Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    1IIK OMAHA DAILY "KKK : rLTKMAY , . APRIL 10. 1M)2. ) fr-
I ciluitd 1 } Cnrrlertontiy pnttof tbo City
MI\TIU.\ .
N V. 1'lumblng Co.
I ouncll Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
C rail1 * chattel loans. 204 Snpp blocf.
Steve and cord wood dry. For sale nt
1 haulier's , 10 Main street.
A mnrrlapo llionso was granted yesterday
to James P Connor nnd Mary C. Applegot ,
both of this city.
The Council HlufN bnll icnm plated Its
first tame of Hie tcnson Sunday , defeating
the Omaha telegraph operators by a ccorc of
llltoi ; .
Thn member1 ! of the Council Bluffs run
ning team will enter the rnccs atthoflro-
men's tournament to bo held at Atlantic
next May.
Henry .lorRons paid f Ifi 0 into the city
ticasury yesterday moinlng for vlolntlnetho
order of the mayor and keeping his saloon
open on Sunday.
Regular communication of Bluff Citv lodge.
No. 71 , Ancient Free nnd Accepted Mnsom ,
this evening. All Master Musons in good
Btandlng nro cordially Invited.
Tomorrow evening at the Congregational
church Mrs. Uo Voo will lecture. Admission
Trco. but a collection taken for the Women's
Christina Temperance union fund to help in
ebriates take some cure.
Henry Martin has been arrested on the
rhiirco of stealing n wagon belonging to B.
F. Tinnell , who lives in T ewls township.
Ho had n trial bcforo Justice Cones yester
day , and ills wa * ttiken ui.dcr advise
A motion was filed by the plaintiff in the
Milt of Hrnry against Ilvnus yesterday , nsk-
ing for a ro opening of the case In order that
it might bo nrgucd onca moro on the evi
dence presented on the llrst trial and nlso
that introduced before Ucferco Uoss. 'Ibo
motion will bo nrgucd tomorrow.
Mlis Hannah McMlllon entertained a party
of friends Saturday evening nt her home ,
1700 Ninth avenue , In honor ot her eigh
teenth blithday. About twenty-live of her
friends were picsont and the time was spout
pleasantly In dancing , cards and muilc. Re
freshments were served during the evening.
The members of Ivnnhoo commandory ,
Knights Templar , are making prcp.milions
for a banquet tomorrow evening in tlioir bnll
In the Masonic temple. A largo number of
guests will bo present from other towns In
this vicinity , and among them uill bo nbout
kixty from Oinahn. An elaborate feast will
be served.
Peter Lynch passed n counterfeit dollar
vcstcrdoy afternoon on n saloonkeeper nt ! MO
Broadway , who tins n name something like
Midnight. The wtilskv for whicn tbo dollar
lar was supposed to pay bad nlreudy been
put out of night , and as Lynch refused to
put up the right brand of coin bo was Jug
ged on the chatges of drunkenness and
passing counterfoil money. Ho Informed
Oniccr Claar. who arrested him , that bo had
done the same thing before.
The Olivette clrclo , the new dancing club
which was recently organl/od , expects to
Lclcbrato the opening of the social season to
morrow evening bv n partv nl Hughes' hall.
i laborato pioiiarations nro being made for
tbo event nnd there will doubtless be a largo
crowd in attendance. KofrcsbmcntK will bo
served. It Is tbo intention ot tbo club , as
soon as the wai in weather begins , to give
parties every two weeks nt Manawa.
A largo number of draw Ings were arranged
in tbo lower hnllwn. ; of the SViishlngton ave
nue Hchonl building last evening by Prof.
Sawyer In order that the mom hers of the
bonid might sco what progress tbo pupils in
the drawing classes were making in that
particular. Must of the drawing- , were the
work of boys and girls about a do/on years
of ago , but their excellence wan a suiprbo to
* ho members of the board and the others
who examined them. They icflecl great
credit not only on thu pupils but on Miss
Blood , the teacher of drawing , as well.
nosroN iAsrin. :
TlilliiKi < > C Spring neil JllrsfmgrH tu Council
Kinds IVoplu.
Wo blio\v the largest line of Indies' ,
misses' and children's jackets ovorbhown
by titin all the latest stylcn , similes and
( foUi * , including hla/.iots , tourers and
Kngli-Oi boc : coats.
Ula/.Iers we btait at $1.M. ! This is a
jauliot well woith double the inonoy.
( In blaol ; only. )
At $ U.2. " > wo show a. nice borgo blazior
worth SI , r > 0.
At fc.l5 ! ! wo have a nice line of light
colors , plain and trimmed , worth $5.00.
Hoofers wo start at $1.50 in blacks ,
and at $5.00 wo show a jaukot lined
throughout , well worth $8.00.
At $5.00 wo also have an olcgant line
of plain , plaid and trimmed jackets in
taiih and grays.
At $0.75 wo have a , niuo foulo cloth
with pearl buttons.
A nice navy blue jacket trimmed In
Kilt at $1.25 , worth $2.00. At $12.00 tan
tries jackets worth $ : U)0. ) At $2.50 tana
and navy blue , trimmed in gilt. At
$ ; ! .60 wo show a nice line ot tans and
grays , small cheeks , worth $5.00. ISoo-
ond'lloor. )
Our line of canes Is the talk ot the clly
nnd county. Wo have them in tans
( light and dark ) , salmon , grays and
olacks trimmed with lace and braid ,
embroidered in silk witli jots , or n nice
plain garment for UIOBO that don't ad-
mlro trimming , from $5.00 to $25.00.
Sco our $ .r .0l ) capos , well worth $8.60.
All our garments run full length , from
SO to ! ti ( inches. No old ones in block ;
every garment now. ( Second lloor. )
lioston Store , Fothoringham , White-
law & Co. , Council BlulTs. Mall orders
1'HHMtX.ll , I'.Ut.Kllt.ll'lli.
Ohio ICnox left last evening for a week's
visit nt Mount Ayr.
Mrs. Laura Klrby has gene to Bhenamloah
, to v sit friends for n couple of weeks.
Colonel K. C. Hubbnul was in the city yes
terday. Hu returns to Ors Molnos today.
