for you , Itomciuburall this Is told you without you saying a word to him. Will loll you whether your lover Ii true or fnlno to you anil worthy of your ntTpctlon. Cnnmnku speedy inurrlnpii with the ono you lovo. Cim brlug the si'imrauul together. All business Is strictly private and cnnlldunllal , Will lull your troubles without you inylng a nerd lo him , Prof. Leonard wishes It understood that If ho don't satisfy you tn ovrry way ho will not under unr i'lruiin tancof taku jour money , as ho novvr taki-s money In advance , lit * ilon't euro how scepti cal yuu arn , ) on nru hound to bo convlncuit. Prof , lA'onarrt has no equal In cliarm working , and mains no charges until work Is done , for ho li to sura nf his powers that ho can nllorcl lo await rusults. Tuillmoulals can bo iwcn at his | nrlorn from BOIIIO of the most proiulncnt Indies and gentlemen In thin country , llu ( lorn not advortlsa whut hu raniiot do. Call and be run- vlnced yunrsulf. Seeing Ii behoving. Thoto who cannot uall on him In IKTSOII , If they will pncloku tin luldrcBsoil tiainpod envulope , n lock of hair nnd fciti , phologrnph. If pnsulble , he will by return inrll enclose them full Information about their af fairs and return photograph. - Mlllugs for Imilos. ll.uo and upwards. Killing * for senllemt-n , ftOOand upwardi , Hnun , from 10 u. ui , tu B p. in. lleiucmber the address , 118 S. 15tU it. , up one flight of stairs. llrniomurr you pay no money In advance. If you nro not pcrfeclly pleated wllh the nUtlug. yon pny no money , A Jruo luit glvuu to ull those desiring a n silting. 4lt ) .s. I5lh st. , tip nno Bight , Omaha , Nob. S-AHUIVAL KXTIIAOUDINAUYJ WONDKUFUL roTi'litlonn. Challungus Iho world , Mrs. Dr. M , U-jirnve , dead trauco claltvoyunt , aitrologlsl , palmist und Ufa roaderi tells your llfo from the crndlo to grave ; unllvs the sip ratcdi causes mar- rlago with the ono you IOTO ; telli n hero you will succeed and In what , business bust udaplod for ; has tuoculcbrntod Kgyptlan hroastplalo for luck and lo deitroy bad InlHtcncoa : euro * tits , Intemperance und all prlvatu compliiliits with maisago , baths nnd alcohol treatment , ( -and $2.00 , lock of hulr uume mid date of tlrth and rocclva occuratallfo charli icvnls In itampi for circulars give Initials of ono you"-wll | marry ; also pUotonof lauiti. onico ICOZboutli llthmruol , llrst ttoori hours. U . iu. to U p.m. Conuvoup , coma all , und bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. M3II x S-MHS. NANN1K V. WAHIU'.N. CLAIHVOVANT reliable busluuis wvdluin , UltU year at IU N. IClh. ia S-.MUS. K. O , HAWTHDUN , CI3 NOUTH 14.TH treet , having bad year * of oxjwlenco , will lire reading * of nait , present and fulure. ttlllinc * to UUIft only , lo cruls , 19 u. ' lu. to V p. Hi , dally , Bun- day * oiceplcd. M734 23" S-MAUAMK FHITZ. MJO CUJ1INO BTUIJKT , clairvoyant and tranro uiouMuui ladcpondenl voice * ; mill pott uU futui * . iia W MA33AOK , BA.TnS , ETC. _ K. SMITH : mi DOUOI.AR STURKT , room 7 , 3d floor. Alcohol , ( ulphur nnd ca hnths. rf > MAS9AOK TIIKATMKNT , KLKCTllOTItKH- Xmnl baths , scalp and hair treatment , msnlctiro and chiropodist. Mrs. 1'oit , 919M 9. lith , Wllhnell blk. 2SI rp MAIIAMK IjA llt'i : , MASSAOK , < 1 < ! BOtfTII 1-IJtli St. , Jrrt noor. Hat I , assistant. _ MIMEt * rp-MISS 8TOWK , MASSKUSE Kl.KCTKtriAN , M9.IQ-2A' U-MATTllMWSAMMONflCOlXllKI ( ) (1KNTM- : man ) that ItTiil 31th ml Howard st. or nnr ono knowing his wh reahouts plcasa wrlto Iteeil fc Sclbjr. SU Hoard Trade. VO -KAY AND KIltKNI ) MKET V1SI1KH AND U ; f rlcnil sanm place Friday evening. _ 13 il * \r-HKKOUK UUVINd A IMAM ) KXAMINK TIIIJ > new acalo Klmball piano. A llospo. lil.l Douglas. f 2S5 \r-UBKoiii : iiuviNO A IMAXO KXAMINK TUB V new scale Klmtiall piano , A llospo , 1513 Douglas. V-8CHOOIi OP I.ANin\OKB ( AND SOCIAL > scleneo , 21.1 , 211 MrCnguo building. Snvclal conrnr < In ( lorman , Mar , June , f IIMM. Mill 27' TKACItKIt , < with llospo , or5H N. Inlll St. _ 1)13 ) MONEY TO LOAN- HEAL ESTATE \V-IXANS ON IMl'ltOVKD AND UNl.Ml'KOVKD > I city pnipottr , M.OJO nnd upwnnKii to S'percont. No delnjrs , W , Furnnm Smith > V Co. , 15th nnd Ilnrnu y. Mi \\r-.MNKV ( , MONUV , MONKV. flOO.OJJ TO IXJAN In films of f.'iOto f : > .07Jon linprovo.l or tinlm- proved roKlilenco business property In the city of Omnhn. Nodolnr In cloMni , ' lonni ns inoncjr Is on hand. No iloallng with eastern pnrtlo * . nil tiusliic.n transactoil horonnit Intoiost pnrnblo lii'ra nnd not In tlio , id D tnnko bullillng lenns on moil farorabla terms. " ridelltr Trust Co. , 1011 Karnnm. KM \\r-IMHVATK MOSl'.V. 1ST AND 21) MOUTH AUK if loans , loir rates. Alex. Mooro. (01 Dee building. MW3 ir LOANS. O. 0. WALLACK , 313 IlltOWN HLK 2DI IT LOANS , W.M.1IAHIII3 , It , 20 FHKN2KH 11LK- IT" INSUUANCK MONKY TO LOAN. APPLY TO > J. U Lovctl , 230 8. nth. 291 \\r-I.OAN. URA1 < 1ISTATK AND KKNTAIi AOKN- cy. Parties hnvlug rlty houses tu , rent and farms to Hell should list them nt orice. Splendid farms In lx > gan Valley , 'Nob. , fo" sale. Knitcrn inonor fnrntsbod. ( ioo.V. . 