H. Pothbrldgo starts next Thursday for n
three months1 visit to hi * old homo In Kng-
.lames Tyrell of Chlcngo was In the city
yesterday , a guest of tba fninlly of W , O.
iS'nsou ,
Itcv. F. L. Hayden nnd family of Miirno
nro In the city , guostn of Mr , Hnydun'H
mother , on Madison street.
O. H. Lucas has boon appointed United
State * Jiny commissioner to assist J , J ,
Stcudmau , tbu ilismct clerk , in drawing the
Kov. S Phclps and Hoy. K. Alexander ,
\\hotmventtundod 1'resbytory at Shoiuin-
iloali , am oxpcntcd homo today During tljo
Bcssicn of the Proabvtery , which is to como
to on end today. T. C. Smith of Clarlnda ana
H. C. Hughes of Tnbor huvo been iipnolntrd
dolocatos to tbo general assembly w bleb will
bo bold in I'oitlaml , Oro. , boglmilnK Juno 10.
H. ( J. Hutcbor of Plrkwnv , O. , Is in the
city , the guest of his mother Kdward , tbu
popular llurllngton conductor. Mr , Hutchcr
is i-onnci tad with the iron Interonts of hU
thrifty Ohio town , and is loaded down with
samples of tin plato madu In the factories
that havn sprung up there Mnco thu passage
ot the McKlnlcy bill , He will lomaln a
couple of months and may btart a tin pinto
fac'ory in Council HlulTa or Omaha If ho can
And n sultnblo location and inducobU brother
to t'tuoiuu ' u conductor In the cnterpriio.
lloi > os For Snlo Finely bred drivers ,
carrltigo loams , brood muros and ( lilies ;
S0 ! , moro or U'SB ; would oxchanjie for
good land or city iiroportv , Dr. C. II.
Pliuioy , Council HlulfA
1'atronl/ohluo Ice wagonsfor Mo. river
t hunnjl ice. Mulholluud & Co , Tol. lu'2.
viMi'c1 n Aii r/\n\trii ni TTPO
Ex-Treasurer Qronewog Demands An
Investigation from the School Board ,
Willing to Abliln by Ills llrroni In l
hvurtli for Vindication Commit too
Appointed to < io Otrr the
Hooks anil Accounts.
AH the member * of the school board worn
at tbc meeting last evening , anil a \nrao \ tnim-
bor of visitors \\cro present , many of wbom
were Interested m tbo outcome of the elec
tion of n no iv Janitor.
Member ells stated tlint William Urono-
wetf wns present nnd had something to say
to Iho board. Ho tbaroforo moved Uint tbo
rules bo suspended and Hint Mr. Uronowog
'bo allowed to stnto his errand at
ouco. Tbo motion was curried unntil-
raouily and Mr. Uronowog began. Ho re
minded the members of tbc bonrd of tbo
fact Hint on More-bit nn anonymous paper
bad been pi I tit Oil and circulated throughout
tbo cltv , Invliicli ibo Htatcmont was made
tbat ho had been nn embezzler
of school funds during his term
of ofbVo as treasurer. The circumstances
under which this accusation bad been made
caused It to become n matter of public im
portance as well ns a matter ol the gravest
Importance to himself , Ho there foio
asked the board to tnruto nn Inves
tigation of tbo chnrgu In order that
"ins toputatlon for honesty might 1)3 vlndl-
ntcd In the oycs of tbo public. The district
ould not recover any money tlint "ili'tit ua
otind missing , If Lu chose to rely on his
egal lights , for the claim would bo out-
awed ; but ho willingly waived nil his
ights in this rcenrd and assured the bonrd
hut If $1 or a $1UJO should piovo to bo miss-
UK cvcrv cent should bo retuniod.
A tulograpbio dispatch , ho continued , had
been sent fioni Omiiha on the same dito to
ho various papers nil over the country and
mil been printed far nnd uldp , snjine that
ho had served a term in the penitentiary. Ho
requested tbo board to appoint n committed
o Investigate the affair and sot him right bo-
'oro the public at large. Ho also said Hint
ho secretary's boolts In former years had
been kept very Imperfectly and recommended
thai an Investigation in this quarter would
bo very much in order.
Wells moved that n committee bo mi-
. > olntcu according to Mr. ( . ! ronwocc's 10
ijucst , nnd that tbo committee bo authorised
to scciiio the services \Vhlinm Siodentopf
or A. T. Hico us uxnort ncoountant to go
over tlio treasurer's books. This resolution
was carried , and Wells , Stacy nnd Uridon-
stcin uero appointed ns such committee.
Power was also given to It to examine the
books of tbo secictary.and the secretary was
authorised to tiling the books up to ( Into and
piescnt his bill for what extra work might
bo found nccussary.
A proposition read from a number cf
residents of the southwestern part of the
city nuking that two moio rooms bo added to
tbo Twentieth nvenuo school house the com-
ng summer. It was referred to the commit
tees on tenetes nnd buildings.
A petition for tbu addition of four new
rooms to the Avcntio B school house was
giiinlcd und the committee on buildings nnd
grounds was instructed to advciliso for
A petition was brought ooforo the board
asking tbo city council to pave the alloy from
Seventh to Klghth btieot south of Willo-v
nvonue , nnd the bo.ud was asked to sign it.
The prcsloetit was authorized to sign the
Fifteen applications were made for ap
pointment to the ofllco of general janitor to
lill the vacancy caused by the death of Fred
Johnson. Chairman Shubort of the couimit-
tooon Janltois recommended J. A. Mussel-
white for the place , but stated that ho nnd
Stacy , tbo second man on the committee , had
been unable to agree on n candidate. Wells
moved that the report bo r.doptcd nnd up-
proved. The motion was carried , Wells
ami lirlilenstoiii voting against it. Wells
moved that Mussolwhito bo elected , but tbo
motion was lost , only Wells nnd Shubert
voting In its fiivor. On Stacy's motion a
vote was taitcn , and after three ballots T. J.
Peterson was elected. "
The committee on buildings nnd grounds
recommended tne purchase of the lot nt the
corner of Madison street nnd ICnppell nv-
cniie , beloncing to Charles D. Pnlmor , lor
$ .lOOUf tbo dimensions of the lot being ! )1\2-0 )
lect. On motion of btuuy the president and
chairman of the committee wore instructed
to buv the lot , provided it could bo gotten
On motion of Wells the sulary of tno gen
eral Janitor for the rest of the year was lixod
nt ? IM per month.