1 * . Coates , Hop. lull I'ar- nnm. 037 \ \ r-c. w. itAiNnr , SISOMAHA NAT. u'iciir.DH. ' ' City mortgages. Lowest rules. Money en hand. ir MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPIIOVKD CITY ' proportjr , low rate. A. C , Frost , Douglas blk. 2)3 \T MONKY TO LOAN ON HKAL'KST IE. THE > O. F. Davis Co. , m > Farnam st 501 W ItBAL KSTATB IXJANS , OTO7 IM3H CKNTj no nildlllonal clinrgos for commission or attor ney's ices. W , U. Melklo , Flnt NiUlohnl bank bldg. 28'J \\r-ANTIIONYLOANAND TRUST CO. , .113 N. V. ' Llfo , lends nt low rntos tot cholra security on Nebraska or Iowa ( arms or Omnua city property. IT CKNTUAL LOAN & TllUST CO. 1IKU ULDtJ. ' 281 ! \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS UANIv .MAKES LOANS > ' on real estate at lowest market rnlci. Loans ninda In mnull or largo sum nnd for short or long time. No commission Is charged , mid the loans nro not sold In thu east , but can always tie found nt the tank on the corner of loth and Donclus a'.ructs. a'.ructs.I'M I'M ir-lXANS , CITY PHOI'KHTY , K. NKI1. AND W. ' lown farms. K. F. HiiiKor , I5IU Farnam. Farnam.M0 M0 3a2 l \\r-fi PKIl CKNT MONKY. PHILADKI.l'UIA ' Mortgage nnd Trust Co. Thomas Ilrennan Jfc Co. representatives , SI7 ICnrbach block. 172a'll MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X-DO YOU WANT MONKY7 If so do not ( all to get our rates before bor rowing. We make loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , plunoj , horses , wagons ; etc. , nt thu low est posslblornte. Tlicro Is no uunecesinry delay , but you get tha money on the sumo day you nsk for It We' will curry thu loan ns long ns you doslro. giving you llio privilege of paying It In fuller In part al any time to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces tha cost of carryln : the loan In proportion lo Iho nmount paid. Tlicro nro no charges uf any kind to ba paid In advance , but you gel the full amount of the loan. Our olliccs are centrally located and nro'iii ) nr ranged that parties calling on us cuu bo walled en quickly nnd cortoously. If yon have a loan with other partial , or hnvo bought a piano or other furniture on tlce and llnrt the payments a llttlo larger than you can meet conveniently , wo will pay It for you and carry the loan as long as you ( loslro. It will ba to your advantage to see us before se curing a loan. OMAUA MOnTGAOK LOAN CO. , Kooiu 11 , Crelghton.lllock , 15th at , , south of t'ostoffleo 21O V-MONEY TO LOAN. . FIDELTY LOAN GUAIIANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , nt thu lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chancu of possession. Tlmo arranged to suit the borrower. Payments uf any nmount can ba rando at nny tlme.rcduclug both principal und Interest , thus giv ing patrons uil tbo boucnuof thu partial payment plan. Cult and see us when you wanta loan. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; buslni-Hsconlldcnllal. FIDKLITY LOAN UUA11ANTKK CO. , D. F. Masters' old stand. It. t. Wlthnoll blk.,15th and llarnoy. ItUO X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF security ; ulrlctly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental blocic. Ul ) V-llOB'T PH1TCHAHD , H 3. WITHNKLL ULIC. X WIIKNYOH WANTACHATTKL LOAN SKK W. It. IJuvln , room 20 , Contlnontnt block. 3OI. X-110,000 TO LOAN FHOM $10.00 UP ON FUUN1- turo , horses or any good security. Lovrost rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , U10 Douulas street. MKI1 A23 X t20MW TO LOAN ONCHATl'KL SKCUU1TY. business connduutlal. llooiu JU'J Knrbnch block. M3J2 All ) ' ' -LIFK INUUJlANCn POL1CIK3 LOANKD ONOIt k-bouiiht. H. F. ilout , Musa lilcU , Uausaa City , Mo. X-MONKVrrO LOAN. CHATrKI , MuilTRAOK U ) , i , 'M days , on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. , without publicity or removiil of properly , nt the lowostralus umf tlio easiest payments Nn delay. Cash on hand. Dun Uraun , It.U All , Harkcr blk. 6S3 BUSINESS CHANCES. f-DAHlY FOH 8ALI1 J. F. HUGH , AMKS AVli L S.VJH30' Y-FOIl SALK , KSTAHLISUKD OltOCKUV ; CUN- trnl location ; poor health reason for sclllni ; . Apply V 33 , Hi-o. , Mifli Y-A rr.wj.oij TO M.UXJ.OO BTOCK OF OKNKUAL niprchandlso , conslstlnK of ilry goods , hoots , shoes und xrocurlps.'cluun and neil aulcctud stock. Will e chanio for land lo Iho value ef f LOW W und the test cash or xooil notes. Stock li Inn town of U Jmopluandhus | n Una tradu. Llbural dlicount for nil cash. Addr s P. o. IloxNo.UK or No , Ml , Vork , Nub. Wrlto for particulars. S1KB MB V-FOIl SALK. A COMPLKTK HKT OF AIISTHACT JL book * of Crawford county , limn , logoHicr wllh ngood buslni'ssof abstincts , ronl estate , loan nnd insurance business. Address Leek Drawer 8 , Donl- eon , lown. 8JG-IJ V-1011 SALK. TUB CKNTHAL imiTG BTOHK , J-Geneva. Nob. tilockana ruturos Invoice $3.1WU. 0. Bslos 1(01 ( , tlO.M.W. ( 1'esl eslabll.hud Irude In city. Karaclmuca for right party. Two-third * caili , bll. ono yrar. Address box : iuj , Uunuvu , Nob. Bi < i-7' LK ou HKNT. FUHNISHKD HOTKL J. In BooU lowu. Address box 141) ) , llandolph. Neb. JIWI J3 Y-WA.VTKD , TO TOHUKSPONI ) WITH PAHTIKS .Ldeslrou * of bulldlnit a strain or waler-powor Holler mill ; IJHVO an A 1 location heru , AUdrcn Uoc'y Uuslnes * Mcn'i Aso. , Albion , Neb , 131-21- r-HKSTAUHANT AND CHOP 1IUUSK , DOING - good business. 10UI U-aveiiworth st. I'M ? ! V-WANTKD. A PAUTNKll IN A PHOF1TAIILK J-manufacturing bunlness. Address W 27. lleo of- < < - ' . Maul ! i \r HAKKHV. PAHTNKlt WITH 1800 WANTHD J to tukuhulf lutrroit In tlio tic t paylnit bakery In 6. W. Nebraska. Fur particular * addrut * J. K. Kol- Icy , altornuy , McCook , Neb. 