Superintendent Sawyer [ presented his
montlilv report as .jlio\\s : Enrollment ,
boys , l.T'.U ' ; girls , l.MII ; total , 8,00. Ho
iccomnicndcd that the Hags recently secured
bo displayed on Apiil lf > , the aniiivcisnry of
tbo day on which tboy were llrst put up , on
the llrst nnd last days of school and on
national holitl.ijs , nnd tbat they bo swung at
Imlf mast on ttio death of a pupil. This
rec'ommondntion was iidoptod , with the proviso
vise that the Hup in tbo high school bo kept
up during the pleasant days of the entire
The passage of this motion caused some
thing of u disturbance. Owing to nn over
sight two motions were allowed to pile up
befcro the boaul nt the nmo time , nnd tbat
fact was called attention to by Wells. The
president mid all tbo directors bccamo tirotty
badly tangled up , nnd it was fully ten min
utes bcforo the muddle was straightened out
to the satisfaction , as President Waite said
in u half Joking manner of Member
Wolls. The latter took exception
to that way of putting it , and considerable -
siderablo talk and back-talk bandied between
the piesldcnt , dining which the Intter bo-
t-amo very warm in the region of his necktie.
Walto insinuated that Wells had tried to
tnnglo him up , and Wells Bald that it was a
dirty , contemptible meco of business for tbo
president to make any such remark. Walto
called Wells down on this , and Wells in
vited the president to coma outside nnd set
tle the discussion. Walto hail no hack-alloy
aspirations , but sat quietly in his place ,
while Walls glared savagely , u him from
behind a very wtilto face. Tno dlscasslon
tuns ended without blooushcd , and the tirsl
light in the now school bourd was numherei
with the past. After allotting the usua
monthly bills the board adjourned.
Tlicro 1ms never been tv tltno in the
hibtory of Council Ululls whim every
iivomio of homo industry full such u
btiiuuhis us now , or i.lion homo mnnu-
fiK'turors anil homo institutions of nil
UiiulH wuro in such iloiimnd , Thin fact
is fully domoiihtratcd in the boom now
belli } , ' full In the buhincbs of the Council
IJlulis liisiinuiL'o ( otnpiiny , It IIIIB inoro
than mot the oxpuutulioii of those inter
ested. _
Wehuvo our own vmaynnU In Gallfor
nlu. Jurvls Witio compvny , C5j. Hlulld
S\vinson : Mtiilo Co. . Misonlot am pie.
Jim Is 1677 hrandy , jnuvst , snfust , boat ,
Morn Triiublii lur Kuti-n.
D , M. Kste.s , the Isoolu merchant whoso
property was attached last Saturday to sat
isfy a claim of $ lf > uO which Mrs , Hey burn of
Ncola had against him ns the alleged father
of her child , received another consignment
of grief yesterday. M. K. .Smith Si Co , Hied
n petition lorn wilt of attachment for $205,0 $ ,
ulloging that goods to thut amount bad been
obtained under false proteni.os. A short
time prior to the llllns of ttio potitiou , however -
over , two mortgages wcro placed on Illo In
the recorder's ofllco , 0110 by tbo Farmers nnd
Merchants bank of iscola for f l.Ob'J , and an
other bv 1) . M. Steele fc Co. of Omaha for
$ < JOO. Kites claims there are other debts ,
amounting in all to only about { ODD , so that
houxpccts to pull out of this trouble nil
right , as bU assets are estimated ut between
15,000 nnd M.OOO.
Yestoiday's attachments and mortgages
were all brought on by the attachment that
was made Saturday night bv Mrs. Koyburn ,
IJste claims that thn woman is of loose char
acter anu that sbo is meicly trying to bleed
him beuaueo he has a httlo inoro money than
the others whom the mipht buvo tackled ,
bhcrllT llazcn was sorvnd with u notlco from
the mortgagee * yesterday torclso&e tuoprop-
rty. 'Die ( | ueition whether he had the righter
or not to demand nn li.doinnlfvmc bond was
the subject of nn argument before .ludgo
Doomor , Attornny Shea , who appeared for
l > tes , claiming that bo hml the right , nnd
County Attornov OrKnu that lie did not , ns
ho Issuance of the llrst writ had been direct
'rom the loiirt without on attachment bond.
ludio Uccmer held that nn Indemnifying
'ond could bo gl\on and directed tbo sheriff
to hold the property njralnst nil como'-s.
Home ClriinhiK 1 Imr.
Hns coino nnd so have the now pomls ,
xntl nil the olcgant now spring novelties
iidrnpefl and hanjln5 ( , at the Council
Ululls Ciirpot company's. See the
Sarncon and Hyyantlnu rtiuJi ttio newest
things out , Mojuottc9 , aMrtlnstors and
wiltons cheaper than ON or boforo.
Roller , the tailor , SIO Broadway , has
ill the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction jjtmrantoed.
Cnrrlrd on llir furniture.
Some tln.o between the falling of dark
ness Sunday evening nnd dawn Monday
morning , most of the furniture in the Ilol-
llnger hospital on West Uroadway xvas re
moved. It was found on investigation that
Dr. McT.aughhn of Uio Institute and K. ' .
Uoll , who represents n bank atTlldou , Kob. ,
lnul moved the inlssine furniture to Omnba
to avoid Its belnp nttacbod by Dr. M. J. Hel-
linger , who held n cliattcl mortgage on It to
secure the payment of $1,801) ) for rent of the
building In which the hospital was carried
on. When the Omaha Medical Institute
wn closed up the furniture was moved to
this side of the river and n comnany was or
ganized by McLaugblln , 10. P. liclliugcr , H.
J. Hell , the latter furnishing the financial
backing for the enterprise , The institution
has been running for nbout ton months in
thli way , nnd no rent has been paid. A short
lime ago n disagreement of some kind nroso
nmong the members of the company , Hell
and Mclaughlin claiming that they were en
titled to the possession of the property In
spite of the fact that Uellinjnr ( held a mort
gage on the outfit.
Yesterday McLaughl'.n ' nnd Hell prepared
to takeaway Uio ofllco safe , which was tbo
only thing loft in icgard to which there was
any controversy , in the meantime , however ,
Bellinger had learned of what was going on ,
nnd dispatched a constable to the hospital.
Ho arrived Just in time to find the safe
loaded on a wagon ready to bo taken to
Omaha. It was unloaded nnd taken back
Into the hospital , and is now In the bands of
An effort is being made to settle the dlnl-
culty , but tbo parties to the controversy
liavo ns yet boon unable to como to an agree
ment as to terms. It is likely to lead to n
criminal prosecution , ns McLauphlln and
Hell took the mortgaged property out ol the
state without permission of the owner.
VorVcimrn Only.
This invitation is for women only.
Mon have no Interest in April millinery ,
and are not invited. Women who read
Tin : BIK ( and they all do ) and who
want utylish and becoming spring hats
and bonnets are invited to visit Miss
gedalo's inllllnorv parlor , 3U7 Broad
way , Council Blull's.
Arc you going to paint ? And did you
know thai you can save money and got
bettor paints at Davib' than any other
place in the city1 That's a fact
Il < niio Tiili-nt 111 Music.
TboEastir concert given by the Sunday
school in the First Congregational church
was n complete departure from thu usual
sot program of such occasions. The concert
not only had the merit of novelty , but it was
rendered in a manner which would Invo
warranted its presentation in the opera
Miss Ida Wallace and Miss Winnie Croft
had the arrangements in charge , and to them
is duo much of the credit. The title of the
concert exercise was "Tho Gates Ajar. " It
pictures a tired , doubtlti ; pilgrim , seeing
nothing ahead but sorrow nnd trouble. Then
Faith , Hope and Love enter , nnd by their
words endeavor to cheer the pilgrim , point
ing the way to the homo bevond and to tbo
gntos njar. A chorus of believers are hoard
in the distance singing "Onward. Christian
Soldiers , " and they soon anpcnrod. bearing
the cross and singing ns they marched. Ueci-
tntlons nnd songs from those believers , narrating
rating their experiences and their ho'pes , at
last iusniro the doubtful pilgrim to brighter
views of the future , and with tbo other pll-
crims she Joins In a chorus of triumphant
belief. This chorus was made more effective
by the ringing of Ua ter bells nua tbo lloral
offerings of the very Httlo children , who
cnnio marching in , nnch bearing llowors ,
which were placed upon a cross until It was
covered with bounty. Among these who
took part were Misses Belle Knvder , Kittlo
Ogden , Nettio "Wallace , Claire Chamberlain ,
( Jortrudo Davenport , Nellie Jacobs. Maudio
Hrjant , Etta Otis nnd Katie Sboplor. One
of the most laLlng numbers wai a solo by
httlo Muy Snyder. _
Till ! KlllR ( It ( illHUllllO StOll-S
Is the now process Dangler ; no smoUo
or otlor in lighting or extinguishing ;
peerless in economy , durability , sim
Stoves taken from your residence and
stored for the pummur at lowest rates.
Shugart & Son , 11 Main stroot.
E. H. Shoafo has money to loan on real
pstato and chattels , Broad way and Main.
Thomas Tostovin , civil engineer and
surveyor , over DoVol'H , 601 Broadway
PrHon by 11 ZS'ohruxkii Illi7uril.
Ed Butcher , the popular conductor of the
Burlington road , returned yesterday from a
ten days' duck bunt near Alliance , Nob. ,
which bo had in company with Choiloy
Ulttcr of Omaha and Frunk Wood of Chi
cago. The llrst throe days were balmy nnd
springlike , and they suroau their tents ai.a
prepared to enjoy the hunting nnd camping
out for ull tboy were worth. At the end ol
the third day it began to snow , and for two
days winter lingered in the lap of spring.
The billiard linnily compelled them to seek
refuge in n sod house belonging to n Ne
braska farmer , nnd theio they remained for
a wook. They mannered to harvoat n gooil
crop of ducks and gceto , however , in spllo ol
tbo weather.
Hotel Gordon , JWO Broadway , has re
cently changed hands , and is being thor
oughly renovated. Cluan h.-ds ; prompt
service ; table ilrst class.
Genuine Rouk Springs coal at
Thatcher's , 1U Main street , always on
Jarvis' wild olaekborry Is the best.
IUfii iiiiii OUT MIII lloiiiu Tlru nnd U'lin
It JIuliU on ScliiHil Propurt ) ,
The fourteen other members of the Board
of Education confronted President Spauld
Ing at the regular meeting last evening , nnd
Bill Morrow filled several cublo yards o
lobby. William was there to .
elected Janitor of the Kollom school , but bo
was disappointed. Ho whispered to hi
friends in thu early evening that bo hut
eight votes dead sure , but his name provrt
too much of a handicap , lor the votes u on
to another man uud tomorrow or some othc
day William will have to maliu rmotlie
rustle for the plum that his friends on th
educational board are anxious to glvo him ,
As soon as tbo minutes were rend the matter
tor of the garnishment proceedings ngalns
th4 money set uslda for the purcnnso of the
Johnson property at Twenty-second nnd
Dodge for u site for the Central school was
Mr. Smyth said that this was a plan gotten
up by tlioso opposed to the site to defeat the
purchase of it. Ho thought no stopn were
necessary as the receiver had already accom
plished all ho desired. Tbo matter was in
the hands of the court ui.d ho thought th (
deed should bo secured so tlmt the bean
could proceed with tbo building and tbo
money could remain In the handset thecour
until tbo question of ownership was settled
The attorney for Mr. Frank Johnson stntei
that that gentlemen had received a telegram
from his father suylug tbat be bad taken
tops to plvo n bond to secure n rolcn oof tbo
iroperlv .
Tno mutter was to" th
n Judiciary. /i
Architect Latctuen suUnlttcd n report of
ho result of the borings to determine the
hHfncter o ( the ground r.t tbo Johnson slto.
holes wo.-c bored , ranging in depth
rom 11 vo to eighteen foot , .making a total
epth of 1 tii feet six Inched at a cost of ? TUt ) .
flio lay ot the ground 1 a * tillows North-
vest and southwest comers , no extra brlcls
vorkj norhoa- ! corner , " four foot of extra
brick work ; southeast corner , fouttocn feet
t extra brick work. In middle front of
iiilldlng four feet oxtra.brlck worn will be
aid nnd in tbo rosr front ulna feet. The
otal cost of excavating trenches nnd pul
ing In extra briclt wouk wus estimated at
M.MX ) .