'ft ) it' -TOLKT , SALOON AND HH8TAUHANT AND nil other rufrcthment privilege * at thu Lukn bhoro company's ground * at Lakii Contrary , four mile * noulli of the rlty. to let for the season of 1WJ or longer , ' 1'uli I * Iho best and nicest auburhau ro- ort lu Iba woslvrn country. Fine llshluie nnd boat- liiK.Blciiant grove * and lawns , lluo plculo and b * o bull Rrounds , etc. Tha company prufor * to rent all the privilege * to one party. Including three houses the Windsor , thoDunfordand Clubbouio. Potses- ilon given at onco. For parllcnUri apply tn IL F. llartwlg , treasurer I-akoWioro company , 212 South Third tlrcet , bt. Joiepb , Mo. 15 2i > -FOil BALK , MKAT MAUICKT. IN TOWN OF COO Inhabitant * In central Nebraika : hullUInK lit x3u , and ttsturcs ; corner lot on thu main st. ; dwell * lug homo ItiiSI on rear end of lot ; uood ilaugbter homo and feed yard * ; now lcehou o. 1'rlco und turm * reatonublu. Addreo Turner A locbener , Iremont , Nob. ZI9-M4 V-FOH SALE. TUB 1IK8T PAYING Z-CHAIll barber * hop In uorlbiredern Nebratkn ; chauco once lu a lifetime ; re ou for ellliig , want 10 go AilJreii tuC3 , Alu Hoith.Ncb , 2U SJ * FOR y-nxciiANOK YOUK t'MH'KUTr , mo LIST fJenH or write. Aler .MooV . 'IOI Hep bldit. W rWANTED. . PAHTIKS OTHAT 1IAVK OOOD /Jpropcttr thut Is tncnmbored to list It for ex change for land and cash. pt. F. Hlngcr. M237 23 * VSTOHY ! IlFuCK 9TOUlC/J.6T 23xiw. ON FAlt- /Jnnm. ( U.WO , tnortKaito $ MW. 0 per cent , for uooil Omaha properly and n Unleash. K. F. lunger , ISlii Farnam. } MM3-23 * /-FOHTHADK. NKW J SroilY IlllICK FLAT / building , modern. * A t flotation , rents readily. Closest Investlantlon Invltril prlca 135,000. Trndo equity for tinlncnmhcred vricaiil lots , Ames Heal Kilalo Agency. 1SU7 Farnati street. 3&I y-lF YOU 1IAVK AdOOliljl'UKlHT PIANO TO /Jtrmlofor lot Iff , block I. Armour Place , Soulh Omaha ; clear of nil liicuaihrano * . Address N 4i lice onico. ' M2J3 y-FAHMS AND lt/VNCHKS / AN ) I11OH HHKD /-/lior.ici for snlo cheap or orlianin for Omahn property. H. J. Kendall , 4 < U Hronu Uldc. V-CLKAN STOCK OF ( IKNKHAI.M'D'S'Ki WILL /-itnkc real estate A money IIOX7.0. FraiikfoM.lnd , Ml _ _ _ _ _ rWANTKD , TO KPCIIANtlE. FOH CLKAU A/Iowa , or eaftern Nebraska land nnd ca h. n rtorkof riry Rnoils , rlothliiR , shoes and grorurles , Address bol 'M , Wnhoo , Nob. 153-31 * _ Tvon KXCUANHK FINK ItKSIDKNCK , NKW , rJ3 ] rooms , modern Iniprovoments : on motor line , I mlle from postortlco. Will pxelmncn for KOod business later farm lands. W. , P. O. box MS , Ornnhn. 077 _ _ V-FOH TllADK. rO,000 WOUTII OF UNINCU.M- /Jl'orcd city properly to trade for farm land ) within I'M miles of Oinnhn. Ames Heal Kstnlo Accncr , I.07 Fnrnnnist. 333 r/-IO.OOO TO flS.nOO DHV ( lOODS. HOOTS AND / > sh cs , clothlnu. liala and c.1p * > , etc. , for. TO ) lo I'.IO- ncn- firm , well Improved , near itood town In west ern Iowa. Will ntsuinc some Incumbraiices. K. F. HhiKcr , 1510 Fnrnnm. MZI9-2) * r/-fl5.000 HKSIDKNCK , FINK LOCATION. FOH A /Jcood farm In wcslrrn lowii or eastern Ncbrnikn. K. F. Itlniior. 1510 Fnrimni MSIOW V TO KXCHANOK. 1IAMHLKTONIAN /Jllnn. speedy , will earn fTO ) lliln year In stud ! wnnt JU'jry , well Iiicnled.or teed land ! will ussntnu lliihl eiieumbrnnco. licox K. Craig , care lice. Coun cil llluffs. ' 'i : ) . : ! V-WANThD TO KXCHAM1K. HKC'J'ION I AND ' -Jin Perkins county , near county real , lor clear mdse , John Kckrry.Memo Hltitr. Nub. Z47-SC ITO KXCHANOK FOH L1VKIIV DOINI1 PAV- ' Inc business , or land ; lollJ.'ixll.'i ' on Oakland nvo line , Council Hint's , line residence street , larito shade trees , pnvrd , graded , etc. ( ieo. U. Crnlir. cnro1 Hee Council lllulls. 242 24 FOK SALE-REAL ESTATE. F 'OU ' SALK 11AI.CVON HKIQ1IT3. Acres , hr.lf acres and lotn on clectrla motor road. Also bouses and lots In llntcron llplglits , OMAHA'S 1IKAUT1KUI , SUIIUHI1. Only thlrtr nilnutus' rldo from center ot cltr. Easr payments , low rate of Interest. Now Is the tlmo to secure n hemo. Wltllani 11. Crary. 205Now Vork Ufo Hide. M102 M19 HOMK3 FOItSALK. T1IKUG IS NO DOUIIT HUT that we Imvo the most satisfactory list of renlly doslrnblo cottages te bo found In thu city , 1'rlcos. rniiKo from fi.wJ up , junl terms are t-x- cecdlngly llbornl. Wo have sold six during tlio tiust muiitli and the best of our list will soon' bosoloctcd , Wo can recommend tuo fuliowinir : 7 houses within two blocks Ilnnscnm Park , f J.MJO ! > U modul , new , Pniiplulon I'nrK , r. .t X)7 US front , full lot , Darn , etc. , Omaha Vloir H.tXXK room I' front , notr and comploto3 > tli st I5.0UO La Knyotto Pliica , tlnSst In city. See thorn. Olllcc open Siitunlnynlglils. Fidelity Trust Company , llill Farnam stroct. - BKAUTIFUL I.AFAYKTTln tl'LACK 18 LOCATKD on Xclron street , one block wcslnf Lowe nvo. Six new , uleeant modern ilwcIllnRS , of 7 lo'J rooms each , uf which fuur are fttlll for sate. Yon cannot udpo of the beauty of thls&torr.tcc , or the com pleteness of the collates , "without seolm ; them. Upon for Inspection. 1'rlcol reasonable nnd easy terms. Cull ill our olllco nnd'wu will shotv them nt nny time , whether you wish % u buy or not Owned and lor sale by Fidelity Tru t Company , M ,1014 , Fnrnum stroot. J U17 FOll SALK 400 ACHK FAK.M IN HLUK HIVKIl valley , Thnyor county , lOmlles west of Hcbrun. Ono of the very best farms In Iho counly : Kood house , barn , urnnnries. crlKs/etc. ! ! ! ! nn nbuntlancor' of fruit , timber and running , wnlcr. Also for sale oroxchanico for good lands urclty property , u brlcx pork packlm ; house and Dxtaros iu Hebron , Thayer county , near 11. k K , depnV , For particulars In- quero of any real ostulo a bijt In Hebron. 310 , T HALF VALUU , LOTS. ' . CKK.S , HOMKS. 1JUSI- Aliens property. Alex Mouri ) , 401 lluo bldg. 9J7 \\rilY SHOULD YOU 1'AVHIBNT AND AT TUB v same tlmo own a.vacantjot when thu Mdollty Trust Co. will null you n beautiful oltugo hnma In l.a Fnyctto place and parlmpji tukaiyour vacant lot as part payment ? Couio and 300 us and lot ua how you the cottages. tilt \ \ K IIA.VK A LAUGH LIST OF DBSIUAI1LI2 * l Suuth Omaha property for naln. I'ottcr & Hcorgo Co. , S. W. corner ICth and Farnnm. 