The communication was referred to the
QtmnlUcoon bulldlngft niid'iuopcrty.
I'lio limminre nndhoro I'liirrit ,
Mr. Klcutter , chairman of the special
committee on ventilation , heating , etc. ,
vtuch visited other clt'ei ' to gnln pom tarn
ind Information , submitted the report ol
vhtit was seen mid what WAS thought of It.
The rending was interrupted Ion ? enough
o grant Mr. Morrison leave of absence for
hu ne < ct three regular meetings.
The report was placed on Illo and will bo
alien up nnd considered at n special moot-
The llnnnco committee , to whom was ro-
orrcd the complaint nnd protest of
bo Homo Fire Insurance company ,
reported tbat there nro but three
companies now carrying moro in-
uranco on tbo school buildings of this city
ban the Homo Flro.and thatthesocompanlc-t
ore represented by three agencies ; that but
Kty-llvo of the 143 agencies In the cityato
carrying any of the school Insurance , nnd
hat nn equitable distribution would result
n tnklnir away $15,000 of tbo nmout't now
carried by the Homo Fire. The report ccr.-
urcd that compauy for paving only $31. 40
axes , ns against n much larger amount paid
by many of the outside companies against
vhich complaint was mado. Tno report was
The committee on buildings and prouerty
and thn special committee appointed tiex-
imluo the ICcllom school reported in favor of
ts acceptance , ns H was properly con
structed in n good nnd workmanlike muu-
tor. The report was adopted by n unaiu-
nous vote , nftcr Mr. Martin had stated that
t hnd no icforenco to a bill for oxtuis that
vould bo presented Ictor.
Mr. Popnloton stated that the report was
signed with the mularuamlltiff thai there
vns n bill of f-KK ) or ? 50U against the con-
factor fur deficiencies.
Mr. Martin said that was the bill ho ro-
errcd to , nnd Contractor Mongedoht's bill
or extins nmountlng toSi'.H ! was lend. The
loard's claim against him nmountini ; to
$ iil.'Jl : ( was also read , nnd the committee
roconimonued that it bo deducted.
This was satisfactory to the contractor ,
nnd the report was adopted nod the bill , loss
.bo deductions , was referred to the commit
tee on claims.
The committee on boundailcs reported cor-
ain changes in the bounds of tno T eng ,
' . .ako and I/ard school districts , which weio
ndopted , as wcio the now bounds of the
" 111 ft oil Hill nnd Mon mouth Park schools.
Mr. C. E. Dnbcock moved that the princi
pals of the various schools uo furnished as
nany trees ns they roquiie , nottooxcood
twelve , to plant on Arbor day.
Messrs. Wehicr , Morrison and i'opploton
thought that two trees for a school would be
enough , and It carried as amended.
Til Ili'iultir.v the School ( iroiinds.
The superintendent of the institution for
.ho deaf and dumb will bo ulloxscd to dis
tribute circulars In the city bchools mu ertls-
ing the pantomlmo presentation of Ben llur
to bo given at Boyd's opera honso by the dear
mute pupils.
Thosupetlntendont nnd board of examina
tion were Instructed to select a teacher for
thu ungraded school.
Mr , Martin moved the appointment of a
committee ot three , to report n system of
beauulyiiif : the school grounds. Tbo chair
man named Messrs. Pouell , Popplcton and
Jayncs. i
Mr. Poppleton wauj,0'l the attorney in
structed to ascertain ! if drug , coal and djp
licenses should not bo .placed to the credit o f
the school fund , and , how much would bo
thus available. .
The secretary wasiustructed ( to ourchnso anew
now city directory for thouso , of the board.
For principal of .the Clifton Hill school
Miss Campbell received eight votes nnd Miss
Woodw.-ird six , and Miss. Campbell waa de
clared elected.
j A .vo VA CK w K.vrs.
It Is well known that while Will Carle-
ton's rocitatltns are mostly in poetry , they
are lit * It nil , and not of tbo stilted , incompre
hensible character drawn bv tbo would be
imitators of the old masters. While his
rhymes and measures are as nearly perfect
ns Is necessary to comply with the estab
lished rules of prosody , they are purposely
debarred of thut labored and painful smooth
ness Vtbicii enables n hearer to glide easily
into a montallv recumbent position and go to
ulcop.The opportunity will bo presented
next Friday evening In the Young Men's
Christian association hall. The reserve seat
sale will open at ICinsler's drug store , 2 J
South Sixteenth sttoet , tomorrow ( Wcunos-
day ) morning.
Next Sunday night Carroll Johnson , the
popular Iribh singing comedian , will open a
three nights engagement at Boya's now
theater with a scenic production in the line
of relined liUb comedy , entitled "The Gos
soon. "
Ilnllillni ; IVrniiis.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yestordav :
J. H. 1'lotts , one-story frumu cottage ,
Thirty-ninth .nul I'ottlcr streets $ 1,000
Slury Oreonoupli. t o-stoiy bouse.
dvMillIni ; , Twentieth and Mandcrt > oii
Plieots. . . . . , . . . 3,000
Nine minor permits . ] , n. > 9
lotul $ ! U 0
will atop u. Cough in oca night , ;
chcclt a Cold in a day , and CUKEj
Consumption if ' taken in timo. !
A 25 conf ;
bottle may :
1vBavo tlloir , :
lives. Aslc ;
your drug-
Dr. Acker's English Pills-
fmull , pli-u.uiil , iiluturlto ulllil be ludlcl. -
W II IIOOKUH ffi CO < 5 Wirt 1 roadway , h Y. ;
For biilo by KtiKn ft Co nd Hhorman
& McU n oil , Oiimhn ,
l'riiiiiiiilil | lor htrt'rt .sl > ; n .
bids \vlll bu ruoulvud nt thovomp-
trollur'tiolllfoiiinci I p m. Aurll S1 IWi , tar
iiiaUiiiv and plucliis tvvoKlreut til.-na atoaol
street InKirhOi'ttons , Klvlnx thu namL'8 nni
iiuinberk of Btri'uH. ( A ITI tilled cbeck of 110
to luvb hid. Tliu elty council ru-
liu rlu'lit to rujnct HIIV or all hluh.
UI.SIN : , Uomptrnllcr
This V.'QS the Question thnt
? .lcd the Minds of Many
Medical Men ,
( The Important thine , in ensos where cn-
nrrlinl tronhlocnn o < lossof llrsh amMtroiiRlli
mil thnpitiont bus rotistitiiptho tnidi'iiclc * !
s lo plai'u that patlL-nt nt once iindur inllii-
onct's tint tvlll rosiorctliodcfoctlvuiintrltlon
I'liu reason thnt < so tiiHiiy pcoplu dlo of con
sumption , ulili-li kills about n nc out of ten of
ill who dlo of disease. Is that the warning
slims HIO not hoedrd. I'ooplo are rither not
snfil-lenily Informed on tills snblert , or ulso
lonul el\ < - lined to the Information tlioy havo.
mil allow the oatarrb tooxtoiul until It is teen
n to. Two-thirds of the. iloatbs from li ir {
troiiblu mkhi.lio n\olded If the < utarrhalron-
lllloiiMhh'i | iPiltoltuorolio.ito I iindcnn-.l
Tor HooTslyears 1 bad a constant nnd
1istri's ltiR rnult. . It worried mo day nnd
i slit. Hetween my shoulders and nil through
ny ohest there was ulu.ijs snicnets and p.iln
rn'.sod enormous iiiintltlosof ] thleK , yel ow
u ittor. and It Is yet \\ontlertoino how I
stood Iu"
This Is the statement ut Miss Mlnnlo
Tr.ienes of ' . ' .1)1 ) Douglas street. Pho eontlnnes-
" 1 had mu.Mi he ulaclic. M v nose often Illled
ip and I constant I v to haulc and spltd
I.MTV few dajs my throat wnu sore , iliy anli
eiider , nuiKIng mulioaisoaiidclx liu mumiie-
ronblo. My stomaeh b id distressed mo fo
wul\o years ; fiequent p ilns sul/ed me , espoc-
nllv I'fturu.ulni : . My fond i.i\e mo n heavy
fecllnu , nnd 1 bloilud with pas and foil leinlor
ivortho stomach and bonolsHthNuiis
bad oiinuKh , bill aflei a while 1 bcn.'in toha\u
chills , followed by fo\er and -overo sweats at
night , often the chills ttorolleht. being .1
feellntr of eieoplng eoldness alona the b icl ,
mil thrniiEb my limbs. Mv elieeliH Iliished and
Heioiedaml hot. Thru 1 would li.ivo cold
liamls and foot. With thcsu signs weru great
Mu.iKiicssuiiu treinblliu.
1 W .S SITUi : I 11 11) ) CO.NSI'MPTIO.V ,
fortho doctors told mo my lungs were bad
anil tb it I was In u dauveions condition.
" 1 his being the way I fell when I lint saw
llr Copelnnd and Mienliiml. I hail been
ticaten by en-lit dliloiont physicians with no
result except sllitbt I.enolit that did not last. I
had paid out MViil : : , IIHNDUCD IKJI-
I.AKs for help , but no help came 1'lnally. to
bu brief , when I applied lo Drs ( 'opelaml and
Shop ml , tl'oy iiromptly rolloxed inn and lam
now perfectly and completely euie
She Had Been 111 foi- Years Her
Parents Did Not Think She
Could be Restored to Health
--There AreMuny Such.
[ The diseases of children are often dllflcnlr
and obsonro. Many cases resist treatment bu-
cniibo the trno condition Is not rcco.'nl/iMl.
Chlldion may Inborlt a tendency to certain
diseases 01 may neqnlii ) thcs.inio Incises of
wouk constitution , arrested do\elopment and
stgntcd gionth , tbo blood foimltig process
must bo stimulated. Weak and puny children.
If left to n time , becomu sickly and dlitoaso'l
mon and u-omiin. Of this fact w o all bcu ubiin-
dnnt ovldcni'u dally.l
Mr. and Mi3. W. II liicbaid. ot ini'i Xorlb
jTtli stieol. sueaU as follows conccinliig then
b-yc.u-o'd dmu'hlur , l.llllu Maud Kleliurds :
"Out daiuhtm MIIIu liad been ailing for
o\er tliico M'aiN fho was no\ei very stiong
or robust , but during tbo past three yeirs bur
co it nil id been sad Indeed. Showasxory
nervous and icstudery poorly at night , Hoi
sleep was llttiil and Hoi appctltu was
poor und xarlablo. ? hu would eat well at
limes and then would eat nothing , llertastu
was inoiljld , cravim : foo.l that was not piopei
for hoi to eat.
Miss Intiu M 4ui > RICH .mis.
' 'S\\a \ \ snirorod inncli from pains In her limbs
AttimcuherHiilleilng was Intense. Hho i-ould
not sleep and Itniiulied puwciful madlclnus
to ( inlet her Shu also had SUMMU pains in thu
stomach and low els. At times nhu biduriip-
tjons on tin ) skin , wblch showed thu bad con
dltlonuf but blood , Her color was at tlmus
sillow and always very pale. Infuct.Hlu had
no co'or. Mm was bcau-uly nblu lo no to
school ut all , and was too poorly to attend
nunlaily , NI fiall und wualily was bin IjoJv
that wrdld nut u\iectto | talsu bin. Wu took
her to several physicians who oat b lic.ilri ]
bei for u dlllcicnt dlsciibu , lint the got no
"Wu are glad to any that iindur the tinnt
mentef Drs. Coiieland and Sliujnird she ha
Improved from the start. After two wee issli
UMS ninch huttui , and nliu IIIIH hliuullly _ Un i
until shu Is now fully lucovurud. Shnlsio
bust and huuty , and cats , nlcens and play
HKu oilier huallhy cnliiirjn. Un aiu vuiy
writofnlto Drs. Copeland and Hionhard for
sjylng our precious child.
BOOM3 311 AND 313 ,
New York Life Builcllnj ,
Cur. 17th anil I'jiniivii Sis. , Oiiiilii ; , Nob.
W. II. Coi'Kr.AM ) , M. 1) .
C. S. .SlIKPAKI ) , M. J ) .
ConsiiUliiK I'hysiulani
fippplalte ? : O itirrli .1111 all < lUj U3i of t'n
n > c , Kir. Thro it nn I I.IIIUK. Nervous DIs-
eascB , sldn Dliuasos. Uhronlu Disc IMBJ. Ollluj
Hours 0 ( oil n. m. , 'J to 3 p. m. , 7 to8p in.
cunilay ID a , m lo 1 p m.