132 M1G LACKY'S ADDITION TOOMAHA JUST 1'LA.TTI ! I ) It Is oasl of Uonson on electric molnr line Ixila t3UO to J4W. Terms. J5 cash , balance ) In throe equal payments , duo In 2. 4 , U years and 7 per cent Inieroit. Potter & CDO.MD Co. , a w. corner liilh nnd Farnam. UVJM'J 17011 SALE , HOMKS. ANY I'UICI ? , 8750 , 8I.2JO UP Jcaiy terras ; taku clear property as tlrst payment U. U. Wallace Brown block , Itith and Uouglna. 303 VTK. COHNBIt 2JTI1 AND H1CKO11Y MX1M 11 .feet : u bargain lor a few days only. F. 1C. Dar ling , Darker block. WJ roil.fiALK ATA 11AUOAIN. LOT 15 , IlLOCK 3. W. I , . belby'H llrst addition to South Oinnlin , Small paymcnl down , bulancu inonlhly If dcalred. Inqulro U. II. TzBCluick , Omaha lUc. 331 ONMOUTH 1'AUIC HAS TUB MOTOIt. CITY water , graded streets , ! dt > wulk , ncliool. beauti ful location everything to mnko It nttrncllvu. For lots or homes In Ihli beaullful addlllon on easy terms see H , C. Wallace , Iruslco , 312 llrjwn block , lCthiindJ > oughis. 303 1loit SAM : ON MONTHLY PAYMBNTS , ) houses & lots. The O.F. Davis Co.lSOi Faruam st 'Ml $125.1)03 ) TO LOAN ! SUMS OF f.,033 UPWAHDSs can place loans on any Insldo Improved projiorly to any amount where vnluo H back of the loan. Alne UenI Kstiuo AKLMICIM1 Farnum st. 333 K WILL CONSIDKll A CLKAU VACANT LOT as part payment towards a homo In Lafuycllo Placo. UI7 HY PAY UKNT WIIKN YOU CAN HUYONK OF the tlnest modern coltaices overbuilt on easy terms In Lafnyettu Place ? V17 T I1AVKAFKW WKLL LOCATKD LOTS ! WILlj -Lbnlld houses to null you and sell on easy terms. J. D.tile. ( . Drown block. IGO FOH SAIJ , fr-HOOM COTTAOK ( ONLY ) SITU ateillOU Uardstreet Callon A. Huspu jr. 613 I ) 1H1VK OUT AND SKK LA FAVKTTK PLACK. 1)17 ) 17OH KALK , A HKAUTIFUL LOT. flJND AND A Woolworth , park front , will build to suit pur chaser , easy tanns. David Jauilusan , 4IJ Uoo bldg. f.SI SKI ! LA FAVKTTK PLACK HKFOUK HUYINCJ a home. (117 ( 17OH SALK. A COItNKIl LOT ON PAVKD 8TUKKT , A sultublo for grocer , bnlchor or druggist , only EiOO. llovldJaiiiloaoii , 411 lleo bldg. 681 FOll SALK , M FOIXr I.OT ANI ) TWO HOUSKS , Ames I'Jaco , Kusy terms , und cheap. A. P. Tukey , N. V. Llfo bldg 135 21 OH SALK , FUOMSTO20ACHKSCH01CK LAND , cacap. Immediately west of the ntnrdrlvliu park , Dr. Ixilnuurlng , bill 2.1 C HOICK AC11KH ON WKflT DOIH1K STUKKT ; suitable fur gardening or homus ; f 10 } per ucro ; 6,10 or SOacrotrncls , WrlgUl A Lasbury , lUlh nnd llowpnl streets. MBTI 1OH8ALK. K. IXT 4 Ift//CK / II , HKKD'B 1ST -L addition , 2ii9 ! DavonporL.4urooiii ! ! oottugo. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1MJ Farnam > uoj M14 17011 8ALK-I10MKH INiiUllAMMKUUV PAHIC _ L built tu suit cu toinurr < lfliW down , bulanca monthly , ( iu In un the tfroutitl lloor und not ehulco of lots. A. P. Tukey. tj7 ; MVIS EOll 8ALK-FOUH OH FrtJ ! ' liOOU COTTAtiKS In Clifton Hill on easy payments. fl.WJ lo ; MWJ rncli. Will lake clour lot worth from J-'lX ) lo JI'JJ ' as llrtt payment. A. P. Tukor. bIS'New Vork l.lfo bldg , MiilT K/TAKK / MK AN OFFKK ONi QrrS.TO AND71.I1I.OCK 'iUtwu lu Sauuilors , jt lliiu 't > ttuih- addition to Wulnut 1IUI. Any thing gout ; ' . ' OscurUroshull , Salt l.ako City. , . l 7-m ! ! * PliUNK OIICHAIIDH , SANTli CLAIIA VALLI'iV. ' paying25 percent. Send f' jAilajogua of Orchard home * . Lharle * D , 'llane Wt'o. , Hun Join. ful. UKW 23 iJ'OHfALK. KLKHANT XiKW MODKIIN HUILT house , near Ilanscom pait- ' ' , All cuiivonlnncoi. Splendid neighborhood. Aagilendld hurgaln If nold quirk , IllckitXJi.V. V LloJ > ulldln . 217-24 TT'ULL ' KASTTlToNT WT "WITH 7-HOOM COT- X1 tage , Ilanscom Place , t3'W , wnrlh fJ.'UO C. I' . Harmon , til ! ! .VV , IJfu. 224 K ! HawoO to f,6ou.uO. tuiall ra h payment , balance monthly. Clear lots from t200.0J to II.IUI.UU taken ui part paymont. 1 nlll build house * to suit you. K. F. Hlngur , 1M9 Farnam. 11231 23 AHAIN-7 ( ! ! > FKKT FlIONT ON FAIINAM WITH 3 stores , only M.WOOUjM cash , Lai. 7 per rani. K. F , lllngur , 1510 Furnoui , MW5 2J- VlfANTKD , Hu'siNlTaa AND HKSIDKNCK. IMproved - " proved ' or nuluiproved , property Ilitod , Have omu'casturn buyer * for liargalni , ulio want ucro property , K. F , IllUiier. lil'J I'unmin. M ! ( I 23 * PAWN | ? HKO MOUI.K , OFFICa 1M1M KAUNAM ST. ± ' J 311 aBNVDKU'a LOAN OFFICK , 1MO DOIM1K ST. U84J * \VKHUV AND I'AVTUK HIOIIKST l'HICK3"F"oU ii second-hand clothing , watches , revolver * , clock * and uiuslctl latlrumonti , elo. Wl N. 1Mb. M87B31 * HAIR QOODS. T AHOK9T STOCK IN KNTIIIKVB3TlTHKAT JL/rtcal wtinam * ! hoarrti n specialty. W to. bang switches hair chains , etc. ; son ! for CJt lojn Mall order * solicited. Davlcs , 111 S. lilh st. , Onuha , an _ DRESSMAKINQ. INOAtlK.MKNTfl' ' ) IlKSS MAKINO IN JLjfamlllcs solicited. Miss Sturdy , 330 S 20th st. HSniir1 MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. PAS ! ! PAID FOllOLDUOLD. CAH30N A 11ANK8 V room fiu. Darker block , Omaha. 31,1 THU IIK.U.TY M.Vf.lvKT. fN9TUUMENT3 placed on rooori April 21 , JLJW JW Wllllnmson nnil wlfo to I II Wolls. lots U'l nnil - - : , block 5 , Imlttj View . $ 430 0 W K Horsey ot nl to O K Oslo , lot ! . bloek 4 , 0 K Mania's Mt mill to Vnlloy 60 A (1 Nllos anil wife \Vllllnm Stewart. w M lot 4 , block "Q. " Lowe's ltt mill. . . fiOO CI M Illtchcoclc nnil wife to I. V Mnn- iilnir. Int 7 , lilook I , llltchcnck'fi Ifitnihl 600 John Mozucli lo Loulso Ktiru , n VJ lots IU nnil SO. block 4(17 ( , Urntidvlow . 1,150 JV Wllllnnisnii nnil wlfo to Kftlo Itccil , InUSloll , l nnd i'4 , blook ft , Lake Vlow . . . 