Catarrh tl tiuublu * and klndrod dlsoasai
treated successfully by null. Hum ! la in
Manila fur uuolloii lrjiil.t Addrcat .ill
letters to Coiiuland Iiiitltutu , .Mow
York l.lfu II n I in I.T.- . Omaha , Nub ,
AKMOMII'liniIM'.S : 1'1'IINISIir.l )
ruin : ron AII , ornivit HICHAM : * . TIII :
UATISvni : , in : i.ow AND iMI'OKM and
l.N I'ltOl'uKTION TO Till : ACTI1 A I.
Aia ; c-oaT oif MIDIOIMS : : IIL- :
g. W. PANELE , M. D.
Th Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Esptricntc.
XICADKK or nisi\sr.s : or sir.x AND
\voMr.N. I'uoi'itiETou or THIJ
Hreal the fallowing Diseases :
Catarrh of the llcnd , Thront , nnd Limps : WJ-
ciresof the K > oand riir I llsand Apoploxx , llcntt
[ ) tson c , l.lver Uuniilalnt. Kldnev Ouniplulnt ,
Nervous Dobillty , Mental Depression -
sion , LOBS of Mnnhood , Somlnal
Weakness , Diabetes IlriRhts ll < cn crl ! Vltus'
Danco. Ithciiiiiatlsm , 1'nraljsKVhlto SwclllnR ,
Bcroniia , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumora
nnd Fistula In nno removed without
the Unlfo or drnwlnc a drop of
Dlood. Woman with lur delicate orcnns restored -
stored to health. lrop y cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Dlsonsos of all kinds.
SDO to S5oo furfott for any Venereal DIs-
onso I cannot cure without mercury.
Taixj Worm' removed In two or three hours , or no
[ > oy. Hiinorrholds or riles cured
Will tnvo life nud hundreds of dollars by cnlllnff
on or u Ing
Thoonlj I'hjslclan who run tell itlnit nllo
U pursuit \\ltlniUtllslUllR U IJlll'stlllll.
AH correspondence sttlctlvoonfiilcntlRl. Mcdlelno
Bcnthj express. AdJrc < aitU Icttira to
0. U. 1'AMIliK. M 1) .
Vu llio idHuy. ( , ' puiu'il Illnlls. l.i.
lie-it ricillllus , itus : itnl lieinudlui
fut suupi' sful tieatini'tit of ovciy form
of dlsi > aso n'iiilrlni or
single it tro.itiiiL'nt.
M beds for p.itlunts boird nml . itteml.inco.
Itcst ULvninodiitliins InlliuwosU
\\rlto for clruul ir < on dofornilt u < and
br.iues , trussu , clul ) feet , ciirv.itiiros of siilna ,
nllos , tumors o incuroil irrli , bionebltis , In-
liiilnilon.olectrlclty , pui.ilysls , onllonsy , Uld-
npy. b aildui. ovc. , tkln nnd blool and all
OD UfflWPM A fpnrr A I.T v.
Ur WUMhll HoukunDlsuMOiot
Women riini : . Wo lia\'liitcly added 'i lyhu-
In ilep trlniont for wninuti durlii' ' uonllnumunt.
Milfllv m.v.iHM Only Kollablo In-
btitnto inaUinp .i pecl illy ot
All Illood Dlsoasos siiocossfully troatoJ.
Syuhllltlu I'olson lomovcd fiom Iho system
without iniucniy Ni > w Hi'slor.itlvo 'I riat-
inent for Loss of VITAL I'OWKIt. Persons un-
: ihlu to visit us mav 1m troitod nt liomu by
< orrubiioii lont'c. All conimunlc'.illons uonli- Medicines or Inslruincnts sent I'y
mall 01 o\prtss. securely p.ioUpd , in ) marks to
Indk'fttu contents ot xondcr. Onu poiionnl In-
torvli'W prufurioJ. Call and unnsult us or sund
history of your vase , and \ \ alll bund In jilaln
\uapiier. our
I'linn : tJnon 1'rlv.ito ,
Rnnif Tf ) MFtJ
Duun iu men
, hvaolli\ \ N IVOHS DIS-
cases. Inipotoncy. Svplillls , Oluctnnd V.nk'O-
cole , with rinostloii INI.
lliaius , Apiillaia-i's for Dofonnltlcs & Trnso
Only inaiiiifactory In tin ) Weatof ittt it.H-
I'l J .ll-l'i.l l.C7.i. lic < / . > 3/.A , HLl.UL'ltLU
It I TTKltll'tt .t. % It Illtr. / > .
Omaha Medical and Surgical Inslilutc ,
26th mid Broadway , Oojncil Bluifa.
Ten nilnuti'S1 ildi ) ftotn center of Om.ili i on
Omaha and Coiinull Hlult. oluatrlo moloi lino.
S-o.ik'd bids niarU'd prop ) s iN for iiiivin ;
l.ondsIII liuiucuUi'cl at thu otlieu of thoolty
iroisuior ol tm.ilia. Neb , up ID I'.1 o'clo l ;
niiunor thu 2'itb d.iy of April , is ) . ' , foi the
liilii'li.isuof f IO..IOHOO u i\lirx bonds ot thu city
uf Oin.ihu. Neb , dated M'ty 1. is.1 ) , payable
i'Ojears after ilutc. Interest r > PIT cent pur
annum , pa ) able mml-aiinnally ; ; prlnrlp il and
InlL'iusL payablu at Koiint/e llio , Now oil %
Denomination of humR it.'UXUJ each. Hieli
bldmuslstatuiirluu.ini amount souzht for
nnd Iiiulnduncc'rnon Intun-st to datoofdullv-
erv atOm.ibu. Neb Tbu r Klit Is rosurvud to
luject anv and all hldH. Ixsuud iindoi cbarlvr
po ur of cities of metropolitan flats and
urillniuicu No. 20Jiipnood , | Mar'li S.I , IS'tt. '
MMdllHM 'tlty ! TreiisuVur
"I7UK SA l.iA coodyoniu horse. \ \ lit t.iKu
J-1 pay in ciupontiir work. Apply to Leonard
I.\oiutt , Council ItilltTs.
100 1UWA fauns for s-ilo. ImproMMl IfiJueics
In lluirlson county. 81U.OJ pur acruj 1'JI acres ,
lniinncd | , J.M.OO ; it ) acres 'liu > . l < 'or bar ; kins
In Iowa ami Nolu.ihlc.i furnm call on or write
lo.lulimoii .V V.HI I'.ittun , Council 111 nil's
Olty ail farm
property. I. II. bhoufi' . II' way and Main.
n 'all p-nts of Iho
cliy. K. 11 HuMifo , llroulway and Main.
FOIt HAI < H Acioieo nuurclly ailaplo 1 for
frnll and uardnn unrniscs K II. Miuafu.
llniulwiiyjiiiil Main strcots. _
O rKAVr.DorhtulcnApill i l\\o whlto pup.
pjIUHniia | ) wllli black , thu other with yi-l-
lowlsh iiars. I'liiilui niliirn to Mis. i : Kdwurd ,
Transfui Stock Vards hotul , and rct'elvu lu-
' ( ) KAii ( : and Commlhilon-Siincs furnl-
S tnic , ulc. , htoiud anil sold on < ominUslon at
lottest latts. I , . Uinnuliun , .UO Hroadwuy.
AftpYPT of timioo > Bfiil
Cure , Martin And'r-iiu Qeti Hnllof frail
thn ChtiiMj looor - V Volnti'Tu. .
monlal. /
OMAHA. Nob. . .Ian. 19 , 18D1
To whom It May Concern ;
This is to oorlffv that I have hoon n.
constant sufferer for many voarj wltU
catarrh , asthma and bi-onehlal nftoc-
tlotis of the throat , and tried all tha
patent moillclnos and remedies I OVOK
hoard of , hut \\lth no succor. I tieatod
with doctors in varlom parts of thti
country , hut Mono of thorn could do mo
any good ftirllior than giving mo shor
temporary lollof. I sufTorod night an
day. and continued to grow worflo not
withstanding all the modiclno I had
t-ikon. I hail almost , given up my case
tw hopolosi wbon I was informou liy iv
friend of Or. C. OoVo , the Chltieao
doctor , and advlsoil to go and to3 him in
the hope of getting relict at least , if not
a po mi anon t euro for inj trouble. 1 was
slow in making up my mind to make
finch a radical ohango in my treatment ,
asl kne'.v u trl'xl with the C'liluoao doc
tor would bring m , but I llnallv con
eluded to give him a tri il. M > I called at
hisollu'o with lliat intontion. I louml
the doctor a clover , entertaining gontlo-
inan , thoroughly Dosloti un my condi
tion , and it took Duly a VJPV short time
to convince mo th it no was the party I
was so long in search of. Ho told mo
my case was curable , and that ho could
euro mo. and prouirod mo a snecial
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weeks 1 was to much hotter that I
had the fullest confidence in the doctor's
ability and committed my caio to his
treatment 1 continued lo grow bat lor
rapidly and am now entirely well. 1
ewe my euro to Dr. C Goo \STo , and am
not ashamed to ml mil it. I advisoall
who want relief from their troubles to
call on Or. C. Goo Wo. and they will bo
cured. For all particulars apply or
write to MAHTIN L. AMi > r.itt-ov ,
ai21 Cumitig St. , Omaha , Nob.
rm. c. 13 wo ,
Itaiilnreriluntoof ( Chlnrso mudli'lnn. nljhk
yniiH'stndy. ton j us' pt.ictico Trcntsiiio-
I'us fully ull dlsu isos Known to sunurln hu-
HootK. plantH.uid herbs n. it uro's remedies
Ids ini'dlelni'S thuMirxl Ills witness , 1UJ ) to < -
tlinonlnlJ ( ' .ill nml see him , OiniBiill.itlou .
free Hns also loiiitiuitly o.i hind remodun '
fur thu folionlir dlse.isus roulv propiruJ :
Astlutia , Caiarrli , Ulinuin it sin. Indigestion ,
Lost .Viiinlmo.l. IVmatn Wu lUniss. Slek lloul-
nehe , llliinil I'nillliir. and Klilu y mi I I.Ivor.
Price , onu doll'ir per hottlo or sl\ for live rtol-
Inr- ) 'I'lni'u who c'limot rail , rue osu S-cont
Bt'ini | ) for iiuuitlim list .111 1 full p vrtk'ulars.
" "
Council Blurfj , Iowa.
modern , woll-iipDoiiitod , thoiv
oughly woll-kont , $ J n day.
E. F. CLARK ' , Prop1
Of Council Illniri
C.lplttl RtCC' < .
burpliisaml 1'rollln NUUOO
NrtOipltal an I Surplus
niri-rtorn-I. t ) IMn'iilmi I ! It Sluuirt , I'O ,
nirnaou , I ! I ! llnrt I Mlllir , .1 V I line in MI
nml Cliirloi H JUnn.Tii Transicturnoral hinlf-
IIIK business. Largest capllil and sur | > lns of
any bank In bouthwustorn Iowa.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fuiiernl Director an 1 I'mlnrt i\cr.
811 Uroudway , C'ouiicll BlulTa.
llllN bUI.NIHlib llilUi Jilil.
uJbuitiU , llttki an4 Tuvl lUf
. , .
r.nni tmi (
, ninrh nojl dlpl.'IIPI t < l Ull HII
\.t Inth ] > / , 4 l.lrli tt , 1 1 mi
IL tnch IU > ; i A t irl,1 frl o 24 Ul >
an , , , . , Gtol. ( mi 4 HUH
wnorh IlunUc I'ntumktl * . Tip * . Ifi I * ' .III IHJ
G. A. SonoDl-jAc , P/'opriotDf , OTioas O21
Bluffaund 1321 FapnamSt , , O.nalia. Dya , cjloan and i-atinlsh
of everydaaorlption. Pao agas ratsai vo'i ut olthotoffios op at
WorksCor. Avo. A and 2dlh St. Council Bluffa. Send for prlco list.
Merchants who hnvo hhop worn or fcolIoJ fabrics of any clmnictor can hnv
them rod vail nnd fiuisliol equal to now.
uui ) PI-'ATM Kits INOVATKD AND ( LKANUD uv STHA.M , with tin
inoa , i , | | rovud u.achliiLTy ilcii ut Ion cost ' .luu you ever pail