1,170 QUIT Ct.UM n tC Hnsy nnd wlfo to .Tolm Scovorn , w f > s fool B H lot 14 , b'.oek ' . ' , Unpltol mill. . 3 OT Anderson to J II Larson , IL'ii aorus In nw no U'-l.VlII . CM J S UhrUlenson nnil wife to Ii T Muslim , lotto , llnrlnmn's mid . 1 DKF.11S. 0 W Coroll , siiGotnl ninstor , to Alifiint .lermucrs , lot SO , block I ) , Won Al- brlcht. . . . . 310 O A JH'tinott. shorllT , to llo\Vlnnil & nraclforcl , lotO , hlock 51 , South Oinnhii. IB ) Total ainquntof trnnsfcrs Jt.lUI PROPOSALS FOR CURDING. Scnloil ( irniiosnlswlll bo rocelveil hythunn- 'lerslcncil until li : ) p. in. Mny 13th. 187- . for cnrblnit wllh while Colorado sundslonc , reil Colorado sandRlone nnd Huron sniulstone. ne- eonllns to sjicclllcialoiiH , parts of certain streets In the city of Uinnhn , coinprlsod in street Improvement districts , nuinbercd nud dr-serihed ns follous , tu-wit : No 415 Izai-d street fnnn 13th street to " 3rd stroot. No. 4IO-3rJ street from the north line of Cutnlng street to the north line of Michigan stroot. No 410 Michigan street from 23d street to 21th stroot. Etich bid to spoclfv a price per lineal foot for the eiirbliii : complete on euuh street , sep arately. In anld IniDrovement districts. \Vorlc to ho ilfjno la accordance with plans nnd spoclllcnttons on file In the olllco of the board ° of public works. 1'ropos.ilH to bo tiindo on printed blnnks furiilslicd by the hoard.and thc e accompanied with a certified check lu the sum of JVW , pny- able to thn city of Omaha , as an evidence oC good faith. The board reserves the rlRht to award the contract on nil thesald districts lojiother oren on onoh district separately for the ditlorent Ulnil ? of iniiterlnl , auliject to the .selection of thu materljil Uy the mayor and city councilto reject any or all bids , ' and to wulvc defects , P. W. HlIMCUAU.SKIl , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllc Works. Omaha , NoU. , April ' . - . , 1SK. ! a1.'a1. > 'J-iO : Proposals for Sweeping und Oloniilnu ; 1'avcil Soal'cd proposals will ho received br the 1111- do'-slKiicd until 1M : o'clock p. m. May lltli , IS ! ' . ' , for thn sweeping nnd cleaning of such jiavcd s-treets , either now llnlahed or that may here after bo finished , during the tlmi * that , Iho contract runs , us may bo ordorcd , Such clean ing and sweeping to ho dune In accordance with specifications on Ulo In the olllco of the board of public works. JHds to DO mndu for a contract running from the dat9 of acceptance of bids to July 1. 1SO. " > . Such bids to be accompanied by a uertlllod cheek In thu sum of &YW.UO. payable to the ell V of Omaha , as evidence of L'ood faith. Itlds will ho made on printed blanks furnished by thu board , and must stuto the price per lineal mile. The board reserves the right to reject any or ull bids , and to waive defects. 1V. . HlKKnAUSEIt , Chairman of Hoard of Public Works , Omaha , April 21st , 18UJ. a22-23-UD-'JO PIUM'OSALS foil INDIAN SW'PMF.9 AND * - transportation. Pepartmont of the Inlor- or. union of Indian Affairs , Wnihineton April 2,18ri ; Pealed proposal1 * . endowed "I'm- IKHnU fur llcot , ( bids for beef mint bo submit * toil In ftooarnto envelopes ) , llncnn , I/lour , nothing orTran porlntlim. olc. , " ( ni the case tnnr be ) , nnil directed to thn Ortmmt loner of Indian AfTiilrs. Nos. < V > mm C7 WooMor struct. Now York , will bo recolTod until 1 t > . m. of Tuesday , Mny 3. 181C , for furnMilntr for tlio Imllnn ixliont TOJ.otH ) pounds lineon , : iMOiM > 00 pound * beef on llin hoof , 5U" li)0. ) ) pounds net beef , KUflOJ pound * bean * . 7HfWJ poumlabnklnir powiicr. .Vfc'O.OW pounds corn , MO.OuO pounds onffoc. JWO.WO pound * Hour , W.U 0 pounds feedu : > .uoO pounds linrtl broad. 40.MW pounds homlnyw,0 : : > 0 pound * lartt.MO bar- UB | ini-s * pork , 15.00) pounds oatmeil , OTO.IWJ pounds o. ts , 11 > ,00) ) pounds rice. K.t 0 pounds tea , 180,0 0 pounds conrso 9ilt : , UUOT ) pounds line snlt.20U.cxw pounds soup. ) pounds Miqnr. and 130r V pounds-wheat. Also , lilnnl- ; ots , woolen .in.I cotton coeds , ( comliilne In part o ( ticking , iiXX : ( ) yards ! standard calico , WMO. ) yards ; drlllliu 10,000 yards' duck , free from nil slr.lnc , : r , uOO ynrtut dunlins. 10.IUJ ynrdsj KlnKhiuns , M.iKX ) yards ! Kentucky Jeans , 8KO : yards ; ohovlot , CWWO yards ! brown shuutlnc. i'40.001 y.inli : bla.-iuhcd sht'otlKS , IlVOOO yards ; lilckory shlrtlns , 20.000 yprdsj calico shining. 0OW yards ) ! clothing , pforor- Ins , notions hardware , inodleal supplies , seliool books , etc. , and ft long list of nilscol- Inneotisnrtlclos. such us linrness , plows , rnurs , forks , etc. . nnd for nbotitiUJ wnotis required for the service , to bo ilollvorou nt Clilvnto. Kansas ( Jlty ml Sioux Ulty. Alto tor such waijonsas tuny bo required , adapted to tlio cllnmtoof the I'ncltlc const , with U.illfornin brakes , delivered nt him Frnnelsi'o. Also transportation forsucli of tha article * , noodn nnil supplies tlmt may not bo contracted forte to boboUvored nt the nsonclt's. Huts must bo iiKidn out un government blanks , yohednles showing the kinds and nmmtltles of SUIHIS- tcniMiauppllcs ropilrert tor unch nconey ivnd school , nun the kinds nndiiuatitltlos In RTONS , of nil other goods and articles , together with blank proposals , conditions to bo observed by bidders , tlinn nnd plnco of delivery , terms of contract and payment , transportation routes nnd iillolbor nei'ossnry liHtruellons will bo furnlsliniJ upon application to tlio Indian Of- flco In Washington , or Nos. Vnnil liT Woostnr street. New York ; tlio Commissaries of Sub sistence. I' . S. A. , lit Clioyenno , Chicago , Lcnvcnwiirtli , Unuiim , Saint louls , Snlut I'nnl , nnil Sun Francisco ; tlio I'ostmivsters nrSlonx Cltv , Io\rn : Yntikton , South Dakota ; Arkan sas ( Jlty , Cald well , Topcka nnd Wlchltn , Kan sas , nnd Tuscan. Arizona. Tlio rlitlit IB ro- Horved by tlio Boveriiinent to reject any and nil hlds.or any part of nnyhld , nnd those propo sals nro Invited under proviso thut upproprla- tlon shall bo inaUo for the supplies by cou- lllds will boouonoil nt the hour nnd dny abovestutod , nnd bidders nrc Invited to bo present nt tlio opening , Curtlflod cheeks , All bld.s must , bo iieconipaiilcd by corllllod cheeks or drafts upon some United States De pository or the Klrst National llnnk of San Friinulsco , CnL , for tit least live per cent of the amount of the proposal. T. J , .MORGAN , Coinnilsslonor , ATdStttn PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposals will be received by tlih ndcrslKned until 1IM : o'clock p.m. , April Win , If'.li , for tlio following kinds of pavlug nio- toriul , vl7.i Sheet nHplialtnni. Sioux Kails or other crnnlto. White Colorado Biindstone. Itod Colorado sundstono. Woodruir , Kansas , stone , Vltrllled urleif , And brlek bioulis , all accord ! UK to specifica tions. KorropavliiR Loavonwnrtli street from the west line of Mxteenlh street to the west line of Twenty-ninth avenue In the city of Omaha , comprised In Street Improvement District No , 447 , onlered Improved by ordlnuiico No. 11013 , Kiieh bid to specify a price per sijunro yard for Hie repavlni : complete In the strcrtt. Work to bo rtono In nccordnnco with plans nnd specifications on Illo'ln the olllco of the llonru of 1'u lillc Works. Knell pronosal to be made on printed blanks furiil9hol ! by the board bo accompanied by a ccrtiiled check In thosum of * , VW , payable to thuclty of Qmahn , as an evidence of Koud faith. The tionrd will nwnrd the contract for the different kinds of material subject to the Ko- lection of the material by tlio prouortv owners or mayor and eity council. The board reserves the rlRht to rojoet any or all bids and to waive defects. I * . W. HIUKHAUSEU. Chairman Hbird of 1'ubllo Works. Omnha , Nob. , April 14th. IS'Ji ' IS'JiApril 1M3-21-23 PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposals will bo received by the un- erslKiiod until 1:30 : o'clock p.m. , Mnv Jth : ) , .r : , for red Colorado sandstone according to speulllcntlons. 1'or p.LVlus part of the followtnz streets , In the city of Omaha , comprised In street Im provement districts numbered and described as follows : No. 415. Izard street from ISth street to 23rd street. No. 410. 23rd street from the north line of Cumins street to the north line of Michigan street. No. 419. Michigan street from 23rd stroct to 24th street. Kach bill to specify a price per square yard for thepavltiK complete. Work to bo done In accordance with plans and specifications on file In the olllco of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Kacli proposal to be made on printed blanks furnished by the boarJ and to be accompanied with a certified chock In the sum of tf.MM. pay able to the city of Omaha , as evidence of good , falllt . The board reserves the right to reject nuy or all bids and waive all defects. 1' . W. IliiiKiiAusnu , Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Nob. , Asril , L-J , 1SU2. A'232iO. ! : . ] > iCiGBiilK lor District CrndlliK llmuls. Sealed bids marked "Proposals for district crailing bonds" will bo received at the olllco of the city treasurer , .Omaha , Neb. , up to li o'clock noon of thoiHh day of April. 169- , for the purchase of $11,200.00 district sradlnir bonds of tlio city of Omaha , Nub. Said boiidx arc dated May 1st , 189. ! , and urn payable from ona to nine years utter date thereof , in denomina tions of ilOO.M anil iWO.UJ each , with Interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum , payable scml-minunlly , I'-Ineinol ami Interest pay able at Kountzo liros. . New York. 410,003.00 of araclliiK District No. 31. 1,5)0.00 ) of Oradlnx District No. ill. 700.00of Gradlni ; District No.IK 2flOOJ.OUof Oradlns District No , V. . Each bid must stAle price nnd amount ( sought for nnd Include accrued Interest to date of delivery at Omaha , Nob. Thu right Is reserved to reject any and all lads. Issued unnor charter power of cities of the metropolitan uliuis nnu Ordinance No. 2 < J7ti , approved March . % ENBy BOMjN. McliSAdSltin. UityTroa surer. I'ropoauls fur 1'avlnf Intc'rsDctlons. Stnlecnproposals will bo rocnlvod by the undersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. . April 2nh , 1H- : ) , for Colorado stand slomi and Slonx I''alls K ran lie , according to bp.'clllcatlons for IS'.H , for paving the lutersecllunuf KUbth and 1'ar- ' iiam streets and the unpaved puit of Intor- eectlon of ElRhth and Douglas streets. Kach l.ld to specify a. price per sijuuro yard for the paving coinplclo on tlio Intersections. Work to be done In accordance with plans nnd specificitlonsof 18'I. ) on Illu In tliuollk'oof the Hoard of Public Works. Each proposal to bu made on printed blanks furnished by tlio board , and to be accompa nied by n cortitiod cheek In tlio hum of * . > oi , payable to the city of Omaha , us un uvJdenco of uocd faith. The board reserves the.right to reject any or all bids and to walvo defects , P. W. 1UUJCHAUBEU. Chulrinan Hoard of Public Works , Omalrj , AprlU'Oth. IhO. ' . Aurll20'li ' > . PROPOSALS FOR SI3WBR BONDS Soalud bids marked Proposals for Hnwo Honds will be received at tbu olltcoof the o y troasiirorof thoiilty of Omahti , Nob. , up tro o'clock , noon , of tho23th day of April , } Sti , or the pnielmso of fYJ,0' .UJ hnwnr I'ontH of the city of Omabn , Nob. , dated May 1st , 189i. pay- nblu yuars after dntu. Interest 5 per aunt per annum , piiyab'.o suml-annually. Prlnul- i > nl and Interest puyablo at Kountzo llros. . New York , Denomination of nonds , tl.U'Jj.ou each. Knoll bid must utato price and amount sought for nnd Include accrued Interest up to duto of dollvory at Omnha , Nub. The rlithl If reserved to reject any nnd nil bids. Issued undoi charter powur of cities of the metro politan alnss and ordinance No.'J.U. . npuroyuit Jlnrch : : ) . 1SOJ. 1IENUV litII/N , tilty Troaaurur. PROPOSAI-S FOR PAVING BONDS. Healoil bills marked proposals for livini ; bonds nlll bo rocolvud ut tliu ollluo of the city treasurer of Omaha , Neb , , up to Vi o'clo.'lt noon of the -Hh day of April , IS'/ . ' , for tbu purchase of * OMKW.OO navlni ; bonds of Ibo city of Omnha , Nub. , dated May 1. IriJ. , payable 20 yearj after tinte. Interest A pur cunt pur nniiiim. payable suml-annuallyi principal anil Interest payable at Kount/.o llro . , New York Donomlnation of bonds , ll.noj.ujeach. ICiiuh bid mustbtato prjbo and amount sought for nnd InuluUu accrued Interest to date of deliv ery at Omaha. Nun. The right Is reserved tn rojoet any nnd nil bids. Issued under charier powur of cities of metropolitan eliihs and ordinance No.WJ , approved Mnr < : hI. . ISti. ilKNUV I10M.N. M:0d3im Olty Truanurcr. Not lee. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Kromont , Klkhprn tc Missouri Valley Railroad company nlll bo hold ut the olllco of the com pany In Omnhu , Not ) . , on Friday , Mny 20 , 161)1' , at'Jo'clock p. in. , for the election of di rector * and for the transaction of such other bualnosj us may coino before the meeting , . J. II. KEPnft.u , Secretary. Data I April 18. ItKtt. 1'ropofuU fur Ntruut Hl m. Scaled bids will bo received nt the camp tiollor's olllco up to 4 u. in , April 'M. IB'j'j , fur maUlnif and placing twoatreot ai ns atuaoh street Intorsuctloni , si vim the uair.oi and number * of 81roots. A certlllod check of IO- to uccompnny each bid , The city council re korvos thu rlitht to reject nny or all , TIIEODOltU OL3KN , Oouiptr""er. "DEN HUR" IN PANTOMIME. Slittr * Vrrpnron nntmnlltnllnn of ( icncrnl Wutlnro's Inrnmpnriilili' Story. A p.intomlmlo proihiutlon of Cicnornl levv Waltnco's ' "Uon Hur" was plvcn nt.rol.cnMnl oat night nt the Deaf nnd Dumb Institute , [ iropnrntory for the Intllnl prcsontotlon of the ontortalninont nt Hoyd's now tliuator next Wcdnoodny nlcliU For the past three months the nttulonts ot the Institute hnvo been studying ' 'Hen Hur' * under the direction of tiuporlnlemlonl John A. Olllosplo , nnd now prosmit the jmnto- inltulo scouos of the famous story In a novel and entertaining manner. At last nlilit's rohoaraal the participants a grout tltno In tholr sllenco nnil fun. \Vhun they npponr nt Hoyd's hoforo n criti cal public they will not bo alluded to ns barn * Monitors , because they mnico llltlo hol&o , ospcclnllyvllli their elocution. lly gestures tholr passion Is expressed nnil the onforconiont of souUinont nnit nruuiucnl la made , and to ono In whoso memory the story of "Hen Hur" Is dcoply Impr ssod ilia plot can rondlly nnd easily bo followed by the notions ot the unites. There nro Iweuty-throo patstoinlmlo scones that Ooplot the story , nnil tt Is told by go-ill- dilation by twenty-two performers nnd llf- loon supers. The costume * nro supposed to bo historic , nnd nro Indeed n very good con ception of the wardrobe possessed by "JJou Hur" whou ho ts in Koruo. The llrstsccno shows the nicotine 6t the wUo man ( Ualthasnr , Ua pnr nnd Melcl.lor , characterized respectively by Fred llcclt , Asn Hcntuu and Christina Hanson ) , In thu ilosort. Deck's Haltlmsar was Rood when ha showed how weary ho was from his long Journey , mid his disappointment of expected companions. Ho ordered rofrosliments for three , as ho haJ Implicit faith that hln com- panlons would coino , for ha Itnow that ( Jed only was urcat. Then Mclchlor oiitors nnd ts followed by ( Jaipar. These two are served nii'J the three strangers unite In u common prayer. lu the next scene the birth of Christ is nil * pounced , and shuphords with n sentinel i\ro soon. A light from heaven alarms the sen tinel , but an ungol bids nil not to fear. The shepherds lonvo to co the now born child , The wlso men follow thu star mid tha poopln awaken nnd discuss thu atrnnga phenomenon. Con Hur whn Is played by Chnrlas E. Comp , nyoung man of line physique , Is llrst scon with Mcssaln ( C. C. Wontz ) , in thu fourth scono. Comp Is n good pantomlmlst and gets Into a gesticulating discussion with Mossnla over the now procurator. In their review of the past years Mcssala belittles the Jew and spunks of Roman possibilities. Then tholr friendship ceases forever and they booomo deadly enemies. Ben Hur then meets his mother ( Otto It , Crawford ) who endeavors to ascertain the cause of her son's trouble. Ho tells her about Mcssaln and uho refers to. Jewish history nnd points out n comparison between Kama and Judca. The mother gives lion Hur permission to become a soldier , but during u procession the soluiori rush Into the ptilnca and lien Hur , his mother and sister , Tlrzuh ( Kva O. Comp ) , nro taken prisoner , being pointed out to them by Mcs sala. Thu prisoners implore Mussntn for murcy , but ho points to the palnco nnd gives the Hurs to understand Hint thu property now belongs to the omporor. Hur also does creditable work whlla wrecked nt sea with Arrius , the duumvir ( Cliarlo * Sproktlsj , who afterwards adopts Hurr but who makes his eseapo and rescues Arrius. The training school of which ThorJ , the Northman ( Rudolph Stuht ) , is instructor of calisthenics in Homo , has ton members who appear llrst with Indian clubs and later on with dumb bolls. Arrius visits tlio school and becomes delighted with his nuonted son's success ns u gymnast , tlio knowledge o ( which is later a great bcnclit to him when Thord and n companion enter the pnlnco of Idornco , knowing Hur to bo a prisoner , to kill him , lu his rngo and determination to liberate himself , Hur gives tha Northman to understand that the latter nnd his companion had coma to Kill him to gratify Mcssaln , but simply asked to let him light Tbord's companion singly. This was doiio and the companion was knocked against tha ropes in n single blow. Tnord is astonished nt Hur's pugllisMc proclivities nnd congratu lates him on using the same upper cut as lid ( Thord ) himself did. The sccuo in which Hur chocks the run- nine horses nnd flirts with ( Ella Uudd ) , the Egyptians' daughter , her admiration ot him , his interpretation to Sheik Iluonm ( T. P. Moseloy ) of n letter dispatched by Mcs sala to ( Jratus ( Lloyd IJluuklnshlp ) the pro curator , nnd the sheik's urgent request for Hur to make war on Homo , arn all good nnd show much training nnu study. Ono of tha grandest pantomliio scenes In which passion is expressed by their mute actions is tha discovery ot Hur's mother and sister who are ioporous prisoners in n cell in the tower of Antonio , their release , nnd their meeting Hur asleep In front of his father's gato. While they nro still lepers the mother and sister see him but dare not touch him. Another interesting scene is where , Ira * has tried to play a serpent with him but ho did not got the poisonous fangs into him. CARNIVAlToP CITIE3. Tlia Wiinion or All SnlntH Introduce n New I'l'iitnri ! lor .Money Milking Purposi-n. It was really exasperating to have it rain all night , when ] tha women of All Saints church had gona to so much trouble to mnka the "Carnival of Cities" a social as well as financial success. Fair hands had made all sorts of ulry trillos tor the church Uur , and artistic minds had decorated lu very pleas ing styles various booths nnmcu after tha leading cities of the world. On the right of the main entrance was Now York , represented by n Dutch Interior , 1replace ! , baclc logs and all with wiciioworst and sausage strung along the wall , while old Dutch china ornamented tlio tables nt which coffee and doughnuts wara to bo had. Pre siding over the booth in quaint costumes of 1'otor Minuet's limo , were MrsI. I' , Johnson - son , Mrs , S. E. Kennedy and Mrs. Kwing Urown. It was easy to roach Savillc from Now York for all the visitor had to do was to step into the booth on the right , and instantly thu atmosphere chanced. Deep blue nicies , sub lime scenery , shady palm trees and dark-oyeu senoritas with jot black trcssos and Incu mantillas , came uppermost at the mention of this beautiful Spanish city. Thu booth was prettily ornamented with ( lowers and shrubs while tweet , languorous music , from mando lines added to tno Illusion , played by Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Posterior who were costumed in the dross of sunny Spainsirs. . ( I. I' . Whltmoro In a hnndsomo bluuk gown with beautiful hand mac'o mantilla anil real Span ish comb , looked every bit ii genuine Suvill- iinu and was assUlud by Mrs. Chapman and Miss A nun Mlllard and Miss Tutum. Tolcio caraa next In tha list of cities to ho visited and ticro again the ntmosphoro changed. Almond eyed woman ( n gowns de lightfully Jupuucso sold lamp shades , paper flowers , tcu.gingor nnd other things expected ut u church fair , Mrs. Uoorco W. Amos was n regal personage In n beautiful roba ot china silk und was assisted by Mm , W , 1C. Clurka Mrs , Cross and MIM , Palmer. Thu cypsy booth came next , Houmanla , tt was called , nnd In the deep racomas of thu tent over smouldcriut ; llros , dark akiiinod , blai-k-oyod sibyls sat tolling fortunes , whlla in picturesque croups about thu duor n gypsy band was fitnlioned , giving n very thcalrlo affect to thu scone , Mrs. Hhuckolford Incos- tuma was assisted by Mini'Bradley nndMUs 1'rary , the fortune tellers , Mis * .Chapman , Miss Horthu Sloan , Mibi liosslo Hulott , Miss Campbell , Mhs Woodio Johnson , Miss Joso- phlno Drake , the gyp y band Using repre sented by Frank Maiicho.stor , Uoan Thomp son , Arthur Woodman , Ulnc Wolty , Itostnu , nub of the universe , was presided over by Mrs , liotUwoll , Mrs , Fred Nichols , .Mini Hutch , Mrs. Preston , Mrs. isaldwiu , Mrs. Thompson , Thocnndy booth , In yellow , from the Bwool girts down to the paper In which the sweets were tied , was iu charge of MUs Cady , MU.i Drake , MUs Clurko and Miss iiothwoll. New Orleans , thu city of the Creoles , the uooth representing a stall in the French mar ket hung with moss , with hero and thuro big atoms of bananas for decoration , win pro- Bided over by Mrs. Sumlcrland , assisted by Mrx. Packard , MM. Whllu , Miss Parrotlo , Miss Mortimer. Mrs. VYostrhallng and Mrs. Purvis , with MUs Hoagland us a cuptivatlna Creole maldun who drew lemouado from a brick rimmed well. Philadelphia , homo of the Quaker , was In charge of Mrs. Grossman. Mrs. Hradloy.Mrs. Lorltncrund MUs Pickering. ParK llnlshed thu hog trotting excursion and was ono of the most brilliant booths tt the cirolo. Two fair girls in pink und white , Miss Lynn t.'iii-tis und MUs KmllyVakcluy. . vmilod on tha men and the quarters nnd h I dollars llowod into the treasury with pleav tuc sound.